Abbreviations ABW: A Boy’s Will, Robert Frost (London: David Nutt, 1913). ACL: Amherst College Library, Amherst, Mas sa chu setts. AFR: A Further Range, Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1936). Agnes Scott: Special Collections and Archives, McCain Library, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia. Alger: Private collection of Pat Alger, Nashville, Tennessee. AL: Autograph letter, unsigned. ALS: Autograph letter, signed. ALS- photostat: Autograph letter, signed, photostat. AAP: Acad emy of American Poets, New York, New York. AWT: A Witness Tree, Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1942). Bauman: Bauman Rare Books, New York. Berkeley: Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Bodleian: Special Collections, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Bowdoin: Bowdoin College, George. J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections and Archives. BPL: Boston Public Library, Boston, Mas sa chu setts. BU: Boston University, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center. Chicago: University of Chicago, Special Collections Research Center, Chicago, Illinois. Columbia: Columbia University Library, New York. Cornell: Cornell University, Rare and Manuscript Collection, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York. xvi Abbreviations CP 1930: Collected Poems of Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1930). CP 1939: Collected Poems of Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1939). CP 1949: Complete Poems of Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1949). CPPP: Robert Frost: Collected Poems, Prose and Plays, ed. Richard Poirier and Mark Richardson (New York: Library of Amer i ca, 1995). CPRF: The Collected Prose of Robert Frost, ed. Mark Richardson (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007). Crane: Robert Frost: A Descriptive Cata logue of Books and Manuscripts in the Clifton Waller Barrett Library, Joan St.
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