Igraduation Exercises I Held Wednesday Night I in School
Hagoraaa library 2«at Hoven.CoMM t'A'JB EIOHT THE BHANFOED REVIEW, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1042 1 pledge nlle(i;iiin«e tn tlic Flap to Mr. Ralph Olcmont Miller, The OALE .- WEiaOLD Von Help Someone T-ou (if the United Stnle.i of Amcrieii, f iind to the Hcpubliu for which it WEDDINGS marriage took place In the chapel Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wclgold ot 28 With The Boys Legal Notice THE POCKETBOOK Know at Dow Field, Bangor ,Malne last Dorman J3trcet, New Haven, an sliindH;one Niltinn, indiviniJIilG, nounce the coming marriage of with ljil)crt.v and Jasliop for nil. Announces Engagement Tuesday afternoon at 6:30. The In The Service NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS "When You Give to the Mr. and Mrs, John Peterson ol ceremony was performed by the their daughter, Lucy Edith, to Her o/ KNOWLEDGE ^^^ bert Thomas Oale, son ot Mr. and U S 0 tE^ije Ptanforb EeiJietti Tcrhuho Ave., have announced the Episcopal Chaplain at the army Mrs. Alfred E. Gale, Burdett M. Page, son of Mr. and BOROUGH OF BRANFORD ciiBagomcnt of their daughter, Ber base. ' Mrs Stanley E. Page of 51 Francis AND EAST HAVEN NEV/S tha to Rudolph E. Johnson, son of The wedding will take place on Street, has gone to Maxwell Field, Notice Is hereby given to the tax- | FRIOE FIVE CENTS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Man Saturday, June 0, at 4 o'clock at the Ala,, as an aviation cadet. payers of the Borough ot Branford, Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, June U, 1942 chester.
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