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DEVOTED TO PACIFIC COAST CONSTRUCTION V«lum« A. N« 30 July 26, 1906 SEATTLE:, U. S. A. PUBLISHED WEEKLY $5 Per Year T. GENERAL BOOKMAKERS' BOARD OF TRADE IriRE PROOF INSURANCE And- SURETY BONDS HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE CO'S. HARPER BRICK A TILE COMPANY ROOMS 324.-25 BUILDERS BRICK COMPANY S E ATTLE SAFE AND VAULTS PIONEER BLOCK HILL BRJSft$f*£ltt--1Y Of WASHINGTON J. M. E. ATKINSON A ABRAHAMSON r .. ARE THE BEST MADE Seattle. Public Libraif PURCELL SAFE CO. 312 OCCIDENTAL AVE. &C0. SUNSET MAIN 1077 --PHONES- INDEPENDENT 3685 217 Boston BlocK, Seattle Manganese Steel Safe Co, p. n„, i Exchange 47 Phones(|ndepcndcnt182 DENNY-RENTON CLAY and COAL CO.1 Cylindrical Bayonet Joint, Lug Safes FIRE, MARINE, RENT, PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ELEVATOR MANUFACTURERS OF BURGLAR PROOF | AND GENERAL LIABILITY CITY YARD Vitrified Salt-Glazed Sewer Pipe Utah Street near Atlantic Vitrified Street Paving Brick Fire Brick for All Purposes Fire Proofing and Terra Cotta Lumber Factories at Terra Cotta Building Blocks Fire Clay Chimney Pipe DIRECT IMPORTERS OF VanAsselt Drain Tile Renton Fire Clay TANKS and Taylor, Pressed Brick, Including Red and Common CEMENT Washington Architectural Terra Cotta Electric Conduit Tile FIRE BRICK AN^ FIRE CLAY 33 GENERAL OFFICE MAIIi 151 OFFICES 407 TO 41 1 LOWMAN BUILDING CITT YARD OFFICE MAIN 21 "IDEAL PLASTER SEATTLE. WASH. Lowest Prices Quoted w Carload Lots a Specialty MAIN 1995 PHONES IND. 2002 PACIFIC BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. 809 *l»ska Bldg., SEATTLE, Tel. Main or Ind. 338 COAST Manufacturers of Fibalty Building, TACOMA, Tel. Exchange 4 PACIFIC TANK CO. LIME CO. LIME MANUFACTURERS Bulk Lime for Fertilizing CYANIDE. MINING. WATER. A. P. HENDERSON, OIL ANO WINE TANKS Pres. and Treas. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG MAILED EREE Address- Pacific \V. A. DOYLE, Tank Co,, Dept. "J' Olymphia, Wash. Sec. and Mgr. PLANT NEAR STANDARD OIL CO., SEATTLE °-T3 ' ——— \ 'Y Phone, Ind. L.2081 Res. Phone L7039 Edward L. Gomoll & Co., FREEMAN & MILNE RAECO Lmlf"H MANUFACTURERS OF SEAMLESS, SANITARY, INEXPENSIVE Show Cases, Bank Plumbing and Heating FLOORING AND WAINSCOTING AND Store Fixtures 1607 Westlake Boulevard RHOADES, APFEL & EARNEST IM; 019-921 Posl St, Cor Madison .ALL WORK GUARANTEED SEATTLE 408 Occidental Av., Seattle 613 Provident Bldg., Tacoma PHONES: IND R 2643 MAIN 593 PHONE. MAIN 4941 1 ""N1 Lent2761 Seattle Washington /£= LittleFallsFircClayC? S. W. R. DALLY AtiKNT • COODKA • K.N • 9 MANUFACTURERS. 610-611 COLMAN BLOCK OR EXPERT NOVICPATENTE ON ANY PATENT MATTERSS SEC — MECHANICAL CNCINEER _ PATENT ATTORNEY Drain, Tile and Flue Lining SEWER PIPE FORMERLY EXAMINER IN US. PATENT OCrtCC WASKIXCTON SEATTLE lie WASHINCTON BUILOINC SEATTLE. PHONE INPXIB33 AVENARIUS CARBOLINEUM--MADE ONLY IN GERMANY Avenarius Carbolineum will most effectually prevent ROT and DECAY of anv kind WHAT IT IS POR of woodwork above or below the water. WHAT IT IS POR Tarpaulins Posts, SHINGLE ROOFS Painted with Avenarius Carbolineum will not warp, Plank Walks. Wood Curbing and Steps, Water crack or decay, and applies an attractive, durable nut-brown color. Tanks. Silos, Shin Brick wa and Bi Wharfs and Iry) Granaries, Barns, Chicken i . Fish Nets (to prevent chicken lice and vermin.) And on CARBOLINEUM WOOD PRESERVING COMPANY rork where exposed to climatic infl PORTLAND SEATTLE DENVER SAN FRANCISCO PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD YUKON WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Is the now plaster that lias sprung into such popularity within tho past few months. It is tho talk of tho town anions builders. YUKON PLASTER Is manufactured without hair or sand Is light, tonsil and elastic; fire and YUKON water proof. It dries quickly, no crumbling or falling, and is especial ly adapted for damp climates. PRICES WITHIN REACH of ALL YUKON WOOD FIBRE PLASTERla 355 COLEMAN BLK. IOTH PHONES 656 SEATTLE mmaammmmmmma^ammaaaamm EWBSBBaH BLACK DIAMOND PAINT GO'S MACHINE PAINTED OR STAINED YOUR ADVERTISEMENT SHIN GLES In this space will carry your message lo all the Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Last a life tli t but a few Manufacturers ami Dealers in Building Supplies (.•cuts more than shingles painted in the old way. Black Diamond Paint on the Pacific Coast. is Fire Proof. Shingle or Metal Roofs Painted :: :: '•'• Don't lose a minute. If you can"! write an Ad that will "pull", send data of your business BLACK DIAMOND PAINT AND SHINGLE Co. and we will have our Ad man lay out an Ad and 507 Hinkley Blk. Factory: Ballard, Wash submit it to you. No charge except for cuts. Space at regular rates. Don't wait. Drop us a line. JOHNSON SERVICE COMPANY PACIFIC RECORD Pacific BlocK SEATTLE, WASH. REGULATES TEMPERATURE SUNSET PHONE INDEPENDENT m AND CUTS YOUR COAL tmXamWaWmmmWm mW&mmmmmmWCISammr MAIN 18 5 5 BILL IN TWO PHONE 3 8 8 4 FIVE FACTS ABOUT 454 ARCADE BLDG. SEATTLE OLYMPIC WOOD FIBER PLASTER 1. IT DEADENS BOUND. Ornamental Brass, Bronze 2. Sets in two to three hours. o. Rough or smooth finish in one coat. Iron and Wire Work 4. Water can't hurt it. ---In Tne--- 5. Costs no more than other plaster of same grade. MADE IN SEATTLE "ARCHITECTURAL LINE WHITE AND HULL Telephone Ind. 3401. 2530 Ninth Avenue South SPOjUNE ORNAMENTAL IRON and WIRE WORKS WEBSITE R ANP STE VENS SPOKANE. WASH. Amateur Bromide Finishing COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron, Wire and Brasswork for Buildings Enlarging Copying We take Anything Any time, Anywhere Lantern Slides Catalaguesand Special Quotations Tree Upon Application PHONE IND A 2131 489 ARCADE BLDG. SEATTLE PHONE GREEN 1431 Write for our New Handy Uook and General Catalogue Manufacturers of WESTERN PAINT CO. Mixed Paints, White Lead, Asphaltum 900 FIRST AVENUE SOUTH THIRD AND WALL S MAIN 1*71 Dryers, Etc. ImWBmmm EIREPROOP SEATTLE TEMPORARY OEPICE IH6 Broadway, OAKLAND STIFFENED PLUMBIHG AND HOT WATER HEATING WIRE LATH FOR ALL 14.07 FIRST AVENUE PURPOSES CONSTRUCTION SULLIVAN BROS. TELS IND.2827MAIN 1 128 HE ROEBLING CONSTRUCTION CO. SHEET METAL AND FURNACE "WORK. A SPECIALTY a specialty. Office and bunke Vashon Sand & Gravel Co.Ceda" r Btreet Phone Main 2887 ^) I M. G. KNIGHT & CO. f PLUMB 0 Ji VMOVED TO 221S 1ST AVE. Tel. Main 2643 Ind. 1504 |' ^HB H EA I rIC Building and Engineering RECORD a jTATrras KiTR-a J12^uait>uiiVivsU^i!^^viiiiyi\(ZEir^ DEVOTED TO PACiriC COAST CONSTRUCTION PUBLISHtD EVERY SATURDAY A-»- •EATTLE First Presbyterian Church, Seattle JEDD P. FULLER Publisher ROBT. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Asso. Editor Seattle Office: 316-17 Pacific Block. S'lbscriptioi, $5.00 per Allan li Mruct Adrertising rates un application MIKI' all remittances payable to the Pacific l.ntrrecl as cri-ond class matter in tbe c nicr at Seattle. SEATTLE, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1906 Obstructing Stree In a city like Seattle, where so great a traffic continues on ihe busiest streets from dawn I ill I would almost Impossible to block the present narrow streei-; for so much as Sil feet and allow any business to be; done at all. But there is hardly a block from Jackson st. to Pine, on First, Second or Third avenues, where some building is n done, and the contract >r ' offices, building ma terial of all kinds, particularly heaps of gravel and barrels of lime, fill the si reel almost blockading si reel car* in some places. And ibis does not merely continue during Hie period of RftESBYTEl !URCr; excavation, or even until one or two CRAPSEY£LA>TM;ARCH-.TECTS. stories of ;i Structure are up, but in most cases tin iditions prevail until the last brick or stone is in place, whether the building is one or fourteen This building is now under contracl ave. and 120 ft. on Spring st. The1,40 0 on the main floor and 1.000 in stories high. to be completed by .May 15. 1907. building covers 18,000 square ft. of the ihe gallery. This is probably the The police depart ment is getting ac The selection of the architects wa:; lot. and will contain about 000.OIM. largest auditorium used for orthodox tive in compelling merchants to redecided upon Maj i. L906. The work cubic- feet. It will with stone I oi the gospel that has yet move their wares from sidewalks, ing drawings were commenced about for height of basement walls, and the been erected in the Cnited States. The which is right and proper, but it would the middle of May, were completed balance of pressed brick and terra organ is to cost $20,000, and will have seem thai if there is not now an or ready tor bids by the first week in cotta. There will be required 100,000 an echo organ either in ceiling or at dinance to thai effect, there should be July, ihe bids were opened July 17, pressed brick, 1,000,000 common brick, the extreme opposite end of the aud one to compel contractors to remove awards were made July 10. contracts iso tons of steel, 300, ft. of lumber itorium. building materials from the streets at signed July 23, and excavation corn and other items in proportion. The The Sunday school is in a well- ihe earliest possible moment—which ed July 25. For a building of this building will cost when completed lighted basement and will accommo could be done as soon as a basement magnitude, this challenges perhaps any about $175.0011, or $S per square ft., or date or more. In the annex will and one story of a building were com previous record. about 20 cents per cubic ft. be physical culture room and heating pleted. Of course this might n< i The Bite fronts 180 it. on Seventh The auditorium will seat 2,400 people.