Page 1 HAMILTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO - - - BETH L. SHEEHAN, : : Plaintiff, : : -vs- : CASE NO. 09CV27353 : MARY L. SALLEE, ET : AL., : : Defendants. : - - - Deposition of WILLIAM AUSTIN ROGERS, DVM, a witness herein, taken by the plaintiff as upon cross-examination pursuant to the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure and pursuant to Notice Duces Tecum and agreement between counsel as to the time and place and stipulations hereinafter set forth, at the offices of East Hills Animal Hospital, 420 Wards Corner Road, Suite A, Loveland, Ohio, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, before Pamela S. Giglio, a notary public within and for the State of Ohio. - - - GIGLIO REPORTING SERVICES Three Cypress Garden Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 861-2200 GIGLIO REPORTING SERVICES (513) 861-2200 Page 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 On behalf of the Plaintiff: 3 Susan Marie Gertz, Esq. of 4 Gertz Law Firm 401 Pike Street 5 Reading, Ohio 45215 6 On behalf of the Defendants: 7 Jerome F. Rolfes, Esq. of 8 Smith, Rolfes & Skavdahl Co., LPA 600 Vine Street 9 Suite 2600 Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 10 Also present: Dr. Sallee 11 Dr. Black Dr. Smith 12 Beth Sheehan 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GIGLIO REPORTING SERVICES (513) 861-2200 Page 3 1 S T I P U L A T I O N S 2 It is stipulated by and between counsel 3 for the respective parties that the deposition 4 of WILLIAM AUSTIN ROGERS, DVM, a witness herein, 5 may be taken at this time by the plaintiff as 6 upon cross-examination pursuant to the Ohio 7 Rules of Civil Procedure and pursuant to Notice 8 Duces Tecum duly issued and served and attached 9 hereto; that the deposition may be taken in 10 stenotype by the notary public-court reporter 11 and transcribed by her out of the presence of 12 the witness; that the transcribed deposition is 13 to be submitted to the witness for his 14 examination and signature, and that signature 15 may be affixed out of the presence of the notary 16 public-court reporter.
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