Education Policy in Ireland since the 1940s Barney O’Reilly Education Policy in Ireland since the 1940s Barney O’Reilly1 _________________________________________________ Abstract: This paper maps education policy in the Republic of Ireland from 1947 to 1973, 1973 to 1980, and 1980 to date and examines how and why these policies were or were not actualised. The paper reveals policy processes have swung from being determined by single ‘heroic’ government leaders to more participatory processes including the production of papers, acts and consultation. In this analysis the participation of key groups such as the Catholic Church, Committees, governing bodies, Unions, teachers and parents are identified. The paper also illumiates continuities and changes in a move for comprehensive education that meets the spiritual and cultural needs of students and education to produce human capital and meet economic growth. Here the links between the expansion of education provision to equalise educational opportunities for all to reach their potential are revealed as central to educational policy, but the implementation of such reforms has been sluggish. Keywords: education, policy, Republic of Ireland ___________________________________________________ 1 Kerry Education Service, Riverside House, Dan Spring Road, Trelee, Republic of Ireland. E-mail:
[email protected] ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, 1, 2012. 238 Education Policy in Ireland since the 1940s Barney O’Reilly Introduction This paper will review education policy in the Republic of Ireland during the period 1950 to date and is presented in four eras. The first era moves from 1947 to 1973 and is presented as a first phase of education reform for the educational structures established by the new state in the 1920’s and 1930’s.