Notes on the Use of Propagation of Error Formulas
~.------~------------ JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards - C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 70C, No.4, October- December 1966 Notes on the Use of Propagation of Error Formulas H. H. Ku Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 (May 27, 1966) The " la w of propagation o[ error" is a tool th at physical scientists have convenie ntly and frequently used in th eir work for many years, yet an adequate refere nce is diffi c ult to find. In this paper an exposi tory rev ie w of this topi c is presented, partic ularly in the li ght of c urre nt practi ces a nd interpretations. Examples on the accuracy of the approximations are given. The reporting of the uncertainties of final results is discussed. Key Words : Approximation, e rror, formula, imprecision, law of error, prod uc ts, propagati on of error, random, ratio, syste mati c, sum. Introduction The " law of propagation of error" is a tool that physical scientists have conveniently and frequently In the December 1939, issue of the American used in their work for many years. No claim is Physics Teacher, Raymond T. Birge wrote an ex made here that it is the only tool or even a suitable pository paper on "The Propagation of Errors." tool for all occasions. "Data analysis" is an ever In the introductory paragraph of his paper, Birge expanding field and other methods, existing or new, re marked: are probably available for the analysis and inter "The questi on of what constitutes the most reliable valu e to pretation fo r each particular set of data.
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