'Stuckln,So Wh?Ttodo, Wherejogo
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'Stuckln,So Wh?ttodo, wherejogo, Casino Night Friday, October 12 7:30 to 10:30 PM Stepan Center PARENT'S F".~BALL WEEKEND UNIVIIIIITY OF :IoorlE. DAMl .~ ,~.. ,.. ' q Live the Tradition Together Subscribe NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE to 8 WEEKLY Music DEPARTMENTS Scholastic INXS Wire The Replacements 2 FOR OVER 120 YEARS, A LINK BETWEEN Editorial PARENTS AND CAMPUS LIFE NEWS 10 3 Newsbriefs Letters' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPORTS 4 . , Marl Okuda 16 On Other Campuses - , Air Force Preview Please send ---years of Scholastic to: COVER Name~. _________________________________________ 5 Week In Distortion Address _________________________________________ 12 life In the Big City City ____________________ State ___ Zip ______ Entertainment In South Bend 6 Please make checks payable to: Scholastic: Magazine The Unexamined Life LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 .ENTERTAINMENT 19 Enclosed is a check for $25.00X __ years =,$ ___ 7 Coming Distractions . ' '. Movies· Pacific Heights 20 Final Word Coach Fisher DeBerry OCTOBER 11, 1990 q Live the Tradition Together Subscribe NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE to 8 WEEKLY Music DEPARTMENTS Scholastic INXS Wire The Replacements 2 FOR OVER 120 YEARS, A LINK BETWEEN Editorial PARENTS AND CAMPUS LIFE NEWS 10 3 Newsbriefs Letters' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPORTS 4 . , Marl Okuda 16 On Other Campuses - , Air Force Preview Please send ---years of Scholastic to: COVER Name~. _________________________________________ 5 Week In Distortion Address _________________________________________ 12 life In the Big City City ____________________ State ___ Zip ______ Entertainment In South Bend 6 Please make checks payable to: Scholastic: Magazine The Unexamined Life LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 .ENTERTAINMENT 19 Enclosed is a check for $25.00X __ years =,$ ___ 7 Coming Distractions . ' '. Movies· Pacific Heights 20 Final Word Coach Fisher DeBerry OCTOBER 11, 1990 a ; assistance is available, 3) Reporting ampe to A Response to The Dear Editor: Security or Student Life is not a prerequisite I am writing to clarify a statement or requirement of counseling, 4) The victim! Article on Sexuality made in a recent issue of Scholastic (Septem- survivor would be encouraged to seek medi . ber 20, 1990). In Traci Taghon's article, cal attention and decide whether she wants to SCHOLASTIC "Sexuality, A Report on the Report," the press charges, but these would be her NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE following statement is made. "Officials of choices, 5) Victims/survivors can seek assis the University Counseling Services had told tance immediately after an assault or at some the committee that victims (of rape and sex future time based on their needs and prefer SEXUALITY ual assaUlt) may have to go through the inves ences. Vol. 132, No.5 a/ NoIre Dame tigation by Notre Dame Security and the October 11, 1990 Office of Student Life before being referred Thank you for your assistance with to counseling" (page 11). this matter. EDITOR IN CHIEF This statement is not true and the Rita Donley, Ph.D. Michael C. Wieber oW that the Irish have finally lost a care less if you get punched in the mouth by staff is confused about when this information Assistant Director MANAGING EDITOR N game, particularl y a home one, despair your roommate after you tell him to quit was communicated and who was responsible Coordinator of Clinical Services Derik T. Weldon and frustration surfaced allover campus at bitching about fumbled punts by· saying to for this portion of the Student Government Report. We would like to stress the follow NEWS EDITOR our lady's university. him, "Hey, we're all N.D." Soccer '90 up Traci Taghon While we all hate standing next to This is not in any way to be read as Tuition it:lg: 1) No one has to be referred before they Scholastic will be printing afollow story some jerk at the football games who thinks he an endorsement for getting that worked up ThI Sky'lthe UITh receive cO!lnseling services, 2) Immediate on this topic in afuture issue. SPORTS EDITOR can coach better than Lou Holtz, there is over an Irish defeat. The guy who gets really Brian McMahon another beast lurking in our midst who makes upset at the game is just as bad as someone SPORTS ASSISTANT the dreaded expert that stands in your ear at who says not to be negative. One isa syco Jon Paul Potts the Stadium seem remarkably bearable. phantic ninny while the other takes a simple This latest annoyance is anyone that game far too seriously. CAMPUS LIFE EDITOR Kristine DeGange gets angry at someone who decides to com A student was once heard saying GREAT SUBS FOR GREAT STUDENTS plain about the Irish's performance. Un that if the Irish lost a game, then no one would DEPARTMENTS EDITOR doubtedly, we would all like to see Notre go out that night. It was intimated that Tim Rogers Dame win every game. A natiomil champi everyone would be too depressed to go out. ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR onship is something special that they can Well, anyone that will let the out Dave Holsinger Iiever take away from the players or the come of a contest they have absolutely no students. (Come to think of it, who is this control over or impact on affect their life PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Mari Okuda they and why are they trying to take things needs to get out of the "Teddy 'Brar" more away from people all the time?) often. Or Theodore!s or wherever you PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT But, blind faith and hero worship is people go. Paul Webb probably the most despicable trait embodied lf football is the greatest thing that COPY EDITOR by much of the student body here. WAKE has happened to you in your time here, you Dave Raedy UP, YOU TWITS!!! The team doesn't like have really missed the ride. any of you as much as you think and couldn't LAYOUT/SYSTEMS MANAGER Patricia Doyle ADVERTISING MANAGER Tony Porcelli Subway delivers to Notre Dame Your Blue & Gold card is good BUSINESS MANAGER and St. Mary's every day from 5 for a 50¢ discount off any Jim Fitzgerald p.m. until 12 midnight. footlong Subway sandwich. GRAPHIC ARTS MANAGER Jeanne Naylor CALL 277-7744 uUers 10 Schowlicmust be Iyped Il1Ul inclwk IkTuriler's Subway opens at 8:00 a.m. on ""me, address Il1Ul ~ number. Uni~ersily slJUienls should inclwk Schowtic is publiskd wuJdy t/rrDllgTwut tk school yttJ.r txap/ during lheir YtJU in scTwol1l1Ul colr.g •• F=lty members sTwuld inclwk lheir UJl7rIbu:lil17l1md tlllClllionperiodslZllk UniTJOSityofNol,. DIl17lIl,Nol,. dzpaTlmcnt. All r.Uers must be signed. Names wiU be wilhkld upon For the next football game or days of home football games. DIl17lIl,IN,46556Il1UlprinlcdlZl TheP"1%J'S,Inc.,Milfrml,IN 46542. The '"'luesl in ccrlain insIll1Iccs. Sllbscription rllkis$25.oo/ytJUll1Ul b<zckisst=",.""ailablclZl $1.25/copy. ScTwwlic =<5 Ik rigllllo rejed r.Uers IhIII",e Hbo your next party, call Subway for ThcopinionsapresscdinScholDslic",elhose°f,k""thorsll1Ulcdilorsll1Ul /ousorobscmeby Ik /musoflk United SIaItS. Sc1wlDslicalso IJIiU edil far .·!i!i do not ~cessIlrily repr ......"k opinions of Ik enlir. cdilorW board of copyjilling, gr.=lica1 or sp<1ling errors Il1Ul ScTwlszstic sly". &= Scho/JIsIic or of tk UniTJOSity ofNoIre DIl17lIl, its administrlZlion, f=lly ofspaa, Schowlic CIl1Iwl print all ""ers ,.ccir>cd. a delicious Party Sub or Party or s1wienls. &;/i1orWs signed Schowtic represcnl tk opinion of Ik ltUljority o[tk UlCIIIi"" cdilorW board. Mll1IllSCI'ipts",. weI"""". All . Platter! State Road 23 and Ironwood unsoliciticd malcrWs becmm Ik prt1p<7ty 0fSc1w/JIsIic. The Editor Scholszstic Copyrighl1990 Scho/JIsIic M.g.m.... All rights =cd. Reprodudion LAForl""" Cmler in wit or in pari wit""'" TJJriIten pmnissiIm is prohibited. Notr. DIl17lIl, IN 46556 2 SCHOLASTIC OCTOBER 11, 1990 3 ----------- --=--- a ; assistance is available, 3) Reporting ampe to A Response to The Dear Editor: Security or Student Life is not a prerequisite I am writing to clarify a statement or requirement of counseling, 4) The victim! Article on Sexuality made in a recent issue of Scholastic (Septem- survivor would be encouraged to seek medi . ber 20, 1990). In Traci Taghon's article, cal attention and decide whether she wants to SCHOLASTIC "Sexuality, A Report on the Report," the press charges, but these would be her NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE following statement is made. "Officials of choices, 5) Victims/survivors can seek assis the University Counseling Services had told tance immediately after an assault or at some the committee that victims (of rape and sex future time based on their needs and prefer SEXUALITY ual assaUlt) may have to go through the inves ences. Vol. 132, No.5 a/ NoIre Dame tigation by Notre Dame Security and the October 11, 1990 Office of Student Life before being referred Thank you for your assistance with to counseling" (page 11). this matter. EDITOR IN CHIEF This statement is not true and the Rita Donley, Ph.D. Michael C. Wieber oW that the Irish have finally lost a care less if you get punched in the mouth by staff is confused about when this information Assistant Director MANAGING EDITOR N game, particularl y a home one, despair your roommate after you tell him to quit was communicated and who was responsible Coordinator of Clinical Services Derik T. Weldon and frustration surfaced allover campus at bitching about fumbled punts by· saying to for this portion of the Student Government Report. We would like to stress the follow NEWS EDITOR our lady's university. him, "Hey, we're all N.D." Soccer '90 up Traci Taghon While we all hate standing next to This is not in any way to be read as Tuition it:lg: 1) No one has to be referred before they Scholastic will be printing afollow story some jerk at the football games who thinks he an endorsement for getting that worked up ThI Sky'lthe UITh receive cO!lnseling services, 2) Immediate on this topic in afuture issue.