t r * « T a. W ^ , * T I — «WR T M a — - " * I 1 a —n .*



T *" Cai'SCof imi IIakli Toil*. — Iht (me t (fTht Kicbnioiid South mti that Senator Han- tJ^*The intelligence from YVsshington strongly 1>eath or Cuawfouis, the Sou itoe— r* WEDNESDAY, NOV. THE WEEKLYfJOURNAL 4, 1857. QTMr. Cushing, in the opening of his lata speech tuncini crisis h nut th* only one that has resulted ter during tbe last Presidential ciitui “was not indicates that Walker and Stanton are to b« turned 1 Crawford died in Ismdon on the loth ultimo. He I = an in Faneuil Hall, thus evinces his superiority' to™ the**" i **»« Mceriv* speculation We may leant if the Mexico. Some time ago, while Accordin tethe Balt MINTH I I1KMDBKMK , to UsBORMHUB > K we Achilles.-bilk* in his tent.”tent No, nor out of it oat of office in Kansas for having presumed to purge wrestled near the verge of grave with a most' doing justice to g imore Sun's ( vulgar prejudice against written sneerhesspeeches: Wroria^tan cro- * would great deal ~ ~ l ,e integrity and , •un a from experience, but the go- months, and uow, at last, intelligence of Comonfort, . ;ak* u> r " B‘lent, •loo. whose statement . ~ _ the polls. W alker is evidently killed off as a can- painful disease for many , and

IxterkstixoIxterestixo BB>ase Statmtics dbe following Let me nut he ashamed lto“ confess, that,t I •Wad spirit of our countrymen aoon forget* and — sbyra, amidst the «*pres*iog, indeed, our confident th‘ manya!*>T ‘tevrmw w* publish in another anas — I tiy Joeraai i»- 444,,* for the Rnxt Preridaucy . Who shall take hi. ha? fallen into the dark legTets belied that if . vu*m u> c.n.b -olroro, the Admiairtnura , l O inter Mir TH Vnklr «t ••ft ** erren from past **it •a mammmhstatement otof thethttie conditioncon itvon andan thet numnumberr oof Mexic o ws i hardships, and ccntinuallr revels enlightened world. ever regenerated it would he 3" *" v' ’* hua received uropat--he* from place and be killed off next? Can't Douglas Ire and lamentations of the through this very spot. I ™ r 7 •,oh*''» *fil?5ah. Gov Walker which have not bean able to look forward. 'JjTJSiai “**r b'At'",k ’s "m e Untedn Sl‘u‘*s d«artngrin «** U,t tWenree *”* ansi coe.tr, Uuie. «r TH- I ia the excitement rf rapid fortnae-making. ^ K energy patriotism, we ventured, without * OmMo. l,in.o«t The ot] , ,^1 Hr. Crawford was born in New York city, March neverthe- eubtwlt, to the peeeewt hear and ha ap — if 'dhhtadlf Vtadfewta has edteml smita oe ^ ***r^~ — It m new g tt*Sj!I|i?iT eg V««kkMf«( fJfc. W«cklr -4 m^y t yemn |t; fl 1 . .. *'aekis».,» predict that this unhappy come Writ now, with unaffected **“**_wtaomt.— loso^lie Damaermt Iowa to period tt their >iota, rewRS UibM • r..*fi» at w* I* eotare ar osar pi 6* C , a satire of •JTnd, 1814. Ilis passion for art, which manifested countrv would the shorn the tinm a# the «-An™ editor in one ™of our Southern cities sayss,,. 188737.' 1M7.1MT 1st,7 I I* regenerated, at least A>»»- Major Jack Downing, upon the cause of the crisis - "* itself in hi* early childhood, acquired the complete in our dsy. It is »" Fdled wMh late election ia Karen*. W* presnme there ere h. “rteiHHi kr BnimrsrsH.«Hns» unlher 7s* 715Tls 1.4101 4K not discovered that the ^.lemniV^v the rtribfeMMro iTwiiTtt tta that the people there have re •* capital ‘ '<** or in incte generalities, mon! fnr Ut party by the I particular burineas for 'WhM tm.77s.wtam.777.Wl77X.W? swt.ii7e.aciluJyTss^ immn37u*Mj(7s •• *7 »>“* ‘vents have addcl but must address emptnvmeM M an armed from hi* achaowledgml exp-rtence ami the “Gineml,” and in tta lieautiful Is* bests. At school, he met the demand., such strong mvsclf nUlligun, — I discovery. tn the living questions'JESSZpJ?.«t the crisis, such‘"u'*"as host, he has nudst of ••••choir c««Arwlha to the withdrawn his infamous •a i hi> labors received j»re cal concern*, and ird \t hj is this Unit-laud ot Kapbacl. Michaelichael Auyelo,Auyeio, ami We have already heardhe the views and intentions in wood. Finding this lirld, however, too ^t\ erv respect. The post- with aI written xdd.e-add.es*.adil.es*. 1 know, as Well a*aa VJ P then. of the ridteutons haw-split- wot work hard neitherneatber. carving ^ Amlrria del Sorto U"v atUtoul a jatiutcr scumtnr or arrhi any man living— I , of several-v-AM.sungu'-hcdamldistinguished able memtwrs of Con- *'»* ri* s <* th know by the“* practice and oheer- what he praposcl." The shudKag eqaivocatioa of of thorn ^.._ vr.lt. ptr . his unfolding tastes, l* « (fnvermu^nt are fortnidnlhl ‘ l trl wko eTW 1 . w,Bt let, eeab> ta Tri-wwsktr euartw- more nor kMUn linn uvt above ti»<- level of a !«•» m<^locnb ! u iht home _. _ _ i in .t, ruj for he ap- , hut it* , 7i_a , vation'“ton of thirty year*,«sr", k *****gress on thelDe subject of the1 duonlera of tlie currency - . - - '-" howbow nuu h of advantage ** Waahly her eaartee; of Borvarrm. bulr,Daoh-. Ntckiavill,M*« hiarelli, uimud QaIOmGalUeo1 abauhrtHfabmdutHr ...... ,--:u .t:n -n. i_ '*-.^-.^1- “**this statement is of i,itselflf >uMi lent U.In show how .tern>!e»- l« Enamu, have Cg «m aa Ui\ AQC and Melliiu'M landu lie vs* “Ii ru le l.ssj.im •( T to the study of drawmg and anatomy "• PKe deterrmoatna. there -V.is, heew hittertv .ng ha* oArial * * V " uew>sm m wiovlium and tiw cure for the same, and learn that it istlie.r l*h~l h.meelf "T* ' taSTh^aStat least fortor mom,-utamomentary impresaioa. ia the taiuahat name. ka»« n ioa4 the pcvrincta of .. . , . ._ tj _ . a Htann U , ,, W ^ porate is lhethe cause h itu** u lotemteilintemleat ealef ta» MWe '*t | il zeal of it* enemies arc less fact, 1 “ shah“ h to hofcrter'•outer cmdact, aad, in spite at D'aniii^— \ou kn*»a be * aii old h»x, and always the pwalawiAaf Wh> U thb « at the »ealth.». alUi. ratmmerre.r..iumerre purpose to bring up the subject at an early day of under the most accomplished teachers in his native alarming than the or the appearance, if notno the fact—of extern- the r*--- r-'iillma infer a industry prineva of ad which made tlie Medici, the Kk ‘•xtr.u.rdmary 1*"*^"" orators in.pu up; hut oven this meagre support is taken from it. «av furnished kHoars to ,h* What remedy they will propose' for entered the »tu.’.io« of Frazee imlifferenve and supinenesi of iu l**' —the by the Prusadeat a -donee ia foil wbeit jump well, he are how every body • ardi. the iVrrur ai. the fltrotri, aad .he Alberti; which c jtv.and subsequently act of •-meted I- haute, Florence, aud Ptea into Htal.*? with Beeta e Governor Ligon in calling oat the view of that cuadact, HsE\T>. wa» freUmp rich, mo be went and tiou+rht a piece of «- - « ' uunui the Mediiemiueau. and nvaliuifS'.Ksi.rrtlie jiower of Uc thousand • 1 ‘* TIm wo*ld soldiers ami authorising firm le sn- was aad ia, hy a towimhir *»<*• Vca>ce iu their da> i. hit tint ideal one, the w liwpwiiote. It *etra* all but But I ki»..w tta them up Ink of DownuurviUe. and imve ki« md ndhi otbov U»cthe buover-tuipovrr that will tu the of the evil, end restore I he bust*, an«l ftinont: them bust Austrian |.rinee When • the civil authorities ami to -preserve the hove Karl. . f 1 A I» , , constitutional currem y such a currency as General unaccountable even in one of the most wret* bed of *tt purpore, relinqui-h its been taxing thaw i M L UMm. ItewK W. Madhwurt Mle fur i thousand »4ltf« for iL And then be Mild i* tn« wplni Bed of tte*w rreai and durtom men of auothei — ,,f (Vrei Burt-vtii nn,,t"t rrun“n thl “«* rir,»>k,k in pence of the r.fMCcr Their .till Washington and all the father* and founders of the . the Spanish-American - the ke«*heat otof the mindiniikt s action, of city" stands revealed, m ail Ha naked wits to exonerate dewes-udaut- inhabit the load. The oupu ,,. .« * Bute*. With the immediatemediate Mm from i it to um le Jacob, aad took hi* note for two thtutsaud ,K u friwford «ub-asailed Rwfor t.nropeFurone and | ( l '’' *r.VnwUn say,. less c >a l* even gi eater in lhe period “ ,g more .w I uow than to whU h | re- government contemplated. The Sule banks of is- than mean I will not have n ing necessity of organising M hat have these t duUar*. aad nmle Jassd> sold it to uncle Earhary Thc areal bum of (cruet da> • rtitl exht -the cor- shortly afterwards took up his residence at Home. K* the government the op sue are clearly unconstitutional, and *o the pres- t».rtumty of substituting alter thoughts for jttaa.ita ‘ Hess «tat of aa un,l, r * co«*Gtutiau just lArptal hy the people, with sp.*eu word-; respe- W h. <»« . foe sage vesrtsthm , the —mejsrttnrvrtM ptar .StatesStates will decidede« ide when the question shall-hall •*be diadts-- "W*®elllon stalking abroad at noon-day,noo«-day, from auvauy abstract or reports of Walker a otbcial eanduct w far as ha ha* I * L w-ulptor, and, with down to Bill Jttaoa.i. whowin. liooghtlemcht ilit ateate) gave hi* M vnsen. )hetlie Danishtlauish when that illustri- the fc H. Uaremn. Fiusb “ Mavdock Hawthlaaf ti fc |-;‘«Hpirtaiesfiwn.ing -* *** been odhrUUy informnd ad R? Under stoma at the* R M ante for sis thousand dollar*. So yn.vuu me,"sec," say.sirs he,be. u^taShmharee.- su^*mU«ml- '^ «*»" «"**“• left 'Ul.v, opetad a studio of his own. a^ exphsling"SO. «m m-„t of t™’'^(7T^iaee, though superseded Icy - ZttL?wtat*«! m taLl',1^ ‘weJl le- A R. MeoSHH* ,^"1 miS!*: very spirit ot our repaidicaa Iwtan, '»5SU.*aw-.x 1,11 lastatation. i "lc< >nd m the very heart ,f the r.vp.tal. dacmiva fort, what na-.pwa listiortwa will they “there's dve of that war’nt . <( sue,-ess wa. neither hug delayed nor stinted. ^ with dniign T tadbs. Part. them, worth nine pew, v tsi^Tta S^ThriYtata halhT^t ta^nuSpSdi, the el.s-ti.wi of a snc. #-sor, will m<, it is said, m|.ly His The sneer • of the wlitor t M Whits. Ml Mrrttar IT. 8 Karr. Kataville » oul.1 letl at the Demswrat at our now take between tar Fw si data aad Ms apiece (excefit ancle Joshes), have now haw a aann- atarusl m.ntb.tW. I*»ar.Shsa A t o.. Men got a '* R. I iaaah s-U.uidu-1 hi* arc l>> li statement of tiw illegality of Swittti OaVlatia Ligon'* proclamation agent? What haw will they undertake to spirt R thousand dollars apiece clear, whew their notes are ttaiMHMWIwnwnw theUm* iiiaaTidarluntf till* tel l aw s. Hi *' are W a. Jewaa. Jsataws tar. AM Meai oi 4(*M. Ttem- Moitall ill-timed, aud it appears that it is Mayor Swann next ? J «' tm w.it Fvaakf -rt ALAJiSIf *. paid." aad wind* up hy ml vising the Major to come hot thejrtoiub*. thrir “ and not the Governor who is sustained hy the 1 Ja Mm w>un.WaUar 8hHt»ghelA. rUS J. M l«v(>. Manner cj Notbma ,,f an'* I"" services, and, opm- We have no particular —— to sit m jr Igintal bornehome bvl.y aHall meant,mean* forsakef.wvake hi-h.- l.eigingsI.eicincs afteralter placeol-, e dtam ‘hat he ebould voluntarily retire, nor even yield to He executed, in the beginning of his career, a num- if needs in Yaufhaa. Ometarrtire. R l> WRsna MaawriUe Sr.**3Sf -tv*» jn wurl |tv of hia high ahiliuu aad vaalM W R rL Mterthta tons of eminent lawyers ia Baltimore, I an nnreasooalde and iiup.ru.wnt re<|uest from the kfo h» life aa a free edkruag at “to well as on even sn wretched a set of harlatan* to this clue • C Itartea. »"«i and paaitmo Imv land la-fore it Ui.telh,4r U...dblood audsod b.-arbesr tfoirtheir ,,r,v. r> luvmea, seem«*-'« to be (^r „f striking busts, among others th.Me of (he her font, a bare fuo- . aad was all gone. usme, be a race of Lte «.comnl«hroeuts It aim.-, -bed, resoeciolnh. v ,m \ Swn’ I F (iftaT. th* memlwrs nf the Baltimore W II Kirtfi- Rt HAfs l>lifltiit‘c tatiiul Ihi scMlk'bri • ut nnlita. future of Ms .State. bar generally." The at tre-eators but wwcan’t help saving tarn their ab- hu convened the j ft Rrt the Major, h seem, was a little obtuse with tommodore Hull, Mr. Kenyon, the English poet, M session L li Htatir • r J mmo. a WiHTs- are we to IiBUh « x|4aiiOtM»n of thU riddle? IlowHew ^ the mireralde party « whose behalf If following is the opiniuo of the State . Attorarr sorei -4 the aad blustering sgamet Walker wMln L«r»uxt ho* tiki* invot Mirtil ill t oatiaiu b, *t*u thu dwarfed? What«thh rcocrol Congress, and a majority of even fawumg slnv- regard to the prwrth al pert ' Kurt Laramie and Sir Charles Vaughan, formerly British «f the operation,r * for are The Saixts Me.vv to Fh;ht.— he Minister 14x 4 Ua . ftte. T* u Uital .suAmoIm tile |MNMik itf Ittalv —*ti ihir | u suAh-rIw the urtMiU »»f Italy—of iU*Tum»ii) odf tbe Assistant Stale's Attorney in the city oi Belli- nhlv on thn Pre.alewt. of whose corroapondent of the New Y ork Tribune furnishes tl‘at -lender number are either too senscle.-s or W-Mr. Cushing, in his recent speech at Faneuil vtarn Welker ie but Jmmt) . i^owrle T4o«|4miUci(.,N.O. And Mm writing to F.jwaim “I can't seem to see oiat UuUi« favoredfavaiod >puU ofoTtb.Um- earth, ta laud ftowuiftfoe with wiut„‘II£ »t Washington, but bis sou! was never in this branch too ; and oil. whfT» wit nrv thoadftl to he iu-i-ired hy Um* reB 1 * tb cmstitutionality ef UM Governor s the echo, in about aa sbamoMse ami ww *?, '? *P*f‘‘lc*s to take any important step. When lie fore UaU, illustrates the comparative benefit- of the cotanmp J. Mss*, tii how 'tia they all make so fast in that land J of bis art, and he relinquished it as soon as his sue- R »«r> air, where ev«sry tbre of the heart iw^med «-oltan aad ^ piece ef k srriev as owr politscnl snnnks maw besinees broathiiteof ii.u*. view wa* tepnial andas wm-yeB- cetw wax His moat celcLroU*! dluntrr w,t^ ^ preienaaona of Mexico ever of the Mi*«iun com prom Lte to lhe N.»rth ami /p cm down there, that Von tell alrnut. How p^y wi j| lie renievulierefl, wax faUctel by tlw> General, works are R T Baker. \ ’ erml b* the M.B* of lhe ubthuucBle. vhicli hall Baavumaa. Ort. . dunn# the to. MK. Mb. It -bow* ceaciuari ely that, fire-eatan irT . . , at tlie befpnning of August, U» proceetl to Utah to 4 4I P™*6111 to tlie real of the world a spectacle »> hu- the South aa follows: I JJwBtJaamnhaiJm- aass sh T .Riehtoand could all our folks, amiand BillHill JohnsonJohnson, amiand all of i.sr never .-eases tu vibrate ..a the breeae- Who 1is, 1U. •Orpheus,” 'VesU,*' “Sap|4K>,” “The Geniox of q , cm ^ Ta Ike Hon Tkuiaee .Va eoa. . Mrewfo*. Mavrtkk. sha; b R that thn* keep, the spirit in a duafroa, and the gather ncceeearj- inH.rmaUin encerning the di-p.*i- a - mUialing a. tbi*? It would there ia mm re if .Impair had Fee instance, suppose ml Yon. re the Sam t va'.’artan. r ire 1 Ihiwniagville.make a limasand dollars apieor, hdy ia cnaiast f two -fining clores. Black *«: Mayor raltinorc. sad to*, hovto* esln-d an are. aa tone mealy spirit. It genres than* to Lah.J Hra4tfret • tradin' round among tbemaelvm, when there " to Territortf, the rkareed n.lh Ihr admuiietrati..a f achats, te rrtae. 4 >7i» Um ^itOT^crops,^'-, -1 th» criminal law in Urn v , Sr. J. R k i—rts mtoartsna, in the heart of the best sans. ^.7*1?*££ tZgSJ „ la ksyrttle* aa weU ta„ arrant traitor*. uf her . . SZ&lAf CO. . for tavie- their reties iforta aint fifty dollar* ^ihi.iriiA.rmu...... ay » u .«h reterton to "I A MrtaJ Rnm s , Ark in money, put it altogether, in the romnngt fo ...... ,. .. . Wrth two hundred black sheep in Black Acre, and nudualiw IJsrltea, lha f Ha , ..users-, U,, ‘ cmuuial at Mary- the •** uuctam on the part of land, to the psmple of Hnlti.m to ’tar ^ta»to-mm “Christ Blessing « of the ( iovermnen t it is not easy to foresee with forage and leave the the towi* uauethreerefoect*.than subreccs LsretasiU* hand. I’ll girt up my commission and come home I be expression .< a ilefieriniMtiun to resist the en- Little CMldren," “Christ Ascend- Oteiww fotafot myre jmmte. rekhk- tren^^tbetrance of the newly appmnte.la ppointed oti.c.sa,official*, and thetin- exacUI*'*««**».«s*. It„ wis c^ar,clear, however, that it mn*tmn-t grea.lygreatly WAsniUucei by anil, whan registered, at oar ing from the Tomb." ‘Christ raisingrai-ing Jairua*Jairuss mntamoat hadfood etaent Woftbtlte whale,whHe.whtehwMc^willm*mm^Tm^Lempy*mmt tre^d.'iTihiSto«n whtrh kw yrocs^-cu iathr Mtevn* kS=^Ttonare^' W,We fhpabliehedfchml —setae tow toy. tad.Wd,m 7-g7r UnitedCnsted statesStates anuvv into[. T'tah^sL tah^i* unanimousunanlnious among arm »«fr*vatenggfavnt* thnthe diaorders. rredihiv rink. Thiel* a capital hit at the land speculation mama U.K.P*.truop*. mnnhlnjluarrhinr Inia the -treats,aireeti,*t Ua-suoaincbasroonin* at the tahna.inlacc. Daughter,” “Prayer,” and three statues of Wash- existing disorders. TbiaThis is inevitable, ofif itit, which will eweroadtencroach enon the other, the three .''Hawing“HawtogH»vtoc haentoeskeen crotoklyrmdlhly informedtofiureed bykrh. na* Muretolarr>nr andsad rereect-respect-respect- t-irtampurtrtRpurthm «d.fof the teetimonvtestimony «f Generals Qmtnmn mid . ' druuuulur;u,„ aada,, hflnron,.. at. the ,Md. 1 0 - . q, tr , , .... r . . , . cireumsbuteea, it‘ ly red white dveep,-'...p. or the two... hum!'.uiuiredred black•-u.k thathat ha*has for two years past pervaded the whole ^, a-. ington, a),,.I duringil... ig from each other in sentiment U pfotulimlym. ^-bte.-b-,.„ .1 *. .„«*» ” Iadov" traLts iu n>aa»arka> w r tint ;t trtlpdv riiai utZin . t'i.:,; r." or ; v"I? I a not the answer; ; palpable,r -elf-evident, eleetfoa J-J- te threatened Okincon Iu. .iK^-..,.,l r..r.-» .l r- YMietlicr wiselyw iielv or nut. . r with extreme viuienre awl dto.rdur Trtn Diacxi.vx Ookvkxtkvx ar CucvEtAnx It country Fortunes have ns the new . w.u.l.l I. . n ,-,si,mu'• ««-*-iu. lhe-- \l- I- ^^Ur or tort. TretalentIV-i.l.-nl Comonfort, nmlerumler . from the ennl rf l-neral Scott, thta. m for from been made, Ur.CrtMm*, — aiide U. escape? It there any answer tint one? httoiky, uh i -ai to turrify and toy away from the |»atcbed to I Lah the next airamst which twice their solemn reaponsilmities hi* position, p,J r r*' was anno— ed n lew days ago that the disunion ta- Iu. much is. >- bs.ru., bye., msKRiiRiit i-pintc. Ritai th.y (leni^ni for an equestrian statue of Wo^hinArtoo, of has appin d Atrtril «m ** rfvor- “oiMiw i i^ exa* lv what FiHow B4»J. it i#b i towns ef the far West have been built —on paper, two And thatthat ia the quenthmquestion andami auaweranswer of free laborlalmr ^?? *^T < “ c- Hi.* or -lave•'•• lal«r exteu.-i«n by the repeal of »*•*>»» eenvsntita prepo d at Cleveland was v?*- - £Tvtoc^ < n to be batd and when th* last purchaser comes to tattle up he **..«. *«««——«* - *«S* «~ U.U--U c.™ '-o':vhw StXSSTS&Sz.f^ .WLS-Tf Sd^SlL—sesSA'gL’t;ia^SSn kto • ffttZSttVSTFZZlZ* IbaMJtartmi aamprumsaa. «ro«-*-ote-ore. oned “^rt—tatr iotte te-v Uttar primto b"» «» comUt elfoctuallv the manifold and desperate Utat «f Gon. tatat. W, Uaroght postp , bnt k appear* that some ef the nmd me* Ml hi* spl endid fortune all moonshine. [wTud tbatiXmsnch a for<4 had stormed those for statues of Jeflersoq, Franklin. Channiog, YVaah- at th. 1 uTrirrrk*S?friru lv^r«IT^IJ7r.‘ | ent-mien tlt«* T*Mj* »* «|ualljr ju«*t and graphic. Geatlemaa of 1 a *. pawn,passes, thevuiev woukiwoahl enter a volleyviuu-v in whichWHICH not one ii^ton of State. \Ve do not understand that hk dtr wa4h4w4 to j| mad women who otwltmplattd taking part to tu ted Iwkws of tali rtti of tvtrt itesrriptiin WM sad' are stouter -uu of huiuitiattoa. AlNton. and llenrv Ulav. Hie simple caU- » y oft4wftfcw„ jBdtq 4>» lk^ wH b ilh|4kr iapwdMl h 1 a. .. . - - . . . J , . Why, why i- thi-7 Are the Italian- a race worn ont and shrub would lte green, nor one stone wouh tl- S.mtb, a bo -b.aA th. nation to it* foondatam*. — ,__uite. a. L. c , ,, . . the pow.™ for which Comonfort toks, though ex- the, in a Hrregto I,, to tare, tota which tafonr* were unenlUng to he dta^pourted. do*-B wuh a rrek. N. Ume is allowed to good m.d mtorerretoroT nation, 'thrirth.-ir 1-T r* kcw.Whiew„rk- attests with -uiiicieut clearness V W —taw lu^bTui by*,,*. U, uf M^rlUvr ^S*7 a^anm—Mr. They took pains lo show I Y"uto _ ‘^dmaryare extr^oustitutH.nal; but, whatever r detertoread to wtant natantlut a ndmg the post- solvent men, who have confined their business lo le- b'^nsRirtU. and vineyards, thJSthe^ harvest, bamkirn-, houses, *• b^ndeur and cxcellenceof hU power,. Every- **--~~*y fcl •»- fSS^ifcv^teVi'L^ Mr^’ in order to Lreak down the diviaioii fence prot, aelaad aAptoft**r a eavWulcareful maiMBoaF’xaannatitsob... ofd today Th*' hbtor> of aacseut natsoos has led many men to such of°f theth* Missouri^souri compromise,com,womi.*e. how do you like the tea. swdreaand ron-tit,it..,u.ftMmte^. hit r. mt erttarnopinWm thto« rke setfon perityperitv with such as scenereene of desolation. TheirTh object1 »;,i, nnonretinn.bte «„naruu-;i.. p^imi.to .h. themtliem asaentialesaeutial toth.to the maiutenancemaintenance of order andaud the — the amt««to" a secondsacond can!catel bamfrom Goo.< ton. .Hcott,Sswtt. n the Doatarnmsstse of •"I a tart* man one a sane worn— in the m-coilrd i. the toevitaMe result of thi. smldre pr.MraUai rf ^TllteJ Wi,h WAOheWh superiority, ProUbly the ^ a p npt of euSTj^^ S SSZSL DOW, aal<1. '‘'A’ " ... .. ^s . . . . . -LL„ g? ikov wa* to K»in time to enable ict re? ' , . , . “ ^ ... pr»*rvatiou of the Government. He says so at P iaM by tta ..,d tow* ..f tire state. which ha quietly rectifies Pillow * garbled |nrt irli i bta-whde all the Wrf ** “ rntaa*. and. l.y the ra—fcaUana of bestnria rete- finest production of his chisel is bis “Orpheus,” em^^ siren pi Goual Government to retrace iu -tep-, and The set ot USA. . lhmuJimuch^i BOfD** toecraawmtali^uto most fro- chapter at. wha-h pismly Mgrsint srtek the ineeotol critoa and tu tten*. good, bad. aad indiforrenl. the innocent as llU'btl) thi* tu. | than- can certainly be we object** to , well as the guilty are all tovaired in the final crash.

the amrtabling together at a parcel at I There is wo dould that the existing condition of our their dintritres against Ives with ba- i affair* ha- I «en occasioned lie a simple panic induced man amfairers* aad partimlaHj gainst the unquiiy by the result of excessive speculation, but if our Of the WMI trtutus aad tte* l aatn at tm l artad people bad heeded the warnings of experience a* to

These erase people at Cleveland ratedeed : tc* of such an iafialiun ot “that the whole history af the foiled States Gov- value* the distress aad davoiattuo that uow pervade sra—tin s* a oentiooe.1 nsnipirscy against liberty the country might all have been avoided. and that ‘This lito it a crime and curee that shoeld out exist a -mgtr hear, and. cotac to us what may, tt"TW Gadatoa purchase, south of the GBa ami

proclaim settled parpoor ia of betters *ass '•it is, distracted hyby ptltry aspiration*aspirations andanfl jeal- i we htreby our the name terminating ua the Culurailu, in the west, contains ted i- Madunnateui, Ho- vootoiy a wumaa.au:I and fight a war of glory aud extermination. Brig- tion, and classic purity and grace of executino, he thought of putting itself, into that disreputable eat-ent- *7 ^ ‘ * i - mother and nf •uppre-aing thn ly,body, if, indeed,indevd. itil rmiUcould be brought tou> a«ld that Mississippi Arkansas,Arkaiwai, the to** the world art irreparable. We may add that Mi-taiaeipiM ami the aMand rekk.-ts ikrthe i-nnwcrrnx- loto thrtor dM-i-eWivtioai—n Mat %my*nr tun\tnr.rnihiar. thsn^,'king, mdand uta-tonllyt—Hr pW^alpledged hiebin ini—• — m o4h- confer tliem,tliein, would behe shorn of.if more than half their two Stales that notmil only never have paid hutbut only Stale* ^52 ^.^Til «wrr«r x.ul*'“• .a cirireu..trie, to aidted in eareytogearry * eta. Attor '' mutton- otnerrl »n r , AlWnnnatXri. All thinking persons, etiicacy. tVmonfort might as well usurp the do not promise orur proposepropi-se to pay their debts,.lebts, mil^v^Rrev-'wo*rer |'V‘ nnan's»««T « rueth* nuruses- or.re TWXrwr errv.". in is ,w^ "" — who have even promise - .-rhil.irinn th* illiulivio. I irv this' n exhibition.n ,r" ,n - Ihnme iOanvintaMill Iiitota c arer very aasamt- .- W would thrive. furtorr in^ direct .nltiet with toe -to re*, of tor JH astiete tK„, tarritory subsequent to the Sith any kmiwhxlge of the subject, must agree wi*h powers be want* at once,w, as to receive them from a are about the only two Stale*States in the UnionFniun that have of th.the exaltation’*eoartitutioBr.oLvrtute -n qmred Iwanug 'Uu ns of atu MarrhvaH.M»rrteteT whichvtre-h Aeriarrutevilret tkUrei^qu-.1 -thr lyty rwwrhwtta.i tactmisn. “it friksktvprobably wdlwill not he ibawgfo iwv- Alul wb> f lirrmmm M MI|M^ti tkto. are toe work otprie-ste-is On Sunday, September 13, Captain Van Vlict was representatives like this. ''"**“* in imi an «h*h—it llCiS, when our minister pnqswed 10 sod jurricr-. wfi - lovmrreU, pas* from uaunutfoti to u-nrour- that this i<, nt all times, the very time for advert!- group of straggling He iwen invariably Democratic. of September, asked to attend religious services iu the Bowery, teTXIl.'.reiStTilfT pnrt:vnc by anvhadyanybody whet hertar «,lire. Pillow bus e»-

i;..v. r , by a canreation of the inmate* of any uf the luuatk lertuiuate the of io and was escorted to a prominent seat upou the plal - sing. The amount of business done not lie might as well execute a coup il'etat, and he done all debts are paid, the Devil will have John Where toe dio . i* ih ntluarr wAer to do, - Mexico to querthm ttotaoUry „„J mav Wbeu onu,.ok „ lT «,um at Ml »r a My at upi aayluau in the mutary. Inteiioetual and pmuaai mdrivuduDn The form, ami invited to make an address, which invi- yet these extraordinary powers are ’ Even among the shattered large, hut what is done at all is dune chielly hy those wilh it. And Y’an Uuren. i*w.t»w. hr v-1- hiin-.liiin- ifit ateorstoar ia tt,vItie maunaarf.cuounaod. wbirhvbu-b thrthe -oastt-roatei. us*, uwua anysay given subjecttahjert vialwhatever Suck in .te-

tutb'B furbU- kiui tu ssaHae. . C. wh" n<1 exseutial to the preservation of the order and Iran- . • ' <* *bo advertise, they do ' "Ictrly onr “P*nU'0 »s Bat *ay» tta jm^Li^i^^tain tier* Tsi'intated I | | Laik-k $ttrus.--Wc learn from the Sew Al- Asr-isspaayias Iks pruclaiaulioa there is toe fo teams most wlio advertise most. is life- quillity of the country. Such is the necessary and •"** the audiemx- to excee.wo. .X Vr 1 . , „ n e prWrVer hy Whlch men ot Umimma keep px ulUrevil sns.ng from the culpable, the ustooish- dmm to ba "anvhtely? npHji pringvng her sifsirs to s cluta. llriiqrisna.lls.retr v arena. IL tt„i U FJdlV'jln' r^.^v Tbr ‘‘ll! J ^ „ y M. M..) Ti^ representaUves ^ their ttU>V* w,aer whiU th,ir ru iR-tmr iilf a pvry— attentionattentiou of thetlie people to theLhe Captain, andami alluded The Boston Traveler justly remarks that the duly Here is obviously a terrible dilemma. We per- I I . . six r. - ate, A him of whicha wwillij[ neVneveru r find iuits wavway homehome, so that in detsr. has at mat ba* ikaa am ms sash, ta ba ‘h ,nd " "fierrrd ' *~*r to his InisincsM in th* city, recounted the substance sad *iaiMu-d: aad bubl the ia rradiaew for political address * tarlaan far lunate In Ohis are already pretty well ofef Xtathe cuim*claim*claims anderanverun.ter iuethe law*is ofot SpainTvpsmpain anaaads MexicoMexico,*• m of advertising is recognised hv all sensible trailer-, ceive hut two wavs for Comonfort to get ont am In a recent ieneral TVitow « me « lass than #40.000 to redeem. This Writer, fir sou. on samrds, next, reality she has retort ' the fonwarenwh tta ram, how the tptttt, pot oat the -harged that Mr. Tris*. with my Stornttata. htoL .. Wad. the autiienuei of Cleveland woahl have di- imi of it. Cl- the great body of the Congress •^ unponlinc lieiurt the ce^noi bv treaty cit Guana- ry,-*r,-.w *fat tto-the soul.no«l. BI.4and I1 -ad-a* thethf pn-.nrry>ritt..Ti«*r tapttreca»*Uv« Into dark, who—k—know •«»«.that theremere are men whow •...havenave money-».»to » As*. ~ =w$ fa request in order that sir*Captain Van ustszVliet might ia al«nt all the branch owes, as she has already paid * bribe to Pta-hfota ta Geta- C 1 That order direct, toe oifowr ta rected the whole pome tomus! us ia the rwe vitalMl '! spend appear to have thrown up thetlie cause of their rojl *ad mvAtei* ox . iwpe. Hsdsigu .. 1848. By. —tet.o.of (tongrems .oof 4th u.of “"j i.T Murelearn that he had lieen made acqoainteilocquainleil with tliethe even in these days, and who will spend it if Anus, *e. By * cant tta Not lu- v 11^, tfo roqn f’^c^l^dtoSfonn^roateu l ‘siik! diu^a back to the stockholder* their entire capital. Tu nri..Bb at not k« than -u» UU-U esch. ml *snto m wnai to be ami tried a writ of de lunatio ite fi.li.-f determination of the whole peiqile; be small ap* August, 1854, it is declared that tlie territory be- r.Aiaiou* Me “teiao the rishi to educate toe would ask they can get goi-l luvrgains. To get such bargains country in despair or disgust, be must either toMhpmi cr. I promptly replied that I was maraUv meet this indebtedness, the has now on hand a ssr- The art at HB. chap. UW. nriited -An act for tta tattar 1 1 follow their example, or, throwing aside reruiaiioa of toe J4 u.iti* or vnx .-rev ur Knnsutt.'' certain Mr. F. had not paid a •eat, m the way at a qnired by the Gadsden treaty should Iw incor|ioret< d Wt*of^'^^lnr^ufirip^df^tolasllaa^j^ac^^te ' Mmy must make theaaml rea acqnninted with what is the | houwu. buriTth'd^n'o-^pulY.uTwniwn ^what lbthey 'had Courier, attributing the potopoarmem in Mexico, ami subject to the Uw* of that lor- Koingon, and that they can do only through the forms of law, fearlessly assume the dictatorship, New -tot. lllgt-urv tte passed ten years in building up, make their Iveauti- ermtv I af people to via absence of It follow*, therefore, that the p.Jili.al juris- inf The .tbulir mast I valley a desert, and retreat to the mountains. Htory. . >;•« the troops should force an eatrance, wiiuld I diaoouraed rise; PhtiUfie. lha. ia regard to their dictum of New Mexico it complete over its whole tto^nNua^ of*frirtatebto.'^^^^^vtkuMi "rttotauw^} other house* do not advertise, their custom is at- aplred by hi* services, aud, ultimately, to the for- aurCaoe, bath auder the old treaty and the last one. U tracte.1 to that hou-e. Hence advertising U a duty tune- of war. The-o apjtear to be th* alternatives £2!^ t. te^ r^^a^e^.’*^rrT^, feet, aud reatointeTttamlia^ h'^Telloi^h' o °euabW Tta mod men aad mad woman who meditated This is aa hem af impurtanue ia couaecttem with vrew freely sitk hi- -tv -oul. with hu fi-tead, oitb hi* him to tee that they were absolutely unanimous. if bu-inets men are for success. The retail trad* U before him. Dou<>tlcee noth- — rne I. Arizona—tta Gndwiea , * -** Tta men wh. d. tta “I* 1 ironorei* ta. of course, the baai thing, bnt next to that b- : w M tracts from "the sworn utMtmsnt* of t>.l ^\TJ^SmtZTZSZZJ&i StaCZ. raat.mmmhmu ilJSeri »/ bartnri a- illiterate exhurter, hardly a thousand miles distant, -wry I'ampmsf re«uoo: «.i su-a it mak— ritber tool- ordaiie- *1 it are those best understand ing hut gloom and disaster in the future of this ill-in- tanrty obnar. anytix^ it InHter tbui t- mtom ptuou* No claim* coold be fied for examination and ndjo- Irinut lorn and natural citizens, MfoTsv lor requested all who the nature and g make -orb uaiullmrDts," aa.1 tuvv as a qsasidv-l tiuvvach namt ami .’4hiebfc>." whtari. ta sava, ha tan l < > thi " - having occasion not lowg since to sdilrem his hear- > rer. “ *“ mr ' Wtw"r> ,u* l,u f “•t' * ’** r-cred the Department mlenue. Bnt in tbaae l imei . wbaa men feel the iron unless stat present wImi belonged to the two latter classes uses of communicating directly with the public fatedted country. rare- 1 from tiw at War dication bv the surveyor general, the ate t firreoKTIi l^-JiIi^frarniBr^T and |i^i(renteiu'causMc of to ‘aril' bST* dim as ia Ihmr vary tool*, no one will raise their band*, ami eacharist. inadvertantly ’ Entertaining for thoso Generals (TJ. * S.) high at m pay any rivinr Webere and heriaher, tjurisdiction. H We ___ . . , . ching ’ pH-- "l <44 Iroya caa "•*work anrsepy. or that aa oM man dieace complieil.1 . «fT<-'onservatismtj^ri onservattsm is essencoessence bo.lv of toe ritiastu eurotbul laewi nutfis admiroUuo and respect, I WAS re harts o .H that tand to the prea of the apostle* of fosanitn. £*“ 1 ** • CTConservatism the very of the prut-prin- growth Ud.r * by the Law, the F . . . . . i * il bnatRed, irancheJ off into ,a minminutente mcountaccount of the growth . ^ I , mi-le*

the Union itn foiimlationa, ! taa ms premising and mdoeil eorirfsctui about meeting a steam I oat er coming to a city or •** estimate* tie- force the Mu-moos can set in Uie to very the couervatum procem, uimuuacing with immens. gu*b. * **”k I in of tbG by W ro*l that hour be will folk.w u iwieet ae s blind uuu tot- v#ni th ' part aa the military in ** and «u party ' town, ta invariably cat a do*. Pri.vien.ft. vhieh prufouadiv verand in ha. j and all iato a press, rriUrml to, i- a tor lao- ad . _ . . . - "f* (lo«8 gond, ii i*» in like the |»rv.sent. that "tta grape* are throw u s-Ikn fore*. ukM-a fi M»- | , *»ing ' tinea 1 Il U tajontty obrerved that this abandoned» anu«n*-e i a r rT“— -wreirei_—d torn, to re -rea. .i i* srvrwfnm rwr from a ... .- . wtrirh be had been wounded, so as to receive in the >rom j«ue«jui)< . ou uf 'hem, art P*lh**r crisis past T-upaZma ef men’s mind* dug -fig in back alwut twenty milr> U. a re.l.iui-t caUvl Fort lrTOJ j,, , >rl ,4 ci„aT,r . W ta grasp (motored by 'xemiatt *o A doto otb« than hn-ouie wook. tdavhh. the phospliates, l.ut tb» comparativaly U.m-ii. m | *ok waerifffavwv . . . .7, . nth do rwb» and mn ' ** *^ nbssl rtr ls we sis H end thrsren itn! do countrymen, ft e pose will Supply. He was alto given lo understand that tion. Instead ai -.rau fully on.1 candidly acknowt- natrwlirtx sn tta ua tta uair paint Now we and cheer* af In- wtf be t . „. .tt»4. ? And will thnr connd^rabnm «olvr thr ei , . me Vmd - | 4 dr«m rherefore, remlcr, Is* quick iu han.hr.£ iu y»nr ad- ^ whok voogregaGua. rent exclaimed rt tta top | >k. I mm UM«k n 4if figkt a nwtyigiy apectade than edging these great services tiw Dem.wratic organs ttoa. via. riw "am a smd Wbr i ttu : tarn snubs r bereafl^r ml»aiitu(e the coat in tthe-h he was slrnl- of his voice: “Just so, ray brethren and sister*, otoixeiiitako States, but not foreign routines. vertisement*. or some ofo- will get ale-ad of you • i 4—i— and where the former ha> _ ... - . . . . . from t those iearrnls pretrwls to kouw ta abma tta h»ita _ tbe, offer tolatioa; it allo t to sneer at this conservatism lose no enpn down'’own bv "hi-w jartvnr, in bitN" latel ran- for the ( nited Debate do ant the vbnle fiat i- and im- fail ed to attract attewlion tbe latter can hardly aac ™T P T * “ With regard to divisions in tbe Mormon commu- will it lie with us all that great day. We will all ran pakl. nor 'rid say attar Ansncsn aver hexr me portunity te pour out the foulest falsest in aa doing, list it State* Senate. Perhaps thattliat - At I let ^ me; aad ttatoe leas)<-« dnqiaaed| is«s* a manasaa is1 * teto open huhis mind irt min certain quarters a di-likedi-tike of the present au-an- nies and slandersslander* upou thetlie party which has finulvfirmly . iMrtdsntinlly -bscieeod ua too final eu inarm, it tta „„*more Nttfffly-vmiuttbv than tbethe other ever did. , . u have tutimaied. tie BAIT" • of wea:ik wfiuh W.r 4«. hrst introduced ha- a season opened - **' pttoa at mirthful thuritiv- if the t 'Lurch l.utl ,,ehe is also80 satistie.1 thsi under worse t 1 appointed l..w officers -f tbe State oi Maryland and VYsr Ofitee. 4 secret 'liabersoi thoughts, the mom 4e< ' snuaueu mat resisted the fatal sectionalism that — ; my Cdlow recovered from bis Mexican wuwmi. bat .-kmed la fern.' r da.*. stMezi-t Tbt • uw 'be ut! the , , . . , was mxugarated _ — ignorant •* 1 uaed at them, iu this viewview, we regret lie « “ “* subjection that nothing less than tbe auspices than e> present. For years, in the com- . axi. AriMisisrTRVTIox.—AnuixisrTK.VTtox. Therhe Pillow, tawsverhowever ““meeteal igrawant t what he * meat we I J 1 wheat, IW the mlu.- u. .tUi . utuv.tes, , L , Gov. WaumWuaiU axdtheth* the proper tegnl aMnrt uf tho Mayor at the eNy ^ m for wow. His last ditch is dug < " poitponed we gwrer ta l* daae ’ k,J *’"* l h l*,e,*“ °f • Couiniauding .entile force will enable ' ^* wr'd Beat as *nai ee that hi hne had rsodded to encement Novemlter, the pens attached . state-stale- p of to the . . Journal ofut Commerce .builAsdoubt* ttathe truth'ruth of tbethe it Baltimore. ie roe- **ilLr « Th. 'wtoiu uX. n!i m , | The opinion they have green t" native Italian- Thv-e wor*ln|. tk< Madonna; tfi»> it to devrtui. itself. them aggravated intj a fearful and .langen.us secret,wno^utA^l.aad nextXT betraysGot it by ridmaiou* to divert amt miadr. I At ateuers a»t on what aide of what breast wort .... „ _ him na great latrine * c-Uhluhincnt-, were usually filled will, f.t from WaihingUm to the isautm-assutia- cured in by L. Dulaiu- v, J. Meredith, William 't-' rerie * ,,r *bout VW ot the Iff- meut Ulegruphedtelegraphed Maabinfftoa U- thet£w, wvekl know that hohe had the honor at being ,»y 7 A GofP’ Nauvno r I gion wa* held in bis presence. porkers, hut at present they are all deserted. Ourl>ur disapprove*disapproves of Price, Thos. ter, who ore among the trotted'irostrd: The Mexican newspapersnewspapers, I teem, here wnad tta water i wrek.in anulliercolumo, verv alias, while TheTbe armsanus aud uni- press, that the Administration ami S. Alexan out ha qnilll aa.1 bis (fWr pnUish this n ih.-m-ulvr*.rm, kiw.4,kn--l.rivealias.rive audan.) Ho-tbe Utaiita bntbut vbik- (ta)-they aud .hu. .Ku a.-v,.a . . fid w. ' fie ay naff pnsmd, never to 1 *.- of th—' fortns of lhctin- ofiicere were*«"» homogenous,bo.nogeuous, eecemlyfo, daily taeaffiffidhewn fitted wilhwith ntatamedjact irc. at Gveoeai ftlbs * mi k it rimUy hsfd that we can have Tinte, the correspond- r. ^ buthut the rauk packers have lmno inclinotiuainclination to buy hogshugs otherwiseotherwhe (A)V conduct with laffardregard to Uwthe fradaltafffeadalent most reputable at Mtai sRsnwa atererting letter from Da* Luld ihr Mhilutiu# in i«ihrt Inditfi-reorr , , Gov. Walker’sWalker's comtact jnttt IMF D , >n - . retarn, for the employment, of offensive on*l lmj ust 1 oo«J tile were an eatntric in touitiinf nt , , ... ,, d U-i.um ianoo at General .'Gate Anas, nuxod as dowiHiast ' np fat ofrt tiw «ai«, thr butr*., ihr - » <«> » . ^ Um Uo4 Thr tatat “T-.V' lhiU .ndnl ^uer-ifanner* do Dot like sell . 1 est or Y ork Times. It is full of sound iLtav“ta^ itd ‘WtSta tof ta Ume, tat to except ...... ot* iu Oxford precinct, John**Johnson coanty,coantv, amiam! thattbat coven the whole raw. Il is m* fairly aad aqnareiy tta New Sit»*LDamilitia iu10, a shut-tailshirt-tail mnstar.muster. ot ii* ’ v' # , , tqU v 7 with AMpAwy. is torn man mjamtmet q- irsite ir cDiuMtaroiuKH-rr,'Me-m-FTM u»r nuumine*miurp. see aU.all or nearlyn,,rlv all in A numbernumle-r of thetiw lit-III- ...... , ini' epithet* toward a political party in whoae rank* Uw "WA. trade, thrta roul , ta am aM. ..., . „ _ f°r >\ e can therefore and groups in a Cweible ami impressive l« nf 8wl— jrcBrfi.Un-orti. (v. mtau- and Eugiiah.Kmrlub who lie boy* marched in the companies caah. tfive no accurate quota* thehe Governor and hmlaiySecretary Stanton are to be re- te the real question aad meets thn exact anno, ami vri. rteafaaa a Srthr, or the frmtamman sxka, rfosa- philosophy the bxnd* ot . (u-mtu. aad v carrying wooden numl^re.i thousands of thn nnrwM i-trurji of m But it aasms that the convention was not purtpaa- uetliadUed ben- i^rmaaeotl*|rt>nikwuU> and totu afiou. th« runntrj '* hare ham ,, and whom ta rusw L"un*. Capt. Van states that Uiere ia poor- tion*. circumstances, '««* ta aaem aad to .wneff- riwsr, ffstan eta foct* upon the degeneracy VWt no Under these there is no «loul»t . , . moved from odiceoffice if thevthey do not resign. It iais well -shews that the proclamation of thehe Gawevner entting y manner and observation* , ... , / is n«li> a 1 sUtortoa bU " ad, and. although its actina only serve* ta ghre evi- mill, te h« know.edgv, in trie Territorial- ‘ mmm '** ’rid people are swayed by Popary. The let- Fur inWaiwx-•MKrf'trirTirbta iWA. copperpopper uisonine, atof lheth* MaremmaMsr.-n.nia. st that farmers will turn their hogs into bacon, white known that Gov. WalkerYV.lk.r ,* offlcTito,official acts, hitherto,hitherto. out th* soldiery and instructing them to nt** »- af tta who * ’ “ though is • that has once tasted L1oet4 ,he “ *" IW uur -i root aaante (and, uf course, rndhiag ** hum regmd to prov boons, Uriglmm Young told hint that '. frenzied at its Kent,reent. the DeoKsDeans ratic organs return “ W"** afptand in tta praanedmpn, it ntt Iw a naans art 1 all earlier h sto . 1 the Mormons had a three this season. . . 1 Cabinet, Urnth* freedomfre*Jo and ^fair- ,T B*" uf the smld have .avurred in oaf ry , foe Jan. years’ supply on - chananh and hish awl reader to the manifest evil* of thr tyranny exerciaed hand te , , »~" ^ “ <*** of *5*again and •8™*again .0 the .opprobriousopprobrious term, in which " prisp wnarm no mark as af comnaansuo take W,with‘h them to the nMAuntains,mountains. *J**l~* * P*hnst E\sl min wu made, ay Ita pfrw- All this indicates tluttliat the quantityuuantitv of jterknork tluttliat . , . . uf election-l—ti-n werev-r- vhstwhatwl the,he ExecutiveK UL1 and ^Sec- constitution of the State of Matt land '**'*•'intendedled hrfar ness of Uon “* over tta minds aad hearts af its follower* by Popery. ,, „ __ , , , M ** ^ ^ " ^ U tbey woM rf the uotive-bon, citizen, Secretary to tic hand at a uwdignant V-, oommumcote talked must ta exceedmgly small, and en- Ury it Kansw and the Administraton nwtt rarnesi- th. ot ttaicUunw from th. watao. axe,- Fcmthb, Priori Mrx.«o._A fc . ta S-mto, be jtatartrin w.tkm.. my t-unro.* privrte note, writ- wl^ ^ dared to ocgxnize themmlvw into a pottt-' vm. Wavtko. ix Socm (Jauouxa. he Oman — ten just at the moment the Extraordinary started, luu,ce th« Price “f bwirtllod pork. For these rex- . . . . ly wished aa.1 loisoed to obtain. cwn of anthanty aad from military tyranny. The afite purpore, l.ut at the expeaee .4 national fcotb Standard, referring to tta thousands at honor, to giro* mmamaama— tta *ntir»aerwM CWrieMon mys: sons we should consider it good policy on the part of . .. . ***..,• _ opinion alln-led to by the Democrat, given bv Rev ami •»*». <>" of the , earreettou . siarrr trie Imon Dutch * crwfi llv r-mtored ... tta the in Soatheni Stains. Iu laborers thrown out af empiol nsent at the North Meetro, Ort 19 1857.-Congress is as yet unde- CnkwroRri'e Last MGmx.-Tta Mg » « tawa f.rmer, bring their hog* in and luve then, £cked ^ J,j^Tfobuson sad others, beirs.pw it* fee. , pwti- 2" against all the assaults^ of the Abolition eacnt di-bareamsnta a ita lb.ua war It Cidedahoubwho shall receive extraonlinarv powers...... fanatics of honr. with the enueatrian statue it Washmirfou on ___ . ,. - rf my by tbe promare uf the limes, extends to them tbe > 1 on,n the.rt, 'e ,r °«nown account.acco"“4' OurliJr porkhoute,purklKiuses are fully * “ " "*q-c*t**n-bly a mar, mlAcrfogv. .approved. ».y me n The wp«taspect of tilingstilings, I believe, will change iuin .few ^ tru that _«mw. had Wen ta NmtkNorth and Uwthe accesrioGsecession madnwumadmen afof th*the South.South, hashxs arrived in the JamesJa.ne; RiverRiver, and i.is now * K*c * 1. I hoppUd*!supplied with salt*alt ...... It trades lltoqvtWr the mam paMla «i rta^ilife th« writtw i^»*: tmv* mr* will with aud barrel#barrels for neu^oit. . *, . * Um (Uv8.days, andind I hopehone will lirinrbring anin imigriT#—improvementnt fnrfor ILtbe aud for the season. As to . ,, *. . . . . T old,, eptttata “Blo.xl-tn.tt,t(R Ml p _ advocates to la incased in straight -jackets to prevent The of ® "K.p-Ra^ at >euseNeua. .writingawstUng orttera.ortters. "The amvriarrival ffito “Itottl It might be wall for these te consider of tbe *p- rointry, a* y!T« will see It is it. Ttnost deplorable - Newport Bill of awdnewrt^ n. yMfotad m -^W tbe standing of the pork-hou*. firms, we can sav °7- I ^ «l Right, of dm State. Il wt , 11 ^“Plug-I*«"«-1 *'**•gliefo “MidnightM.dmght aaaamhm,"osrass.ns, “Onth-l«undOtth-lwund “al- af trio- tenant, Reft "K*d an la- tta a Enqwrer,F.oqnirer,r u.j-.o-r, "J-m- - , n daiag harm to those be an about them. purt nature proaeutod at the South: here the want is • ofu. thisinis vesmd,"v«m.,vessel, my,avssays thetoe nuRichnmadRichmondnmono *- r- ' . 'e -- . . . . without fear o' contradiction that1 lttareh*T* U "°n« cUyri.v i'„ FTen aUa V w tarn. It is a feeble effort to mane- TT* “ *” . O , , T V , i lo rtport ef labor, and we have room for million*. Charles- The siege of Queretaro has been raised. God conspiratorsemspirators"T are found in abundance in the «4-col- „**, simultaneouslydrnnttanumlj with thetbe tntelligene*intelligence uf the " t,le country 'nVf'* | fut fo«Ter w ffl be chteftaia their •. 1 cratic lawyers in behalf af th* uf — - have, * 1 •nr IU/ nr j*ril<> •!** Toi l. iC..r *.%•**.. i K-w K.*.l I I ur. i i t i *L.a *&._ i i ...» v* I ...... UsignstMAC ttoaanh aridnmd haabeeahnabeen upward so recently, aad so nolee te) sly, Z 1 e ^ " * h*' 1 *h“4 th" U™* came " b*n '" is to know that uf coun,rv concur that their business is 1Vm choly coincnlence; yet it gratifying to for their adv ^ . seriously party. guiabed fben ro l, umde applb-altea me w that wa ouraelvea are scarcely conscious uf it- bn- «atro)*tha t wte "iL iuOTtw" Jumrez'! ' it ‘“'J eibtors Krntix ky could a**uil t PtpadiaU the iadueiice d the mad people by whom m he prwu i- of bis latest toil has been borne iai *sfe«y portaace. but it present* iBcou.parat.lc advantages. will be remembered, is ut Indian of pnre l.iuod, and affected by the lianl limes. Freights ore very light, ta oiiject TtaThe BaltimorBaltimore papers of Monday paMteh the pro- ***“^ 1 ' fee “the groi Mwy hnv* hitta-ru, fiaaa best, perhaps, les1** andan<* CT,tcriticise*c,"e thr actions it an opposingoppimin^ political will bo permitted to ' pum. .peak* box ly ef cxmtroUsd. It is gratifying riw naff is sasceptiid* af unlimited tin prove,went perhaps, npranbrepresent* the extremes!extrernent liberal porepar- and thetlie number of pas^n^er*passengers is much lighter than P l>wover t)#*tbe seas, and that Virginia be °* • ^ookiio«ri of^ ^Uml(>> emmm&*e*efc„mmiUt:999{ eooinlutioniuom#1ioCui« nirho.tK the Mlxm* mOi* Mtr i dimnte it soiled to trie prodm-Uon it ever) thing: in decorous and to ulissni ttal dteawteu uawvewUoa*. wtatrior thev heretofiwe. !»«? respectful terms w.thout g.,- hi* memory by adorning her rapttol wHh On the Central Railroad, New York. (toveraov anff Mayor and the .tti^en I si.uftta-v b« pnrtaeTSko fe»e trie grasse- the the fruit* J^ftSt^T" e^umaT- at at — * grata and uf North te eta aammSowri. or Ita K **oulr“' ... "»*>'"« ‘he.r remarks with hlthv slang and opprobi conspicuou, a* httvement. teueral: tta * -re wh... “ “* st test there ha, been a large decrease in tlie amount of his most result nf the row-whatsww use ha. I made him a Major . of the tropic*; tta season la bag enough for least election, under the outside pressure of the reac- fanctionarie*. The and that thaw actooa w drspuod to lbrt< ' »«h abuse mvanably betray, ttair ttt» war, mnt fcr tan, taff to Mri#ta> ttfol ta masse* at tta two crops s year; manor* is te I* had for trie Intel Gonarv party. freight, the receipts having fallen off nearly two- *P* .x- . ^ tta part at the.X. * lha humiliating a* knowlcdgmeut on ^> , -osJu-i pir .,| ayam- 1 1| mmm my in ten In "*u wetknera DenuncutoAi ls not PhiUdelphm Prem, m pnbluhmg th* re»- r s m "y 1 r 7 pnupte both mcriua*. firing stoc, thrives connection we copy in full the r>«sideal's argumcot, but . ... Oar people generally revolt mg: bm —fc rnnumry: wkh- tW tarda. the «-The * T. T . J On Camden and Amboy Koilroad, Gnvoranr that the fonraess amtr impartiality ef the pokyT* aa well os professionalH aid ia vunqwrrwtg a ntteniem. Mat ‘‘"wring through the winter; there is no our- Uf Governor W.lktt for rejecAmg tta vote fmm end ewe er *nw more I in I isli'iini like ****** MIL ^ ^rmt^- x»A rTre *~* »* *•*, extraordinary arra-gvww..* ,ff tta Mover for tta STe.porn,. ^Z.oa^SZ „tt,xtejrrrv . . ... poratkm tax uo sock improvements even as are mm at Ctetetend wdl disgust the.. whole North with wltWn <4 tb* d for special reason* peace open rtevrisn .toy ta <11v , u preservation of th* pablu 3 _ emhavored. firtt. to wtlltappamt a\Lml.a^Jm^'-a heat. a at gene ral to entl rinmni and ind oor tarn io place a higher trie market ie tta finest in America. In tta first Ita statev, remove all littratt to to the f.entom ef *•**• JTpJSJtosupersede iumme; ad,aid. tailing^uTg toia ttoo.tint, nextentaefittaught pines, there ia no market farming at the booth, pro- ami render th* ua* uf the military alto- Of ptociagptostog me wmlsrumler th*the party, appointed.ppwntod na perly *0 called, except within cin-niu of alxiut five franchise, ,i mmam majee-gym-ralotajor-gororal (e{*mlml afof courscourse)e) my watersaw tta-»*->”varov miter around our Largest cities, tta agricultural ca- gather unnecoeaarr. Th* Guverner omsoquenUynntly} wlxxit turns "nt. epnntotod tmn. Hllaw a say sn pacities of utber seethri* of tbe country I wing dr- 1. In order to preserve tbe order and tranquility , SB which he — , »vuuutesoed another proc.smmi.to. _to — - -re ota honor and decency present pruliabiUtiea of Walker * ^l^AlSTllh -yWf; dTLro 1 voted to ptantoriuu ment. of the press _ products. For thi* nau« tta of the country, the guarantees of the constitution The demand But what if tta -4 that the rv-rowfitwery ami»» b (tattv Mavr of-f Itatta at«l talttaH*iuur . £jt~Mr. Cushiug, in his » cessation of this vituperation, of office the movement in ran.-mrua. mad-euub- Mavor , late speech in Boston, dLs- these scurrilous |«ing ejected from for ovary promts* n* manemodB me,me rosy,linallv w eratan 0,8 sea will, whr-h ta ta- .r.« foR* sosB.intsd a., wall at- •» eeariy ‘ bimeJ “« Uliefi“ lhe calumnies, and w. trust that our future politteal Will Mr. Buchanan s man foirasw. embd, ralsMsd fowro srTBtt threa ^•Z-^teh ‘ruO, of history. No tam U.aH be redfomi? J*rStort tota aUail eiluomacitoseme formallormmml untoetaeio. sad a the war had toon or wdl be v in- ami nenarttoh', cak utojtod to msmyraRJi^fot m ts 2. The prornot decree will take effect so soon as doubt he would like well to have the whole people to discussion* will be conducted in a dignified aud Forney retract his probe of Walker, it shall have Ixienlieen revised aud approved hyby tbethe con- adopt hiahi* theory ofiff the utterlitter falwnex*falseness of history, coicourteous manner l>y all parties, and that soiiml or- dicate Walker and denounce the injustice of the ita object of miv «itWkd hurrvsTOteB taviua fowa. to

“re *' eraI ,hio 8 l,U Uke th* pUl * ,,f uw,e"6 ‘U, ‘ hrff^ ff»rur?*«1: The" « “ own hi ,hat * Administration? i I Mhvte ri.nffulted. capital redaver he* the ewvm* to ask fur ttam. that the binding authority of I •wd ef off th* newly Gro l jrnnt stock .pee- i , -i.. tarefiy proclaim vu-t give a-ttee that I do ao« c--a w woula ^ feitsive epitltete. I u„ fi,fore acorot of iwenttr! It •• haanen- he ^uu te have p*te) fables. I nfortuiuite- But iu the second place we have the run of fancy Uw constitution am! the Huperior authority of the « (ff.lotor^Jiha VmVan Buren au.de a speech in Tammany '"tS'-tate Ih. US*, apoa that dav. at Ita aubtsrv furor row - ad that unly iron, ran* * contmc,I anilait was ikrrtK a-» A HHcml.lv in thin mutter are dUtiut'tly recognized, ly for him, however, tliey rest u|m»u inlinitely vhkrh I have -rfiared h. to earoik d sad -res want ‘ betr other orarn- ' Hall a few nights ago, in which, among VC.ligttrd hy triad WHC (utt US toto* IhTS* toOto- prxee, and tra e . . Tbe Washington correspondeat of the , I ™ m d ganaraily was dull , Sew TL- i- — n .msl. .0.1 ' e...... k n vinlio. There we* lute, bat for sax week* in the soring aad six wea k The ground also on which tlie extraordinary powers , ; CiT smplf imJ mfri pR v.mitato 1 Crrr authority than the story of Itemulu, and the ,, ^ , , , , - v if lar things, he said. fn fee are temporarily asked are likewise reasonable, if . Journal aunounce,, os If au- — igki 4 mseii sn rewsli m part. The re- M tta fair** havt Jtta imawBuly of tta market* i the York of Commerce by at Mavur Swann ami a crushing csAutemnatwa organ- * ll“' wuw ‘"Ur ^m ton—u^_2^tenbtaa .testa at tta instance of the spy—te ps**. af •vr York. Fftiiladeqdiia. and Bouts,. By meat aicnunU we have of the social eouditimi of this dLs- - thoritv, that the Secretary tbe Treasury has no IteaxM-ratic rartv ha* alwav taea a debi-payma tta anpar crop wore fovureid. C*d. Birtke. of ^Tta ,^.. lact (tev.Htor Ligaa. Tta teffimv >*.ise ttammWesthemselves tatale a row court of inquiry to inves- of oar steamers, two lines uf which are now run- traded country are any way to t» relied ou. And ^ ^ g oat koowtedsr or e<|wrieace. I tav> au hope of fitarty c«>xh i.teai'tea ofoi nroDOsimrproposing an increase oi tariff on *ugsrsugarsiurar that part at romtart mhtt te io Soxhokf»*'»OKok TrmfrbamtkTemI'KIiaxiicxraitAxi k. —Tliethelie annual meeting of„r "tea increase of thetbetoe tarin •* sf tigate secretly my g ning to Now York, we can send ou strawlwrries, in I t*i> tiil tie- despoUsn. of Popery b. brokefi finally and what is mura, the character of tbe actual President ^ «* e suppose that John ha.1 portientoriv in hia eye inuwril of wnr told July 17, Itt47, at Pashto, fee his patt. The testimonials forever Had tta limnan Republic triumphed, what the Grand Division of the and iron, l.ut that, if the revenue shall continue to W tta from thr paaoruger* af paw, pot ri se* , aad the like, rix necks in and the history of his last two years’ administration Sons of Temperance of advance a, , ae .le. sUrged. uf purrhaautff a peroa, tad >.f future light aud emsacipatioB mirht err this Aierem. K«e,tete..uta. Ike parpesa, « arrangement, .tack bn*, to romplrtol, ttatod .tod,stack rojnettfijcwnm-il figures *o largely in tte*. FBh.w a saa,so*. Michigan,Michigan Illinois,IlliooU.andand Hori«to.Florida. OfOfcourrethercoarse they ffi r en for whom they designed ware ' himhia ufiff the Bee-ltes.ro-*ore. Itessa*.a uf h» mlevvaalkAi. rnwnfi nhlc sltei u o. - .1 his eye.”eye. p mastmust have been “all min hn ftas --oart tad go *f Slave* had hero landed to a si sere made by the Mayer and ..f more than forty-live million* a year. Wecoffffi- Messrs. call tbe atteoiioo of oar former* to of th* city uWhihindk.it thro*thr^f day* i fg-VYe tbe Pulice Marshal r m>nwi| m my zjh! withoul my kaovL State* for way sf man, of oar product*. I rest, urotrite. and fur vsrten* eud*. Uiey are atTh-io* to dent intended a military dictatorship. arch. Concur in tlie opinion that this would be a suffi- *y Havana we hero row* front Sea Joar, ally jg aUD A , advertisement of ttatr Iogora.ll Hay lke tnripnl Martian,•u, amiaim! tituivmany day*(U*# wbeiMM, m ii*n. hUo« < <*« (•• •HraTM), id-.tolnr-, , matt — Thi* is aa array tab«dl too yrund MaJ-musu-.u sod Mohamuic- Congretrs has been in session now ,UrVey V, j ef advantage* unequalled ! be- The more than Chas. Um,' e " I ’ ’ " nhy As* luting be so hmt Ob- Carte Rica, te thi 23d September—tweaty day* cient expenditure, but what human can ,u*at and cheap :»rticte, which every former <> theinr mnrh.lmartial Uw pdmImkUkm.proctomtti.m. »m wjd m mUt '* , Mofer„ UK- MttDaxMtmuaroe of here, in any country. Socially aud |*diti » h . ut ““‘^ing of importance ha* been ac- tuxiato« iate.' ^ ita Italian ...sow i. thro.. rorepiB* “« ^ ^ na to think that our Democratic Executive every simple is lost I Gen. Canes hod U ft aghlt hr beat te have slave* complished save tlie organization, T.I . Campluril, ahotihi have. More hay Ligonlogon is throthus torefttareft at<4 everyavery eBo- at! the la- aliserration*. It seeat* to ta a law of nature that while the owing mostly to T. W.W Campbell, Madiaanvill*Madisonville, Grand Scribe,Scribe. roiatog ttnek TtaThe act ufaf Governor ZZmlTlumt tta conrt prorre tad te teriTSri- '""t require, bat tie-re «f » nati-.aa decay, tbetfic women, tbuufhibutif h they may tabe. tlie unfortunate circumstance* in which the republic tlrlean( Irlean lti-d.op,lii-iiu.p, Madisonville, Democratic t'otigreos are going lo reduce i is an prorpect of in- 1 Grand Treasurer.I'rerourer. and our art, in h» NiuanxnT. It an Grand vnnr , Urge farm l.y weather rat aad w at axenacxi-uso ot juttiaetti**,juttia or pnlttrttem.pallntten with that at PUtowf ate > - to>iuw Gan m - - - 1 -* ^ * ,fi.nre, ta^nnmg .. « ffro.>o.. Tt— i .i .a l n.Mtr imi.u.rnl iiltnii r. itittin tw lam-fou-H .if i itqir PRprrt' j t l VU Uru d ,*Cr' tett. from nearly a hundred million ‘ th« r f’ttbffWMR w.mld pay for n protm af it as pareix a parti- ataaa u*. wk treat Ita las* (Jlrt artirte *d war) ?• „j handling than knrdly a doabt Ita* w | mr M ten!ri ^lir^-V, ‘iT fo’ ! ^ SiT i* exprorndv decterewibtt tta arcATO.1 dtell tapwmtt- ta Kara naff Nicaragua are anything bat ‘Wlarti per year te forty-ffv* tmllxHtt? Cananyone latte hemp, .hack., rn.ro, a.woe .ff th* l S ato- mrdtal, aad VV. Worsbim, ' lhU kttxl. It will alao mro.me.t, ^ompte-i hr K. Biniiingtan™ ira^dl'tapUin. «a ap-l interrogate tta wilnaa. n ." . ted la otAMxmite 1 .loubt, that, if such a reducti.At should ta made. in these it te lint 1 a* vary probe!dr chat Ita tw* *M YV. M. llousley, Bowling Green, P. G. W. P. rj|?, iad F.very merchant . tearing —.x. a me-pa Iter* m UalGamr*. A arti in to thr totter the Democratic party w.mld Hy all te piece* from p canal rv would aocm again tw Tta sesskm, for tta year were fixed a* follows: should have one. • tt tta Baltimore ( Upper, xntmg fi

weakness of “the cohesive power of the pablic — . arrayed to arm* against onrh athor. January session at Paradise, Muhlenbiirg co. tta , tbe -tr- n.Ui l.esltl. sud fine v-ruf..rtiuar ->f the n.ntadinr, ly repliicl that the Ixxly over which he presxted did Pension ItoreauItorea- « • April session at Louisville, Jefferson co. ?" FowtixoFoaot*,. La-.-WLaxroW i.raxtai.ra-ttp -The - 4 twahanronkffi »roro te • Win. I plunder *t. a tide of foreign forming loixv shall os- in atul around Ft-rencr noticed such defence. It wa* strong in thecunli- plunder , Mww krororodtote . f*^" tau Wk- la M* I ad. to made ° ^ ^ I to hnstfi.nitywl.il.- session at Rryansl.urg. the *4 % ^ b..r do ne-ao word against ( July oi •‘Hfem* rnhmm my one Ynrlt t.nnar .‘..rn d.MttY.i..nt thif h A.H NCeivCd oftcHlll tottrominformAlH»Uttrt. ef Ita fjlMffttl e%U*’o ^ wm TL. «*v« ho. roroivn#^*to dftti. parttefiod oa rotordo) . tare, r war art dent* of the people. The New\nw York paper*\ thtt, Bkiar of ( atlr-ifi-iru.. pi.|*-ri ts.iiticxi Popery. d.v -yfe tt •l- Oefofcef, (annual) session at -yM tan^tLnmff ta-numt itaaa wklinut a ample pertud Tt iut to Ed.lyville, Caldwell to eight years imprison It i* portent n* te have tbi, tract iff cuntry i-U.l-dfi- l'..|«Cots-ryr) -iatea*a* a fiiugua. fiarnxt4ed m-.u t brittfitahy Bol.tarics, in uumerous cases attended l.y atoms- . young man named Ballou, - «*>ui.l fi-.w fr u. A; ac. Mr Ikttfi nta ta* tawc pane* af if any increase it thetta tariffLiriff taIw found or deemed tie- ^ y awy txx-si >|( [T .—i nante an report, w there was Ur We ' *’ ^^ , will u. wlifi-h cultivated . There ta pleasure in the briglitnct-* U w a kin. sinatiou, were reported in every part of the Repute cc vtary in cottiequence of the decrease of tta pevte ment and beauty thu* resulting, ami prom, in more lie. A very lx.1.1 asc on the l*a*eo N ue vo, in the Te*. toff there it a very marked difference to thr ittamrofiprromh war rat immediate vicinity of the city. A gentleman and nue front imports, it uuty Iw proposed to raise four feet In load in ou* tt Ornate * intermiiul.te l eaf Notk.*.—tieorge Cowee, g >ut for pleasure, were attacked clerk and accountant, I and a half millions by a dnlv of fifteen per cent, up-

tol iu m> yon teal as if caaght np in a w lorI a tad. made to give up everything, ° . on colfe* ah.1 tea. Perhaps^ our people may take it Jaeol. -Manton, keeper td a hotel tu street, I in their hand*. The annual fair Portland . ud ham* off to tta imminant peril tt yam caa- ; , were arrested ouon Wednesday toto their curious head,head* to ask why tta additional many pereoa* <•! tl.«- (Atluilic faith who are tadeed of -San J uau de lo, Lagoslogos tadhad l«enlieen postponed|«»tponrd uin last, at Bostou,Boston, atoil j t-iiAttne*-, Hia aeatcoor fait I y take* away yeur n«-iit. of ( hrtetianity charge, with being implicated tea, equally good, thtt can ta bought for #5 par I know print* who heartily consequence of the disturbed state of the country. in tta issue of forged duty should ta laid upon coffee anti tea, which they tttaittittcy. aro th EvaroU a, an th* oontran, take* yen acre, and them tend* are washed hy two naviga- 1 ou. told tliat these are cotutfilenifiir in bills of votious denominations of New England ter. produce at home, rather thau upon sugar and stn-aatinr to unite a party, bnt who dare not tbe Providence Journal, *0.) “^ ^ tor river*, aad are interacted hy two railroad*. [From OeL tanks Tta note, upon which them forgene, were *Tt ; *") *rt- cs|ss-lttlr at tbejAvw-nt no-ment. when a new ... nk ,, . . ... , - circling gtobe to a aart tt "•** tk# dertrnetton or llowanJ Hk* k ana uid irom the ftewX.w England Bonk not in favor of home industry Imt . _ ,, may. Aahed with tta ndrK of p-lUfiwl liberty, speedily to -liocnnuttote ttrtro rerott at rtifi-son on 1Iterabr darirt ... foary stn-t conrt ttChtcig*, Ibnrsday,hnraday, JamesJaaae. O. rimma,*;*' Museum, four years ago, took place yesterday morn- Note Co. This theft waanoUcad Ponte weeks ago drama, retarn.- von te tta gram bnt and renrasrate Italy . tat if Ibte ta evrodona. tiagl11®* jt Canban anyanybody(oxiy havenave forgottentorgutteu whatwnai an «"?•• «h“ tad |-tead guilty te Mealing letters Itbtt. under pr-irideoee! it matt ta done by ,tj ing. Al Italf-pott seven u loutl report wa* heart! and some attempt, made to deny it. It is uow suit- -fit rated earth without ever breakrag trie exq.ittte UireusBtkmn. Idea Tixt-i. over a large portion of tta city. It shook the bouse* pored that tionie #ii),0iki of these false notes, genu- outcry, when the old Whig party was tcm|*>rarily ~ front tta Chicago post-office, wa, bronght in tw aen- , billshills witli forged in neighliorhotMl, at it sound- toeme with forged signatures, I . . . , . in the neighborhood, andtn i- the proteuttarypenitentiary attt < r***r ^ — after tta ex alosimi *’•*• **•.? tt tta magazinee at when ontut arrest ttof George m.IHto tpu atanfom day rrZr.IT*- tliat place: tons, was thrown out, carrying with it theUie wallswall* tt K.R. to out tta , *! —*7 . Cowee answer a eroro fo utaering , . . _ , under heaven that the Democratic . * toto* tend tuaney mat tare , jadgr,judgr. the EverythingEverythin"J ^ not poi R te tend: hard labor forfar four years. The in addressing night tt tta Ixtli iff August, tat wee n tta Ita building, hitting and 'cutting off an elm tree 9 charge of forging the signature tt Morrell Co., ” & f . — feartrii spectack for Ih* rontet it TJkUi ‘ton*---, ‘hetta Democrat* partyo»r«v ftests aorirod a up r ttou. tour* it It and l, heavy fell, his employers, to s check for ^*7 ^ P»»" foam rore prop** romd manay Wta taro aat aaroed Brayu.au,Brayniaa, artd:rttd: rain accompanied inches in dTsmoter. and hresking sw.y the side of s #700, on which be ota y R te »H!arv tta the L'uitai State*—* From wtroteku* |mIm of thua«i*r an*l vivid tL#h#k of houM» opponile, ita full force tained tbe money, led Ly bis cenfeAfluma iu power does. Cl tt (remane tt riifow «» tefoudniff myroM, rtHMmgb . i , and not exp«ni!in^ to the ar- ^ 1 *» .lent ami » Govanmr. fota-toffl hy tta fori -pint oi oeaus for eslhar pur#*** for UUm rtto foreigner* were going tack from this BVta by fore* ami -toavmmg u (jfW'taa ' drtermiroog te crust- ont, ’ I'll* 1 party, ^ rt (teH cc-untry to Europe a couple of years ago, tta Sag- |«>Jiiical |*4rc. fn# toffui*- . V ?S . fb* a j‘^ , hm'v nmd m J |||| r | |nr |f raised a howl of lamentation and mid that ii Witte tta tt t majority tt tri* V>- ' Nor te 1 otototer d mV garni. t N.icbts rotzme*. In wtoro t» ttaftture ktoterton. ling ( rifrfcfe rife tt tririr broad te hurtrowd rocroroaffy you 1 .1 to pr.dwl.te i aloe, they themselves have for more than tu fot.tmro tt the «swirt»- vfffevitt* (Me( Mo ObserverOLaarver tt thetrie !«thitthiuat.,mat., thattrial extensiveaxrimait* lev the pwroble ar era* m a few with ligbtamg, and some ent tell us that mean* tt teule twve sml . him ff. ) thousands of mannds tt orer twenty thousand fertfeet of landland. lie confessed he luid lost in gambling. Yet h* was « fi :»•} foLtv,ct mada hy - res,wrt.i.leb*( de |swit 1 toters, . person mrupvinj n porttwaaa. in powderpo» der trorowere exphsled.exph.tal. throughout sed that theIta stair* had Iteeulieeu eepara-aepara- whom tta was reposed in his m- . T. . ^ . J9 a. Ii ;, , thev 7J fit L mwntoreted dmlf _ for more raoidlr now than , « 1 "r.-wtomo -tepu. taro forgers** date marts four y' ears bark antfl,a •"**-recent ro.rotml t.rou u ' to,n up u.,n tta- an ‘ n latk Kuru V which ken at-m rove^l tTyTaddsnly g. "*** " ne,uem ** mo a ttaouMnd ^ ! m.T'.'Ly JTL p^e., de stray weeks - 1 e. ->00 Sonro since ' ! a. (.1 , «^»D»yMgtog 500 UdU«1 fr.snfrotn the ports-,,ports.,., of„f the building in whichwlml, ttathe tegritv. ta forged tta signature a. 71 te in.US rrr - “SC V f * , phase*. «>ur criromritnurnd janHwadc-acrjur.spradeoce tauarotausroy i*»l«nd rtl*11 tthehe.people ltv.ng ago. Here l, a problem for the ex- ». ’»1 r may itonlty to wish thn fo*k **‘^ MnrtU^ prop!. I if The roffbran munpriw the route* tt wittow. tod Uvtag thereto.ttareiu. I^tettai^p te the grertergreater part ttVhettlta pmvple were at work. A terrible tt the lint, te a check tt #250 on tta Blacksten* were two yean . so 71 «7 79.4l! sn thn Duntocrati protj. t k appulted **j*V’T , j it* lii,i..rT,iiMory . time ifof anting,writing, its total Ito am. a Is has (accaauAiallycrosouall^ Iadde*ailily those who are now D hack te the old world are diffident or lazy is escaping * Irishmen and Dutchmen, who either distrust their own qualifications to govern un, or are unwilling to '

tronl'le. We chon Id like however to find ii ro 1 r» | take the a ro, until the experts u— hud with thro* so. at tri, -rat 1 WM -otne more plan-tilde solution tt tta phenomenon. 5! emmaaammd to IfrrtF ,.f best des hu tarn rarh that ail | C-^Tta only tw o lianks in Virginia which are con- 2*

t inning to pay s|t*cie are the Bank of Virvinia ami "J rotriree tt Asm fito f -_tta , writ k I iff Y'irginto, Iwth located at ?• mr great nextern tta Farmers’ bank , tethe Wrot.

Fredericks! dteg > Africa.

r ' > ~ . M . - y -v . 1 1 TW O u, ‘ . T : • " 1

Tl .it official mujoritj" for of »» I Ovk AnvrinisFRs. — tlepaxtpu al of ihe TukJoA MAkkkB-1|p l aurtli $»/ Xiuvcin- CdPChaaeb Governor Ohio FRIDAY, NOV. C. 1057. Titrt Eikitiurr. — Tte neWsiftom Baltimore] Cl: l.>AVj NOV.'S 1857. r 1 i^i j er Vuagm*; diffniRe at opinion unreg lill'HV II A M ukk ov “fnciiiit vv i , r," , ** Jx.w\ 1 ILiAb ' « KKkLY JOURNAL devoted t*» ‘•Uio* l it t e cliitmof win *jw U|^SUjr%Mell «>> »uch dreaded in nnncan- over Pavnc iv 1,&03. ^’ZZZ’^'iV'SSSl.utJournal 9 U show an iocrci: of two thousand lu ti e American l the Wi item of Mfer* telegraphic dlvpatcto. ~ J .14I A urfe-a* cam came kefoie J wl*e 1 * ~ T"F.Tir*..KNcr OK TIIE Democratic 1>A*ty.- .T __' «anuf. oc *»r«riI'nri pvinggiving inventories tile circle* a* i I ...... nierv'banumerchants aulanl mi?u'. — on* n which lanre amounts if na;*r majotite over that given far Flilrrfere.Kilim*. cfrnjm Governor M-t* fr >Rk''V,s|^j-t..ie me to Aether ‘feveroor Walker Sew » «tr It too | Y-ek. uu iavulvin- t 1 V«m— . ur IrriMiiiktr or a , ... , , ADDITIONAL UY THE CANADA. The present condition of the Democratic parti- and piejuii®^ u »ui ,f 1*1 run u* tit^ucucetsuq.ra.uvw «ff uwtturc, hu* all , , . • y’.jn attempting to r\ - ... tsm.r •took*stocks audarai ft***** Mk U -ud ij iar ai we are adviaed, TheT1 c return:*nru , from{rf>M KewNew Yo:kYork intiicain Ucj 0e Uietlie o e**e5> . fiwtote m.iitarv , 1,,. evten ion, hi- , th, ia j „ r 1 . re Americans of I-* •—"*«*i—-*« «* u o* *«*«*« «Jumn.•’ *™«u is iu very probably from a union of tte Americans ard the Marviand from Tlon. Toon giving to flat TrectolVrs the control nf .00. efecri* day. that advance on Tuesilay’s rote*. Money good sup* fhe L*gts»r - f errife" W. Uf B,re-* miff eetor- am dut‘ of rair^r^Tr’^---Anaericmi v-ittrar lover* of onr republican form of ' us govern*.-*; to . . .v^ with tncthe comtnum.atiott*coinummcatioxi* of tw»^tl.o • mu-i'iint. ri of . * , nonuow tenutcrtu We have no change to notice in the general teuor ply at 5 discount. |^,. ^ Senate That wa» litical control lsgislative de- dimage and wounding a number of person*. , over th? or executive attain the he«a iwrgaiav ran he obtained a hiie the citizen. Piantera Bat k of i • nuea -ee at 5 f* cant, diacouat was withdrawn from the bank. report to t>to attain their purpewe:Durootaa- An impression prevails s„m* Ste-cten ee at 10 cent, .liacount. The avund forty-third rear of it* existence. It is tbe second I •lavery men w-flT eitiaea at a pnotary election it> and ua an V worth of eight per cent. Michigan Central . . incUe the metnhers if the Kincv rfeover »f tto sUiufar. vote can bv a private lar* “pint, hv its whom various elements Can be c>*ucen- .e * . .. ^ ruiLAPELriux. Oct 01, 1667. I same rate, liberality in advancing. tanks of Tenneseee can be sold at the for tbe extinction of the Hoating debt. . oldest paiti i in the constitutional convention, Texn*. led to the Mexican war, Bonds , . , , « — most cf whom are pre- Tto pfaiaMT mevett in Indiana nnne*e«' tritted in an effort attain .-I uicricn/u Mcmjlttnd: in stock exchange remain al anHad to ;*rm»nent p>ower, of Mexico, and Utah, We have no hesitancy iu raving that nop spar pos Notes on the Indiana State Bank and Ohio State Rates for money tte slavery tnen, to frame at onr* the acquisition of California. New Inpri-8'MiI vHh klep-’iWtif dn*.- in the pr«wentciMh a jfto*favery eons’ it a- answer, a* being "frit* five per cent. prevents the taking of that one step which ithall con- The Great Chfss M \Tnr. —The New York Tri- j 'j» i 1 Bunk (excepting those if the susjeiKled branches) jut pvt. .col hMier> , i -el ceu*ix«aa*Hl. on betiatf ti< n and sen! it — Will held ia the fa- better and more reliaUe lass >.f advertisers uf the flrerrt r to Cnspre** far irv . and the inunaoee i..i|Wn | The demand for money at the bank on Friday was rsHfratim m jc ite yjov iatea* of A-ert our republican form of government into u moat hune, of Tuesday, say s: Ameruukii ; Arty oi tiie t listed 3UU s. tn %.tdroe yon. Ite discount, and notes of w ! " of tlveae great ttansac- »ban the Jonrnsl. and that purchases can Is.- made range frent par to V cent, hrarv. \ our cotiutryuea ha*.; r«oui with iuunsr tout sphramtog- It a» all tn the popular vote ture a.« the -ure ootgrowth X terrible Utet .-si Ihe ff .-.i.wiim n o. aud tyriauical despotism. The fourth game of the match between Messrs. I corfeH*ot>- !#-a«*l. spectator* and perhaps ami pnteT'g ttoin off Imre the |«o|>fe make and sustain tte government; jonrnsd at 5 P. until this ~ — M. morning, neither player I HjikatU Liu- poailioa ul Lae political n-vroriatjon t.» wuick tho> upon a single vote caat in The buliiou in the Bank of Kugland had decreased Bullion in the Bunk of France has decreased thir- excited one* -ready of e to I nam. anv depend a local . rt-L^cLiVil/ U'iuit^, aud the whuh- *:L»ir mor pot ta a word far l.ot “frivolous" buta* ‘ ~ contemt-orarvcouleu.fs.rarv ofif our*otir« say.so “there are two there the government existo by its own intercut havingeny iensilJeadvoetage. wwffivjw w—fi m* **» »sifualy grasjor* i»to «huwifiw . «TW^iA since the monthly returns. * n ri v three million,. ,f dollar, and in the Bank of ty-five millions the right election. The Democratic part vis so thoroughly ...... _ .... „ >» «4e .minor tournament. Messrs..gotay and Sol- whenever there shaft seeat ta to a fair e' er r., Three per vents closed at tit* francs ami 85 cen- power. The infusion inti, our pop.team of a “ /*' .** Krame seven millions oth fournsv^ .a,, ,• (vnji>a * « — opening. organised thnl its whole strength is almost in v aria- V .. ^ ai* * 1 , , vnifrlf tiu thetv (rate*, spirit, end— n to*, *4 ; times. vast horde of foreigners who tev e brought rrrr\ mm****, ,te cmfestants stand oi game apiece mod *w„ om dvU iaaim!^ Som.- ~— *******1 , lyii—., ** Sputa. Caliinet ha* not Iteen organized. of the Northern fVroocrati - r m —The The cuttr* of i',nr. Llr«o, «u«ttt»«* mIHtarr prooounee the pa*sage uf the bill and the opera- ftatarday . Turkey persists in claiming ***k*’T*T. not. ttoy pri. ilegi. tret always | v sure to vote ia every elec- London, — U*PW'P*H Uyr far MWlluWl w.ll te faithless to tto frost reposed ia ami• ml spirit«niri t otof self-govfe4.1f.4P.kv..fe«,eminentrt 4R..$ Ithath-$ 5*i* peculiarlyel on. . island of Perine, and refuses an indemnity. The .same numtter of the Tri bane contains the Uctati-r >tic nuy r« i t mints! upJ^rhv iv'Hera f.ndmtDn! to a few praclistd id«er\ere. the per- tioirs retried on under it — disposing of the stock the them lionire, however 1 CS'Lxcept by by ttoir miMtitnents. , unimportant it lar^e mayay at the timeliine af-af American, anil upon which rests the sole A majority of It is rumored that the British Caliinet have ar- itope of lue se- fallowing deUitel statement. It Jto* not come sonal aspect of tnen seldom aunounc-a their real among those who assisted in passing the bill— great to TS!" them received the Mr. a recall the Governor-General of In- snffaages only of prradirerr me* ranged for the of rarity and permanence of our republican institutions, -.'ins H- tr’.Tsin tto ri»>- ..f Hertsn, m miianrfate tro downown as late asaa ttotin; j. receding most daring unconquerable wills fraud upon she people aud they recommend that l iara^r.ipha:oaragr into- and were quality. The ami ; dia. ^Kaad brinxttom nntor sfejratfeB to fen •« fe le-tcl with the express intent and tto Tlii- corruption has been gradually developing iitelf tv p;ist a sa.f-a - — The week failed to conclude tiie coMteat I C#Wonw ifrtthh writer ludicrously proposed re- aftea Ur eeoceaird beuea'h an almoat girlish rate- llw charter be rejiealed.” Tto tendon News says that the East India Co. ml* intent that n#l thc^firet ladanre even within they ihonld make a prmhvere eoo- remittances of silver to In- until now it ia upp.it ent even to tlie casual observer ^tinremary in the two r ...muinenre, and the *Hling» n rear. In ahirh couWyoliy that advantage should hrhe takenlaker ofuf the super-euper- Y'ork Herald contains a table of the have commenced large rfor. while many burly fellows, wh,> look ns if they ThuTliu New York centre g wetilthe middle the present oue. stitution. Ti.eir recreancy to thetrthe , . , , , , , „ Pre-Men* tr .-am loud thwndcr* and *nrh red fl^htain-r- Mississippi road sides. and alm-»t exclusively with denizens of otter is-/, Ci"The receipts of tlie Ohio and regim*nt*. Many were wounded on both lauds. y«tut hi*ki< p.p tt-J", »>t»vierfvjre'c.i hiIn JJam-one tot hiat w*Wn-Mnvt.il,m- t„ n with , cordon* of boars: that they should have to to (ui, ldtl.HUl. all from koglaod, Havana, and Cali- ;jj. Ttoodore lacb'entom, E-q» 8, and bonds of 13t!8 104f.r newcomers to onr stores. Foreignton to* been ex- Uh. M M.rtin. E^ of New York. i r.-fltst'ntisl th-ir hstl n hoo* from gun and how near that infants received during tlie same time from the plains. :lieary uf a refer: to the mRrtary ..tilt in dim-, 'dmericmt .hail rota Anwiica —tira other, \ejrott were 105. Marviand 5’*, tends, 89( • I’h; c r-v..-it-,:t.,,ml ,,r I nourished on the pop of the sow; that casti- Central freelaud* of 1800, 8h16%, Michigan Central euunci.itfcd bv inriui nti d Deimaratic otiiciaL, and have the advantage of o:’.e gaina over his opponent Ictrrrfu, i . h. m rete ..t th. ir f r ito l»i. Ire* and fed only an chives; and that the carcass to coin. of coin during tlw same wa, Aineriuaus, Negroes, or F'oreigirars? liea* corpus for Mrs. Wreslman, v. ho « contined in a alent The e.\f«rts 8's of 180'.*, 79X- Xbiequere of Kens Sahib shall either be chopped np and ga- not lieen over $300,000. S-.WI— - -reo tion is to te derated h> tire time have re. at private lunatic asylum on Icug Islan*. Mrs. W. ELECTION. ,fe re. tote hreyuraito ite mra « fete MARYLAND our national government a I»l|. \ altogether foreign thered isle a stye or carsfoll.v larded and ex osed sc in tto fourth !. er of the parties abuse p s as placid there by her husband, who is a wbole- Kr -in the 1st id Septemlwr to the 14lh of October gpmpt section of the Giand Tounuy. l: It I* th.- den .rftto ta-mocrattt yartr tn t*k- nn arm praicy i» tints U.;iutcut with :*mff»Uin the .v.atrotof *.,v*rnni. tbs’ droves af famishing hag* shall twar the conse- republicau institutions and and, aa tte contest pre^re-sas between these two nt sgsin-t the win ni Negrupteitein is th* sale druggist in New OrieMoa. Hr re»«on Cut so inclusive, the day on which tlie New York banks pulwy «f uw Repehticae party, 8 o' cloak, P. M.—The election passed oft' more «»*** Itunta, tte Interest •!»«)• ife-rea* crated relias in their bellies. destructive to tl.em. Ttoae movement* hare beer. »**«'« t^^s^o^to thi^^im^r^a it w ould elevate -. suspended fjiecie payments, the amount of notes of ttoTkaufu^ntimrswt^M^^imsv the ucgte to an equality with the doiug was. itnprop r intim cywiih 1 uraj On quietly during the latter par; of tte dev than was “'««» '»>"}«« *•»)' ft«qdrarteg :h. n.er, to begun in -he bosom of the Democratic f feTm the „„m,rr h, -rerv • is droll the drnilrst party amiu 1 ££%££ AH th idtunly enough. Imt I Ji white citizen and v, read letters Slate banks returned aud cancelled to the supetin- expected, though there has l*eeu a good deal of dis- Dc.'Uuin ‘Ca a I.'HJin.d. ;iml ibe MU heCOUie* cr^Wtler Atolci UiaU»c: ti l»* rr a ci-mr »0ti Uru*- give to him as potent a eiU in ^^ jj r >n suerte two . um orirr a-rlrti* a Vm-* matter i* that by it they have beeu festered aud eiicoura^etl uulil towarj 1 ^onls, wher»- - i port ot the homey, the Buchanan order and some bloodshed. uiglafall, more e«ptc411y areund 'he Nmd ‘ $ a r«t*»n rn *;• controlling tira putiucul mrit«rn l*v- Mrw. W oodiusu U* Furtiiss.urniss. llwITie follow- trndi-ottrndcitt at Albany weswas $5,321,100.$5,321,108. The stocks sur- ^ deram au et the cuuuiry. Tte parties who were shot in the Seventeenth foreigoiam has into positive the two above-uuntiunrd gentlemen. Front tte 1 '-"1” tome rode foot-print of Giief. iinistrs’isn's rbiUdelphia editor, understand- grown a element of tlTtewb -^P^Tfrttha i to lteuftucralM; party iug Is their eulritsnce; rendered iu exchange for these hank notes amounted w.ji Jat”^ tea ruu s dd ia :ta rvslt tiitm ward, as mentioned in a previous dispatch, are not "'‘“'“"‘.Ccuient of the tonmanient. Item. Morph’, .tiintiiroattj- »r litical | lower in our countrv M 4~ide tv h* te torintoiber »c* jolto propooitem te be a perfectly serious eae and de- and tiireatens to control h uf fareigniera. ' > to $3,0it>,!Ji7 bonds - DeuwcraUc faan from -be — j and the The letters were inscrilw-il t “My dear Habit-;" l and mortgages to dead, but teth seriously if not fatally wounded. and Paulseu have teeu singled out as the onmpetl- -tull ex ".and *mly, even tn tto fees.f-rtm mditsn judges have decreed uanurtte and change and totally 1 elstswate- rffi*rt - destroy its present exist- to sgTSvr su«l that he had written',1 ten, in York, was shot far •» teffop,.! ten or rwvivo ffittisf first slkgcd New $732.202—tlie total amount of securities liras sur- Another man near the Fourth ward poll* mm fate and second i rte-s. ar..f great an xtety » tafera&r ra tto store Kite aad Trad t*i show that the suggestion are impracticable. this evening: tte wound may prove fatal. race. was,ten n at ever. ,r ..p,vjneM*. ciuaene. fompany who Tte x-eeeA, uelh-Pusuui ptaitiuoi ewi «ty ot , hronght rad imamdfatffif after k* I w-v^s oreorew. The police have captured" a large quantity of thejr ahouid be tliT-iwii Uitft .net i eft»re the fast tM* hack verdancy is truly refreshing to the eve at this •-^.EZZSSSZt&i&’ZZ 1 hi > ri indeed a Aad picture for American ev«« to mne Drmo tatir ut*t vt.t •'«?« 1 —re. T , . The Y'ork Herald, of Monday, says: -‘Molly Maguires" notostow* ly 1 1— -urpeBniun and attxrfad raewev m tto i 4ea ff New ouBlr d mrfnine- | told her. lor Ttiat • t"rwhir* fi.nr tnnatu asvlum. ns be revenge. That arms. i . . acctloii- iu w/iiih caff# 4*n»» of t‘ Ui wruld T»etwff««rih fKihen* ph-.!"-** and lookIravi ..mm.upon, but , late p- nod of the autumn. another still more gloomy and fare- tieae oral various Kcntnrky feifllr*, falve ifo nil could to make herer mi-crsl.b*miserable and The na-m-i uuuket ia grsiiuslK workiuf easier on first fir>t , ., Oicteto tte ttau. ceref urarirad ttlth fie would he 9 o'clock, P. M.—Americans are now marching Qu auJ i„wll U n,. r^ Rnt fjt, ,, , rree7, frarav ol party ip aaariv * . class e v uiiilo: bwasai free! r .ttrred st: oent . on raU bodingI Haling has teen te injure Furniss. Tb.d be would not permit her f the streets with music and transparencies, and firing been presented] resented to ttoirtheir view. Tte utber*i-aotherwise in a mostin..-: .-- nstbleusfide and th- twe manner,mafua-r, and the hfe, aU oar prinopei ctitas oral is ra pally axleiulie* ire ihgjafftimML. I’oi i-re-lfer* received gsi sa> fttun ftiiivoTHUJ * ,,0lb,n* “ **“' Afft.at iv New Ottir axs A des- in York, uorr let herter writew rite to pistols, . red ttafffwttji uttl. — yn see her ienther New gun’s and with shout* of victory. They Democratic party, the hot bed in which have genei-gerici- champions went through thette vaiiousv at Lous gradesgra-'es X*as folfob M( -. Dot to« hro*;>it' »%. enettr re y nuioewa! throagteat tira whale Dsmoelwry to town Use Northern Bank at Uorington. flu iereeasf uf rate iVu'.ib; encounter occurred in New Orleene, any of her family. That if si« had not thought it claim tto triumph of the whole ticket. Scattering ^'" 4- p Tb<‘ f ,llo * iu« “ * •'omi-retire »txteii»ent of the rated all these political abomination*, drunk with oral country. cock w»» adjusted hm-’iand -he Inhereluregcr.cgcr^^dm.d Tte swcuraw of tte Ltaowcrauc parly crediW in fall, fee* the i tff>u i ber wonM returns which have l*eeu received indicate a . FIlIST.mi.st. w^ ^are gain a * , SECTIOX*sECTTOX.section. » r. » toe rivil o . S'linUv Octot*, Si. between Lieut. Rnfu. Hid. Ipowcrfr.u the rountcirivl Ta * u.» and thus to take from the rrople of*.! Bui tte psdky of tte li onet l l>ce s perron Well "' of IV FvW and known then cells on “BankBook to aawuitvs1st year to Octulwr 29: will wuhwith corruptioneorrupiwu at its g*t ,wny.” She be quite midnight tofore complete return* very eore, * ‘ hv from andaud totally devoaldevoid pa . 33g»nms against ColtiiropCalilirop 0 ttocra- American party a* to ageing m, ” n^/rtotej” ratub lish and preserve a pure frf The Uiahmuud ilcescuger :epvrt» thr al*ojt the city especially h* relation with election her te get out. and tells him how bes ennc:ra do itif.. She ary of the wards will to received. — MK. 1S1T Increaae. Decrease of anynnv great political principles that entitle it it to ttotiie sFroxnsrcox-i section. A^crjfaus; l. i the appeal[nf row remitrrmcn from ffk- Araerieew qatiranUty. to ausuto with tr minimi;msnims: feel*feel.* iri>u.» $-.;re.',uin aral taler and per rain of mwehraetted at that place, matter*—named Boh Jdhnson. The account we widies to die at home b»r dear $*,7si,*;i tktas.sat t .... W| kowrwf Worty. kgi, at «4- l;.oli.H(l4 Nkvv Y’ork, Nov. 4. furlherfurther counteuancecuuut< nance audand Miiiivirtsupport of ilt»* tw-.n.l.. ii \r v.. n t u. ftnmnt •QtM*nlil$' liim»4 for ffein*! :3> flCfll* u V* iKa* m Vi, * M"Hr" r kMS.ws;S,M4,*4lS ...... t;,«l7.!re< of the people, i* hroriAy, game, against Mstk... ? pntunto tte that , -tot Mffttbikatt no when ‘i 3 yra ‘iSflTnI^“au : to^tK'i^of msututirau which were hsrerf tlw matter is nsfrdlow*: Hmttwss going Coraiasal..... 241JS*. liis.Mil .... ;;jUi'. 52^ R» seerow 1 T»sr In Now Yt.cn hcr.-ellI„rtelf Tlie steamer Star of the West, from Aspinwall, unwilling to lav aside tlie trappings. .f office aud to Paulseu, game* against Montgomery 0 -ellnary urotjiervl-. Notwil)’ Crrr.—Tte W- ^ nm rani dn Untett* starved terWlf to-deatb.to^leatb. $£5^;"wheat ,r,.^1fi.2*:,3i; sjSt^s2.3M.MS 3 ysir .•.re-m7«'ra .... S.TH^Ih ^.uf ev. n remote prarertt., ib'srn Gravier Wreet and was paaring Johnwnsi. when is to lire- for brings $1,4454,000 in specie, and dates from Sun fraju to reu la ihtssner. but tuve determined revenge. Again c-rtic.-ni 2i.iVi.TTa,l*£.?7u l,4*o.:*]*;I . k-a *.:* 1 •; .... l.uM.MO yield the government Tlltttli goVenuraat to ttethe coocontroltiol uf others, who I Tiuau section. *sncy. tte Oivennust to sttratnccnrlawcn tetf. Francisco to the 10th ult. six later with tte pnn- he beard Johnson eav srmetMng of nn insulting she asks “BabieV nssistamc, as her last hope, sn.l da vs than brought li.c }-. u sre to may te selected hy the free voice of the people. The Morph}-, games against Lichieuhein 0 Cinol the rrerv-retMIttv novresthrwp»'i 3 -JfyIs to tiptaa ineuicated hy «»clude» i« expssing her wish ’lrat he (BaU*) _«•*!» by the Quaker City. you to; to doubted, *nrf we look whh rootldeiw- to * tte fraranranf era ttanalitatum ebaractertohim. Hunt wheeled round «nl retorted. sjicctiicle **“*-. ptrinm trlmm-h specie is principally conrigned Umeutable is presented to tte conservative . ferae rerr-si prlarii to wiB nmrt i esthtekef on* who can Imt wtah she Tout* «c.: ,Ms.n.4 Tte as follows: „ „ , to whfeb ww*re and tte nathnra ff li . * . - . -s at.a«.43S im.mt u.tsj^s* si laIu con am n pwk an system, to euaista * * * r n WOl ... Paulseii. 3 game* a am Raphael.. „...... v...O common attoated. Lely onr wort m ’' '“ ,»AIHW wwwb 'fm |>gi; c.i .„* . vi-. to firm and to » \ mi ill Ik> hi« ( p). llrrt«M u compuvd with Well*. Fargo, & Co., $250,090; Am-rican Ex- men of the nation of mj a great political parly, which nMHfpMrt*ameans nfp hnt bp not detPirvil A meriemmt :o rule America. Uae from thp ps^irlffp of U remains Ito I ha yra- nnd Hoot said, “Have voe a pistol, sir?" Johnson. From the other letter it epjearv that she bed a re- change Bank, $23,000; Robb, Flallett, & Co., $175,- your clear ro*aic.iti.,o.: The following table shows the stock of sugars iu is uotoriously held together only hy the cohesive trivtlep-. sod rfnftre; ai.rf wkto Tt veil! perceived that gent 'erne,, ranr action .- She say * 1 but, night after night 000. te hfeh tow rraffi l-nd to command tto respee* ..f without as.sw.nnr bn -wedlately drew a revolver, ply from “Bahk." New York, all own. November 1: power of public plunder, determiued to retain similar '•‘tt si cncryicv write ludctHkty rrpnn The rainy season had commenced. po- made exactly performance*, each Laving an the * raff of yoar whiaii they wdl chouse to rule over item. Thrar Ifaat ef tte fiqoer .-ture* are afamdk fe at farat liticaii power and control approach to * bar «ini>r»r on hin escutchwai, in th- •.)», Col. Fremont has purchased the Murced and Ma- ] and employing to that end 1 "r.T- ".*r2.2r?* S: '“He 'tentetffrom military lieepotiem and Derm, rredic te* wilt decide whether tte control ling political ate toiling aoUuug oponly. The ^filing places are au u-Utenud until dmir pistole were nn- *”£ tto eont.-st, ipt garau— i sff the uew tqttttttgff me of the letters sesmed to te verr in- Total Tte dates from Havana are to tlie 19th ult. their mutual protection. thixmghout winning tte atf .ir in uril- The wmnm'usen irnvna outrage of thisthi* attempted reap The Gr.vin Cai.r* or Cvirrouxti.—No lem W—** 35, m* woekiug admirably. Tte increatesl uuuttor .if dec * sdou 1*114; hariulrsfe, Uit of MMnla-trt1 ° s,t*75 ... , .. Bant style »ftcr four hour’s struggle. Anrmherof two terertin to the crowd iu the court -room. Some i»ri- ^' An earthquake was felt thereon the 15th; also at . I ... . ff’fejSou tii.-r. irt „f » tt. - . < antained fa the LtsC hatch of g " « *“ve * outrageous interference uf * new* from tto Pwifio tio* tislri. ts- .one thirty having been wbttd tu texts ,li.em 3U.14S ,tran::cr* and other* nwmbtel at nightfall to wit- . ^ rflcct oti\ **.**l*w folWcd »wtwccu tl«« iud^»* ad< 1 coonae), i* Loja and < juinto: at tte funner place numerous u, . . , , ? •" -— H«a: > tek imr it hi» oj*puarm V b . oor hall Sy erel ^ V is more •tra old Irer to the * te«* t'.uoo n otate cann.it be too remorYaUe tteu that C ire mini is out Democratic Government officers iugeucr.il aud local ne*s the second game, Mr. I*»ulsen bavirgthe dret *» pci inly *n>. fucibly which mnoanre* that j— r nt Uv - 12 houses and churches were destroyed. *“ -•* « feei fa ras thaw Uire rare* irafora era., through the ftwnt pan of the sl.dimwn, m.d The New Y'orkYork Journal of Commerce, of Satur- " Presented t» the consideration tto grain crop* of tte present heea eaftewd far ap- c-mbere Political aftairsin Pern are unchanged. elections. We have seen tlie n,ov He played the Kuy Lope* opening, but with of the people ef this year in California will Democratic heads of pruauiuog the polls, aral hmmtates Hie rowd of •fee other uutoaed the aide and lodged in the intee- davday evening, says:savs: Don Rafael Evaluate has been elected Governor largely exceed th* demand of u- “ *" M that Bute for con- 'oofers that are disposed la hang atom any on* tanas. Hunt's last two tape tori ed fire, upon which Thi Tkaokjit near St. Juhx, X. C.—The fol- Th<- cri-ort-.-t^n-el.- fron the port of New Y'ork of Coat* Rica. ijsna3^r«®^s*srs -~f *r * IoD - sumption. Thin i» eulHirdinatj* 1 J " J«* f' jri of Chti whole na- a deaideratum which tte eftlzette pltee—toft very fesjrwhfe rerailm. for th. Week sixiisp their to create a corruption fund far Ihe pTawesse* an intuitive knowledge ef all the •h-proi*' ^ lowing account of the diabolical of net. 31. siiioauti-il to $ 1 if,,455 "J who drew his murder tbe Me- 1 *, sword Tout rtnee January LOUISIANA ELECTION. tmn *° t0 , *ie app*Hing consequences of the Golden State have looked farwardto 1st .Tk.T33.2a purjiogc of carrying elections. We have fee n the “ud defenses to them on tlie board, and a power of of the ere a*.V«v« uf d*mc Hmeio l*vjt.. r»i.*s;tri_4 lieenct caue. swt Hsa: slightly on tte shoulder, but iufiict- Kenzie family, consisting six persons, on the New Orlkaxs, Nov. 4. A* tto 1'Jta pod. m tto 1 ilk Vt'red. 1 *-' a" 'ck fr’"" hi" *<*eenme. eombraed taldisbnwnt or even tte toleration uf all things to be first attained. They have j such a bent result of a 1‘residentisl election, tte most important "Tv*" L Jonge.- tom M. V . a crowd of olraut throe hnndrad ud s arvun and anasewhm dangerous wound in the Miaprck rosd al-out tselve milesni ttt fromirom oi.St. Jow,John, Ntiurthmio:in-.- i-:.4 .ti,&>n,]4o The Democratic State ticket elected. Miles . with rapidity of thought and e.xrcnti m nerhars rvr •> rondiaa *n- m * ttivSlTio Tay- ...... , , . e-eced Tt * irt nt (li-ro- 1— i. -.0B,y1. on raising their own brea.fstafTs, and were detenafa. all of that can take place tu our Lmon, deeded by , [ «arcl about Li o’clock, upset tin Vorarieaa Seraral * lor, anti-Slidell Democrat, and Eu.-tis, American, reater ,han that of any living player. A daw m ? \ ^ aftri aids. Uous were night. — — , struck with the pistols N. B., ou hatuiday Oct. 21, is conden*ed M ° ed to the importation ££ uZm g’S!*” **o*mmm*a ot the l>eo <- of there ard all other Ttcpol.Bcsn toxer, passed re-elected to Congress. The other two are probably the most enormous aud outrageous frauds. We Sfr. PauNen** nttaeli *IT*r»ied him the opportutntv n. iqff am wtrisrae farther to tore the i nrahat a nf i were us|*aratad. Jshn paj-ere: from tte St. Meson. wAhnr, Inulcr. & On. have Urucd tbe annexed CR*t 11 toward tiie reals. At last ttoy have accomplished Slidellians. Tht tegislature is ,,f ‘Meeting a most masterly comliination. bv wbicl « P* / establishment of an aUw tto ohject. 1 Democratic. l I have seen a Legislature ll H ll ' Democratic in one State in- i i l iUu till I I *» I HI I > III The Balietin aias naueas an afkay on St: I lay f gg f *f f nr no bouse within a mile af Mr. Molten- . Thus one great leak In (heir There waa 1 " ihip ia stopped. N* - K* c *' r —toting an am— le.pntwa aver a Iren Oinarkan o( ike vi 4Uu**fi iui^Bo. night, in white V> city and passing partial laws with view of tu/,- , oalv dlffurbAm • hi thh fUtrirt ep to ff- u-lasa a ,, , i a *4 I* llsira,II tra liv« III i U.. l.'.virflditI! The Depot of tlie Illinois u lt, he made tto sacrifice of one nf hia .rioctpi. I V lew who me* ...kZ a ’ da»* Central road at Cairo, ^ Jshn Nett. i^Miaed e»A pariutuiu and «ur iv#ular buMiMMM. ms j^h ure* tending to tte same end which leave W. oats, rye, etc. Flour will an longer i-itmmg to*»ara tue cUy, m«- tbe i»aiMiu^ smoulder- beettufore. with all iu contents, was destroyed hv fire on Sun- prett tu/ au acknowledged majority of an opposing piece*. Hut by «n error to which ail are liable, to already range at ‘ " ' such fabulous At dre F.wm.mik Itotsect sell, to Thttd a «*. — imp. and Nuayieittii^-u»|wiiiiijr thattUat kn metluiurinetbin^r uuumimIuiiumimI hadbad »•» a*t<*mi»t a tb*tall #f the cauMe* which led day night, including four freight cars and the en- .***? 6 0,,W h ” , ixth ”°T* , ’^re m rWd ,he r u T sa Dxmocreey towarol tbe ere price* ae Tt wa* woof te da. Bat tto ttreffi. H. C. IlunKcn. 'Tbiii ’Y’lllcinau we uodtr- party in a certain locality. We have seen the Itaui- PtySj! }'.*?^*1 « J } Utile sftor k, a.rus i U u NMent to *a>‘ tlaer ' Uaciu. tuare Ml iuahareu Ills gine-house. Loss $2(81.000. pa t _.s .* hi> Ann, whfeb ensbW w. mmm* teisiwss.u an - - *“ back bciue *ife ururutdd A of tte build- » Atm c > . tai»l*hmrnt of ^ aiwf Coflfamiads have It fa view snd. follv - ^«‘. re bey.ind Ciiutmi. ff grain to supply the bom* market, toft to fare tab ’.rake them to p*c-e«. under w hich he !.a» fix some time beau his cro-partisans. arrogantly I our repuldicon family there,tliere. hutbut 4 tur belonging to Adams, Graham, — .; .. 1 family our rine.j*Urmc-ial cewmpnpdcorTreiw-udi-tns U.vrcot.Unuedhave ©on Unn<*d theirtlieirreniii-remit- & Co., wa* also de- TI latttmary ra I and derate hi. < me svi-kuvslrS, — uspnsMia te tte IteMuuL/, Iferahl consider* it qulu certain that fSftferu.a poITin., places . a* Wtoto|atera mooing an armed host to aul hint iu superceding tbe The .ff the Tenth and Thirteemh thev had cot even heardrd ot4*4 the firstire thur.there. AualairaAuabutU now,bi!»w,»» ukumIu-ual with unimiwlruduniiuis>lr*sl eoaft*emifi. stroyed. Insurance not yet ascertained. cnrtorw d l-y everv Hading jd .yer in tbe room: M-. -*inl fhstrirra are -rawre t It <*e- t few the 'leteriumaliou f (lit must, I* f«>re Tong, Iracnme within two )wets rewh Lnerary So* ic'.i-s, as bis services may iw required, waa mired. W hen the neighbors assembled Uicv Je, With ImmsvrisJ exeentiour. we hsn coutin- constituted authorities, with the hope of enabling a Morphv, liowevcr. dc lr ring he co iid succeed in Democratic party lead- a large exporter of grain. M ' °“ " Cincinnati, Nov. I‘. IT. saspected foal tolay. and reused search 4, dr*w* , ,r - I> ' - ontinued text dav »rs to perm mentl estaMtah ttoir political Iu order to ascertain to what thi* fihefv Mr. Uxamer, the American “Bard' at Avow," it a to be made *Tvf^o.w. Lawn*. & Co. miserable Democratic miuoritv to overcome the 5 y power extent i* te easier. 1 4:3. iu lb ruu: '- * n dwelling-house in the cellar Money The dav passed over quietly. Pa- . from 11 ». m. *o t’. M . and. in tbe evening, well known Ibe public one of * „ ...... over tile pefett*emuta uifeerunder anyanv .dr, u go, it i* r-ceesary to rerett to tto c ipahlftties off to aa the most fertile overw helming majority of its citizens. ar oumunoa. ... defl- tto i JiAtelt v wider kitcbefl fire-^Lce, per maturing was generally paid. No protests of from 7 o'clock until 9-in all 13 bourn—when, as Mr. -• -- » — -- - - - mmadis aly under thetbe Ydlchea Hra-pUce, twohodirstwohods-i- i^yA jrouagyoung raechanknkechank waawas arrested in Newark, „ , , ;u ,d* . Mls. r Wts «of .rutCttrnr Ciinatiloawtry,, ,„Bf r v aaas i d w ton- imti. s and laws, and State ra an agricultural producer. Taking tto item * I"***I J , au-3aud a LecturerLrctarer *fif All these by force and (or ratter ln*ap.i .so, of cimfen.)cinders) uerewere found compfete’.vcomplete’.! - . . • consequence. Exchange on New Y'ork more plenty are hut isolated instances of the tec- Morphv had loreseeu, it resulted in a draw. Tlw . rf ^ ni«-« v„ *•N ‘• J-,' forf<* Mealing—^*Wa**n *a, piecee of*4 meat. AnAu investt- very po|K.ixrily.po|H.;4rity. b P' and rate* declining. rates '1 on iturdav arm* if nee. ssary, teve been of barky alone, it appears that this strip marked He i>ii one of ttethe freshestfreshavt burnt.l.umt. There, f.omf.oin their apumrame,apomraixe, were supposedsupprwed Hank declining. Bank- denev of tbe Democratic party to anarchy aad Ues- thir |f ame commem -d S mor< iug and manifested upon save- season tte 10 '* tte remains of Mrs. McKenzie snd her child. gAtiun. at his «« n request, revealed tlie fact that ers refused to buy to-day at four percent, premium. <4 aw sosigsti-m. Beside* a spiri; instinct and over- poiism. are - O^lfe,' tte ^y feta Tto evi.Uncos ia tte two counties nf Uim. fa and tea Joaquin > They fearful indications of' tits dele In this house no other buin..u reiaaia* were to l>t himself, wife, Wealber mild and clear. River stationary. ic „ _;.c j . . and two children bad been entirely "' ! U'ren,n_. srr’h poeiry. tue 1 Ton ‘* a c”nTmc,r ,hat no less than 2, “19. 875 bushels, or sM mst wutetorful com- . . S “ ,heir nearly equal ta !.*uiid. hut M.to.K-rf.Kenzie/s. iron -xte was fimnd open...... mutation of the leuders of that party to make tteir such iinmment dangeTtff .Uf it in tte previou T**y J e -thute of food for tu*-re than two dav*. *^^ P II 1 -A ! (K!.rt 1 v, Nov. 1. wherevernererer iielf11 yickl of . - — . .... u.-i.. t, tboyrnew uv|oue tbeibe power to ordoror«ior out thrthe tto th# State fa '*>0. md exceeding iw wtrn toe xev in me h*ck. ano la it ontr . power peruiauent at L’ame.t*«me. Within tbethe li.sta dozen. was presented to him, and Richard Carter, I're-der.t of the Anthracite Bank, frdrfal militaryntilitary to.to .upprera ^the tor fey crop of ion of his aul jecta, if not in of pa|«r. In tte hutc-e opposite tt.i* was found tlie ”j«.h»d directed a »*** atbrak*. on the praUrau *.1 uppirasth*tte popular voteiuevexyvote in every densel.lens. 1. any State in tte fuioa except and by lore.oru . It is time that thette people' should *7 ” V* nf which left be was told to come for more when hii necessities Tamana, w as shot dead this evening in tto parlor of v his king, but.blit, bv a h-.antifulh-amiful N remains of a bodv n mucii was that it . . . :. . kmr, hr most senesseries »fsf rmn.,1-mai.. oor.ulntcd l.. .I , , , nor.ulatcd district . the tram meat of them Mr Hosmer sre need — 1i -i, I. district w*frrw>-. a* etaer,lrtTtu« !*** maymii.rirwntynt:u »'•'»*existi New Tork fa 183ft. Tte HeraM mate* a remark the St. tewrence Hotel by Thomas |«use and1 consider calmly and dispassionately these *f T Washington I . ould he recuguiaed as a man's. Ite head, tbe reajuired it vers, Mr. Paulsea1‘suls.n drovedro.ve him track,rack, wnlirertwithout theibe h>-rh>-s ' [, . -L 1 infra. „ h ‘ °‘ *"/,#>rrr t which win, ly inform -urreaderr, waa th* first literary miner of Mil. ’- ^ ’ e* ,hrrt*'rt u“ ?•***&nsa«« ta appeoAemffippreirTMt " probably, surprise some of our readers. );trt ,y*. . rf Smith, Cecil county, The latter is in cus- things wliichlich are hajItappcningpenii:g in of j*4e«w or ptwn. ,nd lbe , of weI P,trr,y- aw tbeirtheir midst. Wear*We ure am piece pawn, rejoinedrefsinad eworwevery edvaotac.',adva atat«-, amani tody. declare* that he liad married It is to effect Vi*. sui*k a shaft raU* tic rich rain of Indian legend *d,ed, and the urntrui k was almostaiuost coutumeu,c.situiu-u, the bc.'rthc .rt He an adopted “djmirned what np|jeor>- »• the hotter irmneof Lhe two ^ ™ ^emocruU are likely to U urUoumUreda*’ tbe that the ogricubnnri reraurcea ff CATThere0^* There is a vacancy inia ttethe editorial cor]»corps of the a powerful aod prosperous uatiou; uuiledas one free daughter ur ward of Carter, and subsequent ly dis- tejng «*» « -Uta x-'er-..-r.l work-» or* r IS t,i , ... SSttLJKJS. • an IS! v. He of tte dasky realm * ^thetoetae .... rl-rir muus army MU by tte Democra- ia the Union. Hitherto, people have been accus- Chicago churetea.churches.churches, IoorPoor BraymauUraymau uis inm tlie pen- w ho nad a child hv him four months after marriage. from abroad; hut there is a danger—au imminent 1 *7^ Mr McKenzie.McKenzie mouslv declaring that he ha iwifeetlv out-plaveil . v - lic^ I ngf- llow and others are hot squatter- The shooting was done in ticll ‘ mamajorityr,t v in10 the list1-Ut L gtibture tomed only to regard that region a* rich fa miners, The result of the deliberation* of tte coroner's itontiaiy.ilantiao-. revenge. Carter was a and fearful dauger—that we may be enslaved hy the Mm. - L of Louisiana,Ix>uUiana - middle aged ^ tend him to tte favor of jury was s verdict of willful murder luraiintt Breen, man of wealth and family. Smith is it> r^Rfff twfhrefieelreswll, '7 which the chartered litortfaa of the resource*, i-ldsog abundance at geld, insidious arts aud reckless ambition of the uu'u ru- „W citieen* ef y fwcteilver - 1 man named J. S.8. Bill hasbaa set up shaving thirty years of age. i alia.-alias Graen.Green, andaud M lYillisms.William*, tvudau-1 again-agsia-t1 Patrick CJT' a . his belief that Mr. Morphv will teat him. as- M . He ai a tost , , , New Orleans to chuo e tteir own m.mfain*] -e:—, caul, fee. Tte represen tation* nf tte first Auraneon pulous taadezs of a taju.ool *,ru- at -tome, it is umnaapal office,. Skviu and hi. sun Patrick. It is f wore that Breen shop in one of our Western cities. We know him of Pim.Aini.riiiA, Oct. at. that tlie latter s,ntlem.m is superior to all Bv- Uitaal,, , lOriTYCM . Mr. Hosmer may I ab. v-ated, snd itaspotic migrants dui tte State great injustice. Ito long snd !-[s»ire ! "htai in the polling pla e of the Tbe packet ship Wyoming left yesterday for Liv- tune that the people of this country should ing player* in everything that ronitiitotes a thoroeul powers c Tewtk were cmf-rred Bought* District. At 2 .'clerk P. M . there wne nor t re- the Hhh. : 217* p.i-scn- master of the art of chess, lie upon the fiercely partisan ware exaggerated, until ws tohevtnl Tuftri After hen he murdered the wife and children, and that erpool. She catrics 2 cabiu and Mocrage open tlieir eyes to the terrible iniquities of whether it iu kuov 1 Governor the arak defentea. to ike at the frnew o* vih Ml. ta cemanuaicate with him must Slevin sex retied tte hou-e while tl-e son hr!! s Ctl- ger*. a larger number than has left this port for Ibe '*** gwMte ia uttuMve enabie him, hy rneatra of au armed farce of his »<*1 ueapobia of regular culture, but tte truth ke political combination ii. their midst that d Acred rtud—Kahhmp a tenter and Atptorapjta- es%7a player. torercron- _* ^ Hn to made morning t “1 at the State capitol w itli tte disease from which ’• *hat city, m which tte IVmicratic party, agricultural point .ff view as in anything else. Nsr thr dfeterlienrse in tfewml afetto wwwsdog, aft *. i n|*ni* into trouaer*troueers for the ehie-telde-t Slevhleviu,iu, and a puree distributed 550 loaves of bread to the poor, from the is time that conservative men everywhere iu the torve and coolness. He coes even further, dec! a- re anv M n.._„ 1 I>r.sTR ox a Ksv *»i swensAKV IIrko.— r. James 7, . .. .- . , . I’dork powntdeff np Avenue ff, ..fed lias sufiered r *‘ ma fair .and uu.J.stru its V to fawr to l*-cn seenween te so many year*. rear of his store on Adelphi street. There were im .' n to /nmmta at fed election, arat production of . _ , .. belongingneionging Mrs. McKenzie has lieen in pns-pne- land should lav aside minor difference* and sec- '* .re in . hopoleis groin to gwaged hy tte pres- . , ?: *} great fa (firs carrying opera Nortou d. .rted tide life at the residence of Hiram — J5 liili.ior, l.els their sftaaldere e mnffbd i-c*.«ino of Breen. Thev all three lefilef; Sievin'* househo nee many more applicants than could supplied with . . .. . tto eh*** world I ur loun.uf. Dee-h ip- p to . , — uiinoritv ent 'laid, tar the farmers, deceived tte case with t|0,,ul prtjndice* and unite in oue common ef- hf calf, recant t e represent * hack. I' pto reorhre* Korun, in Nkhuias cuuuty, Ky., on the 21 st alt., togetlieron theth*- night of the fire, nnd all Hire*litres camecam- Tl 1 11LK DAYS LATEli FROM EUROPE. the iwead provided, and the great mass were of p..||e,, McDoflReff, am! ottera—teeing Ida belicl This tyrannical which they rawed tteir first craps, have loan very T- ath ttTiel. ttoy ^rv» three •name fee a .ff hack togvtJwrtogether about midn^ht.midnight, w ashedsated their hand*-, course, wrecthed tampers w ho live at all fart to exorcise this monster that is preyiug upon upon ttoir published games; certaiulv the only cri [sdicy aad tto iutenti.'ii to resort to pu re s’ »te .dv-naced age af maetv -sia years He was a t^ek bands, ARRIVAL OF TUE CANADA hy begging negligent tin* pofttc sftandtci; np«n rtra c.wuc- ff Rlrvenffi saw. andaud it wasWas thentteu KraunBraun was heard to steakste^lt of murder times; hut there were many persons who' were evi- vitals D™,0* 1 *7 which «t is ransilde to institute any com nilitary farce to achieve a party yaar, ra will to seen by the follow lag ’ Haukax Nov 4 the of the nation, anil save our republican in- victory were plain- living witness of the ecene* and events wbiok. but “ *7* I nil then pr v-rethd throngh Tenth street to Aretoe and burning.wte^TteT"They haveh*e l«cn hid inm "*the woods dently driven to seek relief by real want. During extract from lira Bun Franciaca Herald; ^ *>?*' mail steamship Canada, Opt. Shan- Stitutioos and our existencu as a free people front ’’ iolerferem* uf th* Ite- ft. A toker's wagon wa* standing ra the corner, tw tte written history of tbe age hi which they nearuear the scene J'Ttoof thetlie murder. . the distribution a wealthy gentleman, w ho w a* pres- opinionopinirsi as F.'’”'it nn oiiinion,”oointan" amiao?l one whloh wewL“teteveIratove muHer^ * mrtte ” Front coorcr.-atioiis m.. fp()ni Lie spool ^ the 2»th ulL. arrival at tin* Its fell, destroy ®0cfl,oc R!U8111 °* the touted which we teve held with per- and the moh instanriy reft I* w.«k tow ' ent, authorized Mr. Henkels to distribute 500 loaves iu^ inilmncc. will*ill l>el»e indorsed by1»* thelhe ct.es- magnatesmMormten of ttothe ObOl- State# in the late wMtftttt toeoapied, must’ in a fee- years more he known uqly -oue # ' Ulr‘« <*•>»' ‘ who have d«v utud a large share of tbeir at ten- Ivrro toeketa of Dtrtck torad.** ***** World. ' The eher wklp- Texas Nivcs.-Uy au arrival at New Oilcans oe weekly, during the winter, upon hi* account. rather »• tto Nattanal Cp-al. by oroler- m W- .h£^M*raI^*r^e fe^ra su.,- 8eu.tc - . lion to sericulture, we ar* pcr.u.ided Hint tte 1»- prd up fat hoT*e> red made sr.-oocee wfthr’Stogwt AflefineAfter the uikiiiLiiMwtermination of tDetto Tot.i ov.ni-nnneat*.nn-»nt?, a pub.pi;!, “** ' * ! * uavi? become converts to the nuti-.\uieriu.tn |riy 0 iutju, tliat out lue United Suited auldier^ r uk wr wu tU >'«*l* ^ Lux'puU, Oct. 24.—C.gfas. Marlct -The cireuUr. without cause oc •-.reara ia sunie counties is not tu to attributed ao away, hut ran ^ 1 the hoy* after rfn. Iu ear'y life Nnru»Norton enlisted asns a private Itowtontkt Kr.Mr. raUrel- the!'.the l\ S. ftHnators-nntor rtioul'f-lionl.l noth.*not b tlw. leviedted inifiluntil the rearyear hishi* I Hel»c meeting will l«te htteltl,Id, ar.dard tbe atetf Itethe armyarm; of tte CnitailLnited State, . A msgmto.mscmtonn- . ’ the week, StfeHr (. middling intonor q.alitiea, the following from the New Orleans Delta iioj^ ^ vik* rather to the fact that, in eonraqwenea at a belief in Shine hfty faarre* of tte True of ihe tunod were n. and ^ We du uut tfiiuk the “Aaerksu** ol Uk* - In* of the oppuneni* uf the h tto £ siat Scsajto teMimoni.il will ;• resent#*: t»» Mr. 1'auUen on liuii iHrinecratic was present and»ml tooktie* an activearrive uiin « w hick the wonderful fertility penpan many ef tte . declined quotations are uouiu.ai and ir- U m at tte tuei, lira ground bad m.uTn rffi fi* vfad t/TTV z- ._, 1 . , „ Xt; the evening of the 28tb: eMi each Wtor fa far errei ti OtrOmrn relatov lire following r san mnrk th <* rea^a tu apprehend that tbe ^ •- doubtXi lS ioSS ’ > * bat imfrarlaclly plowed previous in, b*uk* ef the RevelRevolution,uti.-a, was at ttetbe siegeeiege ofnf Yuri.-Y'otk- ^puUr. Thu market closed with a declining teli- S^M SS 2 ? i? pw** lo tira sou -ersmbfe for tte ‘staff of life,” sash to that un parallel- «. feat of^ WtfartWttton party wlioui u$d compan/ not «» far tumij-*ed as to lit gentleman phi\ mg LTe Uemoersts “fteice at a camp meeting: deucy, there being but little inqwiry and prices weak. At 9 o'clock last night some fifteen men suddenly wt>nld he .ul-nnm»^rrhr>x tto grain. Iu sutira instances onlr a few inches ot i nes..-d !.' rh. iu for t-nuh nn rk t tLi t«wa. asul mt uewi-d the sorraeder.c-rrerder ofnf CornwallisCorn wall * «d .— Dtmttenttic orvan. blindfold t;aine* of <:her« <4imuli4ne°D»lY*. - . . 1 *“'<=* for the w* ek were 21,0ai for tiie ' atreat 9%, i>X, a few noene, the . ,_ . femdie. and Pharr, purpo'e Notwithstanding the uncoustltutionalitj, illegal i- and rx. togand teh- I than nsuiillv favorable. ".the teid ,u with the present ugr middling X}'. 8toc« in down tbe atieet. assailing every should he elected so long before tbe period of taking more The streams art n-ar from a condsferable have ps* Ptorr, agatost whom tte Grand Jury of Com. port estimated al 318,UUU man who was out depth— bean used, rith taiF kfl faff rroafer port nf ito brood ht ito tftreet. lv * 11 Anme l, and the di.-gsr* Imrd at work in y. and tnfam .us outragnousnese of vV I‘ *le.*, imltniing of doors, and hurling tlie Irvin his ti.eir these aeta of the crop* teve 4. One by O.g 1 C' old soldier*- Idler* harahuv* pawedpassed away, anliluntil <-nuntv had found a bili of indictment. ch.*Tcirg tii*ii ICO.tWO American. women tte sidewalk seat. It was of course admitted that if the tom torn «n ’. beds. Astounding Accounts of the richness of the into I ...... Ihraocretic Legislature Louisiana *».! tu*. r Mam-heater adviues cuetiuue uilfevorsl.le. the gutters. Thev were all clad in daik coats, -I of th* thing •tew comparative!, l.a; a few more thanan a corporal's * ' f *1 •ring concerned with the inuh that killed But U« labour, then m resmon .hould not go into tte »> t» fto sear 1*54 ttwliferwre ted to unpart .V wo* safe from there. A poet T wee and nun- ‘-Cape claim,” at Orovilte. are r*.viv*d. fall d ‘ dW "VT — limited inquiry was manifested of them spoke aloud, all com municatioti v . so Maodana Blaseenpainetigh.cen months ago. 1'lixrr and prices ruled a be l nited .NLite*, and the nni'urtuaut* os to leave hi* wares oateidt hat g. xrd seessin In a Uw years mere tiwyttov willwillhs.-have election, there would necessarily be a vacancy of of which will he found elsewhere. *<’.•!. Frenrn' tweadstnfih end otter u-raia; hart irt that yam* Ito - weak. totween themselves toing inn low, mot tend tone , tin pail* was teizrd, hat exlnoalel Idui-clf. aud r.ui oil la- ‘e “'r* tic «fi*vernor Lor: were stolen snd used ra ira iw*. toots llas ’ , en rnj'»"'t'i'’g in Mariposa, "K of Maryland, ttoy have rs-g. l Thomas lioiiabue, some week s in the representation a.ljtiMtng hi* ffiffi- te a crop* fleet teeen te approach a sutttcnu. far all g.ipeVi llirir fe>al May theirir raruune-meaearie* tolie twee-u the line of tents end ti e preaching stand, pure fsw a J/tmfy 'fe-Zer. —(!onsols for money close-l a lame man, who was sitting in of Kentucky iu the y tb* K*V| c*>ot in front 1 1 ***‘*n*‘ eu tte 2T"Ut lira ColUorni i State Agriraleurti •- , State and in ' t *• : •• ti. •veatlitulfe**ci*«l4Uilfci as Peter RJioda, where 7, , , the Federal Government Demn.-ratie Hi h'lultaUlBli'JHu' lutiii-irM'i >a «:ur*t'stinpl*- »is u, *»fwf n^fefi*»:» r vmr.war !*! arounda’ound the tentstentp and shotwbot at PharrPiiarr withsritb a double-viouhle- g* nerallynemilv tiuUduli with a declining u*n-tea- quite a number of men were tip nr wrong tte “hafts re |) or two to rinke their minds as to whom ttoy • I -.w-*,- fr civil suit srainst llito. . . bite Mi-t l> .tr, > A Ibmr Treasurer .. will ‘r.*ti tbr w»,.tukUr ••( i I l ate th* emrlsute resvtatinas of th.-th , k M>t l.nt *r.l ileucy.‘leuev. Y\\N heatlitat waa dull all “ iuJ 10 it Ju, e llkc people to toler- Dcrj.n/ rcvisUm .V*nT*f ing. At the last session of the General Asseml.lv of $W0,bOff, amount of the b •'** * 'V U‘ ^.ffted in ua verdictYertiiet aganiMagainst the bondsmen for l*1**1 • decline iu all times, twice through In thette vaticraim nurtvpi.riy generally 1 chanical art, both useful and ornamental, end live 1 ! ^.* T *'’"**• •“* child ren to the iaimiaeut danger of in- <|Ualities. the breast, dying of hij wound* geranllv Thi*nt, tadk-vpolicy tuuhas beentoe. mog-raw ^| | tsraa^r^wraUwTaT ‘he meeting of the legislature from the last Monday fall amount. .• aooemt person* being killed. Th* entrv »h*-r- Ham Umixt . Nen Orlcani tres in two hours. ttoek. swo** ratios. ...ociaa- *u*i U*. ..i.th. rr. fir. -eattw* al- of the — ordinaire quo- a* tte jolicv- of tte Democratic party. It has Tte diepiay wne exeecdutgly erediuhle to '*d at to the first Monday in December. We personallyncrannallv The ca-e of Hate*Hates against the Pacific F.xpres-F.xpre, t.-w . which will *..no o pruiutsratteadeoesli la oeeR tte State. Sqnratee wainh irat *4 trared*. IraeU . a ">' !' adopted by that party, ami uf hi*' *rr for .u.n. xr* u> mae A. UmraU. l *11' t -shot, Co,n h " bwn the nex* term oi repeated tlfart* light af the camps, produced a gre.-tf confusion and brekere’ circular, doted Liverpool, Oct 23, slung aud was stabbed twice, iu the thigh know that one of the reasons su-irest-d bv some of P tne district court. This suit wa* instilnted far rave 90 pounds, otatnea of 2ft ponuds. apple* If ; i . if re[-orts ...... tte beeu mad* te it aad peon tot the state «f the ease, a Democrat!* -ccitemsot, ami the meeting was l.mkcu up next cotton dull with a slight decline in all and in the small of tbe back, the latter w'onnd uf a ,, ,, , , enforce proetraaliy . Imt ira see j qual- the Democratic meinter* for tiie change was that an i,ie recovery of 12 1 ObO, advanced to that firm foe tte >• aoy, as families *- Breadstutls most desperate character. * weighing 28 aral 30 »ura,-e» wart.iiwarfare isi. Uto tote •ua.agedod ggaii.itagainst all Democrats who were unwilling longer to remain stow also a declining tendency. in what R may end—ht what it will unquestion*- each, corn-stalks 2u election of al', S. Senator, in a case like that of of the interest. l)*re* t**sre. Tte decline in inferior .,ualiue Richard Coleman, drayman, was ilangerousl payment July and Row.:, hi* will nor" tsisr Walker'* —policy,«*— s of hour for the week v cut "'-v rri|D,t " praraptly mW rnulnstn Wallmr’a pewcy.atwixagstirring ymmtimes meraare ,!e ty, are teth still ircarct "** rejuvsved hy the indig- " d t* Inferior wheat in tbe breast and severely toateu Jir. Crittenden, might be deferred i*u rated in the prison-brig . had *Uo dec'ined 2d daring about the bead. a vear or a con- stead.ahead., WWee aresre well nwere.aware, that, iaui eachsack anaa emer- the ‘“.^amento. uatirarf the propte and tte kui bug uf ucSH of California srffi, and otelfenfte rrepttj tgrTte Somerset Democrat ssvr: week. Com is quoted at 1* higher. l*r>vi£ Branagnn, a laborer wan knocked down by a large ple of years longer than his was tto Democrat. without there beingg . . , . gen.geoevv a gedgood many of the fire-eater,fire-eaters take ,0"• ,re eT‘ “"- stone which one of the ruffians in 77 rhe f Nplonng partv *ent ont to examine n new fr0U1 a pface* son with lira world. A large wagon was dro on tv , would take U d held his h’and and U at power in the federalFederal and Su.re Two private in iiriduvl- drew $3.fs» in gold from f*? ^ any vacancy of consequence. A*...the law now V Nurte Uatrpooi, rruim, Oct. with which he was struck the rente from SauDiego to tto Desert for tte overUnd . 23. James, Jkllenry in face, and then hihttira. which nregted over fire thousand to*mb* veryvary aanausserious considerationntmeidirafiea the pnlstwpdicy ofat USMS-uncon- the breuch ef Che Fann-rs’ B*uk tt tins pfece fig — & Co., psuimU, e,1<* 01 ter circular* report l«cef quiet. Large gov- stabtod severely. ditional sabmissnon,tubmi-»'*ti batbur there are teasten* afof theaundrttouxand* Saturday Uat. There was nor tlie slightoi disturl*- and was rapabte at carry tag twelve tens of rare •rnUM'"* contracts h-ve liren James .Smith, drayman, was knocked by , . anoe among the citizeus aa a d. clint- in Rilev, a laborer, received tte incidanta ff lion and fight to tte death. M c do not know w Inch hindoenec. Tte reason a*-i«iittl l.v ihe p-ople for inferior qualities of Is. land a severe contusion of the ” mak*. Among the Tair was a din. largely ‘ ~ ' J *l a decline of 2*. Sugars were skull from the blow of a slung-shot. ahead of the consumption. met ksi of ite ileasuci vee waa id irave stranger, the course pursued by them toward the iuok-r who heavy and ptay af fereafe i ttiirei , ahurm.rraira Gaffs the , “J klw *l* ’all more with * military force, aa Ira pro- fm of * olJers presetu on the niaiket; John Devaughu, drayman, as Congress shall assemble, It was said that the overlami mail route from San liere MMn* lim' ‘Jrcc v. s tbit he acted in bad g prices have declined was shockingly beat and the vacancy in tbu Iratbut wesre dod*. know that toth atnf them Ui to < ver- fanria in st.me remarakahle respect* and knew that both them would te over- o(fee_qniet with a decline about the head with clubs Diego to San Antonin, Texas, would take prase u- ynwd tu do, in oprn opposition to tto exprefeed act eawv t» f.tith aud andeavored to dec* i«e them hv falsehoods. in sli qualities, and slung shot. Senate will last only long enough for the elected Sen- whelmedwin lined by party infinitely, . tetterbetter heov v w,lh l, gers on its trip of October 9. to ezcwll-J. Oue vonnq lady, after rhfln i a rt a party finitely than either. II, had previous to hi* feet visit « le and price* weak. James Murphy, a Ihjss drayman, was severely srishc’ iff the rhief officer of the Government of j w y aN drawn $140,000 in J*'°? , ator to travel t*-..dy 4* from Kentucky to YVashiagton—tlnee a‘ tab.* Is ,d for beaten with slung-shot and clubs, [From the s*n 1 rnnctsro Tti”wM, Oct. 1 • .. gold from (his th* v commun, and 5* fid and is de sp -raw- ) ... , , . , , iwfthl from hacr-imeuto tu Sienhlu w, life toprewteadeat v orpewtrar t effi. .• il . branch, Ml supposed that he -utered tte at * • cteaft, is , or four days at U“ tK '- “ dlfvct eoBUavuRlion of ite Km- 69*.Av writer, who» to my*Sara be is a Democrat and was •* turpentine dull at 38s. ly wounded. farthest. T, -earner .Ntopmraft -The entire rteemer ship- oud llut „„ collecting the notes of rife* branch to irritate i nn tto reranoff taerrewg end recurad tto lire* prize. a gaug of from M to tftj -‘Dead lioOiuto," 1 ' “toet s Uit n'.H for the month' rtre fulfow«: utes of th.it State, in Uc&izk^ of the aaan uttiuersil kie r iain thetbe new from America, received After doing their work of indiscriminate assault We have nothing to say mae ns Ooe* “Short Hors, id utter stfachecsof Mexican war, has beenteen writing iain them.(item , , iu Kng- now as to the propriety a th* IvmocTsttr and Auu-ng other arremplisbmrfrt* ia tM< Thomas street, so suddenly and of the T "* m* i,# ** ">rtv Were npertfaqr tte tolfat strenfa af far Tran tte NevilleNashville BannerIts oner th.th* mettmoot bitter “ Kentucky Leg isUtiire’s electing a t . 8. Stn- : ^ f Utter andmol amtihiUt-aaaihila'- and St. John. ^ in such overpowering force To *'*"*J*'1* !i«r hors*, that not the slighest re- sto shooed that tlw could saddle leap am IM! n ‘ 1,1 vad*Uraof tto spirit ot our repuidkan AKU1Y AL OF TUE AHAGO. .. ' inn articles ar-ain-t fto Pillow It... rt.„..i. tto. a. _v__ . . atot 1 ing articles against Gen Pillow. HeHwch.ew~.erfchargas Tto Canada bring* sistance during the coming winter, sav, Wi ll to *in i i|i i 7? tt tt; _ and nothing further from India, wasor could be made, this band cf “mid- but we do whst To New Gramtia .'....I../. 324 92. ! 77 f hi H i 1 J l H Ntvv loitK, Nov. o. It wa.- reported night u t,,u, ‘ n*> m,lit •» > he has an —sinsaoomr to prove that Pillow is not only a deliberate that the French Government assassins'* passed intoTchoupitoul.is and New every one sees and knows to be true, that there ia — io- tends removing rqital to mount in tte same way. and then ride hire aft fall Tte Arago, from Southampton on the 2lst, arriv- the restrictions on Levee streets, where they committed various as- T‘’'al- • •• • • •• •• • .... .$32JW:>,98ti 8H rwte do the some thmg m every Iran ,»d one rh* pollt fabUitferI offer, tmtI,|4 1a greatrTMl ourmany eksr hadto ikiimthing*. tl.,,. *]* exportations of not so much reason for — At of m Irishmen, while strait. ^ fetor More- tto election of Senator next v ug iu corn and tiour. saults, though no one was a la iroere . tittle ed this morning. bring.- £100,000 specie. dangerously ig eed bare-backed, n ef . _ ,i .7 ...... *** She wounded. A gM te tire n£hefi*rp P,’! ra 'f necuvly vith the appearanra of the reacted Uverpool on ttolfeh ult. i to Anglo Pacha, the ward vizier. time when the w'hole Locofoco press of the ug Iterue omission to electelec; wouldwouiu not ‘ v. *(. ...U.-.0M.r -ter atu the...e if.gu.;i... u-, Ctorl.-,< 1*1*1- I Hrathen A v-Co.’e• ouwiisiCircular ie|*irvs .Up-j GeGenoa)„on Sept. 17. It, f willwin te seen bv, lV it r ‘TL BehTuT, l-.T !. ~ report* ttetue morTeymoney u ltotthat k c .Vnl .L titude Iv lhot>f a male, oral ride her hors: with a hanged.* cent ra nrra , United ^ ‘" awm* thtamraa.” tte . States and Switzerland ^ ,he wme roc,, rea*onmg, am none. A fight could do Pillow no goad, and was a prominent - ^ might Lowry, Consul to Atistris: fsmitv d. Fremont; market a* slightly easier witlt moderate cause a fifth part so long a vacancy now as it would Ihe rumor of thr exodus of tte Mormon* feom Car- P demand at ireraeecr ou ht at for nffy seats subject of lavs a eotemporarv. rope slsrot fas wear instant ot a krhUa. ite cxhfa g rad a dirafa, re*uit ia making hi* tody as offensive Idveiize Starr, hearer of dispatches London: the Bank's ad* anued rate. discussion. Before adjourning, a com- h iT® caused on ' ll| icy, by otder of “it might te shown that if this to mea t tram then, and vet tiie very organs, that were -\ Brigham Y«wrtg>, j* oou- A meeting ws* held in tte morning by tte Irak bitloa wa* attended hythnumndk from off part* and Biati . in-ite. qmet aud a^»ont ten iy«, . ,, September. The teen d J..iin AdtiJge. wa* deelmiog. Flour dull hut vitaperation *t the bare or d am! will have in their tr«in ov t t I. -ne vf bts fanutir had ucstad sf •MMK* »lHl*i«rrHfd «jJ; choice Us. and the Swiss (Jonh deration, the uL n great agony wadi tto *)» | Corn direed to nihig. life ’ * oaA tto military anu to cMMtc»h*>i toidt fa* to tofa bat ttoady. delegates from various States of the regard to what the Locofoco organs may choose to say AVe wffMtinto evening, and died. M *te tight;.. ,s in the m.tuey msiket Union met at copy the fallowing tZZT'ite” Sacrameate uf the United State*. Tlw expedition at Oil. Siiupaoo made laic ereaue j eoald are aothwft. tore rnl attoaa rented fthfa ttoy v r1 Halt i more, Md., on M! irtic.il.tr party at a Presidential . severe. Wednesday, the 28th or do. Union, dated Plscenliie p or great na- — . ,. , , , ... was more severe. _- „,, , „.. October S eptember 2ft- LiouaeviU* tu tte Gila to chastise tte to»d . i were- _ country, ted uuthiag re not far * «IU V -faur hours- wee* youngy .ung men and todhad families. The de- fi SEXTOS,KEXTuX, N. J., Nov. 4. and, after due delltoration, adopted 'lUical Information from Madara-’rarMadaor—nr confirms the refoirtreport ! a memorial ^rt on tte «Rh of ron.ret. Item, toffraff, wo.W ties- . «-Fur the last »«• Ofedwr P party uf shoot .«• kausfrod At an election setting forth their quarter of a ceuturv, whenever Apocte Indiana, lias accaregteted it* reiztiun. A rurmraf themselves ceased , b ares e wife Imt DC children. tjaaaii I held iu this State yesterday, grievances, and resolved An tdd fend that tto had expcih J all Eure>peauPeridenr*. the to pre- U '.^'f* 1 '“‘ 1 P- ”, uuU8 '» «“ rchy te upon us with ttra ciub srad ®“financialani ‘ al difficulties',ifficu,Ues l,: i'l a train iff in- n res rr ted ra tte nraftenitt fa revernl Democrats carried lurth branches t.f sent the saute to the President of tiie have‘ ve oc-curred.K,-curred init. this country, it (il>n T* kilfat) flirty 1*** reason atsiucvd ia that the entertain i the L-gi-luture. United States of which are oroiered to etntrrafal V'out thirty 1 eduasroere red akeat tod existed between them which was revived on Europeans mSttimon conceivable of rte cnndldatra. Mferieg Notice being given of thtir ^ as SU horror*.” .And this h the end to which ra rain the item IP ttev a prtjefe to det>rone the »2ue« ami , toeing tor object, the Presidentit '^ purpoMM of tho Democracy to r.itse a River und the balance to Silt Lake City. Bri^luir. that dor ! aurora and children token prisoners. Annie 5,300 • 0**1 iu. cssou al. New Took, Nov. 4. appointed the 1 «ire tk m aaouey sa as fa food Ite ttoir 31st of October, at 1 o’clock P. M., cry in Young ha* ordered a eecret cevelrv eenipawvio he new potia* of tto Itemacratie party taaviiably >, favor of “hard money currency.” Tlieir or- fa ini lies. n.cv <'dv of Ifeltinmre arrived this morning for tbeir reception, w ben ttoy were sharp were reiohea. Thro* of tte Cftyeture wriehoranvat a.umeccefafa. aa there q . ... . fiwJjl*: i* to be con- presented in via' a art lfetorletterI-sereivwdrereived ,_ q Ltttisbtira Amuahlr “a wise Citizens of tto United States! took at this * ’n< roclor fa -*-4 T* J l I, received the approval of his given wferatnetolafeto tteu force itotn- pr rev t v infer tl I ® d CM Nov. 4. predecessor Imd it to the Democracy our governmental policy son are perfectly alive with stuck. by euppresmen of tte mute- whh tire- Kn|*-ror Napoh.ua. The King of Pgussi.1 beenn Genua is nil sc wot hilled. The)' said that all tteir rapraias had nnderstrnd in its v throw *rof hfe vwff. Fvi^vw iife f^e rale twftWtotorwl, •lightly improving. r yai ordinance hv A bill legalizing a su*peusion of tto present effect, and rqnivocallv tjvitj ,excursiocuts are arriving duly *l »‘ ifon >our a' teution, and at every luflottliox f i« laduc, which, A the bank* of this y should te ao fixed that there coul l never again by from tto teaays, i* oertaia to lie effected ; i toe r fitted ta tt when Hi Vuraeto** rardv- promised a speedy and energetic held a count. 1, and agreed to give neall their land*, fa kto of Prussia, is daily exported at Berlin. )*rovi<- until tto first of Novemtor, 1858, passed the course of action" StAU*' ill the cr .mtry, and at every election, whether ‘yCtotorere^ with a view to a any possibility occur a financial crisis, that thaw local, the ro_>;.' power* to Mouse yetderday I.y25 majority, remedy not inconsistent with inter- ihnir water, tteir grara, stack, oral tteir gold nu.trc- aaaUv delegating tto Prince of t or ^ j ** *- !**tomai, make known racier ff to rtfaived thavoto. Kansas nal ional faith. should te no banks to create difficulties by ti.eir M'm* MtrntvKit*. —A horrible affi.r ccctirred iosi yuariteligMat cou- Baaruax I’nra-l’nis-i*. Thi* w oul 1 avoid a form a rqget cy to letters of tte 211th *t*te that only thirty- a» Ai.tun. —James 0. Brayman i« bow . Uou fur peace. Ite agent informed there thsft te wto 'mncdiafely artarted ftohyttaad- H’rec We feel satisfied that the Israelites <* o^Ua policy by recutdit* McNam-w whi<-h tlie consent ef the two chunters would be out of sixty monitors of tte constitution's! ef the Unitedrt injudicious exiatusions and conlruclions, that''money y„.r I Ite State peatteotiary at Alba. Hi* wife "anted none uf tiis.sr; if would lhrwv- ‘*fa, when tte erafe* torare cnees I few were and State* au V place implicit confidence < ^ ih*J tehara convention were present, in tto Execu- ^ lr tlth 11 necessary. and nothing of l *“* h general iu- • l ou,d '* plenty **" in Ul and everything should te cheap. ' kn- ftttckoned oral -ensue -su eqe— ra* mare • ft rat i 4. ••ter socoaipaaferf hire to that city, where he bid tive, and that tbeir rights as citizens a e.Ktor of the Ware Orauty'sentmel.'w.i* m rarTd' \ ^ selvce they o uld unvn peace; cot, wonM p Jntwi..4 — There wa« a marked improvement on tere«t wa* done of tte Uoited | a 7 !i***“rtllU ul hu: if they ' * '" “ ver * 1 *c re deprived when Ilepaty Suprriswzitel Folk eamn the •States will to zealouslv maintained. VVell, twice tlie Democratic partv ha*, for a short time sift.-e to a Miivs Jcrkms, who bat! pre- ’j. ,.' J uft Wfik ki. aeanl curepaeret. He reani- Ctoags ta Tunui aa tire 1 i ai' IValker and Stanton were at Lawrence on the ho still more severely cho.-ti.u L They left in tte OTM viotralv;_tecn ragugwi of oil power to exseu.- their eMuud and aerararat tto riaghedere . We publish these facts in to another man hy than me nefarious designs Aafitiad —Tbe su.-peuiion of Whan, YIcLcan, & 29lh. Nothing was said alioot their leaving the tto discharge of ou*e series uf years, had ample opportunity to adopt Mtfe unlit the eiheer in w tore charge to I toast humor, with a prurelra to I wire; ttoir rep tt inn duties as delegates, with the , of Hurley. iarfey, or the morning .ff the wc.Ulrag tu enslave r. u bv fort a and , of <>la.-gow and ll iuiiltan, Can.-.di, i* Teiritory. request to our coreli-i- , , anas and to aatahluh > r::.>CLvYLuno!». , . " Co., iniiuun- and impress u[*m tte ernutry whatever pol- to gionists to abstain from tut daV hatl tlre-ateted Miss Jeuktw* whh revengJTt llw pt i itoett have iraea ordered ta he .-shea red . leave him, when to ,.4 'I tie Herald ther agitation ou tlie sub- wrillurv 4rarati*m 1 , Their assets sriH show a cousiderable surjdus. of l m- lom savs that tlie hank sus- „«*^°* a.,e J7T.T7._-mins of yawr re;*i .li- Tte season ban lf.in arrived when, tn sheditm u Ms hand toM ject. icy they chose to adopt. For a numter of year* -h- ]wr*l-ted In marrying hi» rival. Oattolthhof ,.* k . Irav ti»e•imt . ami v; ffHed panstoasjsaisiun* in the BeetEaet Isi* severely aad hishi. eyes _ severe ly felt in Kansas,Kansas ow- *' d> m- tUuttonr M. r.COHEV. M«„ previousto 1837, they ted control of the Federal September, Harley . ame to Adan.s's hoora whiTe the 1 tear-, hot to uttered *™unt ^ ' ilucto-o Frasteru net a single word ex- BKV. II. ruMnrn nr Lor-raimv,. Eeozzm teto 1 llOCHtlKIMliU. -F Md and state governments. They destroyed the old c5rA ei *'•*• PH. UEli/.HbKti, M l., ^ OP* «hn exereise of . rJs tbrec ' M. M. Time* ssys 1,undre,, ,ruu »- *l fiEUATLKY. 111., tinted States 1 : 1 mr.g power that tto htofely tolatmi .d the Koval * U Hank and promised the people that all with an ax, fear rating her skull, and r‘i by Gov. Morehe.i partkul tr- A*rkui.ural SreielV at c MARTIN ItllJl R, Kv„ then nrora. deft 1, to-vrarafetowraBto, to demolish all iy ui tte case -thfe vicinity, far tto firfe tory. Eogfand^ «%,e./th..nw,*the.nwx* By»,v.WR's-Jell',s tree-trxitrs* - L. K. LEOPOLD, shouid te well. The consequence of tteir political the furniture and disfigure tlw of Beu. i’owell, jr. - : Ohio.. Thi* complaint ^t'^iestA protestn iMg ha*hasu , teenh enteredepterrel agsinMagainst irauingissuing certi.i- V certifi- REV. I. • «- rtme rare,. year. ... , M. WISE, Ohio: ,r ' u '- 1 i u»n morning Ailsnis » I ht. **”*™™«' <* a rU . „ i '!- n rnted h.mrolt e inee with tore «*d to to tto *-? * l“' cates for thetto pro-slavery candidatesest.di.lxte. „ control was a terrible financial crisis by whic h tte . a hod grace from a for thetlie togisla- Washington, D. C., Oct. 31, 1857. ' Democratic‘ «rgan.organ ten . with a rtfie and * knife and went -a saarobof 1 1 irlev. — — * Iraler, . . umroeoriraizrarof01 v.wenerator. feoek tone two *ev- Cl , , , ,, .. , „ stock raiwr-.raisers, buttret it to.tout rexarrorcarr 1lire in the Leavenworth district on rex-,,untof.U whole commerce and industrial pursuits of tto “ ! notoncu* that Gov. Yfarehead’s |{„ hid not far to ..... for about on* hundred vasffs DfcmocrtWe fn*’" 1:1 •d ss rarely f.» rent yeanvears past U ™ IWaci thatISfe ithVoTZLwas about autum. four feet ffy wheel, with water tank*, steei- ^ P™^ Extraordinary Murder in Spain.— he _ nation were completely prostrated. And now again from the hou e. cm : he rond which passes through a cessut exercised this Executive prerogative Mad- to — that k bad hft us Ciucaoo, Nov. 4. -ftbip wood*, he liarl -v, enlitwij. 1 age aud gear work for driving (with two sriip* ds), rid papers give tte following far several years they political of met apparently an imiaitaiy greater exlaat, account or a horribleu have had power. Au- aud with leas cuoaideaa- ' ot»e <*f tto bind carriage wheel*, weiglunp. with »a- In tto county election yesterday the r™ r**‘ is a uu. aim Republicans affair: •Hter opportunity luts alloroled to M *J,e °r ,h* c: fiflt of msnv politiral been them carry r ‘"» !*«« *<. «»>»• * ocummisu tons, t** cl-.-ted tlmii entite ticket. t . ^0. r > , w C wte'hsppe r.al ter, about ten and iug nearly thirty ft-et long Majority probably J t^te alte^ that tto fewox* wealth cooMats ' A voting couple, tolonging to out their beneficent purposes, and another disastrous h 1 “V er teen exerciwd by the of its population from end to end. The hu. J u heel, are r.r.d have noth* mliv* rails, and hy altering D and disaster into every departiuent of trade and in- surf Rnfehar person wire iolieted ng aa? parent* J 1 as rnmniii i Cauhfa t Boston, Nov. 3. gave a grand feast, to which, in metH w! tetwien ttra two. **eo*wieau the lock accordance . . . when Vdnme disctertred , . ia fork of the front wheel* wi h a short , x . _ , , aaeh "traai'h" tedupanred urhlt? with tto custom of tbe country, -lustry. I hey have tto i*.wer now, and upon T!l« T'-rson cbarpid a* principal and the ooacb pole worked by chains, and a wheel like tto Hon. N. r. Hanks, Jr., has lieeu elected Governor any one was free his rifle, only wooraHug Hartev ia tto arm. Har- other »e- » * to lll State by large go. When tiie festivity was at its height, them will rest the rcspousiliility of currying oat ley, a largo,’ athletic “»o«<»ry were " of a ship. There iv :*1 -o a -crew for the fur- « “ a plurality. a man man, tte'n closed with him, acquiUed upon tto ume ttratimusiv •r A lord tank >u the a* w parklmute belonging to the village _ •'"lit ofuf John ther adjusting tto level the stalked into the house and and a terrible eonffict followed. .V.htm* at last ra- upon ... justing of the Itobrtoiler to different „ - their favorite policy. They have complete pu-ses- whieh Powell was convicted, aad stroag teati- ‘ t,v - 3 - after grossly insulting the “•* •iteded ou ’ bridegroom, told Saturday, gradients.ts. The railsrail* not oul v . . . the . render- Tto arean- not oulv >>‘’«-*'*undoub!effly and lie was turned out of the bouse. , ttethe elected a whole An hour talking and earnest right hrea-t, and carried i» bit., tto Month rati »o aa to, admit Ofof angular.oguler motionto* lion rid-*id rev*,v.v. ra.,ran ao-ao- city ticket af- go to work in real to redeem presence iff to> mvurial^y requinwi tto most reliable eferewa had s lag firokau. - of the 12 ter. aa tbe bride, accom|ianied entn rf .t. Hreroreto.. . and 9 Aldermen. by her 'I'*- The loy- followed module ttout*elve* to a trmsver-c os well as a mother tlieir promises broken as often as made to give to mochtmical v to row.C af the at.-olate propriety uf brother, and some female friends, was Kxeeutivw intar- kmgited i oat incite atren of proceeding yAt.lb fiu ii ijkar, a farmer«r ufof ground . ii.it engine ss- Nttw the nation rerx*nce OurtlaadCortland oa.— Y'ork, Nov. 8. to a house which was prepared a ftoood currencT aud a imam lal policy s» bef>re granting a pardon, and dnring bw «<*- ** ' for her an<| l(X) weak lo j it canded an inciine of one luotiu seven, drawing up a and her Ims- UncCt K vc j||m4< f %lrf ^ livings $2n0,000, baud. tofi that wheat caa to prevented• rented froafrom Tto Arogo not pounds, a* stated tto man suddenly rushed on tor from that shall secure ns against future disasters. nms received the mm.lerer with laiitistration this prerogative apuil-spoil- water tank weighing many loti*. It T.itll- d three a cor- a shriek, and fall of his office has teen iu the noon reports. ner of a street, aud stabbed her -**- tot u era dry brick is pat two-furrow * jnee twice with a pon- teia with Ita far plow at the of two mile* »n hour, five '’k •xareisrl wtth greater ffiseratioa than aver tefar* iard in the breast—she fell dead. Iowa.- fficial returns from all hut small working six in* to- deep in d'lKcult and stonv PirrserRo, Her brother rush- onl'n^to drawtto toi'fa faTf Nov. 8. *** fr*«nn t Uvr in r»x;mr4 tn it ed on tte aasasiin, but he broke front him. uonntits, which gave 48 Democratic majority lost until not a Roaninaat wain rr^nwahU*. wa* adopted grs»ff«groanaj ita draiareddragtv.i wuhwith sailstill mutergreater easetw a cuitncultive-a- At s* meeting of the stabbed pli ^ITir strckholders of the sus|*nd-suspend- him twice with the poniard, and A*.*arg Whig m*iift*ms tor eight l et iim- 1 -8 ' took to flight. April, shows a mujoritr ia Iowa, of into hi* own heart, and fall hack, kit h.*mt a man SIX k wide, with eleven line*, t-d Tte KfpuMican -oil! . .v, tv l- » .. . hank* to-day, it was resolved to accept the pro wound* were ^TtLINKarnres,,.Tirt^w Dvrh (V rx K iNTttruu-i w inakingdeep found to te very grave, and the next rrfettog. tto to r .ff lto vtoto. Tto Kr-We p^toh « -o U.IIM •chut that pls.e, that and rtfe.-tire work, sed passed over vi-ioox of tto relief hill. 2,3:17. Tte senate Stands: Republican. 22; Demra- toy .1 lafe M this The Merchanteand Man- * 1 >oTi day tiie young tnan died. The ’ -lift!, Governors proclamation appointing the -iftth wotted land, : assassin w as subse- leotlr recovered himself to ran far aid. onraely Ml king in at all, and not tif.i* turer-' Hank appointed a .... „ ... , , Whan •wa ak. committee to mveoi. quently arrested; he 1 -rats 14; and the House: Kepnldicans 41; Democrats undaly manifested savage jov at j t r;lme teth men were dead and Mra. > n • •«> te uteerved presuag iu gate their affair* and publish what , Adam* iR-en- by lira people of Kanlrakv a* tlie same. lw had done. 31. Majority on joint ballot 18. sible, having almost Wtd to death. a thanksgiving day. 1 y — , . — 1 - —n. , J . !

Thk S! . in i- v Market. • : . A* Ho*- upon thf Fort *rindi«> aiMither Tor T:». F:'a :i«’N Vi >TKr.:*A\ — t'.i MMt of noti.e in the money St. COADIERCIAU *n croaU-r atrocilr. Tke xuafntttoeot ilomoln known ** Fon I thrift. The Lewis Repuh- Jy ‘iryhiuc, ual «m«• t -ositng th puR» in ill (he •> fclpky r.rocnrmtioti, and rourtstinf of 67.COO 1 a* MglWK W^USMtllM fere or ar.if elerffor'pnx^»*tied lican, of Sunday, says: srtrd* 4 cn^ tin ^«itt- bte*« tumotl over br tlie preaenl adrauii'trati«»i for U«r WUFJLLY BSVIKW OF THE MARKET. «*’-« •”'«» hu**; fr,r lha ilck ru. illation of the Anierirau* to pitiful fulfil Of or rOCTK CENTS n.B ACSf . It 1%- I offer* in neli f« I at ••unt. it l>Q A-vn cted and hoooraldv if Fort rin<-IUur ato-%1 could not eio r mm-uc ;» fl cent. dw>< but *«.* nut to be ha-t at Bale Korr— We mm •* 4 m>i:w. dv*OM «ra» offered uf hav« matt, r* coo faith iw h Seldom ha* the severs vm<>; roir.ai«Bft-(l under worse ihn raa.'ality; but it would aecra that tl»e *dinini*tra'i ; 11 Ihnt pri*e. It will M»*n rr? nearer than that to the n*at!e !«.• t neeaet. 'll** om!.< m-V? sccsM.ni given t*on«otraiod - - rteiuiard Li at present. f'i«*d Mi> Ikker.. the fraud at Fort Uipb y fur the rx: . Thie i*»pvr tak. u iu all the *u>rcs of the dljr. ansrlccs than It *s rrus, tbs ni*>u« j pr-more »SM Siefc* l • « the riative 1 f vo «r> a^ftr -l wtudows. wl l*oa«» < • the iau of firio«t th** lir to the arc ! j 1 U amotion. We tol u , ••• •• x t *» .v •!. xt ! The , t I New Orleans Tice) cue, of the 3d, says: mi Uriauu w, qwrtc laomUifll . »t civijtens authority that tint land would have* brou-’ht at V : k» «f well a^ naturalized came iplnd deported | ressrda actual commercial dollars r-cr acre had it been exposed to five cotuitetlt:.. t*. irwiuartit.aa, but much of iki A* wa anti- it «U be the cum* (Saturday, then* (heir wiihnt rtkmUv. la sort*' few *.f the Here d would on tWu is aaotbrr frab into Um U. 8. Trcautry u\ tb«* »hhi decidedly improv. d fecltnr in the street. Tl:echerr- i« asore api areut thau rue!. TV fact la, the merchant* wares then: was a little <•!!<•%* in*, for a tin e. but tin* - tunc of more than a quarter of a million. D*t partisan tulniw*. Tier, it mu chamg* io iAtul- moivox-**r, war not famed, aud a spirit of elasticity • ac«n<*!o:ne4 to th** j-rraanrs. urum u: tr y Ii®» <•( t*o« have become and hav* re- — ehe«-k*-*i l»y , “ Vimtkur w not tuj. The l>eri.l.tuiv wiil politics forgotten was i aenyity Ma*«»r Swam and bis po- be long enough for the i»rot>!e of thf* and buoyancy prevailed, to a hicb. aid, *~ tor many wet k» i we •w lull now.T l. i ulujai th« ca.e, .ud m,uue into th< country *«> contemplate the that t reached th* ir wpenec** w 1m rev er it could.be done. The Ip ol lemiMMt if taken br the brnkaaf at lice, aided kr u».»>t of the American n.-idents of tb rormptiou an*! fraud hare have been entire *trarrei>. p nan.!; aud hf n.> rutM ran the ront.alad be derided crept ' nb into Uifh plactv There mud be a radical reforma- u>«e*t «u*l most severe eopaeqqsncea arv, however, jnat dcvelnpixu flS«co«U. ao<3 fnion respective ardv There were many matter* t4 tliaae The i>r*/uiiuent sratif> iua feature of the day Bank, Bank rfTniMn, mIumm — are in ,ueatiun. The ueiuben who., tion or our foverument b» doomed to an eartv destmethm. »U the definite arrauceiuent. r«»nclmf*d un very eathfac- all aai.an- aut died in auawtior w ill decide the raar; theirowlvm. In the burs* driaa of the l uioa, mechan- I^N-ote ty • * *1 out pap* *, mid »b. and Nation- as well a* indUiduali* uintt raftr the inevitable Tory aod tkr mlrrm 1 do^fuat ISO tern iic under whir ii the Cltisrai' itwnk will resume ac- Q* HU hU ' Uai tiie' wouid liaee done if the return, at rativws, re Uilord bad :-enalt> attached to corrupiaud dishonest practice*. *ca. srt*sane. op* and iabon have been thrown could Dr two. '..a coouied. It 1 d.»- only chaaac the forui of the cODteet. i .^Maiulki Urn Lank. Tmn^c from t» C h cooo Preax. effect « iupi ».ioeiir. (hear rlaxsew H a rebate from the indces far rhaar tffegui intent, and The of ibis iurantfeiueijf , ahich became >,«. nr rally ud wl Thousands of were um- '** if rheeota or tbanrti.RK were not fraudulent, it can be <>*.***» Cattu known alter (^o'clock. wa« t«- diffusw-. universal -mt I -fact ion. i, , Maui c(*0S, tart «stmt t'«nk« at ter were Ft these trfcc akowm. Ike really will prep.ir*-d for it. m.d th. y and all depending on thsan are rndiara fie- \ tustkd (fit had wttrhfd their a*!r and men circled cat their aeau The Fort Snellin^ swiudle, perpetrated hy the It " .apntaad qp proved to : lie street that tie banks were odins in thcr with . Mad ' differing tor Jie common neceswtlee of Ufa. At New York °-W! a* rr »trt rahoV; «>u^h . is present administration, was a mure oulrageou* and concert, mul that all »ein*>li coa«id tra thins had been iv beevv* ml!* TliU wholly a wrong view of the matter. Gov. *rin it iue M a, nrt * wt adde for the attainment «>! a cleat and most valLab!e It has eanar (I a violent Tbehcc oa the part of the uaempk-y ktaficla* •titters Vww **•*•“* **wd den.and at SO, aiec IV 'fBmi Sew Ttnlt •' alker etateii in bi* jinx l&maiion. as shameles* financial transaction than any administra- desideratum, it inlc ed * ^irit into the produce and * Ik expremlr one u A ,** exchange w ed. In oar city, the numbei ihrown mu of employment, ” u *>2 t ' rAeana tion mark*- ?«. An active d. iuand #r in for cotton, T.rr , continue favoraUe r< uanu had ever l»e«n guilty of liefbre, and, if the Fort ? for not giving oertitxatea of election to those and a Urge uuaiuity was i*old at stifer wrier a. There wa- thus far. Is throe thousand, and thi* number is dally aug- a ^wneb rawwWeqa.de at Tbere *• emwa tittle r.*M*»*eAl * ml*Mf Ripley movement also iu i*>r«‘i%n cxciiaort which promiaes lo Le re females, earned their •m(o4**Vlwad impro^nw.v ben, whom lie regarded aa fraudulently returned, swindle is not even worse than tie Fort , mented. Many of them a who more fully devolopi-.i b -ui«*n ow . and w e heard of the rale t aMiumr kvia«;by the atcdlu. All indurations aic that the winter In demand. mile, oad coUrvfious Uuv iJs m#aui**necti Spelling one, \* • Prkra at a c o that, if be obnuhl give certificates to them, tbev the reason dimply that nothing >f X20.00I at '.hi, i.nd tc. A ennaide cable amount of hew Vork fight was piared at V cenr macouflt, ard will entail immense snaring. would lie able to Tote in the Leghlatnre upon their could possibly It worse. We *lefy any buram be- The banks r*rort that they are doing everrthfaa Hi ‘heir \«A own I.lirtv, rate. unqueationablv they would he able oi < And power, but that, with e eoiitary csceptVwi, mu ai»ts *o Hcuf f'kttle —The rnitdi to do to. There U no rule or law of the Kaaaaa Le- almo-t r.ofhftsc. Their hu.*>ia««SH is Co c fined pretty much luriag the pud week w*f** cro '.ntiB* Tin hdU*l hitvsirm brought a naillauc of dollar*. It ia ao Mated tn the to r* newing dbcounts. Ther take very little new paper gislature that could prevent it. If a preliminary # ke*d. A trm4 sui *4. of \> It rep*.rb *t by some of Ike dim*** ’hat their discount Aom roerk t dispatch to the Phifer,. j papem. K »t !er y ,r ua. ' V* sfUcslioti should be taken in that body aa to wbetlier liuea axs larger than they w ire ear. W. k«6>*rts, 4kty-f.v# ye«r* tc hd > The Kew Tent dispatch which we pnMiaX day fhe stock-la a* line, ami .»ae «i |s-raan. 4 returned aa meml«r>> should he allowed to The bank arc *tu!*hiud ahht * xrhan^e on New York which frflfei. allbooth uot uat*] wka WMm; ef a ruwow that Or iVewia The “Galphin swindle.'’ as the Democracy have paired by authorised or fraudulent acts of ti e late v ate npun the validity of their own election, they at 2 premium, and ibe brokers at *(fl premiutw. It ie by president or any abler, or abettors in such fraudu- will rail from lw> Ymk «a We.haea.lu_’. will take delighted to call it, was hut the payment of interest •»o means firm at this vale, and a uecisne Is antktiated.— lent acts; also, declaring AUibone's seat vacaut. ujxm a claim, which onr Government had many sight Mcluun* « u H iiaddpkia we quote at 1 pavsnium. and would proliably decide it. To ha sure, there John M. Dutton, of the film of Austin, AUibcne and on rallixuort* at per. 4>tdd a* dun ai 2^1 preaiiuiu. years before ia due form acknowledged to he just; the might be a sad want of delicacy in this, hut men, & C« , made a defense of president. lie said Tennessee m»ney was dnlL Thu m u-a ol the State and will any living creature jjretend to say that be would return to America and answer the charge*, cap«Ma of jiretenling themselves as members in (tank and mo»t of tin* tree b.*afca are porch seed by the such lie inquired why a suit should lie bmueln sgaiuM a transaction, even if imjmlitic nr wrong, can lie brokers at It cent, diwotiit. and of the Planters' and virtue of palpably fraudulent returns, would not be Alliboua for e^uo.ts M, if I’iilU: rwn could give no V compared, at %* rent. l*i*!b»nn wtwie for atrocity, to the conduct of this Bu- figures? (_Tlie Speech wu* hissed, I niua Tank » Dank mtw at all likely to fee! any restraint of delicacy, and, and the sjeaker lb sets* xti Ibnu Mx ccptine ?h**»ie of tli^ -u-iwn l*-d hmnehes) ranee fs»m to chanan administration in bestowing valuable tracts proceeded with much difficulty .") He further stated \ further even if they dal, their scrupVs would be over-ruled A d-eline has krea . Cxb4 c-h-d i* that Allitmne, three weeks after accepting 1 g cent. and the free banks front 1 to 3 g? cent, aow call the k -t of land at Fort Snelling aud Fort lb pies which the ju»»- Cutl xt aa r.i-ei f«r by violent partisan accomplices. , r.krount. a* 30 l-e ro-ixi IS idency, said if lie hul known the condition of the a* wit, rut. eruxi.’ would at any moment have commanded more than Teuixad xnJ a iluir i. :,rket. Whether Gov. Walker did righfeor wrong in as- bank he could uot have been tempted to accept the Very few diange-* have occurred hi the general market. ^ Beef tattle are afxm lower xnd dull. Wl half a million at dollars either at public or private office. For several dare it has ta-n ruirrlng very hard, and the SB Ji aa the - uming to purge the polls ia the case under coosid- etudne isWw r ist tneu. Th. xaad. sale, upon partisan favorites for a merely nc.minal Patterson, in replv, stated that all the directors, on river is already ri-iag very fast. FrHghts cuntinuw eery i ration, it is an unquestionable fart, that, bv doing oath, stated that consideration? Aliitiotie had used im- scarce and rales low. so, IVhen was such infamous corrup- lie gave a freesoil c liaracter to a Legislature that properly. Much disorder prevailed. of .- hxxUuxrt of WVuHf, Oie* “AJ- Uaui.ino A.vn IlaLC Uorx -.\u thing ka* breu done in k Has, Katorx tion ever beard of before? • nr*. 1 lu4 ' tb*» w«.rd *Kr4tor*u*e*' in What hn« the country lihotte can't lie whitewashed; UtU roam •» am « ttL*- wowld othrrwi-e have been pro-tlavery. He threw he is too well known.” barging, aud we «^uutu rwmiua'.li llq^ltc, and common fitner w - have the leWhaouj of indWi.luxt. oho. rle.xu.1 to hope from au The meeting then proceeds t«i consider administration d I 'l-tte.n corrupt enough to he the relief * in the roualr> I good demand has prevailed fur State and ltandan.1 ru o him rope fruui Wv to sc. The last New Or- aa soil aa tneW .lekaowledoHd and act, which ItoooraUa Cbarse •. was accepted. er aa saat leaven render noth fot home tile and 1 ri-in and, de-tdt guilty of conduct so atrociou.? In what under leans rneet 'unreal repwru the mark* t perfectly tiaguant. whatever th*r : ubttcly a ar. a the tost ileurur x,a fu~:ict aovau.* of Itlr bar tswii estabtlet: - rebabSa. Several .: Z, The stocks on hand here on llu* 1st iurt. warn 9ji3* pieces nmrr U9*ed |>4*r ua»Vtv th-* n«hr heaven can it lie trusted? ItosTov, Xov. 9 . pr<»;nu*t!oa «• ore i order, fruui Ui ext Ittitaiu UxVr eoruc froni auw •aewltin* ar and reisjfv to the xmaao-r -Wearr lirawir th. rtiotuant- liav.- bent, larr* and a, 1*M colls, against u,uw pieces and 6,uJ7 mils. m the mrm A hearing was had to-day on a writ of habeas cor- rubiic maaoer p* iMe. Thau- Titi * i, ion and leivrpool tar ie put bttie roin; for. he gave certificates can and wilt vote. He settled, Cotton.— No r> caipts an*l iiu stock. M a a sa a On our first page will be found two able and well written pus sued out for a slave girl, named Hetty, lieloog- ^a propsiaWr's deput. ata Um—luay It mure itewtaui! trout ’br ionftwmtt i-r.aci haw York, xa.l ooev x- — so far ns the power of the Territorial Legislature is etmtniuuiraliont. oue of which niiv, mates, while Cott »n Y vk\s, sukkiiNua *c.- Wo continue t*» (note S»eu at! ari-perb- a Correiatad -tatu ..I i — u>- tin otlar ing to Lewis Swrett, at havo wo he-ioaiaoB and th r -Id. jCl , ! 1 ; cf Tennessee. The girl ex- ia oiiixwea, a proUictire tariff. thi-rc sa due (her wilt lua?r-o eonvtet:ou r rrtaiiv n)» than Ancv and extra fradei Is not a fair Penney iva- pressed a wi-h cotton rinuW, lo’d. and ll.^c in lots rannettun *beet- na ffia iwr-t c»cc rntd, the destiny of Kansas, and settled it to remain with her mu -ter. Chief mind W—id » ula Ituciaxnxn mid lUe-xr un-l between these *wp extremes, Mar Kr.o.naliva a, donktlos the Uut arti. SUutk per Arago. ar> fev.uwhti to eonttunid i.ig- we *|UMte at y'annelton banieg We. upou which all iwrties can luiet.’— hilaielptia Justice Shaw tlieu dismissed the case. Considerable Candk cte ef Its kind ever var arudurad. Kw IV Bmit. id alihisr are mark-! l.ta x gainst the South. The question of his right to do I I rion. '' bu excitement has been produced hy this case in cer- 1 k“l,h- v our last an >JSuC b**le . the tur.rkr: -!o iar ‘'j"*. *>dl«<*fhtlt effect this must lie determined by the authorities at AVaab- A tariff ia either protective or not juotective. AVe TJ J St our r.-vt. ,*ttlfii. i ’a. ads Hour b to the that the i - aariers of tite Bough tain circles. Several colored jiersons made strong I,tVe that deridoa of Judge Onodloe, r. herein hr di*- an : th. eaaawton qualgtn- are tr hener, xlth f*kin» erw uitw d a r, miffier ef :.re-nt inw wbtrb abould ington, who have In their hands the power of recall- do not know what on earth the middle ground be- . hut unavailing attempts to induce Betty frunH.i— ail the natuntHred Htizen.. of til* t n iticl to accept hbb trtthia :hr rasp- of h-osr 7’. X- II. 0,ual also he seized. He proceeded tnthe tdsee, which is btxtes, dead aud Uvitig, and txrUaps Uu ir after her freei torn. ing Mm, bat no one. we presume, will seriously con- tween the two can be. Mr. Buchanan's man Forney childreu $rnf'm -ituatwd un Fisstsrn avenue, near Caroline stsxet. tin -in —Luuiimlle Democrat. Mr. Sweet and his family had spent several win- tend that he had any more right to take upou him- is about as smart as the chap, w ho, being asked ai d ntidinx use fended ters traveling in the last musket tittle took it to the What a greet outrage it must be in the eye* of Xortlu Their stopping • !l ^to -^re \ 'J self the prerogative of purging the polls in that whether a certain bank note was genuine, examined place was Lawrence, Mass., where a writ of habeas all good isjcofuco! that the dead Irish and Germans At tfce w ennd. ttnrti. 4po*ih. and fifth wards all (•atticular case than of making a general purgation it very thoroughly, holding it up to the light in all corpus was obtained on the grounds that the woman was quart up to three n'cfeA. should lie disfranchised—that they should not be Betty was restrained from iitierty. The parties of all the returns wherever they have condicted positions, and came finally to the conclusion that it No distuniBsoe of a seriuu.- nature incurred at the allowed their votes. It is au old saving that a were brought to this city to day. Mr. and Mrs. was about middling. Sixth ur S* tenth AVards. 7 with his own views. Sweet said they would cheerfully' abide by Betty’* hue were several in- living dog is hetteT than a dead lion, but the editor Mnccgs of bustling and elbowing, bet only two or Thera is no doubt that tbs man of the Southern choice. Judge Lew took the woman iuto an adjoin- of the three C«TA small Locofoco editor says, that, if occasion Democrat no doubt thinks that a dead Irish- ing room to ascertain her Mows wire struck. Democracy, without whom Buchanan would have wishes without bias from At the Eighth Ward the foreign party had mat- arise, we shall find him good at biting and scratch- man or Dutcbmuu is lietter than a live native, Unr the pre wore of those around her; and theu grunted heen nothing and Democracy nothing, are deeply frn v. r n order to the following nil their, n way. The Araeri'-aa'npraal p. ing. He ia more accommodating than most vermiu. people have manifested pretty strong aversion to effect: That Betty lie it i*oe were afraid to act, and several American voter* and bitterly dissatisfied with nearly the whole action liberty to remain in Massachusetts or return with They generally bite having America by te and let von scratch for your- governed lire foreigners, and bed uwte the peM* armed with their revolver* of Walker since his appointment as Governor of her master to Tennessee, as site may see tit. have Mr C. A. Brt Vter who resides in the Eighth Bklf. we may an opportunity of seeing whether they Kansas, if he shall have theconragc to hold un to AVjsuiNGTtis, Xov. 9. It ard, was driven off vesterdav by J..hn T.tJr ami will he uiuru rucuiiciiaU to her being governed hy his office till if Thk Musky Markkt. The principal It lias been lieretof ire J. Graenbury AYtiano. jt. for hix indefatigable fry fee* the meeting of Congress and the Ad- feature in stated that Lieiif. C. tlesh'ess Irish and Dutch akdetor -i with live feet of Ives, of the tnpogrnjihitMl en-ineees, had been as- to the Amencan party. This gentleman :;ft*r de- mi listration shall have the courage to let him hold the money market on .Saturday was quietness. The earth them. porttiog hh vote stood outside of the poll* noting over signed to the important duty of exploring the Col- eti. a very considerable of the Southern hank* continued to sell Eastern exchange at 2 pre- namber orado of the AVe.-t. down illegal votes aud war warned olf hy the for- AA’e presume there can lie no question as to the This gtmlemun, with his corps Democratic Senators w ill make a concerted and bit- mium. Gold has declined, and we now quote it at of assistant, at last accounts, had arrived at Sait efeu party, bo touch for Uae Eighth. mode in which the editor of the Democrat would Shortly after opening the Truth Ward polls a ter ojqxisitioii to his confirmation, arraying them- from 2 to J premium. Some Southern bills have FrancisCo. The expediti-n was to sad for San Die- have the votes of his dead foreigners remedy in all erne* of dy.papiia. They impart disturbance taken. Un- go and cross from theme try land to Fort Ynma; a occurred between ‘ucne of the voter*. come back protested. The parties were fully able strung, healthy tune to the stomach, from that point and are the best I art the regular put » arts at ari one of the partici- questionably, he would have the old mode kept up. they will descend the Colorado to to meet tliem had realized renovators of the system genera lav. they on their cotton, but its delxnichure iuto the Gulf of Culitbroin, li snts . Ketwitii.tending tin- that and there mrerd gathered The skeletons could hardly he expected, even in u7 ji&hdeodfi&wl i hi:a the Krv .low* t raik. Uantaxanx'siLaa hands and grinning a ghai tly and horrible defiance ts-vr, r. 9. SMr.udMw.tssa ta.iax Tina, d..axo- mission - merchant bought the articles and charged r if the late Robi-n Tyler, laq. at the Americans, and to our neigh! or would have t kW~X-w Tark xml st. Lout* the usual commission on it. The eight months has e uaenw fteaw eapy. few lire Locofocns act as their authorized agents, On the mo ruing of the Mb ir.-e, *t the rMilnn of the transpired, and the planter, who is wealthy and had rifle's tathrr. by the »v. copying names from their tombstones and lecoiding in a line ateaiuer and wilii jlentyuf provision*. W. w. Hitt. D. II. Mr. lmaj . OxTUorr. ai W rUiiaxtoo. I ltd., u. Mia, the means to meet it, let it go to protest liecattse lie T Zusvaix lx Col. Duncan, of the t . S. Armv, commands his ar- them in iavur of Locofuco ticket.-., as has often 1 X0 , rideat daughter of C. >Vne«. Ewp. of Una rhv. would not sell his cotton. tillery. On the ith in-t.. by the Rev. In. Holman. Mr. Join lieen doan heretofore. • This being the day to winch the leaders of the Kn HJ1M ta Mrs. M xav €- B«»tbxkt, hath of -hi- AVe have New Orleans pipers of the 2d. Private sy. there was never any m.-qietuion of banks, If the Democrat's indignant account of the opera- huugcx mob limited the city authorities for giving the State Ia I kieasn, the diijxatches say that O.ikey it on 2Uh of iMiobcr, by the Ree. R. II. Hawkins, cotton fae. them relief, de- i.-doti is much excitement InsTieen rnustd hv the n xUim* I institution operating as a constant and tion of Judge Goodloe’s correct, what a tors of that city, have suspended for a second time: the failure on the part of tb- latter to take action *3t*t*- 25 No. 2 in bbb *14 5o<*» e * ctive check nj»u the State institutions whenever tierce “rattling among the dry ixniea" it must have The mob charge Mayor #4 Tata *.!. and in kitU Ifemers. Alilw. Adatnt. I Co. puldi.-h a cirenbr, in' The hank statement for the week ending on the Wood with humbug and in kf biib Tots**, in Ibis « I «4 3e, and iu thes- began to venture upon an undue exjjansion of created. threatened to drag him out of his office. squad a: ft 2M 31*t, shows the follow ing changes as comjiared A which thr> sqj . . . - w ith kin* 75. So. 2 in bbla ,? ir,.a 13 50 and in hf bid* of fifty policemen lias lieen sent for. Assistant i2 5m*M2 U.tKtt Mi • Ux their business. It was utterly i in possible for a State The UU1> A LA VO. Mku are tnAebted to not at all—or! -i-aiic. TM» ns are dMrefinr the preceding return: NkwYork Ki.Ecnov.—The New York Times Trelsnrer, Cisco, in consequence of the threat* of $6 T.-gAi. llening bat^Tac. Codfish Seaton I»Tl-it. X. It. ia wry eaisll kole Ftu mmmaram totter* tvossred. it ie! bank to be in the slightest degree m imprudent with- Tliere ba» been aiuethiog more done in Deereaee in aliort loan* ff«.-..i 7* (Republican) of Friday admits that the State 1ms the mob, ha* telegraphed to Washington for troops Gao. ratxa— out haring I nireukki in •ii.x-s'i** mart ap h- Hepubjicaffs. The Hutue is Democratic and the sniaU coasiitn- Clarke e*»., I ml., ira the ah In**., her. I.’.ler Increase in rtclixucc '4 nee . rop that has reached the max tut wax x br IJI g,*e- Th(1^ of onr eorref.-onficntx. tlien . The Democratic J>arty, led on by Gen. Jackson, tofratta-e itf ffie plffics Urey decamped with xhnir Ilaerease in emoimt Cue distant bank*. Republican. Much misapprehension exists in regard to the Mr. Uxvilt A Uao.N-B to Mm Wanxn A Scmswt. rai Torwar .1 th.-ir snip* may expect tki-lr 74 Senate m at of niohuaes. The reiee of oux-ar hxv« been ia a small put down the United States Bank and took the State Increase in ileiswio ;-ru|er. Uu the in taut., bv the Rev. Mr. Halsey. Mr. Wiuixs Hhust I ws» who hat >. aiac ret ]* on b. (nee it^o view* of the anininistration on the Tehuantepec LmiUi-k, 'airnTu and Mis* hmii K-, daughter of 1.1 J. W. Prather, intlar thjb yr U Ifix xcie-u - - if-sT^e call atlcntion to I lin Guild, ft Co.’s Ar the T wefftfc. T!i»rt*entii. Fourteenth. Fifteenth, bonks under their esjiecial patronage, contending question, but the ftdmtni.rtrstinn has nothing to do all of LonbiviL’e. K-.-. at ikrir obUsatb ur. or hclfi in reared and yesterday it declined to sjfe. Some common Porto aod Sixteenth weed* lirere wu -siBM Buie hustling. — advert bemeot in to-day*.; paper. Carpenter work with any :u:reenient enL red into hetweeu Mexico r erfirr . when flier hare be ntiKfiafe ns must vehemently that these could do all the business ftefonrci*. ltico Ua* been *oM by auction as low W*r. Hi. Louis ul lirere having a tight leeneraily anroeeded in d> - aud the Louisiana company, nor does it favor any Cireulaiinn and ready-made buildings obtained at short notice, ruined continue to range from UM le llHc. DIED, te full iiertoniseiffi of ditty, e exeeys during the afternoon one or two and, that there would lie no Due distrait hank*. dk.sat! jtoejremto.. a large pecuniary the Mr. r. S. .tiitein, on th- Ist jo.-t.. Mrs. t itiiiim 9*m, old at fee. ta lets. Ho Coffee has continued le range from Jowfc a cre xtrti X. Some one of the sjrecial jwlice right* which the Tuited States acquired under th* seed to years, formerly of this rtay. danger, in the absence of a national institution, of TWee ret urns ere favorable, and vxhit.it fre-tly Increased 11 to ttSe. The sale* have keen xl-og-iher in xrenall way it lire Thirteenth want alrendmed their post* under adsden treaty. Connected with that subject th« un FrMa . Mo*. A s' II aVIeeb. P1.tt.iii c.. .*r their running strength all round. Tin- Urges: reduction in fiabilitlcs I* ofi wild and involving themselves and to* bo«» having bom taken at our quotation*. sired u yean sad 11 month*, ilanghureet toudsrs -b u.k- be jwetetct rtmt t*iev were net properly pretected. th-- part uf the i citizens' Hank—*av - , aud bv m \t trreapoodence will Ire transmitted to Cooere-s*. jmKriar * their credit, the deposit* of i-e the 1st tost. *sew>* all T*re A1.it or diqwubed officer* to regulate the few ire and til* currency in ruin. They were SalureUv thi- iustitutiuu will prnbahiy The government Iras been offivutllv advi.-ed that Ric- noru!n*n>* *e. Th- stock* on fl taiow loss'. i on. The cimitatinn has cess d to come in :is rug us., a native ot iniastty. dies niany made the dejsjsitofies 'Ctlante ha* heen selected hy Coats Rica a* special hhd* sugnr, l.tWJ bbl* sojart 1,111 bet* molasrea, and i3i* f <«a of the United States Govern- rapidly as before, and it is likely now that but vi-rv little At $1. .lowpfc’* Infirmary, on Monday, ton 94k itok. Mrs Mxwtiy after 10 ( dark, a nrrious affray took jJnce more will he presented, a* the hulk is .nit tn thl* State where iToy to the United States. "He I* exjrected toar- bag- eefll*e. ment an- 1 instructed by the President, as a condition .... u. in the Mli rear oi her »ao. *xtt» M xav K. netar Hre ererm-r of Haml*ti- - the great solvency uf the iiauk is thoroughly im-h-rsbs d quote Bellevernon in tot" aa fallow* nnd Chatle- streets, in m - »*14. «4. aa.1 other staWs la propor-l II. rioek this luoruine. * lowest point *'U the 17th is Ss'-i.i.Ofl. wheri-a* the receipt* of #3 75; 1*»« *4; the pcarr that two ot’_£ men, tme of them named Por- pe»|>'«, in order that the vacuum, created by the doing and price uonunaL At Oakland*. t UiknHs, on the 23.1 of September, off y gold and silver in the meautiuic have resche I upward of * Hear —Nothing ker coiwmnption. Itamr Mxsrt cv. wife of i alkawn foa* White, were os. theta way to the polla, when a with irawa! of the notes and accommodation* at edition. The n-du.-.si circulation account* for this. Ix-sidw- route ttn.ler Lite protectii.il .f tire Rreat coBfhmul llipra.—Y- ry duTI. Dealer* are paring to butcher 4c, which there i* specie held somewhere on speeial deposit. uu. lie.., tornaerl.- of ILi* eflr. Tim rrraai.w of 0>r of the .State banks; and jiuhlic up the specie Unc to a higher point than it hash, en in trank wharf fei-' timothy ha- bren the deposits, upon iriB* 15: Demia-rat* 7. llon-a for many mouth* j-aet. —Ainerkaa* 41; IV- likely to Ire a . snilnlate for tire !2 joi.pjj 1 -. witich they had been directed hy the mocr.ils Hirtol. Deroccrot, fi Government to 29. Mr. ho* is-ea elect- at in lot i*r; m -.realities. France is now The New A'ork Courier and Enquirer furnishes the Ir .n -Simifcal and chare al we quote JhMc, ed Judge «f the Court of Appeuls Iroin the- first it- do a brisk banking buxines, could no longer be con- J quote pig uomhinlty at #30 for beta following statistics to the trade. We of the imjkirts and exports of 'll, ui! district. To O.agree* J Americal.s aud 8 fided to their custody quality, usual .true. None wiling. Hem, - rut" have been elected. PRESERVE TIild. IT I1A3 BIT ONE InsERTIuN. B< rsix subject. Lx.vines. No change and dull. We quote white oak twwkff JflMlianud antkr Here was an unexpected cruis, which had to Ire — As the movement of specie l* regarded a* the time Index Mnri>in*, Now. 9. •ole due. bemiock 23e, harness 3*c, skirting*, best quality, LAND I LfcOTlONS. in of 1 MARA met some way. It w as found that the State of the emir— trade, we have prepared M , s interrstiac it. 73c, and bridle 547- 40c. stab-tui-ofi. regard to the movement of epccie tor the last A t,, . undo passed over Brownsville on the 7th, banks, subjected to no restraining power, coaid not the trad* we eontine forty -tax years. overthrowing liouxes awl injuring several [ersous. ^ILS—Unchanged. Round lots to thur. Saiely be trusted by the people; and, as the Democ- GCNKKai STXTtUrST OF THE UOVt MltXT < F srra'.E .quote at A3 15 caah and #n » for IOsTj on We F*o« THE TEXE 1*211 TO 1 -foi. Nrw York. Nov. 9. the range from fia 15 to Al k for lud'a according to racy were in power, mitker the revival of the United quo’* Ext-orts. ImisTis. proportion. The followiuta is the comliliuu of the letnks at this quantity, aud other sum* iu States Bank then just pat down by the Democracy Ten year* ending 1*00 A71,‘.77.rno AHH.l45.tiD0 quota at and dfetrict. citv, as shown hy the weekly statement: Lkad xx o font— Bar lead we 1*40 ftg.s4n.tK10 lfc7 . 40H.UKI ti t the creation of a at similar institution was to be ism oftaitii.iuo sa,ai*:.oto Increase of hsuc pig 7c. Sha4 waqa.de aO. „j-,oro iq-eanq _U to.- .t.o-i'T.a.t loXSa. at wbtoh thu a.UI fe.lta-n.ocra; The returns ape received very slow | thoaght for (Us year* enttmr *.*, uf a moment. Under such a stress of HINKLF. G'FiLP.iCff., 1 inrinBfffi.O., l* wiling, t'astog ud firm at W. W. S. sperm $! h TV efev rat* h rat wd carapfoto . tag the It will be aeon from this that the n.-t loss in forty-year* A> circiunaUiuwB, l‘raaid--at Van Bureu and his politi- American majority will proireidy reach 1(1,000. The years wa* as fonow-c u5 aud dull. Priu.c lard oil $1 05, Ns. 2 :»5c. Tanner's oil boar, Baak, Blmd. Factory, Bbrnraf MU, ami I mat tr c d friends devised the !,4T<.I1» bid, accord ins > qnaflly. ubsmsfil «l Sir. sa- wtoataf itoktairarv os—p s'aiwx again for the Amer- plan of tlie Sub-Treasury Loss from 1«21 to t*C0 A , AJUfeffft ¥ .. l*aotot«50 213.14C.uUU A-l5.tT4.ilul return . ta iff fc-an . btal fere one to mfe e The vote sal announced it to the world as tbeir idea uf the Gain from 1S7.I to lsfto 7S.4?.4 .'»ki Harrtadrery county atom s a Lit m**.Tut ic •aim perfection of II isneial wUdoiu. They and all their lo*> In lifts* -*'* yrurr * v<.n' S. Bold , Nov. org .ns cl timed especially in iu behalf that it would Suu.duu fart fitae aa.l V- !J-*w Ifiua FI. And it will ilfiti b»* »t«u th»t our *srear*$& ymxff fi«r«9 Weatlwr wet. M-.ru'iry 50 degrees. H »is/ILnP of twk fciwrfs* Sash, Idi-.-K . .. hand f..r iti Iijftl Iiaa bi-^n thirty •tirran4 * !«»lf ihHMR 1 Uwiudoii»i, exeeriae a far strewiger, man ceotr, filing, and more hmrlrrd Free— of Brick Hreiw*. added to the tnfkf* j*«**rl>* inrr. •! our (••r. i. N- St. John.*, Nov. 9. ie gain ia «he fito Cwnffreatfenai di-tr . t. D- Ttn n. UIV£W COMPLAINT, sil itary infin-ncc in restricting the correacy of the rrpivwnt# th»* irtml BYrngfi ymrtjr low to tliu country American ta piotaa'ilv fffeeated. Hick', tit- .fefleri The weather here is fair. The news yacht of the r .ctwiua pxoei Dwr*. to.il, Vvnatoa ana I Th-ra-ull of the State elo-inn is still d..iil.tful,— from ovrrtmdiur. »*r, the • xcc-to of im|K»rtA over «‘Xi»ortw.— treoki within aafe limits than ever lx* r and tow Fraaa*.. Mantle.-, Rare, I eve candidate for Governor has about ld(l nwjnnty n United States It vu i-Uix- th*- yearly Iucd am: of tlu* iorf’pn lu«!«-bti* Ine* associated press i* now off Cape Rack', lookng onr for Win WEAKNESS OF ANT KDTD llo h (laitiew claim the G'vemor. The msjorit|r inr*. WtsItsikniU*, WM-r and t.IIdw mk had exercised or could of thin cu»untr>* •! tlftf mlWone «f dollnr^. Mid * !d to it «xir the Arabia's te a*, but Hulking has yet been seen Of Ire -mall. K-pnl-liratH hnwe the kegi-la- B posaiMv exercise. ..id Planed lfcaxrto fae li e tiefttafo k ta 1 wU! Ths l«»dto of ffirf-rir, will arrive at t!i*» mti«i of onr f»n»rr. m to- om. 1 Mi Howard M. Wawkm^- that steamer. i loose*. Our work ia framed !• ttae tora. 1 taey u idertuok to show by etsimrate argument, war*J nation*) benktujDtrA* for the |**t «ix y**er*. nnnt-1 *, ai fr»r Hickf. uxdv by hxu-t, and superk-r l« any oue r ft', nijortfr ei#h*y-fivu* million** of dollnni a yeer. Wo have mm an XiaUOMU, C. W., Jirev. 9. Nrw Y«>bk, Nov. 6. th it, u:.dcr the operation of their Sab-TVessary, the aork, Iw.mt itorawohl* t-*4v.l Ta a Drill iH*ruy in TnUtt co.. tod in equivalent f«*r *ur f* i*t;h:n delta in»Knificcnt «y.«U*id of — ti. -a. kinds «f S'- dr* wlrh Ma’aoaanr nr Cherry Unt what have wt to rf*iin** nt th*- mlillouff pai ! (.'-.mimings, who emlrez?Ud tb.- funds uf the Bank Acre-ding to the M'aahington fear. Gov. Wailter. j urrency must always of !4tity be soand and rc- for forrtjm ni«iiutartnr«d guoulu*’ A cultivjit' d Uutc^Tor uf Upper Canada, has been sentenced to four years' who fix* obtained a leave ot atauta.ee t om Kansa*. yard xnnwallj seearat i..t of 1 a! fix—ta fiat no local bank would be a! fie to take fiu*T> and BiocNive drexa arc Iiardly au equivalent. W. amboa r.ar Lamia*, imprisonment in tile peuitentinry. - is expect* b here to-morrow. md hav penuas- '.t jimne. at* (vr acn:.*4*at suav!.-- ot erca • ririg'.e atop l.-yonil tire I *> unfit uf the striettot The New York Times, of Thursday, says: Samuel Ross has l>een fouud guilty of tire charge -he mme, rram th* h.-ad ws-sr* of the .Vteahanr, wkiah New Yoke, Nor. 6. -ua la* ..* to k-e, -a fiaed a lar.-e x-sn iam.-oS of m amws fi prudence » itlsoat iustoutly feeling the check. The many instance* rW the up* and down* of e»e>- of robbmt* the mail* in the cars between Montreal Well, Am. nr unitor, and reti wh-.larale or rated o» reareefeerve tatac Judge Mitchell derided to-day to allow Wr*. Cun- merrial life which have been exiubited bv th** prwto;iit |*ree- and Toronto and sentenced to imprisonment for lift ---"‘ -• fellow-citizen*, the presen: condition of is bwifctia* aiarerteia cheaver than xay .char In thing* fin i* more tiirikiua th-*n that of tho -ure, there nuue Oiw#*’ , ta ttfc* Wot. Kurar B.-f»nin* Company, whirli. but a few unmtlH due**, 9. Simeoo Draper ha* derhnod to taeotnae a toem lrer eloquent if not aterril-le eoratneutary upon all those Mrmi-hus Nov. in-Jen tilled foe Itnard*. Jolta. Fra.ariw: xafi riorutah wu one of th»* most |We«peronii concenw, apparently, iu Contmis*ioner». Major Thomn* IIoll. of Missi-sij.pi. was shot dead of tfce Uttatd of Police arguiuents rend asseverations thret laMt it d* ia one of tlx* ctandard mer- on the steamer Frisbee by W. K. linm. of this city. simply by a few leading Democratic functionaries of IftiO ehtantr in Ho«»th streets an>l iu vict^ -i n cident ware -o aide a ia Tompkins aqorec. to tire m.nt'«r of or iiOw. Mlt.warxtR, Nov. 7. th* manaa* . that hia Mervioca cotnuirml aaalarv «»f ten tin *9- Tle-y pm-red a ra*otatasau to Use- effec t that hav ,qg Government but by the entire Democracy of aed dollar* a rear. It had a paid up capital of half t mil- The Free Democrat of this afternoon says the arritw*'. s' ihe gloomy erewrv-th.n that durme th- the nation. lion, and it* nwtoim m wviv auioinr tho aafest claw of nie."- vote in the State is very clo-.e. Nothing but the of ros.ro* xnd h.-Trhf ..f stork*. rhant* in the ritr. Yet, mitii all tluec advantaeff. i* h o- preaent crisis it will be impofaible to get eni; loV- Moore. ArrMtort lu office, wtft ftirnt-h Ared now lire Democracy ore again of coarse ire a F. M. unr jfiara been unable to meet Ua » n/RM Ui* uU, and .•‘topped payment I official will deckle. ureot by mdivklnai exertions tLcy ^uoiaitted tc> tk- sod -peatlicatioii* foe huildine* *« raare.oalde Mrraa on Tuesday. 9. condition at strange aud deep perplexity. They are Cixcisxtaii, Nov. xnd Netwatex Soil tatahwla or . •jtf hf caqiw the e«j*lovim-n» of kke Offe- Alsu Kansw tear, regs The New York Tribune, of Thursday, says of the •itton ita.u(. with ona ur m*r>- rouua. Tea sraaft daun. e-l jAajf td on the wtirts In leveHny a#«i m tbe full flash of power in nearly tire whole coun- In the Ohio I -egi* lat u re the Democrats have a :ur them ht>w*e» in th* aew country ha* indue-- 1 us to to content pbr«*l. money market: majority in the Senate ot *eveu and in lire House «4lK*r works »i* k |lf| lung been try, and the question is what they shall do next. hmm* ef tlie speaker > were pmtcularlv \ \mLciite A nivcling of a committee of the clearing boat win* held eighteen. V groat many of them are laboring through tlreir to- which a i-royo-iti* n va* unbnii’.ted and debated -lay, at W ASHtwcTOta, Not. 6. organs to moke the impression that their party ia upou, iu regard to tnc conme pr» jier to l»e adopted ia n Cr r- ence to the State currency which i* n<*w held by the diy The Secretary of 1\'ar received to-dav n dispatch aiill proinritlon waa exclusively a hard money party; and, although bauka aud In accuninlatinc. Tm* not -lated Fort Leavcnnorth. 1'itcUigence Iwd been a- defiuiteli actcfil upon, but wifi probably be ado|>ted at tl»c tirere ta Du probability that they will anywhere ex- adjourned meciiu* on Thuredav. lire plan look* to the ceivtd to the effect that the H.-rmon* were cal!i»g Btrartrd far the Journal Or B. P. Vieeman. City Goura-H this e*renin sskine the Hoard effr- u of thk currency by the interior bank-, into Salt Lake all their forces from the sur- ercise their undoubted power te sweep all paper cur- gradual redemption City Issnmti Cxttie Msebet, Not. 10. Jai ry out tin plana recently sugu^rired hr the May fir. and to eventual resumption of apecle jiaymout*. and i* con- i rounding country, affff were organising to resist the market has been a shade bettor on an aassato. Aa totervtaw wax tbea lx*J with Mayo* Wood, w b- rency out of existence and establish a circulating ceived in a rnirtt of iib**rality aud jueoce to both the coun- Tlie cattle U. S. troops. if Bar- xu. says that, if he i. te !mv* th' dnwntna U try and city bank*. Tlie country bank*, require some aeu- The hra brae Hftat. aad prior* raaer l tram U4 and rilrer alone, will doubt supplr my median) of goM they no the city bauk* in regard to the period of rrmtmp- The Dapartuieut has Just received <1i*patcbe* con- tnd.xji aff*i ra. end it expeevy*! ftc maintain frtee.fila i ranee from Is of stock. lb* dMect of their aim ring, and raid hi would do (5 ’.Sc prow wefeht. The msrkrt naarly bare 4 ih ti..n before th* wi!i fi-e! itkiio-ol to exitand tli«*lr loaiiff to reports that the Mormons are P* •» — La> mate write the Iraiteta*. woul.I trees tali very extensively in favor of such a policy, and y firmatory of previous re ke etfegeta 9 sell 50 head for common and fair *11 in ids power f«r the aUtvir-tion of Lite terrihl. c"Usid*Tubl»* extent lor tlu* purpose of Hiovimtof crop , Shcop at fit 50oi*2 V au) 4 tntvefere ehwuld naiil the mfam, raetioe ef ahfep- bent on resistance to the U. S. troops. to- m* ; now resting people, ard that 1 e they will wish to throw, so far as they can, the Ac. A few bank officer • are disposed to brinp about an mri Y 3« bead extra heavy sold at *3 head. misery ea lha Appointments of the arn.y and general prepara- A lot of V 8 by 10 ti tag them when theft h*jig£8 lo -e* one. k re»uniplion. but the ceneral *h ntiment d**c» not fix the pe IWs wnntd l.ring the mremnrial nexl work to the fielilrir- llog* are a shade better and sell at 4H- hovevef, the Kun«en*i.»n of -i«e* ie W by IX M iff era! to make them wail realii tins (feciairat of Ihe au- left over unsold. ytnetit has Uni 9 far been more nominal than real with at Fort Leavenworth for the present. In case the 190 hogs. Non-- lo by 12 ti ritrritits i« given. • dt> banka. Few if any of these institution* have rdu- results rerixt our troops, another larje force, un- 10 by 14 ** a Mo< SCOTT MaWMxVl EXPOBT. 1 Hi tlr. Beil,-r made a rpsserh to the effect that llie *»*d specie when asked by • dealer, either on circulation «»r s der the comuianJ of llaruey, will Ire immediately 10 by 15 *i nee Lite *ubaided. 4fio head—pricea ranged from *4to*4 to ‘ pea. 000 id wait t ,11 they rniut bate cheek.-, run H..---S—reesfete 1| 4a .ad nexl week; ordered to Utah. lOhyle ti' mt*(fe has* averted the t tec. M *tiey i» cosier among gock boom*, and can he obtained fell, rat or file. gross, and some sold at *5 this week. 10 by IS If 9 lively low rate* on rail with tir*t cine* etock c«*l- designated by as eevs. at rum para Omaha City, Nebraska, has been * moor he kept away, for the prices ranged from I<| by to U 10 1 be Mayor linn promised to eehmh the memorial for paper tin* market i* etill quite hard. The Cattle— reesfete 12a head— IffDteV lateral* : but for tlie Secretary of the Treasury as the point de- 11 hy IA 1# to tiie Cooncil thi* evening, *o4 nrgtd them to 4 •- rauge of dhnouut »*u favorite piguatun-e iefnmi IK to l with few on tbe ">xik, U V of public funds. Ih er.*.*. by » tPc of lendori. but IMtaitiug 11 to ! H •ride without A-Iar. cent. Money ip amimnlating In band- pricea ranged front Sheep—bat few on the marker, and i rontidemv i* vantiufr. aud outride n**rot lat ion ic very mueh The Admiul-trdtk>n has received no preruHarlv II by 17 H » c the part After aouie unimportant o!saervatiou on are petircea «>f petiaare for in 5tK.* 4 brad for extra. 11 19 i" nvtricted. The hank* the main important dispatcha- in relation to the events $1 i v by 1* , of araoe wetaer masnlrer* of tin ow imiUce llie de»u- extended enough toariord by n db«ouuts. and they have not yet Co-ta Itican movement*, ho 11 a> t°i Central America or 9. :«e* retired to the sl.-ps «.f the City Hall, wiie.e decided relief. Coutrartiou aud Hqufmidonof bufihp-o n- < 1*. Las* Tt, Sow. M. 11 by 21 If it .uatter what other government* may do whh regnr ! cageiu* nts imwt, a* a matter of uecewity, be the order of fair. by 22 jsreches ,-ontlnne l amidst the hurrahs of the mol- Flour end whisky uuehanged. Dv-mand Money 11 H in the day. until tt.r want* of bn*: uea* men come a ithiu the to these affairs, mire will pursue an ird-pendant 12 hy 18 if • .piirt and no change. ritwAn. teu rate*. The ra*t*. however, ure ft Miur market 1 iota at thr Coaimni) f**uu,il ml their regulir nie.-t- colioctioup. this city in ,oiWic meet- 11 til •Kill an high a* aeriomly to embarrass* interi«*r The hardware dealers of luav) —sola* of 4».ust ba*h. Corn ta firm --ales of least isg. N-iene aai .1 we will buofler until Mraulsy: after debate, ra-adved that on The Cincinnati Gazette of Saturday says: ing on Friday, a long Dn-h xt hat or. lay * rate*. in ere, ao toupee. The oseMiim tmaliv adjourned 1st of Jim-; ary next, their line of errafit* Hear York exchange was sold hy some of the Icafiinc an.feifter **- 1 dull— Erie 121*. Cleveland and Tok-do —N, Illi- meet on Monday ia a body in tbe l*srk and pure-le , at (premium, while others checked *: I willlre reduced b. four months. I h..u*e* nois t i-ntral ri.lfi and bond* 7x)». Chirac.) and Bock -land Use et reel*, it agreed that earn ««ri th.- wax ai><> the veu! ot n*.il.iua occurring lo iucr,-a*e deu.and lo- Tlie Herald has advice* from Honduras to (Yet. 6 . rate will he aui- Tn, Mieldgon Southern DC*. Peunsj lvxjira C.-ol Company hafed nygwBias to at to know who are ibe mare tac- morrow. the indication* ure tlie drawing The surveying corps of the projected Interoeeani- form at 4 ur.iuium, and tlie buyluc rate 5(»5K l-reiniu..., Saw York C. ntral Virginia 6s hS, MLvouri 6s 7XV tually in w ant in each ward Cumoyaqni. a point midway Xl, Pmtedel|>i.ia itofit i* dug at 2 premium, and lialtimcre- i* Kailroad had reached sided this P. t 'l an * Nxn. No*, t, P- M. Tlie ateera ship Northern light M. not saleable lo any exteut at j«ar. Gold i* unc-ttted, and lictween the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The sur- of hbta at #4 io.«S4 Id with five hundred jutxaengirs and the California price, oeuerafiy tend downward. It was obtainat.le ioalay vey had thus tar proved satisfactory aod the party FI.,nr market qniet—soles 1,600 whoat mate. of engineers were in good health ami excellent for .ni-erflwe and extra, and *4 *0*Ofi4 7* for whfitr atiBeano-. authority, Nrw Ton*. Nov. I. chans* in gratn. flthtaky ta steady—rales of see hbls at We are aUr t« hy tfe full, spirit. No tausi wiseralde pas-metii 1 he (old aad the oilier remitter., of M'srr-. authorities were warlike er d were rtae.se dnll at to. Batter in better set idy at 17.a an fern n . aad h aoulemen- aad At Omah the 15S.C Wilde, Frail as *,. hn*e hand- -d attack .ta *0 dfopfluw, tals aad suits ghat tot-ly . \- Tuliaak at Son preparations to repel an apprehend * effsata lower— wleaef 4to bassal Mfo^lle. uta . — - making IV far rofls llall tt. ia o( vessel iat-! butwsuu tfe Mer.bonU and Meaufeetuo-r-' id over to Mr. MteiKohl . W ooneeqacrfe from YVa'ker’s lilil ntaer*, and a British of llobfr, al- the de- K*ok aad Uftan I »V nnor Bripfet A Co., fefeutr* tfe Jote atoppage of psymeol by Messrs, H war was doily expected to arrive to aid hi tar t * 1 as. town. uf rota my fence of the U onattered. _ - _ — The Journal of Commeree awrounees the Mispen- Nov. t. itnusi, Nov. !•. P- M. I lus srettiremuwt «! glass the husk ia its old po- | Nrw Y«r, New < wt... will. xiou of tea J«dm .Heen * C.- . h..w- Ve-atae. to-tes » *nl America that mtA fwowt^ their crime. They nave not m, Trimm.it miak E.— < .evr Tlie marl, : is Citizens' Bank resumed specie parmeni to- Tu* New Cokgwiss—TW* totePwOfte prime. ud The I wen already piotnul^ile.1. raUw MMfeWe KWtelrtol-dtytaw sptaOte represent itives the text V *, fT.r *ixrmvd aud ntrtfr.^nl. IS conei tirerehks orareut* in. Ye*- 1<> elections for 1 st . There Five Ifeifeipti Csr-ta Ifean ttfe.pt were al«*t AH the , , sale* of atent lee Wd* •* 2to»3r ft irday's engagement* were promptly met. Congress have now tran-ptaud. lhe Deimafetic Wtaks e(iect*Vink hrigfctita. ibe aUauter Btaca . ’.. eonf.hed toe Uswraui, ftife will about sixti-en over both Amorious t, l r 1 :najority be :-0 ti»br* n4* »l. teeremte- - . x L, to Aojaftia U< lit MI M for Fwly-p-vec vestal*, with stem! *ix hundred thou- Democrats will tlo ilffles* rfinr, rdU ^uiH»rfi«K ia two !«•* •» i occurred at itorewteviUta. Teaas. off tfe and Bepublicaus. Tfe sand 1 udttds .if wh-sr. are n-rar nfta.t from tfe t.p- r.nd Ulc UiU Xioety-ffve kef* Of taovdeff ex in a caucus and select tbe speak* r, i !«rk. non nwk.rn.-w * * unite n-.tie. .1 Wlesof only,boot ' pcf lake po(U tor Osweg*. ^•ira-ivvvhav. ktottaur fair peraonfo taud iajating nyrivlgjlfe is other officers. So fitr all will co « mooch! v» It »* ! •*. rack* VA*:ii\».Tns, Nov.l I'auHh-n, ami lank of t ;*-..rgrioa [Corruavoudcnct* uf the ballimorc Sun.) 4. n. party asunder prior Lo tfe orRaui-Utio::. here, Gru. fl^rmlnctma it and r^jam* itat lien. The stock of pork at New Orleans on the 1st inst. WntmiGTos, Nov. 2. Tlie correspontlent of the UalQB ore .Sun say . in a W nk»r had l aaued an esuu* to the - VVaJkur > pm $700,0(0 and the capital was 3750.- administration iuto a minority, or entirety deetrov ’ il *i.ori- for * oliaa against the barm fei.rc from Kansas a month or two, to vi*it hi* set! on rarearr whether the State of Arkansas would do most 000. It is feared that the entire capital stork is the harmony of tfe Deui.a-ntlic majority. Tba at » lla^raut and family here, 4c. He was to b*ave Kansas for the* tv, and prifiraldv ti* racum-i.ee fift\-tht«e iu uumbe.r, will find by jiaj itq; her debt* or not prying them, as she has wiped out, nud that the assets will not Northern Dana* rate, Kxr!iau£e*- in which neiah raring States niett its lia- city to-day. Therefore he will in a few day* be here destructive rivit war, relief from an unknown future by following never experiment uf the former operation. to for ureal l/indnn involrtd. Tfe Fre* Urate j ar- mode an bilities. answer himself to any complaint that tnav mfeht feve Uavine tlie lead of the aJiuiuist ration, and at the same time Uir„t and decided ta .jfe- have lieen or may lie made of his administration. It tv findinir tlrat tfev fed a Tbe Morris County (N. J.) B ink has suspend'd conforming with the views of their const it tent*. Tenitiwy'. v oi: -d fer.- refus dlu ra -M.it i* idle to suppose that the administration will con- ity in the Tfe Democratic IsxifiitiR* of Pennojrlva- business in cotisequenue of tbe amount of unavail- But if the tone of a portion of the Southern press el?r*tion. adU"ni.ri- demn him uuneaid. u manifestiv f/unduVirt rctierts tbe seuiuueul* of a cuosiderotiie part wtth hrtd eta W legalized tbe bank suspen- riftbtly ttiugra|>b has furafihed os dally acts in relsttan ti. n a and Mi-sonri have able paper in its possession. yTh.- tnu..« will reserve upinai:'- a-d number of the Southern Democratic ere [For tbe Loubville Journal.] of the South, a ttoicaus uiarketo, taut as *ome xrti.-fe «iov. Walker and Sct ri-tari sions in their nsfoefite Stati-s without taking a sin- John (rihon Co. of York have cti of the Nc tfe official cndoct ef & New suspended, me .lifer, will lake a decided stand against a effune jpotior was th-.ight to fie Wa* fre- MnsRS. Enrroiw: Having been cured of iktalu mentioned, we give theta from the test PitoCsr. Steer* until thet shall h»vt aootqrartreaitf of ltesr- tiw direction of an exclusive gold and sil- action which lias tended, as they think, to er shet Walker H ot.joct in ffarin aiqg gle *te|. iu and several other failure* are announced, uinong in « n»ild and entirely safe manner (without the of federal sitd ewpla.intb.is. ina thtar statements I Kan* is a free Slate. Nothing is inure proba- q.tnr WWS ant ex arti r tn prsV'-C thr \ cr currency er a diminution of tbe amount uf tank Kli i knife or c*u»tic) l»y Dr. llulce, favor- moke October SI. decidedly h" tile them Mygatt & Co. of New York and Little, and from uiy Sew Okiexso, The M.,rtt. i- few aaMitned a him ble tfiau the appearance iu Cuugrca uf u Southern Lomfocoe are oftentimeo giants iu talk and able knowledge of during the time he till ed the to taelh-vr tha t adthte a ft..* aranc t- iwve that they are in earnest piper. Cbamljerlin & Co. of Boston. | »||X< so—Wc have reesca attitude, and - against tlie sdmiiiiatrntioa. chair of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the jrRonizatiou b*eo trxararriooctc the ra.ey to resist tfe l rated g: t’e- •n .for* t**ri ’here fere in their avowed intention u-rmies in action. We learn fiom the Time* of Friday that the bank It is said that neither House, in their preliminary axEBowtaaemratai.u he eta- Memphis Medfccal School, beiug associated witn Dr. ixuuisl itafc htaOs. teta ae here i- 1 owi mtiitiiry oi . ii sstlitllDet, 1 will be iu haste to dispose the enor- e ltir»j*nd and convention held able arrange, oents, uf .tai ir-u. v.Uar Uo, ... or on the preceding day arrived at ! Cioff* and other nrofessois, and having wit- eowrw _»feo that If Brblhsm Y un- left to ooaj.ctnre. Of . erauad, however, ’« believe il l. tjlrother, a farmer and worthy citl- mous amount of spoils which are embraced under iiaie aartira are C3*ilr. nessed his success in tnc tieaiment of chronic dia- Clc* not aeknewfofefe Oma Irao mtimatVo into the conflict with the United Si»t« half appropriations for priulin^, bin Una, Ac. n th. are .Tt. 's tlieir They UIM Iff tel WBBl Clarke county, Indiana, maiding about three easen and convened freely with Dr. Bryan (cored , Uf.< pnocafe teU*l NTT ItteVte BO opf^ct fr..»u xea of I fnUowcrs wfl, if assured of ..mounted, tut has fawn stated upon hi^n anthcritv. we » ‘or &***- of hi* i : |t>, thf*uih |w until tbe first of February. Iho same paper by Dr. and also with many of his* {laticnt.*, 1 life. I.** I*' Gil ufitti •* ta'cil u inter- front Jefferson* file, committed suicide on gays: 11.) United Busan, drtert him; ffe if nidus feck *o aiDcreuale duruqt tlie last Collates?, of not fe*s rlu»* pr vWBb rmn - fatawafmrnmmamm. the feel it a duty 1 owe to the afflicted to state that there an la regard to the full rr*u»>|>ll fJfLl ft « i.l against tfe understood wishes and cun.* ulenc.- of tin- building tlie m • m ulty . ' >uc packap will terual remedies, up patient and remov- rex t.v toiftcal for i htosary getting castor. It rumored an th* approve«b the greet body of the country banker* ta U wdl ratih ing the fistulous virus from the svnteni. I wepaekoys I Persia takes out on Wednesday a core unon urdinsryeate. •a—t 8hat the Dr rotteraon, of Carthage, Ind., charged with Money in New York on Thursday was offered in THOS. P. It is estimated that 15,000 baler uf cotton have iuveterfttc drnfik*n! fw nlnAmhe W DAVIDSON, at rn** . auioc s ne amount of opera. it is eotim-itod by the sent to Boston from New Fngiinu iufs. tar. eodUiM*l bF l-iolk to RajHijcu 1 passing .-.'Unterfek etffn, had his examination on the street at call at 7 per cent, ou good collateral. nil w Mtmt>er of Memphis Conference. •wen w ffTlion .nd btaoiitatoa at tfe offering feta re dnnkffi. fel b0 a UK will in- >ng erialiKahmente, to he shipped to Lnglat d. It f* Fourth street. Irauisvii'e, Ky., th- into., Irafere John H. Kea, un Irandnn at GO days was lU*(ri10!l and raoffir staff* thirteen mMons Krock. active at Pvrrrw Wedneoday, Uh U. Exchange f*-u Mrmi’Hih, Nov. 7. will return in a few montiii it. tfe shape of tare package— | .ck- s«r>- th- torn *)Jf turd S. CommlsstaWte- which resulted in his being feund sliort sight 110. The brokers went selling coin at Ji.hu Able ha* l*een ac>|ititt- T of the charge of eilicoea. " hicl. KngUnd will liav* made up at a this pest thirty ships apes f« at wuider. No diaturbauce. large profit, while our owu mills are standing »dl-r. uov over to tbe District Court in the sum of ffl,000. 1 premium. rerpue! afe GUvgou ^ » . 1 — T. K A A I — T T — — 1 i , —1 ' ) .• i f . d .

Piiotociui-iikk. opportunity, choos- The Coavtmos. At » meeting A Coostmkkiviwi Tue Amkru-an Houses in Ksnuap.—We an- Cancers Can Be Cured. fjaee the anil give* an when EwcinoMi I \R. R. W. JANVARY tenders hissrrrtee* forthetreat- fiOtafN WEImveln stores lareestnek ot Ul KEN' fur a house, to select a happy medium in this city on the 31st of October, Diggins a dagnerrean artist io Cincinnati, haa l«en nounced the wiuning Of a second race in England by " ing the tinta of teachers, held I msntof t:aitr.-r--ux Inscaser whether hs al or in tbs ware. iiLasswaul and tills 0.1 suited to more-tints than one to give hail tc answer an indictment for Broeck s having uterus, ficrofula, 'iie-sre- gjiall be to take into consideration the practicability of bold- required an Americau horse, Mr. Ten Belle and chronic 1 His treatment h lsV whirh we Mil at »ur resiiUr prices tor Tn loser's 1 ',flat amd Cottayrt. very mild and perfectly safe, whether taken isteruallv or V'/ nesses- Indiana, and NHn .is Mack or Ate the ap- photographing hills of the Northern Bank of Ken- won tie* Bedford stakes at Newmarket, on the 14th locally ing a State teachers' convention daring applied . The remedies are eapetable. As money of the solvent hanks el those stales, .ul his tucky. iiist. In regard to tlie t.’esarew ilch triumph anil the unparalleled succe-us In the trratmri.t of Canrw. ,a= du. refuse Gold or Rentnchv money fall at CciTnran.iN of Pkar Orchards.— lliof, in proaching Christmas holidays, Mr. F. H. Clark was cases, ue would refer the following sentleTactu CANSEDAY a> IllsPEUin-it. 444 Mat SILKS, FANCY DRY ROODS, AND VARIETIES, The principal witness against Digging was Henry future operations of American horses on the English l>r. Boyd. I resell Is oet> hi. American Fruit Growers Guide, thus writes of called to the chair and Mr. West appointed secreta- M. IE. M r sum . Tsnn: Hr. J. M. Fort. w4 I.onisvtl M. !>., Kevsburs, Ky Hr. [ Slier.!, D. |l l.eiiuston Campbell, father of Archiluald Cainpliell, arrested turf, we copy the following |>aragraphs from I’urUir's ; Ky.; soils and manures for the pear true: ry. Warn t .Sptiotle. Esq.. Frederick. loiry, Va.: Elder W. C. FOR SALE— BLUE-GRASS FARM NO. 300 MAIN STREET, LOL’ISVILLii, time ago and lodged in jail in this city for pars- Buck. Columbus. Mire ; Hon. Juel llcrrr, Mmtarippi: Hr. object the meeting having been declared, some tfgTti THREE hundred end thirteen seres of The pear roots thrive l test in a soil where the The of J. E. Howell. Helena. Kin*. Meat fast In LnslasKle W Ky ; Dr. J. M M D., Mur- Si] Laud. ISC nut from Mnomti- Id Nslsus % Meant. ing counterfeit money. He testified that he took a freesboro’, five was ap- Tran.; Dr. Norfleet. . , Port Royal. ; Dr. eultsoil is at once drv and moist: that is, where it is after a short discussion a committee of M H Ky •••jronnty Ky . known as the HU. k. spring zl Gayles. Dillard. M. H.. Ripley. Mo.: Hr. M. D., thicaso. ..fSi.uce Minor, dec-are , It has a U SOW RECEIVING A LARUE AND VERY DESIRABLE »l |T..1 l open and porous sufficient to admit of tree drainage, correspondence with the promi- letter to the daguerrean rooms of Henry M. Dig- m^iF’ru, STUCK OT GOODS I pointed to enter into 111.: Peterson Tanner. Athens. Ala.; J H Eaton. LL. D , barn capable .it fsediuc 71 mu Us: is vrit- vas-rvd. aad i and yet where tbs root* extending deeply and fieely his raise Murlreeaboro’, Nashville. gins, from son, urging the brothers to Tenn ; Rev J. R Graves. Tena. dvr flood fenc ; about oar-half cleared, and to he i nent professors and teachers of the State, to obtain mid Fall and it. Col. John Winter in reach trot in : Trade, Wore seasons of extreme drought. McGee. Dalton. Ua M L Rerry.Eaq. .Murphy best tract of Laud in tbs county mouey to get him out of the scrape: that in the expenses of the con- N. : Hr Many. probable C M. D,, TompkinrvtUa, particulars, , Cold clay is a bad subsoil, and when it exists in the information as to the Ky. For inquire of T H. Miiea. Bt on, Acid To which ha **ry noractfoiiy .nvius tka aiMutioa ok boyars Murfreaboro’. _ „ course of a conversation with Henry M.. the latter Tenn . Feb a*— rtf C Green No. *1* Market wrest. Louisville, or the a ode; ground of a pro-pi-tive orchard it should be deep- vention propose a plan for meeting those ex- and signed. loccw w-s] E. Q. MINOR. ly and thoroughly subsoihd and well drained. said that the photographed hill* were at good as half The together with all other possible information [Journal c.py to lmount of g* sad charre this Nfcs penses, | ] pear oi quince roots O. F. STIRMAN, sneered? bed in rich. deep, the money afloat, and ns the banks were alt cheat- mo st, loamy ground, even enduring considerable hills; ATTORNEY .\YDfOr\SELEOR AT LAW C A E ,OV FREPtROI IN ing he did not think{it any harm to make the 630 LAITD c 5 r T TO EKKCLTR ORDER* OlK LINE A3 HERETOFORE. AND HaveHAT*ij.NON water better than dry «nnd. ACRES OF FOR BALE. WW hand a toffe lutuf LCWBER. FLttORiNO. 3MELNINU. and 3HINGLA3 inhale the perfume from the r*re I for sale the on snub I Ttae following is the analysis of the «ah of the C^Aptin we that they could lie made so as to pass in the hanks. AND COLLFsCl NG AbKNI ecrr, OFFER Farm tihtf, f*ich( oil**# sMtuthwf^t of I ndpps n lt-nf pear, as l.ouknTille, made by Dr Emnuwiv Hower- (if Misa B.’ttoul: On his cross-examination, Camptoll admitted that Mo on the* Sffiotffi We r»m*i. U# Mfcs unJki jlT * r ’ vr e^feiition tfi tin- j.ra< no* of hie tn pmfcadom - e *u*l Mf«a > a Ui«h stair of cuiuv* (For the Louiffrflle Journal.) he had insisted upon the brothers raising $80 to get W Wood, Bark. U»** C<»utU of LouL-vUk' iht* i ^ Sap and iu milt o ill «0 4i r.-i M*ll in blu«*-?r»w; « v mu «>rrh*r«| o# All biidinow entru -tol to hie* charre » rfcelre AND MININGS his son out of the scrape, and that he had told Hen- iU prompt and t»«* Eunlr.d Iwu of cankv (wit; well wAUin J bnUi for MEMORIES unreiuitonjc attention •tock anJ family u-n; romfortablf buiktiafy iDcitutimf forthcoming, lie ry M. that unless the money was jy-OFFICKrol RT PIsArFa. 13 a con .!»> II *iwl norr-. k> rrib* Jbe Chkuw j> If in# IntlMffiknro would have him arrested upon the charge which was timl ot UnU wro lAn Ba rr* ot bur Umber and Mm o m of 8«l|4»urk arid Who Wants a Cheap Piano? iwwmI v oiiol' timbrr Ivini D>.( thf i»r»pri. i-.r. on th# Phosphate of peroKide of iron I cha-w and mile of Pi* no**. Ifnrpe. Mcl>*dntns. (ruium CaHhOm acid Slavic Case in Cincinnati.— wo negro children i »rr*ti-, Mueir. Ac., and beinn a prm tical Mtndrian. has Cireu entire ffitiffn iion. lie hurt* directly fr««m the man- and negro man, llie property of Mr. Thomas Weth- nfarturrr>« and Is thereby relieved frism lienvy rent* and other expenses, kvery instrumeii t *4d by luiu receives hi« ers, of Virginia, and by him I wing taken to Missou- personal attention, xud k* gnaranU*e«l not unly as to t iiaHt> 4 Comer Mam aud Fourth sis., Lomsvillle, Cincinnati but as being cheaper than It pi ri, were taken from his custody at on can be ocure* at any whole- o. a. txuEKffiox a to. s «al€r house in America. A printed list of prirea, aceoiu arrun aia nartinn write a o# Monday by a hatoaa corpus obtained in Judge Bur- panled the nn«et by nnsiueetkinable reference, will bs» sen SEC *ONI > FNTEIiPKISE! goyne's court. The children wept Utterly when Six Smle^ieittker, /r*N-fad,«Nd Trunk* .ill Hundred Valuable Piixes! Wrm 1 th*. 9K of their master. they were taken from the care A LAND W AURA N T fur Mu A < RE:s FOH ON E ImiI.LAL: He got* on to sir: flo t t *, l*a/isri, f nr/M / //*»«, Jtr., They clung to him with frantic energy, aud resisted A lOiw. u (t»«| Pinna wnrtli AIM! t ‘.Mild my mdnow be more d««ep? a. McBride, From till- it will lie asm what is m*-wt wanted in Their pathetic 36 PRIZES IN AMERICAN OOED* Arw? Ay, they are between It*! efforts to separate them from him. retail the aotl to prodotw healUtv folia^ and tnmd in the WHOLESALE and dealer In /a AT PRIME COST FOR CASH ( I lardwari.- I uti- -not of time** dull years — of witnesses, but and r> . manufacturer pear. A* a irent-ral thing, mkil* u*ualh aie ur le* AfiY shrieks and sobs melted the hearts 50 (iOLIOtSILYKR LEVER •of Plane-* *nd Mechanic** t-re»l-.if evf- V5 WATtHEiO )d»oe|4iate«. anJ the Hot of hem* heart n-v»4utions J enme d« leveni in lime and the no effort was made to hinder the officer. The “boy,” try dc-K riptk.n, No. lij Third stiwt. SOLID AND r*>l'BI.E-PLATrDSILVtRWAKI3

1 V rivaled remedy ia liberal dn-vtin*; (»f w«n»I a*»hes Thronyh a ^wce all chill with titrn LouisvU Hoard Vrtt years of resented interference be- taj la weowtf Gold mad Ckmfm*. IMd Tress mmd Hrmeib. atiout thirty age, breast- nod Imoe dual; «w in 9e«iio«ts where Im*oc du«< is iud /‘ms, tar , bt. Thoo wast half like my ideal. and ve- easily attainable, digin around the tree wh*de U«oe< tween him and his master as impertinent, HOMESTEAD NURSERY. TICKliT^ 1.1 >IIT1I» TO ’VOtlO’ rrmcrful, hair With thy sonny The -nkMcriber ha- a romplet*? WIIOI.F PKIZlwS from the daily uae of a fa mi lx , or prucared from i hemently declared his desire to be “let alone.” Af- a*s*.rtinent of Xl'UBFK OF MIX Ht*NDRET>. Apple, ap> And thy white hmw's classic calmness au-l plum Tr»-*-t* .#f t!»e mo-t Ta be drawn at Clartnaati, O-. Uugbter-bouwr. Potanh di*M»lyed in water and in he reite- aaiardav ter the conclusion of proceedings court, -A rlioic** kinds, -uil.-d to this climate, at the . plied to vegetable mould from the wood*, and this And tlie Nue vein* waud'rmr there; #*ld Kvrnlan, l»et*. l*d, I.SJS7. Nnr vry wl lit.-* failu-r, .•*< »-b Hikes, »u tb»- Itanls- the sweet yonny d»n»i»k*s nesttiny rated his desires, and declared his intention to go M A\f»KRM<»S A CO. would announce to tike dug in around the tree, i* alno a < heap and ready With t«*wn r>tad, •» miles from the city. All orders r ’ly M pnb- | O• lirthai th.-.r CJKANl* GIFT FXTMt way of mim4vi*ni fuuith aliop-v eyes, like vkdets, i\ !** • are gnod, and heu«v the itn And thine auin evrnina. IVeemhs-r IWiT, at whk h time there will ho prwnaion aouie Hi minuss. condition of •iMtributed to the Ticket bidders Mas of that through it tlie blight Eament. deep, and drv-amy too. Thf. B*>r\TY Lami» — he COAL Hundred « oetfty cured or prevented, fact l«4 that a cer- vi* $*»«». PHac-. aanonir wharh are «u , xreik ui KOSRWOatD PIA the Qg only the l«ount lan*l buffitnen* under tlie acLs of 1R47, Du 4 rANYF.T.LOAI, TANK, in Fstmonson rmraty And perchance th> beauty won me— y Nu. of dm- tons- aad InMi, worth a Land Warraat tain element requiaiie to health was exhaust* d in the 2 a. ndle from luv»s *< r creek, miles* from IJrren - b.r l»s» ncr* wi I .mi l, . , n b. w-Uivts-d loved thee I860, 18.»2, and 185o in full of general interest. Un- fromaav|*nw noil. Ov*ter shell lime also ail excellent Vet I'vr thouybt I moro The ('unudiun nut I tori lies luive resolved to adopt 30 mile* from the l?*>uisvllle and Nashville n«ilr«Mtd. k manure. • mini rt I^and ia any of the Wretem Mtateu in Kana .*lo acres of laud wbh same, for *»!* For any In Kogtand all the wood aaites are saved by fami- For tlie heart, fair bo> iah dream* r. der the net of 1847 there were issued to the ?4)th ul- the dollar-and-cent system for their currency on and iuf Nebraska, or Miuncswta. AU*. Thirty mx priaeo in Aamw- t on wanted, addrs-w W. II. lb udru k, at Urmindl W*an Gold, in «uu«s raniriny to Altai line, and With it* ardttr ynshiny o'er. r after tlie 1*1 of .January Tlie coin fn>m *5 each, and Fifty puwhamd by farmers at a high price, and timo 87,71. * warrant*. covering 13,130,3*20 acres, of next. i* now iu No dmiht hut several other ImmI* are clone hr. Cold and Milvrr Lever Waicbe*. worth from dl * to |lft have a fixed market value as much as any other And I've found a deeper inayk- course of )»re^>a ration. The (diverse of it i« to be net :tl d. dew Maul W. B. llE.MHH which 79,990 acre* were located. Under the act of • aek. alt warranted excellent uwr-tn \~r». Ako, Gold |B^*A apeduen mn> Is- seen at the Journal <4fce. market production. Sotne of the lick farmers give In thy red lip's liyhte. t word of tlie tjueen s jiortrait and the reverse a wreath of tiitnnl and Vest Chafnr; Solid Silver Tabk* and Ti-aa|*jssne; peat to the poorer ckuae* to 1850, 188,994 warrant* were issued, covering 13,- maple, with tlie value of tlie coin in the center. la»ttl4«*-plnte«l *>iiv. r*»n\ sack w (.obieis. Kuvh, Forka,' burn on cooditmn to Than in all the ihrilUnc echoes |L K.YN AWAY from the *obscrib*-r. liviny ia Hp*-n- SpqMMM, etc., together with a splendid fo-mirtwrut ..f i...bl •a vc the aahes far them, whirh would tie an excel- JLA cer county, Ky., on the S7lh of (Ktob*-r, a n-itm That from gifud tone* I've beard. tvnx and 1% iieils. tksld l.mkets. Cold Far-Khica, Ladies' lent idea in * otiiaii, naiin-d S V H A II. kbit, « • thi* country to adofit. particularly in vnd t/entV Hrswmt-Ciue, Finger- Knars, etc. Dr. S. S. Fitch’n “Six Lecturea," very brisk and active ..u fos*f, front t»- th pmely as lone way he. one shoulder. 1 will pay for her apprehension, if lodged • iU be forwarded by utail or expn »e. live of ebarna, im- Mis s of memories rise amnnd mo. ment by which iKtnn.i'nmi'irTioa, Authua. Diuun in mil so that I ret her. if taken m th*- conniy or if Time pw Thwumim. Turn Trees — sa i.Mx!iatel> after tbe drawing, and the l*ton.» wiH V for- t .ken iu tie* Slate W that I yet her. It k« prolmble that she goMeral And I can bat dyh for thee; orma Ursa*. Tiibuat, flToiucit. Do a cut, Livrt. bn> warded to any point on the railroad or river that the holder rule, the pnqarr season for tlie removal of mav attempt to eel into the Hikes ueiyhltorhood. Hasoae xxva and Skin, Ecu ai.e CoarLAtNTS, Gbavel, Ac., rent tones is at anvpsrind Let ween the cessation of growth And 1 **k v ith mournful oiumnn child owned by Jauu H Augustus, In JelTer-*on countv. If thoa d«s*t remember yet by mail, and |*.st»ee I'repaid, for 40 cents. oet31d3*w4* N. L'OC UR Of. ller who mid life's storm and shadow Apply to Dr. S. 8. FITCH, 714 Rrnadway.New York. POIaEMIC INSTITUTE. has no other office either at Chicago, Buffalo, W anted, SHELBY COffiNTY. II, Never, never can forget. |eil? I,'•I LL PAID SOI'THKRN PACIFIC RAILROAD rut. bury, or elsewhere. He ia never absent from New W. HENRY MITCHELL, A. M., Patv. tevi.. 1 COMPANY'S STOCK inexehanyr lor between i.ia. < hartie. sure the years will chaaye thee- PHi: laseireteleeflretrtoas school, sattoely CJ- Two counterfeiters, named Carper, and a York, and no physician elsewhere Is authorized to use his and K.iew acker TEX AS LAND, eituate.1 near tba bead $100 REWARD. for male Ah. perchance thoa note art changed. of navigation on the Grande, attout l lo milts from the from third named John S. Carson, were arrested at Mem- name. anylfl w3m Uu JL RAN AWAY Jn*,,h L BerueM.. of the city of city lonirville. For I've found that loviny spirits San Autouio. Juk <>f on the iah last. . a Beyrn sums. phis on flat-boat. oct 30 dOAwS GAZI-AY. ~ named and two children, May be fearfully estranyed Saiurday. They were on a They GOR1 N * A REBECCA, asni one MARRIED, >% End two yeora named (iaorne and James Hrbrora thonyh tempest* o'er had in their possession a number of counterfeit Vet. thy bosom Oct 2Sth, 1?57, by the Rev. Dr. James O. I .each, the T >» Eh- .lit .15 sears old, low .if stalure. Iisavy and wsB sat, aad Sweep Rev. Dr. W. D. Reiii, of Daviess co Miss THE PREMIT M of dark cm.iyb*sl. m. 1 will slve m&o for them if taken la and darken and destroy. notes, consisting of twenties on the Bank of the , Ky., to Mollie the tnns. if A. fiiLntXT, of JeffiTsonUiwu. Ky. . «7i ..at of the conatir and in the Mato, or Mw State of Misaouri, pa|iers STRAW AND CORN STALk CITTEB. above reward if takcu oal of l be stale; ia letter A , payable at Palmyra, Oweueboro please copy. either car m- . nre.1 iu jail so I get theta aeaia engraving course, signatures of president and casL- In Hart county. Ky., at tl e residence of Mr. J. I. Green, JOHN W. WILLIAMSON. on the 3d Inst., by tlie Rev. H B. t rain. Mr. L. bazaars, er in writing; tens on the Merchants' Bank, State Guardian for Maad WTIHsanea, (SrTV following is a rare and radiant gem from of Park, Barren couuty, Ky., to Miss Jo. Gxkex, of Hart county. oet24d3*w3* Middletown. Kr. Tennessee, at Nashville, signa- the exiiaustless mine of onr gifted Rosa. Her splen- of payable letter A, THE OLD HOI HE REOPENED. of Ken- Emit and Ornamental Trees. did genius flashes with lustre in every line tures written; ones on the Northern Bank SCOTT NEWMAN, W. 1. STOCKTON, DIED, 1 TfoUr.8 . *. A I'O., 13 n»il*m mmK of Of LoatovWa Recently of Giwwuehar*. ucky. very poor engraving, signature? lithographed, At the rwidpure of her father, in Woodford rent}', on WALKS and word: l.ouhnrttk*. on Um» I. .uknrUto »u4 Frmakfort the :Hith alt MARt.AH.i T L, youngeet child of Wui. L. end payable at Richmond. -ZT r? ml. ofliT fur mIc au rxtea4vp XMurtiu*-nl »f^ET II. Vanc*‘. a^ed l» month*. NEWMAN Sc STOCKTON, tFor the Louisville Journal.) thrifty wHI-frwrti Fruio Tn***, ron44h« of Ap- A BEAVTIFLL BIRD FROM ISLAND OF Methodist Ciickcu and Si.avkky.—The llol- ple#. SUmlanl and Dwarf h»w, A hrrrtr*. Pinna*, Ntiete- THE Hn»-. Ate., MU) $ reBcnal nwyment of Enrtrren aad DREAMS. ston conference of the Methodist Epbcipel Church Goorgo S. iBotlxoll, Tobacco Warehousemen, A beautiful bird from the island of dreams South, at its recent conference in Marion, Va., re- ARCHITECT. none*. s hich thev vii) seR at r. as.uabie rates. TODD'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, lias furled in my bosom its wings. Na. :U«t Spring Garden siren. Philadrlphln Itoeriptifr rttalnfHM, *i$b —to— eBmexed, omrn he scinded that clause in the Dircipline which prohibits of Mreeta, Lowiavdle, A FINE FARM FOR SAI F bjr nddr*T4*unjr them, at ••Williaiuon’i Pod-oIBre. Connr Main aad Savanth Ky. And a son* of that isle, with its love -haunted streams. feb 1» -lAw Jel Ab A FINK FARM * ww d toad kr the “baying and selling of men, women, and chil- T»»n county. their VfdiU. W it? where -i«. 'yia« »*• mihw -as* d Bartoaowa. And Ay the (lay -star of Poesy beams. PETE! A HVrU A NAM. "•j Nr. **. dren for the purpose of enslaving them." The Knox- II1LLIAKD, 8UM 1IIEK8 A CO., Tills a ..udrous memencer rln*s. goct 14dlQAw4 lseniwvilK K ville Whig says there were over one hundred trav- COTTON FACTORS, A niffif icml fa^, for thf* rlonoup bird. and eling preachers in the conference and only four voted From a tb- u* of fanckw I’tp vroorht. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, against it. The proposition to be submitted to the And now it* wild Ian of rnckantnH>nt are heard NKW OKI.EANS l.A. twenty-three annual conferences. South, lietween ISAAC If. Where echo** rarli not -, like a mu*iral word. HIIsLIAKDJ K H. SI MM KKS, [ New Orlenna. Through the ah&dowy chamber «»f Thought; this and the meeting of the General Conference in ! JAM 1^4 llALKKS, ) Airony *»r w** —SlrkaeM «w May next, which convenes in Nashville. JOHN 8. BKANNIN. LonWrltta. health !— f if* or denthf TVw will to CENTRE COIJoEGF PRANN IN A SIM MK. ItS uxuke mJnner* on n are llm *| •»*>***••••* ia«4«rd in lie •Tj w by cut! tog n circular trench around the tree if t i* nine u U> to the above llou*e. mar lid Aw a>W»|*iMin or rejacUmuf tlu* »y* DANVILLE, KY. it in a large Unndard in open ground. The New Territory of Arizona.—Private Ad- dlie hy the miartyr* to external free, not over four ur live feet high would uauallv vices have been received from Arizoua, indicating succeed 1 ?6M with the usual lusty mode of digging, Lieut. as Delegate to Congress JOHNSON & PEAY, rvivr*! lUr ii»i**o*-narnl of tb»«h* an the election of Mowry €' a nnqier liaUnce between thi- Uqi and the root « »• i an l*sntoni linr*iJirf *dNHX the Into Ik wit bout opposition. The election was to be holilen t mission anti Fortrawling would be more nearly preserved, the danger of dy- nm FRICK |«. K.lNK, and tls pfirer; towtwi dnr ing would t* lessened, on the 2d of Scpteml>er. Application will lie made inf two awl uk Wiulrnt in th* m and the vigor of gtoath be- M HANTS, First Permit* avaimd at U. S. Fair. 1>57, axi> it ing lea. checked, they would ERC Kruti'i KY IStatx Fair, HX17. fi< ns uf ft.rnal ire, it in now rum a* smiu attain a bear- to Congress for the organization^ tlie Territory dhwSin in^ autc. oct S3 NAl'OLKON, ARKANSAS, and fur the legalization of this informal election. ( t»i« nuluftl gkfU, and ik ~hn a review of the essential CER Tf FtCA T E . requisites for suc- A CARD. cure-* an* rvrrywWn cenrful tran-|ilanuiig, they mav be >Hf 8 I* to certify that the uml.ri4. Ward, and CuUuramrefiilexauiMMtiou. and witn* »-«ne4 il* operation. 4? 1. A previous preparation of a rich deep bed of be»*I*cak for him the eufltom of our i>*trou* and fri. ud** uvit bealtate tn nv thnt in onr opinion it vrtmtly mtrymmmf THE AFFLICTED REJOICE mellow earth to receive the root* slid land which M?n'i feeline-* are si way? nnrest snd most clnwiuy at the her» tof«»rc *0 Rcueronsly extended to n^. any otkrr mar hinr in hot for rutting ft** d of all kind**, he- ftalk*. hum be water- sonked hour of meetius and farewell; like the flacker?, which are October ID, 1867. A. J. M< »Kltl 8SOX Ac CO. ink «*t4nffillv w»*ll adnptod for line, straw, or c«»n» It transparent ru-y-bued only sunrise .-unset, l<* itni'lr ib* r *. Removing sod at snd but nniiftuallv' in the tree with as liUle , mutilation of throughout tlie day yray and cold. mu! of order, and we chimMlf re«»ii»uM ud H to ihix»» the route as practical de. wantin* • rood f.*ed nitter. It 1* m ronrimeted aa to mu 8 . Paring off the braised parts. Tbk Challenge to Englaxi>. The London either hy hand, horse, *»r uteam power. — Frankfort, 4. Short.* nmg-m the lie Wholesale Dealer in Saddlery Hard- .1AMKS IIAKLAX. Kr.; ad, in a greater or lens de- * F*»r 8 jirow's dark rm\en hAa folded !t« winp*. “Field,” of the 3d of October, thus notices tlie IHCirrrs J. CLAY. 1 014*. Kr.: gree, to correspond with the necessary loss roots. ' of And Mmetiuec I’ve ware and Trimninjrs. M ASON BROWN. Frankh>rt. Kr ; limrd Hi «d Mtrami cliallengc put forth by gentlemen of Ua., 8 . Immersing the root* in mud. Savannah, CIIAKLFS T. OAUl: \KI», l*Rri-. Kr.; Memory mil of her rich A- A Th«* imdrrriyiK'd liai< pnrthared the §K Wh*w tnwrare brinin'. Itrecklnrl !|re ro 6 . Settling the earth with water. to run over the Ten Broeck course: It FISH KR. . K* : . Wholifotle haddlt rr lUnlwarf Rad VCA.X And where, in the bright cnge of Fancy, mow * ^ EI»W*I> 1». llOltKfl. IWt L and F. RaJlmn'f; 7. Planting no deeper than to* fore. • k TriiHiiiiiu.' • ^taMislimpnt of Mr. A. J. challenge has l>een wafted across the Atlantic II. I. A WEI. Isexiiikion, Ky.: Thi- bird from the Uland of dreAm^. A Jr* ^ M»*rrire*..n, Hmrvro., Kr ; for us to send a champion or two to meet tlie Colum- all dciwriptioiM of r*‘*dy-uuuh‘ work uml t v**rj thun- u« •u*il wind R. M. PARK. Mixnbethtown. Kjr.; bians on tbeir ground, “four miles and repeat at l»> -Ril«lb r- and limrm-.'-j* »u.ik«*r*. Ilf fUtl* r- hiuis**4 f flint Then the Uperiry awAycd 'ne*th iti 4mdow of floe LLF.IL New llaven, Kr.; ». Watering the aii exjieriewp uf mAity yearn iu the biiaimut wide JOSFPII Ml stems and branches only before such time as be agreed upon, post entries for And a And thrilled with iu bivAthinye may .1 ACOB I'.I.l MK. Ifarr!^»*u co., Ind.; ***** iff Uw-m- the appearance of the leaf. of woe. Art|iiAinUnew with both the rity mud c«>uutry tnule piiaU* * MML nimwi I* Pnrie, 111 100 000 weight for age, over tlie Ten Broeck UEO. KI’HV. ; And llope'e heAltbfnl cheek $ , , him to five the fulleHt rtAtiefA* Uon. recovered, whilst is,fore all died. 10. Hukbiug, where danger of lo*«t ita mdiAnt Moon, T. M. PF.NMM.TolT. Linredn ro.,Kj.: mid-summer drouth Course at Savannah.” A lilnrel inducement ia held oil dAwtim J. D. WARD. ftames —It itsdimre of U fearel J. J. Thtmmtu. For tenn? trirkb?d dowu over Memory '* kvirn BKN. It. C. ROOM. Wlnrheeter. Kr.; general aimot out by the offer to allow per cent. u|»m tlie monev oUent 3 V. R PITTS, Reorretown. Ky.; igm, mftwtos .1 in- speciaL Wat, exciuu With a And aorrowfnl Row. staked, or (3.IIUU tn puv the expenses of tlie Knglisli FRF. II. MARTIN. Fteminc co., Ky.; Awa •mffi a? the sweating I HisTony ash Haitrrs <>* &oalm. you the aicknee*. duck I J. mmm Hav« BROMcHlTiSIT -fleet thk Army Worm. O. SALISBURY 4. M M -FFsIlRAN, ItonviUe. Ky.; — horses in tin- eveut of their losing. We trust that But since this sweet minstrel ha* the friend. * ho has made entomology a subject of studv, flown to ur breast. W. C ARPKNTF.R. ItnBitl co. Ky.; V«r thew «lvWA*lfiil »ro»Vnt* th*- Hove ram N Kl MUII.tr the friendly feeling of our Yankee friends will be II . , SET. MIST ST MASKFT AMD JKFFKRSOW Sh. Ibv ro.,Ky.: Have roe toe RARo* Tl o/THACH® furniohes ua with some of the From hi* Me in the ocean of fleep. THORNT*N M KKRI WF.T1IFIL A KITH 1 JMMK.NT »boul4 to results of his investi- ... •< reciprocated, and that an Knglish committee will tie M AN L FA* TL' THUS. K. LETCIIFK. Jew*aii»ine r«».,Ky.: s umr rifl r-ell .asireto duns- dietreefln, gations into the character, habits, That raven baa fled to it* cold, murky ncet REU OF kept <*u ImaI, fur it aAut\1m «ur ami history of the T III KKSO.N. Oldhaui oo.. Kr s use uf DR. RKVGtj’3 ARCTIC M3I8MT W. ; bright, a 18*1 iinaMritmt« relief, uftrn w* sMietefl with 34 proved army worm, of which so inanv complaint.? have And hopeful dream* through the orient rest moodi: \ h\ti:r pipes, iiiai\ pimp A. II A MILT* *N, WaMhlnfton ro.. ky.; Are yon t?LI> >RR3? arisen B VTSEL. NrUmro.. Kv.; IRK fr»»a» 4r»th Every »lre»i in ta'ious pnrts of tlie country. The oat Uf uy *ony. haunted spirit now sweep. a M OODEN NAT. TUBES, AND PI MPS, bnut ‘ind r»4ruwl Itaia alkHil* CKO. Mr ON SI . !.. V.r-tiill.td Ky.; 1 irrebmim or mny \epclai.k or nnneral poiaun. petrh west of the Smithsonian grounds supplied him * A ' !>. llri.l*. uvill. k#ri-p it Who th.it Ha.4 bnri the ' me hook of th* ARCTIC LiNIKK.NT OF ALL KINDS. S. w. .STONE , K> IksdasiH si tended with wi«b specimens, and au October I*. 1*47. swutlea jaw*, tbr prop- opfs.rtunity to olus-rve inutdi BEN. BKRRV. I hrirtian eo.. Kv.; A VI Mi one of Wyck*»IT j INtrot Itorin/ ernsn iff coBonrning mrduMed ro kit Kl'KATHk to o dreadful w »bi< h u bog «wla*y, prevailing in some Uiese devouring re st*. Our friend's T. W. OWIBU18. Meade . Ky.; CForthr l. uiscillc Journal Machiii*-!*. with the ripht tn mmk*' aod ix*ll, I wi?4i b> ] HH Ito.Rort I.Atoa l ss I hstm r flto into, nrwt inpresbMHi. and I*. HARBOUR, Union eo., Ky.; and manyother*. wx|.l**-ion* an*l t*4li-H?n«, ilmt n**4 bns IU iiaimtiui w Rb Lbc above, which, indeed, he retains, war, call the attention uf dealer* iu Cliaiii hnupn. Farmer* Kaa.t^/^V CANt’KKif oreevov oUnnsag. and can t* - ItoU the worn, question is TIIE Stock KaWr*. Tannen*, IHutillcr*. Kailroad Eoiii}>unt<>. «nle A Bl*< II AM. II V to I tliut «nuw» mctin* *4 rwlirvtnx to *W! MsrenfsUv treated by — y is m tdmrtkal with the frr»B- OPENING OF SPRINL For hy PETER AN ^\\ u “ * ; “- ** 4*1 nt- worn of the trr* *. »*“ rvr Rbui i*» »rt»ci. of •ut * dlawaAv? Main Ky. jn Vi -MB Uwir ti*rtnr** .IhmiM alwaw to tkat cwtoa? ovwr Use -odlmg oral I lies pouring South. Treaent abearance, all — ARCTIL LINIMENT M ui a small attest W «mh1«*ii IMim** whicii I Aiu u«iv uukiu« uud wilTlmt ccq. * this ntentiu * n ttSm fficc^*-tr.i4* *RfA ito« nkt in ihN quantity of unit and turpentine. bat it will require the complete route I *tantly on hand. 1 luf*e |*i|H** have be»*n cxtenrivcly and * t- balmy pamrtao In41««k Kit of tranafurmaUuo? tbonmghly tented in of the Northern State* for tli** 1 should i* oi.liged to nersoss Utrougiiout tb. to be gone- through with liefore it Ti* thr first iosh of the vpriaff, amt Urtt car*. anti can be two > wloTcvpr introduced hav* immediately (.. uited Sutes. wbo have observed too? dineaae, conatflered certain. familto* f.»r the last to AfW dreary shower*; *uiN‘nteded all (Slier kind* of aud Cham l*uiup l Nl»kKI>B..f eleven year* have THE MOTHERS COMPANION. the 1 . 1... This worm found it to tto-ir intereet to obtain th<*ir Family Medi- examine I and the different organs, and re- destroy* tom, clover, grain, and everv Every pruwioir. Tubiok. A* they can to furnirM at *urh an exc»H*ditikly H brraU.lny thins * l>r. tally'*. arw pure tml It cnrwffi r \ KKN |N THI ,oiri kind of grass, and in low rate a* to place within tto r«»ach of all, they cines at I They m. humbitv* to aw tbr ro.olte: stmsid anv be mcapaliie uf the South is found v ery abttu- Joys to jrict them are the boar* - are pre|«ri**l lr.?m an exp* rieuce .if twenty year* in !•! \irm> '• i That dant on bored ill ** . lion* fr In f?*» m It Q^th, coiinei t**d w nit * making an analy ri-of tl« iflmwl, ( will wiib piearare the grass anti weeds, Utweeu rows of cut- Hrifltt'Dittf a* tk* umIov« vpp Uble med ici lied. At tlii* *eacun the fuUuwing are par- -k • X|| S4iRE IJA*>. I IMI l>N *C ton. 4 Rtw a fmcket i<4nt, and are perlectlv water and air tight. They f u fanu-b them aub (be sHra.Si.ni Ra caterpillar, joat before dianging into Ut iilariy valuable: boa u.perforni it the land and past are bored anv niae required, aud can be made u* riatid an> / rail and ex- I»AILV8 IfYfiENTFoRY CORDIAL \ vt'iil of |H«i|to, bMeto. wuri l.rnhan. Lo« io rick, descending glory amine vpecimeu*. State Agrt. n Rural Cbemist of Man Un-t u under clods uf dirt. There enemies are I# a *nre rnre f*»r I>y?s*nt»*r»', Flat, t liob-m .Morbus. Bv*r garden*, woodland# boar>'s I am aL-o prepared, ».* Imretofore. to exerule all ord« r* fonutdahle. the largest I *urr!ua. ReUxatit.n, ami Uripine l*ain iu tlu* Howfc. cre-.-ener# hhoubi attack being the toad, which stuff- . It ta fur l*uiupv nf all kind-. Well* aud I interim eunIracU-d l-.r ? a rums*, procituc G aUritmte to “atmoc- iUotf with them almost to Whert? th*- heavy h aves arc lying. DAILY'S CRAMP t'OLIf! MIXTI RE. th* -? tre-|mmerv on toautv bunting. The stomach and c.nnpl* t* d. Repairiuk attended to with tsToiuptnert*. »' all Where tb* lonely dorr rite ricking cure of foil**. In th. Breast. h Nv -«di WtKri f^rrir rwiftn" diaeaaps the esaant of which are of a toad, taken ia the oat patc h alcove referred to, ( >rder» from a di*taue«* will meet with prurnid attention. For the Tramp Tain Stoma* ur IJuwci*, lkul ( (><(1>, Ae. having been cat open, was tilled For the fragrant spring tide ksiat A litoral di*coiiut allowed to dialer*. not nndcr*t.«d The Doctsr ie an* ringular tbere- with these worm?, tlie 1 aiu a l*o agent for Wyckoff** Machine* and County i* mixed with a few wings of lieeties. And the summer twilight calm DAILVH PAIN EXTRACTOR, The annv KigliU. * sp ftm. mi aaviag. "it If i diaaaw of general atmot-- For the can* of Rheumatic Pains, all Acute Pains, In « all at the old vtaud, Ninlli *treet, between Market and i peurauce. It is tlamiuatiou, .Sweliiug*. Wound*, <»ld Sus**. Tooth- Ache. Round the cottage twine# the vine-. Jefleoou, l*oii»-\ ille, Ky. Neitralria. Burns. Sxlih. Fru4-HH*, ihillbUin. Tetu r, oct 17 dlm*%w»; J. o. ptllnr. Beeiitoa theae, there ta a niuUI hhnrunioii, There the bird* are telling SALISBURY. Scald Head, lleaslacbe, Ear-Ache. Sou-Pain*. Strain*, A< GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. wr at all rvenia a jmraaii ical fly, which d«|«uatts How, lu silent, broad sunshine, For sale at the l»ep<.t. 7X Secoud stn- t. betwuen Markst and JeReixm, Luui^uitle, ky. eflfa nil or*r the Lack of the caterpillar, and thev, Primruse bad* arc swHIiag. GREAT FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA, nug Uf d>kb*fdtwjticow II. DAILY. k \ the Tvrioaa Jummm with wheti matured, ipin MAY 1. 1SU. ** cwount, whirh *end forth a How the earir Ulie* apn-ad W i-JtyJi \r/ id a hich hnr*e* are afflicted, cur chmd of other Dies to re|wnl the Wreath* above the ruse'.- head. HY M. H. LA CROIX. M. D.. AIJUNY, N. Y. I/ W' Jlit * fl ing the most abirmhurca-eg-R >TRIN<.' Specimen- nf the army worm sent If/ il RBI IKSB. SPR.UX8, hither from How the tremulous panrim circle HERRING’S *IM Page* and 1*s) Fine Plain and fidoml^ Litlu tfraph# and i I Mary land were entirely destroyed hy a flv much f" Price Onlg 'Twenty Five Cent* _nM VIM \ « cnee nf th** dtosw. Round the footstep* of the myrtle, M like the coauntm part* ; F>*. SWEENY, SPaVIN. RTNL'- bouse fly, hut with si lighter colur- IRT-s* ut free of poriage to all of the V nian.^ft " Aud the d airies' quiet gioiy, Patent Champion Safe*! v- BUBB, — ROLL In (Am* c s i — nww ticw. we i •d aeries of Mwl nap around the abdomen, which hir- A NEW AND REVISED EDI. u Lika a gleam in fairy story. wNa EVIL, Jtc. No farmer, livery and TION of ibo pafl-yw and Pu ylatc*. ton-t i TAmiann find.) ame Upped with brown. Uioo>fin to ’ I**cal N« K the family After WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. if'WKT *»r »ov perwei faded evening's light. . -ro eKa Price 26 cent* a copy A popular of weawJu. it ia n merciful ]»rovision of nature # Al s.M kj' imnine valnaMe HOkSKS. hmu that mav ha useful Linger* far into the night. A'.; and compmhn ariv* Treati.o* on the thai, na iheae womaaqiis rease, to do the parasitical pHiuiairKU, Mav I, 1 RM. (Intie* and caeiialiM* of riugls and shauhl he without thi# value dSnJSlfflA 1 limns. Paukls A IIkseimu—HentUmen: Th* Her- married life happy and fruitful al 11 Ue remedy. Voice, heard above the rill llano •. mode <4 *aeuring tls ni- ia jq;t lufo the inriwure resffv Is? aapplv the pen< »l rin* 1 'at. nt clisini'kin Fire-Proof 8alr. whicii w? i>nrchs?- S? For sale hj all resp^t^Hh* Driirgw-t* and Dealers. Pure spring-fountains fi ii( toilMususe ia thi* U?-e, last gushing «d front r»n in tin- month «f January teat, wa? ritaatoil in * | week aad wen cl?\i;iti..n a ml rem ..\ *1 - «i*rv...i- .1 1*rir.*q emits, Sfcenhnri hi a tori of ttic Liniment t*fi From their sources in the Mil. eoantin* the , won attacked with what was supimaed to he the our room, in Mount! .lory of XII Mark. t .t., bility.it* ran-*. * rkn.l^riire. by a pro- h A .mu* .b.Rir buttle euatains a# mark Urnawal as Fringed discaw called ‘'bog cholera.” aims which time by wUd buds blushing: on tlu- night of tin- greet Are, lot May, lafiti, end fell with igbt twenty-live cent bottk-a. ^ feetual, tliat failure Songs are there the kniltliug in tliet eonflegretion. b iupwibh they have been dun* at the rale of fifty to oixtt from singer? clear, burning nrf'» lerdadv manaretneiit- an • *- IT-rdey. The fort Taught to thrill in The Sefi- »u rearhrd thi? efternoon. efU-r iu exposure of VwSkV’cIQI symptom uutoceoMe to a rlwfct open air; S' say on Spermatorrhea. aRhprarti FXTRAORniSARY A XXOrSfEMEHT cxsOKti. which is ouna followed Now to raise the crystal tkirti/-nix- houra to iub-nre heat, end. although the broo, eal otMH^rvatkm* on a safer and a hy a drooping, still chorus, buttle nf the ARCTIC pletn the front of the more sncccwful mode of treatment- -precautionary- hiuUnn Fort y ur-- hater of a ilnllar UN sppearxne, the I ps ' on Safe were melted end theo»xterk>r now and and sometimes the Clouds are drifting, light breaks o'er to;' axpeuou. the l MTUf the evil* resulting from empirical practice.*; to which is add- IMF.N r reeeiiea. at IW. Hragr'a jaws ai.d ear* show? tbs evidence of extreme beet, the tneUe eertiu* we? tarn Uae and swell up. and tmalh Now to swell the river's thunder ed coiiiuitfutarie* on the disease* nt female* from Infatrcv fAIV.x Jut KN AL. of New Yark, for one tear. The be hi purjrtng found to mntouckrd (i|? Jire. end, with the exception of old age -each case vrapliically illurirated paper—each numher and nometitoes vomiting follows aud deatl "Winter’s bands are burst asunder;" by beautrlo) Journal i* a lar-ro illu-lrate-l m there never being e Utile wUseUi-d, lx now a* pood ax uric. plate*. It p*dnt* out the remedies fur those *rlf inflicted .1 uhite enanee iqa-fol.lv was a tine when it occupied i .lining si x Iren heautifiiUv prmte »u ctoar Hon, in every stage uf the flre- more nf Join the martial sea's broad raak? parw. miseries mul dn-uppuiuted bo|«e* *o uufurtiinah ly pn val. m the moat the pul?lsc though; . KDW. S KM A NS A CO. aper, and Uilrot with original matter from to* •uae have tmeu killed and examined for Everv succeeding hour, oral t the par "May and Moawmr in the yoaug. It isatrathrul advUer t*» the married deck our baukx.- and r.uintrT. t ertifo-xte of .nhseriptfou poae rf ascertaining the nature of rack are uundiu* political anti industrial event tho*e contcmptalinc marriage. tiant writers of tlie the diseaiw, tout of iui- PuiLADr.Lrnia, Mey t, IKSd. Its perusal 1* larticnUrly ml full purlieu tars of the uorel and pkWnlhrwpsc sw- the remit estaMisbea the fact, partauce io Western Kurruie, the L’nited States, recommended to persons • uui tainiug secret doubb* of their U-vond scruple, that and AJi! the memories now which rise Mreess. Hnteiao flrntlrman: tier- part, w.H aceonspany Faeein.a A The piiyxical condition and who are cousciou* of haviug Ima- lerprisu, of uImcIi this odor forms a Oentral and Sootli America make it* necessity to In saetndsd bosom; ing Petent Cliemioon Fire- Proof dele of your meuitfee. aided the health, liappi ness, and pmlem to which every ?*ach bottle. our future more apparent to all sUteomen. That it human b»4ng is entitled to. Ihrlce ia TOWN and VIIJAf* Ah' the tear? which fill onr are, which we purctiexod neerty e yeer 4icr, wex in th* tb cents per copy or five An AtirVTYlvm KVTRY IS the eyre. great event to which the present Aduii liatra- copies for one dollar. Mailed free uf postage to any part ot Bit At. «. IU Kttmt fit. l ost.. Wo Dream-like, while centre of oar building at the time ol it* destruetiuu in the X Bffi looks we view 'em. »he L nited States, by addrcsciag l/r twm forward, aa to l?e tlie brightest jewel in the place for Ceamliersburgg, in company with his little l^a Croix lwMj. Nxw Yobk fwvfnt Nik 371 ItRUAffWAY- Yet, we tell them, with a smile. greet lire of May I, l-Jti. Albany, New York, emdoaiiui 26 cents. crown of its policy, those will realm- who remember boy, who he was takiug to see his mother, with Cnmmnnleatiaox -itaukl alwats la- oUitiaol to fit- lsmla We hod removed the greater portion of our book? before N. B. T»n*#e who preter may consult T»r. LA CROIX the Presideat s Though forgotten for awhile, earnestness upon the subject ere his whom the husband is not living, and who resides upon any of the disease* upon which his book tn either 'Twee through the fire reached ux, but left stoat, of them, together with s at*, For sal- in lotuisvilh ky J. B. Wihler A Bra. elevation to his present position. winter night of sorrow; her father. is said that he was not iN-rsonall v or hy mail. Medicine seut to That in its suc- with It aware uuiute r of loose paper, tu-ide. pnrpuxrly to text the xccurtty any part *4 tlaa «em u involved results Now we hail them, on the morrow, Union, according to dim tions, safely packed and carefully of more impurUnce tn Hie that the brothers MrKiblien were at that place, or of the Safe. After thirty -eight hour? of xewere roexling, two great sections of the Ibsen more glorious for Bnglnes, Ac., for Sale. con/edcraev jwlitical, so that sleeping— he would have remained away. we found tlie Interior of the safe, upon openiug, not only far aa the >?ath is Long delay AM worfclaa up the stock ut Law-'S A P- aree. aad tore 8 concerned, anti industrial as to makes sweeter meeting; The brothers did not hear of his arrival in the bright and xouud, but the bookxeud papers ex free from I ii uamba*r »f Knfinc*. from & t* liiorh JUiariv. «rt^ the North- -than any other living question, And so rtrong we love again town until in tlie afternoon, just before the cars all also fire ox wheu first put ia. rinfcht'd. w li»rh l will *#41 low and rotuplsl* to order, w%m realise, who rementlier. that even John Quincy Fancy says 'Us almost pain. for this place started; but learning be was to de- We shell require another Safe as soon ex we get a new to- Brier, Boiler Kigvinf. mmd Haw or Urkt Mill Work A*? Adams looked forwar.i ply st tb** FoiinUory of Uvft H A P*** rtm. to it as the great consumma- CLUtroxviLLE, Franklin oounty. O. part in the 2 o'clock train, they immediately arm- cation, aud went noun but yoar “Champion." tion of American •# pi 4 dlodkwtf K. A. GARDNER, Aarigroo*. statesmanship, for the henefit of ed themselves and started to the railroad with the Yours, toe. KISH Kit A BROTHER, onr whole oonotry, TFor tl»c which should never be loot sight Louiaville Journal.] view of taking his life. When they arrived there No. U North Sixth st of by io Government. they both walked aloag tlie platform of the depot, THOU AET CHANGED. The above la but recent evidence of the well-known Political events in Europe, have, of late, rapidlv along which the cars stand, until they espied the qualities of the genui??e " Herring's Safe.** For fourteen tended toward placing Spain in • position wherein BY MRS. J. B. ASUKSSOX. object of tbeir search, when Joseph jumped up to years they have beru before the public, end. though nearly her paramount interest- will the door of the car, and Hubert ran to tlie opposite T last the rrsnitol.Joct of M-dieal fieteneeis aUoinsd. com|>el Iter to listen to No more with sweet love of tones my preeenee yon seek. 15.000 hare b>-en sold aud are now ia actual axe and more V Dr. Uoback'? ficaudiitavian Kcuiediexat-uiaUy i-wlariu reason on the subject; white on this aide of the At- end and each tired in at Craig. Nor with sniil.tbriltinr bliss prose thy Up* on than hHI have b?-en texte-d iu accidental tires, they liave shatlliousands have promised, but never areompll-hed. my cheek. full of and it may well The car was passengers, They pnrifc from the blood th** c«»rnii*t (farticlrs wbicli cre- As cold as the moonbeams on mountains of snow never been known tx fail. A large assortment conxtautly lie supiwsed that tlie disturbance iinmeiliutqly crea- ate and ff*»d dlaeuM-a. Th^hu-i*of all llit- *olid portion# of

the baud, tog?4her other makers, have 1 Faff smite, that like sunlirtit once beanu-4 with love's on with tlioeeof which tb« b(»(|> i* thr blood, and if that fluid b i?urt- tlw whole IsEVY, CO.. lending t« flefoal the advantages accruing to us ted the wildest alarm amongsT them. Some threw or* BU)OM, & flow, been taken in part pay aud will be sold cheap. aaniaatiou mu#t Uto(rf**- be v i«oron#. Imr.l «ad loutttfc. Importer# of and Dealers in ihrougB the tendency rf affairs in themselves down on the floor, others dodged be- Spain. ful. Ilenct-lu thr pivparffilloo and combination of thr in- Forever. I fear me. thy FAKKKI.fi A HKKKING, •* a asntunent exists against us thfough- dear heart's extra nred. hind the seats, others jumped out of the wiudows, pudiruU of hi* fit iiioti?* Scandinavian lU-Miedte*. Foreigi and INier>tir ines, Liqaars. Makers of Herring's Patent Champion Safe, Dr }^j. M The cold world has changed hack'* /real ohiert wa* to itroducr a mrdu m. winch "* Spanish America, tlw result ?ff tbc lawless and thee -oh yea thoa art rtiaug- and a general scene of excitement occurred. -liould it dlyflweuwly 44 W aiu ut street, Philadelphia. Jwinfrcl th«* blood iu all ca>to*#. Ilr (uerMt-d. and thrc??n. cbc., mur.lan.ua art* of Walker ami bis fbllnaem Tlie firing was continued by tha brothers in this Cigars, that turner i* that thr ••prratio# of hi* .Scandinavian Itlood '*** fail to postpuac tlie (lav way for several rounds, but Isitb seemed to be un- abeu Cuba shall I* E. M DRANE A CO, Purilirmnd Blood Pin#, nj»nn alni.wt rvery Hfrrks of ifir 3STO. 50 "W^AJLflL ST., ours. But for unable tn *a#c, I# like that of water u|h»h thr dev.uirit** the effect at Walker s raid*, the path der so much excitement that they were Ionic of Louirville, rb uirnt. Ii|p. s*,.K»:im utvaviuffiu. rally extiuKni*hinir the malady, pt-r-ou# s ff» to a happy settlement of the Cuba queotion with take direct aim, and Craig remained unwounded. U riit^fnnii da* Forwartliui; and Commission bility from childhood dud new vigur iufu*«‘d into them by DR. W. B. Spain would at this as do so, lie extracted a revolver FARRELL S moment 1* open to us; that As soon he could tluwr woudrrful life leuythrniay rc*torativm. Thry gnol however, is a Imrrier which can now be overrunte from the place it was confined, and fired it several MERCHANTS, th# heat of fenter, create appetite, render tUrwWi.m perfs-ct, CELEBRATED ORWISAL Fjaat regulate thr bowel*, promote rirrp.inviroraUsIbe only l.v long, patient, and persistent labor on the times, each time takiug aim at Joseph. Tlie re were’ .No. Sb Front at., repr-due* lave ortfan-in both •exea, control all dt*oril4*r*of part of thr great minds in thirteen shots fired in the car. CINCINNATI, OHIO. tbr liver ARABIAN LINIMENT, the Presidential . hair some twelve or and enrr *orr*, boih, tumor#, and all *kin di*rm#ra.and by iia- the attention yivrn purchase, sale, *hip- L Stale Department, leaked liy the earnest nvmria- Finding that he could do nothing in the car, Craig Prompt to the and parting to the viul fluid new element# of health literally ESTABLISHED 1844. For earfMaiaea *»f kfemry wem lent of produce. r FnRD, in? Broadway thy of the rest of the Cabinet and C-.iigre.-, is made for closer action with Joseph, when the latter make Rfr a plcpeurr iu*t.*ad of the weariaome probation rflE eennioeran alway* he known by the name “Ik Mav Tuft welt Particular care riven to the forwarding of Dry tiooda, whirh it muriaJway* be to tbr invalid. The*** remedk** arc t H. Kam il'* Arabian Lmiim-uL" All other Ijoua* BOURBON 1TOVSE, a* the Ameu.au press, which is at this moment more started to nm, and was followed by Craig, with Ac. couipoaed *olrl> of Swedi*li herb* of rare niediriuai virture by tbi* lUB*- are r*. uuti-rfeiu. FAUfl. KkNTt'4'KV, rear. During this race Through receipt* Merchandise the Eaatern citlea the other brother in the for to never before in trod urrd in the praetke of pharmacy, phy the variou* traii*i.ortation route#. THE ARslBIAN LINIMENT Craig tired several shots at Joseph, one taking effect by apr 2 dAwly 4cian*of thr hLheri note in the dbx’overer** natlvdand For Sale. in the arm aud injuring him slightly, liolwrt also And in other part# of Europe have certified to the value ot r, WISHING to Irthsfiw I the inrdiria. *. and thev have m*ver yet bee u aduii atwvs-nenwfl tarps. vrlt-knewn, fired several shots at Craig, one of which entered altered u rbctiuatism. p*ul. and palsy. q end ra witli«..it le'intr followed by marked *(ieeees. It I* u»qm. •I tear, tuereto-r vtth tea turn lure iu it, pierced ».ule for his I uxek. During the melee Craig was also to enumerate in an advertL-ement a truth of thr mmplaintr THK ARABIAN I.INIM KNT ii Tha Hoarfioe Hssa to toe to* tnev ?'UYl

they 1 in the groin by a hall. for which are. Infallible Suffice it to *ay that there b WUI cure pain sod waakneas in tee lock. ten well esd to? eearrallfr kuawu to f r ialr * no di*order of any or?an, unle** The |iarties were separated after having chased ta n*ed by malformation, i THK AK.VIUAN LINIMENT. tor which they are not adapted, and for the riuitde rea#oo one another around the de|>ot building for some | The Iflv pm touch.*# the #Ur-li«hted wave, E are uow pr<*pan d with onr complete fall rtock to time, and endangering the lives of a great many Itut no nuidiin.- offer extrnordiuarv indueemeutr- all wi.-h t«» THK ARAKI.YN I.INIMKNT btHdikea* the M*w that it W Io who cave; persuns in the vicinity. All the parties were armed < piireha*** a F4MII.V COAPII, IIVKOCI'IIE, K< M KA- Will cure sore f.vt, snre tisials, rorns. and wxrte «hi d th> lunrhty clano chill the aad tear* c*'i*r they with two pistols apiece. Craig is represented to MA V. or MI DDY THK ARABIAN I.INIM l. NT have acted with the utmost coolness during the en- We keep e.»n-tantly on hand, of our own make, all #t yle* i:>n thtia thy mm*fn of Huiuie*, and a!*o tli«.#e fiom lh** uuwt celehrmti-d Ea#fi*rn Will rnre sunups, treated ports, aad swrBed rack. mirht fall on my heart. tire affair. luanufacttarie*, all of winch we full v guaranty to b«' No. I But while I yet love, THK ARABIAN LINIMENT I mourn that entranced ditl not at first feel any apprehensions from Craig P. P. PKfK * HMD., ' llov could W ill rue* eon- threat, tore eyu, and — ' kl th*- world chance a* Buy thou art change.)* the wounds be had received, but after tlie train was mar III ddew NaaliviUe, Teun. mmI take thuir painful, and he was THK ARABIAN LINIMENT 4pum*ure elaewbm. I bey in motiou tliey became very theii *8° th* REMOVAL. WUI core torns end srelda, aouude, sad fresh desire for >. arietv and excitement Ji^inK«iibbl poets-arlifli of *>ur obliged to be removed from tlie cars at Sbippens- rate l* M ESN I L A <’0. have removed to the amth *id** of vd .l fr-rt nt way#, but the ( »ly w.m an extended placed uuder the medical THE ARABIAN LINIMENT young people reputation by bin tine hun»«gr- hurg, where he was D Main rireet, near th** corner nf Second. *3 r * If’ •* tfceit toore h. tore for "iix jjGetry, charge of Dr. Stewart. McKibbm brothers have butbe is hhiving bimnelf far greeter io l-itor* ai^ftiutrtl be t. R. A. Bf.ll, IsOuiavQle. .Mi r. ih>ck. York. the (beir Umv e-arnent effurta of hi# Muv: are efipuaed to iu in- Railroail Coiiipuuy, an*ui*riUc Jimraal.l tVe are informed that Craig lias THE ARABIAN LINIMENT * ~"?fl' take >• iu visited At thalr old stead, Ux Main st., Uinisvilie, Kr. rnidmOd* of \V«d Point, iihJ wlarir expretotem wito * self at several times to persons who have Tbirty-wtfslh Clifl » pra* lirn I I ncineer, aided FsIrrprW: Ue f-rue, and SONNETS. subject j— with unerring urunra- him at Shippensburg, as gratified that the l*> au aide Faculty. MUKJ )OCK, DFxLL, & CO., THF. ARABIAN I.INIMKNT to* R. Itoavtaa. - Loot IXT l?een of litigation, as it will uff??nl him i:LSff4i la V ' WM. r. ItKAXXAV. has a matter 43 ea uret of *tu«ly i* that ff alaahlr Frtxaa.' Maura Waltera I OSqi a. BROAD HTUKKT, NKW YORK, The I A Will aare pain in Ite food, lavas . and sifla. an opportunity to prove his innocence of the char- tniurlit iu the b«*ri Odleaea. ||os ^ H. ItBBUE. 1 IsH va deal juatiy. Tliat which age* know. Commission and Forwarding Merchants. THE ARABIAN LINIMENT to*, ges matte against him. with the addition of a mt»n* FI NE ROSE'\VOOI>PI O. Hareitoo Tv to*.. Mar f 4*4 AN *'. 1 * srekieg it And time ha- rtampod a* eternal Aontheru • tWCS* mu .T*' Ytan.lted 01 r.' In he. Will core sore Ups. bites, tiuuore. area. to* ffiraufly. is for a gratir*xiu.ai of their an truth, where is in order# pmmidlr attended to and en*h advance# 5 Mat aad E now*. lie resides in Pittsburg, he engaged matin'. Mechanic*, Haa. n«a—.- A. torefi.tl ' — made on co uric nmen*# to either li«»u*e. #c pi '» d*V a I y WT.TlTUT* pra,trial E«( pnr>-?|d4iat* at tlw beaeliful. It is oolv Marhap wa* doubted. la it# virgin youth/ THKAJUHHAM I.INIMKNT « MBNMM *1 bach: U* degre* the lumlier business, ami is said to I* a very in- Km.tnceriug and Mining th*- Haa Jo-kaa F toff. Haas dte. Kr Uut Ute youIlf. hungry aoal. I..rn and And differed many a critic*# trenchant hhtw. oh>g>~ alto, Wilt cure rarlted and painlnl Ureosts of te mates. 'l,red i, telligent man. The car in which the affray t?s>k In I nclHi l.d- ra- FURTV-TWo PitUtKS IN AMKKlt AN tjOLK hspfl, I .aw i-. iron II 'ttrks, tnre. lli*t*>rleal Rradinr#, lhM»kk«epiug ualoMdy know anoepta toe rooroc T#e HJL>, nm toe lie Haaflmtaai poverty. Into toe iudiffereau- of r remt, Novemlter U..T the uia iislate* of the living - uf Craig have been pronounced not danger- GREEN ffTREKT, ( Il'Pf ifil TK THK CUKTUM-HOTtE, Will cure or n-B'-vc nrart) all orrvnu.- iaS»tounka mriiaWkaifiUxtr l r„i «f 4, way*: tiod wounds Tlie twenty fiiM t-'ml annual -• -ionop«*n# on the wceu*l i ra»?u ixied«inu» ii h b iuae* many yuan hei« Who mob all Egypt with arenghir - ous by his physician. LoiiIwn ille, Ky* Moudav in tiepu*mht*r (Uth ShfL Til Thmha>. baen little rod I^Tk Otarmm* per K AR.ABIAN LINIMENT Hte or nothing \ AV irrepraamtdc longiag daoe thia halt early #*>*cinB. t>u) able in ATCHE8, Imoeitoes utterh week Wa* chid by l#ra**r The aabucrHx r I* till getting advauflO. teapelc. Ttore are * tribe, with peevirii whiawr ^ up new de- ^ Is adapted to all roatoitatioua. u ia tepn of Imv« for present for <‘a*t an*l Wrought The cxtcn-inii of tlie huildiac- will make Hll.VF.K "Ctop* sever .Toatod otto eourelv bat it is delivorv *1 Then nw hi# *|4rft In [Gornsqionticnee uf the ltaltlmnre Sun.] Iron Italline m«m thU new- WAKE. JKWKLKY, Ac. (sat owners gigantk rage. «h»u lor a«Miiu»nal *iudeni--. THE AKAIIIAN I.INIMKNT mem unwilling to acuept Uii* Veraudah*. at-, mnkuiK to order l‘.nnlk rake jam And down WAffHINOTON, Nov. 1857. re** the mmd are from Horvh'* mount herirewefl hid path 1, Door*, Vault#, and .lail Work, Ir.m Stair*, Add Superintendent, at "Military Imtitute mdnng jfkaflt; IWro sre var* Nflr Tickets Limited to 15,000. With twoken Tlie rumor tlie Administration have censured H".i all kind* Iron Work in llif huildiu^ line. Franklin couuty , Ky.," or the urnWrignad. fa* urrtvm^teal mant bet inarblea, in hi# holy wrath. that THK ARABIAN lire alre.dy t rider# from a dritanc* with I.INIMKNT caunu-r^, Great thonghta Gov. Walker's course in rejecting the illegal votes reference will be punctually p nrDi.EY. lor. I wo Imaws liave will live, though carplar auf d.Vwtl Total oi onuimcMred p», king f#^ Aould attends to. a» Pirrideut of tl»** Hoard W’dl reader pertKl sattefocUon in all rosea. Number Prise*, 1,550. m, of Oxforii district, iu Johnson county, lias produced tract hogs. wage *«pt I dAwim Isoulavilh* Journal publt-h and -end hill There cast lie no doula now tliai ||. J. MEAD. h» *-K . rti-*er. il*. wx- some agitation at the North. Wlietlier true or not, Frankfurt Far Horses aad Cattle. flrewa at **«. I.uula. •;* '* • tern one, Ss l ueudinr war againri them. In I'amiMcntaeaUk. Tate Wa., as Waatoav. owners wit) hold to the ham it will exert a most unfavorable influence upon I lie THK ARABIAN the laid roomer toon accep. present «ti Wladout'p rule lurk# many regal \olice to Dealers LINIMENT |to>s diakilhOK a Affairs prtewa. a pew. iu Pry floods. for the Iwoetif NUte election in New York, where the Democracy Auctiou Bales by Thoa. Anderson Will cure sprains, braises. « tn.tr*tls |T l# oor intention t*, keep up our *tock A Co and .wet ffaet painfully f of Dry Hood." * rostrated It i, f. anticipate a triumph over Black Republicanism. I for which we will Viiin hrtic. r„ s. i> Maaiun.tk hwve to nay for iu cw*h ut the , Pi/ikmutl .s'irfA, hr.ulxrilU' THE ARABIAN I re< volte Gilt Eab rj.nee aill bv drawn a. Tup F.fi.ifjsn Ttritr time of Kp. LINIMENT — Tainat-ii nr Mr. Trx Wliy sltould I Wear fact le that the suliject uf General iiiffikimr our purehffi#.#. wnd iu order to ateuva, nbtrte ucereiua vd to -fwiibaled to the my wretched Uf,. The uppears to do *o will b.- rom fR’H KattentHin vi dsalrrata ... rate, * dtora. Iw,r n--i» rifnilv iarit. J , „r WS rare raids, vnande. nod s raPb.ro Daoto K * Bpi.i.k XtmnmarU*, l>etled tn make Rffil*** i«>h • ahm n.4danal>aasal tear fcvrl to ifiFWs Mill HV./aemfoy, OcUAtr In vain atl. amt foe v>Kv hhuk r 1 w regular Aarii..a .-.ab-saa every rLxNti.nreto nipt to wreathe my brow with bay., Tiie-.lay and Tliare- THK MMomiti rirn umlv. ARABIAN I.INIMKNT sms EtH'R LAND WARRANT'S • I n — Th* Bedford Stake., a aw.-ep.take. t, day diirius tin- 1 .11 r.iiiiiu.-uciiii; t-»» h TtSu ALL fib . a v-nerol s-~.rtineiit of flRV p>U rad ; Allow- Kept not th. fiend of famine to carry, and cAiiuot iu jn-tuv lo oursdvtw think of iu- fill If vteefi aill - .able re drasr.-rv to .-tect panraed Don, h la prey? QUODM, H<>* ITS. HHurx, HKfMiANfi.flc. fiveonrsaa- THE ARABIAN ances and pen allies. Tu start from tie- t rearing il to dealers on long time nurrhawe*. LINIMENT duM vttent fYvnt anv p.rtato of the (forerareeai AueaMtr When diode, like there, and clal advert!-viueist I. resell day's sale temfls rai Chath-rton's. arise oct Ml d w Will rare eater, fedts, oil I'evt and luueh al the tl A JAMES Iteruis sod Inffammatk as. -fiterewkse nwremail. pi MtTY rwo Duke s Stand subs. And pour I*OW A CO. cash. TUllit. AN DKR8UN A CO.. P Kite KS u> a dismal wail upon tlie ear - tMP.au Afi totoLfV to -tore- reasons tore, Mr. It Tan Broeck's l.y hhl«4Av A irtiuneera. THE ARABIAN LINIMENT XM Area Belle, Slane. test. lib. r A dor. ins .liriek Umt AfiTII.E SUAE -luu laixe. b'adll? Soap foi sale Three llsh.lrvd ao.1 Poll Quid aod silver Lever Watebe* make, ona pale with f. hy la* the ( Kordham ar- Should Hi store of everr | -rap r j, I ( r> uettoldAw eolaod from »IM fiffrav Tokka aod fe* Why dioald t burden earth with UMANIIMullikaui. DRUG STORE FOR SA1.E. Duke of Bedford s Killigrew, Kst. 71b. (It. f’ettit), my weak cries. te-Grand Depot. *7 latee strent, Chtcap t Their (twins 9 The Uii.ler.iyn.-d will sell, on n-a-onabl- l.-rm? ae lamd have in-.uldcrrd down to holy Kxeter's dust . field Axolts, fist. lib. (Morauui), 3 * Mato* regard, time and l.riee. il ianiiediat ..p|...rtnnlly bv Ra* mood * Patten. I»utevilla. Tbeir nanus odd lustre ltcttniR fi tu the scroll of l*r>,~'>o?. his .-icultenl I >ruc .fiiore — to 2 on Killqirew, 3 to 1 arxiiist fsnw, t au.l So- k. the fisdd by .1. H. Wilder* C*., I.note* A/.X- LIN DKNBF.Ut ; EK A H ilfo. or Titer tr»a, as martyr's, GO. ZJK oldest .land III Ulc plaee, .Imai.-d on » eculrnl Ba, lOta 1 aaaiiial Belie. an Mur«,| name part of Main stn-.fi, nenrly oppn itethe 1 Their couutry paid A LAP OIL— Tl dozen H*Ud (HI (pint# ami quart*) ->urt llooro- In the Won by alengto; three lengths them -with an ashen crust. Wiifim-re lawn of to'lroiion. between the aer- 1 for cub* by Ky. 'rids town Is in tbo heart Ki.eayb tor me, to worship nt a uf a w.althy, iulelltrent. aad proqe-ruus fariiiiuir i llARLKY. vrmrv rid(fesli ire George 9 RAN. , f'ALIEuRNIA- T* was very limited on couuty \ irgmia are e now food and rapidly incr.-a.inr, and he the lNth , iratbermg i„ their crops may in. r.-nod *TABLISBED la KM4, tar the tnst aad the quotation, of to any extent which permaoent rare of . riven tolow are corn, sort they all unite in the toin-hnscr’s mean- may inetifv. a. p sayiiq; tlmt thev liter. mmt |Mrl merely xmiiii;.!. luve nut ar»- reme ten or taefvo conutl*-. that will trad.- her. -.r^re I*riorpw wa# realtae.1 such an nwffe enormous yield for in 'anv years rtT pass -.firouuh to Lcnisville. Urn fov?wita. and ' A'tendtmrand rrRdeat daring the rarlv latrt of flfl bbl* Sirfritv Turpentine ll l> fffiyrirtan. L. lohacro crop* are not aa good ns |*| KITS TURPRNTI N E— r h* -( r-iyn,-.l. b.-in - compelled to quit the J.t RAFKAT. 1 the evening oajy ll was a ntuipatofl lm-in.ro Ulehl the Hunrwua K*v»|iiu,. r> I, 1 was off- red strain .t Her for Hffile by by I.lker enrarameu?.. will rell V y nA War rhrif The planters could not on food terms if . porch. ta, obtain plants soon enough for * CO. ieiAa the Jtfth lUxiiiMBt of Jloarnh, 4'hrif 14 t» 1 *Jti (lAw LIN HEN HERDER would have Ire n laid the tolmcoo to escape the th*- Mflltffirv lliMtiku of Hvh Mnanry eurlv frostsfroata a l. h %-. «1.- and h> 1 «ri fc4hwh h7vo7 . 1 S „ 14 to 1 against randv ajqieared. hail rxilEMICALA Women mud The injured tha . tUt w ' '* ,-rop ta CommiinimtioM rirtctly .*? *" 1 FriKht, 16 to 1 ly k.UUO punees quinine; roafldentfail. ?. o^inrt extent, and the depredation* l N F 2U“ l r cS.ininiUed by the *"Ch lnJ An,'r'”n limitation# hy riUnr or #th«rwW ftvte *•" 1 Affhfaat fyrene, *1 ' horn luu do Morphlna; ST* ““i to I acainst worm were nnu«uallv rest. V..r «te to'’ «^ra~«eUe -Ie if test b. Iodide Potasaa; - L- J Ci-iFKAY. M. D. Chantilly, 27, to 1 fopimat LlN’lENBERGRR Tiver- It is h- opinion of many that S.UUU lb. Itlue .SU,o».. for A CO. n ’U there uffll he Imt a N K