HOW TO Legally GET


MONEY “A Real Free Money Guide” (Not Gov’t Grants – No Loans of Any Type)

By Zachary McAuthor

Copyright© 2016 / All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents


Chapter One – Collect Free Money With this Unorthodox Method

Chapter Two - How to Get Free Funds from Facebook or Twitter Followers – Pays Big For Hundreds of People!

Chapter Three – Collect FREE Money for Non-Profits Charitable Causes, and Social Activists

Chapter Four - Free Money to Start a Small Business

Chapter Five - Free Money for Artists and Filmmakers

Chapter Six - Free Money for Science or Tech People

Chapter Seven - Free Money to Start a Business

Chapter Eight - Free Money for Miscellaneous Projects

Chapter Nine – Here’s a HUGE directory of Free Money websites.

Chapter Ten - Conclusion - closing words Bonus – FREE – Shocking Ebook


Just like anything in life, you must adopt a new way of thinking if you want something that is unique and uncommon. If you do not adapt and refuse to do something that is unordinary, then usually your life will remain the same.

It’s considered inhumane for any person to live without the essentials needed to live a safe and healthy life. Free money is sometimes necessary when you’re in a “pinch” or you require seed money to get ahead or for some medical emergency. Churches know about this concept, as well as politicians and Charities. Asking for free money from the public is a common occurance. Our government servants know this all too well. They all receive money from the public. Never think for a minute our public servants are above you. They all receive FREE money.

If you need money for an emergency, medical expense or for any essential need, then you may benefit from this ebook. It’s not about getting money from the government, such as grants, although many people start businesses with free money from government handouts.

The valuable information inside this book can be extremely beneficial for almost anyone who need money for a crisis or emergency situation. The concepts can also be used to find seed money for starting a small business or investment purposes.

Chapter One

Collect Emergency Funds with an Unorthodox Method

This one is a no-brainer. This concept requires no special skills or education. Many times in life there comes an opportunity knocks on the door and you need to know when to open it.

The Internet provides a vast amount of knowledge for people. You chould fight to make sure this new is never removed from our wold. There are certain people who like to see the Internet dissappear. I believe that could be one of the biggest mistakes ever. The Internet has provided so much for so many people.

Millions of people require emergency funds for a variety of reason. Sometimes a crisis may happen that is beyond a person’s or a family’s control. It could be a job loss, sudden illness, a family house burns down or some natural disaster hits a community.

If money will help fix a problem, then this concept will certainly help solve a particular problem. Naturally, there are many problems in life where money does not play a role and no matter how much money you have it will not solve the problem.

Many times money problems can not be solved by simply asking for a loan and often times banks stay clear of humans who need money during a crisis. Banks do not get rich by having emotional bonds with people. In other words, banks do not have empathy for a health or a family crisis situation unless they can earn money from it. Usually banks only loan money if you don’t require it. Banks are not for people who do not have a job or colateral to give up.

This is concept is an unorthodox method. It’s not about borrowing money or visiting a bank. It’s not about stealing it from others either. Sometimes an unorthodox money problem crisis requires an unorthodox (uncommon) method to acquire funding.

Churches often will step up to help members of their church in need, however, even most churches do not have the funds to fully suppor too many people in a crisis mode. Many members of churches who require funds have been disappointed with other church members. They thought their needs would be provided, howevever, more often than not, the church members do not have the funds required to fully provide.

These past few years, several Interent based companies have created a plan that will help people in need. A person may need to pay for life-threatening surgery or to help pay a house mortgage and keep the bank from stealing their house. Maybe a person needs start up money for a business venture or invention. Possibly a deserving family needs money to get a house and end their days of living in a shelter.

Whatever the reason, this unorthodox concept (uncommon) can certainly be a possibility to help a person get the funds needed. Please take a close look at this concept. This is a very comprehensive ebook that provides much more about this subject than most.

Chapter Two

How to Get Free Funds from Facebook or Twitter Followers – Pays Big For Hundreds of People!

Do you have a decent to large following on Facebook or Twitter? If so, you will succeed with crowd funding.

Check out these free money concepts for a variety of reasons. Many people utilize these FREE MONEY concepts as a way to create funding for a small business, health reasons or to help people in need.

But what exactly are these FREE MONEY concepts and how does it work?

What are these FREE MONEY concepts?

It’s a method of obtaining funding without borrowing the money. The core idea behind these crowd-driven campaigns is to generate funds for worthy projects. Many start-up businesses utilize free money concepts to fund their business projects.

People using FREE MONEY CONCPETS for many reasons. A man needed heart surgery and collected about $100,000 in donations.

A homeless man needed a home because he helped his parents until they died and the government stole the family house because of back taxes. A FREE MONEY project purchased a new home for him (collected about $150,000 in donations)..

Most “FREE MONEY” projects are stimulated by large Facebook and Twitter followers. A large following can generate thousands of dollars for someone in need.

FREE MONEY can help causes all over the world. .com, for example, is the largest global crowd-funding platform available.

Small businesses, film, , dance, theatre, all sorts of causes have used it, she says. So did "a couple couldn't get pregnant and couldn't afford IVF treatment; they raised money on Indiegogo to get a treatment and have a baby.

People who don't have health insurance have used it to in order to pay hospital and doctor bills.

Critics say there are several dangers associated with FREE MONEY concepts, both for the project owner and the public.

In other words, once a cause has reached its specific cash target and had its month of fundraising expire, the money becomes entirely the property of the project lead and any donors having second thoughts are out of luck.

There are a few books written on these FREE MONEY CONCEPTS and they really go into the specifics of how to succeed using this method.

I also authored a great eBook about “How to Get Almost Anthing You Need for FREE”. It’s available now on .

Chapter Three

Free Money Concepts for Charitable Causes, and Social Activists Their cut: Nothing. Causes runs on ad revenue. A 4% transaction fee still applies. Perks: Free analytics to perfect your campaign along the way. Caveats: Must be a registered 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) to fundraise on Causes. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

Crowdrise Their cut: takes 5%, plus 2.9% transaction fees. Perks: Donors don’t need to make an account in order to contribute to your campaign. Two campaign types: individual or non-profit. Caveats: Page design options for the free version are limited. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

Fundly Their cut: Choose from three pricing tiers, depending on how many projects you want to run at once. The basic plan for a single project has no monthly fee, but takes a 4.9% cut for donations up to $50,000, plus 3% transaction fees. Perks: Helpful guides and tutorials are automatically sent to you at each step of your campaign. Caveats: Every project must have a video and a photo gallery. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

StartSomeGood Their cut: 5% for a successful campaign, plus 3% transaction fees. Perks: A member of their team will be assigned to your campaign and act as your personal guide, providing advice and resources at each step. Caveats: Projects must have a positive social impact, and need to be approved before they’re posted to the site. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

YouCaring Their cut: Nothing. YouCaring is supported entirely by donations, just like the campaigns it hosts. 3% transaction fees do apply. Perks: Funds are available in your account as soon as they’re donated. Caveats: Once you post an update, you can’t edit it. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

Chapter Four

Free Money to Start a Small Business

Bolstr Their cut: Bolstr’s attorneys review each campaign before it’s launched, to protect both your business and potential investors. Legal fees range from $500-$1,000 (you can also use your own attorney). Other costs include a listing fee and regulatory filing fees. Perks: They help you raise funds from those most likely to continue supporting you after your campaign ends: your local community. Caveats: Not for struggling businesses. If your small business is thriving and you need funds to expand, Bolstr is for you. Must be incorporated (no sole proprietorships allowed) and pass their background checks. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Community Sourced Capital Their cut: A one-time $250 launch fee. Once your campaign is successful, you’ll be charged $100 per month until the principal amount on your loan is repaid. Perks: Your $250 launch fee covers tech support, marketing assistance, and administrative help. Caveats: This is a loan, not a donation. Pledges are set at a fixed amount of $50. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Fundable Their cut: $179/month. No fees are charged on the funds you raise, but transaction fees apply. Perks: Use their profile creation wizard to set up an attractive campaign page. Caveats: You can offer backers rewards or equity, but not both. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Funding Community Their cut: Successful campaigns are charged an origination fee of 2.5%. Perks: You’ll receive better loan rates than from banks or other traditional lending agencies. Caveats: Loans are limited to $10,000 and must be repaid within 9 months. Interest rates depend on the type of company and your credit score. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Localstake Their cut: Choose from three plans with varying support features and fees. For a business that has raised some funding but wants to access Localstake’s investor audience through their Boost plan, there is a one-time fee of $500, plus a fee of 3.75- 7.5% for successful campaigns. Perks: With the Boost plan, you’ll get a dedicated advisor to help you run your campaign. Caveats: Must submit an application before your campaign is approved. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Chapter Five

Free Money for Artists and Filmmakers

Pozible Their cut: Depends on how much you raise. For successful campaigns that raise up to $100,000, the fee is 5%, plus 2.4% transaction fees. Perks: Take advantage of their Ambassador Network, made up of successful project creators who offer expertise and advice. Caveats: Once your successful campaign ends, pledges made via credit card are not immediately transferred to your account (approximate delay of 7 days). All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Pubslush Their cut: 4% fee, plus 3.5% transaction fees. Perks: Join the Pubslush Prep program for helpful resources, and take advantage of market analytics. Caveats: Literary projects only. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes

Seed & Spark Their cut: 5%. However, they give your backers the opportunity to add 5% to their pledge at checkout, so you get the full amount. (Seed & Spark says 90% of supporters choose to add that 5%.) Perks: Their CINEMA streaming video distribution platform is available for projects that are accepted on the site. Also, backers don’t need to create an account to support your project. Caveats: Each project is reviewed before being accepted by Seed & Spark. If your project isn’t accepted, they’ll give you some pointers to help you successfully resubmit. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? You must reach at least 80% of your goal.

Slated Their cut: Nothing; filmmakers submit their projects for free. Investment agreements are made between individual users, without Slated’s direct involvement. Perks: Access to the Slated community, which includes wealthy investors, plus sales agents and distributors. Caveats: Only the film’s rights holder, or his/her designated representative, can start a campaign. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

Sponsume Their cut: 5% of successful campaigns. Transaction fees are 3.4%, and are paid by backers. Perks: Once you’ve reached your minimum funding target, donations are immediately available in your account. No need to wait until your campaign expires. Caveats: Your project must be submitted and approved before it’s posted. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? If you choose to set a minimum fundraising target, then yes. If you choose the “Keep it All” campaign type, you set an “optimum” funding target and keep whatever you raise.

Chapter Six

Free Money for Science or Tech People

Experiment Their cut: Successful projects are charged a 5% fee, plus a 3% transaction fee. Perks: Backers don’t have to sign up or become members in order to support campaigns. Caveats: Research and results are the rewards, not t-shirts and bumper stickers. Backers don’t receive any incentives from campaigns, other than the satisfaction of contributing to scientific progress.All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Petridish Their cut: Unknown. Their site says they do charge a fee for their services, but does not specify the amount. Perks: Projects that don’t qualify for government funding, or whose needs surpass what’s usually covered through grants, can supplement their research funds through Petridish. Caveats: Petridish is currently in beta, so you’ll have to wait to submit until the site is accepting new projects. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

TechnoFunding Their cut: Successful campaigns are charged 5%, plus transaction fees. Perks: Check out their TechnoFunding lessons for tips from successful projects. Caveats: Projects must adhere to TechnoFunding guidelines in order to be published to the site.All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Chapter Seven

Free Money to Start a Business

Crowdfunder Their cut: Choose from two plans with varied features: $299/month and $999/month. Perks: Campaign plans include confidential document protection, investor analytics, live support, and access to their network of investors. Caveats: You’ll need certain documents in order to use their platform: a Term Sheet, Executive Summary, and an Investor Pitch Deck. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

I hope you don’t mind me reminding you about my other ebook. I’m thinking it will be very beneficial for you as well. Click here.

SeedInvest Their cut: $250 per month technology fee; 7.5% fee for successful campaigns; and up to $3,500 in due diligence, escrow, and legal fees for successful campaigns. Perks: Experience. The founders are investors themselves, and their support team has overseen billions in private investments. Caveats: Their vetting process is thorough, so make sure you’ve got a professional proposal and expect it to take some time before your project is approved or rejected. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

SeedUps Their cut: 5% fee for successful campaigns. Perks: When the team reviews your submission, they’ll give you suggestions for your campaign before setting up your live project page. Caveats: Fundraising range is between $25,000 – $500,000. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

StartUpValley Their cut: 5% of successful campaigns. Perks: Check out their blog for tips on successful tips for startups. Caveats: Currently in beta. They’re an equity-only platform, so you must be willing to accept investments in exchange for a stake in your company. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Chapter Eight

Free Money for Miscellaneous Projects

Tilt Their cut: 2.5% for a successful campaign, plus 2.5% transaction fees. Perks: Flexible campaign options: Fundraise (hit a monetary goal); Sell something (sell a certain number of items); or Split an expense (attract a certain number of people to join the group). You can set your minimum goal, and also set a “dream goal.” Caveats: Limited publicity makes it more difficult to get funding from complete strangers. Tilt’s homepage doesn’t highlight current campaigns, so you’ll need to use your existing social networks to raise funds and help spread the word. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

Indiegogo Their cut: Choose from two funding models: flexible or fixed. With flexible funding, if you reach your goal, Indiegogo takes 4%. If you don’t, the fee is 9%. With fixed funding, Indiegogo takes 4% from fully-funded campaigns, plus transaction fees. Perks: Caveats: Projects are promoted on the site based on their “Gogofactor. Gogofactors are determined by how active your campaign is, so boost your rank by frequently updating and sharing your page, and by earning new backers. All-or- nothing fundraising goals? Flexible Funding lets you keep what you earn, and Fixed Funding is all-or-nothing.

Kickstarter Their cut: 5% of a successfully funded campaign, plus transaction fees between 3-5%. Perks: Easily the most well-known crowdfunding platform, with the widest audience. Caveats: Countless projects launch on the site every day, so standing out among the crowd can be more difficult. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Yes.

RocketHub Their cut: 4% if you meet your fundraising goal (8% if you don’t), plus 4% transaction fees. Perks: Enroll in RocketHub’s Success School and get helpful hints at every stage of your campaign. Caveats: RocketHub pushes you to use your existing support network to help fund your campaign. Be prepared to ask your Facebook friends and Twitter followers for donations. All-or-nothing fundraising goals? Keep what you raise.

Chapter Nine

Here’s a HUGE directory of world-wide websites. Legally getting FREE money for your emergency or business idea couldn’t be easier. Go for it!

Africa 1. AfricaUnsigned Australia 1. Assob 2. iGrin 3. iPledg 4. StartSomeGood 5. 6. Respekt 7. BrickX 8. CrowdfundUP 9. DomaCom 10. Estate Baron 11. Icon Park 12. RealtyCrowd Belgium 1. SonicAngel Brazil 1. Catarse 2. Movere 3. Benfeitoria 4. Embolacha 5. Wacawaca Canada 1. Dreambank 2. Ideacious Chile, Mexico, Argentina 1. Ideame China 1. DreamHost 2. Demo Hour Denmark 1. Appsfunder Finland 1. Lainaaja 2. 3. Alumnifinder France 1. Alton 2. Anaxago 3. Arizuka 4. Babeldoor 5. Babyloan 6. Bankeez 7. Bookly 8. Citylize 9. Commonbox 10. Designer Prod 11. FansNextDoor 12. FinanceTesEtudes 13. Fundimmo 14. Inkubato 15. JaimelInfo 16. Le Mécène 17. L’Edito 18. Lightbyu 19. Lymo 20. Microcultures 21. Mon film 22. Movies Angels 23. Mutuzz 24. My Art Invest 25. My Corner Bar 26. My Major Company 27. My Show Must Go On 28. Myfashionline 29. Octopousse 30. Oocto 31. Pret-dunion 32. Revenonsalamusique 33. Spear 34. The KissKissBankBank 35. Touscoprod 36. Ulule 37. WiSeed

Germany 1. CrowdMurex 2. Global Founders Capital 3. 4. VisionBakery 5. Friendfund 6. Mediafunders 7. My Sherpas 8. Nordstarter 9. Pling 10. Zinsland India 1. Invested Ireland 1. Fund it Israel 1. Ourcrowd Italy 1. Eppela 2. AssitecaCrowd 3. WallRise 1. Camp-fire 2. Maneo Mexico 1. Fondeadora 2. Bandtastic Monaco 1. Fabriquedartistes 1. GreenWishNL 2. Schrijversmarkt 3. Tenpages 4. Voordekunst 5. 4just1 6. Talentboek 7. 8. Bouwandeel New-Zealand 1. PledgeMe Norway 1. NewJelly Norway, Sweden 1. FundedByMe Philippines 1. ArtisteConnect 2. The Spark Project 3. Cropital Portugal 1. Massivemov South Korea 1. Fundu Spain 1. Lánzanos 2. Injoinet 3. Fandyu 4. Goteo 5. Verkami 6. CoOwning Sweden 1. Crowdculture 2. 3. Flattr 4. Tessin Switzerland 1. Cashare 2. Wemakeit 3. 100-days 4. Swiss-Crowd UK 1. A8muf 2. Banktothefuture 3. BuildBacker 4. Buzzbnk 5. ByootCapital 6. CivilisedMoney 7. 8. Crowd2Let 9. CrowdAHouse 10. Crowdfunder 11. CrowdLords 12. CrowdProperty 13. CrowdPropertyFundUK 14. EasyProperty 15. GoGetFunding 16. Mayfair&Morgan 17. MyFootballClub 18. Peoplefund 19. Property Partner 20. PropertyCrowd 21. PropertyCrowdfunding 22. PropertyMoose 23. PropertySeed 24. Racing Shares 25. RateSetter 26. RealFunds 27. REITech 28. Slicethepie 29. The Bridgecrowd 30. The House Crowd 31. Unbound 32. WallRise 33. WealthMigrate 34. Wefund US, UK 1. PledgeMusic 2. Zopa USA 1. 1031 ##crowdfunding * 2. 99funding 3. Abeelo 4. Acquire Real Estate * 5. aCROWD 6. American Colonial Capital Fund 7. American Homeowner Preservation – 8. ArtistShare 9. AssetAvenue 10. – soon to launch 11. BecoVillage * 12. Blackhawk Investments 13. Blockshares * – beta 14. Bolstr 15. Cadre * 16. CapitalReady 17. Carlton Accredited Crowdfunding 18. CircleUp 19. CityFunders * – New York City (exclusive) 20. Cmecompete 21. Creative Equity Group 22. CRELender / CREEquity * 23. CrowdedHouseRealEstate – Massachusetts 24. Crowdflipr * 25. Crowdfundraiser * 26. CrowdFundsRealEstate 27. Crowdium 28. Crowdland* – Soon to Launch 29. CrowdRealty Co. 30. Crowdrise 31. CrowdStreet – 32. Crowdtilt 33. CrowdTranche – 34. CrowdTrustDeed * 35. Crowdvested – Georgia 36. CRWD 37. Deitscho * – New York 38. DiversyFund 39. DonorsChoose 40. * – 41. Elevate Crowdfunding *- launching Spring 2015 42. EquityHunt 43. EquityNet * 44. Feather the Nest * 45. Feed the Muse 46. FirstGiving 47. Flipping4Profit* 48. Forefund – 49. FullCapitalStack * 50. Fund That Flip * – 51. FundARealty – 52. Fundly 53. Fundrageous * 54. Fundraise 55. FundRazr 56. Fundrise – 57. Gafisa 58. Give2gether 59. GiveForward 60. GiveZooks 61. Global Group Fund 62. Globerex– 63. GoFundMe 64. GradeFund 65. Ground Lease Capital Partners* 66. GroundBreaker – 67. GroundFloor Finance – 68. Groupon Grassroots 69. Grow VC 70. High Income Real Estate 71. HomeUnion* 72. Hotel Innvestor * 73. Ibankersdirect 74. iCapRate * – soon to launch 75. iCrowdHotels * 76. iFunding 77. Indiegogo 78. Inner10Capital * 79. InvestPeer Real Estate Holdings * 80. Kachingle 81. Kapipal 82. KB Holdings * 83. KCiFund * – Florida (BETA) 84. 85. 86. Launcht 87. Lending Club 88. LendZoan * 89. LocalStake * 90. Loquidity – Central and Midwestern US 91. LoudSauce 92. MacroCrowd * 93. MainStreet * 94. Manzyll – soon to launch 95. MassVenture * 96. Metrofunder 97. 98. Miniamerica 99. Money360 100. MultiFamilyInvestment * 101. NexRegen – 102. Nowfunder 103. NXGen Capital 104. Open/a> 105. Open Source Capital LLC 106. Opportunity 107. OurStreet * – soon to launch 108. Own It Detroit * 109. ParkStreet Partners * 110. PassiveFlow – 111. – 112. Pave 113. 114. Peerbackers 115. Peerform 116. PeerRealty * 117. PeerStreet * 118. PelotonStreet * 119. Phoenix Group – 120. Platformvested 121. Pledgie 122. Primarq– 123. Prodigy Network– 124. ProHatch 125. Propellr 126. Property Pool * (Beta) 127. Property * 128. PropertyPeers – 129. PropFunds L.P. – 130. Prosper 131. QuickLiquidity * 132. Rally 133. Rallyhero 134. RazrVentures * 135. RCSCapital * 136. RE Capital Partners LLC * 137. Real Liquidity 138. RealCircle 139. RealConnex * (Beta) 140. RealCrowd – 141. Realquidity 142. RealRite 143. Realty Mogul – 144. RealtyShares– 145. RealtyWealth * 146. Reamerge * 147. Rehab Loan Group * 148. Rich – Uncles 149. RocketHub 150. RockThePost 151. SBREfunds * 152. Seedandspark 153. Seedinvest 154. Selequity * 155. Sequorum – 156. Sharestates 157. SmallChange – soon to launch 158. SmallStreetUSA – 159. Solar Mosaic 160. Sprigster 161. Sprovy 162. – 163. StartCapital * 164. Sterlingfunder 165. TerraFunda 166. The NNN Crowd * 167. TieBack Realty Finance * (BETA) 168. TripleNetZeroDebt * 169. TYCOONRE – 170. United States Artists 171. Vestor – 172. Vittana 173. WealthMigrate * 174. WeAreCrowdfunding * 175. WorthingtonWealth * 176. YieldCrowd * 177. YouCaring 178. Zimplemoney

Chapter Ten


These resources can be used any time you wish. There are many links. Please notify me if any of these links are broken. I would really appreciate it.

As you can see there are many unique ways to otain FREE money. Almost every type of funding can be accomplished without ever walking into a bank or having to beg your friends or family.

I hope you benefited from the information inside this ebook and it allowed you to open your mind to possibilities that are available. Please be good to others and I hope you get everything you need and want. VISIT MY WEBSITE HERE. EMPOWER777.COM

Bonus Ebook Shocking!