. • $6 1J1illion ID flOod suits ilB residents seek damages from city, county, flood district

• j 1111•11 Cllll: •I ..

' c11m11n111

MONDAY. JUNE 6, 1983 OH ANGE COUNTY C A LI FOR N IA ;:>c-.. CE NTS ...... Karen Johnson, 19, modela her new crown u ~aguna Hills boy faces murder rap Miu Cotta Mea. Arraipment scheduled Tuesday for youth held in shootings of adoptive parents

ment Saturday morning and laid he abot bJa mother and father, ii betng held at Orange C.ounty Juvenile Hall and will be ar­ raiped Tuelday. aald Oranae County Sbeljff'a Lt. Wyatt Hart. · The body of John Lampui. 60,

,FV school trustees P.olice seek 3 men ;£ace voters Tuesday in ·Chino slayings

30 residents ~ape condo blaze in BB . CHINO SLJ\YIN GS • • • From Page A1

I ~AlWanen. The area la about five miles from the California Institution fOC' Men at Chino where one inmate · e.caped Thunday and another Sa~ Mid lheriff'• D&pqty Chief Gene MaJon.. He declined to reJeMe their names but said investip11on wen checkina out any pc-Ihle connectibn to the ~a Deputy Jack Wa1ld.na deecribed the murden as "Man- IOll-etyle, .. referring to the 1969 •T.-... ""o...... \' ' cult murders of pregnant actreea z='*..::rra.:, ...... Sharon Tate and four others by "In re1tauranta, they .. , tra okay to lmOk• In I Cbarlell Mamon followen at a provide ...... ,.._ for Laurel Canycin a prlv8te ~ but In a room bou.e. emok.. . I tf** they Cln do But Tldwell said: "It was not ··=---~ Ira going to affect for oftlcel.. I CM ... rituallstlc at all. just very brutal." the..,.. eorneone,. the amoker ahould J He said it appeared there had "you're lltting a tN feet..., moye Of ~ dwtng • who'• amoklng, been • struggle. trom aomeone break. Ctaan lhould be tt can be dtaturbtng." MK>ked '"nliere was blood all over,'' he at home." said. Eight-year-old Joahua Ryen was listed in stable condition today at Loma Linda University Hospital where he was flown I ., FLOOD From Page A1 FV RECALL TUESDAY • • • ' below the level of the stonn control channel From Page A1 , Orange County has jurt.dJctioo 1 ~ flood control dwmela but faWna to comply with the aptrit of · support of the trimeea. Flood said the city must share. the law In OClmeCtion with achool "We bad to tum ·away ~ buslne.a pncdoa ·' responaibOity becaU8e it should people~ became we bad have ensured that the channel The trustees have denied the8e a1rw1y n our cloor-to-door w lined with uu:nte and made claimL They contend that CARE drop-off drive," he md. 'Tm flood-proof. repraenCll a llDall poup of dla­ convinced it wm be a :WndaJtde fOC' gnmtled perenCll who ~ our Dde touaorrow.'' with the acbool board'• dert"9N to dme some erhoola md tum CuoJe Dunn. who bellcia the ...... fnlwtlltRcH9f. CARE poup, UC> IUd her com­ Blaze kills others Into mlddle achoola (Vades ~ lix through eight). mittee bad a ltl'CJaC turnout of ...• law'•.... • good one • • Boch lidee in the emotional volunteers over the weekend bec91• tomeorte ...... bed one, mJures camPllen are predk:tlna victory "We bad a good feelinl out habit ahould not lnftuence 'I\aday. there In the oommunity," she othen. Smok.. lhould go four in Tustin Jay Stout, chairman of the No said. "'I don't think it will be a out8lde or tn another room.•• on Recall Ccmmittee, aid many cio.e election at all. I think we One man was killed. four residents have stepped forward in will win nicely... people were injured and 28 evacuated after,. ~ broke out in a T6stin apartment complex ~~~t~ Tbe fire, wbk:b investipton believe WU anokin8 relateci. cauad $1~.ooo damagie to the 12-unlt Cedar Glen apertment complex, 15811 p...dena Ave.. enauJ.fing two apartment units and damaging a third, said de­ partment spokesman Chuck • Murphy. Orange County coroner'• depu­ tiee were not rele rtnc the name of the dead man early today pending notification of oat of kin. The victim Wiii 66 years old. His roommate, Edpl' Peden. 40, WM bu.med on his neck md back when he atten1pted to nsue the man. Orange. C«mty Red Cr'Cm offidala laid. A190 injured were two netch­ bon, who jwnpetl from their uPltairs window to safety. Treated at Tultin Cwnmunlty Hospital for minor bicentlona were Anita Milla, 29, and TaQe:1n Mctodsh, 19. Oranp County firetiaht.er Henry Ramires epcatned Im elbow and w. trea1.t at tbe ICeDe. Murphy said. It took 39 firellOten about 30 mlnutel to control the 1:61 L.m. blaze, - added. 'lbe Onnce C.otmty Red Crom • homed about 28 people who were !. tMk!Uated from the ecene In a I abeJfer at the 'lWdn Canmunlty u. Center. . ·: ~~ ,...... ,...... _,...... ,,...... _.__...... --~ :i: ~t,t~ ...... _.,...... ,......

Haatiapoa Beaela ...... o.9*•* ..,,_ ··--=llllllllJt...... a.y ...... ,,.,...... Orange eo.. , DAIL y PILOT /Monday, June e. 1813 NATION

WASHINGTON (AP) - '1be President Reagan honors Susnne ~ today uDheld the ~tutkmality ol '1ie 1880 plane crash mystery hero windfall protlil tax Clll aO wbkb prodw. bWMm of cWlan In ., ...... annual revenue. WASHING'rotf (AP)-Ptelklellt Re.pn today bcmcnd the 9-0 Im Adand Wiiia.. Jr., widely beJJeyed to be the mymtery hero The nillnl removed~ doud n of uncertainty from tbe tax, of .. J-. 11. 1881, cnllh of the A1r J'lorlda jttlinel' ~= .....,,, frcm NaUana1 Airport 1n a whkb bed been dilc:8red un­ w...... canttitudoDal by • lows court. w;o...._ 8-.n ..-Oted the U.S. eo.t Guard UfillavlM ~ JIOIUl....,,..wly to Wllllalm' mother, Virldnla L. ,,.. p•nnwrt •• aDow9d Wdllra.lD•OrilC>ftlm~ attended by W'lWmS father to colJ-=t the ta delplte the lower and W- ... IGn md dMalbtm. 'J'be DlyMery hero WM ~ aourtruJJnc, pendb\I the outlcame ,..., ~from the a'Mh lite. 'l'be White &u. aid a CoMt ol today'• cue. G\lll'd iawmtiptlon canduded that the man w. Wllllum, 48, ol The levy pl'Oduced an ..U- Atllmta. I l 138 aeized in Sborebam protest Spring weitther Sliorehun N.Y . - MON than 100 ~were hand­ Broadway cutt.d, phot;ocrapbed and canied or dragaed to tM*s to answer blitz continues I chartea of violaUnc a court order' apimt 6emotwtratiom at a mdler comtnactlon Ii~. Mast of the 138 demomtraton teized all fur and Stonm dumped almost e incbea ~Suf.fo1k County police and taken to police headquarten of ratn and bail the .ue of at Ya were given Ucketa for later appeuances on charae­ buebelll on parts of Texaa and ot clmarderly conduct and treepuling. But 35 prot.elten remained Fierstein eome build1nal were damaaed by 1n court cu.tody alter they refuled to identify thesmelvea­ 1 NEW YORK (AP) - "Cata," blah wtnda OI' t.orNlidoes durinc &mday'a m.m arreata followed a .. Nowhere to Run" rally by 3,000 a t, while temperature. people on a nearby Lone bland Sound beach Saturday. ~ milllan Broedway extrava­ pma hued on poesm by T .S .. to record Iowa ID 8eYeral mtemdU.. El.lot, pmered best mUlicaJ ) Prosecutor deseribes lcilling of 13 amona lta lleY9l Tony A warda, Showen and thundentorml WD..KES-BARRE. Pa. - Showing them an AR- 1~ automatic while the IW'prillna ''Torch Bone 1presd alone the EMt c.o.t and I .-.i. • pnmec:utcr told the jury today he would prove that a 'I'rilolY'' took home two awarda, uver the lower Great Laba, former prta:Jn IU8fc1 deliberately killed 13 people, includ:ine five includlna beat play. ' ac.nm the Lawer w.m.tppt Val­ of hll own cbildrm and the four women who· bCll'e them. ley and much of Texa DMtrict Attorney Robert Gillmp6e Jr. dea'ibed bow the F~ Bro.dway shows A few abowen linaered over were for awardl f« the ldllfnca occurred last Sept. 25 and the relatklmhipe of the vk:tima the northern and central Rndd- ...., t ended May 1&. The to• the defendant, Geoi'ae Bub. The 40-ytl9r-old Bub II a Tony Awards. equivalent to Hol­ 'lbe heavy n1na that had fonner state prtlon suard who had aerved a1JD09t etcht years 1n lywood'• Olean, honor the pelted eMtern C.olondo the pMt pNall for an armed robbel y be committed • a teen-aaer. Japt c}a. of neerly 700 theater two days wwe ralainc porUom of of the vtctlma were killed in a aouth Wtlkee-Barni houle and a profeadcn:tla the South Platte River to flood bymnder ..,.. lhot to death on the 111.dewalk when be attempted Nae· "Cata,••• Britilh import and the to ftee. ti.uh flood wamiJ9 abo were mast costly en.dway lbow ever, poat.ed in parts of Teua - rain al8o won b.t book ot a mamlcal .fell owr much ol the northern STATE The award w .ccepted by two.thirda of the state. Valerie BUot, whme late bu. band'• '4())d Pc.um'• Book of ·Habib WJleB Syrians to leave Lebanon Pracdcal Cata" poelm provided lta lyrim. RFK death BEVERLY IDLLS - U.S. apedal Middle F.ut envoy Philip • • HabO> •ya be'• optimistic that Syria will pull tta forcea out of niot and oon1pcml' Andrew anniversary , Letww.m wtthln two or three montha. He told American Friendl Lloyd Webber lhared a Tony f« , ol Bebnrw Untvenity on &mday that "it would be in the lntete.t. best acore of a mUlical "Cata" di.rector Trevor Nunn won• bat unobserved I of .,_,. If fN'ft'Y force external to Lebanon (tncludina brael) would set out." di.rector of a mulica) , Be .aid the continued pre11!DOCi of thoee two foreign powers Harvey Flentetn won twice f« ·ID Lebanon w. a ''buil~ID time bomb." ..Torch Sane Trilogy," for writinl the best play and M best actor ID it.

Woman swept away by Kern River BAKl!BSFD!:u> - Search t.Mma wen combine the Kem an. &mday for 18-year-old Sarah Slmmtal of Bakenfiekt. who Wl9 swept away by a llWift current.and wu feared drowned. a "-n County aherttt'a deputy aid. She wu last aeen Saturday afllllw betna awept away near the wt end of Hart Park. about 10 miles .-t ol Baken6e1d. She wu not weeing a life jlck.et oc inDtr tube. Sli01 hope WORLD for arDlS From the at-ease Private Label Collection ... talk success Our Oxford Cloth Dress Shirts .,

The ciommlttee re'1nssd the report aver the wemend tn antid­ padon of ...... of bearino lt pl.am to bold heafm'"I on lune 1& on relatkml between the two ~ 1Uperpowen. I The repart•ya U.S. ud Sovtet cl1ffenncm on the talka on lnter­ rmdlate ranaie mW0.. are UfUn.. clmDlntal" 8bd the ~ f« ~tan ...... ,, or in..._ oondnental. mWO. are even war.. BMh ftll!DUaUom are .,.. condueeed 1n GeneYa. choose from 60/40 dacron• and cotton or au cotton What do you like about the Daily PUOt? Wh.t don't you like? beSics in solid colors of blue, whfte, pint< and Call the number at left and your mu • wW be ncorcMd, ecru, as well as uniWrslty ltripe In blUe or iran.cribed and delivered to the appropriate edltor. burgund~ All With single needle tallo('lng The Hme'24·hour an••erinl Mrvice m1y be med to record let· end a soft ~ oollr • ten to the edllor on any topic. Mailbox c.ttrlbutorl muat ineluct, their name ..d telephone number for verlfitation. No drtulaUae. calla. please. • Tell us what'a on yqur mJnd.

ORANGE COMT • ·11llyPHlt

H.L ...erta• ~ I

. {;, .. " I l\ 102-mile raftlna excunlon alona the CoJonido and Green ttven of Southem Utah '41ll be conducted June 11-18 by Ora.op c.oDeae'• Community Servicet oft.tee. The excursion will be led by Robert Cooper, a veteran ratter, ntalneer, posrapher and traveler. He ii founder of ScenJc ~twee. Inc., an international travel organization. ; On the Utah trip, participanta will raft down the Colorado and rt~ through the ecenic Canyonlanda National Parle. pania alao will travel the rapids of the Colorado River'• etanct Canyon. , Colt of the trip ia $525. The fee coven transportation, raft trip, on the river, camping fees and aooommOdatiom for one night ooroe Hot Springa. Mror infonnation about the trip, call' 556-5880. . Taking the scenic route ~ultiple sclerosis lecture slated Some of the 1,500 entrants are shown during Phillip Imlay in 14:58 and Nancy Wilk.in&on in I Kathy Zack. manager of Hoag M~morial H08pital'1 physical Saturday's Scenic SK nm through Corona del 17:34. Part of the picturesque course included therapy department, will be the featured 1peaker at Sunday's Mar. The first man and woman to finish were ineeting of the hospital's Multiple Sclermia Support group. a footbridge. The support group will meet in the h08pital's rehabilitation ~um from 2 to 4 p.m . For more infonnation, call 760-2353.

ketiring Irvine teacher due honors Commander '-'d /tl·eiOWliOllU&IC An open house for retiring Greentree Elementary School at Pendleton teacher Marie Smith will be presented from 2 to 5 p.m . Saturday MARRIAGE COUNSEL in Irvine. Community organizers are urging all fonner atudenta, parenta to leave post 8y DR. E. C. Q. INGE or colleagues to attend the affair, which will be at the home of Susan Raakulinecz., at 4302 Margarita Ave. in Culverdale. CAMP PENDLETON (AP) - A 9eCOnd grade teacher, Smith baa taught at Greentree for Maj. Gen. Kenneth L . Roblmon, IN A STEW OVER COOKING nine years. She al.so worked at Turtle Rock Elementary School commanding officer of C.amp I Q: Why would a wife want to atop htf husband from from September 1970 to June 1973 and Culverdale Elementary Pendleton, has announced he will cooking or doing othtf kitchen things? School from September 1973 to June 1974. retire SepL 1. bu No repl.,..,.,.,,.,,t been an­ A; It all dependa on the~ the wtfe has had u a Mesa Freeway discussion planned nounced, but • change of com­ cook, and Whether the hulband hM UMd tact In his mand baa been ICheduled for deelte to demonl1rate cooking and kitchen ablU­ The public is invited to an open house to di8cuaa the c.a.ta Aug. 26, aaid a base u.. It would not be unu.ual for a wtfa to Interpret Mesa Freeway (Route 55) from 4-8 p.m. June 15 at Newport Beach spoke.woman, Gunnery Sgt. a cs.ire by a hu.bend to move Into the kltCMn M City Hall, 3300 W. Newport Blvd. · Peggy Cauley. being critical of htf abllltl•. Many women, -­ Robin8on. M, ~k charge of peclalty thoee who do not hold outside Jobe, ... On display will be various alternative routes for the exteDlion Identity In of wtfe, houlewtf9. lt the 126,000-.cre Marine~ in their terma moth«. of the Costa Mesa Freeway and the interchange at Pacific c.o..t they ... a potential lhr•t to theM roe., they Augwt 1980. The fadllty, located aa.o Highway. A public hearing on the draft environmental study of ... a thr•t to part of themaelY99. A cNld who ln norUMIJn San Diego County the alternatives is 8Cheduled 7:30 p.m. June 29 ln c.a.ta Meea'1 growa up, =~helpe In the kttc:hen, a Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. just eouth of the Oranae County maid to do - all of theM th!nga, line, employs about 46,000 people, wtllch ahould make her ute more pleeaant, mllY 3,400 of them dvtliana. actualty C:.UM her to feel thrMtened Instead. The Medical seminar at Mesa hotel Robirwon joined the M.arines ln wtf9 muat be made to understand th*t an ohr of help Is meant In a genuine, poetttye manner; It A seminar on bone marrow transplant& for leukemia vtctiJm 1948 and fought ln Korea and should not be Interpreted u an lndtcatJon of a is 8Cheuled at 7 p.m . June 14 at Costa Mesa's Westin South Cout Vietnam, earning the Leg1oo of ahor1comlng In her abUltlea or oontrlbution to the Plaza Hot.el. Merit and Vle'trUuniMe ero. of family attuatlon. The husband ahould make It plain Dr. Karl-George Blume, director of the Hematology and Bone Gallantry. . that he conlkS«I efforta In the kitchen to r.n.ct a Marrow Transplantation department at the City of Hope, will be He wu ln charge of several chance for more enjoyment and togethernels - Keep your garden in shape by not jult chorea. the featured speaker. Cart is $25 and includes dinner. For Marine buea on Okinawa, Japan reading Friday's gardening page. registration call the tri-county chapter of the Leukemia Society and commanded the Third Brought to you u a pubUc aervloe by The C..­ of America at 539-9511. Marine DivW<>n before being ..... Center, 27to Harbor, lull• 201 , Coeta II••• &aligned ..., to Camp Pendleton. ...rnz.


l • '19.99 Aeg. $25. 141015. Double tulip panty SlOA9 girdle In Antron• Ill power net nylon. Reg. $13.50. 175278 Beige or white. S·M·L-XL. Underglows• contour bra in beige or white nylon. 32·36A, 32·388, C. Also ava ilable: 32·360. Reg $14 50 Sale $11.•9.

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Niguel property protest

Crown Royale property ownen were OD the developer of the project. Residents say their picket line .in front of the Laguna Niguel mortgage payments were aent to Goeden but subdivision over the weekend after an Orange were neYer forwarded to the bank. The homes ., ...... are now lo f orecto.ure. Principal Emmet Hob shows off his gift from County Superior Court judge turned down a graduating class in Appleton, Wis. restraining order request by the Goeden Co., Principal suited to a tee APPL~N , Wis . (AP) - Principal Em­ mett Bob hM • lot of little reminden of the App)et.on Htah School a-of '83 to help him make b!a way through life'• hua.rda and trai;. Ulla a•mmer. Hob, an avid golfer, was given a golf bell by .. ..ch of the 400 gradu­ ating Rn.ion as they received their diploma md tredi1ional hand­ lha&e. at ()M llhMenCe­ ment exercllle8 last week. Hob thinks the feS1Ure w.. par for the m.. "'It ..... clever Idea. jl.wt like the c1-,'' he aid. "I don't know wt.. idea it wu,'' Hob said. "I Mbd aeveral stu­ denta. but no one Hetted to know. It W omrof thoee ideas that just got started and lpl'e9d." Although be baa no proof, Hob llnb the aoJ.f ball giYeeWJlY to m:ne ..Uon an the ~te cbampaoahip girll' golf t.elm.

. OF IS*

) "' Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Monday, June e, 1983

Olympic compromise• • was well made \ ~ After a aenselea atir over the potential for 0 &n»ed IQlllLll'l'lectlon.. among spectaton at locally hoeted Olympic t8, the county aupervisora have endorsed an agreement the Loa Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee for ty at next year's games. . ·The county will be paid $242,000 for providing both and fire protection.. at the events schedled in UJUICOr'l>OlratE!d parts of the county. Before they announced the agreement, the suerviaora ted their intention not to spend any taxpayer monies port of the games. The 1984 Olympics begin Jyly 28, 1984 and run August 12. Events scheduled for Orange County a 10 mile bicycle race, a modem pentathalon, Wi'estJing and team handball. I DesPfte a rocky start. the supervisors are to be ~ for sifting through the red herring rhetoric ~t dangerous crowds and outside agitaton fomenting Kissinger as Machiavelli n!Volu::: and getting down to b~ with the Olympic WASHING'roN - The ln­ eeveral warheadl could be eteered 9Crlbtng it this way: _, a local. regional and national honor to bOlt the defatipble lnWltip~ reporter to eeparate.tarpta. . "Haig moved in on Henry and Seymour Henh baa been rum­ pie games and to lend encouragement and support to What they had actually tested, he moved in from the very m8ny fine young American athletes who devote years maging in Henry K.ilslnger'1 ~ First of all. he WM ck.et for four yean and hM it turned out, was merely a MRV Henry'• butler and bis chauffeur. af their lives to Olympic training and competition. rattled ,aoc-, eome fam.nating - a milllJ.e capB)e only of 1 Henry newr knew tbe ldndl ol We can and should take great pride in hosting a small lkeletom. mcattenna ita multiple warbeada perb that could be arranced - part of this foremost international competition. Hersh'• f1ndinp can eoon be like a ehc>tgun blut 1n the eame private planes for trt.- to New reed in a new book, •'The Price of So an Air Force coloftel.. Ray B. general area. But lt autted Kill­ York for dinner, llmomlns - • ~er.'' Frcirn copy, Opinions expressed In lhe 5'>oke •bove •re thOM of lhe D•ll'I' P llOI. Olner views ••· an advance Sitton, worked out a ~ inger and Nixon to portray the and he loved it... When Henry prnsed on 1n1s Pi1Qe •re lllOW of thetr •uthon llnd • rtist s. Reildff comment Is lnYlt· here are IOI.DC dev..tatinc exam- ~ of Soviets .. bogeymen and their had to wear a white tie and taila ~ - Address The 0.oly PilOt, P 0 . Bo• 1560, Cost• Mes., CA 92,2'. PhOM 1714) Jan.minute tarpt Ml-4321 ples of ~ at work: • ~ controlled by radar per­ MRV u the more rnenadng for hia first White Home dinner, TAMPERING: NUCLEAR ~on the around. Althowlh it MIRV. it was Haig who went to Hmry'1 Richard Nixon and Henry Ki.­ him W• lmpolllbie to fool the &-G2 The CIA refwied, however, to hou.e and helped drea" Inger tampered with the safety crew.. th9y were debrWed after alter lta UI ment of the MRV. But .K.i811npr'a military 8lde :.; ·'· MAILBOX catch on '1'• nuclear trig'er', wh 1n"""m .. It they bed WU by was more than just a dcJcrobber. .,. Henh .....,. Their actkJll Wiii dropped the bombs on South Th1a integrity treated He was politically .mite where • :1 cynical; they did it in eecret; and' Vietnam. Kiss1nger and Nixon u "diaJoyal­ marks for effort they lied about it to the American ty. '' Their response was to reduce Kiss1nger wu, at first, naive. peop)e. c.oncludel Henb: "Nixon and the CIA'a influence and to de­ Haig had military expet"ti8e • They bepn in Matt.h 1969, by Kl8linCer' were ,..... 11y tamper­ mand that raw intelllgenoe be where Kiss1nger was e9e11tiaJly 0 the. F.ditor: ( 18Rae. 'The agreement • a rew.m dropplnc t.cm of bombl on neu­ ina with the oonvnutJCI md con­ turned over to Kissinger for disinterested. Hersh repcll1a that I wiah to offer pra1le to Donald to the oriPW Irvine Company tral Cambqdla, without the advice trol system of America'• nuclear interpretation. Haig even claimed to have gone and the Irvine Company tbc policy of reuonah1e 1eiuehold and cement of Congres. They detenent" - ·the StrateclC Air on a highly eecret reconnaislance , very fair and equitable 80lu­ adjusJmenta. were determihed to oonceal the Ccmmand'• B-52a - ••• system EVEN AFTER the truth be­ mialon into C«nbodia though .-i to the leMehold problem. Congratulations to the Commit­ bomblnp from ~ the necaaarily under constant came indisputable about the Sov­ "no record haa been found that Thia will have far reaching ben­ tee of 4000 and Mr. Bren for pre9 and the public. "Kminaer'• hieb-level analylia to prewlll iets' phantom MIRV, Kiss1nger Haig did in fact participate." "1ta for the entitt community reaching an amica~ •ttlement! overwbel.mt... concern wu aocldenta or unauthorised maclear and ,Nixon went ahead as if the and removes the cloud of uncer­ MARY JANE TYLER tetteey," Hersh writes. bomblnp." In effect, they were RUSliana in fact had such a BVT BAIG went too far, Henh tainty that bas obecurred the Irvine Terrace wrldne • primer for aQ)' loony 80pblaticated weapon. and in­ reports: "Eventually be would PEBBAPS WORSE, &illlnaw ~ who mieht contrive a aisted. .on making thia fantuy a acoompllah tbe one thin.I KJa.. ' hlnlll&ed that the miesfma bad to "Dr. s~ ecenario. matter of U.S. policy. inger found intolerable - a be canductld yrithouf -~·.. ., eeparate re&ationlbip with lUcb­ ol the same old I aces ~ o1.· the Stratecic Alt c.om. MIRV MllTAU: In mid-1969, KISSINGER\8 KISSmGER: ard Nixon - and the two men ' r=::. the Sovleta ran a..-of mimlle Henry K.iasi.nger'a dealing with enemiea mand'• nanna1 command and would beoople bitter tem in the J>.dfic. The Pentqoll Alexander Haig, a young, am­ t would to speak out on a . The Ult Fe9 control system ... (and) wanted the And eventually Kiss1nger would 1 UR ~'=~bank. conclullled, w1ucJ,y, tha1 the bitiowl colonel wt. in the ways of lltuation that baa been going on Cambodian bombing arranced 80 cane to reallr.e that Alexander far too king - and that is the Not only is it a fact that tbeee tha& crew members aboard the Ru.Lana had ..._. a MIRV - Waah'1ncton. bepn as a mu­ Ha.la was not ~· K.1-- • that mare and more of "ancient marinen'' get mUlioDI B-~21 would not know they were that la, a ~ulUple, indepen­ ter-eervant relaibwhip. Hersh 1.nger, as the newspapers would "Ylllt.elrday':a big DlllD!S" are eat- ..._...---- •"---...... the ''-·-auu of ...,.,,,._ mill" bombing Cambodia," Henb re­ dently w,eted re-entry ve~e" quotes a K.iasi.nger aide at the later characterize him. but Hais'• Council de- away at the advertising end of 1Cton of today but tbe manufac­ waa - in otbet- wmdl. a millile wbme National Secwity aa 11.alg.'' turer ~ you pay for it. kloa must viewers be AccorcUnc t.o the ~ pUd ~ to "dried up old only ~ percent of the lndwtry • ""1~'' who be~y made worldna and the time hM came than their~ of tbe pie? for the CO"l'm>er to Jet bia 6- l>ay after day~ ewer-priced atk&dion be known by~ 'tbM beens" try ~ the Una any and all produc:ta . I am an lmpa.tient ..-der. Nov­ they ad:~ by thme priced Mlota out there" that bJ8h ela don't interelt me bece'* fbould buy their aspirin becau:R "gluttem" and get '-* t.o llvtnc rm our newcomers a chance at the not interested in betn8 d1YeC"ted tra onuage. ·Then we have Bob from own life, and the kleM , who could buy half of bnm Ma· contained in a novel are too few ta]ilfCllnla but wanta the whole G. KOVACIC 14.a and far between. I like boob --trytna sway w to put our c.o.ta written by people who have aood ideas and •Y them quickly and ~ in a w-.y that I can remember. Over the y,ara rve .I. IQd / Collectivitis thrown eame 'of thOle ks- Ip a folder marked ~diam. "'tve "If lldmDe W1m, the world will Nominatiom are now open for Just been lookin8 tbroucb the folder and I lib allDolt prov6 to i,. one ln which man is the sports permnalities' "Hall of 11111 ewryt.b1na in It. r.- exmrpe: thrvwn .~ Clll bis own re­ Food." Radioman Mike Dotn in IOUl\9, tWll eelf-Qllltrol, b.la . Canton, OhJo, begins the l'Olt.er ''The prlJQary joy of life la with: Jack Harn. C.Oy B.con, Bob acceptance, appvval, the...._ at cou.raa-and J!P~ Jterha.. appiedatian com~p ol Oft tail abOlty to be happy in BelT)'' Chet Lemon. Paul Coffey. and Don Cherry, Cliff P'1aley, Jim ou.r human~" -· JCllhim adJU9dnl blllMletlf to pltllela fact. Korn. Dlck Bua. Any othen! Loth Liebman. If ~falls, theft la roOm for "People can make time for childllke hopes that umeen The beginning of each month what they want to do; UIUllly it powen may come t.o the aid of once was proclal..med aloud to the 1a ~ ~ time but the Will human weakne-." -- WalteJ' T . thronp by a head priest. Llnlc that ...~:" - John Lubbock Marvin. that to the fact that the word "You can t P'-'&9 the ln­ "calendar" came from the Latin · tellJeehae of ap AJDel'bn by "NOTIDNG SEEMS eo traak to "to call out." talldna t.o hlm. You haw t4 worfL one who ii Old u the deeth ol one with him.'' - .Pde HOffer. wbo is yoUIJI and thia alone Among black men who drink liquor, about 34 percent prefer 1COtcb. Amon& white men who drink liquor, about 21 percent p-efer ICOtcb.

F.cYJ>t is that qaUon wheNln

the larpst 1number of ddlienl advertlle in the cl'"'fled ... ot their dally Dl'Wlpepen tor mlltrlmonial mat.- Ia6c niNil .eccmd In thJa matter.

You bUok your eyee when awake about Vu. Umea tor your fN'W'Y bwibeat, If typ6cl1. "Newhart" is 8ucce8sful be­ MONO.AV, JUNE 8, 1983 ; cause executive producer Barry Kt!mp and Bob New­ ANN LANDERS 82 hart himself didn't tamper I ENTERTAINMENT 83 TELEVISION 85 too much with success. BS. Mesa celebrates 30 years

For over 3,000 years the Shoahoni Indian tribe roamed the Costa Mesa area, gathering acorns and catching fish and living a • relatively sophisticated lifestyle. A large display of Indian artifacts are on display at the Newport-Mesa Unified School district.

. . Shoshoni were first ... Costa Mesa history steeped in • 9Y JODI CADENHEAD easy-going people who aeemed to approximately ,. 3,000 yean ago arrived in what ia now Costa When the fint expedition of ..~ ...... live peacefully for more than and u8ed simple grindirig atones Meu. European rniasionarles feached . "'Where ahoppen in Costa Mesa 3,000 years otherlng the abun­ and hunting. blades. .., What ii known from excava­ the area in 1769 they d.i8covered 'tiiw whed their grocery carta dant acorna, wild grapes. choke But far more ia known about tion of ancient artifacts ia that the the Gabrleleno tribe. who lived ewer- a parking Jot, there waa once cherrlee and cactus fruit that the the Indiana who came later. Shoshoni led a 10mewhat aophla.­ along lhe cout frorn A1i.o Creek an ancient Indian Village. flourished here, according to Dr. They are part of the Shosheen ticated llfeetyle that included in Laguna• to Malibu. stone grinding tools, mortora, and The asphalt covered shopping Keith Dick8on. an anthro~ llngusitic &r'O'l.P and were looeely Much of what ii known today wtth Costa Long Beach a religion bued on a god known center, a1mg most of from State, who hae related to the Comanche of the about local Indiana haa come from Mesa. was once a tangle of marsh done extensive work uncovering Great Planea, the Hopi of Arlz.ona as Chiningchinich, said Cameron. Father GerOnimo Boecana, who and swamplands where the the ancient history of local In­ and the Aztec of Mexico, said Like many of the lndJam living recorded the unhurried lifestyle Shoshoni l.ncllans made baskets dians. along the California coast, the Constance Cameron, CW'lltor of of the Shoehoni Indians wblle he and caught the abundant fiah that Evidence uncove r e d by the anthropology mu.eum at flShoshoni were named after the was at the San Juan Capistrano mmiCln in the they swam In the naui>y waten. antbropologiata in the area ahow!t California S-tate -Funert.on. area. Hence, from 1812 to 1826. Like the beach enthustasta who that there may have been two were lmoWJ.> by rnapy -. .~ now trek to the shore every different IJ"OUpa of Indiana Uvtna Cameron said that U1tle ia Gabrielence became of the prox­ ~ hil d.Wies Boecana wrote IU1IUDer, the Shmhoni were an • ln the area. 1be tint IP'OUP lived knownaboutwhytheSbonahoni imity of the Sen Gabriel Mlalon. about the burial and cremation

I I ...... _ e Eatancia chain of title is traced from Jose Antonio Yorba and t an Perlata in 1810 to the City of Coast Mesa in 1963. ~~dobe was way station for priests . ' Where m~ny yarns were spurn t>y oldtimers · · ~------~------·--·------......

Id Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Monday, June 8, 1083

Having fun .. t Support jeered; cheered

• • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Why do you lnlilt on ra1s1ng funds condoning &enital herpe1? I just re.d the eecond letter ln y0ur CDlwnn in which the lmpJJed rne..aae Shirley McCormick's lovely home on Galaxy la. ''It ain't ., b9d." wu tlie .etting for the llth annual champagne You lhouJd be ~ of ~lf for ao&na faahlon ahow luncheon held to ralae funda for aPiNt God'• Law. lmtmd of uplUUna the monJa Family Service Aslociation of Orange County. Af1er ol thla country, you are 1Mrin8 them dOwn. J MYel' a champa&ne reception on the patio (and lt was a dreuDed rd .. the day when Ann Landen would Jovely day), and the buffet luncheon, the fashion tum out to be on Satan'• tide, but thla II exactly have achieved It • far u I am con­ show began with modeling parading through the what hM happened. You ahould be fired.-A cerned-GRATEFUL IN P~SYLVAMA two-tiered 1arden where guesta were aeated. Every FLORIDA BA'PnST DEAR PENN:,.._. fw wrhllll-0...... ,, few mtnutm there waa a break for priz.es. Arrangins DEAR PIUENDT:Ub etlaer Ubl enptleu, like yovt makea ., ,_ M ~u. the Marineras event were Marilyn Early and Lu tM.rUa• of J~ llerpet eu lie uytMq from a DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husbend died IMt Colleen ue.. ,...,.. wtdl week. We were married 30 yeara. I did not abed a • • • ~. .,....~ ~· tear at hla funeral, nor did our chlldttn. I heard it • "A pk:nk on the green" was spread for First llena•oa peJelMl•sL eeta to a mild eue dlat may newr OllC8 a 1ear for a day or said we were "cold." Nighters attending " Majof' Barbara" at SCR. I never saw hil paycheck. He never ate a meal Coordinating with George Bernard Shaw's play, the tw• or maJbe MVft' apla after die laldal auac:k. Herpes la a me4.lea1 ~dea ... ua MIMq with UI. Hia drinking buddies came tint. He WU food Wal English atyle catered by Chiappe's. unfaithful dozens of tlmea and let me know ll He Antique quilts loaned by Dorothy Schrupp were co do wtdl God'• Law. TM Mdoa dlat It 11 a pu.ldmeat for lminorality la a lot of prba1e. Tbe never attended a 1ehool function to watch hil displayed for added atmosphere. Providing hospital­ children perlrom. He waa all take and no give. ity at the aft.er-theater affair were Daphne Paacale, aen letter ma1 laterest JH. Coumellng waa ~ I went. He Mildred Hamilton, Linda F.dwards, Loµise Ponath, DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I read a letter in your column li8Jled 1'Everytown, USA." wouldn't-aid he had "no problema." I didn't Sharon Bolefahr, Bettina Trumbull and Doris divorce him because I waa afraid to be on my own. Pucale q,f the Newport Beach Guild. Your responae was aympatheUc, kind and help­ ful~ we people who have genital herpes (Big miatake.) And now I am free and there were • • • rarely aee. Thia dile88e II hard to live with, but there no tean to shed when he died. I waa all cried out. Pat c;.tellano of Huntington Beach, state are many people who are wone off than we are and, Tell me you understand, Ann-NO NA.ME, NO philanthropic chairman for Beta Sigma Phi, reporta aa you pointed oot, each ca1e 11 different. Not all of TOWN that the 8Cl'Ority presented checks totaling $125,914 us have it ao often that it interferes with our ability DEAR FRIEND: I do, bldeed. TUab for to two orpnizations at the recent convention held to lead a normal life. anloadta1 oa me. ftat'• wut I'm lles:e for. in the Disneyland Hotel. More than 2,400 members For example, I got genital herpea 8a the result ·were preeent as $39,325 was given to the Kidney of one crazy, liquored-up weekend and went Re.earch Fund at Stanford and $86,589 went to Immediately to a dennatologiat. He helped me both 'POT SH01S Cystic Fibroaia Research. Renie Hanna, Orange, is medically and P8)'Cholop:ally. I told my fiancee at SY A~_HLEIGH BRILLI.~ state area president and Jan Crippen, also of once. She accepted the fact and we were married Huntington Beach, convention board of directors, three month.a later. FESUNGS declared the convention a SUC'CeSS and set off a huge That wa1 two yean ago. She ls diaeue-free and TMAT ARE 5T9'0N• balloon re1eue to conclude the three-day event. we have a beautiful, healthy daughter, now 7 MAY flt0Stae1.y • • • month.a old. &S ~ONG, Trojan League m embers from five My attack.a have become ie. frequent and le. ~ County, Los Angeles, San Diego, ~re. Of OOW'lle, we never have .ex when I am in San Fernando Valley,and South Bay--- gathered at an infectious state. (Pleue tell your readen again it WHILE F~ELINGS the Harry Rf.nker home to celebrate a quarter of a I.a not true that a condom will protect the female THAT ARE SLIGHT" I century of volunteer aervice by the University of partners.) COOL.O Southern California alumnae organiz.ation. Guest of CONCEIVA&LY I~ So, thank you, Ann, for that supportive column. BE RIGHT. honoc at the luncheon was the founder Arnold Eddy, If your goal in life I.a to help people, you certainly who attended with his wife, Clara. :Eddy spoke during the morning session as did USC President James Zumberge there with wife Marilyn. The 21~ in attendance dined al freeoo with Barbara Shettler, basket lunches aerved on peach covered tables. Betty Lu Marineru presi­ 'This is ~,~!Y~ Jo Puach was chainnan of the event and guests dent, and Shirley is having a included Audrey Grundy, new OC League presi­ McCormick in top dent, Paula Earl, new president of the Asaociation photo. Marilyn Early of Trojan Leagues, Barbara Ward. Virginia Ochsner, SALE Donna Devine, Bobbie Galpin and Cindy Searles. with Colleen Heu. ber first at to June 7-8·9-10 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Having .erved the people of Orange County for 20 year• with great deaign.e and the higheat quality in fine jewelry. Specific items reach for greatly reduced. 881 Dover Dr. Suite 14 Newport Beach Call 631-1152 instead of another· - •

·. Just this once, do some­ Betty Jo Poach, Bobbie Galpin with thing different Instead of Arnold Edd UPHOLSTllY, INC. having another ~ It.Op and think where ...... I •a91!...... 1'22 HAHOe aw. ~lip dollar-saving coupons -1 r... . 1 your life ia going. I_ • CORA MBA - ,..._, U6 la drinking more APPLES, CAULIFLOWER, SPINACH, dwa FISH, ASPARAGUS, PAPAYA, Is it CANT~ SHRDIP d your life VS. OBESITY ~ at home? ~ you miss- ing more work than you can afford to? • Are you to the point wbeft you can't function without a drink or aome pills? . , What can you do? .... Call CareUnil is a medically ~perviaed and drug treatment , able only \n aelect oommu­ CareUnit suoceufully pie for alcoholism other private pro. before treatment to call. reach for the phone. ~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday. J&Jne 8, 1883

Jazz: Once was considered four-letter. . word

all that down la fruatratlng. Scholan Uke data neat ''There II no doub\ however, that IOmethina a d.and.na town. The fint American aovemor ~ !Z P2*..Cf!!?ER and clean. Jui la not. crudal occurnd in New OrJecw," be said. ''Perhape Louisiana, W.O.C. Claiborne, complained in a report NBW ORLEANS - Years and yea.ra ago, the At this point, jazz buft.. are begtnnina to feel It WM the mu.k:lam tbemlelvea." to Prelident James Madleon that one of the thino word juz probably kept company with other that the picture of juz put toseftlet by ooncenaua in Starr.feell that jul and dandng were eo tlahtly that made Ne'41: Orleans ungovernable Wat fta four.letter words that usauJt eensibWties and the early 19309 may be out of focus. intertwined one would not have developed without p~pation "11th dancing. Inflame cenlOR, but it's difficult to tell - the history F.arly reeearchers agreed that jazz wu born in the other and the dances of the era - the one-atep, of the only truly American art form ia a mess. New Orleana, en>bably conoelved at the al.ave dancea two-step. cakewalk, etc. - dld not aprlna from New ''But New Orleans was not known for in­ "The word ltaelf la fraught with confusion at old Congo Square, where bi.cka mixed African Orleana. novative new dancea," aald Starr. "Most of the new becaUle it wu a slang word," said Lawrence rhythm with the European harmony they heard 'nlat ii not to aay that New Orleenl hat not been dances originated 80tllewhere e!Jle. Gwhee, jus h1a1orian at the University of llllnoia. from whites. Gushee wu one of six juz hiatoriana who ''Twenty years ago, everyone would have recently aat down for an infonnal forum on fact and agreed with. that, but now maybe not," uid S . ~ oo tb$ ~of juz. one of the Hot Jaz:z Frederick Starr. "A lot of information la be~ eorted Cl.me eventl aporwored by Tulane University. out and it may tell ua 110methlng difierent. • What they do know about the word lteelf ia that Starr, a reed-allm Ph.D, la pn!llident-elect of the fint time lt was printed wu in a San Franciaoo Oberlin College in Ohio, a job likely to drag him journal in 1912. Presumably, in San Francia:o jazz away from his favorite hobby - blowing clarinet on .I wu an lnnoeent new word. Not 90 in New Orleans. the Louisiana Repertory Jau Enaemble, which tears I 0 1 talked to a lot o1 muaiclans of that day - like it up on Wednesday nighta at Mu.nater'a dance hall, ' 'I Jelly Roll Morton and Alphonse Picou - and they when it isn't off touring Russia or dashing off a all bad a very negative attitude toward the word," concert. said e7-year-old Al Rose, a one-time jau im­ ''They're going to come up to Oberlin and play I premario. when I am inaugurated," Starr said with a plealed "They all associated it with obscene meanings grin. r - a dirty word." The' heretical notion being kicked around by The word itself is just one thing that puzzles jazz Starr and other jazz acholars is that jan was ' acholara. flowering at the same time in 1everal areea, not just l Jazz was a music different than all that had in Congo Square or the New Orie~ red light I I gone before it - so where did it come from? Exactly district but alao in San Franciaco, Charleston, S.C., 'I • how did it develop? What impelled it? Trying to pin Mobile, Ala., Memphis, Tenn. and parts of Florida.

Musical aimless, meandering 'Love Boat' at Great Wall BJ TOM TITUS needed energy is missing on the C.OSta Mesa stage. Grandy, Ted Lange, Jill Whalen, It's hard to argue the fact that the names of It is particularly abeent in the perfonnance of Diane Principal characters of the ABC TV Mom Hart. Ira Gershwin and Kurt Weill will be Marlin in the leading role. Marlin has the perfect' series "Love Boat" walk along the Gavin Macleod, Lauren Tewes and forever enshrined in theater's hall of fame, but even opportunity to cont.rut her mousy real-life character Great Wall in durin8 a location Bernie Kopell. the greatest can have an off day once in a while. with the red hot mama of her dream sequences, but Tbeee three h.ad theirs in collaboration some 40 by and large they are far too similar. shooting. They are, from left, Fred years ago with "Lady in the Dark," an aimless, AB for her three romantic interest&-Ted Knorr 1 meandering musical constructed around the fragile as the older publisher, RUBS Munaon as the matinee e dwards MESA CINEMA ,, plot of a career woman who has enormous difficulty idol and Patrick Healey as the combative business . ;.·~ ;.; .~ ."" 646-5025 *BARGAIN MATINEES• making up her mind. About anything-business, associate-only the latter generates any degree of ,.. Monday lflru Saturday romance. you name it. character. Again, contrast ia demanded and too little .. E.T." m. l*~ " All Perlo1m1n<.es belore S 00 PM T-..111. l:JI, lt:ll (EJcept Spec.- Elg1gement1 and Ht:101rsl Shakespeare once wrote a play about a fellow is offered. w..-. ta. l:a. lt:ll with the same problem, but his "Hamlet" had Roee Mellin 18 acceptable as Marlin's usistant, too magnitude and dimension, something sorely lacking but she could spice up her character a bit. The U. M tUAOA MALL lO M 11000 01 l o1e c1on' in "Ledy in the Dark." Hart's characters are 90 fuzzy comic roles of the flighty section editors who are # 2 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 and wishy-washy, one finds it hard to work up usually at each other's throats are splendidly done "HARLEQUIN" '"°> llAIC>flla M THE suf:f:ident enthusiasm about them, or to care what by Rochelle Savitt and John Walsh, who freshen the ~4'1'l .... 1":11 LOeT AIU( , ,.., " BREATHLESS" ..,, stage each time they appear. leU-* 1:11, .... •11 t:t;lll::Jl.4;;11.._...... happens to them. the title figure in particular. " MIO" llOAO TO C-A" '""' In an ambitious revival at the Costa Mesa Civic The-show's first act is overlong and underdone, ...... Playhouse, direct.or Pati Tambellini has mounted a but things perk up in the second, thanb primarily "EVIL DEA.D" <"> .....ACE HUWTEll to a circua-trial dream sequence that gives each ....,.I'll:• ADVENTUMallC bandacme production. draped with eye-catching ...... ,...... THI fOll94l>CltN ZOM" ' '""' cmtumes and plenty of them. But the central principal player the chance to amplify his or her u -• , ... .__."'••... _. charact.er. e dword:. WEST,.8ROOK CINEMA lll'Oblem of ennui remains, and it's hardly overcome " RETURN OF THE JEDI" ' "Lady in the Dark'' is i musical in need of ~:.~ ::" " FLASHDANCE" ,. , .. cast "::· . .' ... " .. . •' 530-440, ~ ..... L

"TE,..._NDER __MER CIES",.,., " TOOTSIE" ,...,, ...... 1:J--­a ... ._.. •• •• IT'S ZZ YEARS LATER. .• • I ~. .... _, ,,..._...... • . ___ AND NORMAN BATES IS COMING HOME. LAklWOOD CINTER SOUTH WALi! ' " " WARGAME8" ,..., ~~-NOWPl..AYING ~~- ft• ..... ·-- ... -.A • T-. LI_. ..,_TOI foc\,fty Al 0et Alrw> _._l'lala ftwfto ~ AMC F-s.i-- lOirar*a.... was 21l/ tM·t211 S1tSnt $11 ~ .., M33 '" )tJS • tilACiiWtfTEll •ce9TA91U •Wl•l•IUQI • ..,._ WUTWIU " WARGAMES" ,.,., AOVINTUl!aa'" THE ...... ~~ a.-. . Paclllc'IHl-Wty3tl , '~lllZONF''"1 ~ 7 444 a.-14t0lla 130$53 °"""" ft1 ,.,, ...... •cesT•lmM 1t•I"••···---- f*ftla~ ~ ...... ,DfMM ·-••o• $4t 3102 CW- SS• OISS '3tl710 rACIFIC lNUTIU DIM·lll SWAr ltfOS - - CIJ--· l!lllt• ,_ l llC'll - NOi l •I .., 11 1------1 ANAHfllll ORIVHlt HARtoa llYD. llllYl·lll 6 WN&f ORIVf ·lll ••ll i~~!~ \~r':'::~tJ::.·~~... STEYE MARTIN IS A WORlD FAMOUS SURGEON. Hf INV'ENTED SCRlW TOP, 111 lOCK BRAIN SURGERY. TllUSTMl

~~hO A.A ANAHEIM ORIV( IN ,_....,ti Of i-II 179-tllO "PACI MUNTlll AOvaMTURH 1 " DELIHOUINT aHOWOAI" ,.­ IH ntl '~ ZONI" '""' 2. "IUOOINl.Y A WOMAJr' 1111 - J. •HOW TO MUl.LOVI TO A ''llAIDSM M THI VlllO""" I'll LOST AM",_ ' C•lll I -

ft11f 1.,,tA f> AIH BUE NA PARK OlllYf IN " CHAINED HEAr'"" " VICE SQUAD" ,.,.. UllC..., "" W•ot 91 l llO~ - 121·.-070

P.1 N A • A ~ t LINCOLN 0111v1 IN " PSYCHO.... II" 1• 1 I I NOW SHOWING IN YOUR GALAXY lfftC•M A .. w...e Ol INtff " BAD BOYS""" ___...... ~~~~~~- 121.... 070 ·I I t-•' 4 1~ REIURN WrEjm! . . FOU NTAIN VAHEY "IL.VI THUNOER.... - ,., DlllVHN "VtOILANTr'"" ~g~A~,_f~f~~KETSTICKET MASTER OUTl.ETS~'t,C,~~~CTi~ Soft~ l""f •1-

•• • p~ ... lHE "T"' MAN WITM TWO ...... 1111 IA t4ABR J\ r11>1v1 , .. • nt1 WOM.D ACCO-..O TO.,.,..tlll-

JEDI.. ~-.~::=:===-~~----...---.....------mm..a!! -- - ~ ------...... -. .

Orang. Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, June 8, 1983

· ~ , I ... GOllN ON lllDGf ~\ . .r • ' BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF

ANSWERS TO BIJDOE QUIZ l Q.l - A• South, vulnvable. heart.a. Suppre11 iU Sioee he round control of cluba. hand. However. beau.,e ol ~ you hold: made a non·vulnerable probably the king. your putia.I mi1fit. you want •CUSS <:7 95 o AIT • .'10N preempt, partner cannot to dampen bit ardor a little. The biddinr haa proceeded: poaalbly have two tricb for Q.•-A• South vulnerable, ~ tluee no trump. To bid + Weet N•rtl £ut S..U. you. Alao, there la a real you hold: the fourth eult bere would t danger that, if you bid four •KS1 i::> AKN 0 713 •MZ ehow a hand much dronger Pua Pau S • ? than you.rt, I.Ince It It doUan : What action do you take? hearta, partner will retreat The bidding hu proceeded: Nordi Eut S.... w.. to donut.I that partner c&11't GARflEL". IT'S NOON. A. -Almost 1urely, your aide to four epadee, opening the can defeat three epadea. It Is door for a penalty double. t • PUI I <;;> Pue have a diamond fit. ARE ~ GET'flNG 2 <;;> , ... alao possible that you can Q.3- Both vulnerable, 11 ? our oF ef~ ? Q.t - IJ South, vulnerable, make three .no trump. But South you bold: What action do you tab? ! A.- you hold: what would you Uke to do • IQIOH ~ AQ101 O8Z •It You ha ve two-and·a·half about either possibility? quick tricka. but there the I The biddinr baa proceeded: ..5 <'7 0 IQ8113 • AJ82 I : is matter enda. You have a flat Partner a pasted hand. A s.d We1t N•rQ Eut The biddinf bu proceeded: 1 ; double by you would be for •• , ... 1 <;;> , ... distribution and a hand rid· N~ Eut s..tAt We.t ;·; t.akeout not penalties, and p.,. • • Pue died with losera. To make a " game oppo1ite a 1imple raise J \7 P... t O Pue 1 : you have neither the shape ? Z 'V Pua 1 • , of your euit by opener would I nor the strength for that. What do you bid now? ' I And to bid three no trump A.-So far you have not require a 'mirac!e. Paaa while What action do you take? ' riska a substantial penalty if promised mo re than a you still have a chance for a ,~ W~st , and not your partner, minimum opener, ao you plus st0re. A. - Beware of the probable l I bas most or the missing should be delighted to misfit. IC you bid three rlubl ' ! strength. cooperate with partner's Q.5-Both vulnerable. as now, it would be forcing to ! Q.Z-Neither vulnerable, u slam effort. Unfortunately. South you hold: game, and you certainly d~n't . 4 THE Bl(; GEORGE by V1rg1 I Partch (VIP) South you hold: you have no first·round con· • S <:7 KQJ7! OQJt2 •QS. have the •lrength (OT that. ' t The bidding hu proceeded: Deapite the fact that you Fi\MILl' •A i::> KQJ107&4% 0 93 •7Z trol to cue·bid. You could 4 Partner opens the bidding make a general slam try of Nordi E..c 8"lli W Mt wMJt to bid again after lt&rt· CIRCl'S with three spades. What ac· five heart.I, but we prefer the 1. , ... 2 <;;> , .. Ing with a two-over-oae lion do you take? more specific effort of a cue­ a• P... 1 reaponae. thiJ hand i• the by 81 1Keane . -, ""I A.- With eight tricks in your bid of five clubs. That denies What do you bid now? exception. Pua. Any other own hand, there ia a distinct any 1ide-auit first-round con· A. - Partner has made a high action· could get you into temptation to bid four trol but promises second· reveue, 1howlog a very good trouble.


~... N

" I h1te Mond1ya.11 by Jeff MacNelly · ~~ " SHOE ~ · "Who called me 'Mommy Dearest'?" f • ·~· .1 .. '9 \R,. \Dl'KE by Brad Anderson Dt:,,IS THE '9t:,ACE Hank°Ketchum I ." ~~ ~(_~ ( __,.y~ - --:::::::::: r

,, l~.. Dlli\BBLE by Kevin Fagan 1;

~'i ~~ ~C~OOl. ~E. ~IQ 1'0 ~~\NO I 1'~ A~ 1"\~ ~EA{{ 'iOU '1~A1 ~ !>(. I I!> M~ . ~U.~~1. ~o.lt:.Ct I~ ~ t 1'\IJEVJt '4U~ :i' O'Jt~~I. r>.. I. i i. " Look, Dad. Here comes PacrOogl" FOB BETTER OR FOR •ORME by Lynn Johnston ·I

.FtN.k t' • INKER8E~ N I JUST lDOK OUT A~ N:J PUNt:TI by Chartes'M. Schulz .. TIME ~N& 1HE --~~~~~~-- GRANO OPENI~ OF N¥l SO ~I AA\RIOIH6 PEOPLE UK)NDER ~'r' L00tC OVT FOl TMI I NEEP IT~ 6ECOND PJ?ZA A.ACE ! OH TWE BACK~ I ~ ASKI CAP !AMEN ftUCK! L.001( OUT 60IM6 TlW>06H TRAFFIC 0 MOM'S TEH·SPEED.. . 1rs so ~ OVTSIPE FOlTNI CM! Or~ CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Mondey, June 8, 1983 ..

** "Corne HM Coltee Wiii U1" 11972) Ugo l ognml. V*1hnt -12-.30- ~ llOHf WYll4 DAVID Bob Newhart best LE:-~ •Lr.:: l~NaCMmll ras 'Bob Newhart' ,. ' ~lllk Tile Wiid Child" ( tt76) t "a." (1N 11 Donlld SuttlerWld, 0.vltl JWllfl, Tfllll VIII DIYert. Suun Anlplcll. !Y,!!!UOTBltNBUO rundown b(>t.el. But then Kemp recalled the play -e -12:.0- "Oeorae WuhJ.nat.on Slept Hete," and the movie ft ~Gttnd Prill" (19M) James • Cl) COUAllO(R) NEW YORK - lt'f hard to follow one hit role Git'*, Eva Marie s.lnl. - too- "t4r. Blandino Builcl8 Hit Dreamhou.e," and • THE WAA wrrHi' DCl'9aS with another. Juet uk this put .....,.. ~; ~l, "lt would be. good mamaae o_f ldeaa.'' -11-- McLean Stewmon, Bea Arthur, Sally Stnltben and ·~WAAYEAAI CIJ)MOVE l~ So tn ** '.i "The Wt1 S.1Men The Tat.. " Rock Hudaon. But Bob Newhart hu done it by Newhart became a Oedgl.lng innkeeper ** "A Thouslnd And Ont Erollc ( 1977) Richard Crtnnl, EJizabtth glvfna viewers what they wanted - Bob Newhart. Vermont who made tu. living writing clo-it.-you.rwelf ·~~Glll~e.dmln " Nigllta" (1980) Anntttt Hawn, John Mhley. lllllt. booka. "People did not have a hard time teeina Bob eMOYE "Newhart," the moet popular pl'08l'alJl in· do1ng what he'a doing," aays Kemp. "It wasn't WAT~ -11:all- H 1.i "The El'tl HIVt tt" (1974) troduced by the networu Jut fall and the~ new SirlMd Culldc, Dennie W11trm1n. Jarrlni blalcally becawie he's the same pe.1'*>nna." .~ Hlghweyman'' ( 1~1 ) lleries brought beck for another leUOI\ by , wu CM1Mi Coburn. Ptlillp Friend -t~ sucoe-.ful becaUle executive pl'Ocluoer Barry Kemp One difference between "Newhart" and ·~ ==~I& NEWS MOHTllE (C)WOYE Y ASl FOR rr IL~CMANOHT and Newhart himaelf didn't tamper too much with Bob Newhart Show" la that the new 9eriea ia on tape, *** "The Deep" (1977) Robert I~MOYE Succe98. rather t.ti.n on tum. Tape is about $80,000 cheaper Sh.tW. Jacquellne Bisset. *H "The Goclda" ( 19581 Kim ~COTTLE: UPClCllE CID RED 8KEL TON'S f\JHHY FACES I They didn't make Newhart an oaf, a per episode, is easier to edit and haa a more realistic i:~· MARY *** "The Outllw JOMy Wlltl" wild-and-crazy bachelor, or have him preside over look, particularly in indoor aetttno. Cl)MOVE• ( 1976) C11nt Eastwood. Sondra a real variety show - u he did in 1961 in a vehicle • • • " Ro llercoutet" (1977) ®MOYE Loch. that lasted just eight months. "But mistakes are more glaring on tape," aays ~~ · Timolhy Bottoms • **'h "Wollen" ( 1981) Alber1 Fln- (%)MOYE Kemp, who klet the fight with CBS for film. Kemp t ** 'h " Polt•g9ilt" ( 1982) Cr"' T VIOOl'a - But they did allow Newhart to assert the same believe. a show about a rustic inn ahould have a rich. • • 'h "Bugs Bunoy'1 :l!'d Movie: oo":= Nelson, Jobtth Wlliaml. cool, calm, comedic face, which audiences h.l&d found 1001 Rabbit Tiies" (1~ ) Animllllc:I. * *'h "The Education Of Sonny Cit· -Z:OO- : outdoor photography. To undentand the difference, Voicel by Mel Bllnc, ~Menk., , ton" (1974) Rony Clanton, Don Gor­ 90 comfortable. 1n changing from Bob Hartley to watch the ahow'a opening credits. which are the only -1.S- don l E8 NEWS'8mYATCH Dick Loudon, Newhart remained the same. Only the .egment. on film. Cl) PfWVATE 8ENJAMIH - 12:'00- situations, settingJ and foils changed. RaFAMUTe HU "The Howling" (1911) 0. And while you're at it. lilt.en to the tone aet by I :,WAINMENT TONIGHT Wlllace, PalliQ MICal -t:CIO- "Bob is'- laid-back, everyman kind of character Henry M.andn.i'a gentle, accompanyins muaic. Th.is ·~A 'S'H •* "Susllt Slept Hert .. (19S4 J Dick -2:05- with aott. subtle comedy," aaya Kemp. Powell, Debbie Aeynoldt. (DJMOYIE theme now can be heard on Muzak in elevators and knew **'.i " Aci Of LOYI" (198QL Ron I~AMERICAN STY!.£ ** "Blood BNdl" (1961) John Constructing a new show around an old at the dentist's office. ''That's when we we Howard, Robert Foxworth. ' Suon. Burt Young. penonna, and making lt look fresh, I.a not easy. "The made it." aaya Kemp. I LEGEND Of THE SCREEN * • * " Dllthtrap" (1982) Michlel -2:15- Bob Newhart Show," in which Newhart played I Clint, CIYls1~ Aee¥e I CHAT P£AFOAMAHCE8 CC>MOYIE psychologist Bob Hartley, went off the air in 1978 Actually, "Newhart," acheduled after CH)MOYE OMOYIE •• "Nllh• Gin" 11979) Monlcl 'LM-A-S-H," was an immediate h1l last fall. It •• '-4 "Some Klnd Of Hero" ( 1982) * H " Hit" (1973) Biiiy Dee Wi­ and atlll .is aeen in rerun. Kemp couldn't do that llama. Richltd Pryor. if~Oam finished the aeuon u the 13th hlghest~ rated ~~ · M8f001 Kidder show again, yet he couldn't stray too far, either. -12:25- *'h "FIQhtlng Baca" (1982) Tom program. • • .• "P..-aonal Best" I1982) Mariel Sllerrttt. Patil~ "We didn't want to be intentionally different ~· Patrice Donnelly just to be different," says Kemp. Thia fall, CBS h.u constructed a Monday nJght achedule with "Newhart" the only returning ahow. • ** * "Ooo Dey Af1ernooo" I 1975) In Kemp'a dt.cu.iODI with Newhart and the AJ PIClllO, JoM Cazlle CHAtlll USTINGS Harvey Shephard, vice praiident fOf' programming. production studio, MTM, the ldea of Newhart aa a says the network I.a pushing to win Monday to io -t-.30- 9 KNXT (C8Sl Cl» OnTV blue-<:ollar worker wu raised. "The public wouldn't with lt. top-rated programming on ThW'tlday. (I) ONE MY AT ATIME 8 KNBC (NBC> ll.I Z·TV accept that," says Kemp. "Bob's strength Is being the Friday and SWlday. 1 THE VIRGINAH e KTLA uncu ChJ H80 voice of reason, and in the way he reacta when -10:il0-- 9 l(A8C IA8C) CC! IClnem.Jx) everything elae is out of control." Two other Monday ahowa are brand-new - 9 KFM8 CC8S) (!) I WOR> NY., N. V "Scarecrow and Mn. King" and "Navy' - while l i =tLM:EY Newhart wanted the new aeries set in the the UUrd, "After M-A-S-H," ia new in concept but 9 KHJ·TV (Ind > lllJ tWT8S) Pacific Northwest. Kemp wanted New England. "At e KCST (A8Cl (() ( ESPNl has three familiar characten in Sherman Potter least we were talking about America," says Kemp. 9 KTTV (Ind. I Cl) (Showtlme) (Harry Morgan), Max Klinger (Jamie Farr) and 1~~ 4a KCOP..TV llnd.) • Sc>otllghl Newhart suggested a hotel setting. Kemp Father Mulcahy (William Chriatopher). "Some Kind Htlo" ** 'h Of ( 1~) 9 KCET ( P8Sl Rlchlrd Pryor, Margot Kidder • CC.o!e News Networ k ) resisted because that locale had not worked in the But the moet familiar face of all will, once again. -10:»-- 9 KOCE IP8S) past. Arthur's failed aeries this season was in a be Bob Newhart as Bob Newhart.

PlllJC ll)TlC[ Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTIC£ PICTITIOUI .,._.. lt-41H7S NOT1C9 SMT1NQ ..,. deck wfth 8Ul>C)Ortlve plllnge und91', rlC1'1'1'10Ue Wll PICTTnOUI ...... ACnnout WIC NOTICE OF DEATH OF Notice le 1*eby ~ tflel tM over, through, and acro11 that NA• ITA.,._NT iNAm ITA~ 111Am ITA~ CHARLES H. CALLISON, Board of Tru•t- or tll• Coaat ponlOn ot lot O. Traci No. 9123, u The followlng ,,__are~ The fotlowlng pereoft la cto1ng The tallowlng l*'90N •• dc*1I Community College Dlatrlct of per mec> Iliad In 8<>e* 3e6, Pao- 29 bu.ii-... ~ • · buo111ee1 • aka CHARLES HUGH Orano• Count)', .Callfornle. wlll end st lncllueNo. of Mlecehneoul l u NA R LINE ' 1 t 2 6 N . eoe·s TREE SERVICE. 313 E. FATHER SEMA'8 AESTAUftANT, CALLISON, ab CHARLES roootve aeelod bide 'IP to but no Macio. roeoroe ot Mid County, .. Hollydale, fullertOfl. CA 92$31. 19th SL, Coote ...... CA t2e27 & OEi.J., 31761 CarMlo ~ CALL ISON AND OF ...., tt1an 1t:00 a.m .. w--.sey. more !*1leular1y Oeecf'lbod In the OREOOAY ALAN LINK, 1t26 N, ~ ~ Benniot, 333 E. a-~~. CA *-7.,.6. . PETITION TO June 16, 1913 et the PwQflae6no cotvmn ontll*I " APPURTENANT Hollyd... , FuMlrton, CA 92$31. 19ttl 81 .• ~a..._, CA 92927 AJlllAN4t> J. GAE.GORY, 213' Oepartmant of 8'kl oaleoe Cllotttcl EASEMENT" of that portion ol MARC "EINAAD. 1128 N . TNe ~lo oc.~ by an E. Or~ ~. 0tan9o, CAI ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. located al 1370 Adem1 AYOnu., Ellhlbll f of lhe Oeci81atlon whlCh Holyd... . Ful1erlon. CA 92e31. lndMdull. 92M7. A·J18UI. Co•ta MHa, Caltlornla al which pertain• lo lhe Pf0'10!'1Y ClOmlO)'Od Thie ~ la conduCllod by a 8oC1 Benn1er JACK WEIN8TEIN, 2 tH E. To aJJ hJn. beneficiaries, llmo Hid bid• wlll bo publicly ~ general pertnenllip. TIMa Ital-I - llled wl1h tho Orengovlew Leno, Orange, C~ creditors and contingent opened and reied for Pereol 8 e-1 ""°' Lota f Orogoty Unll County C*1! of er.,. County on t2MT. l credito rs of Charles H . ""9CHA8I °' OlallllTfta: and 0 of Trac:t 9118 aa per m-r Thia •lat-I - Ned with the May 12. 1913 Tllila ~ 18 oonduc'9d by • . OOt.MN WIT coua• Nod In Book 41' Pagee 16 to 2: County Clor1t of er.,. County on ..._, lrT"'9d I* II• •:Ip. C&lliaon, aka Charles HuRh All bide - to bo In ~ lnclvalve. of MllCelloneoua Mepa Mii)' 12, 1883 PubUahod Orange Coaat Oalty Armand J. 0NoorJ Cal111on , aka Charle• wltll !tie 9ld Ooc:ur-m wNctl - ro~orda of Hid County. for th• ,.._, Piiot Mey It, 23, 30, Juno t . 1ta J-* w..-..n Callison and penoru who now In Ille and may be -.a In pufllOM or rnlt .tlh ,. uoreoaonably ,..tric:t the Intend« .._fl' 1111\TM't ...,,_ ~ CCMMT Of' A petition ha.a been filed bid • caahl or'• chooll, cerllfl•d uae llld ont<>Yment 01 Mid Lot• f ·-""'ftl«; Ptcnnoua WH Publl•"-d Orat\00 eo..t Daltr CAUF~ by Herman Zander In the cllecll, or blddo1" 1 bond 111ed• end C PlCTinOUa -.a MAm 8TA~ Not,.,,_ 30, .Mte e. 13. IO. ~ couwn Of' ~ Superto.r Court of Orange ~ to the orOor ol tr:e ~ ff"\191or or -d own.· LOLIE MAm .,.",._,,,. TM lollowtno pw80fl .. dOlng HI~ Conll'llUlllty COlloOO Dlltnc. lloerd H 8UASTEN ANO SANORA H . The fo1ow1r1o bualnoeo - "::.:-~~ County requutl n1 that of T ""'- In an einourrt not .... 8URSTEN ~ aa; per-.. - doing NEWPORT SHELL. 2800 W. "8JC ll)T1C( "-AINT1PF: COLL Herman Zander be thin five percor:t (15~ of tho eum Tllo alreet addreaa and otlle• A"IES COMPANY 6202 Pecfflo Coa'1 HICJhwey, N-port --~=~~~==~- I DIPINDANT: JlllOIH • appointed as peraonal bid ... guarlll• that lho b4ddlr oammon doalOOlllOn, " any, of the Ocffnut AllO .. HunUngton' llMch 8Mctt. Ce. HteO HCitilOYe .,_.. ---. Ptf'tU.te It. repre.ntatlve to ad.miniat.er wlll enter Into the propoaod real pro~ty detcrlti.d above 11 CA 92648. • · George K•:-rlan, 101 MAim 8TA1'W cu.me pu•~lod to ~ • t lakHllOr•. p 0 EA 0 NI 0 R. M- Pl . Ca. 80640 The fottowtno peraon la dolno Contrect " IM - II ~ to w s c c Mon • ~·=o::: ~~ •· the e1tate of Charles H . him. In tho -t o1 ,.,.._ to enw !Mne. Ctillforni. 92714 POAATIOH, a No¥ade oorpor111on Thia~ la oondUdod by 1n bualnt8' • · ...... Calllaon, Costa Mesa, CA Into 8ldl oontrecl. tho Pfoooedl of The undertlgned Truatu 3108 80rtllo St Aodwoocl City c,i., lnd!Yldual (A) YAC HTING COHSUl- i '*IWOMI , the Ohocll wW be fortlftod. or In tho dl1clel m1 anr ll•bllity for on~ P.O. &Ox ~42,' $4()8S, ' Geor99 ~ TAHTI; (I) AlLU"E CRUISES, I (under the Independent of Estates cue of a bond, tho Ml eum thtroof looon"Kt,_ of the ttroet 9CSM- GUY CHRISTOPHER CLUM, 27 Thie Ma'-lt - tllod wllfl lflo 3700 Newport Blvd •• Suite 201, I I M011Cac.;_:-...:;1:... __., Administratic;i~ will ti. fOf'feltod to ••Id collogt 8lld other oornmon dooignetlOn, " Partt Or .. At'*1on. CA t4026. County a.ti of Ofwige ~y on ~ a..:t:, CA 92M3. n. _. _, ...... -.. ,.. Act). The peution " tet for dlatrlct. anr. lllflowl'I lweln. ™' ~ 1e oonducWd by a Mey 19, 1983 tl2t83.. .._.. ,_ ...... _ ,__.. .._ hearing fn Dept. No. 3 at 700 No bidder rney wtthdr"'* hie bid Said Hie wlll be made, but oorporatlon. f'IWN ROBERT O . HAOIN, 132 l ,.., ,...... • .,._...., Civic Center Drive West, for • period for lotty-ftvoa (481 daya wUhoul eovenent o r wurenty, Pow.-Sonlc Coril- Publl1hecl Or•noe Coeet Delly Vlrgtnll Pl.. Coeca Moaa. CA. inQT, the Santa Ana, CA 92701 on .t1• tho ci.te Ml fCI tho ~ ~ or lmPle<1 ,i.gerdlng Ihle. Guy c Clum PJ9e Plot Mey 23. 30, June I. 13, 1913 P.O. lox 11392. Won a•••...... poe1Htl0ft, or oncumt>tanooe, lo Thia Nlemont !tied "'1h the TNo ~le oonduotod by .. " ~ ...,, to _. the ldllloe of lune 22., 1983 at 9:30 a.m. thereof. w.ie 2iff'!! Tho loerd of T~,...... tM P•r the unpai d balance of tll• County c..ti of Orenoo County on P'la.IC NOTIC( lndMdlMI. IF YOU OBJECT to the prlvlleOe of roi-ctlng ~ Ind all no1e(11 MQlfod by Mid 0..0 ol Mey 12. 1813. "'°'*1 0 Heglrl grantfns of the petition, you bide or to W"9.,.,., ~or Tn..I. te>-wtt· 182.052 75, lndudlno ~ - 11 lllia ~ - fllod wtltl tM lnfotmelhlM In arty bid or In the u pro vi ded I n U l d not•(•). Publlahed Orane- Oout Delly PICTITIOU8 WH Courtty a.ti of Ofw"'9 County°" bidding. .ov- II any, under tho·- of Piiot. May 18, 23, 30, ""- e. tN3 MAim ITA"rDmln Mii)' t2. 1M1. Ill NORMAN E. WAT80N Mid Ooocl of TruM, '-· c:Mrgeo 2275-83 The followtno peraon 11 doing ,.... Seorowy, end expen- of the Tru1t• and of -· ~ ae: Publl.necl Oranoe Coeat Delly 8oerd of Truet­ tho truet• «Nied by aald Ooocl of rtaJC NOTICE DESIGN NETWORK, 1961 Piiot. Mey 1t, 23, 30,Junet.1oaa3 eo.t ~ Trvat 8NflWd Or~ Le H41Ma, CA 80831. 21-.G Cologo Oletrlet Tho be!~ under Mid Ooocl PICnnoutWU AICHA"O T. FRERU, tt61 ------PubHlltlecl ~r·~ co•• , Delly ol Trull hor"olo#ol• oacutod end Mm aTA~ ~ Dr., Le Hebr'&, CA 90831 PlBJC M)11C( Piiot. May 31, .MW e, ttl3 delivered 10 the underalgnecl • Tho~ ponone - doing Thie bl*- le conducted by.,, --""ArniiiCiiUi:'iiiiiiiiiiii"- 262$-13 wrhtan Ooolairetlon of Oofault and ~ a lrldMdulil. ACTmc>ue .UH ... O.m1nd lor Sele, and a Wtlllefl 0Al8HA .2001. 170t WMtollff Alotlard T. Fr- NAm aTA~ NII.IC NOTICE Notice of Default and El4Mltlon to Or.. ~ l!leed:, CA. Tiiie tt"""'*'1 - Nod with the The folowlnO pereona - doll'f a.ti. Tho undel"llgned cal.IMd Mid CAERNARVON ll!CUAITIE8 County Clclttt of Orange County"' ~ • : Tmf1 Notice ot Ootault and E*tlon to CAl"ORNIA l TO., t Calllornla Mey 0, 1813. RETRIEVEAS. 6120 lllrclh ~ NOT1CI Of T'MMTU'I MU s.11 to be !900ldod In tho OOW!t)' corporation. 11191 C ad enH. ,.,... ~ 8Md\. Ce. t2elO T.a. .... 1• .....,.. tho,.., property 1o 1ocetee1. ~ Vloto. CA t2te1. Pm-.11MO Orenoe Cout OeU\ Rolfy Pul&Ml•. 2953 am Dr~ IM .. OllT ANT NOTICI TO T"*• °' peny OOftductlne .-: Thia ....,_ 11 oondUot4ICI by a Plot. Mey 1e. aa. 30. Juiw • . 1.a ~~ 92t83, _ ,,._. "'°"ATY OMllJt: YOU AM • COLONIAL fRUST DEID oorpo1do11. 2212-«i ~-=~-=-=- - OE,AULT UNOlll A o••o 0, IERYICEB. IHC .. t31 t7 bll Hadl9y CW'MrYOft ~ ._...... _.,-. __, Street, Whtltlot, Cdfornle 90601. c.11fom1e L.O. .._..,. - TNe ~II oonductacl by• (2131 ~12. JoN\ I. Dk*Jlr, ,,_ gener1il peiti•S&lp. PAN BANK Of Thie 11tat""'"t .,. ft1ec1 the fllCnnoutr- ""'-. ._.. Medino ~ AMERICAN with l08 AHOELE.8 Cculty a.ti of Ofwige County on ..._ eTA.,....,. Thie ttMemont - tied wtd& h u Mad Truat• ~ 2t. ttti, The f°"°"tnt ~- 1e c1oln9 Courl1Y a.ti Of OJ-. ~ °" ay Cotonlel Ttuat OMO ,...,.,_.. buMneea - Mey 18. IMS. ~ P\lblllMd Orange eo.. t Oti11Y ~ De. MAR lAUNCfrt ,._ Agent I( Plot, Mey .MW t , ANO OLaANINO HAVICE., ::c: 30, 13, IO, 1_, OfllY ..:i~. ~-:, ~ 1'=1 ~~ ..... ~ lt1T-G U'8 !. Ooeet H~ .. C«one def IM141 .....,. ... _. - Mar, OA t2t28, Date: MfY ti. 188S PlaJC ft01-. JOHN AQL. 9771 1111~ A,.._, ----=c;-..------Publl1W Otano- Coal! Oally P\Cnnoua W9I IO. ~ 0ro¥t. CA 12141. naA MJllC( Piiot. May IO, June e. t3. ':!:1"'3 MA.- eTATW ~bualMtl .. ooncMted by an flllOUnouil. llM T ... toff0wl119 pot.on 11 dol119 JoN\ Ail* MAia ITA~ g)C M)llC( ~a· Thia ~ .. flecl wltfl tllO Tl&e fotkNtn9 pef'9CWI le ~ ---;;fllCi'CimiiiC110Ueiii:°i•iiiniiir•i·ii•I- TOY<~~~~r'~~~= ~C:,ot Orenoo County on ~~co" ·.1. 1110 Hew'*' co.. 1111 l'lOwef It.. Coota ..._, ...,.,.. ~. Ho . 11, coete ...... OA CA e:N·l . 'l\tECK"8, 1at "ow. P\ll>tleMd Or•no- Cout Delly 81!NJAM11'1 TlfOPP. tftO '"· ctoete ...._ °" eav. Piiot. w.v ao. June e. 1t. 20.:: HewPoff ....,~ , 1,, c::... .._, tillia ~ 11 oonductod by an t CA lla7. ~ MUC MmCl TNa .....,_ "ooi ,. ,,,,-,. Mil "°'*' ...... 'nllo - ..... It .. Mad .ill tfl9 ....,. ""' County a.tr Of Orenoe COunC1 on TNa ""' ••• - 9d ..-.. Mey 121 '1~, ..._ 8TA~ :;.Qn ol er.,.. 0.., • PublltMd Oran£ Coe~ ~-- .,.,_. .. doing Mllr \M. Mtnm ' "°'' M~ 11. n, Jin I. 1.. _ c.4HAHAKI WllT, 14437 _!!I~~.. s.o-.. c111Vet Or!Vt, trVIM, Oallfornta = rw:""- -- .,_.. ---..,.,_.""""'l,._ __1t1_-_. 1 Ml.IC llJllCI llf't~ari' ltOOlld.... NI.IC .. MIUT~=.~~"'N htM.""9 C>Wfl'I, 1: ltMltd... , FWhiTICM -· .,,._~MIKO~ .,..._ ~tlf14 .... eTA~ T*CIC. , ...... , _.. o.ea ,._ ....__ II Mf11Me1cl W n.,a ...... 1Ma,OA""7. ., .._.... ~IWlftt...... • • OttA"" 111. It... ~ o.n,tO.. ACQ IYITIMI, U1t• ...._..""to. OA-1... ' ,,_ att•e••t w tlld 1111111\ l"9 a..... U.:, Hui..... , 1111911111; l!i1 of or_,.~• 1------1 ..._....Tllll ..._.la•...... M=a.°""M1ly ~ .... CA ~.::-....-&r..:r L 1----~~~...... _, ,., ..... ~ 0... a~ ... 01101r,.,•: Not; - ...... ,.. :• .. -=,_.., =:.:...... ~ 1IA t .-~~1!1.--.-·- -·-- .,. -=~1 ··---- .. I NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTAT!Otff IMCLUO• ••aou" , ...... YO••· ...... n . ""Ct'IC ...... 90$TOtt. O•T•Olf AllD Clllf(UUIATI ITOU l•CMA ..eU AllO a1110aHO 8T Tiii 11aao AllO IMiflll.T,

..... Nel

...... 111 22~~ ._..,,,...- · -·,. tl-W...... ,. - 2"'+" ...i"" , .. " n ..~ " WlllJtf I .. t - - ..,...WlllJ .,,.. .. IJt 16141-~· •

Metals Spot noDle:rroua metal priu. today: C.Opper • ~-83 eenta a pound, U.S. deetinatiou. C.Opper • 74.90 cenCI per pound, NY C.Omes 1pot month eloted Thu. Lead • 19~·23 eeala a pound. ZlDc • 40 cen\I a pound, delivered. Tia • 16.6355 Metalt Week eompo9ite lb. Almninum • 76 eeala a pound, N.Y. Mereuw - 1300.00-1310.00 per 76 lb Ouk, New York Platinum • 1423.00-1427. 00 domeatie merehant troy oanee, N.Y. Silver Silnr • 112.040 per troy OWlce, Handy a Harman (only daily quote.) Sll•er - 111.97 5 per troy ou.nee, NY Comes 1pot month eloted Thu.

Gold Quotations By the Aeeoeialed Pree. Selected world gold prieee todays London IDOl"lling fixing M13.25, ap I0.75 Londoti afternoon fixing Ml I.SO, off 11.00 Pari.t afternoon fixing 1417.58,_ll.P 13.17 Frankfort fixing 1415.00, off 13.02 Zurieh late afternoon bid, Ml l.00 off 11.SOi 1411.75, uked Handy a Harman (only daily qwote) Ml 1.50, off 11.00 · Engelhard (only daily quote) 1411.50, ofl 11.00 EngelhUcl fabricated (only daily quote) 1432.08, off 11.05 NY Comes gold spot month Tha. M12.00, up 16.30

t l f

.• l llllf Plllt MONDAY, JUNE e, 1983

C5 Goat-to-hero· day. for Sirninorls MILWAUKEE (AP) - You an teue "I.knew I would get no bit bUla," he ucrifice fly. But the Anpi. appee.led, nann1n& that turned out bid." Ted Si.mmont about his notorious bick of aaid. "A home run wu the lut thin.I on and when pitcher Lull Sanchez threw to "U we had~ um pme, I would ha~ · speed, about how they Ume him' with a my mind. With one ou1 and a man on DeC1ncel' at third, Simmons WU called been In a ~ ...IDll!I. .. he laid. "Ml calendar, rather than a stopwatch, in the .econd, I just told fnY9ell to relax and not out for havfnc left third hue before mind tella me. w6-t to do, but mrnetimet 4-0-yard dash. try to do too much." Ja.cUon'• catch in rl&ht. my 1eo try to do eomethina they can•i. But don't try to teaae him with a Simmons' hue-running odyaey oc­ '"nlen are five ways to set from Thenf1 only 10 much I can dO with thele hanging breaking pitch. curred in the leVerlth after he had eecond to third, but a arou.nd bell to i .. The Angela' Andy H.ualer tried that doubled home c.edl Cooper to cut the ahortstop 11 No. &,'' Slnunona aaid. "I ~t Robin Yount led ott the Brew.:r Sunday. Simmona, who.e admitted Brewen' deficit to 4-3. never ahou1d have tried." ninth with a llnCle. and Anaell' ~ bone-headed baae running had red on a tag play WM the other. It WU good bue .:rewa. Dodgers' goal against Braves: Score some runs ~ ANG~ (AP) --Loa one, one and one, and we did that Angels Manager Tom Luorda only once." wu aaked to evaluate the per­ The Dodgers got decent enough fonnanoe Sunday of Mookie pitching all four gi>..me9, and they WU.00.. the New York Mets' re­ could very well have won the two silient center fielder. games they lost. "Mookie Wu.on was outstand­ But they didn't., and imteed of ing,.. aaid Luorda. "He took going into Atlanta with a little away a three-run homer, he made cushion, they go in only 1 1-2 two outstanding catches and pmes in front in the National drove in the wi.nn.ing run. What League West. . more can you aa'f'!'' And the biggest reuon la Not much. That llWD9 it up Wllaon. rather well. wu.on not only knocked ln the And the Meta beat the Dodgers, tie-breaking run Sunday, he also 4-2, to earn a split in the took a three-run homer away four-pme weebnd lleries. from Pedro Guerrero in.the first Both clubs are idle today. The i.nnin£ with an astounding leap, Meta move on to Chicago to begin his glove clearly over --and be­ a three-game aeries with the Cuba hind --the fence, and in the ninth while the~ the team with he took a . p

I ,' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, June 8, 1983 Oerter-like line wine "Discut thrower, 46, still one ofbest in woild I \ • ' Al Oertlir ii the ldDd of IU'Y Who jult WClll't 9> Bethpeee. M.Y. ad Iv. nearby Wa1& flltp• ...,._.... away. When Olympe time DWI. )'OU can bet be'11 DO wayl W F'na to mllt wa~ tbillil f'OW up. be whir~ the ~ That'• llOIDetblna you can newr ,_ a.dt. Not many peOple In~ CCMmtJ'1, or In cha world After hll divorce ln 1975, Oerter brcJuCtlt up the for that matt«, can tom the dJmll t.nher than cblJd:ren. axt. are coUep anduatee, ~ oi Oel1a-, • t.ctor that ..-bil ~ now the which he .. VflfY proud. year ..... the~ • But Oerter llld he milled the~ Dllpte ht. 48 yw1. be hM becun whlpptna bla of atbJMlcl and Joatnc ad tmm. f.alled tD fUlftll hit m•llCl•Jar 8-fQM..4, 2'70-pound body Into top lhape needl. for another lhot at the Olympb. Jle made a comebD In m attanpl to wn a '1 could be the oJd9t athlete In the 19M berth on the 1880 OlYIDll6c '-'. Alter the 11Dltlld Oltmpb," Oe11er' .ud In a wtInt.view, '\IDMm Sta• boyaotted tbt ilalcow 0... .,_.. oi the you count an archer or aomebody like that." Oerter ~ interwntkln In AfpdlCr 1, • U.S. twn ._ will be about two mon~ mr ot 48 by the time the named, but Oerter wam't en lt. Summer Gemes In Le. AnCeJe9 pt under way next "I boneltly beUew If rd have made the t... year. If I wam't travelinC ll'OUDd the country auppcrUnc He't been theN befon, wlnnlna the Olympe the boycott,'' be -'d. "It took away from my aoJd medal four t1mm - 195e, 1980, 1964 and lt68 tnlninl· It w a COl"'d•nce -- becw- tbe - in ~. &me. Tokyo and Mmdco Qty, So\tWtl were buceherinf a netcbbor and If you have beatinC tbe world record-hokier eech time and comdence, that hM to appd you • human beln&. .. eetUnc an Olympe record .ell Ume. No other Oener lilted Ben PIUnknett, John Powell, M8C athlete hM won aold m,dala in four 1uccwlve Willdm and Art Bumi aJonc with btrrwelf • the top Olym~ . ' di9cul tbrowera ln the United Stat.ea. whk:b wi11 lt't not that Oen.er baa been bMldnc ln hla pry aend three dl8c\.- t&rowen to next yeer'1 Olympb. amce 1988. He retired from competition for ~t "rll have to knock off two of them.'' ~ tbe yean, ooncentraUnc on hll job• a data proc 'nc Kaw UnJvenlty fP'llduate matt.er-ol-t.ctly. uyy Arizona's Calvin Murray (33), is pulled down by Los Angeles DlaNfel' and betna with h1a two dauabten, pl ii' to aet to the Olympe TrtaJa. Then rn baw ChrysUana and Gabrielle. a aooci chance of maldnc the U.S. team. When I aet Exp~eorge Achica Sunday at the Coliseum. Expreu edged " My daqbten were qout llx and ~t then," to the Olympb. anytblnc can happen." Wranglers, 17-13. uJd Oertel', who workl fallbe Grumman Corp. ln Oerter'1 belt throw ever ii 227 feet. 11 lnchea.

Cards finally beat Braves Baseball today Willie MeOee drove ln a pair of II 1892-Tbe first National Leacue pme run1, lndudlna one ln St. Louis' attended by a Pullident oi the United &atea four-nm ninth 1nnlnc. and the wu played between Clndnntl and W-.b­ CardJnala defeated Atlanta. ~3 Sun- inpln. 'l'be Redlep won the pme, 7-C Jn day for tWr tint victory aver the Bravea In aewn 11 inn1np with ~eaident BenJam4n Har­ pmea tbJa _.. . . . El9ewbere in National n.on Jn the ltaDda. Lercue action, AMn o..... bad hJa 88CXJnd Today'• bUtbdays: Hall of Fiimer Bill 6-for-& day of the llMOl1, raJainC hJa batttna Dickey ii 76. Fonner New York Meta a'll'el'ql9 to .347 and lead1na .a 20-hlt MontrMl lhortatop Bud Harrelaan ii 39. Texaa cmdi attedt that Pfll"•ed tbe ll:xpoa Merv Rettemnund ii to. Keough wins; A's sweep to a 12-9 victory ·over San Non-tur~ocharged Ftandaio. Al Oltver bad four Oakland exploded for eight rum • of the l!:xpos' hli., and former engines doomed? in the ninth inning of the tint game $add1et.ck CoBtae and UnJ­ and Wa111e Groa and Rickey Bp- vendty HJ&b 1tar 'l'lm Wallld From AP dUpa&dff denoa homeJ'ed in the nightcap u ·the ·11 drove In three nma ..• GUTJ DETROIT-It was an ironic twist • A'a rolled to an 8-3, '9-2 doubleheader sweep of Mnttaz and JM !'-ID that Miche1e Alboreto drove a ea.- ' Cleveland to highlight American Le.gue ecticm hamered to help Ph..•18delpbia-• worth-powered Tyrrell to victory in Sunday. In the o~, the victory went to former map a llx-pme io.tnc ltrMk the race that may IOWld the death knell of the Corona del Mar H1ih ltandout Matt g...,., 2-3, by beatinl San DMiao. 2-1 ' .. non-turbocharged engine in Formula One racing. who pitched 3~ 1nn1no of one-hit relief. SteTe K"rfill llallstn>keda two-nm. In t.ct, the 26-year-old Italian. who wu . MeCatty, 1-0, in hil tint atart pinch double and came around to aoore the aurpriled to find himlelf celebrating his aecond 11'> and longat ltintof the~ winn1nC nm OD Tim Tolmu'I MCrifice fly U Grand Prix victory, led a sweep of the first three won the allhtcap . . . Houston erupted far four l"\ID8 Jn the aeventh ----, place9 by normally aspirated El.ewhere, Tom Pade... • innlna to defeat Clndnnati. 8-S, ctroppmc the (non-turboclw-ged) entries in three-run double ln the eiahth Redl Into lut place Jn the NL Wm . . . Jay Sunday's Detroit Grand Prix. inning climaxed a four-nm , ...... leedoff homer in tbe fifth lnnln8 Second-place finisher rally that gave the O\lcaao triaenid a three-nm rally, leDdlna the Cbke&O Keke Rosberg, the defending White Sox a 5-2 victory over Cuba to their fifth ltralihtdecidon. a 3-1 triumph world champion who drives a Kansas City and a aplit of OW!' Pittlbu.rgh. Williama, said, ''This makes a their doubleheader. In the _ _ ;.a opener, U.L. WaAJqt.oa't nice death foe the Cosworth. Express topples Arizona You'll never mee this again." cowae three-run homer capped a Turbocharged engines, four-nm eighth inning that propelled the Royals Tom RamHJ qonnected with • · i.;:::;...11.-...... o..;_~ pioneered in Formula One by ' to a 7-5 victorY ... Orludo Mel'Cdo's two-nm Jojo T.....U CID a 28-ymd touchdown 4• • triple hUrhllahted Seattle'• four-nm fifth lnninc s- with 2:38 left to pw the Loi Ml M Renault and DOW uaed by Exp&w a 17-13 win over aeveral other top tams in the world cham­ and AJ Ooweu knocked in three rum with a AnceJa Alim to us~ ecticm p6ooahlp 9eries, began dispblcing the old reliable homer and a triple u the Mariners edged the New viliUna hlP.l'aht swi­ York Yankees, 8-7 ... A grand41.am homer by day. The touchdown WM the first for Towmell, C.C.Wortb two yeen ago. who lllgned with tbe Expnm earlier In the week. Sunday's victory waa the 155th since the V-8 Back MartiDes capped a five-nm uJ)rilin« ln the inning and He h8c1 been drafted ln the tblrd round by the power plant developed by Ford of England won ·sixth gave a 5-2 victOry awr Baltimore ... Gaey Ward hit a homer and a triple New ~cll'k Jeta of the NFL. 'lbe play capped a ita first race in 1967. aeven-play. 81-yard d.rtw for tbe ExJ:ir-. '"lbia la the last race this year on a street and drove in three runs u Minneeota routed ·circuit like this one where the C.C.Wortha have a Boston. 10-4. cbanoe." uJd John Wai.on of Northern Ireland, Stage l>c)or Canteen wins who finJahed third ln a McLaren. " (next C'6uples survives playoff INGLZWOOD - Step Door Grand Prix) ii circuit !!J week'a C..rwtian a falter Canteen bad beenlbowinc early tpeed and tbe rest of the raas (\hls year) are on Fl'M Caples bbd1ed the aecond ln ... of her starts earlier tbll yeer. h.tgh-cpeed circuits. And, pext will l!I 10 year, everyone hole of a five-man IUddeJ1 death tninB' t.I Barren bad ~~ haw turboa.'' ~ to win the Kemper Open been employtnc atrateo to pt the filly to ..w 1!1· '1be blr4ie lilted him put IJOIDI ..... for' the md. T.C. Qea, a rookie from Talwm. Seett SA•P"-. ''!'Ve been llvlne bet Pie. aJow ~to try GU Morpa and Barry Jaeebl, all of whom and tab aw.y ane of bet ...-ct. ind ft --. Quote of the day rellCbed the playoff wfih 287 totala, one atroke to haw worbd," l9id Barrera alts the tU0,200 'Tm too mean to die." - Jack under par. Siml*IO bad a chance to win it &neymoon Handk'ap at Hollywood Park Sun- Television, radio DempleJ, former heavyweight boxing outright but mil9ed a four-foot par-Mvina putt CID 4-y.. cbamplm, who three hours before be died the 72nd bole . • . Allee Miiier tank a 10-foot ~tap Door Cani.m ... .wnth in the field TV: Baeball-Anpla at Milwaukee. & p.m.. at the age of 87 tried to reuaure h1a worried blrdie putt on the fourth bole of a IUdden death of 91Cbt .. 3-yeer-old mu. at the start and Channel 7. wife. playoff to defeat IMt Gartllel and wtn ber ant completed the 1 1-18 mO.- on the turf cour. ln RADIO: BMeball-Anlela at Milwaukee, 5 toumamen~ Welt Vtra1nJa LPGA C1 rte 1:42. p.m., KMPC ('110). NHYC takes top three 70 entries for Transpac places 10 Newport. Harbor YC boats to sail in race Newport Harbor Yacht Club lklppen took the three top places amona eilbt boats which tu.med out Satwday and Sundt.y at Behl.a Corinthian Yacht Club for I the Newport Hrbor Star fleet ' c:hamponabip. I' The ~inner wu Chuck Lewwlder In lncon1gfbJe; nm- Der'-\lp w• Party Gtrl. lkippered by Arule Campbell. and -third ... IUnna, uiled by Chuck • Beek. nw reptta w.. a warm-up foe the Bbie SW 5th DIRtct Cwm- ~~:=A:'~ !. M«dao tow~ June 10-12 ' ,..at ...St. ft_. , YllCht C'lubi Seo n.~Star0..11 Uw~~~dlll and .... ot ibe l9Y9l Olymp6c d •


ll91: -...,, AllM!e, Qi ...,._, '--1 lllltMr, Im .,..,..... n-7t-n- 11 J\.ola 1"¥111. .. ~7 ..7....af Sl.l..e••· 4tl 0..-, __,, Jli OW-, ,.., lll!Mtl, llJA,.... 7'· 7N1·10 ... Cllftl~. .. ,...11-at HooalOft, JJ; T.KennedY. tell DleM, k AAdv ...... IJAOf - ..., ..n ·n ,.. --- •-Certl ~ , .. HITS: 0--, ~ eti ~· ,..n-m Celftot_..., .. , ... ,..~ SM Ollolo, 64. tudflo Gllf...,, ...... 11 -n -1.. 10 - · ..; o.r-. . ll.ltan*'el, .-. . ..; m-. MMllNel. ... a..-...... ,.. ,,.,..12 ,...... ,..,..,,.,. ~. .. DOUtLU. o.-. ~. l6: r-1Cn.. ••• ..,..,..,s ,..... , . J.Ray, "'"*'"'· Ill ow-. $M '*'°· Nick Price, llOAI ,.. .,..,..,, 14; K.Mw-*•• SU..eoAt, l4i 0--, Mon· • ·Con J..,v, UJ• 71•'7•1'1 MAJOR LaAOUa STANDINGS ...... MeoeNn Kur-. 11"',na 11-1.. n-11 p.,c-,uo.- ....,. Helvw... ,..,. ..,,....,., ..... Tlttl'LmS --· ..,....., '1 .,._, l'.-c-.u.na 14-n·n-n 112 tuNOAM••WLn ~., Amer1CM LeetUe ~ - A-II, 4; 0 1..-. 4, ,,,,,...,.,, •AST DfVISION o.r.. ...,,.,.,,m ... n ·1H4 Ullt lf ...... ,_ b ...... I Al L.11 ..,.._ ..,.._ "'- - Jor111 ..._. , .. R-. IMlllre9!, 41 L.11 o--~· '"·* ,...n. 11 W L .-ct.. G9 S.S.•. Bl llJ V-. ~ ..._ T- Perea, W.1· .JeO ""'911M. 4. WaoHNlen, AllM!a , 4. G-71-7.. 72 Dell .....,, .. n·n-M l'lalT •M:e. I 111• - , 11 n HOMll aUNS: E•-· .... Frlllldtc0, Ii; A Dendy e.l1er (llllol 28 20 10.to 8.40 mini,.,, IO, -- -·T-toOii • n •.MO Lan'41ft1Lll, 16- ,.. ,..,,." Aklcad (Nrrj 5 40 • 00 l'tUDAY Muntrt • .i.11111ta, 1), ...-. L.11 ~. kH!mON 2' D Sii .....w-...... n-n-1'- n 71·71· 71 LNa Yri• (CSlll) !I 20 II; GulfTere, L.11 Afteelll, 11; Ctllfti., SM llOd ""'*"'·...... "" Al - Yorti - Mitt< - · -...... 2S 24 SlO 2"' ~ ...... 71. 7.. 71 .72 .,.,,..., ,.._, ,..,,." Nile,__.~...... 114< Oly, M..J. ,,._ W...... Hlrltwd, Jiit I'~. IO; F-, - Voril, IO, n -1Ht-n ... -van SIO et.... - ...... 111 ~. Awey - Gold, "'-"' c-.. It, IUOlot ~...... 1',, "2S JOO , - ., n --,..n 0.IT.,, IO, ~ . M.i-tlc '"•UIUm ata 'oroe, U..O JoM -· °""'*'--. It.· - Y-. ,,,... Oomlfllcafl ...... 4$1 Slit Tom ll\ltr.,, 113..... 1•-11 ·n ·11 ...... "- 1:4o "'°""' ""--· c- D 11 IC tlNMla, ISMO n -*n G.- ...... /Nell., It, ...... _ w•n OIV1llOtl STOLEN •ASES: S.S.a. Lo•""'"'°'•JO , .-c-.113.... ,.. ,.. ,,.,...... , TheMMUr9'1. II; Pel«J-. SJ .... n -1'- n -n ~tan.ts• 11-1.... NCCMC> IUoCL 1 I/ti-· .sn .. Pfau ..... II; ClndMall, 16. .. ..,,.,., p .... 1~1>·11 - n n -1.. ., P.V- (Pen) 5 IO 3 40 2 40 1' ff . JOO 4 -- Ho-u 0-""'"'"- tM NaWrtl IJOleftclor (Mela) 2 IO Grle..._... 113.... 7s-71-1 HS T1ae1 2A ff 4IO s ... .. 1. '"1. l.M; A...... , Loa AftollK. ~· . LIOllll - . ... ID n...,_1s Aleo~~. ,_. ,, JoM __..,, .,.... o.ac- 24 11 411 Slit m , 2.ll, Monleluoco, 5-1 Olo9o. •·I, .IOO, 71-P.12·7' ~...... ,, ..,I D ,,,.,_,._.. .,11 -.on, Foroo CM"--' D JI A1' I UO; S-wt,. LOI AftollK, 4-1, .IOO, I..,, lfJ Jarry..,_, ... ID nm.. •·•a 11a D ~ 411 I ll> MUNJrtrv, A-1•. 1-1. &.01; ._.., 0.vld UMO n-n-n -11 217 $Mltte~· .m. Gr-. OMY DOUam I 1--72-7>-JS -.~u.ooo 71-7>-12 us"L OolWI ...,,.,.,.,,.., UMI Oell?c'I 8-1 (Ca!Nel 2 40 2 20 ...lllt II, - Y9" 1 1S. R_.., -. 64, ...... ,yi, CW:lft­ 7$-71•7MS c-Slllartl, .,... 11-14-n Ebony .,_ totwwl 2.00 T..-s, a.itWnonJ natl, ff. ~fl'llck, 13.-0 ,.. ,. ... Aleo '909d: OIMa 0-91. a._._. wA- L T ~ PA 14•1'· 1s-.f 12 1 "1 Ill SAVES· 1'111ter. Allllll1, t ; LI•... . --LY'I, Q,GQt w- llocloel. " 5-1 eo.~. 12.-'" , ..,1-1 .. n Ptlj-ktlOll o.troll~· S, T"·-'°"'aul 4 It -. 1 ,.,,... Ted o.rt... 11.aH 1s-ff-7' Tm.. 1:11 s • M4 Fr8ftdlc:D1 I ; l.eSMltt\ C"6c.eeo 1 I : -'" "'as 1 fl'uuv~ . 11 .CllO 7t-n-1.. • IO •0 .2111 254 T.....,._._ ._...... Atlenla, 1; S.- . L.11 AllOllH, n ..1--.u.m 14-11-74 • DACTA CUI peld 931 00 m 0e1ro11 c•onma 2-01 at _..,. CO!ada ~-.a.- 11-1~1.s.-n 1'•71-1t W1.-i0<1 ') IJ .071 ,.. 7 °"" ~. tl.JU- • J-11. (ft) 11·11-11-14 - •nc.-.12..ns ,.. , .. ,.. ~ IUoCL I mill. ~ ·-•lecl<. SUit TorontO (LA91 5->I at Batt-. NATIONAL LEAGUE Dow 1--... 12.mo n -n - 72-14 Ill faOll CM Gold (Hrll>V! 81.40 It.to 1.40 --Tamoa llav to 0 114 1tS 271 IN Azu w.... (8tbll) 4.to l 20 Cllp90 ' 0 M1 DI 117 ( ~6-Jl , (ftl ~ 4, DodeerS 2 Julluo llOtoa, ti, ttO 7H•-n ' 4 - OOlclln e. (Pedrz) · 2 to ~ 0 S71 ,., OMiand (Noma 4•SI at a.­ MIW YOl'k LOS AMO•Lll """ C.O...at1, 11,.MO n -72· 1•-1s IC1nT-1l,t5' 16-71-1' .. >IS , ,,,....,..,.. •1 • 1 2Jf tlO C•tvtaveft 4 ·~ . (ft) ..,,_.. •rhlll ~-..\ ... n -11-14-11 Aleo ·-· ,_ Or Fllml. ~ ... • s-nw ,...,., ~,,,,,,..• • I ... , ..,,.14-72 PQA ltdalloe llco-. ,_, T V ,..Oii, Foroot*I >·n., ...... v..... co..v Wllaon cf 4 111 Slaa11> 5110 =•. ""aclllc 1-J j, (II) Yldlfa...... , 11 ... 14-72•7.. 14 0...leflcl 1 0 500 m 2AI 11'°' M 4 0 I I ltWMI 11 J I 1 I , ..,.., .. ,s ...... ~ 1'39215 LOI A- 1 7 0 JOO 2'6 I. Lenny WdlN, 7'0.41. a. "-Y l'loyd, -m ...... (Gell• ..,, •• --­ ar-.• Jll 4 1 I 0 La"6ra d 4 0 I 0 ' 0 (Menn 1-7), (11) ~-"'·"-- 7Ml-76· n 70 60 3. Ben er.nthew, 70.&4. 4. H• lnwln, N'TM M C•. 1 118 ,.,... .m JOS DS Ktn11mn lb 4110 OM11 lb ~ ... .- 74-74-71-1• Prlnoe Aor1mUnd (M<:rrn) 3.90 2.40 2 40 °""'"' 0 0 0 0 · ·- lb , 0 0 0 ...... -·--0..... 11...0 ..... _.,..ac...... , ,. ,. •--..Dftwlll9Dta-.. M-1 (Piney) 3 00 2 40 1(-yrf 4 0 I I Maral\al rt 4 0 I 0 .. - Lot 91. ...,,,_ u On/Iv---...... LAetue 4 01 1 4000 2H I Jolvl Mceomllfl, 271.4. I . Tom Pwaiet. P..-...J (ValNl.4J 2 eo "- Giia 2" Y-c T- kY 45, ,.,.,,,,...,..,. 11 •ASTDCYmOM 4 0 0 0 Roenlc:ll N J 0 t 0 CurHI Sir-. "'5 , .., ..,..n 272 e 3 Owl Pohl, 271.6. • . Cwt ~. Alie>~~ f-*'Glllu9. Tel W L-. .. $coll-.nti 74-,..rt-74 l'llN111111iptq Jt, Mk11'ean JO ••°""""" .- ..c ) 0 2 0 •-• o ) 0 I 0 271 I. S. Tom ::..-:.:.r.70. 1. T...,..,_ 21 JI ..W TOllYtlrde . ...S 7.. n · 7J-7S ~-1 . 4 7a/5 Strwl>N t>t 0 I 0 0 Stew8't o 0 0 0 0 °"""" ... ,..., ClricaM al lo\to 2' t1 .sci I 0000 ,_,,,,,Oii! 0000 a 11 SI-an, a"5 11· 1'·n -1' 1 CdMll PM!e, .168.. lAe TrM\o. . 712. • OACTA (3-2) P1k112t 00 11 14 M1 4\'i 2000 JoMrtoOlll 1000 12·1t-1>-1• 3 lie, Jedi,..,,,., Md~ lltllet•. 757 s 12 • ~ • 0 0 0 0 oe.r..Tom -**lM. ,.,_ a"5, ·- 1t-16·1~n Lenny Wedlllne. 750. 9UTM IUoCL-t flltlonOI LM An911e1 17, ~ 1J Momll'I (F-) 20 40 10 00 7 00 IS-..W OllWWI) D 4 f 4 T­ Ja J • J &dl'lorl, "'5 14-14-11-n 0.- 11 1t .Ja ' "' _....., __ ite.. e.oa Do (L.-gl 114 to 25 40 l I 7 l-U I .._"' "...·r·• ...... WeyM 0.YIOOerlfl. - 11-1~11-1• .JOlVW'f1 ...... 733. L.ftl. • 717 It >1 .)61 """ WW- Wiii• (VlllnnA) 5 20 ..... • 1 , 7-17 3. CaMn ,,...., .7ot. • . Leny Hel9on, .70& wmnDIYIMOll nt-. ,,, A1ao ,_. hrt•, Lord CM AM. Sl!ogun .... y.... -- 12· 7S-7S-7S 5 Tim 81-, .700. Arll-40 ~25 142S 1'" II'> Lii...... tit - - J -Ml.idd. *4 n -n - rt-10 Prlnoe. c-. L."Z!:"'· lllr 9-fon. L.A-ttw I n.11 C- kldo) o-wlMlne R•1 - - m. .... N\l Hye!, fally H-n -n r-=112 '""--- M t1 11 ...... > L~ Yon. J, L• Mta1et DerT91K-. ... ,.. ,..,.. ,, L.A~....-iD ,,. 30 12\'1 1t-n-1'-n .;: emVDfTtl Uc:t. I mle ~G o..llllld W I S&-SSaa 2 lnl. - CJOI S- R-. -~ ti • I) ,,.....,_,,., .... 1H4 ·1~n .,. MuN (MoCtT'fl) 1890 uo 500 LA-T- 2' - !ll) _,,w,t·> • 1-l I ,,. Alie> '--'' ltldlan o .. E.ar1y hitter. l+ouatoflt,C-J OrotClO S,4 J • ) 0• 0 Jlm-d,IDt 11 ·1t-16-1' ...._. 'ector. ,,.,.._ '- R...,,..__ -,. u1t C""'- ) , l'ltt- I Lii ...... Jimmy RO't • ..,. ,,.., .. ,..,. ,,. l'lr'tl­ Phl1 ...... 2, SM 0"'9o t R...,.L,6· 4 71·) t , -T-y, IDt ,..,.. ,,.,. • IXACTA (M ) P1k1 S 141 &o 14-n »-1' IJ·) 0 -· ... ..,.,._ 12S tit - 12, S...F....-f 0 ,,.,.., .." hdWltNr400 •-an ...... y ... llJ 11 T-Y'•O• T-1:24 A~. 214 .. -"*-'·.,. ,,, -·(et._...· l ... Ho 9",,.,.. _ _ ••, )4-D-J n.,,.,.,,. s1... Har1. ... -v·• •Mutt• "' IM~·- 600 J-t ..., n-11 - 1~1• kt- !J41· mllll ~ Wltlltofl Cl.9 ...... ,....,.... AMmRICAN LaAGUa w9nlc:el'lolaNr... A""""-, ll04·- 14· 7>-1s-n G, _ "91- •IOCll C9/f ,_ e 1 .,__ __ ...... ,. 8"WWsS, .,_.4 ,.., NocGowwt. - ,,..,.. ,,.n lftl- lloflel ._..... --...... H >-I _...... ,...... >-2' CAL.ll'OllMA --.wAUKm• 1 lttc:ky Ruclol. ~. H , ll.06J ,,_ - Tlmeot- •• 1"91 LOll-.•m ,.. ,... ,.." 1. .. llloll,... ,.,.., fS. C-dll ·JllO·-.. -lb ..SOJO ..... ,.,.,..n. 74 ---···· - si.rer. J77J J H8'ry 0-,-- ..... ts. -.orYIDUAL nATll11CI 4 0 I 0 Y-u 4 I I 0 - 7.. 72 .71. 74 , -'-,.,..,, am ... 4 0...e-•,11t11-.K ltUlt44HG-ArlmM. Na/lrYf ...... a.rt. • .....,rf 4 I I 1 C-la 4 I 1 0 JlmC-. 1171 T>-1t-1t•1' ~rf 0010 ,,,..,_.., S12J s. Olcll-.-...... ts. 7· 1S. - )-It, • ..,_ I ... - t-6 4 I I G'-cf 4 0 1 I •1-- 6. Kvto .....,..., .....-.C.• La.,..., _.,...... ,.. ..,_ 1·J2. DeCncalb o 11 · 7>-1~1' ~l"lftdl 0...... 11 ...... , .... ._,... L-cf )221 Oi111¥1911 4010 -·-·'"' , ..,,., .. n 1 Derr.. w...... ~ · H. L.8rrY - · .,.. ~lb 4000 C_.t n 41)0 ~.~. 1764 n -n -14-n ·~-~..-.. v .....Pctl - ·~--mlt-ll'raocel dal. Melt ' •• SCftMlll. ~...... 11- M-\o..MllluedPASSI~ ,,.,...,,. .... 1-1-f·-. Lot Gr~ftl 4 0 I I G1nlM 21> 2 0 I I Wiie.--csw-... 1. 1-s, 1·• (7· )) >n •-2. IO. - ••••,, ...... , ., RClerllM 4 0 I 0 Yott c 4 I I I .>anC...... 1111 1S-1~1.. 14 ...... be•U·llS, "- 14-11-llL C_,, wlfla ''°·000) --OOU•L•I II Jim 11--.. ~. ft ir.,..._c ' 0 0. l'NtA,L 11acaMNO-M- ~ ...... , 12 o... -.eta. """"8c.. " ...... ,._..,. ,.., T- ,., ,._ MS 141 It- Alftcal·CandY , ,,.._ .. I'_,.. (- Cun•""'"'· '"' .. .. I) - ..,_.I , ~ . " 0...... 1-f, a.rt ,,.,.,., H. 1-s, •-_ R- CU S 1 clef IC eltlv JonMll·AMo 14 Gian l'rat1el" -lac. "- - n -1>-11· 1' l. L.11 ,.,...... Alllll ...... ~ .... s..w"" -- ""'"' cu.s 1. s-1. 1-s, 6-t JU...,. ••u IS S..W- Mertnlthl, C....,r_, fO ...... J-17, 9- J-1'1, .._.. J-W• - tit .. t«t- I PIHAL ._--COii ·"" n - n -a -wo ~ - 16. OJC. Ulr~. •1111c11. 90. TownNI 2-S1, I• J-11. 0... OUI - ....,,_ run ----·ec:orM Puc... Paradll CFrancol cltl Oeoi>lt E-Yool, Fw..-. FOil ~ ScieflCe cu s ), 7·4, .., ,." ,_- ~- ·a-.. c,,,..._.... . ", '° l L~· 1, --- IO. ,._.. "-IC~ . c-- . " l'ol, c-. sinw-. ~ -­ ,..MMI'• twmmment.,...,. , ,..,,. ,,., 16 JO 0on w,....._,, ,..,.lac, a. HorM=w.,...... ~. aa..1<. Ha~ (ti, L""" ___ ':::::" 1.t 11-74-71-116 nJI s_.,...... ,.... - ,· .,..9uk:k,. .,... ·L.. ,__ cm. voo1 w. ~ m. s.- - 2 llMOL•I PINAL ,.. ,,...... , .. c. Mcewron e11 150 10& '3.ue,111 DentO-71-1 It JO $coll - · Pontiac. ... Al\w9clo H3 n M 1.1oe.ae 1 a-a.~ ~pllCfledto --ln""- sin--<:urt c..-.. .. ,. .. , >I 1'..-v ~ . ~ . SI . -·· m ~ 491 82 !WI l,6",182 CAUFOllNCA AHC>a~ ~ N-Y•t T-1:99. A--4.DS. a 22.T,_ ...... ~. lO 11· 7'-7.-nt ··-··· LllW... ,.,...... IOWll, ~ . Oft ...... w~~-. 0- - .1&.Mt fl•• ...... AmstcM '--- ....,.. _...._,.,.... 7>-72-n-tll Jl. ·-"-· ...... o . MILWAUKEE •1t~ltl-4lacella41; C1mY ~ m • ..... OU!ftlldlf . .. v- °'". Su&ll WarflttldMe-m ,, Pet_.,,...... _, 821 72 " 1,357,314 .._ .m A OIYIUOtl ...... i.-. 12A7 133 2t 19 l,041,400 ....v 10'9, U.A17 ,..~~ _ ....RUNS- vC--...... , -·· G. .,._,,, 250 S4 17 1137.638 CHICAGO c:uu-Adllre... ~ ..... ,,..,,,,,, • l2Al1 11-n-1.-m 174 lie 32 IS-4,"6 IC-OIV • ._ 9-. -'°"·U , - · irv-..-~ .... s- _...... _12M7 7•· 7>-7t-m - .llllCIW .- ...... -..... --., H . $wn1161, T ...aa , D ; Wllfd, Cnn--. Oret.uldl, .., , ...... ,. 254 4S 53 ao.w ~ . D, Yount , Mll...... aa , :D. - s.M #oc:Allltllr. 12.Al7 71-7.. »-m 240 2e 38 lat,329 · m - ST. · -LOUIS... "*- CAaOIN~· J9ff ••1· Wiid, -...ola. 41. ICll!ta, Chi· s.. Lltle:e-L- Malec *!. ICalftot 224 32 30 I07,374 Lllotl, .itc:Mr, an 1111 Jl.._y ...... 1t1 ..... 1'; lrall, ~ Cltv, Iii ~ . Oe111.....,., 11,m ,.. ,._,I-al hmlfl· Pel Oemlon, .., , 6-1, , ...... ,_ - .. Ma• )1• .._ ~ ~ . JJ . •1ce. -- . J1 .._,., !·7>-m .._, 9111dw ...... -- 7'-71-7>-m 4 3 0 1871, llO HfTS: c.-, ~. c.i1rw...... n. Sul Lltle:e-S- ...... ~ ,.,,...,... AalK!allol\. -·.....•.. ~. 11.m. 1 1.m H-1.. 1>-'ID 4 • 0 MO.eso ~ 11• ._, --· 11, YOUll!. I. ,....,,.7>-tD _... • Ha-. ,...... ~. •1.m • a 0 4",IOO l'OOftALL - --· tl, Gr"'9¥, - 61. • ONmOM ,, a 3 3",1144 ~ OOU9U1.S: .,._, ~.Y-. . If; DI .._...... ,,..,._tu II S 1 M:s.MO LJI l'Wrftll, o.frOll, 16: Mcttaa. ~ ...... Hamlt\, .... AalJONA ~ 9r1M -hit .._. .i. W- Ol9M Deity, .,.. 7>-1'-1>-nt 0 m.aoo OIY, 16. --·· 0.:.0, IS. ~ . ~- 9'WI 1.-'-. 7...... z. • a2 :s 211.315 .... ~ ., ....., "~ IC- Cltv, lS. ""'d, __.., IS. ~~...... 71-7>-7HM ----. ._...... -.. i.-, - 1 216,166 Oii ...._...... I 4 ~ . -­ .,..., , "*- n r~s c~. o...... --... s. ,_.,,,, ~ - .,_ T~ • • "-Y .. 1.­ ,, Hll, 175 ~Y-.11.- • 2 0 W'IMol. O..roll. S. - · C>Woll, S, ~~.... , H . ..I . 1 212.m ••• ~. - Yoril, S, ~. T"'°"'°· 4; 1~,.:!;= I 4 WAltilMOTOH l'•Ol!ltAu-n9 Qi -. K-C~ . 4. · -- c.--.VlcltlT- "'--. 11.-"'* , ..,,.7'-tM .....,.,, Woe .....-. "' - ..., ~Caty ,,_ ..... laMI' ~ HOME RUHS· 0.0.C.. Melll. ll, .....V!r111 o.irr...... 6-). m ICMfll. o.ic-. I), 9ra!t, 1(- Cltv. 12. c CIMllOll .._...L_a.-..... 7S-1't-n-tll NOataY ,.,.,.,.,0..,..,, .. # n-.1•1'--\tll L-, "-• If, alee, --· It. ---...... _.,.._ $"TOLEN •MES· J.0.... a.nto. n. NU...... - t t-7'1-7>-f2S l'HILAOSL""IA l'L YE~ T• - .lonet·-- MoMet ... ,.,...... ,_..,.,..,,..., 1.. 11-n-m W."'-. ~ Cll'r. 21; · ·--· ,._..~~,.., s.w ••11119"1 CIMdl. iu..a... Chlc:He. M: M.O.m, ...... -.llllledl. .... ,.. , .. ,,..... o.i.-. •: IDCCD oetoMd, IS; '-"-· T-. IS. - J4""1Cwtl, "'2 H-72-11-m ,...... ,._.._ "'1'041MG (4 dlclaloNl ,....._...... 0 1vto lan11~ ·- ..... lllllnl ..._...... , 71•7...... ns a...-- _ .. """°'· ,. .. H. ~ NMlllCNQ~ I-•· H . Z.72. IC-. ~. H , "" ,...._ ...... ,., OMd\. J.IO, $dnm, ~. .... UI; ~. _...... ,_KM--...... _ ""*I ...... n -l"t-n-a o..o.a...... ,.., .., .. a. c:ou.e.. """*'-16; ltl·.. .. 1. l.21,T...-, - · --4-1, ...; Whli.-· 4'1, ... Clltl ~-- ~. ...1 . a...... - ,.., ,~ LOUISIANA ITATa_,.,,__ 1111 Jack-. .. 1·6. -. ~1 , 4'1 , Ull. • ·Mlc:Nlltkt911tt ,.. ,.., ...... ~-_.,..,.,...... ,, .,.....,~ ,... ,.,,_.. ltadl OMd\. STRlt(EOOn - · 7'. .... To•-· Mltfllltt ...... 7'-1t· H-Zll ..,._, ~. .a. - ..... Olfroff, " · _...... Ml$$0Ull....- _,, lttdl °"" --­ -.C. ~ . 54, "'-•· o.trlll. 5' ..._.,.,.._,o.Mle----...... ,n.. -,..H-f:M n-~ SAVES Ceudll, -lllt. tJ, Oo .. -··· ~ CllV, IJ, SI-...... 11, JoYcll~. .... 14-1f-1'-m Ka !IW~, "6t ,,., ,...... ,. ~. - Y,,,,,, 7; L.wet, ~. 1; .., .. o.-, Tu•a, 1: RO.W, ~ 1, 7 ~ 11·1'· ,...,, ...... '---.....,.. c...... ,....,.... .,..,.. , ..,..1>-127 UTTlHG I* al Mia)· 0--, Mell· ..... c.-... H-1'-D-tl1 '"91, ~; Mc09e, 11.LAuh • .M6: ~. 0--1111,.- H-n-1...... ,., ...... JM. IClllllll. -...... »t; .. • ·11-1..... ,~. -- ,..,..,t-al ·-RUNS:,,,,,_...... , A-.... 0..-, ...... ,..._,---...... Ollo9D. .. ·- s. "---· 11. ...,_,- · JI; i..-..-. - ...... CM'I LMllll. ... 1'-1M.....,,...,..,...... , ...... c;_,..~. --

Camel.Where a man~. , .. Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Mond.y, June e. ~183

NOftCll "' ...... ,,, tCosntos aa.a:N I. D•Geft ... ~rw,m.= ADMINmTD ...... ,. ,. itopple· A-UU7'. " To .n ~ b• ,...._ 0 f 'AU!~~ >Seattle credUou of Rel•\ J . ~~ .. j & A 8 T f BUTHBR1'0RD, H.J. ~~=·~A petition bM ,a-. filed '='l::=--~=..: u...t .. ~.-= ...... ~ t (AP) - Aa DlD • the by MeWU. M. AndenaD In ~,_ 111111 :t=.-.=-... • New York C..... aot the 8u~rlor Court of ., TIWI In .. .,.._.,•••.,.. ' ID1o nrinC ol thinp. ~ Cour ty ~ '"--*n.usfOft llWll..WI 81"fWJM, : ¥lctory ,,...... , .. that lleJan1e II. AndealOD HNl,.CIA ..Y 1 tlCUfUTY be appointed .. peno,nal , A 0 I 0 I c M 0 " T • A 0 I ~ ..... two. tm. In theU' ...... -iattw to !)!llzr41 ltt• CON'OMTIOM. ~ c- the S.tde the eatate of Helen J...... , .Mt %1, • 1 • .... : mden In the Tram Denneny (under th• :--:==.1:.~':I::: ; Adantic a..J1enaa Cup. ; The 0.,,,. ICCftd ~kt~~ ...::::-,co: .. tbne .... In the final la Mt for ~ in Dlpt. ~ .. T'9111 ND...... ,_ No. a at '100 C1vtc c.ni. NP,..... Ill 11911l 1n.,.... • 'taa1f to pmt • 4-1 victory Drive, Wa.i, In the Qty of end 4 of ml9cell•MCM1• m-.1. &mda.y and ca ture Santa Ana, California on reohrdt of Oran1• County, their-~ TAa!titJe. June 29.!....1983 at 9'.JO I.ID. ~ ...AULT_ A IJ'lorentino ol Italy de­ 11' YuU OBJllC'J\ to U. - f11 _,.,. .,..,_ '"""' Illated Sao PauJo of. Bra- 11'*1\tina of the .,.u-. JVU ...... WU TAU MrllGlt 10 lhouJd either appear at the MOftOT YOUlll "°'~!.!1 IT llJ 54 In the openfna hearln1 apd 1tate your ::r~.~o~c'.r.~~ rpme Sunday befori obEuom or m. written ID'Uil&noee °".,. ...,.,. 51,825 lam at GI.ant. ob tlona with th' eourt °" .,. PM<_.. .a••lllT Stadium, the 8eCOnd be ore the hearln1. Your ~ IMOULD COWJACT A a~ may be In penan LA --- croWd In the or 1WI' aUcmey. cJ~~ w.,, COiia ...... loW--year bJatory of the I Y 0 U A R E A~•yrwt addrW or CIOflllltOfl blmey. CREDITOR or a condnpdt d..igi..eioft o1 property 11 1MiM1 1New York and creditor of the dee 11 red, you --. "° wrw1ty "_.,..•to .. I must fDe """''"claim with the _...,....._ or 001•=* 11 I " Tiie J'lorentiDo both finished ~~ beMflclaty und« N&cl Deed of with 2-1 recordl. but the court or pre.mt It '° the Truel by r.-on of 1 breedl or ec..no. had a p-eater Michele Alboreto in car No. 3 is followed closely by Keke Roeeberg penonal repre1entaUve diimilt In .. *'Drda• ....- -1 diffenndal to take during early laps of Sunday's Grand Prix. ·Alboreto went on to win appointed by th• ~ourt ==J--=:'•U::::S,.:c' within four months from M1tlell 0.:..-oi o1 Dl!llilll...: ihe cham~p. Seat­ tbe date of first ...... of ~tor .... .;,...._ .... WM tbircl and the race. tle Sao 1eUen - provided In leCdoll of bnledl ... at ...... to - Paulo laat in the .round-robln competi­ tion. -.-U--l-l_E_T_l_N__ B ___ 1 A -l--l--- 5Sr=~ ~j~~~ to four montba from the date ..._.. eo be _... ,.....,, ''In the .amid half we of the beartn.I noticed aboYe. .IA, - •Ill*. No. IMl4MI of eatabllahed our YOU MAY EXAMINE OMdll .....- In .. --ol .. ythm,'' ..ld Cnmvw the me kept by the court. u ~.::i:.r~ . 11ut ea.ch Julio Mauei. ~ are a penoo lntawted wtt"°"' covenant or •ar'anJli .. And once we establish up'::~:· ~c°:lo~ ~ . ::;.~.-:=.:to I our rhythm we know admlniatrator oc ur..- the .-r .. ,....,.... ,,...... cl . bow to dance. .. . _. "' ., attorney for the executor or ...... T"*. .wi .....,_ • ...... In ... ,.. ~· The CCJKDOa took a 1..() administrator, and me wtth prowlded, ..._..., • ..,,, _.., 41ead at 31;54 on Roberto the court with proof of tlle .,._ cl .id DMd OI Trull. CabanM' beedel' on a 1ervice, a written request ~...... ::,;::-~-= c:rcm from Julio Caal' 1tatln1 that you de1lr• ... o..tclTiwt. Romero. apeda1 notice of the flllnl o( l•ld HI• wlll II• fleld on: I a n I n v e n t o r y a n d Wldu 11 t s. June zt, 1'91. • t:OO Seattle tied the game -'--- ~ p.-. et the Cll•p111•n A•enue a.,...-.t ~ eatate -C. entr•nce to tll• Civic Center 1at 1-1 on Ian Bridge'• or of the petition• or ..,.... aoo bmt a__.. A~ bmder- from five yards account• mentioned In ONille.CA. out on a cnm from Peter leCticDI of 1200 or 1200~ ol At tll• 11111• of tlle lnltlal Ward at 51:13. David the CallfmUa PrU!ete Coda. ::::c:t=:...~ .. -: LADY L BBIDI. DQ.. a1118 •=, ....,... _, - -... Bradford Uo ..mted Oil MJLLAll. BOOOD. 9K111l1 dHCrllled d ..cl ef ttuet and the pl 6 DBOID, OH New,.rt MtliMtecl ooete. -...-. wt Giorgio China1lia P•--...,.l •-a.-__ Mt• N~ ..,_...n. .... 11 111*11•1M.•1a ... _ ...... I pve the Cnmvw the IJSC t ..tlMH ,_•pet .... , Beaea, CA Hiit, ( 10 ...... ~ ..... 'e.d at 2-1 on a rebound \. Ut-'7'111. 11 _., 11111 -..r •...... , ei, The anftUlll USC football banquet honoftnc> Pvb111Mc1 e>r.,. eo.t o.a, c.et1nt (71t1) H7-oMI tlle day :kick at M:lO. It wu TroJ*'t footti.11 ooect'I Ted Tollner wt" be l'lekl \.. Plot."'-a. t. 1i. ,.., ....,. .. 1111a. Ch.tnaglia'• 16th goal in Sunday, June 12 by the eponeortng USC NeW­ 2912.a3 Daeld: ..., a. - port Harbor All.mnt Club. ------1 T.O. IBMCE COIWNl'f I12 TACX:: pmea.. PlaJC llJ11C( • ... TNllla. I ''We tried to mark the The ~ wtl be held at the BalbOe Bay Club, 1221 Coest Highway, In Newpon Beech, MOTICtl °" DIMOWnOlt ~ f°'il.. ~ •people who can do the begltlo'llng at 6 p.m. OtnnW wtll be ate Wid the 0. ,MTI_.. Ona City IMt. W.. real d.umae. .. aaid Se.t­ Pf'OWM'I " ... for 7:30. PUILIC NOTICE II HE.. UY ONng1. CA ... ie Coach Laurie Tldl-..,. prioed at $20 per penon. ~­ GIVEN tllat JAMEi ... FO.. O, (714) a&.aee ~ Y9ttor'8 .,. llmfted to 225 peraona. Tldceta an ~ V• .IOHNION, end MAM V. '°".,..._. Onnoe Coml Delly 'Calloway... And we did ava1ab1e by Mndtng a c:hec:k to the USC LONIOA~~eretofore dol119 PloC. June I, 11, 20, tta buelllele the flctitlol.- ..... ~ tvery well for 50 minutes. Newport Harbor Ak.lmnl Club, P.O. Boll 5-8, ._,.end 1ty1e of TMlfNT NT., • ------.. ------Balboia lelend, 92982. No tk*et• wlll be IOtd .. 1112 M•nli•O•n Otlve. City of ,._ ..,,_ I thedOor. Huntlnoton leacli, County of ---;-iCf;1,;1-iDU-iiMUiJiiitiiil-- i For more lnformatlOn, pholM 547-2838. Ortnaa...... of Celtom6a. cld °" .-- - Ille fltll dey Of May, 19N, by __ ~!:::! ..." ...,_ I Stoklas team mutuel.-it...... IM ~-;;---- -• =p~er=.• tlielr '"ODUCTI Wl8T 1takes title · DATED AT HvntlfiOtOfl ...._, OllTIUIUfOMC.:120 9lrdt 81., i Tbe team of Randy =oml&, Ulle Viti day of M«r. ~~~ S10ld.M. Singln Smith, EcMen v. JotlNClfl ~~f a=.CAnu ain ' Andrew Smith and ::::.~ Dr~ ~a-:ft.CA--. -...... Tilll....._ .. _...... , • t Mark lmer' won tbia weekend'• Odcbhore ... •=in,...... Ca...., == r:::.-· J'our-man tie.ch vol- ~bllaNcl Orange co.at OeMy TlW. 1 ••., - ...... Plot .AN .. 1913 Coumy a.. "' Or..- eo...., °" l1eyball tournament at ...... ,1t, 19D. ,._ '1 Conma del Mar State Beach. p6cldna up $600 PullllMd 0r..- c... Plot...... a...... ~= in prta money In the iiiridiMIWW poow. Nottoell._...., ...... loatd of T~-- of 1M Co.at MUC llJ11Cl Tbe winnen def•ted Community Co~Otatrtct of OrMo- co-intr. ·'" lfomta. wttl Gary Sato, Gary ...... tollutM Hooper, John St.elrm ...., _.Hie> p.m.. TUMcllly, ...... and John Henley in 11 , 1111 at tt1e ,uroli=':.I ~of ...... Sunday• . finale, 11-7, IOoeted 91 1110 ~ A...-, 8-11, 11-6. Tbe nm­ co.ta ...... Caltorllle • wtl6di ...... llld• .... " pubffely nen-up earned '3()0. Michele Alboreto wa•es to fans after capturiq ...... tor: An e9timated crowd of the Detroit Grand Prix in his Formula One l'MfT & 111ND FALL. 1taS CLAM UO waticbed Sunday• IOHIDULI, GOLDIN Wl8T dwnpinmblp ma1lcb. Tyrrell. .... '------..-OQLEGI...... Al.,... .. Doo to ...... •• --- "'*" ... liOW In ..... ""' ...... tfl• office of 1fl• Director of ""':3.•~ :,a_:f.:I.:':i. • cNoll...... or ....,.. llond ll'lllde.,.... to .. ardlf of .. COllt ~ 0-.. Dll*toe ...... Tn...111 en eM041nt not '"' 011n fl•• ...... -.....~- ...... Into tM prap a1111 CoMr9ClC.. ..W tM .,..,...... llftrdecl to ...... ----~ be fortlllld, or Ill ...... - .. • ...... llOftcl. ... to Ml...... - ...... ,..-- ... No.,...... ,~· ...... '°' •pertod tor ...... , ...... ~ ...... ac:-....--~~ ... ClASSlflED :the marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5618


• ~ Q) ~ •

Q)>< • ~ • I "f ....I! ,,.,, 1 ...... Wu R.J . HUffMAN&IOH UO:.rdMtfMJ9,tnm. l!xpet1~._... . , • ~ MbVfAd! a o we er epar· Nl'fiiiii fl .14 per day "-nod/Add, laoeMI ,,.. . "-a. r1t•. Jim carpe ntry. roofl!\Q, dcW( ~ . aerdenlno. Quick, C--.. ~ ,,_nglng & Removal. ,_1 _,, T111r1 ALI. you pey ,_.... ;.... illllllmie •------648-UM ~8-4644 ....1tN ..,,..,...,., etc. 1141 •NO oen, f'Mlrll, tTW1'17 Lio. T1H04t m._10 ~.,3e~ onfY. 819¥1 A qui« feat of ... It U.t '°'. Cuilt ..... I .I. WlllOn & iOlii ..._ .,, Latliii ...... TWO COLLEGE' MitJ )'OUf --L-,. ., 30tn"'ff..ed ,,,.,,,au .. w &}I Aemodeleo::d rs..... ~ s: Let ""!Mk• your getden 4ilOCQ6vUIUOW ™ mav:i1. "" ~~you . ·~~ ..T~::a .:=, H~ ~~ ::..n. r1:.~,: ,_,.,., ,,... IM. & 11t =77487 t41-t740 · ~~~~ car-nl Fumlture, TrMft, T,... & bondebll. A0·7t17; tlrM" nutMWrll~ Ne'f04' DAlY ot... llMOl. 1oo-t011 • m ,_,,& • IPllk le3-6411 NOAM 5•1111 d9YI * &-1 ...... * ·~~ttr golnq to'" .clll l0t Ihle?" Ii 8hempoo i •...,,, ...... 1wor1I HAULING Houlfflt11r: quiet ucl ;3_1 pP. - ---= not. J If you wou6d Ilk•'"• L'.tr ~i ~~''"M7i Bllt=u.llt ~· ~!!::! _ oolor bflghten1r1. Wm a;;;y-~roomfng 1~1n· If l"IO lnlWtl' FURNITUAI& TRMH gred ttucsenteYllll. dUMcl ,.,,.. r..... cRINO fonn.t.lon on IOW ~. PlOT NL crptt • 10 min. b!Motl. tcJN.1101ny a. TMCtllr kM, trylngl Kevtn MATTl41-t011 ium!T* montlll. Xlnl Uc. T-11 ,•21 780-135S Reetuocoe. Int/ext. SO yrw. Clfl Don lnn\#111 SERVICE ~ow Oat~~ Hal, llv/dln. rmatta:""' 11 Y"' • · 542848 LlndlCePI -·~ DUMP JOii ,. 640-2089 STARVING COLLEOI! Meet. PllUI 6'6-2tn (llt) 111.-1 ~~e.} ,.,.. rr'i 0.- rOOl'l'I 17.50; couch 110; ~~ tenw10e & lnet... tlon at a Smell ~Jobi Met Ptof ledy Wiii Cllle for STUDENTS MOVING CO. ~ F- CW' • Clhllr U . ~. ..Im . P« ...... r MNIOI MIKE •••1 "1 ""'" ... ~. plant• ...... UC. T12'-'S8 INufld ED'1 "'iil.,._iimii,..._ ____ DIEC TORY 1 a 11 e d . , IC . g odor. Crpt flCllik', 18 yrt All fXPINd ,_ ...... • ·-~ '""'.... • ...... 1414431 V- . PUSlCl"' II' ~c::z; DO tT NOW! ~wnoi. dey, Call pP. Do wont rnyMlf. All T1~rl9 & Aoouetlc Oerdlnlng wan&ld: mow- HAULING :=z= .v::o.~llnkr . WATCH US OROWI Nut,,.,-., ~I« t ...... __ ,. -..2~1•r.. ~ 554-0123 Free Mt. Kevin 173-160$ Ing, edg ing, reklng, Clnupe, y•dlttee MtV. p ·~!'! -::.' Auto/~. ~ tr11 - """ - 1 ...... - ....~, ----- IWHplng . Fr11 Htl• RANDY 142 7141 Student w1I llouelllt, °' • _..... • ....,. t "' • 2 '"'007 YOAll D.ijy Piiot t•"-iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiil,___ _ Ctatat c..nett ll"trkal matll. 845-1141 • r«\t xtra rm, wlll do xtra ~~~: · ., .. . ., • 8::'..:.=: 4sa6Ylitttna CUetomW:Stone ElEcfRICIXN ..... It~ matnt In~ fOf Prom t ~~ o- Pl!Ulat Tilt ._.. __ In 'Tri C.M. home. '40 Wk Blodl-Conctet..Stucco Gd rat11. Fr.. • Uc. HISS. dlecountonrent. A41ttabll J'nalallo r:tu iiii!iiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil9!-----1 1 111 iJiiWiln 1011 ~-!!!-!!!!~...~~ l~l~l~-~°'-r •..:...1 1wiiii. Mt-Yii'f2tfi'N74 _ Alfa. Free 111. 549.9492 ..,,..., Wayne 331•7$30 Topped/ r1m9Vec1. OIMn ~ Hlkpg 173-0594 wlrett. l31-1oea. i.11 131-7149 H., U • Ml-1111 ....-.fi-ct-IN ..St _ X,..Ll""Eb-- :;; 8BABYSITTING0 Rod'• concnt1 & muon- ELECTRICIAN up, new lewne. 751..,..71 ...... Seo« WATER HEATER Special AH klnde. Guaranteed. My Colll Meu hOfM nr lfY, 9 yeers eame lo- Lie. 233108. Smlll/lge Exp G•rdener, Malnt, ~~~Ing , Mat prof lacfy wlll care for S~ev~:n:,atntlng, In= Pool 1'1Nt1r1•Furn1Qe1 REFS. JOHN 893-04a7 11111 c':i 11 VletOfle M2·M82 cat 10 n . Free 111 t . Jobe, repalre. 5'8-5203 clMnupe, ttee trim, tr.. ,.':.._o1' .'!':'!. .. ,!2 · your home, plant•. i>et• 1 81 1 • qu~ 81t ' Dralnt cleared from 15. Culton Ceramic Tiie ~~~~~ 71 .. ••"1706 Mt. Call P-11. 641· 10H .,., • _...... , wtllle you vac. Non·llllkr. " "et. rM · Malnt from 1115 °-alra 911 = . ., tttlat .....,....,.. ELECTRICIAN: Priced , CIUI Action Clelnere Bondlblll. 640-8938 6411--33.48 Of 646-4611 Evlwknd Mrnl. S:-M&M Wort! . Frll Chuclt. cerpentry. EXP'6166kkEEPER Concrete: Small Of Loe right, ,,.. lltlmate on Oii • Landtcape a Malnt. loctll home l t 851-9604 642·9033 540158 979--3021 Lie. I 341012. Ablllly AIM. slNlll bullnlla: llt Joba. Aemow old, re- I•!~ Of amelt )obi . Uo. RMld. l ~m . RHI. cln~· lne'd 142~M Lld1t1Jb1 ., flM PllfTill 8 7 ~ 730-1800 uplmalnt. 145--8381. place w/MW. 64&-8512 3pcie21. 87~ ~= · ~~ depen- H~USE~LEANING •aaanum ~~~4d yr9 ":' ·~ j~~ ,.~ ~ ':::: a,.111... cawaet llllii1 OllOUll ELECTRICIAN Tll 11111 ·-·· WNttdays l Weekend• Sod, eprlnldlf ""d atlrub local cu1tom11re. Thank MrVlce SUNSHINE WINDOW -t - Framing & all muonry Lie. 233 IOI. Small/loe - Marti ~5 ~ lnst.iiallon. O\K WOt1t only you, IHS3-411' CLEANING 842-15-49 m;[f;j;ft'i;;ir:n:;;p:r;;j* New cablnett, cabinet neecta. Lv mag 875-8890 . Jobi, repalre. 541-5~3 Lawn-t,....lhfub lnltall OU"'LITY CL"""'IN"' look• ~ . C"-Ck O .. , ..-.. Ml len I D feeing. bltl l fOfmlca . T1W tf1m/Removal ,. -~ " our prlolt before you buy! ftT -" t aervtce counf1rtop1. 142-0681 ICeraaic Tilt 0~~ ~=c::r._ Lawn malnt1Roto11111ng with• pwaonal 1ouct1 Uc. 2041118. 26 YRS. LIC. 403941. INS. IAOIW&SI llU'I Cl•=: ,:;.T~~-k7 8 Ollpatchef ClqutJy §pecjaJ(dng lf1 bixb n Torn 63 1_50•72/Q73-75'M FrN 11Umat1 6'8--80e5 BETH 860-0933 U.. I ...... , BONDED. REFS. COLOR xperlenced & Pro·•-======::;;; -- pavera, handpalnted ROBIN 'S CLEANING .....1111 EXP. 983-0911 RICHARD lllllonal. Very reuonable I • •-L•..._. · lat...... t-- Repalrl1ml l<>bl. Fenoea, ceramic tile . Floore. PINI CMtriiljl l&u~u SERVICE: 1 thoroughly 1111'.. UTllllU 1111 fOf all of Yout pool lt1ta l n 1-.1lr11 ...... _._ 11 ..... IM!vM, pertlllon1. Lo kltehen1, blttie compt. CR~OOD clean hOUM 6-40.0157 LAWN THATCHING , FOf expert MrVlcl. Thet all contr.ctor• who ratM. Steve 731-8311 lnetalled ae tow as s2 5-0 * * HOME REPAIR · Bermuda grlll & St & INTER. Alla. rat11. Fr11 .ven1ng1&pmto9 pm PtirfOfm work over 1200 -fOT""W!... ALDQIGNSERV"""i.""',..._i- . I AFFORDABLE carpentry. aqft. 850-1132 · 495-9270lnetall . Uc. 318280131-9755 EJee.Pluml>-OarpentryPattoeov.r.Fenoae •1 ., ..... a.._ • ...1-~1..... Augu1tln1 . Dave· eat · Steve 5'7-4211 If no anawer, p L..,."'"SE . Incl u di ng 11 b or an d 111 ~Fr.. plumb, elec. Quality ..._.,t ... Tiit ••• Remod Klltll l4M872 541-2400 842·'863: Bud 549--5285 HOUSE PAINTING KEEP TRYINO... materl1ta mull be II· Custom rwmod. & MW wortc/ llN!cl. 751·7718 ..... lug_t Deer lttab . OLUl..aD .. INT/EXT. EXPERT (114) ..1-tlll oenMd. UnlteenMd con- conltf, by erchltect & d9- Fr••· Guar. 983-3283 SPRMds-AINdf!r.NEW JACK Of ALL TRADES ..__ H..... "7" ,..... Ml!f TOM 173-21418 treetora lhould '° etate llol* t-.n. 640-'455 Aec>alr-Atter1tton1 OPENERS. A.II Repalrt. c.11 Jack enytlme. ~ -png • ..-v...... @\l;AAfiing ff1 Q::on;y In their ldvertlelng, Cori· ..,,.....~...,,....----- e>oor.WlndOW9-Cablnet1 Ctatractm leatral Low.t rateel 18 yra CM Day or night. 975-3014 ~1dy wl1h11 llou11· Lio/bonded. Very r.... UYll PA111l111 u ng t)'Pll trectora end coneumer1. P.,...._PatJos..Fenc11 IH.. l OffslnttlH Lie. Tom .,. · Home Repairs-Carpentry cllanlnQ °' nur111 Ilk! Sob 173-5387-9908 9-blnet, rlflnllh. Nllw-Aecover-Olck• '*IL 3 557 480 lnt~IJll . 642 7479 (i,4~5:.'6~r~.,:~ '""8i:n"A:IS::~rq;' Jerry, 54l-44l Add'M/Remod. Plans& ta Cablnet.e.Ellc>Plutn~ llMcl. ""'- 549-9393 BrlckWortc, aman Of tarp:. Uc d, lnl d. " Uc. # 411802. 6-48--973-4 queaUone. Contractor'• & P~. ~_ , • ., All Ptl8MI "'~try~...-· Permlll. Booded, ln1'd. ' Fencing. DON 918--01 9 ELIN'S HOUSECLEANING Jobi & repaln. Local re•· CIHalfled Adi ere the lallha I'-.....1 1 State l.lcertM Boerd. 28 Uc. 397 . 642-1720 a Repair, etc. Qutdl - - Lie. # 4 18570 5-48-<4271 ~naon15 Son: ~Int~ FAIR PRICESI Painting. Old fuhlonld dllnlng If· 645-8512 .,,,_to a IUcc.NfUI 403901. FA.111t. 2411r Civic Center Platl, Drtwwlly-P1wttlng Lot ~!::o~f.:3~~ 'd . Remodlll/Repelra. comm. land~~~leet roonng, carpentry, gar- flolln.....l· reiia,.. ble. REF. Aft BRICKWORK: Small Job• garage Of yard 18111111'1a 1------~~ ~90 . Santa Ana , 5 12 7 -8&~~~~t:lrlQ a reald. UC'd, tioncMd. · denlng, crpt ci.anlng. • -- ~ Newpon, Colt• M.... better wey to tell more SELL Id le Item• with a 1-==A=='=·==== s '-"' .... 1- 1 9tlJc: Want Adi Clll 642-5878 Ina. For 111. 652-91'2 Sell Idle,,_ 642-5978 etc. St•r 5'M471 Cle..lflld 642·1di7 lrvlne. Alf•. 175-3176 people! Daily li'tlot Cf.alllfled Ad. I·

Aert11eat1, Val. ...,.._.. Uaf. &tuta!!tt. lat. lnlah tt om.. lntala 1114 c..aL a.tab 1111 it!ll!!!!L--!!!! C..ta .... 1714 C..ta Ilea UH • ...., ..._. 2Tft wr:T to ltlr Deluxe on1o11 on Nwpt llWNIT 11A11 = 4 WcaLfleld WlllUll ft.Ull EAST BLUFF'1WNHSE M/ F, no!Wmkr, $295 mo. :t~ to .000 aq ft. ~o: :~'*::; HOIOSCOPI 2 er. Apt•.. ~11.,t lmmld, APT + utll a dip. 5'9·9081 Hobie. aurl, record lhop, BY SIDNEY OMARA Tl.. lllil pool, IC>ll. L R., carport. 3 Br. 2 Ba. 2 car g•. No Chrlttlen lady wta lhare 11&.m .,,.. lllT" etc. Long 111 OK. ltw ...... hr rot No pets. 2 Bf Sll864590 peta. S750/mo. 144- 1010 rum C M ept very reae Baytront bldg 800· 1, 107 e75-4S334 i--Dml---1-111-_..---- 1 Bdrm 1 ~Bl .....ft TSL 754-00l1 btwn 8-5, Mon thN Frt. . 53&-'9~ (9-4) eq ft..,..,"· om 11.25 ~ -- BASEMENT 11 00 .,, ft Shops, olfloN & llOl'I &eohllOflB.ctllb.tte Frplc. vlUltld Cllllnga. dbl ..,.....,._BJllJ NWPT HOTS Speclou1 •------· ..., · anaoe evall. C-2, eoo Office & Blrthdly Par'Ula. hetday, Jue 7 • pool, ape. ~.. ,,._ 2Br 28a. c:toll to W11Llff 2800 lq ft. can Mon-Fri .... TIE I ...... ARJES (March 21 -April 19): Financial security aee w 18ttl St IPllTllin'i bc:h. 2 Metr Br 1U1t11, Fe rmmt• to 1har1 t-5 eq.ft. CM. 5'1-72<49 MM• ia promiaed through series of unusual circwnstanoes. 5-2739 642-4905 B111 utllully l1ndacap1d bltna, P"' d«lk, evell July W/NfM, 3 bd, 1~ ba, tum. DELUXE OFFICE SUITES 7~ 561 8~ garden apta Pool & ape. 1. '750 mo. ~7400 non-llnkr. Bayfront bldQ 700-1007 ldutrlal Timing, intuition are on target -· you'll uncover 1 2 ''miasing link." Take initiative, make appointment.I, LIDIY •HS ~~loll~. ~$510 A13:!~":.~ utna. o.p. ;i,s~J~~~ ~~ ~ ~ : faat-!• mt ...... 1 ·elevate ielf-esteem and realize your own worth. w.a .. IMtllo...t ~38;E',~·.~ ~ •lllllRlllYIOll 2500 :'sft&.~~on-fn :C~1':~o&L:'.,i~: •1n..,,_ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries ftua _· __ Covering So. Or. Cnty, . =M. RIM . 646-7612 s-rtlf~~glnl , Frplc, IMgent frenctl win· Bt. Ba IN NEWPOflT BEACH Llgune to San Clemente. Executive Ottiell Dally 1oAM-2AM message for valuable hint. Reech beyond current 3 2 1870 1 1 expectations -· horiwns expand, you make import­ dows, air cond. In home 151 E. 21., 5-48-2408 Slnglll 1 & 2 Bdrm Apert· 881-4999 · South CoUt Metro.,.. !,~ ~,::.~ 1885 Park Awi, c M. aecurtty, 2 ~ 2 ba. or 1 br, ___ m1nt1 & TownhouHt. Male liV 4 bd hM · Full S1rv1oe IS-40/mo 538-l05fi =831·9883 1 ant cont.acts and creative efforts will be rewarded. 1 ba lncKJ• JXV club 8acMk>r Some ere 1l1gantly Success indicated by direct appeala, personal appear­ w/11nnl1, 1pae, pool•. 2 Bdrm. 1 'I• Be 1580S430 lurnl8hed. •----·-----1200 aq ft total (400 eq tt I1·-=====:==: Muna. ~tllul ty decor· 2250 Vanguard From 1595 otflce epprox). Located Hello Lonely Bu1ln11n ances and calls to key people. ated olubhoull w /ft(m & 540-9829 OnJamborllrd. lt on W 17th St. 1.5 mHe1 Men Attrw:ttw young GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Cast aside secret much m 0 r. . Fr 0 m D , la n- s.n Joequln HUit Rd. f , 0 m N E w p 0 R T L • d y Iv• II . f 0 r feats, suspicions. Your position ia strong, wish will MOO/mo lncld1moetut111 U& t I - 144-1tl0 I HARBOR. 1480/mo . lunch/dinner 11cor1 and is 100. St. Alban'• 6-494421. 2bdrm , 2Ga , dining room, MS-6811 _8_3_9·_3080______be fulfilled romance highlighted. Take 38' I Bear St (btwn garage, Oc11n View UPP« 2 Br Condo, conve- ...... /W .... Ledin onty, full body initiative, stress independence, originality and pion­ Sunfloww & MacArthur). 1525/mo. WEBS REAL· nllnt ~- ~·.. ~ & wmH II H 1MUag11 at your toe eering spirit. You'll get to heart of matters in TY. 493--0791. 493-3280 lndry ..... e.46-- 1ve Newport 8eect'I 642-c>K4 connection with romance. N- Condo 2 8r 1 Bl. Herbor Creek Br Ba meu. 2700 aq ft, well maintained .,...... ,...... , __...,,..., __~ frplc, lndry hookup, many pool SltllM, 2 ~to~2 2 v..... 111 .. 1 Br, lllew of bldg on qujet 1trMt SPIRITU AL READINGS CANCER (June 21-July 22): First impressions l(tr... no peta. $595/mo. 1 1 5 0 . 9 7 0 • 7 7 4 0 ocea n. Pool. clbhH. 845-UOO or 845-3323, ~~~ :'i::,: '::; prove correct. Sense of direction is restored, 9812 aft 4PM. llW9/Wknd•. 1825. 8anc:ty 842-8149 • 1775 up. 2285 ft lndu• counMllng 1815 So El Individual who aided you in past retuma to help luL ..... w.aa v.,...... 2 Br, 2 ea, poo1 1.nat offlol. 18101 Aldon- Camino Alel s1n Clem again if you'° permit. Aquarius, Leo natives figure . ,_ ctu~ lr1)lc: 1'100. do Ctrcle. #T, Huntlngtoo 492•7299 • · ~ ~.~a...\-\ ba. •rtachld gw. GIOCIC tom. Bd~ . a-.... 14i...a14a . . BMc:tl. 942.2834. 112 1 prominently. Surprise announcement could mean .,7 _..,.00 ~-F • 8pl!1tual Advteor . money in bank for you. Newly remodeled ltudlo ~7 1~22 9th St. VERSAILLEi I In Ill mattara, ~ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Career aspects are ept. 1396 Inc. Ill utll. & VILLA BALBOA N.8. Walk to bdl, furn 1646-4800 Of 846·3323, bataactlltah loWI, rnamaoe. Al1Ql6a gardening. 1892 E. Or· 1Br. bulttlnatow&oven, CON00St31~MO home . non·lmkr . deye 875-2495/ll73-97l-4 hignlighted •• doors open to variety of opportunities. Popularity increases, eocial activities accelerate, ~i~i~r lv• by, ca ll =- . o:'~·1:.'"'*- La a.ea.. fltl I :::!:,'Ord;.,~ 1 -'3'i~ NEWPORT CENTER. Full ...... sen ...... ~:an:: ;;c;w 11\'91 Alkl M• Baughn wWle Executlw Sultll. laltnctiea 3111 long-distance call relates to vacation, possible travel. Na 1 br, gar.. upetalr•. 1 Br. bullt In llowi l own, 3 bf. 2 b&UI ar>ertinent' . 1575-18211. 64().5'170 scn•uM • LETS Gemini, Sagit\arius individuals play key roles. Clole to lhopplng oenl• :U· drapee. aoee &o everythfngl ldlli Nwpt 8dl OoMn "'-• 38r Nici offkll I Cor a dll •NSWERS Prtvall IMfm lnltnlcflon. ldMI for mkldll-egad =·pete·. 2975. '°' 2 0t 3 adulta, no peta. home, •ound 25, M/F, M f1 I~ / eoM 8 mo-~ 11 yn VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent on distance, 320 S: n law, education and aearch for greater inner.tranquil­ couple. 1385. 645-0818 2 bd, 1 'A ba. bit-Ina, new '830/mo. AVllll. June 15. 1316. Alk fOf' Ctlet!et °' ~· utM 87~2595 mo. "'1hma - H1r1m uper. 64(). • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil earpeta, drapea. enol (714) 142-0138 Stew l31-121' · Baton . &ouc Juluu :--814 ity. Some plana are reviaed, exciting prospects put k"" petto, gar, w/d hkp. 1595 Prof pereon &o lhr 3bf NICE ol'floll In Coron1 dll BATHROOM an end tb ennui. Bellioo&e individual will pull in • Tll quiet. ~t ..... 1t11 ab& CdM t1om1 wlc>c:eM Mar. 320 • q. 1280/mo Confulld erchlt1C1: He UTUl&IU •l1 Qu6lt 2 bdrm, 2 bath, ..al\ft , ~ .._ ..~ m pt 0 poo w Alfa Ae9I 844-6347 plu• utll. 846-5383. 2333 dMlgna 111eg1nt h~ Se your own t>ou. horns and your progress will not be impeded. Go! doll to belctl, encl. g•- .....,., ._ge 2 .... 2 -. 2 '""'Ml w • Oiflto/. · · · E Cout Hvwy that __,.., ecoomrnod C1tameran mtg mold• LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Don't be shy about ege, JNillo, ~. dllh- can INW9. neat belctl. - mo. omen g• Retired unencumbered t ' _, ate owr 100 hulll 1 comp1' wuhllr. M25 mo. 2183 l>Ht ar11, no Piii. 36 up. Awl Jurll 1 · Bartender for plrtlea. fifty people. Trouble It. boel teo00 1~1 examining books, asking questions and digging deep PllOlflc, C.M. Mgr. ept 17, '33-3307. ~2590 Ill 5:00. Fl'W room for llalrt rnatn-- Ole IUltl. rllWly !Idec, w/ 2 they only MYI one BATH- ,___ -.-· ___ _ tor facts. Highlight penistence, courage of convic­ Jeff, 5'&-4530. "' PN 1M iii'a tenenoe. Ann '40-2303, otc., blth I huge ltOf'IQll ROOM, . Uflll&Ul 1Ml1 tion.a. Member of opposite 1ex can prove to be bELAWXAE PINES Wkty rentall now wall. 540-2245 1Paot..... '1ne11PPfutlol 11 ~ h Lett Catamaran mfg lnold1, 1 1 I ,.... 2164 for and ' 2 8', MOO/mo. llOS & up Cdor TV o-. • - · ng, ov. 100 hutll, 1 oompl. valuable ally. Be ready change. challenge .. , ... MES••...- Frplc. pool, gar. ---- In . 2274 Rmmte nlldld nr So. unfurn, S300 mo. Avell boel '8000 :J50..8551 invitation to travel. P .._,.. ,...,..,.. prtvat1 petlo .-"""'- room. C t Pl 811 •21• lnlmld 831-3299 c:tya. 1-,,_..,,.'--=~ · ~~-=..,...... 1681 MllaDr. No pete. 142-8807 Newport Blvd. CM . OH • • " · . fnlllUft ans EAAN EXTRA MONEY! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Go slow, lie low, '440. Unfum. 1 Bf. 19221 0...-.. St ~!!~lklten T.m.r ~credia~ ~'= CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Favorable STUNNING. large 3 er. 2 PCH, '300 mo. Aval. Scotty mix, lemata 141,.93-11113 ,,, .._ poo1 ..... lmmld. S.U-4:l12 blk/tan a.man s111p. _ ..,,... moon aspect ooinddes with 1elf-expression, willing­ .... garden ept, . - - - - tiii •••••.... amell female Go6dlrl ~ 9 ...... ,,.., '535tmo. 7tOW 18thSt. •dU.90/ up, cerp111. tr11ver.. va11now . Numer- ntW to make necel&llJ"Y changes and intensified l1tnnll~mltldCo 11.LMllTllM.m. Twnh9e, 2 muter 81'1: 1 tn • rlf)ll~ reetroom.. OUI klttena & cata wall. St..... 2.._ ~ relationship. There will be added pressure, decisions &tlblllflld lZ )'Mrll 17301 BMS. Hunt· Newpor1 911ot1 •• 'Ti_.._·-- .,.....,. "' ... PhotoetekentRlf'•ehkd lngton BMch. 842·2834. Shelter, 125 ,...!nl~ groee. 81-3031 are made and lt wlll be 1'M!OellarY to UO\lllle added e mo ou.rntld Servlol responsibWty. •CNdlt•• E~ WllMM •CdM d•uu•• AC . ~ C.M. 144-3868 ...., .. I.Ma 4114 Newt. TllM M1gu1ne, ~g , hm tH$, aea11 !. ound-pert LabrlldOr ~ Foii06;888 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Finish rather 97 m:ooo than initiate project. Older individual will stand by VIW NINH tty, "911t«. M 191. KNX "8dto. NloftPor1 Olo o.t Hwy, t 7MIOO t.W- puppy"? Fama. 2NDS. At.o wm bu~ ~=~on CdM beYf\'Ont 8-Yllde a 832... 1:M'!'olftolll, •UHlllV=•· alt C'lliOk, ftll-l)el\l\'lld. not11. FAST mpprove;I you daplte obstacles, pc:mible threat.a. Focus on Sp1clou1 E-•fde Apt•. ' " ~-VI- Pteoe ~ 2 br. 2 wtlO •• r9'ocattng. 1 aloo F.. IHT F~ In lltcinlty E. of and rundfnO. 851-9116, MICU.rity, long-term agreements and signing of Encl ger. Piiio, dthwar l · ,.14,.._. 1M ba. i4oOQ mo. y oNn. TUltln Ole n M1gnolle , b1tw1~n DINI eo.,>. Oo.1G ... document which provides speda.l authorization. IltOYI . Moat utlla lrll. No ii--'-.... ft.U ft! "9altor 17M191. a 832-4134 Wltll lhcwt *'°" ...... full Adll'llt end lnCfleMpOl!a *'J, Bier. peta. .,..._ - • ~ eu1-. ·i<.lp your In Huntington IMch. Ce11 1-;...... ---=---- Libra plays key role. a.ta11 W-W alil overhead low & pro· 982<-2'83 after e p m CMtl loane. uc> ~ 15)000, Emphame inde­ Pf.SCES (Feb. 19-Man:.h 20): PfOf. ;;;:f. a;;""ltAQl =t.": ~'r.~ FOUNP: ihtPf*d ·~ r~:. pendence, new c:ontacta, w1llm8neee to break from 1,---...,-.,...... ,~--=,-- non·.mlcr lootctng to por1e.otl. 9314951. Ille f11t l Or-=. CM. =rund• a ny p11rpoM . pattern wb.lch dominated recent put. Relationship --"i;nCT"i\i1iii:ITim- ll::::=!!;..___ _ 1 ":w)=-'=: tt-~~ ~ ~ox• moe. 9411 .•:;,it~.4441;;;.---- ii to refu.e to intJ.mfdated. don't It.and put tart - be =• lth p rof F 1 m a l e 1IOICI Found: °'\ still foe abule. emotional or othe'.rwfae. Leo fiiurel ctow 'offtoa.~• In ecenario. tt, aeoo1mo; ·/Veo 1.a ~ ~ . ""' ' •• !!! ~..::O~ tn- ~orY !JP'. UU':!_ii ...... Y°"f'G 11"Clll ~· · FOUND: ~ mec11 ~!'"'ft.. phoM * ••t. oon- helNd OM 1'11* CIClllr ~ =-~· ~· H1 wp ort •o~ Golf 1u; ~ ..,,__...... vt1t & -~NI..,.: ,..... eour., 11 1 ~ ~ 141417' ..._11 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PlJZZIE

I ACROSS 41 Humorlat 8ATUROAY'8 50 - voi.tlte "6ZZLI aoLYaO 1 Radiation 51 Hwt -(.it.). dOMunlt 52 Launeh 4 LeeYeout 64 Mlnu1 IBtgulle 58Me>c*n 14 PMlm eo Tumor: euff. 15Vemp 01 Proteu: I I 18 SptndMng 2wdt. ~ f)NN~, 17 ~part : 82 Repltc. ·: •< t .. ~ .-, . 2wda. 04 Small 18 Mr. Cantor ee&pouaea 20 Abtc:ond 67 Join ~ 4 ., ' (J. 2 1 Crt1g 88 Scotch river 22 E-1y 89 Loan (obs.) 23 PrehistOl'lc 70C"4M*y mound 71 Sllp 24 Auto LA a 28 Rine. DOWN S A I! D 28 Carbohy­ 13 Storm center 40 Abstracts drate: auff. 1 Brazil red 18 Withstand 42 Esophagu1 31 Compass 2 An Astaire 24 Teet9'- 45 Endurance pofnt 3 Stage aettlng totters 48 Attaci

We've Got 'Em! Yemlfla Gult9r 375, eq, mint oond w/~. S«ri­ ...... flce. '200. 1e13 W111111n 3 8enta Ana A", C.M. WANTED: 8~ FOR , 9--1 pm. 17' 808TON WHAL.EA ...... I £Ml* ....., Imel hDltue/ ·~56_2_-M_10___ ...,...,~ kal~• am~ HM • .R>n.inge .. _ cm~ ar11c:.WWWfii~~ _ ( 'oast - 2 Hom9a, - ·--- -­ ---~..--....--- ~ ~-----.---- omcee.~!Ind De*a wel. wtttl port 8-d\. 642-4804. a.ti CM au 1 - m• '

. ~ I •

To Place your " Fast Result" Service Directory ad Call Now 642-1671 17od Adi 142-11'11 .______Id.ID ..


ARAS CHIY$Ul.PLYMOUlH • LONG 81ACH 8MW 2929 Herbot &Nd.. Colta Mesa. Tel. 64&-1934. 3 bloc:ttl lerge Mlec11on of new=allty uMd BMW's and other fine aoa LONGPll PONTIAC IOUth of San Diego Freeway off Harbot Blvd. Complete cersl s.... . aervlce & • Tr.ct.Ina weloomet TMle 406 13800 ae.d\ Blvd., Wea1mln11er. Tel. 892-8851. Or~ body lhop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dept. open Freeway to Nonh Cherry o -ramp, tum ri0h1 & go e blodc.a County'• OfcMlt end lergeat Ponoac dealerahlp. S•'"· Monday ttwu Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 nor1h to 3870 N. Cherry A ...... Long Beecfi. ...._Pana. · P.M. on Satu10ay. (714)638-5790 (213) 427~94

OIANGI COAST AMC/Jll, /HNAULT 2524 H.,bot Btvd •• Colte M... NAHll CADILLAC SUNHT fOID, INC. 54e-eoi3 645-Tno • Harbor Blvd.. ~ . Tel. 640-9100. (Home of Wiiiie the Whale). 5440 Oatden Grow~ . Cotta •· 2eoo 0r_,. • 1 J.-p Dealer In the W•tl S.. us- tocs.y 10< Nlea, MfVice County'a largeat Cadillac dealef. a... SeNlce LMMng. W•tmlnatw. Tel. 838-4010. I lealng. T,_. •• l'9UOnl wf'ly - are II 1 . . Pnce and M6ectJonl AIM>. the el-new Renault AlllMce Is here!

THIODOll IOllNI POID M<>dem ...... mc.. pacu. body, pelnt & tire depts. Competltlw rat• on ..... & d.ity rW'lt... 20eo HarbOt' IMI.. Cotta Mau. 641-0010 or 54CM211. $6 inillion i~ Doo_d su·its HB residents seek damages from city, county, flood district ' . aarma~ '1 lost three can and a travel tnillr. My k-. were etUmated •t t1'70,000, .. Funk eakl. SN laid lhl ..,.. ewcuated on • ~· u.llboat In knee-hJ&b waier an her 7ht bU&bda)'. "Ii'1 a hell of a way to oelebnte your birthday, Isn't ltr' lhe Mkecl. Attorney l'lood aaid that Nil· dentll llUffered medical and emo. tiQnal proble!m u well .. an • ...... ,. of about $100,000 In io.e.. . ~ w• a lot of pain and auffertnc." he Mid. ''One woman 111111111 mu

CDAIT IDITIDll MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1983 OR ANGE .C OUNTY . C A L IFOR N IA 25 CENTS ...... Karen Johnson, 19, modele her new crown a1 •• .• Laguna Hills boy I aces :murder rap Miu Costa Mesa. Arraignme scheduled Tuesday for youth held in shootings of adoptive parents

ment Saturday morning and uid WU dJ9covered Saturday morn­ authorltiea hia mother wu In­ Fish Fry a hit he tbot hia mother and father, la ing by hia brother, Cyrw. who coherent In a phone con~ being held at Oranae County went to the tW04kley home at Ruth Lampui. ~ . al9o ahot in Lions event raises $65,000-plus Juvenile Hall and will be ar­ 24846 Weybum Drive tn 1.-,una the head. la listed in fair condition raigned Tueeday. said Oranae Hilla after ~Ying a phone call today at Saddleback C.ommunity More than 100,000 Fish Fry fana flocked to the 38th Annual County Sheriff't Lt. Wyatt Hart from another acn identified • Hoepital. Fish Fry and Carnival thia weekend, making lt one of the most The body of John Lampaei, 60, Michael Mfcbeel Lamplllll told Hart aaid no motin ia yet S\.ICIOe9ful Costa Mesa Newport Harbor ~Cub fundral8en known for the abootinC which ever. occurred aome time between Llona Club spokesman Bob Wolfe aaid i like receipts Thunday night and Saturday are up 10 percent over 1ut year, when the club donated . momfna. $63,000 to local charities. ''We don't know the motive at '1t ~ pretty good." aaid Wolfe, noUnc thla polnt," aald Hart. "He just dlnnen were .erved during the three-day event. wanted to .ee what it felt like, I wu better and we had IDOl'e room." gue..'' Karen Johmon, 19, of Coata Meaa. won the Flllh A amall-callber 8'1D believed oonteet and waa crowned Mila Costa M-. Julia M..llirtnr._ \.-d tn the ahooUng w• found a.ta Meaa. and Joelle Morrow, 17, of Laguna late Saturday in a "coocealed" runners-up. location which Hart refwed to Baby contest winnen were Desiree c.onetU, aix montha old, identify. of Huntiqton Beach, who wu judged in the ax-month to The elder 1 •mpaai wu in poor one-)'Ml'-old cateaory, and Ann Martin, age tmlmown, health and had a history of who entered the 13-t.o-24-mcnth-old cateaorY. ~~ and heart problema, Micbe1le Croff of Santa Ana Heilh111 walked away with a 1983 Ford Eacort automotbile aft.er her fiab fry dinner ticket wm Ron went to live with the drawn la'9 Sunday night. Lacuna Hilla couple when be w• A hungry crowd thit year comumed 2.5 t.om of cod fish Del three and ... i.u1....,.....,, l ton ot bambu.rfen, lekl Wofle, addina that be bam't .._. them at Gx. aald Hart. Bmnldde QOUDted the numerow bot clop. tacoa and Cokes that were arwd. diltectiWl8 haw not yet question­ '1 feel very good," aid Wolfe, ~ "811 WI')' ed anodwr brother and two llDOOthly tfUa year... . adoptedll*n. Parking structure . Bergeson camp says in Laguna studied mailer a deception BY 8TEVB IOTCllELL report, the findinp of a· dtblen or.. .,...... tMk force, and a dty staff rec­ In a move that brings the ommendatioo that a multi-level Lquna ae.ch City Cou.ndl full perking structure be comtructed drde, council memben Tue.day ai the municipal lot on Glenneyre will ro«l(JQll(der a propmal to build between Legion Street and a parkina. structure atop the Laguna Avenue. dty-owned Glenneyre Street the ooundl'• action rabed the parking Jot. ire of the Ownber of Cnmmerce, It was nine montha ago thit aa well • many bu.tnemDen and week that the coundl majority merchants who demanded a voted to ignore a paid coosultant'1 structure be built to -- the downtown puidnc problem. The three opposing the nodoo. Bomb scare Mayor Robert- Gentr)r and coun­ dlwomen Sally smien. and clears out Bobbie Minkin. sua-t.ed Instead the city look to ~ • parldna atructure at the ec>

San Francisco recently paeaed a .law stating s employer~ must establish separate work areas , 81 fte .ltl~datetl ,..... ty drew .natlmal notice 1n March for· smokers -- should non-smokers' rights take · or.e.._ ...... after Councilman Milton Kriepr Gvden Grove police My persuaded oound1 memben not.to precedence over smokers'? . ·. ·. ~re ldll livtnc Just wam1n&'a. pu1 a law bann,lna people from not dc:llDet8, to people who try to llvt.na in can parked on dty atreeia. He had been moved by the pllaht of an out-of-work truck driver and h1a prepnt wile who Polic~ seek 3 men lived for montha tn theU' 1987 Muatana. However, oouncll members in Chillo slayings were inundated with UJ11fY calla from re.ldenta who objected to CHINO (AP) - Investigators neighbor the declslon. Many cited health Al Warren. . and other huarda that resulted aeercbed today for three men in a 'the area la about five mila stolen bJood-epattered from people llvtnc tn can. car from a from the California InsUtuticn for One Bob heme where a couple, their resident, Piper, told of MJ!n at Chino where one inmate a man who lived in a van daulhter and a netahbor boy eecaped Thunday and another tn front of Ptper'a houae for three days. were llabl and their 8-year-old Saturdey, aaid Deputy sheriff• throwing beer botflm on the lawn 900 WM inJured. • Chief Gene Majon. He declined and urinating on the flower.. A. part of their investigation, to releeee theb" NIMS but add deputie. said they were "I don't feel our 'Yards are a •abertff'a investigaton were cheddni out ampool for vagranta," he uid. al8o two lnmatt» who any pcmtble connecticm to the b.t eeca=for from a nearby prison alayino. Oty ataff memben prepared a -T~ "" o.t.rtt1.. tn the PM' few days, but Dia­ Sberiffta Deputy Jack Watkinl report on the problema of letting ...... patcher Gwen Culbreth Mid lt deecribed the murders• "Man· people live in can. and Mayor wam't known if the eecapees Jonathon Cannen aaid he be­ "In re1taurant•. they --=:--... ff•1 Okay to amok• In aon -atyle,'• referring to the 1969 ·==--=··provide eeparate ..,._ for were amona the three men who cult murders of pregnant actrem lieved the problem ahou)d be a pttvate office. but tn a room were .een at the home Saturday Sharon Tate and four othera by handled by the county or atate. amokere. I think trucan do where It'• going to affect Mamon the tame for oftJCM. Cln ... eomeone. the emoker lhould evening. Charle. followers at a you're to find a park, A ''cutting instrument'' was ••u aotna If you'N littlng a few ~ mowe or lm()t(e durtng a Laurel Canyon houae. uae one neer the state Capitol." he from who'1 recovered from the rural houae But Tidwell said: "It was not eomeone amoklng, break. CIQara lhould be said. "State~ need to aee It can be di.turblng." emoked at home... where deputies Sunday found rituallstk at all, just very brutal." thelle people.' the bodies of F . IhaglM Ryen, 41, He said tt appeared there had wife Peggy Ann, 41, daughter been a struggle. The City Council then enacted JelSica. 10, and Christopher "There was blood all over," he the ban, but a1-> allocated $10.000 Hughes, 12, a neighbor who was said. in federal hOllSl.nc tunda to the spending the night at the Ryena' Ei&ht-year-old Joe.hua Ryen Christian Temporary HOUlini houae, San Bernardino County was listed in atable condition Facillty in Orange, one of the Sheriff Floyd Tidwell aakl. He today at Loma Linda University county'• handful of ahelten for declined to de8cribe the weapon. Hospital. homelea families. 30 Tbe fmilly station wagon. a ' white BWclc., wu stolen as was a licenle plate from another vehlcle re.ding "RYEN 4," deputie. said. LAGUNA PARKING..• Wlme.e. told inve.9tigaton that three men were at the Ryens' on From Page A1 Saturday evening, Tidwell said. obvloua the Village Entrance pro­ Both Bellerue and Gentry The t.olated Ryen home la ject ia a Jong-term project and we agree that a two-level atructure located rolling h1lla at the end tn need to deal with Laguna'• park­ oou1d be built without relnforoe­ of a dMd-end street where the tna prob)ema now." ment for pomble lewla. In dolen or ao neighbor families are future "Eight yean ago you could find that way, the council can be · hone breeden. The hou8e la "out -.ared a future city coundl will of eanhot" of any neighbora, said a plaice to park at lunch time," ahe continued. "Now you can't do never come aJoni and vote to that. Thia (a parking structure at elevate the atructure to four or c.me aae..d, ...... Glenneyre) ia a quick aolution. fiw levela...... fire ...... ft...., , . Blaze kills And we've got the money to do Laauna Beach cummtly hla Newport .... Ne rt ..... • • it." $1.33 million available tn its "Smoker• can move ·~law'• a good one In addition, the mayor said, the Parking Authority J\md for a elMwhete to imoke - you bee.• eomeone ....., bad one, in1ures c urrent , primarily parking structure. A fadlity at can't ao l'omewhere elM to habit lhoukl not lnftuenoe ecology-minded city oouncil­ Glenneyre, with a total of 217 work.',.- othere. Smok.,. ahould go I our in Tustin means a structure can be designed l>8l'king apacea, would cost about outelde or In another room." to be "in keeping with the $ 1.28 million, city oftidala e9ti­ One man was killed, four character of Laguna." mate. people were injured and 28 evacuated after a blue broke out in a. Tt..Un apartment ~plex , I ear1Y th.la mormnc, Oranae Coun­ ty 1'lre Department oftidab aakl. I The fire, which investigatora believe was llDOking related. cau.d $150,000 damage to the 12-unit Cedar Glen apartment complex. 15811 Pasadena Ave., eogu1fins two apartment unita and dan>&8ing a third, uld de­ partment spokesman Chuck Murphy. Orange County coroner'• depu­ ties were not releellna the name of the dMd man eerly today pendma notl.ticatkln of next of kin. The victim waa 65 years old. ma rocmmate, Edpr Peden. 40, .._ burned on tu. neck and t.:k when he attempted to reecue the man. Orange County Red ~ oftidala aa1d.. AJao injured were two neigh­ bor&, who jumped from their upstaira window to aa.fety. Treated at TusUn Community Hmpital for minor lacerations were Anita Milla, 23, and Tangin Mctodlh. 19. Oranae County firefighter Henry Ram1n!z apralned tu. elbow and ·waa treated at the 9Cene, Murphy aakL lt took 39 fireficht.en about 30 Carnival attractions minutes to umtrol the 1:51 a.m. blue, he added. The "Wave Swinger" ride had plenty of emtomen at the Coeta Mesa The Onnae

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