t r * « T a. W ^ , * T I — «WR T M a — - " * I 1 a —n .* THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY JOURNAL. VOLUME XXVII. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER II, 1857. NUMBER 51. T *" Cai'SCof imi IIakli Toil*. — Iht (me t (fTht Kicbnioiid South mti that Senator Han- tJ^*The intelligence from YVsshington strongly 1>eath or Cuawfouis, the Sou itoe— r* WEDNESDAY, NOV. THE WEEKLYfJOURNAL 4, 1857. QTMr. Cushing, in the opening of his lata speech tuncini crisis h nut th* only one that has resulted ter during tbe last Presidential ciitui “was not indicates that Walker and Stanton are to b« turned 1 Crawford died in Ismdon on the loth ultimo. He I = an in Faneuil Hall, thus evinces his superiority' to™ the**" i **»« Mceriv* speculation We may leant if the Mexico. Some time ago, while Accordin tethe Balt MINTH I I1KMDBKMK , to UsBORMHUB > K we Achilles.-bilk* in his tent.”tent No, nor out of it oat of office in Kansas for having presumed to purge wrestled near the verge of grave with a most' doing justice to g imore Sun's ( vulgar prejudice against written sneerhesspeeches: Wroria^tan cro- * would great deal ~ ~ l ,e integrity and , •un a from experience, but the go- months, and uow, at last, intelligence of Comonfort, . ;ak* u> r " B‘lent, •loo. whose statement . ~ _ the polls. W alker is evidently killed off as a can- painful disease for many , and <tiec.mr» M in this sllhrt IxterkstixoIxterestixo BB>ase Statmtics dbe following Let me nut he ashamed lto“ confess, that,t I •Wad spirit of our countrymen aoon forget* and — sbyra, amidst the «*pres*iog, indeed, our confident th‘ manya!*>T ‘tevrmw w* publish in another anas — I tiy Joeraai i»- 444,,* for the Rnxt Preridaucy . Who shall take hi. ha? fallen into the dark legTets belied that if . vu*m u> c.n.b -olroro, the Admiairtnura , l O inter Mir TH Vnklr «t ••ft ** erren from past **it •a mammmhstatement otof thethttie conditioncon itvon andan thet numnumberr oof Mexic o ws i hardships, and ccntinuallr revels enlightened world. ever regenerated it would he 3" *" v' ’* hua received uropat--he* from place and be killed off next? Can't Douglas Ire and lamentations of the through this very spot. I ™ r 7 •,oh*''» *fil?5ah. Gov Walker which have not bean able to look forward. 'JjTJSiai “**r b'At'",k ’s "m e Untedn Sl‘u‘*s d«artngrin «** U,t tWenree *”* ansi coe.tr, Uuie. «r TH- I ia the excitement rf rapid fortnae-making. ^ K energy patriotism, we ventured, without * OmMo. l,in.o«t The ot] , ,^1 Hr. Crawford was born in New York city, March neverthe- eubtwlt, to the peeeewt hear and ha ap — if 'dhhtadlf Vtadfewta has edteml smita oe ^ ***r^~ — It m new g tt*Sj!I|i?iT eg V««kkMf«( fJfc. W«cklr -4 m^y t yemn |t; fl 1 . .. *'aekis».,»<w, Th r a , fiBAOcinl lYYaUioo*' whiled task. I « aahmgten, D. American revives *•*'• *> predict that this unhappy come Writ now, with unaffected **“**_wtaomt.— loso^lie Damaermt Iowa to period tt their >iota, rewRS UibM • r..*fi» at w* I* eotare ar osar pi 6* C , a satire of •JTnd, 1814. Ilis passion for art, which manifested countrv would the shorn the tinm a# the «-An™ editor in one ™of our Southern cities sayss,,. 188737.' 1M7.1MT 1st,7 I I* regenerated, at least A>»»- Major Jack Downing, upon the cause of the crisis - "* itself in hi* early childhood, acquired the complete in our dsy. It is »" Fdled wMh late election ia Karen*. W* presnme there ere h. “rteiHHi kr BnimrsrsH.«Hns» unlher 7s* 715Tls 1.4101 4K not discovered that the ^.lemniV^v the rtribfeMMro iTwiiTtt tta that the people there have re <r the deplorable < quite unnecessary at present '*W enas*i|naai-ea Of . is in-utsttoa to repeat no i 18S7 that peculiarly applicable to tta preseet. mm.Uo. ""r.. •1W.lHK.XMi * mastery of his uatuie tafore he emerged from bay. the considers- Genius oif Faneuil Hall. tt hio question about the correetno 'a of this important II i i II In i il IIT undertake to pay their tq*«e S7.914.44a'ii iW 5x jw;sm times are hard. Let them r »»h ami ilkgalillegal to thais ,m which we based Beaidea,Besfife,, i/ I attempt to carry the tlectmielectron - or firm ta The Major was in Yt this prediction. if J speak,p**k at all,all. 1I caunotcannot dealdral in in Mat-Mai- l at anl . is If F*iri e-oare riuro taro) . its is cen-com- m nurse Deroiirrrt. a Watotr Jianil tie aahington attending to • hood. everywhere vieMod submissively to It suffi- am "lew" A and, some lul-taudiariut-taudius debt.debt,. MS.1U.7M1 7US SlutesttG MLrt*,to7 He apmt M& U ' “d perhaps they will make the important nioitplacc, srn a.... *> •* capital ‘ '<** or in incte generalities, mon! fnr Ut party by the I particular burineas for 'WhM tm.77s.wtam.777.Wl77X.W? swt.ii7e.aciluJyTss^ immn37u*Mj(7s •• *7 »>“* ‘vents have addcl but must address emptnvmeM M an armed from hi* achaowledgml exp-rtence ami the “Gineml,” and in tta lieautiful Is* bests. At school, he met the demand., such strong mvsclf nUlligun, — I discovery. tn the living questions'JESSZpJ?.«t the crisis, such‘"u'*"as host, he has nudst of ••••choir c««Arwlha to the withdrawn his infamous •a i hi> labors received j»re<l»ct«nn know a to fr lorn of the a letter fruaa bis cousin 1 1 orTcnsindcuae of the New York Times.) recitation nxnnr.KWi with faithful likeneiata on hinhi** itself pal (Statepitate in fl»« * Xgjsy the ee higtait Gwv- c/of the m the Ummialinn of min*man., .... n».I .mx-ul^v the a. rtatyl be the paal if and occupy theth^*caw-..m- —m , . I Journal, T 1 , k . Til Couoct. Ho». John Bf-xi*. loo, the that few intelligent observers, in or mon thought * " enofWllty of the outrage emmeat Kpruim. informing him that he hod become disgust- LETTER FROM ITALY.LY. 9 |a(e flf a || the more toaipknioin ohjerta in heaven oat of Mexico, I •• thought of the hustings,hu^tint:- the work-shop, the circles at Washington. He in a highly * uunting-ns'in,uu“‘ i »t»mnte.l ««v. L.gon, has ed with the ss, Fi oarixx,.cm, M aahington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun ‘an Iw found sanguine enough to »d-r'««m, the suvet,street, anda, the fireside To competent witness, meaive for apple busine for he bad fouad out a au ,| ranh in ,) uu< ler the earth, ami when, in later question its truth. ami has aa diaaortiu i There are man, thiara in thia lRUc state ot TiMeawy. a« speuk thus, and thus only, is v .. '* i ‘ necessity of post Msnrrs.Messrs. Johnson, M. Mahou. i , . *“*ami1 “an “"uncomuromi-inaC, n mU 'ng IVnUDemocrat," r“' mti“V * in e“'r kmal.le fact. nr McMahon, and Neiwn, "an well the t ««»-*. tenth, at Trt- , to ° Weakly 9\ way get rich forty timesI a*as fast as by retailing well ^ 1 ears, urged bv parental ads «s to enter u .m a mer- leant to the injury (4 the Adauaistrw- ut a historical a* of a physical nature, which will ever /V\’f'! r t^ w^^h.ns’^it'^*— »«®n «yd,t ef hataC.b Woekle. tut ' as the memtwrsmembers of the BahimoreBall bar generally, ‘ *V apples, Wbo.oia-Usupouhav-iD Uj "**“ dated^ on the 30lh:30l,i: T,,e p™**1 conditum of Mexico is deplorable U boa. Mu State ia true. or aa the Map* canid by musclmgattending to politi-polili- career, he incontinently bmk to the art of in- On ththis“ aceotmt,«ccotint, I to meat riu V I eantile fcomecome to SrfoT't^KSS jm, avowedly and . , r.*Sjfe^ <A i< H ,k,h '* ,,evil. It U deplorable vWihlv,visibly,visibly. withWith "" * * mr*r :h« Gwrrnor t« do What, > cal concern*, and ird \t hj is this Unit-laud ot Kapbacl. Michaelichael Auyelo,Auyeio, ami We have already heardhe the views and intentions in wood. Finding this lirld, however, too ^t\ erv respect. The post- with aI written xdd.e-add.es*.adil.es*. 1 know, as Well a*aa VJ P then. of the ridteutons haw-split- wot work hard neitherneatber. carving ^ Amlrria del Sorto U"v atUtoul a jatiutcr scumtnr or arrhi any man living— I , of several-v-AM.sungu'-hcdamldistinguished able memtwrs of Con- *'»* ri* s <* th know by the“* practice and oheer- what he praposcl." The shudKag eqaivocatioa of of thorn ^.._ vr.lt. ptr . his unfolding tastes, l* « (fnvermu^nt are fortnidnlhl ‘ l trl wko eTW 1 . w,Bt let, eeab> ta Tri-wwsktr euartw- more nor kMUn linn uvt above ti»<- level of a !«•» m<^locnb ! u iht home _. _ _ i in .t, ruj for he ap- , hut it* , 7i_a , vation'“ton of thirty year*,«sr", k *****gress on thelDe subject of the1 duonlera of tlie currency - . - - '-" howbow nuu h of advantage ** Waahly her eaartee; of Borvarrm. bulr,Daoh-. Ntckiavill,M*« hiarelli, uimud QaIOmGalUeo1 abauhrtHfabmdutHr .... .. ... ,--:u .t:n -n. i_ '*-.^-.^1- “**this statement is of i,itselflf >uMi lent U.In show how .tern>!e»- l« Enamu, have Cg «m aa Ui\ AQC and Melliiu'M landu lie vs* “Ii ru le l.ssj.im •( T to the study of drawmg and anatomy "• PKe deterrmoatna. there -V.is, heew hittertv .ng ha* oArial * * V " uew>sm m wiovlium and tiw cure for the same, and learn that it istlie.r l*h~l h.meelf "T* ' taSTh^aStat least fortor mom,-utamomentary impresaioa.
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