1942 2263 House of Representatives
1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2263 do not ask the Senator to. take my view Brig. Gen. Jonathan Waverly Anderson Col. Arthur William Vanaman (lieutenant of it. · (colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air States. · · · Corps), Army of the United States. Mr. BARKLEY. Does the Senator de Brig. Gen. Albert Monmouth Jones (colo Col. William Ormon Butler (lieutenant sire to proceed longer this afternoon, or nel, Infantry), Army of the Unite_d States. colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air would he care to suspend now? TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS Corps), Army of the United States. Mr. CHANDLER. It suits me to sus Col. William Elmer Lynd (lieutenant colo pend. Col. Louis Emerson Hibbs (lieutenant colo nel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air Corps), nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United Army of the United States. Mr. BA3.KLEY. Then, I suggest that States. the Senator suspend at .this time. Col. Raymond George Moses (lieutenant Col. Douglass Taft Greene (lieutenant colo colonel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the Ji;XECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. United States. · · · Col. ·John B3llinger Thompson (lieu Col. Robert Meredith Perkins (lieutenant The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LA tenant colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the FoLLETTE in the chair), as in executive States. United S~ates. session, laid before the Senate messages Col. Eugene Manuel Landrum (li~ute:p.ant Col. Edwin Jacob House (lieutenant colonel, from the President ·of the United States colonel, Infantry), Army of the United ,Air Corps) , Air Corps.
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