
Documentatierapport Nationaal Kiezers onderzoek (NKO) 2010 en 2012

Datum:24 januari 2017

19 april 2012



Publicatie van uitkomsten geschiedt door de onderzoeksinstelling of de opdrachtgever op eigen titel. Verwijzing naar het CBS betreft uitsluitend het gebruik van de niet–openbare microdata. Deze microdata zijn onder bepaalde voorwaarden voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek toegankelijk. Voor nadere informatie [email protected]. Dat wordt als volgt geformuleerd: “Resultaten [gedeeltelijk] gebaseerd op eigen berekeningen [naam onderzoeksinstelling, c.q. opdrachtgever] op basis van niet-openbare microdata van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek betreffende het Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek 2010 en 2012.” Engelse versie “Results based on calculations by [name of research institution or commissioning party] using non-public microdata from Statistics .” “Under certain conditions, these microdata are accessible for statistical and scientific research. For further information: [email protected].“ .

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Beschikbare bestand(en): NKO2010V1; NKO2012V1 In de Versiegeschiedenis wordt een chronologisch overzicht gegeven over dit onderwerp.

De gebruiker dient rekening te houden met het volgende:

 Voor de persoonskenmerken en/of achtergronden dient u de beschikbare GBA- bestanden te raadplegen. Deze staan bij Zelf onderzoek doen in de catalogus onder het thema Bevolking. Voor het aanvragen van deze bestanden geldt de gebruikelijke procedure.

 Zie voor informatie de Onderzoeksomschrijvingen.

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Bronvermelding ...... 2

Beschikbare bestand(en): ...... 3

1. Inleiding ...... 5

2. Toelichting op de samenstelling van de bestanden ...... 6

Microdatabestand ...... 6 Doelpopulatie ...... 6 Aanvang onderzoek ...... 6 Frequentie ...... 6 Waarnemingsmethode ...... 6 Steekproefomvang ...... 6 Weging ...... 7 Nauwkeurigheid ...... 7 Gegevens op Statline ...... 7

3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting ...... 8

Bestandsopbouw van het microdatabestanden ...... 8 NKO2010 ...... 8 NKO2012 ...... 39 Toelichting op de variabelen ...... 58 RINPERSOONS en RINPERSOON ...... 58 Versiegeschiedenis ...... 59

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1. Inleiding

Het team Microdataservices stelt, onder bepaalde voorwaarden, niet–openbare microdata (geanonimiseerde data op persoons-, bedrijfs- en adresniveau) toegankelijk voor statistisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dit rapport beschrijft de inhoud en structuur van “Nationaal Kiezers Onderzoek 2010 en 2012”. Hoofdstuk 2 beschrijft in het algemeen de microdatabestanden zoals populatieafbakening, methodologische bijzonderheden, kwaliteit en herkomst van de gegevens. In hoofdstuk 3 wordt de bestandsindeling gegeven en worden voor de categoriale variabelen alle mogelijke scores en hun betekenis opgesomd. De volgende bijlage is beschikbaar voor de remote access/On-site gebruikers: 2010 Drop off vragenlijst.pdf 2010 PAPI vragenlijst 1e golf.pdf 2010 PAPI vragenlijst 2e golf.pdf 2010 steekproef NKO.pdf 2010 Toelichting 1 interviewmodussen NKO 2010.pdf 2010 Toelichting 2 interviewmodussen NKO 2010.pdf 2010 Toonkaarten _CAPI - 1e golf.pdf 2010 Toonkaarten _CAPI - 2e golf.pdf 2010 Vraagteksten en schema's _CAPI - 2e golf.pdf 2010 Vraagteksten en schema's _CAPI - 1e golf.pdf 2010 Vraagteksten en schema's _CATI - 1e golf.pdf 2010 Vraagteksten en schema's _CATI - 2e golf.pdf NKOCodebook2012.pdf

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2. Toelichting op de samenstelling van de bestanden

Microdatabestand Doorlopend verzamelen van hoogwaardige en coherente gegevens over achtergronden van het stemgedrag van de Nederlandse kiesgerechtigde bevolking. Doelpopulatie Personen van 18 jaar en ouder die het recht hebben om deel te nemen aan de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in Nederland, personen in particuliere huishoudens.

Aanvang onderzoek In 2010 en 2012 is het onderzoek uitgevoerd door het CBS, in samenwerking met de SKON. Het NKO wordt georganiseerd rondom Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. Het NKO vond tot in 2010 plaats zes weken vóór en zes weken na de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. In 2012 is in de zes weken na de verkiezingen geënquêteerd.

Frequentie Onregelmatig. De frequentie hangt af van wanneer Tweede Kamerverkiezingen worden gehouden.

Waarnemingsmethode Vraaggesprekken bij de respondent thuis met een laptop: Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). Schriftelijke vragenlijsten: Paper-and-Pencil Interviewing (PAPI). Tot in 2010 ook telefonische vraaggesprekken via een computer: Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI).

Steekproefomvang 2010 Vóór de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2010: 2.621 personen (CAPI/CATI/PAPI). Na de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2010: 2.247 personen (CAPI/CATI/PAPI). CAPI-respondenten hebben bij de tweede golf (na de verkiezingen een schriftelijke drop- off vragenlijst gekregen (n = 1633).

2012 Na de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2012: 1.677 personen (CAPI). Deze CAPI- respondenten hebben een schriftelijke drop-off vragenlijst (PAPI) gekregen (n = 1.490). De in StatLine gerapporteerde cijfers t/m 2010 hebben betrekking op respondenten die zowel in de eerste als de tweede golf hebben deelgenomen. De cijfers over 2012 betreffen de CAPI-respondenten, tenzij het om een kenmerk uit de drop-off vragenlijst gaat.

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Weging Voor verschillen tussen de samenstelling van de steekproef en de totale bevolking is een correctie toegepast door middel van een wegingsfactor gebaseerd op de kenmerken geslacht, leeftijd, stedelijkheidsgraad, landsdeel, burgerlijke staat, herkomst en opkomst (wel/niet gestemd).

Nauwkeurigheid Omdat de enquête een steekproef betreft, zijn de cijfers onderhevig aan toevalsfluctuaties. Indien het aantal steekproefpersonen voor een bepaalde indelingscategorie kleiner is dan 50 worden in de StatLine-tabellen geen resultaten gepresenteerd vanwege te grote marges.

Gegevens op Statline De cijfers zijn onder andere gepubliceerd in de Statlinetabellen: Stemgedrag stemgerechtigden Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 9-6-2010; Stemgedrag stemgerechtigden Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 12-09-2012.

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3. Bestandsopbouw en toelichting

Bestandsopbouw van het microdatabestanden

NKO2010 Onderstaand volgt een overzicht van alle variabelen.

Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 1 RINPERSOONS A1 Soort rinpersoon 2 RINPERSOON A9 Samen met rinpersoons is dit de persoon 3 study A5 NIWI study identification 4 RNR F5 Respondent identication number 5 TYPE1_G1 F1 Type of interview record I, first wave 6 TYPE1_G2 F1 Type of interview record I, second wave 7 TYPE1_DF F1 Type of interview record I, drop off 8 TYPE2 F1 Type of interview record II 9 PERIODG1 F1 Fielldwork identity, first wave 10 PERIODG2 F1 Fielldwork identity, second wave 11 Ref_Dat A8 Interview: end date (jjjjmmdd) 12 EindTijd A8 EindTijd 13 StrtDat A8 Start.Date 14 StrtTijd A8 Start.Time 15 wgt1 F14.6 Weight I: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity (CAPI wave 1) 16 wgt1b F8.2 Weight I with a multiplication factor to represent population size 17 wgt2 F14.6 Weight II: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity (All wave 1) 18 wgt2b F8.2 Weight II with a multiplication factor to represent population size 19 wgt3 F14.6 Weight III: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity (CAPI wave I & II)

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 20 wgt3b F8.2 Weight III with a multiplication factor to represent population size 21 wgt4 F14.6 Weight IV: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity, turnout (CAPI wave I & II) 22 wgt4b F8.2 Weight IV with a multiplication factor to represent population size 23 wgt5 F14.6 Weight V: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity (All wave I & II) 24 wgt5b F8.2 Weight V with a multiplication factor to represent population size 25 wgt6 F14.6 Weight VI: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity, turnout (All wave I & II) 26 wgt6b F8.2 Weight VI with a multiplication factor to represent population size 27 wgt7 F14.6 Weight VII: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity (All wave I, II & III) 28 wgt7b F8.2 Weight VII with a multiplication factor to represent population size 29 wgt8 F14.6 Weight VIII: age, gender, marital status, urbanization, region, ethnicity, turnout (All wave I, II & III) 30 wgt8b F8.2 Weight VIII with a multiplication factor to represent population size 31 M_V F10 M_V 32 Geboren A8 Geboren 33 LFTOP F10 Leeftijd OP op datum interview 34 LFT01 F10 Leeftijd OP op 1 jan. v.h. onderzoekjaar 35 LFT0428 F10 Leeftijd OP bij aanvang veldwerkperiode (28 april) 36 LFT0609 F10 Leeftijd OP op verkiezingsdag (9 juni) 37 lFT0609PA F10 Leeftijd PARTNER op verkiezingsdag (9 juni) 38 BurgSt F10 Marital status respondent 39 HoeVaak F10 Frequency reading newspaper 40 KrantBin F10 Reads about national news? 41 Gesprek F10 Talks about national news?

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 42 KrantBui F10 Reads about foreign news? 43 IntPoli F10 Interested in politics 44 AndKrant A40 Daily newspaper – other (text) 45 Nos F10 Frequency watching NOS TV newscast 46 Rtl4 F10 Frequency watching RTL4 TV newscast 47 Intnet F10 Frequency visiting internet sites 48 BelProbl A128 Most important national problem (text) 49 Problem1 F11 Most important national problem - first answer 50 Problem2 F11 Most important national problem - second answer 51 Problem3 F11 Most important national problem - third answer 52 Problem4 F11 Most important national problem - fourth answer 53 Problem5 F11 Most important national problem - fifth answer 54 Problem6 F11 Most important national problem - sixth answer 55 problem1_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -eerste antwoord- (16 cat.) 56 problem2_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -tweede antwoord- (16 cat.) 57 problem3_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -derde antwoord- (16 cat.) 58 problem4_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -vierde antwoord- (16 cat.) 59 problem5_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -vijfde antwoord- (16 cat.) 60 problem6_a F8.2 CBS: Belangrijkste probleem -zesde antwoord- (16 cat.) 61 WelkkraA F10 Daily newspaper - de Telegraaf 62 WelkkraB F10 Daily newspaper - de Volkskrant 63 WelkkraC F10 Daily newspaper - Trouw 64 WelkkraD F10 Daily newspaper - NRC Handelsblad 65 WelkkraE F10 Daily newspaper - NRC Next

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 66 WelkkraF F10 Daily newspaper - Algemeen Dagblad 67 WelkkraG F10 Daily newspaper - Metro 68 WelkkraH F10 Daily newspaper - Spits 69 WelkkraI F10 Daily newspaper- Other 70 RedenVal F10 Resignation Balkenende Cabinet – reason (text) 71 Juist F10 Resignation Balkenende Cabinet: Rightly? 72 Schuldig F10 Guilty of resignation Balkenende Cabinet (text) 73 AanHang F10 Respondent is (not) adherent to a party? 74 Aantrek F10 Respondent is (not) more attracted to a party? 75 WLKPT1 F10 Respondent is adherent to (which party?) 76 Overtuig F10 Respondent is (not) convinced adherent to a party 77 LidParty F10 Respondent is (not) member of a party 78 BURGPLIC F10 Is voting a civic duty or a matter of choice? 79 BURGPLIC2 F10 Extent to which voting is a civic duty 80 WlkPt2A F10 Respondent is member of: CDA 81 WlkPt2B F10 Respondent is member of: PvdA 82 WlkPt2C F10 Respondent is member of: VVD 83 WlkPt2D F10 Respondent is member of: GroenLinks 84 WlkPt2E F10 Respondent is member of: SP 85 WlkPt2F F10 Respondent is member of: D66 86 WlkPt2G F10 Respondent is member of: ChristenUnie 87 WlkPt2H F10 Respondent is member of: SGP 88 WlkPt2I F10 Respondent is member of: PVV () 89 WlkPt2J F10 Respondent is member of: PvdD

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 90 WlkPt2K F10 Respondent is member of: TON () 91 WlkPt2L F10 Respondent is member of: local party 92 WlkPt2M F10 Respondent is member of: other party 93 EconToes F10 Effect government policy on economic situation 94 Werkgelh F10 Effect government policy on employment situation 95 FinSitua F10 Effect government policy on respondents finances 96 Tevreden F10 General satisfaction with government 97 StemTKnu F10 Intends to vote in 2010 parliamentary elections 98 WLKPT3 F10 Vote intention 2010 parliamentary elections 99 Overweeg F10 Not decided: Does consider specific party 100 Overwee2 F10 Decided: Does consider other party 101 WlkPt4A F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: CDA 102 WlkPt4B F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: PvdA 103 WlkPt4C F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: VVD 104 WlkPt4D F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: GroenLinks 105 WlkPt4E F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: SP 106 WlkPt4F F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: D66 107 WlkPt4G F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: ChristenUnie 108 WlkPt4H F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: SGP 109 WlkPt4I F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: PVV (Geert Wilders)_ 110 WlkPt4J F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: PvdD 111 WlkPt4K F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: TON (Rita Verdonk) 112 WlkPt4L F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: Blanco 113 WlkPt4M F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: Invalid

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 114 WlkPt4N F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: Local party 115 WlkPt4O F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: Other 116 WlkPt4P F10 Not decided: does consider specific party: DK 117 WLKPT5 F10 Vote intention if non-voter is obliged to vote 118 Overwee3 F10 Not voting: Does consider specific party 119 WlkPt6A F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: CDA 120 WlkPt6B F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: PvdA 121 WlkPt6C F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: VVD 122 WlkPt6D F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: GroenLinks 123 WlkPt6E F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: SP 124 WlkPt6F F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: D66 125 WlkPt6G F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: ChristenUnie 126 WlkPt6H F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: SGP 127 WlkPt6I F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: PVV (Geert Wilders) 128 WlkPt6J F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: PvdD 129 WlkPt6K F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: TON (Rita Verdonk) 130 WlkPt6L F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: Blanco 131 WlkPt6M F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: Invalid 132 WlkPt6N F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: Local party 133 WlkPt6O F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: Other 134 WlkPt6P F10 Not voting: does consider specific party: DK 135 OpinieP F10 Frequency of encountering poll results 136 KwalPeil F10 Perceived accuracy of poll results 137 ZetelCDA F10 CDA: Expected number of seats

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 138 ZetelVVD F10 VVD: Expected number of seats 139 ZetelPvdA F10 PvdA: Expected number of seats 140 ZetelPVV F10 PVV (Geert Wilders): Expected number of seats 141 ZetelD66 F10 D66: Expected number of seats 142 EuCDA F10 Euthanasia - position of CDA 143 EuPvdA F10 Euthanasia - position of PvdA 144 EuVVD F10 Euthanasia - position of VVD 145 EuPVV F10 Euthanasia - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 146 EuD66 F10 Euthanasia - position of D66 147 EuSP F10 Euthanasia - position of SP 148 EuZelf F10 Euthanasia - position of respondent 149 InkCDA F10 Income differences - position of CDA 150 InkPvdA F10 Income differences - position of PvdA 151 InkVVD F10 Income differences - position of VVD 152 InkD66 F10 Income differences - position of D66 153 InkPVV F10 Income differences - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 154 InkSP F10 Income differences - position of SP 155 InkZelf F10 Income differences - position of respondent 156 AsieCDA F10 Asylum seekers- position of CDA 157 AsiePvdA F10 Asylum seekers- position of PvdA 158 AsieVVD F10 Asylum seekers - position of VVD 159 AsieD66 F10 Asylum seekers- position of D66 160 AsiePVV F10 Asylum seekers- position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 161 AsieSP F10 Asylum seekers - position of SP

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 162 Asiezelf F10 Asylum seekers - position of respondent 163 CriCDA F10 Crime - position of CDA 164 CriPvdA F10 Crime - position of PvdA 165 CriVVD F10 Crime - position of VVD 166 CriD66 F10 Crime - position of D66 167 CriPVV F10 Crime - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 168 CriSP F10 Crime - position of SP 169 Crizelf F10 Crime - position of respondent 170 CultCDA F10 Foreigners - position of CDA 171 CultPvdA F10 Foreigners - position of PvdA 172 CultVVD F10 Foreigners - position of VVD 173 CultD66 F10 Foreigners - position of D66 174 CultPVV F10 Foreigners - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 175 CultSP F10 Foreigners - position of SP 176 CultZelf F10 Foreigners - position of respondent 177 Adoptie F10 Issue: Adoption by homosexual couples 178 OntwHulp F10 Issue: More money for foreign aid 179 TurkyeEU F10 Issue: Turkey may never become an EU member (Wave 1) 180 Bedreig F10 Issue: Big companies threat to democracy 181 Belastng F10 Issue: Taxes should be cut 182 Zondag F10 Issue: Shops should be closed on Sundays 183 Pardon F10 Issue: Illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay 184 Hypoth F10 Issue: Mortgage deduction should be abolished 185 GenMan F10 Issue: Genetic manipulation should be forbidden

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 186 Moslims F10 Issue: The immigration of Muslims should be stopped 187 AOW F10 Issue: Pensioners should pay for AOW 188 HomoHuw F10 Issue: Gay marriage should be forbidden 189 Uruzgan F10 Issue: It was rightful to send soldiers to Afghanistan 190 Pens67 F10 Issue: Retirement age should be at 67 191 Banken F10 Issue: Government should support banks running a risk of bankruptcy 192 GemRaad F10 Voted in most recent municipal elections 193 WlkPt7A F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: CDA 194 WlkPt7B F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: PvdA 195 WlkPt7C F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: VVD 196 WlkPt7D F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: GroenLinks 197 WlkPt7E F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: SP 198 WlkPt7F F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: D66 199 WlkPt7G F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: ChristenUnie 200 WlkPt7H F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: SGP 201 WlkPt7I F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: PVV (Geert Wilders) 202 WlkPt7J F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: PvdD 203 WlkPt7K F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: TON (Rita Verdonk) 204 WlkPt7L F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: Blank 205 WlkPt7M F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: Invalid 206 WlkPt7N F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: local party 207 WlkPt7O F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: other party 208 WlkPt7P F10 Municipal elections 2010 voted: DK 209 WelkTKvo F10 Voted in 2006 parliamentary elections

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 210 WLKPT8 F10 Party voted for in 2006 parliamentary elections 211 Trouw F10 Always voted this party in parliamentary elections? 212 KandTKvo F10 Did (not) cast preferential vote in 2006 213 AltydSt F10 Did (not) always vote in parliamentary elections 214 Foto1_Na F10 Photo 1 Gerdi Verbeet (PvdA) – name (text)’ 215 Foto1_Pa F10 Photo 1 Gerdi Verbeet (PvdA) – political party (text)’ 216 Foto1_Fu F10 Photo 1 Gerdi Verbeet (PvdA) – political function (text)’ 217 Foto2_Na F10 Photo 2 (D66) – political function (text)’ 218 Foto2_Pa F10 Photo 2 Alexander Pechtold (D66) – political function (text)’ 219 Foto2_Fu F10 Photo 2 Alexander Pechtold (D66) – political function (text)’ 220 Foto3_Na F10 Photo 3 Camiel Eurlings (CDA) – political function (text)’ 221 Foto3_Pa F10 Photo 3 Camiel Eurlings (CDA) – political function (text)’ 222 Foto3_Fu F10 Photo 3 (CU) – political function (text)’ 223 Foto4_Na F10 Photo 4 Tineke Huizinga (CU) – political function (text)’ 224 Foto4_Pa F10 Photo 4 Tineke Huizinga (CU) – political function (text)’ 225 Foto4_Fu F10 Photo 4 Tineke Huizinga (CU) – political function (text)’ 226 SamCoali F10 Does (not) know which parties were part of former government coalition 227 SamCoaA F10 Knowledge of CDA as coalition partner 228 SamCoaB F10 Knowledge of PvdA as a coalition partner 229 SamCoaC F10 Knowledge of VVD as a coalition partner 230 SamCoaD F10 Knowledge of GroenLinks as a coalition partner 231 SamCoaE F10 Knowledge of SP as a coalition partner 232 SamCoaF F10 Knowledge of D66 as a coalition partner 233 SamCoaG F10 Knowledge of ChristenUnie as a coalition partner

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 234 SamCoaH F10 Knowledge of SGP as a coalition partner 235 SamCoaI F10 Knowledge of PVV (Geert Wilders) as a coalition partner 236 SamCoaJ F10 Knowledge of PvdD as a coalition partner 237 SamCoaK F10 Knowledge of LPF as a coalition partner 238 SamCoaL F10 Knowledge of Partij één NL (Marco Pastors) as a coalition partner 239 SamCoaM F10 Knowledge of Partij voor Nederland (Hilbrand Nawijn) as a coalition partner 240 SamCoaN F10 Knowledge of local party as a coalition partner 241 SamCoaO F10 Knowledge of other party as a coalition partner 242 CoalitA F10 Preferred in new government coalition - CDA 243 CoalitB F10 Preferred in new government coalition - PvdA 244 CoalitC F10 Preferred in new government coalition - VVD 245 CoalitD F10 Preferred in new government coalition - GroenLinks 246 CoalitE F10 Preferred in new government coalition - SP 247 CoalitF F10 Preferred in new government coalition - D66 248 CoalitG F10 Preferred in new government coalition - ChristenUnie 249 CoalitH F10 Preferred in new government coalition - SGP 250 CoalitI F10 Preferred in new government coalition - PVV (Geert Wilders) 251 CoalitJ F10 Preferred in new government coalition - Partij voor de Dieren 252 CoalitK F10 Preferred in new government coalition - TON (Rita Verdonk) 253 CoalitL F10 Preferred in new government coalition - Local party 254 CoalitN F10 Preferred in new government coalition - other 255 MeerPart F10 More parties preferred in government coalition 256 WlkPt9A F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - CDA 257 WlkPt9B F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - PvdA

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 258 WlkPt9C F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - VVD 259 WlkPt9D F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - GroenLinks 260 WlkPt9E F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - SP 261 WlkPt9F F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - D66 262 WlkPt9G F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - ChristenUnie 263 WlkPt9H F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - SGP 264 WlkPt9I F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - PVV (Geert Wilders) 265 WlkPt9J F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - Partij voor de Dieren 266 WlkPt9K F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - TON (Rita Verdonk) 267 WlkPt9L F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - Local party 268 WlkPt9M F10 Preferred other party in new government coalition - other 269 Uitmaak F10 Does it matter which parties are in coalition? 270 WrsCoali F10 Desirability of coalition: PvdA, SP, GroenLinks 271 WrsCoal2 F10 Desirability of coalition: PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, VVD 272 WrsCoal3 F10 Desirability of coalition: CDA, VVD, D66 273 WrsCoal4 F10 Desirability of coalition: CDA, VVD, PVV (Geert Wilders) 274 WrsCoal5 F10 Desirability of coalition: PvdA, CDA, D66 275 SymCDA F10 Sympathy score: CDA 276 SymPvdA F10 Sympathy score: PvdA 277 SymVVD F10 Sympathy score: VVD 278 SymD66 F10 Sympathy score: D66 279 SymGrLi F10 Sympathy score GroenLinks 280 SymSP F10 Sympathy score: SP

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 281 SymPVV F10 Sympathy score: PVV (Geert Wilders) 282 SymChrU F10 Sympathy score: ChristenUnie 283 SymSGP F10 Sympathy score: SGP 284 SymPvdD F10 Sympathy score: PvdD 285 SymTON F10 Sympathy score: TON (Rita Verdonk) 286 SympPL1 F10 Sympathy score: Jan-Peter Balkenende 287 SympPL2 F10 Sympathy score: 288 SympPL3 F10 Sympathy score: 289 SympPL4 F10 Sympathy score: Alexander Pechtold 290 SympPL5 F10 Sympathy score: 291 SympPL6 F10 Sympathy score: 292 SympPL7 F10 Sympathy score: Geert Wilders 293 SympPL8 F10 Sympathy score: André Rouvoet 294 SympPL9 F10 Sympathy score: 295 SympPL10 F10 Sympathy score: 296 SympPL11 F10 Sympathy score: Rita Verdonk 297 Relkies F10 Representation: Voter representation versus party line 298 Verkfunc F10 Representation: Retrospective versus prospective 299 Trustee F10 Representation: Following voters versus following MPs 300 Terror F10 Crime - holding suspect of terrorist attack in prison 301 Martelen F10 Crime – torture should never be allowed 302 Doodstra F10 Crime – introduction of death penalty for certain crimes 303 HandhWet F10 Crime – strictly upholding law no matter consequences 304 Misdaad F10 Crime – punishment of crimes

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 305 Leerling F10 Social protest and government response – occupation schools 306 Ontslag F10 Social protest and government response – firing occupying teachers 307 Jeugd F10 Part of family when between 10 and 16 years of age? 308 ManVerz F10 Male caretaker when 10 to 16 309 VrouVerz F10 Female caretaker when 10 to 16 310 Onderw F10 Discussed politics at home when adolescent 311 VoorkPa F10 Party preference father known 312 WlkPt10A F10 Party preference father: CDA 313 WlkPt10B F10 Party preference father: PvdA 314 WlkPt10C F10 Party preference father: VVD 315 WlkPt10D F10 Party preference father: GroenLinks 316 WlkPt10E F10 Party preference father: SP 317 WlkPt10F F10 Party preference father: D66 318 WlkPt10G F10 Party preference father: ChristenUnie 319 WlkPt10H F10 Party preference father: SGP 320 WlkPt10I F10 Party preference father: PVV (Geert Wilders) 321 WlkPt10J F10 Party preference father: PvdD 322 WlkPt10K F10 Party preference father: LPF 323 WlkPt10L F10 Party preference father: Leefbaar Nederland 324 WlkPt10M F10 Party preference father: KVP/RKSP 325 WlkPt10N F10 Party preference father: ARP 326 WlkPt10P F10 Party preference father: CHU 327 WlkPt10Q F10 Party preference father: SDAP 328 WlkPt10R F10 Party preference father: CPN

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 329 WlkPt10S F10 Party preference father: PSP 330 WlkPt10T F10 Party preference father: PPR 331 WlkPt10U F10 Party preference father: RPF 332 WlkPt10V F10 Party preference father: GPV 333 WlkPt10W F10 Party preference father: Other party 334 WlkPt10X F10 Party preference father: Blanco 335 WlkPt10Y F10 Party preference father: Invalid 336 VoorkMa F10 Party preference mother known 337 WlkPt11A F10 Party preference mother: CDA 338 WlkPt11B F10 Party preference mother: PvdA 339 WlkPt11C F10 Party preference mother: VVD 340 WlkPt11D F10 Party preference mother: GroenLinks 341 WlkPt11E F10 Party preference mother: SP 342 WlkPt11F F10 Party preference mother: D66 343 WlkPt11G F10 Party preference mother: ChristenUnie 344 WlkPt11H F10 Party preference mother: SGP 345 WlkPt11I F10 Party preference mother: PVV (Geert Wilders) 346 WlkPt11J F10 Party preference mother: PvdD 347 WlkPt11K F10 Party preference mother: LPF 348 WlkPt11L F10 Party preference mother: Leefbaar Nederland 349 WlkPt11M F10 Party preference mother: KVP/RKSP 350 WlkPt11N F10 Party preference mother: ARP 351 WlkPt11P F10 Party preference mother: CHU 352 WlkPt11Q F10 Party preference mother: SDAP

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 353 WlkPt11R F10 Party preference mother: CPN 354 WlkPt11S F10 Party preference mother: PSP 355 WlkPt11T F10 Party preference mother: PPR 356 WlkPt11U F10 Party preference mother: RPF 357 WlkPt11V F10 Party preference mother: GPV 358 WlkPt11W F10 Party preference mother: Other Party 359 WlkPt11X F10 Party preference mother: Blank 360 WlkPt11Y F10 Party preference mother: Invalid 361 Gelovig F10 Respondent is religious 362 WelkRel F10 Religious denomination 363 Kerkbez F10 Attendance of religious services 364 SocKlas F10 Social class - self image 365 Vakbond1 F10 Member: Trade union 366 Verschil F10 Party differences during campaign 367 Gevolgd F10 How closely did you follow the campaign 368 HoeVaak2 F10 Reading newspapers 369 CampNews F10 Read campaign news in newspaper 370 Debat F10 Has seen electoral debates 371 Gestemd F10 Did (not) vote in 2010 parliamentary elections 372 Volmacht F10 Respondent authorized someone to vote by proxy 373 WelkPart F10 Party voted for in 2010 parliamentary elections 374 Waarom F10 Reason party choice (string) 375 WanStem F10 Party choice – when decided? 376 Tydstip F10 What time did you vote?

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 377 Lysttre1 F10 Did (not) cast preferential vote 378 BelReden F10 Reason for preferential vote (main categories) 379 AndReden F10 Reason for preferential vote (other) 380 Lysttre2 F10 Reason for vote on first candidate 381 Lager F10 Vote if first candidate would have been lower on list 382 PLofPart F10 Vote if first candidate would not have been on list 383 PofPart F10 Vote if candidate of choice would not have been on list 384 VolmGeg F10 Person authorized to vote by proxy 385 VolmAnd F10 Has been authorized by someone to vote by proxy 386 VolmGekr F10 Person respondent received proxy from 387 StemNiet F10 Considered not to vote 388 StemAndP F10 Considered to vote for other party? 389 WelkPar2 F10 Preferred party of non-voters 390 WelkAnA F10 Considered to vote for: CDA 391 WelkAnB F10 Considered to vote for: PvdA 392 WelkAnC F10 Considered to vote for: VVD 393 WelkAnD F10 Considered to vote for: GroenLinks 394 WelkAnE F10 Considered to vote for: SP 395 WelkAnF F10 Considered to vote for: D66 396 WelkAnG F10 Considered to vote for: ChristenUnie 397 WelkAnH F10 Considered to vote for: SGP 398 WelkAnI F10 Considered to vote for: PVV (Geert Wilders) 399 WelkAnJ F10 Considered to vote for: PvdD 400 WelkAnK F10 Considered to vote for: TON (Rita Verdonk)

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 401 WelkAnL F10 Considered to vote for: local party 402 WelkAnM F10 Considered to vote for: other party 403 NooitP F10 Were parties competing you would never vote for? 404 WelkPaA F10 Would never vote for: CDA 405 WelkPaB F10 Would never vote for: PvdA 406 WelkPaC F10 Would never vote for: VVD 407 WelkPaD F10 Would never vote for: GroenLinks 408 WelkPaE F10 Would never vote for: SP 409 WelkPaF F10 Would never vote for: D66 410 WelkPaG F10 Would never vote for: ChristenUnie 411 WelkPaH F10 Would never vote for: SGP 412 WelkPaI F10 Would never vote for: PVV (Geert Wilders) 413 WelkPaJ F10 Would never vote for: PvdD 414 WelkPaK F10 Would never vote for: TON (Rita Verdonk) 415 WelkPaL F10 Would never vote for: local party 416 WelkPaM F10 Would never vote for: other party 417 NietGest F10 Why did respondent not vote (text) 418 WanNStem F10 Did not vote: When decided 419 Algemeen F10 Trust: Elections in general 420 StemComp F10 Trust: Voting machine 421 Papier F10 Trust: In ballot paper 422 Voorkeu2 F10 Prefer voting machine or ballot paper 423 Betrouw F10 Trust voting machine compared to ballot paper 424 VolmOord F10 Proxy voting should be possible

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 425 Identifi F10 Does agree with ID check when voting 426 Peiling F10 Frequency of encountering poll results 427 Invloed1 F10 Poll results: Influence on party choice 428 Invloed2 F10 Poll results: Influence on turning out to vote 429 StemWyz F10 Do you know vote matchers? 430 Gebruikt F10 Did you fill in vote matcher? 431 AdviesA F10 Advice of vote matcher - CDA 432 AdviesB F10 Advice of vote matcher - PvdA 433 AdviesC F10 Advice of vote matcher - VVD 434 AdviesD F10 Advice of vote matcher - GroenLinks 435 AdviesE F10 Advice of vote matcher - SP 436 AdviesF F10 Advice of vote matcher - D66 437 AdviesG F10 Advice of vote matcher - ChristenUnie 438 AdviesH F10 Advice of vote matcher - SGP 439 AdviesI F10 Advice of vote matcher - PVV (Geert Wilders) 440 AdviesJ F10 Advice of vote matcher - Partij voor de Dieren 441 AdviesK F10 Advice of vote matcher - TON (Rita Verdonk) 442 AdviesL F10 Advice of vote matcher - Local party 443 AdviesM F10 Advice of vote matcher - Other party 444 StemwGes F10 Influence vote matcher: Vote or abstain 445 StemwInv F10 Influence vote matcher: Party choice 446 ProblVer F10 Most important campaign issue 447 ProblVe2 F10 Second most important campaign issue 448 ProblNed F10 Most important national problem

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 449 ProblNe2 F10 Second most important national problem 450 WelkPar1 F10 Most important national problem: Party best able to solve problem 451 WelkPar3 F10 Second most important national problem: Party best able to solve problem 452 Macht F10 How much does it matter who is in charge? 453 Stemmen F10 How much does it matter which party one votes for? 454 PrestReg F10 Performance current government 455 OpvatPL F10 Is there a party leader representing opinion best? 456 WelkPar4 F10 Considered to vote for other party? 457 WelkePA F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Jan-Peter Balkenende 458 WelkePB F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Job Cohen 459 WelkePC F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Mark Rutte 460 WelkePD F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Alexander Pechtold 461 WelkePE F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Femke Halsema 462 WelkePF F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Emile Roemer 463 WelkePG F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Geert Wilders 464 WelkePH F10 Party leader representing opinion best - André Rouvoet 465 WelkePI F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Kees van der Staaij 466 WelkePJ F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Marianne Thieme 467 WelkePK F10 Party leader representing opinion best - Rita Verdonk 468 WelkePL F10 Party leader representing opinion best - other 469 WelkePM F10 Anders, namelijk geeft mijn opvattingen redelijk goed weer 470 AnderePL F10 Other party leader representing opinion best 471 StemCDA F10 Probability of future vote for CDA 472 StemPvdA F10 Probability of future vote for PvdA

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 473 StemVVD F10 Probability of future vote for VVD 474 StemD66 F10 Probability of future vote for D66 475 StemGrL F10 Probability of future vote for GroenLinks 476 StemSP F10 Probability of future vote for SP 477 StemPVV F10 Probability of future vote for PVV (Geert Wilders) 478 StemChrU F10 Probability of future vote for ChristenUnie 479 StemSGP F10 Probability of future vote for SGP 480 StemPvdD F10 Probability of future vote for PvdD 481 StemTON F10 Probability of future vote for TON (Rita Verdonk) 482 KernCDA F10 Nuclear plants - position of CDA 483 KernPvdA F10 Nuclear plants - position of PvdA 484 KernVVD F10 Nuclear plants - position of VVD 485 KernD66 F10 Nuclear plants - position of D66 486 KernPVV F10 Nuclear plants - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 487 KernSP F10 Nuclear plants - position of SP 488 KernZelf F10 Nuclear plants - position of respondent 489 EurCDA F10 European unification - position of CDA 490 EurPvdA F10 European unification - position of PvdA 491 EurVVD F10 European unification - position of VVD 492 EurD66 F10 European unification - position of D66 493 EurPVV F10 European unification - position of PVV (Geert Wilders) 494 EurSP F10 European unification - position of SP 495 EurZelf F10 European unification - position of respondent 496 MilZelf F10 International military missions – position of respondent

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 497 LiReCDA F10 Left-right rating of CDA (10 point scale) 498 LiRePvdA F10 Left-right rating of PvdA (10 point scale) 499 LiReVVD F10 Left-right rating of VVD (10 point scale) 500 LiReD66 F10 Left-right rating of D66 (10 point scale) 501 LiReGrL F10 Left-right rating of GroenLinks (10 point scale) 502 LiReSP F10 Left-right rating of SP (10 point scale) 503 LiRePVV F10 Left-right rating of PVV (Geert Wilders) (10 point scale) 504 LiReChrU F10 Left-right rating of ChristenUnie (10 point scale) 505 LiReSGP F10 Left-right rating of SGP (10 point scale) 506 LiRePvdD F10 Left-right rating of PvdD (10 point scale) 507 LiReTON F10 Left-right rating of TON (Rita Verdonk) (10 point scale) 508 LiReZelf F10 Left-right self-rating (10 point scale) 509 DemocrNL F10 Satisfaction with democracy in the Netherlands 510 DemocrEU F10 Satisfaction with democracy in the European Union 511 Afspieg F10 Opinions of MPs reflect opinions of electorate 512 MPVVD F10 Faith in Mark Rutte as Prime Minister 513 MPPvdA F10 Faith in Job Cohen as Prime Minister 514 MPCDA F10 Faith in as Prime Minister 515 MPPVV F10 Faith in Geert Wilders as Prime Minister 516 MPD66 F10 Faith in Alexander Pechtold as Prime Minister 517 Kamerl F10 MP’s do not care about opinions of people like me 518 MynStem F10 Parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinion 519 Invloed F10 People like me have no influence on politics 520 Actief F10 Consider myself qualified for politics

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 521 ZichtOp F10 Good understanding of political problems 522 Moeilijk F10 Politics too complicated for people like me 523 Beloftes F10 Politicians promise more than they can deliver 524 EignBel F10 Ministers and junior-ministers are primarily self-interested 525 PolVrind F10 Friends more important than abilities to become MP 526 Verlicon F10 MP's quickly lose contact with voters 527 PolEerl F10 Politicians are honest 528 PolZakvu F10 Politicians are profiteers 529 PolBelof F10 Politicians keep their promises 530 PolCorru F10 Politicians are corrupt 531 PolBetro F10 Politicians are reliable 532 PolPraat F10 Politicians only have fine talk 533 PolBewus F10 Politicians do not understand what is going on in society 534 PolDaad F10 Politicians are capable of solving problems in society 535 PolAlgCo F10 Most politicians are competent people 536 Praten F10 Only few people I can really talk to 537 Helpen F10 There is always someone who can help me 538 Steek F10 I often feel forsaken 539 Belang F10 There is nobody who is interested in me 540 Milieu F10 Member: Environmental organization 541 Vrede F10 Member: Third world, human rights or peace 542 Beroep F10 Member: Professional organization 543 Wrkgever F10 Member: Employers' organisation 544 Buurt F10 Member: Neighborhood organization

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 545 Muziek F10 Member: Music or cultural organization 546 Sport F10 Member: Sports organization 547 Kerk F10 Member: Church 548 Ander9 F10 Member: Other 549 WelkeVer F10 Member: Which other (string) 550 Vakbond2 F10 Other members of household member of trade union? 551 KansActi F10 Chance acting against unjust national bill 552 ActiesA F10 Did (not) try to get radio, TV or newspaper involved 553 ActiesB F10 Did (not) try to involve political party or organization 554 ActiesC F10 Did (not) participate in a meeting organized by government 555 ActiesD F10 Did (not) contact politician or civil servant 556 ActiesE F10 Did (not) join a civic action group 557 ActiesF F10 Did (not) join a demonstration 558 ActiesG F10 Did (not) use internet, email or SMS 559 ActiesH F10 Did (not) do other things to influence government 560 ActiesI F10 Did none of the above 561 Kerken F10 Trust: Churches 562 Leger F10 Trust: Army 563 Rechter F10 Trust: Judges 564 Pers F10 Trust: Press 565 Politie F10 Trust: Police 566 Regering F10 Trust: Government 567 TKamer F10 Trust: National Parliament 568 Ambtenar F10 Trust: Civil servants

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 569 GBedrijf F10 Trust: Big companies 570 EurUnie F10 Trust: European Union 571 NAVO F10 Trust: NATO 572 PolParty F10 Trust: Political parties 573 Banken2 F10 NKO.VertInst.Banken 574 SocVertr F10 Trust: Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful 575 Vr33CCO F10 Evaluation economic situation in the Netherlands, past twelve months 576 Vr36CCO F10 Evaluation economic situation in the Netherlands, coming twelve months 577 Vr46CCO F10 Is it a good time to purchase durables? 578 Vr54CCO F10 Evaluation financial situation own household: past twelve months 579 Vr60CCO F10 Evaluation financial situation own household: coming twelve months 580 GodsdPar F10 Should there be confessional parties? 581 GodsdSch F10 Should there be confessional schools? 582 KathPC F10 Religious schools: Separate Roman Catholic and Protestant Schools or Christian Unity 583 Islamsch F10 Religious schools: Allow Islamic schools 584 Wegwyzer F10 Religion good guide in politics 585 LidmEU F10 Evaluation of Dutch EU Membership 586 G2TurkyeEu F10 Turkey may never be EU member or under conditions of human rights and democracy (Wave 2) 587 SnelhEU F10 Perceived current speed of EU integration 588 SnelWens F10 Preferred speed EU integration 589 KeuzeTK F10 Satisfaction with the way MPs are elected 590 Burgem F10 The inhabitants of the municipality should elect the mayor

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 591 Referend F10 The citizens should make important decisions for the country by referendum 592 MinPres F10 The Prime Minister should be directly elected by the voters 593 Regio F10 Regional differences not enough accounted for in parliamentary elections 594 Koning F10 The Netherlands should be a republic 595 DemProb F10 Democracy is the best form of government 596 V1_AsTheWorld F10 Frequency watching – As the World Turns (rtl4) 597 V1_DePfaffs F10 Frequency watching – De Pfaffs (RTL7) 598 V1_DeWereldDraaitDoor F10 Frequency watching – De Wereld Draait Door (Ned3) 599 V1_EditieNL F10 Frequency watching – Editie NL (RTL4) 600 V1_EenVandaag F10 Frequency watching – Een Vandaag (Ned1) 601 V1_GoedeTijden F10 Frequency watching – Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden (RTL4) 602 V1_Half8Nieuws F10 Frequency watching – Half 8 nieuws (RTL4) 603 V1_HartVanNederland F10 Frequency watching – Hart van Nederland (SBS6) 604 V1_LawAndOrder F10 Frequency watching – Law and Order (Net5) 605 V1_Lingo F10 Frequency watching – Lingo (Ned1) 606 V1_ManBijtHond F10 Frequency watching – Man Bijt Hond (Ned2) 607 V1_Netwerk F10 Frequency watching – Netwerk (Ned2) 608 V1_NOS8uurJournaal F10 Frequency watching – NOS 8 uur journaal (Ned1) 609 V1_NOS10uurJournaal F10 Frequency watching – NOS 10 uur journaal (Ned3) 610 V1_NOVA F10 Frequency watching – NOVA/Den Haag Vandaag (Ned2) 611 V1_Onderweg F10 Frequency watching – Onderweg naar Morgen (Ned3) 612 V1_PauwWitteman F10 Frequency watching – Pauw en Witteman (Ned1) 613 V1_Boulevard F10 Frequency watching – RTL Boulevard (RTL4)

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 614 V1_RTLNieuwsLateEditie F10 Frequency watching – RTL nieuws late editie (RTL4) 615 V1_Shownieuws F10 Frequency watching – Shownieuws (SBS6) 616 V1_SportJournaal F10 Frequency watching – Sportjournaal (Ned3) 617 V1_WieIsDeChef F10 Frequency watching – Wie is de chef? (RTL5) 618 V2_NOS F10 Frequency visiting - Nos.nl 619 V2_geenstijl F10 Frequency visiting - Geenstijl.nl 620 V2_nu F10 Frequency visiting - Nu.nl 621 V2_Telegraaf F10 Frequency visiting - Telegraaf.nl 622 V2_Elsevier F10 Frequency visiting - Elsevier.nl 623 V2_NRC F10 Frequency visiting - NRC.nl 624 V2_Volkskrant F10 Frequency visiting - Volkskrant.nl 625 V2_GoogleNews F10 Frequency visiting - Google news 626 V2_FokNl F10 Frequency visiting - Fok.nl 627 V2_AD F10 Frequency visiting - AD.nl 628 V2_TekstAndersNl1 A25 Frequency visiting - Other 1 (string) 629 V2_CodeAndersNl1 F10 Frequency visiting - Other 1 (code) 630 V2_TekstAndersNl2 A25 Frequency visiting - Other 2 (string) 631 V2_CodeAndersNl2 F10 Frequency visiting - Other 2 (code) 632 V3a_Verdragen F10 Future European treaties should be discussed in a popular referendum 633 V3b_uitbreidingen F10 Future European enlargements should be discussed in a popular referendum 634 V4_AchterKamer F10 Solely backroom politics is practitioned in the Hague 635 V4_BesteVoor F10 The government has the most honorable intentions 636 V4_Leeft F10 Political parties know what makes voters tick

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 637 V4_Verziekt F10 Dutch politics is corrupt 638 V4_Democratie F10 Dutch democracy functions well 639 V4_Belangen F10 Dutch politics does stand up for everyone's interests 640 V5_Verbonden F10 I feel attached to the Netherlands and the Dutch 641 V5_Wereldburg F10 I consider myself more as a European or cosmopolitan instead of a Dutchman 642 V5_Trots F10 I am proud to be Dutch 643 V5_Streek F10 I feel more attached to region I live in than to the Netherlands 644 V5_Volklied F10 Every Dutch citizen should know the Dutch anthem 645 V5_Gewoonten F10 Dutch customs and traditions should be preserved 646 V5_Taal F10 It would be a pity if the Dutch language would disappear 647 V5_Geboren F10 You can only be a real Dutchman if you are born in the Netherlands 648 V6_Opzeggen F10 If possible, individuals receiving a Dutch passport should disclaim other nationalities held 649 V6_Minister F10 A minister should not be allowed to hold multiple nationalities 650 V7_Arbeiders F10 Blue-collar classes still struggle for an equal position in society 651 V7_Klasverschil F10 Class differences should be reduced in the Netherlands 652 V7_Vrijemarkt F10 The government should not interfere in the economy 653 V8_Zeggen F10 Everyone should be free to say what they want in public 654 V8_Schrijven F10 Everyone should be free to write what they want in public 655 V8_Demonstreren F10 Everyone should be free to protest in public 656 V8_Koningshuis F10 Everyone should be free to criticize the Royal family in public 657 V8_Bezetten F10 Everyone should be free to occupy buildings to enforce justified claims 658 V9_Cultuur F10 The Dutch culture is threatened 659 V9_Economie F10 I am afraid Dutch economic prospects will deteriorate

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 660 V9_Woonomgeving F10 I am worried that my neighborhood will deteriorate 661 V9_Vandalisme F10 I am afraid of increasing vandalism and violence in the Netherlands 662 V9_Financien F10 I am afraid my own financial prospects will deteriorate 663 V10_PvdA_1 A120 Issue associated with PvdA -1 664 V10_PvdA_2 F10 Agrees with issue PvdA -1 665 V10_PvdA_3 A120 Issue associated with PvdA -2 666 V10_PvdA_4 F10 Agrees with issue PvdA -2 667 V10_CDA_1 A120 Issue associated with CDA -1 668 V10_CDA_2 F10 Agrees with issue CDA -1 669 V10_CDA_3 A120 Issue associated with CDA– 2 670 V10_CDA_4 F10 Agrees with issue CDA -2 671 V10_VVD_1 A120 Issue associated with VVD -1 672 V10_VVD_2 F10 Agrees with issue VVD -1 673 V10_VVD_3 A120 Issue associated with VVD – 2 674 V10_VVD_4 F10 Agrees with issue VVD -2 675 V10_PVV_1 A120 Issue associated with PVV -1 676 V10_PVV_2 F10 Agrees with issue PVV -1 677 V10_PVV_3 A120 Issue associated with PVV – 2 678 V10_PVV_4 F10 Agrees with issue PVV -2 679 V11_Kernwapens F10 The Netherlands should have nuclear weapons 680 V12_Stemhokje F10 Did (not) see more than one person in the voting booth 681 Vltoplop F10 Highest education (completed) of respondent 682 Vlgoplop F10 Highest education (attended) of respondent 683 Vltoplpa F10 Highest education (completed) of partner

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 684 VlgoplPA F10 Highest education (attended) of partner 685 werktop F10 Werkt > 11 uur pw OP 686 poswrkop F10 Positie in de werkkring OP 687 egp92_op F10 Huidig brp OP: egp-92-indeling naar sociale klasse 688 BRP92_OP F10 Beroep92 OP 689 ISCO_OP A6 ISCO code OP 690 SBI93SOP A5 SBI'93, sectiecode OP 691 ISCEDDOP A17 ISCED hoogst behaalde opleiding OP 692 ISCEDGOP A17 ISCED hoogst gevolgde opleiding OP 693 ISCEDAOP A17 ISCED huidige (actuele) opleiding OP 694 ISCEDDPA A17 ISCED hoogst behaalde opleiding PA 695 ISCEDGPA A17 ISCED hoogst gevolgde opleiding PA 696 ISCEDAPA A17 ISCED huidige (actuele) opleiding PA 697 Corop F10 COROP-gebieden 698 CoropS F10 COROP-subgebieden 699 CoropP F10 COROP-plusgebieden 700 Landd F10 Landsdelen 701 NUTS1 A3 NUTS1-gebieden 702 NUTS2 A4 NUTS2-gebieden 703 NUTS3 A5 NUTS3-gebieden 704 Provc F10 Provincies 705 Stedgem F10 Stedelijkheid gemeenten 706 ag_herk3 F1 Country of origin (three categories) 707 ag_generat F1 generatie allochtoniteit

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 708 ag_herkgnrt F1 niet westers allochtoniteit met generatie 709 ag_Typehh F1 TypeHuishouden (GBAregistratie) 710 ag_Plaatshh F2 PlaatsInHuishouden (GBAregistratie) 711 ag_aantalpx F3 number of persons in household 712 ag_aant15pp F3 aantal personen 15 jaar en ouder in hh 713 ag_aant18pp F3 aantal personen 18 jaar en ouder in hh 714 P2008_LFT F9 Leeftijd van de persoon 715 P2008_PERSINK F9 personal income 716 P2008_POSHHK F9 Positie in het huishouden tov hoofdkostwinner 717 P2008_SECCOAL1 F9 Sociaaleconomische categorie van de persoon 718 P2008_WEKEN F9 Aantal weken inkomen 719 H2008_AHL F9 Aantal huishoudensleden 720 H2008_AHLMI F9 Aantal hhleden met (persoonlijk) inkomen 721 H2008_BBIHALG1 F9 Belangrijkste inkomensbron van het huishouden 722 H2008_BESTINKH F9 spendable household income 723 H2008_GESTINKH F9 Gestandaardiseerd besteedbaar inkomen van het huishouden 724 H2008_EHALG F9 Woonsituatie (eigen woning / huurhuis) 725 H2008_SAMHH_R F9 Samenstelling huishouden (revisie) 726 BETWRKOP F10 Betaald werk, 1 uur pw telt- OP 727 UURWKOP F10 Aantal uren betaald werk per week- OP 728 SUURWKOP F10 Schatting aantal uren betaald werk- OP 729 WRKNEMOP F10 Werkt 12 uur of meer als werknemer- OP 730 BEDRPROP F10 Werkzaam in eigen bedrijf of dat van partner/ouders- OP

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NKO2012 Onderstaand volgt een overzicht van alle variabelen. Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 1 RINPERSOONS A1 Soort rinpersoon 2 RINPERSOON A9 Samen met rinpersoons is dit de persoon 3 Wgt1 F12.6 gewicht capi zonder stemgedrag 4 Wgt1b F12.6 ophoog capi zonder stemgedrag 5 Wgt1c F12.6 gewicht capi met stemgedrag 6 Wgt1d F12.6 ophoog capi met stemgedrag 7 Wgt2 F12.6 gewicht papi zonder stemgedrag 8 Wgt2b F12.6 ophoog papi zonder stemgedrag 9 Wgt2c F12.6 gewicht papi met stemgedrag 10 Wgt2d F12.6 ophoog papi met stemgedrag 11 V001 F10 Type of interview record 12 V002 A24 Interview start date (DDMMYYYY) 13 V003 A24 Interview start time (HHMMSS) 14 V004 A24 Interview end date (DDMMYYYY) 15 V005 A24 Interview end time (HHMMSS) 16 V010 F10 Frequency reading newspaper 17 V011 F10 Reads about national news? 18 V012 F10 Talks about national news? 19 V013 F10 Reads about foreign news? 20 V014 F10 Interested in politics 21 V015 F10 How closely did you follow the campaign? 22 V016 F10 Read campaign news in newspaper 23 V017 F10 Has seen electoral debates

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 24 V020 F10 Do you know vote matchers? 25 V021 F10 Did you fill in vote matcher? 26 V022 F10 1st advice of vote matcher 27 V023 F10 2nd advice of vote matcher 28 V024 F10 3rd advice of vote matcher 29 V025 F10 4th advice of vote matcher 30 V026 F10 5th advice of vote matcher 31 V035 F10 Advice of vote matcher - CDA 32 V036 F10 Advice of vote matcher - PvdA 33 V037 F10 Advice of vote matcher - VVD 34 V038 F10 Advice of vote matcher - GroenLinks 35 V039 F10 Advice of vote matcher - SP 36 V040 F10 Advice of vote matcher - D66 37 V041 F10 Advice of vote matcher - ChristenUnie 38 V042 F10 Advice of vote matcher - SGP 39 V043 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Partij voor de Vrijheid 40 V044 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Partij voor de Dieren 41 V045 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Democratisch Politiek Keerpunt 42 V046 F10 Advice of vote matcher - 50Plus 43 V047 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Other party 44 V048 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Refusal 45 V049 F10 Advice of vote matcher - Don't know 46 V050 F10 How much does it matter who is in charge? 47 V051 F10 How much does it matter which party one votes for?

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 48 V060 A765 Most important national problem (text) 49 V061 A765 Most important national problem 1st (text) 50 V062 A765 Most important national problem 2nd (text) 51 V063 A765 Most important national problem 3rd (text) 52 V064 A765 Most important national problem 4th (text) 53 V065 A765 Most important national problem 5th (text) 54 V066 A765 Most important national problem 6th (text) 55 V067 A765 Most important national problem 7th (text) 56 V068 A765 Most important national problem 8th (text) 57 V069 A765 Most important national problem 9th (text) 58 V071 F10 Most important national problem 1st (code) 59 V072 F10 Most important national problem 2nd (code) 60 V073 F10 Most important national problem 3rd (code) 61 V074 F10 Most important national problem 4th (code) 62 V075 F10 Most important national problem 5th (code) 63 V076 F10 Most important national problem 6th (code) 64 V077 F10 Most important national problem 7th (code) 65 V078 F10 Most important national problem 8th (code) 66 V079 F10 Most important national problem 9th (code) 67 V080 A765 Resignation Rutte Cabinet – reason (text) 68 V081 F10 Resignation Rutte Cabinet – reason (first answer) 69 V082 F10 Resignation Rutte Cabinet – reason (second answer) 70 V083 F10 Resignation Rutte Cabinet: Rightly? 71 V084 A765 Guilty of resignation Rutte Cabinet (text)

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 72 V085 F10 Guilty of resignation Rutte Cabinet (first answer) 73 V086 F10 Guilty of resignation Rutte Cabinet (second answer) 74 V090 F10 Effect government policy on economic situation 75 V091 F10 Effect government policy on employment situation 76 V092 F10 Effect government policy on respondents finances 77 V093 F10 General satisfaction with government 78 V100 F10 Income differences - position of CDA 79 V101 F10 Income differences - position of PvdA 80 V102 F10 Income differences - position of VVD 81 V103 F10 Income differences - position of D66 82 V104 F10 Income differences - position of PVV 83 V105 F10 Income differences - position of SP 84 V106 F10 Income differences - position of respondent 85 V107 F10 European unification - position of CDA 86 V108 F10 European unification - position of PvdA 87 V109 F10 European unification - position of VVD 88 V110 F10 European unification - position of D66 89 V111 F10 European unification - position of PVV 90 V112 F10 European unification - position of SP 91 V113 F10 European unification - position of respondent 92 V114 F10 Crime - position of respondent 93 V115 F10 Foreigners - position of respondent 94 V116 F10 Nuclear plants - position of respondent 95 V120 F10 Left-right rating of CDA (10 point scale)

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 96 V121 F10 Left-right rating of PvdA (10 point scale) 97 V122 F10 Left-right rating of VVD (10 point scale) 98 V123 F10 Left-right rating of D66 (10 point scale) 99 V124 F10 Left-right rating of GroenLinks (10 point scale) 100 V125 F10 Left-right rating of SP (10 point scale) 101 V126 F10 Left-right rating of PVV (Geert Wilders) (10 point scale) 102 V127 F10 Left-right rating of ChristenUnie (10 point scale) 103 V128 F10 Left-right rating of SGP (10 point scale) 104 V129 F10 Left-right rating of PvdD (10 point scale) 105 V130 F10 Left-right self-rating (10 point scale) 106 V135 F10 Issue: Less money for foreign aid 107 V136 F10 Issue: Big companies threat to democracy 108 V137 F10 Issue: Taxes should be cut 109 V138 F10 Issue: Mortgage deduction should be abolished 110 V139 F10 Issue: Government should prevent construction of new Mosques 111 V140 F10 Issue: Retirement age should be at 67 112 V141 F10 Issue: Government should support banks running a risk of bankruptcy 113 V142 F10 Issue: The Netherlands should lend money to European countries in trouble 114 V150 F10 Voted in 2010 parliamentary elections 115 V151 F10 Party voted for in 2010 parliamentary elections 116 V155 F10 Does know which parties were part of former government coalition 117 V156 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -1st party mentioned- 118 V157 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -2nd party mentioned-

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form.

119 V158 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -3rd party mentioned- 120 V159 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -4th party mentioned- 121 V160 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -5th party mentioned- 122 V161 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -6th party mentioned- 123 V162 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -7th party mentioned- 124 V163 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -8th party mentioned- 125 V164 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner -9th party mentioned- 126 V168 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: CDA 127 V169 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: PvdA 128 V170 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: VVD 129 V171 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: GroenLinks 130 V172 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: SP 131 V173 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: D66 132 V174 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: ChristenUnie 133 V175 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: SGP 134 V176 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: PVV 135 V177 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: PvdD 136 V178 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: TON 137 V179 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: Other party 138 V180 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: Refusal 139 V181 F10 Knowledge of coalition partner: Don't know 140 V182 F10 Which of these persons was the Finance Minister before the 2012 election 141 V183 F10.2 What was the unemployment rate in the Netherlands in August 2012

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 142 V184 F10 Which party came in second in seats in the 2012 parliamentary election 143 V185 F10 Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations 144 V190 F10 Sympathy score: CDA 145 V191 F10 Sympathy score: PvdA 146 V192 F10 Sympathy score: VVD 147 V193 F10 Sympathy score: D66 148 V194 F10 Sympathy score: GroenLinks 149 V195 F10 Sympathy score: SP 150 V196 F10 Sympathy score: PVV (Geert Wilders) 151 V197 F10 Sympathy score: ChristenUnie 152 V198 F10 Sympathy score: SGP 153 V199 F10 Sympathy score: PvdD 154 V200 F10 Sympathy score: 155 V201 F10 Sympathy score: 156 V202 F10 Sympathy score: Mark Rutte 157 V203 F10 Sympathy score: Alexander Pechtold 158 V204 F10 Sympathy score: 159 V205 F10 Sympathy score: Emile Roemer 160 V206 F10 Sympathy score: Geert Wilders 161 V207 F10 Sympathy score: 162 V208 F10 Sympathy score: Kees van der Staaij 163 V209 F10 Sympathy score: Marianne Thieme 164 V210 F10 Did (not) vote in 20122 parliamentary elections 165 V211 F10 Respondent authorized someone to vote by proxy

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 166 V212 F10 Party voted for in 2012 parliamentary elections 167 V213 A765 Reason party choice (text) 168 V214 F10 Reason party choice (first answer) 169 V215 F10 Reason party choice (second answer) 170 V216 F10 Reason party choice (third answer) 171 V217 F10 Party choice – when decided? 172 V218 F10 What time did you vote? 173 V219 F10 Did (not) cast preferential vote 174 V220 F10 Reason for preferential vote (main categories) 175 V221 A765 Reason for preferential vote (other) (text) 176 V222 F10 Reason for vote on first candidate 177 V223 F10 Has been authorized by someone to vote by proxy 178 V230 F10 Trust: Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful 179 V231 F10 Trust: Elections in general 180 V232 F10 Satisfaction with democracy in the Netherlands 181 V233 F10 Satisfaction with democracy in the European Union 182 V234 F10 Satisfaction with constitutional state in the Netherlands 183 V235 F10 Satisfaction with decision-making in Dutch politics 184 V236 F10 Opinions of MPs reflect opinions of electorate 185 V237 F10 Closer to respondent members of municipal council or MPs 186 V240 F10 MPs do not care about opinions of people like me 187 V241 F10 Parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinion 188 V242 F10 People like me have no influence on politics 189 V243 F10.2 External efficacy

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 190 V244 F10 Consider myself qualified for politics 191 V250 F10 Politicians are honest 192 V251 F10 Politicians are profiteers 193 V252 F10 Politicians keep their promises 194 V253 F10 Politicians are corrupt 195 V254 F10 Politicians are reliable 196 V255 F10 Politicians only have fine talk 197 V256 F10.2 Political cynicism 198 V260 F10 Member: Environmental organization 199 V261 F10 Member: Third world, human rights or peace organization 200 V262 F10 Member: Trade union 201 V263 F10 Member: Professional organization 202 V264 F10 Member: Employers' organisation 203 V265 F10 Member: Church 204 V266 F10 Member: Other 205 V267 A765 Member: Which other (text) 206 V268 F10 Other members of household member of trade union? 207 V269 F10 Chance acting against unjust national bill 208 V270 F10 Political action - 1st answer- 209 V271 F10 Political action - 2nd answer- 210 V272 F10 Political action - 3rd answer- 211 V273 F10 Political action - 4th answer- 212 V274 F10 Political action - 5th answer- 213 V275 F10 Political action - 6th answer-

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 214 V276 F10 Political action - 7th answer- 215 V280 F10 Did (not) try to get radio, TV or newspaper involved 216 V281 F10 Did (not) try to involve political party or organization 217 V282 F10 Did (not) participate in a meeting organized by government 218 V283 F10 Did (not) contact politician or civil servant 219 V284 F10 Did (not) join a civic action group 220 V285 F10 Did (not) join a demonstration 221 V286 F10 Did (not) use internet, email or SMS 222 V287 F10 Did (not) do other things to influence government 223 V288 F10 Did none of the above 224 V300 F10 Government spending: Healthcare 225 V301 F10 Government spending: Education 226 V302 F10 Government spending: Unemployment benefits 227 V303 F10 Government spending: Military 228 V304 F10 Government spending: Pensions 229 V305 F10 Government spending: Business 230 V306 F10 Government spending: Social welfare expenditures 231 V310 F10 Likelihood of improved standard of living next 10 years 232 V311 F10 Evaluation economic situation in the Netherlands, past twelve months 233 V312 F10 Evaluation economic situation in the Netherlands, past twelve months: Slightly better or clearly better 234 V313 F10 Evaluation economic situation in the Netherlands, past twelve months: Slightly worse or clearly worse 235 V314 F10 Likelihood of substantial decline in household income next 12 months 236 V320 F10 Evaluation of Dutch EU Membership

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 237 V321 F10 EU Membership Turkey 238 V322 F10 Satisfaction with the way MPs are elected 239 V323 F10 The inhabitants of the municipality should elect the mayor 240 V324 F10 The citizens should make important decisions for the country by referendum 241 V325 F10 The Prime Minister should be directly elected by the voters 242 V330 F10 Respondent is religious 243 V331 F10 Religious denomination 244 V332 F10 Attendance of religious services 245 V333 F10 Social class – self image 246 V340 F10 Age respondent at election date (12 sept 2012) 247 V341 F10 Gender 248 V342 F10 Marital state 249 V343 F10 Country of origin (three categories) 250 V344 F10 Highest education (completed) of respondent 251 V345 F10 Highest education (attended) of respondent 252 V346 A60 Highest education (completed) of respondent (ISCED-code) 253 V347 A60 Highest education (attended) of respondent (ISCED-code) 254 V348 F10 works > 11 Hours per week 255 V349 F10 Position in work community 256 V350 F10 Social economic category respondent 257 V351 F10 Occupation of respondent: SBI 1993 classification 258 V352 F10 Respondent has partner in same household 259 V353 F10 Gender partner 260 V354 F10 Year of birth partner

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 261 V355 F10 Highest education (completed) of partner 262 V356 F10 Highest education (attended) of partner 263 V357 F10 Number of persons in household 264 V358 F10 Type of household 265 V359 F10 Spendable household income (in percentiles) 266 V360 F10 Region 267 V361 F10 Degree of urbanization 268 V370 F10 Frequency reading newspaper (PAPI) 269 V371 F10 Daily newspaper - de Telegraaf 270 V372 F10 Daily newspaper - de Volkskrant 271 V373 F10 Daily newspaper - Trouw 272 V374 F10 Daily newspaper - NRC Handelsblad 273 V375 F10 Daily newspaper - NRC Next 274 V376 F10 Daily newspaper - Algemeen Dagblad 275 V377 F10 Daily newspaper - Metro 276 V378 F10 Daily newspaper - Spits 277 V379 F10 Daily newspaper - Other 278 V380 A765 Daily newspaper - Which other (text) 279 V381 F10 Frequency watching NOS TV newscast 280 V382 F10 Frequency watching RTL4 TV newscast 281 V383 F10 Frequency visiting - Nos.nl 282 V384 F10 Frequency visiting - Geenstijl.nl 283 V385 F10 Frequency visiting - Nu.nl 284 V386 F10 Frequency visiting - Telegraaf.nl

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 285 V387 F10 Frequency visiting - Elsevier.nl 286 V388 F10 Frequency visiting - NRC.nl 287 V389 F10 Frequency visiting - Volkskrant.nl 288 V390 F10 Frequency visiting - Google news 289 V391 F10 Frequency visiting - Fok.nl 290 V392 F10 Frequency visiting - AD.nl 291 V393 F10 Frequency visiting - Other (I) 292 V394 A765 Other website visited (I) (text) 293 V395 F10 Frequency visiting - Other (II) 294 V396 A765 Other website visited (II) (text) 295 V400 F10 Party differences during campaign 296 V401 F10 Frequency of encountering poll results 297 V402 F10 Poll results: Influence on party choice 298 V403 F10 Poll results: Influence on turning out to vote 299 V404 F10 Influence vote matcher: Party choice 300 V410 F10 Mobilization by institutional contact ? 301 V411 F10 Institutional contact - In person 302 V412 F10 Institutional contact - Mail 303 V413 F10 Institutional contact - Phone 304 V414 F10 Institutional contact - SMS 305 V415 F10 Institutional contact - E-mail 306 V416 F10 Institutional contact - Social network or web 307 V417 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: CDA 308 V418 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: PvdA

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 309 V419 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: VVD 310 V420 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: GroenLinks 311 V421 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: SP 312 V422 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: D66 313 V423 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: ChristenUnie 314 V424 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: SGP 315 V425 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: PVV 316 V426 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: Partij voor de Dieren 317 V427 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: Democratisch Politiek Keerpunt 318 V428 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: 50Plus 319 V429 F10 Institutional contact - Which party: Other party 320 V430 F10 Mobilization by personal contact? 321 V431 F10 Personal contact - In person 322 V432 F10 Personal contact - Mail 323 V433 F10 Personal contact - Phone 324 V434 F10 Personal contact - SMS 325 V435 F10 Personal contact - E-mail 326 V436 F10 Personal contact - Social network or web 327 V437 F10 Mobilization: Sign up for automatic info or alerts by mobile phone 328 V438 F10 Did (not) see more than one person in the voting booth 329 V440 F10 Trust: Churches 330 V441 F10 Trust: Army 331 V442 F10 Trust: Judges 332 V443 F10 Trust: Press

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 333 V444 F10 Trust: Police 334 V445 F10 Trust: Government 335 V446 F10 Trust: National Parliament 336 V447 F10 Trust: Civil servants 337 V448 F10 Trust: Big companies 338 V449 F10 Trust: European Union 339 V450 F10 Trust: NATO 340 V451 F10 Trust: Political parties 341 V452 F10 Trust: Financial institutions 342 V455 F10 Political parties know what voters think 343 V456 F10 Dutch politics is corrupt 344 V457 F10 Dutch politics does stand up for everyone's interests 345 V458 F10 Future European treaties should be discussed in a popular referendum 346 V459 F10 Future European enlargements should be discussed in a popular referendum 347 V460 F10 I feel attached to the Netherlands and the Dutch 348 V461 F10 I consider myself more as a European or cosmopolitan instead of a Dutchman 349 V462 F10 I am proud to be Dutch 350 V453 F10 I feel more attached to region I live in than to the Netherlands 351 V454 F10 Every Dutch citizen should know the Dutch anthem 352 V465 F10 Dutch customs and traditions should be preserved 353 V466 F10 It would be a pity if the Dutch language would disappear 354 V467 F10 You can only be a real Dutchman if you are born in the Netherlands

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 355 V468 F10 If possible, individuals receiving a Dutch passport should disclaim other nationalities held 356 V469 F10 Dutch emigrants should be able to retain their Dutch passport 357 V470 F10 The Dutch government should not interfere in the economy 358 V471 F10 The ECB should interfere in the economy 359 V472 F10 The EU should interfere in the economy 360 V475 F10 Everyone should be free to say what they want in public 361 V476 F10 Everyone should be free to write what they want in public 362 V477 F10 Everyone should be free to protest in public 363 V478 F10 Everyone should be free to criticize the Royal family in public 364 V479 F10 Everyone should be free to occupy buildings to enforce justified claims 365 V480 F10 Probability of future vote for CDA 366 V481 F10 Probability of future vote for PvdA 367 V482 F10 Probability of future vote for VVD 368 V483 F10 Probability of future vote for D66 369 V484 F10 Probability of future vote for GroenLinks 370 V485 F10 Probability of future vote for SP 371 V486 F10 Probability of future vote for PVV 372 V487 F10 Probability of future vote for ChristenUnie 373 V488 F10 Probability of future vote for SGP 374 V489 F10 Probability of future vote for PvdD 375 V490 F10 Respondent is (not) adherent to a party? 376 V491 F10 Respondent is (not) more attracted to a party? 377 V492 F10 Respondent is (not) convinced adherent to a party

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 378 V493 F10 Adherent attracted to:CDA 379 V494 F10 Adherent attracted to: PVDA 380 V495 F10 Adherent attracted to: VVD 381 V496 F10 Adherent attracted to: GroenLinks 382 V497 F10 Adherent attracted to: SP 383 V498 F10 Adherent attracted to: D66 384 V499 F10 Adherent attracted to: ChristenUnie 385 V500 F10 Adherent attracted to: SGP 386 V501 F10 Adherent attracted to: PVV 387 V502 F10 Adherent attracted to: PvdD 388 V503 F10 Adherent attracted to: Democratisch Politiek Keerpunt 389 V504 F10 Adherent attracted to: 50Plus 390 V505 F10 Adherent attracted to: Other party 391 V510 F10 Euthanasia - position of CDA 392 V511 F10 Euthanasia - position of PvdA 393 V512 F10 Euthanasia - position of VVD 394 V513 F10 Euthanasia - position of D66 395 V514 F10 Euthanasia - position of PVV 396 V515 F10 Euthanasia - position of SP 397 V516 F10 Euthanasia - position of respondent 398 V517 F10 Foreigners - position of CDA 399 V518 F10 Foreigners - position of PvdA 400 V519 F10 Foreigners - position of VVD 401 V520 F10 Foreigners - position of D66

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 402 V521 F10 Foreigners - position of PVV 403 V522 F10 Foreigners - position of SP 404 V525 F10 Asylum seekers - position of respondent 405 V526 F10 International military missions – position of respondent 406 V527 F10 Government should reduce income differences 407 V530 F10 Issue: More money for foreign aid 408 V531 F10 Issue: Adoption by homosexual couples 409 V532 F10 Issue: Illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay 410 V533 F10 Issue: Pensioners should pay for AOW 411 V534 F10 Issue: Gay marriage should be forbidden 412 V535 F10 Issue: Retirement age should be at 67 413 V536 F10 Religion good guide in politics 414 V537 F10 Should there be confessional schools? 415 V538 F10.2 Confessional Index 416 V539 F10 Religious schools: Separate Roman Catholic and Protestant Schools or Christian Unity 417 V540 F10 Religious schools: Allow Islamic schools 418 V550 F10 Crime – punishment of crimes 419 V551 F10 Crime – holding suspect of terrorist attack in prison 420 V552 F10 Crime – torture should never be allowed 421 V553 F10 Crime – introduction of death penalty for certain crimes 422 V554 F10 Crime – strictly upholding law no matter consequences 423 V560 F10 The Dutch culture is threatened 424 V561 F10 I am afraid Dutch economic prospects will deteriorate 425 V562 F10 I am worried that my neighborhood will deteriorate

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Nr Variabele en omschrijving Form. 426 V563 F10 I am afraid of increasing vandalism and violence in the Netherlands 427 V564 F10 I am afraid my own financial prospects will deteriorate 428 V570 F10 Only few people I can really talk to 429 V571 F10 There is always someone who can help me 430 V572 F10 I often feel forsaken 431 V573 F10 There is nobody who is interested in me

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Toelichting op de variabelen

RINPERSOONS en RINPERSOON Bronbestanden die aan het CBS geleverd worden, bevatten doorgaans als persoons- identificator het BSN. Het Burgerservicenummer (BSN) wordt als zeer identificerend beschouwd en daarom vervangt het CBS dit nummer door een intern persoonsidentificatienummer, het betekenisloze RIN-nummer (RINPERSOON). Een microdatabestand is voorzien van de door het CBS toegevoegde variabelen soort identificatiecode (RINPERSOONS) en identificatienummer (RINPERSOON), die samen het BSN vervangen. Records met een BSN die zijn teruggevonden in de GBA zijn voorzien van een geldig RIN-nummer. Deze records hebben de waarde ‘R’ op RINPERSOONS gekregen.

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Bestandsnaam Reden NKO2010V1 Eerste plaatsing NKO2012V1 Eerste plaatsing

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