TOWN OF WHITCHURCH - STOUFFVILLE HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Tuesday October 13, 2020 7:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING Council Chambers - 111 Sandiford Drive As the Municipal Offices (111 Sandiford Drive) are now closed to the public, residents may listen to the meeting live online at The audio link will be available 5 minutes before the meeting is expected to start. Please contact the Committee Coordinator at 905-640-1910 x 2236, or
[email protected] to: submit written comments, register to provide verbal comments by attending the meeting electronically, or obtain further information regarding the agenda items or the meeting process. Anyone wishing to submit comments during the meeting may call in at 905- 640-1910 x 2222 or email
[email protected], and the comments will form part of the public record. Chair: Councillor Kroon Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS 3. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4. DECLARATIONS 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3 - 7 1. Minutes 6. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 8 - 22 1. Whitchurch-Stouffville Heritage Awards: Suggested Format 23 - 30 2. Heritage Conservation District: Discussion Item 3. Official Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee: Update by Dean Horner 31 - 33 4. Heritage Advisory Committee Site Visits 7. CORRESPONDENCE Heritage Advisory Committee Agenda October 13, 2020 34 - 38 1. Ontario Barn Preservation 8. MOTION TO ADJOURN Page 2 of 38 TOWN OF WHITCHURCH - STOUFFVILLE HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, September 14, 2020 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting (Council Chambers, 111 Sandiford Drive) Chair: Councillor Kroon The meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee was held on the above date and time.