Portland Daily Press: January 30, 1901
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OjOgg PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. rH8liE UgNT8~ MORNING. JANUARY »0. 1001. «gaa» PltlCE FWT4RI.ISHF.D JUNE 23. 1SG3-VOL. 39. PORTLAND. MAINE. WEDNESDAY "' — ■ ■ ---1 :ahvantauk to catholics, a lot agree, shall be estimated, secured ami New York Jnnnary 9V.—Tho Tribune paid aa tor land taken for railroads.'• ►morrow will my; "At a meeting of This bill was presented In tbe Senata TO TAKE LAND. 19 Catholic cluh of New York, an or- THE BRILLIANT BELASCO. >y Mr. Barns and has been printed pend- anfsatlon of high chureb Episcopal lane, ng its reference to tbe committee on MADE. •eterday, at which the Fev. Harry WII- affairs. CONTRACT egal >n of London and Clifford Kelway of Senator Barns today Introduced tbe The Church of Hevlew" the organ of dalllson Kails bill anew, tbe measms ae "Catbollo" party in the Church of Saved from Breakdown 'avlng been embalmed In a new draft. The to Playright log land were present, it was decided I’be new draft Is Identloal wltb tbe old Electric Ask For •In the CAthollc parties In England and Companies ixcspt that It provides that ths company America for a war on pro test *nt ism and iball have tbs powers conferred by the Paine’s Compound. ipecially on the low church Kplioopall- Celery Cumberland by nensure, "throughout Privelcge n* Mr Kelway said after the meeting xmnty In tbe State of Mains." It new!* Year Round Steam- All of Which Ensures hat be thought the accession King 10 long ex planatlon to show that tbe i. "HI * Id ward VII would be to the advantage right of imlnent domain throughout f the Catholic party In England. Jumberland ooonty la a tar reaeblng one 1 boat Business in Portland, -!- QUKEN’8 FCNEKAL. To Seize By Right of klrtorta Will Hr First British Hover- Waitt & Bond Eminent Domain. rigii Net To Be Hurled by N Ight. London, January 30.—The Karl Mar- Dominion Co- to Run Weekly Line iball, the Luke rf Norfolk, was unable BLACKSTONES. io sue King Kdward yesterday In order Here. We have in Cuba >o obtain Ills Majesty’s Anal sanction of Boats just purchased Two Measures of This Nature Now tor the funeral arrangements. Nothing over jj therefore has been definitely settled ex- cept the programme for Krlday. ■- Before Legislature. directions “'Queen Victoria's explicit Fifty Tons is to her funeral were written in 1880," of the cream of the 11*00 crop. lays Truth, “amt have not been altered with our old Havana, will in any material respect. It was her Business to Be This, wish that the ceremonial should ooDy All Road’s Western make the combination of any cigar that of Krlnoe Albert's burial far a* on the market. The QJean will be the Arst Here. One That of Mallison possible. From hngllsh sovereign, who will not be Shipped WAITT & BONO, Mnfrs., Falls burled at night and by torchlight.” No. 53 Blackstone St., Company. 'The war offica has Invited oolonial 1 Boston. oQloers and soldiers In Kngland to take part In the funeral pr joesslon. Minute j Will oe nreu iroui an cuiyc in guns He tb* Solent and at Cowee, commencing Portland Instead of Montreal to when the Alberta leaves Trinity Pier. Which Asks For Rifilils Any- Eaob eblp will oeate firing Immediate- Grand Trunk's Port Hereafter. WHITE CHINA ly at the end of the procession passes the where in Cumberland County. her. After the prooesslou bas passed battleship Mujsstio, the forts and ships For Decorating. In Pmtsmoutb harbor will oommenoe flr- do lug minute guns and will oontlnne to Is No out our so until the Alberta alongside. Closing to for their standards will be displayed. Jinslgne [SPECIAI. TO yip PRPSS.1 tbl« arrangement provide will be halt-masted, which is expanding rapidly. The and Union Jacks j Montreal, January £1).—Portland la to traffic, Entire Stock. Many (SFECLtL TO TBS FBESSj at are alto- s will to fully hoisted. terminal facilities Montreal Admiral Hags be the Grand Trunk port aU the year Augusta, January 29—At least two saoh able. Its gether Inadequate to meet the great vol- As the procession passes | round. Pieces marked less bills now pending before the Maine legis- arms and then rest on the ume of export ((eight. There was no crew will present | David Klchards, senior partner of to to a line of When a brainy man like David Belasco, attacks. lature will If they become laws give arms until the procession bas firm ot older alternative than get reversed well known Liverpool shipping than cost to import. of the Paine’s celery lias saved electno and comoanles the meanwhile fu- steamers to handle It from Portland, If tbc brilliant adapter “Zaza,” compound light power guns, the hand playing Mills and company, owners of thousands of from nervous pros other lllcbarUs, teacher of Its actress, Mrs. Leslie people right of eminent domain. In marches. has they would ensure prompt shipment. leading made thousands well. It neral the Dominion line of steamships, tration, It has to stratob of l;oal It Is Early buyers get the the author of season after season's words If these companies want and In some quarters shipping Carter; has cured whore everything elso has just paid a hying visit to Montreal of their lines over the land of John Jones PAGEANT s'ated that the Grand Trunk took this choicest selection. most successful plays, “The Heart failed. THE NAVAL an agreement with the Urand to completed construc- “Hearts of etc.; the of severe and John thinks he should prefer koap steo li canse ot the delay in the Maryland,” Oak,” Incases neuralgia, rheumatism, trunk Hallway oompany for the estat- hardest worked and the ablest stage di- heart and nervous his land for his own he will tion of elevators and termiuils here, but palpitation, dyspepsia, j purposes, Fu- of a line of steamships Go. is Will He Fliftst of All al Victoria's llsbment weekly & rector in America— feebleness. Paine’s celery compoud fled that he must It and that he It Is believed elsewhere that the activity Burbank, Douglass give up Portland to for the com- When such a wide awake manager of the that goes to the root of j sicral. trom Liverpool only remedy oannet iix the price to be paid for It un- of the railway’s rivals In the grain carry- 242 Middle his own and. other people’s affairs de- tlir trouble. It forlilies the weakened ; ing summer. ^- ,, t„ less the figures lumpen to suit the oom- ing business from Cbloego and the west liberately turns to Paine's celery com- system against these disorde rs and builds j All the western traffic of the railway caee failure Co agree the ac- was the most faotor in spurring as tl»o one safe and sure in a pany, for In of 80 —In London from Mon- potent pound vigorator up strong, healthy body. London, January oompany, heretofore shipped for his overworked nervous only There is no in Amorica1 bills that the board of railroad are mads all ifaem on. system, community! provide tive preparations belrg will In the future be shipped from can hesitate to cure fix treal, willful prejudices give without some perfect attested of! commissioners shall be a tribunal to are 11 line of from Port’and along the route. Houses bilng drape Portland.. This means that the Urand The new ships full credit to this of all remedies. or chronic END OF THE CENTURY greatest liver kidney disease, oonstipa-1 the to be The llrst of ttfese are as fHE prloe paid and seating aoeommo"alter,* being with their eeoond elevator and will, it Is understucd, carry pasecugBrs “I h ive used Paine’s celery compound,” tiou, salt rheum, plaguing eczema, or of Trunk, bills was introduced by Mr. Gammon A committee ... '.allies uas down we 1 as first Mr. Belasco, “and found it of health the use of Paine's provided. new dook at Portland nave thiown freight. is also the end ot- my, says great general poor by ] to Jay some time ago and was referred to hang wreaths of as Mr. Blchards left by special car today benefit after hard work.'’ impaired strength and \ obtained permission j the challenge to Sew Vork and Boston ten years of constant experi- celery compound, Too bill Mr. Belasco lias more actors nerves, made known numb- the committee on legal affairs. the line, one to be lor Boston. General Manager lieeve managed unstrung by evergreen along Atlantic ports. ence in lilting the eyes. Dm-.- and taken and worse to the new who have become famous ness of tlie limbs, nervousness, Is entitled "An Act Incorporate affixed to each lamppost and all being management state states that the details of the arrange- — The Urand Trunk this time I have beco» of mere big theatres from s.in than a state of mind and at ing charge all, by melancholy Wilton Light and Power oompany," ibree feet in diameter and of uniform, to make ment will not be made public pressnt Francisco to New York than any living all these weaknesses become tilings of the that they have been oompelled consulted by 10,500 persons. provide for the organization of a company Of all tfce ceremonies no doubt person. Ho' has seen time and time after Paine’s celery com- pattern. They will toll you my suc- past taking to the streets of Wilton and be the finest pageant, TASK members of “the who light public the naval will j do not wish at AN AliUUOUK again profession” pound’ a and cess.