

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Bob. Wllllnms, a Foncllad Crook, In He Sold the Budfre. Jail at Loslle. Oti tlie two last days of the fair a Hob. Williams.aliasTaylor.alias Kel• cliunked, distlngnislied looking man h'oi' dni|,'.s rc'iid LniiByciii- Bi'o.s'. iul. ler, is now in jail at Leslie I'or break• about ,'15 years of age might havo been EEPiS. 01 TOP! Klocucd liiierl lio.sp, Ific. pci- iKiir iib ing and entering the store of V. J1. seen upon the fair grounds, and also EVERYBODY Jillhs. Grout & Uo. at tliab place .Tunc 22, JSO-i. upon the public streets of the village, The matter, however, lias been kept lie was accompanied by an erjually Mason Turned Over to tho Is invited to visit l^ORD'S I.SIIIIC i)reu' fccL'iilJy lost; :i good (inieL for several reasons, Williams is chunked leatlicr vali.se. This was 11 arse. lli; cliokcd (III ante. a jirol'essional safe blower, who Is ]iub- Patrick McOabe of Ann Arbor, a man Enemy by a Strong imZAAR. We h.-ivc just re• You will WniiljCf], good (,'irl 1,0 do Kcncral lislied by Grannoii's .Detective Agency well known over there as a de|)Uty slierlir of Waslitenaw county. He put Majority. ceived the latest patterns in line liiiiisi'wiirlc. ill Hire at this olllce. * of Cincinnati. He wns rclea.sed from state prison Oct. 0, l.SiW, after serving uji at the hotel, and was soon seen lo find •Steplien IJorniaii of this city has a live years'sentence I'orgrand larceny be in company with Paul Mlniils of been firiiiilcd an iiiuriiiise of pension. and was employed I'or some time there• Lansing and Ji'riiiik Coinisky of "White CHINA tlie largest nnd best se• The Result in the City, after by iirisoii ollicials—In fact wiis in Oak. On the morning of Oct, 5, Tilliiier Cliry.saiillieiiiiliii lea at (,lie Presby• lected stock 01 their employ about up to the time the Dickinson, deputy marshal, succeeded For decorating and the largest terian eliiircli iiu.xt Wednesday eveii- larceny and burglary was commillcrl. in purchasing of Miniiis a half pint iiiy. variety oC fine decorated Glass- l.loiige was also einiiloyed In tbe same bottle of whisky. Other tacts sluiw- Last Tuesday's result in the city Tlie AV. 0. T. 11. will meet at Mrs. way'afler bis release. Through tbe cd thai, the trio were engaged in the was not very gnitifying to fi'iends of vvare ever sliown in Mason. Knot's loiiiorrow at three o'eloclc. Instigation of prison ollicials the A\'il- dispensatory business and the three democracy, but was about wdiiit was Our store will be hcad- JOverybody invited. liams arrest at Leslie was kejit dark— men were arrested. The satcbel of expected when the canvass was com• and well it might be. the dojiuty slierilV of AVasliteiiaw was Webb Wbitiiian have 200 lioys' pleted, it showing us fili behind. qu.nrtcrs for Staple and Fancy In the city. We are secured, wliicli, wlicn opened, was There was not miicli e.xciteinent, but ov('f('(i;i(s wilicil limy od'er for $1.00 The sysleiii of harboring such de.s- found to contain M iialf pint bottles earnest work was done and nearly all goods Tor tlie Holiday trade. headquarters for eaidi. liearl Uieir ad. lieriite dc'Speradoes as Williams shows of wbislcy, nicely jiiit ujj in "original the vote was bi'ought out. 'flic rc- ail absoliiie lack of jiidgineiit or desire, Remember we keep the best Ilrou'ii Hros. will ecniviiiee ,voii, if you paclcages," with coiTc-screw attacli- plibllciiiis liad tlio liilliienceC?) and and should bo eniplialically .sat down M'lid llicir ad., lliat lliuy are Mm ones iiieiits. To the cliiirge of Illicit sales controlled the lloaters. Gloves and Mittens ever soliJ Bananas anc. upon, even if il, does conlliet with the lo buy boots aiid shoes ol'. Coinisky and ]\llniiis pleaded guilty, persoiiiil arraiigeiiients of Warden There were 170 straight republican and bave been bound over I'or trial in for 25 cents. CbaiiibeiTalii and Oepiily Norlliriip. votes east, 90 democratic, 12 populists Ni'W lines of novi'll.y and fantiy dre.ss tbe circuit court; but McCabe de• Ijcss solitary coiillnement and more and eiglir, people's. '.Pwo years ago lie sure and call at our store gniid.s, Willi i.riiiiiiiiiitrs 1,0 iiiiiteli, manded an o.vainination. O ranees. horse sense would give the state pri.son Morse carried the city by 21, this year Djii'iled yi_'sl(M'day at I lall's. * next Saturday. Rich gets 7.S. On the vote of two lietler management and reduce llie 'The case liiiving lieen two or three years ago tlu; pojiiillsts lost 1(1 and the Kiiloii eoiiniy lias sued llu; iiisiiraiiec cost of the iiistlMition to the iieojile of tiiniLs adjourned, came iiji llnally yes• Lowest living prices, eoiiipiiiiics I'll!' ilic iiisliranee on her tbe stale.—.laelcson lOveiiing Patriot, probiliitionists four. terday atiernooii for examination lie- FORD&KIRBY. quality considered. iMilirl house biiriu'd last .liily. Nov. r.lh. Justice G. C. .lolinson. The people In tbe llrst ward 2()l votes were poll• ed. Eight ballots wero not marlced A llollso and barn nearly new for were represented by L. B. Gardner of Yours Ui'S|)(M;l.l'iilly, MarrlaBro Licenses. and several only voted I'or one name. sale elieap or lo rent. ini|uii'e at Lansing, prosecuting attorney of tlie Ford's Bazaar. The following licenses have been (anility, and Hon. E. Ti. Norris of Ann Hut little iittentloii was paid to the I'ilidi & llayinond's. *tr granted since our last report; A rhor was iireseiit on the del'eiist!. As aiiieiidinenls. For the .Soldiers'Home Ash and Main Streets. ,1. 0. .Siiiiicrs, dciiiocratie iioiiiliice .VaiiU! and Rcsldimce. Ai,'e additional ballast, e.x-Sheriir Dwyer of there were H yes and three no, for I'or county elcrk, iiiililii a I'liii in this Aliram llrnwti, l.anslin,' rti Aim Arbor was also present. 'T'lie iliialKlcal.lon of voters there were -10 elly of vvliieli be may I'eel iimud. h'liira A. Duly, (Ininil l,ed(,'i! 'la llrst witness sworn was Marshal C. ,T. yes and two no. CASH GEOCER. llcorKo llliidiis, Laiislni; Nott, who related the circunistanees Ill the second ward il-l votes were Mrs. S. W. Maininoiid fell down lier Myrllc Spears, Laiisitit' substantially, as above, iiiid after liini polled, six not being marked and sev back stairs lasi, TiiL'sday morning, .lacnli llyiilt, Lniisiii),' '-'Il Minn is was sworn. Mis testimony was oral voting only a portion of the tick blaekiiig lim' eye and Injuring lier ipiite Hinma ,1. llnncImM, Lansiii); Ifi more daiiiiigliig to the defense, and et. Soldiers' Home amendment re badly. ,lac(il) L. Asli, LniishiK '-'1 Ida Clark, l.aiisinK 'Jl will, uiidoub(;edly, be sulllcicnl to con ceived ,'),S ytis ;ind 10 no, (lualillcjitions 'I'lu! pmlro ebibsare prejiariiig for ,liilin IllackiiKifO, Mitsoii vict McCabe of the charges preferred ,'i.') yes and II no. tliti winter eam|iaigii. 'The .liiiiior On-a .1. Ili'iilil, DansvUle It seems that making the satchel the Below is tbe entire vote in the city club will eonmieiice Monday evening, ,l(ilin II. I.amiliiic, LansliiK ;a base of supplies, i\lcCabe employed as the tickets appeared upon the bal Vandercook Nov. lilth. ICilith (1, (isliand, LansliiK '.'.'I Minnis logo out among the crowd and lot—republican, democratic, iieojile lli'(ir(.'e II. AlliiM, Luroy make sales, which he did, and was do• and prohibition: h;iios Slell'y has traded bis iiropcrty Una H. Kciir. l.eroy ing wlKMi nabbed. After Minnis bad tbivernoi'— 1st wil. 'M wd. I'lii Frank M. I'roiitor, White Oak on Dslreel I'or the .Sliults jilaee on given his testimony the defense asked .lidin T. Ricb M.l llii & Rice. Latira K. I'liimiimr, White Oalc LT casi Ash .-^treiit and lias moved to bis that the examination be continued un Spimeer 0. l''islii;r 77 100 David It. Miller, Dellil nn Alva W. Nichols 17 II new lioine, til Nov. 20, and tlie continuance was Manilla Ingnihiiin, Alaleiloii 51) Albert M. Todd IB 12 Mrs. 1). .1, P(il,U'r ol' M11.S011 !ind ,!iisi'ph (-'atiiKiiin, Locke ,'iO agreed to.—Sto(;kbridge Sun. Llenlenanl (lovcrnor— A reble Lyoii llf \'i;v;iy wort; Uio lticl 1. • 0111™ In Nuar Keshleiico Locke was digging bis early potatoes, PROOUAM. Ki'iink C. MelCticn 151 125 IM cents. Come and see llilril(lo"i-oasl.M. dniriili, Mason. Everybody wants the Art Loan con- he planted a few hills and last .Sunday Ovortiire Oir.liestra Charles IC, I'nililock 7.1 III tinned. It will be open Saturday William Ml.sliler 11 8 it. lt ifltANlC I':. THOMAS, I'ltyslclan anil Htii- enjoyed a meal from the seeoiid eroj). (rvp.sy Clioni.s .'W Voices evening at.scven o'clock. Recitation L T. Caniiibell Ainasa I'lillliiis 15 a Kco I. 0 lice over Weld. Wli linan'sUlmh- Great eountry this where we can grow iiiDK Htort^^ calls at nlKlltanswcrfil from ollico. Souk by Two Little Maids Clerk- two ero|js of the same thing in Tickets I'or the ladies' libraiy enter• Cnstnmc Drill by 'JOclilldrcn .lames Blacknioro 120 f)5 2 K.,r. 0. DOYlNii, I'liysU'lan anil Snrt!eoii, ine seiLson.—Willlamston Enterprise, tainment tomori'ow evening arc 10 h'alry Clinnis ao Voices .loliii 0. .S(|nlefs !)7 125 Wnrkliij,' Men's Clionis. Ilcrbrrt 15. (limn 15 .1 dllko In I'arUlnifsl DlocU. Uoslilei li'irst solid democratic administration cents, with live cents extra I'or reserv• oDn Mill strnel, Mason, iMlcli, Jlale (inarlell 11 •8 in over ,'iO years, brother. ed scats. MiiKone, Mills, Webb, WcCnrdy Kei;lster of Deeds- Oatliiille I'salin Fay Wliltinaii ATT0RNEV8. Itcrt 1,. Rnsecianeo 1."! 1.11 131 Ellen M. Scrvis of Alaiedon has Married, by Rev. E. TL Brockway at SoloetlDn Orclicstra 07 8;j Can do you good in (iraml Klnale, Ainoricii lOO Voices 'I'homas 11. Scdlna OIllco oppo- brought suit in the circuit court bis residence, Nov. Tst. David 11. Mi'ller Charles .S. U'll.son 18 II .S. AN'lJUV, Altonuiy al l,a\y. , Admission 10c. Reserved seats Inc. Fred L. Cook 12 11 posilu I liaison llmise, l.tmsliiK, MiLli igaiiistLloyd Laylinof tliesaine town- of Delhi and Mrs. Matilda Ingraliam the Pill, Quinine or E: lilp I'or damages I'esulting I'orm an of Alaiedon. Tickets on sale at E. Culver's. 'I'reusitrer— OIllco over Horatio .1. liniid 1.15 IM 80 issault committed upon her by tlie Drug line. Comeand The B. Y. P. U. will meet in a de• Wlllinm JLLoiigyoar 70 01 respondent. The plaintilT alleges that You can buy 20 rolls of cotton batt IS 10 William A. lllgdoa see. V, DOYING, AMorney al Law, I'arkluirst Laylin struck her and otherwise beat votional meeting and praise service in I'or .$1.00 at Mills Dry Goods Uo. * licti 1!'. Noyes 12 n block. Mason, Mlcli, lid maltreated her to the amount of their rooms ne.\t Sunday evening at J'rnscciiliiiuAttoniey— c. Republicans are feeling jubilant over $2,000.—Lansing .loiiriial. si.x o'clock. Everybody invited. Leonai'il U. Gardner lliO ini 57 ICSANDIiUS, Attorney ami Counselor at their success, and well they may. Arllinr 1). Prosscr Sli ina Longyear Bros. , latv. onice in Uiu lliinUngtDii J31ock, up Rev. C. F. Swift of Saratoga, N. Y.. Richard If. Stewart 18 10 G Miss.I. A. ilreniien wishes to an• stairs. Mason, Mieli. lias accepted the call of the Plymouth Notice C. TL Hall's change of ad. CI em-He R. M alone It 10 nounce Dliatslic win begin her danc• — M. OUMMLNS, Attorney ami Cmin.solor at Congi'egiitloiial church at Lansing and this week. Stacks ol! new goods in all Circuit Court Commissioners STAR DRUG STORE. ing school Thursday evening, 'Nov. J,"j, AVllllam A. I'-raser 107 IOI GO . Law-, oniceoverFanners' Hank, Mason. will begin work tbe first ot December. lines. A It seven o'clock, at the Armory Hall. Kroderlck ,L Sliidllii(,'er... 75 100 Theron C. North 18 10 T. HUMANS, Attorneyand Coiiiiscloral Law. In the future tliey will bcTield on Fri• Tlie May Leggett Concert Co., llrst Don't fail to attend .tack's Creole OlUce over KlfsL .Slale anil Savlnns liank, Oarry U. Sanders 150 115 73 day evenings. Tbe eliange in date is entertainment of the lecture course, Co. at the opera house next Monday lliiKli K. Root 81 111 Mitasoni , Mlcli. Money to loan on koo'1 security. made owing to an operaon the evening next Wednesday evening. Manager evening. Surveyor— BUSINESS LOCALS. ,J. HOOP, Atlnrnoy at Law. Onicc with originally selected, iror furlier infor• Culver is ready to deliver season tick• William A, Knwe MI 111 79 , .riKlncof I'foliale,IMason,Mlch. Hair cub for J5 cents at Ame'.s, over William Applclon 7B !)7 O mation iiKiuirc of W. jr. Sharp at E. ets and collect for the course McCrossen's drug store. Quick and •lohn McCreary 18 10 nnvlnc iDKl Several AppllcHiloii.s Culver's jewelry stoi'c, Mason. * M 11 To teach sliortliaiid.T have nnally coiiclndeil »»• HARDWARE. The B. Y. P. U. convention ot the easy shaves. Three chairs. * Coroners- take a limited uiimbor ot students. Those wli* The Forty-Second Illinois Veteran Tackson A.ssoeiation will close tonight cannot take personal lessons can do nearly, if noil ITCU & RAYMOND, (loale.'s la Gtjiieral The Ladies' Aid Society of Eden Edwin S. Butts M2 109 70 Infantry held its annual reunion at tbe by an address by Detroit's great Bap• Martin .L 1 Inward 77 08 quite as well, by talvlni,' lessons by mail. llarihvare, I'liitits, Oils ami Fanners' bup- will iDceb at Mrs. Overliolt's Wednes• There Is no other business that we know oK I F Slierma'n house, Uliicag;o, Oct. 25 and tist preacher, the Rev. D. D. Mc- Citleii Oderklrk 18 10 pllos. Main street;, Mason. day, Nov. II, 1801. All invited. David M. Wooil M 12 which so (iiiiekly yields as .lai'Ke rcUirns for thou, Lanren, L. L. D. Improve the oppor• 2(1. L. .1. Ford of this city was a mem• .lohn .1. Tnltle M.'f 100 GO lime and labor necessary to learn it as the biisUi REAL ESTATE AGENT. ber of that regiment and was elected tunity and hear him. All cordially •T.N.Smith, the tailor, has a new I'orry lleiidorsnii. 77 103 iiess of shorUiainl and typewrltlni,'. Slcnon;ra» pliers who can write from one Imndred lo oun chaplain. The old boys had a splendid invited. ad. this week in which lie olTers great ICdwuril 0. J.'laherty 18 0 I,. CASTIillLlN, Loan, Collection, In.snniiice Lliidloy •). Ford Ki 12 liiiiidreil and twenty-live words per iiiliiiite, in» time as they always do. This regi• inducements in overcoats and cheviot Bliortbaiid, and traiisoriho llio saiiio correctly . and Itoal Kstate llroUcr. Olllee over Jlrs. The Stato S. S. convention will be CCliapinan's Millinery Store, .Mason, Midi. ment spiked tlie guns and run the suits. Read it. from forty to llfly words per nilmito nn the typnw held at Grand Rapids Tuesday, Nov. 'The Dkmockat has no use for pout writer, altlioiiKli with scarcely any previous bust-, blockade at Island No. 10 and lost dur• OHN DUNSUAOIC, Real Estate and Loan 13th, and continues tliree days. Ma• Lostf—A liglit colored leather valise try this fall. ness experience, have hut little trouble hi llndinpp ing tlie war over 050 men killed and oinploymont hi the ellios at saliiries from iwolvo At'eiit, iMaln St., sonlli ot pstolllco Miismi. jor-Gen. 0. 0. lEovvard, Gov. Rich and between Eaton Rapids and tlie State for J wounded. Seasoned Iiard and soft wiiiod to lltteen dollars per week, wliea biisliies.s is nor• other noted speakers will address the road cast, Saturday, Nov. 3d. Finder * sale. FiTCii & Raymond, mal. The ability to write that fast ought lo bu INSURANCE. A few days since Mr. Nowklrk,' a convention. All Sunday schools should please leave at this ollico. *lp Kouorally acrmlred In from twelve to clL'hteom months, Klvlni; as inaiiy lionrs to study iiiul prao well known citizen of AVebberviUc, be represented.' First entertainment, ot the lecture A. llAltNlCS, Loan, JiisiirancoiiiKl CoUecllmi While backing a wagon out of his lIcodnrliiK tliat time as llie student woiilil l>a piircliascd a ticket and started his course next Wednesday evening, Nov. required to work if be were leariiltit; anyotliep , AKCiit, onice at residence. Mason. Something dropped ! Yes it is the barn last 'Tuesday morning Godfrey wife on a visit to relatives in Eaton 14th. ., ' ' trade or profession. prices on boots, shoes, felts and rubber Folar fell and made a compound frac• ARMKltS' JtUTUAT- Flllli INSUKANCK Eapids. Later bo received a telegram Mrs. A. A. Sciuiers eutertained a I write and teach Uio Graham .system, "tba goods. It must.havc struck our com• ture of the fibula and tibia of his only ono worth the attempt to loarii."^ T (jttaran- Coiniianyot InKliaiacnnnty, Salest,olioan- from her at this city asking I'or money large compitny of lady and gentlemen •2m esFt anil best. For iiil'oniintloii write to 0, F. Mil• petitor that tho shot was aimed to right limb. Ills limb was .set by Dr. tec to recommend pupils to positions as soon at* and knowiiigsomotliinginust be wrong friends at tea last Friday evening, they are coinpotcnt to 1111 them. Write for term.i ler, soeretary, Masnn. It. .1. Hiilleii, prosiilciil, bcnellt our customers, not those with Root. ' Mason. he came on immediately, and by the which was delightfully served at her ot tuition. . Uiinor.pii Loomis, little, jobbing stotiks. Look out for onieliil Stenoffiipber, 3flUi ,1111110101 Circuit. aid of the police soon found tbe object Miss Mafic Fellows, assisted by Ag• pleasant home on Main street. Mr. •13W4 ; iLaiifilnK, Midi. more attractions at Brown Bros. Shoe Bucklen's Arnjpa Salve. of his search in the vicinity of the gie Fellows, Ina Templcton, Alton and Mrs. Sciuiers are royal entertain• House, Masoi]. * Soliool Fiiriilliiro »i>ilMpi>liliON, postollice, she evidently intending to Jewitb, Lee Lasenby reception ers. After supper the evening was urn The bcsfc salve in'tlic world for cuts, Those desiring to niirchase school ftirnllino oc go there to get tbe money. Mrs. New- bruises, sorcs, ulcers, saltrlicum, fever TL B. Ilendei'.son of Cleveland has committee, gave a party to about 80 passed very pleasantly with music, supplies should call on J. A. Ilarnos,. JIiLsoit. klrk is a young woman, only 18 years sores, totter, cliitppcclliancls.cliilblains, purchased the A. W. Parkhurst stock of her young friends Wednesday eve., social concourse, dancing, cite—Quincy Sample of desk on hand. mt of age, and her conduct is explainable of dry goods and has taken possession Oct. 31. During the cvcningnuraerous Herald. , ' • orns, and all skin eruptions, ancl pos- ATlll bo Sola KoaHoniiblo. only on the ground of sudden mental of the same.. He will move his'family games were played among which were Ih'cly cures piles, or no pay required. •Amorioau Sliropsliiro Knmto Xot. HORse and two lots on Coliinibia siropt. derangement. She left a child, little Love in a Mirror, Diving for Apples, IMs guaranteed to give perfect satis• here as soon as ho can (Ind a bouse llnsiiell's 0, I.iinibed .Tiino 1880, sire Banister more than a babe, at home, stayed in Fortune'Tolling, etc. Light refresh• . 31t( AViLLtH ll.AvKim. faction, or money refunded. Price 25 Mr. Henderson has been conducting a 5530, (laiii Garloolc's 553(CW7J. Bred hyMwlglit various places while bore, and ments were served and after a few Unssoll. Owned byH, .). lIiUl.Kden, ^ylll bo Vbr Fine ITurnituro, cents per bo.\. ''li'or sale by W. M. Mc- had. dry goods store, at Cleveland, but was m been to several hotels applying for' more games were, played all departed let to small flocks at 25 cents per heath 4hvlp OaUat ' • F.L.S'juouD'a,/ Orosscn'. Mason, and F. IT. iricld, burned out about two weclcs ago. He work. She gladly returned yesterday is an experienced man at the business for their liorac having enjoyed a very Dansvillc. '. \ JaoUsouStonoDrnlnTllo , ;' AUltlnda 6t tatUlors, Window Screen*. m with her husband to Webbervllle.— pleasant evening and hoping for an• and travels upon the road. Tho Demo- And Sower ripeol all sizes on hand and for sole And Screen Honrs mado and for sale by 0. P» m , i^Pino job printing at tlilsolllce. LansingMornlng .l^ross. •'. ciiAT welcomes him to our city. other H alio ween to soon come, ': - by i J.'^Y.OHAriN,Eden,Mlcli.,. 08born,ouAYoststroet,Mftsou. • ; , mi^ known as tho Nevada Giiarantoo In- WJtlCCK Oil" TIIIC »VAIKA1'A. ROUtliboni?tl track, and which by reason ligent judgment onn bo formed, nnd of the open swituli ])nssod onto tho vustiiioni Coiiipnny, wliioll was do- DEATH OF THE CZAE. INCIlllM COUNTF DEMOCRIT. thoi'o will bo littlo disposition to with• On« lltiiKlrud and ii^Uivcii r. i-iriO OK TIIJ!: CZAR. tiiulicd lu rails. Kens liroku over the rcacliud bore ol iho lyncbiiig of .Kddy watui' from an old workiilg, wiiile lliey and the woi'ld is not imiiroparod to ship swuuiiiilg a ifl'ual ninny pa.ssoni,''el's jMai'liii in CrlUuiiiloii Coiinly, by a mob wufo cleniiiiig iin ai) old gnngwny in hoar that the house of liomniiolT has .'llwiiyH Riifriirdoil Ills KiiiK:ly Oninn an a AN UAKTIIOliAKi.; from lliu bridge, ii|iiiii wliicli Ibuy Imd , of one biiiidrcd 111011. Miirlin wiis tho mines of "thu Dclawnro, Lacka- BulTored liercavoment. Tho nows of Iloiivy niirdcn. c.i'uwdud. Othor iiiis.-iongci'b' unci solilo unllod upon III bis luiiiiu aftoi'iiiidniglit waiinii anil Wostern Coinimny, til iNan- tho Czar's doaUi, aithongii o.vpoctod Alox-aiulor in,, J'lmpoi'fip of all tho CiUiKen Diiiildi mill Drst'i'iitrtIon in Cfinlriil of thu cruw look rofiigi; in tho riyging. anil askod Ui gut 111.) and help put out a j ticoku, I'n., Oei)pj;'o.loiius,ii mi nor, was every moniont for the last two weeks, Riissias, who succcodod lo Iho llirono At iliiylitflit iwo iiiuii swam iislioi'u willi Iiro raging in ilio noigliborliood. Ujien- j killud Iiy a full of rouk in llic minus of niii.viiMi. has uansod confusion aiiproaehing eon- on Iho murder of bis falhor by nihilist liiiusaiid lliu siii'iivtii's worn lantleii, iiig tlio dour, ho was soizod by a tho saniu coiiiDany at Aiiehincloss. Btermilion thro.lghout .Europe. No• consniriitors on .Miii-uli lit (N. S.), .bS.SJ. City of Mexico special; Alfl:,'!')Sun• Two jiiissuiiii'ers wore drowiiud by dozen or inuro mun, who nskcd for in• body boliovod tllnt ho could recover, was born l\larcli it), JiS-!;"i. i''or somo lime aftur his ulovation to the throno day liiglil llic sli'Oligosfc onl'l,llf)ilal:e losing lliuir liolil on l.hu line. The sur• formation of J.-iill (loodu, a Inwluss 'I'idcH to I^onn n lUInlstry, biitoverybody thought ho would be• slioiilr over foil in Mc.vlco oecui-foil vivors wuru very scniilily uloUiuil, and puiipel' of C'ritluiiden County, lio ho seldom a]ipeai'od in inibiiu, but lived Madrid special: At tho roqiiost of fore Ills death sotUo fiilally tho ques• liui'o. lasliiig ovof live iTliiliites. Many rolnaiiiuil iiiioii lliu vitrM-i lliirty hoiirs was also askud for iiiforiiiatioii in the closest roiitomont al (•'nluhina, llie ((iiieon regent Soiinr Sagasla bad tion of the succossion. siilwistiiig iijKin iiraiin'us lliat had liouii j alioiit being in cnnilant dread of the mach- limiHes foil. Tho sli'uols woi"(! ftiU of llio intlor's crimes os- aiiollior I'oiifoi'eiu'C with Sonor Ganiit- wasliod aslioro from llio wruck, wliiuli .ri.iissla iniiurn.s foi' the monarch that iilatifins of the soerot sdciotios of (leeiiiK |)onplo. Many wore wolindcrl una jiociaiiy linl'.-u slcaling, Tlio zo und sovoral olbors, who proiiiisud to was riiiiidiy going 10 p uues. Tlie iiii- sociaiisls. His corontition took plaoo a nilmber Ilitvodiod. The cIltIi'Io and mull lo'ld liini lliuy had coino to hang uo-ojiorato with llio Preiiiicp in Uio is no mora, for ho seems to liavo had fofUiiiatus wero riiinlly ills ovoi'ud by at Moscow, May 27, I 8 . Alo.xiindor olllol- liiihls wtilil oiil, Icaviiij.'- Ulo eily liiin, liiit if liu woiild turn Stnlo'suvi- fol'liiiition of il niiiiisli'v. Jl is believed the good will of his jiooplo. As lo tho i\liiori boats, nnd willi iiiuir nssislanro HI. has novor roganlud his Icingly in ditflctl(,'.-s. All Ifit/llc was siispoiidod. doiicu uiioii l.iill Ooodo lio would l.)0 that Solior Morel will roniadn nt tlio mourning of the othor sovuroigiis— lliuy wul'u l'osciied and liiadu 1 onifurla- spiirud. "If iliusu iiro the oiil.y terms, well, that is a fiuiclion liko any dllicr I ollico anything biii''a hoavv burdoil. Tliosli'ools wci'o lillod Willi scroiiiniii"', head of Uio foruigii allnii'sdo|)aplmoiit, blo. guiiiluinun," bu said, "lullbu banging ol'yiiigi Riid praying poojilc. Tliosceno (llio accoiiiii says dipt. Macintosh, jirocuud. Hill Gooilo bus boon my was iliileserilialile. I'coplo in llio Killed in II ICiiiiawiiy. with Uvuiil.y-llii'uu'df his crew nnil. ||| friundand I will sbiuhl him." Tbo llicalors, which wol'o all niiiiiiiig al •lolin W. Pong of Toledo, Ohio, pitssoligui's wuru ili'owiiod. A not ber mob liiinged liliil lo a liiiib on a lolloly widely known as a bruedur of fast tlio lime, were luri'i lily friy'lllciieil and aci'diiiii siiyslbal uiglit.y-oiio passungors country l'onil. Tho banging is lliu ru- liorso's, and who lias citiiipaigned on jinnies worn avurlL'il only ny lliu polico. nnd forty iif lliu cruw wuru savud and sull of'la«'lussiioss of tliu (loodu-l.^lub l.hu gruiid uireiiil, was tiirowii out of y\l(!)rriii Tlii;iiU;r ".1111111 Tiiiiurlo" was liiiiilod ill Aiit'klaiul nnd thai, twonlv uf giiiig in Criltuiiduii (."/Oiiil'i,y. J.7-l. Uoos—FroBh lB)j IH.'s lolicy of comploting tho POTATOES—Cttr-lots,porbu.... 65 lal 70 Lunch was always served at 1 o'l'lock, otliof jowoli'y. Soon after 2 o'clock trans-Siboria.i road to Vladivos• Waiting on tbo wliarf lo c.xiend a wol- INDUNAl'OUS. and consisted pi throo courses, includ• G. W. Brellmuor, senior mombor of tok on tho .'^aeilic; of extending uoiiio to him wore Uio iiiombers of his Cold Unst Snlndlo. CAT'rLE-ShlpplnK a oo ig 6 76 ing soup, in the preparation of which family and a niinibor of friends nnd the linn of Brothanor & Co., wliolesalo Hoos—Choioo Llifht.... 1 00 & S (lO Russia's boun(?aries along the Chinose Meyer,T. Cohen, a tailor at 78 Prince SHEEP—common to I'rimo 'iOO @ 3 oO Russian cookery is far ahead of that jewelers, No. 71 Washington stroot, frontier, and of combating Jinglish ad• roiali'vus. Dr. Talmngu looked haio WfiEAT-No. 2 Kbd iH as it loft the oflico, leaving his son in street, Boston, has reported to tho ttiid brown. Coit.S'-No.'nVhite 62 (S 025i vances in Afghanistan. So there is police tho loss of •'rli,i'iOO l)y a clover cliiirgo. Voting Brothiinor stiys ho Oats-No. 2 •White 31 oa) 32 more probability of !i collision in tho swindle. Cohen, through a friend, rildody l''ifi;lit with Outlaws. was bending over a showcaso full of ST. LOULS. future than of a closo alliance botwoon niado a deal with a stranger to pur• CATTLE 1 00 @ 6 75 wulelios in tho roar of tbo room when llOfiS 3 00 (a 4 75 Russia and England. As to Germany, Onthrio (Ok. T.) speeiiil: Monger chase forty jioiinds of alloa'cd gold two men entered the door. One ciip- WIJEAT-No. 2 Ilea 48 (ffl 49 a friendly coir.morcial treaty has al• parliuiilars havo been I'Oooivud licpo dust, alleged to have boon secured in riod a rovolvop, tho other was armed ooia—No. 'i 40>3® 47)t; ready boon ontored into, bnt Russinn of a dosiiorato punning light botwoon tho Siberian mines, where tho swindler OATB-No. 2 mn-H 29!ii with a |)ieco of lend pipe two feet Jong. statosmansbln wonld never permit a Cook outlaws iiml United Slates Mnr- said ho hud served sixteen years of a KVE-No. 2 .19 & 61 The jeweler was commanded to throw 0INC1N.V.U'I. lormanant alliance whicn would cast shiilK', near Sa-Snb-Kn. Two olliccrs life sentoiieo before he cscapod. Tho uj) his ImnoH, whicli ho did. Tho two CATTLE 3 60 ® 6 CO !;^u3sia in tho shade, as Austria and anil one bnndit wero killed and two value of tho dust was said to bo $10,000 Hons 1 oo l.'i 4 76 men then ordered him into tho vault, Italy aro cast in tho shadow by tho othor bandils wounded. TJio gang is but tho swindler would tako fjid.SOO for HUEEP a OO © 3 00 tho door of which stood open. 13roth- WHEAT—No. 2 Rod iWi& «0;« triple alliance. scattered it. Cohen ]iaid tbo tnonoy. Tho dust Huordoinnrod and ono of tho mon caught CoKN—No. i JlLted to 62 RiilKned Tlilrtopn Yciirn. him by the throat and throw him proved to bo worthless. Oats—No. a Mixed 30 31 IIVE-No. 2..;. 61 611 It is thirtoon .years since Alexander , Criisliod l>y Cars. into tho vault and pushed tho door DXITKOIT. IL was assassinated in tho streets of Tho Scaffold Foil. @ 6 DO William Matthews, clerk in tho Pan• sliut. The ihioves then procooded to CATTLE 2 60 St. Potorsbiirg. .His son and succossop handle yards nt Logansport, .ind., was ransack the show cases and scoop tho The scalTold suspended under tho HOOS 4 00 (?) 4 75 SHEEP 2 00 • 75 has lived a lifo of seclusion, surround• run over by curs tind killod. wulchos into a gnnny sack. Tho door roof of tho Erie depot train shed in WHEA'i'-No. 2 White 65 l£S 66 ed by plotters and conspirators, per• of tho safe stood opon and the bandits .lorsoy City, N. ,1., fell and si.\ of tho COE.X—No. 2 YoUow 60 (2) 60)4 haps wondering whether tho bittor emptied tho eashVo.K into it, obtaining eight men upon it woro hurlod to tho O.iTs-No.2 Willie 31)i!l!S 32;.j rallli Didn't Corn lilm. TOf^EDO. "est ot tho nihilists that he would be a considorablo sum ot money. All this station pliitforin beneath. Two of tiio 'permitted" to die in his bed would •lamos Kezop, aged died at Mish- Wheat—No. 2 Rod 62 63 rec|uii'od only a few moments, and tho men succbeded in catching hold of one OoiiN—No. 2 Yellow 61 62, corao true, i.iumors of poison havo awakn, Ind., doaUi rosulting from 31 men soon mado their eseapo. of the roof girders and woro thus ablo Oa'is—No. 2 •\Vhlto ii2 marked his last illness, but whether '•fiuth-cnro" doctoring. IIVE-No. 2 4S 60 to save themselves. •John .Hume and llUPFAbO. tkat • be true or not the shadows the rniNOEss ali.v. nUGUTI'UL WKKUK. Stephen Diotz were so badly injured Wheat-No. 1 White 67 68 which have hung over him could not ItoiiHluil to Uoath. ® intovnally that thoir recovery is doubt• No, 2 lied. 64 66 have boon darker if open attempts had of tho roBt of Europe. Tho Czar, in CoBN—No. 2 Yellow 66 60 Mrs. Sidney Smith, residing near AnKxprosHDiiHfius into 11 CoalTraln. ful Tiio others injured at'o; John been mado on his lifo. Of t'no lato Em- Oats—No. 3 ^yhlte 34 34J2 spite of all his occupations, was lonely Russollvillo, Ky., whilo standing in Scranton (Pa.) special: Express Costollo, Goorgo Steady, Chiirlos MITjWAUKEE. lerop's policy at homo tho outside world and sighed for the quiet pleasures ot a front of Iho lirepluuo, fainted and fell Wheat—No. 2 Spring 61).jl3 train No. 7, on tho Dohiwaro,' Lack• Eocky, and Cornelius MoPhillips. 66 !6 :.s not competent to' judge impartiall.y. private lifo. He has oftsn said: "I into tho lire. Her body was torribly OonN—No. 3 62 „ 62)u Yot tho .lows have been porsecutod awanna and Wostern Hailroad, north• Oa'XS-No. 2 White . 31 (iS 32 long to bury myself in tho country and burned, the (losh in many places fall• with all tho ardor of a "oonsclontious" bound, running at tho rate ot forty Lottery Law Violators Arro.stod. lURLEY—No. 2 .63 m K live on an estitte; nut I am called tO' a' ing [I'oin tho bones. . 49 BOvoroign, othor soots havo boon driven miles an hour, dnshod into a Iroight Col. D. P. 'Slattcry, ,T. Brooks •Tohn- KvE—No.l 65 f,0 throne and must remain at the post of; Po«K—Moss , 11 76 @12 25 out er siloijcod nnd religious persecu• train standing. on an open switch at soD, and W. H. Stovonspn havo boon duty." , .y All of 'Km llhmt. NEW YOKK. tion has Jlourishod as it only can nour• Coi'stor, Iwcnty-sovcn milos north of arreslod at St. Louis, on rodoral war• Oattle. a oo & 6 60 ish under a bigoted autocrat. As to Horeafter all stroot cars in Ohio hero. Thi'oo persons were killod und rants charging violation ot the lottery HOOfl 3 60 SS 6 60 A FREIGHT and oohstfuction train, BHEEP 2 uo (21.4 00 domestic policy, the Russian pooplo must. bo vestibulod. Tho Supreme a large number injupod. laws. Thoy, witli ii. L. Welles and collided'on the, Pennsylvania Road'at Wheat-No. 2 Hod mv. ', cision' doclat'ing tho act milking this Oats—White WeHturn... ,36 10 ' Nelly and;Prank Stone wore killod and-J express train plunging into a coal train rostod at tho instanco of .tho postollice • Of Alexander's foreign; policy Intel- provision to bo,constitutional.\ llUTiEii-Oreamory.....; 23 24 nine men injured. ongino which was backing down the autboritios for conducting a business ISOGS—Woatera... .11). (S 2H

A of measles, or some other infantile ail• tmkpop[j.la:{| oystek. Tlie oystormen ship their product to THE GREENLAND KAYAK. ment, in tho Marcllbrouk nursory. market from Septcinbor I to'Docom Frail Craft and What Can Be Dong What was his a.stonlshment whefi ho her, and then cease their weekly found Gonataiico pacing tho long with Them. T Last A FAVORITE ARTICLE OF FOOD trips to Now York until iMarcli. dreary drawing-room, palo, with two The Greenland kayak is certainly FOR AGES. By longing oysler.s, as oysteriiien BY burning spots on horeheeks,uycs bright ono of the most marvollous adii]ita- I wll h fovor. call tho jirocess, is inoaiit the gather• tloii.s of natural forces to luiinan uso MISS M E "jMy dear Mrs, .Sinclair, what Is tho ing in Oi tlio crop. .Standing upriglil Americans Eat More Than Any which have ever beon mado. It is a matter';'" in tlui hoiil as for punting, he inserts Other People-- How the Bivalve is logical but most iiigoiiious evolution "ilvorytliing," criod Ci.nstaiico. "My tho tongs in the water, leans on tlieiii fron: the birch-bark ciiiioo of the poor husband hi dead, and on his death• Cultivated. heavily for a moment, then lifts up bed wrote me a letter tellliig mo the northorn Iiidiiiii tribus of America. consolation in blttorost angor. hlor or hauls in the loud, and deposits it eruol truth. Your wicked plothas boon Tho oyster is not a discovery of Tho various stages of doveiopinont, very thanlcsglvings to .Hoavoii—tlio^o ill lho boat and at once hogiiis to cull discovered. Yes, wicked; fur all lies modern times, it lias boon known from the light ami opoii canooof the oiitjiouriags of a mother's grateful aro wicked. Yuu can not do evil that as a table (lolicacy since the days of or soparato the oysters for niarket. heart ovorllowing with its wealth ot iiortliweslern tribes to the closed and good may come of it. You saved my the ancient (ireeka and IIoiihimh, who Aftor the oystors aro culled they -'oy—had beoa oll'orod up in vain. Sho wator-tight slioll of the coinploto life, perilitps, but what a lifo! To and highly ostcoiiied it as an article of aro thrown into a Mont, whoro they lad no reason to bJ thankful. .IJoavon that I havo lavished niy lovo uijoii an kayak of Groonliiild, can readily bo food, preferring for tlioir use the oy.s- remain from ten to twenty days bo- and oiirtli had con^plrod in ill troating impnt>t:H'; that when I thant'od God on traced around tho shores of Alaska fore thoy are taken to market.—[De• lier. God hail takoii away her reason, my knees for Ills buuntoous mercies, I tor of the Ilollospoiit, Venice, and and Jh'ltish A.niorica. and man had ira|)oscd upon hor fully. other piirls of itiily, and of ilieli- troit Free I'rcs's. had received no graclcus gift. .Ho had Tho kayak consists of a frame of Whom upon earth could sho ovor trust boroiigh ill I'higlaiid. Tlioir select shown no pity for my sorrows; but yon wood or bono, lifteeii or twoiity foot again, when oven her father had so do- oysters were those in which the edges Utility of an Art. —you and my fatlior had played at long, poiiiloil atbotli ends, and about eoivod her'/ Pruvldonoe, and hud iirotended lo lor- of the shell were a deep brown, al• ' W'itji hor husband's loltor camo tho A New York paper relates that a two nnd a half foot wide and dnop in form a mlraclo for my sake, it was a most black, and these thoy consid- cerlillcato of his death. Tho same growing fad iiinoug faiiilllos of men the nilddlo—all so light that a boy of cruel, infamous deception." orod the finest iu the world. xist brought horalottor from Gilbert's twolvo call take it undor his iirni and "It was dosignod lo save .your life, who have means and leisure is the awyers, to inform hor of their ro- Jlodorn scieneo divides tlio oyster and, what is oven moro precious than formation of faiiiily orchestras. And (;arry it without olfort. Over lho eei|it of his will, o.voeutcd on his death• into three cliissos—but a inure iiut- lifo. your roasou," replied Dr. Webb, It furllior iillcgcs Unit in such faiiii- frame there is tigiitly stretched and bed. ural division is two—the iiorlliern wuuiulod by thu harshuo3.^ uf this at• lle.s outhreiiks of sciindaloiis (piiirrels, closely sowed a covering of tanned After those tears given to the uii- tack. "But wliatovoi' blame may at- and tho southern. The southern sealskin which is impervious to wiitcr. timoly dead, her thoughts wero full of of disiigrceiiiciits or of iiiipleiisant- taeli to tho stralogoin, you may sparo oyster is soft, and lia,s not the deli• Intheiniddlo of thu top there is a anger. She could nut forgive tho de- iioss of any sort aro notably absent. me your consuro. I had nothing to do cious flavor of tlioso grown in the coptlun that had boon iiritcticod, oven The cvunings of homo-made iiiusie I'iOle just liirgo enough to permit the with It Tho Gorman physician, whom colder waters. Yet it is said tliat if Iliuugli it liiid been dono to save liur scorn to considtiite a link of union owner to insert his body so that he your father brought liure, was the ad• lifo. thoy aro ti'iinspliiiitud to tho north can sit on tJie holluiii and stretch CIIAlTKIt .VX\'II—ContliiiKMl. visor from whom the suggostion came. ainoiig the menibors of tho circle. "13ettor a thousand times to havo they boconio linn, but will not iiiiiin- his legs out in front of him. A. seal• Gilbci'l, Inimloil tho Curoiior Mol- Ho and your father carried it out bo• And the Jill per goes on to tell of diotl in that dim droam than to awako taiii tlieniselvos more than a year. skin coat with a. liooti for the head iiino's lotlor, whiuh had now ussilinod twoon them. I had noihing to do but prominent men who either play some to such a disappoinlmont as tills," sho The dill'erenco in location gives tlioiii u crnnlplod and dilaphlaiud iipponi'- look on, am' walcli tho ell'ect of tho and a. rim for a cluse-littiiig attaeli- said. Instruineiit tlieiiiselves or wiold a anco, as Ufa lotfor that had hiiti all shock upoi. , you. That ^va3 most a di.stinct flavor. Often, too, oyster iiioiit to a corresponding rliii round While slio sat with Gilbert's lotlor baton, while tlieirwivos, sons, diiugli- night in tho dow and dirt of tho foot• happy." bods which lie but a short distance tho afKM'ture into tho Icayak, coin• opoii bofuro her, abandoned to a tear• lors and other rolalivus discoiirso in path under tho Irous. "The Gcrmi^n doctor," said Con• from each other, grow tjulto unovoii- ploto the pmieetioii from water. Sit• less despair, the litllo one's volco cuiiuort violin and lluto, 'cello and Tho Ooi'oiKir pu/y.lod through tho stance, woiidoriiigly. "Yos, I remom- ly. If tho Olio lias tho benelit of a sounded in tlio corridor, and Hho hoard ting licit up i.\;htiii 1 liis position,with loltor, roading it ahmd, with various bor him faintly, as if it woro a droam jiiano. itis in this way, it seems, tho light, swift fuutstop whioh always fresh-water stroani llowiilg noar by, a iloiibic paddle, llariiig at both ends, jnislakos and pulliiigs np and iryiiigs —that winter night. lie mado ine sing, that .Tolin U. ivoekofoller passes ina:lo hor heart thrill. To-day it .si ruck which mixes with tho soa-wnter, tho tho iiillivo who Is "to the iiiaiinor haulc, tho jury listeilod opon-iiionthud. did ho not:-' Ilis vulco had a mosinor- sniiio agreeable evenings; Hr, Do- her with an actual pain. Sho rose iii- oy.stors will be very largo and fat, born" can defy the winds and waves "'.fills (iloa'rly itidioatos that \lr. Ical oll'ect upon mo. I obeyed him in• pow's family also gives private con• voluntiirlly anil ran tu the door, as she while their neighbors solely waslioil which swiiinp an ul'diiiary boat. Wyatt oiiiiiu horo hy appolntniont," I'o- voluntarily. His pi'osuneu seemed to certs, and sn do one of the Vandorbilt had been accustomed tu run to iiioet by tlio ocean will bu much siuiiller. mal'kod tho Coroimr, sagoly; "Who is givo mo comfort, stranger tliDUgh ho hor pot, rojoielng at the ehihl's a|)- famiiios and various olliors, Tho lirst sight of a kayak in its nn- tills Molaino Dnporty" was. It was very eurious. And then Oysters "iiro exported in two ways proach; but', with her hand upon tho W'horeforo, let tho fainily orches• livo wiilers ise.xeitilig ill the exiroiiie. "My wllo's inaiil." Ilo bout over mo nnd whispered hope, door, slip stopped suddonly, —either in thoir shells or in bulk, by It Is lilcely to be as with us two weoks ft was oxplaiiied to tho f'oronoi' that and from that instant I felt happier. tra be favored and hold up to cniii- "No, I won't see hor—litt'o inipoitor means of barrels, kegs or tubs. The ago, when lying ulV an uiilcnnwii linr- Molaino Dnpurt was missing. , And it was all a mockery after all; It meiulation. There is reason in lho —living lie—to have stolon my lovo shelled oysters are sold by tho hnu• After this, tliu jury having dii y was a trlek. Toll mo who and what liraellco. The luembersof an urelies- lior waiting for a pilot. 'I'ho whistlo and my dead child |i,oking duvru ii|)oii drod or thoiisiiiid, wliilo the olliers viowod tho hody, or, at any ralii, mado tho child is, l.)r. Webb," tra are bound in iiiaiiy ways (tliis is has been blown long and loud, tlie ino fro.a heaven all the wliilo—looking are disposed of by the gallon. 'I'liuse boliovo 1(1 viow il. tlio iiii|iicst was ad- "1 know niithing uf her origin. Lord cannon has been lired, and the rocket down to leo hor place lillod by a stran• no more pun either) to work in liar- joiii'iioil to irivo tho li)i;al iioliru timo to Glanyarde broiiglit liur tu Davonant. brought from Now York, howover, ger—loiioly In lioavon,perhiip.-;', for want inoiiy. 'I'hoy must keep together, iliseliiirgiKl, and slill no resfioiise from inalco tludr investigalioas, thongli That is all I can tell you." are all bought by count. I'.e.side.s uf a molhor's lovo. and seeing hor ono snppoi'tlng and following the shore, .\t length, when patlonco is what tliciy wo\-i: to invostigato sc'omod "l''ool! foid! fool." er.ed Conslaiico, the lilllo l.'oiiifs, the other oysler.s mother's lioai'tglvon tu aniithoi'." other, ailil all obedient to a siiiijile aliiiost exhausted, there appear I hroe asomou'liut puzzling ijuosilon. with ]i.assiuiiiito self-roproach, "to tako exported in the shell aro the Shrews• Tho lighl-ti'lpping sloi) camoiicavor. purpose. I'eople whu aro eariiestly ur four black spoeksmi Hie tup of the "Tlioy'll bring sumo :i..undon dolco- an impo-tor to my ho ;i't su blindly, to "iMammal raamiual" calloti tho glad j ' bury, .Mill I'oiid and i'^ast Iviver. swells of tho oeeiiii, how nislaiit we tivus, wlm will liiok into my room, soo ask no ijuuslluiis, lu beli've without working together tu acliluvo a .single young voico, ''^ Now Orleans und iMobilo export iiiost those gniiH, ami thon put two and iwn proof or svitiicss that heaven had por- result ean't alTurd to quarrel, Tliey were lit 1 io prepiireil lo ostiniale, bo- Guiistani'o locked tho door. ot the Soiithorii oyster.s. Galifuriii;!, tugoiher," thought (iilbu't. "I don't i'drmed a miracle for my happiness. liavuii't timo to harbor jealousies, caiLso of lho oxeessive eloarness of "Go away," sho criod, huar.ioly; "I until lately, had poor success in this Hiip "ISO my alibi wou'd liolil walor at What right had I lo suppose that the atnio.-iplieru. As they get nearer, dun't want youl" and they're boiinil to lie kept out of thu'assi/.o.s, .A .jury would want suniu .1,'rovideiico would care so much for industry, tlio native oyster being There was a iiauso—cumplclo sllonco iiilsclrtef. All orcliestra—while at wo begin lo seo a uuriuiis motion, iiidnpunduiit cvidoimo lo sustain my mo';'" small and pour. She now uises the —and llieii a burst of subl.iiiig. Tlio work—is an e.veiiiplllicarloii of the Hoiiiewliiit reHeiiibling the arms of a account of my timo boLwuoii 7 o uloclc " i'oii havo great cause to bo thank• oyster seed olitained from our I'lasterii Htl'aiigoiioris of that loiio had eliilloil purest socialism known. Tho bass wiiidmill. 'I'lleseiire the kayaks wil h and nudnigiit yoslorday." ^ ^ _^ ful for the roritoratlun of lll'u and rea• the child's heart. Lips that had hitli- coast, and is having better success. thoir several occupants striving 10 son, Mrs, Slnelair," said tho Doctor, driiiiiiiior is as worthy and noci'ssary ertouiily breathed luvo, tu-day spoko The iildiislry of raising oystors af• outstrip each other in a raue for llio Tho Coroner's iiir|iiost dragged its rcproiioh fully. as the lirst violinist. 'I'lie only ."cap• witli lho accents of hale, "j.nstiuet slow Imiglh-i aluiig. iS'ii now ovidcuco "Not If lifo is barren and hopolossl fords eiiiployiuont lo tlioilsands of tain ot industry" is the leader, nnd, coveted job ot piloting tho ship to told tho child tho grcaluoss of the was ol lei led lo iiiiiko tho oaso strunu'or not if roasou tolls mo tiiat I am child lislieriiioii along the eastern coast. in the present case, he is bound by harbor. Already tlicy iiie far ahead change. against Gilbort Sinclair. '.I'ho fact of less." 'The .shores aro routed from tho gov- of the larger boat which comes lag• Thu llttlo feet rotroatod slowly down ties of consaiiguliiil.y to bo merciful. his doparluro roniaiiiod tliounly damn• "You liavo learned to lovo this ging along in the distance. On reiicli- the eorrhlor—not so light uf stop litis oriiiiiont, if upon govorniiientgroiiiid. ing faot ugiiinst him. strange cliild. Cannot you tako conso Tho fiiiuily oridiestra idea is ii good time -the subs died away in thu dis- or from the owners of i.n'0|Ku'ty to iiig tho sliip, the most fortimiilo kiiy- i'huro was also tho fact of Melanio latiuii from that all'oelloir;'" ono. 'To bo sure the neighbors niiiy titneo. coiiipanios, ami those iiitoro.slod in aker unloosens his coiit from the I'iin Diipurt'.-i disappcaraiico on tlio nuini- "No; I loved her beeausc I believed not look at it in this way. lint up "1 will never seo hor face again," the business. 'I'ho bods aro ijlantod ofiiis vessel,of which liosoems to form iiig of tho murder, ami upiiiiuiis woro she was my own. It would bo treason lo tho present who is altruist enough cried Gunslaneo, ".Soino wrotehed'child several miles from shore, usually in a part, with niucli dilliculty wriggles divided as lo which uf tlieso two was against my doad child lo lovo this im• to live for his neighbors'/—[Ciiicago —perhaps tho oiTspring uf slii—base hinisclf clear from its eiitiingloiiient, guilty, 01'who!her both ha-.l not been postor." water from two to six fathoms deep. at heart as sho is lair of face—and su liccord. concoriiod in lho a.'t. "And you will turn lior out-of-door The greatest dilliculty in tho culture and is broimlit aboard. Thoso who like my lost ono—so lilco—su liko, JN'o, Tho iiowspapurs mado much capitnl I supjiuso, and send hor to tho worlc- is that one man docs what is eipiiva- foil behind in the race, soiiio of 1 will send her away-settle a sum of Luncheon on Wheels. out of an event whhdl soon Ijceamo house'/" lont to the sowing, wliile any one them, rest (jiilotly liko ducks upon niunoy— irovido handsomely for bur— known as lho IJavunaiit .Mystery, and "I am not HO hearties as that. Her pour chid, it is not hor eriino—but else can do the reaping. Often thou• the water around the ship, only occa• Conslaiioe Hinelair had tho Imrror of future shall be provided fur, but I shall It is a iniitler for surprise that the novel' sou her again. Yet, uli. Oodl 1 sands of dollars aro spent upon oys• sionally dipping ono cud or other ot knowing thai sho was the obj(;ot of a never seo hor again. I have sent hor niglit lunch wagon, so frof[Uoiitan lovo her. And she is crying now, per• ter-beds by 111011 who never obtain their eurious shaped paddles to I'csist morbid interest in tin; minds of tho na• to Uastlngs with hor nurse, who adoros institution in New ihiglaiid, is in the haps. The loving litllo heart will one-tenth of tho expenditure, the the force of an iiniisinil wave, wliile tion at largo, Sho loft Davonant al• hor. City of Now York so littio sucn. Only break." oyster being captured by soino one others dlsjilay their own skill and the most iinmediatcly aftor hor husband, "That's fortunate, since she is to bo six ot these restaiiriiiits on wheels Slio had Iieoii jnu'lng tho room dis• capacity of thoir kayaks by various and took up hor aliotio at Marcllbrouk, deprived ot everybody clsos all'ec' else. It has been decided by law tractedly, This last thought was too aro to be found in tlie city, ot which with Martha liriggsand thu litllo girl tion." that there is no property right in an maiKuuvrns, which never fall to as- mueh to hoar. Sho ran to tho door, the one in llm-ald Si|uare is the best for hor only companions, until tho ar• Thoro was a spice of acidity in tho oyster-bod, and that practically any toiiisli Hpectiitni'H. Now one will por- unlocked it, and wont out intu thu cor• known. Jii Gliicago and other West• rival uf J-.ord Chuiyardo from tho oou- doctor's tone. Ho had attended tl;e I'oriii a soiiior.sault, or a series of soiii- ridor, ealliiig, "iJolIo, darling IJello, ono can dredge where he wishes, it .'^tinunt, ehlld in various small lllacssos, had ern citios thoy have also learned to cimio back, t am waiting for you yot." this poaching could bo stopped tho erHiiults, with liis kayak, or again one Tho imiuiry boforo thocoroacr ended mot her almost daily riding hor tiny thrive, but the lirst one opeiieil in "My jiot, I lovo you, 1 Hhall lovo you business would bo moro successful. will dart forward like lightning at at last iu lin upon voi diet. Tho do- Shetland pony in tlie lanes, and enter the country was at Worcester, iMass., to my dying day," she criod, passion• As the oyster never travels, and lia.s right iingles to another and jump ceasod hinl boon shot by stimc person ur lained a warm resrard for the protty whore the iiunibor now in business ately. ^"Hearts can not be ])layod with no power of motion, save tliat It can conipletidy over the bow ot it. But poi'HdUS unknuwn. llttlo winning croaturo, who used to is nineteen. liko tlii.s. Lovo can not bo given and turn if placed upside down, the beds unfortunato indeed is the .Kiii'0|)eaii lurso up lior lips Into a rosebud for JJavciiaiil was furmally taken nosses- taken away." liln to kiss, and had evidently nut tho t'omain where tliey are located. iioslon boasts of no less than sev• who attonipts any antics in orovon sion of iipiiii luidsummor day, iiut hy Tho child huggod her, and was com• lca.-t)n the inside of the numerous situated on tho great Golumbian regions food is frozen, not only for everything. So, if matters go woll in aftornoon tho carriage drove Martha tho North, you will bo ii vory rich evidences ot the destructive labors of mussel shells. This seed is thon plateau, In Southern Washington, at the purpose ot preservation but also and her charge to tho station, with tho tho teimltos aro to bo seen en every . woman. I wasted a good deal of money planted by standing upright in the an altitude of 2,!i00 feet above tho to increase as tho natives believe, its steady [old Marchbrook batlor,! for side; but the creaturas themselves are on ili() Newmarket stable; but, with boat, scooping thesood from tho bot• level of the Pacific, is the Dead Sea nutritive properties. In Greenland, their escort. Ho was to take lodgings rarely seen. They steal sneakingly to your cjuiet life, .you will soon recover for thorn, and to make all things easy tom of tho craft with a shovel and of America. It is about a mile long Siberia and the Arctic Islands fish lost ground. Of eour.so you will marry tholi lal.ior.s. Thoy are all blind, with for them, and sou them comfortably scattering it broadcast over tho wa• and from a half to throe-fourths of a and seal fish are frozen and eaten in C. U. Well f can't help that, I ought tho exception ot tho king and cjueon, settled boforo ho caino back to March- ters with a backward movomontof milo in width, and with amaxiinum thin slices, cut olf by ax or knife. nevor to havo thrust my.-olf belwcoii and all deft useless o.KCopt tho soldier brook. the wrist, as farmers sow grain. This depth ot about sixty foot. The com• you and your lirst love. Nothing but caste, which constitutes about ono or Mikiak, or seal fish half decomposed Constance breathed more freely requires skill, and oystormen declare position ot the waters of this Alpino misery has come of our marriage. two jier cent, of tho population. To and ' then frozen, is dnb of the Es- when tho child was out of the liouso, "God ble.ss you, and givo you a escape starvation they must leave tlioir it takes five years to learn tho busi• lake is almost idontioal with that ot qiiimaux's greatest delicacies. Wal• and there was no chance ot hoarhig haiipiorlife than you would ovor havo subterranean boraos or pyramids la ness. After the oysters havo laid tho Head Sea of Palestine, and, liko rus liver, too, when frozen is held to that light footstep, that clear, sweet, search of dead wood, and, becau.^o of spent with me. Your dying husband, two or tlu'oe weeks a fow are taken its oriental counterpart, no plant has he possessed ot far more'sustaining chlldlsli voico. Yet how drtjtirv tho thoir blindness,thoy render themselves "Gir.uuiv'T SiiVCLAin. up to soo if thoy are growing. If not yet been found growing in or noar its power than poniniican, and it is also big old house seemed in its solitude, invisible as tho best mode ot uofeiise. . "P. S.—If I go, tho man who writes thoy are planted in another place. edges. It is all but devoid of animal how gloomy the rooms, without that considered that cooking deprives it of this, Thomas Graco, tobacco grower, By mea'js of small dry tubes, con lluttoring, changful soul and all the This process is known as transplant• life, a species ot large "boat bug," a its delicacy of flavor. The natives of win send you cortlfioato of death, and i'^\'"',|['=',;;r"jf "Ii Xnn,r'i,n" structed with inlinito labor, and guard- ing and is necessary if the oystors queer littio terrapin, and tho famous the Titlcactt Basin, in Peru,, who in• all necessary evidence. If I live, you nr^^ii ".f n,n 0'^ % "lo soldicr termites from hostile have boon sown too thickly. The "walking fish" being its only inhabi• habit a district 12,000 toot above tho shall hoar from mo again." nnLnIc IV miM .'^i ""''^^^^^^ t^o timber to bo 3oed must therefore bo thinned or the tants. 'This walking fish is an oddity sea, proparo their potatoes by soalc- CJIAl'TJSK ,\XVMI, germ of llfo will become extinct. really deserving ot special note. It ing them in water, thon freezing CRUEr. kindness. is from eight to nine inches long and them, then steeping them in water That letter from hor dying husband AVhen tho oystors are fcransplantod has a finny membrane extending, and mashing them to remove the was a bittor blow to Constance Sin• zoology. trunk ot a tree in their search for a the men usually own'other grounds from head to head, evon around both clair. There was tho keen sense of "It would havo broke Q my heart to soluble matter. After this thoy are i dry branch. One may travel for hours that have boon tested. If not new . loss; tho kuowledgo that hor lovely keep her near me," thought Constance, the upper and lower surface of tho dried and become an article of food and not find a single 'tree without ono grbuii'ci.is used, which will usually child had verily suukboneiitU the Gor• "and I feel as if ^t must break ray heart tail. It is provided with four logs, called ehunus. After this process ot these passages. :>•• man river novei' to rise again save as a to lose hor.";'i ]'''.'.•'• .prpdiico'a better crop than the old. thoso before having four toes, the thoy will keep any lengtli of. time, . spirit amidst tho choir ot angels. There She sent lor Dr,'\Vebb. , He 'wiia in Now for » Btachluo to Obow Them,', Somofcimos oyster-beds wear out in hinder five.—fSt. Louis Kopublic. and,are ostromely convenient; for . was tho deep humiljation. of knowing the plot, doubtless. - It was at his ad• Sandwiches mado by machinery are ton years, -bufc may last for lialf a earrying on long journeys.' The Oka, that she had boon *dupoii. Tlioy had vice, perhaps, that this heartless de• the result ot a labor-saving device ju^t century. Moat ot tho seed used for another vegetable of the district,, is taken advantage ot .lior allliotloii mi ception had boon practiced upon her. Invented. • transplanting comes from Connecti• A single plant of sploonwort, it is prepared in the same way.—-[Now consoled her with a lie. She had bson It it woro so, she felt that sho must cut, and tho best sonson for sewing it claimed, will produce flver a million fooled, docoivod and doludod, as a hate him all her lifo. Kqiinlly Nauseous Eiiliorriaoo. York Pispatch. • Is from March to the middle of April.. child is deluded tor her good. ,Hor The littio village burgeon came brisk• The castor oil plant grows in Am^ Boul roso up jagainst, this,,mocking of ly enough, expecting to llnd a mild case ioa as woll as India. • v; MASON MARKETS.

.^wi^kww County ^ijniocrai Oorrouteit ovur.v TlmrHday inoriilui;. Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Wealte(i»M havo wrockod tho livos of thonsandfl of yonnR mon liKAiN'S, impleked, per bushel 1 00® I 1)0 niirt midjilo iiKod mon. 'Jho farm, tho workshop, tho Stmday sobool, Uio ollloo. tho profos- .•ffflRHR MONTII.S 35o 1'(ITATI1|.;S, iierlnisliel ® 50 Himiu—nil liiivo its vietiniH. ioung man, if you luivo boon indlBcroiit, biiwnro or tho futnro. I.'LOIIIL pin' loiljioiinds ®l m MhUllf iiijtil men, yon are Krowint' proiimtnroly weak and old, both soxnally imd pUyoioally. Knlored at the I'n.stoHloe, .Mason, SIlcli., as litKilCWHl'lAT KLoUlMierliiUlbs,., 611 OiiUBuU us botoro too Into, m NAMES USED WITHOUT WrItTEN CONSENT. Con/idontlal. .seiiond-olas.s matter. 1S(.!(1S, M'esh, per diizell. ® Hi nU'l'TliU 8® III LA Itl). per iiiiiind 7® I" VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. AI'IM.ICS. dried, per pound ® •! THURSDA Y. NOVEMBER 8,1894. I'1.;ACH1.;s, driiMl, per pnanil W.a.COLLINS. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. W.S.COLLINS, m "I am W. At 15 I loariiod a bad liiibit \vhieli I contia- I.IVI.; STOCK A.NI) .MEA'r. nod till 111. 1 thnn bocanio "ono of Uio boyn" and lod ii (!AT'l'l,|.;. pin-llio iKiiiiids '1 WSiWU) Kuylifo. l!.TiioHUro proiliicod •.S'j/;)/i(/i',«, IbooamonorT- WKurc iiiitlci'tills time, but iTglit liKKl'", dri.ssi'd, per liiii pounds (rot 0(1 ona and doHpondoat; no ambition; inoniory pour; oyoH llOdS, per liwiioiinds ®;i 75 red, snnkou and blnr; pint pins on face; linir loose, bono •js iniglit iind must iireviiil. I'OKIC, driissi.ii, per 100 pimiids m CO piiina; weak bauk; vnricocolo; dremiiB and losBcfl at AFTER HAMS, per iiiiiitiil ©I'JM niKlit; weak imrlu; ilopiisit ill urino, etc. 1 spent hna- .SIKlUI.DKUS, per |iiiniiil & 1 ilroda of dollnrs wiUwiiit help, and was oouloinplntint; Landsmuks lire even. \Vc lind ours 6HBINK/1V5 Oil I OK" |.!NS, (irt'Ssi'd. ppi* ]imiiid & s Hiilciilo whon a friend rocomniondod Drs. Kenaoilyit ill '!)•;, the republiciiiis bnve jiistlind 01I11)1<|.;NS. live, piir piniiid ® 5 KnrRiin's Now Molhod 'TreatinonL Thank (iod I •I'lJIIICKVS, live, perpiiimd 0 8 k tried it. In two months I was enred. This was six ibeii's, it will be our turn iigi in '!)ii. TUKKI'JVS, dre.ssed, per poiinil & 10 ,v i| iwy / c years hko, nnd novor Imd n rotiirn. Was iimrriod two t 1 /I l-J / yoarsiiKo and all happy, lioyu, try Dru, Keuaody Jc Kor- MISHAWAKA;, IND. IIUIMHN'O .MA'riCIIIAL. UKFouii; TuitA'ni'T Ban boloro b'iving up liopo." APTEll TKEATM'T AVi'j'iiiN our recollection six old vet WA'I'l'IR LIMK, per barrel ®1 50 OALOINKI) I'LA.STKH.perliarrel.... iiriiiis bnve been honored witli iiositions MOSTDURABLE&COMFORTABLE. ®;i m ri.AHTKUINd HAM!, per bnsliel.... & m 5. A. TONTON. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and S. A.'l'ON'I'ON. on the ticket by democrats in Jn«liani m SI1IN(ILI';S, perlluiiisaiid ALL KNIT !)Oifn;i 75 Varicocele Cured. LLMi;, (.'(Kill, nor barrel ® 75 county. LATH, per .M feel •I 50®5 50 "Whon I consnllcd UrH. Konno;ly it Koritnn, I had WOOLBOOT Now that election is over let the re- I little hope. I WHO snrprisod. Their now Mothod Troat• niont improved ino tho first week. Emisaions censed, -jmblicans stop linwlintf calamlLy and MANUFACTURED. norvea booamn stronR, pains disnppenrod, hair Krow ia 1,urii ill and do their sb.'irc to establish iisaia, oyoH bocamo bright, elieerfiil i iinniiny nnd .R'ood times. stroiiK Boxnally. JlaviiiK tried iiiiitiv '} vwVa, ,1 can BROWN BROS., Mason. ' hoarUly roeoniinonil UrB. Kiiiinecly A iunnnii us roliablo ]lAO Llie democrats all stayed at BMoS'^M't 8l'«';iRli»'"- 'J-'l-'^y trcate.1 .no honorably and sIciUfuily." ^„^,^;,.,,-,j,,„,.,. J. D. LIGHT, •3ioine last Tuesday the repiiblican.s T. P. r.jy'iiSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. T. V, RBti^jtso.N. <;ould have made the election almost, —A'l' TllK— T. p. Emorson Has a Narrow Escape. "I live on Iho farm. Atflohoul 1 lonrnuit nn onrly «inanimoiis, LOCKE CENTER. Hawley School Report, habit, which wonkennd nin physiciilly, Be.tuiilly imii Maple Street Market, innntiilly. Kaniily Uoctors anid 1 wao (,'oinK into :ibc.M0t;HAT.s look about like the i C. I' I'.iill was ill tills vicinity last 'l.'lie I'ollowiiig is the report, of the "doelino" ((^nnflnmption'i. finally "Thn tloldun llawley .school. Hist. No. li. A'evav Monitor," edited by Ora. IConneily & Korean foil in- rot that I'ooled with the monkey; they weeli. Keeps a , Line of .•\ good iiiaily I'liriners 111 this locality I'or the nioiitli ending Oct. 2(i, KSIll : to my hiuulH. I loiirnod Ihn 7'r»M and (,'(ii/.tr, HidP ainve not such beaiitil'iil pliiniage, but nbiiBo had oiippud my vitality. I took Uio Xr.ia lire fall |)lniin1iiug. N'ninhi'i'i'iii'olli.d al. bi^Kliliilij^'iil' mimlli 'JO iMdImil Tmilmenl ttwAwa s enroll. My triontls iliiiik I. still bave life. The y. M. rillli'cli of this place will iViiiiilii'i' i'm'oll|.il at i.'liil nf liiiinlll 'S.) FHESH Km SMT IVIEATS fl-. wiiH eiirod orConsiiiiiplion. I havo Boot tlioni iiinny Ninnlii.r rasps inrdliicss 'I build some sheds on tlieir grounds iW.tS patientrt, all of whom worn cured. Thoir Now '^i .N'ninhiM'alisiMil i; Jlntlidd Troutnieut uupplioH viKor, viudity and miin- ]iKMOc'KA'i's iiro always in better Ibis fall. AveniKe daily allimilaiii;i' li And all goods line UEFOlll.: TltEATM'T. liood." man tkka'i'.me.nt. llgbtiiiK trim after receiving a good Mrs. A. Walters has relumed from 'I'lie following have not been absent 3oot Q-v-xalitloa. G-coS. •Woiijlj.ta. Hiard Ijastiiig. La-;t Tuesday wa •Switzerland, wliere she lias been or hardy witlioiit a good excuse ; RH-ADP'RI Arn ynn a victim.' i lavn yim lost liopn, „ , through the suinjnor for iter health I kill my own nieiils. Call and see me. nUMUCn . riiiKu? Has your lilui.d been disoiiHod? Tlavo yon uny woaknoHs? Onr .•jiiercly a rciietitloii ot history. Ida Ihdmiis, li'Vin Holmes, Now Mothod Trentmonl will euro yon. What it has done for otbors it will ilo for yon whicli 1-^ iiiucli imiirove,!. ('iirclli. liiirkiM', WInnlit linrkcr, Cash paid for Hides. Daniel .laiiii.soii and Mrs. .lane Har• Olllliinl Hall, llaiTV Hall, Dura Hall, l.'ordlo A.selliiie, DicMdCUAT.s, now l;liata clean sweep ris were the guests of the families of i\lvrtlii Asnltine, (lortio Asi'ltino, 16 Years in Detroit. 160,000 Cured. No Risk. sigainsl, us lias been niiide and tbe 1']. Williams and E. C. Potter last Mliza Cciilur, Illaiicbii Hmdiman, Consultation Free. No matter who h.ns treated yon, wrilo for an honoBt opinion •lioiise all fiiiiovati'd, let us buckle on week. KU;i Sayn', Linda N'nrtlinip, I'roo of eharKo. ClinrRon reasonable. Books Free —"Thn GoUhm Monitor" Cilhis- Dliaflle iVortliriip, Iti'na'l'i'nll, Rev. Madder of .Soiitb Locke attend• trutod). on Disoatios oC mon. IncloBo poBtiiKo, ii cents. Healoil. our armor and iirepari' torn i^rciil. light Alibli! liriisli, Ll/.zlo CIray. r^rNO NAIVIES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- ed quarterly meeting at Brighton last iMAliiE h'EM.ows, Toaclior. ill I lie future, it, is not lieciliise there VATE. No mecllcInQ sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or onvel- •Sunclay. opes. Everything confliJontlaL Question Hat ancl est of Troi.it- ..Jiri' not. deiiiocrais enough, itlsbceaiise Geo. King will begin tbe winter Bwy Diillaiii's German 25 cent Cough ment, FREE. llicv difl not vote with us. term of .school in the .Rowley district ciireat llalstead it •Son's. next l\fonday^ No. 148 SHELBY ST. liny Oullam's German 15 cent Liver TiiK tidal wavi! that struck the DRSf KENNEDY &-KERGAM, DETROIT, MICH. "Meditation," by Charles .Spragiie Pills, '10 i n eiicli package, at llalstead & «h.moi:ral.-i Inst Tuesday was iiol, loeiil Tearce, acbarmlng iiictiire of a girl Son's,Mason; F. H. Field's, Dansvllle, but gL'iiei'iil. It.s ellocts were felt all whose thoughts have drifted from the book wbichslie has been reading, and over the country. Hill andTaiiimaiiy "Teoiiies," by Talll de Ijongpre, one of ;iri' iMirii'd in .\i'W York under a ilia the most poiiuliir of the llower iialnt- 4» Jjority of at least 11)0,1100. 'I'lie demo. ers of t,lie day, appear, admirably re• lo .v/ii:cir(li.'l, or tbo .>'(lji a.he aliovc trip (lo .Sweden an.er Liiiil- lieiij ariicirs and designs Lhiit the •'.»,«• .S'jiecitilis/ miif/ r/o lo llieiii. Sliitlsi.ies show tliat, ninoiiij all cliroiili; snllerers, not iiinn. Mian one In live bnii(ire(l over j;o T(r reader ui' iiiaeiziiie is always most •Ji to tbo liirKor clt.ies to receive irealineiit; tills fnct Is owiiiK mainly to two reasons; Kirst, i.hii lerrlblo dread the siek liavo ifc liolin) for ifTOii. Wliat, right lias iiiier. .icil, ami I ills iiniiilli be (or she) <.9r III leiivlu}; boine and koIii!; Into tho turmoil, niiLsc nnd confusion ot n Kreiit city, and the worry and e.vbnnstloii Incident ''».«• i*i t.o travel. Second, the ;,'n..iil, o.xpoiiso of tho trip and the unreiisnnabli" ; price• s eliai'Xe'ijd for e.vainliintlou nnd trealmuiil, by -ji i •.TCjiiihlii'iiii lioard of auditors to make par:ielila.riA' I'oiiiinale In arlicles on rC."' the city speciall.sl.s. It Is a. notorious fiiet that eliniiilc diseases are .so disllni't from acute ones that tho rOL'nlar practl- Ti - - lliese ollicers a prtssent of $210 nf t,he ••i.aiiilse.ipe I'alilt.iiig lii ^Valercolors,"' • -TO- if'^,„ tloner., .. a,s a, rule,., , wants ,iiotblii^ ' to ,d o with tbein, and II'.satlslled with his Income, will franld' ' ' y say .so, lienci' ) tli' o neees- i<6t l''l.iwer Drawing in Pcii-aiid-lilk'.''i sity of the spci.'liillst: and that ho shall put himself wlieru tlioso patients iiiiriira/ l,y llifir yiiiiiilv 'J)oi:/or iiiav sou liliii W .jieoplo's iiioiieyy i.'-.e of tile S!aiii|i in Pastel.'' "Draw-s vff. and reeelvo llrst-elii.ss ircaliiii'iit, alihuiiirb niinble lo visit the city lo .secure a. liku iiiialily of skill. The fact that a city 75 Csrsts a Yk; .speelallsspeeiailst visits your coniicomitl yv .seat, and n.'CelveI'l.'Celvess laiiilaiidi pre..ii.i.ll)i.pre.ii-i.llii.s for palieats at your besbest hotel does not In the least detract T«r f iil^- frniii Life,'' "Flower- anil I'lanlsl Ivicii and the entire re|iul)liciin jj;«J«; from bis skill" , honesty''"', liiir;;,'rlt" y or respectability"'. " I'lir I"f a man Is n,. tieiitleainiientleninn iai t homo ho Is a Kontlomiui ovory- i»i ((.•••..r-.iiiii," "Talks lUi Rmbroirl-1 •'Hf wliere, although occasionally a hnii^'ry d.jctor will ciiiitlou a idelc man or woman lo keep aiwa' y from ns; tliat too In face of tho ''.J."' ifc fact that tbo same siill'ercM' lias been a. natloiit ot said diiclor for months nnd ofliiii yea Stall! ticket, elected by majorities that er'.." "I'niiiiiiiiii Si'iise in Cliiiia i'aiiii,-i ...... —,,„..,. .,„,,.., .T.„.„,.v,„„ ... .^,.„, i,,„ ,„, ,,,, ,,,,„ ...II... years, and paid bliii all tho money JnasAte Unsurpassed as a Newspaper. •W' conid I'liko and .s.a'apo and now lliids lilm.selt wor.su olV tlinii at bivliiMln;; of treatijieiit, yet Is eiiiitloned by this H, IJ, IJ?I~ i .makes it a Waterloo for democrats. ill),'," "What Colors Will iMIx" (fori •r'l^t look out for fraud and i.-'iioram-e. t'omnion deceiiey would, at leasi, suL-^'ort sileneo on tho part of such ereatiiriis. JJoos Dr. ite 3?epiiblicanselect the entire coiigres- china painters), and a host of other; ii'o uverybody'i' No! Does hu treat every cam; tiiat i;<«;s to lilin'/ No! Afost einphal Ically nol lUitbo does euro a. •iHf . uitiiKO of eases accented for trenlinunt than any .'.]ii'clallsl. of our aeiinalnlaiu'e. Ills business has iissiiiiiod such 4*i timely papers I'ortlie paint,er.dMiughts- j Unrivaled in Popular Interest. .Kioiial delegation and will control liotli KlKnIItie proportions in Central Allchlwni that bo has found It an alisoliile neeiissltv lo ehaiiKo his iiead(|nurters from Illlls- man, wooclcarver, needleworker and ! ^lij'j dale to LaiisIni,', nnd to drop all bis liiillaiia nml Ohio Uiwas: thus la futnro coallnlnf? Ids work, almost entirely to tliu (?rim(i afc lliranclies of tln^ legislature, which other art jirodiicors. The other sup-, .Soundly Republican. •«».<• btato of iMIclilKiiii. This enables everyonu under Ills care to communicalo with or sec tho Doctor on .sliort notle'o at all times. '«.»" .jTieans the election of Siuiator Mc- pleiiients have numei'oiis designs for! '-•y'- • . ' •iSif- oinbroidery, cliinii iiainting, glass de-; 1)11. Ilii.MPiiitKY's "Gold Cnnr:" roiiCA- earnestly n.'iinests all por.sons under treat Ajj Tilillan to .'-iicfced hinisidf. Many TAlillll, A.sril.MA AND ALL Al.'|.M.:U'rlO.N'S OP coi'ation, etc., etc. Of more general' meiit to write lilm often, as advlco may 1'!.' 'jflemocriils remained at home while An Agent wanted in every C.W'niE UPPER Ant I'AssAiiEs. Tills remedy lie necessary week- after week In order to iif; interest, perhaps, aro an extended de- "i: embodies all tbe "limlc" and "antiseptic push any Riven ciisu on as rapidly as jios- ':J.' iniiiiy more. vol.ei.l with the rejiiibli- siu'iption of Mr. In ness's work, a coil-1 Township in IVlicbijfau, to •toi properties of Gold, and Its curative pow- slblc.and aj-'oodcouimon-sonsostittomont •?? cr Is as near a. "speelllc" for Catarrhal af- ','])S Oil" JIEX III accoiiniof the Summer .Scliool at! THE rniBUNE . . mu^.... •}•. treatment and dietary, will cure any ease All over the country aro boIuK slowly bled Till.; Wilson bill has o|)encd up a of Catarrh: provided tliesiill'erer will fol- to death year after year owIub to tnovl- ifZ'^ Sliiiiiiecoek Hills (wil.li some ot Mr., ':?.' low Dr. lluinpbrey's Iiistriietloiis. When Biiarketiii Illiigland Cor iMielilgan fur- tal llnlils passing; oil' with the ui'ino(walor) J;. Chase's valuable hints to bis , pupils,' AVflt Is uiidei'stood that Catarrh In some 'Thoy feel all run down, driiKKod out and •S? aiitiire. liy |iiittiiig lumber, burlajis, wliieli are to be coiitiniicd from month I.; form or of .sonio part. Is tho fouiidatloii of whlpfied of energy and ambition, but aro X .*~ foiir-tirths of all chronic aliments and I iiiiiiil.li), a iiot,ii;eof tbe St. Louis all iiiieonsclOHs of where tho truocauso ot ,jind alcohol on the free list and reduc• :!.• llio fallitfoto reco^'iib/.e and euro this, Is their trouble lies. SeokliiK relief from .Jj', xpositioii, etc. lb goes without say• ilfT P |i «.»tbe reason for so iiiiich disappointment ing the tarilV on glue, oil and glass !.y iLu ilttKu iiiiE ruuj lu the fniiilly doctor, they aro treated for "Kt- ing lliat till! editor's coinmeuts in bis ',• .• on the partof sull'ofurs with lon^ stand- llllionsness, Dyspopsla, Heart Troubles or jJ;. AJoi liiKall'cetlons fully e.vplaliis why .so few (articles used extensively in the manu• Nol,(;-book" on current art-topics are Khcumatlsin nnd K'idney Disease, but to iM? The Mali Koiite I'rotn •• aro cured of lliuir diseases. no purpose. They try patented iioslrnms, .it',. facture of furniture) it allows us to wiiai, every regular reader will turn .„ Tbo Doctor Is siirroittided with tho fiii- but theso disappoint tliom. Thoso sull'er- »,'<;j- lo lirsi. (I'rice, .'i'l cents.) M/jntagne DANSVILLE TO iKASON .vf^estniul most extensive collectloii of In- ors may boot all ages, from moro boys lo make furiiitiu'e cheaiier and better strnments ever Imported to this eountry iMarks. i'llblislier, 2;i Union •Square, :i(lvaiieed llfo, bnttbo majority aro mid- Ifj?- tlian they can in Riiglaiul. Our manu• llavliiK been diseonliinied, the siibserlber will .v'}'«. for o.vamlnltiK and treatluK all forms of Now "I'ork^ die aged married men who liiivo worked ..•ii-/. bereafler run a velilele over the road daily {.Siiu- 1^^? clironic alluieiits of the bend, face, eyo, day and night, as yon might say, for years f'-r facturers and labtu'crs are not afraid dayand Kotirtli of ,]tilye.\eepti!d)l'ortheeonvey- ..V'. ear, throat, nose, chest, lniif,'s, heart, sto- and years. If such will como to mo, and .,«'. . aneenf pas.sonKers.e.vjiri.ssnnil frelKhls, at rea• macli, liver, spleen, kidiiey.s, bowels, ro- •of an ojien market if tliey can pureliase hrlnga bottle ot their urino, I will show m? sonable rates, leavbiK baiisville at idKlit o'eloek them tho cause ot tbolr, trouble. .vii. liiiy T'Ullam's German 15 cent Liver productive oraiias, urinary orfians, brain .Ihe raw material clieap enough. a. ni., and arrlviiiK at Mason atorberoreioa.m., J and nervous spstciii, paral.yKls, rhunui- s, -11) in eacli jiackagc, at llalstead .Ifc andretnriiingatsueli tlnieeaeli davassliallbest . tisni, sIek lieadaelie, backache, tumors, promote tliecoiiveiiieiiccoC the imhlic. T'iroir,SAND.g ot" wrarax j^.. •Son's. iMiLSiio: K. II. Field's, Dansvillc. '•(p Ki'owtbs, .ioliit diseases, piles, bip dlseiise, .Snil'nr the dl.sappoliitmonts ot a broken ^Jjf Tiii'i republican siipervi.sors who K. IC. (JLKJKXKK. .sciatica, skill diseases, ulcers and uvery DansvlIle.Micli., Oet.liO. ISill. down, benumbed, nervous system In their .iu. turned down W. .1. Adams and bis form of weakiie.ssof either male or femalo marital relations wlio can bo porloctly 1!?? .> •«, Tho doctor's specllic medicines fro stfalKht cured. M. •<;oinrade petitioners will have to an- to the diseased orttan, and can bu plainly felt at work in tho diseased parts very m-ilo for Priynte Question Zitt lo X i5wer to them next spring, mark it. ??sliortly after their iiso Is boKiin. Thoy Ltnlies. •j^ririite Question Zisl to Oen- The claim that Mr. Adam.s' name came .i^i, aro pleasant to take, mild but searchln;searching; Ilemen also lij' request, In action, yet aj,'re^'ree with tliomostdcllcatthomostdcllcato iiptoolatcwillnotgo. Somewliosigned PER IR/SONTH lady or child, do not reduce tho strength, fil? andean ho used wbllo at tlio usual oeeu- V'timlerful Cures by my now Improved iti^ method of treatment accomplished In the ])otition have told us that the su- imtloii, as many patients still ablo for lu Your Own Locality nervous disability, prematura decline ot hard work and closo attention to business jiervisoi's from this city were seen in manly powers, and kindrod alToctlons, made easily and honorably, witlioiit capi• .wj',. are often slowly, surely, yet uuconselou.s- which have been neglected or unskilfully j'ftfc regard to his candidacy the night be• tal, during your s|)!iro hours. Any man, Tv? 'lyloKi knowing themselves ill, yet do- .••j'/. colvod Into a false security, they proei treated. No u.\perlmciits or failures. Pa- ''if!' woman, l)oy, or girl cm do the work hand• ras- tients treated by mall and medicines sent isi. fore the day lirst set I'or tlie special ^•1? tinatoaiid put olf tho nrattor''iinttrtiie ily, wllliout c.viicricncc. Talking un• by e.vpross free from observation. mrder. Suppo.sc Jlr. Adams and his ^^easu Is roiidored Incurable. The doctor necessary. Nothing liltc it for moncy- friends had been "behind time with makiiigcvcroircrod before. Onr workers jtfi .irACT.s men op at.t., ao ks. fortunates arises not only from t-Iio fact ot tlio most scientlllc llieir rciiuest" thirty odd years ago always prosper. No time wasted in W Ily reason of falso modesty tho youth ot our land aro kopt In and speclllf; medication known oltlior In this or any other coun• learning the business. 'Wo teach you in iKnoraiice of the serious results whicbeonalnsolltary and Iiidls- try, but al.so to tho fact ot tbo direct Inlluonco ot his powerful "Vlien tliey olTered themselves as volun• creetpnictices produce. These vices It persisted In ovoiitnally will upon the pecullra' mental donrosslons al ways found In such a night how lo snccecd from the llrst eases, by whleli hols enabled to Infu.se a partof bis own onorgy teers lo light for the del'ense of their 4»i iindnrmlno thoconstnutlon Induce nervous debility and early hour. Yon can niako a trial without ex• '* decay, organic weakness, nromalnro lo.ss ot the niiinly powor.s, Into their hopeless lives. Wero not all such cases bolclla the coTintry. The old veterans were snub- pense to j'oiirsolf. •\Vc stnrt you, furnish at iivoluntary loss ot \dtiil fluids, Kcnoral prostration, and oft most sacred coufldeiico tho doctor could print letters from . ':»' times imbecility and chronic epilepsy. Of all maladies allllct- tliou.sauds of gratoCul palloiits who havo boon cured, and are to- j tcd by a board of supervhsors that is cverytliiug needed to oarry on the busi• 7jYII1U1I UIIU euliiiiiuM strongly republican and many of them of the reproductive organs of eltherso.v rapidly destroys the on- neelam d l{y doct:orln Ronoral practlco knows so little, yotiiosull'erers orgies ot both body nnd mind, robs tbo stop ot Its ola.stIclty. A% against failure if yon but follow onr iflr '"^V" ''''o attention of the oxporlonced specialIstmoro than theso, tipprcciatc it. " as hero wp bayo to inlnlster to a diseased bo'dy.a dI.s"oa.sod niTndl dims tbo bright eyo, pales tho cheek, dovolopes cowardice, and ''.'p simple, plain iiistriiotions. Reader, if 2' as hero wp have to minister to a diseased body, a diseased mind, often destroys tbo brightest IntoUucL The reproductive fnnc- J& you are in need of ready money, and 4» and Imaginations filled with morbid desires and fearful appro- tlon Is tho mainspring ot animal life—prosorvoItat all hazards. W' bensions. Dr. Humphrey's unparalleled success with theso un• • See the World's Fair for' Fifteen want to know all about the best paying Cents. business before the public, send us your PHYSICATv RYAMTWATTDW many books ARE.WEITTEN upon this SUB.IECT, and thousands ot bright, W ,, , , V ^'^^^'^^'^''•"•^•l^l* shining In.sti'unionis are sold annually to Doctors for tbo purpose ot determining % Upon receipt of .your address and Heart Disease 30 Yrs! address, and we will mail you a docu• f tho kind and character ot dlsoa.so that amict tbo human family. Dr. Holman H. Humphrey bus long sinco passed tho point ?F •lifteen cents in postage stamps, we ment giving you all the particulars. whore bo has to undress the sick and thump, and stretch, pull, twist, and torment them until they aro oomplotoly oxhau.sted Sfe •»• In order to llud a namo.to suit thoir condition, but with a power ot penetration born ot years ot study and o.\-porlonco, ho In- '['^ will mail ,vou prepaid our .souvenir Short Breath, Palpitation. iyjjs stantly recognizes oyory phazo ot dlseiLso severe enough to stamp Its .Impress upon tbo face or form. Said a gentleman ro- :MS ' -jiortl'olio of tbe World's Columbian TRUE & CO., Box 400, ii!. A lady called upon Dr. Humphrey who only sl.\'moiitli.s beforo was a perfect picture ot health. Tbo doctor looked up *7^,'^ •JExposition, the regular price is llfty khidly as tlio lady ontored and said, 'I am sorry to toll ,yo n I do no- t wan...t^ you for aan natlent.a ' 'Why,'isald tbo lady, 'Thoro l..a. Augusta, Maine. ;'• ii()t much tho matter with me.' 'Ah,' says tho Doctor, 'I see an enemy In possession of tbo promises which t cannot dislodge,'••';.5?" -cents, but as we want you to bave one, Mr. G. "W.McKinsey, postmaster of ..vr^ ...ui^.. i.i.u iiLvmui iviLii juu. jvii, Huys Mio ojuouir, i see an enemy In possession of tbo promises which t cannot dislodge,' AttOAttopr somoe gooirnnd naturcnatltrofdi llllntnrinLbanteringf non thdmo partmi'l-t. onft thetho ladli.rlvf.hr.iify about. heUnr.r trillinf.rinin.gr disabilitrlkiiLlln.vy shfilmo toot.nnk heImrp leaveIniLvn,. 1^ wonwnnft. tht.lion J.vi. . ^ve make the price nominal. You will Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier, #..jv inof' ^''cok with iter to tbo city whore .sho consul ted an eminent professor in a noted medical college. This doctor had tho • Und it a work of art and a thing to be says: "I had been severely troubled • lady undressed to lier wnl.st and with a wonderful array ot Instruments thumped every Inch ot her chost, front and rear and : with heart-disease ever since leaving «•«•« .'\ ^, " oo.stly stothoscopo ho listened over ovory part of tho upper body; took pen and ink and mapped out tho region .prized. It contains full page views cof of the heart and looatodilts valves; talked learnedly of tbo lobes ot the Uuigs; chambers ot the heart and all .sorts of 'rales' and ; tbe army at the close of tlic late war. •'tlie great buildings, with descriptions cronltatlons,' n...an"d whe"iioini thuiiou u.Miiuiiiiii'luiioxaralnatlon.. wnwas over thtnou ladiiidy WIIwitsS SsoO comnlotelcomnb _ y o.vhau.sted .she could .scarcely stand alono to of same, and is executed in highest I was troubled with palpitation and 1)0 dressed. Sho paid tho SIO O.vaminatloo.vaminatlon feetoo,, took hei prescription for cod liver'-.llveroll. and liypopbosphltes... . ,. and returned to hor shortness of breath. I could not liome. Poor child! In four months sho was mouldering Iin her shroud. Dr. flumphroriumphroy saw all this at a glanco many months •jjtyle of art. If not .satlslled With it, before. Iloalth has Its features, So liatli disease. Ono may bo known as readily as tho .othor. Tho natural physician knows sleep on my left side, and had pain Iloalth 1.-.has. Its features, r.-So ,liatl ., i disease,. .. On„ o may .bo_Lfnow , n as reiidliiuiiil y ns tho .other. Tho natural physician knows ; after you get it, wo will refund the ho,7--,-,-t 1 at- sightJlfe'ht., In all their grades and appearances,. i:DK' . IIOLMAN S. IIUMPHEEY possesses this peculiar power moro -Rtaraps and let yon keep the book. around my heart. I became so ill : highly developed than any doctor wo havo ovor known. -Address II. E. BucivLkn & Co., that I was much alarmed, and for• tunately my attention was called to COPYRIGHTS. TrPflfmOnt fin RlniT nr CvnrOO» Whllnltlsalwaysprotorabloto .se,o my patients, wbero this is imnossibb, ow ng Aj& ••Chicago, lib CAN I OnTAIM A PATENT? For n nilfllJI 0 II nil IllSili II rAl) liilN to long distances, extreme weakness,or whore the oxponsos of travel added.W: 1^ HlomuiU U UJJ ;J1U11 m LAJIIUUU. to that ot treatment isan Item, I will, when roiiuostcd bymall.wlth a slamp .iJl;. advertised letter list. * oiiclo.sod for reply, send a printed question list concerning ovory condition and kind ot dIsoa.%o which, If faithtully and correctly """ Dr. Miles' Heart Cure • Mason, Nov. u, 1894. ?4t,i'l"''^™''™',"''" •^""'''".""^ lo euro all curable diseases. Terms ot troatniont mado known when iiuo.stlon list la roturnod. These . tloiis atiictlyconlidontlttl. A llnudbnnic n£ In- •*' 'lists must bo signed, (hitod, postollice nnd express olllce: given, pbilnly written. Wbcro parties arc not loo far dl.stant„slx oniicos List of letters remaining uncalled I decided to try it. The first bottle lorination coacorniiiR I'nieniMand how.to ob• ot urIno In a clean bottle slmuld bu sent by express, provided It can reach mo witliin 'rwELVii nouns iiftcr. being passed.' UriiVif'i.j, tain thorn flont free. Also n cntnlogue ot aiechan- "for iit the above named ollico: made a decided improvement in my #^..^ lirtccn hounscild Is absolutely worthless for analysis, lis It alv.'ays decomposes, and those parties who lusk.'patients to .send their lonl nnd soluntltio hooks nout free. vSf water .sovoral hundred miles for analysis are oltlior gulllnii themselves or .someone else. Krosh urine gives the sehoIaHy physlciah'ij condition, and flvo bottles have com• Pftteiita tnkon throuRh Jlunn & Co. rooolve "Wf. Clias. Tucker, Mr. .r. V. Hliinehiu'd, epeolal iiotlco In tho Scl on tl He A in crlcnii, ,infl «.•f,W' „„i,..,i,i„.„valuablo information, . <,...,...... Stale nrino ,Is whrthless, oxcopt to frltrhtnii _ , „ . "'iiniiriiio for amdvs's .should bo sn.veddnrlnK.~f' y-n. K. DeLcon, Mr. Cli.as. Fuller, pletely curedme." thiia aro brouRht wldoiy boforotho public wicli- Wfc the litter part ot tho night and llrst In Iho morning. The biutki should ho itbsnUitely clean, well eorki'd. focnrely packed, and sont i •J\IIS3 Eliza Parker,(i!) Mrs. VicUtor Faiisoii, out cost to. tho inventor. Tills cnlomlid paper. * at tlio earliest possible moment by ux press to mo. K.'.-prosa ehargesiuust'always bo prepnid l.-yl.-y- the .sendor.';" .airs. Molly White. G. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo. Ind SBUoa weekly, olORBntly llln»tr«tert, hns hvrtr tho Dr. Mlloa Heart Oaro Is sold on a positiTo araoat ciroulntloa ot any soloutlllc woru in tuc FNOI 0«!E STA'\Il' Persons calling for tho above please Ruarantoo that tho llrst bottle will neneflt, world. S;j a year. Spoofmon copies uont froo.) roli IJEPLV. UullilinUuiliUnjfKg Kdditlonitlonjnonthiy. monthly, , »•.>.£(fiM )ft (1 yoar. HInd- "O ..,'jiKay advertised. AlldrugglstssoUltattl, 0 bottles {or(ii,or opl.03, a.'S coiits. Every number coiitalna bouu- M. A. Besibnt, p. M. ,1°lu/ l plntos, in coJora, and nbotoRrapbo pt uoiv 101130'oimoti: . with plans, onabllni;bullclera io iihor.' ti-:a itnflUlMlcnsnndsocurneontrnots. Artdroas V i.j^SK^ll drugt;lEt3 ^Qii Dr. MUos* Norvo Plastora. 1 JlU-'u'l li CO., KEW VORlt, aUl lUlOAUWAY. LANSING, Wednesday. NOV. 21. MASON, ThursdajilN, \ 22."i \ Your Folks and Our Folks. ,J. K. Coy wa.s In Laii.slni,' lu.sl jMoialay. violin, bimjo, Kultur and mandolin Aitliurl''axoit went lo Olilo laslThilr-silay. strings of tlic best quality at Mc- John Upcacer wa.s In l.aiisInK last Monday. Have you tried the Ci'ijssen's. INttss CiiiTioCall I.s vIsllliiK In I.ansliifc' Hits wtiek.

Oougli jdastei'S, kidney plastci's ^Vin. Cook of Iloll was in llio oily hist Kriilny. Kepublicans Carry Ingliam and strcngtUning plasters ab Mc- Mrs, 0, ,1, llooil was in Lmisliit; lasl Siiliiriliiy. CoUUty by 2,000. Orosetn's, ,T. ]), riielps nf biiii.slng wits In the oily last l''rl (lay. Oi-own Kidney Cure and Kidney Fred Mnroy was homo from I.iiiihIiik ovor .Siiii- The Populists Get Two Towns, While CIGAR ? Plasters botli for ,'JO cents !it McCi'os- (lay. thc Democrats Have to Be Content• HOil'S, .r, I I.uu of l.ansliiii was la Uiu clly lasl Moa- ed With One Ward in Lansing. jMiisiin rjoiiiicr cigars are Llic best day. long llller ('.Igars made, and an* mi Extriu;t of vanilla of a superior Mr.s, J lay wood Iliil.soy visited at .Jaiiksnii nvor sale lit all places in town wlici'c sipok .Siiiidity, er.s' supples arc sold, quality at T\rcGro.ssen'H. There is not much for coii.solation Wosluy Hoars nf .Iiioksoii was in llio clly lasl to the. average deinocrat in the result New arrival of artist's material, Thiir.sday. ill inghani coniity tlii,s fall. The re• P.H. WEIK, both for Oliiiia and oil painting at W. .S. Iloliiius nf IjansliiK was In Iho city lasl I sult Is the .same as two years ago, a 'riitirsilay. ' Good Overcoats made to order at .L N. S.M ITII'S McCrosson's. coniplcto repliblican sweep, but with Paddock Block. Cliamiccy Wall; nf Iloll was In lho city last pluralities that take four llgilres to All tholciidiiig bi-andsofcigai's, both .Siiuii'ilay. for $20.00. Thost; Overcoats are well made and .count, A good iiKiiiy democrats vuti^ (BP— imported and domestic at McCro.s- i.;mi w, jiniKnian or okcmn-s was in tho city I ,.(,,),ib!ican ticket, while many Aututnn Wra.os for Ladles. well trimmed, lilvcryoiic wlirl'antcd, U'hat iii'oiiiises to be the favm'il scn's. , ,iiiiiredid not come out to vote. '.I.'lie Willi •!(• "f Wllllam.stim was la tlio oily p„,)„iist, vote reinnins abmit tlicsamc, iiillumii wrap i.s a rioiil.ile cape of cloth aaHUCTSBjaanaCTn-iisjsaassM ii'anilly prcscrijitions llllcd very liroiid and ri.'.'icliiiig to tlm waisi 'r .^..'.^ I '•'^^•^•.'.'"'.""J- I hhire Is 11 falling oil' in .some localities The trininrmg is an iiicli biiml of ih curacy at the lowest iirlccs at ]\rcCroS' fl. \V, llolliimlof liiiiikerlilll was la lho clly and again iiiothers. 'Plieprohibition- lasl.Saliirday. cloth stili'liefl on Hie edges wil ii i.-.m .sen's. ists have about held their fiwii. (SB"— fill (ii'iiauiciils in I be corner.; ::ml Mrs. n. K. Ball vlsllcd In Wllllanisloii tlio lallor Below we give the i't.'Siilt in the Jifiigic, J'crfcctlon and HIaniond part of la.st week, tiiriled over collar of velv<'l, 'Phi I viirUais towns as far lis we have been together with the golf cuiie. :\\\' ilii Dyes. Also all kinds of dye stiilTs C, C, Soyninilr and Kred Wlllliiins spent .Still- I able to get returns; To oi'iler for i|i20.00. day III .Stneklirldne. mostgeiiei'iil ilnil stylish outside irar 'J'liese suits are all worth more oliciip at JiV.cCi'ossen's. ADAl.HOON I'', W, Ca.slorllii nf l.iiiisliiK was In lho city lho ineiil,.-- I'nr wearing witli aiii.uiiiu ilrcs.s money. es. Very full capes reaching in the Piii-edrugs, losv prices and lironipt | fore pan of tuts week, Has I'iillcn from dcinocratic grace. This towiisliipgives the entire republi• hips arc of Asfrakliiiii or moire, w service at ]\rcCrossen's. ,rnliii Callahan was lioiiio ffojii iMichigaii Clly I llio liillor liai'l of liislweolt, can ticket a pluriility c.\-|)ect Mayo aiul dccjj I'cvcrsovci' the shoulders, li'aiicy Leave your order at oiiiie, before tliey are all gone. capes for evening wear are made with New arrival of druggist's sundries ICiilon Rapids Kefiild; T, A, liiriicy was lu niacknioi'c. liicli 7, Mayo 7, balance Mii.siin on business Ttie.sday. of ticket -I, Aitkcn 7, Caiii|ibcll 17, A''aii Dykes of the new perforated cloth at ]\IcCro.ssen's. cerise or bluet. Bliiclc velvet capes Otin Uliililo, Cltas. Policy and I', .f. Oliapmait Mcl'Iiicii 1(1, .Sqiiiei's ;•), liosccraiicc !), have .satIn rovers lined with vtdvct or Hot water bottles at ifcGiussen's. wero In the clly liisl Snilday. Hund i), .Sanders 15. baby lamb, 'Plie JiicDewell Kasliion II. n. Ilciulci'snii iiV Clevrhinil was In llio clly Auiucrjus. I lasl Tiiosday and Wednesday. This tinviiship aided materially lo iM.'igaziiii^s eniitaiil many points of in lerest mi tills liiiiiurtaiit subject Miss llertlia Cannon of l.anslliK siieiil Sunday bring up the rrplililican majiirity. They are llie .siiCest truides on all qiies. I with young friends In llie clly. The populists polled (il votes, the prn- tioiis uf I'asliKiiis. The price of "La Atl.s.s i\Iac ilnlinsnn ami iUl.ss Sliai'iislcln of Ilibitionisls ,'ll, L'icli IDS, Aitkcn IU8, l\b)de de Paris'' ami "Paris Albiiui of I.aiislii;,'.spent Sunday In lho oily. K'ilpatrick lif). Poster ',l!l, McKiicn ',17, Kasliifiii" is .H'l.nO each I'nr a yeilr's s Klackniori'. II7. Iiosecrani'c Kl.S, lioiifl A. C. Mall i-eliinied home lasl .Saltirday. lli^ scriptimi. or.S.M'eni.s per copy, "''.Phi I exiiecls Ui gn oitl ii^'aln next week. nil, (lanlner 10','. li'rem.'ll Dl'ivssiiiakei''' cnsis ;i;;i.iiii \u Helen nnd iNotlle Iliirlltrn|i nr.lack.snn are vi.s- iill.NK'KlilllDI. aniiiiiii, or ,')i) cl.s, per copy, ''La I IllimaU;. W. VaiiSlylic'sllil.s wwU. Went republican last Tuesday for the Mode'' with its low priee, $1,50 pe I\rr. and iMrs. Chas. Isludl nf SUickhrldire wore (irsl, time ill ils liistiOi'y as we ai'e in- year, or 15 (.'eiits a copy, is an ailniir I In lho clly Ihe fore part, nf this we(di. Many arc now coming to the forinctl. Picli .T), Aitken .'!(i, Ivilpal- able borne inagii'/.ine. Vav the aecoin Miss Mary Warner lel'l lasl l^'rldav for a two rick :17, Cainplicll IM, McRneii -10. inudiitiun of eiistoiiicrs they contain New .Stoi-c lo make Ihcir REMEM.BER tiiat if tiie shoes Hip tliat you buy at WEJ^B'S weeks' visit in WlllinmsKin and vielnny, lilackiiioi'e .'ft. Bond 'M, Hosccrance .'l.'i, cuu|i(iii patterns, which as regard purcliascs of Miss..s Mnj'L'ie Unylnnnd Nellie V()nn;;ori.esllc Gardner -12, styles and pi'ices arc unequalled. H lie repairs them free of charge. I vlslled Miss Kmnin Cnitlaii last Sunday. DiCMIl yon arc unable to procure any of tlie.sc i'l'iink H. Sinind was In the clly ihe fin'c pari of juuriuils fi'oiu .vour iicwsileuler. do mn, Again goes republican with increased Ihe week. He was ini hts way to Cleveliuid. take any siihsi.ii.nie I'niin him, but Vew and pluralities. Ulcli gets .'17, baliince of lilv liy mail lo Me-^sl's. McDowell ,'':0(). Mrs. lliiekliiKliain and .Mrs. Unlierls nf Aiinr .Slate ticket from .'ili to .IO. Aitkcn .'11), liil.s W(Mc Kiie.sis al J.'fcd Wallnn's iiver Sniuhiy. •I W'cst I4tli Street, New Ywk. R1\'IE\'II? E R that you can get a handsoiue Enlarged Picture K'ilpatrick .'l,"i, IlinielbergiM'.l, McHiieii Owossii I'ress; Harlnw I'.eeeli eiileilaiin'd Ills •1-, liliickiuore ,'!l), Rosccraiicc I'lO, lloiid with $10.00 cash trade at \'VI-:B]rS. lai-ems Mr. and Mrs. Ueeoli of Mnsnii over Sun• Stylish Goods. 70, Gardner-10, balance id' ticket ,'il to day. for neuralgia, head and toothache ;!7, iMrs. Will. Ihilienek nf N'orvell, .Ini'ksini cnimty. rhciiinatisin iind all other pain.s, tisc: i.voha.m, Their idea Iiad been tiiat is vi.sltln« the family of her hrollier .M.A. llan- Diilhim's German Liniuiciit, h'orsiile I dull. .Solidly republican, I'liiralities by llalHlcail & Han and h\ H. h'ield REMEMBER you can save enough on a pair of shoes to buy Diy Goods wore IDry Goods, C. S. Ii;irii(?s will snini move Ills family In l.iin- Uich il.'l, Aitken i"i!1, ICilpiitricl but their first visit at slnt,'. Mr, Dames Is eiiiplnyed In it ill'y (.'nnd.s Gainpbcll 02. MclOiiiui i"ii'). lilackinoi'i sack of flour and take no chances at WEB]}'.S. I .stun.'. fi-l. Uimrl (il. H(ise('riiiii'e7(). (liirdner'IO HmamtHi'; Mr, nnd Mrs. llii;;li lllnkidynf linnkerhlll were .Samlers ,"i7. Kraser i'l.S, Tilttlt! "i.S, liiitl (,'iii'sl.s nl' Ihe ramlly of Dr. A. 1', Vnnlleii.sen lasl I Smiilay. i'i7. Uowc iJi). DAN'Si.Vd. R.EMEM.BER that the best goods are sold at shoddy prices at .Seymnnr KosUt of Liuislnn wits In Ihe ;.|lvlnsl •nini'.sdiiy, llewas ciroiihilliiKiuiiiiiiK llie ivpiili- All republican filiirallthis, Iticli !M WEBB'S. I lleaii fitllllrnl. Aitkcn MM. Kilpatrick liJ7. foster 101 Convinced tliciii tiiei-e mustbc O. Spllzi'r nf Cralldl, Ohio, wiis in the clly MclOiicn IIS, lllackmnre Ili), Hiiiid 01 a difrcreuce. Ihe liilter purl nf last w.iek. He is cnniinrlinK n Kdse.crance Uli. (Iiirdiier llil, h"i'a/,er!iil I iirivatehank. We ai-c satisfied from tiic Sanders 07, Tiitlle 100, Hulls .SS, Rowi Miss llessie Sliiiilnn Weill In AIniii last week ,S7. REMEMl^ER that the holes in Rubbers are the mai'ks of iiLTuy compliinentaiy remarks 'I'liesdiiy I'nr an cvtemleil visit Willi her sisler l.AN'SIXG CI'PV I Mrs, .Inliii I), Spinney. damaged goods and ai'e not sold at WEJ3]'3'S. and the increased tr.'ide tliat Mr. and Airs. C. N. Itnwe leM for Oliln lasl Continues aloim' this line with the bal our efforts to give the best .Mnniiay iiIkIiI,' M'tieyKiViii iiv'e'iv1iyi'ili('ii''iiiin'iii-| iliice of tllc Clillllty iliui is liciivily I'C iJLg,"'JL-9-"''^-CA5E.' IT WILL NOT CURE, I ler, iMrs. (I. M. K]iilzer. value for tiie money is beinr; piililican, PopnllsnCJitd,200 votes, pro' An agn'conWe laxative anaWKBVB Tonio, iMIssMnllie Culver nf lilllsdiile arrived here hibifioiiists 102, 1 lich 701. .Aitken 701 Bold by DniBfjistS or Bonfc by mall. 250., 60o. appi'cciatecl. VVc are and SLOP licr paclf ago. Bamplca free. lii.sl ,S,'i|iinliiy iilKla fnra I'ew weeks vl.sll with Kilpa trick 72,'i, h'oster .SbS, .McI'Jiicil riCi'i lieraimt, Mrs. C. S. Ciiirk, lllackinorc (I7ii, lioiid 707, Kosinjrancc , ,Tlio Favorite TOOTH EOWDEH Seymour foster nf Ditiisln;,' nnd (len. Me. f forthoTcothimd Brcath,2uo. ALWArS THE CHEAPEST. 002, Gardner Sil-I, balance about 7-10, Inlyri', 'I'linnias I'alrlek iinil f!, (!, Carler of For Sale by Liinwear Urns., .•\liison, .Mieh. I While Oak wiife in the oily yeslenljiy, Paddock.Sqiiiors and Sed ilia I'linaliciid •ivv.^iiiwWvrf'^ivWiW).. SOS iMrs. .Iiiliii T. Daniels of IJiiinn lliiiiie. f'lininn Tho (hiiiiocratic vote, decreased lil-l Vovay S. S. Convention. county, was tliei^neslnf llu; tainilyof her bnilliia' wliile the republicans increased btitiiO. The ,S. S. Association of tlie lown- .1. A. liarnes Tuesday iiiiil Wednesday. r.Kiiov El mmniiiininininiiiininiiTinTrniinniiiiriinimfnii mifniiniinn^ >jtl'='''^ '^o^'''c IO;"i, coi'oners lOS. Kvll hooiin.so it co.sLs so litllo. not commit the woman to an asylum vevay You iicod tliinit only of thrco words to bo sure of llio best— until she was adjudged in.sane, and be- jTolps to swell the republican vote, $1.00. leving-herto be a dangerous woman Republicans cast 119 .sti'aiglit votes, lie could not consent to give her free- dcmncrats ;i2, people's 15, pi'ohibition- L??* , . . , ' isfcslO. Atone time the populists were TRADE-MARK REGISTERED. •Since the doctors have dcclai'cd the ^ clo.sc second with the republican.s. GEO. OsHAVEN, G. P. A. Dress-Makers say: "They aro woman sane, however, the Court lias jijd, has JOS, Aitkcn 108, Kilpatrick the best fitting corset on the no other alternative than to discliargo jos, Camiibcll ]08, McBuen 87, Black- market." Merchant.'! cheerfully her from the cnstorly of the •ShcrilL- more 05, Ro.secrance 108, Bond lO.S, refund the money after 4 week's lilts tho only absolntoly I pure Bait It is put iip| I Lansing .loitrnal, Nov, 2d. Gardner 109, balance of ticket from 99 Irial if not satisfactory. Call for In clean, dirt-proof box• All Free. them at the stores. es and is sold by Uio best grocers. If yon , Thoscwhohave used Dr. King's New ^ Michigan rTEWTg£T. f don't Iind it wrlto tons nnd FEATHERBONE GQRSET GO, Discovery know its value, and those L,.^,'^li"'il','''i"'\,'^''".^"''? . Ph'''iil''''es. J wo'U soo ilial you Rot il. If j " Ihe Niagara Falls Route." SOLE MAMUJ'ACTURERS, yon ninko bnttor, look ror^ who have not, have now the opportuni- ^'ch i), Aitken 10, kilpatrick 20, Cnnip- our Dairy Salt. ty to try it Free. Call on the advertised I- McEiicn 2 Bhickmoi'o 9, Bond SOUTIIWAllD. KALAMAZOO. MICHIGAN. Afa.snn !l;25.n,in. 3:18p.m. 10;30p.m, DIAMOND drugghstsand get a trial bottle, free. '2. Kosccrancc 2,S, Gardner 9, corn- CRYSTAL SALT CO., Send your name and address to H. E. nussioncrs, surveyor and coronci's JllcksoR 10;2a •liO.'i 11:20 FOR SALE BY Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a '")""^'^0' ,„ ,„ ^. , St. Cluir, flich. Chicago D;aOp.in. 9:00 p.m. 7:10!i.)u. CHAS. H. HALL, Dry Goods and Notions, Mason, Micli» sample box of Dr. King's New Life °'""' Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide In pluralities Rich gets stato Dclvoil liilup.m, (i:li;p.m. 7:ISa.in. to Health and Household Instructor, ticket about the .same; Aitkin 42; .St.Tlionuis 0:20 p.m. 0:20 p.m. 12;B5p,in. free. All of which is guaranteed to KUlJatrlck 41; Campbell 'M ; McEnen N'iiiff. I'-.'ills 5:18 a.in, B:I8 4:22p.ni do you good and cost you nothing. AV. S2; Blackniore 37: Ho.sccrancc 49; M. JlcCrosson, IMason, and F. II. Field, Bond 41; Gardner 33 ; siirvcyoi'.s, coni- A-OIlTinVAUI). Dansvillc, druggists. missionci'S and coroners 31. All rc-Mason 5:27 a.m. ll:l)Oft.in. 5:30 p.m. [publican. LailSlnt'.. 5;.l(! 12:1?, 6:56 School Report. AVILUA-MSTON. Owosso Ii:37 Ar. 1:00 7:11 ^ ALL BLOOD MAKES IT? The roll of honor for the month end• Another large republican vote. a.m. nt. 2i20p.m. ing-Oct. 2Cth, 1894, foT the Walters' FIRST-CLASS^ SDISEAStS FAMOUS § Pluralities asfo lows :.ilicli 99, Aitkcn DayOlty.. 8:50 4:35 p.m. 0:25 school, district No. 7, Vcvay, the fol• s 90, Kilpatrick 85, Campbell 97, McEii- Gla'dWiR,. 7:00 7:00 lowing being neither absent or tardy: cn 77, Blackmnrc 82, .Bond 87 Rosc- Maokln.aw 7:50 p.m. 0:55 p.m. i •4 A''ci'a Stewart, Pliiobc McComb, Olias. a cranccl41, Gardner 88, surveyor and Coy, Dannie McOonib, Miles Irish, 0. W. ItunoLES, btdancc of republican ticket about 90. F. n. S'l'AK'roM, Gen. Tass, & Ticket ARt. Fred McComb. % 'rioUotAKenl, Mason. Clilc.igo. a . Ella D. Cuktis, Teacher. Last Excursion to Detroit __| This .year Will be run by the D., L. & m School Report. IN. on Sunday, Nov. lltli. Bates aro Subscribe CM DR5,MIXER I The following are the names of very low and .you ought to go, as it CALL ON THE DEMOCRAT. those who have neither been absent I will be your last clmncc this year. HASTINGS.. fj0i nor tardy duri.ng the term ending Oct. Special train will leave Lansing at for BEST JTtlEIASTE " 26, in • district No. 7, White Oak: 8:00 a. \n., arriving at Detroit at 11:00 vn.m P.n../.^„? Clarc . LaFleur, .Tim. Wllcox,. Allen a. ra^ .Ueturnlng, loavQ at,7:00 p. m. the gI&?,!i,JP^'^DRU.S&lSTrT0RlT.3iBosccrancc,J'olinWilcox. . Bound trip rate $1.00. 44w2 jj.5^j,;a.a.u,a.8,«.«,«,a.a,«.».ai,»a».9,e,».».J I alta La-wson, Teacher. I A , Gbo. DbHavek, G. P. A. REMpGRiLT. IS

W0 tlio weather anti Bmund aro yot too cirr to A CII1H> KN.Toys An American traveler In Nor- Q-j^JN TWO VICTOEIES. oiicQurago tlio uower, ovon If all hud aood mm mm democrat, NEWS Of OUB STATE. raandy says that in a country tavern lo sow, wliioli Konio liavo not lu fiict Hho plof.snnt Ilavor, Kontio action nni llioroseunia a (lood pro.'ipoot tliat tlio soinl- Boothlng uiroetsof isyrup of Flg«, when lii he found tho following printed card arid rovlona will o.\'porlonco a dry fall, liko need of y, laxative, and it llio fiitlier or' on tho wall detailing tho law o( that tho Olio last your, and In Unit casn It niothor bo eosiivo or bilious, the most Briitl'-; JAPS WIN THE FIRST BATTLE ITEIVIS OF INTEREST TO MICHI- fybiR results follow Its ukoi bo timt it Is llio' would 1)0 littlo nsolosow. Bonio of tbo laud against intoxication: "After jpat family ronuidy known, and every liiin-' FOUGHT ON CHINESE SOIL couptlos In Ilio.so Slatoii will ))tit lu very GANDERS. ly shoulil have a bottle on hittul. t two formal condemnations for scan• liirKO aroim C'linliarod with lii.Hiyuar. dalous and public drunkenness (moi'C Corn—Tiio corn crop al liarvosl I.s qulto KoiioritUy Kood lu liitrdiiusa iind dryuus.s, CIdso Oall for ii I'lirty of I'ownhle Minors Another BlaU.er, A iiOTi^r. in which iill tho cloclcs committals do not count), tho oll'end- MIIcikIo'h I'orccs I'rupiiro to Miilco a Toll- hut ill quantity 1h tiiu saiiio uii ludicatod -UroIIIIor murderers Want Tlieir l''rou- •Tamos T^ayii recalls in n cortain n^ss- Ifesp time and tho samo time would 01', ipso facto, incurs the foliowlnp Int; Adviiiicn liufuro Colli 'VVdiitlior-Crop by /oriiior reports. rooni the convorsitlion iiflnr diniion Morsos — Ilor.soS aro In goiiorally good doiii—Griiiid lliiven Sporls Jigged Two bo a cui'lositv, dl?abilllio!j; 1, ,lqss of his vote: 2 Coiidltlons Rai)ortuil from Tivolvo SliituB Goiidltion 113 lo Hush iiad hoaltli. Tlio sup. turning upon a Captiiiii Mosoly in Iho' SnlUe •\VrestIorH—IJnivurslly Si'iisiillmi. pogimont, who lind the gift of iiroph- inny tiol be voted for; ,3, may not —Doalli of lionoro Jlorcler. ply of coiniiion and poor liorsus Is very largo. In .spito of tliij liiecasaiu wiiriiiags ocy, though it must boootifossoO it was TiiAix-iioui)i':ii.s have done many servo on a jury; 'i, may not exercise of tho agricultural pro.ss, fiirnior.s luivo Piuviihle :>Ilnors Ard KeKeiied. niiiinly iiiniiod lo sporting ovoilts. A Oni) r

iltiii§liA;ii§S^ iiliSiililliiiiS -IIV- The Evening News, W. L. CLARK. From now until


We Intend to Sell More OLOTHING mURSDA Y, NOVEMBER 8,1894. or oven a shorter period, will sufTico to convinceyouth.it "TheGreat D.iilyof Than any other house In Inglinm county. AVltli years of experience in buying, and the CASH Farmers' Club, oooooooooooooooooooooo' liiicliigan" is so interesting and valu• Tlif: IliirvoKl, is jiastj, l;liu siiiiliilcr is to buy with, wc do not licsitntc to say that we sell more and better goods than any other able that so long as you may livo you will conlinuc a subscriber, and would K onrlcfl, elcclilon i.s over aild Ulc Ilusi lilliidK wu ciiil do is l,n uoli t,of;etjlior liild 110 moro think of stopping than yoti would of cancelling your subscription | nllcl (liiL wllere wo ilrc. iil,. Il* Is us|loci- to your homo paper. It is coniplclc and accurate in every department of Clothing* House in the County! ;illy (Icsircfl tJi.'il, Mio (il.l.ciirl.'iiicc bt. news, giving also much special matter for men women and children, I'idll lis pliin.siirc Ul be i'oriiliiliihL'fl I'or Think of the !:,i,./.iial of Oo.ooo homes which noAV receive and welcome AVe have the most complete line of ;l, siiccti.ssl'iil Piiiiipiiigii iliirillg Uio iioin- iilg winUu' nlnilUl.';, Time, t,wi) p. m. Tho Evening News. •Wliicll for tlio (lug. 2 cmilB per Coiiy. $1.25 FOR 3 MONTHS BY MAIL . . lO eontn n Woali. L. II. 1VKS, Si.!(;i'ol,;iry. Asents In every vlUnjro, town nnd city I 6s SllELHV STREET, ONONDAGA. in tho State of Michigan. f DETROIT, MICH. One liilildrcd ;ind eiglil^y rciiiibli- Ever shown In the city. AH new and of the latest iiattcrns. cm.s, -H, (liMiiili'.riils iind -l.'i inpiilisls is it very b;id rewii'd I'cir (JiKiiicl.'iga. iU;- We have 200 BOYS' OVERCOATS, ages y to I), which wo olfer for $1.00 each. I'lubllciins nil voted iilirl tile, (leinoci'iits ALAIEDON CENTER. STOCKBRIDGE. AVe can give you a lit in jiliiycd iitlioinc wlio did nol; vote tlic •Sovci'iil from tills vicinity linvc Five democrntic voters went to the single or double breasted sack, cutaway sack', regent frocks, rcp'iiblicilil l/icl;iil. gone north bunting. northern wilds on a liuiiUng expedition IN SUITS «nfZ ftW the latest sli/le.i, equal to custoin made. Tboniiis Ciiri'adii.s' lias gone to isa- bcl'ore election, consc(|Ucntly there FELT DISTRICT. bolbi county to look nt land. will lie live less votes to count In this Come and sec ns whether you wisli to l.iiiy or not nnd we will surely SAVE 'YOU MONEY. 'Pile L. A. .S. will iimct witil Mrs. Henry Ga'rradlis, wliilo liiinting .Sat- town. AVc nrc A.''ours Truly, (''reii. Ai'I'Ikm' Ts'ov. I-I. i'lvfrybddy Is iii'fliiy, bad bis liiiiid shot by tllo ac• ,1, .1. Ziniiiiergave nn iible address to d'.ordiillly iiiviU'd. Mi'iiibcrs lire os))i;c- cidental rli.scliiirge of his gun. a goodly number nt tlie town ball Inst inlly i'i>(|iiosli;d lo bu jirc.'^Piil Lo elect i\1i.ss Miiiido NorUiriip nnd Miss Snldii'dnyevoniilg, assisted by Ml'. Cum- oDIcc'l's, etc.. Dinner will be served. I'Miia Siiiitli of lUvosworo tlie guests mills. Tlioy expounded a Uiw facts WHIT .lalcii. I'Iclly Is liiiviiig a now wull of till! fiiniily of O.Tnio la.'Jt wcok. so iilnlnly Unit a few coiiscionUous I'u- pill, ilnfler bis liiiiisi;. iV. •Iiiiilcs is Will Hbiii'c'mird of IHvcs made a |)Ullliciins deemed itUieirduty to leave ((liliiig till! v^'ork. living visit Ilorc last week. the rtldili, btltii l.'irgo iliimber stnid The Largest Dealers in Clothing; in Ingham County. until tlie uluho wliicll was incluudata WEST ALAIEDON. ' Win. (Joiiltl's horses I'an away lost laic hour. i\lr;i. V. \l. I'b'i'i'o bus I'oUirncd I'rnni Siitili'day breaking the buggy. No Miss NiilaOndei'donk, who bus been Mil! wist. one Iliiri,. spciiding a few week lierc with Jl'lora Mr, lllld Mrs. .1. G. l!irlnr;iro visiting B. N. AVilkins wont to •Saginaw last lOllswortli and other relatives, i'eturn• :iL (Jliiis. k'ilrcllcr's iii'iir St. .lolins. week on business. od lo hor home In Eaton Rapids last Tlic I'olldiviiig is Jl ;;llillill;u'y of tbo WHITE OAK. •Sntui'dny. we'll Ilcr I'l'iiort df tills sooUdil tiikcn Across the Street Another exciting camintign isovor. 0. S. Gregory bus .so I'iir improved ns t'.iK'li liny 111 liiir/li (Ilirillg tllu illdMlli of Tlio s;iw mill locatccl on tlic Sliiiw Dcidbrr: Jiloali li'inpenitiiroli'r, iiiii.v- to bonble tii wnllc to the burn nnd back. I'KOiM THE I'ariii iiciir Uio Cady .school bou.sc is 'Mrs. Gliiis. Mnttliuws is visiting jiiiiiiii ,S-r, iiiinimuiii 'bS", KHul ruin I'; still cutting lumber. \i iiiulies, friends in Owosso. All styles, qualities and prices. 'VVc .show you a OPERA HOUSE Wc lire sorry to lose ono of our citi• Glad Tidings wns ohscrved at the lli'iliuiiibor l/lic. I'lllurtiiiiinioiit nnd large nssortnient and zens, Ed. Hrotllorton. Our lass is .liig- i\r. E. clmrcli Siindnyeve A very line A''ou can get the highest Ciisli Price .siiciiil ,'lt Ibu Oiiiiiiuii seliool lioiisi! lllllll'S gllill. |)i'clgram wns carried out to tileduliglit for your I''i'l(l;i.v livening, Ts'ov. lltli. Miss Li'/.zie Etisccrancc of this place of a crowded liou.se Know our Prices are Right^«"»'a8S^ visitcrl friends in Iosco, Livingston Mrs. iind MissHiiddlcr ofCliclscn, NORTHEAST AURELIUS. 'PEO.T)UCE. C(iiiiit>', last week. spent Inst week with S. Hawloy and •Sciidiil cldsiid lust wcok. If you arc in need of a garment, don't fail to sec Mrs'. I'.unjainin and Mrs. Alonzo Scigfried. licliitives ri'iiiii Niipiilciiii. .TacK'son •Siiwyor of liigliain arc on the sick list. our line. Uv. and Mrs. C. I'.rowncll and daugh• A Choice stock of GROCRRIES and county, 'Jiillod on Mrs.,). II. frrcgg The local pi'csidoilt or (Jlo Dansvillc ter Heiia Siiiidaycd with frieuds a full lino of Feed nt prices that you I'HSt week'. W. C. 'I.\ H., Mrs. .1. 11. l.'ottcr, wishes .Jackson. will be satisllcd with. li'ji.lonos uiitorLiunofl friends froni tiic'.xU'ild Imr thanks in Ilolialf of tbo AV. H. jNlniles sllipped tsvo car hlads We Can Save You floney. ILnslic lust ii'riiliiy. iiiiioii Ul the choirs of Haiisvillc I'or of bay Inst Tliursdiiy and 0. Taylor a TRY US AND SEE. About (ill rrii'iuls und iiolglibors of tlicir services in tbo past. car load of wood. arr. and Mrs. .S. liirnuy nicely siirpris- Better come soon, as assoitment is getting broken and Rcspfictfully, (.'(1 tlieili ;it tbuir lionie lust Tiiesiliiy HOLT. C. E. finll of Miison wiis in town last Sittiirday. they cannot be duplicated later on. ovolliiig. A pidiisitiit time is ropnrlod Mrs. Dr. Cook will entertain Uic A. 1. REAMER. Nick. Coiikliii and wife will start I'or by all. Young Litdifis' .Social Club •Sntiirchiy, Ivcdlnnds, Cal., in about two weelcs. I'mU'I Gregg wns lioiiio ovor .Siinfliiy. Nov. 10. Ficnic supper. Tile No(,t brothers linve opened n Underwear and Hosiery. Frank {"Irogg unci wife visited reln- Mrs. Grace Clotier and son returned new inent market here AYe wish tlicin tives ill OiKliidagn .Siintliiy. to tlieir lioiiio In Grand Traverse Mon- success. We have the right goods at the riglit prices. A, clill will convince d;iy. He SOUTHEAST ALA/EDON. A .Sunday sclmol convention will be A'e scribe and fninilynrcin recoi).)t you. Greatest variety ol' styles to bo found nnywlicre Cotton of a wedding card nnnouiiclng tlie Tbo W. 0. T. U. will moot with i\llss bold at tilt) i\l. E. cbiircli Friday after• and wool, plain or ribiicd I'or men, women and cliildren. inarringe of Orra Heald to .1. E. Black- A,(l;i I'lvory on I'liiirsfliiy, Novenlber noon and evening. Our line of Domestics Is complete and prices the lowest. Nice more willcli took pliice at Dansvillc, Io. ;it one o'clock'. Tim society at Mrs. Carrie DcCamp's line of FiLscinators, Shawis. Skirts, Bliliikcts, C'oml'orts, Hoods, Oct. ,'iJst. Wc extend our congriitula- lldi'Mtid I'lvcry lias returned lionic last Saturday netted $.'l..'l'). JEittcns, Gloves, Furs, Fur Triininlngs, etc, etc. tioiis and sincere wishes for tlieir fu- al'tei' a two weeks' visit with I'riciKlH M.iss •Sophia llornberger nf Lansing tiire iiappiiicssiind prosperity, in OrnUdt county. siicnt iSuiiday with Mattic King. NEW LINE OF DRESS GOODS JUST RECEIVED Tiie AV. F. iAf. society of the U. E. I^li.ss Kuti; AIniuiid spent •Sunday in Mr. and Mr.s. .laincs Binklcy have cliurch will meet at the home of Mrs. at prices that sell them. Carpets clioapcr than ever. Lansing. moved in .Saiil. Dillon's bou.sc and Ed. J. N. D. Taylor in AVest Stockbrldge Wed• .Tiiiiii A. •Spoor lilts been visitiniir Laninrciiiix lias moved into M!. E. nesday, iVov. 7. rclativo.s in .lacksini county I'or tllo Harks' farm bouse. Gi'andpa Sweet is reported some bet• past wi;ek. A Full line ot olioloe CENTER VALLEY. ter. He Is 91 years old. jMniid Liindy i.s very sick with f.yplioid Cover. Albert Parks of Leslie spent .Son .10. Ellsworth and wife of Albion called on friends here last week. Tliey ' NcirVanllorii Is moving tc Ili.'^new flay witlt his diuiglitcr Mrs. AVillls Dry Goods, Cloaks and Carpets. will soon move to .Tackson. ESHAiSAlTlATS, lioinc. Piilling. Mrs. Goo. Oakley, who has been sick AV. Caiitrell and family are visiting No western meat used, Good LESLIE. their parents at .'Jackson. a long time, is now better. weights and at living prices. •Nonnilii irarri-s expects to move to Hen. Wostffill and family of Stock- The parents of AV. J. Dancer of Lima Miisiiii soon. bridge attended the funeral of Mrs visited them hist week. Mrs. Lee lliiiitiey of Aliiiedoii iiiirt •Judsiin Sunday. Lou. Lane was ciilled to Hnadiila Mrs. llaiiiiiili May of Mii.sdii visited \<\ Lyman Saylcs Is the happy possessor Friday by the death of her sister. M. Mnfs lust Friday and •Saturday. of a new surry. Wr.-i. Jj. Woodwortii visited lior Geo. Proctor iind wife have returned Kai-l's Clover .'Root will purify your I FARIE8S' Bil! nulUicr Mrs. \Y. .Saiiclei'S last'.l.'luir.sday from Lliclr visit at St. Louis and bloofl, clear your complexion, regulate | Oldest and Strong«st State and SevlnQs Bank and F''ritlay. several other places. your Ijowels and make your head clear in tho cily. O. V. Tiittlo jKLSScsscs a due llock of ;is a bell. 2ye, 50e and $1.00. Sold by Dan. Grimes and wife have return Before you buy your binilw. cd from tlieir visit at .Taclcson and Longyear l.h'os. 2 Henry IJisoiirotli liiis purchased a GriLss La ice Capital, ]$75,000. now cook stove. Mrs. Pier of .Siigimiw spent a few AURELIUS. Winter Clothing" HDrai!!.' and Cliarlcs .Swift visited yc days at AVarrcn West's last week. Nov. G, ISOl. M. D. CIIATfJilkTON President soribo iMst.Siitiirdiiy and Siindiiy. b. C. WlJlili vice I'l'esltlont Mrs. Martha Fclton, aged i'lS years, Miss Hattio Phillips Is visiting her Call at the New Clothing Store in Paddock l<\ Jl. May siill'crs with a .sore hand. wii'e of .ludson F'elton, died at her A. •I.HALL Cashier sister in Reed GIty for a i'ew days. Block, where you can buy Clothing at lioinc Nov, Jst of typhoid fever, after iMi's. Miram Woodiey met with a SOUTHEAST VEVAY AND LESLIE an illncssor two weeks. Allwasdone HALF PRICE. serious iii;cidcnt last Satui'day. She IntereslPaid on Time Certificates Of Deposit Nov. (i, isni. to relieve tile patient siiU'erer, but became frightened at a cow, and in dciifclijtlic unwelcome guest, camciiiid Henry Quarry comes lo tlic front getting out of the way, fell and bruis• MONEVTOLOAN. COME AND SEE US. paid her visit to that lioine which and roporls 100 busliols of corn to the ed herself quite badly on thcsbouldcr. WE acre. It Is the white dent variety. now left without a mother, whose Dr. •Swartoiit wns cnlled and made her Dlrcclors-1). I'. Wliltinore, L. 0. 'Wcbl), ,J. K. domestic duties were alwaj's pcrfonii Mrs. Hi'. .Soarles of Potoskey is mak• as comfortable as possibie No bones Good Men's Suits for ^2.25 Klniur, nco. W. lirlstnl, 11. M. Wlliliun.s, Harper ed with cliccrfulncss. Her p aceciin Iteed. 1). Cliattcrtoii, L. ii. Siialford, C. G. ing licr sister j\[rs. i ra Hubbard an ex• bi'okon. ]3etter ones, that are worth $S.oo, for ^4.00 IIuiitiiii;ton. not be filled In Uie hearts of Uiosc tended visit. Our streets are being greatly im• who mourn for the departed. .Sho Al! Wool Cassimere Suits for $6.00 About (0 young people met and sur• proved by new sidewalks. Great cred• leaves three children, a linsband one S 10.00 prised i^li.ss Nora .ludson last week it is due the young ladles who have so All of our 12, 14 and i6 Dollar Suits for sister iind two brothers and many Wodnosday evening, the occasion be• earnestly Interested themselves in tills Boys' and Children's Clothing at Half Price. friends to niourii her loss. She was ing licr 17Ui birthday. .Slie was pre• much needed impi'ovcment. buried under the Grange order where sented Willi a liaiidsoinc iiliotograiili .John Hogobooin had a horse killed she was it I'aitliful member, h'liueri album. a few nights ago In a nithcr peculiar was held nt the family residence at IN OVERCOATS manner. He was driving along the •S. J'^roenian lias a Held of Inw ground two |i. m. •Sunday, conducted by road and it was so dark that he did illl prciJiired lo stlw onions on in the sisters of her cluircli. Advents, hy For Men and Boys, we have a large variety and will not observe a team that was coming spring. Mi's. Willis Binding and Mrs. Philo toward him until too late to turn aside sell you same for one-half our regular price. Mrs. Gbiis. AVood, who went to Ann riicljis: His horse was iiencti'ated in the brcnst Save Money and buy your Clothing at ArljiirrccciiUy I'ortrcatniont, returned Did you ever see one of the famous nbout 10 inches by the end of tlie liist SaUirday very inucli improved. waterproof Interlined Collars or CufTs? EDEN. tongue. It's very easy to tell, for they ore all DANSVILLE. Miss jS'otUo AVnit of'Jh'ison wns the Gen. .Icwctt got dumped,while out gucstof ber cousin Mrs. Eugene Chase marked this way Nov. 7, ISSI. driving Mondny evening. No diiniiige last .Saturday. tRADe Tlic lirst c]iiiirtorly meeting of the dono. Next Door AVest of Hoyt Bros. Grocery. •I. C. .Siiiiiers of Mason was in Eden present conference year will be liekl .Inst snowed under, that is the out• liist Friday. aii thu M. E. cliiircli one week ri'onl come of the election this fall J'or the The Miiyor of our ci ty will move back next .Saturdliy and Sunday. The pre- democrats, on his farm this week. _ /wark- sifllng elder ivill be present. Lorenzo Craft of Battle Creek is 1'. A. Jl'ay Wiis in .Tnckson l;tst Sat- They are the only Interlined Collars The W. I)'. M. •S. will meet with visiting old neighbors in this vicinity. iirdiiy. NORTHWEST AURELIUS. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. and Ciifls, and are made of linen, cov• Mrs. Goo. Diehl tomorrow afternoon L. Barry will move to his farm near AVin. Piowley of St. Glinrlcsls spend• Nov. 5,180-1. ered with waterproof " CELLULOID." •iit two o'clock. (Vlma this week. AVe wish him and Duly two more days and then where ing a fcwdaj's with his brother Fred. now is busy work and merry laughter • They'll stand right by you day in and Mrs. M. H. P.oworiuan of AVIlliams- his family much happiness and pros• .Tamos Smith's daughter lias the ty• Einnia Boyle of Leslie is the guest will be quiet as the tomb for school day out .and they arc all marked this way 'ton gitvc nn interesting talk to the perity in tlieir new home. phoid fevor. of Florence nnd Gertrude Laxton. closes Pridiiy noon for our long winter TFlADf people at Uic M. E. cliiircli last .Sun• Diphtheria has broken out on the There was a political meeting at Miss Daisy .Senrl ofMii-son was the viicfition. This is no vacation to tiie day evening. old Hay ward farm on Jfontgoiiicry the school house n district No. •'5 l;ist guest of .Tames Chase and I'iiniily ovor iigricultiiral department however as The election passed oir very quietly plains. One child has died and the Thursday evening. Messrs. Higdon Sunday. the dairy school starts January 2, and Tuesday. The townl^hip of Ingham mother is now stricken with the terri• and O'Flaharty addressed a full house Miss Loa VnrlDll of Bunkerhill is the continues for six weeks. Mark. giive a majority on itn average of ble disease. from the pcotilc's party stand point. The Srat cost is the only cost, for guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Morgan. Prof. AVoodwortli and family have about (i2 republican. The AV. C. T. U. lecture by Mrs. Mrs. J. P. Norris is in Eaton Rapids Jlr.s. Alfred Parker and daughter rone to Florida to spend the winter; they keep clean a long time, and when 0. C. Post is home from Owosso I'or Sherwood was not very well attended keeping house for her father this week. Hnzclof Miison were the guests of \Vni. iProf. Chamberlain will go to Europe; soiled you can clean theni in a niiuutc il I'cw da}-s. on account of the weather. Those M. P. Tvecney took the job of erect• Show and family over Sunday, Prof. Holdsworth with his family will by simply wiping off v/ith a wet cloth Lsiiiiili Dakin lias about 1,500 bushels who were unable to attend missed a ing abridge over Mud creek. —that s the kind marked this way' Miss Lnura Royston visited relatives go to Florida and G. 0. Dauk and wife ot carrots to gather yet. Pretty cold rare treat. AVe understand that she Percy Dakin of Saginaw is back mak• in Juekson the Hrst of the week. will spend tho winter in California. TRADf work for lingers. has promised to return in the near ing his home with Mrs. Morse at pres• Pi. A. Fay h.is leased his farm at future. ent. Prof. Smith lias had a cal! to go to NORTH LESLIE. Hives .Junction to Ervin Santord. 111. but the State Board of Agriculture, Earl Austin leaves this week for AVelton Clark and family of Wiscon• Jlr. and lUs. Harry Eackiis were Thoy will leave for tlieir new home in their wisdom, said nay we will raise his home in Clare. sin are visiting their parents and other c.'illed to Lansing last Wednesday by this week. Wo wish them success. yoursalary $500 and make you director a^fl, ""^ /WARK. Sunday evening will be observed as friends here in tlicir old home. the severe illness ol' their daughter, Beracmbcr the social at John A'^an- ot the experiment station. He re• These collars and cuffs will outlast Bible day at the Baptist church and Mrs. Philo Lacy. Duoscn's Friday evening. mains. six linen ones. Tho wearer escapes quite an cll'ort is being made to make Jli's. N. Fairllcld was in Leslie lasl) Jfr. and Mrs. F. M. Barr of Mason Some of the Juniors say Dr. Kedzic laundry trials and laundi^y bills—no it interesting to all. NORTHEAST ALAIEDON. ''•.rimi'sdiiy to see hcrnioUicr who is were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred will be obliged to call on the poultry chafed neck and no wilting down if Swarts .Sutton have closed their very low at tho home of her dmiglitor, Rowley Monday.. Nov. 5,1894. department to hatch out the "goose you get a' collar marked this way dryer for the season. • Mr.s. Pvose Tomorrow tells the story. eggs" given during tho review Inor• TRAOf Nrs. Dr. Soarls of Potoskey was the Fci'd. Austin stiirts this week for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McArtlmr were Mrs. Harry Stark nee Villa Osborne ganic choralstry. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith hist the north woods to work in a lumber •visiting friends in .Uansvillo and AVil- Jsspendlng a few days with her parents Wednesday. camp. The chrysanthemums in the green 'Jiamston lust week. here. house begin to present a beautiful ap- There will be a children's meeting Dr. Swnrtoutwas thrown from his .-Mrs. Henry Bed well of AVcst Leslie Ira Tliorapson of Loclcc came to visit pcai'iinco now. . „ MARK- at the school house ne.\t Sunday even• ciirt recently by his horse stumbling was a guest of your scribe last Thurs- Ills brother Albert at the station and Farmers' institutes for the winter As£ your dealer first, and tako noth• ing, Nov. 11, at 7 o'clock. Remember tnd turning a somersault in the har• diiy. the change of time. his baby was taken with scarlet fever arc arranged. There will be ten long ing that lias'not aboye^tradc! mark, if ness. No hones broken. you desire perfect sntisfncliou. . All J'. P. Ilackiis wns in Lansing last Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiiyncs of Fre• but is improving. institutes. They are as follows: at Ed. Lee has worked for Dell. Barnes others arc imitations absolutely.' .iirriday to see his sister who is siclc. mont were guests of R. A. Pay and Mrs. CP. May has a sister visiting Monroe and Bancroft Jan. 8; at Grass for tho past seven months and during If you can't find collars or cuffs iUib. Laxton and wife were guests of family last Sunday. her from Pennsylvania. Lake and .AVashington Jan. 15; at Yer- that tlmo he has not drawn a cent. marked this way, we will send you a , 'Cr. A. Jones and I'amily last Sunday. Miss.Tcnnic Talmadge Is at present, M. E. Osborne's yttlo dog Gyp had montvillc and Manistee .Tan. 22; at If anyone can better this lot him sample postpaid on receipt of price. ••{. . The friends and neighbors of Mr. working in Leslie. . the misfortune to set badly squeezed Ravenna and Centcrville Jan. 29; and speak. . ' Collars,2S cts.cnch. -Cuffs so cts. pair. '' I'mnklngalls turned out in full force Matie OranduU and Miss Nichols of in the barn door fa few days ago. at Mt. Pleasant Feb. 5; and State Give your'size aud say whether stand- ;; one day last wcok and Iniskcd and crib- Lansing were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Captain Sweeney, U. 15. A.,'San "Poor doggy." / , Dairyman's Association Feb. 12. up or turned-down collar is Vvanlcd. . hud nearly all his corn which lie tlianlc- Daniel Wellnian Sunday. Diego, Cal., .says: "Shiloli's Catarrh N. .Tamos and wife have gone to Ann THE CELLULOID COM PAi^^Y, •