April Withdrawaliredaction Sheet Clinton Library

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April Withdrawaliredaction Sheet Clinton Library April WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECTfl'ITLE DATE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 0410 1/00 P6/b(6) 002. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Address (Partial) (I page) 04/02/00 P6/b(6) 003. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 04/03/00 P6/b(6) 004. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (2 pages) 04/04/00 P6h(6) 005. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 04/05/00 P6/b(6) 006. schedule, Phone No. (Partial) (I page) revised 007. schedule, Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) final 008. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) Address (Partial) (2 pages) 04/07/00 P6/b(6) 009. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) Address (Partial) (1 page) 04/08/00 P6h(6) 010. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (I page) 04/09/00 P6/b(6) 0 1 1. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 0411 0100 P6/b(6) 012. schedule Phone No. (Partial) DOB (Partial) (1 page) 0411 1/00 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OAIBox Number: 181 12 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 2000 [I] kh187 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidrntial Rcrordr Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Frrrdom oflnformatioa Act - 15 U.S.C. 552(b)l PI National Security Classified laformatian [(.)(I) ofthc PRAl b(l) National security rlaasifird ioformatioa [(b)(l) ofthr FOlAl P2 Rrlatiog to thr appoiotmrot to Fcdrrnl oflice [(a)(?.) of the PRAl b(2) Rclrarc would disclose internal prrsonorl rules and practices of P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(n)(3)afthr PRAl an agency l(b)(2) of the FOlAl P4 Release would disclose trade srrrrts or ronfidcntial rommrrrinl or b(3) Rclcasc would violate a Frdrral stntutr [(b)(3)ofthc FOlA] fioanrial ioformalioo [(a)(4) of the PRAl b(4) Rclcasc would disclose trade secrets or roolidrntirl or fiaaocial P5 Release would disclose roofidtotial advice brhvrrn the Prrsidrot infarmatioo ,.libM41 .. of the FOlAl sod big ad\isors, or htmcto 30th sd\isors la)(S) oftbe PRAl b(6) Rtlrart nnuld ronrtitulr a clearly uonsrmattd io>.sinn of P6 Htlttsr would ron~tirutra cltarl) unnarrnotcd io>nrion of prrsonal pri,acy l(hI(6) of tbc FOl,\l pcnooal ~rivncy. .l(r)(6) .. ofthe PRAl b0). Rc~cnsewould disclose information c&noilrd for law raforrcrnrot purposes l(b)(7) of the FOIAl C. Closed in acrordaoec with restrictions rontaiard io donor's drrd b(8) Rrlcasc would disrlorc information conrcrning the regulation of of gift. finanrial institutions [(b)(8)ofthr FOlA] PRM. Personal record misfile deliotd in ~ccordanrrwith 44 U.S.C. b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysiesl iaformation 2201(3). concerning wells [(b)(9) ofthc FOIAj RR. Doeumrnt will be reviewed upon request. WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECTiTlTLE DATE RESTRICTION ANn TVPF 013. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Address (Partial) (2 pages) 014. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (2 pages) 015. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 016. schedule PhoneNo. (Partial) (1 page) 0 17. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 018. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 019. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Address (Partial) (3 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OA/Box Number: 181 12 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 2000 [I] 2006-0198-F kh187 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidcolial Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Infarmation Art - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)l PINational Security Clrssifird laformatiom [(a)(I) of the PRA] b(1) National sccurity ~Iassifiedinformation [(b)(l) of the FOlAl P2 Relating lo lbr appoialmmt to Fedrral omcc [(a)(2) of tbc PRAl b(2) Release would disrlosc iotrrnal personnel rules and pr~rticesof P3 Relcasc would violate a Federal statute [(a)(]) of tbs PRAl an agrory l(b)(2) of the FOlAl P4 Rclrasc would disrlosc trade secrctr or confidential commercial or , b(3) Rcleasc would violate a Fcdrrnl statute [(b)(3) of the FOlAl fioaorial information l(a)(4) of tbc PRAl b(4) Release would disrlasr trade sccrrtr or confidcnti~lor financial P5 Rrlrnsr would disclose ronfidmtial advice brhvrra the Prrsidral information ..llb>14\ .. of the~ FOlAl~ and bir ndbirors. or htmtco such sd,isors Ia)(S) of tbc PRAl b(61 Rclrast *auld mnrtilutc a clcarl) unwarrsaled iavarioo of P6 Helcarr would roortirulr clearly uawarraotrd iovosioo of pcrroosl privacy l(bj(6) of thr F01.\1 ~ ~ prrsonal privacy l(s)(6) of the PRAl b(7) Rclrnsr would disclose iofarmatio~~compiled for law eoforrrmrnt purposes l(b)(7) of the FOlAl C. Closed io accordaoce with restrictions contained in donor's dccd b(8) Rclrnsr would disclose information cooctroiog the rtgulrtion of of gifL financial iostitutions [(b)(8)ofthr FOlAl PRM. Pcrsooal record misfile drfilnrd io arrordanrr with 44 U.S.C. b(9) Relrase would di~clo~egrolagieal or gropbyrirsl information 2201(3). concerning wells l(b)(9) of the FOlAl RR Document will be rrvirwcd upon request. FOIA Number: 2006-0198-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: First Ladfs Office Seneststaff Member: Patti Solis Doyle Subseries: ODNumber: 18112 FolderLD: Folder Title: Schedules for the First Lady April 2000 [I] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 60 4 3 1 April 2000 Hillary Rodham Clinton CSEA, Syracuse DC $ Lunch DC $ Brunch Hate Crimes Bldg Trades, DC National Council Ben Franklin World Health Broome Cty Bkft Event, Albany Solomont Mtg of Jewish Club (T) Day NYSDC Rural Micro-Credit Videos Women CAPS Lunch Finance Cmte Caucus Confer- Event, Albany Working Woman NYC $ FlNCA Dinner. NY Mtg. ence. Corning Interview Silicon Allev Mta. '! Fed..!f Labor Rochester 10 12 14 DC $6-8 Buffalo l3Alley Cat COBED Albany NY State Read Bronx Manhat- Essence Awards CHIP Event wl Aloud tan Assoc. of Hospital Heads Carl McCall NYC $8pm Realtors MtsJ NYC $7-9 Kings Cty. Dinner Long Island Assoc. Nassau Cty. Dinner Police Benevolent Principal for a Day Society, Suffolk Palm Sunday ?osie O'Donnell kdirondack Envi- passover ~eginsl~nniversaryCol- Good Friday Eaiih Day 30th Dinner ronment Event Long Island umbine Anniversary NYC $5-7 pm Sound Event Shooting NYC $7-9 pm Seder Easter Easter Egg Roll PA Primary Buffalo Town DC $6-8 pm DC $ Lunch Buffalo DNC Gala Hall DC $8-10 pm DC $ 7-9 pm WH Correspon- Dinner. NY Fignt Crime dent's Dinner Laborer's PAC Event Mtg. NYC Nordic Lunch - - Catholic Elec- trical Workers Reform Caucus Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 5/1/2000 WithdrawalRedaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECTfTITLE DATE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 0410 1100 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OAlBox Number: 18 112 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 2000 [I] RESTRICTION CODES Prrsidrntial Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of loformation Act - 15 U.S.C. 552(b)l PI National Strurily Classilird Information l(a)(l) of the PRAl b(l) National security clnssifird information [(b)(l) of the FOIAl P2 Relating to the appointment to Federal office l(a)(2) of tbc PRAl bf2). Rclrasc would disrlosr internal etrsooorl rules and eraeticrs of P3 Rclcase would violate a Federal slatutc llaY3).. .. of tbc PRAl. no agmry l(bj(2) oflbr FOlAl PIRrlrart nould dirrlort trade stcrrtr or coafideotirl commercial or bl3) Rclcssr noold uiolatr a Ftdtr.1 stslutt I(h)O) oflhc F01A1 finanrial ioformnlioa I(nj(4) of tbt PRkI b(4) Rclense novld dirclosr trsdr scrrtls or roofidrolisl or fio.acial PS Rrlrasr would disrlosr coofidrotial advice between the President information ..llbl(4) ,. , of tbr FOIAl aod bisnd,isor~, or belwcto such advi~or$lo)(S)oftbt PKI\I b(6) ReIrast would roortitutr a clearly unwarranted invasion of P6 Kclrssr would roo,tilutc a clcarl) unnarraolrd iarasian of prrsooal privacy l(bj(6) of the FOIAl pcrsoaal privacy [(r)(6) of the PRA] b(7) Rclcnsr would disclose information rompilcd far law ellforrrmrot purposes [(b)(7) 01tbe FOlAl C. Clostd in areordance wilh restrictions cootsiord in donor's drrd b(8) Relcasc would disrlosr information roacrrniag tbc rrgulatioo of ofgift financial institutions [(b)(8) of lhr FOlAl PRM. Personal record misfile defined in arrordanrc wilh 44 U.S.C. b(9) Rclcrsr would disclose geological or gropbysical information 2201(3). concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOlAl RR Documrot will br rrvirwrd upon request SCHEDULE FOR RILLARY RODHAM CLINTON SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2000 - 1 - FINAL LEAD ADVANCE: MIKE PERRIN CELL 1 (b)(6) 518/547-7040 WORK SYRACUSE LEAD ADVANCE: JENNIE'ER DAMORE 315/334-3898 HILLARY' 2000 IBEW RECEPTION: SCOTT FREDA 1 (b)(6) 1 CELL 202/463-5020 PHONE SCHEDULER : DIN0 MILANESE 202/456-6751 PHONE (b)(6) I CELL 202/456-5340 FAX (bX6) I I PREV RON The White House PRIVATE MEETING Map Room DEPART The White House EN ROUTE The Hyatt Regency Washington [Drive time: 10 minutes] ARRIVE The Hyatt Regency.Washington GREETERS : 3'. J. Barry, Pxesident IBEW Ed Hill, Secretary Treasurer' IBEW Rick Illegal, Political Dir. IBEW 11:45 am- MIX AND MINGLE- 12:.25 pm Room: tbd The ~yattRegency Washingcon 400 New Jersey Avenue washington, DC SCHEDULE FOR HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2000 -2- -Upon entering, HRC proceeds to mix and mingle with guests in a private reception. PARTICIPANTS: 80 guests. 12:30 pm- HILLARY 2000 RECEPTION 1:50 pm Room: Main Ballroom The Hyatt Regency Washington 400 New Jersey Avenue Washington, DC Hold: Mtg.
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