MARINnhe 19, 19 MCAS Kane Bay, Hi. VQLB #41, Some Marines overpaid Oct. 15 Photo by CO Al ).01As. CHAPLAIN OF THE MARINES - Navy Chaplain (Capt.) George Evans(Ieft), chaplain of the A seven per cent pay raise was approved amount of increase in BAQ. The effective date Marine Corps, Colonel Paul Slack (center), chief °natal( of the 1st Marine Brigade and Navy effective October I and the increase was of the change is October I, however. imple- Chaplain (Capt.) William Samuel, staff chaplain of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific view Marine included in the October 15, paychecks. mentation of the new rate was not Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, from atop Kansas Tower, Thursday, Oct. 11. Chaplain Evans Affected by this raise are Have Pay, Basic accomplished in time to be reflected in the toured the air station as part of a familiarization visit to Pacific naval and Marine Corps bases. Allowance for Quarters and Subsistence, each October 15 pay checks. Those Marines of the three increased by seven per cent. Cost entitled to Off Station Housing Allowance of Living Allowance has also been increased were slightly overpaid Monday. That extra Off Station Housing Allowance has been money Will be taken back on the October 30 Energy conservation reduced to a rate approximately equal to the payday. battle plan prepared CFC extends During the week of October 22 through 28, 1979, station and brigade personnel will be under attack on all sides by a very pressing national issue which may lead to the upheaval of the United charity drive States. All personnel will prepare for a frontal attack having first exercised all necessary recon- Navy/ Marine Corps activities have met naissance and intelligence gathering missions: Defensive positions will be taken up at: 65% of the $1,020,127 goal mark set for the The HAWAII MARINE - special 4-page supplement in the October 26, 1979 issue of the. 1980 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), Hawaii Marine. with a present total of $658,439. Family Theater - special newsreels 4-10 minutes in duration before the movie. An all-out effort to meet the goal of the and Corps Exchange --- special displays: CFC fund drive is being made by all who ' - Headquarters Building Marine H-3 and Mokapu Gate marquees - special announcements. care enough to give. And for those who are - still undecided, -- Each work station and on-station housing units - pamphlet distribution (Mokapu Ele- the campaign for receiving mentary School children will assist). donations has been extended to October 3). -- Bulletin board displays. On Tuesday, Mrs. Nona Reamer, a local -- Civil Service Notes short articles. singer and mother of the popular singing arry..,. -OrT.thars will be aboard Marine Please do not panic. Our war is against energy waste and inflation. Our first battle will be during Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay at Dewey ENERGY AWARENESS WEEK -- a Navy-wide awareness program to emphasize the Square, next to the Pless Hall Dining Facility with a host of other entertainers in a importance of energy conservation by each and everyone of us. Our battle cry . . is "Saving Energy -- Everybody's Job.-- campaign rally for CFC '1980. LtCols. Boston and Campbell assume command

Lieutenant Colonel G.W. Boston assumed mender-in-Chief-Pacific. Camp Smith. ship student at the University of New Mexico, management analyst in the Management command of 2d Battalion, Third Marines Hawaii. and Karen, a high school sophomore. Engineering Branch. In 1973 he was (2/3) from Lieutenant W.E. Boomer and Lieutenant Colonel G.W. Boston, a native reassigned to Special Projects Directorate, Lieutenant Colonel W.R. Campbell. Jr. took of Knoxville, Tenn., was commissioned a Lieutenant Colonel W.R. Campbell, a HQMC. the helm of Marine Medium Helicopter second lieutenant upon graduation from the graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, was Squadron (H M M)-262 from Lieutenant University of Tennessee in June, 1959 and commissioned in June 1961. After attending In July 1974, he reported to the USS , Colonel H.L. Trimble Ilh in dual air,ground entered Basic School in August. Following the Basic School at Quantico, Va., he was Tarawa (LHA-1) and served for four years as changes of command staged on the hay side of Basic, he was assigned to Delta Company, 1st designated an artillery officer and assigned to the ship's air operations officer. He reported Hangar 102 yesterday morning. Battalion, Seventh Marines at Camp Pendle- the Third Marine Division. There he served as to the 1st Marine Brigade in July 1978 and has ton. In late 1962 he was transferred to Marine fire direction officer, and later, as the served as the operations officer of Marine Air- Lieutenant Colonel Boomer has led 2/3 Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island where he executive officer of Battery "E," 2d Battalion, craft Group-24 until October of this year. since May 1978 and will now assume duty as served as series commander, company com- Twelfth Marines. Subsequently, he entered 1st Marine Brigade inspector. "Flying mander and aide to the commanding general. the Naval Air Training Command and after Lieutenant Colonel Campbell and his wife;

Tiger' commander for the past two-and-one- completing flight training was designated a Linda, live . in Kailua. They have two half years, LtCol. 1 riinble will become a staff After it tour of recruiting duty in St. Louis, naval aviator in October, 1964. daughters; Geary, 14 and Julie. 12 and a son, officer for the personnel directorate. Corn- he was ordered to Camp Butler, Okinawa. He 'was then ordered to the 1st Marine Bill, eight. There he became officer-in-charge of the Brigade in Hawaii and was assigned to duly Schools Detachment and subsequently served with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron with the Ninth Marines in Vietnam. Prnmoted (HMM)-161. During March 1965, he to major, his next assignment was to Marine deployed with the brigade to the Republic of Barracks, Rota, Spain in July 1968. Vietnam and served with HMM-161 at Chu He returned to the United States in 1971 Lai and Phu Bai. During the latter part of his and attended the Marine Corps Command tour, he was reassigned as the aide-de-camp to and Staff College. In 1972, he returned to Viet- the commanding general, First Marine Air- nam as a battalion advisor with the Marine craft Wing. Advisory Group. When the advisor's role was phased out he was reassigned to the 2d Batta- Following his- tour in Vietnam, he was lion, Fourth Marines at operations officer assigned to Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va. as and later as executive officer. an instructor in the Instructor Training School from June 1966 to August 1968. He Upon returning to the United States he was was then ordered to fixed wing transition at assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps as Seward AFB, Tron where he completed C- Head, Enlisted Promotion suction. Promoted 130 "Hercules" Air Transport Training. He to lieutenant colonel in 1975, he became Head of fie Promotion Branch. In 1976, returned to the Western Pacific and was LtCol. Boston returned to recruiting duty in assigned 'to Marine Fixed Wing Refueling New Orleans. In July of this year he reported Squadron (VG M R)-152 from November 1968 to the First Marine Brigade where he was to November 1969. assigned to the Brigade 0-1. After returning from WestPac, he attended and was later graduated from the U.S. Naval Lieutenant Colonel Boston is married to the Post Graduate School in 1971 with a Master former Marilynn Haws. They have two of Science in Management. He was then children; Andy, a freshman NROTC scholar- assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps as a LtCol. W.R. Campbell Pops 2, Newell Marine, October 19, 1979 Street Scoop 7 NUMBER ONE SNIPER - Sergeant What are you going to do for Energy Lawrence Marsh, platoon guide for 2nd Awareness Week? Platoon, Indio Company, 3rd Battalion, Third Marines, First Marine Brigade, receives an award and congratulating handshake from. Brigadier General Harry lineman, com- manding general of the 1st Marine Brigade. for earning the distinguished title of Outstand- ing Sniper. Sgt. Marsh attended the six-week Scout Sniper School which involved stalking and observation techniques, range estimation and qualifying with the M40 Al rifle. Photo by LCol. Stew Keeler lb

Gunnery Sergeant Jerry Storms, Headquarters and Maintenance Squad- ron-24: "I plan to cut down on the electri- city used throughout the house. I will also make my family aware of energy and what it stands for." At a glance OUTREACH PEARL HARBOR'S HALAWA STREAM have neglected to 'get one. In an attempt to The new office of the Outreach program is BRIDGE CLOSED OCT. 22ND eliminate unnecessary delay of bona fide located in Building 455, Marine Corps Air Heads up, Pearl Harbor motorists! After guests, steps are now being taken to ensure Station, Kaneohe Bay. The new phone num- 8:30 a.m. Monday, you won't be able to use authorized vehicles are registered and have ber is 254-4719. The hours are Monday the wooden bridge crossing Halawa Stream decals. through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the rest of the day. Women's R.A.P. (Rap About Problems), Neither vehicles nor pedestrians will be per- RETIREES SEMINAR SET will have a meeting Wednesday at Building mitted to use the small bridge next to Halawa What's the latest on CHAMPUS? glow 455, classroom I from 10 a.m. to noon at K- Gate because of construction of a new paved does the Survivor Benefit Plan affect you? Are Bay. Childcare and transportation are pro- road leading to the bridge. The work is part of you still eligible for the G.I. Bill? Those are some the questions which Will Lance Corporal Steven VanGuilder, vided. Call the Outreach office for more the construction of the new Pearl Harbor of be answered at the annual Pearl Harbor Headquarters, 1st Battalion, Twelfth information at 254-4719. Visitors Center. The bridge will reopen to all traffic at 6 a.m. seminar for retired Navy and Marine Corps Marines: "For Energy Awareness Week I personnel tomorrow. plan to run to places like the bead, K-BAY EXTENDS MAIN EXCHANGE Tuesday. Retired Navy and Marines throughout; instead of using my car all the time." HOURS FOR SATURDAY Saturday, Oct. 27 the Main Store at Marine VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Hawaii may have to get out of bed early to Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay will start its The Hawaii Association for Retarded Citi- make the 8 a.m. starting time. But they won't new Saturday hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., an zens is asking for volunteers who would like to have to worry about missing breakfast. extension of one hour. be companions, tutors and friends to retarded Coffee and donuts will be provided at the and handicapped persons of all ages. Also door, compliments of Pearl Harbor Branch 46 WOOD HOBBY SHOP HOURS needed are volunteers to help with special of the Fleet Reserve Association. The FRA CHANGE events and with office work and typing. Call has co-hosted the seminar for the past nine New hours went into effect today for the K- the HARC Volunteer Coordinator at 536- years. Bay Special Services' Wood Hobby Shop. The 2274. ' The four-hour seminar will be hosted by shop'will now be closed Monday and Tuesday, Captain A.L. Shapero, the Pearl Harbor open Wednesday through Friday from 4:30 VISITORS TO HICKAM AFB Naval Station commanding officer, at the p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday Visitors to Hickam Air Force Base may Pearl Harbor Enlisted Club. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. have experienced delays recently in gaining Branch 46 President Norman E. Pearson access to the base. Security Police officials will emcee the session, at which experts in a Terry Walczak, dependent:"Our house PRODUCT RECALL have implemented a modification of entry dozen agenda subjects will speak. Among .already has solar energy panels on the - Aqua Lung, a division of U.S, Divers Com- procedures, in an effort to standardize Air them will be ERA representative Noel W, roof, which are saving energy and this pany has advised Navy Exchange, Pearl that Fbrce policy authorizing entry to Air Force Bragg, who will discuss Congressional legisla- week we have installed fluorescent lamps there is a potential problem with model 1083 installations. tion' affecting retirees. in the kitchen to save electricity " and 1084 Calypso regulators. It is possible for In the past, visitors simply received a pass at the high pressure seat located in the first stage the main gate with little if any verification of PLESS HALL CLOSED of the regulator to move from its normal the visitors' intentions and destination. TOMORROW position and restrict or completely shut off the Since the new visitors vehicle pass system K-Bay's Pless Hall will be closed tomorrow air flow to the diver. Should this occur, diving began last month approximately 3,000 passes due to electrical hook-up of the new Bachelor with the regulator would be extremely have been issued. . Enlisted quarters. Those Marines desiring to hazardous. A review of these passes revealed that about mess will have to mess at Anderson Hall. The If you own either, of these models, take the 68 per cent were issued to people with DoD hours for breakfast brunch are 8 a.m. to noon. regulator to Amfac Marine Supply, 1125 Ala credentials, indicating that the majority of For dinner brunch, the hours are 3 to 5 p.m. Moana Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii. Please do people using the visitor lane are those who There will be no snack line tomorrow at not return the regulator to the Exchange. should have a base decal, but for some reason Anderson Hall.

Captain James Washington, Head- HAWAII4' quarters Company, Third Marines: "My plan is to turn Energy Awareness Week into Energy Awareness Year. I plan to MARINE .MCa Kenyon..., Hi. utilize the best plans from the other people throughout the year." Cornmendet. Marine Corps awn. Pacific ltGen. Andrew °Donnell Joint Public Affairs Officer Capt. W.E. Wood (257.33191 Officer -in. Charge Istl.t. Michael T. Modany1257.33191 Editor 89t John M. Proses, (267.2141) Assistant Editor Cpl. Randy Daugherty (287-2431) Sports Editor Sgt. Nevin Pratt, Jr. 1257-2142)

The Hawaii Matins i. published weekly with apply priated funds by the Joint Public Affairs Offiw,MCAS. Kaneohe Boy, HI 98863, to Inform, ducam, and entertain person. living and working at Marine Corps commend. on Oahu. The HaWail Marine, a member of the American Forces Prow Service. complies wish Department of the Navy and Marine Corpspublication* and printing regulations. Views end opinions es premed Sergeant Vic Lacey, Station Opera- are not necwserily Mow& the Depertment of Detente. and Maintenance Squadron: "To and mention of product.. personaNtlea and services tions does not constitute endorsement Energy by this nowspeper or conserve energy during Aware- . the command. re. Hawaii Marine ahould not be inter- ness Week, I plan to limit my to one preted as directive in nett.*. AS copy submitted for week an to try 1.0 publication most reach the editorial office in Ohio. 301 tank of gas for the whole Photo by Sgt Victor Bredway by noon on the Tuesday prior to publication. and Web* to save electricity by turning off soreened and edited In SCCOICIIMCO with the editorial HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAVY! C hief HAWN' Cirpsmen Pete Demonch, battalion chief, 3rd unnecessary lights and keeping the air pollgV of the Hawaii Marine. If you haw qumtions Battalion, Third Marines, renders a hand salute during the 204th Navy Birthday celebration weaseling the Newell Marine, call 257-3318. conditioner on low." aboard Marine Corps Mr Station, Kaneohe Bay, as the colors are posted on Friday, October 12. . ,agaimatableseseeeserit...., ...... s.yab-serebs;sbyS.osSyss'

October 19, 1979, Hawaii Marine, Page 3 Five vie for If you Salutes know H&HS: REENLISTED: SSgta. A. Dent J.A. Dickson, PFC G.E. Harris; T.H. Glenn. don't Jr., R.E. Holloway. HMM-165: WELCOME ABOARD: LCpI. mayor's job what you COMMSUPTCO: PROMOTED: PFC Z.E. March Jr.; Cpl, D.C. Lockett. PRO- D.C. Caldwell; LCpls. F.S. Ballard, E. Lopez, MOTED: PFes M.S. Green, G. B. Spencer II, J.M. Weekes. MERIT MAST: LCp1s. B.S. LCpls. J.T. Hamilton, B.A. Wolbrueck, B.J. The Kailua Jaycees are sponsoring an elec- want, you'd Sexton, R.C. Stinson; Cpl. M.M. Kozina, Hindes, J.L. Costen, R.W. Baker, Spa. D.L. tion for the post of "Honorary Mayor of Sgts. L.V. Martinez, R.A. Martinez, R.D. Jones, D.T. Lee. MERIT PROMOTED: Cpl. Kai lua." The position, sought by five Wind- better at Wasky. K.A. O'Hara. MERIT MAST: LCpi. R.T. ward residents, is one which allows the holder 1ST RADIOBN: LETTER OF APPRE- Preece. CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDA- to coordinate community improvement least know CIATION; PFC W.N. Payne; LCpi. A.J. TION: SSgt. G.W. [Vier; lstLt. A.P. Frick; projects. Murello. REENLISTED: SSgt. L.M. Stark. Capt. W.L. Hammetle. NAVY ACHIEVE- The election will be held as part of the Jay- where to MABS-24: PROMOTED: PFC M.T. MENT MEDAL: CWO2 D.D. Craig; Maj. cees' Annual Windward Jamboree which will Ebans; LCpl. R. Garrido; Sgts. J.R. Aguilar, J.L. Lame. take place today to Sunday on Kailua Field. findit. W.C. McGaughey, M.J. Pucin. MERIT SOMS: PROMOTED: Sgts. S.F. Miura, Ballots for the election will be available and He'll put you in your PROMOTED: Cpls. T.A. Tullis Jr., T.B. B.K. Griffin, R.J. Hughes, R.G. Ritter Jr., at the 'jamboree on all three days. place. Lawler, R.K. Clark. GOOD CONDUCT: T.K. Tucker; MSgt. C.R. Weeman; PFC D. accepted Because wherever that Anyone living in Kailua or on the air station, Cpls. R.L. Barnes, A.A. Loiacano. MERIT Kimmel;"LCpI. B.W. Barchus. place is, your Career MAST: Cpl. LT. Euga. 3D ASLTAMPHBN: MERIT PROMOT- regardless of age, is eligible to vote. Planner is the person to MACS- 2:-WELCOME ABOARD: LCpI. ED: Cp1s. B.D. Ashburn, S.M. Erwin, Staff help you The five persons seeking election are D.M. Cloninger, PROMOTED: LCpi, MERIT MAST: S.M. Erwin. Corps find it. Sergeant Ala n.Cox, Marine AirStation Bilicki; Sgts. M.E. Bannon, D.J. Burns, J.C. BSSG: PROMOTED: LCpls. M.A. Harts- relations chief; Ted Gibson, a community Canard Jr., R.D. Lalk, M. Lee, R.W. grove, M.R. Martin; Cpls. S.B. Cole Jr., R.J. Kailua Maureen McDonough, owner traitor: Leonard, G.A. Melotte, E.G. Robinson, D.J. Knight; Sgts. L.G. Ray, D.C. Wilken, R. Connie Wiedeman, a You've of a modeling agency; Sorge, L.A. Weigner. MERIT PROMOTED: Zamora Jr.; IstSgt. N.S. Kidd Jr. MERIT realtor; and Jack R. Whisley, an got a lot Kailua Cpls. E. Loredo Jr., B. Quetaht MERIT 'PROMOTION: Cpls. M.A. Briones, R.A. Kalihi Satellite City Hall. to look forward to. employee of the MAST: Cpl. R.W. Ryan. GOOD CON- Ragone, M.C. SpiesMan, T.R. Starnes; Sgt. DUCT: LCpI. R.B. Rider; Cpl. B.P. Lassen. T.C. Corbin. MERIT MAST: PFC L.S. Rees; H&MS-24:. WELCOME ABOARD: Pvt, Cpl. J.A. Manley Jr. Education corner

KALOLA-KE MONTESSORI SCHOOL representative at 254-2694 (Tuesdays) or 841- Ramalda Spaldong, author of the "Writing 5011. Road to Reading," will be conducting a teach, BARSTOW COLLEGE er's course in the "Unified Phonics" method. Legal Aspects of Evidence and Principles of The course is open to teacherS, interested Investigation begin Monday, Oct. 29 with ' parents and students. class meetings on Monday and Wednesday The classes were held this week and has one evenings. Principles and Procedures of the more week to go. Classes will be held from 8 Justice Systemand Interviewing and Counsel- a.m. to noon Monday to Friday, Oct. 26 in the ing begin Tuesday, Oct. 30 with class meetings Assets School Auditorium, Building 286 at on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Registra- Marine Barracks, Pearl Harbor. For more tion for these classes will be held at the Joint information call 471-8101 or 422-5501, ask for .Education Center, October 15 through. Mr. Johnson. Thursday. Ka lola-Ke Montessori School is sponsoring PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY the classes. There as.a limited enrollment so Organization Development (H R M 615) will u make your class reservations today. 'be the next course to he offered in Pepper- '..0"11 dine's Master of Arts in Human Resource's .CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Management degree. This course will be Central Michigan University offers Master 'taught by Dr. W.J. Frandsen who has had of Arts degree programs in Management & extensive baCkground as a consultant in man- Supervisioh and Community Leadership in agement and organization development. Hawaii. The CM U's academic advisor, Dr. This program is open to all active duty, their Howard Hevern, will be at the Kaneohe Bay dependents and Department of Defense Pbolb by Sgt b.oe ByschYbY Marine Corps Air Station's Joint Education who hold a bachelors degree from an

Center from 9 to I 1 a.m., on Thursday. He will accredited institution. Registration for new Alcohol Awareness provide academic, advising to current and students is November 8, and for returning prospective students in CM U's MA programs. students Noveber 15. The CM U office at K-Bay will be open from 9 For further information, contact Barbara a.m. to 3 p.m. every Tuesday. For further Evans any TUesday or Thursday at the Joint 3/3 addressed by information please contact the CMU Center Education Center Annex or call 257-2263. NITED forum of experts NATIONS "Alcohol affects each of you differently. of clinical services, who spoke on medical DAY How well you handle it is reflected in your problems pertaining to alcohol, explained. resultant behavior towards fellow Marines "Unless you drink with responsibility, alcohol within our Band of Brothers." Brigadier Gen- brings on other illnesses: We live in an eral Harry Hagaman, commanding general of alcoholic society where drinking is Oct. 24 the Ist Marine Brigade, declared in the open- rationalized and alcoholism is denied." ing remarks of an Alcohol Awareness Pro- According to Dr. SyMonds, alcohol MIMI gram presented Wednesday. October 10, in causes such diseases as cirrhosis and can K-Bay's Family Theater. eventually lead to death. As the program continued, Lieutenant, The two-hour long program was addressed Colonel Rdy Whitehead, staff judge advocate to the Marines of the 3d Battalion, Third indicated. "Voluntary intoxication is net a Marines (3/3), at the request of Lieutenant reason or excuse for committing a crime." Colonel Kennet h Jordan. commanding officer "Judges will not acquit or find a person of the battalion. innocent if 'their only defense is that they were The presentation was composed of a forum drunk," LtCol. Whitehead elaborated. of experts who discussed such things as the Master Sergeant Hal Green, Counseling medical and legal implications of alcohol,. and Assistance Center, expressed the staff behavioral changes and a chaplain's point of noncommissioned officer's view towards view. alcohol as the presentation progressed. Each featured speaker shared his know- "Alcohol affects. the performance of a man's ledge with the Marine audience in an open and work. If you have a serious drinking problem, relaxed fashion that encouraged the members the first step to recovery is to admit you're an of 3/3 to question and clarify any of their alcoholic," MSgt. Green stated. statements. Navy Chaplain (Commander) Lowell Captain Carl King, station Provost Malliett, regimental chaplain, Third Marines, Marshal, claimed "We are the victims of your noted, "One alcoholic affects 10 other lives. o t ve we reaction to alcohol," as he discussed how They could he among his busipass acquaint- 'FIRE PREVENTION TOUR - Children alcohol is related to behavioral changes. ances, family or friends." from Keapulu Elementary School, grades "If you are being questioned or detained by Chaplain Malliett seemed to summarize the kindergarten through sixth, enjoy a moment a military policeman in a situation dealing alcoholic situation when he disclosed, "An of convirsation with Sparky, a fire prevention with alcohol, the manner in which you are alcoholic is a person who hasn't been able to ntliscot. The children visited Station Opera- JtJii treated dcpends on your initial behavior. Easy find peace, hope and joy in real life. so he turns tions and Maintenance Squadron (SOMS) or hard, it's your choice," he pointed out. to the bottle as a substitute. It is not a sub- last week in recognition of Fire Prevention Navy Captain (Dr.) Ron Symonds, director stitute but an unfortunate crutch." Week. Page 4, Hawaii Marine, October 19,1979 Pope John Paull! visits America approach to the critical problems of the By Major Rick Steplen his church, John Paul II has demonstrated his ecumenical that they area brotherhood, world. His success is a result of his ability to make people understand Many people in America will remember the first week of October 1919 for a long timeto come. a family. preached this philosophy, but the sucsssuccess of John Paul in making Its significance will not be due to the fact that the prime interest rate was at an all-time high, or There are rrity who have ched because the the Russian brigade in Cuba controversy was still unresolved, or because the Pine- people really feit has been astounding. charisma. He radiates warmth wherever he goes and burgh Pirates took the Cincinnati Reds in three games to earn a World Series berth. The Pope is an individual with incredible not through intimidation but by being art embodiment and The significance of the Week transcended economics, politics and sports, and focused on some- commands respect and admiration thing more profound and intangible. It will be recorded in the annals of history because of one practitioner of all he preaches. as it is dignified. He is an intense. listener yet can hold an man religious man who made a pastoral visit to the United States and completely over- He has a style that is as vibrant -a how widely accepted or controversial the subject might be. whelmed a people with his remarkable love for them. audience's attention regardless of plaudits and accolades with genuine humility and is Pope John Paul Ifs whirlwind tour of America included stopovers in Boston, New York, While never actively seeking them, he accepts Assembly of the United Nations as he is with a group of teen- Philadelphia, Des Moines, Chicago and Washington, D.C. The tumultuous welcome he received as relaxed in the midst of the General creates an atmosphere of hope and unity. wherever he went was not reminiscent of those given General Douglas MacArthur or our first agers. But above all, John Paul II Catholicism to the masses or convert all to it, but rather lunar astronauts it surpassed them, if not in numbers then tiefinitely in enthusiasm. He did not come to America to preach in the pursuit ofa universal goal -- the elevation ofthe dignity As official leader of the world's Catholics, it was expected that his travels would genertiie great to unite all, regardless of their faith, of all his addresses was love, peace and the respect of partisan enthusiasm from his followers. But the Pope demonstrated that his appeal is much more of every human being. he central theme diverse. He drew crowds which numbered as many t n-catholics as members of his own faith. human life. to the top position in the Catholic Church -a church that is now beset by differ- Despite his age (59) and conservative religious views, his popularity with the liberaLminded, He was elected , He faced unprecedented demonstrations by members of his own faith younger generation was a hallmark of his pilgrimage. ences on doctrinal issues. and criticism they spawned. Yet through it all, the Pope touched Not recognized as an official head of state, nonetheless John Paul II war'- invited to and visited and met head-on the challenges and minds. He accomplished this not by a litany of promises, fire the White House (a Papal as a welcome as any prominent international all people and won their hearts first), and received official it by being himself - one who loves people. statesman would. and-brimstone homilies or confusing rhetoric. He did pumped new life in a crippled America. He helped many people Armed with papal flags and banners, his audiences filled the autumn air with joyous singing, For six days, this gentle man be and where our priorities should be oriented. wild cheering and chants of "Long Live The Pope" and "We Love Yo u." State and national leaders understand what the ultimate goal in life should and maybe we can do knelt humbly and kissed the Papal ring. The millions of people who attended his services strained Although we must now return to the struggles of unemployment inflation, toward the future. to touch the Pontiff as he strolled among them. His visits stole the headlines in newspapers across so with a little different perspective and a more positive outlook It's a pretty concept for people to accept the country and captured large segments of all television and radio news broadcasts.. There's an old saying that "love conquers all." difficult How does a man who does not command armies nor claim the title of President, Premier or when they are trying to devise new ways to stretch an already stretched paycheck or, worse yet, try- King warrant this attention, respect and honor from people not only in the United States, but ing to find work to earn one. throughout the world? If you can't believe that love is the answer to all life's difficulties, be sure of one thing"- it can't Undoubtedly, his nationality and role as a religious leader contributed significantly to his make things any worse! And maybe the Pope's plea for all people to "get it together" with love can prominence, particularly among his constituents. But the Pope's appeal to people of all faiths and help us turn the corner on and cut down to size those seemingly insurmountable problems we all ethnic backgrounds is a credit to him as a man. While he has a responsibility to manage and guide face daily. Think about it! Administration The hub of PMO law enforcement

Story by LCpI, Christy Tonegatto handle the variety of problems that occur. The Administration Division ot the Provost When you are working there you can expect, Marshal's Office at Marine Corps Air Sta- anything in the world to happen and we are tion, Kaneohe Bay, is an assemblage of many there to prevent problems from coming different sections working together to support aboard the air station.", /IP- ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Kit the operation of law enforcement, One probkm the MP's face every day isfost COrisOmd ,lanes 'RYAS, thecidant MEM' - An in many other types of businesses, paper- tourists. They will be traveling along the F1-3 investigator with the Marine Corps Air work is the backbone that keeps everything freeway then suddenly there is a Marine sentry Station, Kaneohe Bay's Provost Marshal's running smoothly. Eight sections within the in front of them. Since the freeway terminates Office, the distance measures of an accident administrative division pull together to form at the li-3 gate, the tourists ,must turn around site with a "walker." The "walker" can be used that backbone. and return from where they came. . to plot the exact location of a vehicle after an . According to Chief Warrant Officer-2 John Other problems that occur at the gates accident has occured. df the Administra- include civilians trying to gain access to' the Ohm° by Col Mike norm-- Owens, officer-in-charge tion Division, the 36 Marines and civilians station to either surf or swim and people who who comprise the division, combine quality are barred from the station trying to come and intelligence to accomplish their duties Ma aboard. .' professional manner. There are four sections within the administration division that are intricately The Word Processing and Military Police related. They are: Traffic/ Family Court, Records sections provide administrative Accident Investigation, Vehicle Removal and control for all of the police matters and func- the Insurance Company Department. tions. They prepare the correspondence and reports generated by. the military police Accident Investigation is a team of Marines blotter. A central file of all the records, that' probe into an accident to determine the incidents and the indentificatiOns of active cause. The majority of the cases are easily duty and civilian personnel and dependent is solved according to Sergeant Joseph Keating, also maintained. assistant section leader of Accident The military police blotter is a running daily Investigation. report that is continuously updated by desk "The cases we have trouble with are the hit s clerks 24 hours a day. The blotter summarizes and run incidents," Keating added. all the incidents/complaints that the military According to statistics, improper backing is policemen (MP's) have handled during the the cause of most accidents aboard the air sta- entire day. tion. The section also maintains a map on sites "This job generates approximately 80% of where all the accidents have occured. This the paperwork the administration section map indicates that the parking lot at the 7-Day handles," Corporal Daniel Bannon, a blotter Store is where the majority of the accidents clerk, claimed. happen. The gate section which handles Pass & The Traffic/ Family Court section is respon- Identification, the 1-1-3 Gate and the Mokams sibk tot all the traffic violation issued Gate is manned by 22 people. remedial driving and the reports that the Nisi and Identification personnel handle Honolulu Police Department and the Hawaii witatilawa vehicle and weapon registration, fishing Armed Service Police send out informing the permits, reconstruction decals and commands which of their personnel have identification cards for active duty personnel, received tickets in town. The section also reservists, retired and dependents. ',Iedles. the Federal Warrants that are issued The MP's who man the gates control all .opte- who have neglected to pay the physical access to the air station. Vehicles required fine after receiving a citation. having an Armed Forces of Hawaii decal Any requests for accident reports the PMO somewhere on them, will be waved through the receives froM insurance companies are gate by the M.P. Out, if the car is lacking a directed to personnel within the accident decal, the MP will question the driver to learn investigation section. For a nominal fee they the reason he is requesting permission to come are entitled to a copy of the report. aboard the air station. lithe driver has a valid The unahimous statement expressed by all reason such as a job interview, attending a the members of the accident related sections is social activity sponsored by the station or that all drivers should look bet ore moving and providing transportation for a resident of the continue to pay attention while driving. air station, he will be issued a temporary In a concluding statement CWO -2 Owens 0OY Bore visitor's pass area allowed through the gate. emphasized, "The MP's on the road are the WEEPING THE TRAFFIC FLOWING - time sentries like Sergeant Glenn Robinson keep Sergeant Andy Andrews, a ntember of the ones executing law' enforcement. Our ineoessIng traffic flowing aboard the air station and maintain security by ensuring that only gate section explained, "One of the main administrative section is the one to put it down authorised personnel and vehicles enter the station. things this job requires is a lot of patience to in black and white." October 19, 1979, Newell Marina, Page 5 Weapons Co. 2/3 hits Day Movement Course

Story and photos by Sat. Richard MacDonald "Perform immediate action for a liquid chemical "You have just been hit by a chemirk gas attack," attack." shouted the Weapons Company. 2d Battalion, Third Extracting their M-I3 Individual Decontamination Marines (2/3) instructor. Kits, the left Marines sprinkled each other, all over, Each of the four fireteam Marines scrambled to don with a white powdery substance to locate possible his gas mask, well aware he had only nine seconds to contamination. This procedure complete, the men safely complete the task. Whenever anyone failed, ventured Skyward; 20-feet straight up another rope. the men had to carry the "casualty" through the Then they returned to the dirt; low crawling on their rest of the combat maneuver course and it was tough backs as threatening barbed wire passed just inches enough to make it with everyone in good shape. from their eyes. The Weapons Co. Marines met with a new and challenging training drill October lOth when they Using each other's bodies for stepping blocks, the traversed the Day Movement Course clad in Nuclear, fireteams now teamworked their way over the final Biological and Chemical (NBC) protective gear. This stretch of the demanding course. Obstacle after practical test of ,prior classroom instruction was part obstacle was hurled, scaled, passed under or through of a newly instituted, four-day NBC educational pro- swiftly. Dropping from the monkey bars, the sweaty, gram developed by 2/ 3's Training (S-3) Section. and dirt riddled Weapons Co. Marines completed the course by swinging, tarzan-style over a water hazard; Belly crawling through an underground tunnel, several finished with a splash! scurrying over knolls and through brush, the advanc- According to Sergeant Karl Shiftlett. 2/3 NBC non- ing fireteam now came upon two simulated "casual- commissioned officer. "Weapons Co. 2/3 is the first ties" needing immediate treatment for nerve agent poi- company in the Third Marine Regiment to run the soning. After administering appropriate first aid to the Day Movement Course clothed in NBC gear. This of victims, the masked men high-stepped through a series course added to the difficulty of the already rugged of tires, lunged over a set of elevated logs and again exercise," crawled through a tunnel. Corporal Lawrence Harrea finished the obstacle "You have just witnessed a nuclear blast in that course, like several of his tough leatherneck direction." buddies, declaring. "Now that was fun, let's do it This sent the leathemecks sprawling to the ground. again!" face down, feet fronting the direction of the flash. "By becoming the first company here to complete Blast clear and 90 seconds later, the four-man team the four-day NBC class, Weapons Co. 2/3 has set the COMBAT MANEUVER COURSE PLUS - Weapons Company, 2d again advanced, this time to scale a diverse series of example for increased participation by other Brigade Battalion, Third Marines straddle tires; the first of many obstaclesthey elevated obstacles. At one point, they took turns units," explained NBC Instructor' Lance Corporal would pass through while clad in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) descending the 'slide for life' rope, in a head first, hand Tim Godfrey. "It cannot be overemphasized that such protective gear at K-Bay's Day Movenient Course October 10, over hand inverted crawl. NBC training is critical to our combat readiness."

PRACTICAL. NBC EXERCISE - Lance Corporal Tim Godfrey is treated for nerve agent poisoning (upper left); Lance Corporal Steven Lesh 'slides for life' (upper right); Private First Class Frank Ayala monkey swings (lower left) and two other Weapons 2/3 Marines dust for chemical tontamination; all as part of the Marines practical field test of prior NBC classroom teachings. 4.5 -'...." 0,1117....MINFiwilw,m.-

P 8, Newell Marine, October 19, 1979

JUST IN TIME - Only seconds prior to being slammed to the dirt, Marine Air Quarterback Lance Corporal Jim Adams (#10)fires the hall to Running Rack Staff Sergeant Don Foster during the Air's game against the Ft. Shafter Panthers October 12. Air overpowers Shafter, ARMS I IKE A LEECH - Attaching hims I in a parasitic manner, Marine Air Linebacker Staff Sergeant Edward Samuels takes hold of a Ft. Shafter ball carrier as Defensive End Corporal Scott Johnson (#116) and Linebacker Lance Corporal "Hacksaw" Reynolds ( #80) move in for the assist during their meeting at Ft. Shafter October 12. Barracks still undefeated

Marine Air vs. Ft. Shaffer Marine Barracks vs. DISCAV The offensive and defensive prowess of By capitalizing on three fumble recoveries Marine Air was spectacularly displayed and one blocked punt, the men of Marine Photos by Sgt. Victor Bradway October 12, as Air pounded the Ft. Shafter Barracks devastated DISCAV. 32-6. Panthers 16-0 at the Shafter Bowl. Linebacker Staff Sergeant Edward After a fumble recovery by Defensive End Samuela led the defensive charge with six Cpl. Eric Matthews, and on the Barracks' first unassisted tackles, one fumble recovery, and possession of the game. Quarterback j-Cpl. "I PLACE IT WHERE IT LANDS" - four quarterback sacks totaling 34 yards. Also Earnie Cole sprinted 0-yards for the game's Following an 11-yard punt, Ft. Shafter's involved in quarterback seeks were Defensive first touchdown. The second score followed a punter walks dejectedly away from Umpire Ends Lance Corporal "Hacksaw" Reynolds blocked punt by Nose Guard Private First Staff Sergeant James Harris after a roughing and Corporal Scott Johnson, and Defensive Class Cornell. Hawkins, when Running Back the kicker appeal was denied. The confronta- Back Sergeant Lyonnell Fields. Rounding out Cpl.- Gil Nimmons bolted into the end zone tion occurred during the October 12 meeting the defense's stand were Defensive Ends LCpl. from one-yard out. between the Panthers and Marine Air. Ray Devereaux and Sgt. Jay Swarthunt; Line- backers Gunnery Sergeant Pete Gonder and Defensive End PFC John Sanders grabbed I.Cpl. Kevin Andrews; and Defensive Backs the next loose ball, which LCpl. Cole turned Sgt. Noland Harris and Cpl. Tuuao Immo. into another quarterback keeper for six For the offense, Marine Air's quarterback, points. After the two point. conversion, the LCpl. Jim Adams kept mostly to a ground Barracksmen went into the half ahead. 24-0. attack, utilizing a freight train-like running back, Cpl. Samuel Purchase; smooth-moving After a brief rest at half-time. and another running back, LCM. Voyd Kiddy: and the fumble recovery, this time by Defensive Back ever-deadly running. back. LC'pl. Berlin Sgt. Ben Dykes. LCpl. Cole fired a 50-yard Swum. pass to Running Back Col. Gregorio Wesley- The first score for" Marine Air came via -Smith for score number four. The final score some strong pass attacks. Following a 27-yard of the game came on a three -yard romp by Varsity Cpl. Nliinmons with the extra point reception basketballers Lee, reception by End Cpl. Emanual LCpl. Adams followed-up with a I4-yard toss to by Offensive End 1..Cpl. Brian Berner. LCpl. Kiddy. On the next play. Adams again ready for '79 season hit Lee, this time for 37-yards and a touch- Marine Ground vs. 2nd Brigade down. Adams scrambled in for the extra Marine Ground plummeted into defeat for the third .straight week Tuesday is the beginning of the 1979 Varsity well disciplined team, with a vast amount of point. Saturday, when the Basketball season, and the Hawaii Marines of talent pooled in from the throughout the The second and final score of the game came undefeated team of 2nd Brigade won 4E-0. at Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay are brigade and station." when the Panther punter's knee touched the the Pop Warner Field. charged up, fired up, and ready for action. This year's varsity team has an average of ground after a bad snap from center. The ball Clashes According to Staff Sergeant Lonnie Win- five and a half years of experience each, and is was turned over to the Marines at the Upcoming doesn't play this weekend, bush, coach of the Hawaii Marine, "We are a made up of the following Marines: Panther's five-yard line, and on the second Marine Ground play of the series. LCpl. Kiddy got the call and but the men of Marine Barracks will be facing PLAYER POSITION HEIGHT scbred from three yards out. The extra point off against the league's second place team. 1st Col James Hawthorne Center 6'6" was converted via a pass from LCpl. Adams Brigade in Lualualei at 11 a.m. Marine Air SSgt. Andrew Peters Canter 6' 5" into the arms of Offensive End SSgt. Don also plays Saturday, against DISCAV on Field at 7 p.m. Cpl. Raymond Rose Forward 6' 41/2" Foster. Stoneman LCp1 Lawrence Maxey . Forward 6' 4" Sgt. Eddie Savage Forward 6'i- Cpl. Mark Jackson Forward 6'3" SSgt. Nick Hogue Forward 6' 3" Cpl. Bill Stone Forward 6' 2" Sportsnotes LCpl. Jim Melerotte Guard 6'2" Sgt. Jeff Mostly Guard 6' 1" Staff Sergeant Ernie Santiago of the ing in the Family Theater lobby on Tuesday at Sgt. Norris Chappell Guard 6' I" Brigade Recruiting Office won the All-Marine 9:30 a.m. For more information, call Dan LCpl. Jesse Walker 'Forward 6' I" Bodybuilding Championships held Saturday Dufrene at 257-3135. LCpl. Tyrone Jones Guard 5' 1/" at Oceanside, Calif. Along with the first place The National Rifle Association is holding LCpt James Stanford Guard 5' 11" physique trophy, Santiago also captured the its Regional Championships at the station's Most Muscular title. Finishing fourth in the rifle range tomorrow and Sunday, beginning To--- help you keep track of your Hawaii( Marine Varsity, here's their 1979 schedule: competition was Lance Corporal Don Shu- at 7:30 a.m. If you would like to see some of bert Headquarters the best shooters in the region firing in OPPONENT DATE . TIME PLACE of and Headquarters I Wheeler AFB Oct 23 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 Squadron, Special Services, while Sergeant competition, call Brenda or Frank Melgeorge 1 Ft. Shafier Oct. 25 8:30 p.m. Ft. Shafier Rich Tahan of Marine Heavy Helicopter at 254-4913. I Marine Barracks Oct. 30 6:30 p.m. Hickam AFB Squadron-463, finished sixth. see is `Jolly Roger Nov. 1 8:30 p.m. Hickam APB If you want to some hot softball action, Intramural Bowling having its organiza- I Haw PacA thelub Nov. 6 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 the K-Bay Recreational Softball All-Stars are tional meeting today at 9 a.m. in the Special Hickam AFB Nov. 8 8:30 p.m. Ilickam AFB going to do battle against the first place 1st Services Office. For more information, call I Schofield Barracks Nov. 13 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 Radio Battalion team on Pollack Field at 5 Staff Sergeant Chuck Offutt at 257-3135. I Tripler A MC Nov. 15 8:30 p.m. Hangar 103 p.m. tomorrow, In order to provide additional recreation to Station Volleyball has been spiking away I NavComEast Pat Nov. 20 7:30 p.m. NavCom East Pac the Navy and Marine personnel aboard the air for a few games now, so here are the standings iFt. Shafter Nov. 27 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 station, the Special Services Office has as of Monday: g Marine Barracks Nov. 29 730 p.m. Hangar r 103 announced its first Quarterly Deadeye Skeet /Jolly Roger Dec. 4 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 Shoot. The program will offer two divisions: TEAM W L IllawPacAthClub Dec. 6 6:30 p.m. Ft. Shafier 12 and 20 guage. All weapons and ammuni- 2/3 81 4 0 I Hickatn AFB Dec. II " 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 tion will be provided at no charge to the 1st Radlln 4 1 Schofield Barracks Dec. /3 7:30 p.m. Schofield participants. Entries are limited to the first 10 MA BS-24 3 1 IA tournament is scheduled for 17-21 Dec., time to he announced. teams of five shooters each, Entry forms are /I8t HS 2 2 ITripler AMC JIM. 8 7:30 p.m. Tripler AMC available at the Special Services Athletic SOMS / / NavComEastPac Jan. 10 7:30 p.m. Hangar 103 Department and must be turned in by October HqColide 2 3 Wheeler AFB JAN. 15 7:30 p.m. Wheeler.APB 23. There will also be an organizational meet- 213 #2 0 .5

I, an October 19, 1979, Hawaii Marine, Page 7 Marine Corps Ball Inlay celebrations set

November 10 marks the 204th anniversary served at 7:45 p.m. Music and dancing will go of our Marine Corps. To celebrate this annual from 8:30 p.m. to I a.m. For more information event there will be an Officers' Ball, a Staff contact your SNCO Club representative. NCO Ball, a Leeward Enlisted Ball and a Windward Enlisted Hall held at various times WINDWARD ENLISTED BALL and places. The Enlisted Ball for Windward Marines will be held at the Windward Enlisted aub on OFFICERS' BALL Nov. 10 at 6 p.m. From 6 to 7 p.m. will be the The Birthday Ball for all Marine Corps cocktail hour and the ceremony will begin at 7 officers on Oahu will be held at the Hilton and end at 7:30 p.m. A Steaniship Round Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom on Nov.. dinner will be served from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and 10. The Ball -will begin at 6 p.m. with Music and dancing will follow until 2 a.m, The cocktails and the pageant and cake cutting band will be 'Family Love' with a Disco set-up ceremony will start at 7:30 p.m. After the during breaks. Tickets are $5 per couple and Prime Rib dinner with all the trimmings there $3 per person and can be purchased at the will be dancing until I a.m. Windward Enlisted Club Office. Only 400 tickets are available and will be sold on a first Tickets are $20 per person and are available come first serve basis. through your unit club representative, Cap- tain Martin at the Joint Education- Office or LEEWARD ENLISTED BALL Capt. Walker at the Brigade Adjutant Office, The Enlisted Ball for Leeward Marines will be held at the Pearl Harbor Officers' Club on STAFF NCO BALL Nov. 8. The Ball will begin at 6 p.m. and a The Staff NCO Ball will be held at the Ala Prime Rib dinner with all the trimmings will Moana Americana Hotel in Honolulu on be served at 6:30. The cake cutting ceremony Nov. 10 and will begin .6 p.m. Tickets are on will begin at 8:30 p.m. and music and dancing sale at both the Combined Club Systems Office will go from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. and at the Camp H.M. Smith SNCO Club. The music will be performed by 'Family Tickets are $18.50 per person and include a Love.' Tickets are $5 per-person and are avail- Top Sirloin dinner and dancing. A uniform able by contacting Sergeant Stare at 474-9234 pageant will begin at 7 with dinner being or contact .your unit club representative. U.N. Week Activities focus on Year of the Child theme From a sunrise celebration at Sea Life Park to an international games festival at Skygate,there will be a wide variety of events offered during United Nations Week, October 21 to 27. Emphasis will be placed on children during this International Year of the Child, and the talented children of Na Keiki 0 Manana have been named official Singing Ambassadors for U.N. Week in Hawaii. Dressed in the native attire of many countries: the children ae students at Mamma Elementary School in Pearl City. Featured in many of the U.N. Week activities, the children will sing music from all over the Photo by Sat Victor Predway world, includinglrmgatd Farden Aluli's special composition,"For A Peaceful W orld."T his num- TYPE: V STRIKES AGAIN! - The Type V Volkswagoli which was built and designed in the ber is Hawaii'Lgift to the United Nations. station Auto Hobby Shop by Sergeant Larry Pappas, a radio operator with Headquarters. The following is the complete schedule of events: Company, Third Marines, took second place in "Da' Car Show," held Sunday at the Neal SUNDAY, SEA LIFE PARK - "Sunrise: An Interfaith Celebration" will begin at 6 a.m. with Blaisdell .Exhibition children from Hawaii's religious groups offering prayers, songs and scripture of their own faiths. Na Keiki 0 Manana will sing. The service is free and open to the public. An optional breakfast will be available immediately following the service. The cost is $5 for adults. $2.50 for children. Call the UNICEF office, 732-3191, to make reservations. Local locomotion, MONDAY, HONOLULU HALE - "Hawaii and the World We Live In," the fifth annual art poster contest exhibit will open at 3:30 p.m. Posters and pictures by winners of the state-wide K-BAY OFFICERS' LUE THURSDAY - Country night with Blue Sky' from 7'30 to TODAY - Lunch server) in the PacifiCc Room from II anl 11.300m elementary school competition will be on display through November 9. to 1 p m. featuring buffet line with specials. hot carved EAST-WESTCENTER This is United Nations Day and the special U.N. sandwiches. soups, and saleds Happy Hour in Tepa Bar CAMP WEDNESDAY, - the SMITH OFFICERS CLUB from 4:30 to 6 p rn with free pupas. Mongolian barbeoue and TODAY - Lunch form 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 pm. Happy Hour flag raising ceremony will take place at 8:30 a.m. in the courtyard between Jefferson and Lincoln steak out on the Lower Lanai from 6to 9 pm. Entertainment by frorn4:30to6.30am.Mongolienbarbocuefrom8.30199pm halls.. The East-West International Center Choir and Dance Ensemble will participate. Romola Musical entertainment from 'Blue Sky' Aferiely/ 8 pm- to 11 p.m. Dr. Lee SATURDAY - Octoberfest tonight for members only from SATURDAY. SUNDAY - Closed. Morse, UNA-Hawaii president, 737-9532, is in charge of the ceremony which will feature e pm. to 1 a.m. Sea flyers for more details. The main dining 'TUESDAY = Happy Hour from 4.30 to 6:30 pot Jay Cho, acting president of the East-West Center, and Lt, Gov. King. room will be closed due to the0Noberfest on theLower Lanai. Ticket holder. only. CAMP SMITH SNCO CLUB WEDNESDAY, SKYGATE -The noontime concert will offer a selection of international TODAY Lunch 11:30 SUNDAY - Champagne brunch in the Pacific Room from horn a.m. to 1 p.m. Helm, Hour songs by Na Keiki 0 Manana under the direction of Carroll Robinson, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Special entertainment 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. serving e variety of brat/Meat specialties with front 4 to 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, U.N. Week festival celebrating complimentary glea of champagne. In the evening candle- Dining room open from 6 tog p.m. Entertainment by'Freestyle KAPIOLANI PARK BANDSTAND -A light dining in the PacificRoom from 8 to 8.30 p.m with an all from 8 p.m. to midnight. the Year of the Child will begin at 7 p.m. Showcase Hawaii and the Jazz Ensemble from Brigham new dining menu. Reservation please. For yOut listening TOMORROW - Dining mom open from 6 to 9 om. Young University-Hawaii Campus will perform for this free event. Pleasure 'Akiko' at the piano. Entertainment by 'Disco Five-0' from 8 pm. to midnight. MONDAY Lunch served in the Pacific:4mm from 11 am. SUNDAY - Steak fry from 4 to 8 p.m. FRIDAY, SKYGATE - Royal Hawaiian Band concert at noon. MONDAY Sandwiches from the bar. to 1 per Join us Mondry thru Friday for lunch for e wide - FRIDAY, SAM CENTER,- 3264 Allan Place, 8 p.m. An open public meeting will feature variety of specials. hot carved sandwiches, soups end salads' TUESDAY - Liver end onions special from 6 to 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY Deep fried mehi Hawaii Preparatory Academy headmaster on the subject of at the club is the "0- Club's 1 arrows Mexican - men and french fries Richard Taylor, former speaking TollveiNiecial from plates Monday evening the Dining Room is closed. Please join 6 to 9 p.m. education. THURSDAY Steak fry from 6 Be,. - to 9 pin. us for Monday night football in the Tape SATURDAY, SKYGATE - International games for children and for all the young at heart Buffet style line luncheon from 11 am. to 1 TUESDAY - CAMP p.m. Tuesday the dining morn is closed. The Tapa Bar SMITH ENLISTED CLUB be played noon to 4 p.m. At 2:30 a presentation ceremony will be held with special evening TODAY Regular club acties will from close. at 10 - P.m. MONDAY - Happy Hour from 6 to 710 p.m. commendations for Irmgard Aluli, Na Keiki 0 Mariana. and U.N. Week chairperson Winona WEDNESDAY --Buffet style line luncheon from 11 em. to I pm Mongolian barbeque on the Lower Lanai from 8 to 8.30 Reamer, P.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 - The annual Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF coin collection THURSDAY -- Bullet style Ilse luncheon from 11 am. to 1 Week. Maren Wong, 732-3191, is coordinating this effort. .p.m. Thursday evening fare is beef night with steamship round campaign is an extended part of U.N. portieres, rice, vegetables and gravy and a salad her Adults 53.69. Children 82.69 andkiddies 4.08.Alsokiddiesof all ages inernah special -- spaghetti 99C and kiddies 5 yearn of age end tinder F S S M T guest of the Club. FAMILY THEATER CRAY SNCO CLUB 7:15 p.m. 11 1213 1 4 6 6 TODAY - Luncheon special is seafood pieta or sweet sour CAMP SMITH pork. Heron Hour with special entertainment willgoltom 4.30 7 p.m. - 4 9 10 5 6 7 to 6:30 p.m Menu dining will be served from 6 lo 0 p.m. The MARINE BRKS. variety bend 'Masquerade' will play from If p.m. to t a.m. TOMORROW .- Beef and cud, will be served from 5.3010 7 p.m. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8.30 pm The bend 'Star' will play from P.m. to 1 9 am. I. DAMIEN OMEN II - Lee Quint, William Holden, R. SUNDAY - Brunch will be served from 9:30 am. tot p.m. horrordrerns Mongolian berbeque will be served from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. 2. PROJECT IOU - Leslie Nielsen, Gary Lockwood, PG, MONDAY - Luncheon sPecial ma Mexican plate or hot pork demo Smorgasbord will be served from 6:30 to 8.30 pm 3 FLYINQ LEATHERNECKS - John Wayne, Robert TUESDAY -Luncheon special is chop suey. Smorgasbord Ryan. G, adventure w ilt be served from 5130 to 6:30 p.m. 'Jack Rivers' will play 4. THE GREAT SANK HOAX - Richard Basehan, Ned from 6 to 10 p.m. Beatty. PG, comedy Luncheon ie Belisha, WEDNESDAY spatial steekc 5. BOULEVARD NIGHTS -FlicherdYn igIJOI. Danny De La Beefeaters special will be served from 6.30 to 8:30 P m Pax. R. action drama special is hem steak, pinto beam, THURSDAY Luncheon 6. GOLDEN GIRL Susan Anton. James Coburn, PG, cabbage, and can bread Mongolian barbetNe will be mrmil drama from 6'.30 to 8.30 p m. The 60's and 60's bend 'Tommy '13" 7. LOST AND FOUND - George Segal, GWnda Jacktorl. and the Delinquents' will play Itorn 7 30 to 1110 p.m PG, comedy-drama 8. CONVOY - Ali MacGrew, Kris Kristolferaon, PG, C RAY ENLISTED CLUB actionidrema TONIOHT Special entertainment from 5 to 7 p.m. 'Or 9. RETURN OF THE STREETFIGHTER -- Sonny Chiba. D eath' will be hem from 9 pm to 1 a nl Yoko Ichul, R. karate-action TOMORROW 'Shimmer' voiles fleiloming PPS evening 10. COACH -- Cathy Lee Crosby, Michel Blather, PG, horn 8 p.m to midnight. comedy SUNDAY - Come over to the Club tonight for en evening 11. THE MOPPET MOVIE - Bob Hope. Paul Williams, G, with 'Sweet Earth.' They'll be on stag, from 7 to 11 pm. comedy AT THE SNCO CLUB - The variety band, 'Masipia tat'. will be performing at the Staff NCO MONDAY Movie night et rho Club. 12. ROOSTER -V Maier Van POI.. Ty Hardin, PO, Melee performs man v favorite hits pleasure WEDNESDAY - 'Stemmer' will be hereltom 7'30to 11.30 11 IN SEARCH OP THE CASTAWAYS -- Maurice Cheva- Club tonight from 9 p.m. to I a.m. The band for the listening lier, Haley Mills, 0. adventure of the audience. Page 8, Howell Marine, October 19,1979 Ad deadline I. Friday at I pact. FOE Ad reruns or cancellations Classified ads call 257-2142 anytime (DWH),

'78 YAMAHA BOO SPECIAL, 8,200 1019, excel expo *IWO. FOROPINTO,Ilow Sees, rafters:I 84.4"*.rmentlytuned-UP, TURNTABLE and IWO speaker, four *Wm old, *40. Cali 254 WANTED Cab 101.1. Humane, 357-2907 OWN 01500. Calf Cpl, Frenklyn, 2574800 OWN or 2137-2444 4802. Cori 140. OHM. WANTED: RATTAN LIVING R0048 SET. 2644227. '79 $152U101114250, ported. rebuilt sla reed whin-war own*. NALF.fARE COUPONS, United Airlino* lour, 065 Call 264 with NIngilr, fork Eli and 6111W shooks. ellenaer chopped 3636' 01200/offer. CO 264.2806, Mk lot Lea or leave n moo*, 74 CHEW IMPALA. merman, PS, PO. so., .0. (WA both' PETS good cord.. 81380. Call 254.2002 after 1 pm-, COAT, MALE AND FEMALE KITTENS. cuts and Mt* trairmd, trot to BOY'S OR GIRL'S WINTER 0.4.1o5e now. Paid $30, well good home Cell INV Sonia, 267-2887/2798 DWH or 202- VEHICLES '74 DATSUN 2602 202, now Michelinateel rerfiele now Winom 'ell for 516 /heal offer. two PON ol NPo blm.040 34038. 43 fresh. Coll 254.2069 or ew al 1807A S. Lowrance. MCAS 7228 AWH. '67 VAUANT, Wm. good running gond, 41160/best off*. Call paint. auto.. AC. single Owner, 43.000 "rear' miles, 05600. Coll 2E4-3350.. 264.6107. TIGER CAT. Imo to good horns Coll SS* Place. 287.2498 OWN. LIVING ROOM DRAPES for Capella. or Rainbow. 026. dining '76 ASTOE. auto., 50.289 saes, need. tune-up nd room curtains for Caprivi-1.320 Call 2E42882 or see el carpod MUSTANG, rune wall, needs body wort, 8200. Call 284- . 07 mufflor 6400 Call Shell., 26'2.8848 ohs, 5:30 p.m. gate toMOnOW, 2082 -A Campion pr., MCAS. FEMALE DOG. pan Alephod, Mx months old, all shots friendly, 2181. Wes Odder, Item tOpood home. Cab Metall.. 267.2148 OWN 15 dr., PS, MAC, sum., 41800. Call Mt*. HALF OFF COUPONS, twoUnItodAirlInmand onoWearer, or 254E308 AWN. COWER/16LE. ONE 118 PLYMOUTH FURY III good mild 4500, Cell Sharer, 287-3307 OWN or 264-4730 AWN. Airliner', 660 each. Call 254.6166. 2872017 IRISH SETTER PUPS, AKC rogiatered. Call 284.1413 AWN. '75 GRAND FURY WAGON. outstanding coon, no rut, toll E6014115. BOWL1010 BALI, 55 Vos,, vdtog 01rnee1 now, 830 '88 DATSUN 610 WAGON, good rumor, new tun, bottom and FOR SALE: 'German Shepherd puppies. 7 weeks old good MM., AM/FM. cruse conlrol/power met, 32,000 5957. Rennood, 267-2797/2688 OWN or 281.6870 AWN beaks* bah tune-up, 4850. Coll 282006. or 264.2291 morking, 6 male and 1 lornale *86 or les. depending on 12000. COO OW0.2 Troubleiald 257.3304 OWlI 47 t -8011 AWN. markups and recs. COI 682.4361 OWN or AWN. '58 TOYOTA, four *., RT-43. Won now. Pont, MINOLTA SRT 102 w/60mM lent efectronrc 11.5. tripod and pobariring 111101, excel, 4700. Call 264E221. oond.. 4250. Call 254.2024. UNIFORMS '77 DATSUN 8210 HATCN8ACK, fiw spd., steel 1001.14. etretsecelfad. 82950. Ca/1264-4918. DIAMOND RING WEDDING SET, white gold, $75; garnet '89 CifEVY NOVA. 80,000 miles, 440 syl., Ingt run. esoNable DRESS BLUE PANTS, pairs, new. 610601h. Call birthstone ring. 5251 golf site nine, bmok, 05. one set of sire 31.30, Iwo November 1, 8600/offer. Call Lod, 201.1987 OWN dr 2824431 'hon, MCAS. . 264-2959 or am at 1807A S. Lawrence Rd.. AWN. '77 DODGE ASPEN; four dr.. 318 ang., radio. AC. PS, P8. auto, gum. 04. Meets. whue w/mOlat trim on *Howse... Can be new tires, $3300/offer. Celt Sylvostar,.257 .2275 OWN or 282- soon el .1806A S Lawrence Rd.. MCAS. Mrs. Riley. '89 BUICK ELECTRA. blue. excel cond.. four new tam. non** 2333 AWN. SET OF POLY'S 42R Picket, 34 trousers. Prue one Iongondlloori for body wok. 11 is good. lull tunaup, only 8601 mat sell. Call elem. shills, 'Smoot. and overoost, el) tor 030, Call 637-4316 GARAGE SALE. 2501-8 O'Nool Pl.. MCAS. today.2 m .0 p *77 MONTE CARLO, 23.000 miles, AC, AWN. 264E371. ail power. T. top, maroon tomorrow and Strove ern.-8 PAT, boysOlothes, WWI Immune whohlts Int.. 04,200/boB offsc 287.2303 OWN, 2014484 and mite. 70 PONTIAC FIRESIIRO, AM /FM cassette Nemo, corvette blue AWN, LCpI. Adam. COMPLETE SET at dross blues, der I.*.1 38. NM C.UTYlone webleck inter*, 61600/gal offer. Coll LCIP.Adams.267-2303 GARAGE SALE,1707 LawretWe Rd., MCAS, tomorrow, s e ni OWN tot AWN al 257.3470. mom 308. 267.2723. DWH or 281-4484 AWN.. 78 GRAND PRIX TYPE SJ with AM/FM memo 8 -track with C13 p.m., Boogie boards. crib dinette set, pawnor, *flee tab* and radio bunt Into dash, cruise control and other options. Must sell. (notching end tables. 0,40 tree. girl's bike purr IV, miso FURNITURE '7OMAVERICII. ranched elx Pvt. runs excel., good gin milempt, For more lotoonettonciantect Whiumer N 477.8628 AWN. OWN. 4700, Cell LCpl. Bromberg*. 257.3203/2481 RENOVATION SALE. all wood kitchen column., him*, glass. BLACK BAR. w/six *cola, omen feet long, *Amato hansom if '79 20 FIAT SPIDER. Ilk. now. -con. moron* custom work, come look/ Cell 254.4227. included 1200 /offer. Call 164-3064. radials. 48.600/offer. Call 521-9586 OWN 0, 822-0134 AWN. '70 BUICK . LESABRE, two dr , good clean fronaporlation. Irmo some body damage, now WO, *OA MOM-FAMILY GARAGE SALE. 332 *mono Sr, Xtblua Innai STUDIO BEDS, w/end table, Wend new, great for any morn to offer. Colt OWHor ZEPNER.Z.7.PS,P13, AC, AM (F1Asterm. 4460/mmo Cad.. Munkros, 267.2847/32111 78 MERCURY UAW. Alkahi Shopping Center) tomorrow, p.m, trommes be used as harls or sofas, 0120 CW121544148. pm+ 2354113 AWN Call SSgt. Plow. 2874498 books, clothing and misc.

SOFA AND CHAIR, IVICA &MOE labia w., four choirs, 640, 28" '71 GRANO COOING, 351m. in., P8. PS, AC, Urn sad '79 VOLVO2840L, auto.. AC cop wheel.. steel rodiols. Nother GARAGE SALE. 3172 Bancroft, tomorrow, l, a In. Mown. baby consols TV. 4200. Call 236-4300. stereo/CB radio in Wish, gold, hke new, WM.. moot, runMng cond.. 6760/best offar. Call CM. Matson. seat*, sunroof. AM/FM things, luggage Singer gowns rnechino, United /mho, 2574426 DWH. 611E00. Coll 264:6197, dimount coupon, clothes books and MN of other bargains SIK PIECE NATURAL &ARAN, four stand, two sots 0001000 £011, lug eel own, innoroceing oughkgril. Wet cond.. MIMI '72 CEUCA Inside endow, soma r 'more* spd., (mist goodCond. MISCELLANEOUS- GARAGE SALE. 1751 Lawrence Rd., MCAS. tomorrow, IC e rn 4600. Call 254-6186 me to appreciate, Sgt. Rbeera, 267.2457 OWN $1350/oll5. Call 4 p.m., baby furniture end clothes, UAW01 stereo receiver. 50110 mcal. cond. or 282.5198 AWN. COMPLETE DARKROOM. Bowl* 23 CII Wogs, American clocks, end tables. Many fork. Herne BEIGE SOFA. 490, foto barrelgarnechairs. 6100. Co11398.8344 Con IstLt, Sharer. 267.3307 OWN'.. 254-4730 AWN. AWN '72 MG8, excel, cond. inside and out, tour miktags 150 1001. CARPORT SALE, 20132-A Campion Or . MCAS, tomorrow, baby new top. banning cover, four need reshot Wee extras, LIFE TIME SPA CONTRACT. Coll 247.6071. crib, girl's bedroom outfit, much rime TOSHIBA COLOR TV. 19.. Ma now with one end Ned year 41890/51110. Call 247.0988. wafrentY left for all pans end labor, *350. Cell 264.5257, MINOLTA SR 101 Mts.° 4380, sell Mr *175. Call 247.6071 .nil GARAGE SALE. 2028.8 &own Or.. todoe andlOtoorrow. a AMC GREMUN, rebuilt 232, auto., body in WOO 8 m 72 Veld Soot, MOM Menage. back to *hoot clothe*. sea Infant to adult. gm mIlmge, 6800. Cell SSgt. Spitler, 267-2721 OWN or 264- APPLIANCES 4768 AWN. PANASONIC STEREO whiright-hack, two ap.akars, WO now. ALANON AND AULTEENoffer help totheentire family Meetings WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR. copowtono, two years old, 610. Cell 264.2181. held in Bldg 41037. Tuesday 0,13pm Call 257.2055 ler lurther offer, Westinghouse double own stove. Mote. two cond .. no rust, recent tune.up, all new $100/bast '72 DATSUN 510. good Inforrnetion were old. 476 /Mat altar Call 281 -7164. time. current ...laity Mop., groat gee mileage. 0650 firm. Cell PFC 5850 MX; SW SW-2. Hogan. 2574032. TELEFUNKEN OPUS STUDIO AM/FM, -I, stereo Telafuntlen turntable, top Dirge Gorman PERSONAL OR FAMILY ALCOHOL/DRUG AND WASHER. all in good order. mow me PROBLEMS? The REFRIGERATOR Spetkers. 11225/best offer. Call GySgt W114,257.2003 DVotor Counseling andAesiatenceCenter. Bldg 41037, offers help.Call Moving. Call 282-8406. '73 FORD VAN. atArt ,N141, runs vary good, *AV good, *22130. 254.5032 AWH. 257.2088 for info. Planning *paint soon, 42800 oho painting. Cell GySgt Snook. 257-2893 OWN or 239-8863 AWN. FOR SALE: United Admiral half.fare discount coupon.. $60 Cell MOWER, raar.baggee, 890 0006s tank. 680, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES SEARS LAWN 83E2245. regulator. 6251 red mit Moll hanging lamp. IWO. Cell 2544919. B.C. two ER-70-14's w/Arneri- rebuilt runs good. need* T/A RADIAL TIRES, Goodrich, '73 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER. sing.. FOR SALE. Omen me lane wooden headboard. Asking 420 owl racing metre and 2 50-60.14., wifenton meg Urn., MM. sortie body work, 015000 01101 Call SEM Raymond, 267 CB RADIO. used approx. six hours. excel. 0.011d.. Call 254:5107 Paid 4650. will sae 101 4300. Cell Sgt. CooPer. 253-3883 DWH. 2797/2688 OWN or 261.5670 AWH. 40-CHANNEL 446 firm. CO 239,6883. FOR SALE Sears Craftsman rotary lawn mower with firms SLOTTED ET MAGS, y01 universal mounts, 14"07". 4103. Call '73 00005 CHARGER, blue, good condition, Mad '/8. 4. catcher. Easy adjUmable glees cur level. Good running CAR diving weights. 03 Ma. I stLt. Lo8ounty, 2577209 OWN or 395-8344 AWN, Steed, AM/fM storm. PS, PB.PW. mad whmht 41,000*. best TOP CARRIER, adlueteble mokled condition. 680 Contact GySpl. Griffin DWN 477.5094/8747. offer. Call Cpl. Crurnbley at 477-6041 DWH or 477.0806, Rm. and 815 *lc per *meld. Cell 254.2887. 466-9098 AWH. 303 AWN. 15. TIRES. WHEELS AND HUBCAPS, for Ford, new. to...4200 SYLVANIA, STEREO RECEIVER. 135 want per channel, Iwo or housing EER firm. Call Sat. Chop, 267-2413 OWN or 262-0184 AWN G.E. AIR CONDITIONER, 19,000 STU,1-neesMCAS tow channel., plus two LoloyettO spoakore. 4700/best offer '73 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. ben /Mae vinyl. V-11, auto.. AC, 6140. Coll 254,1844. regulations, Call LCpI. Mosque**, 267.2865 DWH or 247.8935 AWN AM/FM, polder mato. and window.. Call 833-7807. TWO WHEELS/TIRES for Toyer... 015 each. Call 254.5221. SEARS TV, black and white. 13". exce1 cond., white Mourn BELL & HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA.** light loom. mot 01%0. Coll 1 MU. Show, 257.3307 OWN or 264,4730 AWN. '74. CHEW MALIBU CLASSIC. two dr., herdtop. PS. PO, AC. styling. 840 lion. CaU 239-8583. . .90 MOTORCYCLES Owl lop, $1500/offer. Call MOgt. Adel**, 267.2270/2886 CARPORT SALE, tomorrow and Sun., 1994-A Ileming OWN or 254E230 AWN. 70YAMANA 500.11, 4850 Donor tro***rualvalue C01254. MINOLTA ii.f MATIC CAMERA. 3Smm, absolutely like Pent, MCAS. 9 rem. to 3 p., trash to treas.'s. 23E13883. 2988. '74 DODGE CLUB CAB, auto., AC, PS, radio. camper shell, new DEO. Call PICKET FENCE three foot high, wood w/gate, fits Wppe tires. node differential yoke rePIWwl. 4280046BN Tin., Call howing Ieml perlett, gen tr can be mode to fit olsewhere, '7> YAMAHA ENDURO 800. Weds work. 4300. Contact Sgt. Sgt. NMI./ 00014 367.2142 or AWN 254 -5189. Lib CUM AIRLINES COUPON. $86. Call LCpl. Adkins. 2E7-3319 approx. 40' long, Mks offer. Call 254-4179. Malone of 477.8367. 131ndi or 239.5464 AWH. . .74 BUICK ELECTRA, moot cond., all **muss, brown witnack To Interior. 01300. Coll 264-3430, DOG RUN, framed section., chain link fence, mcnable, two VA' *me en advortimenens era Nowa* Merino, you bo '78 HONDA NAVAL, 400ee, owl cond., low Mile.. two halms, sections, five TAT sections end one 3'4' gate. west. for must on octive duty or wined mrvice number. ohn 1995 offer. Cell LI. LoSounty, 257.2209 OWN of 395-8344 '74 SAAB 09LE, silver gray, AM-FM cossatto, 2 5., 4 sad., - lianeropioyea. or dep. rldnt. Ad forms are amilebto / let condo11109 Wonb.dogs. GII Rat. Shaw, 257.3307 OWN or ot ' Out movemtlaw AWN. 257-2384 DW11, 139.6290 AWN. 1.1 Lt. Soren. 154.4730 AWN. office in Bldg. 301 on MOAB. Kaneohe Boy. or the Force Public Affairs Office In Rte, 10102 at Comp Smith, and must b. tornod Mb, 1 p.m. Friday for sublimation In the following week's newepapar. To rerun or cancel en ed. cell 257-2142 anyMtve dutt,p world*, hour. - Morino Corps PublMotions and Printing Bogota*. .---Intelligence (dote Mal this newepapor m.y omen Brief contr.' no ede then free and non corninerdel advertletng of relator personal property or of 0110110.. ofrood by end PoNollnel 01 SOVIET NAVAL INFANTRY (Organization and Mission) - The Soviet gm unit for Mon commotion.. Provided the such soldiers depicted in last week's article are Soviet Naval Infantrymen. They Meow/Pot/ mProsentsn Incidental **hong. botwmn Personme o/ **novo' community end not 0 austalned are the Soviet counterpart to U.S. Marines. Compared to the U.S, Marine, ° Won.. oporation. the Soviet Naval Infantry is small, consisting of only 12.000 men divided into regiments of approximately 2,000 men each. Their regiments contain infantry and tank battalions, rocket, air defense and anti-tank batteries, BM various combat support companies such as recon, chemical defense, engineer and transportation. This organization is similar to that ofa Soviet motorized rifle regiment, but because of their amphibious mission the Naval Infantry does not have an artillery battalion. Although tasked with a variety of ship- board and land based duties, the Naval Infantry is primarily dedicated to amphibious operations from the sea or across large rivers. Their small size limits this role, and unlike U.S. Marine operations, the second wave of amphibious assault troops are not normally naval infantry, but ground force troops. Thus, the naval infantry are the first wave"shock troops" responsible for opening s beachhead for the ground troops who will carry on the batt.e. Being a "soldier of the sea," the Soviet marine deploys aboard both naval and amphibious shipping. However, his"ftoat" is generally less pleasant than that SLEEVE 'PATCH experienced by the average Marine. His liberty is limited and his OF NVAI INFANTRY activities and conduct ashore are strictly controlled. Typically, Soviet ships do not cruise but sit at anchorage for lengthy periods and get underway only BLACK RED 'BORDER most of his time is spent aboard ship, the Soviet during exercises. Since BACKGROUND marine's cruise can he a dull experience. Despite hardships such as this, the Soviet marine is 3 disciplined, dedicated and tough adversary. To see what goes into the making of a Soviet Naval Infantryman, the next article will dis- cuss his training. YELLOW ANCHOR NO 'THANKS- I MARRIED A KNOW IT AU-