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11 I T L0 I Tl = = I II 11 I TIVqVMEr EVDSTXG XEWS SATURDAY TANT7AKY 01807 c 11 I 1 lie V St heart II Rtowart TURKEY i- Huntington Peter Johnson Hamilton leorgo i tarra 213tnj THE BRONZE i I Cahln IV Moore Nariarra m Mo Uttiur St Ooorgo- y i Ill Dennett lawrco Prcsl lenti Daniel 111nion- Illolen itells P Bi niuneit acoonah W ni E Jon Counselors David H Cannon Lraslus- 111kn1obArE Ali Goodien Lnge and nodo That AUTHORITIES Orankovillo laspor Robertson Parowan F Charles D Snow r1 rOJ GENERAL 7 11 AIIQY StOoorce I il a I Inn Carton County Utah Summit 3oc 111 ubland t eA11yr11111 Ion Wail mgton County Utah J Atka Shure Tho donacntic turkey being concede Castle Oato llllaniri4imph mail Look NI- LaiceVFow John Jobtioll In OF TilE S oy WAIIPS msnonI- to iiivo orlgimted Mexican brand Price 1arnrst llors M Cannon Latin I AlA Thomas K Cutler EdwIn iillnior August Salt telloiuo Vndrew Oregerson P i of the American wild turkey the I spring lion I n I ch i Branch fhoraai It Jones P inam I MeMullIn 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Hovnool- Hanson and H- Green ylorvloH Coiicho I OU Ilutlau Ix a rock 83 pounds cockerel Jl iiouude ROBERT T IILRTOV First Counselor the Presiding Bishopric unstlon Join M McCrary Win T Mlltaf- H LMarblo- Olbbs West Portage lierton Irnlll I Nutrloso Brown I County hon JO pounds pullet lu pounds Second Counselor in residingI IBishopric PO John Majne Utah JOHN R WINGER the indy James Jensen SpringervilleUnion i 11 Crosby They nro not fully lualnro until Box County Utah i PO WIA11115 J138TIOP- about JUer MithCottonnnnd J ephlS llanllns- bt Johns UP 8 Ando Scainesville I years oil and tho breeding from WAnD ulh Jordan Gale William A Hills Walter Banks FRANKLINI D RICHARDS Church Historian and General Church Recorder Sugar House alcncta County New Ifexlem- Ircmont young iicmaturn upoclmena inI d j locat- mloro11 I110 pinllos0 DrlnsI- Hlcti Mixlo Pickling Trunes Unton Hannah I P GIles I o J ed ni likely to rodnco eakly infdior JOHN JAOUBS and CHARLES W PtNROiE Assistants Plymouth Thomas 11 Archibald shnmol hllllps b owls Who l West Jordan John A Ujibert- Loa HonJ iniln rown- young Uy breeding from tho well ma- I HarifordlactlulfWebt Io- fiocorro county Aciv Jrczit- LI Iorljo1 jlimn Voter hrlsiptison large deep stocky birdS I Aanpet Wm Itoynolds V E Teas lalo Colonian- tured the GENERAL CHURCH HOARD OP EDUCATION rIo 10 olunllobor tlooreo CollInvLonlMyronJUIchards- Thurbor M W ManHeld size null bariUncss nlll bo incrcnvd It Wasbakle toronl Ward lroldonl Canute Peterson Uphralin- M I Is by Writers WOODRUFF KARL G MAESER ANTON H LUND take claimed tomo that birds WILFORD Counselors Henr > phralm John Jph Weber Mike SHAKI- Ontida County Mala- President ChrMoiherlajton rhatcher- betweiii unit 10 years old are the best I ORCNZO SNOW WILLARD YOUNG JAMES Mall01 M lel President lj W Ogden Cherry Creel Total Jones Counsclora W D Johnson M II Mor Shnrtllll breeders Iwill produce tho best block Q CANNON GLORGK W THATCHER JOSEPH I SMITH I Counselors 0 1 Ml llotou X O Fly GnoRot icilyI- IV 11 Itihards Sanpcia County Utah lhatohor- ago Mklo rU garo OR Ion and the limit seems ilifflcuH to Arnerican JallI Win Neoley VvAnV14 Cftahant County An on determine ItotklaiHl101 IsitanThorn- ISUO In lor body Ch ester Chrlilon Chrlntonien WAnDA County Ltah iLiORDVooDRUrr frustte Trust the ofllehglouj Vorshlpera fourth I lebe Not n little ink lies been wasted upon Sallailla bralm North Iar H Midori u O 10-Bryce WARDS known as tire Church of Jesus Christ of I alter day Saints St Johns Jaule Harrilvl Almals nnor tho question of rlzo In turkeys KOH- Ill 8outhChrleu It Dories Iryrvlllml 1 M Woodruff Jos Harris- Fairview lamosO Peterson
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