= = I II 11 I TIVqVMEr EVDSTXG XEWS SATURDAY TANT7AKY 01807 c 11 I 1 lie V St heart II Rtowart TURKEY i- Huntington Peter Johnson Hamilton leorgo i tarra 213tnj THE BRONZE i I Cahln IV Moore Nariarra m Mo Uttiur St Ooorgo- y i Ill Dennett lawrco Prcsl lenti Daniel 111nion- Illolen itells P Bi niuneit acoonah W ni E Jon Counselors David H Cannon Lraslus- 111kn1obArE Ali Goodien Lnge and nodo That AUTHORITIES Orankovillo laspor Robertson Parowan F Charles D Snow r1 rOJ GENERAL 7 11 AIIQY StOoorce I il a I Inn Carton County Utah Summit 3oc 111 ubland t eA11yr11111 Ion Wail mgton County Utah J Atka Shure Tho donacntic turkey being concede Castle Oato llllaniri4imph mail Look NI- LaiceVFow John Jobtioll In OF TilE S oy WAIIPS msnonI- to iiivo orlgimted Mexican brand Price 1arnrst llors M Cannon Latin I AlA Thomas K Cutler EdwIn iillnior August Salt telloiuo Vndrew Oregerson P i of the American wild turkey the I spring lion I n I ch i Branch fhoraai It Jones P inam I MeMullIn Irollnl Dunenu David 111 Ott 11 moth lircwo turkeyirohatVorigluil lVeIlluilton Al CounpcLrmI t Joseph I Taylor Charles W- Manlcton llllan I low Saints- osiers Win Chadburn P i WilandAStaings1110i PI- in nu introduction of fresh blood Jesus Christ of Latterday Into n- SAIL Latin City Vm lallnp Iron Churoh J Ieno bt George P 0 Payson First John ihilh of Olen Edwin Edwin Ilamblln P IE tho other branch the American wild Win Ilaxinan Late City Second JonathunslIngo r turkey family Such an introduction lIreldnt Charles HperryXbl N- Sal War Hebron If 1 leaaant James WAnDS drove Jisllhorno blood VJowtutan 1001- drafton inutesAl Ballard Is Flrl fresh would give the iucreasci 0 cihl NVarburiall- InnloLk scion TJa4 Coliblo- Utah First Joseph Franklin 0 Holt a yIhlrd fencnson- SemiAnnual Juab County Coild LeollaM Ilardy llnmblln P O k As Sustained at the SixtySeventh I em Pinto PleasanfV low Provo Alex lllloipo- rS A WAnD Third Thinwo MaYeocK Harmony Win V Hodd- C011102citco- Eureka looter Lautouatocl- Iroio First udriwknulicnS- IA5 Rt7 U Stevonnon mirth Harrison Sporry Harrlaburi llirnm Lanoy couuolor HMII Wrido 6PX 7 llobort M Seddon ion Jub N IRh SninLel T t feeds 1I0 Third Ulllnni lewis Z Levan O Watson Holt jouA Sixth Jamei Hebron Ocorco A lourth Jo llkcoler rArn N I Iltluou horn- i McMullIn orb I JIj isz- PI Knintli llllam Liods Drilzintin Y Salem I U Taylor 1C SheetsN- Ml f Xophl1mlolh BrnebOor11I trum- JIrilith Uljihl Idleton Itlchard Prince P Santaquln Jl hu M Halllday J 0CIr01JV11Z 01 1IS00 r t 11101 Samuel Uoorgo V O i W0 cond I colloy Si inlili Forks lit Henry Gardner UnMlIOlnrkoi Tenth Ndam lipelro- JoWI W E yoieI I Wellington Stimiel latter I1 Mountain in learn P 2nd Joe D Snoll- r lEleventh Robert MrrIA City P 0 Ird Marlnus Imrell- Cliwuon I el 4 otIll Twelfth Hiram line Valley JntcrFnow a 4th M Nlolson- i it I President of the lnrR Ill Thirteenth Jttlson Vlnioyo- fo Knoll WILFORD OODRUrr Prophet Seer and Rcelator and ProM lentt A W Ivlnn Juarez- Rohrt Springvllle 1st John fuckott i Illv I world irloanlh George II Taylor 1 rko bt Ueorgo 0 Jill aweott- 2nd of of Latter day Saints in all the Counsolors Henry Colonh M orln Harmer t Church Jesus Christ Fifteenth Ulla rrli- llockUllo Uottlloblllrsch- Sol Hill Juarez Helaman 1rllI Dublan re lerlel kesler- l O Halbn- eoll CANNON Counselor in tie FirstI Presidency IrU lltccnth lbantiCHn J 4lh Joseph S I ta GEORGE Q first Jiluiuhun Moilco 1 Ixiyn oieiiteonth nltortllfatiloi- Hhonesburg O1U er Do Mill 1 iuipanagon Provo Peter M ontz 10 WZ- JOSEPH F SMITH Second Counselor in the first residencyI Chihuahua Mexico Lbtccnth Orson F Whllnov- Hockvlllo V 0 I r WARD4 Illoalorts Nineteenth Liman I larton Spriugdilo Oliver Clifford Carbon Countj Utah A I Coionla jchcco George W Hardy rentlrth Uomnoy- Koekvlllo P o- i W ioorco Pleasant Vallc ScoHcId t FueUe Apostles Colon In arez Jeo MarcolliiHS oolloy- S LOcor 0 Janionl I U armloy I LORrN7O SNOW President of the wintj llrst Andrus it 41 C nli nil Dnl Ian Winloft MentynccoudC k1frod 4olomon Akinen UIo Will A HrliiRhurst Wnnl Nnk I roI- MLMBFRS OF TilE COUNCil OF TIIC TWELVE AIOSTIES Colonla Diaz Wm Derby pl weutj third cargo Jones Virgin Leroy IN lloobo- sI I r Sonora Meltio Vashlngtou MidrcwSproul resident 4 W MCRRILI 1 I LORENZO SNOW JOHN HPNKV SMITH MARRWR Counselors T nIhll s Alexander Oaxcn near Frank Scott lan Lincoln County Xtia la- Hcbor A FEATHErED Kl0 KICIIARDS GEORGE TEA < ALR ANTON II LUND CIII FAR FRANKLIN D JIp IB Coltonwood Cou ity nod young rendered hardier and GRANT liniml Sink illuff Dale Ifou IrllloIl 1 Irlnlol Hunkerlllo Edward Hunker Jr aiatch Ulah Biz BRIOHAM YOUNG liEDER J IHlo I I 1 g- selection Bud careful breeding President n D Woolloy Kanab- rlghtou rare I Scloenffll 0 M 1 clovV Valley yiiinn I Woods wAni1q would- FRANCIS M LUIAN JOHN W TAILOR I n Isnor fix typo Call nsolors rhoimsi h niberlaln Drier li City Frederick W ISchoontcl gloVnloyJohn L lmmond1 Centre labor Win lllako the I Apostles as Prophets U Low In M Cramm- The Dronzo tnrLeyIs file largest rnd- It- 4 The Counselors In the First residency and the Twelve ulk Innlel boosmlller Itanch P ic2tneorqiiI llonnon- Charleston 111 N 0 Murlock- I Noun Co inty Utah Tako ctyAlbert DaiN Panacea CharlinO Daniels Crook II McOiilroll- Imndmuicst turkey in exieteniu Seers and Revelators Creent to bprlnt Valley Artcmu L- Ilcbcr Ilu Jane Cou ity Dralier Jame Jenen lloll Hallstono Hcbor Henry Clull i1l- plninaRO Is of rich mctalllci t rrnza Ulal per Illlam Allen J at County Art ana loljer East It S uke- WAnD AIA i Onll- aiai Unit glistens in Itho ecnlight like JOHN SMITH patriarch to the Church uiHiiors Jordan ij llyruni IVatl luomaa HlektnJr bur IA t Mill Noll lleavur Darns Albert P ulshcdgold lit rodnnli Knnabl I David oirart Creek Sill John rehnor Mllwi JdnWatklns fut itivoaldbodimcolt- 4 tilendahs MOIH irnors S I F Burton Wallsburg V to tbo Ibo beauty of a lIJUollry 1st Julius Nlnki A rauKhton ndoquately dec FIRST SEVEN PRESIDENTS OF THE SEMINTIPS- InbamdUnih I I I lam FareL Dalo James Joninn- malo bird in full plumage Toll grown Johnoii John Olazlcr- Oranlto Hutlerj Utah Hitler resident K Udall S rlngoriillo- Summit County Utah ON WELLS- Jovhl males wolgh front 15 to 45 pounds SeVMOtR B YOUNG GEORGE REYNOLD kll 5 Knnib Joel 11 Johnson Orangor I mini Moll 1- louiiclors Freeman WrnllGlb- Woodland kanios UpliLartibert 111- wo occasionally bear of one CO C D IjEtosTtu JONATIIAN G KIMUALL EDWARD STEVENSON mtCirmol USJolliyO- ilorrinian 0JaxMCrani P bonn SL Johns reaching rdcrvlllo II W ipllnI I I tinter is L City Illlam Miller U11 no Stake pounds weight and liens ulgh Horn 15 II IL ROBERTS I Aj ache County At aona atill Janus Hamilton to SO i ounds eacli Tho standard weights Mnlnil Nlntit Mountain William II Hardy WAIIS Willful resident Willis ItobUon Lon Counselors liana M loirB- ire Adult cock J5 pounds yearling WIILIAM D PRESTON Presidme Bishop resident Oliver 0 Hosklns Portage rorlh kii Bourdon Alpine Joseph IN Hovnool- Hanson and H- Green ylorvloH Coiicho I OU Ilutlau Ix a rock 83 pounds cockerel Jl iiouude ROBERT T IILRTOV First Counselor the Presiding Bishopric unstlon Join M McCrary Win T Mlltaf- H LMarblo- Olbbs West Portage lierton Irnlll I Nutrloso Brown I County hon JO pounds pullet lu pounds Second Counselor in residingI IBishopric PO John Majne Utah JOHN R WINGER the indy James Jensen SpringervilleUnion i 11 Crosby They nro not fully lualnro until Box County Utah i PO WIA11115 J138TIOP- about JUer MithCottonnnnd J ephlS llanllns- bt Johns UP 8 Ando Scainesville I years oil and tho breeding from WAnD ulh Jordan Gale William A Hills Walter Banks FRANKLINI D RICHARDS Church Historian and General Church Recorder Sugar House alcncta County New Ifexlem- Ircmont young iicmaturn upoclmena inI d j locat- mloro11 I110 pinllos0 DrlnsI- Hlcti Mixlo Pickling Trunes Unton Hannah I P GIles I o J ed ni likely to rodnco eakly infdior JOHN JAOUBS and CHARLES W PtNROiE Assistants Plymouth Thomas 11 Archibald shnmol hllllps b owls Who l West Jordan John A Ujibert- Loa HonJ iniln rown- young Uy breeding from tho well ma- I HarifordlactlulfWebt Io- fiocorro county Aciv Jrczit- LI Iorljo1 jlimn Voter hrlsiptison large deep stocky birdS I Aanpet Wm Itoynolds V E Teas lalo Colonian- tured the GENERAL CHURCH HOARD OP EDUCATION rIo 10 olunllobor tlooreo CollInvLonlMyronJUIchards- Thurbor M W ManHeld size null bariUncss nlll bo incrcnvd It Wasbakle toronl Ward lroldonl Canute Peterson Uphralin- M I Is by Writers WOODRUFF KARL G MAESER ANTON H LUND take claimed tomo that birds WILFORD Counselors Henr > phralm John Jph Weber Mike SHAKI- Ontida County Mala- President ChrMoiherlajton rhatcher- betweiii unit 10 years old are the best I ORCNZO SNOW WILLARD YOUNG JAMES Mall01 M lel President lj W Ogden Cherry Creel Total Jones Counsclora W D Johnson M II Mor Shnrtllll breeders Iwill produce tho best block Q CANNON GLORGK W THATCHER JOSEPH I SMITH I Counselors 0 1 Ml llotou X O Fly GnoRot icilyI- IV 11 Itihards Sanpcia County Utah lhatohor- ago Mklo rU garo OR Ion and the limit seems ilifflcuH to Arnerican JallI Win Neoley VvAnV14 Cftahant County An on determine ItotklaiHl101 IsitanThorn- ISUO In lor body Ch ester Chrlilon Chrlntonien WAnDA County Ltah iLiORDVooDRUrr frustte Trust the ofllehglouj Vorshlpera fourth I lebe Not n little ink lies been wasted upon Sallailla bralm North Iar H Midori u O 10-Bryce WARDS known as tire Church of Jesus Christ of I alter day Saints St Johns Jaule Harrilvl Almals nnor tho question of rlzo In turkeys KOH- Ill 8outhChrleu It Dories Iryrvlllml 1 M Woodruff Jos Harris- Fairview lamosO Peterson
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