People and things

Paul Dirac

Among these early results, he dis­ On people covered how to handle systems containing many identical electrons — 'Fermi-Dirac' statistics. Martin Blume has been named After visits to Copenhagen and Deputy Director of Brookhaven Gôttingen, Dirac returned to Cam­ National Laboratory. bridge where his attention turned As Brookhaven's Associate Di­ to the unification of the new quan­ rector for Low Energy Physics and tum mechanics with special rela­ Chemistry since 1981, he has been tivity. His theory, including the responsible for the Laboratory's famous equation which bears his programmes in solid state, mate­ name, soon appeared, explaining rials, chemical and nuclear in an elegant way the newly-dis­ sciences. In addition, he has served covered 'spin' property of elec­ as Acting Chairman of the US Na­ trons, but it required the existence tional Synchrotron Light Source of puzzling negative energy solu­ Department since November 1983. tions. He first assumed that the In his new capacity, Martin theory naturally encompassed both Blume will work closely with electrons and protons. This error Brookhaven's Director in the gen­ was quickly rectified, and he pre­ eral administration of the Labora­ dicted the existence of 'anti-elec­ tory. He will continue to have pri­ trons'. In 1932, the was mary responsibility for Brookhav­ discovered. en 's research in the basic energy In 1933, he shared the Nobel sciences, including work in such prize with Erwin Schrôdinger. With fields as chemistry, materials, engi­ the antimatter companion of the neering, mathematics, and geo- electron known, he alluded in his sciences. He will also continue as Nobel lecture to the possibility of Acting Chairman of the NSLS until Paul Dirac 'negative protons'. In further inves­ a permanent chairman is desig­ tigations of quantum electromag- nated. On 20 October, one of the few netism, he proposed the existence remaining links with the birth of of magnetic monopoles, a subject Eminent theorist and former CERN quantum mechanics was broken which remains controversial to this Research Director General Leon when Paul Dirac died at the age day. His later researches grappled Van Hove has been named as of 82. In 1923, the young Dirac with the creation and annihilation Brookhaven National Laboratory's arrived in Cambridge after initial of particles, paving the way for first Leland J. Haworth Distin­ training as an engineer. Over the the modern formulation of quantum guished Scientist. The nomination next few years, along with Heisen- electrodynamics. is in memory of Leland J. Haworth, berg, Schrôdinger and others, he Also in 1933, he succeeded to Brookhaven Director from helped mould the new quantum the prestigious Lucasian Chair of 1948-61. mechanics from the old quantum Mathematics at Cambridge, and theory. He recast the formalism in in 1937 he married Mar git Wigner, his own inimitable way, work sister of the famous . At a simple ceremony on 2 Octo­ which was included in his PhD the­ After his retirement from Cam­ ber at the University of , the sis and which was later to stimu­ bridge, Dirac moved to the warmer title of Prof essore Emirito was late many generations of theoreti­ climes of Florida State University, conferred on the Italian physicist cal through his monu­ Tallahassee, but was frequently Giuseppe Occhialini, well known mental book The Principles of seen at international meetings and as one of the leading researchers Quantum Mechanics', a work conferences. from the era of cosmic rays. He which has been compared in its His work will surely be remem­ participated in several historic ex­ stature with Newton's 'Principia'. bered for ever. periments, including the co-discov-

440 CERN Courier, December 1984 ery of the positron with P. M. S. have responsibility for all conven­ new protocol continues the exist­ Blackett in 1933 and the 1947 tional magnet work, drafting ser­ ing collaboration with the Institute study with C. M. Lattes and vice, the machine shop, and mag­ of High Energy Physics in Beijing CF. Powell which revealed that netic measurements as well. Gene and extends it to other Institutions, both and muons exist in Fisk will head the continuing SSC in particular those involved in the Nature. magnet work. LEP experiments at CERN. It comes into force on 1 January 1985, for a period of three years. Reorganization at Fermilab Proton beam at Rutherford Apple- ton machine With the primary goal of exploiting Symposium proceedings the new Tevatron facilities for phy­ The first 550 MeV proton bunches sics, Fermilab Director Leon have been successfully extracted The Proceedings of the first ESO- Lederman has announced a ma­ from the new Spallation Neutron CERN Symposium on 'Large Scale nagement reshuffle, effective from Source at the Rutherford Appleton Structure of the Universe, Cosmo­ 1 October. Laboratory, UK, at the first at­ logy and Fundamental Physics', Three new Associate Directors tempt. The extracted proton beam held at CERN in November 1983 have been named — James Bjork- will soon be guided onto the uran­ (see January/February issue, page en for Physics, Bruce Chrisman for ium target to produce the first neu­ 3) are now available. The Proceed­ Administration, and Dick Lundy trons. ings were edited by G. Setti and for Technology. Phil Livdahl will L. Van Hove and copies can be continue to serve as Acting Deputy obtained from K. Kjar, Publication Director but will devote much of Service, European Southern Obser­ his time to technical problems in Synchrotron radiation in Taiwan vatory, Karl-Schwartzschild-Strasse the Accelerator Division. 2, D-8046 Garching bei Munchen, Peter Koehler, formerly head of Lee Ten g of Fermilab has been Federal Republic of Germany, at the Research Division, will join the appointed Director of Taiwan's DM 35 per copy including postage Accelerator Division as Associate recently founded $30 million and packing. Division Head, responsible for pro­ Synchrotron Radiation Research viding support for the DO project Centre, the island's first major (see May issue, page 147) and large scale research project. Teng 1985 Particle Accelerator Main Ring tunnel experiments other will be assisted by Thomas Conference than the main Collider Detector. K. C. Liu as Deputy Director. Ken Stanfield, formerly Head of The 96 m circumference electron the Business Office, will take storage ring will have an energy The next Particle Accelerator Con­ Peter's place as Head of the Re­ of about 1.5 GeV, with beam in­ ference will be held in Vancouver, search Division. Jim Finks has been jected at 250 MeV from a 40 m Canada, from 13-16 May 1985, appointed Business Manager. linac, and is scheduled for comple­ organized by the TRIUMF Labora­ Tom Kirk will succeed Drasko tion in five years. tory. Following the 1983 Santa Fe Jovanovic as Head of the Physics Conference, it will be the 11th in Department, in addition to continu­ this biennial series devoted to all ing as Manager of the Tevatron II aspects of accelerator science, project. Tom's Deputy Head will Chinese protocol engineering and technology. Reg­ be Dan Green. ular attendees should note that Paul Mantsch will replace Dick A Protocol on cooperation be­ the meeting has been extended to Lundy as the head of the Technical tween CERN and the Chinese four days and is being held two Support section. Paul has been Academy of Sciences was signed months later than usual. Detailed concentrating recently on the de­ at CERN on 18 October by Zhao information from the Arrangements sign of prototype magnets for the Guangzhao, a Vice-President of Chairman, J. J. Bugerjon, TRIUMF, Superconducting Super Collider the Academy, and CERN Director 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, (SSC). In his new role, Paul will General Herwig Schopper. The BC V6T2A3, Canada.

CERN Courier, December 1984 441 A lighter moment during the CERN Accelerator School at Gif-sur-Yvette.


The 1985 International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies will be held in the Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, from 19-24 August 1985. It will be sponsored by IUPAP, the Science Council of Japan and the Physical Society of Japan. The host institutions are the Research Institute for Funda­ mental Physics and Department ified people. Attendance, however, longitudinal beam dynamics. Some of Physics, Kyoto University. Chair­ will be limited to about 130. Furth­ special topics were resonances, man of the Organizing Committee er information from Mrs. S. Von coupling, transition, injection, ex­ is Yoshio Yamaguchi of INS, Uni­ Wartburg, Secretary of the CERN traction, coherent instabilities, dy­ versity of Tokyo, and further infor­ Accelerator School, CERN, 1211 namics of radiating particles and mation is available from the Con­ Geneva 23, Switzerland. space-charge image forces. These ference Secretariat, Research Insti­ were complemented by seminars tute for Fundamental Physics, Kyo­ on the advanced technology used to University, Kyoto 606, Japan, 1984 CERN Accelerator School in accelerators for magnets (con­ telephone 075-711-1381, telegram A participant's view ventional and superconducting), RIFPKYOTOU, telex 542 3179 radio-frequency, vacuum and con­ RIFPK, facsimile 075-701-4247. From 3-14 September, the CERN trol. Accelerator School organized To widen our appreciation of Looking further ahead, the XXIII (jointly with the Laboratoire de the accelerator field, seminars were International ('Rochester') Confer­ l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay and also given on accelerator projects, ence on High Energy Physics will the Laboratoire National Saturne, synchrotron light sources, and be held at Berkeley (California) Saclay) a course on General Accel­ medical and industrial applications. from 16-23 July 1986. Following erator Physics at the Ecole Supé­ The sessions ended with lively the style of the most recent such rieure d'Electricité, Gif-sur-Yvette. discussions, where the participants meeting to be held in the US, at Under the leadership of Kjell could glean all the information they Madison, Wisconsin, in 1980, this Johnsen, a two-week intensive needed about regular applications. will be an 'open ' conference, with course of excellent quality was Part of the success of this course a minimum of official invitations given by more than twenty spe­ was due to the organizing commit­ being issued. Organizer will be cialists from nine European Labor­ tee led by P. J. Bryant (CERN), S. C. Loken, 50-137 Lawrence atories. The 148 participants came J. Buon (Orsay), J. R. Le Duff (Or­ Berkeley Laboratory, University of from a wide background — 21 say) and J. C. Laclare (Saclay). The California, Berkeley, California from CERN and the rest came from social program included an excel­ 94720, USA. 17 countries in Europe, North and lent talk by G. Conforto on discov­ South America, Africa and Asia. eries and on what remains to be The CERN Accelerator School will It must have been difficult to set discovered in high energy physics. organize a course on advanced the level to suit the varying needs Visits to Saclay, Orsay and G A NIL accelerator physics, to be held at but we were given an interesting laboratories as well as a tour of Oxford from 16-27 September course covering the essentials of the old town of Rouen completed 1985. This will build on the Gen­ accelerators. two very full weeks. eral Accelerator Physics course The course dealt with theory, held at Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in starting with an introduction to September (see following story), weak and strong focusing and but will be open to all suitably qual­ continuing with transverse and Manfred Schmitt

CERN Courier, December 1984 TRIUMF Fellows In MESON RESEARCH FACILITY Accelerator Technology University of Alberta Simon Fraser University Brookhaven National Laboratory University of Victoria Applications are invited from individuals with a PhD University of British Columbia degree and/or major training in the physical sciences or Competition No. 467-104 engineering who wish to launch careers in accelerator design and development. Successful candidates will be appointed Fellows in Accel­ erator Technology in the Accelerator Department for a ACCELERATOR PHYSICISTS period of one year, renewable for a second year. Fellows are expected to select their investigations from among the The Accelerator Research Division at TRIUMF has openings general objectives of the accelerator physics program at Brookhaven National Laboratory. for physicists or engineering physicists as Research Associa­ tes and Research Scientists to participate in design studies of The Accelerator Department is responsible for the opera­ fast cycling high intensity proton synchrotrons for a kaon tion of a 200MeV proton linac, and the 30GeV Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). New initiatives are underway factory. Beam dynamics studies are of particular interest, in: the acceleration of polarized protons, and of heavy ions including magnet lattice design, beam instabilities, etc. in the AGS; a proposal to build a relativistic heavy ion Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent in physics or collider; a proposal to build a booster synchrotron for pro­ engineering. tons and heavy ions; a study of a high intensity upgrade of Research Associate appointments are initially made for one the AGS (AGS II); and an extensive research and develop­ year, renewable for a second year. Applicants should have ment effort directed towards the Super Superconducting good theoretical abilities; some experience with accelerators Collider (SSC). would be desirable, especially in beam dynamics. Scientists and engineers of any nationality are eligible to Research Scientist positions are permanent staff appoint­ apply. Salaries begin at $25,000 per year, and Fellows are ments. Applicants should have some years of relevant exper­ eligible for comprehensive employee benefits, and reloca­ ience in an accelerator laboratory. Salary will depend on tion allowances. Candidates should send a detailed resume to: Dr. Derek I. Lowenstein, Accelerator qualifications and experience. Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Please reply in writing by December 31, 1984, enclosing a Associated Universities, Inc., Upton, Long Island, curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the names of three NY 11973 An Equal Opportunity Employer m/f referees to: TRIUMF Personnel (Competition No 467) Brookhaven Attn: Dr. M.K. Craddock National Laboratory Head, Accelerator Research Division Dill 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Associated Universities, Inc. Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2A3 CI u I We offer equal employment opportunities to qualified male and female applicants.


The KVI wishes to appoint a young experimental nuclear Editors ; K. C. BOWLER & A. J. Mc KANE physicist as a member of the permanent staff of the institute. The appointment will be with the Foundation FOM, the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter. 500 pp. Cloth. ISBN 0905945 09 3 The Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut is a national research institute in nuclear physics, jointly sponsored by the Univer­ sity of Groningen and by FOM. It has a broad experimental Contents: and theoretical research program on nuclear structure and heavy-ion physics. Feigenbaum The Onset of Chaos The main facility of the KVI is a K=160 MeV AVF-cyclotron Swendsen Monte Carlo Methods for the acceleration of light and heavy ions. A large variety of God dard Topological Excitations detectors like a magnetic spectrograph and various systems Zia Interfacial Problems for the detection of light and heavy ions, electrons and Moore Random Systems Y-radiation is available. Applicants must be interested in the Green String Theory kind of research that can be performed with the existing Rebbi Monte Carlo Lattice Gauge Calculations facility, especially with the heavy ion beams, and should be capable of taking the responsibility for new instrumental Gunton Kinetics of First Order Transitions developments. Several years of post-doctoral experience are required. Applicants for the above-mentioned position are requested Available from: to submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and the' names and addresses of three references, as early as SUSSP Publications, Physics Department, possible but not later than January 15, 1985, to: Edinburgh University, J.CM.B., Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, U.K. Prof. A. van der Woude Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut Price: £ 20 (or $ 30) for direct purchases. Zernikelaan 25 Book shop prices are £ 30 (or $ 45). 9747 AA Groningen If possible please enclose cash with order. The Netherlands

CERN Courier, December 1984 443 Imperial College - University of London Blackett Laboratory High Energy Physics

The Physics Department of Imperial College invites appli- cations for a

Lectureship in Experimental Particle Physics The theory group at DESY invites The present research programme of the group covers proton- applications for two tenured posi­ antiproton collisions (UA1) and photoproduction experiments (NA14) at CERN, neutrino interactions using holography tions at the I a (Associate Profes­ (E632) at Fermilab e+e~ physics (TASSO) at Petra and a sor) level. search for free quarks and for magnetic monopoles carried out in the UK. Interested persons should send a The group is a major contributor to the ALEPH experiment at curriculum vitae and arrange that LEP and has an interest in HERA. The experimental pro­ three letters of reference are sent gramme offers excellent opportunities for a wide range of phenomenological analysis. to:

Applications including a CV and the names and addresses of three referees should be sent by February 1 5th, 1 985 to Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Prof. D. M. Binnie Blackett Laboratory personnel division, Prince Consort Road Notkestrasse 85 London SW7 2BZ Tel: 01-589 5111 ext 6785 D 2000 Hamburg 52, Germany. from whom further particulars may be obtained. The appoint­ For further information please ment will be dated from 1st October 1985 or by agreement at an earlier date. Salary will be according to age and experience contact Dr. R. D. Peccei, theory on the lecturer scale currently £ 8376 to £ 15 311 per group. annum.

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Houston, Texas 77004 (713) 749-4612 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Super-Collider CYCLOTRON FACILITY Accelerator Physics ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS and/or

Experimental Particle Physics IUCF has openings for Two programs are being expanded. Positions are available for Senior Scientists, Junior Scientists and graduate students to two Electrical Engineers work in either program, or a combination of both. Accelerator physicists and graduate students are sought to to participate in expansion and support of a dynamic accelerator contribute to the design of the Superconducting Super laboratory of international reputation. These are continuing full-time positions in the IUCF Professional ranks which provide excellent Collider (theoretical workers preferred.) An experienced opportunities for professional growth. A BS degree in Electrical Director is also sought to develop a group involved in both Engineering is required and some experience working in a scientific advanced accelerator R&D, and graduate studies in accele­ laboratory is preferred. rator physics. The laboratory is engaged in a major facility upgrade consisting of the construction of a storage ring with electron cooling which will offer In addition, Junior Faculty, Post Doctoral Research Asso­ novel possibilities for performing nuclear physics experiments with ciates, and graduate students are sought for experimental beams of unconventional and superior characteristics. particle physics. Long term responsibilities will include design, development, installa­ tion and troubleshooting of some of the following systems: high Candidates are invited to apply for positions as: current power supplies, pulsed power supplies, high voltage power Graduate Research Assistant • Post Doctoral Research supplies, RF power amplifiers, RF drive circuits, high power RF resonators, computer-based digital control systems, analog control Associate • Accelerator Physicist • Mechanical or Electrical systems, motor drivers, AC power distribution and ground and Accelerator Engineer • Visiting Faculty in Accelerator Physics shielding arrangements. Directing, teaching and leading technicians • Faculty Position in Experimental High Energy Physics • will be a significant part of this work. Other responsibilities include Position of Institute Director general engineering support for the present operating accelerator system and long term research and development projects. Please address enquires to: Send resume and names of three persons as reference to: Roy Weinstein Robert Woodley, Asst. Director College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Room 214 SRI 2401 Milo B. Sampson Lane University of Houston BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA 47 405 USA Houston, Texas 77004 (812) 335-9365 The University of Houston is an affirmative action/equal oppor­ Indiana University tunity employer. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

AAA CERN Courier, December 1984 Particles and Fields UNIVERSITY RENSSELAER OF POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE BASLE The Physics Department at Rensselaer Poly­ The nuclear and particle physics group of the technic Institute expects to develop a group with interest and experience in particles and Institute for Physics has an opening for a fields over the next four years. We are looking primarily for a person with Senior Ph. D. Physicist several years of experience and demonstrated (position with tenure) accomplishment to be the leader of this group. We may also consider outstanding scientists Completed habilitation is desirable. with less experience. The candidate is expected to participate with Rank, salary and tenure status will be commen­ enthusiasm in teaching also undergraduate surate with experience and accomplishment. laboratory courses in German language. He is The Department presently has 30 faculty in further expected to contribute actively in the astrophysics, biophysics, condensed matter, education physics and intermediate energy institutes research programme at SIN and physics. There are 85 graduate students and eventually at CERN. 225 undergraduates. Application should be sent until the end of 1984 Please send curriculum vitae, including a list of to: publications and the names of at least three Personalabteilung I references, to G. L Salinger, Chairman, des Erziehungsdepartementes, Physics Department, Munsterplatz 2 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Kennwort Physik, Troy, New York 12180-3590. CH - 4051 Basel Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Equal Switzerland. Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

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The European Semiconductor Division of Motorola has an immediate opening for an experienced technical editor for its • High voltage and low voltage Marketing Communications Group based in Geneva. electrical installations. The successful candidate will be responsible for the coordi­ nation and copywriting of brochures, promotional material and • Electric and electronic assemblies. data books covering a wide variety of semiconductor products, from power transistors to sophisticated integrated circuits. • Engineering and construction. He/she will be working in conjunction with Design and Product Engineers in our operations in Europe. He/she should be able • Indoor and outdoor switchgear for to stimulate and produce him/herself original writings on new semiconductor products and their applications in the market all voltages. place. Interviewing and gathering information from people on new products represents an important aspect of the job. • Control and monitoring systems. The ideal candidate would be an editor or journalist, familiar with electronics and semiconductor technology, of English • Instrumentation and process control. mother tongue, with copywriting skills, willing to travel moderately and able to work independently. For more information, write or call A Irène Maurer (022) 99 13 91 NATIONAL ELEKTRO (Suisse) S.A. Suisse subsidiary of National Elektro A/S, Norway. MOTOROLA (SUISSE) S.A. Personnel Department 8, Chemin Rieu Tel.: (022) 82 45 21 16, chemin de la Voie-Creuse CH-1208 Geneva Int. CERN: 2387 1211 GENEVA 20

CERN Courier, December 1984 445 Advertisements in CERN COURIER Format A4 Monthly publication SOCIÉTÉ DE PROMOTION All advertisements are published in both English and French AVI CA editions. Second language versions accepted without extra EQUIPMENT England charge. Hydroformed Bellows f \ vacum components Cost per insertion (Swiss Francs) Space Actual size (mm) (page) width by height 10 insertion insertions I

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EXEMPLARY SPECIFICATIONS TH0MS0N-CSF IGH ENERGY LOAD - WAVEGUIDI DIVISION TUBES ELECTRONIQUES Application Missile detection radar Power 200kW avg. Frequency 225 MHz 38 rue Vauthier / BP 305 / VSWR 1 03 92102 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT CEDEX / FRANCE Tél. : (1 ) 604.81.75 / Télex : Thomtub 200772 F


A FORTUNE 250 COMPANY TOWER HILL ROAD, RAYMOND, MAINE USA 04071 TEL. 207-655-4555 800-341-9678 TWX: 710-229-6890


AVEC counter He WITH C compteur à 3He

reliable R robuste

autonomy : 25 hours with 12 V l\M-Cd accumulator A autonomie : 25 heures sur accumulateur Cd-Ni 12 V

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SystèmeCEA Débit d'équivalent de dose , n-i - ir,4mr„^/u

10 al0m rem/h automatic reading CEASystem Equivalent dose rate " automatique A Équivalent de dose 4 0 à 10 m-rem Equivalent dose

6 Temps de cumul 0- 10 h L US'-"»' Timing

n3pJgi |mjr Agence Commerciale : Z.A. de Courtabœuf-Av.d'Islande EVOLIC 4-91940 LES ULIS llEll UE=UJv Commercial Branch : Tél. (6) 928.59.46 -Télex : 691 259 F

Op-amps? 347 options to pick from...! Many of our original op-amps have become industry standards. Like OP-05, OP-07, OP-27. But we have more — the industry's widest choice. From 35 basic models, various electrical grades and package styles, we derive a total of 347 versions. Not even counting dice, which we offer too. We have — almost — every type: General purpose, precision, low input current, micropower, programmable, high speed, high load; singles, duals, quads; military, industrial, commercial temperature range; 883 and JAN qualified parts. We pick the optimum techno­ Bourns (Schweiz) AG, 6340 Baar logy from our range of Bipolar, Superbeta, Bifet, plus Zener-Zap trimming. And protect each Tel. 042 / 33 33 33 Telex 868 722 and every chip with our famous Triple Passivation® for extra reliability and long-term stability. Thanks to most careful and ultra-clean processing, low noise and good radiation resistance are inherent in our products. We assemble them in ceramic DIP, plastic, metal cans, or spe­ guff) Precision cial packages, and we test them 100%. 15 years of experience and performance, proven in many applications from everyday indu­ A— BOURN S Monolithics SUBSIDIARY strial use to the most demanding space missions, are at your disposal. STA. CLARA One of our op-amps will fit your requirement too! CALIFORNIA Incorporated

454 CERN Courier, December 1984 DART 7000: FOR DATA ACQUISITION IN REAL TIME

MAIN FEATURES • Fast Interrupt Handling • Powerful 16-bit Computer Housed • Linear 300W or 1000W Switching Type in a Rugged CAMAC Crate Power Supply • 512Kbyte Memory, Expandable up • System Expandable up to 10 Crates to 2Mbytes • Real-time Multi-tasking Operating System • 16 Free CAMAC Slots Supporting High-level Languages • 5 MB to 25 MB Winchester Disk • Complete Set of CAMAC Subroutines + 1.26 MB Floppy Disk Drive • Acquisition Rate : APPLICATIONS Programmed Transfers: 140Kbytes/s • Data Acquisition Data Channel (DMA): 200Kbytes/s With Optional BMC 2139: 3Mbytes/s • Signal Processing • Innovative 32-bit Data Bus • Process Control • 4 DMA Modes • Automated Testing • Computer Simulation • Scientific and Medical Experimentation • Multi-parameter, Multi-channel Analysis

CERN Courier, December 1984 455 than ùurïnq the last 20 years, more nt l 50,000 VAT valves have prove>atn t

theh reliability in practical use c over the worlwormd - '•li atrial and research installations (metallurg • in high vacuum Industrial and research -.^nrinstallatione analysiss (metallurgy) • in ir , thin films, semi-conductors, space simulation, surface analysis) • in industrial isotope separation plants (centrifuges, diffusion- and nozzle separation) • in nuclear research installations (particle accelerators, storage rings, fusion research installations)

VAT's Production Line includes: • angle and gate valves with elastomer or plastomer seals • all metal valves • fast closing and control systems. - VAT special executions: • corrosion proof, radiation resistant, bakeable (up to 450°C) • extremely low magnetic permeability. - Significant features of VAT valves: • long cycle life • high conductance • small leak rates, UHV compatibility • low degassing rates • easy servicing. Our catalogue gives you ample information - Call for it! VAT AKTIENGESELLSCHAF fur Vakuum-Apparate-Technik CH-9469 Haag/Switzerland Phone -.085/7 0161 - Telex: 855162 vat ch


MODEL * PACKAGE CHAN'LS GAIN BW-MHz / tr nS MAX. OUT FEATURES 6931 6x7X4cm 1 100 DC-100 / 3.5 • 2.2V <10uV Noise, DC Bal. Adj. 6950 6X7X4cm 1 10 DC-300 /l.l •2.5V <5uV/° C Stab, DC Bal. Adj. 6954 6x7x4cm 1 5-400 20-1000 / .35 ±2.0V Inv. or Non-Inverting 770 NIM 4 10 DC-300 /l.l ±2.5V <25uV Noise, DC Bal. Adj. 771 NIM 4 1-10 DC-300 /l.l • 2.5V Gain and Offset Control 774 NIM 4 5-400 20-1000 / .35 ±2.0V uCP Amp, Inv. or Non-Inv. 775 NIM 8 5-400 20-1000 / .35 ±2.0V uCP Amp, Inv. or Non-lnv. 776 NIM 16 10 DC-275 / 1.3 -3.5V PMT Amp, <25uV Noise 777 NIM 8 2-50 DC-200 / 1.7 -3.5V Var. Gain & Offset/Chan. 7176 CAMAC 16 10 DC-275 / 1.3 -3.5V PMT Amp, Low Cost/Chan. 7177 CAMAC 8 2-50 DC-200 / 1.7 -3.5V Var. Gain & Offset/Chan. To Learn More About Our Products Contact

Phillip! Scientific 13 Ackerman Avenue • Suffern, New York 10901 * USA • (914) 357-9417

456 CERN Courier, December 1984 10.001 E

Deaf ader for / High Voltage If // M Concerned in the case of this com- / m ponent is a voltage divider for the JP pilot experiment of «LEP-DELPHI» resp, BARREL RICH. :m (7\ Entire component from outside ..^pT. Sly with visible electrode no. 30. Enlarged section through the © electrode parts. F In a series of preliminary development r stages it has been successful, to break down a defined voltage of 210 KV over 30 graded built-in electrodes. Isolating distance between the elec­ trodes is 0.7 mm. gH|^^ The entire component was produced pH^^^. by the high-vacuum process. mBSÊm Stesalit AG JkM Kunststoffwerk ^^â^r CH-4249 Zullwil/SO W^^^ Telefon 061 /80 06 01, Telex 63182 48 channels camac ADC s

Resolution 12 bit Digital Window, Threshold and Sensitivity 0.3p.C./ch Data Compression programmed Gate 50ns+10[\S from CAM A C dataway. CMRR at 50 Hz >70db Up to 0.5K-events stored Integral non-linearity Si 0.2% in the memory for lowest A utonomous module dataway dead-time.


Division of » m SI. EL sPa

20133 MILAN (Italy) - Via Bassini, 15 - Tel. (02) 2365551 - Tlx 312451

458 CERN Courier, December 1984 CENTRE nA7 D'INFORMATIQUE Uv7l gozj PERSONNELLE If you are trying to shrink the size of your PCBs by using

(Surface Mounted Devices)

We can help in your choice of board size, components selection and layout, etc. We also assemble : O SMD Prototypes O Small series up to 5000 pieces ALSO WITH 5 12 K AND ENGLISH KEYBOARD Lets get together early on.. in Centre d'Aumard

We have 3 years experience in the service of CERN and 43 bis avenue du Jura surface mounting / ref low soldering at Ferney-Voltaire Tel(023)40-50-59 we build your electronic equipment

BERGOZ - CROZET - 01170 GEX, France (50) 41 00 89 Electronic Equipment Manufacturing jcippkz ©Concessionnaire agréé

This is an example of our spectrum of multicomposite conductors for highfy sophisticated magnet designs.

VACUUMSCHMELZE GMBH • Gruner Weg 37 • D-6450 Hanau - Tel.: (06181) 362-1 s-9

CERN Courier, December 1984 459 The general ideas are to... accumulate many cooled pulses, inject the intense antiproton beam into the big ring, accelerate protons and antiprotons together to energies of over 100 GeV, collide the beams and collect the Nobel prizes! CERN Courier No.12 Vol. 16 December 1976


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