Nordic Legal Festschriften A Bibliography of the Essays written in English, German and French until 1999


Hanne E. Strømø and Halvor Kongshavn

Det juridiske fakultetsbibliotek/Det juridiske bibliotekfond


1 , February 1999

© Det juridiske bibliotekfond, Oslo 1999

Trykket ved Hustrykkeriet ved Det juridiske fakultet, Oslo

ISBN 82-90822-17-0 ISSN 0802-1589


Introduction 5 Alphabetical List of the Festschriften 7 Systematical List of the Articles 11 Biographies etc 11 Philosophy of Law 12 Legal History 15 Sources of Law. Sociology of Law 16 Comparative Law 17 Law of Obligations. Contract Law 18 Maritime Law 19 Transport Law 21 Labour Law 22 Family Law 23 Trade Law 24 Intellectual Property Law 25 Other Private Law Subjects 26 Competition Law 26 Tort Law 26 Other Subjects 26 Constitutional Law 28 Administrative Law 29 General 29 Ombudsman 29 Environmental Law 29 Immigration Law. Refugee Law 30 Tax Law 30 Welfare Law. Health Law 31 Other Subjects 31 Penal Law. Criminology 33 Procedural Law. Arbitration 35 37 General 37 Public International Law 37 Private International Law. Conflict of Laws 38 Minorities 39 United Nations 40 Human Rights 40 International Conflicts 42 EU Law. EEA Law 43 Law and Informatics 44 Other Subjects 45 Alphabetical List of the Articles 46


This bibliography is an extraction based on Hanne E. Strømø and Halvor Kongshavn: Nordisk juridisk festskriftbibliografi: innholdet i juridiske festskrift fra Danmark, Finland, Island, Nor- ge og Sverige 1870-1997 (1998).2 It is updated until 1999 and contains references to Nordic or international legal essays written in English (for the most), German and French. Legal festschriften are anthologies made in honour of a person, event or an institution rela- ted to law. Subjects as philosophy of law, sociology of law and criminology are also included. The term "Nordic" includes the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and . The oldest festschrift in this bibliography is from 1921.3 From that year and until the end of 1998 we have registered 84 legal festschriften which contain appr. 750 articles in English, German or French. Of these 84 festschriften, 56 are from the years 1981 and onwards; twenty are from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Half of them – 42 – are Swedish, seventeen Norwegian, twelve Finnish, eleven Danish – and one is Icelandic. One festschrift is Nordic.4 There are two entries to the bibliography: • an index sorted on the legal subjects, and • an index sorted alphabetically on the author

– each reference refers to the festschrift where it is published:

Aarnio, Aulis • Literature and the philosophy of law. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 13-26 means the article "Literature and the philosophy of law" by the author Aulis Aarnio published in the festschrift for Peczenik, Aleksander (1997) – which is found in the alphabetical list of the festschriften:

Peczenik, Alexander (1997) - Justice, morality and society. A tribute to Aleksan- der Peczenik on the occasion of his 60th birthday 16 November 1997. Lund: Juristförlaget, 1997. 500 p.

2 [Nordic Legal Bibliography of Festschriften: the Contents in Legal Festschriften from, Denmark, Finland, Ice- land, Norway and Sweden 1870-1997]. - Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal/Det juridiske bibliotekfond, 1998. - 496 p. - ISBN 82-417-0984-6 3 Wrede, Rabbe Axel (1921)- 4 Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993).

5 Some articles are listed twice (or more) in the systematical list. Articles with two or more authors are found under each author's name in the alphabetical list.5 A few translations have been made where necessary. The titles of the festschriften are not translated.

As law librarians we note a growing international interest in Nordic legal literature. Few for- eigners read any Nordic language. We hope this bibliography will contribute to make parts of the Nordic law accessible for foreign researchers and readers. All comments are welcomed.6

Oslo and Bergen, February 1st, 1999

Hanne Elisabeth Strømø and Halvor Kongshavn

5 The names of the editors of the festschriften are not included. 6 Hanne E. Strømø: [email protected] and Halvor Kongshavn: [email protected]


1667 års sjölag (1984) Castrén, Erik (1979) - 1667 års sjölag i ett 300-årigt perspektiv. Ett rätts- - Essays in honour of Erik Castrén celebrating his historiskt symposium i Göteborg den 16-18 mars 75th birthday March 20, 1979. Helsingfors: The 1981. Stockholm: Nordiska bokhandeln, 1984. Branch, 1979. 254 p. - In: Publications of the 217 p. Finnish branch of the International law Asso- Agell, Anders (1994) ciation, 2 - Festskrift till Anders Agell. Uppsala: Iustus, 1994. Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben XVII, 742 p. (1993) Agge, Ivar (1970) - Suum Cuique. Legal Studies from the University - Festskrift till Ivar Agge. Stockholm: Norstedt, of Copenhagen Law Faculty. Copenhagen: Jurist- 1970. 460 p. og økonomforbundet, 1993. XIII, 364 p. - Alten, Edvin (1955) [Translation from the Danish Edition 1991] - Dette hefte av Arkiv for sjørett tilegnes høyeste- Dahl, Børge (1994) rettsdommer Edvin Alten til åttiårsdagen 10. - Jura på mange måder. Festskrift til Børge Dahl 19. januar 1956. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1955. P. maj 1994. København: Gad, 1994. 247 p. 465-652. - In: Arkiv for sjørett, 2 Due, Ole (1994) Bagge, Algot (1955) - Festskrift til Ole Due. København: Gad, 1994. 423 - Liber amicorum of congratulations to Algot Bagge p. on the occasion of his eightieth birthday July 19, Eberstein, Gösta (1950) 1955. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1956. 269 p. - Festskrift tillägnad professor emeritus, juris doktor Bengtsson, Bertil (1993) Gösta Eberstein sjuttioårsdagen den 4 december - Festskrift till Bertil Bengtsson. Stockholm: Nere- 1950. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1950. 288 p. nius & Santérus, 1993. 571 p. Eckhoff, Torstein (1986) Bernitz, Ulf (1986) - Samfunn, rett, rettferdighet. Festskrift til Torstein - Ulf, 50. Uppsatser tillägnade Ulf Bernitz på 50- Eckhoffs 70-årsdag. Oslo: Tano, 1986. 809 p. årsdagen den 28 februari 1986. Från vännerna på Edlund, Sten (1993) Institutet. Stockholm: Liber, 1986. 168 p. - In: - Den svenska arbetsrätten i ett nytt Europa. Vänbok Skrifter utgivna av Institutet för immaterialrätt och till Sten Edlund. Stockholm: Carlsson, 1993. 343 marknadsrätt vid Stockholms universitet, 50 p. Bolding, Per Olof (1992) Eide, Asbjørn (1993) - Festskrift till Per Olof Bolding. Stockholm: Jurist- - Broadening the frontiers of human rights. Essays förlaget, 1992. XVII, 459 p. in honour of Asbjørn Eide. Oslo: Scandinavian Boman, Robert J. (1990) University Press, 1993. 312 p. - Process och exekution. Vänbok till Robert Boman. Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972) Uppsala: Juridiska föreningen i Uppsala, 1990. - Festskrift till Per Olof Ekelöf. Stockholm: 392 p. - In: Skrifter från Juridiska fakulteten i Norstedt, 1972. 789 p. Uppsala, 34 Eschelsson, Elsa (1997) Brusiin, Otto (1966) - Ad studium et ad laborem incitavit. Elsa Eschels- - Ius humanum. Studia in honorem Otto Brusiin. son. Uppsala: Iustus, 1997. 427 p. - In: De lege, 7 Turku: Turun yliopisto, 1966. 154 p. - In: Turun Forbrukerombudet (1993) yliopisto julkaisuja B, 101 - Forbrukerombudet 1973-1993, 20 år. Festskrift. Brækhus, Sjur (1988) Oslo: Forbrukerombudet, 1993. 169 p. - Lov, dom og bok. Festskrift til Sjur Brækhus 19. Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1983) juni 1988. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1988. XX, - Essays in honour of Berndt Godenhielm, 70 years, 626 p. January 31, 1983, E. J. Manner, 80 years, July 16, Castberg, Frede (1963) 1983, Sigurd von Numers, 80 years, March 20, - Legal essays. A tribute to Frede Castberg on the 1983. Helsingfors: Finnish branch of the interna- occasion of his 70th birthday 4 july 1963 = Fest- tional law association, 1984. 109 p. - In: Publica- skrift til Frede Castberg i anledning av hans 70- tions of the Finnish branch of the International law årsdag 4. juli 1963. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, Association, 4 1963. XII, 624 p. Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996) - The living law of nations. Essays on refugees, mi- norities, indigenous peoples and the human rights of other vulnerable groups in memory of Atle Grahl-Madsen. Kehl: Engel, 1996. XV, 467 p.

7 Granfelt, Otto Hjalmar (1934) Institutt for rettsvitenskap (1997) - Festskrift för professorn, jur. utr. dr. Otto Hjalmar - Fra institutt til fakultet. Jubileumsskrift i anledning Granfelt. Helsingfors: Juridiska föreningen i Fin- av at IRV ved Universitetet i Tromsø feirer 10 år land, 1934. 422 p. og er blitt til Det juridiske fakultet. Oslo: Greve, Vagn (1998) Pensumtjeneste, 1997. 225 p. - "Med lov...". Retsvidenskabelige betragtninger i International Law Association (1987) anledning af professor Vagn Greves 60 års fød- - Finnish branch of the International Law Associa- selsdag. København: Jurist- og økonomforbundet, tion 1946-1986. Essays on international law. Hel- 1998. X, 347 p. sinki: The Finnish branch of the International law Grotenfelt, Berndt J. (1929) Association, 1987. 199 p. - In: Publications of the - Festskrift för presidenten, jur. utr. dr. Berndt Finnish branch of the International law Associa- Julius Grotenfelt. Helsingfors: Juridiska före- tion; 5 ningen i Finland, 1929. 341 p. Juridiska föreningen i Finland (1962) Grönfors, Kurt (1991) - Juridiska föreningen i Finland 100 år. Helsingfors: - Festskrift till Kurt Grönfors. Stockholm: Norstedt, Föreningen, 1962. 353 p. 1991. XVII, 478 p. Juris doktorer (1929) Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972) - Minnesskrift utgiven av Juridiska fakulteten i - Ars boni et aequi. Juhlajulkaisu Y. J. Hakulisen Uppsala 1929 till hågkomst av dess första 70-vuotispäivänä 21.1.1972. Helsingfors: Yhteis- doktorspromotion 1629. Uppsala: Lundequistska kirjapaino, 1972. 334 p. bokh., 1929. 650 p. Halldén, Sören (1983) Jörundsson, Gaukur (1994) - Evidentiary value. Philosophical, judicial and psy- - Afmælisrit Gaukur Jörundsson sextugur 24. chological aspects of a theory. Essays dedicated to september 1994. Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfa Orators, Sören Halldén on his sixtieth birthday. Lund: 1994. 667 p. Gleerup, 1983. 119 p. Koktvedgaard, Mogens (1993) Halvorsen, Harald (1989) - Vennebog til Mogens Koktvedgaard. Stockholm: - Festskrift til Harald Halvorsen på 60-årsdagen 24. Nerenius & Santérus, 1993. XII, 457 p. juli 1989. Oslo: Den norske advokatforening, Lando, Ole (1997) 1989. 71 p. - Festskrift til Ole Lando. Den 2. september 1997. Hellner, Jan (1984) København: Gad Jura, 1997. 367 p. - Festskrift till Jan Hellner. Stockholm: Norstedt, Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997) 1984. XV, 834 p. - Ånd og rett. Festskrift til Birger Stuevold Lassen Hemström, Carl (1996) på 70-årsdagen 19. august 1997. Oslo: - Rättsvetenskapliga studier tillägnade Carl Hem- Universitetsforlaget, 1997. 1123 p. ström av professorkolleger i Uppsala. Stockholm: Ljungman, Seve (1975) Iustus, 1996. 346 p. - Detta häfte av NIR Nordiskt Immaterielt Rätts- Hjerner, Lars A. E. (1990) skydd tillägnas Seve Ljungman. Stockholm: [s.n.], - Festskrift till Lars Hjerner. Studies in international 1975. P. 165-428. - In: Nordisk immaterielt law. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1990. IX, 579 p. rättsskydd Hurwitz, Stephan (1971) Makkonen, Kaarle (1983) - Festskrift til Folketingets Ombudsmand professor, - Essays in legal theory in honor of Kaarle Makko- dr. jur. Stephan Hurwitz 20. juni 1971. Liber ami- nen. Helsingfors: The Finnish Lawyer's Society, corum in honour of professor Stephan Hurwitz 1983. X, 347 p. - In: Oikeustiede jurisprudentia, LL.D. København: Juristforbundet, 1971. 658 p. 16 Hägerström, Axel (1928) Malmström, Åke (1972) - Festskrift tillägnad Axel Hägerström den 6 sep- - Melanges de droit compare en l'honneur du doyen tember 1928. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1928. Åke Malmström. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1972. 271 336 p. p. Högsta domstolen (1990) Mathiesen, Thomas (1993) - Högsta domsmakten i Sverige under 200 år. - Kein schärfer Schwert, denn das für Freiheit Stockholm: Nordiska bokhandeln, 1990; streitet! Eine Festschrift für Thomas Mathiesen. Vol 1: Föreläsningar vid ett internationellt Bielefeld: AJZ, 1993. 359 p. - In: Studienreihe symposium 16-18 maj 1989 med anledning av skandinavische Sozialwissenschaften, 8 Högsta domstolens 200-årsjubileum. - In: Skrifter Nial, Håkan (1966) utgivna av Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning. - Festskrift till Håkan Nial. Studier i civilrätt och Serien II. Rättshistoriska studier, 16. 290 p. internationell rätt. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1966. 564 p.

8 Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993) Saario; Sainio (1983) - Tax reform in the Nordic countries. 1973-1993 - Essays in honour of Voitto Saario 70 years–Sep- jubilee publication. Uppsala: Iustus, 1993. 248 p. tember 13, 1982, Toivo Sainio 70 years– January - In: Publication series / Nordic Council for Tax 7, 1983. Helsingfors: International law ass., Suo- Research, 30 men osasto, 1983. 92 p. - In: Publications of the Olivecrona, Karl (1964) Finnish branch of the International law Associa- - Festskrift tillägnade professor, juris doktor Karl tion Olivecrona vid hans avgång från professors- Sandström, Jan (1997) ämbetet den 30 juni 1964 av kolleger, lärjungar - Festskrift till Jan Sandström. Stockholm: Nerenius och vänner. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1964. 766 p. & Santérus, 1997. 469 p. Ombudsmanden (1995) Schlyter, Karl (1949) - The Danish Ombudsman. København: Djøf, 1995. - Festskrift tillägnad f.d. presidenten, förutvarande 242 p. statsrådet juris doktor Karl Schlyter den 21 Opsahl, Torkel (1991) december 1949. Stockholm: Marcus, 1949. 413 p. - The future of human rights protection in a chan- Selmer, Knut S. (1991) ging world. Fifty years since the Four Freedoms - 20 år med rettsinformatikk. 20 år i forvandlingens Address. Essays in honour of Torkel Opsahl. tegn. Institutt for rettsinformatikks jubileumssemi- Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1991. VII, 239 nar. Tilegnet professor Knut S. Selmer. Oslo: p. Tano, 1991. 93 p. - In: Complex, 3 Peczenik, Alexander (1997) Sigeman, Tore (1993) - Justice, morality and society. A tribute to Aleksan- - Studier i arbetsrätt tillägnade Tore Sigeman. der Peczenik on the occasion of his 60th birthday Uppsala: Iustus, 1993. 416 p. - In: Arbetsrättsliga 16 November 1997. Lund: Juristförlaget, 1997. föreningens skrifter, IV 500 p. Stjernquist, Per (1978) Pålsson, Lennart (1997) - Festskrift till Per Stjernquist vid hans avgång från - Modern issues in European law. Nordic perspec- professuren i rättssociologi vid universitetet i tives. Essays in honour of Lennart Pålsson. Stock- Lund den 30. juni 1978. Lund: Juridiska före- holm: Norstedt, 1997. XII, 242 p. ningen, 1978. 352 p. - In: Skrifter utgivna av Ramberg, Jan (1996) Juridiska föreningen i Lund, 24 - Festskrift till Jan Ramberg. Stockholm: Juristförla- Strahl, Ivar (1969) get, 1996. 526 p. - Detta häfte av Svensk juristtidning tillägnas Ivar Rettsinformatikk (1980) Strahl på sjuttioårsdagen den 13 mars 1969. - A decade of computers and law. Oslo: Universi- Stockholm: Iustus, 1969. P. 85-476. - In: Svensk tetsforlaget, 1980. 475 p. - In: Publications of the juristtidning Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Strömberg, Håkan (1992) Law, 7 - Festskrift tillägnad Håkan Strömberg på 75-års Rettsinformatikk (1990) dagen den 18 februari 1992. Lund: Juridiska - IRIs spektrum. 20 artikler i anledning Institutt for föreningen, 1992. 365 p. - In: Skrifter utgivna av rettsinformatikks 20 års jubileum. Oslo: Tano, Juridiska föreningen i Lund, 111 1990. 294 p. - In: Complex, 1 Strömholm, Stig (1997) Rodhe, Knut (1976) - Festskrift till Stig Strömholm. Uppsala: Iustus, - Festskrift till Knut Rodhe. Studier i krediträtt och 1997. 925 p. (two volumes) associationsrätt. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1976. 488 Stud. Jur. (1986) p. - Stud. jur. 50 år 1936-1986. Jubileumsskrift. Oslo: Ross, Alf (1969) Stud. jur., 1986. 200 p. - Festskrift til professor, dr. jur. & phil. Alf Ross Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993) 10. juni 1969. København: Juristforbundet, 1969. - Festskrift till Jacob W. F. Sundberg. Stockholm: 564 p. Juristförlaget, 1993. IX, 515 p. Ryssdal, Rolv (1984) Sztucki, Jerzy (1994) - Rett og rettssal. Et festskrift til Rolv Ryssdal. - Current international law issues. Nordic perspecti- Oslo: Aschehoug, 1984. 659 p. ves. Essays in honour of Jerzy Sztucki. Stock- Rättssociologi (1997) holm: Fritzes, 1994. 220 p. - Rättssociologi – då och nu. En jubileumsskrift Tamm, Ditlev (1996) med anledning av rättssociologins 25 år som - Retshistorisk status ved Ditlev Tamms 50 års fød- självständigt ämne i Sverige. Lund: Universitetet, selsdag. København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, 1997. 148 p. - In: Lund studies in sociology of 1996. 64 p. law, 1 Thornstedt, Hans (1983) - Festskrift till Hans Thornstedt. Stockholm: Nor- stedt, 1983. 794 p. 9 Tiberg, Hugo (1996) - Essays in honour of Hugo Tiberg. Stockholm: Juristförlaget, 1996. XVII, 675 p. Tulenheimo, Antti (1939) - Antti Tulenheimo 1879. 4/12. 1939. Juhlajulkaisu – Festskrift. Helsingfors: [s.n.], 1939. 249 p. Undén, Östen (1956) - Festskrift till Östen Undén den 25. augusti 1956. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1956. 372 p. Weis Bentzon, Agnete (1998) - Ret og skønsomhed i en overgangstid. København: Akademisk forlag, 1998. 383 p. Wrede, Rabbe Axel (1921) - Festskrift för friherre R. A. Wrede. Helsingfors: Simelii, 1921. 298 p. Zahle, Henrik (1993) - Retlig polycentri. Til Henrik Zahle på 50-årsdagen 26. august 1993. København: Akademisk Forlag, 1993. 408 p.


Biographies etc. – sorted byr the person or institution, not by author

Castberg, Frede Saario, Voitto • Frede Castberg / Andenæs, Johs. • Voitto Saario – 70 years / Manner, E. J. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 1-9 In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 1-5 Castrén, Erik Sainio, Toivo • Erik Castrén – 75 years / Manner, E. J. • Toivo Sainio – 70 years / Broms, Bengt. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 1-5 In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 6-8 Eide, Asbjørn Sundberg, Jacob W. F. • Asbjørn Eide. A tribute / Helgesen, Jan E.; Opsahl, • Foreword / Ryssdal, Rolv. Torkel. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 1-5 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 1-10 • The rule of the laws of experience. Original • Preface / Gomien, Donna. probability and evidentiary value / Kastinen, In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 7 Johanna; Hatakka, Minna; Klami, Hannu Tapani. Godenhielm, Berndt In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 117-140 • Berndt Godenhielm – 70 years / Ylöstalo, Matti. Tiberg, Hugo In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 13-15 • How to become a Hugutist, or sailing according to Grahl-Madsen, Atle Hugo / Tiberg, Oskar; Tiberg, Jesper; Tiberg, Ann. • In memoriam / Nygaard, Nils. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 663-668 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. IX • Hugo Tiberg – a jolly good fellow / Wetterstein, • Preface / Macalister-Smith, Peter; Alfredsson, Gud- Peter. mundur S. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 669-671 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. XI-XV International Law Association • Finnish branch of the International Law Association: 40th anniversary jubilee seminar, University of Helsinki 10th December 1986 / Taxell, Christoffer In: International Law Association (1987), p. 11-15 Makkonen, Kaarle • On the occasion of Kaarle Makkonen's 60th birthday / Jokela, Heikki. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 5 Manner, E. J. • E. J. Manner – 70 years / Saario, Voitto. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 16-18 Mathiesen, Thomas • Vorwort / Papendorf, Knut; Schumann, Karl F. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 11 Numers, Sigurd von • Sigurd von Numers – 80 years / Castrén, Erik. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 19-21 Opsahl, Torkel • Preface / Helgesen, Jan E.; Eide, Asbjørn. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. VII-VIII Pålsson, Lennart • Lennart Pålsson / Melander, Göran. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. VII-IX

11 Philosophy of Law

Aarnio, Aulis Dahlman, Christian • Literature and the philosophy of law. • Does making the law more coherent also make it In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 13-26 more acceptable. Abe, Hamao In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 119-122 • Feeling of being bound and role of state organs. Eckhoff, Torstein In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 21-36 • Justice and social utility. Alchourrón, Carlos E. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 74-93 • Deontic truth and values / with Bulygin, Eugenio Ehrenzweig, Albert A. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 17-36 • Toward a psychoanalysis of law and justice. Alexy, Robert In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 148-165 • Grundrechte im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat. Eng, Svein In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 27-42 • Hidden value – choices in legal practice. Apala-Arlander, Terttu In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 123-145 • De l'imprecision de règles de droit. Eriksson, Lars D. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 30-36 • On law and morality. Arnholm, Carl Jacob In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 51-62 • Naturrecht, Widerstandsrecht und Eyben, Bo von Widerstandspflicht. • On politics and legal policy. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 23-40 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Atienza, Manuel (1993), p. 3-14 • What can Marxism still contribute to legal culture? Fehr, Hans In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 43-52 • Der Kampf des dynamischen Rechts mit dem Aubert, Vilhelm statischen Recht. • The structure of legal thinking. In: Granfelt, O. H. (1934), p. 71-75 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 41-63 Frändberg, Åke Bankowski, Zenon • Justness as the cardinal virtue of the lawyer. • Nie pozwalam. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 239-252 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 53-67 • Morphological levels as a tool for the general study Bergholtz, Gunnar of law. • Rune Lavin v. Aleksander Peczenik. A Swedish In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 147-158 example of the usefulness of legal theory for legal Goldsmith, Robert Werner dogmatics. • Ein- oder Mehrdimensionalität der juristischen In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 69-78 Welt. Bjarup, Jes In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 113-124 • Reality and ought. Hägerström's inaugural lecture Gram Jensen, Svend re-examined. • On justice. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 79-109 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Björkholm, Thérèse (1993), p. 15-20 • To reach bedrock – Wittgenstein on rules and rule- Hare, R. M. following behaviour. • Practical inferences. In: Eschelsson, Elsa (1997), p. 185-204 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 169-184 Brusiin, Otto Harhoff, Frederik • Müssige Fragen der Naturrechtsphilosophie. • Norms beyond law. The rationality of informal law In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 64-73 in a global context. Bröstl, Alexander In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • On definitions in legal science. (1993), p. 347-357 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 111-117 Hart, H. L. A. Bulygin, Eugenio • Self-referring laws. • Deontic truth and values / with Alchourrón, C. E. In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 307-316 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 17-36 Hartnack, Justus Campbell, Colin M. • Language and philosophy. • Crime, consensus and confusion. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 185-190 In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 206-216

12 Hellner, Jan Laclau, Martin • Causality and causation in law. • The relationship between logic and law in Kelsens's In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 159-187 late period. Henrichsen, Carsten In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 125-138 • The Rechtsstaat – a conceptual-analytical study. Lahtinen, Osvi In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Von konstruirten Denkschemas und von der (1993), p. 238-249 Sprache. Herlitz, Nils In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 87-111 • Rechte und Sprachen. Erfarungen und Lang, Wieslaw Betrachtungen. • The concept of person in ethics and . In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 94-110 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 247-259 Herrestad, Henning Lehtonen, Maija • Modelling assessment rules and case law reasoning • Albert Camus et la justice. / with Hasseltvedt, Beate H. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 139-156 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 248-267 Lloyd, Dennis • Some problems concerning the representation of • Legal and ideal justice. legal norms. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 111-124 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 268-285 Maccormick, Neil Hoecke, Mark van • Universal and particular. The problem with prece- • Legal doctrine in crisis. Towards a European legal dent. science / with Ost, Francois In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 261-271 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 189-209 Makkonen, Kaarle Jones, Andrew J. I. • Der Ausdruck "subjektives Recht" in der • Norm theory and knowledge representation. juristischen Sprache. In: Selmer, Knut (1991), p. 72-84 In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 112-123 Klami, Hannu Tapani Martin, Rex • A note of heuristics, justification and argument. • Distributive economic justice. Democracy, rights In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 211-219 and the Pareto principle. • Comments on the ontology of natural law. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 273-288 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 89-100 Meyer, Poul • Legality and expediency. Aspects of the theory of • Justice in politics. administrative law. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 125-134 In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 439-451 Morawski, Lech Krarup, Ole • Legal instrumentalism. • Justice and legal seismology. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 289-301 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Moritz, Manfred (1993), p. 15-20 • Kann das (richterliche) Urteil deduziert werden? Krawietz, Werner In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 502-518 • Paradigmus, positions and prospects of rationality. • Über konditionale Imperative. The changing foundation of law in institutional and In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 351-374 systems theory. Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 452-465 • "Allgemeines" und "Besonderes" im Recht. Von • Reasonables versus rationality of law? On the der Antike bis zur Naturrechtsepoche. evolution of theories in jurisprudence. In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 427-454 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 221-245 Nergelius, Joakim Krohn, Sven • Law and politics. On democracy and judicial • Subjektivismus und Objektivismus in der Ethik. review. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 71-86 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 303-314 Krzysztof, Palecki Nino, Carlos Santiago • The political limits of judicial dependance and • Legal ethics. Between metaphysics and futility. autonomy. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 189-220 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 315-329 Ofstad, Harald Kunnas, Tarmo • Impartiality. • Nietzsche als Rechtsphilosoph. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 135-152 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 101-110 Opalek, Kazimierz Lachmayer, Friedrich • The problem of "directive meaning". • Die wissenschaftspolitische Rhetorik Hans Kelsens In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 405-422 in der ersten Auflage seiner reinen Rechtslehre. • The rules of law and natural law. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 111-124 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 497-507 13 Ost, Francois Tuori, Kaarlo • Legal doctrine in crisis. Towards a European legal • Towards a multi-layered view of modern law. science / with Hoecke, Mark van In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 427-442 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 189-209 Twining, William Pattaro, Enrico • Narrative and generalisations in argumentation • Olivecrona's theory of imperatives. about questions of fact. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 221-238 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 821-834 Paulson, Stanley L. Urbina, Sebastian • Kelsen's early work on material and formal unity. • Law, concepts, time. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 331-346 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 443-462 Peczenik, Alexander Verdross, Alfred • Is there always a right answer to a legal question? • Die Erfahrungsgrundlagen der archaischen Rechts- In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 239-258 philosophie des Abendlandes. Puceiro, Enrique Zuleta In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 207-214 • Scientific paradigms and legal change. Weinberger, Ota In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 331-347 • Objectivity and impartiality in moral and legal Sarkowicz, Ryszard argumentation. • Über die Auffassung der Kohärenz bei der jurist- In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 463-467 ischen Interpretation. Wikström, Kauko In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 347-358 • How to prove propositions in legal dogmatics. Sintonen, Matti In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 297-310 • Causation and the legal point of view. Wintgens, Luc J. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 259-274 • Creation and application of law from a Spector, Horacio legisprudential perspective. Some observations on • Self-ownership and effiency. the point of view of the judge and the legislator. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 359-371 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 469-489 Stone, Julius Wróblewski, Jerzy • Reasons and reasoning in judicial and juristic • Fuzziness of legal system. argument. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 311-330 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 170-197 Zahle, Henrik Strömholm, Stig • On six theses on the legal pyramid. • Ein Wort kommt zur Juristenwelt. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 373-382 (1993), p. 48-52 Summers, Robert S. Åqvist, Lennart • Form and substance in legal reasoning. • Causation by agents. The set-theoretical analysis of In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 700-715 music as basis for a logic of agency. • The pervasive formality of law. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 867-882 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 383-398 Tammelo, Ilmar • Material justice and negative being. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 493-502 Taruffo, Michele • Notes for a theory of just decisions. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 399-410 Tejada, Francisco Elias de • Abstrakte Freiheit und konkrete Freiheiten. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 198-206 Tolonen, Juha • Finlandisation and legal thinking. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 275-284 Trigeaud, Jean-Marc • L'image sociologique de l'homme de droit et la préconception du droit naturel. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 285-296 Troper, Michel • On super-constitutional principles. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 411-425

14 Legal History

Dübeck, Inger • Legal humanism and Glossarium Juridicum Danicum. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 53-57 Klami, Hannu Tapani • "Fines mandati". In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 56-70 Donner, Ruth • Human rights and king Magnus Eriksson's law of the realm. In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 21-29 Germann, Oscar Adolf • Zum Primat des Gesetzes. In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 235-266 Hattenhauer, Hans • Europäische Rechtsgeschichte – Probleme und Aufgaben. In: Tamm, Ditlev (1996), p. 33-50 Hägerström, Axel • Das magistratische Ius in seinem Zusammenhang mit dem römischen Sakralrechte. In: Juris doktorer (1929), nr. 8 Kötz, Hein • Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsgeschichte und gemein- europäisches Privatrecht. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 545-558 Marcus, Maeva • Judicial power under the constitution. In: Högsta domstolen (1990), bind 1, p. 92-101 Oldham, James • The Royal Courts of England in 1789. In: Högsta domstolen (1990), bind 1, p. 46-63 Sandvik, Gudmund • Eine Fernwirkung von Ernst Levys Osloe Vortrag 1928? In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 911-920 • Norwegian legal history. In: Stud. jur. (1986), p. 168-175 Sellin, Thorsten • A "history of thieves". Crime in the 17th-century . In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 447-460 Tamm, Ditlev • A retrospective study of legal regulation and the trade between the Baltic sea countries. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 65-73 Wührer, Karl • Das schwedische Dorf des Mittelalters – ein Friedens- und Rechtsbereich? In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 725-744

15 Sources of Law. Sociology of Law

Aarnio, Aulis Niiniluoti, Ilkka • Man and the changing society. Some thoughts on • Analogy and legal reasoning. 's conception of history. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 177-188 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 1-16 Podgòrecki, Adam • On the semantic ambiguity of legal interpretation. • The theory of sociology of law: problem. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 25-34 In: Stjernquist, Per (1978), p. 143-160 Anttila, Jaana Pound, Roscoe • Der Prozess by Franz Kafka, 1925. • Adjudication or administration? Making, finding In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 37-50 and changing of law and laws in a changing world. Blagojevic, Borislav T. In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 552-575 • The comparative method in the study of customary Reid, John Phillip law as a historical category. • Crosscultural vengeance. Sources of legal princip- In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 13-29 les in the formulation of mountain men vengeance Blegvad, Britt-Mari Persson against Indians in the old Oregon country. • A development of law and other norms. The In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 255-266 Mondragon Cooperative. Smith, Carsten In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 19-34 • Case law harmonization. Bondeson, Ulla V. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 795-804 • Theories of law and morality. Stjernquist, Per In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • How are changes in social behaviour developed by (1993), p. 74-85 means of legislation? Cappelletti, Mauro In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 153-169 • Liberté individuelle et justice sociale dans le procés Trigeaud, Jean-Marc civil italien. • L'image sociologique de l'homme de droit et la In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 179-206 préconception du droit naturel. Habscheid, Walther J. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 285-296 • Zur Aufgabe der Gerichte im sozialen Rechtsstaat. Vallinder, Torbjörn In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 283-298 • The judicialization of politics. Meaning, forms, Helin, Markku background, prospects. • On the semantics of the interpretative sentences in In: Strömberg, Håkan (1992), p. 267-278 legal dogmatics. Weyers, Hans-Leo In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 63-88 • Prinzipienkonflikte im Zivilrecht. Hetzler, Antoinette In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 733-758 • Some comments on lawful-conforming behaviour – Ziegert, Klaus A. an analysis and revision of Per Stjernquist's model. • Debatt med Lund om moral, politik och rätt [Deba- In: Stjernquist, Per (1978), p. 291-312 te with Lund on morals, politics and law]. The doub- Hughes, Graham le modality of law and Swedish sociology of law. • Compensating the disadvantaged. In: Rättssociologi (1997), p. 95-104 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 231-242 • Drift and direction: The functional variance of law Koopmans, T. and political structure. • Sources of law. The new pluralism. In: Stjernquist, Per (1978), p. 313-342 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 189-206 Kutchinsky, Berl • On concepts of justice among law students. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 86-96 Larenz, Karl • Über das Verhältnis von Interpretation und richter- licher Rechtsfortbildung. In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 384-404 Mäenpää, Olli • External/internal. A discipline in transition. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 157-176

16 Comparative Law

Ancel, Marc Lögdeberg, Åke • Les buts actuels de la recherche comparative. • Some aspects of comparative law, particularly the In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 1-12 importance of foreign law in shaping the Swedish Blagojevic, Borislav T. legal system. • The comparative method in the study of customary In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 159-169 law as a historical category. Marty, Gabriel In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 13-29 • L'influence de la faute et du fait de la victime sur la Bogdan, Michael responsabilité civile en droit comparé. • Common law versus civil law in international In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 170-184 development aid. Philips, Allan In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 69-82 • Choice of law in the European Union in tort cases Czachórski, Witold involving migrant workers. • Faute et modèle de comportement en droit civil In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 415-420 socialiste. Siehr, Kurt In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 42-57 • Comparative law as a yardstick for academic legal David, René education. • La coopération internationale en matière de droit In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 199-210 comparé. Strömholm, Stig In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 58-72 • La protection de la vie privée – essai de morpholo- Ehrenzweig, Albert A. gie juridique comparé. • Malmström's "system of legal systems". An In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 185-210 unsystematic comment. Sundström, G. O. Zacharias In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 73-79 • Comparative law in the development of the law of Glendon, Mary Ann international corporations. • Comparative law as shock treatment. A tribute to In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 211-242 Jacob W. F. Sundberg. • The ”extra-territorial” reach of national (or In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 69-84 regional) legislation affecting industry and trade. Hazard, John N. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 190-199 • Labor law and revolutionary socialism. Szabó, Imre In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 102-117 • Law theory and comparative law. Hellner, Jan In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 243-254 • Comparative law in the study of the law of torts. Vliet, R. Dale In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 118-131 • American legal systems. A survey. Kastari, Paavo In: Juridiska föreningen i Finland (1962), p. 336-346 • Ein vergleich zwischen englischen und kontinenta- len Recht. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 43-55 Knapp, Victor • Champ d'application du droit comparé. (Le droit comparé interne et le droit étranger). In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 132-140 Koch, Henning • The concept of parliamentary government in constitutional monarchies. In: Greve, Vagn (1998), p. 153-177 Kötz, Hein • Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsgeschichte und gemein- europäisches Privatrecht. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 545-558 Lando, Ole • Each contracting party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 345-362

17 Law of Obligations. Contract Law

Aarnio, Aulis • The parol evidence rule och tolkning av skriftliga • Einige Gesichtspunkte über Schenkungsverspre- avtal i svensk rätt. chen. In: Bengtsson, Bertil (1993), p. 185-206 In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 13-23 Kötz, Hein Beale, Hugh • Unfair terms in consumer contracts. (Recent deve- • The principles of European contract law and lopments in Europe from a comparative and harmonisation of the laws of contract. economic perspective). In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 21-40 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 203-216 Bridge, M. G. Lando, Ole • The Vienna Sales Convention and English law. • Comsumers contracts and party autonomy in the Curing defective performance by the seller. conflict of laws. In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 83-108 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 141-158 Broad, C. D. • Each contracting party must act in accordance with • Obligations, ultimate and derived. good faith and fair dealing. In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 63-81 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 345-362 Castronovo, Carlo • When will a person be liable or bound when nego- • Contract and the idea of codification in the princip- tiating a contract? les of European contract law. In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 623-640 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 109-124 Lookofsky, Joseph Debattista, Charles • International sales contracts. A Scandinavian view. • Performance bonds and letters of credit. A cracked In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben mirror image. (1993), p. 176-183 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 101-118 Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram Donner, Ruth • "Enduring" or "durable" powers of attorney. • Equity in internationalized contracts. In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 327-346 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 38-56 Offerhaus, J. Farnsworth, E. Allan • International contracts under the BENELUX treaty • Duty to bargain in good faith in the United States. on private international law. In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 269-276 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 160-172 Hamel, Joseph Tallon, Dennis • Réflexions sur le crédit documentaire irrévocable. • Les obstacles à l'unification du droit. Comment les In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 108-117 surmonter? Hartkamp, Arthur In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 317-324 • Formation of contracts according to the principles Wortley, B. A. of European contract law. • Contracts at arm's length. A new development in In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 177-186 England. Hellner, Jan In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 261-266 • Gap-filling by analogy. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 219-234

18 Maritime Law

Adamczak, Woiciech Gorton, Lars • The legal rules of the maritime salvage and the • The liability for freight. protection of environment. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 165-184 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 1-14 • Second hand sale of ships and aircraft – some Altes, Alexander Korthals comparisons. • The development of Dutch law of ocean carriage. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 297-322 In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 61-75 • Ship financing agreements. Bauer, R. Glenn In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 197-210 • Punitive damages in U.S. maritime law. Gram, Per In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 55-66 • The cesser clause should go. Beckman, Rudolf In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 509-519 • Some remarks on the handling of maritime law- Grenander, Nils suits and extended protests in Finland. • A unification problem. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 1-9 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 75-88 Beijer, Anders Haight, Charles S. • Carriage of passengers by sea – a Nordic legal • Shifting tides. The Unites States Supreme Court survey. and uniformity in the maritime law. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 67-88 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 159-168 Berlingieri, Francesco Honka, Hannu • Article 4 bis paragraph 1 of the Hague-Visby rules. • Questions on maritime safety and liability – especi- To which actions does the rule apply? ally in view of the Estonia disaster. In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 47-50 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 351-382 Brodecki, Zdzislaw Hudson, Geoffrey N. • New Baltic convention on protection of the sea. • The Old Mariner's Club. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 125-142 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 225-230 Brækhus, Sjur Krüger, Kai • The term "voyage" in section 265 No. 5 of the • Fault liability for classification societies towards Scandinavian maritime codes. third parties? In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 22-36 In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 271-296 Debattista, Charles Knauth, Arnold W. • The seller's right of stoppage in goods carried by • Reform in shipowners' limitation. The 1955 sea – the carrier's dilemma. proposals. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 181-192 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 118-123 Elsworth, Timothy Landwehr, Götz • Arrest of ships in far east jurisdictions / with Li, • Die Hanseatischen Seerechte des 16. und 17. Lianjun Jahrhunderts. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 443-484 In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 75-128 Evans, Malcolm Laudrup, Alex • Damage from goods – from Hässelby to Geneva. • Suspension of time bars in Scandinavian maritime In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 125-146 law. Falkanger, Thor In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 427-442 • Arrest of vessels – the Norwegian rules based upon Li, Lianjun the Arrest Convention of 1952. • Arrest of ships in far east jurisdictions / with In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 209-224 Elsworth, Timothy Gaskell, Nicholas In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 443-484 • The draft convention on liability and compensation Lilar, Albert for damage resulting from the carriage of hazardous • L'apport de la Suède au Comité Maritime Interna- and noxious substances. tional et à l'unification du droit maritime. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 225-296 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 124-129 Gerritzen, Jaap Lindfelt, Lars • General average. "Quo vadis", and is there peril for • A turn to the right. salvors? (two Dutch legal decisions). In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 305-308 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 85-90

19 Martinez, Ignacio Arroyo Tetley, William • The contract of maritime passage – a commentary • Special legislative tights – dock, harbour and canal on the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of charges. Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 633-662 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 15-54 Tiberg, Hugo Meyer, P. Norman • Latent defects in boats. • The Nortraship settlement. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 453-474 In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 562-571 • Legal qualities of transport documents. Michelet, Hans Peter In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 403-442 • The liability for contracts with third parties when the vessel is on timecharter. In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 572-589 Miller, Dawson • Protection and indemnity associations. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 146-154 Myerson, Howard L. • The requirement of "reasonable" in the York- Antwerp rules. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 365-368 Offerhaus, J. • Netherlands maritime law and the conflict of laws. In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 599-621 Palme, Claës J. • Oil pollution – The Tsesis case. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 229-240 Philips, Allan • Scope of application, choice of law and jurisdiction in the new Nordic law of carriage of goods by sea. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 165-182 Pineus, Kaj • The question of competency of the average adjus- ter. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 173-179 Ramberg, Jan • Unification of maritime law – a success story with happy end? In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 513-524 Rosas, Allan • Port state control. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 541-556 Selmer, Knut S. • "Makis rule" – an encounter of French and English legal thinking. In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 638-646 Smidt, J. Th. de • Niederländisches See-recht von 15. Jahrhundert zum Seerechts-Kodifikation 1955. In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 206-217 Stödter, Rolf • Statutenkollision im Seefrachtrecht. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 220-232 Taylor, David W. • A history of commercial and maritime law in England. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 387-402 Tassel, Yves • Is French maritime law in need of modification? In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 613-632

20 Transport Law (non-maritime)

Forsberg, Petter • Legal regulation of laser and fiberoptics. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 432-439 Gorton, Lars • Air transport and EC competition law. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 109-130 • Second hand sale of ships and aircraft – some comparisons. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 297-322 Grönfors, Kurt • The UN convention on transport terminals and limitation of liability. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 323-332 Herber, Rolf • Harmonization of transport law – where do we stand? In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 225-234 Honka, Hannu • EC competition law on multimodal transport – recent development. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 235-256 Mahmoudi, Said • The UNCTAD/ICC rules for multimodal transport document – genesis and contents. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 513-524 Metsälampi, Veli-Martti • Some remarks on the basic obligations of states in cases of unlawful seizure of aircraft. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 46-63 • The aircraft commander. Some observations concerning his legal status. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 71-77 Prodromides, M. • Projets de conventions internationales sur le transport des marchaindises en trafic international. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 180-219 Selvig, Erling • Through carriage under the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 1974. In: Rodhe, Knut (1976), p. 419-432 Sundberg, Jacob W. F. • Technical or judicial methods to fight aviation accidents? The experience of the Air Force's disfunc- tion reporting system. In: Agge, Ivar (1970), S. 324-336 Sydow, G. de • Juridiction pour l'interprétation de la CIM et de la CIV. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 233-240

21 Labour Law

Blanc-Jouvan, Xavier • Variations sur le droit syndical en France. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 151-172 Blanpain, Roger • After Maastricht. European collective agreements? In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 33-41 Fahlbeck, Reinhold • Reflections on workplace discipline in private enterprises in Sweden. In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 105-126 • Strikes, lockouts and other industrials actions. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 61-84 Flodgren, Boel • Worker participation and the law in the United States. In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 117-145 Gamillsheg, Franz • Die Rechtsgrundlagen des deutschen Arbeits- kampfrechts. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 85-102 Hanau, Peter • Deutsche Antworten auf schwedische Fragen zum europäischen Arbeitsrecht. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 125-140 • Die Einwirkung des europäischen auf das nationale Arbeitsrecht. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Deutschland. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 323-350 Hazard, John N. • Labor law and revolutionary socialism. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 102-117 Nagy, Lásló • Industrial relations in Hungary. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 213-218 Neal, Alan C. • In search of the "social dimension". In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 219-236 Petersen, Hanne • Labor law – in the past and in the future. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 261-270 Wedderburn, Lord • Collectivism, labour law and the European Community. In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 309-333 Summers, Clyde W. • The adversary character of American labor rela- tions – its caused and consequenses. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 379-392 Swepston, Lee • Protection of vulnerable groups by the International Labour Organisation. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 409-420

22 Family Law

Alston, Philip • Interpreting a child's right to privacy in the UN context. The influence of regional standards. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 125-161 Beitzke, Günther • Eheschliessungsfreiheit und Eheschliessungsform. In: Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972), p. 60-74 Eeklaar, John • Child support in Britain. What went wrong? In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 123-132 Flekkøy, Målfrid Grude • Children as holders of rights and obligations. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 97-124 Jokela, Heikki • Finnish choice of law problems relating to engagement to marry. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 37-42 Meulders-Klein, Marie-Thèrèse • The individual, the family & the state. Dependence, independence or interdependence? In: Thornstedt, Hans (1983), p. 413-426 Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram • Nachehelicher Vermögensausgleich in Skandinavi- en und Deutschland. In: Nial, Håkan (1966), p. 404-452 Nielsen, Linda • Family law on the way towards year 2000. A view of the position of family law in the legal system / with Vindeløv, Vibeke In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 184-193 Rainer, Frank • Die zwangsweise körperliche Untersuchung zur Feststellung der Abstammung. In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 133-152 Rubellin-Devichi, Jacqueline • Le divorce en France aujourd'hui. In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 525-544 Savolainen, Matti • Über die Aberkennung des Ausgleichsrechts. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 124-147 Sipilä, Helvi • Rights of the child in comparison with the rights and responsibilities of the parents and other members of the society in the light of international instru- ments. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 184-201 Vindeløv, Vibeke • Family law on the way towards year 2000. A view of the position of family law in the legal system / with Nielsen, Linda In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 184-193

23 Trade Law

Bogdan, Michael • Market economy and Swedish constitutional law. In: Strömberg, Håkan (1992), p. 3-14 • The Czech-Slovak Customs Union. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 11-24 Cooke, Julian • The introduction of the European directive on com- mercial agents into English law / with Pickering, M. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 143-180 Dotevall, Rolf • Franchise and commercal agency agreements under article 85 of the Treaty of Rome. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 193-208 Goode, Roy • The Draft Unidroit Convention on Interests in Mobile Equipment. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 151-164 Hallström, Pär • Adjudication of matters of trade. The case of the GATT panels. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 65-80 Hellner, Jan • Gap-filling by analogy. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 219-234 Hultmark, Christina • Unidroit principles of international commercial contracts som alternativ till lagvalsklausul. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 253-262 Jokela, Heikki • Comparative aspects of the application of the Fin- land/CMEA general conditions of delivery of goods. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 19-29 Lando, Ole • Lex mercatoria 1985-1996. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 567-584 Nerep, Erik • Lex Mercatoria and amiable composition in inter- national arbitration – brief notes. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 387-402 Pickering, Mary • The introduction of the European directive on com- mercial agents into English law / with Cooke, Julian In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 143-180 Reynolds, Francis • The agent as fiduciary in English law. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 525-540 Sundström, G. O. Zacharias • Economic integration. The case of Mano river union. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 202-240 Torvund, Olav • Paperless systems in the international trade, the legal challenges. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 48-58

24 Intellectual Property Law

Alsne, Marieanne • Refléxions sur le critère d'orginalité du droit d'auteur. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 63-84 Beier, Friedrich-Karl • Entwicklung und Grundprinzipen des internationa- len Markenschutzes. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 85-108 Bergström, Svante • The literary or artistic work in copyright. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 13-29 Godenhielm, Berndt • The international protection of industrial designs. In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 30-39 Haarmann, Pirkko-Liisa • On the Copyright Council's activities in Finland. In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 403-406 Karnell, Gunnar W. G. • The Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works and national treatment principle – in particular with regard to collectively administered author's rights. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 277-298 • The copyright entitlement of authors' collecting societies in Europe – a look-around and a glance into the crystal ball. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 383-400 Koktvedgaard, Mogens • The law of intellectual property toward year 2000. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 155-163 Neubecker, F. K. • Das Wesen der Firma. Eine rechtsvergleichende Skizze. In: Wrede, R. A. (1921), p. 122-149 Rahnasto, Ilkka • Scope of IP protection – application of abstraction theory. In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 825-830 Schricker, Gerhard • Multiforme Werke – Urheberrecht in einer sich wandelnden Medienwelt. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 755-768 Ulmer, Eugen • Gedanken zum Urhebervertragsrecht. In: Ljungman, Seve (1975), p. 388-408

25 Other Private Law Subjects

Competition Law Other Subjects

Bogdan, Michael Carroll, Walter • Misleading cross-border TV advertising in the EU. • Some developments in private club law. Attempted In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 1-16 governmental intrusion in the USA. Fejø, Jens In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 55-66 • Other rules aiming at creating competition in the Dufwa, Bill W. European Union – inherent contradictions. • Arbitration and insurance law. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 33-46 In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 113-122 Gorton, Lars Frihagen, Arvid • Air transport and EC competition law. • Rates charged offshore joint ventures for operator In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 109-130 owned or charted drilling rigs. Kur, Annette In: Brækhus, Sjur (1988), p. 149-164 • Die vergleichende Werbung in Europa. Kurz vor Gomard, Bernhard dem Pyrrhus-Sieg? • The functions and responsibility of the board of In: Koktvedgaard, Mogens (1993), p. 436-457 directors. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 131-144 Lárusson, Ólafur Tort Law • Das isländische Wasserrecht. In: Grotenfelt, Berndt Julius (1929), p. 44-59 Caemmerer, Ernst von Lasalux, Hermann S. • Die Produktenhaftpflicht in der neueren deutschen • Gedanken zur Rechtsnatur der sog. Vorgesell- Rechtssprechung. schaft. In: Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972), p. 75-84 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 576-609 Eörsi, Gyula Moritz, Manfred • Indirect damages. • Sind die juristischen Personen Fiktionen? In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 253-268 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 442-457 Hellner, Jan Philips, Allan • Comparative law in the study of the law of torts. • Private international law of insurance in Denmark In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 118-131 and the European Communities. Kleinemann, Jan In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 347-356 • Adjustement of the tortious liability of professio- • The autonomy of the testator. nals. Some reflections on current legal develop- In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 475-484 ments. Röed, Ole Torleif In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 401-426 • Bankruptcy and the espousal of private claims Marty, Gabriel under international law. • L'influence de la faute et du fait de la victime sur la In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 305-318 responsabilité civile en droit comparé. Stewart, Julie E. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 170-184 • Rights, rights, rights: women’s rights? Philips, Allan In: Weis Bentzon, Agnete (1998), p. 157-176 • Choice of law in the European Union in tort cases Strömholm, Stig involving migrant workers. • La protection de la vie privée – essai de morpho- In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 415-420 logie juridique comparé. Tunc, André In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 185-210 • La responsabilité civile en matière d'accidents de la Sundström, G. O. Zacharias circulation. • Comparative law in the development of the law of In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 699-714 international corporations. Vinding Kruse, Anders In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 211-242 • The law of tort in international perspective. The Sørensen, Ivar need for reform. • Review of the development of consumer protection In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben within Danish private insurance. (1993), p. 164-175 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 194-204

26 Taksøe-Jensen, Finn • Development patterns in the Danish law of inheritance. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 205-217

27 Constitutional Law

Benediktsson, Bjarni Poulsen, Halgir Winther • The two chambers of the Icelandic Althing. • Faroese home rule. Some considerations regarding In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 394-410 its place in constitutional and international law. Drago, Roland In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 287-300 • Les rapports entre le pouvoir executif et le pouvoir Radnitzky, Gerard judiciaire en France. • Der Gegensatz Sozialismus und klassischer Libera- In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 215-222 lismus beleuchtet an einem ironisch geteilten Espersen, Ole Nobelpreis. • The concept of democracy and an evaluation of In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 241-254 current trends of development. Rehof, Lars Adam In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Human rights and self-government for indigeous (1993), p. 221-231 people. Fogelklou, Anders In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • From party-state to rechtsstaat. The Russian (1993), p. 29-47 Constitutional Court and the case. Rosas, Allan In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 223-238 • Emergency regimes. A comparison. Hiortøy, Finn In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 165-199 • Høyesteretts betenkninger [The opinions of the Sisula-Tulokas, Lena Supreme Court if Norway] [with a summary in • Harmonisation of Nordic law – is it needed? English]. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 557-570 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 458-479 Smith, Carsten Hoel, G. Astrup • Individual rights versus the common good. • Vetospørsmålet i 1880-årene [The conflicts In: Stavang, Per (1998), p. 145-153 concerning the King's veto i the 1880s] [with a Thompson, Kenneth W. summary in English]. • The imperatives of foreign policy and the future of In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 431-457 democracy. Hydén, Håkan In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 503-518 • A polycentric theory of democracy and human rights. In: Zahle, Henrik (1993), p. 213-230 Koch, Henning • The concept of parliamentary government in constitutional monarchies. In: Greve, Vagn (1998), p. 153-177 Lassen, Bengt • The freedom to publish. In: Strahl, Ivar (1969), p. 373-383 Leibholz, Gerhard • The Federal Constitutional Court in the constitutio- nal system of the Federal Republic of . In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 495-511 Lipson, Leslie • The prospects for democracy. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 321-334 Lögdeberg, Åke • Some aspects of comparative law, particularly the importance of foreign law in shaping the Swedish legal system. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 159-169 Marcus, Maeva • Judicial power under the constitution. In: Högsta domstolen (1990), bind 1, p. 92-101 Oldham, James • The Royal Courts of England in 1789. In: Högsta domstolen (1990), bind 1, p. 46-63 28 Administrative Law

General Frandsen, Lennart • The Ombudsman – the Faroe islands and Bing, Jon Greenland. • Three generations for computerized systems for In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 141-148 public administration and some implications for legal Gammeltoft-Hansen, Hans decisions making. • Asylum-seekers, refugees and the Danish Ombuds- In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 211-233 man. Føyen, Arve In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 89-96 • Norwegian government policy on purchasing data Holm, Niels Eilschou processing equipment from manufacturers producing • The ombudsman – a gift from Scandinavia to the such equipment in Norway. world. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 379-391 In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 13-22 Gammeltoft-Hansen, Hans Jörundsson, Gaukur • Administrative law in the future. • The ombudsman and the European human rights In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 133-140 institutions. • Administrative law towards the year 2000. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 79-92 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Larsen, Kaj (1993), p. 232-237 • The parliamentary Ombudsman. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 39-78 • Communicating with complainants. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 105-116 Nordskov Nielsen, Lars • The ombudsman in the future. Henrichsen, Carsten In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 117-132 • The Tamil case – a perspective. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 149-164 Olsen, Jens • Selected ombudsman cases / with Andersen, Jon Mäenpää, Olli In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 165-228 • External/internal. A discipline in transition. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 157-176 Robertson, Sir John • The Danish Ombudsman. New Zealand's Rosas, Allan precedent. • "Indirect" public administration. International law In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 33-38 aspects. In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 81-92 Rowat, Donald C. • The worldwide spread of an institution. Rønsholdt, Steen In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 433-446 • Technology in public law. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 116-127 Environmental Law

Ombudsman Bauer, R. Glenn • Punitive damages in U.S. maritime law. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 55-66 Andersen, Jon • Selected ombudsman cases / with Olsen, Jens Brodecki, Zdzislaw • New Baltic convention on protection of the sea. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 165-228 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 125-142 Busck, Lars • The history and development of the institution of Broms, Bengt • The basic principles of the 1992 Convention on the ombudsman. Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 23-32 Sea Area. Compton, Edmund In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 31-44 • The British Ombudsman as an instrument of Parliament. Gaskell, Nicholas • The Draft Convention on Liability and Compensa- In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 179-190 tion for Damage Resulting from the Carriage of Ha- Fliflet, Arne zardous and Noxious Substances. • Requesting administrative review and complaining In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 225-296 to the parliamentary ombudsman, a comparison bet- ween a legal and a non-legal remedy. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 93-104 29 Hansen, Holger Melander, Göran • Environmental law in the 1990’s. • Internally displaced persons. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 69-74 (1993), p. 145-154 Palley, Claire Hollo, E. J. • Population transfers. • Umweltschutz und Wasserrecht in Finnland und In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 219-254 Schweden. Plaut, W. Gunther In: Bengtsson, Bertil (1991), p. 63-82 • Refugees and the right of asylum – some historical Lupis, Ingrid Detter de notes. • International environmental law. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 75-82 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 123-148 Sieverts, Frank Arne Palme, Claës J. • The refugee definition and vulnerable groups. • Oil pollution – The Tsesis case. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 83-88 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 229-240 Stoltenberg, Thorvald • Human rights and refugees. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 145-154 Thoolen, Hans Immigration Law. Refugee Law • Information technology for human rights and refu- gee protection. Bethlenfalvy, Peter von In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 441-464 • Refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities in Zucker, Naomi Flink Europe. • Temporary protected status. A proposed United In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 7-16 States policy for vulnerable groups / with Zucker, Einarsen, Terje Norman L. • Mass movements of refugees – in search of new In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 133-142 international mechanisms. Zucker, Norman L. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 17-34 • Temporary protected status. A proposed United Gammeltoft-Hansen, Hans States policy for vulnerable groups / with Zucker, • Asylum-seekers, refugees and the Danish Ombuds- Naomi Flink man. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 133-142 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 89-96 Grahl-Madsen, Atle • Commision and High Commisioner. Two modes of international control. Tax Law In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 40-50 Greve, Hanne Sophie Andersson, Edward • "Safe haven." Lessons from the Cambodian model. • The Finnish business income tax reform of 1992. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 35-46 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 63- Harrell-Bond, B. E. 76 • The protection of refugees in the "least developed" Forssell, Osmo states. • Quantifying the economy-wide effects of tax In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 47-60 reform with the Finnish long-run model system. Hathaway, James C. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 77- • Refugee status arising from generalized oppression. 89 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 61-68 Gjems-Onstad, Ole Hofmann, Rainer • Beyond progression – taxation of the very rich. • Recent jurisprudence of the German Federal Con- In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 111- stitutional Court on asylum law. 126 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 97-112 Koren, Charlotte Khan, Sadruddin Aga • Taxation of wage earner housholds in Norway • Population movements. Its effect on European 1980-1992. stability. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 127- In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 1-6 140 Maluwa, Tiyanjana Lindencrona, Gustaf • Recent developments in refugee law and policy in • The Nordic council for tax research 20 years. Malawi. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 7-10 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 113-132

30 Lotz, Kaj Lidgard, Hans Henrik • The Danish tax reform 1987. • Swedish snus confronts basic EU principles. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 13- In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 123-154 25 Viano, Emilio C. Matthiessen, Lars O. • AIDS and human rights. Implications for law, • Some observations on payroll taxes, the overall policy and practice. marginal tax rate, shifting and work efforts. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 417-436 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 27- Vestergaard, Jørn 39 • The new mental health legalism. Adequate control Mattsson, Nils of psychiatric discretion? • Tax expenditures in the Swedish income tax. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 173- (1993), p. 330-343 197 Wellman, Carl Michelsen, Aage • The right to an adequate standard of living. • The implementation of EC direct investment tax In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 835-850 directives in Danish tax law. Westerhäll, Lotta In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 41- • Social assistance and migrant workers – regulation 59 no 1612/68 from a Swedish perspective. Mutén, Leif In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 211-234 • Tax law, tax administration, and courts. The need for harmonization. In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 519-526 Salsbäck, Johan Other subjects • The tax reform process in Sweden. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 199- Bogdan, Michael 212 • Misleading cross-border TV advertising in the EU. Södersten, Jan In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 1-16 • The incentive effects of capital income taxation in Bourgoignie, Thierry Sweden. • Europe of 1993. Does it have a consumer In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 213- dimension? 231 In: Forbrukerombudet (1993), p. 119-155 Tikka, Kari S. Danelius, Hans • A 25 % flat rate tax on capital income. The Finnish • Ten years of fishery co-operation in the Baltic sea. reaction to international tax competition. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 42-54 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 91- Hägerström, Axel 108 • Das magistratische Ius in seinem Zusammenhang Zimmer, Frederik mit dem römischen Sakralrechte. • Capital income and earned income following the In: Juris doktorer (1929), nr. 8 Norwegian income tax reform. Is the dual income tax Lassen, Bengt fair? • The freedom to publish. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 141- In: Strahl, Ivar (1969), p. 373-383 153 Modeen, Tore • Finland and the Scandinavien treaty on transfron- tier co-operation between municipalities. Welfare Law. Health Law In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 61-69 Reich, Norbert • Materialisierung und Prozeduraliserung von Boock, Peter-Jürgen Vertragsfreiheit – einige Bemerkungen zur aktuellen • Blindflug. Der geschlossene Vollzug und die deutschen Diskussionen für einen dänischen Freund. Drogenproblematik. In: Dahl, Børge (1994), p. 203-230 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 183-194 Rønne, Anita Kaulitzki, Reiner • Re-regulation of the Danish energy supply- • Ein Schritt vorwärts, einer zurück. Drogen- und In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben AIDS-Politik im Gefängnis. (1993), p. 271-279 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 215-237 Salas, Alfonso de Ketscher, Kirsten • Freedom of expression and written press in Europe. • When invisible work becomes visible. Some trends In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 285-302 in care duties and care rights. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 250-260 31 Siehr, Kurt • Comparative law as a yardstick for academic legal education. In: Pålsson, lennart (1997), p. 199-210 Sørensen, Max • "Pirate broadcasting" from the high seas. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 319-331

32 Penal Law. Criminology

Adler, Freda Fox, Lionel W. • The emergence of criminal justice. Tracing the • The Swedish Prison Act 1945 and the English route to neolithic times / with Mueller, G.O.W. Criminal Justice Act 1948. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 151-170 In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 102-115 Ancel, Marc Freeman, Michal D. A. • Privation de liberté et traitement de la délinquance. • Tackling domestic violence the English way. In: Strahl, Ivar (1969), p. 90-101 In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 153-182 Angel, Marc Funk, Albrecht • L'évolution de la notion de défense sociale. • Überlegungen zur Exklusion und Inklusion im In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 32-38 Kontext der Geburt des Staatsbürgers in Anttila, Inkeri Deutschland. • The conditional prison sentence and Finnish crime In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 23-32 control ideology. Gihl, Torsten In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 7-16 • Who is a spy? • The cumulation of sanctions following a crime. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 230-240 In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 24-29 Hirsch, Andrew von Bahl, Elke • Criminal policy and the politics of resentment. • Wie fertig macht das Unfertige? In: Hemström, Carl (1996), p. 333-343 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 167-179 Jareborg, Nils Balvig, Flemming • Criminal attempts and penal value. • The legal system v. Narcotics. In: Hemström, Carl (1996), p. 117-134 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Objective ascription of criminal harm. (1993), p. 283-297 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 439-454 Beiderman, Bernardo Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich • Individual guarantees of the prisoner during pre- • Die Stellung der Freiheitsstrafe in der judgment detention. Including detention cases during Strafrechtsreform der Bundesrepublik Deutschland the extradition proceeding. und Schwedens. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 17-30 In: Thornstedt, Hans (1983), p. 353-376 Bondeson, Ulla V. Karazman-Morawetz, Inger • Theories of law and morality. • Zur Logik der Untersuchungschaft / with Stangl, In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Wolfgang (1993), p. 74-85 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 249-266 Campbell, Colin M. Kaulitzki, Reiner • Crime, consensus and confusion. • Ein Schritt vorwärts, einer zurück. Drogen- und In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 206-216 AIDS-Politik im Gefängnis. Cornil, Paul In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 215-237 • Individualisation pénitentiaire. Kinberg, Olof In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 81-89 • De la morale comme phénomène social objectif. • Répression et criminalité. In: Tulenheimo, Antti (1939), p. 44-63 In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 191-202 Künast, Renate Cressey, Donald R. • Abolitionistische Politik der Praxis nach der deut- • The rôle of discretion, diplomacy and subcultures schen Einheit am Beispiel des Zusammengehens von of justice in crime control. Bündnis 90 und den Grünen. In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 203-217 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 143-156 Dumont, Jon Michael Köhler, Martin • The rendition of international criminals. Hard cases • Abolitionismus und Grüne Kriminalpolitik. make bad law / with Murphy, John F. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 157-166 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 171-210 Lange, Richard Feest, Johannes • Erziehung und Strafe im heutigen Jugendstrafrecht. • Musterprozesse um "Musterbegründungen" / with In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 359-383 Wegner-Brandt, Elke In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 195-214

33 Lindenberg, Michael Smaus, Gerlinda • Kontrolle durch Gewährung. Drogen-"Freigabe" • Mit Thomas Mathiesen gegen die Ohnmacht der und elektronische Gefängnisse. Anmerkungen zum kritischen Kriminologie. teknokratische Abschaffungsdiskurs / with Schmidt- In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 85-102 Semisch, Henning Stangl, Wolfgang In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 33-50 • Zur Logik der Untersuchungschaft / with Mahr, Manfred Karazman-Morawetz, Inger • Strafrecht, Strafjustiz und Polizei im Schatten der In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 249-266 "scwartzen Pädagogik". Swaaningen, Rene van In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 267-283 • Penal pressure-groups in the Netherlands. The in- Mueller, Gerhard O. W. fluence of Thomas Mathiesen. • The emergence of criminal justice. Tracing the In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 103-126 route to neolithic times / with Adler, Freda Szabo, Denis In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 151-170 • Classicism and modernism. Some reflections on the Murphy, John F. great debate in contemporary criminology. • The rendition of international criminals. Hard cases In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 391-400 make bad law / with Dumont, Jon M. Tengeler, Sabine In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 171-210 • Abolitionistsiche Kriminalpolitik im Rahmen der Müller, Horst Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft "Demokratie und Recht" • Der sozialpolitische Gesprächskreis in der JVA der Grünen. Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 129-141 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 239-245 Toman, Jirí Nix, Christoph • The treatment of prisoners. Development of legal • Über das Scheitern deutscher Abolitionismen / Nix, instruments and quasi-legal standards. Christoph In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 421-440 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 51-63 Vabres, Henri de Donnedieu Papendorf, Knut • La réforme de l'instruction préparatoire dans le • Ausgrabungen aus der bundesrepublikanischen projet francais de code d'instruction criminelle. aboli(tioni)stischen Frühzeit. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 90-101 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 65-84 Voss, Michael Radzinowicz, Leon • Effizienz und Rehtssicherheit im informellen • Some current problems and future prospects of Jugendstrafverfahren. international collaboration in penal matters. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 303-326 In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 387-406 Weber, Hartmut-Michael Schjølberg, Stein • Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe in der Bundesrepublik. • Computer crime in Norway. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 327-355 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 440-460 Wegner-Brandt, Elke Schmidt-Semisch, Henning • Musterprozesse um "Musterbegründungen" / with • Kontrolle durch Gewährung. Drogen-"Freigabe" Feest, Johannes und elektronische Gefängnisse. Anmerkungen zum In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 195-214 teknokratische Abschaffungsdiskurs / with Waaben, Knud Lindenberg, Michael • Aut dedere aut iudicare. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 33-50 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Schumann, Karl F. (1993), p. 321-329 • Schutz der Ausländer vor rechtsradikaler Gewalt Zaffaroni, Eugenio Raúl durch Instrumente des Strafrechts? • Cruel penalties and double punishment. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 285-302 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 469-478 Sellin, Thorsten • A "history of thieves". Crime in the 17th-century France. In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 447-460 • Status and prospects of criminal statistics in the United States. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 290-307 Simson, Gerhard • Franz von Liszt und die schwedische Kriminal- politik. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 308-320

34 Procedural Law. Arbitration

Anttila, Inkeri Halvorsen, Harald • The conditional prison sentence and Finnish crime • The challenge of the community [on lawyers]. control ideology. In: Halvorsen, Harald (1989), p. 13-18 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 7-16 Hansson, Bengt • The cumulation of sanctions following a crime. • Epistemology and evidence. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 24-29 In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 75-97 Baumgärtel, Gottfried Hobér, Kaj • Eine Rechtstatsachenforschung zur ZPO-Novelle. • International commercial arbitration in Sweden. Modell einer Gesetzesvorbereitung unter Einsatz Two salient problem areas. elektronischer Datenverarbeitungsanlagen. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 235-276 In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 67-81 Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit Blom, Birgitta • Application of foreign law in Swedish courts – • Dispute settlement in the courts or in arbitration recent developments. proceedings – a matter of conflict or harmony? In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 79-104 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 15-20 Klami, Hannu Tapani Bratholm, Anders • Scientific v. judicial truth. • The right to lie. Reflections on the use of the lie In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 567-578 detector during criminal investigation. Koch, Henning In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 531-546 • From police law to police science / with Broms, Bengt Stevnsborg, Henrik • Some aspects of the activity of the ICC Court of In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Arbitration. (1993), p. 58-64 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 21-37 Krüger, Kai David, René • Default remedies in international arbitration pro- • Qu'est-ce que l'arbitrage? ceedings. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 37-47 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 217-236 Dufwa, Bill W. Lando, Ole • Arbitration and insurance law. • Being first. On uses and abuses of the lis pendens In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 113-122 under the Brussel Convention. Ekelöf, Per Olof In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 105-122 • My thoughts on evidentiary value. • Lex fori in foro proprio. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 9-26 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 207-226 Farnsworth, E. Allan Lárusson, Ólafur • "For this relief much thanks". Punitive damages in • Die Popularklage der Gràgàs. arbitration. In: Granfelt, O. H. (1934), p. 87-101 In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 169-184 Levi, Isaac Freeling, Anthony N. S. • Consonance, dissonance and evidentiary mecha- • Combining evidence / with Sahlin, Nils-Eric nisms. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 58-74 In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 27-43 Goldsmith, Robert Werner Nerep, Erik • Evaluating evidence in criminal cases by means of • Lex Mercatoria and amiable composition in the evidentiary value model. international arbitration – brief notes. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 104-113 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 387-402 Graveson, R. H. Pellonpää, Matti • Arbitration clauses in international contracts. • Valuation of expropriated or nationalized property In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 80-101 in international arbitral practice of recent years. Gärdenfors, Peter In: International Law Association (1987), p. 145-168 • Probabilistic reasoning and evidentiary value. Peters, Karl In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 44-57 • Freie Beweiswürdigung und Justizirrtum. Hagiwara, Kaneyoshi In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 532-551 • Conciliation procedure in Japanese and Swedish Rump Christensen, Gerda courts. • Is the system of civil enforcement up-to date? In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 181-200 Trends of development and review. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 298-310 35 Sahlin, Nils-Eric • Combining evidence / with Freeling, Anthony N. S. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 58-74 • Do people combine evidence according to an evi- dentiary value model? A note. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 98-103 Schima, Hans • Gemeinsames und verschiedenes im Zivil- und Strafprozes. In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 557-568 Smith, Eva • Development within criminal procedure in Denmark. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 311-320 Stevnsborg, Henrik • From police law to police science / with Koch, Henrik In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 58-64 Sundberg, Jacob W. F. • "Within a reasonable time". A look at Swedish procedure. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 591-612 Tsanga, Amy S. • Lessons from activism in legal services. Implications for the legal profession and the development of law curricula. In: Weis Bentzon, Agnete (1998), p. 93-108 Twining, William • Identification and misidentification in legal proces- ses. Redefining the problem. In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 725-743 Undén, Östen • Arbitration in conflicts of interest. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 241-247 Voskuil, Albert • Judicial protection through execution measures in the Netherlands. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 851-866

36 International Law

General Public International Law

Boeg, N. V. Broms, Bengt • The International Law Association. • The demilitarization of Svalbard (Spitsbergen). In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 10-15 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 6-18 Broms, Bengt Castrén, Erik • The Convention on the Settlement of Investment • Innovations in the Vienna Convention on Diploma- Disputes between States and Nationals of other tic Relations, 1961. States. I The procedure created by the convention. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 217-229 In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 9-20 Dimitrijevic, Vojin Eek, Hilding • The absolute nation state. Post-communist constitu- • The status of the international legal profession and tions. the university teaching of international law. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 257-269 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 79-96 Hakapää, Kari Hambro, Edvard • Protection of diplomatic and consular representa- • Some reflections on the rule of law. tion. The Nordic initative at the United Nations In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 557-569 General Assembly. Kruse-Jensen, Carl In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 55-70 • Traits dominants de la convention de Genève rela- • Some observations on the settlement of disputes in tive à la protection des personnes civiles en temps de the new law of the sea. guerre du 12 août 1949. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 57-66 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 262-279 Heiskanen, Veijo Lillich, Richard B. • Internatioanl sanctions and GATT obligations. • Interest in the law of international claims. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 67-87 In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 51-60 Hostie, Jan F. Manner, E. J. • The Corfu Channel case and the international lia- • The Finnish branch of the International Law bility of states. Association: fourty years. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 89-100 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 16-20 Jägerskiöld, Stig Palme, Sven Ulric • The origins of international law. A Swedish case • Politics and economic theory in the Atlantic from the seventeenth century. Charter. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 241-261 In: Undén, Östen (1956), p. 206-226 Kosonen, Arto Röed, Ole Torleif • New legal horizons of neutrality and military • Bankruptcy and the espousal of private claims export. under international law. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 88-113 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 305-318 Lacharrière, Guy de Ladreit Schermers, Henry G. • Aspects juridiques de la négociation sur un • The long way from international to supranational "package deal" á la Conférence des Nations Unies cooperation. sur le droit de la mer. In: Jörundsson, Gaukur (1994), p. 435-442 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 30-45 Schwarzenberger, Georg Lagergren, Gunnar • Some aspects of the O.E.C.D. Draft Convention of • The Rann of Kutch case 1966-69. 1967 on the Protection of Foreign Property. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 559-566 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 447-458 Lysén, Göran Sundström, G. O. Zacharias • Some reflections on international claims territory. • Comparative law in the development of the law of In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 109-134 international corporations. Mahmoudi, Said In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 211-242 • Recognition of states. The case of former Yugoslav Wengler, Wilhelm republics. • Die Abgrenzung zwischen völkerrechtlichen und In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 135-160 nichtvölkerrechtlichen Normen im internationalen • Some remarks on diplomatic immunity from crimi- Verkehr. nal jurisdiction. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 332-352 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 327-362

37 Mangård, Nils Borum, O. A. • The hostage crisis, the Algeries accords, and Iran- • Quelques observations sur le projet de convention United States Claims Tribunal. de la Haye (1951) pour régler les conflits entre la loi In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 363-418 nationale et la loi du domicile. Manner, E. J. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 16-21 • Some observations on the effects and applications Bridge, M. G. of the new law of the sea, with special reference to • The Vienna Sales Convention and English law. the Baltic. Curing defective performance by the seller. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 114-144 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 83-108 Olmstead, Cecil J. Castronovo, Carlo • The law of the sea and international river law. • Contract and the idea of codification in the princip- Similarities and differences. les of European contract law. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 78-84 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 109-124 Prandler, Arpad Fredericq, Louis • The new convention on the law of the sea and the • L'unification législative dans les pays de BENE- land-locked Hungary. LUX. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 100- In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 48-55 109 Gihl, Torsten Rosas, Allan • Two cases concerning confiscation of foreign • State responsibility and liability under civil liability property. regimes. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 56-66 In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 161-182 Grenander, Nils Rosenne, Shabtai • A unification problem. • Some procedural aspects of the English Channel In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 75-88 continental shelf arbitration. Grönfors, Kurt In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 96-115 • Conflicting legal structures and the unification of Rotkirch, Holger private law. • The growing significance of Antarctica: the efforts In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 281-292 to establish an international Antarctic mineral Gutzwiller, Max resources regime. • Trenet ans de "Conflict of laws committee". In: International Law Association (1987), p. 169-189 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 67-74 Sainio, Toivo Göranson, Ulf • Immunity from jurisdiction in Finland's consular • A Swedish centre of gravity test? Law, fact and fic- treaties. tion on the "individualizing method". In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 140-148 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 47-78 Sinclair, Ian Haight, Charles S. • Some reflections on the Vienna Convention on • Shifting tides. The Unites States Supreme Court Succession of States in Respect of Treaties. and uniformity in the maritime law. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 149-183 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 159-168 Stone, Julius Hakulinen, Y. J. • Of the equality of nations doctrine and international • Über die Aussenwirkung der Obligation in einigen justice. Kollisionsfällen. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 471-492 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 101-107 Vinding Kruse, Frederik Hellner, Jan • On the rights to the sea and its subsoil. A decision • Gap-filling by analogy. by the supreme court of Finland. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 219-234 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 570-588 Jokela, Heikki • Finnish choice of law problems relating to engage- ment to marry. Private International Law. Conflict of Laws In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 37-42 Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit • Application of foreign law in Swedish courts – Beale, Hugh recent developments. • The principles of European contract law and har- In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 79-104 monisation of the laws of contract. Kötz, Hein In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 21-40 • Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsgeschichte und gemeineuropäisches Privatrecht. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 545-558

38 Lando, Ole Sydow, G. de • Comsumers contracts and party autonomy in the • Juridiction pour l'interprétation de la CIM et de la conflict of laws. CIV. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 141-158 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 233-240 • Lex fori in foro proprio. Tallon, Dennis In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 207-226 • Les obstacles à l'unification du droit. Comment les • The conflict of law rules respecting set-off and surmonter? conterclaim (compensation) and an analysis of the In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 317-324 reasoning used. In: Rodhe, Knut (1976), p. 310-328 Malmström, Åke • Some aspects of characterisation in private interna- Minorities tional law. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 130-135 Alfredsson, Gudmundur S. Matteucci, Mario • Minority rights and a new world order. • The Scandinavian legislative co-operation as a mo- In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 55-77 del for a European co-operation. Barsh, Russel L. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 136-145 • Minorities. The struggle for a universal approach. Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 143-156 • Internationales Privatrecht in der Boven, Theo van Normenhierarchie. • A runaway train or a re-orient express? A response In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 369-390 to US criticism of the UN sub-commission on the • Nachehelicher Vermögensausgleich in Skandinavi- prevention of discrimination and the protection of en und Deutschland. minorities. In: Nial, Håkan (1966), p. 404-452 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 55-77 Nial, Håkan Broms, Bengt • The transfer of property before the Hague Confe- • Recent Sami language legislation in Finland. rence on Private International Law. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 259-268 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 155-159 Daes, Erica-Irene A. Offerhaus, J. • The question of minorities within the framework of • International contracts under the BENELUX treaty the conference on security and cooperation in on private international law. Europe. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 160-172 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 243-248 Philips, Allan Davies, Maureen H. • Private international law of insurance in Denmark • East Timor, genocide, and the "Emperor". and the European Communities. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 269-278 In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 347-356 Eide, Asbjørn • Scope of application, choice of law and jurisdiction • Equality, nationalism and the protection of in the new Nordic law of carriage of goods by sea. minorities. A dilemma in democratization. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 165-182 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 157-168 Pålsson, Lennart • National movements, protection of minorities, and • The unruly horse of the Brussels and Lugano Con- the protection of discrimination. ventions. The forum solutions. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 213-232 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 259-282 Harhoff, Frederik Ramberg, Jan • Self-determination, ethics and law. • Unification of maritime law – a success story with In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 169-178 happy end? Horn, Frank In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 513-524 • Recent attempt to elaborate standards on minority Rubin, Alfred P. rights. • Enforcing the rules of international law. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 81-108 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 267-285 Inayatullah, Baloch Sisula-Tulokas, Lena • Islam, the state and nationality problems. A study • Harmonisation of Nordic law – is it needed? of ethnic rights in he Middle East. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 557-570 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 227-242 Smit, Hans Kimminich, Otto • Common and civil law rules of in personam • Towards a European charter for the protection of adjudicatory authority. An analysis of underlying ethnic groups. policies. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 249-258 In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 638-663

39 Knight, David B. Castrén, Erik • Some theoretical reflections on identity, territory • Present state and future development of internatio- and self-determination. nal law, with particular reference to the United In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 179-194 Nations. Lachs, Manfred In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 32-41 • A few comments on self-determination, human Grahl-Madsen, Atle rights and minorities. • Commision and High Commisioner. Two modes of In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 195-200 international control. Modeen, Tore In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 40-50 • Regional self-government as a means of Hammarskjöld, Dag administrative reform, international co-operation and • The United Nations – an appraisal. protection of national minorities. In: Undén, Östen (1956), p. 87-106 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 64-72 Ramcharan, Bertrand G. Petersen, Robert • Principles for UN observance of elections. • Administration of justice in the traditional In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 101-113 Greenlandic community. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 279-286 Poulsen, Halgir Winther • Faroese home rule. Some considerations regarding Human Rights its place in constitutional and international law. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 287-300 Alston, Philip Ramcharan, Bertrand G. • Interpreting a child's right to privacy in the UN • Security Council patterns for dealing with ethnic context. The influence of regional standards. conflicts and minority problems. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 125-161 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 27-40 • No right to complain about being poor. The need Rehof, Lars Adam for an optional protocol to the economic rights • Human rights and self-government for indigeous covenant. people. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 79-100 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Beitzke, Günther (1993), p. 29-47 • Eheschliessungsfreiheit und Eheschliessungsform. Rosas, Allan In: Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972), p. 60-74 • International legitimacy of governments. Boven, Theo van In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 201-216 • Prevention of human rights violations. Siesby, Erik In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 183-196 • On minorites and human rights. • The right to restitution, compensation and rehabili- In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben ation for victims of gross violations of human rights (1993), p. 358-364 and fundamental freedoms. Singh, Mahendra P. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 339-354 • Affirmative protection of minorities in India. Clark, Robert S. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 301-320 • The 1985 United Nations Declaration of Basic Weyrauch, Walter O. Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse • Romani (Gypsi) law and its implications for of Power. Gajikane (non-Gypsy) cultures. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 355-366 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 321-330 Corell, Hans Wiessner, Siegfried • The European Convention on Human Rights. • Faces of vulnerability. Protecting individuals in Swedish experiences – thoughts for the future. organic and non-organic groups. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 103-122 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 217-226 Dimitrijevic, Vojin • The human dimension of post-totalitarianism. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 29-39 Dollé, Sally United Nations • European human rights protection and Iceland or why, when and how to bring an application before Broms, Bengt the European commission of human rights. • Voting in the Security Council. In: Jörundsson, Gaukur (1994), p. 197-204 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 93-102 Dolzer, Rudolf • The global environmental facility – towards a new concept of the common heritage of mankind? In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 331-338

40 Donner, Ruth Nørgaard, Carl Aage • Human rights and king Magnus Eriksson's law of • Interim measures under the European system for the realm. protection of human rights. In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 21-29 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 277-298 Eide, Asbjørn • The European system for the protection of human • The four freedoms and human rights in the new rights. A challenge to its effectiveness / with Krüger, international order. Hans Christian In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 1-8 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 125-130 Eriksson, Maja Kirilova Pellonpää, Matti • Family planning in the spirit of human rights. • Rights of aliens under the international covenant on In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 367-382 civil and political rights. Flekkøy, Målfrid Grude In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 70-80 • Children as holders of rights and obligations. Pocar, Fausto In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 97-124 • Current developments and approaches in the prac- Gleditsch, Nils Petter tice of the human rights committee in consideration • Democracy and peace. Good news for human rights of state reports. advocates. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 51-59 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 287-306 Reisman, Michael Grahl-Madsen, Atle • Human rights workers as internationally protected • Commision and High Commisioner. Two modes of persons. international control. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 391-398 In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 40-50 Rosas, Allan Helgesen, Jan E. • Emergency regimes. A comparison. • The road to the new Europe of human rights. From In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 165-199 Helsinki via – or from where via where? • Human rights at risk in situations of internal vio- In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 131-143 lence and public emergency. Towards common Krüger, Hans Christian minimum standards. • The European system for the protection of human In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 165-181 rights. A challenge to its effectiveness / with Ryssdal, Rolv Nørgaard, Carl Aage • The expanding role of the European Court of In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 125-130 Human Rights. Lagergren, Gunnar In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 115-123 • Some reflections on the application of article 6 § 1 Saito, Yasuhiko and article 13 of the European Convention for the • Judge Tanaka, natural law and the principle of Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental equality. Freedoms. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 399-408 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 313-326 Salas, Alfonso de Leivestad, Trygve • Freedom of expression and written press in Europe. • Religionsfrihet i Norge [Freedom of religion in In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 285-302 Norway]. - [With a summary in English]. Shafei, Omran El In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 512-527 • Recent changes in the international environment. Mbaya, Etienne-Richard Implications and challenges for human rights. • The "new" human rights in international law. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 41-48 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 383-390 Shelton, Dinah Melander, Göran • Subsidiarity, democracy and human rights. • Human rights and university policy. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 43-54 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 155-164 • The right to environment. Meron, Theodor In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 197-212 • Protected persons under the fourth Geneva Con- Sipilä, Helvi vention. • Rights of the child in comparison with the rights In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 155-162 and responsibilities of the parents and other members Myullerson, Rein A. of the society in the light of international • Socialism and human rights. instruments. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 9-27 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 184-201 Nowak, Manfred Stoltenberg, Thorvald • Future strategies for the international protection • Human rights and refugees. and realization of human rights. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 145-154 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 59-78

41 Sundberg, Fredrik G. E. Broms, Bengt • Some remarks regarding the use of precedents • Security Council Resolution 808 (1993). under the European Convention of Human Rights – In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 51-64 with special regard to the Swedish situation. • The Convention on the Settlement of Investment In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 353-382 Disputes between States and Nationals of other Sundberg, Jacob W. F. States. II Problems of membership. • "Within a reasonable time". A look at Swedish In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 22-31 procedure. • Voting in the Security Council. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 591-612 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 93-102 Swepston, Lee Hambro, Edvard • Protection of vulnerable groups by the International • The question of the definition of aggression before Labour Organisation. the 22nd session of the general assembly. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 409-420 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 153-168 Saario, Voitto Hazard, John N. • The relationship between the international and • Coexistence law reconsidered. constitutional protection of human rights. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 191-204 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 133-139 Mangård, Nils Thoolen, Hans • The hostage crisis, the Algeries accords, and Iran- • Information technology for human rights and United States Claims Tribunal. refugee protection. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 363-418 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 441-464 McWhinney, Edward Thune, Gro Hillestad • Pax Metternichea? International law and power in • The right to an effective remedy in domestic law. the era of detente. Article 13 of the European Convention on Human In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 335-350 Rights. Meron, Theodor In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 79-95 • Deportation of civilians as a war crime under Toman, Jirí customary law. • The treatment of prisoners. Development of legal In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 201-218 instruments and quasi-legal standards. Palley, Claire In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 421-440 • Population transfers. Tomasevski, Katarina In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 219-254 • Frontiers to equal rights. New Europe, old Ramcharan, Bertrand G. divisions. • Security Council patterns for dealing with ethnic In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 271-285 conflicts and minority problems. Viano, Emilio C. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 27-40 • AIDS and human rights. Implications for law, Rosas, Allan policy and practice. • International law and the use of nuclear weapons. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 417-436 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 73-95 Walsh, Brian Rotkirch, Holger • The origins of human rights. • The socialist (Soviet) concept of international law In: Ryssdal, Rolv (1984), p. 649-659 with particular emphasis on the peaceful coexistence Wellman, Carl between states. • The right to an adequate standard of living. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 116-132 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 835-850 Ryssdal, Rolv Wold, Terje • The expanding role of the European Court of • Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon og Human Rights. Norge [The European human rights convention and In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 115-123 Norway]. - [With a summary in English]. Sundberg, Jacob W. F. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 353-374 • Law and reality of neutrality. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 525-548 Szafarz, Renata • CSCE procedures for peaceful settlement of inter- International Conflicts national disputes. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 183-194 Bring, Ove Sztucki, Jerzy • The changing law of neutrality. • The ad hoc Chambers of the International Court of In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 25-50 Justice – a dissenting opinion. In: Boman, Robert (1990), p. 333-346

42 Tiberg, Hugo Kötz, Hein • Mysteries of water boundaries. Baselines and • Unfair terms in consumer contracts. (Recent deve- boundaries around Sweden's coasts. lopments in Europe from a comparative and econo- In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 195-217 mic perspective). Töttermann, Richard In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 203-216 • Some principles of international law as reflected in Lidgard, Hans Henrik the final act of the CSCE. • Swedish snus confronts basic EU principles. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 241-252 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 123-154 Wehberg, Hans Neal, Alan C. • König Gustav Adolf und das Problem der Annex- • In search of the "social dimension". ion besetzten feindlichen Gebietes. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 219-236 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 248-260 Opsahl, Torkel • National courts and the community court under article 177 of the EEC Treaty. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 280-304 EU Law. EEA Law Pescatore, Pierre • Jusqu'où le juge peut-il aller trop loin? Almeida, José Carlos M. de In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 299-338 • Les entraves non discriminatoires à la libre circula- Quitzow, Carl Michael tion des personnes; leur compatibilité avec les artic- • Some brief reflections about federalism in the les 48 et 52 du traité CE. European Union and in the United States of In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 241-264 America. Blanpain, Roger In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 183-198 • After Maastricht. European collective agreements? Sevón, Leif In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 33-41 • Primacy and direct effect in the EEA. Some Dotevall, Rolf reflections. • Franchise and commercal agency agreements under In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 339-354 article 85 of the Treaty of Rome. Shelton, Dinah In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 193-208 • Subsidiarity, democracy and human rights. Due, Ole In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 43-54 • The judicial system of the European Union in the Tesauro, Giuseppe perspective of the 1996 Intergovernmental Confe- • The effectiveness of judicial protection and coope- rence. ration between the Court of Justice and the national In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 17-32 courts. Edward, David In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 355-378 • The nature of the community judicial process. Tillmann, Winfried In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 31-54 • Artikel 100a EGV als Grundlage für ein Euro- Everling, Ulrich päisches Zivilgesetzbuch. • Reflections on the reasoning in the judgements of In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 351-367 the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Wedderburn, Lord In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 55-74 • Collectivism, labour law and the European Fejø, Jens Community. • Other rules aiming at creating competition in the In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 309-333 European Union – inherent contradictions. Westerhäll, Lotta In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 33-46 • Social assistance and migrant workers – regulation Gorton, Lars no 1612/68 from a Swedish perspective. • Air transport and EC competition law. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 211-234 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 109-130 Hanau, Peter • Deutsche Antworten auf schwedische Fragen zum europäischen Arbeitsrecht. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 125-140 • Die Einwirkung des europäischen auf das nationale Arbeitsrecht. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Deutschland. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 323-350

43 Law and Informatics

Amissah, Ralph Fjeldvig, Tove • On the net and the liberation of information that • Controlled experiments in text retrieval. An "wants" to be free. appraisal of the results. In: Institutt for rettsvitenskap (1997), p. 59-76 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 147-171 Bing, Jon Føyen, Arve • Computer technology and "industrial copyright". • Norwegian government policy on purchasing data In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 81-100 processing equipment from manufacturers producing • Deontic systems. A sketchy introduction. such equipment in Norway. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 299-313 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 379-391 • Legal sources. Availability and access by Galtung, Andreas information system. • XCITE. (An expert system for naturalization cases) In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 239-264 / with Mæsel, Dag Syvert • "Personal data system". A comparative perspective In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 234-247 on a basic concept in privacy legislation. Hafli, Tor In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 72-91 • Transborder data flows. The Scandinavian solution. • Three generations for computerized systems for In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 59-71 public administration and some implications for legal Hansen, Johannes decisions making. • SARA. A system for the analysis of legal decisions In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 211-233 / with Borchgrevink, Mette Blanck, Lars Jacob In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 342-375 • Computers, discretion, and legal decision-making Harvold, Trygve in public administration. • Developing text retrieval systems. From PROTEST In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 314-341 to SIFT. Blekeli, Ragnar Dag In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 121-132 • Contacts between clients and organizations. • Performance of text retrieval systems. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 32-44 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 172-219 • Framework for the analysis of privacy and infor- • Search techniques for retrieving legal documents mation systems. stored in full text. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 21-31 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 133-146 Blume, Peter Hasseltvedt, Beate Heidenstrøm • Law in the information society. • Modelling assessment rules and case law reasoning In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben / with Herrestad, H. (1993), p. 107-115 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 248-267 Borchgrevink, Mette Herrestad, Henning • SARA. A system for the analysis of legal decisions • Modelling assessment rules and case law reasoning / with Hansen, Johannes / with Hasseltvedt, Beate Heidenstrøm In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 342-375 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 248-267 Bryde Andersen, Mads • Some problems concerning the representation of • Has computer law come to stay? legal norms. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 268-285 (1993), p. 97-106 Johnsen, Kjetil Bull, Jørgen • System implications of the privacy legislation. • Legal protection of computer programs. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 92-118 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 410-431 Jones, Andrew J. I. Christophersen, Odd-Einar • Deontic logic and legal knowledge representation. • Standard contracts and the purchase of computer In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 286-294 equipment. Mæsel, Dag Syvert In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 392-409 • XCITE (An expert system for naturalization cases) Erikstad, Ole Martin / with Galtung, Andreas • Appropriate document units for text retrieval In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 234-247 systems. Rønsholdt, Steen In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 220-238 • Technology in public law. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 116-127

44 Seipel, Peter • Information law revisited. In: Bernitz, Ulf (1986), p. 123-134 Selmer, Knut S. • Data protection policy. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 125-146 • Norwegian privacy legislation. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 45-58 Thoolen, Hans • Information technology for human rights and refugee protection. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 441-464 Torvund, Olav • Paperless systems in the international trade, the legal challenges. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 48-58 Tysland, Sverre • Computerized legal information systems in the public administration. A pilot project. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 278-296 Wilhelmsen, Jan-Fredrik • Public access to precedent files. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 265-177

Other Subjects

Myrdal, Gunnar • The trend towards economic planning. In: Eberstein, Gösta (1950), p. 175-212 Spector, Horacio • Self-ownership and effiency. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 359-371 Nordenson, Harald • Über Geometrie und Raumvorstellung. In: Hägerström, Axel (1928), p. 237-255


Altes, Alexander Korthals A • The development of Dutch law of ocean carriage. In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 61-75 Aarnio, Aulis Amissah, Ralph • Einige Gesichtspunkte über • On the net and the liberation of information that Schenkungsversprechen. "wants" to be free. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 13-23 In: Institutt for rettsvitenskap (1997), p. 59-76 • Literature and the philosophy of law. Ancel, Marc In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 13-26 • Les buts actuels de la recherche comparative. • Man and the changing society. Some thoughts on In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 1-12 Leo Tolstoy's conception of history. • Privation de liberté et traitement de la In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 1-16 délinquance. • On the semantic ambiguity of legal interpretation. In: Strahl, Ivar (1969), p. 90-101 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 25-34 Andenæs, Johs. Abe, Hamao • Frede Castberg. • Feeling of being bound and role of state organs. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 1-9 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 21-36 Andersen, Jon Adamczak, Woiciech • Selected ombudsman cases / with Olsen, Jens • The legal rules of the maritime salvage and the In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 165-228 protection of environment. Andersson, Edward In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 1-14 • The Finnish business income tax reform of 1992. Adler, Freda In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 63- • The emergence of criminal justice. Tracing the 76 route to neolithic times / with Mueller, G.O.W. Angel, Marc In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 151-170 • L'évolution de la notion de défense sociale. Alchourrón, Carlos E. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 32-38 • Deontic truth and values / with Bulygin, Eugenio Anttila, Inkeri In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 17-36 • The conditional prison sentence and Finnish crime Alexy, Robert control ideology. • Grundrechte im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 7-16 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 27-42 • The cumulation of sanctions following a crime. Alfredsson, Gudmundur S. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 24-29 • Minority rights and a new world order. Anttila, Jaana In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 55-77 • Der Prozess by Franz Kafka, 1925. • Preface / with Macalister-Smith, Peter In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 37-50 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 11-15 Apala-Arlander, Terttu Almeida, José Carlos M. de • De l'imprecision de règles de droit. • Les entraves non discriminatoires à la libre In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 30-36 circulation des personnes; leur compatibilité avec Arnholm, Carl Jacob les articles 48 et 52 du traité CE. • Naturrecht, Widerstandsrecht und In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 241-264 Widerstandspflicht. Alsne, Marieanne In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 23-40 • Refléxions sur le critère d'orginalité du droit Atienza, Manuel d'auteur. • What can Marxism still contribute to legal In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 63-84 culture? Alston, Philip In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 43-52 • Interpreting a child's right to privacy in the UN Aubert, Vilhelm context. The influence of regional standards. • The structure of legal thinking. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 125-161 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 41-63 • No right to complain about being poor. The need for an optional protocol to the economic rights covenant. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 79-100

46 Berlingieri, Francesco B • Article 4 bis paragraph 1 of the Hague-Visby rules. To which actions does the rule apply? Bahl, Elke In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 47-50 • Wie fertig macht das Unfertige? Bethlenfalvy, Peter von In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 167-179 • Refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities in Balvig, Flemming Europe. • The legal system v. Narcotics. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 7-16 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Bing, Jon (1993), p. 283-297 • "Personal data system". A comparative Bankowski, Zenon perspective on a basic concept in privacy • Nie pozwalam. legislation. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 53-67 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 72-91 Barsh, Russel L. • Computer technology and "industrial copyright". • Minorities. The struggle for a universal approach. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 81-100 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 143-156 • Deontic systems. A sketchy introduction. Bauer, R. Glenn In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 299-313 • Punitive damages in U.S. maritime law. • Legal sources. Availability and access by In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 55-66 information system. Baumgärtel, Gottfried In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 239-264 • Eine Rechtstatsachenforschung zur ZPO-Novelle. • Three generations for computerized systems for Modell einer Gesetzesvorbereitung unter Einsatz public administration and some implications for elektronischer Datenverarbeitungsanlagen. legal decisions making. In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 67-81 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 211-233 Beale, Hugh Bjarup, Jes • The principles of European contract law and • Reality and ought. Hägerström's inaugural lecture harmonisation of the laws of contract. re-examined. In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 21-40 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 79-109 Beckman, Rudolf Björkholm, Thérèse • Some remarks on the handling of maritime law- • To reach bedrock – Wittgenstein on rules and suits and extended protests in Finland. rule-following behaviour. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 1-9 In: Eschelsson, Elsa (1997), p. 185-204 Beiderman, Bernardo Blagojevic, Borislav T. • Individual guarantees of the prisoner during pre- • The comparative method in the study of customary judgement detention. Including detention cases law as a historical category. during the extradition proceeding. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 13-29 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 17-30 ?? Blanc-Jouvan, Xavier Beier, Friedrich-Karl • Anförande av professor Xavier Blanc-Jouvan, • Entwicklung und Grundprinzipen des Centre d'études juridiques comparatives, Université internationalen Markenschutzes. de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 85-108 In: Schmidt, Folke (1981), p. 8-11 Beijer, Anders • Variations sur le droit syndical en France. • Carriage of passengers by sea – a Nordic legal In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 151-172 survey. Blanck, Lars Jacob In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 67-88 • Computers, discretion, and legal decision-making Beitzke, Günther in public administration. • Eheschliessungsfreiheit und Eheschliessungsform. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 314-341 In: Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972), p. 60-74 Blanpain, Roger Benediktsson, Bjarni • After Maastricht. European collective agreements? • The two chambers of the Icelandic Althing. In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 33-41 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 394-410 Blegvad, Britt-Mari Persson Bergholtz, Gunnar • A development of law and other norms. The • Rune Lavin v. Aleksander Peczenik. A Swedish Mondragon Cooperative. example of the usefulness of legal theory for legal In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 19-34 dogmatics. Blekeli, Ragnar Dag In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 69-78 • Contacts between clients and organizations. Bergström, Svante In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 32-44 • The literary or artistic work in copyright. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 13-29

47 • Framework for the analysis of privacy and Bratholm, Anders information systems. • The right to lie. Reflections on the use of the lie In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 21-31 detector during criminal investigation. Blom, Birgitta In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 531-546 • Dispute settlement in the courts or in arbitration Bridge, M. G. proceedings – a matter of conflict or harmony? • The Vienna Sales Convention and English law. In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 15-20 Curing defective performance by the seller. Blume, Peter In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 83-108 • Law in the information society. Bring, Ove In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • The changing law of neutrality. (1993), p. 107-115 In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 25-50 Boeg, N. V. Broad, C. D. • The International Law Association. • Obligations, ultimate and derived. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 10-15 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 63-81 Bogdan, Michael Brodecki, Zdzislaw • Common law versus civil law in international • New Baltic convention on protection of the sea. development aid. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 125-142 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 69-82 Broms, Bengt • Market economy and Swedish constitutional law. • Recent Sami language legislation in Finland. In: Strömberg, Håkan (1992), p. 3-14 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 259-268 • Misleading cross-border TV advertising in the • Security Council Resolution 808 (1993). EU. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 51-64 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 1-16 • Some aspects of the activity of the ICC Court of • The Czech-Slovak Customs Union. Arbitration. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 11-24 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 21-37 Bondeson, Ulla V. • The basic principles of the 1992 Convention on • Theories of law and morality. the Protection of the Marine Environment of the In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Baltic Sea Area. (1993), p. 74-85 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 31-44 Boock, Peter-Jürgen • The Convention on the Settlement of Investment • Blindflug. Der geschlossene Vollzug und die Disputes between States and Nationals of other Drogenproblematik. States. The procedure created by the convention. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 183-194 In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 9-20 Borchgrevink, Mette • The Convention on the Settlement of Investment • SARA. A system for the analysis of legal Disputes between States and Nationals of other decisions / with Hansen, Johannes States. II Problems of membership. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 342-375 In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 22-31 Borum, O. A. • The demilitarization of Svalbard (Spitsbergen). • Quelques observations sur le projet de convention In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 6-18 de la Haye (1951) pour régler les conflits entre la • Toivoi Sainio – 70 years. loi nationale et la loi du domicile. In: Saario; Sainio (1983), p. 6-8 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 16-21 • Voting in the Security Council. Bourgoignie, Thierry In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 93-102 • Europe of 1993. Does it have a consumer Bruns, Rudolf dimension? • Der materiellrechtliche Anspruch und der In: Forbrukerombudet (1993), p. 119-155 Zivilprozess. Boven, Theo van In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 161-178 • A runaway train or a re-orient express? A response Brusiin, Otto to US criticism of the UN sub-commission on the • Müssige Fragen der Naturrechtsphilosophie. prevention of discrimination and the protection of In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 64-73 minorities. Bryde Andersen, Mads In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 13-25 • Has computer law come to stay? • Prevention of human rights violations. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 183-196 (1993), p. 97-106 • The right to restitution, compensation and Brækhus, Sjur rehabiliation for victims of gross violations of • The term "voyage" in section 265 No. 5 of the human rights and fundamental freedoms. Scandinavian maritime codes. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 339-354 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 22-36

48 Bröstl, Alexander Compton, Edmund • On definitions in legal science. • The British Ombudsman as an instrument of In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 111-117 Parliament. Bull, Jørgen In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 179-190 • Legal protection of computer programs. Cooke, Julian In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 410-431 • The introduction of the European directive on Bulygin, Eugenio commercial agents into English law / with • Deontic truth and values / with Alchourrón, C. E. Pickering, Mary In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 17-36 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 143-180 Busck, Lars Corell, Hans • The history and development of the institution of • The European Convention on Human Rights. ombudsman. Swedish experiences – thoughts for the future. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 23-32 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 103-122 Cornil, Paul • Individualisation pénitentiaire. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 81-89 • Répression et criminalité. C In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 191-202 Cressey, Donald R. Caemmerer, Ernst von • The rôle of discretion, diplomacy and subcultures • Die Produktenhaftpflicht in der neueren deutschen of justice in crime control. Rechtssprechung. In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 203-217 In: Hakulinen, Y. J. (1972), p. 75-84 Czachórski, Witold Campbell, Colin M. • Faute et modèle de comportement en droit civil • Crime, consensus and confusion. socialiste. In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 206-216 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 42-57 Cappelletti, Mauro • Liberté individuelle et justice sociale dans le procés civil italien. In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 179-206 D Carroll, Walter • Some developments in private club law. Attempted governmental intrusion in the U.S.A. Daes, Erica-Irene A. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 55-66 • The question of minorities within the framework Castrén, Erik of the conference on security and cooperation in • Innovations in the Vienna Convention on Europe. Diplomatic Relations, 1961. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 243-248 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 217-229 Dahlman, Christian • Present state and future development of • Does making the law more coherent also make it international law, with particular reference to the more acceptable. United Nations. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 119-122 In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 32-41 Danelius, Hans • Sigurd von Numers – 80 years. • Ten years of fishery co-operation in the Baltic sea. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 19-21 In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 42-54 Castronovo, Carlo David, René • Contract and the idea of codification in the • La coopération internationale en matière de droit principles of European contract law. comparé. In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 109-124 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 58-72 Christophersen, Odd-Einar • Qu'est-ce que l'arbitrage? • Standard contracts and the purchase of computer In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 37-47 equipment. Davies, Maureen H. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 392-409 • East Timor, genocide, and the "Emperor". Clark, Robert S. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 269-278 • The 1985 United Nations Declaration of Basic Debattista, Charles Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and • Performance bonds and letters of credit. A cracked Abuse of Power. mirror image. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 355-366 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 101-118

49 • The seller's right of stoppage in goods carried by Edward, David sea – the carrier's dilemma. • The nature of the community judicial process. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 181-192 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 31-54 Dimitrijevic, Vojin Eek, Hilding • The absolute nation state. Post-communist • The status of the international legal profession and constitutions. the university teaching of international law. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 257-269 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 79-96 • The human dimension of post-totalitarianism. Eeklaar, John In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 29-39 • Child support in Britain. What went wrong? Dollé, Sally In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 123-132 • European human rights protection and Iceland or Ehrenzweig, Albert A. why, when and how to bring an application before • Malmström's "system of legal systems." An the European commission of human rights. unsystematic comment. In: Jörundsson, Gaukur (1994), p. 197-204 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 73-79 Dolzer, Rudolf • Toward a psychoanalysis of law and justice. • The global environmental facility – towards a new In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 148-165 concept of the common heritage of mankind? Eide, Asbjørn In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 331-338 • Equality, nationalism and the protection of Donner, Ruth minorities. A dilemma in democratization. • Equity in internationalized contracts. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 157-168 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 38-56 • National movements, protection of minorities, and • Human rights and king Magnus Eriksson's law of the protection of discrimination. the realm. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 213-232 In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 21-29 • Preface / with Helgesen, Jan E. Dotevall, Rolf In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 7-8 • Franchise and commercal agency agreements • The four freedoms and human rights in the new under article 85 of the Treaty of Rome. international order. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 193-208 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 1-8 Drago, Roland Einarsen, Terje • Les rapports entre le pouvoir executif et le pouvoir • Mass movements of refugees – in search of new judiciaire en France. international mechanisms. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 215-222 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 17-34 Due, Ole Ekelöf, Per Olof • The judicial system of the European Union in the • My thoughts on evidentiary value. perspective of the 1996 Intergovernmental In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 9-26 Conference. Elsworth, Timothy In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 17-32 • Arrest of ships in far east jurisdictions / with Li, Dufwa, Bill W. Lianjun • Arbitration and insurance law. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 443-484 In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 113-122 Eng, Svein Dumont, Jon Michael • Hidden value – choices in legal practice. • The rendition of international criminals. Hard In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 123-145 cases make bad law / with Murphy, John F. Eriksson, Lars D. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 171-210 • On law and morality. Dübeck, Inger In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 51-62 • Legal humanism and Glossarium Juridicum Eriksson, Maja Kirilova Danicum. • Family planning in the spirit of human rights. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 367-382 (1993), p. 53-57 Erikstad, Ole Martin • Appropriate document units for text retrieval systems. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 220-238 Espersen, Ole E • The concept of democracy and an evaluation of current trends of development. Eckhoff, Torstein In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Justice and social utility. (1993), p. 221-231 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 74-93

50 Evans, Malcolm Flodgren, Boel • Damage from goods – from Hässelby to Geneva. • Worker participation and the law in the United In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 125-146 States. Eyben, Bo von In: Edlund, Sten (1993), p. 117-145 • On politics and legal policy. Fogelklou, Anders In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • From party-state to rechtsstaat. The Russian (1993), p. 3-14 Constitutional Court and the Chechnya case. Eörsi, Gyula In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 223-238 • Indirect damages. Forsberg, Petter In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 253-268 • Legal regulation of laser and fiberoptics. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 432-439 Forssell, Osmo • Quantifying the economy-wide effects of tax reform with the Finnish long-run model system. F In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 77- 89 Fahlbeck, Reinhold Fox, Lionel W. • Reflections on workplace discipline in private • The Swedish Prison Act 1945 and the English enterprises in Sweden. Criminal Justice Act 1948. In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 105-126 In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 102-115 • Strikes, lockouts and other industrials actions. Frandsen, Lennart In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 61-84 • The Ombudsman – the Faroe islands and Greenland. Falkanger, Thor • Arrest of vessels – the Norwegian rules based In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 141-148 upon the Arrest Convention of 1952. Fredericq, Louis In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 209-224 • L'unification législative dans les pays de BENELUX. Farnsworth, E. Allan • "For this relief much thanks." Punitive damages in In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 48-55 arbitration. Freeling, Anthony N. S. In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 169-184 • Combining evidence / with Sahlin, Nils-Eric In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 58-74 • Duty to bargain in good faith in the United States. In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 269-276 Freeman, Michal D.A. • Tackling domestic violence the English way. Feest, Johannes In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 153-182 • Musterprozesse um "Musterbegründungen" / with Wegner-Brandt, Elke Frihagen, Arvid • Rates charged offshore joint ventures for operator In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 195-214 owned or charted drilling rigs. Fehr, Hans In: Brækhus, Sjur (1988), p. 149-164 • Der Kampf des dynamischen Rechts mit dem statischen Recht. Frändberg, Åke • Justness as the cardinal virtue of the lawyer. In: Granfelt, O. H. (1934), p. 71-75 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 239-252 Fejø, Jens • Other rules aiming at creating competition in the • Morphological levels as a tool for the general European Union – inherent contradictions. study of law. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 33-46 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 147-158 Fjeldvig, Tove Funk, Albrecht • Controlled experiments in text retrieval. An • Überlegungen zur Exklusion und Inklusion im appraisal of the results. Kontext der Geburt des Staatsbürgers in In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 147-171 Deutschland. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 23-32 Flekkøy, Målfrid Grude • Children as holders of rights and obligations. Føyen, Arve In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 97-124 • Norwegian government policy on purchasing data processing equipment from manufacturers produ- Fliflet, Arne • Requesting administrative review and complaining cing such equipment in Norway. to the parliamentary ombudsman – a comparison In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 379-391 between a legal and a non-legal remedy. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 93-104

51 • Evaluating evidence in criminal cases by means of G the evidentiary value model. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 104-113 Galtung, Andreas Gomard, Bernhard • XCITE. (An expert system for naturalization • The functions and responsibility of the board of cases) / with Mæsel, Dag Syvert directors. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 234-247 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Gamillsheg, Franz (1993), p. 131-144 • Die Rechtsgrundlagen des deutschen Gomien, Donna Arbeitskampfrechts. • Preface. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 85-102 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 7 Gammeltoft-Hansen, Hans Goode, Roy • Administrative law in the future. • The Draft Unidroit Convention on Interests in In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 133-140 Mobile Equipment. • Administrative law towards the year 2000. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 151-164 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Gorton, Lars (1993), p. 232-237 • Air transport and EC competition law. • Asylum-seekers, refugees and the Danish In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 109-130 Ombudsman. • Second hand sale of ships and aircraft – some In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 89-96 comparisons. • Communicating with complainants. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 297-322 In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 105-116 • Ship financing agreements. Gaskell, Nicholas In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 197-210 • The Draft Convention on Liability and Compensa- • The liability for freight. tion for Damage Resulting from the Carriage of In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 165-184 Hazardous and Noxious Substances. Grahl-Madsen, Atle In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 225-296 • Commision and High Commisioner. Two modes Germann, Oscar Adolf of international control. • Zum Primat des Gesetzes. In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 40-50 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 235-266 Gram, Per Gerritzen, Jaap • The cesser clause should go. • General average. "Quo vadis", and is there peril In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 509-519 for salvors? (two Dutch legal decisions) Gram Jensen, Svend In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 85-90 • On justice. Gihl, Torsten In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Two cases concerning confiscation of foreign (1993), p. 15-20 property. Graveson, R. H. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 56-66 • Arbitration clauses in international contracts. • Who is a spy? In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 80-101 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 230-240 Grenander, Nils Gjems-Onstad, Ole • A unification problem. • Beyond progression – taxation of the very rich. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 75-88 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. Greve, Hanne Sophie 111-126 • "Safe haven." Lessons from the Cambodian Gleditsch, Nils Petter model. • Democracy and peace. Good news for human In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 35-46 rights advocates. Grönfors, Kurt In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 287-306 • Conflicting legal structures and the unification of Glendon, Mary Ann private law. • Comparative law as shock treatment. A tribute to In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 281-292 Jacob W. F. Sundberg. • The UN convention on transport terminals and In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 69-84 limitation of liability. Godenhielm, Berndt In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 323-332 • The international protection of industrial designs. Gutzwiller, Max In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 30-39 • Trenet ans de "Conflict of laws committee". Goldsmith, Robert Werner In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 67-74 • Ein- oder Mehrdimensionalität der juristischen Gärdenfors, Peter Welt. • Probabilistic reasoning and evidentiary value. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 113-124 In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 44-57

52 Göranson, Ulf Hanau, Peter • A Swedish centre of gravity test? – Law, fact and • Deutsche Antworten auf schwedische Fragen zum fiction on the "individualizing method". europäischen Arbeitsrecht. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 47-78 In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 125-140 • Die Einwirkung des europäischen auf das nationa- le Arbeitsrecht. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Deutschland. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 323-350 H Hansen, Holger • Environmental law in the 1990’s. Haarmann, Pirkko-Liisa In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • On the Copyright Council's activities in Finland. (1993), p. 145-154 In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 403-406 Hansen, Johannes Habscheid, Walther J. • SARA. A system for the analysis of legal • Zur Aufgabe der Gerichte im sozialen Rechtsstaat. decisions / with Borchgrevink, Mette In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 283-298 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 342-375 Hafli, Tor Hansson, Bengt • Transborder data flows. The Scandinavian • Epistemology and evidence. solution. In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 75-97 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 59-71 Hardt, Tom G. A. Hagiwara, Kaneyoshi • "Karnell and Hardt versus Sweden" / with Karnell, • Conciliation procedure in Japanese and Swedish Gunnar W. G. courts. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 91-116 In: Bolding, Per Olof (1992), p. 181-200 Hare, R. M. Haight, Charles S. • Practical inferences. • Shifting tides. The Unites States Supreme Court In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 169-184 and uniformity in the maritime law. Harhoff, Frederik In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 159-168 • Norms beyond law. The rationality of informal law Hakapää, Kari in a global context. • Protection of diplomatic and consular representa- In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben tion. The Nordic initative at the United Nations (1993), p. 347-357 General Assembly. • Self-determination, ethics and law. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 55-70 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 169-178 • Some observations on the settlement of disputes in Harrell-Bond, B. E. the new law of the sea. • The protection of refugees in the "least In: International Law Association (1987), p. 57-66 developed" states. Hakulinen, Y. J. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 47-60 • Über die Aussenwirkung der Obligation in einigen Hart, H. L. A. Kollisionsfällen. • Self-referring laws. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 101-107 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 307-316 Hallström, Pär Hartkamp, Arthur • Adjudication of matters of trade. The case of the • Formation of contracts according to the principles GATT panels. of European contract law. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 65-80 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 177-186 Halvorsen, Harald Hartnack, Justus • The challenge of the community. • Language and philosophy. In: Halvorsen, Harald (1989), p. 13-18 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 185-190 Hambro, Edvard Harvold, Trygve • Some reflections on the rule of law. • Developing text retrieval systems. From In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 557-569 PROTEST to SIFT. • The question of the definition of aggression before In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 121-132 the 22nd session of the general assembly. • Performance of text retrieval systems. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 153-168 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 172-219 Hamel, Joseph • Search techniques for retrieving legal documents • Réflexions sur le crédit documentaire irrévocable. stored in full text. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 108-117 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 133-146 Hammarskjöld, Dag • The United Nations – an appraisal. In: Undén, Östen (1956), p. 87-106

53 Hasseltvedt, Beate Heidenstrøm Herlitz, Nils • Modelling assessment rules and case law • Rechte und Sprachen. Erfarungen und reasoning / with Herrestad, Henning Betrachtungen. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 248-267 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 94-110 Hatakka, Minna Herrestad, Henning • The rule of the laws of experience. Original • Modelling assessment rules and case law probability and evidentiary value / with Kastinen, reasoning / with Hasseltvedt, Beate Heidenstrøm Johanna; Klami, Hannu Tapani In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 248-267 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 117-140 • Some problems concerning the representation of Hathaway, James C. legal norms. • Refugee status arising from generalized In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 268-285 oppression. Hetzler, Antoinette In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 61-68 • Some comments on lawful-conforming behaviour Hattenhauer, Hans – an analysis and revision of Per Stjernquist's • Europäische Rechtsgeschichte – Probleme und model. Aufgaben In: Stjernquist, Per (1978), p. 291-312 In: Tamm, Ditlev (1996), p. 33-50 Hiortøy, Finn Hazard, John N. • Høyesteretts betenkninger [The opinions of the • Coexistence law reconsidered. Supreme Court of Norway]. - [With a summary in In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 191-204 English]. • Labor law and revolutionary socialism. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 458-479 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 102-117 Hirsch, Andrew von Heiskanen, Veijo • Criminal policy and the politics of resentment. • Internatioanl sanctions and GATT obligations. In: Hemström, Carl (1996), p. 333-343 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 67-87 Hobér, Kaj Helgesen, Jan E. • International commercial arbitration in Sweden. • Asbjørn Eide. A tribute / with Opsahl, Torkel Two salient problem areas. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 1-10 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 235-276 • Preface / with Eide, Asbjørn Hoecke, Mark van In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 7-8 • Legal doctrine in crisis. Towards a European legal • The road to the new Europe of human rights. From science / with Ost, Francois Helsinki via Paris – or from where via where? In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 189-209 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 131-143 Hoel, G. Astrup Helin, Markku • Vetospørsmålet i 1880-årene [The conflicts con- • On the semantics of the interpretative sentences in cerning the King's veto in the 1880s]. - [With a legal dogmatics. summary in English]. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 63-88 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 431-457 Hellner, Jan Hofmann, Rainer • Causality and causation in law. • Recent jurisprudence of the German Federal In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 159-187 Constitutional Court on asylum law. • Comparative law in the study of the law of torts. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 97-112 In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 118-131 Hollo, E. J. • Gap-filling by analogy. • Umweltschutz und Wasserrecht in Finnland und In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 219-234 Schweden. • The parol evidence rule och tolkning av skriftliga In: Bengtsson, Bertil (1991), p. 63-82 avtal i svensk rätt. Holm, Niels Eilschou In: Bengtsson, Bertil (1993), p. 185-206 • The ombudsman – a gift from Scandinavia to the Henrichsen, Carsten world. • The Rechtsstaat – a conceptual-analytical study. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 13-22 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Honka, Hannu (1993), p. 238-249 • EC competition law on multimodal transport – • The Tamil case – a perspective. recent development. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 149-164 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 235-256 Herber, Rolf • Questions on maritime safety and liability – • Harmonization of transport law – where do we especially in view of the Estonia disaster. stand? In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 351-382 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 225-234

54 Horn, Frank • Finnish choice of law problems relating to • Recent attempt to elaborate standards on minority engagement to marry. rights. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 37-42 In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 81-108 • On the occasion of Kaarle Makkonen's 60th Hostie, Jan F. birthday. • The Corfu Channel case and the international In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 5 liability of states. Jones, Andrew J. I. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 89-100 • Deontic logic and legal knowledge representation. Hudson, Geoffrey N. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 286-294 • The Old Mariner's Club. • Norm theory and knowledge representation. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 225-230 In: Selmer, Knut (1991), p. 72-84 Hughes, Graham Jägerskiöld, Stig • Compensating the disadvantaged. • The origins of international law. A Swedish case In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 231-242 from the seventeenth century. Hydén, Håkan In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 241-261 • A polycentric theory of democracy and human Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit rights. • Application of foreign law in Swedish courts – In: Zahle, Henrik (1993), p. 213-230 recent developments. Hägerström, Axel In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 79-104 • Das magistratische Ius in seinem Zusammenhang Jørgensen, Stig mit dem römischen Sakralrechte. • Argumentation and decision. In: Juris doktorer (1929), nr. 8 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 261-284 Jörundsson, Gaukur • The ombudsman and the European human rights institutions. I In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 79-92

Inayatullah, Baloch • Islam, the state and nationality problems. A study K of ethnic rights in he Middle East. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 227-242 Karazman-Morawetz, Inger • Zur Logik der Untersuchungschaft / with Stangl, Wolfgang In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 249-266 J Karnell, Gunnar W. G. • The Berne Convention for the Protection of Lite- Jareborg, Nils rary and Artistic Works and National Treatment • Criminal attempts and penal value. Principle – in Particular with Regard to Collectively In: Hemström, Carl (1996), p. 117-134 Administered Author's Rights. • Objective ascription of criminal harm. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 277-298 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 439-454 • The copyright entitlement of authors' collecting Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich societies in Europe – a look-around and a glance • Die Stellung der Freiheitsstrafe in der Strafrechts- into the crystal ball. reform der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 383-400 Schwedens. Kastari, Paavo In: Thornstedt, Hans (1983), p. 353-376 • Ein vergleich zwischen englischen und Johnsen, Kjetil kontinentalen Recht. • System implications of the privacy legislation. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 43-55 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 92-118 Kastinen, Johanna Jokela, Heikki • The rule of the laws of experience. Original proba- • Comparative aspects of the application of the bility and evidentiary value / with Hatakka, Minna; Finland/CMEA general conditions of delivery of Klami, Hannu Tapani goods. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 117-140 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 19-29 Kaulitzki, Reiner • Ein Schritt vorwärts, einer zurück. Drogen- und AIDS-Politik im Gefängnis. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 215-237

55 Ketscher, Kirsten Koktvedgaard, Mogens • When invisible work becomes visible. Some trends • The law of intellectual property toward year 2000. in care duties and care rights. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 155-163 (1993), p. 250-260 Koopmans, T. Khan, Sadruddin Aga • Sources of law. The new pluralism. • Population movements. Its effect on European In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 189-206 stability. Koren, Charlotte In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 1-6 • Taxation of wage earner housholds in Norway Kimminich, Otto 1980-1992. • Towards a European charter for the protection of In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. ethnic groups. 127-140 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 249-258 Kosonen, Arto Kinberg, Olof • New legal horizons of neutrality and military • De la morale comme phénomène social objectif. export. In: Tulenheimo, Antti (1939), p. 44-63 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 88-113 Klami, Hannu Tapani Krarup, Ole • "Fines mandati". • Justice and legal seismology. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 56-70 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • A note of heuristics, justification and argument. (1993), p. 15-20 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 211-219 Krawietz, Werner • Comments on the ontology of natural law. • Paradigmus, positions and prospects of rationality. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 89-100 The changing foundation of law in institutional and • Legality and expediency. Aspects of the theory of systems theory. administrative law. In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 452-465 In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 439-451 • Reasonables versus rationality of law? On the • Scientific v. judicial truth. evolution of theories in jurisprudence. In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 567-578 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 221-245 • The rule of the laws of experience. Original Krohn, Sven probability and evidentiary value / with Kastinen, • Subjektivismus und Objektivismus in der Ethik. Johanna; Hatakka, Minna In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 71-86 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 117-140 Kruse-Jensen, Carl Kleinemann, Jan • Traits dominants de la convention de Genève • Adjustement of the tortious liability of relative à la protection des personnes civiles en professionals. Some reflections on current legal temps de guerre du 12 août 1949. developments. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 262-279 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 401-426 Krüger, Hans Christian Knapp, Victor • The European system for the protection of human • Champ d'application du droit comparé. (Le droit rights. A challenge to its effectiveness / with comparé interne et le droit étranger). Nørgaard, Carl Aage In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 132-140 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 125-130 Knauth, Arnold W. Krüger, Kai • Reform in shipowners' limitation. The 1955 • Default remedies in international arbitration proposals. proceedings. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 118-123 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 217-236 Knight, David B. • Fault liability for classification societies towards • Some theoretical reflections on identity, territory third parties? and self-determination. In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 271-296 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 179-194 Krzysztof, Palecki Koch, Henning • The political limits of judicial dependance and • From police law to police science / with autonomy. Stevnsborg, Henrik In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 315-329 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Kunnas, Tarmo (1993), p. 58-64 • Nietzsche als Rechtsphilosoph. • The concept of parliamentary government in In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 101-110 constitutional monarchies. Kur, Annette In: Greve, Vagn (1998), p. 153-177 • Die vergleichende Werbung in Europa. Kurz vor dem Pyrrhus-Sieg? In: Koktvedgaard, Mogens (1993), p. 436-457

56 Kutchinsky, Berl Lando, Ole • On concepts of justice among law students. • Being first. On uses and abuses of the lis pendens In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben under the Brussel Convention. (1993), p. 86-96 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 105-122 Künast, Renate • Comsumers contracts and party autonomy in the • Abolitionistische Politik der Praxis nach der conflict of laws. deutschen Einheit am Beispiel des Zusammen- In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 141-158 gehens von Bündnis 90 und den Grünen. • Each contracting party must act in accordance In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 143-156 with good faith and fair dealing. Köhler, Martin In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 345-362 • Abolitionismus und GRÜNE Kriminalpolitik. • Lex fori in foro proprio. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 157-166 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 207-226 Kötz, Hein • Lex mercatoria 1985-1996. • Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsgeschichte und In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 567-584 gemeineuropäisches Privatrecht. • The conflict of law rules respecting set-off and In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 545-558 conterclaim (compensation) and an analysis of the • Unfair terms in consumer contracts. (Recent reasoning used. developments in Europe from a comparative and In: Rodhe, Knut (1976), p. 310-328 economic perspective). • When will a person be liable or bound when In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 203-216 negotiating a contract? In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 623-640 Landwehr, Götz • Die Hanseatischen Seerechte des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. L In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 75-128 Lang, Wieslaw Lachmayer, Friedrich • The concept of person in ethics and jurisprudence. • Die wissenschaftspolitische Rhetorik Hans In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 247-259 Kelsens in der ersten Auflage seiner reinen Lange, Richard Rechtslehre. • Erziehung und Strafe im heutigen In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 111-124 Jugendstrafrecht. Lachs, Manfred In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 359-383 • A few comments on self-determination, human Larenz, Karl rights and minorities. • Über das Verhältnis von Interpretation und In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 195-200 richterlicher Rechtsfortbildung. Laclau, Martin In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 384-404 • The relationship between logic and law in Larsen, Kaj Kelsens's late period. • The parliamentary Ombudsman. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 125-138 In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 39-78 Ladreit de Lacharrière, Guy Lárusson, Ólafur • Aspects juridiques de la négociation sur un • Das isländische Wasserrecht. "package deal" á la Conférence des Nations Unies In: Grotenfelt, Berndt Julius (1929), p. 44-59 sur le droit de la mer. • Die Popularklage der Gràgàs. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 30-45 In: Granfelt, O. H. (1934), p. 87-101 Lagergren, Gunnar Lasalux, Hermann S. • Some reflections on the application of article 6 § 1 • Gedanken zur Rechtsnatur der sog. and article 13 of the European Convention for the Vorgesellschaft. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 576-609 Freedoms. Lassen, Bengt In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 313-326 • The freedom to publish. • The Rann of Kutch case 1966-69. In: Strahl, Ivar (1969), p. 373-383 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 559-566 Laudrup, Alex Lahtinen, Osvi • Suspension of time bars in Scandinavian maritime • Von konstruirten Denkschemas und von der law. Sprache. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 427-442 In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 87-111 Lehtonen, Maija • Albert Camus et la justice. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 139-156

57 Leibholz, Gerhard Lupis, Ingrid Detter de • The Federal Constitutional Court in the constitu- • International environmental law. tional system of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 123-148 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 495-511 Lysén, Göran Leivestad, Trygve • Some reflections on international claims territory. • Religionsfrihet i Norge [Freedom of religion in In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 109-134 Norway]. - [With a summary in English]. Lögdeberg, Åke In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 512-527 • Some aspects of comparative law, particularly the Levi, Isaac importance of foreign law in shaping the Swedish • Consonance, dissonance and evidentiary legal system. mechanisms. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 159-169 In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 27-43 Li, Lianjun • Arrest of ships in far east jurisdictions / with Elsworth, Timothy In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 443-484 M Lidgard, Hans Henrik • Swedish snus confronts basic EU principles. Macalister-Smith, Peter In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 123-154 • Preface / with Alfredsson, Gudmundur S. Lilar, Albert In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 11-15 • L'apport de la Suède au Comité Maritime Maccormick, Neil International et à l'unification du droit maritime. • Universal and particular. The problem with In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 124-129 precedent. Lillich, Richard B. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 261-271 • Interest in the law of international claims. Mahmoudi, Said In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 51-60 • Recognition of states. The case of former Lindenberg, Michael Yugoslav republics. • Kontrolle durch Gewährung. Drogen-"Freigabe" In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 135-160 und elektronische Gefängnisse. Anmerkungen zum • Some remarks on diplomatic immunity from teknokratische Abschaffungsdiskurs / with Schmidt- criminal jurisdiction. Semisch, Henning In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 327-362 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 33-50 • The UNCTAD/ICC rules for multimodal transport Lindencrona, Gustaf document – genesis and contents. • The Nordic council for tax research 20 years. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 513-524 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 7- Mahr, Manfred 10 • Strafrecht, Strafjustiz und Polizei im Schatten der • The taxation of financial capital and the "scwartzen Pädagogik". prevention of tax avoidance. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 267-283 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. Makkonen, Kaarle 157-171 • Der Ausdruck "subjektives Recht" in der Lindfelt, Lars juristischen Sprache. • A turn to the right. In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 112-123 In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 305-308 Malmström, Åke Lipson, Leslie • Some aspects of characterisation in private • The prospects for democracy. international law. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 321-334 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 130-135 Lloyd, Dennis Maluwa, Tiyanjana • Legal and ideal justice. • Recent developments in refugee law and policy in In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 111-124 Malawi. Lookofsky, Joseph M. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 113-132 • International sales contracts. A Scandinavian Mangård, Nils view. • The hostage crisis, the Algeries accords, and Iran- In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben United States Claims Tribunal. (1993), p. 176-183 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 363-418 Lotz, Kaj Manner, E. J. • The Danish tax reform 1987. • Erik Castrén – 75 years. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 13- In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 1-5 25

58 • Some observations on the effects and applications Metsälampi, Veli-Martti of the new law of the sea, with special reference to • Some remarks on the basic obligations of states in the Baltic. cases of unlawful seizure of aircraft. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 114-144 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 46-63 • The Finnish branch of the International Law • The aircraft commander. Some observations Association: fourty years. concerning his legal status. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 16-20 In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 71-77 • Voitto Saario – 70 years. Meulders-Klein, Marie-Thèrèse In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 1-5 • The individual, the family & the state. Marcus, Maeva Dependence, independence or interdependence? • Judicial power under the constitution. In: Thornstedt, Hans (1983), p. 413-426 In: Högsta domstolen (1990), Vol. 1, p. 92-101 Meyer, P. Norman Martin, Rex • The Nortraship settlement. • Distributive economic justice. Democracy, rights In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 562-571 and the Pareto principle. Meyer, Poul In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 273-288 • Justice in politics. Martinez, Ignacio Arroyo In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 125-134 • The contract of maritime passage – a commentary Michelet, Hans Peter on the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage • The liability for contracts with third parties when of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974. the vessel is on timecharter. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 15-54 In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 572-589 Marty, Gabriel Michelsen, Aage • L'influence de la faute et du fait de la victime sur • The implementation of EC direct investment tax la responsabilité civile en droit comparé. directives in Danish tax law. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 170-184 In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 41- Matteucci, Mario 59 • The Scandinavian legislative co-operation as a Miller, Dawson model for a European co-operation. • Protection and indemnity associations. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 136-145 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 146-154 Matthiessen, Lars O. Modeen, Tore • Some observations on payroll taxes, the overall • Finland and the Scandinavien treaty on marginal tax rate, shifting and work efforts. transfrontier co-operation between municipalities. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 27- In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 61-69 39 • Regional self-government as a means of Mattsson, Nils administrative reform, international co-operation • Tax expenditures in the Swedish income tax. and protection of national minorities. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 64-72 173-197 Morawski, Lech Mbaya, Etienne-Richard • Legal instrumentalism. • The "new" human rights in international law. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 289-301 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 383-390 Moritz, Manfred McWhinney, Edward • Kann das (richterliche) Urteil deduziert werden? • Pax Metternichea? International law and power in In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 502-518 the era of detente. • Sind die juristischen Personen Fiktionen? In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 335-350 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 442-457 Melander, Göran • Über konditionale Imperative. • Human rights and university policy. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 351-374 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 155-164 Mueller, Gerhard O.W. • Internally displaced persons. • The emergence of criminal justice. Tracing the In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 69-74 route to neolithic times / with Adler, Freda • Lennart Pålsson. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 151-170 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 7-9 Murphy, John F. Meron, Theodor • The rendition of international criminals. Hard • Deportation of civilians as a war crime under cases make bad law / with Dumont, Jon Michael customary law. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 171-210 In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 201-218 Mutén, Leif • Protected persons under the fourth Geneva • Tax law, tax administration, and courts. The need Convention. for harmonization. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 155-162 In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 519-526

59 Myerson, Howard L. Nial, Håkan • The requirement of "reasonable" in the York- • The transfer of property before the Hague Antwerp rules. Conference on Private International Law. In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 365-368 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 155-159 Müller, Horst Nielsen, Linda • Der sozialpolitische Gesprächskreis in der JVA • Family law on the way towards year 2000. A view Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel. of the position of family law in the legal system / In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 239-245 with Vindeløv, Vibeke Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • "Allgemeines" und "Besonderes" im Recht. (1993), p. 184-193 Von der Antike bis zur Naturrechtsepoche. Niiniluoti, Ilkka In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 427-454 • Analogy and legal reasoning. • "Enduring" or "durable" powers of attorney. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 177-188 In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 327-346 Nino, Carlos Santiago • Internationales Privatrecht in der • Legal ethics. Between metaphysics and futility. Normenhierarchie. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 189-220 In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 369-390 Nix, Christoph • Nachehelicher Vermögensausgleich in • Über das Scheitern deutscher Abolitionismen. Skandinavien und Deutschland. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 51-63 In: Nial, Håkan (1966), p. 404-452 Nordenson, Harald Myrdal, Gunnar • Über Geometrie und Raumvorstellung. • The trend towards economic planning. In: Hägerström, Axel (1928), p. 237-255 In: Eberstein, Gösta (1950), p. 175-212 Nordskov Nielsen, Lars Myullerson, Rein A. • The ombudsman in the future. • Socialism and human rights. In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 117-132 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 9-27 Nowak, Manfred Mäenpää, Olli • Future strategies for the international protection • External/internal. A discipline in transition. and realization of human rights. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 157-176 In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 59-78 Mæsel, Dag Syvert Nygaard, Nils • XCITE. (An expert system for naturalization • In memoriam. cases) / with Galtung, Andreas In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 9 In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 234-247 Nørgaard, Carl Aage • The European system for the protection of human rights. A challenge to its effectiveness / with Krüger, Hans Christian N In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 125-130

Nagy, Lásló • Industrial relations in Hungary. O In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 213-218 Neal, Alan C. • In search of the "social dimension". Offerhaus, J. In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 219-236 • International contracts under the BENELUX Nerep, Erik treaty on private international law. • Lex Mercatoria and amiable composition in In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 160-172 international arbitration – brief notes. • Netherlands maritime law and the conflict of laws. In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 387-402 In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 599-621 Nergelius, Joakim Ofstad, Harald • Law and politics. On democracy and judicial • Impartiality. review. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 135-152 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 303-314 Oldham, James Neubecker, F. K. • The Royal Courts of England in 1789. • Das Wesen der Firma. Eine rechtsvergleichende In: Högsta domstolen (1990), Vol. 1, p. 46-63 Skizze. Olmstead, Cecil J. In: Wrede, R. A. (1921), p. 122-149 • The law of the sea and international river law. Similarities and differences. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 78-84

60 Olsen, Jens Pescatore, Pierre • Selected ombudsman cases / with Andersen, Jon • Jusqu'où le juge peut-il aller trop loin? In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 165-228 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 299-338 Olsson, Curt Peters, Karl • The Finnish Supreme Court. • Freie Beweiswürdigung und Justizirrtum. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 84-99 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 532-551 Opalek, Kazimierz Petersen, Hanne • The problem of "directive meaning". • Labor law – in the past and in the future. In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 405-422 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • The rules of law and natural law. (1993), p. 261-270 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 497-507 Petersen, Robert Opsahl, Torkel • Administration of justice in the traditional • Asbjørn Eide. A tribute / with Helgesen, Jan E. Greenlandic community. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 1-10 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 279-286 • National courts and the community court under Philips, Allan article 177 of the EEC Treaty. • Choice of law in the European Union in tort cases In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 280-304 involving migrant workers. Ost, Francois In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 415-420 • Legal doctrine in crisis. Towards a European legal • Private international law of insurance in Denmark science / with Van Hoecke, Mark and the European Communities. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 189-209 In: Grönfors, Kurt (1991), p. 347-356 • Scope of application, choice of law and jurisdic- tion in the new Nordic law of carriage of goods by sea. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 165-182 P • The autonomy of the testator. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 475-484 Palley, Claire Pickering, Mary • Population transfers. • The introduction of the European directive on In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 219-254 commercial agents into English law / with Cooke, Palme, Claës J. Julian • Oil pollution – The Tsesis case. In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 143-180 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 229-240 Pineus, Kaj Palme, Sven Ulric • The question of competency of the average • Politics and economic theory in the Atlantic adjuster. Charter. In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 173-179 In: Undén, Östen (1956), p. 206-226 Plaut, W. Gunther Papendorf, Knut • Refugees and the right of asylum – some historical • Ausgrabungen aus der bundesrepublikanischen notes. aboli(tioni)stischen Frühzeit. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 75-82 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 65-84 Pocar, Fausto • Vorwort / with Schumann, Karl F. • Current developments and approaches in the prac- In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 11 tice of the human rights committee in consideration Pattaro, Enrico of state reports. • Olivecrona's theory of imperatives. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 51-59 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 221-238 Podgòrecki, Adam Paulson, Stanley L. • The theory of sociology of law: Problem. • Kelsen's early work on material and formal unity. In: Stjernquist, Per (1978), p. 143-160 In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 331-346 Poulsen, Halgir Winther Peczenik, Alexander • Faroese home rule. Some considerations regarding • Is there always a right answer to a legal question? its place in constitutional and international law. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 239-258 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 287-300 Pellonpää, Matti Pound, Roscoe • Rights of aliens under the international covenant • Adjudication or administration? Making, finding on civil and political rights. and changing of law and laws in a changing world. In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 70-80 In: Olivecrona, Karl (1964), p. 552-575 • Valuation of expropriated or nationalized property in international arbitral practice of recent years. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 145-168

61 Prandler, Arpad • Security Council patterns for dealing with ethnic • The new convention on the law of the sea and the conflicts and minority problems. land-locked Hungary. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 27-40 In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 100- Rehof, Lars Adam 109 • Human rights and self-government for indigeous Prodromides, M. people. • Projets de conventions internationales sur le In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben transport des marchaindises en trafic international. (1993), p. 29-47 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 180-219 Reich, Norbert Puceiro, Enrique Zuleta • Materialisierung und Prozeduraliserung von Ver- • Scientific paradigms and legal change. tragsfreiheit – einige Bemerkungen zur aktuellen In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 331-347 deutschen Diskussionen für einen dänischen Pålsson, Lennart Freund. • Lis pendens under the Brussels and Lugano In: Dahl, Børge (1994), p. 203-230 Conventions. Reid, John Phillip In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 709-730 • Crosscultural vengeance. Sources of legal princip- • The unruly horse of the Brussels and Lugano les in the formulation of mountain men vengeance Conventions. The forum solutions. against Indians in the old Oregon country. In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 259-282 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 255-266 Reisman, Michael • Human rights workers as internationally protected persons. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 391-398 Q Reynolds, Francis • The agent as fiduciary in English law. Quitzow, Carl Michael In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 525-540 • Some brief reflections about federalism in the Robertson, Sir John European Union and in the United States of • The Danish Ombudsman. New Zealand's America. precedent. In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 183-198 In: Ombudsmanden (1995), p. 33-38 Rosas, Allan • "Indirect" public administration. International law aspects. In: Saario, Voitto (1983), p. 81-92 R • Emergency regimes. A comparison. In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 165-199 • Human rights at risk in situations of internal Radnitzky, Gerard violence and public emergency. Towards common • Der Gegensatz Sozialismus und klassischer minimum standards. Liberalismus beleuchtet an einem ironisch geteilten In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 165-181 Nobelpreis. • International law and the use of nuclear weapons. In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 241-254 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 73-95 Radzinowicz, Leon • International legitimacy of governments. • Some current problems and future prospects of In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 201-216 international collaboration in penal matters. • Port state control. In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 387-406 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 541-556 Rainer, Frank • State responsibility and liability under civil • Die zwangsweise körperliche Untersuchung zur liability regimes. Feststellung der Abstammung. In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 161-182 In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 133-152 Rosenne, Shabtai Ramberg, Jan • Some procedural aspects of the English Channel • Unification of maritime law – a success story with continental shelf arbitration. happy end? In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 96-115 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 513-524 Rotkirch, Holger Ramcharan, Bertrand G. • The growing significance of Antarctica: the efforts • Principles for UN observance of elections. to establish an international Antarctic mineral In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 101-113 resources regime. In: International Law Association (1987), p. 169-189

62 • The socialist (Soviet) concept of international law Saito, Yasuhiko with particular emphasis on the peaceful • Judge Tanaka, natural law and the principle of coexistence between states. equality. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 116-132 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 399-408 Rowat, Donald C. Salas, Alfonso de • The worldwide spread of an institution. • Freedom of expression and written press in In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 433-446 Europe. Rubellin-Devichi, Jacqueline In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 285-302 • Le divorce en France aujourd'hui. Salsbäck, Johan In: Agell, Anders (1994), p. 525-544 • The tax reform process in Sweden. Rubin, Alfred P. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. • Enforcing the rules of international law. 199-212 In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 267-285 Sandvik, Gudmund Rump Christensen, Gerda • Eine Fernwirkung von Ernst Levys Osloe Vortrag • Is the system of civil enforcement up-to date? 1928? Trends of development and review. In: Lassen, Birger Stuevold (1997), p. 911-920 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Norwegian legal history. (1993), p. 298-310 In: Stud. jur. (1986), p. 168-175 Ryssdal, Rolv Sarkowicz, Ryszard • Foreword. • Über die Auffassung der Kohärenz bei der In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 1-5 juristischen Interpretation. • The expanding role of the European Court of In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 347-358 Human Rights. Savolainen, Matti In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 115-123 • Über die Aberkennung des Ausgleichsrechts. Röed, Ole Torleif In: Brusiin, Otto (1966), p. 124-147 • Bankruptcy and the espousal of private claims Schermers, Henry G. under international law. • The long way from international to supranational In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 305-318 cooperation. Rønne, Anita In: Jörundsson, Gaukur (1994), p. 435-442 • Re-regulation of the Danish energy supply- Schima, Hans In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Gemeinsames und verschiedenes im Zivil- und (1993), p. 271-279 Strafprozes. Rønsholdt, Steen In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 557-568 • Technology in public law. Schjølberg, Stein In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • Computer crime in Norway. (1993), p. 116-127 In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 440-460 Schmidt-Semisch, Henning • Kontrolle durch Gewährung. Drogen-"Freigabe" und elektronische Gefängnisse. Anmerkungen zum teknokratische Abschaffungsdiskurs / with S Lindenberg, Michael In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 33-50 Saario, Voitto Schneider, Herbert • E. J. Manner – 70 years. • Zur deutschen Justizreform. In: Godenhielm; Manner; Numers (1984), p. 16-18 In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 586-600 • The relationship between the international and Schricker, Gerhard • Multiforme Werke – Urheberrecht in einer sich constitutional protection of human rights. wandelnden Medienwelt. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 133-139 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 755-768 Sahlin, Nils-Eric • Combining evidence / with Freeling, A.N.S. Schumann, Karl F. • Schutz der Ausländer vor rechtsradikaler Gewalt In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 58-74 durch Instrumente des Strafrechts? • Do people combine evidence according to an In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 285-302 evidentiary value model? A note. • Vorwort / with Papendorf, Knut In: Halldén, Sören (1983), p. 98-103 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 11 Sainio, Toivo • Immunity from jurisdiction in Finland's consular Schwarzenberger, Georg • Some aspects of the O.E.C.D. Draft Convention of treaties. 1967 on the Protection of Foreign Property. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 140-148 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 447-458

63 Seipel, Peter Sintonen, Matti • Information law revisited. • Causation and the legal point of view. In: Bernitz, Ulf (1986), p. 123-134 In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 259-274 Sellin, Thorsten Sipilä, Helvi • A "history of thieves". Crime in the 17th-century • Rights of the child in comparison with the rights France. and responsibilities of the parents and other mem- In: Hurwitz, Stephan (1971), p. 447-460 bers of the society in the light of international • Status and prospects of criminal statistics in the instruments. United States. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 184-201 In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 290-307 Sisula-Tulokas, Lena Selmer, Knut S. • Harmonisation of Nordic law – is it needed? • "Makis rule" – an encounter of French and English In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 557-570 legal thinking. Smaus, Gerlinda In: Alten, Edvin (1955), p. 638-646 • Mit Thomas Mathiesen gegen die Ohnmacht der • Data protection policy. kritischen Kriminologie. In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 125-146 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 85-102 • Norwegian privacy legislation. Smidt, J. Th. de In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 45-58 • Niederländisches See-recht von 15. Jahrhundert Selvig, Erling zum Seerechts-Kodifikation 1955. • Through carriage under the uniform customs and In: 1667 års sjölag (1984), p. 206-217 practice for documentary credits 1974. Smit, Hans In: Rodhe, Knut (1976), p. 419-432 • Common and civil law rules of in personam Sevón, Leif adjudicatory authority. An analysis of underlying • Primacy and direct effect in the EEA. Some policies. reflections. In: Ekelöf, Per Olof (1972), p. 638-663 In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 339-354 Smith, Carsten Shafei, Omran El • Case law harmonization. • Recent changes in the international environment. In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 795-804 Implications and challenges for human rights. • Individual rights versus the common good. In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 41-48 In: Stavang, Per (1998), p. 145-153 Shelton, Dinah Smith, Eva • Subsidiarity, democracy and human rights. • Development within criminal procedure in In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 43-54 Denmark. • The right to environment. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Opsahl, Torkel (1991), p. 197-212 (1993), p. 311-320 Siehr, Kurt Spector, Horacio • Comparative law as a yardstick for academic legal • Self-ownership and effiency. education. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 359-371 In: Pålsson, Lennart (1997), p. 199-210 Stangl, Wolfgang Siesby, Erik • Zur Logik der Untersuchungschaft / with • On minorites and human rights. Karazman-Morawetz, Inger In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 249-266 (1993), p. 358-364 Stjernquist, Per Sieverts, Frank Arne • How are changes in social behaviour developed by • The refugee definition and vulnerable groups. means of legislation? In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 83-88 In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 153-169 Simson, Gerhard Stone, Julius • Franz von Liszt und die schwedische • Of the equality of nations doctrine and Kriminalpolitik. international justice. In: Schlyter, Karl (1949), p. 308-320 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 471-492 Sinclair, Ian • Reasons and reasoning in judicial and juristic • Some reflections on the Vienna Convention on argument. Succession of States in Respect of Treaties. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 170-197 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 149-183 Strömholm, Stig Singh, Mahendra P. • Ein Wort kommt zur Juristenwelt. • Affirmative protection of minorities in India. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 373-382 In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 301-320 • La protection de la vie privée – essai de morphologie juridique comparé. In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 185-210

64 Stödter, Rolf Szabo, Denis • Statutenkollision im Seefrachtrecht. • Classicism and modernism. Some reflections on In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 220-232 the great debate in contemporary criminology. Stevnsborg, Henrik In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 391-400 • From police law to police science / with Koch, Szabó, Imre Henrik • Law theory and comparative law. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 243-254 (1993), p. 58-64 Szafarz, Renata Stewart, Julie E. • CSCE procedures for peaceful settlement of • Rights, rights, rights: women’s rights? international disputes. In: Weis Bentzon, Agnete (1998), p. 157-176 In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 183-194 Summers, Clyde W. Sztucki, Jerzy • The adversary character of American labor • Reflection on international "soft law". relations – its caused and consequenses. In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 549-575 In: Sigeman, Tore (1993), p. 379-392 • The ad hoc Chambers of the International Court of Summers, Robert S. Justice – a dissenting opinion. • Form and substance in legal reasoning. In: Boman, Robert (1990), p. 333-346 In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 700-715 Södersten, Jan • The pervasive formality of law. • The incentive effects of capital income taxation in In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 383-398 Sweden. Sundberg, Fredrik G. E. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. • Some remarks regarding the use of precedents 213-231 under the European Convention of Human Rights – Sørensen, Ivar with special regard to the Swedish situation. • Review of the development of consumer protection In: Sundberg, Jacob W. F. (1993), p. 353-382 within Danish private insurance. Sundberg, Jacob W. F. In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben • "Within a reasonable time". A look at Swedish (1993), p. 194-204 procedure. Sørensen, Max In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 591-612 • "Pirate broadcasting" from the high seas. • Law and reality of neutrality. In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 319-331 In: Hjerner, Lars (1990), p. 525-548 • Technical or judicial methods to fight aviation accidents? The experience of the Air Force's disfunction reporting system. In: Agge, Ivar (1970), p. 324-336 T Sundström, G. O. Zacharias • Comparative law in the development of the law of Taksøe-Jensen, Finn international corporations. • Development patterns in the Danish law of In: Malmström, Åke (1972), p. 211-242 inheritance. • Economic integration. The case of Mano river In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben union. (1993), p. 205-217 In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 202-240 Tallon, Dennis • The ”extra-territorial” reach of national (or • Les obstacles à l'unification du droit. Comment les regional) legislation affecting industry and trade. surmonter? In: International Law Association (1987), p. 190-199 In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 317-324 Swaaningen, Rene van Tamm, Ditlev • Penal pressure-groups in the Netherlands. The • A retrospective study of legal regulation and the influence of Thomas Mathiesen. trade between the Baltic sea countries. In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 103-126 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben Swepston, Lee (1993), p. 65-73 • Protection of vulnerable groups by the Internatio- Tammelo, Ilmar nal Labour Organisation. • Material justice and negative being. In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 409-420 In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 493-502 Sydow, G. de Taruffo, Michele • Juridiction pour l'interprétation de la CIM et de la • Notes for a theory of just decisions. CIV. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 399-410 In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 233-240 Tassel, Yves • Is French maritime law in need of modification? In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 613-632

65 Taxell, Christoffer Tiberg, Oskar • Finnish branch of the International Law • How to become a Hugutist or sailing according to Association: 40th anniversary jubilee seminar, Hugo / with Tiberg, Jesper; Tiberg, Ann University of Helsinki 10th December 1986 In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 663-668 In: International Law Association (1987), p. 11-15 Tikka, Kari S. Taylor, David W. • A 25 % flat rate tax on capital income. The • A history of commercial and maritime law in Finnish reaction to international tax competition. England. In: Nordic Council for Tax Research (1993), p. 91- In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 387-402 108 Tejada, Francisco Elias de Tillmann, Winfried • Abstrakte Freiheit und konkrete Freiheiten. • Artikel 100a EGV als Grundlage für ein In: Castberg, Frede (1963), p. 198-206 Europäisches Zivilgesetzbuch. Tengeler, Sabine In: Lando, Ole (1997), p. 351-367 • Abolitionistsiche Kriminalpolitik im Rahmen der Tolonen, Juha Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft "Demokratie und • Finlandisation and legal thinking. Recht" der Grünen. In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 275-284 In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 129-141 Toman, Jirí Tesauro, Giuseppe • The treatment of prisoners. Development of legal • The effectiveness of judicial protection and instruments and quasi-legal standards. cooperation between the Court of Justice and the In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 421-440 national courts. Tomasevski, Katarina In: Due, Ole (1994), p. 355-378 • Frontiers to equal rights. New Europe, old Tetley, William divisions. • Special legislative tights – dock, harbour and In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 271-285 canal charges. Torvund, Olav In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 633-662 • Paperless systems in the international trade, the Thompson, Kenneth W. legal challenges. • The imperatives of foreign policy and the future of In: Rettsinformatikk (1990), p. 48-58 democracy. Trigeaud, Jean-Marc In: Ross, Alf (1969), p. 503-518 • L'image sociologique de l'homme de droit et la Thoolen, Hans préconception du droit naturel. • Information technology for human rights and In: Makkonen, Kaarle (1983), p. 285-296 refugee protection. Troper, Michel In: Grahl-Madsen, Atle (1996), p. 441-464 • On super-constitutional principles. Thune, Gro Hillestad In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 411-425 • The right to an effective remedy in domestic law. Tsanga, Amy S. Article 13 of the European Convention on Human • Lessons from activism in legal services. Rights. Implications for the legal profession and the In: Eide, Asbjørn (1993), p. 79-95 development of law curricula. Tiberg, Ann In: Weis Bentzon, Agnete (1998), p. 93-108 • How to become a Hugutist or sailing according to Tunc, André Hugo / with Tiberg, Oskar; Tiberg, Jesper • La responsabilité civile en matière d'accidents de In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 663-668 la circulation. Tiberg, Hugo In: Hellner, Jan (1984), p. 699-714 • Factortame II. [1991] ECR-I 3905. Tuori, Kaarlo In: Hellner, Jan (1997), p. 391-399 • Towards a multi-layered view of modern law. • Latent defects in boats. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 427-442 In: Ramberg, Jan (1996), p. 453-474 Twining, William • Legal qualities of transport documents. • Identification and misidentification in legal In: Sandström, Jan (1997), p. 403-442 processes. Redefining the problem. • Mysteries of water boundaries. Baselines and In: Eckhoff, Torstein (1986), p. 725-743 boundaries around Sweden's coasts. • Narrative and generalisations in argumentation In: Sztucki, Jerzy (1994), p. 195-217 about questions of fact. Tiberg, Jesper In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 821-834 • How to become a Hugutist or sailing according to Tysland, Sverre Hugo / with Tiberg, Oskar; Tiberg, Ann • Computerized legal information systems in the In: Tiberg, Hugo (1996), p. 663-668 public administration. A pilot project. In: Rettsinformatikk (1980), p. 278-296

66 Töttermann, Richard Vinding Kruse, Anders • Some principles of international law as reflected • The law of tort in international perspective. The in the final act of the CSCE. need for reform. In: Castrén, Erik (1979), p. 241-252 In: Christensen; Siesby; Vinding Kruse; Waaben (1993), p. 164-175 Vliet, R. Dale • American legal systems. A survey. In: Juridiska föreningen i Finland (1962), p. 336- U 346 Voskuil, Albert Ulmer, Eugen • Judicial protection through execution measures in • Gedanken zum Urhebervertragsrecht. the Netherlands. In: Ljungman, Seve (1975), p. 388-408 In: Strömholm, Stig (1997), p. 851-866 Undén, Östen Voss, Michael • Arbitration in conflicts of interest. • Effizienz und Rehtssicherheit im informellen In: Bagge, Algot (1956), p. 241-247 Jugendstrafverfahren. Urbina, Sebastian In: Mathiesen, Thomas (1993), p. 303-326 • Law, concepts, time. In: Peczenik, Aleksander (1997), p. 443-462 W

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