Kabupaten Purworejo Dalam Angka 2018

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Kabupaten Purworejo Dalam Angka 2018 KABUPATEN PURWOREJO DALAM ANGKA 2018 https://purworejokab.bps.go.id https://purworejokab.bps.go.id KABUPATEN PURWOREJO DALAM ANGKA 2018 Purworejo Regency in Figures 2018 ISSN : 0215-6083 Katalog BPS / BPS Catalog : 1102001.3306 Ukuran Buku / Book Size : 15 cm x 21 cm No. Publikasi / Publication Number : 33060.1801 Jumlah Halaman / Number of Pages : xx + 367 halaman / pages Naskah / Manuscript : Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Purworejo Statistics of Purworejo Regency Penyunting / Editor : Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Purworejo Statistics of Purworejo Regency Gambar Kulit / Figures : Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Purworejo Statistics of Purworejo Regency Diterbitkan oleh / Published by : ©Badan Pusat Statistikhttps://purworejokab.bps.go.id Kabupaten Purworejo/ Statistics of Purworejo Regency Dicetak oleh / Printed by: Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Purworejo Statistics of Purworejo Regency Dilarang mengumumkan, mendistribusikan, mengomunikasikan, dan/atau menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa ijin tertulis dari Badan Pusat Statistik Prohibited to announce, distribute, communicate, and/or copy part of all this book for commercial purpose without permission from BPS-Statistics Indonesia https://purworejokab.bps.go.id KATA PENGANTAR Kabupaten Purworejo Dalam Angka 2018 merupakan publikasi rutin tahunan BPS Kabupaten Purworejo. Informasi statistik yang dimuat dalam buku ini meliputi geografi, pemerintahan, kependudukan, ketenagakerjaan, pertanian, industri, energi, perdagangan, transportasi, komunikasi, keuangan, harga-harga dan produk domestic regional bruto. Publikasi ini dapat terwujud berkat kerja sama dan partisipasi dari berbagai pihak, kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi, kami sampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih. Mudah-mudahan statistik yang disajikan member manfaat bagi banyak pihak untuk berbagai keperluan. Kami mengharapkan tanggapan dan saran dari para pengguna publikasi ini untuk perbaikan edisi yang akan dating. Purworejo, Agustus 2018 BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN PURWOREJO K e p a l a, https://purworejokab.bps.go.id Drs. Wazirrudin iv | Purworejo Regency in Figures 2018 PREFACE Purworejo Regency in Figures 2018 is an annual publication of Purworejo Regency. This book provides information on the geographics, government, population, employment, agriculture, industry, energy, trade, transportation, communication, finance, prices, and Gross Regional Domestic Product. The release of the publication has been made possible due to the assistance and contribution of various government institutions and private organizations. To all parties who have been involved in the completion of this publication, I would like to express my high appreciation and gratitude. Hopefully this publication will be a usefull resource for any purposes. Comments and suggestions to improve the publication are always welcome. Purworejo, August 2018 BPS, STATISTIC OF PURWOREJO REGENCY H e a d, https://purworejokab.bps.go.id Drs. Wazirrudin Kabupaten Purworejo Dalam Angka 2018 | v DAFTAR ISI / CONTENTS Halaman Page Kata Pengantar Kepala BPS Kabupaten Purworejo BPS- Statistics of Purworejo Regency Chief Preface ..................................................................................... iv Daftar Isi Contens ........................................................................................................................................................ vi Daftar Tabel List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. vii Bab 1 Geografi dan Iklim / Geography and Climate ................................................................................... 1 1.1 Keadaan Geografi / Geographical Condition .......................................................................... 4 1.2 Keadaan Iklim / Climate Condition ......................................................................................... 24 Bab 2 Pemerintahan / Government ............................................................................................................. 29 2.1 Wilayah Administrasi / Administrative Area .......................................................................... 32 2.2 Pegawai Negeri Sipil /Civil Servant ......................................................................................... 38 2.3 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah / The Regional House of Representative .......................... 46 Bab 3 Penduduk dan Tenaga Kerja / Population and Manpower ............................................................... 61 3.1 Penduduk / Population ........................................................................................................... 65 3.2 Ketenagakerjaan / Employment…........................................................................................... 70 Bab 4 Sosial / Social ..................................................................................................................................... 91 4.1 Pendidikan / Education ........................................................................................................... 96 4.2 Kesehatan / Health ................................................................................................................. 112 4.3 Sosial / Social .......................................................................................................................... 156 4.4 Hukum dan Peradilan / Law and Justice ................................................................................. 169 4.5 Perpustakaan / Library ........................................................................................................... 184 4.6 Agama dan Sosial Lainnya / Religion and Other Social Affairs ............................................... 187 Bab 5 Pertanian / Agriculture ..................................................................................................................... 201 5.1 Tanaman Pangan / Food Crops ............................................................................................... 205 5.2 Tanaman Perkebunan / Estate Crops ..................................................................................... 216 5.3 Peternakan / Animal Husbandry ............................................................................................ 230 5.4 Perikanan / Fisheries ………….. ................................................................................................. 246 Bab 6 Industri dan Energihttps://purworejokab.bps.go.id / Industry and Energy …………………………………………………….................................. 255 6.1 Industri / Industry ................................................................................................................... 259 6.2 Energi / Energy ....................................................................................................................... 282 Bab 7 Perdagangan / Trade …………………………………………………..................................................................... 291 Bab 8 Hotel dan Pariwisata / Hotel and Tourism......................................................................................... 301 8.1 Hotel / Hotel ........................................................................................................................... 304 8.2 Pariwisata / Tourism ............................................................................................................... 305 Bab 9 Transportasi dan Komunikasi / Transportation and Communication …............................................ 309 9.1 Transportasi / Transportation ................................................................................................ 312 9.2 Komunikasi / Communication ................................................................................................. 318 Bab 10 Keuangan dan Harga / Local Finance and Price ................................................................................. 323 10.1 Keuangan Daerah / Regional Finance Government................................................................. 326 10.2 Harga / Price……………………...................................................................................................... 331 Bab 11 Pengeluaran Penduduk dan Konsumsi Makanan / Population Expenditure and Food Consumption........................................................................................................................................ 335 Bab 12 Pendapatan Regional / Regional Income........................................................................................... 341 Bab 13 Perbandingan Antara Kabupaten Kota / Regency/Municipality Comparison................................... 357 vi | Purworejo Regency in Figures 2018 DAFTAR TABEL / LIST OF TABLES Tabel Halaman Tables Page 1. GEOGRAFI DAN IKLIM / GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE 1.1 KEADAAN GEOGRAFI / GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITION 1.1.1 Jumlah Desa , Luas Wilayah, dan Ketinggian Ibukota Kecamatan Dari Permukaan Laut di Kabupaten Purworejo, 2017 Number of Village , Land Area, and Altitude in Purworejo 2017..................................................... 5 1.1.2 Luas Wilayah Kabupaten Purworejo Menurut Penggunaan, 2017 ( ha ) Land Area by Land Utilization in Purworejo, 2017 (ha ) ................................................................ 6 1.1.3 Luas Penggunaan Lahan menurut Kecamatan di Kabupaten Purworejo, 2017 ( ha ) Land Area by Subdistrict in Purworejo, 2017 (ha ) ......................................................................
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