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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-22-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-22-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-22-1915." (1915). abq_mj_news/1517

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORJNING JOURNAL. lull by Carrier or Mail. tVOo rutin . sixth mm: ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO,' lOl- - CJtXXXI lit N". . Bulgaria 's Chief THE WEATHER AUSTRIAN CHARGE GERMANY MEVER GREAT BRITAIN WITHDRAWAL OE JUAREZ III GRIP Port Is Cap tun l l MHITK loitlt VST. Denver, Dec, II fie Mcxlcu : I by the Russians IVVcdn- s lav :i ml IMmrii gCCS rttftj j I BRITISH FORCES OF DRUNKEN fair. Xlr Thursda.v in '.i--- t pur- - NOW CONDUCTING MEAN T WANTS AMERICAN IB 1 I...nil,. n. hi. I, , .. I,. LOCAL WIVVrilEK HEPOUT. For twenty-fou- r hours, ending at BRITISH SECURITIES FOR FROM GALLIPOLI STORES LOOTED; p. in. yesterday. NEGOTIATIONS IRON Maximum temperature, it degrees Ittlmum temperature, t; range, it. mperatttfa at I m. yesicrdav, 11 wind: char. WITHOUT L OSSE S SEVERAL KILLED i WITH LANSING SOUTH AFRICA THE GOVERNMENT :. it bored, preparing for the (opening of the mm t ol the d. IVj ( Haiti .Im k.- - l 'lull. Statement, Tin y attemplet to secure some Being Mac 1 NOW bOIIU till' ttl.'l ougllbl'cds from tile stables Sarah Bernhardt m Severance i Teutons uav-The- I'm handlers gave them a thr horw Turkish Re- - httndfuls Of silver and troy raced matic Relations Between Due to Uuplieity Is Reported Dying and airy Force Faces buck t.. town, after firing a series of I Volleys. The owners and trainers tele- Countries. From Opposite Side, I phoned to Kl I'aso and automcbih ,i IHlllll, IfcV. S.n i!i Vi i.

I were mm to bring them out. - RUSSIANS CAPTURE In tin mldlt of the riot. Hen. Man- ANC0NA INCIDENT TO .SOCIALISTS SUSTAIN ALL INSTRUMENTS AMERICAN TRAINMAN uel Bands, one of the generals who agreement, BULGARIAN SEAPORT SHOT THROUGH HEART tin surrender BE SETTLED AMICABLY; NEW CREDIT MEASURE MUST HAVE DOLLAR MARK through the mob to Kl I'aso, I i , where he told the Mexican consul that ing . . . only tin- prompt payment ,,f the termed by j BV Zweidinek Is Folk Nothiii:', lo Be Paul in Lnalish 3)0l1S Have It I hat LOyal troops could quell disorder ion the Zeppe-Submarln- es Wil- QUuo mnl N" l Wggtilg Money. Course Pursued by von Against Bill Wl l- nnnrr iUnr villa uriiviai ioa oiiuunuu Mi HWllile, hoWl Are Bernstorff in Contro Ten Billioii Mai It Can Be Converted Into in Hand; Obregon Hurries i. Edwards, wife consul, had telepji With Germany, cinment's Credil to El Paso, formation to tho consulate, where $1011,1100 pes rransa SUBMARINE AC aao kviflai reney was plaeed ...... in. i Tk V MOHNI NO JOURNAL PICIAL LKAtlD WINl and hurried to ternatlonal Kl I'aso, Tex., Dee. 21 Heavily stalls of the with-to- d The realist. u, loo med Mexican and American troops At. MHO Wl ituii sour as a d third re idli eeil each other across the ltio wet,- those g leaned from Premier s ns the result of an all-da- y the steamship vv. f ii,ioiii, null ii ande. speeiji In Hie house of enm- - town of Juarez. v I it In the border Zweidinek, eminent bad - ilhuahiia, yesterilny given into the it awaited Ii night n ill vv In. b he slated tint th Hrlt- ntrol of the Carransa government the arrlvi gymastef gelecl ...I bj Ish losses iv iv confined tu three men Villa generals. ttho b WOUItded a ten guns al. .imboicu alter (if border, generals. A ton Hue shot from smith the tn helm rendered useless, ami an insia-nu- n by the military Juarez late We M licved United States am oi stores which were ithorttles tu have been tired on 'he Fidel A Vila a nt re amount mertcan troops, crouched in a ditch inquered ami .flee George I I I unit the stock yard, toppled placed a gua was r tl .ct nut lis ell oi. her Mory. niepert, of Kl Paso, ;, brakemso, from Turco-Uerms- n sources, how- ind ammuniti today after tin- chargi bail conf i Pin the top of an Kl Paso & Bputh- - ever, several contradictory details freight ear. He was arded the sail :ib with the secretary. reached The Conatanttnopla stern railroad ,n ad with a bullet in bis Heart when iuj uevwM i (ample, which .in. la i i.iiimuiin alioii gave the Turk- corporal's guard reached bun. iih rsiuiui Baron Zweidim i i.t been UiavMsid ish side uf the withdrawal and it was Ma) Import by a (led at the shut. Utter the hands rode to the ring a u i sin somewhat amplified Constanti- animates att, mpting negotiations similar iw lugton, i ji The Brlttah gin was hauled oul of rifle shot I, Pe nople dispatch circulated through the Santa slieei tho e eondu hd by Ciiimt " tonlghl i bai per-ba- ngo of squads of Mexican cavatn annoum ed Uerlln wireless, erman ambasaadoi 1. granted b the firit at moved menacingly on the south rii Itoth Hose dispatches claimed "enor-nu.e- s Mi exportation from i ting of thr am trnmenl for no Seddill ink of the Kin Irando. s of British losses" the ered Improbable, however, to the United Stall llahl taking Of an Ine VhiIous Reports of PataMUes, aggregating ,T60 front and 'he I.M this l ulled Stales snldieis 4iii (tiaril. thai suett I legtftlations can d velop In m Hiaurable amount of booty at Suvin Shortly after this, about Uni rloan manufaotureri have and Ansae from the Turkish ternoon, two Mexicans were shot l simultaneously six companies oflati important stage until atir Ipl (' itlously hundtt ippad bj ibis I " appears that the retirement Mexican end of the Bantu re Infantry ungeared trora of the next formal cotnm ' ut off a source the sixth which lias i .is aided bv aheavy fog, whlb ter guard. , - ,1 "Idge, by Mexican customs Camp Cotton and lined the river op from Auatrta- d; est Ills den lob Itpon to replace rifle HrlliMh attacks from the HeaflUI Various reports are given of the ' kl lll'es in, humor i posit.- the no imiiiv Herman Hiihr pu Itlon, whuh Ii. i not B Ol in lodav as ;'V!;':''' imber fatalities Juarez ipiemuei oned, provided a diversion. ii of the rioting, the number (Cuiitoiurit on Fags Vws.1 result Beritstorfl l.iMO I llaml. conditions Htthmarlm ,ctlvi,ty, inning as high as ten in addition to sub. bridge. ithorlt) liar en Zwel re has in eii i, neWCd Hrltlsh i. two killed at the ma rme activity In Turkish waters, it was stated Iven b) go "t I' Suutll A f i'i Early this aftornoon ernmi I'ni WISS DEDICATE S llrlllsh uh-- consul of Kl Paso FEDERAL GRAND tthens renortlna that the Carransa ade km r bout hi, sunk the lleruuiu u,t the generals in Juarex wha bad called today th i steamer Aeoa and several other craft irned the town 0Vt to tin- 'arran.a - l the I'nitel Htati j municipal bunds, ieeurltk of ulled m the sea ,,i Marmors in addition. of the sltua- - r ivernment had control lolou-ti.u- l aom-pattie- capture-o- the laerlously straine from the till lives. The gtuts i pwUwai ui nu'die stiHt) th. lion I'l'iitnient and an and wore in conference upon the ICet Wl LS Bulgarian port uf Varna on Hie lilack of to tak,. full HES .ainliassador was later s.u.i Hie fluliting in Caaudian govarthnsiit, oro WIDOW ectlon a leader JUBY FINIS si n by a liiisslun is reported in - 1 a iMXjtinuatcr to i I to t m goliatlons. In A iv. i begun by Hie lllil- bonds and Ca-- flct iarg, nod appnlift hand .mile ilic Smith I'm. vineiai .Hid municipal urt ss dispatchrs. pi- - it ive $100,001' perns in fnrratiz.i some nffi rler s Hie belief the Sermans. 8 said 1, tdlan rajlwaj securltlaii. pay off ish ami n. The situation on the (iieel, front enrteney with which to - 111 - r vails that the eon- it vv as prove the Cape parliament bonds and rtook uf industrial m remains tranquil, sithougb the grent- Unofficial reports from - ie soldiers. bad ial- ii invito- - prevails In the allied attempt to Hiy duett d by otiut von Hernstorn til Ihitish government poratfoBs, Is stated, in the SOLDIERS HOME asl .uiivlt.v larcz were thai if an ONE PROBE II camps th, port uf Salonikl. Thi' prevented the sittmtbui from becom-- 1 m ip in order to make vv dl not, a rule, be a, lpl and ;T in currency were made, altled the ' lion, as Carran.a 111 proposed entr) nr Uulgariaiui into t,i recommence t"- - l: more ii at one tlmt appear tin fi II W .1 "exi . in the ease uf large cm otlng sun serious than that able id lire' with a (Jermau army is at admitted Ij was. r.ritisli terrltor: present the subject nf diplomatic Villa Near IllllUallUC Has ttmil I rum Home. i ;, i inan i,"i! pOUr parlours in Athens, and the 0 reek port that Hen. Francisco Ydla'iiii 'veelililleU is mov virtlla K II' a similar sta lenu ill vv as main sts totalling less (hull j)L'.".,uoo any Americans Attend Cere- public Is mute keenly aroused over Gompers Turns Over to Gov- th,- position now as the Qerman I any phases the i Trivi al .'clock ibis evening sain,, Idrlch on behalf at the in the case uf insurance and this in utter tltiin uf found himself, it is ttt Btert have led at that Hour, ac ambassador then clttllsl majority. saying trust coinpanfes, must be submitted monies and Minister From situatit n. which beretofori An- ernment a Lot of Corre- considered that with a knowledge of to precipitate a break. dliiK to the I'arranza consul, i threati ne,i j Urns a member of the stoolt exchange, as ;. Qarcla, Villa had in en lo-- American views and the advantage of H e Mnrwltsl tu Country Delivers Ad- - The results ". he Hreek election La- I he, oy This ll. just west spondence Relative to personal contact with l ulled States the worm whose commission win paid tne by press favorable ed al tile llostlllo I'lllli I irprcted the not officials the baron might be able to Its ll vuii be impossible de- Chihuahua City, ami would staked treasury, is ier Pram 1ST VtnhWlOS and a - r, Council, accomplish could result 1 ne I,, the border; instead, be bor's Peace more than i to safe- the treasury to accept more than die- - exchange of diplomatic commu- for fl r the guvsrnmtnt, n being tu continue the opposition to from iibie tight a limited amount of securities under government. Carransa nications, Th. charge Is known to dared lhat the returns show that de facto illllon of nor thi icine tin (in preseni, n is " SSCtAi WlNf have word of some sort from bis home ains 114 MONN,l. Jl.UNNAl tAAtRtl nearly i tenths nf the electorate MONNINd JOURNAL fCIAL LEASED WIRI1 I He, I Invitation IIIIU be Iff government, it ais.i la known thai his enemlci iattte time eh noun the Heine, Dec. 21 (Via i'aiis, 10:20 p followed tin adherents uf Venlselos m New York, Ii'1- 21. Federal grand ,41..-- . .11... I ,.. ,1,., IVI ...4... HH . I...... u baud lo the 1. mporaril) n Ithdraw tu nr Mill IHlllll ,4,,,ri ii. I The dedicu using in i state, jury investigation into the activities of which was mad to the first American eountrlea, id America u chihuahua Will killt ther Holders 'lie p,ISS re Labor's National Peace Council, which, note. it ihi is.. ii soldiers' tomorrow, ted that these reminded thai London as Hie le- - Ameri-Juar- 'it is charged by I nlted States District Nelthi r Secretary Lansing nor Baron police of Kl Paso forbid themselves of ih, Invitation thsy can aftorn p The by 'tjweidinek would discuss their confer i a telegram Attorney .Marshall, financed to - j gev, tpnlgnt "as it having been agreed that "lilt still contribute materially th at kj JUateS R are today, 'Hand, itatlng 'bat started in Franz von Ittntelen to striki i bv selling beyond allowing It tu be known that 'Ueadlng statasmen and generals tii sought their securities totlsj an unship p.o- - d k this morning when in munition factories, rtually under discus. they iiu- - the Aneoiia case was until cently declare at in hi, open mark! and reinvesting,,,Jii ip: Bd from the south in- - - ended today. ' ion matter should regarded as d in ar- the fUSe all Idea med and hungry and pr f th confidential, would Samuel (lumpers, v an of pay. Vieana of i uermi whh erushci Tonight Scotland Yard Issued a I American Federation of babor, turned Word of the receipt iii S4,bliei's Vlok'llt. BOl Ii lUlspt usable dutv they Hunan two large portfolios tin second American note had this vvainiiih to worshippers that it 'over to the Jurors NG They full nd been received at the state department the Q de ii. maintain id desire to hold watch night services) used, where filled with correspondence, circulars, tonight, However, the communica- to safeguard con- - ll.v Its defense order they bike care to ebserve th" orders ery official proclamations anil other data tion was started over tin mablrg sun house ml home SHERMAN LAW SUITS a. Pen-Hel- hi h He1 shading of lights in itted town had ui i n tu alleged attempts by mem- - dav to Ambassador reguivttltg that th nected with afternoon fl our soldi I, t t es. Normally, thirty-si- x is The biin h. s as "the possibility of er arranza lori 'hers uf the council lo corrupt union hours lifeguard. The troop visited the grocerj sufficient for a lit omatlc cable urns moreov i,v hostile aircraft at this lltnu then leaders. Frank Morrison, Secretary of u. ores arid restaurants ami begged for mure in reach Vienna and cunseiiuenl i.i'i".i win-iW- also appeared before od. Refused, they smashed the federation, Iv Ambassador l'l iifb ld should hav a teed I, I Inoulsltore. Federal officials ex today I and Intimidated storekeepers. the received the note some time and t'suarj Tl IlKIHII llraHMtT Is commanding the peel the jury to Con te lis work at it should reach the minister of for- inlb- - Qeneral OShoa, Impost till I I III XI I HUM HI 'KMX's irriH n, ordered the streets elearea. another session and lieve at least eign affairs tomorrow, Uefort Ihn ..!. was executed, how six Indictments will returned, ever, some of the soldiers recognised progp was made PROSECUTION OF DR, mayor of the Substantial Alfonso Qarcla, acting nil uf the plot town, a of Hlpoltto today In the Investl HAISELDEN PROBABLE! IVed close associate Ilea I uf the Villa, the financial agent who re- which Paul Koenl f, nounced the revolution last night. Mam a n line detective re lotto The MONNINO LILIAN At. GAit. hint and demand- is charged I ith on mixing lo imt Th) surrounded fortes, Springfield Attorney mil ics ed their pay. He broke away and blow up the Wellal i dnal a trolley ear today to lam the leaped on tile sli p of ick MeUler, Koenlg's seel laneral hat route to El VI filled with Americana en evldenct u Paso. has turned stale's grand Jury several Ito Sllcol CM Is Sloned. the Halselden, who into Agents of the departina it of justice Some of the mob followed him In German-America- n j of foet atones, they had proof that mi. mi to die the itlon the ear, while others hurled declared today ago, 17, be to SUbJI in I hospital in Chi. November thill breaking all the windows. Thus, Koenig had been i mployi in certain brought before the grand jury fur in- - ami obstruct the ear demanded the valuables of the instances by Capt. Franz ven Papen, passengers. The motorman d American the dismissed German mlllta defended himself with his controller Ocrmany and started for El I'aso. A tourist tache, win, sails for of the but to discus v sightseeing cat In another pint row, refused ns. iIS so i ho same Inqu fashioned tOWn was stoned at about the pen's activities, referring !h of b " ma ii ,1 vv hlch d life diem bll iehei AN Hill time and rushed for the international Secretary of state LAansing. ef bridge. original secured The three hundred s HIKI I'llltl Ul d In Hie coast ,ps It.N PI M Halselden s VMMf'MI tnderstood ths coal e.s of booty, this child , ,. i us: appeal In - investi-plo- t Indnm mil il- and eutinen. aloons Chicago, laral was ba- Friedrlch Augn "II,. bOStl it Sedtlut llalu. on the streets were filled a t ion of a uilken troopers rMlBg il a strike of Purthc the tl lllTnteerei) SI 'g( s ' i hb n. 'airy mounts shooting i the ul The entlon Meanwhllt id us Burn Mann 5 nine weeks iltalil in i 'exlcani to ran i nwood and .Hal Inourlshmenl tn be lung the bank of the ItiO Ol I Troops l ire lo lutltntdate b. complaint 'I'b.c troops of I b in ral ih", take charge uf the situat ,i p bad itistieri that their commander nts led fin - o rthc nottw profitabl( field Karl Derh) of surren- j ll a take lutmeni undei ot signed the agreement a run-I- W ll to tile belie ir. say thai I er. uf the toyalt) be II clause D'Orads no i lalocd. When assured u pla inly 18" recruit -- women enerai Villa, most of his garrison! relied n mak- - ji. The - Th. improved w :omp. nlted behind their Officers and pm- According shells No, elllb, In- I' seded to clear the streets. ,1 the B i Ighl tatisfaoton i a statement by tleneral H hua, Paper r.uvs ket. Wl mi solved, sa.vs b'. II, A strike nt a OH store, whet'' 1 Not " ay. sevsi inters Were killed ill New York, Dec. it. Captain von cnnQtiesl and d tin- A or i ally, BS the n Sturges pro-Met- ine vv di n. Holland and icy had murdered tbt Chinese Heflnerj for Havaiuiali Papi i' the recalled Oet man military winch adiDttted Hugar ii loyal I suit uf dirtiiui were looting. The I si lamship tick- luring them from and Ha., D tl, lames n attach purchased his inunufai 111' Savannah, from III.. peninsula, oops proceeded dOVHt main thi- - for ti le Nunidam. ilraae Park, ndlnuvlun ii tod et afternoon treat firine, volley after volley, mainly brie annoonct confirming reiuirts thai he would Mix to il OotuocRU Palmer. he inissiun nf the nab Sugar Kefininj Dec. 21, Rlti lib from Ver the heads Ol Ille ri on ibis Holland America lister. waakee, Wis.. was discussed Some w en unt-th- e erect , nda Mitch ,11. Milwaukee lightweight, out w hiii during ivestlgatlng tne Hie nf the Latter shi purchase The ship wns to h ive sailed but a Doli neg diatoms for the ,i Memphis in the campao- - kmlftcatton uf d and Intoxicated race d fi said was postponed until to- - potnti Bennto palmer of ef v lew he Closed her Icpaitur. tsered. WW oat lo the Juarez jockey club, a sil. tontort b.i. ,i dozen owners and trainers TWO Ai.RUOUEROIJE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915. Summary or Wot n REPAREOMESS ! LLIE.LA5 I SPECIAL PRICES ON CALUMET BAKING POWDER FOR PEACE IS Wholesome Clean Dependable iii vycA nniiipq w FISHER'S IDE,' thi8 uvio UUII1UU ill YY IIU1CMJIUC W Seta Sheffield. 2.50 QaQy approved by the Tinted Mates owtlauiKtes. ecretary of Interio 13.50 (PlPriri I nam; tact u red in tlte most by Troops ess at University o Baadtary bakUBg povrdtr plant in the world, C)oipped wttli (H ei.illv designed inacliinery Force Now ). Givs Viow? nn - prevent and eoiilaniiiKitioit. Ii All i.i-- i. unin iui- i.M.uian n to expiMire and its U,UUU Men. a port sgaUBsi attack are untouched by human hand from the bove Price f hr y Previous reports had ajutoai that Russian worships wen furlo Btari t the finish in the scaled can. Long. So Br Fail) n as musmu i ii.iir iccnuse every (lOssilile pre- - to, i i. e. xi. Criticism f th. Dependable eaution known to B.'ikmjr program oneea a tha nations Powdi scientists the cmnliiiied knowledse of a th allic Btliatioa ' was voiced today ,, I.. Fisher, form r secretary ... Baking Powder ccrts years of prac-- i. w al Hart manm orks i i.. r in an ncitce in tbt m.inut'aeture nf Bakino; Pwwa RAABL & MAUGKR the Voskc mountain) address at the !' I DOI Chicago. Mr. Kisher ws used in our efforts to make its keeping K l I I I I Vl una Is the II It VI III r ..I two i orapanles of speaker at the quarter! qualities perfect, ition nf the university which inn mtn. '1 II degrees or titles, because Calumet is the Uakinar iwrded and nartdnaaa for Peace" was th Dependable Powder that contains a smuil listened l( 'K'Tiyjof men and before Mr. Fisher's discussion and amount of dried white of egg Ihe ingredient that makes O'MERA LUMP in by pointing cut the "dun possible the "Water (.lass lest. Hits test is a simple at the I'nited States might hut important and positive m.i ho.! that enables you or Into believing that prepare anyone to easily prove that Calumet. has; preserved its GRATES remarkable leavening r war is tin- must important (Kiwer. HEATERS ir us if We desire tu sc ut. Our salesmen Ireonesthj test the Calumet Hiking Powder FOR in1 ili- Maximum spoil they find on the gns'crs' slielves to make sure that it is up FURNACES minister aa usual '! W aac faili to the Calumet standard. This makes mrc that it reaches ubj. In his op. ning you in Ihe same perfect condition as it leaves ihe factory. RANGES anten ind declared thai although IRISH PARTY OtfOMCD The test is not a coniiarative test of the strength of differ- In Brit tab fiKhlltiK in the v:i- - lores TO IXHJIKKIi SER1CB iromote ent kinds of Bakihg Powders. The "W'aler Glass Test"' Ion ileal. is new iiimuint to more' it NATIVE & FACTORY WOOD mak dis s not show the strength of a Baking l'owder that docs than 1,269,00a men, the wars ,1.- - Londoa. Dec. 1 n. m I -- The ileal not contain while of eng. It docs, however, show the Hlpcf i ' mnnds Wi party a i.l In told hi III lie lnsii held meeting la th' iority of Calumet in other respects. AZTEC FUEL CO. and Hi it their in at house of commons today, John lied-Imon- d aid be reepei Li d. I'i'i ildlng, and affirmed Iti "The Water (il tss Test'' furnishes a guarantee of relia- Ilia ' arttif Horder, adherence to th" resolution bility. It is Hekjog Powder Insurance. PHONE 251 iiuestion of ti loinlut hii adopted June 7, opposing compulsory Little, nf the new n ernineni of Mexh ii Ut us send vou free a "Big Storv in a book" ould be taken up tomorrow, military service, awing numb, r ol offlcora pi leader ..r thi Irish naUouallata, at th. ".Ml that has inaciiried since militarism, dcmoci IN the " JUAREZ GRIP OF lot ol Mr. Aaqulth'i epeet h. flung a than Justifies the attitude then taken DRUNKEN MOB: hombehell U declaring that the mi- - by the Irish parly and the magnifi- lonalutti ahould oppoae conaciiptlon cent reaporuHi of the Brltlah people to i Powder lie r means in power. And Calumet Baking Co., Chicago SEVERAL ARE KILLED lati toniKht hi ttam herla, abotil aav e. their Lord Derby's recruiting campaign has etitv miles iwnitli of .in.Mi., traveling I. din Dillon folloWOd with a seyere proved thai Hie patriotism of the alPWlf to tile r. At same irralgnment of tha Brltlah war country can be upon to supply II .inltlttiril Kri.m I'litr Olir bord thf relied many tnc doctrine mat in ii wt Ti ported hi J thai inquiring: by - nations uurei voluntarj effort all the men necea- of Itodrlguea, I, (00 . holds that the economic Welfare Hen. Jose arltli men. I Mil on noun, cs (cncral-.- siiry in carry IMC war to :i victorious tors on the American sine were driven was en 'as;s (iraudes. l. every nation depends upon securing route from "Whnt is ii le of Banding more lusion." I ack In a hurry. 'I'lic poaalblllty at Vlllu anil Kodrlcuea tha coin constantly expanding opportunities rOOpfl 0 be led I v men like those The Mexican cavalry proceeded to for trade; and that such opportuni reaponell la ,n- - STATE RESTS III for the Buvla lay and COUNT ' lake up stations opposite tha stock-- 1 TISZA TELLS les ure to he found by acquiring ?.ac failures'.''' hesi nrl am! the ki pads I. mi louthweet-er- n political over or spheres of HIDIIM. IV .11 I The WHEN WAR W!L dominion yard Hu.ldenly a n MT in. mier's of th. need - railroad sluu H I M II VS Influence in other countries, espec- III I. s IUOV of thi iirmy for "every riKhlitiK d MM from the BteUean side ami lolly in countries relatively hackward man" Included a warm tribute to the A. IHepell. ..f I.I I'.. ... lie .if on, Dec 'i i Rioting among in Industrial development but capable SCHMIDT '!eore and he took pains to USE; a train crew on a yard crew f tha tin' Villa loldiera at Juarei is re- oversells soldiers development. particularly men eager 11 n p. m.) Count Stephen Tisza. the of such n Kill iled by state department iiieniiiin 'the HI Paao n ml Southwestern railroad official! do this j I Hungarian premier, in the hulls, n: "I not believe that doctrine mm iin n i lil. nt th it will not affOCI tin to c attested Who have made applli a fell from a .nr. n l.ullet IhioUKh Ins magnatea today discussed the prob- will indefinitely continue to control general situation in northern Meajoo lion from h nl pie heart. His unites wniiiil to III. ei able duration of the war. lie said policies ' wild,- the ile fin to n"vei nmeiit rap- Hon,; Kmii!, Khodcsia, alii',, una and International relations DEFENSE BEGINS ground The l.odv w.i lain n . ;i ri j id))' is (standing its authority over the the htiKth of the conflict depended It is not morally or economically upon d it, CoittM mill later to an undertaking territory formerly held by Villa. those who starts sound, it nut even enllghtenpd "W will continug to flghl until thej is est r llshmsnt, from Juarei tonight Indicated Iflshnese. it must disappear with that th aiiiiinriii, a would tht lathargj ,,i tome of tin si here gt cease their attacka upon Our s'curlt.v. simriiy afterward, two drunken Carranaa of its futility and j suppress ill I. it. ill h N.i splendid Independence and futtioniil greatness," the demonatratlon on Mi iin, re eghlbltlon of - the virn side of tin fieri, hi said. "We wi cbtitinue Ihe wur the rnphlitv of the process will de- Fifty Witnesses Aie to Testify Without ,im difficult 1 lania !' Interna lonOl bridge, an General Villus whareabouti Mill an .until our neniics see thai any fur- p. mi chiefly upon tiie progress of tered into a glMVTal with tin t0tn unknown lu re. ther prolongation hitrcy causes hu- educe ton Intelligence among tin and Two" Weeks Wore Are uselewa sufferlkg and Kiiards there, II was The department' int. st ra-- manity without Have vou thouglit reported, imd state a mTr of . i brlngtni them hair's breadth nearer Required V ere shot and kill. .1 purls are onflll tltiK. nc is that Win n Mr. Fisher Bald it was impossible Before Arguments ha left Chihuahua with his 100 man FLOWERS as a CHRIST- tonight B to just causes for Une tramway BSrvloS ail h moved northward, Another "The events of nearly vear nnd u determine when MAS GIFT? to . hut m .1. I half in the arenas of the war war would he removed from the atarted Juar. mm thai ha turned towards the smith to kcepil various (enerni Pershing barred all Ameri- Conl eh in in tin ,nii a,m e nf vii a'a have riven the situation definltenaaai wor only sane Up present armies i linn noml-wante- d Already our know Why not give flowers? cans at the bridges. Mexican soldi, is agi iii. ii.. H he will ii into the I'm! enemies inn that tern Btatea Btnti s Ian war for tin v cannot accomplish the nbjcci of Tliey esc 'lied the curs through ,1 an I At ed ami the fact thai Ills wife arc a most appre- lins Iff) H) Pgao foi the east, uppul and Ii in reaae the their attack nnd that our victory will the Meghan consulate in this itv, n a security, ciated gift in v Intending to go to Cuna, hits n ii. or ure H lirl create gaafhntee for our and, besides, i i was said (! MM Ihregon van axp d . I ., hut by no means Involve encroach- hum. officlali to nun to th. bath fOTl i BVOI ;i they re so full of senti- ed early tomorrow mid i np-po- ments upon tin- existence of tin other that tin 104,. inn tin mlaalna man oon win put m Held, the great powers as vic- i pesos Ckrranaa eurrt n s wonltl noi on tin Arm i (cap Mda ol tha of Rurone their which ment. llstenl With the provision for na- - tors over us wmihl do. Every fur- he paid until tomorrow, since tht lati I, ..umi. ire. an aggri poi ta ad nt the m in tlonal neceseltli's, Including munitions ther drop or bipod shed in this terri- villa i ii It - if n the plan ig preaenteo pi, Send her some FRESH- aenerais in Juurei have y 1,1 . ble Struggle will he in ambaiat) sa tlanatoJ Trevlno is itnad-ll- Hill til, Ml.-- I II, if mploymcm of nations shed i.i le ii to us d distinction, gs to decide ttpOn leader who was i vain and cry to heaven for LY im ii k tits carronaa army north- Upon Ih, mil Hilled l klllK nf H hi I. the the CUT FLOWERS this lo appoint h pnymii-t- . r rail responstbl ity therefore must he horn.' ti ward from Torraon, repairing the ha national life depended. by year and see if she will nol lUepert ,is I yean old road aa be advanceB, and that h'K thoai win, conjured up the war tight to make an openini statemei Dm duiieiii'i Campaign, from selfish motives and lust nf con-que- be here In Novetnher frmn Kutiui, N, M. vanguard is ai Hanta Koaalla, a ahorl in save lime, inn! will begin tonmrri mere than pleased. diatani aouth of Chihuahua, the Dardanelles cam concealed h. hind hypocritical fn railing Enter Protest. phrases, now to the Introduction of their testimony. it there pecura no further hitch in mill said: and who refuse n Drop in i ept Hint made William J. QurJlB. the detective ! TODAY or Strong esi ions were the control of Juaree bi the da tacto i deep reluctance that to Mexican Consnl Andreas (J, Oarcln governmcnl troopa, n is regarded ae the withdrawal, eape iut PHONE US and let tonight bj ,i J, penning lata ti.n probable Carranaa will requesi ll- - FREIGHT EMBARGOES brl-gad- that inc. where oUr A list f. i us prepare inexpensive commanding the Klghth infantry c be to more ACOUITTAL (IF an mid given permlaaton move . at IPorl Bliss upon He killing of troops aoroaa American terrltors to inn and Ni .i a mi kinsmen wo MADE MORE RIGID bouquet. lllepert. He was told that si tltiK sli iiclln n tluil Harrison, pcrini'l This withdrawal ill in inss the bordet would in. i I.. d tha muatering out of sm n of Villa1 Ithdrawal from Belli inves-tliratlon- a We will see that it is The general said his mi n is .in not care ta eerve I ha nm Oalllpoli peninsula ahowed Hint Dleperl had .New York. Dec. J I. The committee i Tveltmoe of secretary-treasure- ernmem In its army. coiuliiucil naval nnd artil- - DEFENDANTS San ptancisco, r on CHRISTMAS heen deliln riili ly filed Upon by n representing line No word hag been received tha rnrces comman all trunk rallroada TI of th. state Building Tradei DAY. six cavalrymen w1". iuud of mlaaed tjcnoral Rodrlguea, who rcwrilly ha lending into New York announced to- Council, was to lie ,i on a ltd Voile) ami lo the straits. witness for the the flrt, sent wo. in en villa' etrongeat lender and wh day Hint the freight embargoes de- - prosecutloa. t E fled hai been operating in Bonora near h erythlng was by in cimed ihe many roads havt railed The prosecution closed ItB i Kepreaentatlves of the Pearaon I lull, 1. mi statl line, a putt pt loroe st oi i". a n ase with r to ameliorate t in- nam I'rflion. ALBUQUERQUE ti rests uunounced thai a dlapatch villa forces M .mi Tiial III an agreement on the part nf attorney - caivad Clt) .111, being 10,0 fm- testi-mon- y tuituihi from Chihuahua III. a liimunci il at The premlei there approxlouatslj the defense that Tveitmoe'a said the ih Fred-Brewst- stated thai ftoj Hoard, ajentral man n m. ill I. I, destined New Vnrk un line er, .ill lis a for McHarg and might he admitted later. . Irawn r short hilt led HKer of the Madara company, limited, alli Igui In the field alii terminals, GREENHOUSES tawniy-nln- e nther American am Cil, WOUtd ced I.l II iew the; iter umi tlmr, would gin mi illUaW lore. 1'H" a, ting on this, th, Penns rick F, of New pioyea or u, e company held priaoneri of ffn lent ll.ers to operattona, paid warm trii lite New York ni . ml Mhigl less Hi. in fifty ami GRANT SHAW. Prop tu n fjent III Mi. mo anil Mil ilwninl. f Haven Road, liltless, witnesses that their MM declared additional ingl ni embar - testimony would not over Referring to operations on extend more Wei. Centred and 7th St. irohlen than (Wo WCI ks Hrani o- -i hie. ia front the 'preii I., Ih. Mi se an titbueai compliment. ! Field m.i - hal B. HURhiMI .OUHNAL Bill .. PHONE 466. i ii. i mi .1 BmUIIu in ,mn 'I'o PrevetM Hie drip. ,1, his .New York, Dec by ptubahle Umi h, and success! MI LIOll vno II Remarks Colds cause lirip Laxative Bruin u Douglas I in iK. .liulne Hunt today at the trial of the ic north e in hash STEW I Kill N'til. VXD eleven N w RaVen ill- - Quinine removes the cause. There i ,1. ., fllj thai III i I former rallroiul and Impoi Held, Bj, i rectora, charged un- only one "BrontO Quinine." W Itinerary a, he, n planned to with conspiracy I that "A fortnight h Impo y WANTED li nn cotton ranH nt tli J..ui Quude bi short- - der the Bherman, law, as to the gov- OROVK signature on hox. 2r,c. itu Imli lira ma. was held nu Office tylvgi tnri IV lift! d th, am-Kn- ernment's position that the evidence pn nentatlvei in iiu' case lai'Mo Dla id m fr, ,lll to N i iv applies to all the defen- ' v i I I 111 dants equally, raised hopes In the minds of their attorneys tlio I VI II I that PltAP til M'iII court might direct a verdict of in th,. as,, of certain of them sumption The , al least. freight Judge Hum mentioned the names Henry K. ivvevir. McHarg and Frederick V. Krcwster, as having participated in W7 Br notlci th, alleged NAVAJO PILLOW TOPS conspiracy to n less de- gree than smn, of tin other defen- IN GERMANY dants. Counsel expressed confidence illpil Ho' iipel fh lal fm U of tin i am that they would be ahle to convince Slippers lor il in he against the allies, STARVING FOR MILK !f court 'hat these ami ntlvra held Special e fundamental facts, the lie III Ihe same , lass sill, llhl In. im Price Wednesday nam r In thi' lung run an mediately acquitted, They pointed to . LIAStP WIRII Robert W. Tuft. James s. H mingway, The A in. - l. Niv inn Barney, A Henton Robert-so- u Christmas d to Becretrj and Charles M. Pratt as in ihis iltli . from the at. gory. $1.00 Each Their respective counsel plan to- for food ship- - morrow A most pnscn( for to take up their cases indi- vftai vidually. Argument also win be modi anyone We have never ihown Individually In behalf of William Rockefeller, Lewis Carta Ldyard ami If Will II Charles F. Brdoker, Argument for Edward D, Robbtnt has already I. ecu counsel devoted themselves today I nttte ilippcri foi rVtothei chiefly to an effort to prove that 'hi and Diui batn ilippcri foi i i i nun iii hud faili tl to show that any lohgplraej whatever existed. POST CARD uroiliet --party ilippef i ol nod ALBUMS 'parole Peace Not Though! bcaulilul pallriu lm M lei "BENCH WINE CROP dainty tin- Iti- little bootici lot IS GREATLY REDUCED 100 i New Red Cross ask iiu El - Mexico Views ling bring tin- matte ICASCO HIMI Thay'ra I I. f Ureal Britain ami . m.i Tiie Tomptly as passible, Recording GIF I . Itif the i.ilnil I old. $1.25 Chicago, i President Taft 1 1 EE CHWSTM 5HOI paaaed tin lioago today on lu way to tad., in re ha reporl STOKl . had an en m nt to spenlt. He is 85,090,01 om a si wt'. e akint; the trip II, '. iter ol t:an-ill- c. Kvansyillc, 111.!., I ec. 21. The Ohio JOHN LEE Rosenwald's - achieved, NOTICE i Mm KJIOL Di ns. river hen w is within almost two feet CLARKE, Inc. i 'i oiler Ai Notice Is hereby given that the an- - today of the predicted crest smge of illlmi Bald U.i We lanvtion the ti mil meeting of the First Bavliwa forty feet. The river stage was :::. ( EN L .V: AVENL NEAR fourth million il mi n we ought ti Bank i'rust i'o., for the purpose of feet, almost three feet above flood csti-sue- v electing officers is h i 0 si ai mn and told what is tl tile r and the transac tion of siane and stmdilv tisintt. It Ko, business as may come before the united Ron would lie UfainM the walls menl s se hav e that families demand will n. s- - - meetinir be held at 10 m. Tin driven from their homes In n fortv-' failures nf the war bean Ml. day, January 11, I'K, foot stage, I? En




NEARLY FINISHED (ahle ta the oftlcere at this . ount IRE STRONGEST tax rolls art- nt yet ready. N'.i .- - in I't t'n approved Ml "'' inm ol i Silk Hose Silk Kimonos Bath Robe Material th.- - Buildin treasurer. The board de Bargain c thread Silk. Hose. M Hi btcbei uide. in handsome - v,!k New With,wh taa wi eeeme uViin- by Dewey Out- e and black and wlttte Kimom Years Dav ed Admiral in sorted colors. n unusual Coun- - Celebration; Otero to! winter ... nh. r e llinil lines Comprehensive Plan at per yard fcorwnow. On four Bights Pnmmlccinnni'o Mootc lUiiiiiiiooiuiHi a ti temperature has dropped ta tl, w , la a seasonal mark. So wry I weather h as been reported front PONOCNCC fO MOWN NO JOU 85c t loudcroft t $229 distrtt $1.00 .. M N . Oh it. Work h!v hall ami amusement in navy should be "equal to the moat bj ans othei na-o- n owerful maintained ' of the world" not later than 1 1 i MAIL SEIZURES I i the opinion of the navy general ARRIVED pla.-ii,- " I JUST if the h bIU lR toors and oard beaded by Admiral Dewey. windows, and all the ma-iiir- h The annual report of the board. $2.00 will be required is now A dull kid Is and DOtMH $1.35 ground. The pavilion is o.x thta naval pollcj w.k formulated b :) I i in answer clippers from to a pillar or post In CAUSE TROUBLE the body Jntv laM to the 1.60 12.00 without I following proposition propounded by . cretarj Daniels when tne itaminis-- i Thirty-si- x big windows, toss ition reaehed its deeiatun to enter oora and on single door, will This Is the Christmas Slipper Store e pi. n e almost as cool In um-an TOTHE NEUTR ALS redness: airdrome, it baa further the navy must be in tli- - fa- re l to upon ait .niai- - sun Of order stand in from the of rows Ml I ity with the most efficient ttnd mostl the south and weal sides. I practically seta Iceabh " . Motor Hoods Specially for 1 Bath Robes ! The board concluaiona follow: S NOW navy .a Interfering "The the r Stat. x 1 . n . I ihould ultlmatelj be equal to the moat f w w Santa Claus Week wrv. raCKaC'eSii.owerfui maintained by anj other m tiers and - attractive comfortable head covering thai ii Robei quality Beacon blanket" . world. It ahould be grad- 7 tlon of the ' Unit-uaU- y to point bj auch ;. ", - I pink and Indian oWedeil and increased this e umJJ. m im.i Ian- ilues lavender a rate of development year by year. as pleasing in apix-aram- as it wm uil,.s .,.) Manbou li,s bi facllltlea deMRtis. S, may be permitted the use. Ask to see llietii Noveltiel Ml. SIZES, of the country, but the limit above de i I fined ahould be attained not later I t than 1015." !in,L ifici,l lkiio im e aattae time the hoard pre-- 1 r P-- in-- Tha L, 1 : i Exactly Special (:19 (1 :1 bulUHng program for t ln Each 25 $1.95 I 50c stenmship Stockholm, Uomplaaee with the secretary's re Holland-America- n liner j nuest for "a program formulated In i, i) was recently taken the most definite terms, planned for progressive de lop on All Our Newe iiv the British ituthorl-l- a conalstent and Smash Goes the Price Waist Special , r '., .i. ;. .. mriii of this great defensive arm nfj

,111s o( It. Ladies' Tailored Suits ami Evening atls rihl when the hoard lui trtmrned Sum, ol hi. Georgette I rCM and messaline This aae ol the removal a iseoin-at- in i. toiler A beautiful assorttnt'iit ol handtome $7. ssel en route T6ni0.JJ?Va r ( secretary naked the es. Valuei io )(. ed States, nlthnullh boaid to pi "a building program Kwadlah aoverh-Ifo- r the n mi will continue over .i period of five years wim an expen- diture of about t iii. imo.omt each Special five years On new onst ruc- $3.95 year for tion on! .' The administration P'j Special $11.95 for tii.- eonatructiott ol sixteen ahipa within five yeara is roundeu and Friday Double S. & H. nit .he board's anawer, Today, Thursday .vt the same tlmo the board nJtaln ih veione.t its Idea of the iilace the Green Trading Stamps with all purchases made American navy should bold In In world In the following language: 9 1 1 a, m. Shop in Morning charges contained in a proti The general hoard believes that LOOK between and the lj the course of the preaenl war In l.u-ro- affords convincing reasona modifying the opinion which it has past eleven yean I;, expressed for the jT1 ii to titer as ta the proper size of the nay The H im Th. um navy in firm control nf the seas 'from the outbreak of war lathe prime RULE GOODS CO country DRY filial to the defense of t GOLDEN Great Christmas sltunted as is the I'tiit.-- Btatea boy (lorlns upon two great oceans, A navy strong enough only to defend our TOY STORE jooaai from actual Invaalon will not suffice. Defenae from invasion is not "WK DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE" the only function ol the navy, it must i. iv i iimtnorce and aea. 'MPATHETIC STRIKE drive that ..f the enemy ftohi the O LThe beat way to nccompnpn mi iiidb. MFMPFH objects ill find and defeat the bos MAY BE COM 1 w . t' ( ..H ,l,.iji,-uii- at nts Ii. its loss Uttlll r all ft; )., from our . oust sufficiently L In sal araad l Want Ads Bring Results distance pur L 30,00(1 tons. the w.Kii great to prevent interruption ol ai arrivals and departui JOURNAL Tho I normal courae ol national life. The j lOrts nveraged rrom READS THE JOURNAI war shown that a navy th tiinni. ' current has , nd d by hoard 1 he alae reoommi this the Minne-- liri;vi,,UL. v,.,,,.s ,;IM ,, longer North- - ,., defeh nention any one thin ),. i al adequate to the I'ne sithuinrl hay. oninlcted a iho mite, t States, tun em is known, . s . . . . auxiliary, whom group is but to sligh tin i, resent,idav navy e not sunieieiit i,,nl,( iv,. due weight to the fliP'omatlo smonatrances of the rjnitod Btates fn P It to. lay. lo t i !me in and see litem board's proposal that seven Ol the Six mainst an exaggerated brine the l(idilies. snperdrea.l- - but warns ten new ships, four Value belli plat ed upon the battle naughta and three battle cruisers, he era isel s. then takes up the tines-onn- HOT WATER authorised in secretary I tlon of pel and finds that any HIS i i ,.,,.. I . oimi ess. how a , trnall e than -- .Vim officers. lever, that only two dreailna tin tit s ana ,,,. j. K,., ml 18,40(1 marines taken two battle cruisers be auinoristHt i w()nM nadenuate for the n.i niploVi this time, ruder the board s idan the- peace t Ing, Tit KEEPS letal exp.nditure tor tlf live V Isblps tlbn it) ( ommlsSlotl and ll Oftl 7 nun mm 111, l ' ' far theV aviation net .1 a M Jury Commlfwlon Meets, ' "H . shore stations would mniiinni ' ' eta, ll Mates, In tin 21. The jury service and i of 74.700 bluejad Roscnwald's Santa Ke, Dec. ammunition and material would M war. conskstl-- g of John Dendahl $499, 878, 000, the last approprwuuiw Tnrnini; to th, uuestion of coUgcs Epimeplo be n i (Third Floor) nr. David Knapp and for whh h would inline in lower grades, nhich eoiifrom THE DOCTOR mero .aiuin- niel tnlg rorerioo t tni 111,, secretary a recommemmiK'HB .....i (ifflcffrs under the preseni system, tii ill! - BO! for a total expenditure oi urg oongresa uMiaims setec'.etl the names for the toti "u""'-ne-- board that Toy Department. tht last appropriations ahown .Kg nm mMi. ill :i ll Klad In it els 7j.' 1921, ami Increases belng basis, of the total number o fr On the ,' made over the hoard's estimates officers in the navy and not b) pre Submarines and reserve ammunition. v I cling for a fixed WHnbei1 In ea Tne board program contemplates the grade except the hover ones Addi building of thirteen Heet auxlUarlaa. tlonal legislation should he sought, while the serretary re. iinino mis Only ContiiMiiBC BuHdlag PoUcy. The board highly enmmenflta Hi proposal to establish it continuing L.,4 ,lin... nnllAV I'm' the llaVN. savillli It IDEAL GIFT In- - iTHE will stabalize the warship building STATE MUSEUM NOTES duatry In the covintrj ana teno i" n contract prices for new snips. due.' urse j The board reviews th oine

THE BALDWIN .is to types of ships, the battleship iperfui - is still the principal reflance of nu- ,., nun vies as it has l u In tile past." other great nttVal superi- - ITecauee of the 'ea ofttj. of the entente allies,- the report j MANUALO aayi their control of the seas has As In never lieen Berloubly challenged and will GIFTS v.- objective "they ha at ur.'iv held the ,cend; hould. I naval effort." Naval warfare Haver-P- i iuman Lf all tht i has been confined, by reason of this juperiorlty, ll states, ta double se- - " unique, attractive and useful, ri. v. of minor incidents." in the Htsl tinan - finalh is more striking than a hand- I seas atroyed or nrives from h Nickle or Silver Finisher! systematic pursuit," and n the si penscN f the player; of (lel'llian na lb. netivitlew ' No ".iff will bring the rlncg, first against allied warships. "' sl Appliance. "high score obtained" la lag Han where the sim oi give more lasting PHONE PHONE asserted to have been due to surplil the t?nu luickei attack, not to "Inherent combatant su- - ,m. r nu, Hie noted fion, Ready immediately for ' S 987 periorlty," and second, against 987 yil mmm allien, m this merclal vessels of the menil K eampalgn the report aa'i: j, Kubmarinr IMscHSseo. "After six. months of war the aub-c- so.:. ntaiine form of attack drew renewed Call Ith .attention by its direction against hos-- clety, tile commerce, Alnerlcan publit at- - toward this side tentlon was redoubled s' of the war. owiiin to th.- humanitarian u, Interests involved, and to the dlmo- - maritstn raised Koussel, Rival, and Our Ot matte questions which were The Baldwin Piano Has No thereby. To hastily formed public thflr Q. Makes Most Desirable Gifts. opinion, it seemed that submarines ana . Are le- - were accomplishing greal military (,; . ,, little else ..f importance ' subs because - REASONABLE TERMS FOR CHRISTMAS BUYERS oecurrad in the maritime war to at- tract ntiblic aHeiition. V.l al lie- powney, I present time, when th.' allies have combs, pro- - Vv I in mean u re how to y, i;v, cmcnuier e In; wfirned (taa a Iteet commerce, as they harm , re their Our a few months previously to protect men-- ! macher th. ii navies from t he nubrnartnc, it is apparent that the lUbma-- 1 lrns, Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light I rine Is not an Instrument fitted to,.Mai tine: dominate naval warfare, it appears IAGRIPPE and Power Co. from British returns that the firs: r, tfbl months of this siibrnnritte war- - Smila fare uKainst I'.ritish enflrtmarcfl re-- 1 ,,.,.,, art s ift t iiir Phone 98. 1 S Set ond and Cold, stilted in Ih.- loss of merchant l . ornei H .nmi, "wtm' un.iK.UP-- B and 17.". trawlers. The total i , COLD TABLETS' vessels tgry: lainirez, four ami British mi reliant tonnage lost was not HH E one-ha- u mil- - to ars, larcthyi Quills hi r greatly in excess of half FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNIrJG JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915.


lc uue oi rio.ioay v.ana, an trie dcm we tan buy ior Dosirabl and pure Bulk . .u:dy, al per lb. from 20 to 40f Removal I'nsfttk'd Matter. re. ioj Prices on Quantity DUE WEDNESDA tlic Coaorafc t

We have laLen special care in getting an extra nice line ol Package Dates. Glace Pineapple. 1 able Raisins, Candied

OLIVES AND PICKLES 'lour (.liiis, mas dinner will not be complete without these Ail Is of Fancy bottle and Bulk Pickles. Stuffed and Plain Olivei

pint Pimiento Slull. per pint :,Or- - tin ' 'hi FRUiT CKE AND PLUM PUDDING rutt Cake, made fiom a good old tZngnah recipe and

III I I It- - .r ig, one- - and Iwo-.'i- rf a Thil Ihe rVneral league would PARADE PERMIT IS and 'iint WMTJ "Ht H II of Ma llatiftf. f5f i mil I ;i If With T". NECESSARY TO MOVE Tl it Ihp W ml Intprema I" nil I'ett-Nt- l CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS IMt , l imn.' inUtetH would I'lin-- FOREIGN SHIPMENT Mistletoe, Uurwtl in i ii I'M' ni "i rifi,tot i'i'i iii Inoiallment' fot ihe i I 1 25f I wcill V ' .it ..I ill "I M.-- WW, iv. MK.11 (inter i SI fruddaade ' 1. i ii. i itl I he in. ni. Would paid .01 Throusti to Ii y turn' !' ( . ,. I, v ,ii Till!- - ttlnll.l I' t ll.illr.l ni iii. ago lit squad ot SPECIAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES . I i i nw M. ii mo ' he iM"'N lull iii ha io mill. I'nliii'. . . lime for your Christmas dinner: li .fciit'h mill would iiHioiini In r t x Green L l . I I II M ni in It.ilAtt h r t cut h loam. il IIII'MI C.iuli d That nil "rontracl lumpers' W'HiWI III M II t hti rosMwd i" vm.i.i i.mdtii 1" or gonial ii haaatMtt r ii nuiwnei "i Othoi than lh'' iin IN THE MARKET rumnra were In 'iiini'.M totiiutn. hul when tin' rhnnnci! ( hmical C01 Hoar tor Hi. ''tarop ..i "n arml-o- f lion) hauled a ohipmeni of fit i.ii approval .ill Mops ibroosh Hi" bualneaa oectl Al i.i. meeting ionium ih' ommli if (In- it; and whii h waa "misijn . tee 1. p!.-- tiiiih' tbi ioiii"i loagueowaa in 11 for. Ian port, u . into th m o. nil rtiecitaelnn '"'I tKfUlK J,.)Uii ILKv1 This ahlpmeni welKhlita IT", to ihooe urari' in the room when Mj and valued al 162,009, formed auch POULTRY iidjoorni'ti ennaleted "f the Ioiik proceaalon that 11 was neceooa I meettna ..1 wi-- r ings, lens. Wr want vou NwUimmiI roraniiaaldn Unwr. 1I1I-- I'rnnkli Lstuihon I'hiluilelpKia. lo in -- obtain n paia.i. permit bef. trior, U'eeghnuui and BlneliMr. of th who la fighting Jusi no u rnlddie-h- . Id tii" merchandiae oould lie taken Knderal league, utid Meoara. .1 II. Far- - j weight, htta u record which he behcvea CnVp the freighl itatljui. Kdwnr.l h- fresh killed. nil. Thmiuis Chivlnglon nnd i0 - unlutii. m hi .mini. .1 hlltf mi. rhnffl Headed bj I'uii.. Barrow, t mo minor I.. A siiia( ot Qouated police head "", ,.. - rrnnkli boa not mil) lie 'lil lot i n fvi-nin- lvl ln- fuhl Hns unique parade, inih was fi Inn - i lahiwelghi limit. ,,. ,.i th- - rittahantti Pearl Hi Pat- wl.Thta tin blocha in length, ami for aortie tii 1' llmil fw h i rich Powera,d ih SbwutI Fuderali; terweighi ihc thai iii down 11 traffli was inmpict. ii i iieniirit k, of the tndlanapolla nnd heavywiilghti who mitwelgli I Mii.'iiian aatttwiatlofi elub, and Harrji him by in ihlrti pounda, H Mn- - W. , T w . a m T T iti'mpetend, .if ih. vv York (lr oft r tame w AWklNSIn I (s Smirked a I I Vr wnr called befor. th ... as rii au in ' Donate, en" 1( l0y h u ll( M u iiccoralea with Ann ftrani iid carried baotlnfi sinus laaiiinn. ITVicrt? Price s ft'gtf, Qualilv Right Service Mi baaed MaitHa . " and Riilht. Tka lAMtlflfl wtfl ...nwn. NRaln at ffht ah ni" in dor 1.1 .'in' oijntry 11 a'ttnak toraofroa ninniiini at IU ponada, Jack Brlti This M h' tor Hi inn. si ;jint;l" of CRYSTAL THEATER 44- - UHl IviOK, Hull A II II ll II II MM. til of mi mo pa for floora over siniip".i Phones 524 Mill it i 11 1. Ul 1 HIIOU n an) . .ni. "i ii, ai on.- time, ami la the suit ..I an cnmpallfn on MONDAY. DECEMBER 27 ,,U,MMMVN 1'linii Til "i sh FRENCH DEPUTIES I.. pari iff th" Channell Cfiernicai Mill. I IHU! Its VOW veTt wo h H omnaity fM forcian bualneaa. rtince INOIILOE CRIHCISf . world war thia corapan) has iti mora thou ?Gtt,ilO0 mopa ii. Eu- - aa 1,111 Will ithjaui eoMfai al Ihi ii.' alone. LUMBER rin. o NaUonahj while Phil Ball of , 1'ormei' sltipmi'iii Siihmaiincil, Hudson for Signs Paints, Oyg, Qloaa, Maltholil Roota tii i.rmt- iiri.nv iiw si Ui raar Pari day mi inn A previous export bhipment, fully in- - In r mill I'mmImiii : l'a. r. aHrai I . at- - h if iii.. ponce treat) between or Ultamik nee pa ire. ni Its value of 143,000, ami hiik i I J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER L':inir'.i haw'ball noil the Padrrul nuiner. ipiih lameJInk ai by ih" ateamahlp inkuin. w. nt to i" bottom when was torpe-- ned laartmenl t( th itrmj", ut Ihi niUltarj Walsh. All were aan'tm nentenci this boai Wall .1 rci entty i a auhmarine. Paper COMPANY Xcti iiu.iii.ii Hlea, he iron) til III. Ill III Soll-- I I III" .aater, ph., Dei ; at, lire. John HUDSON for Picture LEATHER AND FINDINGS itonlied haaclwl Th. u u VKtoti. tv "" 81. M Urltton S hi-- prealdi nl of ih" general ( hlcngn will for world in of th" Reformed 'hui ch of the .11 0 aubatltute Frames Harness, Sttdillcw, Oevne Pnltil". Bool Intel i" Freddie Welah ..nil preaident a ininweujiii champion United siai former PaJatOi Bto. who i.t". December IS, agalnot Johnn) of Franklin I Marahnll college, .11". I 111 mill. ".I ini 11 hp.. They win hns twelve r..utt.i n his hum. Fonrtli St. ami Topper Ave. TH0S. F. KELEHER he hell, veil 11 wmiltl be alo i.f cxprcaa confidence In th" govern- - m nh ii n'elghti. III ..IHI t It It MM M III - .Mil, I,. phom: 4io ins Xf. CENTRA! Alimini. fiii". HR KKNT Ho.nii, MiSO. rurit.g Hi try Id l lull let nu:Dfs keitlon. BaUaUa r..r iiiionlilnf f Harvard Nwdwwi IllarklMrd .In altop, or atorHge; hfiiit aua ivatcr thla attim imp " Idlen l I rrrr larvard athletic council tanlahl : ,r Jl 5Sa 5 ..1 :. fr I lern IiIim lilUI".! heuiniM llic llcketti itK xludled utei udil. il thai f "I I ni ft in. iwtrviirw-i.i- l. 1, ii, ,,( ,11 'ii h. "i n found tram lhl the hi. p ,,.,,! M. milHlOl II tl utiohul .I" .na in ni. The Big Week

na H0NI YMOON 001 ONY Uittn t,'Mi.rj know muck about bnaebali, but Make way for the hi" rush. Slow moving vehicles keep close 4 t.uchMii Mtetlai aaaard is a glutton punlahinent. t"t' 1 aiagaatj Hiadi ..1 1.1 hata, to the the ()RMS A I HOT SPH head a. curb. you have any hurry in you, use if, for this is ANOTHtR ATROCITY. hisgcsl week of the whole year: the week when every More does lis hen- titiiBt br pracr!" th.' alagnetc ll" "I maximum amount ol business. oatk cr hi pOMAed "i.l Ct antf J ii.i qlaaa largil an.i it taar, I.II Mil llr .i IU .1 ill 1 "M t mn The people ol America will Ipefid Upward $200,000,000 "II I of htaig tii bam Mod heoil IHU ttfrr nar OOOOa or ."inn-i- bin ..1 ii MtaoaahK 110. this week t hrittmal fhp will have to handle 1. atatfeoM it , . h, mW itfim yaeoi raar." in pretenlt. stores thai volume of btltineM, STAND ASIDE. MEN. AND GIVE Willi lls lt I K. M N atal "., i nat, HIM AIR' Everything, smooth I !!a ML ' t,Ad even inctuding war buying, must be in the Whin Caerko Miirphy canoet Itaiiil I'llll si. est runninL' order In armmntiali this irminrUii lad in brischuit icfooii mi farfa I, . Ihr waUap hr ha.t to itaod ii ii. pad fur r I, n I lllll w . Most women utilize a small of the in their ihdppMtg, .. ni feaftol an laarlul. part day III," I raa sn th.. ml ot si, ill You must now ulilie nil of the day. Kvery has three good ,u.l M ' no- 1....1 pa Ullhla Hi. store 1 le.i war la 'ours in the mornine, m which they ran give you ihe trs( MTVIM T m K,.,il v!i they have. 1 ii?ure on using pari of those three hours for yourself 3 a; hianeo rigure upon beginning Santa Claus thei not your ihoppiftf with the Opening of tliese stores. w i blogrnpher, '!'raU.i!i,iii, tit.'s And most "win ht thirty-tw- a yeai.i aid Starcb important ol all, DON'I SHOP Al' RANDOM. baoe-1- . ,,. xt it. played pfofeealehal Don t run hen' and there without knowing exactly you are W t ..ii with Philadelphia, Sptlngfleltl wHt lit Alls going and Ml nnd K.iiisus city baforv Otnillg what you arc going for. You will only bother olhei as, fhicagn Natlonala in 187." and will ago, get nothing accomph lud yourself. i... ,.t t rn I . - li.ur iM.lir. JtaaM) At what did Jimmy f'uUahan tan playiha pi airlonal illakaa 1. 11 t .... aa lagel to Every good store is Irving to help you lo solve, your CktWbnal problem, trying to help you to where lo get it it Hie anti. it. .1. i i. decide what to get and 1. if, aitthe rowalaod 1.0 oar i oumib i. la thirl. in i. we ate mih wrwmmm 11 you will use the help they are offering you, you will make your aotea 1.. deotoaotvata 1M.1t ti tn poo . hl. krii. V MM..II.I i . alkla 1.. ..1.. paara vrtthooi lha oiii hopping labors twice as short and four times as happy. L'li AT ION ul tteori Kltvver. The advertising in THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL every day is the place where you should BEGIN your ...1, 1.. n lliiuiitl l 'i .i Pilwtttl in nli shopping. STFRX-SCII- l Ill' ill -- rl.lir I.i till ft. till mill lor i. .i .. tin Kociallai ,, Gaooral Dfc aatoe tviHa ifce tun tto.t n,,,k Ljo through it and check it off. just as you would check off a ni iinmHiiirn lire rvaehtag qaaca-mi- ll ,ti hut it.. i.t I... Hon broea died list if you were looking for a house lo rent. Plan you kooettlea. 4 day s shopping Irom these pages and vou will lind that vour day las been profitably spent 11 -- J oil ik. Uon keep 1'uiiiiiv: aipioa TAUGHT Sim SPANISH Christmas shopping make oime in ami we uj TraiotlatkMU a auecloiiy. Inforaaa ran be made very pleasant unless you ai Z it very unpleasant by 'ou ill kava .1 bttta K lion nnd consiliums hurenii mi starting without plans. an, I im in.--- matters nboul am i.i..." by Jwpt-- 'v Open M t.:i I il In m i AMI i h.s (rl Mtv syii ooftaaoooooooooaoaaq .' kill II hnl III Ih u nili aaihei s. Mih, an lawyer, VVhitlili! aaoaooaoooaooooaoooao'r l.vrninf? il tri'iuiii yaeda i.. i. ii him Illdir.. Nil ii a I f aaintOi t. H , , In h.m. Jill t'lMini- - .ml s. ii i i, V gf!iaea

V . BOXING ALSO HAS ITS PINO Learnard-Lindeman- tl n Co. Glass-Pai-nt BODIES. THE WM. FARR COMPANY I I'lTTSHt' K ill. Pa.. !"" I J. Tl f- WalIIUSCDIVI Cement-Plaste- "StjUOtf Music Cewen, ii num.! hoitt batwern Hail Wholesale an.l Ratal Doalora In t- r of this city Ki.l .ii VRESII AM I Ml DLr t .a t in- .Jtfli ami a. Sl Ts two other rtoi Mui-ph- F'lione 150. 20f U' Gold rliertej u aitaal mIo.iu itevalwnd na v "mm. " in iba SaiiMtgo a SNK'liilly Albuquerque e Lumber Company i'..rr prooeadtasOi II muai Tor ('an I., and BogfJ the Ulifin U NORTH ; Ills'! BTKEEY .... i, mm awtol Bkaeek to Mtm. I rut Market I'ric M .ri. ta




KrhMaa I srslo. Muisiicipliki. Surface Rights by Owner and men! Will Ti eel Get man Se Vlul.HiS 'ooarci Stfi "fir1 Remembrance Mirtnatti Ti.whuc Wit

imoi iimo t Pat i),.. .1 Kstrad, ,u loads HI i

is, reaas n can s ti tiii selxure by Winslow, com mi Everlhin to Make d i.s m .lit H bavi Your i ham Christmas ' if Xowat iklahoroi 1 1 hC M Dinner a Success 1.. develo:

(MM lt I H3M XN ami I I III I Wll mi In from " I'hIi hi sir. -. '(-ti- ll IRE FOOD GROC J; !: lllliell I1K' li tile llliilld III'M MMMl I'l ERIES wood-- J According t" report received by boilers, Captain II li 1 Joseph P. talan. mil Will wattt your selection. fort , the American coneul hero. Americana I onl will spend christi ViMt our tore TODAY NDUSTR" miln-H- . rlK' mllltat'' Mtminlsl and look ovrt our CAOtCC stol(t ur. IN W d rifil lave i.'ki from Si.ttii ,i:ul we will till your order ai irr .ptnilrll f rortnerl ihe This W (lien SPITZBERGEN COAL thouKh. you had ihagapM in pcr- - nulls ft mi ill- - settlement. a Blocker, one .if the neltlen larllck sent a wlrejet nteaani

The .uffi urn under th VI lietlicr you try us or not we wish vou a VERY MER- mi. in n, w hi i .iii- Mill Intac RY CHRISTMAS ih of the bat We have just received a car- in norih Norwi i". ImmU fiir liulli iiuiilli i ami pin- - tfiVCIl load oi MACARONI, ihe Uaa it eon- -. Ilii i,ien I'll,- kind ihul iilll 'residing towing i ffi j noii ,.rr. i w i i . iit'li very best on the ma kit. rorn thoir ' limatc us supply yout Cnritt-ma- s ARIES OF EMPEROR " l'l "'" p Chatn-p.iK'ic- , in (iiMMi npi von cRorp labia with choice s, AND PRINCES FIXEl .aii-- Couituk colda, croup, hoaraenew, ln i'i (tamed throat, broncniaJ tronblaa or Wine?, Cordials and erii-al- nor., urn r,.leli.l l.v l.'.ilev'M al! other kinds of the beit a Cefrrspsttdsac land now bull! up plant for tin i Honey and which itopped has ited through tlti Tar optni grades 5. the 111 of LIQUORS. After bos and can making and Intend to ai l,i ih,. largest nil ',l,Ulhrr, fliiUllli'll .1111) II' .11,1 of i h raatorag iltshmenl keep ui the present work In the days,,,, ill Ihe flamed lurfaoea, ami normal Ihe ChrtttrMi Grocery Store. I v. C, Roaaley, Mo., te emperor aril of peace, Seme difficult) la emoun-js- o nt bay. breath lr(, Alien, nays: have funiily of tered. now in supplying the enormoua 50,1 mined "I niaod a four iui children and Koley'a Money and BACHECHI us declalon against tin- handicaps of high ih hist Ich lie used demand iv Tar with all of tie in. I flint it (ho I prtocd st. ei and the acarchj "f ascld, n,, rwegiun coniumera ,,011, an, ever l VILLA NEVER TO i n meillolna Uluable an .mil mandati i goyernaaem 1 t which tin. munition pany, through Ita dlroctor ,11x0.1 used it for elghl or ten yenri MERCANTILE negotiating with (Jor-laji- d can raoommand it for croup--" in s men who want to buj 80MI avarjfwhora, iHREVEPORT RATE CASE cialma and mine. i in COMPANY the Irat, in- L EAVE MEXICO Mai'uuleea .r American company, Nor " "K tauiy aeertti win ii , losses iviti receive A woman RD TO CONTINUE DRAWING TO CLOS ItUh and Sweillsh stock '" ""v wrltims the Corner I'irst OM ijuras. 2,(H) reapeettvdy, l,is,llla" t'ro,luetl company ..1 ABju THURSDAY ,r- - holding coal claims at JOURNEY The allowanci to ii first class earl K rontaina aonta ver) PHONE 1ST MOHN1N9 JOURNAL "BCIAl ( IAID WIRti A great Ruiilan ooncam hurqf i'4 will 00 I"", An earl of tin iHtaroatmg iniornnation HE WIFE II Howaton, Tex , ec. i TeXati ptkm on aomi Norwegian J V' '" JOUWHll. WI.H TELLS rtaaa mil receive and In v groccrj lit MOININ9 fc.riU l.A.iD hi as intarvenor Mio ie aall ..I al Green Harbor abd lalj '" f1 , lour a, ! . i iii London. be onlj the third will paid It, n 1.1 w" 'nw 1""'l l"' utatributed I hrovaporl rata cane finished their uk them order m have i Ettnfy ord, who a. m.) Pi so mi through tin- loWer rahl monv today hearing befn (ioaaian toout Januar) firai, Write now ami Improved, fit ndtapoalr in the idv the new rail reatly from Shi Kal issued :l - peace expedU Yuan has from Petroarad to Kola wl" "' '" ,"1'y- DUKE CITY n, said today that thf addteaainB tin sun ot tl fli Stockholm on data an will part for i Cleaners-Hatte- rs 'inirsdai morning. Mr Ford aala m Mil line Iui too i,ti: to i.ssirv ,, ,. ,.T ,. wan much gratified with the re ,.," , z,'U 11 esi .01 -I t oil., cptlon of his plan Ih Norway, Mrs, d ilia, mun i" repori tc niisia. is Kieens, iiiiuiie III lr, u l.v Mr, office, building, t it it was announced today thai nun, as he ade her mi the bed gtiari "flobble's Darneti arrangement ct morning al I"- ' . ir.i had ordered that vv H t iM Ul. (hll foi " I e made al The Hague for caring liaryaiii Priori lot Booae, RENT Two nicely furnished bettn n survuais! Kalis wsj el tbt in- there PIt peace party on its arrival Iowa 'ltv. in,. Doe. 21. Bargain rooiiiN. 6S0 West silver. aaat uaiutsoi si taa Jaaraat, mi. wi" ks hence, Intoxicating liQUor donation of fl"."1'" has ween counter saiis of tin- ten saloons nadc by Mr. PPord to tin Chrlatlania Khali sper were opened today in laty a new building, 'iiy which must dose tomor- Itudents' boi for iii my hi of Iowa r, n makina the donation Mr, Ford an row nighl undo- a law ptuwed by t Icglslnttire providing thai saloons cannot operate within five miles of through San Anton . she passed Conatrnctlon Engiiu-e- t iie-- nanled bv Mrs, Hlpotl to VI NOW IS THE TIME Alameda, Calif'., Dee. Jt. Alexan- .search Is ordered Slopped, der V SwanitI, civil engineer, who Washington 1 french em- h - n engaged on the construction Dc. railroad for vana. Cuba. bassy officials, although lacking eftl-ria- l of th.- Alaska Central activity of the crulaer the i nited states government, died word of the To Buy a Lot and to Think Te Mas Hi Dea Cartes In West Indian waters, t"niKiit at his home here, or- yearn old. Ht participated in the believed today that she had been cease, American of BUILDING A HOME. construction Of a tniii,"',i of railroads. "No, dered to searching on liiKh seas, and that no Including the Charlefton Macon ' Tin ships the inllrnurl ih. iielasna A Western further search or seizure would b Take Your Pick of v. made until diplomatic eoWMPondcnce over the OOamO, Carolina and Snh e afraid of .liiiin incidents is closed, 1 , ial Villa Is r dier, not a e LOTS treat man." 25 CHOICE ait sad tones. not the bad you America know lived with li twenty -- sevcfi Wwml Situated in the Fourth Ward RELIEF WORK BADLY IN NEAR EAST NEEDED I j j Pay Down K frofcrfy of $10 sr HonriiNfl jouinil i iaio wiil al- AND .',-- York, Dee. 21, The entente lies have formed a Joint relief com mis--' In Rone to slon with headquarters K With the American mlhT St V?ces7rj 4j clearing house In Paris for the relict! of suffering in Serbia, Montenegro a In north- Month and Albania and of refugee $10 ern Oraci according to eaide ad The Plat Shows the Location of the Lots Offered on the Christmas vices from Paris today. For Holiday Gifts The plight of the people of thesa in heavy black are for sale. countries has made tin- formation of Easy Payment Plan. Those urgent, n la stated, such ii cornmlaalon See our Wonderful Assort- Candy and every effort will be made to ror-i- i inj relief through the banc nt Itome. ment ol Pendants, Necklace-,- , being made to i rangi rnenta are Bracelets, Watches, to l Jewelry, From charter an American venae to carry Prices $225 $275 Always appropriate always suppltea from Maraellles or an Itollatt Silver Vanity Cases, Silverware, oorl to A lit Vlirl. .Miilin netl o, tvi welcome w loilel Sets. Parisian Ivory. most de- always pleases. trana-abipme- ni to Scutari, tliev These lots are in one of the most healthful and ill he distributed. Every girl loves lo receive Make this YOUR CHRIST- sirable residence locations in Albuquerque. Public and 'l- STORE, rattfZZm9:xsaat'm ( andv for Christmas. CetlfiC - Slv Months. MAS walk to d- - private schools nearby; ten to fifteen minutes Besides sending her that sift Let help you you will Ki us the business section of town; New York avenue car line you sur-P'i- ie m i figured on, why not Bow atrei I police court Decern i be surprised what a showing unlawfully proposing lots are located. Gas, her by also sending a on a charge of can be made with Kid leg traverses the area in which the utrgv quantltien of wai nna pi' hox of CHRISTMAS t0 deal in public utility our icriais without a permit, wu- - today here on a limited allowance. electric light, telephone, sewer and other CANDY? Because our store has earn- connections easily accessible. The BEST CANDY in ed a reputation for quality does town and the most of it. Eriund, arrested waadoaerlbi 'i IT OVER CAREFULLY! THEN BUY A LOT! when not mean that our prices are THINK as an Amerin n buaineai organizer, Mark -- i AGAIN Candy on Your sworn Information waa produced to high. izr Jjf-- A CHANCE THAT WON'T COME Christmas poageeflon ol doc- List NOW. how that h. was in Just take a look at our win- ITfsqi referring to proposal! to deal :"l v uments dows be convinced. MERRY CHRISTMAS! New York for very large quantities and ajtd plerlc acid Have YOU seen those gor- of shell, rifles P. F. geous McCanna candy canes? cii ( bie4 of netertlvew, Building Thompgon Sole Agent, Ground Floor, State National Bank Ohioago, i II Mayor iw that Nlchouu IK in., todai announced Hunt, formerl an Inaptctor in uie SIGNS ON THE LOTS WITH PRICES department, would be appoint- Rosenwald's nolloi Hunt THOW! UTTO ed he; th. detective bureau "TO MA RAI4S8MEN Will. HI OIiAD To SHOW THKI T Fee's Candy succeed Cap! P 0, O linen (I irst Moor) MAY BK IVTI Itl sTI It, Will IUI It THI V WItiM TO n Olt NOT. vili wag rew- - WKI-K-. suspended, but who r OFFICIO OPEN UNTIL ! O'CJjOGK BACH EVENING THIS and allowed to resign tOdgJ. stated regarded as part of encrv l)cpartment. 1 i The change is Store Mayor Thompson's announced caw Chicago pulgn 10 vlcan up"

II"1 - illM.!1 "'ll'Ugfci igg'ni iil ,- ALBUUUtRUUE. HORNING JUUHNAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915.

ith Scissors and Paste Uf (tier Tn MFmriMF fvfpf um I 11-- forI rnnr.Hc i UlldL U IV Hp rftLLJ IIILIIV.II VH ULI LI1L V.VUJIJ, morning journal BKOINlrflAL ArrtCIIUINb AND COLDS

JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. 111 Minx UriMrlw bi llaii-pi- j,

'III the mm mm THE PRESIDENT the II rah far hiffmnnn s j ( ! r I i ii for i.i dinai Har'tarHr Uu una. ( hl trra II M m II Ml I I ll. V 1 Par K. lurk. H h. hlna ha uu) Aril nil kline, . v. bp given t

"W York, H absolutely no uttlng urn buying i us i will r fund II Ckln nt ! Be hi ' required In. nut this mm mador, it' it la :XICAN ARRESTED halt prli .' u remedy ever i III of 111 Mm w.iiK .1. "An. I i.f. mum M m VBI HOUS .1 'I his cxccll 11 i'llti i "llld h it COAC Had I standiiiK troy, I'hinn ha In - ON NEUTRALITY C his in ciently pay for half raw the Htteraatlonal coeBrauntty pit, v. heg mixed w milil thus UU Kiui.iini took several attee. iini!- - TWKTV-FIV- K (mix. .ii-l- i .1 .. ti.ok .1 rEXT COITOS o. 1. .port. mad. Kn win nn Igna i.i let now pendtfUt. II. tl. nil .1 rstngtau; I'M 2."m- - Ru fink Prt Arthur, Biei ham ptaticaJtj thai his tn This COBpOB ami is Raod for OfM9 (only) Me lioltlc of BctOff. iyi f tb 'UHfl .1 - Mongolia: taak Mancharia, Por- way peace natBaion, aajui'a New Crjtioentrated ExneetoraM at Butt's, inc.. 11 .,m win n i' MM anil Formosa, Kb i iin-i- t""k a nlb-- k O low H'.ms,. Raid ht wddrci is lilh',1 in. H I ! Jill lakM prtsu i'1" P 'i .1 BOW tail from within t 4, uiral bit. Ami ,n ben TII Itntir. tail Ihlrl; tula : Kaaae Ad.lris I nut w.i ri tn leave Us Bfl n weeks I.,,, probably wou iU uf e,.lt.l, I'raa. it rl iiml Hi" arKea ,.,,., slx .. ., iL,i,. aaard ir. tenlr. rurh hmb Th iiuk. nil. h.iiiis Jap. .,(.. nlber noMMiNr la 'hlna III' in x BtW .I111- - w nn.t. thae 'wealy-fi'lt- r hunt, uf - wrlr .1 t., tl.. aak "iinn- - as m

peukei "a hmii iron fence rtain phagt n of intern Confidence Wi:iiM-A- 1i:i'I:ii;i i: j; ml, fiuiit uf tha is ii"i with ii' iuh ma and In order to f iiiiiish rutin. it. the irate is. a eigtt. ll ohta "in hem got" in.r GERMAN LOSSES ' Ir l".ilit of ry uu tt mat'li-r- fighting iiualltlaa ol the private. ays, 'No Chine and in.Ks Allowed ii tf. 1 ' ring home s s Mn m ii s. Atari Bono ever waa imt k -- t Mnn batter hi' r.ii do Bol iv.iiit thai m n itrna any "f our imbaaaadora Willi Uu officers whn lead nr direct nun do n want il tn alay theri n iron fhe lllgon ni nuntrli a, it baa J out nil 1, doubtlea as with nil INam. Thai the nfftcer who directed leal we toritel J 1 1 or R is a most important factor in the securing I 111. In W -- i .. a, Mill S ill l. i.l thi landint of ttu furcen ..t Ruvta baj tou 0 III nee I IVEiEl 1 aeee m. human belitaTB, u u of Inoulrlea from m oule who wani to iiml the iuac zoni- baa been rattuiv of credit. Your business may not need ac-- r iMi s cil from 111" sprvii artU BOthlBatl rii hem h w t com - '"" hem ith lation today. Tomorrow a little aid tut- tbe r j t tit.- and In ii" Wiaa mini- Success of a New ARE 2.524.460 mav I great advantage. Get acquainted Remedy for Backache. with the officers of y in, Hi i used "f mail - Rheumatism, Kidneys thi Austrian arob- - i dull., hat bara ashed "lllplcti'ly, lined, ami ii'.' Intimation heru how to irtay the larxeat pi ma I battM Ho v :ir k i" sts Published in i.5 1.1 bo and made jaumbM ol men in the ahorteat po i - fnrtlfltd u iiii, iba aaaai Matting tA ha Aii- I dlacovery of Plerea, la fQtataandlBg hi time bi the NnafiMI expenaa; t 484,222 KilH i lr abo head of Int. Olbrattar, I x i h. . x, Invalids' Hotel an. giirgleal In Irian llHililnki' use rr .., i.. till- - - kii fanin thi '"' Mtai learn front Chrlatlan . Died of hi' war, It wiih at tM bum Mini "lis how lo kill ninl be killed most Disensf with " baeHaaha, iiif laaa, arms nnj ,n liardiim-ll- i a as ililtrallar ilotiilnali's State 11 . National i'i Bank ibart in en unmiaaiiintlnii Hi. 'I. i.Mtt :i v ami fin leniiy in ordai , day I. in, m .in. to the. Wed It rraBean. Badly Wounded, tlie .nan tiacauM ilmy antra In i Would war, ii Hvi They Bted bava miii "iiii inn itunpowdi "'" luUf AAaefl tunes al M, m. I la in a WlUdh Bp j , renin Ai.iirgn :hqtjf, . . Si'il.lnl br inll in. ii v.- in 11 del i .1 r..r loiiir. ,,r.i, acarn off the dey Us with in iri nl the Mi lilah ere tearing Corner SH-ou- d Slroet and (iiitrnl Avenne it waa hIiomii at iho trial of ih IK from init INI, JOUKIiAL Pl:T' r mil a douhtli a ill be i ' .1 mi I 11 n tt how lo nils,' hell with r, i Ma ml ici n .III. lain Hint ni . Dec. ji rnlicd Statoi lleiHisltory Snnta IV Hallway Depositor Hie dORllnBtOfl 1111:1 oonquara lieadasha, lii.tiws ;, a flaet nt. purliun and bl4der monihi before ii If h.lllk.' ' 4 1 aad if iiir Brtataai it rati for war. mud rHaumatlam. if yoti'vo aavar u 1.1 s "K iy 11 y ..Mm:;: y was written by lie mMW' m How his Plytnoul h he Uavarla and Wurtemb. In . mi v uu kiilter'a nils. r II.. m the Atlantic. lata time thai lit" finite!' S9, a 1,521,4(6. pi rfnet kldnay ami it All . Four aupply i iv nt iiiiill.i It !.. the lie was in mhealth anil r. .Mr 'Pennant lidded m MoUl chartared fur thai bafora h uppllai w. iv killed or died ... :is were 1. redneaa of cold gud dark and drea sHii aevi rel good world was Bjprtaed Him there wai lo 37,1171 niinif ataMn i" ka I el. died nf dineaae, tl I,, been v I"- - ' ''IIMS 'he wind is in ver weary new dtaooaary .i it na. be v.i lli CrUM never hue has 1411 mii iiiissiitr. X.tviil r But nk.-i- Alao 11 waa ahown by Italy, Bt4-- 4 nni Ike B( la wcaii worn mi "Piaaa nevM danted bt Vienna, thai ,1 j re.fiit...i. vm by H- i- Buhtara, liver Ilia. A,V. a year bafora th murder "t tin- - nt' h- - m t I m s A n in ha, appriaad the Ital- nil M1111M.11.II1 mini .lark ll It ian bMJRIiM ol An 11 1.1 purpose In attack Bel 1)1 , w hn h. 11 a ell iiai purpoBi gchoo s.mii oi 1 he ."a out of (en t III. 1st. men Kiik Ml Would B'M linlnsl i. What d" lite da) is dai g gm knowa ia. r in the sit nal mil. NINE come finally Wlillt H It nil gbOUt? and cfiiae rep Hiigonil aubi the wm M auc s" ll fill ni ni cKiBeni nip ey Behind h Is the miii Mill Goodyear Tires tu I nitled fUt the purpoae ol eeiab I lllll - Imparting knowledge of polltieal bis- uu find them so lll the HHpteetioned domtnai i of lory n ml civil gOVWBJWeM ha crept fTby fnte im the eOtniRMl fate of nil, satisfactory col- - Or inio life rain iinisi I. ill. the Teutone 11 a eorid power and into urn public echoola Irani the ."ni" mum he dark miii dn t nit good iii" declaration of the lege Nlng perceptioi that they go righ on gome imt . ni. lis ipei lal ll a inin - if, sens in..,, he OERM l ltl Mil liM ss using them. e anllaflcd nnlil condltlnba v ninhi gchoolg VOttR. 'd I ihut notblttf of Import) far the urofi i Mm ' land PIhIb Deal ooour in the world without That is why Goodyear nt of Gharraaay belna firai I that six mantliH before the v sales to the consumer, ; i;- n i ni lie nob in niei i" ." iv waa bj Qerjh in- ordered Iha UTILITY is cn GIFTS in nf immigration and to the man- Hp' el bun . , motorcar an lllal.ili in m real 11 to be prepared to pii t Inili h ll III hi la ply aMpa ni the dlaposal ol ..I lata ale ufacturer, Are the kind give .II11I. Pit while the man .1 uiaer fU in tin North are greater than that real la oturidi iiili', to enonur tin M .t have been favorable in tha tie. Pour supply Hhips wage pleasure and . a of satisfaction Teutona, bul th lendenclea are (bvoi tli.ise in .In iik nal ni h.a dlngl) chaMi rod befoi a an) d those any other tire. ti I in gttend nlahl aehoouii and .illmi "I war. his store is peculiarly adapted for the of if 1111. ins in PfeW fork Mere, the Hon 1'ini wiuie the Teutdng havaheM p ihcHc ami iheir teacher "ill Kifts that male lor the comforts of home a well prepared fur Inst what in M I. llHe of tile apeclBl nei tls g wlnniBg vtctorlet they have bean auf I COKING DEVICES EveryAitrg I. led. in. the Qerfnan gCventm' tha md feriiii: tl 111 11 11 1, .1 in men ninl sup pupils and III" est mean I'ebriiai v knuw nr expecl that th modern. 11I1I be .1 war 111 AUgUat. The Si OOD YEAR .AMI'S In all the new and lal- - pi.pnliiitnn, Columnin uulveralty ins A g-- O N aupplcmented Ihadequdtt public IXTURES W have on display tie She ' in the best poal Nchnol work with contprehenaiva fan e uf lb.- m 1. rid POnfttCl doubted' ock. lien aha ever will be foi m ihlng jayatcin ol extension education for The crime at Barajeva was i pted TIRES braneheg ag the of the war Hlgaor p. ... tin t be 'i in hand, nelthei citiMnk4Pi m day gad night laiise nil SEE US THIS WEEK JOIolltti, ex .premier of ttal) leading the in 11 1 the n, h, the Uns nil i, ,1 the city. are Intended hot Italian advocate of noutrajlty umi alan nor the Italians w ill eonglder ml - aptuciall) for aliens, iii.t the gtandard pein e, nnnouitced In December, 1 91 a, Arno tin- - while tpifeofli 1 nf Iriu ii m vi would be NOTICE Huning Electric Co. but war the bm unit 1 Ih.ll 111 Attguai 9 It, Austria had deli-- ' Ni City by general European wat PHONE 01 rulaed in Ymk Bltel) proposed in Italy an at tin k eg demaadi 418 WEST CENTRAL have ranvfd 1 .slHirtage iejnclee toward the overthrou of the atttndan thi gaf4irbflfu youth, Hi big, and tin would that attack ill the world's supply of dream Of el hntls'iip mint Thn "inoottllghl itchoola'' nf Ken- - have been made bad not imiy lutfcr ." materials B(j in the nlghl acKoohi poacil a veto, Qiolft- - lucky, ami Hie thai peremptor) The iiiannlaetnre nf W'liitr ml. ni Conway, of Hunm iv ii ulatemeBt, which bus never beea Tread Tires. refuted and Which waa made b) lb. The ooiot nl Italian slali s, 11. in ni"sl ftivJRdl) tuWBrd (loodyr ar FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS Austria, went far toward putting an. Tires may ultimately be 9nHH9MMI 11a tin rsii ,,nl' i' itiaiifjfj from White tn end in ih" Harejuva iheor) The evl For Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- hfl a different einironni. M m E. den. .. .11 Ih n trial bles. Kidney Ailments. Inflamma- e fferenl luethod. The In New "i k gOM m iher. Our supply of the tions, Arterial Hardening, Loco- reiuireH motor Ataxia, he, 1, beitei ItlBenahlp It la app 11. nl na- - j material; Nervoua Breaking, thai the Tncltiii aisures the etc I'erfeet Treatment, titldllltfs 1I011H . gpected war. it is evident thai greater porttOB ol our Perfect 1916 Cllmat, Health, Pleasure. Urge Austria, nol i.riii any. sought an eg leaaon'i outi m of Modern Hotel. Booklet for war, many, I tires brihg FutBithed 1: a Mauling la adds his fuse and that Qf bard la w.ih! with White Treads. m knowing the mlbd ..f her aiu. T. C. rDERMOTT K' i in 1 HgtaWy I" be e ni l out alnleim reaolved to be prepared In every pca BH - uu-- ai 1 sinter, i beetl)y I'ayuonil, X, III. the i'n Bible w.n TJae New teetlmony j J. York a Med i Kuropi We douW il be lix nol prove that liernianv wisln.l iii Id prove it io Belgktnt nl 1 Ml DIM I ih war or nought to precipitate war, but it dOeg militate that she nlideratnod Albuquerque Foundry and I hi A lial .an s. hem. s, a ml foresaw til V Machine Works of aiiffcrlng Hie Buglaeeaa FVmnrV iiinisu Will' iheuld ii"' ha Castings in Imn, Brass, Bronze tnum, Alum I I ai home. H" 1 Blehtric Motor, Ofl "III n.wr i iit; in 1111 yioov Kntlnei BREAD OF OUR BAKING nt ,,n baana. ji Pumps ami Irrigation IC Currier, m Beaton TrafMerlpt.l oriw and Offllf. llhllimermu, IfOgt a ' .moll let's still subscribe ti ail go fine wiih the other lluns thg nt .is. r ia overcome with cm..-- Stan an. that fhe moon la a dfin' mi tiie Christina tab! t has a gi ,od j planet, air, vegata .w and Ibeii, Imi the llonl'le without water or CHICHESTER S PILLS fia or of its own, it add zest lion, Na Chang has Liken pin, , "i BaUNBT A m I. mil naa.-- l t y l reeoi era ami forget thi 1.1... " the (Bate of the otbe nss. If .is attrface wltita ib. Ibw) half MP-rary- i '.III. II riu. i never I it Y are 10H 'n in.- other hand have begin now. s , t r III .,1 t Inst 11 v ...... find il sin b good bread laiser summer Profeaeor Plckariag ,.f Har-- . that ll.'U ' 'I I I 'I h TI'UB . tii-- III imi led fool would nd in November. i'ni art) baa 1. . miy made a apucktJ MtlMI HIIMI again will miii consider a meal 'C I. AI I'd till offn era "I Ih. Bi M sii subject at oh- - t" Mhiib Novembtr. tueh tin the branch SO! BY n DRl G'jISTS fcVtfrtWHF RF tn .,1 flulllll'l' .1 l""ls b.n. jervBtory conducted by (tajrvard at ill . II

imt rift it in parts of tha Pioneer Bakery 1.1 blue black color In tl " not a nctnre. Prevents eoaia small hay h ad"d-- I HOi-t- t s. n. rrop. is tnni m hit b ia imt vielbli n , v nnna.iTS n.LLix;. IT- 'ed the watchful waiting, latirimt ol anltiniii. As we 7 Smith rtrwt Htree ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915. SEVEN

EXCHANGE ID JG01ML CLASSIFIED COLTOKS US DECIDEDLY HK WO tMXUU) Us RUM, FOR SAJX T I M, s,ailile j Dec, ALFALFA DA! Chicago, tl. Hfta export mm kmc! m SLUGGISH sales helped tie lift the wheat mut kit to- - sicuMi HAND day to a high price record for this season ins IND rot'. Closing quotations I.M4 trame. modern. Fount , w lie vcle cry convenient to R. ere buoyant i -c Sc e, at to not ward, close In: easy terms. v. w Homo I I 1 1 Mewl .o,. iltud ml 115.00 with December $1 21 4 ' ' . ltd ami ai " fianu dwell-inf- rn brii k on corner lot: I sfi 1.21 gained of Shares Drops to ti Corn c to modern, fin- - Hjovei r 't,c, and oat provisions furnace heat, ak s vi i. sit .a i re sftc. ish, garage, lot miles of w Low finished with ,ns,., of to to 160x14.'. East silver out town ith III I I Exceedingly Figure; 67ic. - one-hal- f four-roo- .,11 tllMII I figur' s 12.400 frame, bath, glassed- Sccn and acn s. new rinht and practical! Latest en export wheat busi- i , sleeping nnlv 81 J per ;e re h r. year lease. . 8150.00 Europe Is Offering Ameri-i- n ness today put the total at 3,000,001) in p"i h. cellar; lot l0x house, land all under cultivation, bushels, againsl 14;. good outbuildings, shade and WAN i Bt Metlean era 11. IS U 1,750.000 bushels on ditch you are looking ir on day before. fruit trees. Fourth ward. main If for dav mploymss say, iu s sU Securities, the In conaoqUOaM, 1 I notwithstanding that holders took $3 inn New bungalow Inst a small ranch near town it will pay TIBIAXTON cS CO. hlrd .tr. t PS ISM I rotMg finished. modern, fireplace, at times on a broad scale, the you I porch, to see It. Worn I.". out Ptssasi "To) market underwent no permanent rc-- i sleeping good location, 211 fJMd Avenue (UH IOUNl SSIC AL LCASSO WlStl actlou in favor of the bears and wound lands, close In. ork, Dec. 21. The low ebb up J.'.T.'iO brick, modern. at virtually the topmost point of ; ; for fortniiflit or Don, WH the session. basement. N Walter street; I I l. NOTICCa PRO! ESSIONAL CARDS today, tat tumovar (ailing to were oaratlvely Insignificant total Assertions current that the railroad congi stion in the east ap-- : IISATISTS eared likely to lo- remedied soon, and ern orner lot North K'ghth St ' K J Y. I, I. , and the continent onntiniu'd that the result would be to facilitate !.sn0 frame dwell uir securities for sale in this llg West Qotd lie 1841 were light enough to a htrge degree the export move- - tng modern S rno St lose in Rosses Harnrti gtlas Choi,. bul th.s,. lletil I state, I l,oaii Mad- - in Mall absorption, nient of wheat. i.OPfl frame dwelling mod- lire !, undent 1 00 corn rallied ern, good out- In WO MW i is. chiefly of a helpful toward the last with fireplace, fine shade, n i orr prni I sat our r, wheat, Inning the great' r part of buildings, 3rd ward close in. hands Kenllsl. included an advance iu ' i t t r, the day, de- In the Room to Jtkc. With some I'ro-- i however, the market was P Kit III VI- - II... .1,1- - la stern nmidlns Off :i pressed by talk of larger receipts. A. A , fourth sod Central. IRMM Ul ding for fraction over FLEI8CESR brick house, x.,rlh re. the publication of Transactions in oats were generally I and the It mi I.state ami Insurance Shade trees, good location. a Ohio railroad'a Novem-ag- a, '"twe ii pit r.s quotations seem- I i price only J2.100. (IMtlN I M disclosing ed to depend III Smith mrtli Stnvf SHKl.t.r l; HI T Ill It TON, U a net increase "U the action of corn. (.11 phrsleUn Provisions gave way owing to the It. M'Cl.l W WILL LAN M spl iml iiiriein I oan- -. II Phor, 111 Barnrti HISs intformtty was shown by the continued big arrivals of hogs. Ileal Estate, Inst sam I. ll. n i: .'Hi W r- -t (.,,1,1 r. ANNA M IllltSl it ol foreign exchange, Closing prices: BALTIMORE'S MAYOR "H 1 a n VrXI the Of New V. It, llShl ti in Ryt SJSM n of rates to all the principal Wheat Dec., 1.25; jiuv. 81.-- 1, limited r.r centers of finance, reflect-buyin- g Com Dec, May, 74c. DENOUNCES REPORT I I l - ., (. VtlTH I of commercial hills. tints--Dee- Mfcc;;'; May, 4!ic. o was a broader inquiry tor M - I I Pork Jan.. 1K.:12; May, tlK.5. imr MORNINd JOU UN AL IICIAL llllfD WlMti Hit lli. til- e tlllU Htl. II r 114 chtnaon, Wdii, band! hit ween 94 j Lard Jan., 18.80; May, Dec. :'l. Mayor Practice I bulled lo .men', and DM total overturn $o.o. Baltimore, Janus the approxi Ribs Jan., .7; May, $io.i&. II. Preston and the board of estimate, West SiU.r. dren's HUeases liv B. - governing board the city, at UKO " stat,- timet Central the of (Curpaeate iseaii FOH BENT rooms &7I N M an Bmeltini wai nKuin the IM I'hone Albuquerque ltl OP TKAIU their meeting today, protested against V. S.M-- f. r lluhl he South s sales on the Steady rise of CRl J the report of the vice commission, al- Int rim! Krvemie Si. to last Ibei eSeeuted t Second Pboe H Ii VON 1 MSN ts to 101;, far exceeding y - s City. Dec. Wheat No. leging bad moral conditions in Balti- En.t rse.l; Purstaa X". It W SHI HVI.I,- I'm. the limited lo S'ar Vase That stuck fluctuated it. y. lie steel. 11. lOg LIS; No. t red, $1.1 off more, made public yesterday. Vol I'g 112. itatsmei in mid nimal and other leaders, including mi i uiokiasen t iMassar, 'i Milsmvuns I'rin (Vrtiricnte tiled lu ! w ity Id to p. )ec, $i il'; May, ji.d; .i "No such conditio,! exists." say I the Offles Hours: it I mlfested an Irregular tread, mayor "As a general picture of Bal- elpsl iftli , . An. mi. it. f I ltd In oH Ice- of (Notarial s. ai. i tlll Central svenoe Phons Itt s moved In a wider radius, stat Corporatton Cnualisi Ml Of Nl'W Mes s'tate ,f New fork, Cunty -- J fit life 11s a picture of - No. mixed, Co 654c; timore and the Dee. 13. IMI, i' u. m. I, So mi RPHI 8 ti i,s showing obvious manlpu- i re- William Inner, clei nil: in vroiui lite, ;r.2e; Dec., 60 He; moral conditions in Baltimore the EDWIN 1 lit lOnl ( Tuberi iilnsls of the Tlir.nt und I nogs SSHti port ft New Yolk. also is scandalous and untrue." Compared JJO gFt preme i cii, ntf..... Wist Central avrnue in general evinced a lower curt for the said Illtl Hc.No. ? white, 12 M fl lie: No. being a Court of Record, 0 rrffloe Hours 9 tu 11 i m , I t I p m llslil operations Total sales, R - that Henry W. sn .wen eh ii. aaatorteai remits for hull. e ,.f Sew Mexico. I el. lib-Il- in i, aggregated MTS0,090, i (fflee of Coun W T Mm ph. M 11 Meilb-a- l Hlrectoi tig, N. M.. Dec. aunmlselon .r New lie clerk's the n, states bonds were unchanged a certified cny of his SB4 VI I 1 H i .1. T. Kelley St W, M, S N, M. D, sane asylum, at 1th two patients for the mi.yce,laneoUH s is a full, true and complete transcript of the it. dul an bnrdwo Wiltlam Boyd i Genito Ui liseases and .600 bales offered nt the Certified Cojiy ,,r Certtfleatf ot Incorpora- Vnd further 'enlrill ailes today. Prices were .. and Rube 1! :ll tion of The Sperry And Hutehtroii Company i be hand writing of such Notary a iiiv believe Diseases of the Skin, sllers' favor. American I the unfortunate (No. 88fL with ttie endorsements thereon. on the signature n, the sal i iiio-a:.- s"OH HUNT Two large, sunny, well fur- itnerlcoti LocomotiVa quiet. si same appears file sad pi record in hhi tin siml presf of seRnowledfmenl t genuine nished housekeeping looms , in. ini'i nu.'hl lii Amer. Smelt. Sl Kef'ng . . . . 10 4 the Office of the State Corporation CoJB' ittf x.lmlnlntprfil TIMI I V HINT ON OVKR-- F. TI NG, In Testimony Whereof, 1 lights and water paid Phone IIISW rirtftl Amir. W Refng, pffl. .110 NEW YOHK ()T1H MAUIirrr. mission. him hereunto ntli.-n- Rnnk um Christmas, New Teat's and other to Testimony Whereof, the State Corpor- set my hand and affixed Ihe Mai of the . American Sugar Hefinlng . .116 I . in nun Nftn tic di- ation Commission of the Slut,, of New said Court and County, the 1'' dav of Oc Ol! ItKNT Dwelling-"- & U feast days cause many disturbed American Tei. Tel .111 New .York, Dec. 21. Spot cotton 1., i gestions. The stomach and bowels Mix.c has i.oised ttite certiorate be tober. North American Tobacco .200 Va uiet. Middling uplands, J12.10 .Sales, slatted by its chat! man and ISgAI.I WM RnilMKn. Clerk, E. E. R0YER, M, D. should not be permitted to remain Four-roo- Anaconda Copper 8 5 'n ( mmlaelon, to tie affixed at the City of iln.- ititetnai Revenue Stamp CanCelied FOR ItK furnished flat Call clogged up, indigestion con- 104 No noMRor rim phtsitiar 1 or, lZ fir and on 1.1th day December, A. Rsdoreed: In Hudson Snnta Fc this ol "Received las I Whiting Hull ling Pti ma stipation ate often followed by serious D. 1818, County, ) Clerks Oct 12, A. D Baldwin Locomotive KM. II 1! 1: STERLING. V Office 80R IU tMnlhefl bun toil H : IU l A.- disease, resulting from nndigtsti'd iSB.M.) M. KS. life, Recorded in Clerks Reoord No. S.M'uiiit Baltimore i ihin and slow, North DR, poisonous waste matter. Foley Ca- Attest. chslrmaa on 1'nge - . W, W, DILL Vew York, Dec. 21. Sterling went thartic Tablet should be In every BDWIN t' COAHD, Clerk, the highest (puliation 111 many home, rendy for use, No griping; no (Internal tleveaus Stamp, loe.) CkS the (lose of stock after the unpleasant after effect. Relieve dis- tress after eiting. regulate bowels, I IN M I. l .Nil v 111 Y sweeten ttomach and tone up the lit' THK "ITT ftoss Coanly surveynr Edmund i. Dlcklneon, of it .si 0 S Mineral surveyor (in Chicago liver Sold evervwherp BPKRRy ANIi Ht'TCHINSON CUMI'ANY. h. i. Secretar: Oslo w. Great Western 14 H I'm: Klii vi n house N Bl ...... l lfh MIIM.V M.UUU This Is T Csrtlf) that e. Thomae A tin Stale of New Jersey, da h Certify odd avenue Hoi 41! Uswe UeeSSS Qricaco, Mil. . modern. tin, Hire West Lead, ft St. Paul M II M. thai ihe forspolas is a true of the i Jniir.v. ihclly Hutchison. William I) i Chicago Northwestern .129 New Yol k, Dec. 21. Mcl'calltllo pa- roi Bperry, Bbelly U, Hulcainsun, William .i CtrtlflcMs of Inc rpoiatloi "THK POM IlKN'l flic mod. i n fm nlshsd Chicago. si AND pa n house. $L'T, ll iseldlSe avenue, IN I I 1(1 III I VI., I INII ,1 VI I KtlllM Sock Island oi Pacific . ts ;i f(i 3 On Friday, the 24th day of Decem- i,rst, d" hereb assoctato. ourselves nil" PGRHT Hl'Tt'HINRON :l per. '( per cent. , ll, China. Copper . 03 ber, 1115, 10 o'clock a. m., In front a corporation under and by vU'tus of the lid toe lob I'M mints leell .'..line Kllll ItKN T al hi i, i. giouers im iiwriMi. Government bonds steady; railroad at U m COmparsd e be oi Ik Miss hbv lleaeiteh, Colorado Kiiel & . 51 provisione of the Act of the l.caislature of lukcn fr. SSd ltd J. Dorrs Iron of City Hall Second -- Mini .Mi: bonds heavy. the on North the of New Jersey, entitled An Act '.I'd tiled In lily office ,.n t he Twonty-- f Ti Phone IM, West Cpper Crucible Steel . 7 5 .. State Time loans firm. Sixty-day- 2H street, I will sell one buckskin horse, ponoeml&s uorporaliona" iri3ion ,.f 1188, Mw tt Rio Orande, ptd, . . . 20 lighinne. KM I I per cent. about 12 years old. will weigh about for the purposes uielitloued, anil iniilnlns on file and of record iliii.ln I'Olt -- insitis mill I'oiiltrt Distillers' Se, uritles . 47m; to we do, by In Testimony Whereof, l have heretim call money steady; ruling rate, 14 700 pounds, feet left that end this our certificate, nil KENT r. iii room furnished flat, Ft Ml ,., i.,!i II both hind and set my hand and my (.ifflilal Pel - sM.i: cent. et forth. afflssd modern 800, Mouth I'Mllh. c.u Pholle I.'.HIU .41', tier front foot white, small white spot 011 il Trenton, this Twenl.v first day of & .174 Vi 04 The name which have aasuin l'll liar silver, He sad- eg be crmber, A ! IHI, FOR RBNT ottste, Ot SA II - I'vTenl . . . 12T, forehead, branded on left thigh, to deslanale such anS to ptd; do lurs, .s. U. sb aping port He Inn II. do, N. St. Mexican 42c used 111 Its business and iu "The tciffivial Scan DICKINSON, l.lfft. niil ire rtfs . 17 dle sole 011 back, black mane and Bperry and Hutchinson Company." Kuli RBNT otlall i iii IAI.IS I'w o , iu ,.i Rho I.- Island , ;ut. loratlon 78 NEW V'ORK METAL M VItkl.T. Sec- lid: The location of Us principal of. with sin pin .107 M.S Mi Ml 1,1,1 N. fin- In the Slale ol New Jelse.i. is at No. Hold or Ii' I s MP New York, Dec, 21. Copper firm; City Marsh:, Ill Railroad Avenue, iii Jerssr 'He Cuunt? COR it p; n. if Radeon, mime ot therein cnlllsoll t ouitiali: lei trolytie, 6S0.26Q 20.00. The the sienl arches iJUAblTT i i U NT H Huff OrplDStoBi and thereof, upon te Corporation rawnstionai Harvester, N, J ... 0 Iron steady unchanged. and In charge sod whom Apply Hlack Mlni.rras: eggs and bshy ehlcki Kansas and jEGAINOTJCMIj. the curpofglloil ma) be served, loo, Hoc 18, III city .Southern 31 exchange quotes dull. .Spot, anailis! in season I. II Morgan 4 Hons 11! South Metal tin K gXtM 1 TOR. la C. Hiuite. BPWK With Valley NOTit or I. menu (rim Phase Is'" S1H In Matter of tin; Ksmte uf 8tSP' The Company also reserves tlio right to oinpsred JJO lo Luuinville a, the Una av I hey win tliei pay Nashville 12K oroluct lis business In eseh and an of the Plve-roo- s I j ik 'hat's pler. DeceHBt'il. Kuli ttw.N'T house, month, H Itncan s s nough ' Navaje I Iteda Htuck Petroleum tM P AND Nntice is lifn-h- given Hint CTiarleii U other Cities. Towns, Villages, and NOTICE water paid West Hants IV. ia Miami M.W YORK SPKLTPR. liutulre lln gs 1. l honias Tards Tt7 Copper Igat of entat,- gf l,lna In the State, when the Hoard of r Posltn Kcpiielcr. fipcuter the Knit ItKNT Modern room bungalow, or 'aal iiHSeldlne Alhuiitierque N U Mouri, Prn-bat- Directors of the corporation may resolve ivenus Kansas & Texus.'prd.' .16 New Y'ork, Dec. 21. The metal ex- Keppelrr, deoeHseil. has flUid In the for sale, oaah IM per month Phone M,-- In l i tin itama Missouri Pacific Iis rmirt o Bersslllle eininty. New to conduct Its business he future. on, I Cull. Iii rnailllo County, .New cull SAM Rsmboulllst l.argi change quotes lead offered nt to. 40. heavv-woole- Mtoaal ico. bin final report a auek ssseator, ami The corp ration is also to have Ihe power Mexico. turn smooth, range raised. Biscuit 12U Spelter not qttoted. (o conduct business In each and every one ehemptonghlp at Artsons state fun gens Xuionul the court has appointed Monday, the 3rd - Lead 68 the other of the States The holders of the following desiiK- IOH ReWT Rooms Willi Itimril for further Information to Auhrev (OVOSt Nevada day of January. 1918. to, tho day for hear- Sial.s united Copper IE and thereof, and also In each nated bonds of Sernallllo county, New menl Cs PteS t lUfil Uanch sddresa, LIVESTOCK MARKETO, ing objection, if any Inert be, to the territories iH RKN n Imard Hale! II Central SSM and every foreign country, and to of Mexico, AnKust 2, Nelson Arls Pwk 105H of final report und tlio hue dated ls7. known Sen lav MI idwsv 5- N- H. & Noes out of IBs Slate; nnd It Im to have 1. Hartford 74 y LiTOstOCk, of snid executor. is Kniiillng Bonds, mainline July - Kansas t it power to bold, purchase, moftgsgei and to srlih sleep- PGH g,ALiPi MmnrtlRl nt SrS Western 120H Dec. 21. Dated Ncvflntier noth, 1915. .it 7, and Optional after ten years Kansas City, Cattle A. K VVAl.KIJIt. real and personal property In said Pac,flc from date thereof, vis Ilondft PQ8T8 no. fsrtlllier. Phone IHI'-'- SWn 6,000. Market steady. Primi Clerk of wild Probate Court. siates, Territories and Countries. the ckiiaB 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, ", I, d, io, -l fed steers, 18.00 09.70; dressed bee! Third: The poillon ,,f the business of numbered Kllll HUNT--Tw- modern In bed rooms, KOR HA.&i'We used rari, A- cosdltlofli steers, tt.7Sfj8.S6; western steers te of fTew Mexli'o. S too corporation tu I... carried on oul u the 11, II, 13. 14, Ui, Ifi, 17, IN, 111, 20, (lose In: also good boll 15.28 per pi Ice;, rmbl Hllllel Alll" Co We orarnimioe of Nov Is any portions brici-h- i; m 24, 18, 27, L'R. 2!' 18 I ' t.268,8S; calves. 6,t0O8.8S. Slate and all "r r;, 23, If, week. 20S North Ariio. o K nd.TW o..,l vt" " ' I fl 'iiimnii f Aullle'.ity. business of said corporation. 87, :ik, 40, ,,. ,mt !''PI, j Palace Car 168 Sheep Receipts, 7,000. Markel the 11. 82. 38, 84, 85, 3, 89, I nit itrvT Nh furnishei in 'ins. I" II i., m .lr,.,,i I ted Stale! of Amerloi .r ConsoHdiited Copper 24 strmg. Lambs, g8.SGO9.10; yearlings Fourth: The objects for which, ai.d f M :ind 42 of the denomtl lain of and 88.80 per week, good mini 11.001 ,.,,, svi.ii n tm gist's prescription u"i any of which the corporation Is formed are d '1? 81 6.7,0. Ifty dollars earn: bonds numben IB. 184 South rcdUh. ; ehesp Thi ft' bsnsi 180 w. st Hold. tt.76fr 7.00; wethers, 80.70 'if tt ts Hereby Certified, tiiui there was to buy. and agepsmre merchandise, to & , sell i. i r,. 6, 7. k, iii, 12 ping ii In I "WWJe Iron Steel . 04 - 000. Market fit, d for M Hi the fflee "f 'he State f, I ii. ll, BnpS and s pnreh board SAI.f! ftfe stoek It" Hogs Receipts, 19. pi do a ftem-rii- ildvertispif; business; to petal, son OecMenlsl Corp.. of of I 15, 17. 13. 20, 21. 22. 23 v. .'I, Pacific 100H strong. Hulk. g.l0O6.60; In aw, $6.0! rti..n the State sge hoi ctresnate advert is, minis, to male lb, 1. JWtBjrn New Mexico on the 13th day of lecemb, r. I, 27, 21, 2S, 86, 31, 32, 23, ii ioi South V M Kai way . 22 or.; light, M. 60; pigs, 85. 2i "ol cany out contract! with corporations f, 2n, '.w w.ii.i fin. 8506. A. I). li hy Company ,...'.!!! 2 IMG, Si u. m.. The Speri j And and Individuals: to advertise their business 14. Sf,. H, 37, It, II, 40. 4 1, 42, 43, PISS ITS RANCH Uulol 'and allrartlv 8ALE New No, i Remlnfion type' .167 ., roit fir.ncssep Ktttehlson Company, a corporation duly or-- I m p. t Copper .' ggu I., epeclal and useful devices, to give laei 14, 4.-- 4fi, 47, 4, 40, 80, II, f.2, 53, hialtg resort, to. l rth ..f w iti i, in mi eoniitlon a bargain, gsnlSsd under by ; iflaa Copper ' and eslstlSf and virtue chatidlse In exchange trading stamps .4, f.r,, r.r, r,7, 88, r.o. no, m. 62, bs, ot flee fresh efgs, milk, free eon cheap s .lout mil office hi, .1 a aco .of the laws of the Spite of New Jen 1 veyasclli sleoplns r c tiac,. pi,, hi' which ure to be certificates or vouobers II, fir., 117, (IS, 81, 70, 71, 72, 73, i" !go, Dec. 21. Cattll llceeipts. certified copy o pi Certificate ol be i,y ii, to bo (!, HilOW. sold corporation, and re 74, 7b. 71, 77, 7S, 70, SO, SI, S3, 83, beef idU'i: oiaoineu; dsvlgiistuig priori ii ' I Market weuk. Name deemed n in mercbandlss. according to o IV 11 A ll KA Nl I r mnSI tliiM.iivi Urea ma pa i fflce in this State, aijont, etc., an pro- 4, 8.,, M, t7, KS, S9, 80, 91, IS, 03. to 80010.40; western steers, Hi contracts, rules ami i esulat ions. hi 'i h resort in Ie north of (own tt. vided by Hectlon lo;, Chapter 71, of Aato Co heifers, In furtherance and nol In limltstloo of im. 85, on, 87 und 9', of the denom- 111 milk cream ami produced on phi. a 8.20; cows and 82.800 pon i vt.K 6,28fj 9.00. the general powers conferred hy the Laws ination of one hundred dollars eneh, Te. earrtssi. for Klootrle ilgho. lives, Now Therefore. I he bald corporsusll a ' 18,000. Market of the State ot New .lf!sc, and till ll j Keceipts, hereby amliori.ed by the State Corporation leots and purposee as herelnaSovs stated Wethers, 16,1006.90; lambs. f 'oinnilsalon to tratmari bashiSU In the State of New IfSSlQO, and buslSSSI I" 86. ttie V i N l SUCb fl maybe lawfully Iranoiiolrd by c-- hundred dollars each, ure hereby no- i ppratleas organized under the ISWi of thle weak, unchanged to Sc under yester- tified that the above dtstignated bonds VT ANTstD hi purposes, by tu In for ei a day's average. Hulk, 80.1 S fl 8. 80 light r, unto set forth as objects, will now bo pnid on presentation nlshssj cut pnrcb, lu Testimony Whereof, 'In- Chairman and powers or otherwise, tu ihe same extent, highisattsi no Address J Skinner, heavy, piffs. t.aid her, net he leill holders thereof al the office 6S.88 06.85; M.0tf8.7S; Clerk of Commission have unto mil as fully as natural persons or HI,, care lout blPlllenii Heal ndsht of the Tjreasuxer of said iiernulilio 84.7,'i'fi t yo. their hands and sftlsed the of said CflUrd do, nnd in any part of the World ere, COUnty, Janu- c.mmlenl'jn. at the City of Bants on principals, agetitH, contractors, trustees or nnd thai on nnd after TIMI QrlfttM AID, r thin thirteenth day of Dec ember. A. Ii w ary 1, 1816, cuoh nnd all of said above,(r-V- Denver Llveslrs k. Hil l isc. frlXAL) M. s. atlOVB ,b To have one or more offices to car- mentioned bonds will cease to bear Denver. Dec. 21. Cattle Receipt, Chainpan. mmmCmimu mm Urn . AtteKt: nr; ry on all or any pail Its operations and interest. Z'n d- - 700 steady. Reef 86.00 srn i.l i price no ubjeol Dally passenger service leaving lloeweil Market kiuvin r OOAtiD, Clerk. business, and unllrnitedly und wip.cut re- M. MANDKU., v,i, cows and helfew, tO.OftOMO; Revepue Stamp, lOc. ) rtresi lb It P tirnal office nd CsN88offh at 8:08 a. in. 07,85; (Internal to hold, purchase, lease ' i' striction mOttSStSi Treasurer and Colleotor of we fm- -. one way .. .810.81 stockers and feeders, $0 '""' '7.1 7; and convey rent and personal property, nnd rrr.i' Ihrousk Honuitillo I'onntv NIivv Megleo, VV Mlseeiiiuii oii Intermedial : per mils 10 calves, 10.60, sttat,. bf N'evv afoxleo, gtati ('.,rprati.,n idio t it business in 10 st nie or Ti l WITH! 8.60ia 1,(1 lbs. luii.iui. fr rarrleS. 300. Market Commlnlun of New Ueslco. Certifies te rltors- of the (.'lilted States, and In any MiMIMslltMllll s Nil IKK W Mom She. p RecolptS, a Phone lei E. At TO CO , fgreMh country or place; al Iln ihe Court, Berssitllo County, wantk.d R08WEIX Steady. Veai lings, ?6.00((i 7.00; weth- but subnet I'tobate Kee. Osrners Operstoro Phone ways tliere-.- New Milloi, and ill 86.70O8.o0l lambs, 68.00O8iS0; to the laws DUII.DINQ :,p and ers, to To fsarantse ths paymenl uf djvl' Iii Ihe Mu ll. r of Ihe Estate et lie, c hi hospitality owes $6.00 fl 5.60. It It Hereby Certified, iliat Ue tknc'xad steads or tntorssl on any short, st. .cits, i: iitftnani Dscrised, Well. gbOSl (frigs Receipts, 2,300. Market j Is a lull, true an, complete transcript ... the debentures, jr other securities issued or Noil, e is hereby given thai the under. vVANTB- D- Bundia washlns; ,. Qnd steady. Too, 68.86: bulk, li.860fl.lf. Statement Tin- Sparry And Hutchison other contrai l or ribllgstlun of any corpor- slgneil was, mi the :intli dav of November alileed. 1 ei nd OBILB ITAtn Cheer Company. tleskwaUns PrlbclpeJ Office, ation wheusvi-- proper or heecsssjry r tin i ft i r. duiv appointed sdmimitrator of the I'Aiti'iST (N.lKA.Ni Nr furmt eiiser Service MAY Aaellt. Etc., (No. MUM Wit)) U elldsjlf l lie ul iii'siness of this corj, ii,,n In the "pinion estiile of Qeo. G. llowman drOOSSSd, to' w floff Phi Ml I SO v m ARIZONA STRIKE thereon, as aame on flip and or tin- Ihe Court of County; and a 00 m Bri"g ' aptiears af of its directors Kxecutlvr c'omuiiltee probate Hfrnaliiio a the - w"ANTBt Automobile storas season the record In the office of the Slate Corpori- To do c niVUj tinshfled as such lumlnlltratfir, all ,s l.arg.-s- oegi of id, all and ol j tbli.n bcccnaw .1 i are msSt all ti and BE SETTLED , convenient having against Die be made as i: in new. Puller Auto feasting, ominlasloe. ultable, or proper for the persiJis claims estate aaipped suwi iivet In tin southwest drinking, merry In Teetimnny ffbereof, the State Corpof o'lstiment ot any and all the purpogge of said dscodsm ui" hereby notified and BKNNKI AllTd CO.. atbiQ ComSHstkm of th,. Slate of New oi attainment of any (she or uioro of the reoutrod to present ihe same to ihe undei tt.iNTKIi-- se ul hand bicycle! t"ulit Silver city. NeW MeSlOi families and old frends HeslcXi has caused this certificate to bf objects herein enumerated, or . f the povyers slgied In the manner and v lihln the timo and sold. The BxrhSMIS, ill West OolS. pied, Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 21. In a tele- alaned by Its Chairman and the seal of said herein named, or which shall u 'Inn urescribed hy Invv. Ph .no 1 11 1. lingiag, - today be at ,.f sf galsg Novenilier rftth, 1bl". ' 8lory lelling phone message received herL- c mltelon, to affixed the city igpeaf tonggrtti or cxpedles far wantmi) -- To i n nil h rellabh pert A. 01 copp Ii. L. Donnelly, secretary of the santii Ke on tine l';th day ol Deeciubi ir, looteciion beSSfil of Hie .r.nlon. J. IIAXKI.V Ailinlnlstiator. llorSO nnd sprlns waoit at $1 pi r day giving is John of, In any ylt the order of union, sold the belief either as holders or interested NliTH K. or would sill cheap. J. H Hsrpcr, phom Miami Miners' (HKAL) M. H, (IIIOVMS, property or otherwise toe day. ;it Clifton the sink" bssl Wlil and TSSMmi ml A 38 was general that Copper AtteSti . chairman. (el The Hoard of Directors shall hSVS gang which has prevailed in thai power vote or Muiiu, Ueritaii'rt. WAVTKD I' " repslrlni keep our BDWIN r CCURDi Clprk, tin wllhoiit the assent or i ATI IIIMON, TOPI A sANTA FK IIAll, would To i.tjey Mann, egoeutrii Henry 4 A-- me. nl. on pit this winter. h since last September (Internal Revenue Stamp. 10c.) the stockholders to make, alter, amend or of l ha CO. district tty-w- Bpilei .u- WAV Tare's soon. J. B Myers and Matin. Claud Sluniisld Prises right, anj mak f car. no more welcome be settled i.tclnd th of h, corporation, t" Mann, Lotuse Mi ors WHO to Wosklag vivlos Davles. federal KTATKMMVT OF THK fix ihe amount bo reserved as gui'yt rtuth Mann and to rlvei Papertl ,t0 an old fnend expected OOMPANT, QSPttSl. aulllol'tzu. and cause to he d liggi than a have been in the district, arc M'BRKY AND Ht'TOHlNSjCN 'a concern IliMirns- - 7:30p fl m..rtrai(i.s Hens upon real WDR HI NT Offhi El Paso In a day or two to Know All Men by These That and the You are, th- - 1. Callfornls Limited 80s 'ins ' f0 of 8ood re- - to reach I'lonts: hereby notified Rid 2? old managers The s perry a Holchlns.,n Company, a cor- and persons property or the eorporaflwh, 7. Kait ICiprcss io. lis confer with the mine , bast Will and Testainen Bdwsrd a Mis xlatlttg oul tine to lime sell, assls". rane-fer- son i l :..M'p - WINES and Adj. C. W. Harris said he had poration organised and under and frm Mann, deceased, late ol toiirnsi office Knat Mall via lieu. ttaS of New or olheiw-is- dispose of any or all of 7 Tills - company by virtue of lavfs the state of nnd Mexico, was I tie i.uxe tThsrsdsys) 0:00s ol ti. UQLORS of been notified that copper of corporation; -- 'ICll Bernnllll'. Stale all kinds to put .terser, and deslriiiK to transact its b&slneee the property th" bu' produced rend In thn atu Court of roiMtivn bound. Clifton would not furnish All sc.. it be mad,- ex- and ' Hll, stores nt in th State of New Meeo, doth hereby sale of the property f Mov- Express I0:M company on - the County of Usrualillo. I New TOR N'T n m at Ma West Cen- loo. El Paso table during hap- to militia accord-ane- e cept pu of i tefd- ItK Store 1 the - supplies the n.ake the fidluulug aiatennut In reseat te " ot issat ico, on until dav of NnVcmlii-r- , nnd sir, Kl Paeo Kspiesa 881 hills were provisions' Ii. of Directors, the till, tral. Innulre gpstatra m "live time. duty there until current will, the of Section 105. thirds of the ,nl Ihe day f the inovlug of said alleged raislhoond. be n lied "D 71, of The amount of the capital pa'..!. Militia funds ha'.i Cbapti Laws IMtl Fifth: Will uloi Testament was thereupon fixed it, i -- II. Atlantic Eipress ... f:88a i .oris bill, Bto,K .. tin- corporation is OMR Mil. I. PIN iviit s i.r ni ino in the state general appropriation Tin- aiiiount of Its authorized capital for Moioiiv. the :td day of .lnnuary. A. I). 2. Essoin Kxprcss I llf 3:l0p actually 1)1 IT. I, A Its .Uoo,. The amount (I 7:00p eath d,er's which failed of passage by the last sc.. k is il.M8.taO and the uinouni 19l, at in o'clock In the forenoon f said n: HAI.K i .: impri v..i I, Callfornls Limited 40p Is I ana with which it will commence business Is 117 ave- 7:15p 7:S0p legislature. Issued ,. day. Phone Its Inquiry Well Conper 0. K f. Chicago El.. 'LLi of which It ie One Million Dollars ooo.i The 10y The rhuiacler the luialness Oiyes under my hand and IM seal of this nue (Wodassd on 9:00p I , Is- Is In the ..! w Mexico inpltal divided Int.. Tin Thousand l EVER. uanaact Suie CSgrt, this lOlh day of November, "A, "t .. i. 'i bargain tor ., lew Pram Beslh, sTnoxr. and w:ll AUvtu' hleti is more ful- shares of tie par value One iln. ulied inn sai.i. . 7:0(a DroP St., Orecn Premium 18)8, ' I0. Ksniai 01 in TODAY. Fred Smith. 320 Main ly In Certifier! Copy of Certificate Dollars (tlM.oej esch suffered a long set for'h (Si a! I A. B, W.M.UEH. mil Kanss! ce .. 1:300 Bay WIi savs: "I ..1 ncorporstfon herewltli filed. Sixth: 'the Directors may hold their Cunty Clerk, time with a '.:"rv weak back. Foley The location of Its principal office in the meeting and have an office and freep the no-o- - S Montezuma Kidney completely relieved Sl. lie Of Nl-- Mexico is dcsln II J t id as 3al- I.,,, as of Ihe corpoi atloii evocpl the sl.a Grocery Pills urstviKs. ntWTi'it Al "n all soreness and pain and I now am 305 Central Avenue, Mboquerque, nod the JVERY upon ivlioni .process against the cor -- and strong nnd well as ever." Winter asent M'.VNTK.I An evperlenced piieslclan Liquor Co. - piiratlon may be served la Mrs. Mary A. lu brSSt small lowfl in Hi l Otpg l' n I nil. We Will Treat symptoms of kidney trou- agt- aggravates HortoOi a natural p, raon of full would ouichase drug stole. Address "Doc-lo- r Von Kljilil Lie Old makes aeinng jonu. In of Sew Mcmi" Bursters and t0mb" r of T It ITI . Phone j weather resident the State Iks i Jouiiuil PBJJ its - 1029 Is H. M. Ibed I r b) eaioii lol- - strap coxsTiirc- muscles, and irregular bladder those place of abode Alhunur r'lui SllhsC! lire lis . macimm:. sot Kid- - Sperry ALL KINDS, both new and serond-hand- TIOV IX). unbearable. Foley In TaitneM Whereof, ihe said The N TJIIMisw-niaklng- . THIRD actiot more - bought, sold, rented repaired. Albu- & QoatSaai haa caused its name Nunes -- Residences W;i JBA and AND COPPER, ney help the kidneys eliminate HutchlSeon -, nrrssmsVlng. 400 querque Tvpawrlttng Phone 770 W. M. Pills to be hereUTU i etibscrlheil In Its president Thomss A. Rrierrv 0llflSS'1ffv- wisA'CtXintUr Evenness Maiinileoa r: polion. Sold . ., nil OSS, laini &euetar and tki ipoiste ital lO'be ''hell' U, tfgtptllBJOS Ufoolnjii, giiUlli SevlMji, .irlli III I EIGHT LHUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915. HARDWARE CO CRFENT Evervbodv FILM ACTO 5 E STAR 10 i I E - tumi-hiu- s i. h ( nltrey. Tools. Iron Pipe . FOR SAL Ml'ln Plumbing Tin mid iim Uiirk Appreciates One of if ;t paying businesses in Albuquc IK W . r NTH M t ti i ipiionf m WHY CANYON S TOP OF eticrplional cind ID SHI IT of unity requires a very sm.i the profit p v I PEERLESS PANCAKE ELOUR yiimiriPAi TPrr SEE WIIHOL DELAi' M i I. ARE LIKE PARADE Motto -- i umuii tiL IILL W. P. METCALF v. i ni CAMP EIRE SYRUP 321 GOLD AVENUE Hi Io hill. III ell Ll. I I Calendar .a M081 ATTRACTIVE Cowboys anfi; Be Pioduced by Efforts of v I ta Miunn Brjthern ASSORTMLN Indians Hugh Bryan, J.W. McQuade I ndfrtakei A Plant in pin impi si v. H k raomi CHRISTMAS APPLES and : m iitiM. ni.k.. i oi'i'i it M HIM llNH Each Flower ORANGES ABE NOW 50c Pletwre mmp day !h- triornu READY - Mak. Before iik- rirtfua Mi- - leaduta ..j'me. LO A I ITEM behind. It w MAM.W WINLSAI'S common Mte time to i onti id a J. K find th.- Com I mal r ir i THE WE CAN 1 I l STRONG'S in it BEST Ik mi. M A. R, llllltll. atlon f I : i in i in it) i esterday. . amoiis SECURE lurr. toi Hi I - Book Byron Henry Ives, ;i A. (i fegU- Store Mil iiikIiI hull for a Pahy Wi" i Florist lar NmU, Money IIhi k It lull in the fit'Ki Woman's corps r- l I Tin' Relief wttlineei UlHIt II." declared that any hud lain pitik, wh the in III ll. P.'IONE OUKIil AND SAN i ( ( ;n hi i a. FLORIDA AND VL1I K o'clock thiH afternoon it. able to Reap a Rhutter lad.- - Ataurtlnfl Mr Bryan In ins work arc r W iniii for a reffuMir union. bind foi neat jrs during th J. licQuad, tho contractor, am: NIA NAVEL ORANGES Mi I in! Mrs. W T Strain, who WM j . a Ii iiRth lineal unheard Arno Honing Mr. is iin- - it Los AiiKi li'K. vimiIiiik Im-i- daugh- - ffij Mcuuadc Bar) when ihi a d d ai returned ii, tht 'iiv yesterday. of at this year ntehing urease to eel the Job e t Adb fj n uncer- - Mr, I rank Kraci iiro.i, win. has been se- - KLEIN OFFERS TO daya arc ho t unlit dona rinht, and iHuninf is tupply. Irloual) in tor tin Mai mI suffering I tain. Directo Ik tail only Ins the i li ' lrii al fixture for the bin WAKH blOKI (rem tin Kiip, i n potted to t con- - gratified over the ex pptional light over the tree. M. Nash is fui- - THEATER r valeacent. onditloiis. exill ik hen I. ni.shini tin- buMa for lite tree Itaelf, HUMID II. WAIlll BKST fir Nllim IN Mr Mrs. .1.... .lolly. In. m Cliffs. Ariz In plan and with tin attitude of and the AlbUQtMfQUe Has, Blectrlo TIIK MAIK Marble I'll. in- - kh . in r in ipeRd tin holiday with PLACE AS ( III W awuwti RESUME pie. in diacUaatiui tin hmgth f tiim LiKhi and Power company i.s h ltint; in B PtCTI KKS IIAMiK TODAY tnr Mr Rfa, parent, and wiidam company In lbuiiuer - juice Rhine 1 KUY HAY I ,M. i ii, g the win remain twi to make the llghu Inrki North Twelfth street Mr. Mopper paid a flm compll- - All this is being money onirics r Wmi. racaivei for the iUo, done without American Lumber company, left mi nt io tha Commercial oiub. and wlthoui coat, ami aolety with ihi ,, r- I morning (or his hotm In 'uii- - p onuiH i, ial Inh Avlsts. t,, s,., Hp. kids if AlI'lMpI UC KXTRA Willi i:i .l l.K IU K ill I. PROURAM Mi ... ' fornln will i,.i Hit' hnhdavs TIM "Kvery oourteay haw been extended i hare a food time. there, THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY to us by tin i pie of AiUi((Uerqui Uctting Bdxca itead) .1 r Camplx ii .ui.i r iiiniy, tin iouth and espechilly by the Commercial In older to var the pronre; Till UARDKN OF THE t.dlis" TWO P.VRTH 'Third street, wi.l leave tomorrow for We wen met immediately af- year, club. what from that pursued last it; I Hilton, iii the hull-- ! VMIt SS IKllt I'ltdM i i BABY M ill wnd Chrttmaa city by n k- - tiii: hi: ll daj ,iis Campbell ami children win Action in Advice of ter our arrivnl in the has been decided not to hanr stin m mi PARI) Visit rrlondH in Trinidad of that oftpHUaatlon ami Ingi mi the tree, ut to put the goodies j UTama, S.'Mk Animal LYRIC and I'mblo r r Purpose of a More which) before turning io the city, wtrc Klven hearty welcome. for the children in little boxea (ll. I'l.t S (INK 1 .11 ls M Till TRAMP TEUaORAPHEK licenses to marry yeaterdaj were I Rppnnl Wl" Klven tin tori of, win be hung from the bougha of the Itagraph Comedy, Hazards of Helen, Keepii UlOttl It l; ' Iwued to Oordon it. Hears, Amarilto, aaitaRc which count . Uunager tree, The ladies in charge of the tree THEATER ami Lucille Bauter, Canadian; Jamea Understood. Wile) of the club lias lai n 111 toueh are busy fillinc luixes with candy and R Young, fcaat Lai Vejiaa, ylvial - ami (with me nearly i very day, has suk- .other edibles dear to the childish heart TODAY and TOMORROW B ChlkOttn, faist Las V i;as. Till' lat- - I gested locations, pbleed us in touch at time, tei I'oupli wot married bj Justice I). Chrlstmaa and when Friday BODY y. ua w AND SOUL.", of tin old Town precinct. Ailing upon Hi,, adclce of Judg, W with personi who ouki furnish afternoon cornea there ill be nothing regarding tub - but for the kid- - to up HeaciH'k, Ins attorni , Chief J authentic information left pranci GREAT SOCIETY PLAY. THE MENACE OF THE LEFT ALL PROPERTY Klein yesterday informed Mayor Boat-righ- t Jeets fi om which we have drawn our land get what l coming to them. io - thai was ready to go to work local color, ass, sled us in our pur- UtM Jenni- - Troll is drilling tin i AT PASTIME TOMORROW CRYSTAL TO WIFE WHO DIED Judge Heacoeli holds that the comv chasing of luppltei ami la locating (school children in song afoj MUTE in the that .ii action dutapproviitg of the I xiiBg. -- hora and men and in main other to be and Koblnaon park will be I THEATER TONIGHT SOON AFTER HE DID "Body and Soul" is the story of a I'lllh. 1. 1. Ill ten Pla; beautiful, young society girl who suf- ,,, I lie III. i 1,, fers from amnesia or loss of memory, ii. urge m I. M.n contractor, led all ( hief Klein's formal proffer of h nd When her natural .self, the yOUng Rirl I I 1(1 I V Mlt'lNl wa Deen j is highly refined, at- - HiiIIi I" "pel'lv ft i Ills W If e. who died aerviiie ulluerstood to have but during the I I R MM I IMtV IM'l-p- cooiratitl I WD . OLIO SOI"l IOI I'lC IHIIIM.SC III tack of is '' hi. bis coffin a short ago, companies eng V of bus- amnesia she an entirely I I M Is lime Iliu 1,1. .1 In I, Ha .1 I i''. differ nt parson. Thin f.H-- van disclosed yeXterdh) in HmumIi'. ,..,01,. in,,..-- ,s .... 'neSH. and tin i lakoh anion u REALTY Watch ih.i TRANSFERS. While suffering from one of these I i . tiHM With i urUli Mid i vancy In the iiejpurtmeni exisis owing Inform our. N (attacks, she reaches a cabin in th 11, i. ttusf'n j Your Step I i.. or, motion, which the caption tendei Adirondack, occupied by Houuhtnn, iiiin nr Mlonti- Heeds et Fworuury 1 as tin uuti council puss, d. Tin attorney ias that hope that for wealthy X ew York society man on KAHCK in Ml M III on i 11 m .. ,,. , luerque to John a l V I l hariiiir The court SUkl took mains naiui mat enter i. i,, vacation. She live with him in this (.lis if th depart in m itwalttng trial be. 11. pan ol lots cabin for a week. Clair.' makes Unit-- matter or the estate of Mih p locality that COMING SUNDAY l for,, th council upon Hi,, mayor's ml 1 1. bb Kasleiii addition. lit ipve to a strunger, and, finding Ddtntlng in i mis bj a formi mill - i lllll'KeM longed In r in lei I,, M. ! nid husband tin arms of another RttU, JAMES P. LEE Fred and Hand, i 'otVttt, a wltnjMM 10 I The picture Houghton tb- ii" comi Chief Klein e, December bramis Clair on breaat The Mdsler of tfw adminketrrttnrii under ll.toi bond io ih niH.vor s off ml heard his filming here j With a knife, telling her that the brand st ppORTKD BI M i: Hi. i, cv wax tippolntad statement, Iii B (lit t.ild him d rtqull .on maiM: nei rcmeiiioei mat sne is Hint Ho place was ' for him alone. 20 PEOPLE 20 House versollon was bib ( Iloiiuhtoii leaves Claire 1,1 shift for Hon :n tb in an, r A fall rest, 11 , s her no nmry BIG BEAUTY CHORUS l I on tin- - "KOI'n Mil ii iih iwtnnn, the widnw, was nominated this lime, aocol'dlr dlnn are payroll of lac com ami Hhi; returns to her in on Long 'linn Dtstiujrulslml I'm cm UtrlX In the will bill sin Mas jpanv and will In used eVr) laV until Island. '1 hrough hancc tightoh is si'i tivi, SpsnMi Dance by unit'., I snir tua lifted b) leaving New Mexico, lull of the local s. nes ale computed. Introduced to Clattv f !l , lltlll Madeline i Mr. I.indli ), the When iih- XfW U'U'O, Sing a Solo. Mi Hie petition ol Mi - l.ncy Mann. "A HAIR OF SIXES' I. nil Kan. at Hoi Best, sh unable loj Will MR. W CI spent JULIUS STEGER e i iihi Having Ranh Tract The company1! manager la uiithori-- 1 ad ami llm in toughton mpuni wa appointed uuardUin of COMING TO CRYSTAL ty for the statement that 50,009 will the his attentl her und 7::M) til. he spent on the picture 111 New Mex-- 1 st Ml. Ill's AT AM) I: THEATER NEXT rtanchos ii" At ibs him 1 MONDAY ico, wiiiic ii iiiie amount will be re- m HI to w ho ji seph Kam ipolntcd quired i" do the studio work. Director u- murder: Adults 25c. Children 10c liter, and u ife, . .1 itiardlan to anil tin Interest Pour of he pn tt trie ever Hopper asserted the star. Miss home, where her physician declares US A MAN divided Interea thai t ..I crime, as LEI SEND In hildl en in n al slat III the hi in bled in one om lail Kam'. Is doing the best Work of; liltless lt plscr Mini llmkell W liiilnt. it lilt i n addition. "A I'alc "f Slvcs" w lo r brilliant career In the present pro-- . ' I III Hit for pnisentatlun til ll ductlnn and predicts thai when th i i I i i si iii... hi DAVID GRIFFITH MAY tit, Monday, December ... They ore production rendu, the public il will In who sav i Hp- be recognised as one of the 'et- killing III THEOR Hi iimnw N Mrs! Moses Kate Ouyon, Blhei Wilson, pASTIME it MAKE HIS NEXT BIG Itlta Carlisle and Hilda Qriiham Kate achievements in th field of photo- - Mis Florence it" National 11 in as Cluirc an 111. Quyon Is dra ma nrs' PHOTODRAMA HERE Known in this city through ve her acting Bhe is what Ii known as a phot obi apb ill I, hki COP TOLD MAN TRIED T D . O Dn 1,1 Orlfflth, wiii itiii id 'no AY Birth ot .1 Nation." sag) come here to TO PICK POCKETS OF produce bis od rams. Mr next phot tni, want) ,iii ngt miss ouyon has tooay in am who passed through the (It) Dart ni .1. M. txggr llriffilh. HAS A DIME i DOROTHY GISii Hu- opportunity to wear some FIVE; HE .. V If V'esterda) morning on westbound (tunning l.ivinuston. Deoambt us Tho A Six.-:,- ' a itute-mi- goWna of n- lible as dii STORtljl California limited, made tins in Pair ami to - x. Atrisco; - arecincl iiitl veal her charm to the best advantage, William D Van ' suffered Mr. Hi iifiib h next pp t in quire! The Hid Ward I', pi. farce Is a bril- a background ratambllng undent liant 0(11. will) a novel plot ami unique Her Mother's Chatdca, He believes the . dohl Vll- - I It I I cllanicti rlmenis revolves around gered gehl simtt's informani said 3 P R T lag WOUld Kl e Ibis off' In- milk no- piii mauu-"iil- d h srlng I Ing of the puiuie miBiii Ink moiitliw nurrm "i 'o'"'ihiui thai had seen Garcia stick ins Arlie it. Maxw. II th. Daughter t u (t t m pet be f.u lUrers Who, when nil o a ns fiv. at it was al- - M ami from Mill! other hands in men's pockets the ward T. Payne and wife. He umbei A Tb rci I Urania ol ampio) ..I fall, I,. leged that, had Mr, : u decide Mil! their difference Betlevui saloon on snutii First street. Hi. lot in. block 15. Park Iditlon xercteed cm life. in 11 nam. of cards. Th.- winner is to Tin men were Stamiing at 111. bar ordtAgry care In It) ! pre vi g TO INITIATE a ragg led tin- losses ELKS run the business- bir year, the loser when Ogrrig in and, apparcntl) Nat: laws. WEEKLY to lie liie son ant , pair of Rlxe set- - drunk, brushed Sgainul them, he rmtt the MUTUAL ANOTHER BIG CLASS said lies the affair, and tl a n Hie fun is let If Han la attempted to pick theli With the Late.--t War New b lose pockets, he play, d In had luck. Hi ' At the regular atlng of Albu nscur Kigman, Work In The had only a dime wlyn he was arrest atlonal Hunk of Albuqucr-B- . the sa lodg ..i which will Widow," recton qunrcjue i.iks, be M.n" 'Madame 8herry" and led. (tarcii denied the charge. He Bummer and wife. De-- TOMORROW NEW held tonight, bit ol "Thi Plrefly" out, is tea- - Ke. SHIRTS another class standi the said his home wan In (hutti lots 11 and U, block IT.oiil.MT: BCM KWKLt in candid. lies Will be put over the hur lured Oh of th cast m "A Pair of A nice line oi high grade pip Ht dles will ana reasonable price, Henry Wcntcrt'eld, BODY AND SOUL After tile initiation tin re Sixes' lend hit merrj method QpFPIfll, UFQeewnPR I - W I W Adi'on Joins to Hernandes, i.c turkey lunch the good to W. ITIUVVIUIIVIhll I'UT West Central avenue A Society Ifl ami usual ih leadniK man lb tuber ll, lot "O.1 lores o dC Powerful lliaina lime even lathering of who FALLS 1 Nik Minis lot Met that attend FROM BICYCLE Hurt's pint of lots 7 to Flva Parts. i tost people, the Mock a, Pereg; It, Henry hauls baggage and Those who w iii j(o through tonight WITH CONVULSIONS ALBUQUERQUE MAN Tnu.1 1 In 'tis. ii Thompson, W. Mhells-bargct- other things. in c David Weinman ami Wl to Louis Phone 939. and up-t- o III n. B Hugo C Myer. Welller, HELD IN ARIZONA ON Betaed by com uls mis, Raymond a. McRae, December 13. its r, anil i r, ii... k. Ralph Kelt J it tpeare, 1 z lliem. hr, y, lira old, :it North Third I. block SI, X. M. T. Co.; In, 000. Kodilcn, ll D, Mi Motion, w j, Han-u- a. KIDNAPING CHARGE W. it. Whitney and wif to W. A. GRIMSHAW'S Jams W, Modi)', H J second and Central. jr McMtllln, I mher 1. ' s 11 and nrnr ii. H, Woodward B- - 11 Crgw'-for- this of Ice Deput) sint in tteerge Walker left nu. H was lO St. Joseph S addition ; bravd For Holulav Candies. WCJ it n. J, Puryear, , PU-- . i:. Moms ll last ti ik tit for Prescott, Aria., to bring hospital and 1 I" Peat ailed. M form I, C lacobsun, t, k. mas Montanu here io face the charge I u. had not .d consciousness ' i. Bailey wit to A. U $3.50 W r,e hWnaping Abner ami ORDER i:KLY H. illiam MaoDougall, A. A. iTnder aherlff nick n ha. ,Mt(, ,M, niKh w a I i - Tin boy as special Martin, embar lof li block 51. Wynne, V K Nslsoii, H N iuiv- - . ' I'llel f" HU IIHIi: 'II "TELMO" messenger bo a ml Aii, On rams "ml tue for Wi stern Union Biutern addition: noo. Teie). mall tor Montan last October, raph omp It was said Kpstein I PARCEIi that Sainuel to Fint CAKXKD GOODS AVD "INK s BAOGAOE He b a t in d v est some) hlna TOP tD DEATHS AND his son. Tali RAVI.: DKUVjsm' -- FUNERALS. ind ulsions. THE BEST. been found at J Prompt Auto onlCD. BATES STREET i; in rirst that Montan ti taken t. PHONIC HH7. 103 NORTH IIIT I 1) 11 lot 10. John nidi, I be Pi s. i. It kill WIFE OF MOVIE' STAR II. T. Co., mher Business Shirts hn Lynch, yenr old, dted early Montan-- s divot d Wife, from whom ck P. Park addition: l.t i day on morning at hu horn he was separated six velirs RgO, IS the HERE FOR SHORT TIME d. .1. Tilton-boK- und hu? ITOII nVgnue, He CWn hen- Irom complainant, sii sav s the i ,Hirt sa e K, i .irth vv.. on a, of Dtecktuan ih ember mo .vents no count her i in i iiatody f tin boy Mrs. Moll- - $1.50, $2.00 17 1 .1 te.t of lots :r? and : health. Two were with tan,, told Under sin i Lewi num. with her iff that 13, ".oo. d til maid, paaw I llbuquerque; FOR SALE through Albttquei $2.50 iu yutarday BAR! I s HIT It F-- morning on ,i m n. Mint the aeooi ni of tha One g 15 Moetlng will be held Monday, Jan- of the best money-makin- businesses in the city. 1 h'5 - I. muled o Join her husband at I'lu Nuilatotium Ileal- oveivbodv TAX the uary 10, 1916. in K. Oareia's hall. -- c p Mil, COLLECTION TO BE F"o Kilin companv s kldtO al Los AH one of the best be found til ir ll. PbWIa Candeiarlaa, to elect officer for the opportunities for small investment thai can . I'. , ,111 ,,f broad-leu- f STARTED NEXT MONDAY ei.mln year. band made, and others met ill stand thorough investigation. 1 1, 6 I, in can of II, the ni enjoyei ph sa nt half-hour- m c a ist mas gugjgwttga t PHONE 17. Chi it Ion. On behall ,,f the - text i uonda) of the 'u.--t no,, T TAXI AMI A1"ID A. I iinni theater. Address P. O. Box ipp.-- 680 announced terday. .x. nice. ,.,.,. ,,. phi) shown, Miss DAT ami KIORT N. M i in hlbidasi Taaoalea, Chili, ig mad ad now fn ALBUQUERQUE, I'm ;",k, ulady Mami. n pn ed Mis Kai i mii amsao il. llvei-- 400 SlMlle.ll Phnm Michel! lUm with a bo. pt cut flowers ami ry au to emu. She .stated she surely would B. M WIl H AMS Dentist I th. ii tax nmml-- 1 nepott her reception at Albuiiueruiie ' Room 1 nd S. Whltlr.g Building directed i. I'ai iiii)ii and i.- Corner Second and Hold Gallup Lamp I g 1 Gallnp t otr SPRINGER ((s" oifieials vvheji she Phn.. M CerrUlo, ggsafj jTlcHHlIf 0 CcrrUlo mot. Ci'lUiislihurnCii if VOcil VO. thin year. FOB REVT lloom. 5Hin. faln PitUNE 01 SATISFACTORY SERVICE ibis tm-li- n . ji sn ideal niiin'e Christinas press alley In scvUihi, miltuhle for, Airnut acitf:, Unnihliu( or anop. or aii kizfs: stfm coal ' hq tin Ktornv: Ooka, Kin Wood, Inolory Wood, Kindling. Un RFAS0NABLF PRICES flvcri and saddle hnrines. TrlmbVr h of Westcrfeld's Affidavit tieal and wavn 'winded. Apply thi Cord Wood. Native Beit Hnin. offla.