Salisbury interviews President Yang On the Tibetan Issue A fine catch of fish. Photo by Tan Zeqiu HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK ««^-

VOL. 34, NO. 12 MARCH 25-31,1991

President Yang Meets Salisbury CONTENTS

• During his meeting with Harrison E. Salisbury, President NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 Yang said that will not change the policy of reform and opening to the outside world devised by . Pres• China's Development ident Yang pointed out that China has scored tangible results Programme for the 1990s in its economic readjustment (p. 13) . EVENTS/TRENDS 59 Ngapol Ngawang JIgme on Tibetan Issues 7th Five-Year Plan: GNP Goal Surpassed • At a recent press conference, Vice-Chairman of the NPC China Suggests Mideast Peace Standing Committee Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme answered ques• Plan tions about an agreement reached between the central govern• Massive Drive to Turn Nation Greener ment and the local government of that led to the peace• State Organs in Efficiency Move ful liberation of Tibet, the changes in Tibet over the past four News in Brief decades, the reincarnation of the Tenth Baingen and freedom of religious belief (p. 16). INTERNATIONAL

On the Right to Development 8 Local People's Congresses Reelected Palestine Back in the Spotlight 9 • In an 18-mouth period, China conducted elections for peo• Development Countries Face Economic Woes 11 ple's congresses in counties and townships throughout the nation. The elections and the way they were carried out were a major event in the political life of the Chinese people (pp. CHINA 19-27). 'We Won't Change Our Direction': A Conversation Developing Nations See Worsening Economies between President Yang and Salisbury 13 Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei on • Over the past decade, the economies of developing countries Tibetan Issues 16 have been confronted with serious difficulties. Their economic Tours Keep Deputies growth has slowed down due to economic management inex• Well-informed 19 perience and the unreasonable international economic order Local Elections: A Nation Goes (p. 11). to Ballot 22 Electing Deputies to County Congress 24 Cliina's Programme for the 1990s The Goal of a People's Deputy 27

• A forthcoming NPC session will discuss and decide upon BUSINESS/TRADE 29-31 China's programme for the 1990s. With the fulfilment of the first-stage goal in the 1980s, the second-stage goal, once again CULTURE/SCIENCE 32-34 doubling the 1980 GNP, will be achieved so long as an average annual growth rate of 6 percent is maintained. The key to COVER: A newly elected people's de• achieving the goal lies in adhering to the socialist road with puty cheered by her colleagues. Chinese characteristics (p. 4). Photo by Zhu Feng

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China's Development Programme for the 1990s

, by Jin Qi rr^he National People's Congress (NPC) to be The key to attaining the above-mentioned goal I held on March 25, 1991 will discuss and lies in adhering to the socialist road with Chinese decide upon China's development pro• characteristics. The concrete contents of this road gramme for the decade of the 1990s, a subject of have been gradually enriched in the propess of wide concern to people at home and abroad. implementing the basic line centred around eco• The "Outline of the Ten-Year Programme for nomic construction, of upholding the four cardi• National Economic and Social Development and nal principles and persisting in reform and open• the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1991-95)" (draft) sub• ing to the outside world. It is summed up as mitted by the State Council to the NPC for dis• 12-article major principles in the CPC Central cussion and approval was drawn up in accordance Committee's proposals and is the crystalization of with the proposals presented by the CPC Central the wisdom of the Party and the people and an Committee's plenary session held last December. embodiment of the outstanding contributions Both central and local governments have spent made by Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of Chi• more than a year preparing the draft, drawing na's modernization. various democratic parties, non-party personages, Economic restructuring and the open policy are scholars and experts into the discussion. the most remarkable change to have occurred in This blueprint specifying the orientation, poli• China's social and economic life over the past ten cies, measures and goals for China's development years. They are as well the basic stimulus to strive in the 1990s involves both succession and devel• for major achievements. In the next ten years, opment. China will press ahead with full-scale reform, In accordance with the three-stage strategic open its door wider to the outside world and, in plan for China's socialist modernization, the compliance with the requirement of a planned second-stage goal will be reached in the 1990s as socialist commodity economy, establish an opera• the 1980 GNP is quadrupled and a comfortable tional mechanism which integrates the planned standard of living achieved. economy and market regulation and carry out Because the goal.of doubling the 1980 GNP was foreign economic and technological exchanges at fulfilled ahead of schedule in the 1980s, it is a higher level and on a larger scale. estimated that the second-stage goal will be In the next decade of social development, achieved if an average annual growth rate of only China will demonstrate that it has learnt a lesson 6 percent is maintained during the 1990s. from weakened political and ideological educa• Although this growth rate is not high, the dif• tion. The nation will strengthen construction of ficulty in achieving it lies in overcoming the socialist civilization with advanced culture and long-standing tendency of excessive pursuit of ideology in order to raise the entire nation's moral quantity and by shifting the focus of economic and cultural levels. In addition, China will pay development to improvement in quality and eco• close attention to and make active and enterpris• nomic efficiency. To do these, it is necessary to ing efforts to perfect socialist democracy and the maintain a balance between total social demand legal system, safeguard political stability and un• and supply, optimize the economic structure^^ ity, intensively fight against corruption, for con• strengthen weak economic links and bring the struction of a clean government and for control economy into the orbit of a sustained, steady and over the growth in the population. harmonious development. At the same time, it is Practice is the only yardstick for testing truth. necessary for enterprises to turn extensive man• In the past ten years, we have fruitfully taken the agement into intensive management and rely on socialist road with Chinese characteristics. In the technological progress and scientific management next decade, we will continue to follow this road to strive for high-quality production and service and, while summing up our experience and draw• and greater competitiveness. If these can be ing on lessons, we will uphold what is right, achieved, it will mark a change of far-reaching correct what is wrong and compensate for what is significance in the history of China's economic insufficient. What will be the result of these ef• development. forts? Let the future answer. •


7th Five-Year Plan: The income growth, in "turn, trial output value, the spokesman enabled ordinary Chinese to said. GNPGoal Surpassed spend more on better food in• In the countryside, rural firms stead of just filling their sto• developed raidly in the past five uring the years of 1986-90, machs and buy fashionable clo• years and provided 22 million ex• China overfulfilled its thing and durable consumer tra jobs for labourers. D plan for gross national goods such as refrigerators, col• Non-agricultural production product (GNP) growth by 0.3 our television sets and washing sectors, such as industry, com• percent, according to a govern• machines. merce, construction and trans• ment official. "Despite a relatively low in• port, accounted for 54.6 percent Zhongji, a spokesman come level," Zhang said, "the of the total output value in rural for the State Statistical Bureau, health conditions, nutrition in• China last year, which was an told a press conference on March take and average life expectancy increase of 11.7 percent over the 13 that the past five years saw an of the people have been close to 1985 figure, he added. • annual growth of 7.8 percent in or already reached the standard GNP, higher than the 7.5 percent of countries at middle-income China Suggests target. levels." The national income, he said, China's economic reform ef• Mideast Peace Plan grew from 702 billion yuan in forts paid off as it readjusted its 1985 to 1,430 billion in 1990,economi c structure and system of five-point peace plan for a with an annual growth rate of 7.5 ownership in the past five years. fair solution to the Mid• percent in the past five years, 0.8 While keeping public own• A dle East issue at the earli• percent higher the planned tar• ership as the mainstay of the na• est possible date was proposed get. tional economy, he said, China by the Chinese government on Its per-capita GNP rose to last saw sizable increases in both the March 14. year's 1,532 yuan (US$249.6) collective and private sectors. At a weekly news briefing, a from 816 yuan ($156.9) in 1985. Of China's total industrial out• Chinese Foreign Ministry spokes• Accordingly, both urban resi• put value, the share contributed man pointed out that the pro• dents and farmers saw nearly by collectively-owned firms rose longed absence of a solution to identical increases in their av• to 36.9 percent last year, up from the issue, with the Palestine ques• erage annual income during the 32.8 percent in 1985. tion at its heart, is the main cause past five years: 4.1 percent for Meanwhile, private and other of the continuous turmoil in the urban residents and 4.2 percent non-public sectors increased their region. for their rural compatriots, he share from 2.3 percent to 8.6 per• After the end of the Gulf war, said. cent of the country's total indus• he said, the need for such a set• tlement has become imperative. He spelled out China's five- point peace plan as: — The Middle East issue should be resolved through polit• ical channels and all parties con• cerned should refrain from re• sorting to force; — China supports the convo• cation of an international peace conference on the Middle East under UN auspices, with the par• ticipation of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and all parties con• cerned; — China supports the efforts of all parties to conduct dialogues of various forms as they deem appropriate, including direct dia• logue between the PLO and Is• rael;


— Israel must stop its suppres• sion of the Palestinians in the occupied territories and with• draw from the occupied Arab lands; in return, the security of Israel should also be guaranteed; — The State of Palestine and Israel should recognize each oth• er and Arab and Jewish nations should co-exist in peace; The spokesman said that China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, will continue its efforts to promote the Middle East peace process together with the international community. Speaking on arms sales in the Middle East, the spokesman said YAO ZUNGYl the Chinese Foreign Ministry has People in Zhidan County of Shaanxi Province plant trees on barren hills. called for a "prudent and respon• sible attitude." sumption. tares of trees have been planted, "China maintains that the ar• To meet this target, the minis• bringing 11 million hectares of maments of each country should try is to invest 2.5 billion yuan in farmland under protection. be used for self-defense only. technical innovation and the im• As a result of afforestation ef• They must not be used for armed provement of forestry-related in• forts, 60.7 percent of the farm• aggression against and interfer• frastructure in the coming five land on the plains is now sur• ence in any other country," he years. New scientific results and rounded by trees. said. • technology will be introduced to Village-run tree farms have speed up afforestation. been established to meet the na• During the Seventh Five-Year tionwide needs for tree saplings. Massive Drive to Plan (1986-90) period, the coun• China has 121,000 such farms Turn Nation Greener try planted timber forests on with a combined 13 million hec• 15.78 million hectares, up 6.4 tares of forested land. In addi• ore than 10 billion trees percent over the 1981-85 period. tion, the state tree farms have have been planted in Last year alone, 5.5 million planned to plant trees on 6.7 mil• M China over the past de• hectares of land were planted lion hectares of mountain slopes cade thanks to a massive cam- with trees and 3.7 million hec• and wasteland in the next ten pain participated by millions of tares of hillsides were closed off years. • Chinese people, old and young, to from livestock grazing and fuel beautify their country. exploration to facilitate afforesta• State Organs in A survey shows that , tion. Hubei, and Fujian prov• So far, China has 30.7 million Efficiency Wlove inces and the Guangxi Zhuang hectares of man-planted forests, Autonomous Region have af• ranking first in the world. remier Li Peng said on forested more than 300,000 hec• Construction of a shelter belt March 13 that to im• tares of mountain slopes and is well underway on the up• P prove economic manage• wasteland in the past two per reaches of the Changjiang ment, government organizations months. A total of 1.4 million (Yangtze) River. The project, should be streamlined in accord• hectares of land will be planted covering 670,000 hectares, had ance with the principle of in• with trees in these regions the streched across 145 counties in tegrating planned economy and rest of this year. nine provinces along the river market regulation and separating According to the Ministry of early last year. governmental and business func• Forestry, China plans to build 31 The northern shelter belt pro• tions. million hectares of forest in ject began in 1978 to curb deser• While addressing a national the coming decade so that tree tification, soil erosion, flood and conference on personnel manage• growth will surpass timber con- drought. In all, 9.13 million hec• ment which began on March 11

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31. 1991 EVENTS/TRENDS at Zhongnanhai, the seat of the ing staff by more than 62,000. as always, support the Cambodi• central government, Li stressed However, the departments of jus• an resistance parties in their ef• the significance of reforming tice, statistics, industry and com• forts to reach a political settle• government organizations. He merce administration, price man• ment of the Cambodian issue. said that the major task facing agement, tax, customs and family This was declared by the the reform of local government planning enlisted more staff. • Chinese Premier Li Peng when organizations is to carry out meeting with the leaders of three multi-level experiments, while News in Brief Cambodian resistance parties, in• organizations under the State cluding Prince Norodom Sihan• Council should remain compara• ouk, in Beijing on March 14. tively stable. The key point is to Djibouti President Sihanouk said that the three improve efficiency, he added. Pays Visit to China parties agree with the UN Secur• Li stated that wage system re• President of the Republic of ity Council's framework and oth• form should be carried on in re• Djibouti Hassan Gouled Aptidon er related documents on the lation with the reform of gov• arrived in Beijing on March 11 Cambodian question and called ernment organizations. Egalitari- and paid a five-day goodwill visit on other parties concerned to ac• anism should be eliminated and to China. cept these documents. practical efforts be made to en• Chinese President Yang Shang- China Will courage experts, scholars and kun and Premier Li Peng met Increase Its Export scientific and technological per• and talked with Gouled the next China has set an ambitious ex• sonnel who have made prominent day. Yang pointed out that Pres• port goal to increase its annual contributions. ident Gouled's current visit will exports by 20 percent during the He pointed out that a new civ• further the political, economic 1991-1995 period. il service system should be esta- and other relations between the 'The Ministry of Foreign Eco• bhshed in light of China's present two countries. World peace will nomic Relations and Trade urged conditions, and the selection and also benefit from the good rela• managers of the China National promotion of government of• tions between the two countries Overseas Trading Corporation, ficials should be based on their and from the meetings and talks one of the country's leading com• working abilities. being held between their top prehensive foreign trade enter• According to Vice Personnel leaders, said Yang. prises, to exert their utmost to Minister Zhang Zhijian, no new Gouled, who visited China first develop new markets and high- government bodies will be esta• in December 1979, noted that the value products to reach that goal. blished, nor will existing ones be Djibouti people are satisfied with State Hiring expanded, without State Council the projects aided by China and and Firing the work performed by Chinese approval. Early in March, the State technicians in Djibouti. He said the State Production Council appointed some State of• Commission, set up in 1989 Marshall Embassy ficials, sacking others. to coordinate national industri• To Be Established Hong Hu was appointed to be al management, would be kept an Chinese Premier Li Peng held vice-minister in charge of the impermanent government organ talks on March 14 with President state commission for restructur• under the State Planning Com• Amata Kabua of the Marshall ing the economic system, Wang mission. Islands. Ang to be vice-minister of aeron• And the central government Li said that Kabua's China vis• autics and astronautics indus• has decided to restrict adminis• it, after diplomatic ties were es• try, Dong Zhiguang to be vice- trative interference in the busi• tablished between the two coun• minister of foreign economic re• ness aspects of major national en• tries in November last year, in• lations and trade, Chen Ziying to terprises or enterprise groups, the dicates the importance the Mar• be deputy director of the Head vice-minister said. shall Islands attach to relations Office in charge of Hong Kong The number of new recruits with China, for which he voiced 'and Macao Affairs and to staff government departments Zhuping to be the director of the appreciation. this year will be hmited to 290,- Civil Aviation Administration of Kabua said the Marshall Is• 000, while a total of 160,000 re• China (CAAC). lands plan to set up an embassy dundant staff will be cut, Zhang in Beijing soon. Jiang Xiesheng was removed' noted. from his position as vice-minister Last year, the country cut Cambodia: of aeronautics and astronautics 120 government-affiliated in• China's Support Assured industry and Hu Yizhou as the stitutions and reduced the work• The Chinese government will, director of the CAAC. •


On the Right to Development

Zhang Yishan ince the Declaration on the tries are subjected to foreign peaceful coexistence, equality, Right to Development was domination and their national mutual benefits and co-operation S adopted, the universal and rights are completely nonexis• among states. Only when such a full realization of the right to tent. Only when states or na• new international political order development has always been a tions achieve development, can is established can our world be• major concern of the commis• favourable political, economic come better and the right to de• sion, which has decided to give and social conditions be provid• velopment be realized. priority to this issue as a separate ed for the development of indivi• To fully manifest the right to item on its agenda from the year duals. Individual development as development, we must also esta• 1990. For years, the commission such would in turn promote and blish a new international econo• has done tremendous work in facilitate the development of the mic order. In today's world, the giving wide publicity to the right state or nation as a whole. There• unjust and imbalanced economic to development and in actively fore, the development of states, environment has led to the grow• promoting its realization, a fact nations and that of individuals ing gap between the North and that the international communi• are unitary and mutually com• South and ever deepening plight ty has always commended and plementary. Any arbitrary separ• of most developing countries in appreciated. ation or confrontation between their socio-economic develop• To fully realize the right to the two would hamper the com• ment. The number of least de• development, we must first clar• prehensive and correct under• veloped countries has increased ify the concept. There is a doc• standing of the right to devel• from 25 in 1972 to 41 at present. trine at present which emphasiz• opment as well as its implemen• In the world market, the scissors es that the right to development tation. differential in the exchange rate is only a right of individuals. The To fully realize the right to between primary products and Chinese delegation believes that development, it is also essential manufactured goods is increas• the right to development is both that we ehminate obstacles exist• ingly widening. Most developing a right of states or nations and of ing in the international commun• countries are encountering grea• individuals. It is a collective as ity which stand in the way of ter difficulties in their econom• well as an individual human national development. There is ies, resulting in a lowered per right. To interpret the right to no denying the fact that there capita income and slowed down development as purely an indivi• still exist in today's world var• development. In spite of their dual right is not a balanced view. ious forms of colonialism, ra• positive efforts in seeking solu• cism, foreign aggression and oc• tions to these problems and the Judging from the world's social cupation and denial of state preliminary results achieved so and economic development pro• sovereignty, independence and far, they have failed to funda• cess, individual development can self-determination of peoples. mentally change their disadvan• in no way be separated from that All these are obstacles to the taged position, which is the long- of states or nations. All develop• realization of the right to devel• term result of the irrational in• ing countries, including China, opment, and their eradication re• ternational economic order. Any have had the same experience, quires joint efforts on the part of change in the present situation i.e. there is no point in talking the international community to would require the establishment about the right to development establish a new international pol• of new international political re• for individuals when their coun- itical relationship based upon lationships coupled with the im• This is a speech recently made by Zhang mutual respect, seeking common provement of the existing in• Yishan, alternative representative of ground while preserving differ• ternational economic order, eli• the Chinese delegation, at the 47th ses• ences, mutual non-interference mination of injustice and ine• sion of the United Nations Commission quality in the global economic on Human Rights in Geneva. in each other's internal affairs.

8 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31,1991 INTERNATIONAL structure, improvement of inter• Nations agencies and all quarters developing countries alike. The national economic conditions, concerned. It is well known that international community should and the mitigation and eventual the world economy is an integral join in a united effort to effect eradication of elements con• whole,' that all countries are inti• the right to development and straining the development of de• mately related in their develop• create conditions for the early achievement of the objectives of veloping countries. ment efforts, that the prosperi• the Declaration on the Right The realization of the right to ty of a minority cannot be sus• to Development. China stands development is a long-term and tained at the cost of prolonged ready to join the rest of the inter• arduous task. Difficult to accom• underdevelopment and poverty national community and make plish with the efforts of human of the majority and that the adv• its contribution to the economic rights institutions alone, it re• ancement of developing coun• and social development of man• quires co-ordinated efforts on tries would contribute to the kind and to the realization of the the part of governments, United wellbeing of both developed and noble goals of the declaration. •

Palestine Back in tlie Spotlight

by She Duanzhi th the guns in the Gulf time has come to put an end to fused to withdraw from the occu• going silent, the question Arab-Israeli conflict," Bush said. pied territories, in open defiance Wof Palestine, the heart of He added, "A comprehensive of the Security Council resolu• the complex Middle East laby• peace must be grounded in UN tions, and has now categorical• rinth, has once again become the Security Council Resolutions 242 ly rejected the proposed in• focus of international attention. and 338 and the principle of ter• ternational conference. The Se• To take advantage of what ritory for peace." The two resolu• curity Council has failed to take some people have described as tions call for the Israeli return any action against Israel's defi• the "historic opportunity" prov• of the occupied Arab territories, ance. ided by the end of the Gulf war, Arab recognition of Israel and The Palestine Liberation Or• many countries are launching di• Arab-Israeli negotiation. ganization (PLO), in a statement plomatic initiatives in an effort The Security Council has on March 7, welcomed the "pos• to break the stalemate in the made it clear in its numerous itive elements" in Bush's speech Mideast peace process. resolutions on the Middle East — that the question of Palestine On March 3, in a nine-point that the key to resolving the must be addressed on the basis of plan for future Arab relations, Middle East issue is Israel's with• United Nations Resolutions 242 Egyptian President Hosni Mu• drawal from the Arab territories and 338. barak stressed the need to settle it occupied since 1967 and the In a summit meeting on the Arab-Israeli conflict, espe• convening of an international March 8, foreign ministers of cially the Palestinian question. conference under the auspices of eight Arab nations — Egypt, In an address to a joint ses• the United Nations. With the Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, sion of Congress on March 6, participation of all parties con• Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and the US President George Bush said cerned, including the PLO, as United Arab Emirates — is• challenges still lie ahead in the well as the five permanent mem• sued the Damascus Declaration, Middle East despite the end of bers of the Security Council, the which pointed out, "The fore• the war. "We must work to create conference would help to guar• most challenge to peace in the new opportunities for peace and antee the legitimate rights of Arab region comes from the stability in the Middle East...We the Palestinian people to self- continued Israeli occupation of must do all that we can to close determination. Arab territories." The eight na• the gap between Israel and the However, not one of the reso• tions welcomed Bush's peace Arab states — and between Is• lutions has been implemented so plan and vowed their continued raelis and Palestinians... The far. For 23 years Israel has re• efforts to seek a just and lasting

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 9 INTERNATIONAL solution to the Middle East con- have voiced their approval for actions the United States will nict. the convocation of an interna• take to cope with Israel's stub• The five North African Magh• tional Middle East peace confer• bornness. They hope Washington reb countries — Libya, Algeria, ence. will co-operate with the Security Mauritania, Tunisia and Moroc• In an interview with the Council to demonstrate the same co — also held a summit meeting French newspaper Le Monde, determination and maintain the in the Libyan town of Ras Lanuf French Foreign Minister Roland same standards and pace as it on March 10, at which they con• Dumas said a just and immediate urged the council to do when demned any attempt to under• solution to the Palestinian prob• dealing with the Gulf crisis. mine the PLO, saying the PLO is lem must be found to prevent Zimbabwean Ambassador to the sole legitimate representative fresh conflicts from arising in the United Nations S. S. Mum- of the Palestinians. the Middle East. The French for• bengegwi told the Security Coun• US Secretary of State James eign minister indicated that he cil on March 9 that history will Baker, in a fresh diplomatic en• would meet with PLO Chairman commend the council's actions in deavour, shuttled between Israel, Yasser Arafat in Paris because taking four days to impose eco• Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait the PLO is the sole legitimate nomic sanctions and five months and Syria in the first half of representative of Palestine. It is to take military measures against March. While in Israel, he held subjective and unrealistic to re• Iraq when it invaded and occu• separate talks with both Israeli fuse to recognize the PLO, Du• pied Kuwait, "but history will officials and representatives of mas pointed out. He went on to not forgive the council for reneg• Palestinians living on occupied say that France cares not only ing on its responsibility in other lands. Israel, however, remained about the Palestinians' right to cases of occupation in the same as intransigent as ever. establish their own state but also region." Canadian Secretary of State about Israel's security. These are Secretary-General of the Unit• for External Affairs Joe Clark two closely linked issues, he stat• ed Nations Javier Perez de Cuel- and three foreign ministers of ed, and France has steadfastly lar said on March 9 that the the European Community also maintained that the convening world body should be responsible toured the region in early March of an international Middle East for arranging peace in the Mid• to probe the possibility of settling conference is the best method to dle East and that all countries the Arab-Israeli conflict, while resolve the Middle East issue. have the right to voice their opi• France and the Soviet Union • People are waiting to see what nion on the issue. •

The United Nations Security Council votes to end the hostilities in the Gulf: Can the world body play as vital a role in resolving the Middle East conflict as it did in driving Iraqi troops out of Kuwait? GAO XUEYU


Developing Countries Face Economic Woes by Wu Ninggeng

In the 1960s and 1970s, developing countries maintained an average economic growth rate of 5 percent, higher than the level of Western countries. However, they have been confronted with severe economic situations since the 1980s. ong-standing economic dif• cent of the gross domestic prod• dropping a striking 35 percent in ficulties have been experi• uct in 1989, compared with 3.8 19 countries. This provoked so• enced by many developing percent in 1981. Meanwhile, in• cial disturbances and sharpened Lcountries. According to United flation had climj)ed out of con• Social contradictions in many Nations data, from 1981 to 1989 trol. The situation continues to countries in the 1980s. the average annual growth rate worsen, with the total debt of The economic difficulties of of developing countries, based on developing countries surpassing developing countries, unlike de• fixed 1980 values, was only 3.1 US$1,300 billion. The Latin veloped countries, are not trig• percent. If the 9 percent growth American region alone accounts gered by production and capi• rate of China is not included, the for one third of the total for• tal surplus, but by shortage. In growth rate was less than 2.4 per• eign debt of developing coun• many countries, most productive cent, lower than previous lev• tries. Clearly, the heavy debt sectors, especially agriculture els and than developed coun• burden has weakened the foun• and food production, have been tries (2.8 percent). Except for dation of these countries' econo• at a standstill. the Southeast Asian and South mic growth. •Asian regions, which maintained With their weak economic bas• an average growth rate of 5.6 Moreover, the unemployment es, developing countries have percent, other countries made al• rate in those countries has in• long been embarrassed by the most no progress in the 1980s. creased, leading to a drop in citi• question of funding. Since the Thus the World Bank called the zens' real income. In 1989, per- 1980s, domestic investment in past ten years the "losing de• capita income in 57 developing many nations dropped greatly cade" for developing countries. countries was lower than in 1980, due to money shortages caused Last year, the economic Turkish tourism affected by the Gulf war: The desolate Hotel Hilton International growth rate of the developing in downtown Istanbul. countries was a mere 2.2 percent, IVASG IIYU lower than the rate of population increase. In Southeast Asia and South Asia, the growth rate had dropped to about 5 percent, and Latin America, the worst off, witnessed a negative 0.4 percent growth rate.

Troubles at Home Current ailing economies have resulted from various crises. In addition to economic stagnation, many developing countries are seeing worsening financial situa• tions. According to the Interna• tional Monetary Fund, deficits in many countries valued 8 per•

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 INTERNATIONAL by falling exports and the flow vate economy and market me• Bank, the actual interest rate in of capital back to Western coun• chanism. the 1980s was double that of tries. The domestic investment the 1960s. Developing countries rate of developing countries de• Outside Factors have borne the burden of pro• creased from 26.6 percent in gressively higher interest on for• 1980 to 22.7 percent in 1989: Outside factors have aggravat• eign debts. From 1981 to 1989, Middle East from 25.9 percent to ed the difficulties of third world the total of the capital plus in• 17 percent, Africa from 25.7 per• countries. Unfair international terest paid back reached cent to 19.3 percent, Latin Amer• economic relations and the eco• US$1,298 billion, outstripping ica from 23.4 percent to 18.2 per• nomic policies of Western coun• the total foreign debt of devel• cent. Only the Southeast Asian tries have played a key role in oping countries in 1989. At the and South Asian countries main• the current problems facing de• same time, international com• tained their previous levels. veloping countries. Since the mercial banks stopped voluntary Lack of experience has contri• 1980s, the main aspects of this loans to major debtor nations buted to developing countries' are as follows: from 1983 on. During the 1980s, economic problems. For exam• 1. The economic readjustment Western countries reduced direct ple, the pursuit of massive in• and slowdown of economic investment in developing coun• vestment and high-speed growth growth in Western countries tries by half, and their limited has led to biased national econ• further cut the demand for pri• official assistance and loans omies. Some countries excessive• mary products, whose prices available were provided under have fallen to their lowest levels ly stressed economic independ• increasingly strict conditions. during the post-war period. Ow• ence and domestic development 3. The economic development ing to the expanding price gap while negating relations with the of developing countries has been global market. Yet other coun• between finished products and affected by Western countries' tries overlooked domestic in• primary products in the interna• turbulent exchange rates, the dustrial reorganization and self- tional market and the increasing strengthening of European and reliance while focusing on for• trade protectionism carried out North American economic inte• eign economic ties. Many devel• by developed countries, most de• gration and the changes in the oping nations have strengthened veloping nations' foreign trade international political pattern in the state's role as economic inter• has shrunk during the past de• recent years. vener and participant, develop• cade. The way out for developing ing state-run economies in order 2. High interest rates greatly countries is to improve domestic to supplement the weak private reduced the amount of money and foreign conditions. Internal capital base. However, they often flowing into developing coun• rectification must be combined tend to overlook the roles of pri• tries. According to the World with the improvement in inter• national economic en• Kuwaiti oil wells destroyed in the Gulf war. ZHANGXUN vironment and policy readjustment by de• veloped countries. At present, howev• er, Western coun• tries have still not al• tered their positions on debt reduction or exemption, funding, trade in finished products and primary products and the least developed countries. Their stubborn atti• tude undoubtedly will cast shadows over the future develop• ment of developing countries. •


'We Won't Change Our Direction' A Conversation between President Yang and Salisbury

by Our Staff Reporter Dong Yuguo

Yang: How far along are Central Committee of the When Harrison E. you on your current work? Salisbury, an S: It's nearly finished except has just been held. At the ses• for the last two chapters sion we discussed the Eighth American about China's future and a Five-Year Plan which begins correspondent and description of what the coun• this year and, at the same try will be Uke in the year time, took the Ninth Five- author of ''The Long 2000. My work gives me the Year Plan into consideration. opportunity to better under• Therefore, the Seventh Plen• March—The Untold stand what's in store for ary Session studied issues as• Story/' was in China China in the future by listen• sociated with this decade, ing to the views of thpse who such as economic issues for January 23-30 to know China best. the remaining ten years of the collect material for a Mr President, I think 20th century. Today, we can you're pragmatic and do not only look as far as ten years new book, he met want to predict future hap• into future developments; it penings, but I will be very is hard for us to predict how separately with Yang grateful if you can give me things will stand after this de• Shangkun, president your opinion. cade. Therefore, I think the Most importantly, I want way we put both the Eighth of the People's to know about the economy, and Ninth Five-Year plans Republic, and Yuan because I think the economic together for consideration at situation determines policies. the session was correct. Mu, spokesman for I've a clear understanding Generally speaking, we'll of Marxism-Leninism, but 1 continue to implement the the State Council, want to hear your views. policy of reform and opening who briefed him on Yang: First, welcome to to the outside world. We will China. continue to put into effect the China's Eighth Your previous work on blueprint devised by Com• Five-Year Plan, its which you spent a lot of ener• rade Deng Xiaoping and en• gy writing. The dorsed at the Third Plenary Ten-Year — The Untold Story, exerted Session of the 11th Party positive influence on China Central Committee held in Programme and because you give a fair and December 1978. According to other matters. The objective report on the Red the Party document, our first Army's Long March. task was to get enough food minutes of their I hope your current work and clothing for our people discussions will be will soon be completed and, and, in the second stage, like the previous one, give a provide them with a comfort• published in this and fair and objective reflection able life. Now that our first of reality. task has been fulfilled, we the next issue of You've come to China at must double the gross na• Beijing Review. the right time. The Seventh tional product (GNP) of the Plenary Session of the 13th 1980s and become well-off.


We will meet the magnificent that our open policy had State Council, will provide goal set by Comrade Deng slammed shut. They have a you with more detailed infor• Xiaoping to quadruple the mistaken impression that our mation. 1980 GNP by the end of this policies have changed. Some S: I'm very grateful to you century. In a word, the Third even claim that an end for the summary you've made Plenary Session formulated had been declared to Deng of the overall situation in the policy of reform and Xiaoping's policies. At the China. opening to the outside world time, I told some American Mr. President, I'm a as specified by Comrade friends that such speculation firm believer in Mr. Deng Deng Xiaoping. We need to is inaccurate; China's open Xiaoping's economic develop• continue the implementation door is closed from the out• ment plan. I think his plan is of this policy which has re• side, not from the inside. imbued with an innovative mained unchanged #er the Within a year, foreign bus• spirit and has been very suc• past decade. iness staff in China all re• cessful. It has, however, also Of course, under this poli• turned and, since their re• encountered difficulties in cy, the rate of development turn, there has been a large some areas and has had may fluctuate, sometimes increase in investments and mixed reviews from different high, other times low, and transfer of technology by people. I wonder whether this there is the possibility of a some new businesses. Mo• represents a serious differ• slowdown due to internal and reover, loans which were sus• ence of opinion. external influences within a pended have been restored Yang: Yes, as you've said dif• certain period of time. Wha• and some countries have lift• ferent people have different tever the case, we'll never ed and some have loosened views. In 1988, there did exist change the policy of reform the economic sanctions which inflation, a shortage of consu• and opening to the outside they imposed on the Chinese mer goods and problems with world. Why do I bother to government. The current si• the sale of grain in rural emphasize this point? I do so tuation is far better than areas. This situation did exist because we encountered some what it was in June 1989. in 1988 and still exists even difficulties after the "June 4 Domestically, after the today. The point is that we incident" in 1989. For a cer• "June 4 incident," we read• need to see whether the dif• tain period of time, we need justed the national economy, ficulties can be overcome or to readjust our policies and, overcame many difficulties not and whether the govern• therefore, our rate of devel• and scored enormous ment has adopted the neces• opment will be slow. Under achievements. In short, after sary measures to deal with these circumstances, our the "June 4 incident," the si• the problem. readjustment of some inter• tuation in China is not as has S: I fully agree with you, Mr nal factors will meet consi• been claimed by some people president. I've visited China's derable external difficulties. who say that China is fin• rural areas and I perhaps give In the days to which I just ished because its policy of re• an even higher appraisal of referred, for example, the re• form and opening to the out• rural China than you do. sident staff of foreign busi• side world has come to an Yang: Thank you. In 1988, nesses in Beijing were, with end. As a matter of fact, in problems such as rapid price some exceptions, withdrawn. less than two years since the hikes, a high rate of inflation, Already established foreign "June 4 incident," we have insufficient market commod• business relations ground to a overcome both internal and ities and difficulties in the halt. Not only new projects, external difficulties. We have rural areas did exist. I suggest investment and introduction managed to reach our current you go and have a look at the of technology and funds level of development precise• markets which have greatly could not continue, but old ly because we have imple• expanded. There is a rich ones were suspended. Under mented the policy of reform store of goods in the market such circumstances, some for• and opening to the outside from among which customers eign friends unaware of the world. In this regard, I think. can choose the best commod• details of the situation said Yuan Mu, spokesman for the ities and so even a sluggish

14 BEIJING RE\, MARCH 25-31, 1991 CHINA

President Yang meets Salisbury.

market has emerged. Al• formists. Chinese leaders are sues among leaders also exist though we are now not con• ideologically identical, how• among foreigners and so the fronted with great problems, ever, and, as for different op• above-mentioned practice of do we still have difficulties? inions on specific issues, that aligning Chinese leaders Yes. But we won't change our is an entirely normal situa• along rigid hnes disregards direction. tion. That Comrade Deng the international situation. In Mr. Salisbury, you've men• Xiaoping's line has stood firm my opinion, even when Deng tioned the possible problem despite the changeable inter• Xiaoping passes away, his of a change in China's esta• national situation has proved policies will remain valid. Al• blished guidelines and poli• its correctness. Therefore, the though some people often cies after Mr. Deng Xiaoping discussion by some people passes away. I've noticed that about problems which may speculate how the successor this is a subject of discussion follow his demise is futile, if to a certain leader continues abroad. I can assure you, Mr it is not out of ulterior mo• his predecessor's policies, I Salisbury, that the policies tive, because the basis for have no doubt China's pol• and lines formulated by Com• such discussion is completely icies will continue. China's rade Deng Xiaoping are cor• wrong. If one approaches is• history tells me that even af• rect and viable and have tak• sues of importance to China ter a leader passes away his en deep root in people's in such a perspective, one successors, even if they have hearts. Even when Deng pass• simply cannot come to a cor• a different understanding of es away in the future, the line rect conclusion. his policies, will continue to of reform and opening to S: I agree with your view that follow them. the outside world will not it is incorrect to peg Chinese change, but will instead be leaders as conservative and Yang: Well, that's all I want further developed and im• reformist. Such thinking to say today. As for details, proved. Internationally, some shows a lack of knowledge please talk with Comrade people like to label China's about China and its leaders. Yuan Mu and ask him as leaders as conservatives or re• Differences of approach to is• many questions as you like. •


Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme on Tibetan Issues

by Our Staff Reporter Jing Wei his year marks the 40th an• pointed all five delegates of the niversary of the peaceful former Tibetan local government T liberation of Tibet. Re• to negotiate with the central quested by some Chinese and government and afterwards ap• foreign reporters, Ngapoi Nga• proved the agreement. After wang Jigme, vice-chairman of their return to , the local the Standing Committee of the government of Tibet immediate• National People's Congress, gave ly convened a meeting attended a press conference and answered by local officials. With regard to questions relating to Tibet at the the process and content of sign• Great Hall of the People in Bei• ing the agreement, the pelnipo- jing on March 12. tentiaries reported on their nego• tiations to the gathering. After earnest discussions, these offi• Peace Agreement cials unanimously supported the When a reporter asked about agreement. On October 24, 1951, XU XIANulLI\ the Agreement on the Measures Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme at the press Ngapoi said, the sent for the Peaceful Liberation of Ti• conference. a telegram to the Central Peo• bet, signed by the Central Peo• ple's Government and Chairman ple's Government and the local and Samposey Tenzin Thundup, , which said. "On government of Tibet in 1951, also in Lhasa, to join Ngapoi in the basis of friendship, delegates Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, now so that they could go on both sides concluded the close to 80 years old, recounted to Beijing together. At the same Agreement of the Central Peo• that he was working as the gov• lime, the Dalai Lama sent Khe- ple's Government and the Local ernor of Chamdo when the city mey Sonam Wandi and Thupten government of Tibet on Mea• was liberated in . Thanthar, two personal represen• sures for the Peaceful Liberation He saw with his own eyes the tatives of the Dalai Lama, to Bei• of Tibet on May 23, 1951. The deeds of the People's Liberation jing from Yadong by way of Tibetan local government as well Army which were in contrast to and Hong Kong. After as the ecclesiastics and secular rumours. With a clear under• meeting in Beijing, the five re• people unanimously support this standing of the central govern• presentatives started negotiating agreement...." The original copy ment's policies, he twice wrote to with (chief delegate), of the telegram is now kept in the the Dalai Lama, suggesting he , state archives.' send a delegation to negotiate and Sun Zhiyuan~the four re• The vice-chairman described with the central government. At presentatives appointed by the as a fabrication the allegation that time, some patriotic mem• Central People's Government. that the agreement bears a false bers of the upper strata in Lhasa The negotiation was held in a seal of the Tibetan local govern• also encouraged representatives friendly and consultative atmos• ment. The seals on the agreement to be sent to negotiate with the phere and in no way any opinion were the personal seals of the central government so that a war was imposed upon the local gov• representatives which, together could be avoided. ernment of Tibet. It goes without with their names, were written in "The appointment of represen• saying, Ngapoi said, that in the Tibetan. The original copy of the tatives for peace talks was per• course of talks they had diver• agreement will soon be on dis• sonally decided upon by the Da• gent views on some issues. How• play at the Nationality Cultural lai Lama," Ngapoi said. The Da• ever, after a frank consultation, Palace in Beijing. People will lai Lama appointed him the chief they reached a consensus and clearly see that there was no seal delegate with full powers of the concluded the agreement. of the local government of Tibet Tibetan local government and Ngapoi noted that it was the on the agreement. dispatched Thupten Lekmuun Dalai Lama who personally ap• Ngapoi also told the press that

16 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 CHINA he had some contacts with the "With the implementation of The number of livestock on hand Dalai Lama after 1980 and that the democratic reform and the increased by more than 100 per• the two once wrote to each other. overthrow of the feudal serfdom cent, reaching 22.8 million head In his letter, Ngapoi Ngawang system," Jigme said, "the 1 mil• in 1990. The income of Tibetan Jigme urged the Dalai Lama to lion Tibetan serfs who had no peasants and herdsmen was piti• stop activities for "Tibetan inde• political right became the mas• fully low in the past. In 1990, pendence" and to hold negotia• ters of society and the country. however, the per-capita income tions with the central govern• Tibet now has regional national of the region's farmers and ment, which, he said, are in the autonomy and people's congress herdsmen averaged 430 yuan. interests of the Tibetan people. systems. "Today, the majority of According to Ngapoi, Tibet's the deputies to the people's con• culture, education, medical ser• gresses at all levels in Tibet are vice, science and technology 40 Years of Changes farmers, herdsmen, workers and have also developed rapidly. When asked what changes intellectuals," he noted. Traditional culture and medicine have taken place in Tibet over Ngapoi introduced to the press have been passed on and de• the past 40 years, Ngapoi Nga• Tibet's economic achievements veloped. Tibetan hospitals have wang Jigme said that guided by with a host of data and materials. been established in all parts the Communist Party's national In the past, he said, Tibet only of the autonomous region, and policies and the Agreement on had a few handicraft industries. many county hospitals have esta• the Measures for the Peaceful Today, it boasts 260 small and blished departments of Tibetan Liberation of Tibet and through medium-sized industrial enter• medicine. In the past, each coun• the efforts of the people of all prises, and agriculture and lives• ty had only three or four private nationalities in Tibet, there had tock breeding—the backbone of Tibetan doctors. The number of been profound changes in the re• Tibet's economy—have devel• Tibetan medical workers in the gion. He said that world- oped apace. The region's grain region now tops 1,500. In a word, acknowledged achievements output rose from 150 million kg Ngapoi said, after 40 years have been accomplished in all in 1959 before the democratic re• of efforts, tremendous changes fields over the past four decades. form to 550 million kg in 1990. have taken place in poverty-

Journalists from various countries at the press conference. xu xiAhJGjUN


to look for the "soul boy" in places within the territory of China. It is impossible to send searchers abroad. Currently, the search for the "soul boy" incar• nate of the Tenth Bainqen is managed by the Zhaxi Lhunbo Monastery, the host monastery of the Bainqen Lama.

Religious Freedom

While answering questions about religious belief, Vice- Chairman Ngapoi noted that the Communists do not believe in re• ligion but that the Chinese Com• munist Party does adhere to a policy of freedom of religious be• lief. The people have the free• dom to believe in religion and also the freedom not to believe in religion. Tibet used to practise the system in which politics was integrated with religion. Under this system, the masses of Tibe• XIXHUA Upper. Representatives of the Central People's Government (from right to left) Li tans were cruelly oppressed and Weihan, Zhang Jingwu, Zhang Guohua and Sun Zhiyuan sign the Agreement on the exploited by religious forces. Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. Bottom: Representatives of the This system evidently had to be Tibetan local government (from right to left): Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, Khemey Sonam Wangdi, Thupten Tenthar, Thupten Lekmuun and Samposey Tensin Thundup abolished. To date, the Tibetan sign the Agreement. people enjoy full freedom of re• ligious belief, a freedom protect• Stricken, backward Tibet, If only one candidate is found, ed by the law and free from any changes which are there for all to there will not be any disagree• interference. But, Ngapoi noted, see. ment. If more than one candi• religion is not permitted to carry date is found, a selection will out criminal activities or plot to 'Soul Boy' Scouting be made from among the candi• split the motherland. These ac• dates. During the reign of the tivities will be punished accord• Responding to the question Tenth Dalai Lama, the central ing to the law, as they are about the search for the "soul government of the questions irrelevant to religious boy" incarnate of the Tenth made it a rule that the "soul boy" belieL Bainqen Lama, Ngapoi said that was to be chosen by drawing lots a set of religious traditional rites from a golden urn. According to have been formed for the search this method, the names of the Public Mood of the "soul boy" incarnate since candidates will be written on ivo• the death of the Fifth Dalai ry slips which will be put into Ngapoi said more than 95 per• Lama and the Fourth Bainqen a golden urn. Lots will then be cent of the Tibetan farmers and Lama. First, searchers are sent to drawn, and the candidate whose herdsmen support socialism and observe the inverted reflection in name is on the lucky slip will are satisfied with their lives. the Holy Lake in Jiacha County, become the "soul boy." With the They are exceptionally pleased Shannan Prefecture. After the approval of the central govern• with the government policies location and time of the birth of ment, he will be officially in• adopted in 1980 which allow the "soul boy" are assessed ac• stalled as the successor to the Da• farmers to use the land they till, cording to the inverted reflection lai Lama or Bainqen Lama. herdsmen to own the livestock in the water, the searchers will Ngapoi said that this time they raise, and exempt farmers begin to look for the candidates. searchers will be sent everywhere and herdsmen from all taxes. •

18 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 CHINA Tours Keep Deputies Well-informed

by Our Staff Reporter Wu Naitao Keeping in touch with their constituents is an important activity of the deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC). Grass-root inspection tours help them keep abreast of current developments and do their job more effectively. irector Wu Zongjiang was pleased to learn that NPC D deputies were coming to inspect his Beijing Heavy Machine-Building Plant. More than 30 years old and with over 7,500 employees, the plant is one of China's eight largest heavy machine-building enterprises. In recent year, however, the slug• gish market and a shortage of funds have resulted in under- capacity operation and losses for the plant. Wu believed the visit by the NPC deputies was a rare opportunity for him to make known the current problems fac• ing the plant and to offer sugges• LAO JKGPIMG tions on economic policies. He NPC deputies discuss improvements as tliey inspect the Beijing Heavy Macliine- hoped they would make some Building Plant. motions to bring about policy changes beneficial to the plant. up for discussion or approval by ments and the Beijing municipal Almost every unit that re• the National People's Congress. government each issued a work ceives deputies on inspection The NPC deputies generally report. The reports included a tour cherishes the same hope as visit places in their own locali• discussion of the implementation Director Wu. ties. Some Beijing deputies, for of the Law of the People's Re• On their part, the deputies ex• example, made a ten-day inspec• public of China Governing Ad• amine matters very closely when tion tour in the capital from Jan• ministrative Procedure by Ma they visit the grass-root units. uary 24 to February 2 this year. Yuan, vice-president of the Su• They go to factories, countryside The inspection tours are done preme People's Court; China's or schools to see a site with their either collectively or individual• population growth and family own eyes and thus learn of mat• ly. A voluntary undertaking, planning by , minis• ters which might never come to more than 160 of the 300 or so ter in charge of the State Family their attention. The knowledge NPC deputies from Beijing par• Planning Commission; the cor• they gain helps them better fulfil ticipated in a recent collective rection of malpractice in rail• their legislative responsibilities. inspection activity in the city. way departments by the Among the 160 deputies, 29 were Railway Minister Li Senmao; members of the NPC Standing the implementation of tiie na• Multiple Forms Committee. Other deputies trav• tional economic and social devel• The grass-roots' inspections by elled back to the electoral district opment programme in 1990 by the NPC deputies are generally in which their unit is located. Beijing Vice-Mayor Zhang Jian- arranged before NPC sessions so To provide information on min; strengthening honest and that they can familiarize them• specific areas to the deputies, clean government construction selves with the issues which come relevant State Council depart• and correcting unhealthy work

BEIJIxNG REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 19 CHINA styles by Lu Yudong, director of cases received by the court in• the Beijing Supervisory Bureau; Direct Talks creased considerably. Many cas• and the situation in the tourist In previous years, inspections es, however, were mistakenly ap• industry by Bo Xicheng, director stressed both reports from unit pealed because publicity about of the Beijing Travel Service. leaders and on-site visits. This the new law did not explain in In addition, the deputies divid• year, however, the deputies held sufficient detail the purpose of ed themselves into groups to in• extensive discussions as well, the law and the issues to which it spect- approximately 30 grass- with unit leaders and ordinary was addressed. Deputy Xie Tieli, root units, including factories, people at the grass-roots and so• a well-known film director, sug• township enterprises and tourist liciting opinions from the mass• gested that some current or re• hotels. They inspected both los• es. For example, the deputies vis• tired cadres undertake a public ing and profit-making enterpris• ited some farmers to learn first information campaign about the es and, in the tourist field, both hand their opinions and needs. law. The difficulties and issues in state-run and joint venture ho• When the inspection was over, implementing the law were also tels. they in turn reported to the pointed out by many deputies Usually, a leader of the in• heads of the Beijing municipal who called for improving the spected units will make a report government and the Party com• quality of enforcement person• and provide deputies with brief mittee and put forward their op• nel. written materials. Some other inions and suggestions. After Zhang Jianmin, vice- units, because of the limited time After listening to the recent mayor of Beijing, made his re• and in order to allow the depu• report by Ma Yuan, vice- port, a variety of opinion was ties to clearly understand the president of the Supreme Peo• expressed by the deputies who issues they consider important, ple's Court, the deputies univ• themselves are Beijing residents. prepare a special package of ma• ersally acknowledged that the Many of them expressed satis• terial. For instance, when depu• court had done a great deal of faction with the work of Beijing ties encountered the issue of free work in the short three months municipality, and in particular, medical care during their inspec• following the implementation of spoke highly of the work done by tion of the Beijing Tiantan Hos• the Law of the People's Republic the city in holding the success• pital, the Beijing health depart• of China Governing the Admin• ful 11th Asian Games last year. ment provided them with more istrative Procedure. They also They also appraised the city's than 70 pages of material on "the made criticisms and suggestions achievements last year in indus• history and current situation of concerning the existing prob• try, agriculture and other fields. medical fees in Beijing," "the re• lems. Deputy Deng Jiatai, mem• Deputy Yang Keng, member of form of the medical service sys• ber of the NPC Standing Com• the NPC Standing Committee, tem in Beijing," as well as a mittee, said that after the noted that the recent rapid con• report on the reform of free Administrative Procedure Law struction had given the city a medical care in the city. much needed facelift but that came into effect the number of there were still many danger• Workers of the Beijing No. 1 Construction Co. prepare to construct a new building ous, old buildings needing reno• following the demolition of the old houses in the Western District. YANG LIMING vation. He suggested that atten• tion be given to the older units and that the city's scale of new construction be reduced. He ad• ded that the necessary facilities such as water, electricity, gas, commercial network and so on should be built in new residential areas. Deputy Luo Yifeng, senior engineer of the Beijing Synthetic Fibre Experimental Plant, point• ed out that some enterprises were inefficient and suffered serious losses because of excessive im• ports. He gave as an example a chemical plant which imported a plastic packing production line worth 60 million yuan several


years ago. Instead of making a ity in the local area, hoping that the deputies will be incorporated profit, it became a financial bur• the department concerned would into the city's Eighth Five-Year den. He insisted that enterprises build a thermo-power plant to Plan and Ten-Year Programme should conduct feasibility stu• meet their needs. currently being drafted by the dies before purchasing imports The deputies in their talks city government. Third, efforts for any project in the future. In with Beijing municipal officials will be made to further improve response to the many questions were confronted with not only daily work. The vice-mayor also and suggestions raised by the de• immediate problems but with an reminded the deputies that city puties, Vice-Mayor Zhang tried array of related concerns ex• government would always be available to listen to their sugges• his best to answer them or ex• pressed by their constituents. De• tions and recommendations. plain the situation in detail. puty Li Peng, member of the Some deputies asked for the data NPC Financial and Economic 'Home' Visits The deputies conducted tho• rough investigations both public• ly and privately. Private investi• gations involved one or several deputies who chose to look into special matters brought to their attention. One deputy, a teacher, privately visited the families of five students to talk with them about the excessive financial de• mands placed on middle and pri• mary school students, a serious problem for the past two years. The deputy also discovered that parents considered the text books too expensive. Several deputies from the Fin• ancial and Economic Commis• YANG GUODOXL, NPC deputies on an inspection tour of the Shoudu Iron and Steel Co. sion of the NPC Standing Com• mittee went on a one-day inspec• and other information about the Commission, made a report on tion tour of the Shoudu Iron and city's joint ventures and foreign- the losses incurred by large and Steel Co. Deputy Yan Renying, funded enterprises. The vice- medium-sized state enterprises. honorary president of the First mayor promised to provide rele• He took the Beijing Heavy Hospital attached to the Bei• vant materials to them as soon as Machine-Building Plant as an jing Medical Sciences Universi• possible. example and analysed in detail ty went to the Beijing People's Hospital and had talks with the Lu Weide, a deputy from the the reasons for the losses. City medical workers there on some Sondr Energy Research Institute, leaders conscientiously listened of the issues facing medical insti• learned during her visits that to the deputies' speech and an• tutions. Several other deputies, there was a pig farm with 1,000 swered questions raised by them. doctors who had a special in• head of commercial pigs in the Vice-Mayor Zhang concluded terest in the problems, went with that the deputies had 17 major Dagao Village, suburb of Bei• her, as did colleagues from other concerns which included the city jing, and that the pig manure hospitals. After the visit, all of industrial structure, control of was only used in fields. She in• the deputies were more aware capital construction and a curb troduced the farmers to a meth• of the fact that many problems, od for making marsh gas from on price hikes. He told the depu• such as price hikes for medicines, the manure, expressing her will• ties that the issues would be dealt cannot be solved by the public ingness to co-operate in develop• with in three ways. First, in re• health departments alone. In res• ing the procedure with the vil• gard to the issues beyond the ponse, they sorted through the lage and help them expand their reach of the city government, he material gathered during the in• agricultural industry. The local asked the deputies to appeal to spection and prepared a joint farmers were quite interested in the National People's Congress proposal for the forthcoming her suggestion. They asked her to for assistance. Second, some of Fourth Session of the Seventh look into the shortage of electric- the recommendations raised by National People's Congress. •


Exercising their democratic right, China's 700 million voters, by direct and competitive election, have elected the organs of state power—the new people's congresses—in counties and townships throughout the country.

Local Elections: A Nation Goes to Ballot

by Our Staff Reporter Wu Naitao n an 18-month period that was pective administrative areas. The finished towards the end of local people's congresses at these I 1990, Chinese people's congress• two levels, under the unified lead• es at the county and township levels ership of the central government, across the country were re-elected. must not only ensure the observ• Some 700 million people in 2,825 ance and implementation of the counties, prefectures and city dis• Constitution and the laws and the tricts and 56,323 townships and administrative rules and regula• towns took part in the elections. tions in their respective administra• The new people's congresses re• tive areas, but also adopt and issue placed the old, and new leaders resolutions and examine and decide were elected to local governments on plans for local economic, cultur• in some places. This was an exten• al and public service development sive democratic activity and a ma• within the limits of their authority jor event in the political life of the as prescribed by law. They have the Chinese people. power to appoint or remove leaders The Constitution stipulates that of state organs in their administra• all power in the People's Republic tive areas. of China belongs to the people. The According to the Organic Law of National People's Congress (the the National People's Congress, the highest organ of state power) and term of the office of the people's the local people's congresses at var• congresses in counties and town• ious levels (provinces, municipali• ships is three years. The last session ties, autonomous regions, autonom• of the people's congress was elected ous counties, autonomous prefec• for a term of office from the second tures, townships and towns) are the half of 1986 to the end of 1987. organs through which the people ex• According to the Electoral Law ercise state power. of the NPC, deputies to the Nation• The establishment of the local al People's Congress and to the peo• people's congresses allows people to ple's congresses of provinces, auton• decide important issues in their res• omous regions, municipalities and


autonomous prefectures are tion of political parties and iety. For example, women are elected by the people's con• organizations. For instance, an important force in China's gresses at the next lower level; Hunan Province nominated socialist construction. They deputies to the people's con• 233,352 preliminary candi• make contributions on every gresses of cities without dis• dates for the first round of front and so there are a large tricts, districts under the jur• voting for deputies at county number of women deputies at isdiction of cities, counties, level, 93.6 percent of whom all levels and in the govern• autonomous counties, town• were nominated jointly by ten ments at county and township ships, nationality townships or more constituencies, and levels. In addition, under the and towns are elected directly constituting 91.72 percent of law, deputies of the minority by their constituencies. Dur• the deputies at the township nationaHties must also make ing this recent election of local level. The same situation oc• up a certain proportion. How• people's congresses, the consti• curred in the election of of• ever, China adheres to the tuencies all cherished their sa• ficials of state organs at the principle of an extensive and a cred vote and seriously exer• county and township levels. mass character and can not cised their electoral rights in Statistics from the Elector• designate certain electoral dis• order to elect outstanding de• al Committee of Hunan Prov• tricts to elect a deputy of puties. For example, in Hun• ince revealed that 11 of the a particular nationality, sex, an Province, 123 counties and candidates nominated by profession and family back• 3,444 townships successfully more than ten voters were ground. Generally speaking, held elections from November elected chairmen of local peo• deputy candidates nominated 1989 to March 1990. Some ple's congress standing com• jointly or independently by 36.09 million, 90.59 percent mittees, 39 vice-chairmen, pohtical parties or organiza• of the registered voters voted. three county magistrate, may• tions are balanced and elected When the Lingling Prefecture or, district head, 29 deputy after repeated discussions and of the province suffered its county magistrates, deputy consultation. Generally, they rarest drought in over 100 mayors or deputy district years in 1989, more than 50 represent their constituencies heads. In addition, three were well. percent of the voters left the elected court justices, six chief area in search of a living. procurators of procuratorates The method of voting for However, when the election and 408 township or town officials of state organs from began, 80 percent of them heads or deputy heads. Gener• a large number of candidates, came back to vote, with the ally speaking, the political and which was implemented in voting rate in the area hitting professional qualification of 1986, is an important part of 84.9 percent. the leaders at the county and the reform of China's elector• township levels nominated by al system and an important According to the Electoral deputies were outstanding. step to improving the electoral Law, candidates recommend• For example, a director of system and furthering social• ed by political parties and or• a state-owned enterprise in ganizations, jointly or inde• ist democracy. The electoral Wenzhou city, Zhejiang Prov• pendently, and by more than committee at all levels, during ince, was nominated for the ten voters are legal and equal• the election, emphasized legal deputy county magistrate in ly placed among the list of procedures and respect for the 1987 election but lost by preliminary candidates. electoral returns. Helong four votes. After this, he re• County of Jiling Province Ding Lingyu, an official of doubled his efforts to turn his the Liaison Office of the NPC wanted to elect a new , head factory around. He was again of the standing committee of Standing Committee, who is nominated by the voters at in charge of the election work people's congress. They chose this election and elected as de• from a large number of candi• of the local people's congress• puty county magistrate. es, said that the difference dates nominated by the presi• dium of the congress and from from the past in this election The people's congresses candidates nominated jointly was that most of the prelimi• must consider opinions and by groups of more than ten nary candidates were elected demands from every aspect. by more than ten voters in• Deputies from all walks of life voters. Such a situation is now stead of through the nomina• are thus needed for their var• very common. •


Electing Deputies to County Congress

by Our Staff Reporter Huang Wei ocated on both sides of the date for the election, publication Beijing-Guangzhou Rail• with the deputies they elected. of voter lists and the final list of way, Yongnian County in the official candidates cannot be LHebei Province has a population A Major Event changed. of 670,000. Since April 1990, Huo Wenshan, re-elected de• As deputy director of the a series of changes have taken puty director of the standing standing committee of the last place in this little known county committee of the Yongnian people's congress, Huo Wenshan 139 km south of Shijiazhuang, county people's congress, said was a member of the county the capital of Province. that the election of deputies to election committee composed of Muddy, nearly impassable roads the people's congresses at the members from the Party, govern• have given way to cement roads, county and township levels is a ment and mass organizations res• construction of a rural hospital major event in the democratic ponsible for county election for farmers has started, nursing life of the masses and is, there• work. houses for the elderly have been fore, highly valued. Like the pre• Prior to the election, the most provided with refrigerators and vious elections, the election held painstaking work is registration radios, and a well-equipped in April 1990 was conducted of all 420,000 voters in the coun• farmers' kindergarten is serving strictly in accordance with the ty and none of whom can be dou• growing numbers of children.... state election law and a relevant bly counted, missed or other- According to a local official, local ordinance. Each step in the wisely mistakenly registered. Al• all these changes have taken process, the establishment of the though the permanent residence place since the county govern• county and township election of many farmers in the county is ment adopted the proposals of committees, the division of elec• in the rural areas, they often are the newly elected deputies to the toral districts, the registration of casual labourers in factories and county people's congress. Despite voters and the final casting of live in the county town. There what others might think, most ballots, is carried out in a meth• are also some street peddlers in people in Yongnian are satisfied odical way. Some dates such as the county who came from other parts of the country. With regard Voters cast their ballots. 5HEUA\]U to the former, the election com• mittees require that they register through their factories and, in regard to the latter, the election committees will first ask them whether they want to register in the county and, if so, they need to write letters to their original units or former dwellings. Huo said that in order to guarantee the democratic rights of each ci• tizen, the election, with the help of the public security bureau and procuratorate, also included those who received re-education through labour in the county. When the voter list was made public, no objection was raised. The election committees and leading groups in the electoral

24 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 districts must print and issue various legal articles and ques- tionaires, publicize the election law among the farmers and ex• plain in the simplest language the meaning of democratic rights to the full-time farm labourers, most of them have a primary school education. Almost all members of the leading groups in the electoral districts have done so in farmers' houses and they enjoy the trust of the farmers. Shan Yiyong, a farmer of Miao- zhuang Township, said, "In the past, I did not pay much atten• spacious and eye-catching places, than ten farmers from the vil• tion to the election. Whoever was always reminding farmers to lage. Prior to the casting of votes, elected really didn't matter to us. pass the news on to others. he went on his own initiative It wasn't until the responsible All these measures are aimed to the homes of some farmers township member had a friendly at overcoming as much as possi• whom he did not know, express• conversation with me and told ble the difficulties posed by vast ing his desire to be a deputy me that those who were elect• area, scattered population and to the people's congress. Zhang ed would become township and slow dissemination of informa• Xianli, a farmer, said, "I was county heads that I realized tion. Success of their effort is moved by his sincerity. I think I the importance of the election." reflected in the fact that the poll• can trust him and that's why I Shan was very active in the elec• ing rate reached over 94 percent voted for him." Hou Jinsheng tion activities and was elected su• at the election of deputies to was elected a deputy to the coun• pervisor of the election meeting. ty people's congress. Zhang Xainwen, a responsible the county and township peo• member of the township for elec• ple's congresses. In recent years, some methods tion; said, "Several months be• used in Western election cam• fore the election, the township Introductions paigns have found their way into broadcasting station broadcast election activities in China. In legal information in the evening Most important for voters is a Yongnian County, however, and the county TV station broad• clear understanding of the can• most voters are not satisfied with cast special election programmes didates. "Some candidates," Huo a "formal speech" made by a can• for farmers. All of the pro• Wenshan said, "are also from the didate who is a perfect stranger grammes were easy to under• same village or colleagues of the to them. During the election, 326 stand." same unit as the voters. But, in deputies to the county people's Zhang also noted that town• most cases, they don't know each congress and 2,317 deputies to ship election committees re• other. To this end, the election the township people's congresses quired that each electoral dis• committees need to print re• were elected. Of them, 60 per• trict be divided into several vot• sumes of candidates and distri• cent of the candidates were joint• er groups and that each group be bute them among the voters. In ly nominated by more than ten composed of about 100 people. some electoral districts where voters. Most are nominated by Those who have enjoyed high conditions permit, some small farmers who believe they will prestige and were respected by discussions or meetings are held work for the benefit of the mass• the people would be appointed at which the candidates can give es in a down-to-earth way. responsible members of these an account of their situation to Guo Rongqi, a Chinese- groups. The regularly held elec• the voters and answer any ques• language teacher of the No. toral district meetings attended tions raised, thus enabling voters 1 Middle School in Yongnian by these members discuss the to know more about them." County, said that the voting voter situation. In addition, the Some candidates visit voters at must be based on a good under• district electoral committees also home. Hou Jinsheng, 60, an in• standing and trust of the candi• put up announcements regarding telligent and capable farmer, was dates. "The two candidates in my the election, such as the list of nominated as a candidate for the electoral district happened to be candidates and meeting sites, in county people's congress by more my students. Although I know

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 25 CHINA and like them very much, I don't for the election, no other activi• the platform usually used for believe that both are fully quali• ties brought so many people of film shows for farmers. Behind a fied to be deputies to the people's the village together. Even the table covered with a piece of congress." He added, "I voted number of farmers who attend• red cloth sat the members of?the for the one who was lively and ed an evening party given by a township election committee. »In straightforward in her manner." provincial song and dance en• front of the table were two wood• Restricted by regional condi• semble in the village two years en ballot boxes painted in tions and affected by traditional ago was less than the figure on red. Even the megaphone was concepts, Chinese voters are not election day. Ma also noticed wrapped with a piece of red accustomed to volunteering their that people were neatly dressed. cloth. A dignified silence reigned services in political activities. Many girls and newly married over the meeting-place as Some voters would like to better women wore in gaily coloured everyone waited for election to understand the candidates. Xu woollen sweaters and colourful begin. Shaochuan, an English teacher, kerchiefs. Occasionally, as some On the morning of the election said, "Direct elections enable ci• young men arrived at the day, no stalls were open in the tizens to truly exercise their de• meeting-place on their bikes and usually bustling and noisy Yong• mocratic rights. If more oppor• lit off firecrackers, the crowd nian county town market. As tunities to meet candidates are would erupt in good natured well, a number of department offered to voters, it will help us laughter. One 50-odd-year-old stores suspended operations. farmer, Li Dengming, caught the to better cast our votes." The farmer projectionist named attention of the crowd. Despite Zhang Lei said that a film origin• the fact that he suffered from ally schedualed for showing on Election Meeting hemiplegia which had kept him the afternoon of the election day in bed for years, he wanted to The election meeting is the cli• would be shown the evening of personally cast his vote. He was max of the election process. Ear• the following day. The day's ev• pushed to the election site in his ly in the morning on April 1, ent was the election and only a wheelchair by his son. 1990, a notice broadcast over few people were concerned with loudspeakers installed under the In contrast. Ma Jinxia was not other matters. eaves of each farmer's house re• surprised that Grandma Xu, 88, Zhang Xiaoquan, the host of minded voters that it was elec• sat beside her because she knew the election meeting in Miao- tion day in Yongnian County. At the elderly woman considered zhuang village, said, "I memor• 9:30 in the morning in Miao- the election a very important ev• ized the election procedures zhuang village, a crowd had al• ent. some weeks before." He an• ready gathered at the election When the host announced the nounced the election procedures site which opened at 10:00 in start of the election meeting in in a loud voice. Although a total the morning. Ma Jinxia, a fem• a straightforward but dignified of 780 voters would participate ale farmer, said it was the first voice over a megaphone, Ma not• in the election, only 730 voters time she had seen such an excit• iced that the platform was attended the election meeting. ing scene since her marraige in brightly decorated. A large red After the election of ballot in• the village two years before. flag inlaid with the national em• spectors, counters and supervi• Ma Jinxia noted that except blem was placed on the centre of sors, the voters changed their elector certificates for ballots, Liu Sliiqi (second left), elected a deputy county head in 1990, talks with farmers. marked the names of their can• YANG UXU!\C, didates on their votes and then placed their red votes into the ballot boxes. While the election was in pro• gress, several dozen floating bal• lot boxes were used to gather elector votes throughout Yong• nian County. These ballot boxes were available for voters who could not leave their posts, for the seriously ill or disabled and for people being re-educated in labour camps. •


The Goal of a People's Deputy

by Our Staff Reporter Huang Wei rBno residents of the Dacheng izes mutual help projects in the in Liu's electoral area, had been I Lane in the Western Dis- local community. Although she blocked for a long time. Filthy trict of Beijing, Liu Xiang- received only a meager salary of water lay all about in the street .zhi, over 50 years of age, small in 45 yuan for her work in the skirting the courtyard. In the build and with a ruddy healthy neighbourhood committee, her summer, the odor caused passers- face, is more than a kind, warm• interest in being a people's depu• by great discomfit and, in the hearted and helpful woman to ty remained high. Before and af• winter, the flooded- street was whom neighbours can voice their ter her election as the deputy, she transformed into a dangerous ice complaints. She is also a deputy was often seen in the neighbor• rink. Liu demanded a thorough to the Western District People's hood helping to resolve residents' settlement of the problem at the Congress who has a deep-rooted problems. Thus far, she has been congress meeting and, together understanding of the problems the conduit for some 100 recom• with other district deputies, confronting Ihi public, appre• mendations generated by her made a motion at a congress ses• ciated by voters because she constituents for the Beijing Mun• sion. brings these problems to the at• icipal People's Congress, the After a survey of the area, the tention of the congress. So great Western District People's Con• department in charge of sewage is the people's admiration for her gress, and the government de• projects discovered that it was a that it is no surprise that she partments concerned, and helped low-lying area and criss-crossed has been elected a deputy to the resolve 80-odd local problems. underneath by many cables. Due Western District People's Con• During her term as a deputy to to the technical problems, how• gress four terms in succession the Ninth Western District Peo• ever, the problem has still only and that a critically ill man, ple's Congress (1987-90), for ex• been partially resolved and, to• while being rushed to the hospi• ample, residents in her neigh• day, Liu is still working on a tal on the election day, told his bourhood complained about in• final solution. son to vote for Liu Xiangzhi. adequate electricity. The trans• With the deepening of the re• Liu Xiangzhi was born into mission lines were old and the form, there has been an increas• a poverty-stricken family whose voltage was low owing to an in• ingly democratic life of the parents died when she was very crease in the number of Chinese people. "The grass-root young. She managed to eke out a household electrical appliances. people's congress now has a lot of living by working as a child la• Though the matter had been pre• authority, such as electing lead• bour at a factory. Liu often con• viously brought to the attention ers to the district government, trasts this painful time with her of the Beijing Power Supply court and procuratorate and su• present experience of discussing Bureau, the problem continued pervising, impeaching and dis• state affairs in bright, spacious to get worse. Liu then brought missing government workers. congress halls. "It is the Com• the matter to the congress and Whether a problem has been munist Party and the people of wrote a letter to the district head solved in a satisfactory manner is New China who have given me about this problem. As a result, evaluated by the deputies who what I have today," Liu says. soon after the 1991 New Year's raised the issue. If they find that "My only wish is to work hard Day, all the transmission lines the department concerned has for the Party and do things help• were replaced and the residents simply gone through the motions ful for the people." were finally able to have clear and not effectively dealt with the In 1980, Liu was elected a peo• TV pictures. problem raised, they may refuse ple's congress deputy when she But not every problem was re• to sign on to the report submitted was chairwoman of the Dach• solved as smoothly as the issue of by the department. In this case, eng Neighbourhood Committee, the transmission lines. The se• the department will have to do which, like the others throughout wage in one residential court• the work once again. the country, manages and organ- yard, shared by several families, Among the deputies to the


Left: Liu Xiangzhi (second left) discusses neighbourhood committee work with her colleagues: Right: Liu Xiangzhi and a widower.

Western District People's Con• Liu said that being a deputy in cracking the hard nuts," said gress, Liu Xiangzhi is particular• does not mean riding in cars Zhao Xiuqin, a colleague of ly known for her outspokenness, and attending meetings in air- Liu's. "Once, in preparing a mo• and her supporters often speak conditioned rooms as is some• tion on birth control, she visit• highly of her ruthless criticism times thought by some people. ed an expert for advise. Even of bureaucracy. "As the chairman of the neigh• though the expert lived far away "We must not use the power bourhood committee and a peo• and it was summer, she braved the scorching sun and bicycled given to us by the public for self- ple's deputy, I often work over• there." interest," Liu said. "Instead, we time," Liu said. "In the last 20 should better serve the people." years, I've seldom During the 1990 election, Liu won some 1,800 votes out of a knocked off before After Liu's suggestion, the power transmission lines total of 2,000 voters. "That day, on her neighbourhood were replaced as local residents seven in the even• three colleagues of mine could can now receive crystal clear TV pictures. ing although I start• not cast their vote because of a ed work very early in tight schedule of their work," a the morning." While retired teacher named Yan said. visiting people in her "They all asked me to vote for electoral area and me• Liu Xiangzhi. We supported her diating disputes be• because of her outspokenness tween local residents, and the warmth she shows the she also has to pre• people." pare motions for the As a people's deputy, Liu said, next session of con• she wishes to do more for the gress. She shows care masses. "Showing less interest for for almost every mat• the work of the people's congress, ter brought to her at• some departments fail to give a tention: the economic timely reply to the motions of situation of a widow, the deputies. The deputies, some• times, have to tackle the prob• the need to build an lems which should be dealt with overpass at a street by departments concerned," Liu bottleneck, lunches said. for primary school "I have drawn lessons from pupils, the shortage of this," Liu said. "I always go di• kindergarten teach• rectly to the person in charge, ers, the quality of ser• such as the mayor, the district vice in state-owned head, bureau directors or others stores, dishonest busi• in power. In doing so, I can by• nessmen, etc. pass some of the intermediate "No others can links and settle problems quick• match Liu Xiangzhi er." •


BUSINESS/TRADE Shanghai Banking Co. and the its archaeological treasures. Foreign Banks Standard Chartered Bank, all of In order to maintain China's In Shanghai which had branches in Shang• legal rights and to ensure a hai previously, carried out re- steady development in foreign Gong Haocheng, president of registration procedures and were archaeological work, the regula• the Shanghai Branch of the Peo• approved by the People's Bank tions clearly stipulate that any ple's Bank of China, on March 6 of China to continue business foreign group or international officially announced the accept• in Shanghai. Recently, the bank organization carrying out ar• ance of applications of six for• also approved the establishment chaeological investigation, surv• eign banks for opening Shanghai of two foreign-funded finance ey, or excavation in China bank branches as of March 5. companies in Shanghai. should co-operate with us. The The six banks are the Citibank by Li Ming regulations also stipulate that and the Bank of America of the China's sovereignty is the basic United States, the Banque Indo- condition for such co-operation suez and Credit Lyonnais from Archaeological Rules and the basis of all benefits and France, and the Sanwa Bank, For Foreigners rights of both sides regarding Ltd., and Industrial Bank of Ja• cultural relic samples, natural pan, Ltd. Since China's introduc• The promulgation and en• samples, archaeological data and tion of the reform and open pol• forcement of the Regulations on material, research achievements icies, these have been the first Administration of Archaeologi• and publication of research re• foreign banks officially approved cal Activities Concerning For• ports. to open branches in other areas eign Affairs or Foreign Nation• Zhang said that applications of China outside of the special als on the Territory of the Peo• for the co-operative investigation economic zones. ple's Republic of China, ap• and excavation by foreign or in• In order to build Shanghai into proved by the State Council at ternational organizations should the country's largest financial the end of February, marks the be submitted to the State Bureau centre, Shanghai has quickened I official opening of Chinese ar- for the Protection of Cultural its development pace by introd• I chaeological work to foreign Relics for examination and later ucing foreign financial insti• countries. to the State Council for approval. tutions. In April 1990, the Party Zhang Deqin, director of the The regulations also specify Central Committee and the State State Bureau for the Protection rules for visiting historical and Council decided to speed up the of Cultural Relics, said that Chi• archaeological sites not usually development of Shanghai's Pu- na's ancient and splendid cultur• open to the public by private dong Area and carry out policies al heritage has always attracted Chinese and foreign groups as on economic and technological numerous foreign archaeologists. well as international organi• development zones and certain Increasing numbers of depart• zations. special economic zones, and ments have requested permission To those who violate the regu• agreed to set up foreign financial to carry out archaeological surv• lations and other laws and regu• branches in Shanghai. In Sep• eys and excavations. Also foreign lations concerning cultural relic tember 1990, the People's Bank of archaeological students and visit• protection and archaeology, the China promulgated the Adminis• ing scholars have often asked for State Bureau for the Protection tration on Shanghai Foreign and permission to participate in ex• of Cultural Relics is authorized Foreign-Funded Banking Insti• cavation of cultural relics when by the regulations to issue warn• tutions. j doing field work. Previously, ings, temporarily halt work or Gong said, "After this first ; there were no regulations allow- cancel projects and levy fines or group of foreign banks have esta• I ing foreigners to conduct exca• other punishment. Those who blished their branches in Shang• vation work and so all requests violate public security or carry hai, the municipahty will better were rejected. out criminal activities will be understand the modern adminis• The new regulations, in con- dealt with according to the law. trative methods used by foreign I junction with cultural and ar• banks and be thus better able to chaeological laws already in ef• attract foreign capital." fect, will further improve the ad• Since the founding of the Peo• ministration of China's cultural Import Licence ple's Republic of China, Gong relics and archaeological work, System Works Well added, the Bank of East Asia, enhance Sino-foreign archaeo• Ltd., the Overseas-Chinese Bank• logical academic interchange and According to an official in ing Co. Ltd., the Hong Kong and i raise China's capacity to protect charge of the State Administra-

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 29 BUSINESS/TRADE tion for the Inspection of Import ciation for Sea Accidents, the and Madrid. In July 1990, the and Export Commodities, China Japanese Machine-Building and Spanish Central TV fpr the first has done a good job inspecting Electronics Appraisal and In• time showed nine Chinese-made the quality of imported commod• spection Association, the Italian feature films among which the ities since its introduction of an Society of IMQ Quality Symbol, Great Parade and My Memories import licence system for some the German TUV Association do of Old Beijing were warmly re• imported commodities last May. some investigation and some fac• ceived. The CFIEC Los Angeles The import licence issued by the tories and inspection of factories office distributes over 300 films commodity inspection bureau and production for China. annually. Since co-operation be• has become an important certifi• In addition to adopting import tween the CFIEC and the Ja• cate when contract payments are licensing measures, the commod• panese Tokuma Co. was esta- arranged for imports. ity inspection bureau has also bhshed in the 1970s, Chinese The official went on to say that adopted more flexible ways to films have been shown at special China had received 450 applica• exempt a small number of im• film exhibits and other cultural tions from exporters and produ• ported products from licence activities in Japan. In 1988, Hi• cers in 27 countries and regions procedures and imported 2,408 biscus Town caused such a sensa• including Japan, Singapore, the vehicles and 644 motors for tech• tion that it was shown for eight UK, Germany, the Soviet Union, nological and scientific research. weeks straight in Japan. The film the United States and Brazil by Of these, 95 percent of products Red Sorghum was also a big hit. the end of 1990. Automobile im• are made in Japan. This flexible Japan purchases several Chinese port applications took up 2.6 per• policy speeds up import approval feature and short films each cent, 1 percent for motors of the for vehicle and motor licences. year. total, 5.5 percent were refrigera• There are now 12 factories from In 1989, the film Grand Found• tors, 5 percent were air condi• eight countries applying for vehi• ing Ceremony of New China had tioners, 28 percent were com• cle import licences and five fac• a 141-day run in Hong Kong and pressors for refrigerators and air tories from two countries and ticket sales of 50,000. This was a conditioners, 12.5 percent were one region for motor import lic• record run in Hong Kong for a televisions and 45.4 percent were ences, including the Honda Co. mainland-produced film. In the kinescopes. For commodities of Japan. past three years, 178 films from that meet quality control, Chi• by Li Ning the mainland have been shown at na's commodity inspection 11 film exhibitions in Hong Kong. bureau has issued about 200 im• Chinese Films go At present, the distribution port commodity quality licences rights for many mainland films and about 7 million safe signals International such as Red Sorghum and A for over 600 varieties of prod• Dream of the Red Mansions have ucts. In recent years, outstanding been bought by Taiwan. A part If key components of sample Chinese films have gradually of the film serial Forbidden City products do not meet Chinese gained recognition in the world has appeared on Taiwan TV and safety requirements, China will market. In the past three years more than 90 cartoons have en• inform the applicants to replace alone, approximately 1,000 new tered the Taiwan film market. the samples. Among the samples films and 500 videos from Chi• Between 1988 and September sent for examination 17 models na's mainland have been distri• 1990, more than 300 Chinese of kinescopes and one type of buted to 30 countries and re• films were shown at 50 interna• motor failed to pass quality con• gions. tional film festival competitions. trols. As a result, China prohibit• The Chinese Film Import and Among them, 61 garnered 72 ed the import of them to China. Export Corp. (CFIEC) has al• awards. • Statistics showed that 3 percent ready established friendly trade of all samples did not meet the relations with more than 100 for• required standards. eign film distributors which have A Venture Between Since the introduction of the the right of distribution to cine• China, Malaysia system of import licensing, the mas, TV and video and for exhi• Chinese Commodity Inspection bitions. The first Sino-Malaysian Bureau has established inspec• Presently, Chinese films are domestic appliance joint venture, tion relations with some foreign distributed by the CFIEC's Paris the Golden Horse Domestic Ap• organizations. At present, such office for showings in cinemas, pliance Co. Ltd., will formally foreign inspection organizations or on TV in European cities open in Penang, Malaysia in as the Japanese Appraisal Asso• including Paris, London, Rome April.


The co-operation between halls at the fair. Seven trade charging systems and enterprise the Golden Dragon groups exhibited textiles, metals, management. The Bull S.A. Co. Domestic Appliance Factory and minerals, machinery, chemicals, will send experts to Changsha for two Malaysian companies will pharmaceutics, light industrial technical guidance. enable China's domestic appli• products, handicrafts and farm • The Airport Technology and ance producer to export both sof• and sideline produce. About 10,- Equipment Seminar sponsored tware and hardware. 000 businessmen from over 100 jointly by the 48-Member The contract stipulates that countries and regions discussed British-Chinese Trade Group China will design and install an import, export, processing with and China Air Material Co. was assembly line, a test line for elec• supplied materials, compensato• opened in Beijing February 25. tric fans, and will send engineers ry trade, technological trade and The seminar is the first of its and managerial personnel to investment opportunities. kind held in China. The parti• work in the joint venture. Malay• The seven host provinces and cipants were representatives of sia will provide four plastic in• cities in east China are ideally more than 40 Chinese units, in• jectors. The venture will lease situated and enjoy a flourishing cluding the Civil Aviation Ad• 80,000 square feet of workshops industrial and agricultural prod• ministration of China (CAAC), and warehouses. uction and commodity economy. China National Electrics Import The venture will produce 240,- The area's exports make up one- & Export Corp., Bank of China, 000 electric fans, beauty ware, fourth of China's total. In 1990, National Meteorological Bureau, massage apparatus and other the value of total exports reached Ministry of the Aeronautics and small domestic appliances an• US$11.76 billion, of which Astronautics Industry, and those nually. Shanghai generated US$5.32 bil• from more than ten British com• The factory director said that lion, Jiangsu US$2.95 billion, pany groups including the Air• his factory's products have been Zhejiang US$2.26 billion, An• port Groups and the Barclays sold in 24 countries and regions hui US$650 million and Jiangxi Bank Ltd. in Southeast Asia, Europe and US$560 million. After their in• The 48-Member British- America. The amount of prod• dependent planning power was Chinese Trade Group was esta• ucts ordered in 1991 has already granted by the State Council, blished on January 1, 1991. An expected to exceed last year's foreign trade in Nanjing, the integration of two organizations output by 1.5 times. capital of Jiangsu Province, and which engaged in trade with At present, the factory has also Ningbo, a coastal city of Zhe• China for over 35 years, the reached agreements on establish• jiang Province, made striking British-Chinese Trade Associa• ing joint ventures in Armenia of progress. At present, east China's tion and the 48-Member British- the Soviet Union and Thailand. seven provinces and cities have Chinese Trade Group, the group • established sound economic and is now the only governmental or• trade relations with tens of thou• ganization working for the prom• sands of clients from more than otion of the trade with China. Its First E.China 170 countries and regions. members are major corporations Export Fair by Dai Gang in Britain. By the end of 1990, the Bank of Following trade fairs in Tian- China had established business jin and Dalian, China's third re• News in Brief relations with more than 3,800 gional trade fair, the 1991 East branches of 1,422 banks from China Export Commodity Fair, • The Telecommunication over 153 countries and regions. was held in Shanghai from Bureau of Hunan Province At present, in addition to set• March 5 to 14. signed a contract in mid-tling accounts of international The fair, sponsored by Shang• February with the Bull S.A. trade and non-trade, the Bank hai and its neighbouring Jiang- Co. of France for buying of China signs reciprocal agree• su, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi five DPS7000/A1 medium- ments, distributes and releases provinces as well as Nanjing and sized computers and five high• capital, invests and issues secur• Ningbo, attracted participants speed Mathilde MP6090.2 non• ities. It also sets up foreign- from 607 specialized foreign impact printers with a French funded financial institutions at trade corporations, industry- loan of 8.8-million francs. home and abroad, sponsors sem• trade enterprises, foreign-funded Computers, respectively in• inars, trains personnel and prov• enterprises and joint ventures. stalled in Changsha, Hengyang, ides trust and consulting ser• Some 20,000 square metres of Yueyang, Zhuzhou and Xiang- vices. floor space housed 15 exhibition tan, will be used for automatic by Kou Zhengling

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 31 CULTURE / SCIENCE tating a stereotype. He made a Sino-Soviet Opera Collaboration humorous analogy of his pro• cess: "A blank film is placed in a espite the deafening noise with Shakespeare's superb char• chemical liquid. By shaking it, of building construction acterization, containing a Rus• a vague figure will appear, and Din the Central Opera sian flavour. then from the blurred film a Theatre, Shakespeare's The For Anssimov, an opera actor clear, sharp image will appear." Taming of the Shrew was pre• or actress should be an artist who After two months of training, all sented in the cold, poorly participates in the artistic crea• the cast were able to play their equipped rehearsal hall. Direct• tivity of the opera with his or her roles with ease. ed by G.Anssimov, a well-known voice. He or she should lend their The cast's acting ability im• Soviet opera director, and staged voice to the music rather than proved on the whole throughout in Beijing by the Central Opera stand apart in order to portray the rehearsal period, according Theatre on New Year's day, the nature and fate and the to Liu Shirong, a renowned 1991, this was the first time nuances of the play. theorist in play music and chair• China has presented a Shakes• So, when Anssimov selected man of the Art Committee of the pearean play on the opera stage. Central Opera Theatre. He attri• the cast, he went against the buted this to the eternal appeal The opera was first adapted usual procedure that begins with of Shakespeare, the superb adap• from Shakespeare's play by com• singing auditions. Instead, he tation of Shebalin and the mar• poser V.Shebalin in the 1950s. held acting auditions and asked vellous direction of Anssimov as Anssimov worked with Shebalin each participant to act what was well as the cast's dedication. to make improvements, and di• to be sung. Sometimes, he would Anssimov said, "The young ac• rected its first performance in play the provisional characters tors and actresses of the Central 1957. Later, Anssimov directed and create the situations to enh• Opera Theatre are very promis• the second libretto of the opera. ance the participant's perform• ing. As a director, what I can do The recent performance in Bei• ance. During the rehearsals, he is to 'open the box' and display jing was the third libretto he has realized that many of the young what is in it. What I see is the directed. Anssimov said a reper• cast lacked stage experience, so theatre's potential and bright fu• toire should often be altered and the rehearsals became acting ture," he added. adapted to suit the different training classes. He would vivid• Founded in 1953, the Central casts, audiences and social con• ly describe the characters' psyche Opera and Ballet Theatre took ditions. Otherwise, the opera and the main thread of the play part in numerous exchanges with would lose its appeal. so that the cast could play the the Soviet Union, in the 1950s. As a comedy written with op• roles based on a deeper under• National Chinese operas such as era seria techniques, the opera standing of the libretto and char• Liu Hulan, the Heroine; Song of combines modern opera music acters in it, rather than just imi- the Grassland and The Marriage Under Chinese Scholar Tree ZHOUHUAYIN were performed in the Soviet G. AnssimoT directing The Taming of the Shrew. Union. Meanwhile, the theatre's early productions of Camille, Madame Butterfly and The Young Guard were finished with the help of Soviet directors. These exchanges were sus• pended for nearly 30 years af• ter the late 1950s. In 1985, as a member of the first Soviet Ar• tists China-Visiting Delegation, Anssimov talked with personages from the Central Opera Theatre and the Central Conservatory of Music. This is the fourth time he has come to China, in Assimove's words, "to continue a new chap• ter for the Sino-Soviet opera art exchanges since the 50s." by Feng Jing


Drama Tells Life of First Chinese Railway Engineer he drama, Zhan Tianyou, ed to sell the con• was recently performed in struction rights. This TBeijing by the China Youth was a fatal blow for Art Theatre. Zhan. It was not only Zhan Tianyou, one of the a tragedy for Zhan pioneers of modern Chinese but for the whole na• science and technology, was born tion. in Nanhai County, Guangdong Although the dra• Province in 1861. At a very ma gives an ample young age, Zhan was enrolled in description of Zhan a teenage training class where Tianyou, it is not sim• Chinese students received pre• ply a historical or paratory studies before going to biographical play. Set study abroad. Zhan later studied against a vast histor• in the United States for ten years ical background, the and returned to China to become drama describes the China's first railway engineer. courage, personality From 1905 to 1909, Zhan was and idealism of a pa• put in charge of the construction triotic Chinese engi• of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Rail• neer. way Line, the first railway de• "We attempted to signed and built by Chinese en• expose the great pa• gineers. The completion of the triotic spirit and na• railway line struck a hard blow tional dignity that to the imperialists who cla• Zhan possessed and moured that "A Chinese railway the sacrifice he made engineer has not been born yet," to his motherland," and greatly inspired the Chinese said Zhang Qihong, people. director of the drama. The drama focuses on the con• Using realism, the struction of the railway line drama also possesses —the most brilliant part of romantic and legen• Zhan's life and career. At the dary colour with a CAO ZHIGANG very beginning of the play, Zhan tragic element which A scene from the drama: Zhan Tianyou (left). is faced with the most difficult all contribute to the and complicated section of the ideological and artistic unity of was created by borrowing some railway line. Apart from techni• the play. techniques from traditional Pek• cal problems, there were also so• The theme song of the drama ing Opera whereby the settings cial and human obstacles; the is particularly poignant; "At the are not always actually depicted, bureaucrats of the Qing govern• foot of the Great Wall Wild but rather indicated by the per• grasses grow. We chisel out tun• formance of the actors. The dis• ment obstructed the project for tant scenes, by contrast, are more various reasons and foreign pow• nels, build up bridges and rail• realistic. ers tried every possible means to way lines to wipe out our nation• An Guotao, who plays Zhan obtain rights to build the railway al shame. We struggle hard Tianyou in the drama, is a veter• line. Under such circumstances, for prosperity In the country's an actor who excels in historical Zhan did not give up but showed name." plays. He said, "To play a char• unusual courage and persistence. The song is the expression of acter well, you need not only act• He even guaranteed the Qing those who built the railway and ing skills, but you must also un• Court with his life that the rail• the heart beat of the Chinese derstand your hero." way would be a success. Howev• people. The script of the drama won er, just as the project was about The stage setting was very in• a national award in the early to be completed, news came that novative and deeply impressed 1980s. the Qing government had decid• the audience. The front setting by Cai Tiliang


Yandi Emperor—From Legend to History t the end of 1990, a sem• ical to that of the Yandi time tions made by Yandi to early inar on the study of the as described in historical re• Chinese civilization. Yandi is A Yandi Emperor and re• cords. But Qishan, part of the the most eminent father of lated ancient Chinese culture Loess Plateau, is dry and de• Chinese agricultural civiliza• was held in Suizhou City, solate, hardly an ideal birth• tion. He played a great role Hubei Province in southern place of ancient Chinese civil• in promoting the transition of China. Over 100 scholars at• ization. Chinese society from a primi• tended the seminar. The large number of histor• tive level to an agricultural Yandi, also known as Shen- ical finds also lend weight to age. He invented many agri• nong (the God of Agricul• the belief that Suizhou was ture), is one of the two earliest one of the cradles of ancient cultural tools and developed ancestors of the Chinese civil• Chinese civilization. The agricultural technology. The ization as recorded in Chinese "Shennong Cave" in Lishan special Chinese historical historical writings and popu• is believed to be one of the work, "Shennong" contains 14 larized by Chinese mythology. dwelling places of the ancient articles devoted to the life sto• The other one is Huangdi, the tribes where a large number of ry of the Yandi Emperor. Yellow Emperor, who, though stone ware, bone needles and Yandi is also believed to be he lived in a later historical fire remains have been found. the father of Chinese her• period, has a more popular In addition, there are other bal medicine. Many histor• image among the Chinese historical sites such as the ical works give accounts of his people. Consequently, the "Shennong Well" and the medical practices. The first Chinese all refer themselves as "Shennong Temple" as well as Chinese medical work is the descendents of the Yandi a large number of ancient cul• called "Shennong's Book of and Huangdi emperors. tural relics and tombs that Medical Herbs." At the seminar, scholars have been found. At the seminar, scholars confirmed that the Yandi Em• At the seminar, scientists pointed out that Yandi was an peror was a native of Lishan delivered dozens of research actual historical person but in Suizhou City, Hubei Prov• papers, making a detailed an• not a god. His great achieve• ince, negating the long-time alysis into the subject. They ments were actually the com• controversial belief that Yan• discovered that more than 100 mon work of the ancient peo• di was a native of Qishan in Chinese historical books state ple among whom Yandi was Shaanxi Province. that Lishan was the home of the most celebrated. Scientists agreed that the the Yandi Emperor. According to Li Wenlie, Yandi Emperor was the father The local people, generation mayor of Suizhou City, since of the ancient civilization of after generation, have wor• 1980, Suizhou has received the Yangtze River area, a shipped Yandi as their ances• fact supported by geographi• tor. They hold various cele• over 10,000 visitors from both cal books, historical docu• brations each year in memory at home and abroad. A nation• ments, unearthed relics and of Yandi, a practice seldom al Yandi Culture Research So• local customs. found in other parts of the ciety has been founded and Suizhou is a mountainous country. In many parts of Hu• memorial organizations have area, abundant in rivers, lakes bei Province, Yandi is wor• been set up in 30 countries and verdant forests. The city, shipped as the God of Fire. and regions. The city has allo• with its mild temperatures Yandi, in Chinese, means the cated over 10 million yuan to and plentiful rainfall, was an Fire Emperor, a title given by establish tourism and a huge ideal dwelling place for an• his descendents to remember statue of the Yandi Emperor. cient Chinese tribes. Not far his invention of fire, just as he In February this year, repre• away from Suizhou is the is also called Shennong, God sentatives from Yandi memo• world-famous ancient Shen- of Agriculture, for his inven• rial organizations throughout nong Forest, a name derived tions in agricultural technol• the world came to Suizhou to from the Yandi (Shennong) ogy. take part in celebrations and Emperor. The environment Also discussed at the semi• academic activities. and the climate are still ident• nar were the great contribu• by Liu Jianjun

34 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 25-31, 1991 'Liu Bei, a historical figure He Xiangu, an immortal in the Zhuge Liang, a clever in Romance of Three Kingdoms legend the Eight Immortals. strategist in Romance of Three Kingdoms. Shadow Play Art In a shadow play, one of China's ancient folk arts, puppe• teers manipulate figures carved out of cow and donkey hide in front of a bright light and be• hind a translucent screen. ITie shadow play figures here were created by shadow play artist Wang Changsheng who was born in Nanjing in 1938.


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