University of Dayton eCommons News Releases Marketing and Communications 4-22-1970 The niU versity of Dayton to Hold 120th Commencement Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "The nivU ersity of Dayton to Hold 120th Commencement" (1970). News Releases. 3616. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in News Releases by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. , - , " .,,~ /. : '. '. -, . v .., "..1.. ~ . THE UNIV ERS ITY OF DAYTON JOE McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC RELATI ONS DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR, GENERAL PUBLICITY DAYTON, OHIO 45409 AREA CODE 513 229-2646 DAYTON, Ohio, April 22, 1970 Kat hleen Marie DeWald of Fort Wayne, Indiana, who will continue her education in applied statistics at Purdue University, will graduate number one in a class of 1,171 at the University of Dayton this Sunday, April 26, at 2:30 p.m. in the U.D. Arena. This will be the 120th commencement of the school which was founded in 1850. Miss DeWald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. DeWald of Fort Wayne, will receive a bachelor of science degree in mathematics, summa cum laude, with an accumulative point average of 3.955. The April class includes 50 honor graduates. The other summa cum laude graduate will be Mrs. Joan Kilsheimer Wiggenhorn, also a mathematics graduate with a 3.909 point average. Mrs. Wiggenhorn, now working for the National Cash Register Company in Accounting Machine Support, is the daughter of Mr.