United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,477,841 Chen et al. [45] Date of Patent: Oct. 16, 1984 [54] VIDEO PLAYER WITH CAPTION [56] References Cited GENERATOR HAVING CHARACTER BACKGROUND PROVISIONS U'S' PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,984,828 10/1976 Beyers, Jr. ................. .. 340/324 AD 4,122,488 10/1978 Mikado ............................... .. 358/l9 [75} Inventors: Thomas Y. Chen, East Brunswick; . Walter G. Gibson’ Princeton’ both of Przmary Exammer——Raymond F. Cardrllo, Jr. Ni Attorney, Agent, or Firm-E. M. whitacre; P. J. Rasmussen; R. G. Coalter [73] Assignee: RCA Corporation, New York, N.Y. [57] ABSTRACT A ?lter limits the bandwidth of a caption video signal in a video disc player to minimize color beats when the [21] APPL N04 309,192 caption signal is displayed along with a picture video signal on a television receiver. The ?lter delay, which . _ would otherwise cause offset between the caption and [22] Flled' Oct‘ 6’ 1981 an associated background signal used to enhance visibil ity of the caption, is compensated for by extending the [51] Int. Cl.3 ............................................. .. H04N 5/76 time duration of each occurrence of the background [52] US. Cl. ................................... .. 358/335; 358/342 signal by a multiple of the ?lter delay. [58] Field of Search .............................. .. 358/335—348, 358/310-334; 360/331, 37.1 9 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures 011i I6 18 $20 l0* '2 D AUDIO/VIDEO a TV ‘ I4 I PROCESSOR —S|> MODULATOR <~—s2 26~ I so ~28 30 i DATA 5 INFORMATION STATUS MICROPROCESSOR SWITCH 34 BUFFER - CONTROLLER UNIT I VIDEO BLANKING S4 —>s5 ’ ii 60 _ ACT F“; GENERATOR 50 CAPTION VIDEO l Lcw__ ‘T56 F“ PASS 80 FILTER W &s{ s93 #N’w VIDEO SWITCH COMPOSITE VIDEO» - 32 US.
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