
Towards a Sustainable and Attractive Place to Live, Work and Recreate

Towards a Sustainable and Attractive Place to Live, Work and Recreate Colophon Department: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Ministry of Education Culture and Science Project name: Shared Cultural Heritage Programme Built Environment Future Perspectives on World Heritage City Sawahlunto Version: 1.0 Date: March 2020 Contact: Jean-Paul Corten [email protected] Authors: Grace Emely, Vince Gebert Editing: Jean-Paul Corten Language editing: Taalcentrum Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Photo’s: Authors, unless mentioned diferently Design and print: Xerox/Osage, the Netherlands Photo cover: Part of the listed railway track near Panjang, 2019

© Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort 2020

Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands P.O. Box 1600 3800 BP Amersfoort The Netherlands Table of Contents

Preface 5

Foreword 7

Chapter 1. The town of Sawahlunto 9

Chapter 2. Research outline 13 2.1 Problem statement 13 2.2 Tourism 14 2.3 Medical care 14 2.4 Mining 15 2.5 Research design and methods 15

Chapter 3. Present situation 17 3.1 Tourism 17 3.2 Medical care 18 3.3 Mining 19

Chapter 4. Future challenges 21 4.1 Challenges with respect to tourism 21 4.2 Challenges with respect to medical care 25 4.3 Challenges with respect to mining 26

Chapter 5. Conclusion 29

Chapter 6. Recommen­dations 31

The authors 33

References 34 View on Sawahlunto Preface 5 —

The Netherlands share a past with many countries with up-to-date expertise, but also acquires new around the globe. The traces lef by this past, both within knowledge that can be applied back home. Mutual and outside the Netherlands, are referred to as shared interests are expected to lead to long-term collaboration. heritage. Through its Shared Heritage programme, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) works This report presents the results of a study of the towards a sustainable future for (shared) heritage with development potential of Sawahlunto. The study has ten partner countries. , evidently, is one of been executed by Vince Gebert and Grace Emely, these partner countries. commissioned by the RCE and as part of an ongoing cooperation with the town of Sawahlunto within the Within the Shared Heritage Programme the RCE shares Shared Heritage programme. The former mining town expertise, provides training and develops tools. By and the RCE have a longstanding cooperation, starting in means of knowledge exchange we aim at a vital future 2004 shortly afer the coal mines were closed. The joint for the cherished heritage in an ever changing society. cooperation intensifed during the process of world We work in close collaboration with our partner countries heritage listing of Swahlunto’s coal mining heritage. and with Dutch parties within a wide international I hope this report will be helpful to the local parties in network. Built environment is one of the three felds their conservation eforts and that it may provide a base covered within the Shared Heritage programme (next to for further cooperation. maritime archaeology and museum collections). The RCE focuses on issues that are of social relevance and that are urgent in both the partner countries and the Netherlands. Jean-Paul Corten Examples are urban management and water challenges. senior policy ofcer In doing so, the RCE not only provides partner countries Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Coal elevator Foreword 7 —

The town of Sawahlunto was established under Dutch assessed the potential for a sustainable and vital town so colonial rule following the discovery of an abundance of as to re-create an atractive place to live, work and spend minable coal in the Sumatran highlands above Padang, in leisure time. On 3 July 2019 various stakeholders in the late the 19th century. Once the frst buildings and Sawahlunto atended a one-day workshop. While the essential facilities had been built in 1887, developments study was ongoing, the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of over the next decades led the company town to fourish. Sawahlunto was successfully listed as Indonesia’s ninth However, since the mines’ closure in 2002 Sawahlunto’s World Heritage Site during the 43rd session of the World existence base has gradually melted away. The physical Heritage Commitee, held in Baku on 6 July 2019. remains, however, have remained largely intact. The former mining complex encompasses not only the young The UNESCO listing was the ultimate result of constant town itself but also extraction sites and coal storage eforts by the late mayor of Sawahlunto, the honourable facilities, as well as export facilities at the port of Amran Nur. As early as in 2004 the newly elected mayor Emmahaven, and the railway network linking the mines expressed his concerns regarding the town’s weak to coastal facilities. economic position following the termination of mining activities. In response the municipality drafed a new This report presents the results of a study of potential development policy based on heritage conservation and future prospects for these remains in the former mining mining-based tourism, which became the city’s new town of Sawahlunto. The study was conducted by Grace vision for the future. Emely and Vince Gebert for the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), in close collaboration with involved Grace Emely parties in Indonesia, between 1 and 8 July 2019. The study Vince Gebert Railway bridge Chapter 1. The town of Sawahlunto 9 —

The town of Sawahlunto, in the Indonesian province of By early 1894, the Ombilin mines near Sawahlunto had West , is located in a narrow and isolated valley become geographically and logistically connected to the in the mountainous Ombilin region, ca. 90km east of the coastal facilities at Emmahaven, the port of Padang municipality of Padang. Sawahlunto is surrounded by (today Teluk Bayur seaport) by a railway network that ran three administrative territories, Tanah Datar, , and via Solok, and Lubuk Alung. This railway Sijunjung. Initially founded as a company town in which connection was the main route for the transportation of all urban functions revolved around coal extraction, coal from the Ombilin mines to the seaport, from where today Sawahlunto covers a total area of 273,45km² and it was shipped to Tanjung Priok, the port of the city of has a population of ca. 60,000. Batavia, and on to Europe. Cluysenaer’s plan was crucial for the mining operations, and he setlement rapidly The history of Sawahlunto’s coal mining dates back to the expanded. Housing was provided for staf and mine late 19th century. When in 1868 the interior of West employees, as were essential services such as canteens, Sumatra proved to contain an almost inexhaustible supply health care facilities, schools, religious institutions, of high-quality coal, the Dutch colonial government set a sports feld, and other recreational facilities including a out to extract and process the coal seams in the Ombilin social club. Newly built central storage facilities near the region. These eforts were hampered by the remoteness of city were linked to the remote mining pits by a railway the area, and access was further complicated by the high track and conveyor belts. Within several decades mountain ridges which surround it. To enable exploitation Sawahlunto developed into a thriving coal-mining of the coal mines Jacobus Leonardus Cluysenaer (1843- centre. The Ombilin coal mining complex represents an 1932), a Delf-educated Dutch civil engineer, devised an innovative system of deep-pit mining, which requires integral plan to link the highlands to the port city of considerable technological knowledge and capital Padang, on the west coast of Sumatra, by a railway investment. Though the Ombilin coal mines were neither network. The only feasible method to do this was by the only nor the frst to be operated by the Dutch colonial means of the newly invented rack railway. From 1887 government, by 1898 they already constituted the largest onwards the railway system, mines, and port were under mining operation and for a long time contributed most of construction and the frst buildings arose, creating the the Netherlands Indies’ coal production. company town of Sawahlunto.

The panorama of Sawahlunto from Bukit Pari (KITLV Collections) 10 —

Map of Indonesia, showing the province of (Rizky Fardhyan, 2019)

Map of West Sumatra, showing the listed World Heritage Property (Ofce of Cultural Afairs, Historical Remains and Museum, 2017) 11 —

Transport of coal using at the Loento II Mining Pit (KITLV Collections)

The complex combination of local geological knowledge rising demand by the colonial power, leaving only and the technical expertise of the Dutch engineers seventeen days of rest on a total of 183. Moreover, (criterium ii), and its status as an outstanding example of almost every employee struggled with parasitic mine a unique technological complex (criterium iv) gained worm infestations as a result of unhygienic conditions Sawahlunto a successful listing as a World Heritage Site. and contaminated drinking water. Added to this were the many injuries, as the colonial administration would not Labour conditions in the late 19th and early 20th-century provide dredge boots, and let the workers go barefoot. At Sawahlunto colonial mines were quite harsh. The labour the time, Sawahlunto was known as ‘Hell on Earth’, but force largely consisted of deported convicts known as these inhuman forms of labour under horrible conditions orang rantai (chained people), who were disciplined by a remained very much underreported (Drieënhuizen, 2019). colonial system of institutionalized violence.... This modern form of slavery began in the late 19th century with 1,234 miners and expanded to 11,046 workers in 1921, with a small proportion of Javanese and Chinese contract workers. In a report, a local medical doctor ascribed the high mortality rate to the enormous workload due to Rack-railway running between Sawahlunto and Padang Chapter 2. Research outline 13 —

Part of this policy was to have the historic mining town 2.1 Problem statement listed as World Heritage to boost its tourist potential. In 2015, the state of Indonesia adopted Sawahlunto’s initiative and nominated the historic mining town for a As was stated in the previous chapter, coal mining UNESCO listing, acknowledging Sawahlunto as one of operations in Sawahlunto lasted for more than a century. the oldest mining towns in Indonesia, in a scenic natural At the end of the 20th century, profts could no longer seting and encompassing many historically valuable keep up with operational costs, and 1999 saw the last coal delivery by train to the port of Padang, before operations ofcially ceased in 2002. With that, the town’s most important source of income fell away. Subsequently the railway network between Sawahlunto and Padang fell into disuse and was shut down the same year. The municipality of Sawahlunto felt the obligation to fnd an alternative base of existence and devised a policy to sustain Sawahlunto during the following decade. Emphasis was placed on transforming Sawahlunto’s economy from mining-based to tourism-based activities so as to create a new economic existence base1. Kalam railway tunnel in 2019

Kalam railway tunnel, as part of the Padang-Sawahlunto track, at the time of its construction (KITLV Collections)

1 For the municipal vision, see Kuswartojo, Tjuk (2001), Sawahlunto 2020, Agenda mewudjudkan Kota Wisata Tambang yang Berbudaya. Bandung: Pemerintah Kota Sawahlunto-LPM ITB. 14 —

buildings. On 6 July 2019 the World Heritage Commitee ofcially designated the Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage 2.2 Tourism of Sawahlunto as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This listing opens up opportunities to continue urban development, provided a clear vision exists as to the Despite its revenue-generating capacity, heritage-based town’s future. An exclusive focus on tourism would tourism also has potentially negative aspects such as render it vulnerable (Light 2015: 147). What is needed is nuisance and a neglect of other options. An exclusive a wider perspective on the future that takes into focus on tourism might put the sustainable continuation account Sawahlunto’s historical features in a of Sawahlunto’s historical features at risk, as the town sustainable fashion (cf. Winter & Daly 2012: 12-13). may not be able to cope with a greater infux of tourists. In order to achieve this, we look for ways to make Anticipating such dangers is all the more important in Sawahlunto a sustainable and atractive place to live, view of the fact that, in general, World Heritage Sites work and recreate in the future, as formulated in the tend to degenerate due to congestion, crowding, and following research question: growing tourist numbers (Hall & Piggin 2001: 103). How can Sawahlunto’s tourist potential contribute to the How can Sawahlunto’s historical features accommodate ‘towns sustainable development? future needs?

To answer this question, we have identifed three 2.3 Medical care potential avenues that might improve the residents’ lives, socially as well as economically. These potential avenues will be analysed so as to defne their During the colonial period, the Sawahlunto hospital was development opportunities and threats, taking into one of the most modern and prestigious in Central account their physical elements and geographical Sumatra, providing advanced medical care. Currently situation. known as Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD), the hospital

The hospital in 1925 (KITLV Collections) 15 —

has lost its former prestigious status. How can medical care help provide a sustainable future for the town?

2.4 Mining

The mining school was an important institution that provided the town with a skilled labour force and introduced new European technological expertise in what was then called the . At the same time, Preparation of the workshop, showing research team and local the college was an innovative hub of experimental representatives engineering, and a place where technological expertise was developed and exchanged between East and West. In the frst few years of its existence the college accept only students from Dutch families, but over the years a lack of interest among Dutch candidates led to the enrolment of so-called ‘Indo’ students of mixed Dutch- Indonesian heritage, as well as a number of Indonesian students. Today, the college is no longer active as it was in the past, and its former premises changed function. However, our initial study revealed there are possibilities for the establishment of a mining polytechnic in Sawahlunto. This report will focus on identifying the Welcoming words during the workshop strengths and weaknesses of the mining sector so as to understand its future potential. The question is how an institution for mining education might contribute to a sustainable future for Sawahlunto.

The old mining school in 2019

2.5 Research design and methods

This report builds on data collected in the course of a desk study and subsequent feldwork. The initial desk Stakeholder discussion study showed that in addition to heritage-based tourism, the sectors medical care (including the existing hospital, a study also revealed to what extent diferent stakeholders relic of the colonial period) and mining (including current are currently initiating development activities in these educational initiatives) should be explored further. The three sectors. The feldwork elaborated on the results of question is whether these sectors are able to provide a the desk study. vital future for Sawahlunto’s historical features. The desk 16 —

Fieldwork was conducted in Sawahlunto and consisted of a number of participatory group sessions in surroundings between 1 and 8 July 2019. Prior to this, which stakeholders engaged in active discussions, basic information was obtained through various expounded on relevant issues, and jointly formulated government publications, news articles, and national and answers to various questions about potential changes in regional legislation. On site, the town’s strengths, the social and economic realities. The main goal was to weaknesses, opportunities and threats were analysed defne opportunities and threats for the future of the and its socio-economic possibilities were assessed, historical features as provided by the three identifed taking into account the three identifed opportunities. avenues and other alternatives, as stated in Section 2.1. Data were gathered by means of a botom-up approach To maximize our data collection, the workshop method in which public, private, and civil participation in a was supplemented with in-depth interviews with a total one-day workshop was crucial to understand residents’ of thirteen local stakeholders, experts and government perspectives on city development. The workshop ofcials working in Sawahlunto.2

Participatory planning session

2 Transcripts of the interviews can be consulted at the Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE), Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Chapter 3. Present situation 17 —

The next two chapters report on the feldwork results. Chapter 3 will describe the current situation while Chapter 4 explains future challenges in the light of the mining complex’ listing as UNESCO World Heritage.

3.1 Tourism

Over the years, the province of West Sumatra has become popular for its , an annual international professional bicycle road race. In addition the province is receiving increasing numbers of international religious tourists. With its recent World Heritage Site designation ‘Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto’ the town is now hoping to atract further global atention to the region. This will introduce new future challenges as well as opportunities. The West Sumatra Tourist Ofce is optimistic that it can promote Sawahlunto as an international destination for sports-minded tourists. In 2014, the provincial body initiated a Regional Regulation Policy that includes a regional master plan for tourism for 2014-20253. This plan outlines steps and goals to develop Lubang Mbah Soero as one of the tourism atractions visitor and tourist facilities, and it entails the preparation of a Sustainable Tourism Strategy which will ensure that development does not negatively afect the World Heritage Site, that local communities will be empowered and beneft from sustainable tourism, and that a visitor management system will be implemented to improve visitors’ experiences.

Sawahlunto itself has been actively engaged in developing tourism as its main economic activity since the municipal vision of 2002. The document Sawahlunto Municipality in Figure 2018 lists three important and successful tourist activities: 1. Tour de Singkarak, an annual bicycle road race frst held in 2009,which passes through several cities and The former soup kitchen, now museum (Ofce of Cultural Afairs, regencies in West Sumatra including Sawahlunto. It is the Historical Remains and Museum, 2017) most popular event, successfully atracting 302,585 visitors. 2. Opening in 2006, Waterboom, an amusement park featuring water recreation facilities, comes second with over 93,446 visitors. 3. In third place, Taman Satwa Kandi, a former PTBA coal mining area turned into a recreational park that atracts 89,927 visitors. These three major atractions complement a list of seven local museums and a visitor centre. The most frequented atractions are located in Lapangan Segitiga and in the old company town, where we fnd Museum Mbah Suro (the old mining tunnel), Museum Kereta Api (railway station

3 Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Museum Goedang Ransoem (Ofce of Cultural Afairs, Historical Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2014 - 2025 Remains and Museum, 2017) 18 —

created towards the end of 2016 and became ofcially operational early in 2017.

3.2 Medical care

In 2014, the Indonesian Ministry of Health introduced a new Healthcare Act4 which compels patients to frst consult local clinics before turning to regional hospitals. This stimulated the foundation of a new regional hospital just outside Sawahlunto, leading to a decrease in the number of outside patients coming to Sawahlunto. Despite the new legislation, RSUD Sawahlunto remains a popular hospital to which many turn for a second opinion, because of its long-standing reputation and modern equipment, compared to other regional hospitals.

RSUD’s location has advantages and challenges. It is strategically situated at the heart of the city and as such easily accessible for patients. The hospital’s good Museum Kereta Api Sawahlunto reputation can be substantiated: 16% of its patients came from outside Sawahlunto. RSUD was predicted to museum) and the Museum Goedang Ransoem (previously a contribute 29 billion Rupiah, half the total annual soup kitchen complex). These places mainly focus on local revenue of the region of Sawahlunto. By the end of the culture and history; they are prime candidates for tourist year 2018, RSUD alone contributed over 20 billion facility improvement. A newly planned museum, Museum Orang Rantai, will tell the history of the convict labourers called Orang Rantai, ‘chained people’. This museum is due for completion in 2020.

Today, most visitors are domestic, and visitor numbers have greatly increased since 2004. In 2015, 810,000 tourists visited Sawahlunto, a signifcant increase compared to 2006 (377,220 tourists). A focus on the town’s unique historical profle as a cultural and industrial heritage site adds substantial momentum to the building, maintenance and promotion of a local identity (Vargas-Sánchez, 2015). The town has huge potential as it contains over one hundred heritage objects and several abandoned mines with the potential to atract even more visitors. Also, the town’s cultural and ethnic diversity is very helpful, as it renders local residents more willing to accept the arrival of more outsiders. To promote its history and cultural heritage, the municipality has set up art galleries, organizes events, distributes information in the form of books and leafets, and informs the community about the existing museums and their collections. Moreover, in order to deal with the Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (Ofce of Cultural Afairs, Historical development of the tourist sector, and because it is Remains and Museum, 2017) aware of its potential, the municipality has split its former Department of Tourism and Culture into two 4 Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman diferent bodies. The new Department of Tourism was Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional 19 —

Rupiah, or 72.1% of the total revenue (Sawahunto Dalam Angka, 2019; Melda, 2019).

Overall, health rates in Sawahlunto are stable, and despite on-going mining activities no unusual diseases or signifcant health issues exist. At 28.85%, respiratory conditions are the most common health issue in Sawahlunto (Sawahunto Dalam Angka, 2019), a normal fgure compared to other regions; most mining activities occur at some distance from the town. Most patients coming to RSUD are either employed at or in another way connected to the mining companies. This is partly due to the fact that employees have annual mandatory check-ups. Only the more serious cases are referred to the larger, provincial hospital in Padang. RSUD also participates in a regional government training programme for medical doctors who wish to pursue further education and specialization, to counteract the existing shortage in human resources. However, afer completing their training these doctors ofen move to other cities.

3.3 Mining

From the late 19th century onwards the Ombilin mine was the largest coal mining complex in what was then the Dutch East Indies (Erwiza 1999). Despite the presence of abundant coal reserves in Indonesia, mining activity has declined over the years. In Sawahlunto, mining has ceased within the boundaries of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but outside these boundaries some extraction still occurs. Elsewhere, open pit mining is still practised in places like Bengkulu and Kalimantan. Some 24.21% of Sawahlunto’s 128 million ton coal was extracted by open mining (Laporan Rencana Pascatambang PTBA, 2016, p. 36). The rest was lef to be extracted by deep mining, which requires future collaboration with private foreign investors. Three companies hold mining concessions in Sawahlunto, of which the state-owned enterprise PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. Unit Pertambangan Ombilin (PTBA UPO) is the largest (ICOMOS 2019: 136). PTBA UPO is the direct successor of Underground mining structure miniature for instruction purposes the Ombilin Mining Company, which was established during the colonial period. a Regional Revenue, Finance and Assets ofce. Though the building is no longer used for mining-related activities, During the colonial era the Mining College played a mining is still taught as a subject at the Soengai Doerian signifcant role in the long-term organization of coal Mining Pit Compound near Sawahlunto. The Sawah Luwung mining (Erwiza 1999). Built in 1916, it provided the Underground Mining Tunnel, which opened in 1980, necessary labour force and expertise to establish and currently serves as a mining training centre; it resorts operate the integrated mining system. It was an important under the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral hub for the exchange of technological knowledge. Today, Resources (Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, or the college no longer exists and its premises have become KESDM), and is limited to underground mining activities. 20 —

During our feldwork plans existed for an additional Mining Polytechnic in Langkok Village, near Sawahlunto. However, this polytechnic is still at the planning stage. Also at that time, BDTBT announced that the creation of this Polytechnic remains uncertain due to declining interest in the mining industry. To accommodate a future Polytechnic, KESDM made available an 8ha section of the campus in Parambahan (Tanah Datar), 7 to 8km from Sawahlunto, as a vocational training centre, in cooperation with the municipality. The Sawahlunto Instruction Coal Mining Tunnel JICA-BDTBT. Polytechnic would then be part of a joint enterprise with other institutions including State Polytechnic and Bandung State Polytechnic. Training would focus on technical underground mining and open-pit mining, health and safety-related issues, and mining-related environmental impact assessment. However, while this report was being writen, BDTBT announced that plans for the Polytechnic were put on hold.

BDTBT, in cooperation with KESDM and Sawahlunto municipality, has established a national Geopark Sawahlunto in the Ombilin Basin area. This Geopark is BDTBT Training Area intended as a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG), in line with the recent world heritage nomination. The park aspires The years 2001 to 2006 saw a successful collaboration to become a destination for mining tourism as well as a between KESDM and the Japan International Cooperation geology campus for education in sustainable mining and Agency (JICA), resulting in the establishment of the post-mining activities. In accordance with this, BDTBT Vocational Training Centre for Underground Mining (Balai has set up an educational programme for the general Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah, or BDTBT). BDTBT, which public, which can receive information on the history of resorts directly under KESDM, is an advanced institute for coal mining and development technology in Sawahlunto. mining expertise and the only underground training BDTBT organizes a rafing heritage trail along the centre in Indonesia. Training programmes prepare Ombilin river through the World Heritage Site (from Salak personnel for future deep mining activities. Power Plant to Rantih Water Pumping Station). Chapter 4. Future challenges 21 —

From a tourist perspective, Sawahlunto is a newcomer in 4.1 Challenges with respect to tourism the province and not yet a prime destination. The challenge for Sawahlunto is to keep up with these longer established and well-known tourist destinations. Though the industrial and manufacturing sector contributes 13.9% to the Gross Regional Domestic Product Geographical location poses another major challenge. and Tourism contributes only 1.9%, the later has Sawahlunto is situated at a high elevation in the interior of undoubtedly become the Sawahlunto administration’s Sumatra, relatively far (ca. 90km) from Padang, West main focus for economic development (Sawahlunto Sumatra’s central hub where most visitors arrive. Ofen Dalam Angka 2018). With all eyes turned to tourism, the these tourists travel from there to Bukitinggi and more so following the World Heritage Site listing, much Pagaruyung, passing by Sawahlunto. The long distance is work still needs to be done. However, the present compounded by the fact that the road infrastructure is not condition of the infrastructure as well as human resources yet optimal; a journey from Padang to Sawahlunto can pose a signifcant challenge with respect to development. take up to ca. 4.5 hours. Moreover, insufcient marketing In West Sumatra, Padang and Bukitinggi are several and advertising leave visitors unaware of the atractions steps ahead of Sawahlunto in terms of tourism. Padang is Sawahlunto has to ofer. Afer the feld study, while this the provincial capital and commercial centre, strategically report was still in progress, recent developments since the positioned and the gateway to the area; Bukitinggi is an UNESCO listing suggest that Sawahlunto is now part of already well-established tourist destination atracting tourist packages in West Sumatra. many international and domestic visitors. Both cities are renowned locally and internationally as tourist Other challenges concern Sawahlunto’s visitor capacity. In destinations and both are focal points for the Indonesian view of the UNESCO listing the municipality anticipates Ministry of Tourism. Within this specifc part of West around 1.4 million visitors by 2023, both domestic and Sumatra, Istana Paguruyung is also an important tourist international, and most of them from , hub and in particular atracts many religious pilgrims. and Brunei. Many of them are pilgrims, ofen of Minangkabau descent, who are visiting places such as Bukitinggi and other parts of West Sumatra. At present, visitor accommodation capacity is insufcient to cope with this number. Built in 1918, the Ombilin Hotel was the frst

The Ombilin Hotel (Ofce of Cultural Afairs, Historical Remains and Museum, 2017)

Map of West Sumatra (Provincial Ofce for Tourism, Art and Culture) Former Engineer House turned into VIP Ombilin Hotel 22 —

In view of these limitations the municipality encourages the local community to utilize their private dwellings as homestay. At present, ca. 80 homestay facilities are scatered around the city, especially in the Old Town and Talawi districts. Visitor numbers (ranging from international to local guests) as well as the number of visiting government ofcials have increased over the years. An umbrella organization in charge of marketing strategies has been initiated to encourage and jointly achieve hotel standards at the homestays. As a result, one of the homestays, Oma Homestay, made it into the top-5 of best homestays in Indonesia.

Besides facing the problem of insufcient accommodation, the town also lacks other amenities that meet adequate to good standards. No restaurants able to provide food of acceptable quality exist, nor is there a place where tourists can sample the traditional local cuisine or merely enjoy the old town. In the evening, street food vendors appear along the river, thus adding to the lively feel of Pasar Remaja which extends up to Lapangan Segitiga, in front of the PTBA

“Oma Homestay”, one of the successful homestays in Sawahlunto

and only hotel in town, receiving high-ranking guests such as government ofcials, mining engineers, doctors, and opzichters, mining inspectors. By the time of the feld study, the hotel was temporarily closed for renovation, leaving only Parai City Garden Hotel, the town’s only three-star hotel with 41 rooms, to cater to tourists. With the exception of plans to convert the old PTBA ofce into a 120-room hotel whilst keeping its original façade intact, no other plans for future hotel development in the town exist. The municipality has announced that hotel development will be limited, since most potential investors are unwilling to step in due to the currently low visitor levels. Street food vendors in Sawahlunto at night 23 —

administration building. Right now, the various dishes sixty years, are currently being assessed with regard to these street food vendors could sell to future local and the feasibility of new tourist-related functions and international tourists are of questionable quality and educational purposes. The Indonesian Railway Company hygiene. This is a missed opportunity, for an increase in (Indonesian PT Kereta Api Indonesia, or PT KAI) has both quality and quantity will tempt tourists to spend initiated a revitalization project involving the railway more, revenues that will fow into the local economy. between Padang and Solok in the context of future Although some people might consider opening a tourism along the historical rail track. These projects are restaurant, a lack of space remains the biggest challenge. still at the planning stage. Their implementation is a major challenge and requires intensive collaboration Revitalization programmes for some historic buildings between stakeholders. Consultations of stakeholders, are being drafed. For example, the Great Mosque, tour operators and travel agencies from Padang and originally built as a steam power plant in the Dutch Bukitinggi are stillongoing. Hopefully, this cooperation colonial period, is scheduled to be revitalized as a and coordination will be able to facilitate the religious tourist atraction. Most assets in and around development of tourism to Sawahlunto. Sawahlunto pertaining to mining are owned by PTBA. As the owner of a number of assets designated atributes of Whilst acknowledging the need and future of Sawahlunto outstanding universal value, PTBA had been directly as a tourist destination, the government also realized the involved in the UNESCO nomination process. Though importance of developing the town’s current enlisted some are still functional or have been given a new World Heritage properties. At this moment, there are purpose, many buildings remain vacant. PTBA is currently already several museums in and around Sawahlunto and working together with a consultant towards the the Municipality’s proposal to turn these properties into revitalization and re-usage of PTBA assets. For example, yet another museum raises questions with regard to its PTBA’s main ofce building, which inherited this function atractiveness in the future. Funding these developments from PTBA’s Dutch predecessor, the Ombilin Mining would be very costly, and in view of the limited municipal Company, is scheduled to be converted into a hotel. PTBA budget it would be a challenge to fnd alternative funding is also evaluating the potential of one of the mining resources. tunnels, Lubang Loento II, to become a tourist atraction. As the 109 listed properties are located in seven districts The coal transportation system with its conveyor belt and throughout West Sumatra, presenting them as a the Salak Power Plant, both non-operational for over complete package will be a massive challenge. Except for

Coal Processing Plan Compound (Area Saringan) 24 —

a Heritage Trail brochure and banner available in the old Museum Lubang Mbah Suro, but it does not stand out in town, at the time this report was being writen no the streetscape and only has a few items on display in a package nor any tour operator or community-based glass box in front of the shop. Its invisibility and tourist ofce that could market it yet existed. unatractiveness put tourists of, because they do not recognize the place as a souvenir shop. During our Furthermore, there are no commercial souvenir shops interviews, a local artist who works in coal expressed his where tourists might buy mementoes. There is a small reservations about having to transport his objects to a local craf shop less than 500m from the entrance of public space, as coal is highly fragile and could be

Coal Handicraf Shop (Rizky Fardhyan, 2019) Silungkang

Coal Crafsman Weaving Loom 25 —

damaged in the process. The artist therefore keeps his Modernizing or redeveloping the hospital still remains merchandise at home and operates from there, rather the biggest challenge due to limited expertise in how to than selling it at or near other main atractions in the old meet current standards for modernization whilst town, even though fewer visitors will come. Moreover, simultaneously preserving the 1915 building’s heritage the government provides no fnancial support or character. Expanding the hospital’s infrastructure and marketing assistance. improving its services without disturbing the historical features is therefore problematic. On the other hand, a private Songket (Sumatran traditional fabric) workshop, at a distance of ca. 16km Under the 2009 No. 44 Government Act5, government from Sawahlunto, has become popular throughout hospitals are to be converted into independent Public Indonesia. So far this Songket workshop has been Service Agencies (Badan Layanan Umum, or BLU). This will successful in empowering the surrounding local allow each hospital to become fnancially fexible whilst community, especially women, by providing them with maintaining its efciency, efectiveness and productivity jobs. The shop owner provides the local weavers with the with regard to quality service. A BLU wishing to qualify materials needed for the Songket, and the weavers for a development loan has to submit a number of return the fnished products to the shop owner, who then documents including proof of land ownership. However, checks the quality. If the cloth conforms to certain the land on which the RSUD and surroundings are standards the weaver will be paid and the cloth can be located is owned by PTBA, the successor of the colonial sold in the shop. If the quality is poor, the weaver will Ombilin Mining Company. This ownership issue not only either have to redo the work or the cloth will be used for creates a fnancial problem but, without the consent of other purposes. PBTA, also renders illegal any plans for future physical expansion. In total, PTBA owns ca. 32.45% of the land in Sawahlunto (Sawahlunto Dalam Angka, 2019). 4.2 Challenges with respect to medical care A recent initiative aims to transform the old building into an administrative ofce or a central hall while construction The hospital compound is more than a century old but of a completely new, modern hospital is ongoing to cope despite its age is still in good condition. Over the years it with current demand. However, the hospital’s atempts to has made several atempts to advance the quality of its expand and develop both horizontally and vertically have health care and to expand the hospital by means of frequently been thwarted. The geological contours of the renovations and other improvements to comply with terrain make it difcult for the hospital to expand modern standards. sideways, and the complex itself cannot support more than two levels. Moreover, approval to alter the hospital’s The old city of Sawahlunto and the hospital itself were physical appearance has not been forthcoming due to its built to cater mainly to the mining company’s personnel. World Heritage status and land ownership issues, and the As the city expanded and its population increased to required permits to pursue further development have not 61,000 the hospital was no longer able to accommodate been issued. An alternative proposal would see a all of them. Development and expansion became completely new hospital in Muara Kalaban while leaving necessary. Plans for expansion and infrastructural the present complex intact to serve as a specialized unit, measures to improve access were drafed in 2014 but thus making physical expansion unnecessary. However, were put on hold due to fnancial issues the hospital had this proposal runs into problems with regard to access, for with the local government. RSUD’s 2014 master plan Muara Kalaban lies several kilometres south of envisioned the addition of a new building because the Sawahlunto-centre so that visitors would need some form old hospital could not comply with modern standards, of transportation. for example the presence of temperature-controlled rooms to store certain medical instruments. The In addition to these physical challenges the hospital modernization process also involves replacing the also needs to improve the quality of its service. It has wooden door of the former surgical ward by a glass one, been argued that the hospital is too bureaucratic, and adding more safety exits. causing confusion among patients. There is also a perceived need to increase the number of medical The hospital is accredited as a Type C hospital, but it requires various permits either to meet modern 5 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 Tentang Rumah standards or to receive accreditation as a Type B hospital. Sakit 26 —

more serious cases: quality enhancement instead of quantity. In that scenario, no substantial modifcations to the old hospital building would be required.

4.3 Challenges with respect to mining

More than 30 million tons of coal have been extracted by open mining, leaving only underground coal deposits, which require deep mining techniques (Laporan Rencana Pascatambang PTBA, 2016). However, deep mining has not been commonly practised in Sawahlunto for the past few years. Huge investments will be needed to develop this method further.

BDTBT is one of Indonesia’s most prominent deep- mining colleges. At the moment its training programme does not enrol individual students but largely concentrates on ministry-appointed candidates and groups of trainees from various Indonesian companies. The college also engages in bilateral collaboration with other countries. As the only deep-mining training centre in Indonesia, the number of trainees varies each year depending on market conditions and company requirements. Located ca. 5km from the old town of Sawahlunto, BDTBT has limited dormitory capacity or student facilities. Despite its many successful graduates over the years BDTBT remains an exclusive institution with limited impact on local economic development. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sawahlunto, formerly Ombilin Hospital since 1912 Of course, students and staf purchase what they need on a daily basis at the local market, providing a direct specialists and nursing staf. At the moment, twelve impulse to the local economy. Moreover, in the event medical specialists are active in Sawahlunto, but it dorm capacity is insufcient, additional accommodation became clear during our interview with hospital is created in collaboration with homestay owners. management that it is difcult to maintain this number. However, as most homestays are located in and around As a small hospital far from the West Sumatran capital the old town, commuting is expensive and time of Padang, Sawahlunto has become less atractive for consuming. In combination, the successful development medical doctors as a place of employment. Many of of the mining college and insufcient preparation for those receiving government study grants have lef the the stream of tourists are expected to cause signifcant hospital to move to larger cities. accommodation shortages.

Our study also revealed that an existing community KESDM is also aiming to establish three diferent health centre has done quite well in handling general vocational training centres, in Bandung, Jakarta and diseases and referring the more serious cases to RSUD. Sawahlunto. The frst two have already materialized; During our workshop the suggestion was raised to vocational training in Bandung focuses on geology, develop these community health care centres in order to mining and metallurgy, while the Jakarta training solve the expansion problem. Quality improvement and centre concentrates on sustainability. During our physical expansion of the health care centres would interview, Dr. Asep Rohman, the director of BDTBT increase their patient capacity, which in turn would revealed that plans are in progress for a vocational render expansion of the old hospital premises less training centre in Sawahlunto, which will provide urgent. The hospital would thus be able to focus on the training in deep mining. 27 —

Scheme 1. Impact assessment

The scheme shows the impact of the developments as identifed in chapter 4 on the local community and economy of Sawahlunto.

Social impact Economic impact

Tourism Positive impact Positive impact • The recent World Heritage listing expects an • Tourism opens a new opportunity for local people increase in the number of tourists, both to open new businesses such as food stalls and domestically and internationally. homestays. • The promise of increasing numbers of tourists can atract investors.

Negative impact Negative impact • Fast town development can lead to incautious • If opportunities are not equally distributed, tourism planning that might bring undesired and can be benefcial only to investors and cultural unintentional changes to the environment and institutions, bypassing the local community to livelihoods of local people. respond to potentials in the informal economy. This • Tourism can lead to overcrowding, and can lead to a larger economic gap between lower subsequently to deterioration of existing and upper classes, similar to the case in Borobudur properties. Temple Compound. • Infuences by outside tourists might afect the existing social dynamics of local people.

Social impact Economic impact

Medical Positive impact Positive impact Care • Shifing focus from development of the hospital to • Development of the hospital increases job development of the health care centre gives opportunities. It might atract more specialized opportunities for the hospital to solely focus on personnel. serious illnesses, and so improving its medical care quality. • The strategic location of the hospital makes it accessible for the locals.

Negative impact Negative impact • N/A • N/A

Social impact Economic impact

Mining Positive impact Positive impact • Development of the Geopark forms an interesting • The success of BDTBT as the main deep mining link between mining education and tourism: for learning centre in Indonesia will bring an indirect mining students it provides a learning environment impact on the local economy as students and staf and at the same time gives them opportunities to will spend their capital for their daily needs from engage with tourists interested in Sawahlunto’s the town facilities. mining practices. • The Geopark requires more personnel to engage in tourism provision. It gives opportunities to students or other local people to take up tasks and jobs. • The Geopark can give an extra boost to tourism development, atracting more visitors to join this park and thus obtaining more local revenues.

Negative impact Negative impact • The development of BDTBT does not have a direct • N/A impact on the local people as this training centre targets a group of people either from the government or from companies. Silo Gunung Coal Storage in Padang Chapter 5. Conclusion 29 —

Since the municipality initiated its strategy to shif land ownership issues seem to have been largely development from mining-based to tourism-based neglected. Addressing them might be conducive to the activities to create new economic opportunities, and, town’s development. Co-ordinated collaboration more recently, following the UNESCO World Heritage between all sectors, especially local government, mining designation, the municipality has embarked on a course and the hospital as the three main actors, is essential to to fnd sustainable ways to accommodate future change. arrive at a workable solution. Sawahlunto has great potential to grow into a sustainable city and an atractive place to live, work and An additional policy of improving facilities and living recreate. This has defned our research question: how can conditions will beneft both local residents and tourists, Sawahlunto’s historical features accommodate future and will also help to hold on to current medical staf and needs? This report has identifed three potential avenues atract new personnel. By improving Sawahlunto’s social that can be pursued to reach that goal. In addition to and physical atractiveness, doctors are expected to be tourism our study has also identifed opportunities for persuaded to stay afer completing their training, thus expansion in the medical and mining sector. We further retaining skilled medical expertise and improving its established that each of these three sectors should be quality. given equal weight, and that a future development plan should address all three rather than focusing exclusively A carefully drafed scheme for the handling of listed on tourism. This means that a cohesive collaboration properties should be part and parcel of this policy. Not all between public, private and civic parties is crucial. The properties should be turned into a museum. Finding an local government is best suited to create the conditions appropriate future function in accordance with, the for this collaboration. identifed potential is an important element of the conservation process and one that will also beneft local One of the most important issues to emerge from our communities. There is an urgent need for skilled study is that of land ownership, which frequently expertise in the management and conservation of this hampers the development process. Most of the land World Heritage site, for advice on how to minimize the occupied by enlisted heritage is owned by PTBA, a negative impact on heritage structures and to maximize situation which slows down development eforts by their heritage development potential in relation to RSUD and the municipality. Furthermore, since the mining and medical care. For the 1915 hospital complex in colonial period a confict has existed between the PTBA particular, expert knowledge on how to preserve its and the local indigenous population with respect to land historical features whilst conforming to modern ownership. Since the main focus has been on tourism, standards is crucial. Former head ofce of the Ombilin coal mines in Sawahlunto Chapter 6. Recommen­dations 31 —

So far, this report has demonstrated Sawahlunto’s Collaboration with PTBA and RSUD potential to become a heritage-based tourist As tourism increases and more visitors arrive at destination by developing its mining facilities and Sawahlunto, the need to develop the hospital to cater to related activities as well as its health care amenities. their medical needs will become more pressing. We This process will have to involve the collaboration of expect that an increase in tourism will stimulate the several diferent stakeholders. We believe the hospital’s development into a renowned international municipality of Sawahlunto could play a part in bringing specialized medical facility. Development of the mining the stakeholders together to facilitate the formation of sector will hopefully intensify collaboration between a stakeholder framework. The following PTBA (as the property owner) and the hospital. It is recommendations concentrate on the role of the recommended that the municipality facilitate these municipality and ofer suggestions for a follow-up. contacts.

Creating an institutional framework As one of the municipality’s major property owners, In an Indonesian context the municipality plays an PTBA will continue to play an important role in the important role during the planning process by drafing development process. It is therefore recommended that strategies and plans and presenting them to the public. the municipality maintain close contacts with PTBA. As a However, we believe it to be inadvisable for the lack of government funding brings alternative fnancing municipality to set out and defne concrete strategies methods into focus, the municipality could study options and plans for the stakeholders. Rather, we suggest that for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities by the municipality facilitate an institutional framework in PTBA or other companies in the surrounding area. CSR which all stakeholders can communicate, share ideas involves social activities that have a benefcial social and create action plans and jointly arrive at solutions. impact beyond the company’s own interests. By The municipality would provide the context in which collaborating with various companies, the municipality the stakeholders can make arrangements together. might be able to fnd a solution for the town’s future Whilst avoiding the mistakes of earlier UNESCO-listed development. sites, where a huge gap existed between the local community and the heritage, Sawahlunto should Collaboration with BDTBT and KESDM instead invigorate the entire community as a unity. It is At the local level, it is recommended that the municipality therefore recommended that this independent integrate these eforts with the mining sector. Here, institution that is yet to be formed will include a collaboration with BDTBT in future development is department specifcally engaged in the social well-being crucial, as the later has already demonstrated in of the community. Geopark. Geopark is a promising atempt to connect tourism and mining. BDTBT can provide the necessary Collaboration at a regional level expertise for study and work at Geopark, which in turn As outlined in this report, other cities in West Sumatra can become. a powerful tourist magnet. Only a few such as Padang and Bukitinggi are promising examples tourists presently visit Geopark, due to a lack of because they are well-known and ofer diferent forms of promotional activities and advertising, poor access, and a tourism. Existing tour packages only link Padang and lack of human resources in the tourist sector and among Bukitinggi to the old centre of Sawahlunto. When tour operators; it is still a niche market. A Memorandum combined with mining-based tourism in Sawahlunto, of Understanding (MoU) or collaboration with ESDM interesting tourist packages can be developed that will could be initiated so as to produce suitable publications atract a wide range of tourists. This would divert tourists and intensify advertising about Geopark. to diferent locations in West Sumatra and so broaden tourists’ experiences while distributing the tourist Collaboration with cultural institutions capacity load among the diferent locations. Tour It is recommended that the municipality take smaller packages can stimulate the development of cultural cultural groups into consideration and involve them in tourism. On a regional level, the municipality might the process. Current initiatives in developing tourism therefore want to investigate opportunities for could be taken up. A heritage trail brochure about collaboration with these cities. Such an approach could Sawahlunto old city has already appeared, and there is a also involve more promotional advertising of Sawahlunto Songket craf workshop in Silungkang, but facilities for in Padang and Bukitinggi as a unique regional mining- souvenirs or shopping, or complete tour packages do not heritage destination. This would increase awareness of as yet exist. Regional tour packages can also play a role what the town has to ofer. here, as was discussed earlier. On a local level, the 32 —

municipality can facilitate and encourage tour operators unforgetable experience. The package could combine to develop these packages, and encourage the creation activities that involve exploring the heritage trail whilst of local commerce and local heritage destinations. experiencing local life. Right now, guests can freely Additionally, cultural institutions could open their choose where to stay, but future packages could evenly museums during evenings, maybe one day a week, so distribute the guests among the various homestays. that BDTBT students would have an opportunity to visit Adapting this idea requires a set of rules to avoid future them. Currently, work and study hours prevent them problems such as homeowners who are being from doing so. overlooked.

Encouraging research Regarding local artists and the local population, the Furthermore, the municipality is advised to encourage and local government should provide basic training in for improve research into mining heritage and the hospital. At example English in preparation of the growing numbers present, the existing museums do not provide sufcient of international tourists who will visit the town. At the information on the long and interesting history of mining, same time, the artists themselves can receive training in while the issues which surround the hospital’s expansion quality control and pricing. This would enable them to demonstrate the need for studies of the building’s sell high-quality products for a good price that will historical and technical aspects so as to ensure that future ensure continuity. An umbrella organization could serve adaptations will be done appropriately. in a supervisory capacity to guarantee minimum standards. In the future, it might be possible to expand Creating incentives this system into a cluster of enterprises for each specifc As was pointed out earlier, current accommodation and sector. restaurant capacity is insufcient for the anticipated number of tourists and mining personnel. By relaxing its Stimulating local economic development regulations and permiting or certifying more individuals To stimulate local economic development, it is important to open a restaurant or food stall, the municipality could to not only create an atractive tourist destination but remedy this situation. Furthermore, by working closely also to embrace and encourage Sawahlunto’s unique with the homestay owner association the municipality potential. One prime example are the local coal artists, would provide more incentives for other house owners to who currently atract litle atention from tourists or join the association, which would create more homestays. from the government. For a coal mining town, souvenirs made from coal can be an atractive memento for Knowledge training tourists visiting Sawahlunto. At present, no souvenir With regard to homestays, an umbrella organization has shop fulfls this function and the artists receive no successfully set some quality standards with respect to municipal support. pricing and facilities. Meanwhile, the local government or the organization itself can collaborate with the private Training the community and making the artists more sector to provide homeowners with basic professional aware of the quality of their products will help them to training in for example hygiene, (online) advertising, or go forward. Existing concerns about transportation basic English, to prepare them for give some professional because of the material’s fragility can be met by training for the homeowners. For example, the hygiene providing basic training in packaging. In addition, the quality or efective way of presenting and advertising government could use the Songket industry as an their house on the website does not look interesting, or example and co-invest or collaborate with other private basic English training to prepare them for future demand. bodies to develop the craf sector. In the future, in a more evolved situation, it might be possible to implement a In the future, a collaboration between homestay owners cluster of Sawahlunto-based enterprises in which each and tour packages organizers could create an individual or group contributes its own expertise. The authors 33 —

Having completed a BA in Architecture, Grace Emely social and economic surroundings of this heritage site. worked for 3.5 years in Malaysia and Indonesia as an In her work Grace aims to embrace the bigger picture by architect, both at an architectural design studio and for applying her vast intercultural experience and scientifc a developer. Following her passion for urban heritage, in methods to create a sound and holistic urban 2015 she came to the Netherlands to pursue an MA in development. Urban Management and Development at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Vince Gebert obtained an MA in Architectural History Erasmus University, Roterdam. Specializing in Urban and another in Spatial Planning, both at Utrecht Strategies and Planning, she focused on strategic University. He is interested in heritage conservation planning, which integrates social and economic features management and urban redevelopment policies and into the physical and spatial dimensions of planning. In practices in Indonesia. He is currently pursuing a PhD in the course of her research she has assessed the impact the Department of Southeast Asian Studies of the of the Borobudur Temple Compound on the local National University of Singapore. His research centres on economic development of the surrounding urban the role of colonial built heritage in the context of social agglomeration. This immense compound, near and cultural transformations across post-colonial states, , is the frst listed UNESCO World Heritage and how this ofen sensitive and value-laden heritage site in Indonesia, a status that has triggered relates to identity building, memorialization, and international tourism which has had an impact on the heritage management at a local level. 34 References —

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PT Bukit Asam, [Online]. Available at: htp:// This report presents the results of a study of the development potential of Sawahlunto, Indonesia. The former coal mining town of Sawahlunto, located in the West Sumatra highlands above the town of Padang, has been listed as World Heritage site in 2019. Since coal extraction ended in 2002 the town has been in urgent need of new development to provide a base of existence for the heritage in question. Is tourism the single and best solution towards sustainable development of this World Heritage site, or can other options be tapped into to the achieve same goal?