V«lum« A. N« 30 July 26, 1906 SEATTLE:, U. S. A. PUBLISHED WEEKLY $5 Per Year

T. GENERAL BOOKMAKERS' BOARD OF TRADE IriRE PROOF INSURANCE And- SURETY BONDS HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE CO'S. HARPER BRICK A TILE COMPANY ROOMS 324.-25 BUILDERS BRICK COMPANY S E ATTLE SAFE AND VAULTS PIONEER BLOCK HILL BRJSft$f*£ltt--1Y Of WASHINGTON J. M. E. ATKINSON A ABRAHAMSON r .. ARE THE BEST MADE Seattle. Public Libraif PURCELL SAFE CO. 312 OCCIDENTAL AVE. &C0. SUNSET MAIN 1077 --PHONES- INDEPENDENT 3685 217 Boston BlocK, Seattle Manganese Steel Safe Co, p. n„, i Exchange 47 Phones(|ndepcndcnt182 DENNY-RENTON CLAY and COAL CO.1 Cylindrical Bayonet Joint, Lug Safes FIRE, MARINE, RENT, PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ELEVATOR MANUFACTURERS OF BURGLAR PROOF | AND GENERAL LIABILITY CITY YARD Vitrified Salt-Glazed Sewer Pipe Street near Atlantic Vitrified Street Paving Brick Fire Brick for All Purposes Fire Proofing and Terra Cotta Lumber Factories at Terra Cotta Building Blocks Fire Clay Chimney Pipe DIRECT IMPORTERS OF VanAsselt Drain Tile Renton Fire Clay TANKS and Taylor, Pressed Brick, Including Red and Common CEMENT Washington Architectural Terra Cotta Electric Conduit Tile FIRE BRICK AN^ FIRE CLAY 33 GENERAL OFFICE MAIIi 151 OFFICES 407 TO 41 1 LOWMAN BUILDING CITT YARD OFFICE MAIN 21 "IDEAL PLASTER SEATTLE. WASH. Lowest Prices Quoted w Carload Lots a Specialty

MAIN 1995 PHONES IND. 2002 PACIFIC BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. 809 *l»ska Bldg., SEATTLE, Tel. Main or Ind. 338 COAST Manufacturers of Fibalty Building, TACOMA, Tel. Exchange 4 PACIFIC TANK CO. LIME CO. LIME MANUFACTURERS Bulk Lime for Fertilizing CYANIDE. MINING. WATER. A. P. HENDERSON, OIL ANO WINE TANKS Pres. and Treas. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG MAILED EREE Address- Pacific \V. A. DOYLE, Tank Co,, Dept. "J' Olymphia, Wash. Sec. and Mgr. PLANT NEAR STANDARD OIL CO., SEATTLE


Avenarius Carbolineum will most effectually prevent ROT and DECAY of anv kind WHAT IT IS POR of woodwork above or below the water. WHAT IT IS POR Tarpaulins Posts, SHINGLE ROOFS Painted with Avenarius Carbolineum will not warp, Plank Walks. Wood Curbing and Steps, Water crack or decay, and applies an attractive, durable nut-brown color. Tanks. Silos, Shin Brick wa and Bi Wharfs and Iry) Granaries, Barns, Chicken i . Fish Nets (to prevent chicken lice and vermin.) And on CARBOLINEUM WOOD PRESERVING COMPANY rork where exposed to climatic infl PORTLAND SEATTLE DENVER SAN FRANCISCO PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD

YUKON WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Is the now plaster that lias sprung into such popularity within tho past few months. It is tho talk of tho town anions builders. YUKON PLASTER Is manufactured without hair or sand Is light, tonsil and elastic; fire and YUKON water proof. It dries quickly, no crumbling or falling, and is especial­ ly adapted for damp climates. PRICES WITHIN REACH of ALL YUKON WOOD FIBRE PLASTERla 355 COLEMAN BLK. IOTH PHONES 656 SEATTLE mmaammmmmmma^ammaaaamm EWBSBBaH

BLACK DIAMOND PAINT GO'S MACHINE PAINTED OR STAINED YOUR ADVERTISEMENT SHIN GLES In this space will carry your message lo all the Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Last a life tli t but a few Manufacturers ami Dealers in Building Supplies (.•cuts more than shingles painted in the old way. Black Diamond Paint on the Pacific Coast. is Fire Proof. Shingle or Metal Roofs Painted :: :: '•'• Don't lose a minute. If you can"! write an Ad that will "pull", send data of your business BLACK DIAMOND PAINT AND SHINGLE Co. and we will have our Ad man lay out an Ad and 507 Hinkley Blk. Factory: Ballard, Wash submit it to you. No charge except for cuts. Space at regular rates. Don't wait. Drop us a line. JOHNSON SERVICE COMPANY PACIFIC RECORD Pacific BlocK SEATTLE, WASH. REGULATES TEMPERATURE SUNSET PHONE INDEPENDENT m AND CUTS YOUR COAL tmXamWaWmmmWm mW&mmmmmmWCISammr MAIN 18 5 5 BILL IN TWO PHONE 3 8 8 4 FIVE FACTS ABOUT 454 ARCADE BLDG. SEATTLE OLYMPIC WOOD FIBER PLASTER

1. IT DEADENS BOUND. Ornamental Brass, Bronze 2. Sets in two to three hours. o. Rough or smooth finish in one coat. Iron and Wire Work 4. Water can't hurt it. ---In Tne--- 5. Costs no more than other plaster of same grade. MADE IN SEATTLE "ARCHITECTURAL LINE WHITE AND HULL Telephone Ind. 3401. 2530 Ninth Avenue South SPOjUNE ORNAMENTAL IRON and WIRE WORKS WEBSITE R ANP STE VENS SPOKANE. WASH. Amateur Bromide Finishing COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron, Wire and Brasswork for Buildings Enlarging Copying We take Anything Any time, Anywhere Lantern Slides Catalaguesand Special Quotations Tree Upon Application PHONE IND A 2131 489 ARCADE BLDG. SEATTLE PHONE GREEN 1431 Write for our New Handy Uook and General Catalogue


a specialty. Office and bunke Vashon Sand & Gravel Co.Ceda" r Btreet Phone Main 2887 ^) I M. G. KNIGHT & CO. f PLUMB 0 Ji VMOVED TO 221S 1ST AVE. Tel. Main 2643 Ind. 1504 |' ^HB H EA I rIC Building and Engineering RECORD a

jTATrras KiTR-a J12^uait>uiiVivsU^i!^^viiiiyi\(ZEir^ DEVOTED TO PACiriC COAST CONSTRUCTION PUBLISHtD EVERY SATURDAY A-»- •EATTLE First Presbyterian Church, Seattle JEDD P. FULLER Publisher ROBT. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Asso. Editor Seattle Office: 316-17 Pacific Block. S'lbscriptioi, $5.00 per Allan li Mruct Adrertising rates un application

MIKI' all remittances payable to the Pacific

l.ntrrecl as cri-ond class matter in tbe c nicr at Seattle. SEATTLE, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1906

Obstructing Stree In a city like Seattle, where so great a traffic continues on ihe busiest streets from dawn I ill I would almost Impossible to block the present narrow streei-; for so much as Sil feet and allow any business to be; done at all. But there is hardly a block from Jackson st. to Pine, on First, Second or Third avenues, where some building is n done, and the contract >r ' offices, building ma­ terial of all kinds, particularly heaps of gravel and barrels of lime, fill the si reel almost blockading si reel car* in some places. And ibis does not merely continue during Hie period of RftESBYTEl !URCr; excavation, or even until one or two CRAPSEY£LA>TM;ARCH-.TECTS. stories of ;i Structure are up, but in most cases tin iditions prevail until the last brick or stone is in place, whether the building is one or fourteen This building is now under contracl ave. and 120 ft. on Spring st. The1,40 0 on the main floor and 1.000 in stories high. to be completed by .May 15. 1907. building covers 18,000 square ft. of the ihe gallery. This is probably the The police depart ment is getting ac­ The selection of the architects wa:; lot. and will contain about 000.OIM. largest auditorium used for orthodox tive in compelling merchants to re­decided upon Maj i. L906. The work­ cubic- feet. It will with stone I oi the gospel that has yet move their wares from sidewalks, ing drawings were commenced about for height of basement walls, and the been erected in the Cnited States. The which is right and proper, but it would the middle of May, were completed balance of pressed brick and terra organ is to cost $20,000, and will have seem thai if there is not now an or­ ready tor bids by the first week in cotta. There will be required 100,000 an echo organ either in ceiling or at dinance to thai effect, there should be July, ihe bids were opened July 17, pressed brick, 1,000,000 common brick, the extreme opposite end of the aud­ one to compel contractors to remove awards were made July 10. contracts iso tons of steel, 300, ft. of lumber itorium. building materials from the streets at signed July 23, and excavation corn­ and other items in proportion. The The Sunday school is in a well- ihe earliest possible moment—which ed July 25. For a building of this building will cost when completed lighted basement and will accommo­ could be done as soon as a basement magnitude, this challenges perhaps any about $175.0011, or $S per square ft., or date or more. In the annex will and one story of a building were com­ previous record. about 20 cents per cubic ft. be physical culture room and heating pleted. Of course this might n< i The Bite fronts 180 it. on Seventh The auditorium will seat 2,400 people. plant in the basement. A 's tate moving considerable material, which would cut a figure in the con­ tractor's profits, but he could make calculation on doing this in his bid for Hie work. Surely ot; the busiest IT with car lines crossing, teams. MP automobiles, bi for the navy. PACIFIC Building' and Engineering' RECORD pervision to the drawing of plans, let­ ting contracts and will superintend the V#S- Iding. It is through r. Crapsey thai we I he cu!s of the ^3 • today. ! list of bids I he parts of the work so far considered, contracts awarded to al construct Ion, "\ :">: .! en kins, ft & Duhamel, • . $152,500; Richard Rown- 5,815. itilating: Adams ft i le Ileal ft Plb. ley ft Co., $11,- •!. $11,750; Rautman Plb. Meat Co., $12,371. Plumbing: Rautman Plb. ft Heat. < o.. :•; 1,338; H. Sweeney Co., $5,000. wiring: Agutter-Griswold $1,025; C. <;. Jenkins, $1,813; Se­ A an!- c Co., $1, • Contracts for Interior finish, pews and art glass not yet awarded.

SECONI San Francisco. All that San Francisco needs in the labor line Is simply unskilled, common — labor, for which there is work for sev- • >r and ; with each other by an Intercom- n • 13 since with more; eral thousand men. municating telephon a, as well or adaptation to Railroads have refused ears to lum- ,jjar ,-oom above for th ;l,1(1 as by connection with the city tele- modern church edifices, with the cir- bermen for loading for San Francisco, ,,, ! j pane '' above i bis <>n the ; ( a phones. Six hundred LG-candle power cular vestibules, may be claimed as a it. is said that 5,000 ears of lumber i bird floor will '"' ' be sexton's apari electric lights will he required to light putting of now wine in old bottles. now stand in the railroad yards in ments or "il1 • the various rooms. Howsoever that may he. It is confi­ that city, with no chance Io unload The pastor, lu-. M. A. Matthews, will dently expected that with the careful ;m Because of its large size, its varied A plan is on foot Io build 1,000 or dale 5,000 volumes. The stenographer and customary, thus the people are features and its unique plan the build­ 2,000 house:',, which will he rented or and as Istants have rooms within easy admitted to the center of the auditor- ing will no doubt attract much atten­ sold on the installment plan by the reach. There will be a bath room, with [ and are ushered righl and left, um tion, and the pastor and building com­ city. tub, shower and complete outfit with i,j(.ji i matier of great moment, in w s ;i mittee arc to be commended for the uite. the handling of so large a number'of stand they have taken In giving the Between ,,1(' parapet wall and the people, Tenders for the supply of throe elec­ country an edifice of this character. great doff of the auditorium tric tramway watering cars and spare there will be a promenade L2 ft. wide The egg shape of the auditorium is Crapsey & Lamm, of Cincinnati, o., parts are being called for hy the .Io and 360 " '"" ' (about 15 laps to ihe of coin-/,, not aew. li had iis origin are the architects, Air. Crapsey being hannoshurg municipality, South Afri- mile) and this win become quite a Coliseum al Rome, and has been on the ground and giving personal su- ca. 1 r, work of va rious kiinls. 'lr, 1 depar ture ; > rue-

ill be ey posed

Btripped, •""'• '• 1 left n led - : I !an 1 be l by lapped. plan- i he equip

o uai lc regulat­ ed the Webster vacuum to the an 1 il ,,,,-,, Q ah' ni 8 It. fro 0 Hie main Moor ed at 1v point under the Of an

• • bu?ld- 1 it may b< about 50 separat bat a ied for every kfnd of modern Institutional church work. Tii. ,vili be In PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD

TEPEPH ONES MAIN - - 678 Building S. W. R. DALLY INDEPEN. 856 Lime Herringbone Lath Cement Keystone Plaster Specials Hardwall Plaster Building ££ [Specials Materials Wood fibre Plaster Sewer Pipe

ASK FOR CATALOGUE Uptown Office, 610 Colman Building Pier 6, SEATTLE

Proposals Open. July 30 for Imp. of Monroe st. from Wesi to Elm si. by concrete sidewalk­ Under this bead will be found each ing. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS IN week abstract of contracts to be let, showing date bids will be open and the Colfax: City council has ordered the ELECTRIC WIRING issue said notice appeared in Pacific paving of Lake st. and lower Main si. Record. The Dalles, O.: Bids will be re­ ceived at the office of city recorder up to Aug. 3 for 500 to 1,000 ft. of 2Va­ COMPLETE HOUSE AND I lids Opened. Sec Pac Rec in, internal diameter four-ply rubber RELIABILITY July 28 pasco, sch bonds July 14 STORE WIRING .. .. July 28- Portland, Imp bonds ...July 11 lire hose with five-ply capped ends. July 28 -Bed Lodge, M., sch bds..July 14 with couplings attached. SAFETY FURNISHED -— Inly 28—Hamilton, M., plat bk..June 30 July 28 Seattle, mpl July 2 Edmonton, Alta.: The city council ECONOMY July 28 Medford, I >. school luly 21 bas ratified the plans for the sewer to Julv 28 Bridger, M. sch bds ...July21 be built at a cost of $300,000. July 30 Sand Point, I., bonds... June 23 Enderby, B. C: Pids will be re­ Julv 30 Saint Point, I, sch bds. .June 30 Julv 30 [claim Falls. I., pwr plt..July I I ceived by Graham Rosoman, city THE SEATTLE ELECTRIC COMPANY Julv SO Tacoma, mpl July 28 clerk, until Aug. 1 for the installa­ SUNSET MAIN 200 INDEPENDENT 200 907 FIRST AVENUE July 30 Bellingham, mpl ruly 28 tion of a system of water works. julv 30 -Tulips, W.. school July 28 Julv 30- Everett, school luly 28 Great Falls, M.: City clerk will re­ .July 31 Portland, school July 28 ceive bids until July 30 for boulevard- Julv .",1- Oakland, Cal., gov July 11 Ing west half Fourth St. from Second July 31—Wash.. D C, canal June 23 HEATING AND VENTILATING .luly 31 Browning, M.. canal ...June 23 Ave. to Third Ave. Aug. I I lartline, \Y.. mill luly 28 Hamilton, M.: Council awarded the Aug. l Lewiston, M., mpl luly 28 contracl to Thomas L. Adan for the ENGINEERS - CONTRACTORS Enderby, B. C, mpl Fuly 28 FREWEN CO. Aug I WenatcheeTpub road M'.ijulySIl erection of the city hall. MAIN 2363 Aug i Vancouver, B C, pipe luly 2J Hoquiam: Clerk was Instructed to 313 LUMBER EXCHANGE J ly Aug. t Glasgow. M., w . w : V nI call for new bids for the Improvement Aug. 2 Butler, W., school lui of Aberdee,, ., n avenue an___,d L'ls„» t. street. AugAnn. 3 -SumnerTacoma,, publipublic road lulluly us Lewiston, I.: Sealed proposals for Aug 3- Regina, Sask., bridge ...July 28 AUK 3 Dalles (The), O., mpl luly 28 the construction of the down town Aug. t Seat i le, mpl luly 28 sewer system will be received by the Aug l Blackfoot, I., sch. bonds..July 28 city clerk until August s. The pro­ Aug. 4—Spokane, sch bonds luly 21 Aug. i Blackfoot, I. school ruly 21 posed system will consist of the fol­ Aug. 1 Rochester, sch bds [uly 21 lowing approximate quantities: 5,300 Aug. 4 olympia. sch.^ .bonds [uly 14 feel of O-inch pipe sewers. 27,100 feci Aug 5-!—Wenatchee, bridge luly of 10-inch pipe sewers. 4,150 feet of Aug. 6 Anaconda mpl luly Aim 6 Vancouver, \\\. mpl July L2-inch pipe sewers. 2,350 feet of Cl­ Aug. t; chehalis. bridge luly 18 inch pipe sewers, 1,150 feet Of IN inch Aug. i; North STakima, mpl luiyjs pipe sewers, 250 feet of 24-lncb pipe Aug. 6 Salem. < >.. mpl I ul y 28 Aug. 8 chehalis. public road lulj 21 sewers. 3,100 feet of 30-inch pipe sew­ Aug. 6—Conconully, bridge ruly 1 ers, 4,920 feet of 36-inch concrete <>r Aug. 6- Burke, [., sch bonds luly l t brick sewers, 96 manholes and 17 Aug. 7- Wash.. I >. c., machinery..July it tion of the salt water system, which Aug. 7 Wash. DC, supplies Inly 7 Hush tanks, 30 cubi.c. yards of concrete. , Aug. 7—Billings, pumping plant..July 7 pump well, 200 cubic yards earth ex AUK. 7 Ritzville, hose ruly 21 cavation, pump well, 4,000 Lineal feel Aug. 7 Washington, DC, wharf..July 21 ^^^^^^^ Aug. 7 .Mt. Vernon, pub road ...July 21 %-inch galvanized iron water mains, Aug. 7- Wash. DC, gov ruly 28 s lampholes. Aug, 8- -Lewiston, I., mpl ruly ^s Lewiston, M.: Pids will be received Pori Iladlock. across the bay ry capil ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Aug. 8 i Ihehalis, public road ... July 2 I Seattle: The corporations commit­ AUK. 9 Seal le, public road ruly 28 until Aug. 1 for the construction of a openednogolia.ions will, the ci.y coun AUK io Goldendale, W.. bridge..Julj gravity system of water works; it in cil with a view lo securing the water tee of tb<' city council recommend the Aug. io M i. Vernon, eng ruly 28 eludes six miles of K> and 12-in. wood­ not only for their mill properties but passage of the franchise of the Seat­ Aug. 10 Jefferson villo, Ind. gov..July 2b Aug. 10 bewisimi, i.. sewer luly II en pipe line. Wm. P. Smith, city to supply the town as well. tle Tacoma Power Co. for the exten AUK- ll North Yakima, bridge.. July 28 clerk. Post Falls, I.: City has decided lo sion of its heating rights in Ihe city. Aug; ii Davenport, sch bonds ..July 21 Lewiston, I.: The city council has buy plant of A. M. Martin, sink wells Seattle: Pids will be received by AUK. 12 North Vakima, bridge. .July 21 decided to build a sewer system at AUK. 13 Twisp, w.. bridge luly 28 and put in electric pumps. the board of p. w. for the Imp. of 8th on: e and the city attorney has been in avenue Northeast, from Past 45th Aug. i 3 Sunnyside, w. w ruly 21 Rainier Beach: County commrs. Aug. 17 Seattle, gov luly3X cted to prepare plana. street tO Past llllh street by Construct Aug. 17 Portland, sewer i Livingston, M.: The city will vote have awarded the contract for plank­ Aug. l 7 Scat i le. dredging i ing Fifth, Quincy and Norfolk avenues. ing il pipe sewer Aug. IS Wash. DC.gOV July 28 Aug. II on $25,000 bonds for the main Stevensville, M.: Calvin Cook lue Salem, O.: Sealed bids will be re­ AUK. 20 Medicine Hat, Alta, mpl. sewer. applied lo city council for a franchise bond ceived by the city council until Aug. ('. Macleod, Alta.: K. P. Brown, town for ii water works system. tul lo wo^'mvci-7^ clerk," wm receive bids until July 2G for 500 feet of cotton rubber lined tin Tacoma: Sealed proposals will be Aug. 20 Portland, gov. ruly 28 for laving 8,300 ft. of 8-in. wire wound hose, 2>/> in. diameter, lo be delivered received al Ihe Office of the commis­ Aug. 20 Seal i le, gov Inly 28 pipe. 1C,300 ft- of (I in.. ::;. hydrants to the lire department. W. A. Moores, Aug. 23 Billings, gov ruly 28 sioner of p w on Ihe 30th da\ of ,,ui ii gate valves and boxes. Par recorder. Aug ' I lillings, M.. bridge h ; will July for grading and laying sidewalks Sept. it Olympia supplies i a,lis A ThOCOld, engrs., Calgary. Seattle: The board of 1' --- - ...„;-, «•,.,,„, M 19th lo N Missoula: The council is consider- advertise Immediately for bids for iwo o17tn hN .st Anderso. and Nn. 17tst. hHon st. . froNm. LlthtOakeos Nto Ing purchasing more fire hose. first-class fire engines. Municipal Improvements. Mullan, I.: Contract awarded to B. Seattle: Bealed bids will be re N. Pine st. Anaconda: Pids will be received by p. Tolbert for construction of Jail, fire ceived by the board of p. w until Aug. Vancouver, wash. City council until Aug. 6 for laying station and amusement hall for $2,425. 4 for the Improvement of 10. Garfield ceived by the city council until August cement sidewalks on both sides of North Yakima: Pids will be re- street et al by grading Improvement 6 for 1 he construction of a fire cistern LocuSt st. from "it li lo St h ceived by city clerk until Aug. 0 for district No. L281; also for conslruct- at Sixteenth street and Seventh ave Anaconda: Pids for construction of construction of a wooden Sidewalk on Ing it pipe sewer on Second avenue nue. ;i cemeni sidewalk and curbing in west Front Si. between C and II Sts. from L20 feet north of Cedar slreel to Vancouver, B. C: Three miles of wooden piping destined for use in the half of blocks 85, lui and IL2 and east Olympia: City council passed an Denny Way. half of blocks 84, L05 and III. Imp. dis­ ordinance authorising the grading of Seattle: \ ssistant City Engineer laying out of Dawson's new witter sys- trict 35 will be received up to Aug. 6, p:th si. between Main and Water; es- Scott has comipletep d the plans for the tem will be- shipped from Vancouver io Skagway on the Bteamer Duneric. 1906. P. M. Sullivan, city clerk. tlmated cost $491. new Cedar river water system. Bellingham: City council passed Pendleton, o.: Council awarded to Seattle: The board of p. w rejected System is being installed by th< uaw resolutions of intention to improve Engrs Willard Young and Frank c. all of the bids on the different subdivi- son City Water ft lower < ... u. 1. West Holly Street between p and Kelsey, of Portland, the contract for sions for the Construction of the niu- McLennan, Vancouver pres.deni Broadway streets; estimated cost, $9,- construction and repairing of the levee niclpal building, with the exception of Waitsburg. w : Fenaei Bros. nave L':,c..7n. estimated cost $20,000. the bid of the American Bridge Com- commenced work on the new sewei Bellingham: Sealed proposals will^^^^Portland^ : Pids on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9,250 ft. of hose, panv for the steel work, in the sum of^ system. mMMMMm mMMMMMMMMMMMMa be received by city comptroller until amounting to $S.2 I I. were ace/-,;,:,. ()]>y^ $11,000 . and recommende^ d that th e walla Walla: Council awardej the .ain Ave., b .orios. Th<- 1 PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD contract to th< iction Co. to paving Rose, Col- I and Pop- FLOORS ROOFS

Bonding News. Blackfoot, I.: C. A. Davis, clerk of IS, will on Aug. 4 •niliDii bond oi district in I he sum of $1. OLjrsTorN Seattle Building. FIRE-PROOFING SYSTEM J. FABRIC WIRE LATH Apartments: W. D. Van Siclen. ar- 'vw*in'mw~iJ.\**.ii.,wi!<>*'im.vm4 ;. is takii k on a of ;i t hi ee story PACIFIC COAST SEATTLE CEILINGS* PAR­ and b brick apartmi FIRE-PROOFING L.L/I..ZVORR.IS SAN FRANCISCO I ami Thomas TITIONS It will cost in ihe neighbor­ DEPARTMENT 506 ALASKA BLDG. SEATTLE. LOS ANGELES hood ot' Apartments: A thi and baso- east corner of grounds. Fresh Water Washed Sand and cted at 713 Opera House: Saunders A Lawton architects, have completed plans toi Seattle Sand & Gravel f o Tt li a. as stores and apartments. Otto Rose- an up-to-date theater for Russell & JCfliuc JQHU re UIQVCI VAJ. GraveI Coarse or Fjne leaf has the contract and R. P.. Clark Drew, but as yet the site has not been KING ST. DOCK Plumes: Main 1342; Ind. 3478. SEATTLE fully decided upon. Three locations c (Ire, Apartments: F. F. Travis has drawn I view and the plans are applic plans for a store and apartment build­ able to any one of them. Seattle Cement Laundry Tray Go. ing for .). Alexander Wakefield, which Office Building: Contracl has been M A N l I' A e i r i: v. I! s O t il on .Main st. bet :iwarded to Geo. C. Dietrich for all in- ."ih and 6th a terior finish, including marble work, Laundry Trays, Sinks, Tanks, Etc. Alteration: Somervell & Cole, ar­ for the. nine stories now being added Made on the Re-cnforccd Principle and chie- completed plans for to the American Savings Bank build­ 1, 2 , II Guaranteed. For sale at all Plumbers' Supply Houses alterations to be made to the residence ing, Second and Madison. 3 parts. FACTORY 85 W. VINE ST. of John Collins, which will cost $1,500. Office Building: .las. H. Schack, ar­ Contract for th a secured chitect, is now taking figures on gen­ eral const rucl ion of the August Mehl- Apartment House: The General Con­ horn building. Second Ave. between WINDOW WE MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL tracting & ing Co. was award­ Columbia and .Marion. THE PACIFIC WINDOW SHADE MFG. CO, ed ( en! no. 1 lor general Construction Stcre Building: Erection of steel SHADES 322 UNION STREET, SBATTLK. of tip partments, Boren avenue work for ihe Sellers building, on First Ave. S. and King St., is being rushed c ami A the architects, Somervell & Cote, and work will corn- by the contractors, Megrath

contrs M A Gunsl A Co, 916 1st ave. —P Olson, 1110 35th ave: Star Plumb­ will build an additional story to the lilt' floor; V. C .Miles A Piper Co. ing Co.—G R Poster, 3915 Fremont new story will he of brick and will cost contrs.—J R Hamilton, 2803 Washing­ W M Curtiss.—Gill & Gill, 806 1st about $12,000. ton st. 2-sto lr res, $2,000. C .1 Eddy ave G ll Brown A Co.--A M Austin, Apartment: William C. Smith will 2290 N 58th st. l-sto fr res, $1.000.—E 2336 X 63r \ Coleman.—G Han- a double apartment house on .1 Livingstone, 3400 Day st. concrete gen. 1121 17th ave X: Modern PA H loth ave. near Maple, to cost $8,000. footings, $ioo.-.i y Backeis, 1122 30th 212.", 1th ave W — Apartments: Eric Benson will erect ave. frame shack 10x18, $690.- -Union Heinemann A Updegraff, 906 18th ave an apartment house at corner of 5th Machinery ft Supply Co, 1245 R R ave X: C I) Smith. Ave. and Washington St.. to cost $50,- S, tar and gravel roof, $300. T \V F Wilhem, 001; James Si; J Wittwer, .Moore 1943 3rd ave \v. L%-sto fr res. 815-25 Madison St; Waloorf Building $1,500.- V L Jacobsen, 713-15 7th ave. Co. 700-12 Pike St ; Whitman Block. Church: Gon/.aga college is prepar­ CHAS I. ROTH, Prtt. ing lo erect a $5.1 church at Ihe ind Mgr. 2-sto l»f add 56x60, $16,000- Roberl I 101 11 2nd Ave: Northwest Trust Co. Hopcroft, 7810 Sth ave N E, add. $200. 708-10 Sth Ave: Rautman V A II Co.— northwest corner of Byrne ave. and utter-Griswold Co., 1106 Lst ave. Standard st.. in Lidgerwood. The Gild Medal Award W F Griggs, 122. W Kilbourne Ave; church will be named "St. Francis Portland Eqpisillcn balcony. $320. C E Robinson. 4211 W M Ybungblood, 3630 Phinney Ave; Xavier." Sawid an-f Umtisloa Woodland Park ave, toilet. $200. Mrs W .Mullen. G S Meems, 111 Summit Stont and P.ubla Rick A Selvain, 226 Pontius ave, 2-sto lr Ave; Bowman <<.• Pell;., R R Ave; .1 College: Work has begun on the double Hat. $3,500. Louis Ciitheil. 922 E Shrewsbury, L50 23rd Ave; P J Glen- $30,000 main building of Spokane col- Rail and Watir 1st ave, bake oven, $700.—F S Stein­ non. Oscar Young, 2131 Waverly PI; which will be built by the Union Transportatlea er. 1601 Grand blvd, lower building, .1 A Fraser. Norwegian Lutheran Society of the Quarrlts: Chuckanat Bar $300. Max and Dora Kolander. 1627 Mrs A M Reaper. 1 122 llth Ave W; , on Grand st. between •fflca: Belmont ave, 8-sto t'r apart 10x87, $!».- W M Parker.—J J Smith, 762 30th 29th and 31st aves. BELLINGHAM, WAS I. Grandstand: The Washington Water I John Campbell, 410 Terry ave. Ave; .1 T Nesbitt. W M Block. 1122 5 Stnd far Prici List shed l 1x18, $200. Q E Taylor, 6246 2nd Ave; Prewen A Co.—B Douglass, Power Co. has commenced work on nth ave N W. fr add 12x14, $100. 2nd Ave X: Thomas A Tal. the grandstand and pavilion at Nata­ Ah King Co. 219 Wash St. alter; C P Seely, 7133 Greenwood Ave; T C torium Park. 10 be 300 ft. in length fei $100. M \ Qunsl Cigar Co, 916 First Sanders. 3924 Linden Ave; Green Bake and seat 3,000 peopl Ave. alter; X C Miles Piper Co. conlr. II A F Co. Adelphi College. 2in; 12th Lodge: The Eagle Bodge will erect Grand Opera House, 115-19 Cherry Ave X: Ernst Bros. a lodge hall on .Madison St. between st. rep; $490; P s sheet Metal Wks. E. P. Edsen, OK, 29th Ave. X.: Frank Riverside and Sprague \ contr. E K Washington, 211 Garfield Kennedy. George I loll/.ner. 2121 X. Repair: When the two-story brick FINLAY & ROBB Si. alter; $160.- David R McKinley. 52nd St. John Bachman, 5818 5th building at the northwest corner of TIN, SHEET IRON & FURNACE WORK ;.:::; Harvard Ave N. 2-8to fr res; $10.- Ave. X. E. W. II. Butt, loi-ii E. 59th 1st ave. and Howard st., now uini ooo; E A Wager, archt; Doty <£ Rob­ St.: Rafferty A Co. Emily Smith, 2815 ing extensive repairs, is completed ii Boynton will be named the "Sanders" block. inson, contrs. John W Phillips, 5268 16th Ave. S.; D. J. McHugh.—B. W. Hot Air 1 Ith Ave N 10. L'-sto fr store and dwell; Cornwall, 3818 loth Ave. X. E. W. M. An entirely new front is being put in $1,600.—Louis Niles, 216 X 54th Si. 1- Fields. 1210 Interlake Ave.; B. Lavine. at a cost of $16,000. Furnaces sto fr cot; $:!50— Frank S Hell. 1506 Mrs. Emma Morrill. 110 X. 68th St.; Store: John McCullough is prepar­ 33rd Ave W. l-sto t'r dwell; $125 — c l\ Krause.- W. R. Tilly, 1350 Brad­ ing to build a two-story brick building Heating asd Ventilating ot School Holms steel £ Equipment Co. 1509 bury PI.- Win. Boll. 100 1 F. Harrison on X. Monroe st. - School: The board of directors of R R Ave S, 1-sto t'r saw shed; $250. Si.: Ernst Pros. Telephone* ,B 1(M1 Firs! Pres Church. 701 Spring St. ex­ school district Xo. "7 of Spokane coun­ ty will receive bids for the erection leiepnone* (independent ItfO cavate; $ 1,000; Alex Pearson, contr. Mechanics' Liens: 88 Lenora St. Seattle, Wash F S FrauK L628 Madrona PI. l-sto fi­ of a frame addition to school building res; $; c; H Carmichel, contr. Bowles Co. vs. John J. and Win. J. until Aug. 1. Plans by Russell & A'in- Moffatt, l l. b 1. Hainswortb Heights, cent; E. L. Lindstrum, clerk. .1 Alex Wakefield, 51 lis Main St. 59.42.—Kilbourne A Clark Co. vs. F. 3-8tO fr store and apart; $7..".on || M Residences: Cutter & Malmgren C. Mclntyre, I :'. and 1, b 10, Madison an* preparing plans for a $30,000 resi- Peters, H6-25 Pike St. alter; $3,000; Park Add.. April 23, $100,94.—W. S. W. P. ALLEN Josenhans fc Allen, archts.; .1. n. R. for F. J. Finucane to be erected Reynolds vs. Ralph il. Williamson, 1 !l, STEAM FI1TING Baehr, contr. n n Smith, 2170 13th b 11. Fdes & Knight's Add., June 7. on Sth ave. at the head of Washington st. I). J. O'Callahan is having plans Hoi Wat- r Heat- Ave W. 1-sto fr stable; $100.- Heine- $12.25.- H. J. Baker vs. Monidah Trust, .1 lion man \- Updegraff, 904 18th Ave x. 2-sto 1 3, 0 ami 7, b 2. Feb. 10, $191.70.—O. made for a residence to lie erected on 30 DEXTER HORTON BLD 51 h ave. near Stevens st., to cost $10,- tr res: $2,600; Knapp ttie Lighting Co., 1900-1921 X exchange' for the Home Telephone Co.. 29th St, foundation for retorts; $90,- each. James Quinn will build a five- are almosl completed. It will he rein­ room cottage in Avondale Add. \C 000; same; same found for gas hold­ forced concrete construction and will ers. $100,000; same; same found for be absolutely fireproof. T. F. Doan is purifiers. $50,000; same; same found the architect. Building Permits: Wm. D. PERKINS & CO., BANKERS scrubbers and condensers $25 000—J Residence: George H. Bacon lias be­ F Clifton, 12 1)1. Nosler's Home H Clark, 1 120 21 st \ve. alter; $150.— gun the construction of his new $."1,000 add. 1-sto add. $1,600.—Mrs G Curan. BONDS o A Boulette, 2:112 Eastlake Ave alter: residence on Eldridge Ave. Carlson A 1 7 1) 4, Hay's Park. 1-sto fr, $300 — WARRANTS $300.—Phillip Scott. 710 27th Ave 1-sto Eklund, contractors. George Osborn, l 5 b I. Hay's Park, MORTGAGES fr cott: $200.- Eitel Bros, 1236 R R fr, $:1,00.—W H Hooker, 1 9-10 b 13, fr. Ave s, alter; $700. Residences: W. X. dillies is having plans prepared by Architect T. F. Doan $iuo—\y Nonamater, 1 1 b 16, Wads- Wm. Bunt/.. 4260 Woodland Park for a modern house 10 cost about worth ft McDonald's add, 1 V2-sto fr, Ave., 1%-sto IV res. $900. - Joseph Par­ $2,000. Thomas Harris will erect a res­ $1,200.—George Setters, 1 is. b 4„ Nos­ ker, 441 Densmore Ave.. i-sto t'r cot, idence at 2338 Ellis St. A. Prentice ler's Home add. fr. $100—M C Mont­ gomery. 1 I) b ii. Highland Park, 1-sto $800.— AV. G. Garvey, 00:: 15th Ave.! will rebuild his residence at 1448 El­ 211 Cherry St. alter, $500.—Mrs. Anna Stenseth, 1717 fr, $800.—N B Humphrey, 1 21 b 21. lis St. Alaska Building Belmonl Ave.. 3-sto and base apart Building Permits: Pine drove Terrace, fr. $150.—Roy house, $13,500; W. P. White, archt W. M. Seeger, res. 129 Forest. $1,100. Porter. 1 1 b 1. Woodland add. 1-sto fr. P. Cunningham, 1319-23 9th Ave re­ —Thomas Haines, res, 2338 Ellis, $800. $2.700.—Henry Qirdes, 1 :',-1 b 13, Belle­ pair, $600.- -F. H. Evans, 1066 3rd —A. Prentice, res. 1 148 Ellis, $1.1 vue add. 1-St0 fr. $600.—E P O'Brien. X. \\\. alter, $100. \V. .). riark 72g 1 14 b :::!. Heath's Fifth add. 1-sto fr. S. A. Jensen, res, 1520 Iron. $5 T. F. DOAN Maynard Ave., alter. $12.".. T. H. Pich- Martin Johnson, res. 2511 Alabama. $2<'ii.— Francis Glomb. 1 9 b 11. Resur­ ette, 021 Madison, move, $100. J. H. $000. vey to Whiting's add. 1%-eto fr. $:-]00. Anderson. :!1 1 22nd Ave., finish $400. —J A Lynch, 1 7 b 43, First add to ARCHITECT —A. J. Tubb, 1807 Phinney Ave l-sto Spokane, stone foundation, $300.— BELLINGHAM. WASH. fr cot, ?1.loo. Spokane Building. Joseph Flanders. 1 7 b 13, West (trove. 23 Daylight Bids. Phone Blk. 2312 Addition: H. \Y. Bonner, owner of 2-sto fr. $500- Willis Prick, 111b 1. Firr and Sound Proof Plumbing Permits: the Watson house al 319 Main Ave.. Fry's add. 1-sto fr. $1,500.—C J Luken. Huilding* a Specialty A 10 McBrean 3639 Woodlawn ave building, making it three stories. The 1 1 1) 7. Moores' add, 1 'o-sto fr. $2 8 PACIFIC Building and Engineering RECORD WE CARRY THE GALBRAITH SOLE ACTS FOR LARGEST STOCK Standard Cement, OF LIME Condor Cement, San CEMENT AND Juan Lime, Roche Harbor BACON & Lime, Acme Cement PLASTER ON Plaster, Nephi Plaster, PUGET SOUND CO. Ideal Cement Plaster. SEE OUR PRICES SEATTLE WASH. T&C METAL LATH

—Gonzaga College, 1 28-29 b 92, Lid­ Edwin Clark, N 28th and Cedar, 2-sto ors of school district No. 24 will re­ gerwood Park, fr church, $5,000. dwell; $4,000.—Govnor Teats, B 32, ceive bids until July 30 for the con R. H. Havens, $300, 1%-sto fr, 1 13, Bakers add, N 13th, 1-sto dwell; $6,000. struction of an addition to the annex b 88, school section.—J. M. Partner, —L G Larson, 2:]2:J So K, add; $150. of the Jefferson school building. LISTS $150, barn, 1 7 and 8, b 9, Whiting's —S Zelinsky, N 28th and Starr, iy2-sto Fairfield, Store: Dixon & Henshaw, Add—Rock Springs Coal Co., $200, add; $1,300.—Union Club, 539-41 So C, <)f Diamond will erect a store building fr, tract A, Jenkins' Add.—L. Nichols, 3-sto add; $10,000.—Mrs F Foster, 3823 i i this place. $300,' 1-sto fr, 1 6, b 6, Northeast Add. So L, alter; $1,000.—J Stevenson, So to Ross Park.—J. M. Sapp, $2,200, 1-sto 14th and N, 1%-sto dwell; $1,200.—C Fairfield, Store: Adams & Co. are FURNISHED fr, 1 4, b 5, Morris Add.—C. D. Stevens, A Bakes, agt, 1207 So G; $500.—W C reported as making plans for the erec­ $100, fr, 1 7, b 16, Nettleton's lst Add.— McAtee, L 28, B 18, Hunts Pr add, tion of a two-story concrete building. OF ALL H. H. Flint, $2,000, 1-sto fr, 1 10, b 6, Union Ave, rep; $200.—Jno W Conley, John Service is figuring on a one-story TRADES ^^^^ cement building to be 30x70 ft. Richland Park.—Frank Pierce, $600, E 34th and F, iy2-sto dwell; $1,500.— PROFESSIONS 1^-sto fr, 1 3, b 7, school section.—A. P C Creso, So 18th and G, 2-sto dwell; Friday Harbor, Residence: F. II. B. Hofterson, $2,000, 1-sto fr, 1 7, b 5, $1,800.—Saml Glenn, N 29th and Proc­ Culver is erecting a residence. or BUSINESS Pine Grove Terrace.—S. J. Evans, tor, same; $3,000. Georgetown, Store: Mrs. Julius Mor­ $1,775, 2-sto fr, 1 5, b 40, Heath's 5th Mark M. Meloni, rep, oziS S. Prospect, ton will erect a two-story building Add.—J. J. Dyer, $600, add, 1 20, b 33, $250.—Mrs. W. A. Moon, 1-sto, res, N. fronting on Horton street, Rainier ave­ Bookkeepers 800 Heath's 5th Add.—E. C. Thomas, $2,- nue and Bateman street. Bricklayers 200 000, 1%-sto fr, 1 25, b 9, Corbin Park — 7th and Lawrence, $1,500; A. F. Ross. —Gus Swanson, alter, 820 Sprague Harrington, Barn: Abe Shaw, of L. L. Cathcart, $4,000, 1%-sto fr, 1 16, Bluestem, is arranging to erect a barn Blacksmiths : 300 b 3, The Hill.—R. T. Daniel, $4,500, Ave., $350; Hulton— F. A. Keasal, Carpenters 3,250 alter, 1004 North O, $2,500; Herbert. on his ranch to be built by J. R. Bur­ 1-sto br, 1 3, b 9, Resurvey and Add. to rill & Co. Engineers 900 Spokane.—A. L. Lindquist, $4,500,1%- Harrington, Store: John Umbo- Electricians and Linemen 600 sto fr, 1 12, 13 and 14, b 10, Booge's Walla Walla Building. worst, of Bluestem, is erecting a one- Firemen 700 Add.—Falls City Pickle Works, $25,- Church: The Methodists are plan­ story stone building. 000, 3-sto br, 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, b 1, Managers 850 ning to erect a modern stone church Hoquiam, Residence: G. Gillette will lst Add to 4th Railroad Add.—H. W. build a cottage on Simpson Ave. Machinists 650 Bonne, $5,000, br add, 1 1, b 17, Resur­ at the corner of 2nd and Birch Sts., to cost about $50,000. Hoquiam, Hotel: G. W. Lamping is Presidents of Corporations 600 vey and Add to Spokane. extending the one-story annex and add­ ing two more stories to the New York Plumbers 30(3 Washington Building Notes. Painters 600 Tacoma Building. hotel. Aberdeen, Store: John O'Hare and Hoquiam, Residence: A. T. Peter­ Plasterers and Lathers 250 Apartments: Architect Heath has Ed Dolan have begun the erection of a son will erect a residence on Hie east Salesmen 1,000 prepared plans for the J. H. Waddell side. Dr. Horace Campbell will erect two-story brick and stone building on Secretaries of Corporations 500 apartment house to be erected on St. F St. The O'Hare building will be a modern residence at once. Helens avenue, to be 100x120 feet three 30x50 ft. and the Dolan structure 20x Hoquiam, Residence: Eld Purdy has Treasurers, of Corporations 250 stories high. 70. begun the erection of a two-story dwel Traveling Agents 500 Club: George L. Frier has the con­ Aberdeen, Residences: Frank Cline ling on the corner of Pacific ave. and tract for the addition and alterations and Mr. Damico are building resi­ 24th st. to the Union Club to cost $10,000. Rus­ dences in Portland add. Kent, Residence: Luther Corson sell & Babcock, architects. Blaine, Residence: Judge R. W. Rid­ is erecting a residence on the east R. L POUT & CO. Offices: C. T. Smith of Seattle is ings will build a $2,000 residence at side. (ilobe Bldg:. SEATTLE planning to erect a five-story building corner of Harrison and Aldrich. Leavenworth, Residence: Mr. Marble on Commerce between llth and 13th. Butler, School: Bids will be received is erecting a residence in Garden ad­ Building Permits: until Aug. 2 by the clerk of school dis­ dition. J. R. Ramsey is alio erecting Residences: Edwin Clark will erect trict No. 2, Skamania county, for the a residence. a two story residence at N 29th and construction of a school house 24x26 ft. Maple Falls, School: The new addi­ PUGET SOUND Cedar streets to cost $4,000. A. G. Chehalis, Residence: Dr. B. G. God­ tion to the school house is being built Michie is planning the erection of a frey will erect a residence at once. by D. P. Castor and I. B. Carman. modern cottage on N 16th street; con­ Chehalis, School: Work has begun Medical Lake, Store: Korte Bros. NATIONAL BANK tract has been awarded to Eldred & on extensive repairs of the Chehalis will erect a double store. —OF SEATTLE: Co. Govnor Teats will erect a resi­ high school building. The improve­ • Montesano, Residence: Chris Olson dence at N 12th and Alder streets to ments will cost about $2,000. has the contract to erect a residence cost $6,500. Samuel Glenn will erect a Chesaw, School: A new school house for W. D. Crow on the corner of Sec­ Capital - - - • I 300,000 two-story residence at N 29th and Proc­ is being creeled at Chesaw. ond and Pioneer Sts. Surplus. Undivided Profits, 150,000 ter to cost $3,000; plans by H. A. Cros­ Clarkston, Library: Meyers & Mt. Vernon, Brick Block: N. J. Moi­ Deposits 3,000.00 by. Thompson have been awarded the con­ st ad and Jno. Neighbarger are erect­ A General Banking Business Trans­ Residences: Russell & Babcock have tract for the erection of the free pub­ ing a two-story building 75x80 feet at acted just completed plans for the $12,000 lic library building, to be 20x30 ft. First and Pine streets to cost about residence to be erected at N. 9th and Clarkston, Residence: W. A. Hall, $12,000. I streets, for F. L. Hale. The house of Grangeville, will soon commence the Newport, Hotel: John Bettancour! DRAFTS SOLD PAYABLE IN ALASKA will be built by G. L. Frear. G. W. erection of a cement block house. has iidvertised for bids for the erection AND ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Bullard has completed plans for a new Conconully, Hall: The Conconully of a 16-room hotel on his ranch near house for Shipping Commissioner Hall Association, capitalized at $4,000, the Canyon. Knox, to be erected at N. 29th and Pine will erect a large hall at once. North Yakima, Residence: Arthur The Kelvinbank, a British steamer, streets. The house will cost about Davenport, Residence: J. L Tripp is Davis is erecting a cottage on Tacoma $4,000. The contract for the new home building a seven-room house on Spring Ave. arrived at Portland last week with of W. C. Albee, to be erected after de­ St., to cost $2,000. North Yakima, Store: W. W. De- 35,000 barrels of cement for Balfour, signs by Rolin S. Tuttle, at N. 34th and Dayton, Store: Will Hubbard has Yeaux is preparing plans for a two- Guthrie & Co. Washington streets, has been let to commenced the erection of a brick storry brick building to be erected Paul V. Tuttle. The house will be of building adjoining the Chronicle of­ south of the First National Bank build­ Spanish Colonial design, two stories fice. ing. high, and will contain seven rooms; Edwall, Residence: A. P. McConnell Oakville, Store: D. W. Bagshaw, of estimated cost $3,200. S. J. Maxwell will erect a residence at once. Chehalis, is erecting a store building is planning the erection of an eight- Edmonds, Residences: Wm. Part­ at this place. room house at N. I and Steele streets. ridge and A. M. Yost will each erect Olympia, School: Contracts will be The plans have been drawn by Fred­ cottages in North Edmonds. signed up and work begun at once on Starr-Boyd Block. Send for Booklet. erick Heath. It will cost about $3,600. Ellensburg, Residence: T. P. Hard- the new Olympia high school build­ Architect Frederick Heath has charge wick has purchased property and will ing, according to the plans of Archi­ GENERAL—FIRE —PROOFING of the remodeling of the F. S. Harmon erect a residence. tect Stephen, of Seattle, for a perman­ PARTITIONS /•'"oVu PROTECTION residence on the corner of North I lU Elma, Building: The Aberdeen Brew­ ent stone structure costing, when cone COI l MM AND t' % STEEL FURRING and Sixth streets, to cost $4,500. pleted. in the neighborhood of $35,000. JOHN MSfiUIGAN GCO. Building Permits: ing Co. is erecting a new building for i he Elma Bar. Olympia, Residences: .losepb Els- 794 Elizabeth St. S. F. - Tel. Main 3594 ^^^^^^^rv home on SIDEWALK AND VAULT LIGHTS PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD

West. Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. R. $1,900, and a two-story frame dwelling ders were M. Barr, $1,317, and Bernar- G. Shore are building a two-story cot­ for Mrs. J. G. Smith on Savier, near di & Dunsed, $1,290. Dcasy* Combination Gag tage on Eighteenth street, west of 23rd, price $1,900; also a residence for Main. Mrs. A. B. Coulter on Wasco, near Building Notes. and Range Water Boiler 25th, price $2,000; and a two-story Orting: Air. O'Brien is building a frame residence for E. AV. Amesbury Boise, Residence: J. E. Clinton, Jr., new residence on Calistoga avenue. on Schuyler, near East 22nd, that will will erect a residence on Warm Palouse, Warehouse: The Potlatch cost about $2,000. Springs avenue. Lbr. Co. will erect a grain warehouse Residence: Edmund Boyce will Coeur d'Alene, Residence: J. S. at The Cove. erect a $25,000 residence on St. Clair Robinson will erect a six-room mod­ Port Angeles, Hotel: C. W. Thomp­ street near Park avenue. ern cottage ac corner of Fifth street son has had plans prepared for a three- and Montana avenue. story stone hotel to be erected at the Council, Residence: Contractor Cor- corner of Laurel and Front Sts. Building Permits: imple Miss Goodman, three 2-sto fr dwell, sitt is building a 9-room cottage for Puyallup, Remodel: Rev. A. H. J. F. Lowe. afe Hause is remodeling four houses at. Lucretia St, near AVashington (Ras­ S mussen A; Lewthwaite); $2,000 each. Council, School: Harlow Cossett Meeka Junction at a cost of $3,000. has the contract to erect a new school conomical Quincy, Store: 10. W. Smith is erect­ —E M Rasmussen, 2-sto fr dwell, E 28th. cor E Morrison (same) ;$2,000.— house on Hornett creek. ing a brick store building. M. F. Coch­ Idaho Falls, Exchange: The R. M. Efficlent ran is erecting a brick residence. Willamette Iron & Steel Works, ex­ cavate, Front, cor Hull; $2,000.—W B B. Telephone Co. is erecting a two- Quincy, Residence: M. F. Cochran story building 25x50 feet. Constructed will erect a $2,500 residence at once. Woolfolk, 1-sto fr dwell, 10th cor Clif­ ton (Gordon & Daue); $1,700.—Oscar Idaho Falls, Addition: The Stude- and so arrang­ Sedro Woolley, Addition: Scott & baker Co. will put up a new brick ad­ McLaughlin are erecting a brick addi­ Anderson. 2-sto fr dwell, E Alder, near ed that it is im­ E 35th (Gordon & Daue);$1,950.—Chas dition to their building 50x200 feet. tion to the rear of their store. H Kinney, 2-sto fr dwell, E Salmon, Idaho Falls, Residences: R. H. Huf- possible to get Sedro Woolley, Store: J. J. See, of near 24th (same); $1,950.—E Laurison, faker and Peter Nelson are erecting out of order. Anacortes, has the contract for the 1-sto fr dwell, Howard, near Base Line cottages on Willow creek. erection of Horace Condy's new brick Superior to any Road; $1,500.—Ben Peterson, l^-sto Moscow, Agricultural Building: Col- independen t building. fr dwell, Corbett St; $1,000.—Bethany son & Son, of Spokane, were awarded Sedro Woolley, Heating: Hugh F. Baptist Church, 2-sto fr church, Ta­ the contract for the construction of the heater on the Phelps was awarded (lie contract for coma, cor E llth (W A Sanders) ; $4,- Agricultural building to be 44x155 feet market. Sizes: installing a hot water system in (he 000.—J A Kline, 1-sto fr dwell, E 8th, three stories high for about $40,000. 18-30-40 gallons poor house for $2,546. cor Brooklyn; $1,000.—Russell & A. L. Vroman & Son, Moscow, were A t r ial con- Sunnyside, Bank: The contract for Blyth, 2-sto fr dwell, Franklin St (J awarded the contract for plumbing the new Sunnyside Bank block was Turnbull); $3,500.—Mrs S Hirsch, 2- and heating plant for $5,163. rinces awarded to Contractor O. Hibarger. sto fr dwell, N 21st, near Everett Jansville, Hotel: Hugh Boville will The building will be of brick, two (same); $5000.—Dr Labbe, 2-sto fr erect a hotel at once. stories, 55x125. dwell, 20th, cor Laurel (I E Ziegler); Mullan, Hall: B. F. Tolbert was Sumas, Residence: James McGuire $2,700.—Loewenstm Bros, rep store, lst awarded the contract for the erection is erecting a residence south of town. aear Yamhill (Wm Vaetz); $1,450.— of the new city hall at $2,500. Toppenish, Store: R. G. Newman is P C Biscuit Co, 4-sto br factory, Gth, Nampa, Store: H. J. AVilterding will erecting a new store building. near Flanders (W B Steele); $1,600 erect a store building on Front street. Tulips, School: The directors ol Mrs E B Carson, 2-sto fr dwell, Tag- Orofino, Hotel: Louis Jahnke will All Plumbers school district No. 4G will receive bids gart, near E 39th (A J Collins); $1,450. erect a two story hotel at once. Sell Them until July 30 for the erection of a —J W Goerz, 1-sto fr dwell, Portland Post Falls, Store: T. J. Russell is school house. Boulevard, near Haven (W J Wolfe); about to erect a business block on the Valleyford, Store: H. I'. Hutchinson $820.—M N Nolan, 2-sto fr dwell, AVeid- corner of Spokane and Fourth streets. and C. H. Schoenberger will erect a ler near Williams Ave (C L Loh- Twin Falls, Store: J. W. Davis will one-story frame store building. kamp); $2,200.—Paul Brinkman, iy2- erect a two-story brick 50x125 feet at WILL A. CURLESS COMPANY Vancouver, Barn: J. B. Smith is sto fr dwell, E 7th, near Bowman (J corner of Main street and Shoshone Distributors - Washington erecting a livery barn on Washington H Dakin) ; $1,700.—East Side Realty avenue. 316-317 2D AVE. S. SEATTLE avenue. Co, 2-sto fr store, Russell, cor Albina • MAIN 573 IND. OOO Vancouver, Store: The Vancouver Ave (J H Palmer) ; $4,000.—E Brew- Weiser, Residence: E. H. Galey is Grocery Co. will erect a brick store si er. 1-sto fr dwell, Umatilla Ave, near erecting a residence on E. Main street. building 40x100 feet at the corner of E 17th (E D Roland); $700. Wallace, Residence: Angus Suther­ Main and Seventh street. land will soon begin the erection of a Wapato, Chapel: The members of residence. He also contemplates the (he Christian church have commenced Oregon Building Notes. erection of a three-story brick or con­ the erection of a chapel. crete block on the site of his livery Youngstown, School: The school Albany, College: The board of re­ barn. Art in Glass board is preparing to spend $5,000 in gents of the Oregon Agricultural Col­ enlarging the present school building. lege awarded the contract for the new Montana Building Notes. women's building to H. Snook for $69,- Butte, Flat: Thomas F. Stevens will 000. Portland Building. erect a modern flat on West Mercury POVEY BROS. Corvallis, Store: The Taylor heirs street near Alabama, to cost $6,000. Store: Gee Wo has let the contract will erect a two-story building 23x100 Butte, Residence: Mrs. M. M. Stahl ; GLASS CO. : for $13,000 for erection of a two-story ft, on Alain St. will erect a $3,000 residence at 800 brick building on the corner of Jersey Eugene, Remodel: J. D. Matlock will Maryland avenue. PORTLAND. - OREGON and Chicago streets, to a Portland remodel the store building at the cor­ Butte Hotel: All arrangements are firm. The building will be 50x100 feet. ner of Sth and Willamette Sts. completed for the rebuilding of the Plumbing: Sealed bids will be re­ Eugene, Residences: Will White is Southern hotel and Butte Annex build- ceived at the office of the school clerk HIGH GRADE MIRRORS . building a cottage at Sixth and Blair in&rs up to July 31, for plumbing and drain­ streets. J. E. Roach is building a cot­ age, etc., for the East Portland High Choteau, Wiring: The Great Falls tage on East 13th street. W. M. Pres­ Electric Light & Power Co. has the School building. ton will soon let the contract for a Residence: E. M. Lazarus bas pre­ contract for the electric fixtures and $4,500 residence at the corner of East wiring for the court house. Lease & pared plans for a $40,000 residence for Fifth and Pearl streets. NATIONAL MIRROR CO. Mrs. Sol Hirsch, to be erected on Richards. Great Falls, general contrs. AVashington street near St. Clair. Eugene, Residence: M. T. Griggs Kalispell, Residence: Thos. D. Long MANUFACTURERS OF Church: Architect Sanders has pre­ awarded the contract to Arch Terrill will erect a $3,500 residence on Third MIRRORS for the erection of a two-story resi­ pared plans for the Sellwood Baptist avenue. OF ALL KINDS church to be erected at Tacoma ave­ dence on the corner of llth and Peart Missoula, Residence: J. AV. Shryock streets to cost $5,000. MAIN 1348 24-12 FIRST AVE. nue and E. Eleventh street, to cost is erecting a stone residence in Low s OLD MIRRORS RE - SILVER CO $5,000. Rev. G. A. Learn, pastor. McMinnville, School: The Catho­ addition to cost $4,500. J. L. Chevigny Offices: The Corbett estate will lics are erecting a four-room frame has the contract to erect a double erect a 10-story office building at the school building. brick residence for S. R. and J. H. southeast corner of Fifth and Mor­ Pendleton, Brick Block: Mrs. Nor­ Inch R M. Cobban is building four Main 11-PlOHH- Ind- 1» rison streets. ma Berkley and Mrs. Despain are plan­ brick houses at the north end of Chest­ Residences: H. L. Camp & Co. have ning to erect a two-story brick build­ nut street. B0NNEY-WATS0N CO. ing on Main street. commenced work on the following resi­ Missoula, Lodge: The Masonic Saccular tl •(•*•? * Stiwar- dences: A one ami a half story frame Roseburg, Residence: J. B. Riddle Lodge will erect a temple on E. Ce­ dwelling for Mrs. Abbie E. Cowing, to will erect a residence at once. dar street to be 80x138 feet, three Funeral Directors and Embalmers Salem, School: M. J. Petzel was the LACY A»»l«TAVr be built on East Madison near 19th, stories high. J. Kennedy, arch. Third and Columbia .— _ StATT price $::.2O0; also a residence for W. lowest bidder on the Lincoln school Missoula, Hotel: Architect J. H. T. Joplin on Clackamas, near 23rd, at septic tank, being $1,144. Other bid- Kennedy is preparing plans for a hotel (STEAM AND ELECTRIC) MORE THAN

LIDGERWOOD HOISTING ENGINES 26,000 IN USE96 LIBERTY ST FOR CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ALASKA BLDG. NEW YORK SEATTLE. WN. SPECIAL DEVICES FOR HANDLING SAND AND GRAVEL LIDGERWOOD MFG. GO. " IO PACIFIC Building' and Engineering' RECORD io be erected ;ii Thompson Kails by B. Ions gross burden. ]>. .J. Worlieh, IT. county, July 28 to make repairs of and timber lands in the vicinity of Donlan. The plans call for ;i brick S. N., inspector. bridge across the Spokane river near Hamilton, have been sold to the Ham­ building, two Btories high, 92x48 feet, Seattle: Sealed proposals for dredg­ Coeur d'Alene according to plans to ilton Coal & Development Co., incor­ to contain 10 room . ing (frays Harbor, Wash., will be re­ be furnished by the county surveyor. porated with capital of $58,000. Com­ Stevensville, Store: Henry Buck is ceived until August 17. II. M. Chitten­ Goldendale: Sealed bids will be re­ pany is composed of J. H. Smith, J. H. creeling a brick store building. den, Ma.j., Eng ceived up to August. 10 by the county Slipper and T. Conboy, of Hamilton; Townsend, School: Jasper Burch B. G. English, of Mt. Vernon, and P. Seattle: As a result of the confer­ audi!or of Klickitat county, for trestle received I he contract tor Ihe addi­ bridge across Grapevine Twist Can­ McCoy, of Edison. tion Io Ihe high school at $2,500. ence between Superi 111endenI Kimball and Child' McLellan, of the life saving yon on the White Salmon and Glen- Coeur d'Alene, Gas Plant: Frank service, and George 11. Emerson and wood road. The other a 125 foot fill Price has aplied to council for a 50- Vancouver B. C. C. II. Mclntyre, it was decided to with graveled surface at the same year franchise for the erection of a recommend to congress Ihe immedi­ point. Tho fill will contain 1536 cubic gas plant. Club: Dan Marl in was the success­ yards of material. ful tendered for the building of the ate construction of three more light­ Cottage Grove, O., Ice Plant: J. H. new clubhouse for i he North Vancou houses bel ween Grays I tarbor ami the Lewiston, I.: McCleary & Willard, Bartel will install a 15-ton compressor ver Rowing Club, Work is to coin- st rails. of Spokane, have been awarded the and also erect a large cold storage mence at once. Seattle: The government has deter­ contract for the construction of a vault. Bank: The contracl for Hie new mined to sell ihe lighthouse tender steel bridge 700 ft. in length across Dufur, O., Creamery: Articles of in­ Canadian Bank of Commerce at. the Manzanlta, which is now at ihe buoy Ihe Clearwater river by the O. AV. & I. corporation of the Durfur Co-operative corner of Granville and Hastings depot on the Columbia river. Bids for li. R, for $90,000. Creamery Co., were filed by C. C. her purchase will be opened Aug. 20. Lynden, W.: Contract for lowering Woodford, C. P. Balch, W. H. McHaley, is has been lei m I he Canadian P. Limmeroth and Adolph Struble; White Co., of Montreal, represented Seattle, Repairs: The officers com­ Ihe Lynden bridge has been awarded posing ihe board have been Instructed Io the Puget. Sound Bridge & Dredg­ capital stock, $5,000. by W. II. . Murray. Darling A. Pierson Elma, Factory: Taylor & Stewart of Of Toronto, arch. to place ihe Granl in drydock and ing Co., at $3,950. make a thorough Inspection of the North Yakima: Bids for the con- Oakville shipped five large cottonwood Hospital: (Irani & Henderson, ar­ blocks to Chico, Cal., to the Carman chitects, awarded the general contracl hull and steam machinery ami de­ si rucl ion of I wo bridges have been termine what il will COS1 to put tin; called for by the county commission­ Manufacturing Co. to see whether or Io McDonald A Wilson for the "n'c not the wood is suitable for paper lion of lour hospital buildings Io cost vessel in first-class condition, ll is ers. One to be built across the Naches understood i hat the government is river. II will be I wo 100 foot combina­ making. If it proves suitable the in­ $32,000. The steam healing will be dustry will be developed here. done by Leek A Co. and Hie plumbing planning on spending between $15,000 tion spans in length. The other will by Weeks A Son. and $20,000 on the (Irani if Ihe hull, be built at the mouth of the Nile. Eugene, O., Laundry: Brick work engines ami boilers are in condition Pids will bo opened August 11. has commenced on the Hodes laundry Building Permits: to warrant it. Palouse: Council approved the plans on W. 8th st. ...I <; Ranch, Barnard St, two dwell; Vancouver, Barracks: Sealed pro of Ihe Spokane A Inland for the bridge Farmington, W., Creamery: An 800 $2,150. w ll Rogers, Howe St, dwell; posals will be received until II a. in., across Williams St. cow creamery is to be put in at this $1,500. w K Hunting Lumber Co, August 20. for the construction of a Pilot Rock, O.: Howard & Swin­ place by the Hastings industrial com­ mill add; $3,000. I. B Bend, Kir St, wharf al Fori Llscum, Alaska. Chief gle, Pendleton arch., have prepared pany of Chicago. dwell; $liio; c Leonard, Hastings Si, plans for I wo bridges to be built at Freewater, O., Mill Sold: The Eagle Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks. this place. and Peacock mills at this place have br add; $600. A J Crowe, Comox St, Washington, D. C: Proposals will be been sold to AV. W. Raymond, of Wal­ dwell; $1,800. G H Crane, Firsl Ave, received at the bureau of supplies and Regina, Sask.: Btds will be received until Aug. :! by P. J. Robinson for fur­ la Walla. dwell; $1,800. Star Laundry Co, Lid, accounts. Navy Department, until Georgetown, Addition: The Inde­ Richarda Si ; $2,000. John McLeod, nishing material and constructing 8 August, 7 to furnish al Ihe navy yards, concrete piers and 2 abuttments for pendent. Brewing Co. is erecting a two- ..Hi Ave, n- dwell; $800. K Takahasl, Mare Island, Cal., and Pugel Sound, story brick addition to their plant for oxford St, dwell ; $ 150. Air Harrison, the traffic bridge over Saskatchewan Wash., supplies as follows: Schedule river at Battleford. use as a cold storage and filling de­ Howe SI, dwell; $1,600. P.urlon Pros, ::7 Motors, grinders. Schedule 38— partment. Forty Standard tanks will ith Ave, fr dwell; $1,000.- J McCona Salem, O.: The city council award­ Steel rope, refrigerators, nuts, spike:-, ed io the General Construction Co., of be installed when the building is com­ ghy, 6th Ave. three fr dwell; $1,000 oil burners, Oregon pine lumber and pleted. each. W S Smith, Comox St, lr dwell; Portland, a contract for the building of knees, bar sleek Schedule '•','•>—Oil-a reinforced concrete bridge across Hartline, W., Mill: Sealed proposals $2,600. J Bennett, 7th Ave, dwell; burning plant, copper pipe. Schedule $l.r.oo. Mrs G Ruffer, Lome si, fr Mill creek on Commercial street for will be received by the Hartline Mill 40—Paint brushes, corn brooms, nails, $5,000. & Elevator Co. until Aug 1 for con­ dwell; $1,600. w Duthie, Westminster bar iron, slab zinc, solder, galvanized structing a flouring mill. Ave, fr dwell; '* 1.000. Sandpoint, I: The county bridge sheet steel, brass pipe, iron pipe; bras:; across Lucas creek has collapsed. Hatton, W., Elevator: E. A. Oliver of and iron pipe linings, valves, pencils, Commissioners will erect a new Spokane has the contract to erect a I Stilish Columbia building. evaporated cream, tea, canned salmon, bridge. grain elevator here, to be 32x36 ft., Armstrong, Brick Block: The old raisins. II. T. 15. Harris, paym. gen.,' with a capacity of 38,000 bushels. EL S. N. Seattle: C. V. Holton has asked the buildings on Ihe Amos Hill lots are city council to take immediate steps to Havre, M., Cement Plant: It is re­ being lorn down to make room for Ihe Washington, D. C: The secretary construct a bridge across Smith cove ported that the government is plan­ new Wolfenden brick block. of war has approved the allotment of waterway at Alva st. ning to erect a large cement plant in Nelson, Hotel: Arrangements are funds for the const ruci ion of quarters this vicinity. for civilian employes al Fort Lawton Spokane Bridge: The wagon bridge • made through P. Starkey to erect across the Spokane river at this point Havre, M., Brewery: The Havre and a root cellar al fori Flagler. Ad­ Brewing Co.'s plant was burned; loss a tourist hotel. ditional land will be bought, at. Port was condemned and closed to traffic Victoria, School: 'renders are be­ by an inspector. $30,000. Plant will be rebuilt at once. Wright from a special appropriation of Hoquiam, Factory: The National ing called for le I he | no v i ncia 1 lands $8,000. Twisp, W.: Bids will be received by and works department for the eon- the county commissioners until August Lumber & Box Co. is trying to pro­ Washington, D. C: The acting cure a site on which to establish a Cl ion of I hree new schools; A | . retary of the Interior approved the pur­ I:; for the building of a bridge on room BChoolhouse al Chiliwack and state road No. 10; also on state road factory. chase of Ihe Sunnyside Irrigation canal Kennewick, Elevator: Wood, Coch­ • room school building at West bank and authorized the payment of $250,000 Xo. 12. Walla Walla: County Surveyor L. ran & Co. have decided to erect a grain '"•ar Okanagan Lake ami Canoe Creek, Ihe Washington Irrigation Co. for the elevator 60x100 feet. Bids will be re­ same. W. I.eoh.r is working on a cross sec­ Salmon Arm. tion of the Walla Walla river at Three ceived for the construction of the Victoria, Brick Block: A Iwo-slory Washington, D. C: The secretary of building. the interior has rejected ihe bid: re Mile bridge above Wallula, prepara­ brick and stone building will be en ct tory (o the erection of a substantial Lo Lo, M., Cold Storage: C. M. Al­ ed on Fori streel by Dr. o. M. Jones. cently received for ihe construction steel structure. len is erecting a cold storage 36x80 Plans by s. McClure. of Ihe Cold Springs dam, Umatilla Ir­ feet, two stories high. rigation project, Oregon, and has di­ Walla Walla: Eberhart & Co. of this Government Works. city have been awarded the contract Olympia, Factory: The National rected thai the work be re-advertised. for pulling in two steel bridges across Billings, M.: Sealed proposals will Washington, D. C: Plans for the the Wildhorse near Athena, Ore. he received al Ihe ollice of the en i drydock in i he world, Weston, O.: The council reconsid­ W. H MIDDLETON D. M. MCCARTNEY gineer, r. S, Reclamation Service, Bill to be bulll at I it Sound Navy ered ils plan to rebuild the Main St. until August •;::, for the construc- Yard, are being prepared in I he bureau bridge wilh concrete and will use pil­ of yank and dock;; at lb'' navy de I ion of Bl rucl me on | n vi;ion I , < ;ar ing instead. McCartney & Middleton laud ('anal, Bhishone Project, Wyo. in pari menl, volvlng is,oiio cubic yai ading, l ,800 cubic j aid,, of concrete, t be plac­ Bridges. Industrial Notes. TAILORS ing of L27.000 pounds of Bteel rein Albany, O.: The Blevins bridge near Aberdeen, Machine Works: Over forcing bar:; and ol her worl. Tangent la being rebuilt; also the $25,000 has been subscribed by busi­ Butte: Secretary iEltchcock has an Linn COUnty approach of the Jefferson ness men of the City and Hoquiam for Architects & Builders of Clothes thorized the en of the reclama bridge acre::;; I he port ll fork of lll<' the removal of a machine plant from i jon service In Montana to Burvey and Santiam to be 350 ft. in length. Montague, Mich., to this city. A H ANDERSON, CUTTER Subdivide the land:; iii the fori Shaw Bellings, M.: Bids have been called Albany, O., Woolen Mill: The first i'or by Ihe county commissioners for carload of machinery has arrived for abandoned military reservation. TEL. MAIN 1376 Jeffersonville, Ind: Proposals for Q. I he new county bridge aCTOI s t he Yel­ the Stayton woolen mill and six oth­ \i supplies will be recelved here until lowstone near lluiilley. The new ers are due. It is expected to have the 519 Third Avenue, SEATTLE \II;.II,;I io, L906, for stationery, office bridge will be 580 feel lone, and will mill running (his fall. furniture, paints, wagons, harness, be of Steel. Bids have been called for Bellingham, Factory: Two million hardware, leal her and I ineou i Augusl 25. salmon tins will be taken from the supplies required for Manila. P. I. j. Chehalis: Bids will be received by plant of the American Can Co. in south H. B. PERINE

Wood Pipe Co. has purchased six as the Washington Farmers' Grain & Perce Co-operative Telephone Co. is wires from Fern Hill lor American blocks between Eighth and Union and Milling Co. The trustees are D. A. making connections with a farmers' Lake line. will at once erect a new plant on the Beal, T. J. Groves, J. K. Albin and A. line ot 10 phonos east of town. The Condor Water site. P. Kiser and C. E. Packard. North Yakima, Telephone: A com- i<' ToloPowe, rO. ,Co Powe. is rcontemplatin g extend­ Palouse, Factory: The Palouse Pot­ pany was organized in I lie School See ing iis transmission line down the val­ tery Mfg. Co. has just installed ma­ Electrical Notes. tion neighborhood lo Install a tele ley iis tar ;is Eugene. chinery for the manufacture of fire phone svstem. A. Chandler, pros.; Vancouver, Wash., Telephone: A brick, sewer pipe, drain tile and roof­ Aberdeen, Railway: The Grays Har­ George Grist, sec., and Spencer Jacobs, 25-year franchise was granted the ing tile. bor Electric Co. is making some ex­ i reas. Conl. River Co-operative Telephone Co. tensive additions to its barns and of Vancouver, B. C: The British Co­ Portland, Factory: The American fices at the corner of Market and E Olympia, Railway: Actual location Chicle Co. will establish a factory here of the lino of Ihe Crays llarbor-Olyni lumbia Tel. Co. is Installing a new line Sts. The houses for car storage will between New Westminster and Lad employing 150 hands. S. C. Britton, he made double their present capacity. pla-Seattle electric line have been agent. made from ihe Harbor to Rochester, ner. Anacortes, Telephone: The Farm­ West Seattle, Franchise: The Seal Raeco, W., Factory: The Raeco ers Telephone Co. was granted a 50- and preliminary surveys are now be­ ing made in ihe vicinity of Little Rock. tie Electric Co. was granted a fran­ Products Co. expects to close contracts year franchise by the city council. chise for iin electric railway along within the next 90 days for its wharf Ashland, O., Telephone: Residents of Olympia, Exchange: Contracl for Caiiforni streei and Railroad avenue. and factory here. the country above the State Normal (he erection of the new telephone con Rainier, O., Foundry: Negotiations will build a private telephone lin. in li'iil building on Fifth street near have been completed for the establish­ their neighborhood and will connect Franklin has been lei by Robert Fires. ment of a machine shop and foundry with the Ashland exchange. Doragh to the Olympia Manufacturing Edwall: The residence of A. P. by C. S. Prescott, W. D. Sommerville Asotin, Telephone: The Farmers' & Building Co. McConnell was desl roved |>v lire; loss and C. A. Cheshire. Telephone Co., of Cloverdale. recently Ontario, O., Light: The city coun Regina, Sask., Brewery: .los. Hoe- cil has granted a 10-year franchise lo $1,200. organized, has consolidated with the Moab, W.: Fire wiped oul the plan scher, of Melrose, Minn., is interested Cloverdale Telephone Co. ihe Idaho Light & Power Co. The in the erection of a brewery here. company will secure power from Pay- ing mill of the Newman Lake Lumber Ballard, Railway: The Seattle Elec­ Co.; los-; estimated at $18,000. Sand Point, I., Machine Shops: The tric Co. began their new extension river in Idaho, and will also sup­ Spokane & International Ry. will es­ from Fourth avenue out to Fighth ave­ ply the towns of Weiser. Payette and Hope, I.: Fire Started in Ihe Hope tablish machine shops and foundry at nue, thence to North street and the New Plymouth in Idaho. hotel and nearly wiped out the town, this place. Sound. The grading of Eighth ave­ - Palouse, Telephone: The Ickos Tel. destroyinA. YV. Cordong the. (!store. II. s Couleimonlof 10. B. Sissins, 10. A,. Seattle, Gas Main: The Seattle nue is about completed and the work Co. in Eden Valley will conned with MI,,,,, p. ;\i. Nickerson and .1. M. .lean Lighting Co. has begun work on East- of laying the track on) io Crawford the Pacific States system at this place. 0t, the Prescotl hotel and residences lake ave. laying its main, which is to st reet begins at once. Pomeroy, Telephone: . The new Kir of R. W. Wilkinson, C. S. Sherman, be a feeder for the telescope tanks on Baker City, O., Railway: W. L. Vin­ by telephone line has been completed Mrs. Lenilev, L. II. .loannot and the the south side of Lake Union. son proposes to build an electric road and put in operation. Glahe home; loss about $10,000. 1 Seattle, Steamer: Plans are now in from this place to the Snake river 75 Portland, Railway: Tin Portland Rossland, B. C: Fire did damage lo the hands of the Moran Company for miles east, to be known as the Eagle Railway Co. is building a double-track Ihe aniouni of about $30,000. The the construction of the largest steel Valley railway. line up Burnside streei from Fifth to losses include Hunter Bros, warehouse, lumber vessel on the Coast, which is Butte, Telephone: The Inter-Moun- n,e junction of Burnside with Wash- $12,000; F. C. Harrison, three-story to be built for the Northwestern tain Construction Co. has been Incor­ ingion ;ii Sixteenth. building, $8,000; Hen Lewis, furniture Steamship Company. The vessel will porated by T. I). Lane and others to Port Townsend, Power: 11. L. Tib in Harrison block: Dr. Stevenson, one- be of 4,000 tons burden and will be build telegraph and telephone lines; jr., county surveyor; C. \V. Walk story building, $l,5oo; T. R. Morrow. ;i steam schooner. capital $100,000. er and Williams have dispatched a drug Store, loss $5,000: Windsor ho Seattle, Steamer: Plans for the con­ Calgary, Can., Telephone: City coun­ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^of surveyors to Big Quilcen^ e riv- lei. owned bv A. .1. McMillan, loss on struction of a now passenger boat to cil has Instructed the engineer to pre­ er for the purpose of determining the building, $3,000; N. A. Burnett, loss take the place of the Flyer are being pare estimates for erecting and main­ feasibility of Installing a power plant on furniture and fixtures, $8,000; N. W. drawn. taining a municipal telephone plant. there. Newton, two-storj building, $150; Rob Seattle, Gas Plant: Work has com­ Castle Rock, W., Power: T. A. Heall Prince Albert, Sask., Railway: 10. C. ,.,-t p0X, residence. $300. menced on the gas plant which is to of Lewiston, 111., and C. C. Brown of le of New York and A. W. Tay- Vancouver, B. C: The business S6C- double the output of the Seattle Light­ this place have incorporated a com­ lor of Edmonton Alta., have applied tion of Arrowhead, at the head of ihe ing Company's plant. Building permits pany to build a water power plant on for ;i franchise to build and operate a Arrow Lakes, has been wiped out by to the amount of $265,000 were issued the Toutle river in ihe St. Helens dis­ streei railway' system. L. J. Agnew. are, pire started In Read •<• Young's for the new plant and gas holders on trict. mayor. general store, wiped out the bu North Lake avenue and on Burke ave­ Davenport, Telephone: The Colum­ Prince Albert, Sask., Light: The premises of F. Dumpy, ihe cigar .store nue The cost of the improvements bia High Line Tel. Co. has applied lo citj council has decided to move the of George Chapman, and the Union and will be three-quarters of a million dol­ county commrs. for a 50-year franchise electric llghl plant to the power house city hotels. [1 also gutted thi lars. to construct and operate a telephone at the Wilier works and improve the deuces of II. Stevens and Mrs. Kerr. Spokane, Factory: Elbert Hubbard, line on county roads in Lincoln county. plain ;n a cost of $35,000. The loss is placed at $50,000. of East Aurora, N. Y., is planning to Dillon, M., Telephone: The Southern Santa, I., Telephone: A move is be- Yelm: The residence ot Mrs. Anna establish a branch house for the manu­ Montana Tel. Co. will extend their lino ing made to Induce the Interstate Tele­ Coats waygfyBnyy %fr facture of Roycroft furniture. from this place to the Big Hole basin. phone Co. to exl end ii line from Fern Spokane, Enlarge Factory: The Everett, Substation: Contract for wood to Clarkla. SwauiR^l^y-Notie^r- Crescent Rotary Engine Co. will en­ erection of a portion of the substation Saskatoon, Sask., Light: Willis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ large its plant in the near future. for the Seattle-Tacoma Power Co. was Chapman, civil engr. of Toronto, has Athena, O.: Robert Hums states Tacoma, Gas Plant: J. P. Keane, of given to P. Samson, of this city, by plans for a municipal electric lighting the O. R. fi IV Will build B branch from Wallace, I., will shortly establish a the architects, Somervell & Cote, of plant, which will be Installed here. j. Pendleton to Pilot Rock and on to gas manufacturing plant here. Seattle. Clinskil is mayor. Dkiab a distance of 35 miles. Victoria, B. C., Steamer: The Dom­ Freewater, O., Railway: The Walla Seattle, Railway: The Senile lOloc- Edmonton, Alta.: The Grand Trunk inion government has awarded the Es­ Walla Traction Co. has commenced trie Co, was granted a franchise on Pacific proposes to build from Beaver quimau Marine Ry. Co. the contract to work on its electric line between Wal­ Spokane avenue. Lake to Battle river, a distance of 77 build a hydro-graphic steamer. la Walla and Freewater. Spokane, Railway: The Spokane- miles. Vancouver, B. C., Factory: The Great Falls, M., Telephone: The Pemi d'Oreile Rapid Transit Co. has Eugene: The Southern Pacific has British Columbia Powder Co., Ltd., has Montana Independent Tel. Co. has applied to county commissioners For a commenced construction work on the been organized to build a powder mill been granted a franchise for a local franchise from the city limits to the spur across the river. on the North Arm of Burrad Inlet. system. Idaho boundary. Medford, o.: The controlling inter James Ironside, president; capital, Kettle Falls, W., Power: Engineers Spokane, Power: D. T. liam of the est in the Medford & Crater Lake Kail $50,000. in the employ of J. P. Graves, of Spo Pend d'Oreille Revelopment Co, slates road was sold by Fee Bros., of Couder Vancouver, W., Gas Plant: Final ar­ kane, are at work at the Kettle Palls his c pany will expend $1,500,000 Sport, Pa., to Webber llros., of Michi rangements were made to commence making surveys preliminary to (level and develop SO,000 h. p. near fan, who have ;i I c i closed ;i deal for operation on the building of a gas opment of the water power there. line, I. ^^^^^^^^^^^ stock held by Medford people. plant for the city of Vancouver. W. Lewiston, I., Railway: The Le Tcoma, Railway: The county com Olympia: The Washington <<• Croat Hall, of Seattle, and J. A. Webber of ton & Southeastern Electric By. has inted ;i franchise to the Northern Railway Co filed with sec this city are prime movers in the en­ been financed and arrangements made Pacific Traction Co. for an electric retary of slate a resolution providing terprise. with the Lewlston-Waha Irrigation Co. line from Tacoma to American lake for the const rucl Ion of a line of rail Vancouver, W., Distillery: The Co­ to rush construction work. and Steilacoom. way in Perry county from Republic lo lumbia Denaturalized Alcohol Distil­ Livingston, M., Exchange: The Bell Tacoma, Telephone: The North Hell Gate, a distance oi 5G in ling Co. has been incorporated and will Tel. Co. will erect a two-story brick w estern i ong Distance Tel. < !o. has Palouse: Wren fi Greenough are erect a plant at once to cost $750,000. and stone building on Second St. been granted a franchise by the conn building an extension of the w i & Otis B. Wright, of Portland, is one of Mabton, Telephone: Council granted ty commrs. to operate a long distance M. Ry. from I his place Into I he while the incorporators. a franchise to the Christian Co-opera' telephone line through all sections of tive Tel. Co. of Sunnyside to build and pine bell of nor! hern Idaho, a distance Victoria, B. C, Wharf: The contract Pierce county. of 15 miles. for the construction of a wharf and operate a telephone system in this Tacoma, Railway: The Tacoma approach at Ladysmith, has been let town. Portland line of the Portland fi Seat- havPortlande been : HieArticled for sth eo f Mid-OregoIncorporation fin by the provincial works department to Meadows, I., Light: .1. E. Goodman tie railway Is being built as an ex Eastern Railway Company by David Mr. McDonald, Victoria. and B. A. Chrlsholm are Interested in tension of the Great Northern. All the Leppert, C H. Monroe and L. C, To Wallace, I., Machinery: Joseph Tur­ the construction of an electric plant district from Tacoma south Is to be bias, capital $13,000,000, to construct a ner will install the machinery for a ill Little Salmon Falls, 16 miles north. honeycombed by eloeli'ic branches and railway from Ibis city to some conven complete woodworking plant, at a cost Milton, O., Railway: Messrs. Andor railways of tin- Hill system. The lent pass and then to the bank ot the of $1,800. son & Lawson of the Walla Walla Val branch from Chehalis into the Big Bot Snake river, from which point lines Wenatchee, Mill: The erection of a ley Traction Co., together with a mini torn country is to be built at once and are to be constructed Into Idaho, Ne 400-barrel mill and the building of a ber of eastern capitalists, were in Mil­ the South Pend branch Is to be elec vada and California. Several branch number of large warehouses along the ton looking over the field with a view trifled. lines are lo be buill in Ibis state. line of the Great Northern and up the of making this city the terminus of Tacoma, Power: The Tacoma Ry. A Republic, W.: Patrick Bums was Columbia river is the plan by local their electric road from Walla Walla. Power Co. applied to county commrs. awarded the contract to construct the capital. The company is to be known Nez Perce, I., Telephone: The Nez for a franchise to run iis electric feed Qrsi 10 miles of grading for an 12 PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD

sion of the W. & G. Ry. down the San that the Day brothers are negotiating at Sedro-Wooley to D. J. Parker and inches of water and will cost over Poil valley. for the purchase of the property of Charles Sonners. $100,000. Spokane: The Colville & Columbia the Gold Run Mining Co. near Murray, Bellingham, Mill: D. Ferguson wil! Nome: O. W. Ring is constructing River Transportation Co. has decided owned by John Dokter, Frank Frohling soon begin the erection of a new saw­ a ditch 40 miles in length to convey to extend its line from Kettle Falls to and Louis Prager. mill. He will install $15,000 worth of water to the benches of Cold Run near Fruitland. a distance of 60 miles. Spokane, Buy Mines: Colonel W. H. machinery. Grantly harbor. Spokane: The McGoldwick Lumber Dodge, representing the J. C. Lee Co., Columbia Falls, M., Mill Sold: An­ North Yakima: The work of re­ Co. is having surveys made for a 10- of Portland, has purchased the town drew Westberg has purchased the claiming 24,000 acres of desert land mile railroad inland from the shores of site of Dixie, Idaho, and its placer Nathan Scott mill and will enlarge in the Yakima valley will be started Kootenai Lake. mines in the vicinity of Elk City. Col­ same. within the next month, according to onel Dodge intends to enlarge the Tacoma: Surveys were begun for Cottage Grove, Buys Mill: E. C. the statement of E. G. Hopson, con­ ditch, build a new reservoir and install sul! ing engineer. the entrance of a new railroad into Ta­ an elevator. Cowery has purchased the Spangen- coma. The work is in charge of En­ berg mill east of Yoncalla and will in­ Olympia: The city of Puyallup may gineer J. C. Barton. Spokane, New Company: Patrick crease the capacity to 35,000 feet per condemn the necessary land to make a Tacoma: The Union Pacific has Clark confirms the report that the Fur­ day. new and straight channel lor the Pu­ filed its deeds for the purchase of Ta­ nace Copper Prince Co. will be organ­ Enumclaw, Enlarge Plant: The yallup river through that city, accord­ coma terminal grounds from the St. ized on part of the property of the White River Lumber Co. is remodel­ ing to a decision rendered by the si ill e Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Property Furnace Creek Copper Co. and that ing and enlarging its plant here put­ supreme court. covers about 34 acres. four other companies will be organized ting in a new blower, planers, etc. Prosser: It is reported that the gov­ Vancouver, B. C: The Canadian Pa­ from time to time to facilitate the ernment will extend tin1 Sunnyside1 rapid development of the group. Kalispell, M., Buys Mill: An east­ cific railway has let the contract foi ern syndicate represented by D. B. canal six miles below this city. The the extension of the Nicola branch Spokane, Sell Mine: A deal involv­ Barber hits purchased entire control of engineering corps is in Charge of L. .1. from Coutlee to Nicola lake. ing $300,000 and the title to two British the Northwestern Mill Co. Charles. Vancouver, B. C: R. Marpole, gen­ Columbia mining properties of the Kapowsin, Mill: Messrs Calhoun, Seattle: The Puget Sound Bridge A eral superintendent of Pacific division, Camborne district will be consummat­ Pentecost and Hampton, of Tacoma, Dredging Co. was awarded the gov­ has announced that work will be com­ ed within the next few days. The are erecting a sawmill at this place. ernment contract to build the canal menced at once on the extension from properties comprise the Kingston and Maple Falls, Mill: Bigelow & Co. and headworks for the Umatilla irri­ Coutlee, the present terminal, to Nico­ McMinnville groups, consisting of have completed the foundation for gation project in Oregon. la Lake, six miles distant. eight claims, located 10 miles from the their new sawmill and are ready to Spokane: D. C. Corbin announced Wenatchee: Advices from Leaven­ head of the northeast arm of Arrow­ install the machinery which is expect­ that he will commence work shortly on worth are to the effect that all Great head lake. Purchasers are represented ed in a few days. a system of irrigation canals, costing Northern construction work at that by A. M. Dewey, a local mining man. Maple Falls, Buy Mill: J. W. Thur­ 00, whereby he expects to per­ place and vicinity has been stoppea Spokane, Mill: The Palmer Mountain ston has purchased E. A. Haynes' in­ mit water being placed on all land in and the crews working will be trans­ Tunnel & Power Co., of Okanogan, has terest in the Warwick mill. the Spokane Valley between the city ferred to Wenatchee to work on the purchased from the Traylor Engineer­ Meacham, O., Mill: The Grand limits and the Idaho line, 20 miles Wenatchee-Oroville line, which will be ing Co., New York, a 100-stamp mill Ronde Lumber Co., of Perry, is now away. started at once. with a capacity of 300 tons a day. building five miles of railroad grade Sunnyside: The Sunnyside Ditching out of Meacham to tap the timber Co. was incorporated by S. J. Harrison, Tacoma, New Company: The Sil­ .1. A. Rush, II. M. Lichty, I). P. lOby versmith Mining Co. filed articles of belt of the north, and within the next Mining Notes. two months the company will build and George L. Vettor; capital $2,000. Bellingham, Mill: The Mill Creek incorporation; capital stock $150,000; a mill at the head of the canyon. Twisp: The Methow Canal Co. is and Bonita mining companies are trustees, A. L. Thorn, La Grange rushing work on its big irrigation Smith, Jacob Grobe, J. Bancroft Law- Nampa, I., Mill Sold: A. K. Stod­ planning to install stamp mills this dard has sold to Frank Burns a half canal at this place. season. ton and George W. Ray, all of Ta­ interest of his sawmill on Harris creek. Washington, D. C: The acting sec­ coma. Bellingham, Develop: Arrangements Nanaimo, B. C, Mill: John Moore, retary of the Interior approved thfe are being made to begin development Vancouver, B. C, Land: Messrs. of Seattle, will erect a sawmill with purchase of the Sunnyside irrigation work on the Britton mine, located on Macdonnell and Czowski were award­ 100,000 feet per day capacity on canal and authorized Ihe payment of Swamp creek. J. M. Darling, presi­ ed the contract for the construction Moresby island. $25o.oo(i to Ihe Washington Irrigation dent. of the canals which will suply water Nanaimo, B. C, Mill: A syndicate Co. for the same Boise, New Company: Articles of for mining purposes on the property represented by McEwen Bros., of Se­ Washington, D. C: Bids for the con­ incorporation have been filed for the in Cariboo owned by the Guggenheim attle, will erect two mills near Nootka struction of storage1 works for the Imperial Mining & Milling Co. of Ca- syndicate of New York. Sound. Okanagan irrigation project were re­ taldo, Kootenai county; capital stock, Wallace, I., Develop: Ten thousand Orting, Machinery: A larger en­ jected hy the Interior department, on $1,000,000. dollars has been raised to continue de­ gine and boilers have been installed the ground thlat all were excessive. Conconnully, Buy Mine: The Allen velopment work on the Alice mine. at the Gawley sawmill and the capac- The main canal will he constructed by Mining Co. has purchased six placer Wallace, I., New Company: Articles ihe government by day labor. mines on Mary Ann creek near Che­ iiy of the mill increased to 25,000 feet of incorporation of the Bonanza Min­ per day. Washington, D. C: The secretary saw. ing Co. were filed; capital $1,000,000; of ihe Interior announced the restora- Durkee, O., Mill: The stamp mill Sandpoint, I., Timber: The Hum- Thomas R. Dunson, president, St. bird Lumber Co. has purchased a num­ tion of 30.000 acres of land to sol He on the Gold Coin mine at Rye valley Maries; W. W. Ferrell, vice president, men which was withdrawn on account was totally destroyed by fire. Another ber of timber claims on Ruby creek St. Joe, and W. F. Sargent, Fred Schae- in northern Mont ami for $80,000. of the Okanogan project. mill will be erected at once. fer and A. W. Wayne, St. Maries. Grand Forks, B. C, Buy Mine: E. Seattle, Buys Plant: J. M. Buckley Wallace, I., Develop: The Hub Gold and iissociates have purchased all the Public Roads. A. Calquhoune, of England, has pur­ Mining & Milling Co. was incorporated chased the White Bear group of five timber mills and plant of the Maple Missoula, M.: Sealed bids will be for the purpose of developing a group Valley Lumber Co. received by J. L. Presnall, manager, at claims in Franklin camp for $50,000. of three mineral claims on Nine Miles Hailey, I., Mill: The Johnson con­ Spokane, Mill: The Pine Creek De Borgia, Mont., until and including creek in Montana; capital $100,000. Lumber Co. is building a sawmill at Jury 29, for the construction of four centrator for the Dollarhide mill has Wallace, I., New Company: The J. arrived and will be installed at once. Kendrick, Idaho, with a capacity of miles of wago road between De Borgia I. C. Mining & Milling Co. has been 50,000 feet a day. The cost will be and Hie Denver & Rock Island Devel­ Meteor, W., Develop: Work has incorporated with a capital of $1,000,- opment company mining property. been resumed on the White Rose mine about $40,000. 000 by J. W. McGinnis, Basil Rizzonell, Vancouver, W., Mill: The Bonton- Sumner: The county commission­ under the supervision of Louis D. Henry Lalende, D. S. Sebastian and Todd. Perkins Lumber Co. has been incor­ ers have called for proposals for im­ Geo. Austin. porated and will erect a mill on Bell's proving the Wahle county road, from Port Townsend, Develop: The an­ Weiser, Machinery: General Mgr. the Meade-McCumber county road nouncement is made by a group of Se­ mountain with a capacity of 60,000 W. C. Colwell, of the Little El Freida feet per day. south, between sections 29 and 30, attle men, who arrived here, that im­ Mining Co., has purchased new ma­ township 20 north, range5 east to the mediate steps will be taken to equip Weston, O., Mill: W. N. Vancil is chinery for their mines located on building a sawmill on Weston moun­ Wood-McCumber county road, a dis­ for heavy production the Tubal Cain War Eagle, including a 45 horse power tance of 4801 feet. Bids to be opened copper property in the Olympic moun­ boiler, 35 horse power engine, air com­ tain. He has 400 acres of timber to August 3. cut. tains of this county. pressor, two air drills, one air receiver Stevenson: County commissioners Riverside, Mill: The Palmer Mt. 9x10 rock crusher and a complete as­ Irrigation Notes. will receive bids until August 20, for Tunnel Co. has just placed a contract saying outfit. Boise: The state land board has de­ the construction of the Lyle-Washongal for a reduction plant of 100 stamps, state road through Skamania county. with a capacity of 300 tons of ore per cided to grant the petition of the Lost Lumber and Milling. River Land and Irrigation Co. to irri­ Seattle: Sealed bids will be re­ day. ceived by county commissioners until Saltese, M., Concentrator: A large Aberdeen, Mill: Eastern and local gate 80,000 acres of land near Mackey. Colville: County Surveyor Clair August 9, for "the delivery of 1,240 cu. concentrator is to be installed at the capitalists have subscribed $75,000 to yds. of gravel on road No. 622. Tarbox mine. build a sawmill and planing plant on Hunt is in receipt of a letter from Dr. Elwood Meade, chief of the department Tacoma: County commissioners will Seattle, Develop: With the majority Woshkah river. They have secured receive bids until August 3 for im­ of fifteen quartz claims recently pur­ 1,200 feet of water front. of drainage investigation at Washing­ ton, advising him that an expert in­ proving the Wahle county road from chased under course of development Aberdeen, Mill: I. L. Johnston and the Mead-McCumber county road south near the Buffalo Hump country, Idaho, Hugh McDonald, of New Westminster, spector of drainage will be sent from the Washington office to investigate to the Wood-McCumber county road, a the Consolidated Mines Co. has just B. O, have decided to build a shingle distance of 4,801 feet ; also for im­ secured a water right with sufficient mill with a capacity of 200,000 daily. the project to drain the Colville valley overflowed lands. proving the Svinth county road south volume and drop to operate a mill, Arden, W., Remodel: The Thomp­ to the reservation line, a distance of which the company will have in opera­ son-Spencer Co. are remodeling and Missoula: Preliminary surveys foi 2.501 feet. tion within a year. enlarging their mill and are installing the irrigation canal near Missoula, Seattle, Mill: Many ledges of cop- a complete outfit of new and improved which is one of the proposed western ner silver and gold are being develop­ machinery. Montana projects of Senator W. A. New Incorporations ed 'on the Summit, in Yakima and Bandon, O., Mill: The Cody Lum­ Clark, are now in progress. It is pro­ Washington: Pierce counties. The Fidelity Mining ber Co. will build a sawmill with a posed to build a canal 15 miles in The Ford-Saxton Co., Bellingham, Co. will commence the erection of a capacity of 75,000 feet daily. length, which will reclaim all land in $15,000, creamery business, L. J. Ford plant and saw mill. Bellingham, Mill Sold: The Green the Missoula valey not now under ir­ and Ralph C. Saxlon. rigation. The ditch will carry 5,000 Spokane, Buy Mine: It is reported Shingle Co. has sold the Skiyou mill Rice Electric Switch Co., Spokane, PACIFIC Building' and Engineering RECORD 13 $150,000, Elton Rice, E. I). Wilbert, P. Perry, W. J. Pasko and C. A. Has- Trade Notes. cure i; sary evidence. Jacob N. Rice, A. C. Shaw and R. A. kett. 1 The effect of the order on the Freese. Cancer Specific Remedy Co., Spo­ The si ate board of control received of government work is expected lo he kane, $5,000,000; A. L. Smalloy. F. E. Washington Farmers' Grain & Mill­ a message from the commissioners of very great. ing Co.. Wenatchee, Charles E. Pack­ Planders, L. Meador, C. W. McCoy, O. Lewis county that they will have their B. Hollis, J. H. Corliss, M. D., and C. It has been almost the rule for the ard, D. A. Beal, T. .1. Groves, J. S. Al- quarry ready August 1. and desire on bin, A. P. Ki-er and I). W. Packard. L. Fish. government contractors to work their that date to secure fifteen convicts United Copper .Mining Co., Spokane, The Schwabacher Dock & Ware­ men ten and twelve and even more $1,000,000, C. Wolfe, P. R. Wolfe and house Co., Seattle, $25,000; James S. from the state penitentiary to work hours a day. If they cannot do this Goldsmith, Nathan Eckstrom, Sigis- Marie Wolfe. crushing rock for roads of that coun­ mund Aronson, Leo S. Schwabacher they assert that they must increase by Daylight Mining Co., Bellingham, and John G. Carroll. ty. This will be the first time con­ 20 or 25 per cent the amount of their $500, I). H. De Can. J. G. Lenhart, John The Western Realty & Timber Assn., victs have been worked on the roads bids, so that congress must either in­ C. Riebe and John Siegfi Everett, $10,000; G. W. Stryker. C. A. and the experiment will he followed crease by like percentage the appro­ Wenatchee Fruit Land Co.. Wen­ Mead, N. S. Hackman, Peter L. Ops- with interest not only hy state hut. by priations for public works or must cor­ atchee and Seattle, $120,000, G. A. Vir­ vig and J. H. Pollard. county officials. tue. C. A. Briggs, L. V. Wells and R. Stepstone Mining Co., Spokane, $1,- respondingly reduce the amour P. Holm. 500,000; Walter L. Jones, Otto IL Ger- A new ordinance regulating the con­ work authorized. Cristes-Smith Lumber Co., Granite both and G. L. Bowman. struction, removal and repair of build­ West Side Lumber Co., Roy, $4,500; falls, $3,000, A. S. Cristes ami Chas. ings was passed by the city council. T. Smith. Pen Weinmann, Charles Scheller and To Study Mining. Seattle, Monday night. Seattle Odd fellows' Temple Assn., Henry Lohnian. J. Kojima, a Japanese- mining Seattle", $50,000, Charles Osner, Gus Increase of capital stock of the Stirrat & Goeiz, contractors, and the neer, who has just reached Seattle Railway A Land Improvement Co., Walgren, Wellington Strohl, Dr. F. W. Independent Asphalt Co., Seattle, have after an extensive tour of ihe mining Stuart and l'. P. Thomas. Spokane, to $400,000. moved their offices from the Hailey districts of North America, expn Odessa Mercantile Co.. Odessa, $75,- Dissolution of the LaConner Elec­ ooo. John Schoffer W. L. Michaelsen, tric Light. & Power Co. building lo the suite numbered 204 in himself ;is full of admiration and S. S. Barney, George Finney, J. P. Superior Portland Cement Co.. Se­ the Pioneer block. wonder al in live operations attle, $100,000; E. E. Caine. Ira liron- Weber, Julius Michaelsen and Andreas in the mines which he inspected (lur­ son ami Warren W. Butler. Galbraith, Paeon & Co., Seattle, are Janke. ing his trip. Pacific Press of Seattle, $12,000, P. making extensive improvements on J. Smiley. Olive M. Smiley. Personal. their Wall sireet dock, which when Mr. Kojima is a graduate of the University of Japan and is in charge Toll Mill Co., Seattle, $25,000; C. P. Messrs. Pred G. Frink and Victor T. completed will involve an outlay of Simmons and A. P. Henderson. of the Ashibo copper mines, one of the Wilson, civil engineers and instruc­ over $50,000. The old dock and ware­ Host Mini' Mining Co.. Everett, $1,- largest producers in the land of Ihe; C. I'. Spriestersbach, R. M. tors in tho University of Illinois. Dr­ house have been extended 350 ft., mak­ mikado. Westover, R. T. Warner and H. A. ill., were in Seat lie several days ing their total length 503 ft. by 138 ft. He came directly from Phoenix, P.. Douglas. this week, and the Pacific Record ac­ wide. A railroad track has been built Edgerly Investment Co., Seattle, C. where lie visited Hi" Granby Smelt­ knowledges a pleasant call. The gen­ in along the entire north side of the $100,000; by F. R. Edgerly, S. 1. Skin­ ing Works, ill Grand Forks, and the tlemen are securing information in re­ wharf, which facilitates loading and ner and R. I). Ogden. mines of the Granby Consolidated Co. Randanite Powder Co., Seattle, $100,- gard to engineering matters on the unloading from both the wharf and During his itinerary he took in the ooo; Charles X. Lussier, Peter X. Stan Coast from personal observation. vessels along the dock. kovitch and Octave Lu copper mines of Arizona, New Mexico, Grays Harbor Refrigerating Co., Ho­ A. Warren Gould, architect, Seattle, Of five improvements on which bids Mexico and California, and tho differ­ quiam, $25,000; E. .1. McLane. W. P.. visit

cent per annum until paid, if the coun­ and for building a bridge on state road this Julv 6th, 1906. SEALED PROPOSALS cil so requires, or the bidder may offer Xo. 12, in section 17, township 32 JOHN A. CELLATLY, to take all warrants in payment. Bid­ north, range 22 east, Willamette Me­ Anditor and Ex-Offlclo Clerk of Board Sunnyside, Water Works, Electric ders are also requested to name their ridian, otherwise- known as the Me- of Commissioners. Chelan Countv, Lighting. cash price for said work or material thow-Barron state road. Wash. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. or hoth. Bids must be made for each bridge 2t-29, 30. Sealed proposals will be received by Each proposal must he accompanied separately, but bidders may, in addi­ the Town Clerk of the Town of Sunny­ hy a certified check to the amount of tion to this, submit a bid for both Blackfoot, Ida.—School: side, Washington, up to 8 o'clock P. ."> per cent of the amount bid to the bridges in a lump sum. NOTICE FOR BIDS. M.. August 13th, 1906, al which time effect that if Ihe proposal is accepted Plans and specifications for the said proposals will he opened by the within 60 days from ihe opening of bids bridges are on file at ihe office of the Notice is hereby given (bat bids for Town Council, for furnishing ihe mate­ ihe bidder shall within twenty days auditor and clerk of said board of the construction of a school house in rial and constructing a system oi wa­ after being notified of such acceptance county commissioners, at the court­ District Xo. 48, of Bingham county, ter works and an electric lighting sys­ enter into contracts and give bonds house at Conconully, Okanogan Coun­ Idaho, will be received up to the 1th tem for Ihe Town of Sunnyside, Wash­ as provided for by the ordinances of ty, Wash., also in the office of state day of August, 1906. ing on. said town, and in case of the failure highway commissioner at Olympia, The dimensions of said school house The work will consist of about 2900 of the bidder to enter Into contract Wash. to be 40x21; two stories high and the of \ inch wooden stave water and give bond, the said certified check Bids must be enclosed in a sealed body of said building to be constructed main. 3000 feet of 0 inch water main, shall become ihe property of the town envelope, accompanied by a certified of lava rock. 27000 feel of I inch water main, 1(1 hy­ of Sunyside. check for 5 per cent of the amount of The Board of Trustees reserve the drants; valves; One 300000 gallon res­ Contractors will he required io fur- the bid, payable to the order of the right lo reject any and all bids. ervoir; One 200 gallon pump; One 25 Dish bond to the town of Sunnyside. chairman of the board of county com­ For further Information address the Clerk of said Board R. F. D. Xo. :>, K. \V. alternating dynamo; Poles, conditioned for (he faithful perform­ missioners of Okanogan County. Blackfoot; Idaho. transformers, etc., for lighting the ance of said work, also a bond lo the Wash., and must be filed wit li the C. A. DAVIS, town. The council reserves the right stale of Washington lo protect persons clerk not later than August 22, 1906, Clerk of School District Xo. 48. lo reject anv and all bids. furnishing material and labor. Each at 2 o'clock p. m. 2t-29, 30 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. bond io he in amount equal to con­ The envelope containing said bid tracl price. 1. Xo bid will he received for any shall be plainly marked, "Bid for build­ Dated al Sunnyside, Washington, Burke, Ida., School Bonds: part of the work herein described from ing bridges on slate roads Xos. 10 and Julv llth, 1906. NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL parties who cannot allow a reasonable 12," and shall be directed to the chair­ II. W. TURNER, BONDS. acquaintance with and preparation for man of the board of commissioners 2t-30-31. Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given that school the proper performance of the class of of Okanogan County, Wash. district No. 11, in the county of Sho­ work for which the bid is submitted. The successful bidder will be re­ Lewiston, Ida., Sewer: shone, state of Idaho, will on the 6th Evidence of such competency must be quired lo furnish a bond for the faith­ day of August, A. D. 1906, at the of­ furnished if desired. SEWER CONSTRUCTION. ful performance and completion of the Sealed proposals for ihe construc­ fice of the clerk of the board of trus­ 2. Proposals iniisl he made on the work conditioned according to law, tion of ihe downtown sewer system tees of said district, sell fifteen of Its blank form to he obtained al the office in a sum not less than the contract will be received by the city clerk of coupon bonds, each for the sum of one of ihe Engineer, O. L. Waller, at Pull­ price. Lewiston, Idaho, until 1 o'clock p. m., thousand dollars and aggregating man. Wash., or of \V. H. Turner, Town By order of the board of county com­ Wednesday, Augusl 8, 1906. The pro­ $15,000. Each of said bonds will bear clerk oi Sunnyside, Wash. missioners, Okanogan County, Wash., posed system will consist of Ihe fol­ date the first day of July, A. D. 1906, :'.. Bids will he received as follows; and under provision of chapter 174, and be payable absolutely in ten lowing approximate quantities: laws of Washington, A. I). 1905. Dated First: On pump pit and foundation 5,300 feel of 6-inch pipe sewers. .years from date thereof, but redeem­ for pump. at Conconullv, Wash., Julv 10, 1906. able at the option of said district at 27,100 feet of 8-inch pipe sewers. F. M. WILLMARTII, Second: On all machinery Including 5,150 feel of 10-inch pipe sewers. nny time after two years from the County Auditor and Clerk of Said engine, pump, suction and discharge l.l.r>0 feet of 12-inch pipe sewers. date thereof. Said bonds will bear Board of Countv Commissioners. piles io outside of pump pit wall. 2,350 feet of 16-inch pipe sewers. interest at. the rate of five per cent lt-30-33 Bidders must stale the kind of ma­ I.li50 feet of 18-inch pipe sewers. per annum, which said interest, will chinery to he supplied and furnish be payable semi-annually on the first 250 feet of 24-inch pipe sewers. Mt. .Vernon, Dam and Flume: specifications for same. 3,100 feel of 30-inch pipe sewers. days of January and July of each NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Third: On the pipe system com­ i,;»2o feet of 36-inch concrete or year. Notice is hereby given that the un­ plete with hydrants and valves, and to brick sewers. Bids for said bonds will be received dersigned will receive at his office in Include the following items: (a) Price 96 manholes and 47 flush tanks. up to two o'clock ]). m. on the sixth Mount Vernon. Wash., or at the office por foot for 8 inch mains, for 6 inch 30 cubic yards of concrete, pump day of August, A. D. 1906. All bids mains, for I inch mains; th) Price per well. of John W. Meecham, county surveyor should be addressed to clerk of the hydrant set. for Skagit county, bids for the con­ board of trustees of school district These Items are introduced to cover 200 cubic yards of earth exc, pump struction of a dam and cement flume No. 11, at Burke, Shoshone County, any variations in length over or under well. in Sullivan's slough near LaConner, Idaho. the amounts herein specified, and cou­ 4,200 lineal feet %-inch galv. iron Wash. The board of trustees reserves the nselors hereby agree to such exten­ water mains. The contract includes the moving ot right to reject any and all bids. Said sion or reduction at the prices named 8 lampholes. 10,277 cubic yards of dirt and the con­ bonds will not be sold below par. Fourth: On the reservoir complete Plans, profiles and specifications will struction of 250 yards of concrete work By order of the board of trustees of Including ihe following Items: (a) Ex­ be on file and may be seen at the city as well as some dredging. Plans and school district No. 11, in the county cavation, (hi Concrete lining, (c) Con- engineer's office, Lewiston, Idaho, af­ specifications can be seen at either of Shoshone, state of Idaho. neeiion io 8 inch main, (4) Overflow ter the 20th day of July, 1906. of above addresses. Dated July 5, 1906. (e) Roof. «Me. *• All proposals must be made on blank Contract will be let August 10, 1906, M. J. FI XX EC,AN, forms furnished by the engineer, and 27-30 Clerk of Said Board. ELECTRIC LIGHTING SYSTEM. The drainage commissioners reserve each proposal is to be accompanied by the right to reject any and all bids. First : On one twenty-five (25) K a certified check for the sum of Two HARRY McLEAN, Chehalis—State Road: w. dynamo. Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, payable Drainage Commissioner. CALL FOR BIDS. Second: Switchboard ami equip­ to the City of Lewiston. Idaho, which Mount Vernon, Wash. 72-2t ::u-:!l ment, connections, etc.. and wiring sum shall be forfeited to the city in Notice is hereby given that, sealed complete to outside of building. case the bidder lo whom the award is bids will be received by the County Au­ Third: Outside work including poles, made shall fail to enter into a contract Wenatchee—State Road: ditor of Lewis county, Wash., up to 2 transformers, and wiring complete and' for the construction of the system with NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. o'clock p. m., Aug. 8, 1906, for covering ready for use. the city within ten (10) days after re­ about 9 miles of State Road No. 5 with Notice is hereby given that sealed plank, gravel or crushed rock, as per Didders may make in addition io the ceiving notice of said award. bids will be received by the county above, a hid for the entire work com­ specifications on file in the Auditor's The city reserves the right to reject commissioners of Chelan county, plete. office, of said county. Bids will be re­ any or all bids. Washington, until 2 o'clock p. m., of ceived on a part or the whole of said Copy of ihe plana or specifications Daled al Lewiston, Idaho, July 7. August 1st, 1906, for the clearing, grub­ tot above work will he furnished bv work. L906. bing, grading and surfacing State Road the Town Clerk for one dollar each. JOHN I']. NICKERSON, Xo. 3, locally known as Red Mountain The Board reserves the right to re Bidders will he required to accept i n City Clerk. Road. iect anv and all bids. payment for at least one-third the con­ O. X. MILLER, C. E.. Work to begin at Station 457 and W. A. H. BIRLEY. tract price warrants drawn on a spe­ 2t-30-31. Engineer. continue to Station 474 or until $1,500.- Chairman of said Board. cial fund, into which shall he paid 25 00 is expended. Plans and specifica­ J. E. STEARNS, Auditor. per c cut for ihe firsl I wo years and 40 Ritzville, Wn., Fire Hose' tions on file with County Auditor, and 3t-29, 30 per cent thereafter of the gross re­ NOTICE TO BIDDERS. bids must be made as follows, viz: ceipts derived from said system, which Bids will be received ai the office Por clearing and grubbing by the Chehalis—Bridge: warrants will draw interest al six per Of the City Clerk in Ritzville. Wash., mile. CALL FOR BIDS. ni) to and including Tuesday, the 7th For grubbing by the cubic yard, stat­ Notice is hereby given that the day of Augusi, 1906, for furnishing one ing the price for earth, loose rock and Board of County Commissioners of | r. Th. WENZEL thousand feel of Jacket fire hose, with solid rock excavations. Lewis county. Washington, will re­ the standard thread used by the Spo­ For surfacing where grading is un­ ceive sealed bids for covering the Jorg- AeV—»>j Successor to kane fire department, to stand a lest C BENINGHAUSEN necessary, by the square yard. ensen bridge, over the South Fork of Atf ' Of throe hundred pounds. For corduroying bv the lineal foot. wmmt Bxperl Manufacturer I],,, Newaukum river, near Webster. 1 ni M.itiip in fttie u l, 0. E. LOVELL, For bridging small streams by tho Rids to be received not later than 9 2t-30-31. City Clerk. » Nautical and Survey­ pi< c e or lump structure. c/clock a. m.. Aug. 6, 1906. Bidders ors' Instruments, in Contract must bo complete by Sept. m\ striiiiioiits Carefully are required to furnish specifications. KX^> Examined, Repaired Twisp, Wn., Bridge: 1, 1906. The Board reserves the righl lo re ^^^Bat ;vu,i Adjusted. BIDS WANTED. Certified check for 10 per cent of bid iect anv and all bids. fc$ 64-65 Union Block The hoard of county commissioners, must accompany same. ,ec J. 10. STEARNS, 713 First Avenue Okanogan County, Washington, will re­ The right to reject any or all bids is Auditor of Lewis County, Wash. £• SEATTLE ceive sealed hids for building a bridge reserved. 3t, 29-31 on stale road No. In. at Twisp, Wash.. Dated at Wenatchee, Washington, PACIFIC Building' and Engineering' RECORD 15 Griffith Heating Co., Sprague av, Sp'k'ne. Plaster Capitals and Brackets. Inland Htg. & Vent. Co., Spokane. Crowe, F. T. A Co.. 411-16 Globe Blk Classified Business anil Professional Directory, Johnson Service Co.. 454 Arcade Bldg. Lee, J. B., 2509 Jackson St. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Plumbing and Heating. Architects. Beckwith. C. D., 602 N. 52nd St. Popple & Knowles, 1008 Post st Brown, G. H., 221 Pins St Bebb & Mendel. 205-09 Denny Bid*. Bell. Price A Co.. 809-10 Marion Blk. Rainier Heat. & Plbg. Co., 602 Opera Al. Freeman & Milne. 1607 Westlake. Blackwell, Jas. E., G17 Mutual Life. Black, Jas.. 3844 Interlake Ave. Seattle Heat. A Plumbing Co., 900 Post. Hein, L. N., 825 Pike St. Bodley, Alfred, 236-38 Burke Blk. Stack. J. H., 325 2nd Ave. S. Knight, M. G. & Co., Z215 First Ave. Breitung & Buchinger, 423-4 Walker Bid. Booker & Campbell, Bellingham. Sweeney & Co., H., 1512 Fifth Ave. Rautman Plbg. & Htg. Co.. Arcade Way. Clawson, Martin L, South Seattle. Canfield. M. M.. 108 W. Blewett. Star Plumbing Co., 616 Ewing St. Dean. T. V.. Daylight tilk., Bellingham. Connell & Son, John. 1420 6th Ave. Heat, Light and Power. Stickels. Howard R.. 1018 3d av. Cannon, F. S., 1615 15th Ave. Seattle Electric Co.. 5th and Pine. Sullivan Bros., 1407 First Ave. Gould, A. Warren. 602 Arcade Bldg. Sweeney & Co., H., 1612 5th Ave. Graham & Meyers, 906 Lowman Hlds. Cannon. J. L., Ma tion and Terry. Hoisting Engines. Thomas & Talbot, 1216 E. Madison. Huntington, I >. Et, 569 Colman Block. Colling, Bengt. 811 20th Ave. So. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., Alaska Bldg. Young & Co., E. H, 826 2nd av, Sp'k'ne. Josennans & Allan, 74-76 Hinckley Blk. Cornell Bros., 702 C St., Tacoma. Insurance—Accident. Young t^ Potter, P. O. Box 852. Kerr & Rogers, 9 Hancock Blk. Davis-Kaser Co., Walla Walla. Pels, E. E., 713 New York Blk. Ward & Scherer, 217 Union St. Kingsley, Wm., 301 Globe Blk. Doty .^- Robinson, 925 Fifteenth Ave. Insurance—Fire. Plumbing and Heating Supplies. Knapp & West, 353 Colman Blk. Dow, Matthew, 313 Boston Blk. Atkinson A Co., J. M. E., 217 Boston Blk. Arnold Kvans To.. Elks' Temple, Sp'k'ne. McBean, 619 I 'olman. Main 5835. Driver, Geo., 331 N. Y. Blk. Raser, H. A., 251 Colman Blk. American Radiator Co.. Alaska Bldg. Preusse .V Zittel. Jamieson Blk.,Spokane. Fancy, Z. E., Bellingham, Wn. Seeley A Co., 210 Colman Block. Kellogg-McK-Cameron Co., 639 N. Y. blk. Sankey, E. W., 722 N. Y. Blk. Gerring, H. P.. Ballard. Investments. Tay, Geo. H, 576 lst Ave. So. Saunders & Lawton, 1319-20-21 Alaska Gibson, James, 1704 Harvard Ave, Pump and Pumping Machinery. Sexton, F. A., 619 Lumber Exchange. Graham, C. F., 1208 Pine St. Patterson A Locke, Aberdeen. Eichbaum, J. V., Mgr., 13 18 Alaska bldg. Schack, Jas. H.., 62 Downs Blk. Hamill Co., Robt. L., 745 N. Y. Blk. Laundry Trays. Be-enforced Concrete Construction. Somervell & Cote, 323 Walker Bldg. Haynes, J, .).. 2624 East Aloha St. Seattle Cement Laundry Tray Cc, 86 Crowe. F. T. & Co., 411-16 Globe Blk. Spalding, A. W., 620 Colman Bid. Heuver, G. J., 1212 E. Alder. Vine St. Dally, S. W. It.. 610 Colman Bldg. Steele, W. K„ 519 Colman Blk. Hutchins & Criddle, 408 W. Galer St. Lime Manufacturers. Norris, L. A.. 506 AlaskaBldg. Stephen, sanies. 726-7 N. T. Blk. Pacific Coast Lime Co., Whatcom Av. Teague, J. C., 461 Colman. Huntington, John, Tacoma, Wash. Refrigerating Machinery. International Cont. Co., 737 N. Y. Blk. Lumber. Clayton, Geo. L., 914 First Ave. So. Thompson & Thompson. 75-6 D. H. Blk. Ehrlich & Harrison Co., R. R. & Conn. Trust. Ceo., California Blk, Tacoma. Kauffman. John, 605 Sth av. N. Booflng. Umbrecht. Max, 4 23 Globe Blk. Lance & Peters. 505 Oriental Block. Seattls Lumber Co., The, ft Harrison r'.. Blk. Diamond Paint & S. Co., 507 Hinck'y Lister Const. Co., 613 St. Helens, Tacoma Machinery. Crowe, F. T. & Co., 411-16 Globe Blk. Van Siclen, W. D.. 756-7 New York Blk. Ferine, H. B., 618 First Ave. So. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Voorhees, V. W., 402 Eitel Blk. Mathison, S., 5224 14th Ave. N. E. Manufacturers' Agents. Galbraith. Bacon Co., Galbraith Dock. Wager, E. A., 724 New Tone Blk McQuaid, P. J.. 212 Pike St. Burr, Geo. D., 416 Arcade Block. Northwest Roofing Co., Portland, Ore. White, W. P.. 309-11 Washington blk. McNamara & Son, Jas., 926 26th av. 8. Crowe, F. T. & Co., 411-15 Globe Blk. Parafflne Paint Co., 408 Occidental Ave. Architectural and Landscape Engineer. McRae Bros., 2330 14th Ave. So. Curless. W. A. Co., 315 2nd Ave. So. Mlssigman, L., 722-3 New York blk. Megrath & Duhamel. Federal Bldg. Dally, S. W. R, 610 Colman Bldg. Rhoades, Apfel & Earnest ft KK Architectural and Mechanical Engineers. Mowat, A. T., 1710 Nob Hill. Galbraith, Bacon Co.. Galbraith Dock. Spear & Co., 649 New York Blk. Noble, G. B., 4707 Ninth Ave. N. E. Metal Interior Finishing. Safes and Vaults. Chaffey Mfg. Co., 1017 Post St. Purcell Safe Co., 312 Occidental. Architect's Iron and Steel. Norauist, A. A.. 813 Allen Place. Crowe. F. T. & Co., 411-15 Globe Blk. Pearson, Alex., 754 New York Block. Metal Lath. Sand ana Gravel. Peterson, A. S., 4313 Whitman Ave. Crowe. F. T. * Co.. 822 Globe Blk. Seattle Sand & Gravel Co., King St. Dk. Dallv. S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Seymour, W. V., 615 East Pike St. Minneapolis Steel-&-Mach. Co.. Giobe Bk Proulx. J. B., 2200 5th Av. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Vulcan Iron Works. Seattle-Aberdeen. Ryan, T. & C. 28 Sullivan Block. Norris, L. A., 506 AlaskaBldg. School Supplies. Wis. Iron & Wire Wks., Milwaukee. Wis. Ryan, T. M.. 1213 6th Ave. Mill Work and Interior Finish. Chapman Bros., 116 Srd ave. S. Artificial Limbs. Sandall. J. L., E. 75th A 16th av. N. E. Sidewalk and Floor Lights. Mirror Manufacturers. Lunuoerg, A., 117% Marion at Scott, John, 1108 S. Ainsworth, Tacoma. Jackson & Co., P. H., San Francisco. Shepard. D. R. B., West Seattle. National Mirror Co., 2412 First ave. Stone and Quarries. Art Glass. Povey Bros. Glass Co., Portland. Chuckanut Stone Co., Bellingham. Povey Bros. Glass Co., Portland. Sheffer, Harry, Everett, Wn. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Puget Sound Art Glass co., 2226 Sth av. 3tewart, H. D., 670 Colman Blk. Ornamental Iron and Wire Works. Ellis Granite Co., ft. Mass. St. Suess & Smith, 2421 Western av. Stirrat & Goetz. 601 Bailey Bldg. Dallv, S. W. R, 610 Colman Bldg. Seattls Monument Co., 8th and Pike. Asbestos Goods. Warren Const. Co., Portland, Ore. Pacific Orn. Iron Wks., 924 First Ave. So. Tenino Sandstone Co., Tenino, Wash. H. W. Johns-Manville Co., 550 lst So. Wilder. Geo. W.. 912 Irfth av. Pac. Wire & Plating Works, 2223 lst. Vermont Marble Co., San Francisco, Cal. Magnesia Asbestos Sup. Co., 114 Main St. Wintermute, Joseph. Everett, Wn. Puget Sound Iron Wks., 531 Occ. Ave. S. Store and Office Fixtures. Banks and Safe Deposits. Spokane Orn. Iron X- W. Wks, Spokane. Gomoll, E. G. & Co., cor. Western-Madison Dexter Horton & Co., lst av ft Wash, st Contractors—Maso«. Seattle Iron & Wire Works, 18 W Conn. Gorham & Sutthoff Co.. 802 lst Ave 8o. Puget Sound Natl. Bank, 600 lst av. Jenkins. J. T., Oak s'_. W. Seattle. Wash. Wire Works Co.. Utah & Conn. Lutke Mfg. Co.. 140 N. 6th, Portland. Seattle National Bank. 2d and Columbia. Contractors—Plaster. Wis. Iron & Wire Wks., Milwaukee, Wis. TILING, MANTELS. GBATES. Scandinavian Am. Bank, Alaska Bldg. Carson, J. B„ 612 Grant, Spokane. Faint. Inland Tile & Mantel Co., Spokane. State Bank of Seattle, First and Yesler. Grosser A Thornton. 1429 S 9th, Tacoma Blk. Diamond Pt. & Sh. Co., Hinckly Blk. Seattle Tiling & Mantle Co., 1024 Pike St. Washington Nat. Bk.. 2d av. A Cherry. McDougnll A Co., E. C, 1322y> Arcade Carbolineum Wood Pres Co., Seattle. Spokane Tile A M. Co., 902 1st. Spokane. Blue Printing. Pederson, Hans. 1224 Alaska Bldg. Kunkler, B. P.. 114 R. R. Ave. Ventilators. Tre^oning, J. J.. 529 tilth Ave. Parafflne Paint Co., 408 Occidental. Allen, W. D.. 31 Dexter-Horton Bldg. ELECTRIC BLUE PRINT CO. V^l'L^w Contractors—Sewer and Waterworks. Western Paint Co., Third and Wall Sts. Jackson & Co., P. H, San Francisco. Sutherland, The G. H. Co.. Fai titers—Master. Johnson Service Co., 454 Arcade Bldg. Brick, Tire ^lay, Etc. Scharnwober, Wm.. 320 Eighth Ave. Balfour, GuCi-- / J., Alaska Bldg 10 E. Main St.. Walla Walla. Cornice and Roofing. Gustave Muhl Paint Co., 219 Pike St. Wall Plaster. Brickmakers' Bfi. 1 rade, 324 Pioneer Blk. Hop Paint & Wall Paper Co.. 702 Pike Crowe. F. T. & Co., 411-16 Globe Blk. Builders Brick Co., 324 Pioneer Blk. M!!!er. Edward, 1114 Commerce. Tacoma. Melin Paint Co.. 77 W. Seneca St. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Crowe F T. & Co. 411-16 Globe Blk. Seattle Cornice Wks.. 1022 So. First. McGough, Jas.. 302 S. 5th av. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co., Portland, Ore. Dally, S. W. It, 610 Colman Bldg. White, Andrew T.. 2128 First Ave. Peterson, A. E., 2304 N. 39th St. Denny Renton Clay Co., 411 Lowman big Washington Paint Co.. 2117 Western av. White .v Hull. 2530 9th Av. S. Galbraith, Bacon Co., Galbraith-B. Dock. Electrical Machinery. Patent Attorneys. Yukon Wood Fiber Plaster, 855 Colman. Harper Brick & Tile Co., 324 Pioneer Blk. Brown, Spear, Sloan & Co., 303 Alaska. Water Tanks. Hill Brick Co., 324 Pioneer Blk. Grays Harbor Com'l Co.. Alaska Bldg. Erlckson-Wyman Company, 1001 lst 8t ADAMS & DnUUKo Main3407"ind.ASMS Little Falls Fire Clay Co.. 610 Colman. Kilbourn Clark Co., 115 Marion St. Pacific Tank Co.. Olympia, Wash. Pontiac Brick & Tile Co., 900 Western. Barnes A Co., 76 Starr-Boyd Bldg. Wood Preservers. Washington Brick & Tile Co., 1808 3rd. Seattle Electric Co., 907 First Ave. Carbolineum Wood Pres. Co.. Seattle. Wash. Brick A Lima Co.. Spokane. Wn. Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co.. 314 Occidtl. Reynolds, II. L. 118 Washington bldg. Bridges. Electric Supplies. Bogart * Easty. SSt 16th Are M. Doerr, Mitchell & Co., Spokane, Wn. Building Material. Elevators. Chaffey Mfg. Co.. Northern Pacific Bldg. Crowe, F. T. & Co., 411-16 Globe Blk. Crowe. F. T. & Co.. 411-15 Globe Blk. Dally, S. W. R.. 610 Colman Blk. Moline Elev. Co., Portland. Ore. Fryer, D. E. & Co., 306 Lumber Ex. Pac. Coast Elev. & Mch. Co., Tacoma. Galbraith. Bacon Co., Galbraith Dock. Engineers—Civil. Idaho Dime Co.. Sprague & R.R., Sp'k'ne. Norris. L. A„ 606 AlaskaBldg. Coe A Nasten, 637 Burke Blk. Pt. Angeles Stone Co.. 701 N. Y. Blk. Fuller, A. E.. 316-17 Pacific Blk Portland Stone Br. Mfg. Co., Portland. Leedon. J.. 116 W. Jackson. Yukon Wood Fibre Plaster, 355 Colman. Mitchell, Geo. E.. 509 Mutual Life. K@@(j?[IK]® Building Paper. Rice, L M., 600 Pacific Blk. Crowe, F. T. & Co.. 411-16 Globe Blk. Engineering and Surveying Instruments. Tested and Tried Rhoades Apfel & Earnest, 408 Occidental. Fuller. A. E.. 316-17 Pacific Blk Capitals and Brackets. Wherever rooflngmaterials are Dally. S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Mitchell, Geo. E., 509 Mutual Life. Cement. Wenzel, F. Th., 84-5 Union Blk. used there Malthoid is king. Balfour, Gutnrie & Co., Alaska Bldg. Caine, E. E.. 608 First Ave.. Pire Froof Construction. Always ready for instant use—. Crowe, F. T. & Co., 411-16 Globe Blk. McGuigan A Co.. 794 Elizabeth, S. F. Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Norris, L. A., 506 AlaskaBldg. no paint required. Tin caps? Galbraith-Bacon. Galbraith-Bacon dock- Roebling Const. Co., 900 lst ave. so. nails and cement for seams fur-, Wash. Portland Cement Co., Baker, Wn. Founders and Machinists. Cement Stone Machine. Pacific Iron Works, Portland, Ore. nished free with every roll. Pac. Concrete Co., 202 Cal. St. S. F. Portland Steel Shipbldg. Co., St. Johns, Or. These, together with a hammer, Concrete Construction. Vulcan Iron Works, Seattle-Aberdeen. BUFF & BUFF Crowe. F. T. & Co., 411-15 Globe Blk. Flooring. are all that are needed to make a, Manufacturers of Precise Dally, S. W. R., 610 Colman Bldg. Rhoades Apfel & Earnest, 408 Occidental. Galbraith-Bacon Co.. Galbraith-B. Dock. Gas-Hot Water Heaters. perfectly weather-proof roof. Norris. 1.. A.. 606 AlaskaBldg. ENGINEERINGS Roebling Const. Co., 900 First Ave. So. Curless Co.. Will A., 315 2 Ave. So. Write for Illustrated booklet. Hardwood Floors. ASTRONOMICAL Contractors—Cement. Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Cor. R R & Conn. INSTRUMENTS Fritch * Co., Inc.. 217 Burke Blk. Inlaid Floor Co.. 1411 ith av. Miracle Concrete Co., 304 Boston Blk. Smith. P. W., 116 W. Galer. Heating and Ventilating. Abbott. J. M. & Co.. 626 N. Y. Bin. Represented in the Northwest by Contractors—General. Adams & Moffatt Htg. Co., «28 Walker WflMlllVlllil ., OF SATISFACTORY ROOFING Alexander, D.. 404 Columbia St. Allen, W. D.. 31 Dexter Horton Bldg. Anderson, Geo. A.. 519 W. Mercer. Brown, 8. E.. 1627 Srd Ave 24 SECOND ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A E. FULLER, C. E. Barnett A Farmer. Anacortes. Wn. Edgar. L. P.. 89 Pike St Rooms 316-17 Pacific Blk. SEATTLE Barrett, James, 2213 Norman St. Flnlay A Robb, 88 Lenora st Baumeister, W. J. & Co., Bellingham.Wn. W. L. RHOADES. MANAGES SEATTtE Frewen Co., T. A.. 313 Lumber Exch. 408 OCCIDENTAL AVE. o PACIFIC Building and Engineering RECORD CAREFULLY 1 CONSIDER




SELLING AGENTS Metal Building SOLAR PRISM CO. rvoofing MANUFACTURERS HIGHEST GRADE PRISMATIC LIGHTS Materials Tile I Dealers in Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Pressed Brick, Terra Cotta AND AT SPOKANE. TACOMA AND PORTLAND