January 24, 1901
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS OR ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—YOL 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24. 1901. PRICK TURKS CSNTS. ■■ L '—■■■■ — ■■ — ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ II ■ !■■■! ■!.. ■■■!■■ IM —»p..— I- —I flames appeared la go through It like • who, having the honor of being received Mnderbox. at ooun and approaching Her Majesty, THREE MILLIONS. Then It was wan that tbe board of have also bad the opportunity of appreci- trad* would ksn to go. Solid sheets of ating thoae rurc and Inoompircble qoall- flame sprang oot and op and seised Bold tlei by which that august sovereign cap- Consumption •f toe big bnlldlng In n dozen different EDWARD tivated the heerti of all who entered ber of our famous brands REIGNS. of has HARVARD cigars tbe Bremen beck. preiancc." real bed the enormous amount of The of IA m places driving Highest PlfilDC Xhe nearly High tirade IUP« UlUAtlO By this time every pleoe of Bre appara- morning peprl publish a long tus in tie oity was In uw. Tbe Are tribute train the poet laureate, Mr. deshed across Ibo narrow street and at- Alfred Austin, tn the deed Outei. | Montreal Setters from^ftis- taoked tbs premises of Thomas Davidson Orders have been Issued for 65C0 troops A Do., manufacturing tin smiths, then to line the stneteof l.endon toiay for the A MILLION spreading both east and west. Tie proclamation ceremony. astroos Xhe Uaaette orlrre the court to Into Fire. premises of Thomas David.oa and com- Accession of Edward VII To The go pany, and Litvl, dry goods, and halt a King mourning until July SH and Into half dozen smaller concerns on tbe sooth side mourning ontll January 24, 1902. Cord lloberts hae or A WEEK of 8k J’sul street went next and on lend tbe army to adopt These astounding figures have never been achieved by any brand of cigars Demo!ns street tbe wholesale grocery Throne of England Yesterday. monrnlng until March 6. ■ the in the world, and have only been reached by constantly maintaining store of 1m Porte, Martin A Co., took .Memorial atrv'oee will be held In St. absolute The records of the U.S. Internal highest quality and uniformity. Bra. After the Bremen had abandoned all l'aul a Cathedral, morning and evening, Revenue show that the increase in the production of our two Department Loss bops of saving tbe board of trade build- deity until Interment. At the brat of brands in the past two years was greater that the total production of any Property Nearly ing, they concentrated tbelr efforts main- these held after the regulur evening eer- other cigar factory in New England in any one year. Three Million Dollars. ly on this building. At 18 SO It looked vioo yettfr.lsy, some 5900 pprions wen as If the building might be saved. present, itlsbop Berry read the burial ON DEM IUONTMOD. New First To The •arvlcc and the “Brad March In Saul’’ DIDDINC King’s Speech and other funeral music was rendered Montreal, January 8k—1.10 a m.— H-TRA'**R*co- Xhe morning papers record with the Tbe Bre Is now under control. rirrlllO Council. greatest satisfaction that tbe King bat either Privy Cm AlABn^Unrivalled BOSTON, MASS. & DEMOLISHED SALOONS. j> WUi UlUAIlOinquaUtyor Board of Trade \ ii sales, and the ThoLargarniUnion Cigarragiory Building Among i_ gre.itest $c. smoke on earth. Iff thoU.S. 1 Property Burned. Mrs. flsllsn Olrti Enterprise ■ Sample of Her Methods. CREEKS 1.1 ARMS. Enterprise, Ess January 811 —Mrs. of Condolence Con- Your Csrne Nation began htr arusade here to- Telegrams day demolishing a saloon and delivering Old a street lecture. 8be arrived on an ear- tinue To Pour In. Firemen Hampered by In tbe b Mattress ly morning train. Early murnlng Trouble Countiuues Cold Weather. a temperance meeting was bald attend- ed by many women. Mrs. Nation tban can be sanitarily renovated and Same as Yesterday. arilea with a hatchet, started for tbe made as good as new. We will buslnesi part of the town, sooompsnled be glad to submit prices. by siverul leaders In tbe W. C. X. U. They went ti Schillings plaos, where ■'reparation For Proclamation Cere- Mrs. Nation smashed tbe glass out of tbs Frank P. Tibbetts & do:r and went In. She tben smashed tbe monies In London Co,, hill Bloods Terrorize Whites and Grand Trunk at One Today. Buildings gashes In the bar 4 and 6 Free St. big mirror, ohopped and broke all tbe glasses and bottles on jan34dlf Lives. Time in Danger. -w I Threatening tbe; shelves. Than aba went to tbe re- trlserator and took oat oasis ot beer ANDERSON, ADAMS & whlob abe dropped oa tbe U»r breaking CO,” aacb bottle. This abe kept up until Mar- Fire Insurance Agency kka! W. K. lieenham entered and ordered London,January 84 — An extraordinary and 1 desire that bis name sbonld stand ker oat like complied and oalllog her laeue of cbe Gazette tbls morning appear* alone. Street Two Members of Snake 31 Exchange a "In I truit to Parliament Montreal, January 24 —One ot the most companions gave the marshal tongue with block border* and announoe* tb< conclusion, First Class American and Foreign Companies sa- and tbe nation to me In tbe dlfuitrone ares from whloh this city lashing. She than went to the other death of Queen Victoria, adding: support Horace Anderson. Crab. C. Adams. Party Arrested. bnt It waa well barricaded and "The event baa caused on* universe ardons duties which now devolve unon Thor. J. Little. Con vers k. Lkach has ever suffered, began at 8 o’clock last loon, Tu,ThftS no for ber to attack. of and sorrow to her lat< me Inheritance ami to which I am night, and not irlt hit Hiding the heroic offered plate glave feeling regret by Tbe marshal refused to allow ber to s to wboiz determined to devote whole effort! of the entire fire department, the majesty faltbful subjeots, my strength DEWET A GENIUS. ebon down the doori and abe went she was endeared tbs Interest In tbe remainder of life." progress ot the flames was not ohscksd llaally by deep during my borne. tbelr welfare which she mani- After giving a list of those who Bloodshed Will Follow if Belief until 1 o clock this morning. Invariably attend-j Sba said ahe bad began bar work ae well as many virtue* el the connoll, the Gazette announces Cape Colony Dutch Would Respond At 1 o’olook the fire had destroyed only fested, by signal ax to olenn ont other which marked and adorned her eburao that the subscribed to the oath re- Doesn’t Come. property valutd at between £1,600,000 and and poets many King To Call To Arina. It la that sba will tor." to tha ot the church ot 63,000,1)00 and was still burning, though places. reported lating security tbe aa- Ed- land. the was that the firemen have move on Abilene tomorrow and Then follow! the proclamation of Scot uppearance " under loan there are preparing for ber ward Vll., the acknowledgment of alls ft concludes with the King's formal —General at last got It control. keepers Capa 'iowd, January S3 and In the la glanoe by tbe privy ccnnoll and tbt proclamation ordering all officers luroea Included property burnel ootnlng. Kitchener Is disposing great his do-1 the Board of Trade Tonight as Mra. Nation was lecturing King's speech at hla accession. persons In authority throughout bla extreme left I. 23 — The splendid building, eeinl-olrcularly, resting Muskogee, 1,, January of le tbe of Hi! to continue to ex rc'se their whloh cost over half a million dollars, on the ttraeti hnterprlsi,Mr.Schilling, Tbe following full text minions, on tie to circumvent tbe Boers. Tbe Creek trouble continues the seme as tea, yes- whose office tbe and ex- with over 100 tenants and half a dozen the wife of the saloon keeper plaos Majesty'* accession speech: during royal pleasure column# move In touob bloods are In simultaneously, terday. The full still arms, to and assist such firms and two soon # of smaller of business was demolished met Mra. Vonr Kova* Highnesses, my Lords horting his subjeots aid with each other. The tf tbe terrorizing the whites erj large great da^ae- and posting the most In the and execution oonoerns. The weather was cold and the Nation, and ray In*-: “I'm got you and Gentlemen:—This Is pain- offioers performance situation lftbe of Gen.DeWet’s notices lives. Two lull- possibility threatening struck ber In (be lace. A oeuaslon on which I shall over b- of tbe.'" dntl-e. firemen wen anally hampered In this now,” t«riwe ful appearance in Cape Colony. It la believed blood members of ths Snake party were alight gash was out over the eye end It oalled upon to address you. My Hr>t soil The sorrow fair rhvowghout the empire that none of the Dutoh would re, 1st hie arreeted tbls afternoon at Cheootah and respect. Mrs Nation a to It detcrlbed In a constant succession of Outside of thy Board of Traily bled profusely. want to melancholy duty Is to announce you call to arms. think tbe to The Snake building personal T'ney brought Muskogee. par- bouse and bad bar ban- the death of beloved tbe telegrjms arriving from every Important thin was not a modern struotun ! neighboring eys my mother, fame of pales In the of sent word to Marshal llsnnett that among Napoleon presence ty btr lecture on tbe and 1 know how and town In the colonies, all telUng of tbe those burned.