Potential Culture Districts in the City of London Study Terms of Reference
15 COM e/Chuck Parker TO: CHAIR AND MEMBERS STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND POLICY COMMITTEE FROM: JOHN M. FLEMING MANAGING DIRECTOR, PLANNING AND CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: POTENTIAL CULTURE DISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF LONDON STUDY TERMS OF REFERENCE MEETING ON Monday , October 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Planning and City Planner, with respect to the Council resolution of March 10, 2015 relating to the possible establishment of culture districts in the City of London, the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix 1 be used as a basis for preparation of a study which defines the purpose and potential locations of such districts in the City of London which may involve possible changes to the Official Plan, Zoning By-law, other City By-laws and City processes. PREVIOUS REPORTS PERTINENT TO THIS MATTER 1. Planning Entertainment Uses for Downtown Revitalization (April 9, 1996, August 26, 1996 and September 30, 1996) 2. Regulation of Noise from Outdoor Patios and/or Restaurants/Taverns (June 2001) 3. Residential-Entertainment Interface Study –Preliminary Report (June 21,2004) 4. London’s Cultural Prosperity Plan (March 5, 2013). 5. London Music Strategy (September 2, 2014) 6. “Our Move Forward” – London’s Downtown Plan (Council adopted April 14, 2015) BACKGROUND Municipal Council at its session held on March 10, 2015 resolved: That the Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to report back to the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee on the feasibility of establishing Culture Districts, that may include music and entertainment, within the City of London, as well as what supporting actions would need to be taken to enable the success of a Culture District (e.g.
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