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Review Volume 2, Fall 2000, LAND ISSN 1565-110X This volume is published in three languages: Arabic, Hebrew and English Hassan Jabareen Samera Esmeir Rina Rosenberg Salman Natour Yael Lerer Hassan Jabareen (General Director) , Salim Abu-Medeghem, Sonia Boulos, Jamil Dakwar, Marwan Dalal, Samera Esmeir, Suhad Hammoud, Tahrier Hijazi, Amal Hussein, Fathiyya Hussein, Basheer Geraisy, Orna Kohn, Gadeer Nicola, Rina Rosenberg .. - . Ghassann Agbaria (Chairperson), Saida Biadseh, Muhammed Dahleh, Riad Egbariah, lman Kandalaft, Salman Natour, lyad Rabi Farida Dei!, Chris Dunn, Tawfiq Rangwala, Katie Taylor Serene Huleileh, Zvi Shulman The Land Day Monument Sakhnin (1976-1978) A'bed A'bdi and Gershon Knispel Sharif Waked The drawings exhibited in this volume, by A'bed A'bdi, were sketched during the construction of the Land Day Monument ~ 2. c Introduction 3 CD The Editors 1\) , 7. 0) Israeli Law as a Tool of Confiscation, Planning, and Settlement Policy 1\) Usama Halabi 0 0 0 14. On the Politics of Legal Formalism Jamil Dakwar 23. On Resisting Legalization Samera Esmeir and Rina Rosenberg 27. Zionism 2000: Past, Future, and the Qa'dan Family Ronen Shamir 32. Jewish and Democratic Ruth Gavison 39. Communities, Lawyers, and Legal Strategies for Social Change Neta Ziv 44. The Guest, the House, and the Judge Marwan Dalal 50. I Will Pick Him Some Green Almonds from My Land Salman Natour 56. Case Comment: H. C. 2814/97. The Follow-up Committee for Arab Education. ct. a!. v. The iv1inistry of Education. ct. a!. On Legal Space, Political Forces, and Social Injustice Samera Esmeir 63. The Mandate, the Lawyers, and the Dilemmas of Identities Hassan Rafiq Jabareen 69.
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