HERALD________________ GLEN COVE _______________ Gazette Menu Guide A glittery Girl’s rise to the is here — patriotic salute forefront in G.C. look inside! Page 19 Page 9 Vol. 28 No. 26 JUNE 27 - JUlY 3, 2019 $1.00 Local man dies in Dominican Republic By MIKE CoNN pened over there,” Caruso said, that he was a nice man who [email protected] “and it’s inconsistent with his made great pizza. Suozzi added health.” that he had offered to help in any Vittorio Caruso, 56, of Glen The family, she said, called way he can, personally or politi- Cove, died on June 17 in the the U.S. embassy in Santo cally. It is often difficult to obtain Dominican Republic. He was the Domingo, the Dominican capital, all the details on the deaths of latest of almost a dozen Ameri- when they learned of Vittorio’s Americans, he said, when they can tourists to die in the Carib- death. An official told them that occur in foreign countries. bean nation since April 2018. the embassy was not aware of Suozzi also said that he had Earlier this week, Dominican the situation. been in contact with U.S. Rep. officials said his death was An autopsy was performed by Adriano Espaillat, a native caused by heart failure. Dominican doctors, but its Dominican who represents New Caruso was a co-owner of Vit- results have not yet been sent to York’s 13th District in Manhat- torio’s Pizza, on Cedar Swamp the U.S., Caruso said. And Vit- tan. Espaillat’s communications Road. He sold the business about torio’s body was embalmed in director, Candace Person, said a month ago, after deciding to the D.R. without the family’s that he was one of the first mem- retire. He was celebrating his knowledge, which will prevent bers of Congress to call for inves- retirement with a vacation in the officials in the U.S. from doing tigations into the deaths of Dominican Republic. an autopsy. American tourists in the D.R., Ellen Caruso, his sister-in-law, Everything has been “pushed and that he planned to visit the said that she and the rest of the under the rug,” Caruso said, and country soon to speak with gov- family were frustrated by the the discrepancies in the process ernment and tourism represen- way Caruso’s death had been of determining the cause of her tatives to make sure the investi- handled. Everything they have brother-in-law’s death have made gations are as comprehensive as been told, she said, seems like a the loss even more difficult to possible. The Herald Gazette was cover-up of something more deal with. unable to reach Espaillat. than heart failure. U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi, of Glen Francisco Javier Garcia, the “We don’t know what hap- Cove, said he knew Caruso, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Students, parents oppose possible Courtesy Green Vale School relocation of GCHS teachers And we have liftoff By MIKE CoNN cation, Gielbeda took to the Gielbeda said. “She deserves the Peter Zaloom, of Glen Cove, affectionately called the “rocket [email protected] internet and social media to absolute world, and I have no man,” because, Green Vale School students say, “he loves to attempt to save her position. On words about how overjoyed I am blow things up,” is retiring as a teacher and the coach of the When graduating Glen Cove June 5, Gielbeda created a peti- that [the petition has] been suc- school’s rocket club, which recently competed in Washington, High School senior Haley Gielbe- tion on change.org in the hope of cessful.” D.C. Story, Page 3. da heard that social studies demonstrating to the district Hall, Gielbeda said, has a teacher Angela Hall might be administration how many peo- unique approach to teaching. moved to Finley Middle School ple want Hall to stay at the high She appreciated everything Hall next year, she knew she had to do school. The petition surpassed did in the classroom, but was something. its original goal of 500 signa- even more impressed by how she Ever since Gielbeda took tures within 24 hours, and at conducted extra help sessions. Hall’s global studies class as a press time the total was climbing Instead of simply providing stu- freshman, she knew she was a to over 1,100. dents with the information they special teacher. When she “I think it just really shows needed to succeed in class, learned of Hall’s potential relo- the kind of teacher she is,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 2 NEWS BRIEFS Pizzeria owner is Volunteer opportunities available at HMTC The Holocaust Memorial and Toler- and unscheduled, through tours of the ance Center of Nassau County is looking museum and will help facilitate work- 10th to die in D.R. for volunteers to become museum shops for both young students and adults . CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE care of each other, and [Caruso] was in docents. The HMTC is also looking for volun- For the past 25 years, HMTC has teers who can speak, read, or write in Dominican Republic’s director of tourism, that group.” Greg Minutoli, a funeral director at served as Long Island’s leading Holocaust another language because many students told Telemundo that he had directed hotels education center. With more than 22,000 who come for programs are not proficient to install cameras for the Dodge-Thomas Funeral Home, said that Caruso’s body arrived in the student visitors each year, it needs pas- in English. There is written text that next 60 days to ensure tour- U.S. on Tuesday. He called sionate and dedicated volunteers who are needs to be translated as well. ists’ safety. The country is the Centers for Disease Con- willing to donate their time to help teach Docent applicants are required to still a safe place to visit, Gar- trol and Prevention to see if lessons of the Holocaust and the dangers attend the annual Holocaust Institute cia said, adding that the the body would be safe for of anti-Semitism, racism, bullying and all from Aug. 19 to Aug. 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 recent American deaths viewing in an open casket, a other forms of intolerance. p.m. A fee of $100 is requested. have been incorrectly classi- Museum docents are committed to For more information on this volun- June 27, 2019 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2019 — GLEN COVE June 27, policy of the funeral home fied as mysterious, given whenever a death occurs in Holocaust and tolerance education and teer opportunity, contact Breanne Brooks that the causes of death in a foreign country under sus- are needed every day of the week, espe- at (516) 571-8040 or [email protected]. each case have been picious circumstances. The cially during the school year. These indi- To learn more about the HMTC, visit released. CDC confirmed that there viduals will lead visitors, both scheduled www.hmtcli.org. Jeanine DiMenna, who was no risk of transmitting owns the View Grill in Glen anything harmful to those Cove, said that business attending Caruso’s wake. owners in town have a spe- Visitation was scheduled cial connection. Because the Photo courtesy Glen Cove Rotary Dodge-Thomas Funeral Home for Thursday and Friday city is almost surrounded by VITTORIO CARUSO from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 9 Club flies new flag water, it is a destination p.m. A funeral Mass was rather than a place that visi- scheduled for Saturday, and The Rotary Club of Glen Cove erect- tors pass through, she explained. As a Caruso was to be buried at Holy Rood Cem- result, it can be hard for businesses to ed the flag pole at the entrance to Glen etery. Cove in memory of Sept. 11, 2001. Each attract customers from other communi- Ellen Caruso said that the family year, the club replaces the flag during ties, so most are in business mostly planned to take legal action after her Flag Day week, with a new flag to fly on because they love their community. brother-in-law’s burial. the pole in memory of the lives lost. The “For a lot of the older businesses [in club also donates the 13 American flags Glen Cove], we have a bond where, if we Nadya Nataly contributed to this story. for the Danis Park site at Town Path needed something, we could call each Road and Glen Street each year as well. other,” DiMenna said. “We kind of take GLEN KEY REALTY, LTD. YOUR HOMETOWN REAL ESTATE ADVISORS Glen Key Realty Is Celebrating Our 10 Year Anniversary! We are very happy to announce that it has been 10 years that we have opened our doors to the Glen Cove Community!! 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