The Nctce Da/He Scholastic
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THE NCTCE DA/HE SCHOLASTIC ^ Nofre Dame, ^ X Indiana f!% Vol. 83. No. 7 January 5, 1945 Band Concert in Drill Hall This Coming Wednesday .... and Our Lady saw another New Year born on campus, like so many before it. Photo by EuKene Reynolds r SOLE AGENCY FOR DOBBS 1 NAVAL OFFICER'S CAP "PECULATION in every respect, yet revolutionary in a great many respects. So easy n to change covers that you can almost do it blindfolded. Dobbs quality, styling and workmanship, of course. Check the exclusive features and you'll know why the Sea-Master is a tremendous improvement over any other naval cap made. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES REMOVABLE GROMMET GUIDE HOOK "SELF-STARTER" Exclusive feature for quick For easy insertion of centering pin to determine exact changing of covers grommet point for placing cover GILBERT'S "OHA A4a4i. TJMS 813 - 817 S. Michigan Street In South Bend TAXI FREE to The Modern G J t ilbert's ^ APPOINTED BY THE U. S. NAVY Get More Quality for Less in These NAVY OFFICERS* UNIFORMS created by the U. S. Navy $ 40 RAINCOATS with removable All Wool Linings $3g50 We are set up to equip T TNUSUAL distinction, excellent tailoring, inher ent smartness! You'll find them all in these you with great speed if durable uniforms, featured in our One Stop Naval necessary. Shop! Produced under the supervision of the Navy Department, these uniforms fit flawlessly, are fash ioned to perfection. Our master tailors and expert BLOCKS SOUTH clothing salesmen are your assurance of courteous, 8 on Michigan Streetl unexcelled fitting service. GILBERT'S "(ht£. Afa44. Tl£ti /^ptotiuft^ 813 • 817 S. Michigan Street In South Bend TAXI FREE to The Modern Gilbert's ^he ^otre ^ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus College Parade FOITNDED 1S67 By Harry Walters MISPRINT OF THE WEEK: The Indiana Stndeiit announcing that Benny Leonard had been given an award by the New York Boxing Writers as the man who did most for the sport during 1944 ran the followng headline: "Leonard Is Given Boxers Plague." We wonder if the Boxers Plague resembles Notre Dame's ill-famed "Turkey Trot." • SIGN OF THE WEEK The Auburn Plainsman reports a local drugstore display: "No If's, Ands, or Butts." THE STAFF »> AL LESMEZ FISH STORY OF THE WEEK—Comes to us from Daily Kansan Editor-in-Chief "Imagine trying to get into your office unth a huge five- EDITORIAL STAFF foot fish blocking the doorway. That's the situation Henry Werner, dean of activities, found when he tried to get into GENE DIAMOND - - . - Navy Associate Editor his office. Pinned on the fish was a note which read: ROBERT RIORDAN ----- Managing Editor BILL WADDINGTON ------ Sports Editor "Time hangs heavy on one's hands BOB OTOOLE' Circulation Manager "Waitinff for fishing days so dear; "So here's a token of consolation to suffice 1 "Until the coming year." COLUMNISTS When asked what he intended to do, Dean Werner re LIEUT. S. L. BEATTY ----- Observations plied: "I'm going to try to get a line on the culprit." JOHN POWER ------ The Green Banner • HARRY WALTERS - - - - The College Parade THREE LITTLE WORDS GEORGE KRAUSER j - - Splinters from the Press Box ART WAGNER - " - - - - - S-wabbies Log The Green Gander of Iowa State supplies us Avith a list of the three sweetest words in the English language: 1. "I love you." CONTRIBUTORS 2. "Dinner is served." GEORGE DESPOT BOB COCHRAN RALPH HAYMAN 3. "All is forgiven." FRANK GRIMALDI GREG HALPIN RON BYERSMITH 4. "Sleep till noon." HARRY SIEMONSMA ENRIQUE LULLI lOE BRESLAW 5. "Keep the change." ROBERT MOLNAR JACK MILES JIM CAREY 6. "Here's that five." JACK McGRANE TOM McNALLY JOHN FEENEY And the saddest were: 1. "External use only." PHOTOGRAPHY 2. "Buy me one." 3. "Out of gas." CHARLES RENAUD DON WHITE 4. "Dues not paid." .5. "No more beer." REV. CHARLES M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Advisor 6. "Rest in peace." GIFT OF THE WEEK— The Daily Kansan also tells us that "From a foxhole in Southern France" recently came a veritable Bronx cheer di rected at the University of Kansas coeds who smoke corn cob pipes because of the lack of cigarettes. This long distance "boo" was in the form of a biting letter and a package con taining pipe tobacco, matches, and cigarettes, supposedly to Member of Catholic School Press Association. Associated Collegiate help the cuties out of their plight caused by the current cig '.Press. Distributor of Collegiate Digest. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc.. 420 Madison -4venue. New York arette shortage. City—Chicago—^Boston—Los -\ngeles—San Francisco. "THE SCHOLASTIC is • {>ablished vreekly during the school year, except during- vacations and That's nothing—The laundry gals have been smoking examination periods at the University of Notre Darae. -A.ddress all manu script to the Editor, Administration Building, Notre Dame, Indiana. corn cob pipes for years. (Continued on page 19) THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June .23, 1918. Vol. 83 JANUARY 5. 1945 No. 7 Most Rev. Ritter Installed as Archbishop 4^ JlwM oj/QoMtUfUf Father O'Donnell Represents.University as Indianapolis is Elevated to an Archdiocese in Solennn Cerennonies. BY FRANK GRIMALDI With the ending of the year 1944, it is found that Notre Dame men have paid At Indianapolis, Tuesday, December The solemn ceremonies at Indianapolis dearly in life for the defense of their 19, an important page was added to the were preceded on Monday night by a country. The casualties to date number history book of Catholicity in America huge civic reception for the Apostolic Del 165 killed in action, 24 missing, and 26 as the diocese of Indianapolis was ele egate who represented the Holy Father prisonei's of war. vated to an archdiocese and the most at the ritual. Attending the reception *161 Ca-v^. Francis Thomas Farrell, Rev. Joseph E. Ritter was solemnly in were the governor of Indiana and the '39, South Bend, Ind., was killed in action stalled as archbishop. mayor of Indianapolis as well as hun dreds of religious and lasmien. Dec. 10, 1944 on the Geiman front. He The establishment of the archdiocese was a liaison pilot for the Third armored The holy rites began with the long division of the First Army. Before his and colorful procession of the clergy death, Capt. Farrell was awarded the and the celebration of holy Mass by th3 Distinguished Flying Cross and the Apostolic Delegate in the Cathedral at Purple Heart. Indianapolis. The Apostolic Delegate *162 Leonard Joseph Herriges, ex. read the decrees relative to the estab '43, Holy Cross Seminary, Notre Dame, lishment of the archdiocese and the in- was killed in action with the 4th Army ctallation of Birhcp Ritter as the first on the Western Front. archbishop of Indianapolis. The high *163 Lt. Richard Baker Kelly, '40, point of the ceremony was reached with Lorain, Ohio, was reported killed in ac the presentation of the crozisr and the tion. No other facts concerning his death pastoral stair of authority to tl:e Arch ai"e available. bishop-elect by the Apostolic Delegate. This was the actual moment of being of • • 164 Pvt. Thomas F. O'Neill, ex. '30, the archdiocese of Indianapolis and Albany, New York, was killed in action simultaneously the archbishop-elect, be on Dec. 4, 1944 in France. He was -vvith came the first -archbishop. - . , the Third Army. • 165 Lieut. John Harold Tallett, *43, Externally, the establishment of. the North Chicago, 111., of the Army Air archdiocese has no bearing or relation Corps was lost in action on Dec. 11,1944 to Notre Dame's position in ecclesiastical in a raid over Yugoslavia. provinces other than that she is moved Lieut. Samuel Sturgis Lawler, ex. '38, from the province of Cincinnati and now South Bend, was reported missing in ac falls under the jurisdiction of the new tion by Capt. William McCoUum. province which includes the whole state of Indiana. An ecclesiastical province is Pfc. Francis Anthony Giordano, ex. Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter an archdiocese and the hierarchy over '44, Jei-sey City, New Jersey, is a prison seeing it are ths archbishop and the suf er of war of the German government. is of great interest to Notre Dame, as fragan bishops. The Cincinatti province Previously he was auditioned by the both the university and the ecclesiastical from which Notre Dame is moved, was Pope in Rome in June. province have closely paralleling histo established in 1850. Ens. J. Paul Limont, ex. '44, Pittsfield, ries in growth and progi-ess. Represent Mass., regular end on the Notre Dame ing the University at the ceremonies was The new diocesan diArisions in the new 1943 football team, was slightly wounded the Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C. S. C, pres^- Indiana province call for the establish in the head by shrapnel fire during a ident of the University, and representing ment of two new dioceses, at Lafayette recent amphibious operation in the Phil the Congregation of Holy Cross hers and Evansville, and retains but de ippines, but has now returned to active were the Rev. Thomas Steiner, C.S.C, creases the areas of the two already duty. and Brother William, C.S.C. Also pres established at Fort Wayne and" Indianap Lt. Philip Michael Wade, '40, Eliza ent from Notre Dame, was the Rev. olis. Notre Dame's diocesan relationship beth, New Jersey, is now a prisoner of Thomas McAvoy, C.S.C, diocesan his is unchanged aiid she remains in the war of the German government.