Distribution of

• Ill Igneous Rocks



An investigation of the abundance and distribution of gold in plutonic and volcanic rocks of diverse types and tectonic settings


ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary


W. A. Radllnskl, Acting Director

Library of Congress catalog-card No. 7o-184860


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 50 cents (paper cover) Number 2401-2023 CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract -~------1 Gold content in -- associations­ Introduction ------­ 1 Continued Acknowledgments ------~------­ 2 Calc-alkalic provinces~Continued Analytical procedure ------2 Jemez , N. MeX------'--­ 15 Precision ------­ 3 Yellowstone National Park, VVyo., and vicinity_ 17 Accuracy ------­ 5 metavolcanic rocks, central Ari- Contamination effects ------5 zona ------17 Gold content in plutonic rocks ------,------­ 6 Beatty area, Nevada ------­ 17 Calc-alkalic provinces ------­ 6 Challis Volcanics-, central ------­ 17 Alkalic provinces ------8 Southern Appalachians, Virginia and North Gold content in basaltic associations __ .;. ______8 Carolina ------­ 17 Oceanic provinces ------­ 8 Alkalic provinces ------19 ---~------8 Big Bend National Park, Tex ______19 Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise ___ _ 9 Boxelder and Shonkin Sag , Montana_ 20 Continental provinces ------­ 10 Summary discussion of gold in volcanic associations __ 20 Plateau and associated rocks, Oregon Mode of occurrence of gold in igneous rocks ------­ 22 and VVashington ------­ 10 Abundance level in ------22 Basalts of the Snake River Group and associ- Distribution of gold between minerals in a rock_·_ 23 ated rhyolitic rocks, Idaho ------­ 11 Bearing of primary gold abundance on gold minerali- Greenstone Flow, Michigan ------11 zation ------25 Hypabyssal () provinces ------12 Boulder region, ------­ 25 Triassic basin, Eastern United States ______12 Dillsburg and Cornwall. districts, Pennsylvania__ 27 Precambrian diabase, southeastern Missouri_ 13 J eronie district, central Arizona ------28 Great Lake intrusion~ ------14 Bullfrog district, Nye County, Nev______29 Gold content in basalt-andesite-rhyolite associations __ 15 The Mother Lode, California ------­ 29 Calc-alkalic provinces ------­ 15 Thermal springs, Yellowstone National Park, VVyo ______Cascade Range and adjacent areas, Oregon 30 and California ------15- References ------~------30


Page FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of tests of reproducibility of gold determinations of three and one . ------4 2. Histograms of gold contents of some plutonic rocks of the VVestern United States ______..:.______7 3. Composite histograms of gold content of calc-alkalic and alkalic plutonic rocks; provenance not considered_ 8 4. Histograms of gold content of rocks in some basaltic associations from oceanic provinces ------10 5. Histograms of gold conterit of rocks from some continental basaltic provinces of the United States______11 6. Histograms of gold content of rocks _from some hypabyssal (diabase) provinces of the United States and Tasmania ------13 7. Graphs showing· variation in gold and copper abundance with index and depth of samples from the Great Lake shee~ Tasmania ------14 8. Histograms of gold content of rocks from some calc-alkalic and basalt-andesite-rhyolite associations_____ 18 9. Histograms of gold content of rocks· from some provinces ------20 10. Graph showing variation of gold abundance with copper abundance of samples from four basaltic suites__ 22 11. Graph showing variation of gold content with copper content in altered samples of Butte Quartz Mon- zonite from underground workings, Butte district, Montana _____ :______:_____ 26 12. Graph showing positive correlation of secondary sericite with gold abundance for samples from two intrusions in Uzbekistan, U.S.S.R.------27 13. Triangular diagram showing normative , , quartz, and variation in gold content of Precambrian rhyolites and quartz of the Yavapai Series, central Arizona ------28


Page· TABLES 1. Replicate determinations of gold in selected igneous rocks ------­ 3 2. Reproducibility of gold determinations on splits and composites of selected igneous rocks ------­ 3 3. Selected literature pertinent to the plutonic samples analyzed ------:------­ 6 4. Summary of distribution of gold in various plutonic provinces ------­ 6 5. Distribution of gold in calc-alkalic and alkalic plutonic rocks generalized according to type regard- less of province ------8 6. Summary of gold content in basaltic associations ------~------­ 9 7. Summary of gold content in basalt-andesite-rhyolite associations ------­ 16 8. Average gold content in selected rocks representative of different volcanic associations ------­ 21 9-13. Distribution of gold in- 9. Minerals of some rocks from the Southern California batholith ------24 10. Minerals of some rocks from the Boulder batholith, Montana ------24 11. Minerals of some rocks from the Sierra Nevada batholith and Coast Range plutons, California__ 24 12. Minerals of a sample of the Silver Plume , Silver Plume, Colo ______25 13. Different fractions of some samples of Butte from underground workings ------25 14. Distribution of gold and copper in a drill core in Butte Quartz Monzonite, Butte district, Silver Bow County, Mont------26 15. Distribution of gold and copper in some samples of Butte Quartz Monzonite from underground workings in the Butte district, Montana ------­ 26 16. Comparison of gold concentration in samples of host rocks from the Mother Lode district with samples from the Sierra Nevada batholith ------­ 30 17. Ranges of gold content in rhyolite, thermal water·s, and precipitates from thermal waters, Yellowstone National Park, VVyo------30 18-26. Distribution of gold in- 18. Rocks of the Southern California batholith _____ :.______36 19. Rocks of the Sierra Nevada, Coast Range, and Transverse Ranges, Calif______36 20. Rocks of the ------36 21. Rocks of the Boulder batholith, Montana ------36 22. Rocks of the Tatoosh pluton, National Park, VV ash ______36 23. Four· plutonic rocks from the Rocky Mountains, Colo ______36 24. Plutonic rocks of the White Plutonic Series, ------36 25. Some alkalic plutonic rocks from North Carolina and South Carolina ------37 26. Volcanic rocks from Hawaii ------37 27. Distribution of gold and copper in volcanic rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise ___ _ 37 28. Distribution of gold in plateau basalts and other volcanic rocks, Oregon and Washington ------38 29. Distribution of gold in basalts of the Snake River Group and associated rhyolitic rocks, Idaho ______38 30. Distribution of gold and copper in the Greenstone Flow of the Michigan copper district ------­ 38 31. Distribution of gold in basalt and diabase from the Triassic basin, Eastern United States ------38 32. Distribution of gold in Precambrian diabase intrusions, County, Mo ______39 33. Distribution of gold and copper in the Great Lake intrusion, Tasmania ---~------­ 39 34-44. Distribution of gold in- 34. Volcanic rocks of the VVestern Cascades, Oreg______40 35. Volcanic rocks of the Southern High Cascades, Calif., and vicinity ------40 36. Some rhyolites from Mono County, Calif______40 37. ·Volcanic rocks of the , N. Mex ______40 38. Volcanic rocks from Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., and vicinity ------41 39. Metamorphosed Precambrian volcanic rocks in central Arizona ------41 40. Volcanic rocks from the Beatty area, Nevada ------~------41 41. Some samples of the Challis Volcanics, central Idaho ------41 c 42. Some calc-alkalic metavolcanic rocks from the southern Appalachians, North Carolina and Virginia ------41 43 .. Alkalic igneous rocks from Big Bend National Park, Tex ______41 44. Subsilicic alkalic rocks from central Montana ------~------41 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS


ABSTRACT tholeiitic basalts; the relatively high concentration of gold in the Dillsburg suite is accompanied by a . high copper New data on gold content are presented for abo~t 700 content. In unaltered diabase-granophyre suites, the varia­ igneous rocks from various petrographic provinces, which tion trends for gold indicate that gold either reaches a represent different magma types from widely different geo­ maximum in the intermediate stage or remains uniform in graphic areas and tectonic settings. The gold content was abundance during magmatic differentiation. In the calc­ determined by neutron-activation analysis combined with alkalic volcanic suites of rocks, gold content decreases on fire assay for radiochemical separation of gold. The method the average as rock composition grades from basalt and yields results reproducible to ± 10 percent .in the range andesite to and rhyolite. Basalts from the orogenic above 1 ppb (part per billion) gold; below 1 ppb the repro­ belt of the Western United States tend to have higher gold ducibility drops to ± 30 percent. content than those of more stable regions of the continental In the Mesozoic-lower Tertiary calc-alkalic interior or the primitive basalts of the Hawaiian Islands. from the Western United States (the Southern California, Unaltered rhyolitic rocks of both the calc-alkalic and alkalic Sierra Nevada, Idaho, and Boulder batholiths), the highest suites are generally uniform and low in gold content (0.1- gold content (as much as 10 ppb) occurs in some of the 1.0 ppb) despite differences in geologic age, provenance, or gabbroic and tonalitic rocks of the Southern California petrochemical features. The subsilicic-alkalic series of co­ batholith. The members of each of the batholiths magmatic rocks (shonkinite- association) from two generally contain from 0.5 to 1.5 ppb gold. Plutonic rocks, laccoliths in central Montana have a higher gold content ranging from to granite in alkalic provinces of the than other types of alkalic volcanic or plutonic provinces. Eastern United States (White Mountain Plutonic Series in The available data provide little support for the view that New· Hampshire and Piedmont physiographic province in gold is concentrated in the residual liquids during magmatic the southern Appalachians) are characterized by low gold differentiation in any of the calc-alkalic or alkalic provinces. content. Limited data on the gold content in some major The variation trends indicate that gold either remains rela- and accessory minerals indicate that relatively higher gold tively constant or decreases during differentiation processe;-s_. ___ concentration is associated with pyrite, , and The gold content in suites of unaltered igneous rocks mafic . silicates than with the felsic minerals. The apparent spatially associated with gold mineralization from selected affinity of gold for early crystallizing minerals is consistent areas-Boulder batholith region, Montana; Cornwall, Pa.; with the overall trend of progressive depletion of gold from Jerome district, Arizona; Bullfrog district, Nevada; M.other mafic to silicic rocks. Lode, California-is virtually the same as petrographically The suites of basaltic rocks studied include tholeiitic, low­ equivalent rocks from provinces devoid of mineralization. K20-high-Ab03, and alkalic basalts from continental as well The relatively high concentration of gold that exceeds back­ as oceanic environments. Alkalic basalts appear to have dis­ ground levels for a given region inva~iably occurs .~nly tinctly lower gold content ( ,_ 0.6 ppb) than most Hawaiian l.Qcally____ in altered rocks and may be asc:nbed to remobihza- and continental basalts of the tholeiitic magma type (2-3.5 tj.Q.n_o:csecondary introduction. Geochemical abundance datD ppb). Low-K 0 basalts from the oceanic ridges o{ the Atlan­ 2 alone n~rovide unique criteria in identifying broad tic and Pacific Oceans have lower gold content (-- 0.6 ppb) segments of the favorable for gold mi~eralization ~or than chemically similar basalts from North Carolina and specify processes that resulted in the economic concentration northern California. In the Triassic province of the Eastern of gold. Thus, in any exploration program, geologic factors, United States, samples from the diabase-granophyre suite · such as petrologic, structural, and tectonic setting, must be from Dillsburg, Pa., contain three to four times more gold considered in conjunction with purely geochemical abun­ than undifferentiated basalts from elsewhere in the prov­ dance factors. ince and may be the result of remobilization or later intro­ duction. INTRODUCTION A chalcophilic tendency for gold has been observed in a diabase-granophyre suite from Tasmania where the varia­ Because of analytical difficulties involved in the tion pattern of gold is closely parallel to that shown by measurement of gold in parts per billion, quantita­ copper. A gross correlation between gold and copper has also been noted in a few petrochemically distinct basaltic tive data on the distribution of gold in igneous rocks provinces. Basalts of alkalic affinities are characterized by from the United States (and elsewhere) are ex­ significantly lower copper and gold content than most tremely limited. In connection with the U.S. Geo-


logical Survey's study of heavy metals, we have A comprehensive bibliography of the geology and investigated the occurrence and distribution of gold of gold has been compiled by Cooper in igneous rocks and minerals representative of (1971). diverse magma types and tectonic associations. The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sampled suites include: plutonic calc-alkalic rocks from the Mesozoic-lower Tertiary batholiths of the We are greatly indebted to Robert L. Smith and Western United States (the Southern California, Paul C. Bateman for guidance and encouragement Sierra Nevada, Idaho, and Boulder batholiths) ; calc­ in the work presented here. We thank our numerous alkalic volcanic rocks from Oregon, northern Califor­ colleagues in the Geological Survey and others nia, and New Mexico; alkalic basalt-­ acknowledged in the report for contributing samples rhyolite volcanic rocks from Texas; and and pertinent geologic information. Margaret Cooper tholeiitic, low-K20, and alkalic basalts from con­ and Michael Fleischer kindly called to our attention tinental as well as oceanic environments. In addition and provided some of the Russian literature on the to general chemical and mineralogic studies, nearly geochemistry of gold. We are grateful to Michael all these suites have been, or are currently being, Fleischer and L. P. for their review of analyzed for their content of lithophilic trace ele­ an early version of this report and suggestions for ments, such as thorium, uranium, niobium, and tan­ its improvement. talum. For many of the samples, complete chemical analyses of the rock and selected minerals are also ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE available. In all, some 700 samples were analyzed for gold by neutron-activation procedures, and the Neutron-activation analysis is particularly well resultant data presented herein probably constitute suited to the study of the generally low concentra­ the largest body of such data accumulated to date tion level of gold in igneous rocks because the by any single laboratory. method is highly sensitive and eliminates possible The objectives of this reconnaissance study are reagent contamination. A rapid, sensitive method manifold: of neutron-activation analysis was developed by Rowe and Simon (1968) for studying distribution 1. To understand better the geochemical behavior of gold in geologic materials, and it is particularly of gold in magmatic processes, useful in studies (such as this one) involving hun­ 2. To establish so-called background levels of gold dreds of samples. This method uses fire assay ·for in unaltered igneous rocks, that is, levels the radiochemical separation of gold after irradia­ presumably reflecting primary abundances tion and is summarized below. undisturbed by secondary concentration or Sixteen 1-gram samples and four standards are remobilization, for the possible definition and irradiated together for 10 hours in a flux of 5 X 1012 appraisal of broad regions or rock units as neutrons per square centimeter per second. Samples potential sources of low-grade ores, are allowed to cool for 10 days to permit the decay 3. To relate, if possible, geochemical gold provinces of most of the activity, primarily that of Na24, which to major metallogenic provinces, ·has a 15-hour half-life. They are then processed 4. To recognize, if possible, the association of gold through fire assay., with gold carrier added, and the with other elements in various geochemical final gold bead is weighed to determine the yield. environments, The beads are then counted in a Nai (Tl) well-type 5. To test sampling and analytical procedures, inas­ coupled to a multichannel analyzer. The 198 much as in this study we are concerned with 0.413 Mev peak for Au is used in calculating the gold abundance in parts per billion, and amount of gold present. Counting is repeated after 198 two days to verify the decay of 2.7-day Au • The 6. To outline areas for more detailed topical studies method of Covell ( 1959) is used for calculating the that will bear quantitatively on the geochemi­ area under the peak. If a value of about 400 counts cal behavior of gold during . per minute per nanogram of gold is foun~ 10 days Obviously, it is beyond the scope of this report to after irradiation, then there is a suitable sensitivity treat extensively samples from any given locality or for the levels of gold concentration commonly found to explore fully the ramifications of generalizations in igneous rocks. suggested by the data; rather, our purpose is to Two sets of 16 samples plus four monitors can be construct the overall framework into which such irradiated at one time by using two tubes of the in-depth specialized studies must fit. reactor for 10 hours. After the cooling period, 40 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE . 3 samples can be processed through fire assay in 1 a part per billion to 4 ppb gold) were chosen for day. The counting is performed overnight by using detailed study (tables 1 and 2). Replicate determina­ automatic sample changers and two simul­ tions of gold from a given bottle (m~terial ground taneously. Thus, under normal circumstances; it is to pass 100-mesh sieve) indicate that precision, possible to analyze as many as 80 samples per week. expressed as relative deviation, of analyses of the basaltic specimens 1s about 10 percent (table 1, PRECISION samples TLW-67-17, HW-6, and HK 1955); in gen­ To estimate the precision of the analytical pro­ eral replicate analyses of coarser grained rocks cedure, several igneous rocks which differ in compo­ having comparable concentration levels yield some­ sition (basalt to granite), texture (glassy to coarse­ what lower precision, around 15 percent (table 1, grained), and concentration levels (a few tenths of samples G-1, W-1, and G-78).

TABLE 1.-Replicate determinations of gold, in parts per billion, in selected igneous rocks [Data in the first five sample columns are neutron-activation analyses from Rowe and Simon ( 1968, table 2) ; data in the last column are from this report] G-78 HW-6 Silver Plume TLW-67-17 Kilauea, HK 1955 Granite, Front Cone Crater, Hawaii, Kilauea, Range, Colo., Hawaii, basaltic Hawaii, G-P W-!2 quartz basalt glass · basalt Granite Diabase monzonite 4.3 1.6 1.0 3.7 4.9 0.6 4.5 1.7 .8 2.7 5.6 .6 4.1 1.7 1.0 2.9 4.6 .4 5.0 1.6 .9 2.7 3.9 .7 4.2 1.6 1.0 2.4 3.7 .6 4.4 1.2 .9 3.0 4.0 .6 4.2 1.4 .8 2.9 4.9 .7 4.2 1.5 1.0 2.9 5.4 Mean ______4.3 1.5 ·.9 2.9 4.6 .6 Standard deviation------­ .27 .16 .08 .37 .69 .10 Relative deviation (percent)_ 6.3 10.7 8.9 12.8 15.0 16.7 1 U.S. Geol. Survey standard granite from Westerly, R.I. 2 U.S. Geol. Survey standard diabase from Centerville, Va.

TABLE 2.-Reproducibility of gold determinations, in parts per billion, on splits and composites of selected igneous rocks

Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Quartz obsidian1 pumice2 obsidian3 monzonite4 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2

Split A ------­ 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 B ------­ .2 .2 .4 .3 .2 .5 .5 .5 .3 .3 C ------­ .5 .5 .3 .5 .6 .6 .7 .3 .4 D ------­ 1.0 .4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .7 .6 .3 .2 E ------­ .4 .5 .3 .3 F ------­ .8 .8 .5 .3 G ------­ .2 .2 H ------.3 .5 Composite (A, B, C. D) ------.4 .4 .3 .4 .5 .9 .4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .5

Grand mean ------­ .4 .5 .6 .3 Standard deviation -----~------­ .11 .19 .05 .09 Relative deviation (percent) ------27.5 38.0 8.3 30.0

1 Sample 68-LGM, Little Glass Mountain. Medicine Lake Highland, Calif. Splits A, B, C, and D repre­ sent chips broken from various parts of a single hand specimen. 2 Samples 68-GM, Glass Mountain, Medicine Lake Highland, Calif. Samples A, B, C, and D represent four separate fragments from bulk collection. . a U.S. Geol. Survey standard RGM-1, Glass Mountain, Calif. (prepared by F. J. Flanagan, U.S. Geol. Survey). 4 Sample 6K-306, Butte Quartz Monzonite, Boulder batholith, Montana. A single hand specimen was sawed into eight chunks, which when ground gave the following weights: A, 127 g; B, 90 g; C, 60 g; D, 75 g; E. 100 g; F. 113 g; G, 84 g; and H, 95 g. Tests on four selected rocks whose range of gold as splits of pumice and quartz monzonite samples content (0.3-0.6 ppb) is low and narrow suggest apparently have equal means. However, the separate that the reproducibility of gold determinations dif­ chunks of pumice and the sawed pieces of the coarse­ fers little, regardless of differences in composition, grained Butte Quartz Monzonite seem, from the texture, and grain size (rhyolite to coarse­ analysis of variance, to have more homogeneous dis­ grained quartz monzonite; see table 2 and fig. 1) . tribution of gold than do the obsidian samples (table Analysis of variance (single variable of classifica­ 2 and fig. 1) ; this fact is contrary to our (intuitive) tion) suggests that differences in mean gold con­ expectations and implies that many factors affecting tent of splits of obsidian samples are statistically overall precision have not been considered in our significant at the 95-percent confidence level, where- simple statistical test. 4 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

Rhyolite obsidian (68- LGM) Rhyolite pumice (68-GM)

I \ 1 8 [I} 0 0 Spe~~~~!e 0.4 \ 0.4 1 0.3 0 _ fragments / sp~~r:~en \ 1 1 4 I \ 0.8 \ 0.3 I ~ 0.5 I 0.4 I \ 0. 7 \ 0.2 II I • / 0.4 I I \ \ I I I / I \ \ I I I I I \ \ I I I I I \ \ I I 1 \ I I 1 \ I I 1 \ I I 1 ~ Chips \ I I 1 8 8 rtJ \ I I 1 0.3 '\ 0.2 I I 0.5 / 1.0 \ I I I 1 0.4 \ 0.2 I 0.5 I 0.4 \ \ II I '\ I 1 / '\ I I / \ I I I 1 \ I I / '\ 1 I 1 \\I I ', I I 1 \ II I ' I I 1 I ',I I 1 \\1/ ~Composite Composite~ 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5

10 10

>­ >­ () () z z w w ::::> 5 ::::> 5 0 0 w w a:: a:: 1..1... 1..1...


Rhyolite obsidian (RGM-1) Quartz monzonite (6K-306)

// 1', USGS / / Hand ' standard / ' / / / // specimen ' / (bulk) / ' / ' / ' ' / / / ' / ' ' / ' / / I \ ' ' / I '\ ' ' / / / ' ' / / I \ ' / II \ ', I \ ' / / / I I \ ' ' ' / / \ ' ' I I I \\ ', / / I I I / / ' ' I / I I ' I I \ ' / / I \ ' 1 I ' ' ' ~' I I ' ' / I I \ ' ' ' ' 0 GJ rrJ 0 Q]splits 8 0 0 0 GJ 8 8 Chunks 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 m0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6

10 10

>- >- () ()z z w w ::::> 5 ::::> 5 0 0 w w a:: a:: 1..1... 1..1...


FIGURE 1.-Schematic representation of tests of reproducibility of gold determinations of three rhyolites and one quartz monzonite. Data from table 2. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 5

The principal factors that must be considered in in histogram form (fig. 1) , even though we realize evaluating the overall precision of the analytical that in the generally nonreplicate routine, processing result are: of the many hundreds of samples, differing in homo­ 1. Homogeneity of the sample, as it affects the g.eneity, a more realistic .standard deviation for any sampling vagaries inherent in analyzing one Single determination is much greater than 0.1 ppb or more 1 gram samples prepared from a and differences as great as 0.5 ppb may not be much larger mass of rock. The problem of geochemically or statistically significant. obtaining a representative sample which will At levels of gold concentration greater than 1 ppb contain an adequately representative amount and for coarse-grained rocks which are likely to be of gold (in whatever form), or any other ele­ more heterogeneous in gold distribution, we feel that ment of interest, has been treated by Wilson differences of 20-25 percent probably represent geo­ (1964) and Clifton, Hunter, Swanson, and chemically significant variations. For reasonably Phillips ( 1969). However, in view of the lack homogeneous samples (for example, glassy or aph~ of quantitative data regarding gold-particle anitic rocks) which have been carefully processed size or specific mode of occurrence of gold in a precision of 10 percent can be expected, and value~ igneous rocks, it is not possible at this time that differ from one another by more than 10 per­ to evaluate quantitatively the effect of varia­ cent of the value can, we suggest, be considered as tions in sample homogeneity on the observed representing actual differences in gold content. overall precision.1 · ACCURACY 2. Analytical factors include errors in weighing, flux variation in the reactor (which may vary The accuracy of an analytical method is more as much as 5 percent from the mean, when difficult to evaluate. It is generally evaluated by four monitors are used), and counting statis­ cross-comparison with results obtained independ­ ently by other investigators using different ana- tics (which may also vary as much as 5 . lytical techniques. Because few methods, other percent, depending on count rates). Other o-than radioactivation, are suitable for gold deter­ analytical factors that may contribute to the minations at low concentrati9ns, we can only com-. problem are variations of a mechanical or pare our data with other data mainly obtained by physical nature, such as failure to achieve neutron-activation procedures. Rowe and Simon adequate or uniform mixing during fusion of (1968, table 3) have shown the good agreement sample, failure of active and inactive carrier between data obtained on U.S. Geological Survey to exchange isotopes completely, mechanical standard rocks by the method we used in this losses during fusion, and variations in position study and those obtained by other investigators. of samples during counting when automatic sample changers are operating. CONTAMINATION EFFECTS Because of the large number of samples involved in this reconnaissance investigation, there obviously At low levels of gold concentration, the effects was not enough time to analyze each sample in repli­ of contamination during sample preparation and cate in an attempt to relate the relative contribution handling can be significant. To study the magnitude of sample homogeneity versus analytical error to the of contamination effects, an experiment was per­ " overall precision levels. However, we can place some formed. Z. S. Altschuler, U.S. Geological Survey, conservative empirically derived limits on the "effec­ using careful splitting techniques, prepared four tive" or "working" precision of the data presented splits of a powdered sample of from the herein. Detailed studies on selected samples (tables San Jacinto Mountains, Calif. From previous analy­ 1 and 2) show that, when concentration levels are sis it. was known that this sample contained about less than 1 ppb gold, the standard deviation can be 2 ppb gold. Two of the four splits were fingered, less than 0.1 ppb and differences of 0.2 ppb or after first rubbing the fingers on a gold watch. The greater between samples may be geochemically sig- other two splits were analyzed directly without nificant; for such small concentrations a low counting handling. The two "gold-fingered" splits gave rate may have a significant effect. We have chosen results of 537 and 608 ppb as compared with intervals of 0.25 ppb in the presentation of our data 1.0-1.9 ppb for the unhandled samples. This indi­ cates the need for extreme care in handling samples 1 For· example, the quartz monzonite ( 6K-306) in table 2 has a mean when analyzing for trace elements in parts per gold content of 0.3 ppb, but another sample from the same outcrop col­ lected several years earlier contains 0.8 ppb gold (table 21). billion.


A major advantage of activation analysis is that TABLE 3.-Selected literature pertinent to the plutonic it minimizes possible reagent and other contamina­ samples analyzed tion; contamination can only take place ·during Suite or location References sample collection, preparation, and weighing. After Southern California batholith_ Larsen (1948). Larsen and Gottfried ( 1961) . a sample has been sealed in its irradiation vial, it Taylor and Epstein is free from nearly all ·possible contamination, aside (1962a,b). from a sample mixup. Sierra Nevada batholith, Bateman, Clark, Huber, California. Moore, and Rinehart GOLD CONTENT IN PLUTONIC ROCKS (1963). . Bateman and Eaton (1967). The spatial and (or) temporal association of gold Dodge, Smith, and Mays mineralization and plutons has been noted in many (1969). Coast and Transverse Ranges, Page ( 1966) . parts of the United States and the world. (See, for Calif. Dodge and Ross ( 1971) . example, Emmons, 1937; Koschmann and Bergen­ Idaho batholith, Idaho ______Larsen and Schmidt (1958). dahl, 1968.) However, only relatively recently have McDowell and Kulp ( 1969). there been attempts (for example, Voskresenskaya Boulder batholith, Montana__ _ Tilling, Klepper and and Zvereva, 1968; Shcherbakov and Perezhogin, Obradovich (1968). Doe, Tilling, Hedge, and 1964; Shcherbakov, 1968; Shilin, 1968; Mantei and Klepper ( 1968). Brownlow, 1967; Mantei and others, 1970) to obtain .Knopf (1957). precise measurements of gold in plutonic rocks Tatoosh pluton, Washington __ Fiske, Hopson, and Waters known or supposed to be unaffected by postcrystal­ (1963). lization alteration or . In this study, Wright (1964). Rocky Mountains, Colo ______Lovering and Goddard we have analyzed about 160 samples representative (1950). of the dominant rocks of the major (Mesozoic­ White Mountains Plutonic Chapman and Williams Tertiary) batholiths of the Western United States, Series, New Hampshire (1935). as well as of other smaller plutonic masses. These (formerly named the White Billings (1928). Mountains Plutonic-Volcanic batholiths underlie vast areas (approximately~ Series). 100,000 square miles) and are fairly typical of igneous rocks exposed in the 's crust. Thus, TABLE 4.-Summary of distribution of gold in various plutonic the data obtained on these batholithic rocks are provinces [Data from tables 18-25] important for establishing the crustal abundance of Average gold. Number gold of Range content The geologic settings of the batholiths and plutons Suite or location Rock type samples (ppb) (ppb) we have sampled are, in general, well known and Calc-alkalic provinces have been described copiously in the literature; Southern California Gabbro ------6 0.7-11.6 4.4 batholith. Tonalite ------9 .5-11.8 8.7 table 3 summarizes some key references to literature 12 .2- 1.2 .4 Quartz monzonite to 3 1.8- 1.9 .9 pertinent to the samples analyzed. We shall make . Sierra Nevada Quartz ------1 1.4 no attempt to discuss each of the plutonic provinces batholith, California. Granodiorite 11 .4- 5.2 1.5 Quartz monzonite to 5 .3- 1.8 .8 in detail, principally because gold content in all but alaskite. Coast and Transverse ------1 .5 a very few plutonic rocks varies only slightly from Ranges, Calif. Granodiorite ------3 .2- .7 .5 Quartz monzonite ___ 1 2.1 province to province. For convenience, our data on Idaho batholith ------Diorite and quartz 7 .2- 6.0 2.2 diorite. plutonic rocks are discussed in terms of two broad Granodiorite ------16 .1- 5.2 1.7 Quartz monzonite ___ 6 .4- 2.7 1.1 categories, calc-alkalic and alkalic. 2 Granite to aplite____ 6 .2- .8 .5 Boulder batholith, Syenogabbro ------1 .6 Montana. Granodiorite ------3 1.0- 8.4 2.1 Quartz monzonite to 2 5 .5- .8 .6 CALC-ALKALIC PROVINCES to alaskite. Tatoosh pluton, Granodiorite ------15 .3- 4.2 1.3 Washington. Calc-alk~lic plutonic rocks, such as those making Rocky Mountains, Quartz diorite to 4 .4- .6 .5 up the major batholiths of the Western United Colo. granite. States, vary little in gold content; the overwhelming Alkalic provinces White Mountain Gabbro to monzodio- 2 0.8- 0.8 0.8 majority of samples have 3 ppb or less of gold Plutonic Series, rite. New Hampshire. Syenite ------4 .8- .4 .3 (tables 4, 18-23 ; figs. 2 and 3) . From our data, Granite ------21 .2- 1.6 .6 North Carolina ------Gabbro ------1 .7 the only noteworthy exception to this generalization Syenite ------l .z quartz monzo- 12 .2- 2.3 .9 is represented by the Southern California· batholith, nite to granite.

1 2 These terms are used in this paper in a general petrologic sense, not The altered granite (5.6 ppb) is excluded. 2 One of the quartz monzonite samples is represented by the average value in the specific nominal sense of Peacock ( 1931). for 19 samples from a 4,000-foot borehole (table 14). GOLD CONTENT IN PLUTONIC ROCKS 7


6 Southern California batholith 4


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 EXPLANATION Sierra Nevada batholith 4 ~ Gabbro 2 ·~ o~~~~~-~r~~~~~r~::~~ Diorite and tonalite 0 2 3 4 5 6 [ill] Granodiorite

[:) 6 z Idaho batholith D LiJ Quartz monzonite to granite 5 4 LiJ 0:: LL.

0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

6 Average and range of 19 samples from drill hole 4 Boulder batholith


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12


Tatoosh pluton 4


' 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 2.-Histograms of gold content of some plutonic rocks of the Western United States. Data from tables 18-22.

some gabbroic phases of which, relative to other mafic members in a given plutonic series to be plutonic rocks studied, can have a comparatively higher in gold than the felsic members supports high gold content, as great as almost 12 ppb (fig. 2; our earlier suggestion (Gottfried and others, 1969), table 4). based on fewer data, that gold apparently is not Taken individually, plutonic suites (such as the concentrated in residual liquids during magmatic Southern California, Idaho, Sierra Nevada and, differentiation. Table 5 shows the average gold con­ perhaps, the Boulder batholiths) commonly exhibit tent of some plutonic rocks, calculated according to a gross systematic variation of gold content with rock type regardless of provenance; our data rather rock type (table 4) . This tendency for the more convincingly reinforce the pattern of increasing gold 8 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS


20 D Quartz monzonite to granite 15 Composite alkalic rocks lii1I1 Syenite 10 ~ 5 Gabbro to monzonite

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >- (.) z UJ ::> 0' UJ EXPLANATION 0::: 1.1.. 30 D Quartz monzonite to granite 25 [ill]. 20 Composite calc-alkalic rocks Granodiorite

15 ~ Diorite and tonalite 10 ~ Gabbro 5

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 3.-Composite histograms of gold content of calc-alkalic and alkalic plutonic rocks; provenance not considered. Data from tables 18-25. content with increasing content of mafic minerals, ALKALIC PROVINCES as suggested by data for individual suites. On the Our sampling of alkalic plutonic rocks is limited whole, our data are in good accord with the sum­ to some rocks from New Hampshire, North Caro­ maries of Phan (1965, table 1.4.1) and Jones (1969, lina, and South Carolina (table 24 and 25) . None­ table 5) ; their summaries are based on values in theless, the data suggest that gold content for the the literature, principally Russian (for example, alkalic rocks studied occurs within a lower and Shcherbakov and Perezhogin, 1963, 1964). ·The even narrower range than for the calc-alkalic rocks question of the mode of occurrence of gold in some studied and rarely exceeds 1.5 ppb (table 5 and calc-alkalic plutonic rocks studied is taken up later. fig. 3). This apparent relationship is also observed for volcanic rocks ( p. 19). Our data for alkalic TABLE 5.-Distribution of gold in calc-alkalic and alkalic plutonic rocks are insufficient to establish any sta­ plutonic rocks geneTalized according to rock type regardless tistically significant figures on the systematic varia­ of province [Summarized from data of tables 18-25] tion of gold content with rock type, as could be demonstrated for the calc-alkalic rocks. Number of Range samples (ppb)

Gabbro ------7 0.6-11.6 3.9 Diorite and tonalite ------19 .2-11.3 2.7 HAW AllAN ISLANDS Granodiorite ------60 .1- 5.2 1.2 Quartz monzonite to granite ------1 29 1.1- 2.7 .8 Gold content was determined in 33 samples of vol­ Alkalic plutonic rocks canic rocks representing some of the major petro­ Gabbro to monzodiorite ------3 0.3- 0.7 0.4 Syenite ------5 .2- .4 .3 graphic provinces of the Hawaiian Islands (table 6 Quartz monzonite to granite ------33 .2- 2.3 .7 and fig. 4). Petrochemical characteristics and geo­ 1 The value for altered granite (5.6 ppb) from the Southern California logic setting of these suites are well known. (See, batholith is excluded. GOLD CONTENT IN BASALTIC ASSOCIATIONS 9

TABLE 6.-Summary of gold content in basaltic associations [Data from tables 26-33] Average gold Number of Range content Suite or location Rock type samples (ppb) (ppb) Oceanic provinces Hawaii: Kilauea ------Prehistoric tholeiite ------2 4.3- 4.6 4.5 Historic summit tholeiite ------5 1.8- 2.7 2.2 1955 flank ------8 .5- 5.2 1.7 Mauna Loa ------­ Tholeiite ------10 1.7- 6.6 2.5 Haleakala ------Alkalic basalt ------1 .2 Andesite ------5 .5- 3.9 1.5 Honolulu Volcanic Series ------­ melilite basalt ------1 1.4 Koolau Volcanic Series ------­ Tholeiite ------1 1.4 Ridge and rise systems: Mid-Atlantic Ridge ------­ Low-K20 tholeiite ------3 .5- 1.6 .9 East Pacific Rise ------____ do______39 .1- 4.6 .6 Alkalic basalt ------10 .2- 1.8 .8 Continental basaltic provinces Plateau basalts, Oregon and Washington: Columbia River Group: Picture Gorge Basalt ------­ Tholeiite ------5 0.5- 3.2 2.3 Yakima Basalt ------­ ____ do______6 .8-11.0 4.8 Pliocene-Quaternary basalt ------­ basalt ------4 .4- 1.8 .9 Basalts of the Snake River Group and ____ do______19 .1- 1.3 .5 associated rhyolitic rocks, Idaho. Rhyolite ------6 .2- 1.2 .6 Greenstone Flow, Michigan ------Basalt ------7 1 1.4- 7.0 1 3.7 ------2 3.5- 7.6 5.5 Granophyre ------1 8.5 Hypabyssal (diabase) provinces Triassic basin, Eastern United States: Connecticut ------­ Basalt-diabase ------16 1.0- 4.3 2.6 New Jersey ------­ Basalt ------23 2 2.7- 9.6 2 4.7 Pennsylvania ------Diabase dikes ------9 1.7- 7.2 3.3 Dillsburg ------Diabase sheet: Diabase ;..------2 8.5-22.6 15.5 Pegmatitic facies ------1 12.2 Granophyre ------3 9.0-19.6 14.1 Cornwall ------Diabase sheet: Chilled margin (altered?) __ 1 8.1 Normal diabase ------5 1.8- 2.8 2.1 Altered diabase ______:_ 1 .4 Pegmatitic diabase ------2 2.0- 5.5 3.7 Granophyre ------2 .7- 2.0 1.3 Diabase , chilled margin_____ 1 1.6 Virginia ------Diabase ------7 .3- 3.7 2.3 Granophyric diabase ------5 2.2- 6.5 3.2 Granophyre ------4 1.1- 3.8 2.0 North Carolina ------­ Low K20 diabase dikes ------6 2.7- 7.9 4.8 Diabase dike ------1 3.8 South Carolina ------­ ----dO------4 2.2- 3.2 2.5 Precambrian diabase, southeastern Missouri: Shepherd Mountain ------Diabase-gabbro ------12 1.2- 5.7 2.2 Altered diabase ------1 .5 160-foot ------Diabase ------7 .7- 7.4 2.9 Altered diabase ------5 .5- 3.2 1.6 Great Lake intrusion, Tasmania ------Chilled margin (altered) ------1 7.3 Lower zone ------7 2.4- 5.2 3.6 Central zone ------9 1.2-12.0 6.5 Granophyre ------2 1.0- 1.4 1.2 1 One sample was omitted that contained 14.4 ppb gold. 2 One sample was omitted that contained 23.1 ppb gold. for example, Powers, 1955; Macdonald, 1949; Mac­ a value of 2.6 ppb on a single sample. The moder­ donald and Powers, 1946; Macdonald and Eaton, ately fractionated 1955 lavas of the east rift zone 1964; Tilley and Scoon, 1961.) Most of our an;;tlyses and those of the alkalic Haleakala suite appear to are on glassy silica-saturated basalts of Kilauea and have a gold content slightly lower than those of Mauna Loa which are believed to be fairly repre­ typical Hawaiian tholeiites (table 26). sentative of that formed the lavas of the primitive shield of each of these volcanoes. MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE AND EAST PACIFIC RISE Samples of the tholeiite that erupted from the The worldwide ridge-and-rise system is one of summits of Kilauea and Mauna Loa (table 26) are the prominent features of the ocean floor. Basalt, quite uniform in gold content and average 2.2 and commonly referred to as oceanic tholeiite, is by far 2.5 ppb, respectively. The values for Mauna Loa the predominant rock type of this feature. Oceanic basalts agree reasonably well with those obtained tholeiitic basalts are readily distinguished from by Ehmann, Baedecker, and McKown (1970), who most continental basalts by their lower reported an average of 4.2 ppb for three samples, content ( < 0.3 percent), unusually low abundances and by Vincent and Crocket ( 1960b), who obtained of large ions, such as thorium, uranium, niobium, 10 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS


Hawaiian Islands EXPLANATION 6

4 • [{2 Honolulu-Koolau Kilauea-Mauna Loa 1955m flank, Volcanic Series summits Kilauea and Haleakala 2

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18

>- 16 (.) ..... z ~ .... I.J..J :::> 14 0 EXPLANATION I.J..J a:: Li.. 12 Ridge and rise systems r::::::l L:::.J Low-K20 tholeiite 10 ~ Alkalic basalt


0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 4.-Histograms of gold content of rocks in some basaltic associations from oceanic provinces. Data from tables 26 and 27. rubidium, , and cesium, and high potassium­ only 0.2-0.3 ppb for the same three samples. and 0.4 rubidium and potassium-cesium ratios (Engel and ppb for a sample from the East Pacific Rise. Our others, 1965; Tatsumoto and others, 1965; Gast, more extensive data, though still far from adequate 1965; Gottfried and others, 1968). Alkalic basalts, considering the vast areas underlain by oceanic which make up less than 1 percent of oceanic. vol­ ridges, suggest that oceanic tholeiites are charac­ canic rocks, occur on the flanks of the oceanic terized by lower gold content than typical tholeiitic ridges, on the tops of submarine volcanoes, and on basalts from Hawaii or continental regions. the islands located on the ridge-and-rise system. Among the 52 samples (table 27) we analyzed are CONTINENTAL PROVINCES some previously . studied by Engel, Engel, and PLATEAU BASALTS AND ASSOCIATED ROCKS, Havens (1965) from widely separated regions as OREGON AND WASHINGTON well as a larger number of samples (35) from a W~ters · (1961) ·subdivided the basalts of the restricted segment (Juan de Fuca ridg~Blanco Columbia River Group (Miocene and Pliocene) fracture zone) of the East Pacific Rise. Gold con­ into two types (there do not seem to be any transi­ tent of tholeiitic rocks is rather uniform and aver­ tional varieties) : ( 1) Picture Gorge type-older, ages slightly less than 1 ppb; contrary to expecta­ silica content 47-50 percent, approximately 5 per­ tion, the alkalic basalts, which average 0.8 ppb cent olivine and (2) Yakima type-younger, silica (table 6), have virtually the same gold content as content 53-54 percent, higher K20 and Ti02, little tholeiites. or no olivine. However, gold content observed for Previously published values for gold in oceanic these rocks (table 28) does not reflect their differ­ tholeiites are few and contradictory. DeGrazia and ences in chemistry and mineralogy. Because of the Haskin (1964) reported 6.3-14 ppb gold for three limited. number of samples analyzed and the wide samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, whereas variation in range of gold values, the differences in Ehmann, Baedecker, and McKown ( 1970) obtained average gold content between the Picture Gorge GOLD CONTENT IN. BASALTIC ASSOCIATIONS 11

EXPLANATION Plateau basalt and other rocks, Oregon and Washington E3 Clarno and John Day Formations

6 ~ Basalt of the Columbia River Group 4 § 2 Pliocene-Quaternary olivine basalt

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10

8 >- EXPLANATION u Snake River Group, Idaho z w 6 ::::l ~ 0' Rhyolite w 0::: 1.1.. [ill. Basalt

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 ·8 9 10 11 12


Greenstone Flow, Michigan

:J~~~f0~~s:~~~~;t~~~·~~;~q~~~~~~P~~~~~~~P~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~\v~~q~~ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 5.-Histograms of gold content of rocks from some continental basaltic provinces of the United States. Data from tables 28-30. ·

( 2.3 ppb) and Yakima ( 4.8 ppb) types may not be a trend opposite to that for tholeiitic suites. Inter­ statistically significant. mediate rocks such as and are The Pliocene-Quaternary basalts differ from the extremely rare in the Snake River Plain, regarded Columbia River basalts in having more plagioclase by Hamilton (1965) as a province of bimodal vol­ and olivine and a diktytaxitic texture. Our limited canism of olivine basalt and rhyolite. data suggest that gold content in these rocks is Of the 19 basalts analyzed, only two exceed 1 ppb lower than that in most Columbia River basalts and in gold (table 29) ; the rhyolites and basalts have comparable to that in the andesites and in the more about the same range and mean in gold content silicic rocks of the Clarno and John Day.Formations (table 6 and fig. 5). (tables 6 and 28; fig. 5). GREENSTONE FLOW, .MICHIGAN BASALTS OF THE SNAKE RIVER GROUP AND Because the Greenstone Flow is the thickest and ASSOCIATED RHYOLITIC ROCKS, IDAHO most differentiated of the Keweenawan flows in the Powers (1960a) has shown that the Snake River Michigan copper district, it has been studied in basalts of southern Idaho are lower in Si02 and considerable detail by Broderick ( 1935) and by richer in FeO, Ti02, and P 205 than basalts of the Cornwall (1951a, b, c). The flow is composed of Columbia Plateau or . The occurrence ophitic olivine basalt that contains pegmatitic layers of strongly alkaline mafic lavas· (Powers, 1960b) and small granophyre dikes in its upper half. Be­ and alkalic rhyolites and tuffs indicates that Snake cause of the close spatial relationship of the basaltic River basalts have alkalic affinities. An unusual flows and copper deposits, the abundance and dis­ chemical feature of these rocks is the decrease of tribution of copper in the Greenstone and other the iron- ratio with an increase in silica, ·flows have been well documented by much geologic 12 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS and analytical data (Broderick, 1935; Broderick Although the basalt-diabase samples we analyzed and Hohl, 1935; Sandell and Goldich, 1943; Corn­ range fairly widely in texture and composition, the wall and Rose, 1957). These data suggest that, dur­ concentrated level and mean gold content ( 1.3...... 4. 7 ing magmatic differentiation, copper was concen­ ppb) for the various suites show relatively little trated in the pegmatitic facies of the Greenstone variation, if the Dillsburg suite and the altered dia­ Flow. base from Cornwall are excluded (table 6 and :fig; Gold abundance of the same specimens (table 6). For example, dike rocks from the North Caro­ 30) used by Cornwall and Rose (1957) in their lina Piedmont (except for sample JY-1) are low spectrographic study shows no close systematic vari­ in Si02 ( 47-49 percent) and K20 (nearly equal to ation with stratigraphic position or copper content 0.2 percent), are high in Ab03 (-- 16.9 percent), but nonetheless fits the gross positive correlation and average 4.8 ppb gold; sample JY-1, though with copper, a chalcophilic element (see fig. 10). higher in Si02 (52 percent) and K20 (0.5 percent), Despite some variability probably in part ascribable is not significantly different in its gold content to varying degrees of alteration (noted by Corn­ (3.8 ppb). Chemical data are not available for dike wall, 1951a), gold content of the Greenstone· Flow samples from South Carolina, which average 2.5 averages 3. 7 ppb, which is similar to the mean gold ppb gold. Within the Carolinas province, then, the abundance of most other basaltic provinces (table 6) . mean gold content varies only within a factor of two, despite much greater differences in chemistry

HYPABYSSAL (DIABASE) PROVINCES of the magmas. In contrast, and perhaps signifi­ cantly, gold content i'n low-K20 diabase dikes of In certain continental areas, rocks of basaltic North Carolina is about five times that in nearly composition occur predominantly as gently dipping chemically identical tholeiitic basalts of the oceanic or fiat, intrusive diabase sheets, though they are ridge system. also commonly associated with subordinate basaltic Relative to the other basalt-diabase suites ana­ flows, plugs,· and dikes. We have arbitrarily treated lyzed, the Dillsburg suite (Pennsylvania) is con­ these basaltic or diabase sheets as another mani­ siderably higher in gold content, which ranges from festation of basaltic volcanism, mainly because the 8.5 to 22.6 ppb and shows no apparent variation undifferentiated (chilled) magma of these sheets is with bulk chemistry or stratigraphic position. It tholeiitic. Some sheets, especially those which have should be mentioned, however, that these samples associated granophyres, are of particular geochemi­ are restricted to about the upper third of the sheet cal and petrologic interest in that they provide un­ which is believed to be at least 1,000 feet thick; equivocal examples of differentiation in place of a thus, in using the present data, we do not know if given increment of basaltic magma. the entire sheet is characterized by a high gold content. Nevertheless, the average gold content in TRIASSIC BASIN, EASTERN UNITED- STATES 12 samples (table 31) from the Cornwall district, Basaltic rocks of Late Triassic age near the east­ Pennsylvania, located only approximately 30 miles ern margin of the United States and Canada occur to the east of Dillsburg in a similar geologic setting, as flows, small dikes, and thick intrusive sheets in is significantly lower (0.4-8.1 ppb). The maximum down-faulted basins from Nova Scotia to South gold content of 8.1 ppb for the Cornwall samples is Carolina; these rocks underlie approximately 6,000 observed for a sample of the chilled margin, which square miles. Early petrologic studies on samples contains very small sulfide veinlets ; the presence of from the northern part of the province (New J er­ veinlets suggests that this one high value may reflect sey and Pennsylvania) show that the undifferenti­ later introduction, rather than the original amount ated magma (chilled margin) is of the tholeiitic in the magma. In brief, the gold content in the Corn­ magma type and fairly typical of continental tho­ wall samples is significantly lower than those in leiitic provinces the world over (Walker, 1940; petrographically equivalent rocks from the Dills­ Hotz, 1953). However, recent petrochemical inves­ burg intrusion but is comparable to "background tigations (Ragland and others, 1968) of chilled levels" typified by basalts· ~nd smaller dikes else­ margins of dikes in North Carolina indicate that, where in the Triassic hypabyssal basalt-diabase with few exceptions, these rocks more closely re­ province. semble oceanic tholeiites. Thus, at least two chem­ For comparison with the differentiated diabase ically different basaltic magmas may be represented · sheets at Cornwall and Dillsburg, Pa., gold analyses by the Triassic mafic rocks. · were made on 16 samples representative of the GOLD CONTENT IN BASALTIC ASSOCIATIONS 13


8 Triassic basin, 0 Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina Eastern United States 6 South Carolina, Virginia, and Cornwall, Pennsylvania

4 m Dillsburg, Pennsylvania

2 o-r~~~F=~~=r~T=~r=~~~==~~~L4===r~4=~~~~~=L~~~~~~~--~--~1 --4~~~1 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 13 14

>­u z L.LJ 6 :::> 0' L.LJ E 4 Southeastern Missouri


0 2 3 4 5 6

6 Great Lake intrusion, Tasmania 4

0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 6.-Histograms of gold content of rocks from some hypabyssal (diabase) provinces of the United States and Tas­ mania. The diagrams for the Triassic basin, United States, does not show a sample from New Jersey, which has 23.1 ppb gold, and two samples from Dillsburg, Pa., which have 19.6 and 22.6 ppb gold. Data from tables 31-33. diabase-granophyre intrusions in Fairfax County, reflect postcrystallization alteration rather than pri­ Va. Here, mineralization is lacking, and, hence, mary features. Moreover, inasmuch as both the conditions are probably more favorable for estab­ Cornwall and the Dillsb.urg intrusions are associ­ lishing the primary gold content of diabasic rocks. ated with mineralization, both these areas will be Although widely ranging in mineralogic composi­ discussed in some detail in connection with the pos­ tion, the various phases of the diabase-granophyre sible effects of alteration on primary gold distri­ association are strikingly uniform in gold content, bution ( p. 27) . and the means range only between 2.0 and 3.2 ppb (table 6) ; chemical data are not available for these PRECAMBRIAN DIABASE, SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI rocks. Such· uniformity suggests that differentiation Borehole samples from two small differentiated processes have affected gold content in these sam­ mafic bodies in southeastern Missouri (table 32) ples only minimally and such that the values ob­ have· a gold content typical of other continental served may well be close to those of the parent basalt-diabase samples; unaltered specimens have a magma. Vincent and Crocket (1960a) also noted mean gold content of 2.2-2.9 ppb (table 6). The the general constancy of gold content in rocks of geologic setting and petrologic studies of the speci­ the strongly fractionated in mens we analyzed have been described by Desbor­ east Greenland. ough (1963, 1967) ; the least differentiated rock of The close similarity in gold content between the these bodies is an olivine diabase and is presumed Virginia samples and fresh samples from the dikes to represent the parent magma. In both the Shep­ and differentiated diabase sheet at Cornwall, Pa., herd Mountain intrusion and the 160-foot sill, the provide indirect evidence that the anomalously high altered rocks seem to have a lower gold content than gold content observed for the Dillsburg intrusion the fresh (table 32), a tendency suggesting the pos-


A B 180 180 170 .. 170 EXPLANATION 160 I 160 z .. .. z 150 0 0 .. 150 :::::i :::::i __J 140 ::::! Copper from Greenland and 140 Lovering (1966) ·~ 130 ~ 130 a:: a:: LiJ 120 ~ • 120 0.. Gold from Rowe (1969) (f) 110 (f) 110 t- t- a:: 100 ~ <( 100 0.. .. 0.. 190 90 ~ 80 ~ .& A 80 ci ci LiJ 70 LiJ 70 0.. 0.. 0.. 13 60 0.. 0 0 60 (.) (.) 12 50 12 z .. '. 50 0 11 /· 40 z 11 "-• .. ___.. 40 :::::i \ 0 / __J 10 :::::i 10 .. __J -- iii 9 iii 9 a:: LiJ a:: 0.. LiJ 8 0.. (f) t- (f) a:: 6 t- <( a:: 6 • 0.. <( 5 0.. 5 ~ 4 ~ 4 ci __J • ci 3 0 __J 0 ~/ " -~. " 2 ·-· 0 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 400 700 1000 1300 1600


FIGURE 7.-Variation in gold and copper abundance with mafic index (A) and depth (B) of samples from the Great Lake sheet, Tasmania. Data from Greenland and Lovering (1966) and Rowe (1969). sibility that some gold may have been removed dur­ documented diabase-granophyre bodies (Heier and ing alteration; in view of the limited number of others, 1965; Greenland and Lovering, 1966; Gott­ altered samples (six), this suggestion obviously fried and others, 1968). needs to be tested by much additional data. Despite Analyses for gold (Rowe, 1969) and copper the fivefold increase in the amount of sulfides with (Greenland and Lovering, 1966) of 19 borehole differentiation (Desborough, 1967), our abundance specimens from the Great Lake sheet, in contrast data on gold show no such corresponding variation to previously discussed differentiated diabasic in­ with total sulfides. From the findings of Vincent trusions, demonstrate a remarkably close correlation and Crocket (1960a) that rich in copper between gold and copper over the entire range of sulfides have a relatively high content of gold, we crystallization (table 33; fig. 7). The maximum gold anticipated closer correlation between gold and sul­ content ( 12 ppb) is in the lower part of the central fide abundance. zone, and the minimum gold content ( 1.2 ppb) is in the granophyre. The gold content of the lower GREAT LAKE INTRUSION, TASMANIA chilled margin is higher ( 7.3 ppb) than the average. On the basis of comparative detailed petrologic, for the intrusion and is probably due to hydro­ chemical, and mineralogic studies, McDougall thermal introduction. Significantly, McDougall and (1964) considered the Great Lake intrusion to be Lovering (1963) and McDougall (1962) reported an excellent representative of the Tasmanian tho­ the c~ystallization of during the mid­ leiitic province, which is in age and under­ dle stage of crystallization ·(central zone), which lies an area of some 6,000 square miles. In addition resulted in a strong depletion of copper in the later to McDougall's comprehensive work, abundant sub­ differentiates (granophyres). This· close parallelism sequent isotopic and trace-element investigations of gold and copper variation patterns may in large have been carried out on this intrusion; these stud­ part reflect the abundance and composition of ies make it perhaps one of the most extensively copper-rich sulfides, for example, chalcopyrite. Pre- GOLD CONTENT IN BASALT-ANDESITE-RHYOLITE ASSOCIATIONS 15 liminary experimental data of P. B. Barton (in (table 35). Chemical, mineralogic, and strontium­ U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, p. A108) indicate isotope data on most of these samples have been that at 650°C chalcopyrite can accommodate more reported recently (Smith and Carmichael, 1968; than 1.6 weight percent of gold, whereas amounts Peterman and others, 1970). In general, the range soluble in pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite are in gold abundance and the mean gold content ob­ considerably less than 0.1 weight percent. However, served for samples from the and Barton stressed that much of the gold is exsolved Lassen regions are greater than the range and mean upon cooling. for samples from the Medicine Lake Highland re­ The Great Lake sheet may be somewhat unusual gion (table 7 and fig. 8) . (but ideal for study) in that virtually all variation Basalts analyzed from the Medicine Lake High­ trends of trace elements plot very smooth curves, land range in age from the Pliocene Warner Basalt including the trend for cesium, a highly mobile of Russell ( 1928) to the very recently erupted constituent that responds readily to the s!ightest Modoc and Ha,t Creek Basalts of Powers (1932) postcrystallization disturbance (Gottfried and oth­ and Anderson (1940, 1941). The Warner Basalt, ers, 1968). Moreover, the potassium-cesium ratio which is also readily distinguishable from the Modoc and content of (fluorine and chlorine) also Basalt by its significantly lower potassium content, vary systematically with differentiation (Greenland averages slightly higher in gold than the Modoc and Lovering, 1966). Collectively, these studies pro­ Basalt, 3.5 ppb as compared with 1.2 ppb; both vide convincing evidence that any alteration in the these basalts, however, have more gold than rhyo­ Great Lake intrusion is local, that the degree of lites ( 0.5 ppb) from the same region (table 7). alteration is small, and that the observed variation Though not from the Cascade volcanic province patterns at major and minor elements record re­ proper, rhyolitic rocks from Mono County, Calif., sponses to changes in the primary crystallization are also low in gold; excluding the sample contain­ regime. Thus, it is probably not at all fortuitous ing 1.9 ppb gold, the remaining seven samples have that the least disturbed diabase-granophyre system 0.5 ppb or less gold (table 36). should demonstrate such a well-defined copper-gold Quartz basalts of the Lassen region have been relationship after undergoing magmatic differen­ considered as hybrid products resulting from the tiation. contamination of basaltic magma by felsic and xenocrysts of dacitic origin (Finch and Ander­ GOLD CONTENT IN son, 1930). The gold content of these rocks tends BASALT-ANDESITE-RHYOLITE ASSOCIATIONS to be relatively high, an average of 11.9 ppb (table CALC-ALKALIC PROVINCES 7). Because our data indicate that gold content in

CASCADE RANGE AND ADJACENT AREAS, OREGON AND felsic volcanic rocks is lower than in mafic volcanic CALIFORNIA rocks in the Cascade province, the initial gold con­ centration in the host basaltic magma prior to con­ Volcanic rocks in the Cascade Range, which ex­ tamination must have been even higher. tends from southern British Columbia to northern California, are generally grouped into two major JEMEZ MOUNTAINS, N.MEX. sequences : ( 1) a sequence (Miocene or older) The Jemez Mountains of north-central New Mex­ which underlies the Western Cascade Range and ico are composed of a complex volcanic pile that consists of folded and locally altered flows and underlies an area of about 1,500 square miles and pyroclastic material and (2) a younger sequence consists chiefly of lower to upper Pliocene basaltic, (Pliocene to Holocene) which underlies the High andesitic, dacitic, and rhyolitic rocks. The youngest Cascades arid consists chiefly of undeformed, fresh volcanic rocks in the region are Pleistocene rhyo­ basaltic and andesitic flows. litic ash flows, which preceded collapse, and Samples from the (Oregon) postcaldera rhyolitic pyroclastics, flows, and domes studied by Peck, Griggs, Schlicker, Wells, and Dole (Ross and others, 1961; Smith and Bailey, 1968; (1964) have an average gold content ranging from Smith and others, 1970). Analysis of 46 samples 0.9 to 7.2 ppb; there is a strong tendency for the . shows the basalts to have distinctly higher gold basalts and andesites to be higher in gold than the content (averaging 2.5 ppb) than rhyolitic rocks, dacites and (table 34). As representa­ which, with very few exceptions, contain only a few tives of the High Cascades and vicinity ( Califor­ tenths part per billion (table 37). nia), 26 samples from the Mount Shasta, Lassen, Samples of air-fall pumice and associated ash­ and Medicine Lake regions have been analyzed flow tuffs representing the Bandelier provide 16 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

TABLE 7.-Summary of gold content in basalt-andesite-rhyolite associations [Data from tables 34-44] Average Number gold of Range content Suite or location Rock type samples (ppb) (ppb) Calc-alkalic provinces Western Cascades, Oreg.: Little Butte Volcanic Series ______Olivine basalt ------5 2.8- 5.3 4.2 Andesite ------2 3.8-10.7 7.2 Dacite ------3 .6- 1.1 .9 ------4 .8- 1.4 1.0 Sardine Formation ------­ Andesite ------7 .6·-11.0 3.3 Southern High Cascades, Calif., and vi­ cinity: Mount Shasta ------Olivine basalt ------1 11.6 Andesite ------4 4.3-12.0 8.0 Lassen area ------Olivine basalt ------1 4.6 Quartz basalt ------4 1.5-19.4 11.9 Andesite ------1 7.0 Medicine Lake Highland ------Warner Basalt ------7 1.9- 6.2 3.5 Olivine basalt ------3 .6- 2.2 1.2 Andesite ------1 4.7 Rhyolite ------4 .4- .5 .5 Mono County, Calif______Rhyolite ------8 .1- 1.9 .4 Jemez Mountains, N. Mex.: Precaldera volcanics ------Basalt ------12 1.3- 6.1 2.5 Quartz to rhyolite ------4 .1- .3 .2 : Tshirege Member ------­ Rhyolite ------8 .5- 1.6 .9 Otowi Member ------­ Rhyolite ------8 .4- .7 .6 Postcaldera silicic volcanics ------­ to rhyolite ------14 .2- .7 .4 Jerome, central Ariz.: Yavapai Series: Ash Creek Group ------­ Altered rhyolite ------6 .4-12.4 5.4 Alder Group ------Less altered rhyolite ------7 ..2- .9 .3 Altered rhyolite ------2 3.4- 8.3 5.8 Quartz porphyry ------____ do______5 .5- 7.4 2.9 Beatty area, Nevada: Bullfrog Hills caldera sequence ---- Less altered rhyolite ------5 .2- .9 .4 Altered rhyolite ------3 2.0-22.0 16.6 Latite ------1 .5 Basalt ------1 1.8 Yucca Mountains caldera sequence__ Altered rhyolite ------6 .3- 3.9 1.9 Rhyodacite ------1 .8 Recent basalt ------1 1.7 Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., and Rhyolite ------15 .1- 1.5 .5 vicinity. Basalt ------3 .2- .2 .2 Challis Volcanics, central Idaho ______Andesite ------3 .3- 1.0 .6 Dacite ------1 .5 Latite ------2 .9- 1.0 1.0 Rhyolite ------5 .3- 1.7 .8 Southern Appalachians Denton quadran­ Andesite ------3 .5- 1.9 1.1 gle, North Carolina. Rhyolite ------4 .4- .9 .6 Mount Rogers Formation, Va ______Rhyolite ------9 .1- 2.8 .5 Alkalic provinces Big Bend National Park, Tex ______Alkali basalt-syenogabbro ------10 0.3- 4.3 o:9 Trachyandesite-syenodiorite ---- 4 .4- 1.0 .6 Syenite- ------6 .2- 1.9 .7 Rhyolite-granite ------7 .2- 1.2 .5 Bearpaw and Highwood Mountains, central Mont.: Boxelder ------Shonkinite ------5 2.4- 6.1 4.0 Syenite ------4 .4- 2.9 1.8 Aplitic dike ---,------1 1.4 Pegmatitic patch ------1 1.4 Shonkin Sag laccolith ____ _: ______Mafic ------2 1.6-10.4 6.0 Shonkinite ------4 .5- 6.7 4.1 Transition rock ------3 .7- 2.3 1.2 Syenite ------3 2.8- 5.1 3.7 Minette ------1 2.0 Aplitic syenite ------1 3.8

excellent material for tracing the behavior of gold tent within each member of the Bandelier Tuff sug­ during the course of differentiation of rhyolitic gests that, within the limits of analytical uncer­ magma. This unit has been divided by Bailey, Smith, tainty, processes which produced wide variations in and Ross (1969) into two members, the Otowi and the lithophilic trace elements do not affect gold dis­ Tshirege, which have been dated as 1.4 m.y. (mil­ tribution. For the same samples, data on niobium, lion years) and 1.0 m.y., respectively (Doell and tantalum, thorium, uranium, rubidium, and cesium others, 1968). Available data on mineralogy and on content (Smith and Bailey, 1966 ; Gottfried and major and minor elements for successive flows of others, unpub. data) shows a threefold to fourfold each member exhibit systematic variation trends decrease from the first (most silicic) to the last which reflect corresponding physicochemical changes (most mafic) erupted material, whereas gold con­ in their respective magma chambe-rs (Smith and tent remains virtually constant (table 7 and fig. 8) ; Bailey, 1966). The striking uniformity of gold con- similarly, the, postcaldera rhyolites are uniformly GOLD CONTENT IN BASALT-ANDESITE-RHYOLITE ASSOCIATIONS 17

low in gold content and exhibit no correlation with elements arising from alteration effects. This aspect eruptive sequence or petrochemical features (table is treated in more detail in connection with primary 37). gold abundance and its bearing on gold mineraliz3;­ tion (p. 28). YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, WYO., AND VICINITY BEATTY AREA, NEVADA Rhyolites of Pliocene and Quaternary age of the Yellowstone plateau underlie some 2,000 square Rhyolitic ash flows, tuffs, and lavas near Beatty, miles in Yellowstone National Park (Boyd, 1961) Nye County, Nev., are divided into two sequences: and extend into adjacent parts of Montana and an ·older suite of probable Miocene age and a Idaho. They tend to occur as voluminous ash-flow younger suite of probable Pliocene age (Cornwall, sheets associated with and flows 1962). Ash flows of the older and younger suites (R. L. Christiansen and H. R. Blank, Jr., in U.S. are compositionally similar and believed to have Geological Survey, 1969, p. A37). Hamilton (1959, been derived from two calderas, the Bullfrog Hills 1963) noted that these rhyolites, in terms of major and Yucca Mountains calderas, respectively; volu­ element chemistry, are restricted to a very narrow metrically smaller flows of latite, rhyodacite, and range and, in general, are distinctly more alkalic basalt are associated with both calderas. Very few,. than those of the orogenic basalt-andesite-rhyolite if any, of the rhyolitic rocks are entirely unaltered, associations. and some are locally intensely altered. Data on ma­ Gold content of randomly collected rhyolites jor and minor elements and geologic setting of the (tuffs and flows) from the Yell ow stone plateau is samples we analyzed for gold are given by Cornwall characteristically low; it ranges from 0.1 ppb to (1962) and Cornwall and Kleinhampl (1964). 1.3 ppb and averages 0.5 ppb (table 38). The three The largest concentration of gold (2.0-22 ppb) is samples of basalt, whose abundance is greatly sub­ in highly altered samples of the Bullfrog Hills cal­ ordinate to rhyolite in the region, have a relatively dera; the values of the less altered rhyolites are low gold content ( 0.2 ppb, table 38) and, in this lower in gold and range from 0.2 to 0.9 ppb (table respect, are similar to those of the Snake River 40). However, altered rhyolites of the Yucca Moun­ Plain (table 6), even though the Snake River tains caldera suite are only slightly enriched in gold basalts are more alkalic (Hamilton, 1965) . (0.3-3.9 ppb), as compared with values typically observed for fresh rhyolite, that is, less than 1 ppb PRECAMBRIAN METAVOLCANIC ROCKS, CENTRAL (table 7). Two samples of basalt from the Beatty ARIZONA area, which have somewhat alkalic tendencies, con­ tain 1. 7 and 1.8 ppb gold. Dacites, rhyolites, and quartz porphyries compos­ ing about one-third of the Yavapai Series (Precam­ CHALLIS VOLCANICS, CENTRAL IDAHO brian) have been metamorphosed to the facies and then subsequently hydrothermally altered Recent studies by B. F. Leonard (in U.S. Geo­ (Anderson, 1968). Analysis of 20 samples of these logical Survey, 1968, p. A27) suggest that, even rocks, for which chemical, petrographic, and geo­ within a small area (Thunder Mountain caldera), logic data have been given by Anderson ( 1968), the age of the Challis Volcanics can vary from indicate gold content of rhyolites in the Ash Creek Eocene to latest Oligocene or earliest Miocene, the Group tends to be more variable ( 0.4-12.4 ppb) and same time span (Eocene? to Miocene?) generally higher (averaging 5.4 ppb) than in most rhyolites accepted for the Challis on a regional scale. Limited. of the Alder Group (table· 7). On the whole, the sampling and· analysis (table 41) indicate that rhyo­ Alder rocks are less altered than the Ash Creek rocks lite, dacite, latite, and andesite of the Challis Vol­ and, with the exception of two strongly altered sam­ canics have a relatively low gold content ( 0.3-1. 7 ples (nos. 18 and 19, table 39), have a gold content ppb) that is typical of unaltered felsic and inter­ ( 0.2-0.9 ppb) typical of unaltered rhyolites from mediate volcanic rocks of the Western United States other provinces of the Western United States (table (table 7 and fig. 8). 7 and fig. 8). Similarly, the quartz porphyry tends to be more altered and have a relatively higher gold SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS, VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA abundance (0.5-7.4 ppb) than samples of the Alder Group. Lower Paleozoic calc-alkalic volcanic rocks, which Differences in gold content of the samples ana­ range in composition from basalt to rhyolite and lyzed can be related to chemical variations of major underlie a large part of the Carolina slate belt, have 18 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS been metamorphosed to the lower greenschist facies tent mu.ch like that of plutonic rocks from the same (Butler and Ragland, 1969; Stromquist and Sun­ general region (table 25) . delius, 1969). Gold deposits in various parts of the Rhyolitic rocks of the Mount Rogers Formation southern Piedmont are spatially associated with fel­ are part of the Blue Ridge belt of the southern sic volcanic rocks (Pardee and Park, 1948), and Appalachians. Uranium- isotopic ages on zir­ recent studies by Bell ( 1969) indicate that the cons from a few of these rhyolites indicate they are mineralization is related to early Paleozoic volcan­ of late Precambrian age (Rankin and others, 1969). ism. Gold content of some samples from the area Gold abundance of petrographically diverse rhyo­ mapped by Stromquist (1966) in North Carolina is lites from the Mount Rogers Formation, the geo­ less than 1 ppb except for one sample of andesite logic setting of which was given by Rankin ( 1970), (table 42). These volcanic rocks have a gold con- is 0.5 ppb or less, except for one sample (table 42).


4 Western Cascades, Oregon Q Dacite and rhyodacite} Oligocene .t (Middle and An d es1 e and • upper Miocene) 2 II Basalt and andesite Miocene

0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

EXPLANATION 4 Southern High Cascades and vicinity, California Mount Shasta Lassen region Medicine Lake 2 Highland•

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 >-. (.) Rhyolite, Mono County, California ~ 2 ::> 0' ~ o~~~~----~~--~--~--.---.--.---.--~--.---.---.--.---.---.--.---.---.--.---.---.--. u.. 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12



12 ~ Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Rhyolite 10 lillJ Basalt 8



0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE B.-Histograms of gold content of rocks from some calc-alkalic and basalt-andesite-rhyolite associations. The histogram for the southern High Cascades, Calif., does not show two samples from the Lassen region which have 14.1 and 19.4 ppb gold. Data from tables 34-42. GOLD CONTENT IN BASALT-ANDESITE-RHYOLITE ASSOCIATIONS 19

The gold content (table 42) in these Paleozoic and one of several alkalic subprovinces extending from Precambrian felsic volcanic rocks from the south­ Montana to Texas along the front of the Rocky ern Appalachians supports our previous generali­ Mountains. The Big Bend suite consists of highly zation (Gottfried and others, 1969), based on fewer alkaline extrusive and hypabyssal rocks, and data, that the gold content of unaltered rhyolitic is slightly dominant relative to potassium. The rocks, regardless of differences in composition, age, and geologic setting of these rocks have or provenance, is characterized by a very narrow been given in abstracts by Lonsdale and Maxwell and low range. (1949) and Maxwell and Lonsdale (1949); partial chemical data on the rocks we analyzed for gold ALKALIC PROVINCES have been published elsewhere (Gottfried and oth­ BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK, TEX. ers, 1962). Igneous rocks from the Big Bend National Park Despite the wide diversity of petrographic types, area, which range from alkalic basalt to extremely the ranges and averages of gold content are very CaO-poor riebeckite rhyolite and granite, represent nearly the same (table 43 and fig. 9) for all rocks

8 EXPLANATION 6 Yellowstone National Park []. Basalt 4 ~ 2 Rhyolite

0 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

6 EXPLANATION Jerome, Arizona 4 ~ D Alder Group Ash Creek• Group Quartz porphyry 2

0 >-u tJ ~ I I ~ I z 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 w ::> 0' EXPLANATION w Beatty area, Nevada 0:: u.. 2

0 'V ~ I 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 23

Challis Volcanics, Idaho

rm I I I I I I I I I I I :~0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Southern Appalachians 2

0 0 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12



10 EXPLANATION 8 Big Bend National Park, Texas 1m -syenogabbro 6 [] 4 Trachyandesite-syenodiorite to rhyolite-granite 2

>- 0 u z w 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 :::::> 0 w 0::: u. 10 EXPLANATION 8 Bearpaw and Highwood Mountains, Montana D Shonkin Sag laccolith 6 ~ 4 Boxelder laccolith


0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GOLD, IN PARTS PER BILLION

FIGURE 9.-Histograms of gold content of rocks from some alkalic provinces. Data from tables 43 and 44. in the park. Except for three out of 27 samples, the for the late aplitic and pegmatitic phases (table 44), rocks contain 1 ppb or less gold and hence are simi­ an indication of progressive depletion of gold in the lar in gold abundance to corresponding rock types magma as differentiation proceeded. In contrast, of the moderately alkalic White Mountain Plutonic gold variation in the Shonkin Sag laccolith is more Series (table 24) . irregular. The basal mafic phonolite, which should represent the initial gold content of the magma, has BOXELDER AND SHONKIN SAG LACCOLITHS, MONTANA a higher gold content (10.4 ppb) than any rock in The differentiated Boxelder and Shonkin Sag the laccolith. Replicate analyses on this sample rule laccoliths in the Bearpaw and Highwood Moun­ out the possibility that this anomalously high value tains, respectively, contain nearly the entire range stems from analytical error. Another mafic phono­ of rock types found in the subsilicic-alkalic sub­ lite is unusually low in gold (1.6 ppb). Hurlbut province of central Montana described by Larsen (1939) noted the presence of carbonate and zeo­ (1940). The Boxelder laccolith (Pecora, 1941) is lites in these mafic as well as in some larger and grossly similar to the Shonkin Sag lac­ other rocks of the laccolith, and it is possible that colith (Hurlbut, 1939), except that in the Boxelder these rather extreme variations in gold content may the shonkinite and syenite contain plagioclase. Most to some extent reflect postcrystallization alteration of the rocks in both these bodies represent in place processes. differentiation of shonkinitic magma to yield sy­ enitic rocks. Chemically, these rocks are unusually SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF GOLD IN VOLCANIC ASSOCIATIONS high in K2 0 ( 4-9 percent) for rocks low in Si02 (45-50 percent) and rich in CaO (2-11 percent). From the preceding discussions of gold in vol­ Analyses for gold (table 44 and fig. 9) show that canic series from region to region (tables 26-44 and nearly all the shonkinitic rocks of both laccoliths figs. 4-9), several. important generalizations emerge are distinctly higher in gold than are the alkalic and are summarized briefly below : basalts from other petrographic provinces (com­ pare tables 44 and 7). In the Boxelder laccolith, 1. Excluding all samples known, or suspected, to gold content decreases systematically from an aver­ have undergone postmagmatic alteration, age of 3.5 ppb for the shonkinitic rocks to 1.4 ppb grand averages, calculated from group aver- SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF GOLD IN VOLCANIC ASSOCIATIONS 21

ages for some 400 samples from diverse re­ equivalent (except for Ti02) diabase dikes in gions show the general tendency for mafic vol­ the Triassic basin in the Piedmont of North canic rocks to be higher in gold than felsic Carolina. The recent study of MacGregor varieties (table 8) . This tendency is also noted ( 1969) suggested that the geographic distinc­ for the plutonic rocks we analyzed (see table tion between oceanic island basalts and cir­ 5). Our summary of mean gold abundances cumoceanic basalts more likely reflects "tec­ for volcanic rocks is in general accord with tonic setting" than "regional geochemical summaries of previous workers (for exam­ variations." That the oceanic tholeiites and ple, Phan, 1965; Shcherbakov and Perezhogin, alkalic basalts, which represent the opposite 1964), there being one notable exception. The extremes in terms of abunda.nce of lithophilic summary by Jones (1969, table 5), based on major and trace elements, have virtually the scanty data, gives the average gold content same gold content also clearly indicates that for rhyolite as 12 ppb, which is. larger than chemical data on major elements alone pro­ our value of 0. 7 ppb by almost a factor of 20. vide no universal guides in predicting gold We believe that the apparent relationship content. noted by Jones (1969)-gold content is in­ 3. In differentiated diabase-granophyre sheets from versely proportional to rock basicity in vol­ regions devoid of mineralization and altera­ canic rocks but directly proportional in plu­ tion, gold either is distributed uniformly over tonic rocks-is not supported by the vastly the range of rock types analyzed. (for example, increased volume of data now available and the suite from Virginia, table 31) or increases probably is a result of "selective sampling," ·~ to a maximum in rocks representing the inter­ as he had suggested. mediate stages of differentiation (for example,

TABLE 8.-A verage gold content in selected rocks representa­ the Great Lake sheet, Tasmania, table 33). tive of different volcanic associations The first pattern is similar to that for the [Based on data from tables 6 and 7] Skaergaard intrusion in east Greenland (Vin­ Average gold cent and Crocket, 1960a) ; the second, to that Number of content Rock type samples (ppb) for the Anakita intrusion in the Siberian plat­ Basalt: form (Shcherbakov and Perezhogin, 1964). OceanicHawaiian tholeiite tholeiite ___ ------:.,______4226 2.3.6 Thus, in none of the differentiated suites stud­ Continental tholeiite ------149 3.3 Circumpacific basalt ------21 6.4 ied to date is there any evidence that gold Alkalic basalt ------31 .6 Andesite: becomes highly concentrated in the final prod­ Calc-alkalic associations ------21 4.6 ucts of magmatic crystallization. Alkalic associations ------5 1.6 Dacite to rhyodacite ------9 .8 Quartz latite to rhyolite ------77 .7 4. Gold shows chalcophilic tendencies. Data for a Trachyandesite to trachyte ------10 .6 Shonkinite-phonolite to syenite ------21 3.2 single suite from the Great Lake intrusion un­ equivocably demonstrate . this tendency ( p. 2. For those undifferentiated samples generally be­ 14), which is also expressed by the gross lieved to represent parent magmas, the data positive correlation between gold and copper· indicate a strikingly limited range of gold content .in extrusive and hypabyssal rocks of content, even though a nearly complete spec­ several petrochemically distinct suites taken trum of basaltic magma types in diverse geo­ collectively (fig. 10). The greater. scatter of logic settings is represented. When the sam­ gold and copper content observed for the Dills­ ples that show evidence of alteration are omit- burg intrusion and the Greenstone Flow is . ted, this range is from about 0.5 to 5.0 ppb due to alteration effects (p. 11, 12). More­ gold, that is, a factor of only 10. However, over, the general tendency for gold abundance within this range, differences in gold content to decrease from tholeiite to alkalic basalt in on ~ provincial or regional scale are discern­ the Hawaiian province is matched by a de­ ible and can sometimes be related to bulk crease in copper content (data of Herliska in chemical composition and perhaps tectonic Macdonald, 1969) in corresponding rocks in setting. While gold content tends to decrease the Hawaiian province.· Finally, in the Apollo in abundance from tholeiitic to alkalic basalts 11 lunar basalts, the surprisingly low gold in the Hawaiian province, it is significantly content, averaging 0.04 ppb, is accompanied lower in the low-K20 tholeiitic basalts of the by low copper content, averaging 7.5 ppm ridge-and-rise system than in the chemically (Keays and others, 1970). 22 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

However, the subsilicic-alkalic rocks from cen­ tral Montana (table 44), characterized by un­ usually high potassium but also high CaO content, have a distinctly higher gold content than low-CaO alkalic rocks. Moreover, the + progressive decrease in gold content from mafic shonkinite to late syenitic differen­ z 0 tiates in samples from the Boxelder laccolith, ::::i _J Bea:rpaw Mountains, Mont., suggests that gold iii a:: decreases with magmatic differentiation a fact a..UJ + observed for many of the plutonic suites we en 1-a:: studied (p. 6). <( a.. MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF GOLD IN ~ 10 ci IGNEOUS ROCKS _J 0 <.!) Gold-abundance data on igneous rocks suggest at EXPLANATION least the gross correlation that the more mafic the + Dillsburg, rock, the more likely it is to have a relatively higher 5 Pennsylvania • Greenstone Flow, gold content. This, of course, implies some sort of Michigan mineralogic (hence, chemical) control and raises • Oceanic tholeiites o Alkalic basalts, the question: How is gold distributed in a rock or, East Pacific Rise for that matter, in its constituent minerals? Unfor­ tunately, only few quantitative data can be mar­ COPPER, IN PARTS PER MILLION shaled to ·attempt to answer this question and others related to the mode of occurrence of gold in un­ FIGURE 10.-Variation of gold abundance with copper abun­ dance in samples from four basaltic suites. Data from altered igneous rocks (at the parts-per-billion level). tables 27, 30, and 31. Reliable determinations of gold l.n minerals common in igneous rocks are few indeed and have been sum­ 5. The highest gold content generally occurs in the. marized by Phan ( 1965) and more recently by Jones basaltic and andesitic members of the calc­ and Fleischer ( 1969). Most of the published values alkalic associations of the circum pacific (oro­ of gold in minerals relate to samples outside the genic) belt; this association occurs along the United States; only the data of Mantei and Brown­ margin of the Western United States as well low (1967) and, to a much lesser extent, of Vincent as in the continental interior (Rocky Moun­ and Crocket (1960b) pertain to samples within the tain province) . The mafic rocks of the orogenic United States. belts tend to be somewhat higher in gold con­ To interpret our rock data better and in hopes of tent than those of the more stable cratonic gaining some insight into the distribution of gold regions or the primitive basalts of the Ha­ in rocks, we selected several rocks representative of waiian Islands (table 7). Rhyolitl.c rocks of several batholiths for detailed study. The principal calc-alkalic series as well as those of alkalic minerals from these rocks were separated by a com­ affinities are uniformly low in gold, rega:rdless bination of heavy-liquid and magnetic techniques of geologic setting. Our data, however, do not and analyzed for gold. All separates exam­ preclude the possible existence of regional or ined optically and (or) by X-ray are estimated to provincial variations in gold content in the be 98 percent or better in purity. rhyolite& because the overall uncertainty of ABUNDANCE LEVEL IN MINERALS the analytical determinations ( p. 3) may Gold content of the minerals we analyzed (tables mask statistically significant differences in 9-13) appears to be lower than published values by the concentration range of 0.1-1.0 ppb. Phan ( 1965) and Jones ( 1969) for comparable 6. In alkalic provinces all rock types, regardless of mineral groups. The apparent levels are even more composition, are low in gold. An example of striking if we compare our results with those of such rocks, characterized by a low-CaO and Mantei and· Brownlow (1967), who studied sam­ relatively high sodium content, is the suite ples from the Marysville stocks ; this igneous body from the Big Bend. area "(table 43 and p. 19). is a satellitic pluton of the Boulder batholith, Mon- MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 23 tana, and the host rock for several important gold ances are in virtual agreement (by factor of mines (Barrell, 1907; Knopf, 1913, 1950). The two) or the total gold by the sum of minerals reasons for the apparent gross differences between is lower than gold measured directly in rock ; our data and available published data are not in some samples, (BP-1 and Mo-le, table 11) known, but certainly the possibilities of· analytical the total gold is considerably lower. Low-total error and variations in sample purity must be con­ gold by sum of minerals may be the result of sidered. Nonetheless, despite these differences in any (or a combination) of the following fac­ absolute concentration levels, our data on minerals tors: exhibit the general relative relationship noted by (a) Not all the material that contributes. previous workers: sulfides tend to be highest in to the total rock gold has been considered gold whereas mafic silicates and iron and titanium in the material-balance computations. In~ oxides tend to be relatively higher in gold than are asmuch as the mineral separates we ana~ such salic minerals as and quartz. These lyzed were prepared from crushed rock observations, together with the positive correlation coarser than 200 mesh, a strong possi­ of gold abundance and abundance of mafic minerals bility exists that the fraction of the rock .. in a rock, led us to suggest previously (Gottfried finer than 200-mesh may contain a finite and others, 1969) that gold becomes depleted in the amount of gold, be it associated with some residual melt as magmatic differentiation proceeds. minor mineral phase or even present in This generalization appears to be valid for most the native state. calc-alkalic suites but not necessarily for suites of other petrochemical affinities. (b) The final mineral separates analyzed may be "over-purified" for material­ DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD BETWEEN MINERALS balance calculations for gold. Most of the IN A ROCK mineral separates were prepared orig­ In order to assess the contribution of each prin­ inally in connection with other petrologic cipal mineral to the overall gold budget and at the and geochemical studies, which required same time check the analytical consistency of rock that separates be free of inclusions (gen­ and mineral data, we calculated material balances erally oxides and sulfides). However, the for several samples (tables 9-13). Several features ."impure" (inclusion-rich) mineral frac­ of these calculations are noteworthy: tions that were not analyzed might have contributed significantly to the total gold 1. The agreement between total gold in a rock by the sum of minerals and that actually meas­ budget. ured is fairly good, considering the analytical (c) Systematic analytical bias may exist and sampling uncertainties discussed earlier between rock and mineral values. This ( p. 3). For plutonic rocks we consider the possibility, though it is not in the least agreement to be acceptable if the meas­ suggested by the data and we feel it is ured and summed values are within a factor probably remote, nonetheless cannot be of two. Furthermore, these calculations sug­ dismissed entirely. gest an internally consistent data set and the lack of systematic bias in the precision of the Because we wanted another test of material bal­ ance and, at the same time, wanted to minimize the determinations. possible effects of the previously listed factors, we 2. Although the mafic _minerals, on the average, analyzed f·our samples of the Butte Quartz Monzo­ tend to be higher in gold than the salic min­ nite from underground workings (table 13). These erals, in many of the samples the salic min­ samples are hydrothermally altered to varying de­ erals contribute as much or more gold to the grees. Sample 733 is the least altered and shows total rock values than do the mafic minerals. only a small degree of sericitization of feldspar, This is shown particularly well by highly felsic slight alteration of mafic silicates, and trace amounts rocks (for example, sample 62K-OO, table 10, of pyrite and other sulfides; sample 731 is the most and sample El 38-167, table 9), in which the altered and contains the greatest amounts of sul­ quartz-plus-feldspar fraction contributes more fides. To minimize possible bias related to sampl~ than 90 percent of the measured rock gold. preparation, the samples were disaggregated, but 3. Except for sample 6K-306 in table 10, the cal­ not sized, and separated into three density fractions culations show that either the material hal- by heavy-liquid separation techniques. The data on 24 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

TABLE 9.-Distribution of gold in minerals of some rocks firom the Southern California batholith ' [Abundance: Calculated from volume-percent mode assuming appropriate density for constituent mineral. Gold in rock, by mineral: Abundance of mineral, expressed in weight percent divided by 100, multiplied by amount of gold in mineral (ppb). ND, no data]


El 88-167 Quartz monzonite 60-2 66 GSC-18

Gold in Gold in Gold in Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by Abundance Gold rock, by (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral (weight (ppb) mineral Mineral percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb)

K-feldspar ------­ 32.0 1.0. 0.32 Quartz ------­ 32.0 .6 .20} 77.0 0.2 0.15 77.7 0.3 0.23 Plagioclase ------­ 33.0 3.4 1.12 ------­ 2.0 5.3 .11 13.0 1.2 .16 5.3 .1 .00 ------1.0 .2 .00 7.0 1.3 .09 16.4 .2 .03 Sphene ------.2 .5 .00 Magnetite ------­ .5 49.3 .25 Other ------3.0 ND .4 ND

Total gold (by sum of minerals) ------­ 2.0 .4 .3 Total gold in bulk rock (measured) ------1.9 2.5 .7

TABLE 10.-Distribution of gold in minerals of some rocks from the Boulder batholith, Montana [Abundance: Calculated from volume-percent mode assuming appropriate density for constituent mineral. Gold in rock, by mineral: Abundance of mineral, expressed in weight percent divided by 100, multiplied by amount of gold in mineral (ppb). ND, no data; Tr., trace]

Alaskite 62K-OO Quartz monzonite 6K-306 Granodiorite 2T-1065

Gold in Gold in Gold in Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral Mineral percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb)

K-feldspar ------42.6 1.4 0.60 21.2 0.1 0.02 17.0 0.5 0.09 Quartz and plagioclase ____ _ 58.4 .2 .11 60.9 .3 .18 67.8 .2 .14 Biotite ------­ 1.7 2.2 .04 8.5 15.8 1.34 5.3 .8 .04 Hornblende ------­ 5.8 1 .2 .01 6.7 .9 .06 Magnetite ------1.0 13.5 .14 1.9 8.6 .16 2.7 5.1 .14 1.3 .8 34.6 .10 ~~~=~e _:::::::::::::::::::} ND { Tr. .5 ND Total gold (by sum of minerals) ------­ .9 1.8 .6 Total gold in bulk rock (measured) ------.7 .8 1.0

1 Another determination on the hornblende gave a spurious value of 131.7 ppb.

TABLE H.-Distribution of gold in minerals of some rocks from the Sierra Nevada batholith and Coast Range plutons, California [Abundance: Calculated from volume-percent mode assuming appropriate density for constituent mineral. Gold in rock, by mineral: Abundance of mineral, expressed in weight percent divided by 100, multiplied by amount of gold in mineral (ppb). ND, no data; Tr., trace]

Sierra Nevada batholith Coast Range plutons

MG-1 CL-1 SL-18 BP-1 Dr-610 Mo-le

:c.p. p.


K.-feldspar ------­ 16.8 0.1 0.02 13.1 0.1 0.01 15.9 0.2 0.03 Tr. ND 18 .02 0.04 Quartz and plagio- 63.2 .1 .06 62.8 0.1 0.06 66.3 .1 .07 64.2 .2 .13 69 0.1 0.07 76 .1 .08 clase ------­ .02 Biotite ------­ 9.2 .8 .07 8.8 ND 13.7 .6 .08 4.9 .5 .02 15 .9 .14 6 .4 Hornblende ------­ 8.8 .4 .04 21.3 .3 .06 5.3 .4 .02 10.7 1.2 .13 16 .5 .08 Hypersthene ------­ 10.0 .3 .03 Magnetite ------­ 1.3 .4 .006 2.6 ND .4 .6 .002 2.6 .5 Tr. ND Tr. ND Other ------.7 ND 1.2 ND 1.7 ND ~~~~}

Total gold (by sum of min­ .1 erals) -----­ .2 .2 .2 .8 .s Total gold in bulk rock (measured)-- .6 1.6 .9 6.0 .8 6.0 BEARING OF PRIMARY GOLD ABUNDANCE ON GOLD MINERALIZATION 25 these fractions clearly indicate that the material bal­ interstices of the rock, the amount and mode of ance is better than most observed for those samples transport of gold, and so on, are beyond the scope sized for mineral separation (tables 9-12). More­ of the present study. over, the sulfide-predominant fraction (specific gravity >3.3 is clearly the principal contributor of REARING OF PRIMARY GOLD ABUNDANCE gold. It should be noted the balances are good over ON GOLD MINERALIZATION a wide range ( 1.5-65 ppb) of rock gold abundance. As might be expected, the sample for which the Abundance data clearly establish the generally heaviest (sulfide-bearing) fraction was inadvert­ low concentration levels of gold in unaltered igneous ently lost shows the worst material balance. rocks ("background levels") of widely differing composition and geologic setting. Of more direct TABLE 12.-Distribution of gold in minerals of a sample of the economic importance, however, is the crucial ques­ Silver Plume Granite (G-78), Silver Plume, Colo. tion : how do these "background levels" of gold re­ [Abundance: Calculated from volume-percent mode assuming appropriate density for constituent mineral. Gold in rock, by mineral: Abundance of late, if at all, to gold mineralization? Some previous mineral, expressed in weight percent divided by 100, multiplied by amount of gold in mineral (ppb). ND, no data] investigators (for example, Mantei and Brownlow, Abundance Gold in rock, 1967; Voskresenskaya and Zvereva, 1968) have (weight Gold by mineral Mineral percent) (ppb) (ppb) linked gold mineralization to a high gold content in Quartz and feldspar ------­ 83.0 0.3 0.25 the magma forming the host rock. Such an associa­ Biotite ------­ 9.0 .3 .03 ------­ 5.0 ND tion or its antithesis (that is, a low metal content Magnetite ------.5 1.2 .01 Pyrite ------­ .1 70 .07 in the host rock because of the mineralization) has Other ------2.4 ND commonly been invoked by economic geologists to Total gold (by sum of ------minerals) ------­ .4 account for the concentration of metals. This vexing Total gold in bulk rock (measured) ------.6 problem and contradictory answers to it have been discussed and evaluated by Krauskopf (1967). As In summary, our material balances indicate that, stated at the outset, it is not our purpose to treat in most igneous rocks, even the very freshest, the any region of gold mineralization in detail; none­ gold measured in the rock tends to be greater than theless, in order to support some generalizations that indicated by the summation of gold contribu­ and to show how our data bear on the relationship tion from the principal rock-forming minerals. This between primary gold abundance of host rock and implies that some of the gold may reside elsewhere gold mineralization, we shall make reference to a in the rock, possibly in phases volumetrically small few selected examples. but comparatively rich in gold (for example, sul­ fides) or even as intergranular native gold. To the BOULDER BATHOLITH REGION, MONTANA best of our knowledge, the nature of the form or The Butte Quartz Monzonite and related rocks, forms taken by gold in rocks and minerals is still which form about 70 percent of the exposed Boulder unknown. Questions of the extent to which gold is batholith, contain nearly all the metallic deposits isomorphously taken into mineral structures, the of any economic consequence in the region ; com­ proportion of gold fixed in minerals (either isomor­ paratively, the other plutons of the batholith are phously or simply as included materia:!) to that in virtually barren in terms of metallic mineralization.

TABLE 13.-Distributions of gold in different density fractions of some samples of Butte Quartz Monzonite from underground workings [Rock samples provided by E. C. Robertson, U.S. Geol. Survey. Abundance: Calculated from volume-percent mode assuming appropriate density for con­ stituent mineral. Gold in rock, by mineral: Abundance of mineral, expressed in weight percent divided by 100, multiplied by amount of gold in mineral (ppb)] Sample 731 Sample 733 Sample 725 Sample 720 Gold in Gold in Gold in Gold in Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by Abundance rock, by Density (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral (weight Gold mineral fraction percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb) percent) (ppb) (ppb) Sp gr <2.8 ------85 24 20 97.5 0.7 0.7 86 8.9 7.6 91.0 16 14.6 Sp gr >2.8<3.3 ------10 113 11 1.3 5.4 .1 9 63.0 5.7 6.7 60 4.0 Sp gr >3.3 ------5 707 35 1.2 22 .3 5 (1) 2.3 152 3.5 Total gold (by sum of fractions) --- 66 1.1 2 13 22 Total gold in bulk rock (measured) 65 1.5 36 20 3 (42) 3 (.9) 3 (36) 8 (20) 1 Material lost during fire assay. 6 months previous to the experiment to determine gold concentration 2 Contribution of only those fractions whose specific gravity was less according to density fractions. The agreement is good, in view of the than 3.3. heterogeneous nature of these samples. 8 Different hand specimen from bulk collection analyzed (data of table 15) 26 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

Perhaps the Butte Quartz Monzonite is best known This apparent relation between higher than aver­ as the host rock for the rich copper deposits in the age gold content and degree of alteration as quali­ Butte district, which have yielded 2,506,253 ounces tatively indicated by copper concentration is well of gold as a byproduct through 1964 (Meyer and demonstrated in figure 11, which shows the very others, 1968, p. 1376). restricted field occupied by fresh samples in con­ Fresh samples of Butte Quartz Monzonite col­ trast to the large scatter and high gold and cop­ lected very near mineralized zones are no higher in per values found for the altered samples. gold (typically less than 1 ppb and averaging 0.6 Thus, we conclude that the primary abundance of ppb) than fresh samples collected from exposure gold in the Butte Quartz Monzonite was low and areas nearly devoid of mineralized zones (table 21). typical of the "background levels" for unaltered For example, fresh samples from a 4,000-foot bore­ igneous rocks. We infer further that the concentra­ hole in the midst of the Butte district proper and tion of gold to exploitable levels is because of post­ within tens of feet of intensely mineralized zones crystallization (secondary) introduction and has no have no more than 2.5 ppb gold; values equal to or direct, simple connection to the abundance of gold greater than 0. 7 ppb, except for sample 2650, are initially present in the magma which formed the associated with a copper· content four times higher Butte Quartz Monzonite. Paley, Murovtsev, and than the average for the entire core and reflect the B.orozenets (1967) reached a similar conclusion presence of a few thin sulfide veinlets ( 0.5-1.5 mm regarding gold abundance in two intrusions in in width) (table 14). Furthermore, a gold content Uzbekistan-that is, high gold abundances reflect in excess of 5 ppb is observed only for strongly secondary alteration and remobilization, not pri­ hydrothermally altered samples of Butte Quartz mary magmatic concentrations; in particular, a Monzonite from underground workings (table 15). plot of amount of secondary sericite against gold content shows a well-defined positive correlation TABLE 14.-Distribution of gold and copper in a drill core (DDH-B-3) in Butte Quartz (fig. 12). Monzonite, Butte district, Silver Bow !Data presented in this report bear on the con­ County, Mont. [Samples provided by David D. Blackwell, Southern clusions reached by Mantei and Brownlow ( 1967) Methodist Univ. and E. C. Robertson, U.S. Geol. Survey. Spectrographic analyses for copper by Sol with reference to gold mineralization in the Marys­ Berman, U.S. Geol. Survey) ville stock, a satellitic pluton of the Boulder batho- Depth (feet) Au (ppb) Cu (ppm) 850 0.6 32 950 .3 19 1,050 .3 87 45 1,150 .2 52 1,350 .3 20 1.850 .5 67 • 2,150 .3 91 40 2,250 .1 13 2,430 .7 350 2,550 .5 59 35 2,650 1.3 24 z 2,750 .3 16 0 2,850 .4 17 ::i 2,950 .6 20 ....1 30 3,050 2.4 320 iD 1,050 0.6 32 a:: 3,160 .5 32 w 25 3,500 .5 11 a. 3,550 .6 7 en 3,995 1.2 380 I- a:: 20 <( • Average .6 85 a. ~ TABLE 15.-Distribution of gold and copper in some samples c:5 ....1 of Butte Quartz Monzonite from underground workings in 0 the Butte district, Montana <.:) (Samples collected by E. C. Robertson, U.S. Geol. ~urvey. The samples vary considerably in degree of hydrothermal alteration and sulfide content. Spectrographic analysis of copper by Sol Berman, U.S. Geol. Survey] •• Sample No. Mine Depth (feet) Au (ppb) Cu (ppm) Stewart______. 4,600 0.5 720------· ____ do ______3,400 19.8 0.05 0.1 0.2 .9 78 733------· ____ do ______3,800 725------· 3,900 36.5 1.900 COPPER, IN WEIGHT PERCENT ____ do ______21.0 4,100 726-L------· ____ do ______4,000 727~2 ______4,000 5.1 1.700 10.3 2,700 FIGURE 11.-Variation of gold content with copper content 717-B------· ____ do------do ______4,100 . 718------4,100 1.6 370 4,200 4.8 740 in altered samples of Butte Quartz Monzonite from un- 732------· ----dO------____ do ______731------· 4,400 42.2 800 derground workings, Butte district, Montana (table 15). Mt. Con. ______2,400 723-L------· ____ do ______4,200 11.0 722-2------5,000 .2 92 The patterned area represents unaltered samples of _g ______do ______5,000 1.9 52 Leonard ___ :_ __ . 4.5 580 Butte Quartz Monzonite within the Butte district and 729------8oo ______2,000 Kelly------· 4,600 4.3 2,300 elsewhere (tables 14 and 21). BEARING OF PRIMARY GOLD ABUNDANCE ON GOLD MINERALIZATION 27

magma. 3 To further complicate matters, though iso­ topic (potassium-argon) age data indicate that the Marysville stock ( 78 m.y., Baadsgaard and others, 1961) was emplaced within the same time span (68-78 m.y.) as the Boulder batholith (Tilling and 1- :I: others, 1968), the relation of the gold veins to the ~ i:ij 5 stock remains uncertain, and we cannot dismiss the 3: possibility that gold mineralization at Marysville !:: u.i 4 is not related to the stock at all, but rather to post­ 1- ~ EXPLANATION stock (Miocene?) volcanism (Knopf, 1950). Thus, 0 the relatively high gold abundance determined by Aktau intrusion a::>- Mantei and Brownlow (1967) for rocks and min­ <( Cl + erals of the Marysville stock can alternatively be z Dzhamansay intrusion 0 (.) interpreted as reflecting introduction by postmag­ LU (f) matic processes that may well have occurred con­ siderably later than, and completely unrelated to,

0 stock emplacement. 0 - Au, IN PARTS PER BILLION DILLSBURG AND CORNWALL DISTRICTS, PENNSYLVANIA FIGURE 12.-Positive correlation of secondary sericite with The Dillsburg arid Cornwall intrusions are min­ gold abundance for samples from two intrusions in Uzbek­ istan, U.S.S.R. Data from Paley, Murovtsev, and Boro­ eralogically and chemically similar and show iron­ zenets (1967). enrichment differentiation trends, the degree of enrichment being greater in the Dillsburg sheet lith that has yielded 1,145,800 ounces of lode gold (Lapham, 1968). In addition to the magnetite de­ through 1959 (Koschmann and Bergendahl, 1968, posits ( replacement) associated with both p. 156). Mantei and Brownlow (1967, p. 234) con­ these intrusions, the only gold produced in any sig­ cluded: "* * * gold of a crystallizing magma nificant quantity in Pennsylvania (37,459 ounces tends to be concentrated in the residual fluids * * * through 1959) comes from the Cornwall mine; the to the extent of forming the ore veins at the edge gold is recovered from copper concentrates ( chal­ of the stock." The extensive data now available copyrite) associated with the magnetite ore (Kosch­ clearly suggest to us that, if anything, gold tends mann and Bergendahl, 1968, p. 231). Hotz (1953) to become depleted in the residual fluid as crystal­ believed that the magnetite ore at Dillsburg was lization proceeds (p. 6). derived directly from the adjacent diabase sheet by Mantei and Brownlow, aware that the Marysville volatile-rich, iron-bearing fluids being expelled just case may not be typical, suggested that "apparent before the sheet consolidated at its present level. concentration" of gold took place in the Marysville However, Lapham ( 1968) has summarized geologic magma, but not in the Skaergaard intrusion of east evidence supporting the thesis that, at Cornwall, ore Greenland (V~ncent and Crocket, 1960a), because mineralization occurred a finite, but unknown, inter­ of a higher original content of gold. However, we val of time after the solidification of the chilled mar­ have shown, from the preceding comparison of gold gin of the diabase sheet; he has postulated that ore content in fresh versus hydrothermally altered fluids, rather than being derived from the crystalliz­ Butte Quartz. Monzonite, that low initial gold con­ ing diabase at its present level, originated by frac­ tent in the rock is no deterrent to gold mineraliza­ tionation from the diabase ~agma as it differentiated tion. Moreover, gold content for the five Marysville in a deeper seated source area. In any case, min­ rocks analyzed by Mantei and Brownlow ( 1967) eralization in both areas is linked in some manner ranges between 4 and 89 ppb and averages 34 ppb; to the magma which produced the diabase-grano­ hence, their values are anomalously high relative to phyre intrusions. valu.es typical of unaltered plutonic rocks, that is, The Dillsburg intrusion has had a complex petro­ a general average of 2 ppb or less (table 4 and logic history, and one of its unusual petrochemical fig. 3). We suggest that the samples studied by Man­ 3 Recently completed geochemical profiles across many veins in the Marys­ tei and Brownlow very likely have undergone altera­ ville stock show anomalies in metal content over the immediate vicinity of tion, such that the data do not permit estimates of the veins, but away from the zones of mineralization, gold abundance in the rock can be as low as the value for unaltered plutonic rocks, that is, in the "original" gold content of the Marysville the range of 1-2 ppb (Mantei and others, 1970). - 28 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS features, as compared with the Cornwall and other Quartz diabase-granophyre suites, is the abnormally high degree of iron enrichment characteristic of rocks formed during the intermediate stages of crystal­ lization. Hotz ( 1953) suggested that during this stage volatile-rich fluids, generated lower in the crystallizing sheet, were apparently capable of mo­ bilizing iron and ultimately depositing magnetite in the overlying sedimentary strata; the development of late hydrous silicates (at the expense of pyrox­ ene) and of other alteration products, Hotz postu­ lated, also mark the passage of hydrothermal fluids through the system. Davidson and Wyllie (1968), utilizing detailed optical observations and electron­ probe analyses, have demonstrated the breakdown of primary iron and titanium oxides in many rocks Plagioclase Orthoclase of the Dillsburg intrusion; this breakdown leaves EXPLANATION skeletal and forms a second-generation, Au (ppb) 0 1 low-titanium magnetite; Davidson and Wyllie attrib­ Yavapai {. < 1 5 uted the origin of secondary hydrous minerals to Series • >5- the same alteration process. We have shown (p. 12) that gold content for FIGURE 13.-Normative plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, and the Dillsburg intrusion and the one chilled margin variation in gold content of Precambrian rhyolites and quartz porphyry of the Yavapai Series, central Arizona. sample from Cornwall is distinctly higher relative Solid line encloses field for samples of quartz porphyry to other samples of chilled margins of dikes in the and of the Ash Creek Group; dashed line encloses field same area; gold content is also higher than in other for samples of the Alder Group. Patterned area repre­ suites from the Triassic basin of the Eastern United sents young unaltered glassy rhyolitic rocks from Wyo­ States, not to mention compositionally similar rocks ming and California, all of which contain less than 1 ppb elsewhere. These high concentrations, we suggest, gold. Normative data from Anderson (1968, fig. 6); gold­ abundance data from ta~~e 39. reflect alteration effects, not primary features. It is significant to note that the high gold content of the Dillsburg rocks is matched by a high copper con­ Creasey, 1958). Anderson (1968) has ably docu­ tent (fig. 10). Although the mechanism contribut­ mented the complex relationships between meta­ ing to these anomalously high gold content is ob­ morphism, metasomatism, and hydrothermal altera­ scure, available geologic and petrographic evidence tion of the silicic volcanic rocks of the Yavapai indicate that ample opportunity existed for the re­ Series (Precambrian). distribution and concentration of gold by late-stage As noted by Anderson (1968), chemical data in­ fluids, which caused alteration and replacement of dicate that the rhyolites as a group are character­ primary oxide and silicate minerals and which re­ ized by a low total..;alkali content and highly vari­ sulted in the magnetite deposits. Moreover, the able ratios of sodium to potassium, as compared Cornwall intrusion r~presents another example of. with fresh rhyolitic from elsewhere in gold production from a mineralization associated the Western United States (fig. 13). In addition, with a host rock whose primary gold abundance is Anderson demonstrated that iron-magnesium meta­ not significantly higher or lower than "background somatism (iron and magnesium were probably de­ levels" for the province as a whole. rived from older basaltic rocks) has affected some of the rhyolites. Rocks of the Alder Group are more uniform in alkali content (expressed in terms of JEROME DISTRICT, CENTRAL ARIZONA normative ) than those of the Ash Creek Because of its close association with sulfides, gold Group or of the quartz porphyry (Anderson, 1968, is economically important in all the mines of the fig. 6). Gold content of samples of the Alder Group Jerome district; approximately 1,890,000 ounces of is less than 1 ppb except for two samples (fig. 13) ; byproduct gold have been produced from the area, significantly, those two samples have an anomalously principally from the United Verde and United low potassium (hence, normative Or) content, less Verde extension copper mines (Anderson and than 0.22 percent K20 rather than the range of BEARING OF PRIMARY GOLD ABUNDANCE ON GOLD MINERALIZATION 29

1.6-4.0 percent for the other samples of the group which is underlain in large part by Precambrian (Anderson, 1968, table 3). volcanic rocks of grossly similar lithology. Rhyolites of the Ash Creek Group tend to have not only a higher iron content than those of the THE MOTHER LODE, CALIFORNIA Alder Creek but also a more variable and lower alkali content. Not too surprisingly, gold content in The Mother Lode of California, a belt about 120 these rocks is likewise extremely variable but, on miles long and 1-4 miles wide in the western foot­ the whole, much higher. The highest gold values hills of the Sierra Nevada, has yielded through 1959 observed for the Ash Greek Group are for two chlo­ about 13,300,000 ounces of lode and byproduct ritized samples (table 39, Nos. 4 and 5) underlain gold, that is, roughly a third of total lode and by­ by basalt. Similarly, the quartz porphyry is char­ product production from California (from data acterized by a variable alkali content and, accord­ compiled by Koschmann and Bergendahl, 1968). ingly, a variable but relatively high gold content The host rocks for the ore deposits are metamorphic (table 39 and fig. 13). rocks (slates, schists, and greenstones) of Jurassic Thus, we conclude from our data and those of and Carboniferous age which have been intruded by Anderson ( 1968) that a gross correlation exists plutonic rocks ranging in composition from peri­ between variable but relatively high gold content dotite (serpentinized) to granodiorite. and variable and lower alkali content (also higher Many of the world's largest primary gold de­ iron content). In other words, these results strongly posits occur within granite-greenstone terranes simi­ suggest that gold enrichment in these rocks is re­ lar to that hosting the Mother Lode. From studies lated to secondary processes, which caused loss of mainly on such deposits in Precambrian greenstone alkalis and apparent gain of iron and magnesium, belts of Canada and , many previous and therefore has no direct relationship to varia­ investigators have advocated the hypothesis that the tions in primary gold abundance. gold ultimately had its source in the volcanic and clastic country rocks, rather than in the granitic 1951; 1960). BULLFROG DISTRICT, NYE COUNTY, NEV. intrusions (Macgregor, Boyle, In con­ trast, Knopf (1929) suggested that the source of Gold production from the Bullfrog district gold in the Mother Lode was the magma from which through 1959 was 120,400 ounces (Koschmann and the granitic rocks were derived. Unfortunately, only Bergendahl, 1968, p. 191). According to Cornwall extremely limited quantitative abundance data on and Kleinhampl ( 1964), most of the gold and silver gold in rocks from such greenstone-granite asso­ deposits are in fissures and veins related to normal ciations are available to test these conflicting faults; these faults occur either near the rim of the hypotheses. Bullfrog Hills caldera or near the contact between Viljoen, Saager, and Viljoen (1969) reported the central domal uplift, where basement rocks are average values of gold for samples of the country exposed, and the Tertiary pyroclastic material rock of the Steynsdorp Goldfield, South Africa within the caldera. Cornwall and Kleinhampl sug­ (metabasalt and ultramafic rocks, 5-20 ppb; tuffa­ gested that the ore-bearing solutions were prob.,. ceous shale, 75 ppb), higher than the average value ably derived from a beneath the for the Steynsdorp granite ( < 5 ppb) · which in­ present location of the caldera. Except for the three trudes them. However, it should be noted that Vil­ closely associated altered samples (2.0-22 ppb gold, joen, Saager, and Viljoen claimed only a sensitivity table 40) thought to be part of the lower part of of 5 ppb fo:r their gold determinations. Nonetheless, the caldera, the rhyolites; , and basalts asso­ on the basis of gold abundance data, along with ciated with the caldera do not contain any more other geologic and geochemical arguments, Viljoen, gold than their unaltered counterparts from else­ Saager, and Viljoen contended that the gold was where in the Western United States (table 7). derived from the country rock, not the intruding Again, we suggest the occurrence of gold minerali­ granite. zation in this region is not obviously, if at all, Our more precise, but nonetheless limited, data on related to primary gold abundances in the host Mother Lode (table 16) show that, excluding the rocks. It is perhaps worthwhile to note that our relatively high value of one of the. slate samples interpretation of data for gold mineralization in (30.6 ppb), the gold content of the country rock is the Bullfrog district, which is underlain by Ter­ typical for basic and intermediate volcanic rocks tiary volcanic rocks, does not differ in principle for and is not appreciably different from that for rocks mineralization of the Jerome district, Arizona, of the Sierra Nevada batholith. We emphasize, how- 30 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS ever, that no data on gold abundance are available but up to 5,000 ppb (table 17). Sinters having high for granitic rocks within the Mother Lode district gold. concentrations also contain correspondingly and that, inasmuch as the greenstones are presum­ higher amounts of arsenic, antimony, and mercury. ably regionally metamorphosed volcanic rocks, their On the other hand, the host rhyolites of the thermal gold abundance may not necessarily represent pri­ springs system only contain low amounts of gold, mary abundances. 0.1-1.3 ppb (table 38).

TABLE 16.-Comparison of gold concentration in samples of TABLE 17.-Ranges of gold content in rhyolite, thermal waters, host rocks from the Mother Lode district with samples from and precipitates from thermal waters, Y ellow~-tone National the Sierra Nevada batholith Park, Wyo. Average Number gold [From table 38 and preliminary unpublished data] of Range content Gold (ppb) Suite or location Rock type samples (ppb) (ppb) Mother Lode district_ __ Metavolcanics 1.2- 3.4 2.1 Rhyolites ------0.1 -1.3 (greenstones) . 1 Slate ------2 3.6-30.6 Thermal waters ------.004- .1 Sierra Nevada Quartz diorite___ 1 1.4 Precipitates ------2 .5 -5,000 batholith.1 Granodiorite ---- 11 .4- 5.2 1.5 Quartz monzonite 1 Most values. however, are in the range of 0.004-0.040 ppb. Because the to alaskite. 5 .3- 1.3 .8 few .samples that contain 0.1 ppb gold also have an unusually high amount 1 Data from table 19. of colloidal silica, ·the amount of gold actually in solution may be consider­ ably less than 0.1 ppb. Thus, the meager data presently available to us 2 Most commonly 5-50 ppb. makes it premature to speculate as to the source of the gold in these major deposits in greenstone­ These results are in general accord with those of granite terranes. In view of the important economic Weissberg ( 1969) and likewise indicate that pre­ benefits that might accrue, a comprehensive investi­ cipitates having high concentrations of gold, nearly gation, within the framework of background data ore grade, are actively forming from solutions hav­ given in this reconnaissance report, on the gold geo­ ing very low gold levels. Furthermore, our data chemistry of the Mother Lode and other deposits in show that above-average gold concentration in the similar settings is clearly needed. before the critical country rock is not required for the rocks to serve questions of the source and of the concentration of as a possible· source for the gold. The rhyolites of the gold can be answered. Yellowstone area, for example, could readily sup­ ply all the gold in the thermal systems (including THERMAL SPRINGS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, precipitates) by yielding about 10 percent or so of WYO. their original content. Calculations by Weissberg The association of epithermal gold and silver de­ ( 1969), based on discharge rates and life span of posits with volcanic hot springs or thermal activity the W airakei geothermal system in , is not uncommon and has been discussed in detail indicate that a strong argument can be made for the by White ( 1955). For example, in the Yellowstone formation of some economic epithermal gold deposits area, the formation of veinlets of auriferous pyrite by precipitation from dilute hydrothermal solutions. from thermal waters of Monarch Geyser (Norris These collective results bear on, and render some­ Basin) has been noted by Weed (1905) .' For the what moot, the question of the .ultimate source of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, Weissberg gold (and perhaps of other metals) in metallization (1969) reported high concentrations of gold (as processes. One rather obvious implication is, of much as 85,000 ppb), silver, mercury, arsenic, anti- course, that gold mineralization bears no simple mony, and thallium in siliceous sinters and precipi­ relationship to known or assumed primary gold tates currently depositing from thermal waters con­ abundance of the host rock and that mechanisms of taining only 0.04 ppb gold; Weissberg, however, did gold transport (or remobilization) and deposition not present data on gold content in the volcanic (or redeposition), rather than initial concentrations, rocks through which the thermal waters course. play the dominant role in gold mineralization. J. J. Rowe and others of the U.S. Geological Sur­ vey are currently investigating the gold content of REFERENCES the thermal waters and their precipitates in Yel­ lowstone National Park. Preliminary data indicate Anderson, C. A., 1940, Hat Creek lava flow: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 238,no.7,p. 477-492. that gold content is very low in the thermal waters, --1941, Volcanoes of the Medicine Lake Highland, Cali­ generally 0.004-0.040 ppb, yet rather high in sinters fornia: California Univ. Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 25, depositing from such waters, generally 5-50 ppb no. 7, p. 347-422. REFERENCES 31

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TABLE TABLE lB.-Distribution of gold in rocks of the 20.-Distribution of gold in rocks of Southern California batholith the Idaho batholith-Continued Au (ppb) Au (ppb) Sample No. Rock type Sample No. Rock type Granodiorite ------3.0 Olivine ------0.8 L288------­ SLRM-354------· L58-88------­ ____ dO------.6 334------· N orite ------1.5 L53-537 A------____ dO------.6 299------· Hornblende gabbro ------11.6 L59-1765 ______dO------,3 230------· Quartz-biotite norite ------9.3 L61-1182 ______...: ______dO------.2 66GSC-27 ------· Gabbro ------. 7 . L62-1784B ______dO------.1 10------· ____ do------2.7 L64-2559 ______do------...:------2.0 SLR-213------· Green Valley Tonalite ------'------10.7 685 ______, ____ do ______.;.______1.1 CPR-123------____ dO------.9 47L219 ______Quartz monzonite ------2.7 582------· ____ do------11.3 ____ dO------1.1 Lakeview Mountain Tonalite ------2.5 L-169------60-2------· 84------____ dO------1.1 1------· Bonsall Tonalite ------1.7 47-L-272 __ :______El 38-28 ______L-263 ______Muscovite quartz monzonite ------.6 _ ___ do------.8 _ ___ dO------.9 Ra-3------Tonalite ------3. 7 209 ______201 ______do------.4 66GSC-20------· Tonalite (sphene rich) ------.5 Granite (fine grained) ------.5 18------· ____ do------.8 L62-1784A ______El 38-126 ______Granodiorite ------1.2 Alaskite ------.3 64GSC-2 ______. L58-130------­ ____ do------.6 Woodson Mountain Granodiorite ------.6 ____ dO------.2 4------· ----dO------~------.5 L53-554------­ 3------· Woodson Mountain Granodiorite (aplite)---- .3 L58-128L------­ ____ do------.4 S-11------Woodson Mountain Granodiorite------.5 L64-2609------Aplite ------.8 13------· ____ do------.3 14------· ____ do------.3 12------·9 ______, ____ do------.4 10 __ .:, ______do------.3 TABLE 21.-Distribution of gold in rocks of the 15 ______do------.3 Boulder batholith, Montana _ ___ do------·------.2 6------· ____ do------.3 Au (ppb) Cor-1------· ____ do------.5 Sample No. Rock type El 38-265------Quartz monzonite (fine phase) ------.5 8-1419 ______167------­ Quartz monzonite (coarse phase) ------1.9 Syenogabbro ------0.6 Cor-3------Granite (altered) ------5.6 4T-349------Unionville Granodiorite ------3.4 2T-1065------Granodiorite of Rader Creek pluton------1.0 7W-2L------· Quartz monzonite of Donald pluton------.5 3T-273 ______1 Clancy Granodiorite ------2.0 Quartz monzonite of Homestake pluton_____ .5 1K-24L------6K-306 ______TABLE 19.-Distribution of gold in rocks of the Sierra Nevada, Butte Quartz Monzonite ------.8 DDH-B-3------· ____ do------2 .6 Coast Range, and Transverse Ranges, Calif. 62K-oo ______Alaskite related to Butte Quartz Monzonite_ .7 [Samples supplied by F. C. W. Dodge and D. C. Ross, U.S. Geol. Survey] 1 Clancy Granodiorite of Knopf (1957) is coextensive with the Butte Quartz Monzonite. 2 Average of 19 samples from a 4,000-ft. borehole (see table 14). Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Sierra Nevada TABLE 22.-Distribution of gold in rocks of the Tatoosh BCc-12------· Mount Givens Granodiorite ------0.4 pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Wash . ____ do------1.9 . BCa-20------· [Samples supplied by T. L. Wright, U.S. Geol. Survey] BCc-13------~-­ Granodiorite of Dinkey Creek type ------1.8 SL-18------dO------.9 BP-8------· Tinemaha Granodiorite ------.5 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) 1------· ----dO------5.2 FD-4------· Granodiorite of the Raymond ------1.0 TP-5------· Granodiorite ------0.3 20 ______2.8 HL-29 ______----dO------.------3.0 9------· ____ do------­ Biotite granite of Dinkey Lakes ------.9 25------· ____ do------­ .4 KR------· Granodiorite of the Goddard pendant ------.8 32------· ____ do------­ 3.8 BP-2------· Granodiorite of McMurray Meadows ------.8 66------· ____ do------­ .8 R-99------­ Alaskite of Evolution basin ------1.3 72------· ____ do------­ .6 FD-2------· Hunter Mountain Quartz Monzonite ------.6 7 4------· ____ do------­ 4.2 3------· Paiute Monument Quartz Monzonite ------.9 76------· ____ do------1.4 Quartz monzonite of Mount Alice mass_____ .3 ----do ______.:______.5 BP-3------· 81------·112A ______~~{_-_-_-_-_--:_-_-_-_-_-_. quartz diorite ------1.4 152 ______do------.7 Lamarck Granodiorite ------.5 ----dO------_ ___ do______.;. __ _ .5 17L ______.9 201-______Coast Range 21L ______do------.9 .6 Mo-1------·Dr-100 ______Quartz monzonite, Monterey ------2.1 TP------· .6 Granodiorite, Red Hills ------.7 B~~~~?~-======~======:::::::::::::: 510------· Quartz diorite, Bodega Head ------.5 Transverse Ranges TABLE 23.-Distribution of gold in four plutonic rocks Dr-321------· Granodiorite. Long Buttes, Los Angeles Co__ 0.7 from the Rocky Mountains, Colo. v -4______:_ __ _ Granodiorite Holcomb Ridge, Los Angeles Co- .2 Sample No. Rock type and location Au (ppb) 7179------· Quartz monzonite, Mount Princeton______0.4 TABLE 77 4 1------· Granite, Mount AnterO------.4 20.-Distribution of gold in rocks of the Idaho batholith 7395------· Quartz diorite, Mount Princeton______.5 [Samples supplied by B. F. Leonard and E. S. Larsen, Jr., G-78------Granite, Silver Plume quarry______.6 U.S. Geol. Survey]

Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) TABLE _24.-Distr~bution of_ gold ~n plutonic rocks of the 0.5 CPR-117118------______:._ __ Diorite ------_ ___ do------2.6 Whtte Mountaw Plutomc Senes, New Hampshire L54-90Q ______.2 [Samples supplied by A. P. Butler, U.S. Geol. Survey] 900A ______Quartz diorite ------47L81 ______do------1.5 47L227 ______2.5 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) 6.0 47Ll13 ______====~~======2.1 47L288 ______gorphJ:rit!c tonalite ------BNH-5------13 ______Biotite granite ------0.5 47L70 ______3.1 .9 -~~~do~~~~~e__ ::::::::::::::::::::::------3.2 56 ______L253 ______do ______68 ______.4 L112 ______1.9 ====~~======_ ___ do------.3 2.8 49 ______.5 L255 ______52 ______L304 ______.8 36 ______.5 L30L ______1.3 39 ______====~~======.4 L295 ______5.2 40 ______.8 ~~]I~~:~~::~:::~:::~::~~:~~~:~:~~~~~::~~~ 1.4 ====~~======----dO------.s TABLES 37

TABLE 24.-Distribution of gold in plutonic rocks of the TABLE 26.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks White Mountain Plutonic Series, from Hawaii-Continued New Hampshire-Continued Sample No. Rock type and location Au (ppb) Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb HALEAKALA BNH-5788 ______------· _ Biotite granite ------0.3 ____ dO------.2 llOL------· Picrite basalt ------0.2 55-S-824 ______1102------· Andesite ------.8 807 ______dO------.8 ____ do------.5 1108------·1104 ______do------'-- .5 882 ______do------1.8 821______do------1.6 1105 ______do------1.2 _ ___ do------8.9 BNH-67 ------Biotite- granite ------.8 1106------· _ ___ do------.8 ____ dO------.5 64------so ______HONOLULU VOLCANIC SERIES Amphibole granite ------.4 25------28 ______do------.2 8 ____ :______do------.8 1040L------· Nepheline melilite basalt ------1.4 45 ______GabbroRiebeckite ______granite :______------. .8.4 KOOLAU VOLCANIC SERIES 48 ______44 ______Monzodiorite ------.8 10408------· Nonporphyritic basalt ------1.4 42 ______Syenite ------.8 ------.8 7------20 ______Syenite dike ------.4 Quartz syenite -·------.8 TABLE .27.-Distribution of gold and copper in volcanic rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise TABLE 25.-Distribution of gold in some alkalic plutonic rocks [Samples supplied by A. E. J. Engel, A. T. Myers, and David Gottfried, from North Carolina and South Carolina U.S. Geol. Survey, and W. G. Melson, Smithsonian lnst.] [Samples supplied by R. E. Lemmon, Univ. of North Carolina, and David Gottfried, U.S. Geol. Survey] Cu Au Sample No. Rock type (ppm) I (ppb) Sample No. Rock type and location Au (ppb) MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE A-3------Quartz monzonite, Salisbury pluton, 0.7 66 0.6 Rowan County, N.C. AD5-18AD-2------· ______Tholeiite ------69G-9a ______---- do ------81 1.6 9b ______----dO------.2 75 .5 ____ do------.5 AD-4------· ---- do ------A-2------­ _ ___ dO------1.4 EAST PACIFIC RISE 1-1E-1------______.. ______dO------1.4 ____ do------1.8 PVD-17 ------Tholeiite ------75 1.0 69G-11a2------·______dO------1.2 64 1.8 G-4 ______---~dO------.2 1------do ------____ do ______;______2.8 4-C------do ------87 1.0 80 2.0 69G-11 b ______do------.2 8------do ------PV-7750 ______------· _ Alkalic basalt ------42 1.2 8------8 ______do------.3 56 .8 Granite, Pageland, S.C------.2 816 ______---- do ------do ------48 1.8 14------18 ______Gabbro, Concord quadrangle, North Carolina .7 20 .9 Syenite, Concord quadrangle, North Carolina .2 805------·814 ______---- do ------172 ______---- do ------84 .9 ---- do ------87 1.0 GU-7715 ______------· _ ---- do ______------_: __ 10 .8 TABLE 26.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks 52 ______15 .s 22 ______---- do ------88 .2 from Hawaii ---- do ------58 .4 [Samples supplied by H. A. Powers, T. L. Wright, and A. T. Anderson, U.S. Geol. Survey] EAST PACIFIC RISE Juan de Fuca ridge-Blanco fracture zone Sample No. Rock type and location Au (ppb) Dredge 1 111221 .18 ______KILAUEA .22 ______Tholeiite ------0.8 Prehistoric ---- do ------.2 .27------.41 ______---- do ------.--- .1 HW-6------· Basalt ------'-- 4.6 ---- do ------.4 HW-6 (G)------· Glass concentrate from sample HW-6______1.5 111228.7------do ------.8 111229.1______.4 TLW67-17 ------· Basalt, Cone Crater ------4.8 .6 ______---- do ------do ------.6 Historic summit eruptions .7------do ------.8 HK-1868G-2 ______1919 ______Glassy basalt from spatter cone, 1868 lava__ 2.2 Dredge 2 Splatter from Halemaumau, 1919 ------2.4 111280.5 ______1954-L______---- do ------.8 Basalt, 1954 eruption ------2.0 .19 ______Tholeiite, , sections from p ------· Basaltic pumice, 1952 eruption ------2.7 1959-C______1 ______rind (1) to ,;. ______interior. (6); _ Crust on , 1D59 eruption ------1.8 .5 East rift zone 2 ------4.6 8 ------1.0 .9 HK-1955-APAG -----____ _ Lava flow from vent A, 1955 eruption______1.0 4 ------Glassy crust of spatter cone, vent A, 1955 1.1 5 ------.5 .4 EG____ _ eruption. 6 ------Glassy surface of lava flow, vent E, 1955 5.2 KG ____ _ eruption. Dredge 8 KL ____ _ Glassy top of Kii flow, 1955 eruption______1.0 111283.L ______Tholeiite .8 Q ______Interior of Kii flow. 1955 eruption______1.1 z______Glassy lava from vent Q, 1955 eruption---- .5 Glassy lava from cone near vent Z, 1955 2.0 Dredge 5 eruption. 111284.244 ______.280 ______do ------­ .2 1697 ------· Submarine basalt, glassy fraction, from 2.0 ---- do ------.2 depth of 2,960 meters. .292 ______.6 111286.108 ______---- do ------.104______---- do ------.6 MAUNA LOA ---- do ------.7 TLW-67-GL ______Picrite basalt, 1852 eruption ------1.7 · Dredge 6 HML-1868------· Hypersthene basalt, 1868 eruption ------2.1 HML-1887-D ____ _ 111287 ,8 ______.2 L ____ _ Dense interior of 1887 flow ------1.9 .76 ______Tholeiite ------s ____ _ Glassy spatter, 1887 eruption ------6.6 ---- do ------.4 .67------do ------.8 1899-G ____ _ Glassy crust of 1887 flow, upper vent ------2.0 111288.8 ______Glassy crust on lava, 1899 eruption ------2.7 ---- do ------.2 1907-KG___ _ 111289.178------.8 1942-D ____ _ Glassy crust on lava, 1907 eruption ------1.8 ---- do ------1942-G ____ _ Interior of 1942 flow ------2.0 Glassy part of 1942 flow ------2.0 Dredge 10 1950-LV ---· Glassy crust of 1950 flow ------2.8 DR-10R ______Dr-101______Glassy rind of tholeiitic basalt_ __ _ .2 Interior of flow ------.2 38 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

TABLE 27.-Distribution of gold and copper in volcanic rocks TABLE 29.-Distribution of gold in basalts of the Snake River from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Group and associated rhyolitic rocks, Idaho-Continued East Pacific Rise-Continued Au Cu Au Sample No. Rock type Loca~ion (ppb) Sample No. Rock type (ppm)1 (ppb) Rhyolites Dredge 11 53P-5B------· rhyolite Elmore County ------0.6 Tholeiite 0.5 81 ______Obsidian tuff ______111243.5------_ ___ do ______Twin Falls County------.2 85 ______, _ ___ do------.2 Dredge 12 Rhyolite tuff ______54P-10B------·125 _____ .;., ____ do ______South of Murphy ------.4 111244.10 ______Tholeiite ------.4 West of Oakley ------1.2 .15------do ------.6 58P-147 ------· Pumice ----- West of Carey ------1.1 Dredge 18 111245.3 ______.5 .93 ______Tholeiite ------do ------.4 TABLE 30.-Distribution of gold and copper in the Greenstone .95 ______.3 .97D ______---- do ------Flow (1,300 feet thick) of the Michigan copper district ---- do ------.1 [Samples supplied by H. R. Cornwall, U.S. Geol. Survey] 1 R. G. Havens, analyst (Engel and others, 1965). Depth, in feet, below surface Cu Au TABLE 28.-Distribution of gold in plateau basalts and other Sample No. of flow Rock type (ppm)1 (ppb) volcanic rocks, Oregon and Washington 3132 ______[Samples supplied by T. P. Thayer, U.S. Geol. Survey, and A. C. Waters] 3134 ______118 ____Basalt do ______------_ 90 1.4 215 100 14.4 3138 ______315 Sample No. Location Au (ppb) 3140 ______·---dO------83 3.9 3142 ______245 Pegmatite ------­ 210 3.5 387 110 2.9 BASALTS OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP Basalt ------­ 3144_G-297 ______------_ 422 Pegmatite ------­ 100 7.6 Picture Gorge Basalt 501 110 2.9 G-26 ______.;._ Basalt ------­ 26-15-20 ______800 Granophyre ------­ 60 8.5 Little Horse Spring, Crook County, Oreg___ 2.7 3150 ______941 72 5.5 5-18-20------· East of Drakes Butte. Maury Mountains, 3.2 3152 ______Basalt ------1,085 ·---dO------____ do ______80 1.8 Crook County, Oreg. 3154______1,228 110 7.0 PG-12------· Picture Gorge section, Grant County, Oreg__ 3.0 RLH-19------· ____ do------.5 1 K. J. Murata, analyst (Cornwall and Rose, 1957). 13------· ____ do------2.3 Yakima Basalt TABLE 31.-Distribution of gold in basalt and diabase from CB-8------· Crescent Bar, Grant County, Wash ______0.8 the Triassic basin, Eastern United States V-19-7 ------· Basal flow, Waterville, Douglas County, 11.0 Wash. ABG-15A-55 ____ _ Estacada quadrangle, Oregon ------4.3 Sample Au DLP-57-36 ______do------4.0 No. Rock Location (ppb) P55-9-1A ______Brownsville quadrangie, Oregon ------­ 4.7 DLP-56-21______Salem quadrangle, Oregon ------4.0 Connecticut [Samples supplied by P. M. Hanshaw and C. E. Fritts, PLIOCENE-QUATERNARY OLIVINE BASALT U.S. Geol. Survey]

10-15--17------Rieff volcano. Prineville, Oreg______1.8 E2395______Diabase ------East Roc~ road ------3.0 11-17-18------· Conant butte, Post, Oreg ______.______.7 E2200______do______West Cheshire ------2.6 MS-4------· Ochoco State Park, Prineville, Oreg______.6 E239L------____ do______Pine Rock, New Haven 2.7 7a______Quarry, 1 mile south of Madras, Oreg______.4 County. E2277 ------Talcott Basalt ------Sunset Rock Park______4.3 CLARNO FORMATION E227 !______do______Near Farmington ----- 2.0 E2279______Basalt ------State Route 72, at U.S. 3.2 10-i3-17 ------· Andesite, Oregon ------0.5 5. 26-17-18------· , Newsom Creek, Oreg_____ .6 E2272______Holyoke Basalt ------Near Farmington ----- 1.4 E2398______Hampden Basalt ----- , Bradford ----- 2.9 JOHN DAY FORMATION E2274______Holyoke Basalt ------Quarry 4, New Haven 1.3 County. 31-15-18------· Rhyolite, Bursa Road, Oreg______0.5 E227 5------dO------dO------1.0 1-16-17 ------· Perlite, Eagle Creek, Oreg______.4 E2270______Basalt dike ------Near River Glen ------3.1 28-12-18------· Dacite, Ochoco Reservoir q~adrangle, Oreg__ .3 E2396______Diabase ------Barone quarry, · New 3.4 Haven County. E2276______Hampden Basalt ----- Stanley Quarter Park__ 3.7 E2397 ------Basalt ------Quarry near North 1.1 Branford. WC2-2------· Diabase ------Connecticut River basin_ 4.2 TABLE 29.-Distribution of gold in basalts of the Snake River WC9-1------· ____ do______do______1.7 Group and associated rhyolitic rocks, Idaho [Samples supplied by H. A. Powers, U.S. Geol. Survey) New Jersey [Samples supplied by G. T. Faust, U.S. Geol. Survey] Au 1-B-20------Watchung Basalt ---- Somerset County ------2.7 Sample No. Rock type Location (ppb) 2-B-30 ______do ______do ______----dO------____ do ______3.8 3-BT-2------· _ ___ do ______do______2.8 Basalts 4-BT-5 ______3.5 5-B-2 ______do ______do______Near Tuana gulch ______do ______6.0 54P-3------4 ______Basalt do ______------_ 0.9 6-B------dO------5..9 Clear Lake Springs ------­ .2 ____ do______do ______7-B-13------dO------____ do ______4.8 Near Buhl ------1.3 ____ do ______4.2 5------· ____ do ______do ______8-B-17 ------____ do ______do ______23------· ____ do ______.9 9-C-2------· 3.7 .3 10-C-6 ______do ______55P-42------· Thousand Springs ------­ ____ do ______----dO------_ ___ do______4.2 54P-6B------· ____Olivine do ______basalt ----- _ Wendell ------­ .2 11-M-1-AAAA __ 4.0 61______, .4 ____ do ______do ______Near Bliss ------12-M-1-M------____ do------do ______4.0 65------· Sand Springs ranch ______.1 3.7 55P-275 ______do ______13-ML-2------· ____----dO------do ______do ______Malad Spring ------.6 14-ML-4------· ____ dO------­ 4.0 235------· Near Owsley Bridge ______.5 ____ do ______236 ______, ____ do ______do ______15-ML-10------· ----dO------____ do ______4.4 ____ do ______1.1 16-ML-28------· ____ do------4.1 237 ------· Plagioclase basalt-­ .2 ____ do ______do ______W JC167-58 ___ _ 17-ML-48------· ____ do ______do ______9.6 _Olivine ___ do ______basalt ----- _ American Falls powerhouse_ .4 18-ML-64------· 7.0 WJC148-58 ___ _ .4 ____ do ______do ______do ______Near Rockland ------­ 19-ML-69------· ____ do ______do______4.5 GF51-57 -----­ Alkali Creek ------­ .1 20-ML-86------· 5.6 OB9-57 ------­ .3 ____ do ______do ______Basalt do ______------_ Clover_ ___ do ______-Creek ------_ 21-ML-98------· ____ do ______do ______4.9 PV67-57 -----­ .2 22--ML-112-----· 5.2 Alkaline basalt______do ______do ______OB32-57 -----­ ____ do ______King Hill ------.5 23-ML-122-----· 23.1 CP40-57 ------· ----dO------.2 24-ML-146-----· ----dO------____ do------5.8 TABLES 39

TABLE 31.-Distribution of gold in basalt and diabase from TABLE 31.-Distribution of gold in basalt and diabase from the Triassic basin, Eastern United States-Continued the Triassic basin, Eastern United States-Continu~d

Sample Au Sample Au No. Rock Location (ppb) No. Rock Location (ppb) Pennsylvania North Carolina [Dillsburg samples supplied by P. ·E. Hotz, U.S. Geol. Survey; Cornwall [Samples supplied by P. C. Ragland, Univ. of North Carolina] samples, by. D. M. Lapham, Pennsylvania Geol. Survey; other samples by A. W. Rose and R. C. Smith, Pennsylvania State Univ. Locahty: BP-L--~------107-ft low K20 diabase Deep River basin ----- 4.5 D.D.H., diamond drill hole] dike, 1 ft from contact. ____ do______1 888------· Diabase with coarse Dillsburg, drill hole D-3 8.5 D8R-1------· 47-ft low K20 diabase 6.9 network. dike, 3 ft from 1 400------· Normal diabase -----­ ____ do______22.6 contact. 2 465------· Pegmatitic facies ---­ ____ do------12.2 Du6-1------6-ft low K20 diabase ____ do------3.6 3 645------· Granophyric diabase -­ ____ dO------do _____ ;.______13.719.6 dike, 0.5 ft from 3 560------· Granophyre ------____ do______9.0 contact. 4 601------· ----dO------JY-1------,_.60-ft diabase dike, ____ do______3.8 ss______6-ft diabase dike, 1 ft Sinking Springs quad- 1.6 at contact. from contact. rangle, Cornwall dis- NC30-L------· ,_.80-ft low K20 ____ dO------7.9 trict. diabase dike, 1 ft C2-7 ------· Diabase dike, chilled Open pit of western 8.1 from contact. margin. ore. body, Cornwall RD-1------· 10-ft low K20 diabase ____ dO------2.7 district. dike, at contact. ____ do ______C-18------· Diabase pegmatite, 300 D.D.H. 155, Cornwall 2.0 RS-1------9-ft low K20 diabase 3.2 ft below top of sheet. district. ____ do______2.3 dike, 0.5 ft from 19------Normal diabase, 433 ft contact. 28 ______below top of sheet. Altered normal diabase ____ dO------.4 South Carolina adjacent to an ore vein containing mag­ [Samples supplied by David Gottfried and Henry Bell, III, netite, chlorite, and U.S. Geol. Survey) , 688 ft be­ low top of sheet. 69G-4------·-- 1,000-ft diabase dike, Northeast of Kershaw__ 2.2 near northeast 88------Porphyritic diabase, ____ dO------2.0 1,020 ft below top contact zone. 5------Same dike, 300 ft from ____ do------2.3 and 10 ft above base northeast contact. 40 ______of sheet. 6------Same dike, 600 ft from ____ do______2.6 Normal diabase, 7 5 ft ____ do------2.8 below top of sheet. northeast contact. 7------Same dike, near south- ____ dO------3.2 40P ------Diabase pegmatite, ____ do------5.5 near sample C-40. west contact zone. D.D.H. 1225-2, eastern 2.1 C4-212------· Normal diabase, 1 approximately 50 ft ore body, Cornwall Copper value is 150 ppm, district. 2 Copper value is 200 ppm. 22L ______below top of sheet. ____ do______1.8 a Copper value is 250 ppm. Normal diabase, 4 approximately 450 ft Copper value is 400 ppm, below top of sheet. 945 level of eastern ore 2.0 5------Granophyre vein in TABLE diabase 10 ft below body, Cornwall dis- 32.-Distribution of gold in Precambrian diabase top of the diabase trict. intrusions, Iron County, Mo. sheet. [Samples supplied by G. A. Desborough, U.S. Geol. Survey. II-38-G------· Shaft of the western ore . 7 Altered samples indicated by an asterisk ( •)] Granophyre ------body, Cornwall dis- trict. Diabase, 3-4 ft from East of Heidlersburg, 2.5 D-7 ------Shepherd Mountain intrusion 160-foot sill 10 ______upper contact. U.S. Route 15. Diabase, 3-4 ft from ----dO------2.4 13 ______lower contact. Diabase dike. <5 ft South of Gettysburg, 1.9 Sample depth Au Sample Feet above Au from contact. U.S. Route 15. (feet) (ppb) No. base of sill (ppb) 15------Diabase, 2 ft from Roadcut, U.S. Route 15, 1.7 lower contact. north of Pennsylvania. 1,715* 0.5 2 5 7.4 84 ______Maryland line. Diabase, llz-1 ft from mile west of Eliza- 4.1 1.760 1.2 3* 7 .5 1,775 1.4 5 42 3.1 46 ______lower contact. beth town. Diabase, 4-6 ft from 2 miles north of Bow- 4.0 1,790 1.6 6* 44% 2.2 1.8 50 3.2 7 5 ______upper contact. mansville. 1,810 s• Diabase dike, 3-6 ft Safe Harbor quarry, 3.0 1,822 5.7 9 89¥.! 1.7 from contact. southeast of Safe 1,845 2.2 10 100 3.3 1,862 2.0 12 118 3.8 79 ______Harbor. Diabase, 3 ft from Grace mine, 5th level, 2.5 1,876 1.5 15* 140 .8 1,923 3.5 16* 143 1.2· 89 __ ..; ______upper contact. Morgantown. Diabase, lower third Reesers Summit ------7.2 1,943 3.1 17 146 .6 of sheet. 1.970 1.9 18 154 .7 2,009 2.6 Virginia [Samples supplied by E. C. T. Chao, U.S. Geol. Survey)

MQ1236------· Diabase (essentially Fairfax County ------3.7 TABLE 33.-Distribution of gold and copper in the clinopyroxene and Great Lake intrusion, Tasmania ). ____ do ______MQ63------· ____ dO------do ______2.4 MQ145-----~---· ----dO------1.9 Depth, in feet MQ197FQ24 ______------· _ ____ do------­ ----dO------_ ___ do______2.6 below surface, ----dO------.3 drill core of 5123 Cu (ppm)l Au (ppb) 2 MQ813A ______do ______do ______1.5 ____ do ______MQ317 ------· ____ dO------3.7 Granophyres MQ120------· Granophyric diabase ____ do------2.4 (has less calcic 10 ------44 1.4 plagioclase, amphi­ 60 77 1.0 bole, and quartz) . ____ do______MQ372------· ____ do------­ 6.5 Central-zone dolerites MQ197a ______do ______2.3 ____----dO------do ______do______MQ198------· ____ do ______2.4 100 165 8.1 MQ918------· ----dO------____ do______2.2 200 130 1.2 MQ197b ______. Granophyre (chiefly 1.1 300 130 4.6 albitic plagioclase, 400 155 5.0 amphibole, and 460 5.2 ____quartz). do ______600 i7o 9.3 MQ197c ______. ____ d(> ______1.4 550 12.0 MQ635A ______do ______----dO------do ______3.8 600 120 11.9 HS20-H-12H ___ . ____ do ______1.5 700 79 6.2 40 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

TABLE 33.-Distribution of gold and copper in the TABLE 35.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks of the Great Lake intrusion, 2'asmania---Continued Southern High Cascades, Calif., and vicinity-Continued

Depth, in feet Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) below surface, drill core of 5123 Cu (ppm) 1 Au (ppb) 2 Lassen area-Continued Cal 43 ______Lower zone dolerites Quartz basalt, recent flow, West Prospect Peak, 12.7 Lassen National Park. 800 93 4.2 3------63 ______Basaltic andesite, Red Lake Mountain ------7.0 900 60 3.4 Olivine basalt, Hat Creek Basalt of Anderson 4.6 1,000 49 4.1 (1940). 1,200 42 3.5 1,400 37 2.7 1,500 44 2.4 1,735 48 5.2 TABLE 36.-Distribution of gold in some rhyolites from Chilled margin Mono County, Calif. [Samples supplied by Irving Friedman, U.S. Geol. Survey] (3) ------75 7.3 1 Data from Greenland and Lovering (1966). Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) 2 Data from Rowe (1969). 3-65K______3 Sample is from 1 foot above lower contact of drill core 5084. Porphyritic rhyolite ------0.4 4-65K ______----dO------.1 TABLE 34.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks of the ll-65K------Rhyolitic glass ------1.9 13-65K------14-65K______----dO------.6 liVestern Cascades, Oreg. Obsidian------.3 [Samples supplied by D. L. Peck, U.S. Geol. Survey] 9-65K------15-65K ______----dO------.2 Porphyritic rhyolite ------.2 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) 20D-65K------Porphyritic rhyolite glass ------.1 Little Butte Volcanic Series (Oligocene and Miocene)

P-55-9-14F ------Olivine basalt flow ------5.3 16A ______----dO------3.3 TABLE 37.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks of the DLP-56-146 ______----dO------5.0 Jemez Mountains, N. Mex. 204______----dO------4.8 27 ______2.8 [Samples supplied by R. L. Smith, R. A. Bailey, and David Gottfried, 65 ______----dO------U.S. Geol. Survey] Hypersthene andesite ------­ 10.7 202 ______Basaltic andesite ------­ 3.8 ABG-54-55 ______Dacite welded tuff ------­ 1.1 Sample No. Rock type and age or location Au (ppb) DLP-56-133 ______Dacite plug ------­ 1.1 17------Vitric dacite welded tuff ------­ .6 BASALTIC ROCKS ABG-94-55 ______Rhyodacite flow ------­ .8 DLP-56-82 ______1.1 52-167L------Basalt, Pliocene ------2.3 128A ____ , Rhyodacite welded tuff ------____ dO------­ .9 53-1758166B------______----dO------3. 9 67-55 ______----dO------1.4 ----dO------6.1 62-1667------63-1750 ______Olivine basalt, Pliocene ------2.9 Sardine Formation (lower and middle Miocene) 1672 ______----dO------1. 7 A-59 ______----dO------2.1 P-55-8-19D ______, Basaltic andesite ------­ 1.5 60 ______----dO------1.8 DLP-56-l15 ______Olivine andesite ------­ .8 2.6 P-55-6-25G ______, 64 ______. __ ----dO------29A ______Hypersthene andesite ------1.0 ----dO------1. 7 ----dO------.6 C-558------­ ----dO------1.3 8-31A ______, 1.1 A-61------Olivine basalt, Pliocene-Pleistocene ------2.2 7-28A ______Labradorite andesite ------­ 62 ______Hypersthene andesite ------­ 7.0 ----dO------1.9 DLP-56-L------Andesitic tuff ------11.0 PRECALDERA SILICIC VOLCANICS

TABLE 35.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks of the 3149-7------g ______Quartz latite, Santa Clara Canyon ------­ 0.3 Southern High Cascades, Calif., and vicinity g ______Rhyodacite, Ruiz Peak ------­ .3 3 ______Quartz latite, Bear Spring area ------­ .1 [Samples supplied by A. L. Smith and I. S. E. Carmichael, Univ. of Rhyolite, Bear Head ------.1 California, and A. T. Anderson and David Gottfried, U.S. Geol. Survey] ------RHYOLITES OF BANDELIER TUFF Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Tshirege Member

Mount Shasta J-1-432------325 ______Ash flow, 230 ft above base ------1.6 242 ______260 ______Ash flow, 120 ft above base ------1.0 235 ______:_ Olivine basalt, cinder cone ------11.6 Ash flow, 56 ft above base ------.6 Pyroxene andesite ------6.6 230------Ash flow, 25 ft above base------1.0 205 ______Air-fall pumice from base of section ------.9 72237------______---- do ------4.3 70 __ :.______---- do ------12.0 M-1-0-6------·10-10.6 ______Air-fall pumice ------. 7 Hornblende andesite ------9.1 S-1 ______----dO------1.0 ----dO------.7 Medicine Lake Highland Otowi Member 21------______Warner Basalt of Russell (1928), Gillems Bluff__ 3.5 ------do ------1.9 J-1-634------594 ______Ash flow, 520 ft above base ------­ 0.4 3------do ------3.3 Ash flow, 480 ft above base ------­ .7 6A ______634------Ash flow, 420 ft above base ------­ .7 do ------2.2 394 ______.5 SA7------______do ------4.9 274 ______Ash flow, 280 ft above base ------­ do ------6.2 114 ______Pumice, 160 ft above base ------­ .6 15A------do ------2.5 Pumice from base of section ------­ .4 200 ______Olivine basalt, latest flow in Modoc Basalt of 2.2 P-21-8 ____ :______Air-fall pumice ------.7 Powers (1932). 20------dO------.6 187------Olivine basalt, Paint Pot Crater Flow of Ander- .8 196 ______son (1941). POSTCALDERA SILICIC VOLCANICS Olivine basalt, Callahan Flow as used by Ander- .6 0.2 199 ______son (1941). 3149-L------Quartz latite, Sawyer dome ------­ Basaltic andesite, Schonchin flow ------4.7 2------10 ______Rhyolite, South Mountain ------­ .3 GM ______.7 Rhyolitic obsidian, G'ass Mountain ------.5 JS64-2 ______Rhyolite, San Antonio dome ------GM-P ------Rhyolitic pumice, Glass Mountain ------.4 ----dO------.3 LGM ______Rhyolitic obsidian, Little Glass Mountain·------.4 3149-1L------­ Rhyolite, Water Canyon ------­ .2 LGM-P ------Rhyolitic pumice, Little Glass Mountain ------.5 JS64-42------Rhyolite, Seco dome ------­ .2 52 ______.3 6a ______Rhyolite, San Luis dome ------­ Lassen area Rhyolite, Santa Rosa dome ------­ ·.6 60-LP ------· Rhyolitic obsidian, Abrigo ------­ .5 Cal 20 ______Quartz basalt, near vent of 1851 flow, Cinder 1.5 SC67-7V------Quartz latite, Cerro Rubio ------­ .4 Cone, Lassen National Park. SC64-9 ______Quartz latite, Pinnacle Peak ------­ .3 Cal 24 ______Quartz basalt, Cinder Cone,· Lassen National 14.1 3149-4------· Rhyolitic pumice, Battleship Rock ------­ .6 Park. s5------______Rhyolite, Banco Bonito ------­ .6 Cal 25 ______Quartz basalt, pre-1851 flow near Butte Lake, 19.4 Rhyolitic pumice, El Cajete ------.7 Cinder Cone, Lassen National Park. TABLES 41

TABLE 38.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks from TABLE 41.-Distribution of gold in some samples of the Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., and vicinity Challis Volcanics, central Idaho [Samples supplied by L. P. Muffler, Warren Hamilton, and David Gottfried, [Samples supplied by B. F. Leonard, U.S. Geol. Survey] U.S. Geol. Survey] Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Sample No. Rock type and location Au (ppb) y -54-565 ______G-YP-1_------______582 ______Andesite ------­ 0.3 2 ______Rhyolite, Firehole Falls ------­ 0.1 ----dO------'----- 1.0 Rhyolite, Midway Geyser basin ------­ .1 597------598 ______Andesite tuff ------.4 Obsidian, Obsidian Cliff ------­ .2 3------5 ______L-62-2150 ______Dacite ------­ .5 Rhyolite tuff, Golden Gate Canyon ------­ .3 Latite ------.9 Rhyolite tuff, below sample G-YP-5 ------­ .8 64-2639 ______5A------· 61-106 ______Latite tuff ------1.0 YP-A26------.- ______Rhyolite tuff, Wraith Falls ------­ .2 Rhyolite ------.6 .4 229 ______Rhyolite tuff, Mount Everts ------­ y -54-599 ______Rhyolite tuff ------.3 A1-----~----- Obsidian, Reas Pass ------­ .4 ____ do------­ 1.0 A3------.2 599A ______Perlite, Midway Geyser basin ------­ H-54-63 ______do------­ 1.7 YS-4------· Rhyolite tuff, Cougar Creek ------­ 1.3 Rhyolite ------.4 820A------______Rhyolite tuff, West Yellowstone ------.4 24 ______---- do ------.5 26A ______---- do ------.4 Rhyolite, West Yellowstone ------­ 1.0 7 A-2------­ Obsidian, West Yellowstone ------­ 1.5 TABLE 42.-Distribution of gold in some calc-alkalic meta­ G-YP-4A------· Basalt; Sheepeater Cliffs ------.2 volcanic rocks from the southern Appalachians, North 4B------· ---- do ------.2 Carolina and Virginia .2 7------Basalt. Undine Falls ------[Samples supplied by D. W. Rankin and A. A. Stromquist, U.S. Geol. Survey]

Sample No. Rock type Denton quadrangle, North Carolina TABLE 39.-Distribution of gold in metamorphosed 21------______Andesitic tuff ------1.9 Precambrian silicic volcanic rocks in central Arizona 6 ______----dO------.5 [Samples supplied by C. A. Anderson, U.S. Geol. Survey] ----dO------.8 3------4 ______, Rhyolitic flow ------.5 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Rhyolitic tuff ------.6 5------dO------.4 Ash Creek Group 11------Rhyolitic vitrophyre ------.9 Mount Rogers Formation, Virginia 1 Deception rhyolite ------1.0 ;;. 2 ---- do ------.4 R-PN1-8 ______l 4 Buzzard rhyolite (chloritized) ------~------12.4 Porphyritic rhyolite ------0.1 WS3-2------· 5 ---- do ------10.7 ----dO------2.8 7 1.0 WS4-17 ------· ----dO------.3 Deception rhyolite ------WS1-8------· Porphyritic rhyolite dike ------.4 8 ---- do ------7.0 PN2-5L------PN 4-13 ______Phenocryst-poor rhyolite ------.1 Alder Group _ ___ do------.2 WC2-17 ------· ----dO------.3 11 1 0.9 WS1-5L------· ____ do------.5 Rhyolite, Green Gulch Volcanics ------66------· 12 ---- do ------.2 ----dO------.2 1 13 Rhyolitic tuff, Spud Mountain Volcanics ------.2 14 ---- do ------.2 15 Rhyolite tuff, Texas Gulch Formation 1 _____ ,.; ______.2 Rhyolite, Iron King Volcanics 1 __ .:______16 .5 TABLE 43.-Distribution of gold in alkalic igneous rocks from 17 Rhyolitic tuff ------­ .2 1 18 Rhyolite, Spud Mountain Volcanics ------..,------8.3 Big Bend National Park, Tex. 19 Intrusive rhyolite, Spud Mountain Volcanics 1 ______3.4 [Samples supplied by J. T. Lonsdale, Univ. of Texas]

Quartz porp_h_y_r_Y______Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) I Quartz porphyry ------7.4 Ch-1------Porphyritic olivine basalt ------0.5 II ---- do ------1.0 243-D------84Q-B ______Nepheline basalt, intrusive ------.9 III ---- do ------1.9 Basalt, intrusive ------.5 V Quartz porphyry (foliated) ------3.6 Porphyritic olivine basalt, extrusive ------.8 1 I 589------386 ______VI ---- do ------.5 Olivine basalt, intrusive ------4.3 148------1 Formerly considered to be in Alder Group. ----dO------.6 727-D724------______Porphyritic olivine basalt, intrusive ------.3 Basalt porphyry, extrusive ------.5 69-D------· Analcite labradorite syenite ------.4 179------47-A ______Analcite syenogabbro ------.5 Syenogabbro, intrusive ------.4 i76-A------Analcite an~esine syenite, intrusive ------1.0 TABLE 40.-Distribution of gold in volcanic rocks· from 258------· Olivine syenodiorite, intrusive ------1.0 726-F------· Trachyandesite, extrusive ------.4 the Beatty area, Nevada 47-B------· Analcite syenite, intrusive ------.2 [Samples supplied by H. R. Cornwall, U.S. Geol. Survey] 747-C577-B------______, Trachyandesite porphyry, extrusive ------.4 61-B ______do------.6 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) soda trachyte, intrusive ------.2 34Q-B------· Aegerine augite trachyte, intrusive ------.4 Bullfrog Hills caldera 668-F ------· Riebeckite trachyte, extrusive ------1.9 ------767-A-3 ______Pyroxene microgranite, intrusive ------.3 BC-100------Lithoidal welded tuff ------0.5 746-F ------· Riebeckite rhyolite, extrusive ------.4 149------· ____ dO------.2 162-B------· Riebeckite granite, intrusive ------.4 72b ______Basal glass zone of rhyolite flow ------­ .2 232-D------· Riebeckite granophyre, intrusive ------.2 Felsitic zone of rhyolite flow BC-72b -----­ .3 Riebeckite microgranite porphyry ------.8 MC-170a72C------· ______203------234 ______170b______Zeolitized tuff ------­ 22.0 Riebeckite granophyre, intrusive -'------1.2 Basal glass zone of flow ------2.0 687-F-2------· Quartz porphyry, intrusive ------.4 170c______Felsitic zone of rhyolite flow MC-170b ___ _ 9.2 295 ______Glass zone of rhyolite flow or intrusive ___ _ .9 BC-148 ______Porphyritic latite flow ------.5 MC-21L------Basalt flow ------1.8 TABLE 44.-Distribution of gold in subsilicic alkalic rocks Yucca Mountains caldera from central Montana MC-27 4a ______[Samples supplied by W. T. Pecora and E. S. Larsen, Jr., U.S. Geol. Survey] 274b ______Zeolitized basal tuff of welded tuff ------1.1 Basal glass zone of welded tuff ------3.4 27 4c ______299 ______Lithoidal welded tuff ------1.5 Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Basal glass zone of welded tuff. ------1.4 336 ______Glassy zone of intrusive rhyolite ------.3 Boxelder laccolith, Bearpaw Mountains 2717 5------fi ______Rhyolite stock ------3.9 Rhyodacite dike, upper Tertiary(?) ------.8 83P64 ______------_ Pegmatitic patch in syenite ------1.4 297------Recent basalt flow ------1.7 Q______Aplite dike in syenite ------1.4 Syenite (summit), 360 ft above base ------.4 42 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD IN IGNEOUS ROCKS

TABLE 44.-Distribution of gold in subsilicic alkalic rocks TABLE 44.-Distribution of gold in subsilicic alkalic rocks from central Montana-Continued from central M ontanar--Continued Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Sample No. Rock type Au (ppb) Boxelder laccolith, Bearpaw Mountains--Continued Shonkin Sag laccolith, Highwood MGuntains-Continued 15 ______, 81------·83 ______Syenite, 335 ft above base ------­ 2.9 2.8 Syenite, 300 ft above base ------­ 1.1 1044------· ~~~~~e -;;;~it;-::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3.2 63------· Mafic syenite, 210 ft above base ------­ 2.7 1067 ------· ----dO------5.1 49 ______6.1 1065 ______, 48 ______, Friable· shonkinite, 90 ft above base ------­ Minette (3 in. thick) ------­ 2.0 Basal shonkinite, 70 ft above base ------­ 3.6 1066------· Aplitic syenite ------­ 3.8 3345------· ______, Basal shonkinite, 25 ft above base ------­ 4.0 A1------­ Transition rock ------.7 58 ______, Hard shonkinite, basal zone ------2.4 A------451 ______, ----dO------.7 ----dO------4.1 ----dO------2.3 B------Lower shonkinite ------6.7 Shonkin Sag laccolith, Highwood Mountains 1008------· ----dO------6.7 415------· Mafic phonolite ------­ 1.6 108L------· Basal mafic phonolite, next to contact with 10.4 2L______Upper shonkinite ------2.4 sandstone. 450------· ----dO------.5