Vol. 77 Monday, No. 93 May 14, 2012 Pages 28237–28470

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Vol. 77 Monday, No. 93 May 14, 2012 Pages 28237–28470 Vol. 77 Monday, No. 93 May 14, 2012 Pages 28237–28470 OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER VerDate Mar 15 2010 18:34 May 11, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4710 Sfmt 4710 E:\FR\FM\14MYWS.LOC 14MYWS mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with FEDREGWS II Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 93 / Monday, May 14, 2012 The FEDERAL REGISTER (ISSN 0097–6326) is published daily, SUBSCRIPTIONS AND COPIES Monday through Friday, except official holidays, by the Office PUBLIC of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408, under the Federal Register Subscriptions: Act (44 U.S.C. Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Paper or fiche 202–512–1800 Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). The Assistance with public subscriptions 202–512–1806 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 is the exclusive distributor of the official General online information 202–512–1530; 1–888–293–6498 edition. Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, DC. Single copies/back copies: The FEDERAL REGISTER provides a uniform system for making Paper or fiche 202–512–1800 available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by Assistance with public single copies 1–866–512–1800 Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and (Toll-Free) Executive Orders, Federal agency documents having general FEDERAL AGENCIES applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published Subscriptions: by act of Congress, and other Federal agency documents of public interest. 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VerDate Mar 15 2010 18:34 May 11, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4710 Sfmt 4710 E:\FR\FM\14MYWS.LOC 14MYWS mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with FEDREGWS III Contents Federal Register Vol. 77, No. 93 Monday, May 14, 2012 Agriculture Department Defense Department See Food and Nutrition Service NOTICES NOTICES Renewals of Department of Defense Federal Advisory Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Committees, 28358–28359 Submissions, and Approvals, 28349 Education Department Antitrust Division NOTICES NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Notice Pursuant to National Cooperative Research and Submissions, and Approvals: Production Act of 1993: Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers Petroleum Environmental Research Forum, 28405 State Competitions, 28359–28360 Pistoia Alliance, Inc., 28404–28405 Exploratory Study on Identification of English Learners PXI Systems Alliance, Inc., 28405 with Disabilities, 28360 Antitrust Applications for New Awards: See Antitrust Division Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs, 28360– 28366 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 28366–28368 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Employee Benefits Security Administration Submissions, and Approvals: NOTICES Legacy Data Verification Process, 28401–28402 Meetings: Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Benefit Plans, 28406 NOTICES Meetings: Energy Department Disease, Disability, and Injury Prevention and Control See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Special Emphasis Panel, 28392–28393 NOTICES Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Meetings: Committee, 28392 Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee, 28368 Children and Families Administration Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory NOTICES Board, Hanford, 28368–28369 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Environmental Protection Agency Cross-Site Evaluation of Infant Adoption Awareness RULES Training Program for Projects Initially Funded in 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Fiscal Year 2006, 28393–28394 Standard: Coast Guard Revision of the Anti-Backsliding Provisions to Address 1- RULES Hour Contingency Measure Requirements, etc., Safety Zones: 28424–28446 America’s Cup World Series, East Passage, Narragansett Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Bay, Rhode Island, 28253–28255 Implementation Plans: Upper Mississippi River, Mile 183.0 to 183.5, 28255– Pennsylvania; Nonattainment New Source Review Rules, 28258 28261–28264 West Virginia; Ohio; Determination of Clean Data for Commerce Department 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Standard, See Foreign-Trade Zones Board Steubenville–Weirton Area, 28264–28266 See Industry and Security Bureau Exemptions from the Requirement of a Tolerance: See International Trade Administration Acetone, 28266–28270 See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pesticide Tolerances: See Patent and Trademark Office Fluxapyroxad, 28270–28276 Penflufen, 28276–28281 Commission of Fine Arts Withdrawal of Revocation of Toxic Substances Control Act NOTICES Section 4 Testing Requirements: Meetings: One High Production Volume Chemical Substance, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, 28357 28281–28282 PROPOSED RULES Corporation for National and Community Service Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation NOTICES Plans: Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Maryland; Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Submissions, and Approvals, 28357–28358 Printing Regulations, 28336–28338 VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:20 May 11, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4748 Sfmt 4748 E:\FR\FM\14MYCN.SGM 14MYCN mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with FEDREGCN IV Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 93 / Monday, May 14, 2012 / Contents Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Implementation Plans: PROPOSED RULES Maryland; Reasonably
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