3 July 2018 ITEM 4

EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of the National Park Authority held on Tuesday, 3 July 2018 at 10.00am in the Committee Room, Exmoor House, . PRESENT Mr R Milton (Chairman) Miss A V Davis (Deputy Chairman) Mr M Dewdney (Deputy Chairman (Planning)) Mrs L Blanchard Mr J Patrinos Mr R C Edgell Mr B Peacock Mr M Ellicott Sir Richard Peek Mr B Heywood Mr S J Pugsley Mr N Holliday Mr M Ryall Mr J Hunt Mrs E Stacey Mrs C Lawrence Mrs P Webber Mr E Ley Mr V White Mrs F Nicholson Apologies for absence were received from Mr I Jones and Mr B Revans

1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Mr R Milton was elected as Chairman of the Authority for the ensuing year.

2. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Miss A V Davis was elected as Deputy Chairman of the Authority for the ensuing year.

3. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN (PLANNING): Mr M Dewdney was elected as Deputy Chairman (Planning) for the ensuing year.

4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: In relation to Agenda Item 10.1 – Application No. 6/3/18/105 – Proposed removal of conditions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of approved application 6/3/00/113 (Alternation/Lift Condition) - Pulhams Mill, , Dulverton, all Members declared having been lobbied.

5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were no Chairman’s announcements.

6. MINUTES i. Confirmation: The Minutes of the Authority’s meeting held on 5 June 2018 were agreed and signed as a correct record. ii. Matters arising: There were no matters arising.

7. PUBLIC SPEAKING: See Minutes 10 and 11 for details of public speakers. ______

1 3 July 2018 Items relating to the Authority’s role as sole local planning authority for the National Park area including determination of planning applications. This section of the meeting was chaired by Mr M Dewdney, Deputy Chairman (Planning).

8. To note the decision of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to dismiss the appeal against refusal to grant planning permission for an agricultural storage building (Application GDO 17/27) - Bray Meads, Road from Yelland Cross to Challacombe Cross, Challacombe

9. To note the decision of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to dismiss the appeal against refusal to grant planning permission for a timber clad agricultural building (Application GDO 17/12) - land at the Mineral Line, Roadwater,

DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 10. Application No. 6/3/18/105 Location: Pulhams Mill, Brompton Regis, Dulverton Proposal: Proposed removal of conditions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of approved application 6/3/00/113 (Alternation/Lift Condition) The Authority considered the report of the Chief Executive. Public Speaking: (1) Mr I Mawby, applicant The Authority’s Consideration

RESOLVED: To grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report.

11. Application No. 6/3/18/103 Location: 1 Loftbrook, Blagdon Lane to Round House Cross, Brompton Regis, Somerset Proposal: Proposed creation of vehicular access and hardstanding (Householder) The Authority considered the report of the Chief Executive. Public Speaking: (1) Mr M Sedlen, applicant

RESOLVED: To grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report.

12. APPLICATION DECISIONS DELEGATED TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE: The Authority noted the decisions of the Chief Executive determined under delegated powers.

13. SITE VISITS: There were no site visits to arrange. ______

2 3 July 2018 The remaining section of the meeting was chaired by Mr R Milton, Chairman of the Authority.

14. BUSINESS PLAN REPORT 2017-2018 The Authority considered the report of the Chief Executive and Head of Strategy & Performance

RESOLVED: 1. To note the progress in implementing the Authority’s key commitments set out in the Business Plan 2017-2020. 2. To delegate to the Finance and Performance Advisory Panel and Leadership Team further scrutiny of Authority performance across all the Business Plan actions for the next reporting period to 31 March 2019.

15. 2017/18 OUTTURN – BUDGET PERFORMANCE AND RESERVES The Authority considered the report of the Chief Finance Officer

RESOLVED: 1. To note the financial performance for 2017/18. 2. To approve the adequacy of the General Fund Balance at 31 March 2018. 3. To approve the transfers between reserves.

16. 2017/18 OUTTURN – STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS The Authority considered the report of the Chief Finance Officer.

RESOLVED: To consider and note the Statement of Accounts for 2017/18.

17. ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS The Authority considered the report of the Chief Executive.

RESOLVED: To make the following appointments for 2018/19 to the Authority’s committees under the Scheme of Delegation and to those panels, working groups and other organisations as set out in the report:

Final Accounts Committee and Finance & Performance Advisory Panel: Mr R Milton, Miss A V Davis, Mr M Ellicott, Mr N Holliday, Mr J Patrinos, Mrs E Stacey, Mr V White Standards Committee: Mr M Dewdney, Mr M Ellicott, Mr J Patrinos, Mr S J Pugsley, Mrs E Stacey Exmoor Local Access Forum: Mr R Milton, Mr M Ryall

3 3 July 2018

Exmoor Consultative and Parish Forum: All Authority members Chairman of the Forum: Mr S J Pugsley Deputy Chairman of the Forum: Mrs F Nicholson Exmoor’s Ambition Steering Group: Mr R Milton, Mr N Holliday, Mr M Ryall, Mrs P Webber Dartmoor and Exmoor Joint Member Working Group: Miss A V Davis, Mr M Dewdney, Mr M Ellicott, Sir Richard Peek, Mrs E Stacey Deer Monitoring Panel: Mr R C Edgell, Mr M Ellicott, Mr B Heywood, Sir Richard Peek, Mrs P Webber Working Group: Miss A V Davis, Mrs C M Lawrence Exmoor Historic Environment Advisory Panel: Mrs L Blanchard Exmoor Landscape Advisory Group: Mrs L Blanchard, Mr R Milton, Mr B Peacock Exmoor Learning and Engagement Panel: Mrs L Blanchard Exmoor Moorland & Farming Board: Mr B Heywood, Mr B Peacock, Sir Richard Peek, Mrs P Webber, (with Mr R Milton as a representative of the NFU) Exmoor Nature Conservation Advisory Panel: Mr R C Edgell, Mr B Heywood, Mr B Peacock, Mr M Ryall Exmoor Parish Members Group: Mr M Ellicott, Mr B Peacock, Sir Richard Peek, Mrs P Webber, Mr V White Exmoor Rural Housing Network: Mr R C Edgell, Mr M Ellicott, Mrs F Nicholson, Mr M Ryall, Mr V White Exmoor Woodland and Forestry Advisory Group: Mr B Heywood Headwaters of the Exe Project Steering Group: Sir Richard Peek Planning Policy Advisory Group: Mr R Milton, Miss A V Davis, Mr M Dewdney, Mr N Holliday, Mrs F Nicholson, Mr B Peacock, Sir Richard Peek, Mr S J Pugsley, Mrs P Webber, Mr V White Pony Panel: Mr R Milton, Mrs P Webber Pinkery Review Task and Finish Group: Mr M Dewdney, Mr N Holliday, Mrs C Lawrence, Mr J Patrinos, Mrs E Stacey Project Task and Finish Group: Mr N Holliday, Mr S J Pugsley, Miss A V Davis (sub), Mrs F Nicholson (sub) Visit Exmoor: Mrs E Stacey, Mrs P Webber and Exmoor Low Carbon Partnership: Mrs P Webber National Parks UK Executive Committee: Mr R Milton, Miss A V Davis (sub) National Parks Executive Committee: Mr R Milton, Miss A V Davis (sub) Campaign for National Parks: Mrs P Webber Campaign to Project Rural England Devon Advisory Committee: Mrs P Webber Connecting Dartmoor and Exmoor Programme Board: Mr M Dewdney

4 3 July 2018

Exmoor Hill Farming Network: Mr M Ryall, Mrs P Webber, (with Mr R Milton as a representative of the NFU) Local Government Association Rural Commission: Miss A V Davis North Devon AONB Partnership: Miss A V Davis North Devon +: Sir Richard Peek North Devon and Torridge Leader: Sir Richard Peek Somerset Public Transport Forum: Mr V White South West Chamber of Rural Enterprise (South West Rural and Farming Network): Miss A V Davis South West Coast Path Forum: Mrs L Blanchard South West Uplands Network: Mr M Ryall South West Water Recreation and Conservation Forum: Mr M Dewdney Western Somerset Leader: Mr M Dewdney

18. AUTHORITY MEETINGS SCHEDULE 2019 The Authority considered the report of the Head of Strategy and Performance The Authority’s consideration In relation to the Member Obligatory Training scheduled for 7 May, it was noted that District & Parish Council elections are traditionally held on the first Thursday of May and that Member appointees to the Authority may not have been reappointed by that date. It was agreed therefore to reschedule this training to an alternative date.

RESOLVED: To adopt the schedule of meetings of the Authority and its Committees for 2019 as appended to this report, with the Member Obligatory Training on 3 May being rescheduled to an alternative date.

19. PERSONNEL UPDATE: The Authority noted the recent staff changes as set out on the agenda.


The meeting closed at 12.05pm
