DATA BASE RESEARCH AT BERKELEY Michael Stonebraker Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley 1. INTRODUCTION the performance of the prototype, finishing the imple- Data base research at Berkeley can be decom- mentation of promised function, and on integrating ter- posed into four categories. First there is the POSTGRES tiary memory into the POSTGRES environment in a project led by Michael Stonebraker, which is building a more flexible way. next-generation DBMS with novel object management, General POSTGRES information can be obtained knowledge management and time travel capabilities. from the following references. Second, Larry Rowe leads the PICASSO project which [MOSH90] Mosher, C. (ed.), "The POSTGRES Ref- is constructing an advanced application development erence Manual, Version 2," University of tool kit for use with POSTGRES and other DBMSs. California, Electronics Research Labora- Third, there is the XPRS project (eXtended Postgres on tory, Technical Report UCB/ERL Raid and Sprite) which is led by four Berkeley faculty, M90-60, Berkeley, Ca., August 1990. Randy Katz, John Ousterhout, Dave Patterson and Michael Stonebraker. XPRS is exploring high perfor- [STON86] Stonebraker M. and Rowe, L., "The mance I/O systems and their efficient utilization by oper- Design of POSTGRES," Proc. 1986 ating systems and data managers. The last project is one ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Manage- aimed at improving the reliability of DBMS software by ment of Data, Washington, D.C., June dealing more effectively with software errors that is also 1986. led by Michael Stonebraker. [STON90] Stonebraker, M. et. al., "The Implementa- In this short paper we summarize work on POST- tion of POSTGRES," IEEE Transactions GRES, PICASSO, and software reliability and report on on Knowledge and Data Engineering, the XPRS work that is relevant to data management.
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