



Recording date:


Speakers: Hamood, Shadad, b. 1939 Aden, Yemen; male Howard, James, b. 1987 Caerphilly; male Parker, Catherine, b. 1953 Heath, Cardiff; female Price, Hayley, b. 1985 , Cardiff; female Salmoni, Deborah, b. 1964 Roach, Cardiff, female

The interviewees are all members of the East Moors Centre in .

PLEASE NOTE: this recording is still awaiting full linguistic description (i.e. phonological, grammatical and spontaneous lexical items).

A summary of the specific lexis elicited by the interviewer is given below.


○ see English Dialect Dictionary (1898-1905) ♣ see Wenglish. The Dialect of the South Valleys (2008) ∆ see New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (2006) ◊ see Green’s Dictionary of Slang (2010) ♦ see Urban Dictionary (online) ⌂ no previous source (with this sense) identified pleased glad; happy; chuffed tired knackered; shattered; bushed (learnt from mother); whacked (used frequently) unwell not feeling too good; ill; sick; rough hot boiling; baking cold freezing; bitter annoyed ticked off; pissed off; mad throw chuck; sling; slung Page 1 of 2 BBC Voices Recordings play truant mitch; go on the knock1; bunking off; skive sleep go to bed; sleep; kip; cat-nap; crash out◊; ko’d♦ play a game play; muck around2; mess around hit hard smack; bash; slam; whack; knocked; smashed clothes (none supplied) trousers (none supplied) child’s shoe (none supplied) mother mum; old duck3 (used by own brothers); mam gmother grandma; mamgu♣; nan m partner boyfriend; fella◊ friend mate; spar∆; associate gfather grampy◊; tadcu♣ (Welsh for “grandad”) forgot name yo (to person); thingummybob∆; what’s-its-name kit of tools tool-box trendy rogue; bling4; cool dude; towny (learnt from son); chav (“chavvy” used of person wearing Burberry, e.g. “Cardiff City supporter”) f partner missus; girlfriend baby kid rain heavily pouring down; pour down; pissing down; bucketing down5; chucking it down∆; hammering down♦; tip down♦ toilet loo; bog walkway lanes; alleys; gullies○ long seat sofa; couch; settee run water stream main room lounge; living-room; sitting-room rain lightly spitting; drizzling; shower rich minted left-handed cock-handed6; gifted⌂ (suggested jokingly of self); cack-handed unattractive minging; ugly; stinker; nasty; gross; sick♦ lack money skint; got nothing drunk blotto; pissed; bollocksed; trolleyed; sloshed; tanked up pregnant up the duff; bun in the oven attractive lush; stunning; fit; mint◊; fine insane mad; nuts; crazy; lost the plot moody grumpy; not in the mood

© Robinson, Herring, Gilbert Voices of the UK, 2009-2012 A British Library project funded by The Leverhulme Trust

1 Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) records ‘knock off’ in sense of ‘to leave off from one’s work’. 2 Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) records ‘muck around’ in sense of ‘to act frivolously/teasingly’. 3 Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) records ‘duck’ in sense of ‘term of endearment’. 4 Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) records ‘bling’ in sense of ‘ostentatious/flashy’. 5 Macmillan Dictionary (online edition at includes ‘bucket down’ in this sense. 6 Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) records ‘cack-handed’ in this sense. Page 2 of 2