CBSL Service Project Fundraising Guide

(To get the most out of the guide, visit this guide in the Service Project Booklet on the school website to use the hyperlinks to additional resources.)

What is the purpose of raising money?

Money may play an important part in your CBSL project; it will likely support your work in the community and allow you do more good for more people. Please remember your service project must not be primarily focused on fundraising. It is important for you to connect first hand with the community which you are supporting through your service. You may give money to your CBSL work, but first and foremost give your time, your smarts, and your heart.

Who should I petition for funds? Who should be my target audiences?

To raise the most money you will need to reach out to many different groups. Below is list of criteria to consider as you decide what audiences to target. We have listed audiences beginning with those who may be most generous.

➢ People, companies, and organizations with money to give ➢ Groups that stand to benefit from your work or just being associated with your work ➢ Close family and friends ➢ Organizations/community groups in which you and your parents participate ➢ Extended family and friends ➢ Cardinal Newman students

What kind of fundraising is right for me?

There is not one best way to raise money. The best way will be determined by many factors.

➢ How much money do you need? ➢ What are your strengths, talents, and connections? ➢ How much time do you have in fundraising? ➢ How soon do you need the funds? ➢ Do you have capital to invest? ➢ Do you prefer one big fundraising project or multiple smaller ones? ➢ Do you have adult, mentor, peer, or community support? What are some specific ideas? (Ranked based on experience from most to least successful)

➢ Crowdfund on sites like .com, youcaring.com, or .com. Then use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), emails, and other communication to drive your community to your project at a site. ➢ Give presentations to local Rotary Clubs, churches, and other service oriented groups that make regular monetary donations to nonprofits, volunteers and students working on projects such as yours. ➢ Seek donations with personal visits or the use of a formal donation letter from local businesses. ➢ Organize raffles with a donated prize such as a TV, dinner gift certificate, or gift basket.


➢ Organize a breakfast, dinner, or similar sales at local churches or organizations. ➢ Have bake sales, craft sales, t­shirts, etc. ➢ Create a “run” or “walk” at a local park or participate in something like Sonoma County’s annual Human Race (In May every year). ➢ Look into local dine and donate opportunities such as Mary’s Pizza, Chiptole, Appleee’s, and other local restaurants.

Have any general tips?

➢ Spread the story about who you are, why you are doing your project, and the difference you’re making. ➢ Make an itemized list of exactly how much money you need and for what. It’s easier to get donations from people when they know exactly where their money is going. ➢ Use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), emails, and other communication tools to share your work, mobilize support, and direct people to your project at a crowdfunding site. ➢ Research online and consult local non­profits about fundraising techniques used by their organizations. ➢ Get local youth groups involved in support of your service efforts. ➢ Research fundraising opportunities online, website created for service project purposes. (Be careful with signing up for sites, offering your personal information, etc.) ➢ Seek help from local businesses or your parents work sites, etc. Consult your mentor for ideas and support.

How should I thank supporters?

It is important that you recognize, even reward, those who have given to your work. You should thank them immediately with a formal business letter, update them on how their funds have aided you, maybe petition them for a little more for specific remaining needs, and send a final summary of your project.

Where can I go for help?

➢ Consult with your mentor and the non­profit with whom you may be working. ➢ Consult with English teacher and CBSL committee member Mr. Smith at CN­­he takes the lead on assisting student in their fundraising efforts. ➢ Consult with your religion teacher and or the CN Advancement Office to seek ideas and advice. ➢ Visit the website: ______to learn about past students’ experiences raising money.