Over 100 Years of Developing Vaccines*
Over 100 years of developing vaccines* 1963 1971 1981 1990 2005 Merck licenses its Measles, mumps, First plasma- PedavaxHIB® ProQuad® (Measles, first measles vaccine and rubella derived hepatitis B [Haemophilus b Mumps, Rubella and in the US trivalent vaccine vaccine licensed Conjugate Varicella Virus introduced Vaccine Vaccine Live) licensed 1895 Merck’s Dr. Hilleman 1983 (Meningococcal Protein H.K. Mulford Co. isolates the mumps 1977 PNEUMOVAX® 23 Conjugate)] licensed 2006 Merck licenses a (pneumococcal introduces first virus used to create RotaTeq® (Rotavirus vaccine against vaccine polyvalent) 2014 diphtheria antitoxin the first mumps 1995 Vaccine, Live, Oral, pneumococcal licensed GARDASIL®9 vaccine VARIVAX® Pentavalent) licensed disease (Varicella Virus (Human Papillomavirus 1898 9-valent Vaccine, 1967 1986 Vaccine Live) licensed ZOSTAVAX® (Zoster H.K. Mulford Co. Merck introduces the 1978 RECOMBIVAX HB® Recombinant) licensed introduces its Vaccine Live) licensed first vaccine against M-M-R® II Hepatitis B Vaccine smallpox vaccine 1996 mumps (Measles, Mumps, (Recombinant) VAQTA® (Hepatitis A GARDASIL® [Human and Rubella, licensed Vaccine, Inactivated) Papillomavirus 1969 Vaccine Live), the licensed Quadrivalent (Types 6, Merck introduces updated 11, 16,and 18) the first vaccine combination HiB and Hepatitis B Vaccine, against rubella vaccine, combination vaccine Recombinant] licensed introduced licensed 1890s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s *Merck and its predecessor companies have a history with vaccines that dates back more than 100 years. In 1898, the H. K. Mulford Company produced its first batch of smallpox vaccine. In 1929, the H. K. Mulford Company was purchased by the Sharp & Dohme (S&D) Company of Baltimore. In April 1953, Sharp & Dohme merged with Merck & Company, Inc., becoming Merck Sharp & Dohme.
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