I ASUH Chuck changes asked gives stand by students-page 2 on ASUH finances T M ~ V 0 I C E 0 s: M AW A I z 861


Liebrech~ Tomorrow last day ·wahine interclass tennis fuanagers Ninety"'.one to drop courses Tomorrow will be the last day for Ellery set students to withdraw from courses achieve without failures being recorded against them. Students who intend to drop for program . courses should see their deans for ··honor rate written consent before going to the registrar~s office. .. · Violin concert, talk A failure or a'l F will be recorded Seven students hit for ariy course dropped by students on science, religion without observing the formal perfect score; TC are assembly fare - process. places eight per cent Dr. Edward Ellery, national Ninety-one students enrolled at president of the Sigma Xi, and the University .last semester ob­ Konrad Liebrecht, concert master Class petitions tained a grade-point average of of the Honolulu Symphony oches­ 3.5 or better, it was announced by tra, will appear in Thursday's con· for nominations the registrar's office. ' Seven students out of the ninety­ vocation. . one were able to make an all-A rec­ Dr. Ellery will speak for 20 min­ ord for an average of 4.0. utes on the topic of science and re· due tomorrow Iigion. Students with a 4.0 average are Following the talk will be a half Petitions for nominations of can­ Margaret Burd, frosh, applied hour violin con<;ert of Easter mu· didates for the various class offices science; Beatrice I. Chang, Harold sic by Mr. Liebrecht, who will be sliould be in the hands ·of the vice­ In charge of women's interclass tennis are Mae Asahina, senior; Mae L. Child, Ella Embree, and David accompanied by Verne Waldo president of each class by tomorrow Ogawa. junior; Daisy Williams, sophomore. Missing from picture, Bar­ Thompson, all seniors in arts, and afternoon. The vice-president of the bera Bown, freshman.-Photo by Mi.ss Esther Mitchell. sciences; Peter Radner and Olive Thompson. freshman, sophomore, and junior C. Williams, freshman and senior j At a meeting of the committee on convocations it was decided that classes will have charge of the in Teachers college, respectively. the committee should attempt to elections. As far as number of honor roll secure the Varsity theater for an Petitions should be· turned in to May Day burlesque planned students is concerned, the college illustrated lectu·re by James Sawd· Stanley Chow, junior class vice­ of arts and sciences led with 41. president, William Kawato, sopho­ Teachers college followed closely ers for next Thursday's convoca­ with 36 and the college of applied tion. Mr. Sawders will speak on more and Shiro Amioka, freshman. tO highlight yearly pageant Petitions should bear the names of science claimed 14. "The Highway to South America." In proportion to enrollment, how­ It was also decided that if Soo 25 bona fide members of the respec­ fo~ the most beautiful green and tive classes. Plans for a burlesque of May Day ever, Teachers college lead with Yong, famous Chinese actress, is to highlight the a;inual Lei Day - wl:}ite lei, representing the school over eight percent of its students unable to appear at the convocation The elections will occur on Fri­ pageant at the amphitheater on colors; the most beautiful; the most on the honor roll. Arts and science,­ scheduled for April 24, that a con­ day, April 18. May 1 at 5 p.qi. are rapidly ma­ typically Hawaiian; and the most a little over four percent,' and ap­ cert by the University of Hawaii A total of 52 candidates were terializing under ·the leadership of unique leis. Each class, except the plied science, over 2 percent, fol- band be given. named by the three class councils Pearl Richardson and Man Kwong first, will a ward two prizes, one for .lowed in order. , The committee will also recom­ last week to· seek offices for their Au, co-chairmen for the speci.al con­ the individual submitting the best ApJ?lied science students with an mend that the Lei Day program be respective classes. vocation. lei, and one for the organization. average of 3.5 or better are as fol­ assigned to the convocations group For the first time the president­ The light satire of Hawaii's fa­ No commercial products, such as lows: Margaret Burd, Howard H. C. and that a suitable Lei Day program elect of each class, togetlle:r with Chang, Rodney K. J. Chang, Wah be given with Clara Inter as one mous Lei Day will, have a queen cord, strings, etc., can be used for the incoming freshman class presi­ the typically Hawaiian lei. Moki­ Fai Dang, Mabel L. Davis, Willard of the attractions. whose \dentity will not be revealed dent, will sit in the student council until she appears at the amphi­ hana is permitted. The leis will M. Eller, Richard D. Emory, Vernon It was decided that the date of as ex-officio members. This is in E. Hargrave, · Nero N. Kawahara, May 8 be reserved for winners of theater. The presence of this queen probably be on exhibition in the keeping with the provision in Arti­ lounge of Hemenway hall. Kongo · Kimura, Sakae Takahashi, an all-University oratorical · contest, will definitely add to the comedy Takuma Tanada, Sau Ki Wong and cle V, Section A of the ASUH Con­ the committee promised. provided that Soo Yong is not stitution which was approved last As yet the connections between Hung Lum Young. · available for that date. year in a referendum. A WS, with / president Sui Ping the University and the city-count,· Honor students in Teachers col­ Plans for an information please Chun in charge, has been asked by committee necessary for this an· lege were Myrtle Ako, Shiro Ami­ program to be sponsored by the Walter · Chuck to handle the lei nual pageant have not been made. oka, Harold Au, Esther Ing Ching, Phi Theta Psi, and for a bacca­ contest this year. All exhibitions, Florence H. C. Ching, Isabelle B. laureate and commencement pro­ TCC wants plaque publicity, prizes and handling of Costa, Anne De Arce, Masatq Doi, gram were postponed until more the leis will be taken over by the Awards committee Shigeru Fukuoka, Setsu Furuno, complete outlines of the affairs are organization. Miyoko J. Goto, Fumiko Hanaoka, submitted. to inspir_e talk The ASUH will offer c'ash prizes to meet tomorrow Lora C. Harr, Ella Hermanson, Hulda Hermanson, Nobuki Kameda The TC club is sponsoring a drive The Awar"ds Investigation com­ and Sumie L. Kawasaki. among its members for a silver mittee will meet at 12:45 tomorrow Isami Kurasaki, Masayuki Matsu- , Picture schedule plaque to be placed in the Teachers' Sophomore council in the Ka Palapala workroom, chair- · naga, Shigemitsu Nakashima, Morio College Elementary school. This man Robin Mullins said. (Continued on page 4) for clubs given plaque will. serve as an incentive to hold meeting for speech improvement. Final details in the revision of the award system will be discussed, Wakaba Kai and Hakuba Kai Tentative plans are to have an A meeting of the sophomore class council will be held tomorrow and all members are expected to will have their pictures for Ka annual oratorical contest among attend. Palapala taken today in front of students of this school and have at 12: 45 in the Alumni room of , Publications Hawaii hall, at 12: 40 p.m. and 1: 10 the name of each year's winner en­ Hemenway hall, announced Vice­ Revision of the ASUH award P.m. respectively. graved on the plaque. President William Kawato. system began more than a year The . rest of the picture taking~ The meeting will be open to all ago under former President Duke positions open Chairman · of the drive ·rs Masa­ Cho Choy's administration. schedule is as follows: yuki Matsunaga who is responsible sophomore class members. Plans Thursday, April 10-'-Agricultural for the idea. Working with him are for class week to be held May 5 to The revisions, if passed by the Three applications have thus far club, Aggie building at 12: 40 p.m.; Mrs. Ruth Merrill, Tomoyoshi Ku­ 10 and for the sophomore dance ASU H council and the student body, been received for publications posts FFA, Aggie building at 1:10 p.m... rokawa and Shiro Amioka. will be discussed. will go into effect next year. for the coming school year. Monday, April 14-YMCA, Hawan Deadline for the applications has hall (front) at 12: 40 p.m.; YWCA, been set at 4 p.m. tomorrow. All Hawaii hall (fron,t) at 1:10 p.m. letters must be turned in either to Tuesday, April 15-Chemistr~ Modest newsman shuns publicity for himself President Walter Chuck or to Theo­ club, Gartley hall at 12: 40 p.m. • dore Searle, graduate manager. Pre Med club, Gartley hall at 1: 10 Lone applicant for the job of P.m. but instructs others in the art of writing it editor of Ka Leo is Elbert Yee. Wednesday, April 16-CSA, Ha: Yee has been working on Ka Waii hall (rear) at 12:40 p.m.; Hm But turning out news is not his Leo for the past three years as a liwt, Hawaii hall (rear) at 1: 10 p.m. only job. He also teaches people reporter, feature editor and busi­ Thursday, April 17-0LS, Orien· how to turn out news. He conducts ness manager. He was also a re­ tal institute (front) at 12: 40 p.m.; several courses in journalism and porter on the Rough Rider the ~ewman club, Haw. Sch. of Reltg. in his capacity as adviser for Ka Roosevelt high school newspaper. at 1:10 p.m. . Leo, he cautions reporters on the Hopefuls for th~ position of busi­ Friday April 18-H club, Amph1· ethics of journalism and things of ness manager of Ka Leo are Henry theatre ~t 12: 40 p.m.; Engineers that nature. But don't think for a Choy and Vernon Wong. club, Eng. quad. at 1: 10 p.m. moment that Mr. Orne is not capa­ Choy claims experience on both Monday, April 21-TC club: ble of making mistakes. Sometimes the editorial and business staff of Teachers College at 12:40 p.m., he errs terribly. But Ka Leo Ka Leo; and connections with com­ .A.therton House, Atherton House at reporters don't mind because they mercial newspapers. 1:10 p.m. believe they'll learn just as much He is also business manager for Tuesday April 22-Hui Noeau, by their adviser's mistake as they the college calendar desk blotters llawaii hail (rear, Iauhala groves) will by their own. and has been business manager of at 12:40 p.m.; Bhack Yong, Hawaii the Crusader, St. Louis College an- hall (rear, lauhala groves) at 1:10 Away from the clacking of type­ nual. , P.ni. writers in the newsroom, Mr. Orne Vernon Wong was the circulation Wednesday, April 23-Commerce spends a good deal of time reading manager of Ka Leo last year, and Club, Hawaii hall (rear) at 12:40 and thinking up parlour games. He is this year's assistant business P.ID..; Home Economics, HQme Ee. has a most interesting collection of manager. bUiiding (left side) at 1: 10 p.m. exciting indoor sports. One in He w:as also business manager of particular is still remembered by the St. Louis College newspaper several persons who were his guests for tw,b years and business man­ No . University sJiJ,dents recently. It's to your own good that ager for the St. Louis College an­ you don't ftnd out the name or nual. in second drdt call Stanley Orne nature of that game. ·Reason? The Up to this time there have been victims who participated in that no applications for the editorship of event ha:ve never quite completely Ka Palapala. are turned out periodically. Much recovered from the effects of it. The board of publications will of the articles that appear in the But If you're curious enough to consider appllcia.Uons on Monday at local papers are from the News know, look him up. He may tell ta: '5 and make tta ~commen~ Bureau 111 which he works. you what it was all about. tfons to the Studen.t CouncU. PAC:JI: 2 . KA LEO 0 HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1941 Collegians have a,· word ·for it

· TM l V 0 ICC HAWAII Question: What changes in ed by a two-thirds vote of the stu­ ernment, it ~t · least shows student government would you I ike to see made effective next dent body if the said amendment some of the students f'ounded on September 13~ tm as the Hawaii Mirror Name changed November 15, 1922 to tea Leo o Hawaii year? is approvea by the student council. ested." Published twice a week by the Associated Students of the University of Hawaii. If the students want to change the Entered as second-class m.GXtter at the post office of Honolulu, Hawaii, 1922, under the act of March 3, 1879. Peggy Goss, arts and sciences constitution, the council shouldn't Mae Asahina, arts and Subscription rates: 75c uer semester; $1.50 yearly. Publication schedule, 1940-1941: Wednesday and Saturday mornings September 16 to junior, Gamma Chi Sigma, chair­ be allowed .to stand in the way. I senior, Wakaba Kai, Univers' Mey 31 excepting: September 16, 21; November 23; December 25, 28; January 4; February man of nickelodeon committee-' Japanese club, OLS, YWCA- l, 5, 8, 12, 22; April 12. · also think that there shq_uld be a ' Member, Associated Collegiate Press, distributor of Collegiate Digest. "There a;e a lot of new people referendum and recall clause to the Represented for · national advertising by National Advertising Service, In~ .• 420 Mad- "l believe that if the newly stait. iaon Ave .. New York. . . in school with a ASUH constitution." ed Council of Club Presidents Ji& lot of new ideas Editor-in-Chief.. ~------·------···------.Eddie N. Chong Andrew In, teachers college came an actiYe th~t ~ould prob­ junior, ROTC cadet captain, Saber part of the sq. Business Manager.. ·-·----- ~ ·--···-······-················· :·-···------Richard Ho ably be bene­ and Chain - dent governm~ EDITORIAL STAFf! ficial to some of . " I don't know whether this has they could do a Managing Editors------·------· .. ----·------·------·------·----Elbert Yee, Yutaka Nakahata the ASUH activi­ N.ews Editors------·------Keichiro Yamato. Henry Wong anything to do with school govern· lot to bring 1 News Feature Editors------·------~------Fumiko Fujita, Kikue Kaneko ties. Most of the ment, but I think that the ASUH closer corinecti(l, Litera y Editors-----··------··------·---·-----Dorothy Goo, Caroline Dizon newer students Sports Editors.·----'------·------: ______Morio Orqori, Don Perin \ihould wo:rk more in conjunction· between the stu. haven't h a d a Women's Editors------Mae Sakamoto, Evangeline Mori ·with the Univer­ dents and the Assistant Editors·-·--·-·------Phyllis Bailey, yuji Yamashita, Gertrude Chong chance to partici­ Reporters: Irene Seo, Faustina Van Gieson, Tadashi Eto, Shin Sakamoto, · i sity authorities. ASUH. Whatis pate in any of the ASUH commit- r­ Shigeyuki Yoshitake, Yoon Yil Yee, Emiko Iwashita, Wads­ There are plenty really needed is a worth Yee, Dorothy Jim, Beatri<;:e Sarmiento, Henry Choy, tees. · They ought to be given a of things that closer connection between the Melvin Lepine. chance' to get a word in.'' Librarian.------·------Rosalie Hoshibata ceuld be improv­ school organizations and the goT· Photographer·------···------·-·------·------·--·------Sam Mukaida Mary Hyun, arts and sciences , ed, but no one ernment. The various . campt11 BUSINESS STAFF junior, Poh Song Whe- seems to know Assistant Business Manager·------·------·------_. ____ vernon Wong clubs could probably contribute Advertising Manager.. .·------·------·------·----Ro bert T. Wong "1 think there is a great lack of who is respons­ to many of the ASUH activities! Advertising Sta:ff ______,______,______Roger Lee, Mary Chung, Raymond Ho, student activity in the student gov­ ible for them. The government Hirotoshi Yamamoto ernment. More students· should ought to try to move more into Douglas H een, arts and sciencei Circulation Manager...... ·------·------··--·-----·--····-··--·------Frances Williams junior, Hui Al'!kai - Assistant Circulation Manager.·-·--···-·------······· .. ··--·····-········------Peggy Thatcher participate in ASUH affairs. If a things which would help make the Circulation Staff...... -----·-----··---Audrie Peck, Evelyn Moniz, Leland Harry, way to get student participation in facilities better. The ventilation in "For a better gov~rnment, Kate Laune, Wally McHenry tm the government was worked out, the Rese;ve room, for instance, standard among it would be highly beneficial to the shoul~ be improved." the s t u d e n t s school. As it is, not even half of the Melvin Lepine, applied science should be raised. The student forum students know what is going on in junior, Saber and Chain- Gambling or ASUH affairs and some don't even "I don't believe the student gov­ 'shooting crap care to find out. Thus, if more plain and answer any questions re­ ernment does enough. Everything's should be al­ wright thanks voters; 'garding the set-up whenever any people became interested in the been so dead this . lowed. F l o o r student drops into our office. · government, it would .probably be asks for cooperation May we see all of you· interested year. There hasn't space in Hemen~ Fellow students: students and have a general discus­ improved. been enough way hall for such an activity can At this time I would like to thank. sion on this set up? · · easily be provided. It is too w WALTER CHUCK. Shiro Amioka, freshman coun­ noise from the you for supporting me in the past known that the women's facuhy elections. I ·sincerely appreciate cillor, teachers college- ASUH. If more room is very seldom occupied. Whr your faith in me and I assure you Student urges proxy ~' Although I haven't given the people knew what that I will do my very best to not change it into a gambling warrant it. voting in elections matter inuch thought, I think that was going on, Now that the campaigns are over there should be a . perhaps they'd be room? This would prevent stilden let's forget our political rivalries Editor, Ka Leo: closer connection more interested. If there's a lot of from trespassing into private empty and pull towards a common goal. At this' time I wish that Ka Leo lots." Our student government for next would clarify and make public bet.ween the stu~ squawking against the student gov- year will be' composed of students whether or not it is permissible dent body as a from every group on the campus. So for one to vote by proxy. I believe let's get together! that at the present time there is no whole and the ad­ HAROLD WRIGHT provision made for this method of ministration. I do I< Shopping . .. voting, and that it is left to the dis­ not know how cretion of the election committee. A Complete Line of is a pleasure at the Chuck gives dope At the present time there is an this· could be on ASUH finances increasing number .of students who brought about, Spalding METROPOLITAN are becoming "election-conscious." but if this were One of the candidates in the re­ Also, I believe that there are rela­ Sporting Goods 3-MARKETS-3 cent political rally stated that there tively few students who will neg­ done, it would be was in a reserve fund a surplus of lect to vote without reason. Most of a great improvement to our school more than $11,000 which was just them, I believe, were either ill or government." NO. 1-DOWNTOWN tying around idle. A general miscon­ pressed with tough schedules and S. King near Bethel ception was given, because $8, 771.41 maybe with an exam or two. And Iva(!, Wentworth-Rohr, teachers of this fund is a reserve fund for it is for these students that the NO. 2-DRIVE-IN athletics. value of voting by proxy should college junior, Phi Theta Psi-- S. Beretania and Pllkol lmmediately the question arises be made known. "I think that the student com­ NO. 3- DRIVE-IN , as to why this fund is necessary. I observed an example of this mittees, not the standing commit­ E. 0. HALL & SON Kapiolanl near Kalakaua The explanation of this is simple. method of voting today when Hoichi Five dollars of the thirteen you pay Kubo was permitted to vote for his tees but the ones chosen each year, to the ASUH is used for athletics. friend who was ill. Hoichi had a should be comprised of more regu­ King at Fort St. Fine Foods for Less This five dollars is used to defray written consent from his friend lar sudents, .rather than members Dellvery and Credit the exp'enses of every sport, includ­ which he presented to a member of ing the intramural program, with the election committe. More stu­ of the student Convenience for the Asking one exception and that sport is dents who for good reasons are un­ council. I don't able to vote, should make use of football. Not one cent is spent for think that the football, for this activity gets its this method. . DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE income from gate receipts. Foot­ In a democracy, every vote president of the ball is expected to be self-support­ counts. ASUH should be KNOW ing and only if it is is self support­ Yours truly, FRESH FRUITS ing are the other sports able to TORI ARISUMI. chairman of all RICO carry on. the student com­ Football spends a total of about mittees, neither l~e VEGETABLES $40,000 a year. What happens if we should have a financially un­ Executive hoard should the coun­ Cream Fresh pineapples shipped profitable season? Where will we cil members be and get the money to defray the ex­ to meet today to all parts on the Main• penses, especially when football · chairmen. After RICO land . . . Gift crates our all, the committees are for the alone spends nearly $40,000? What The executive board of the Milk specialty. happens when we want to buy new Council of Club Presidents will meet students and they should control athletic equipment, or incur an ex­ at 2: 30 this afternoon in the ASUH them. pense like a new locker room? Part office in an attempt to elect of­ of the money would come from the ficers of the board. "That amendment in the consti­ RANCHO PRODU administration if we wanted a new Approval for such move was tution on amendments and by-laws locker room, but certainly none given by the council in a meeting co. would come if we wanted new held last Thursday in Hemenway should also be changed. It says equipment or ran into the red. A hall. At that time five students that the constitution can be chang- "Direcl from our large surplus fund is absolutely representing five different groups As an ideal dessert and as 1247 River SL necessary to take care of a probable were nominated to serve on the bad football season, in order to executive body. French sound movie a refreshment supreme avoid discontinuaqce of other John Fitzgerald, Margaret Dunn, Ask for it at the Cafeteria sports. Evangeline Mori and Franklin Sunn will he given soon The other $3,000 is the reserve will attend the meeting with fund which has been built up by and Yutaka Nakahata, "Harvest," a French sound pic­ all of the other departments of the student council members who are ture with English sub-titles, will be For Delicious Meals • • • Come to ASUH, which includes the debate, working on the re-organization of presented to students Tuesday and women students, Ka Leo, Ka Pala­ the Council of Club Presidents. Thursday at 1: 30 p.m., April 15 and pala and the ASUH general fund. Fitzgerald is representing the 17, in 8105. Admission will be 15c. PAGO PAGO This too is necessary, as was illus­ fraternities on the campus while The film, which was brought here Phone 94238 2454 S. Beretania trated two administrations ago Miss Dunn is the delegate from the for the French language classes, is when all but two departments sorority group. based on Jean Glono's novel ..Har­ showed a loss, and this loss was Miss Mori was selected to repre­ vest," The setting of the movie ls covered only because we had a re- sent the special clubs on the campus laid 1n Provence, southern France. serve fund. · and Sun.Ii is the spokesman for the It is a story of a man, a woman, The Graduate Manager and I are professional.group. and thp soil; and how a decaying very anxious that all of the students ltema to be discussed will include viltaege s made to live again. understand the financial set up. We the organization of various su)). Arthur Honegger, the distin· are willing to take the time to ex- committees. gulshed Fren<'h composer, who wrote scores for "Pygmalion" and "Mayerllng," w11>te the symphonic Ka Leo o Hawaii welcomes the visiting journalism students from score for "Harvest.'' u~ and Waimea high schools, and extends to them the 81.oha of the . 'I'he movie will also be given at Farrington hall Wed~esday ~ve­ student body during their stay here. ning, Ai>rll 16, beginning at 7: 45, KA LEO 0 HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1941 asehall team Novice wre~tlers Coca Cola squad points for W ehfeet lays tonight tak~ four titles in return cage engagement .tomorrow Night and day the University ball ossers are active. · and team bauble · .Although the departure of five seniors from the present squad Coach Sam Harry's wrestlers, not UH racers will snring into action 01_ ympic star~ '!fas postponed because of wet satisfied with four individual titles r . grounds Saturday, the delayed part­ ·ng festivities will commence at ~~~ 1 ~!er!~:~ ~~~:fP~~~~h~at~rJ~; todav after period .oif inactivity will also play 6:30 p.m. today. night at the Nuuanu Y, will tackle J :J l . Playing in the first game of a the USS New Mexico mat kissers doubleheader tonight at the Hono­ in a dual meet at 4 o'clock this After a week and a half of idle­ Coach Kaulukulrni added 'that a Luisetti and Anderson lulu Stadium, the Rainbows will Friday afternoon in · the gym. ness the Rainbow tracksters will full meet might not be run off be­ take on the Mutual Telephones in The Rainbows tallied 78 points engage the Roosevelt Hi cindermen cause many of the men have late will join local outfit a rubber match. to Central Y's 47. in a dual meet this afternoon on the classes and it will not be possible The Telephones copped the first The Harry wrestlers also copped new Cooke field. to start the meet at 3 o'clock. The Coca Cola AC's thirst for a game, 3-2, but the collegians won . three individual runner-up posi­ The meet will run off according Starting this week Coach Kaulu­ basketball -victory over Oregon's the return game, 5-3, in 11 innings. tions. to the regular schedule although kukui asked that all runners turn Ducks may be quenched tomorrow - The cast for the Rainbows in to­ Ted Tahira, 112 pounds, defeatd points will not be co_unted toward a out every afternoon at 3: 30 in prep­ night's drama · is expected to be. two opponents in winning his title. letter. aration for the Rainbow Relays dur­ night when the local squad tackles identical witb. that which has open­ Wataru Nakamoto beat teamma1e ing the first part of May. the mainland invaders in a return ed every game this season. Toru Arisumi for the 118 bauble. "Although I have a pretty good engagement at the Civic audi· Vernon Nunokawa, Toshimi Oga­ Arisumi took runner-up honors. Interclass _golf idea of what the boys are capable torium. wa, Mineo Katagiri and 'Howard Hi­ Ernest Tanaka downed three foes of, I want to get them lined up and Victory, which eluded the Cokes roki comprise the senior infield with and is now wearing the 126-pound ·slated for Friday see which runners I'm going to use in the final 50 seconds of their first Dan Lau, another senior, in center crown. Martin Winters pinned on my reJay teams," Kaulukukui encounter, may be attained in the field. teammate Paul Ebesu for the 155- The interclass golf tournament remarked. finals of the ASUH Invitational bas­ Jyun Hirota will catch, while lb. championship. Ebesu won the ketball series at 8: 30. The first Toku Tanaka and Fred Ida ·are ex­ runner-up position. · will be held Friday morning at 8: 30 There will be a meet .this Satur­ at the Palolo golf links. This is the day with Fort Kamehameha, and game at 7: 30 will be an exhibition pected to open in left and right field . Heavyweight Sadao Watasaki affair featuring the Uniyersity of respectively. won runne.r-up honors. third tourney of the season for the possibly one next week with Roose­ Dean mashie-wielders. velt, .run according to the Rainbow Hawaii and an opponent to be se­ There will be no admission charge The next bouts will be the open lected. for University students who have championships scheduled for April Joe Kaulukukui, sr., 12; Sukeyo­ Relay schedule. actMty books. 19 at the Central Y. shi Kushi, jr., 4; .Stanley Taylor, The Cokes may return victorious soph., 12; Thomas Gill, frosh, •8. in tomorrow evening's performance Kenneth Ozaki, sr., 16; Melvin Kiefer and ]aretz for again they will have the ser­ On the courts Abreu, jr., 20; Aaron Neff, soph., vices of Hank Luisetti and Swede 16; and Akira. Hashimoto, frosh, 11. Anderson. Minobu Uyehara, sr., 18; Edwin will compete here These two with Johnny Ball, Ross Liu, jr., 20; Ted Tsukiyama, soph., Werner, Chuck Wagner and Ken Club volleyballers dish out· 27; Makoto Imai, frosh., 14. Otto Jaretz and. Adolph Kiefer, Purdy may be able to swamp the Vernon Akee Choy, sr., 18; Choy two of the finest swimmers in the Ducks. Zane, jr., 23; Masato Doi, soph., 30; , w ill appear in Ho­ Thirty:cent student tickets for close games as finish nears George Miyasaka, frosh., 14. nolulu in the early part of May the games tomorrow night may be Yoshiteru Kubo, sr., 28; Ted against Hawaiian talent. purchased in Pump Searle's office. The Phi Delts and Engineer B poned Until next week. Chong, jr., 30; Faxon Carr, soph., According to a letter received The Oregon Webfeet defeated the remained undefeated after another W~dnesday, April ,9 30; Russel Silverthorne, frosh, 13. from "Pump" Searle, Kiefer and University of Hawaii 52-44 in · an week of play in the interclub novice 12: 30-Engineer A vs. CSA A Golf chairman Sukeyoshi Kushi .Jaretz, accompanied by their coach intercollegiate game Monday night volleyball league. 12:30_.:Hui Alakai vs. Hakuba Kai announced that those unable to play Stan Brauninger, and also Tom in the Auditorium. ~ . Thursday, April 10 must notify their class managers Haynie, another swimmer of na­ Paced hS" before Fridq.y morning. tional _fame, will leave Chicago for The swift Oregon attack and· the 12:30-Bhack Yong vs. Atherton brilliant marksmanship of the Jack DuMontier, their manager, House Honolulu on April 25. the Phi Delts licked Bhack Yong, Ducks carried them to victory. 12:30-Engineer B vs. TC Three teams advance Kiefer started his championship the Korean fraternity, 11-9, 11-4. 4: 00-Aggie A vs. Commerce swimming career in 1925 and since Jack S:rp.ith, ~ob Coulter, Don Fumito Nishimura commamls the 4 :"00-Hui Alakai vs. YMCA in handicap net play that time has not lost a champion­ YMCA intramural regiment. Perin, Bruce Campbell, Bill Char­ Monday, April 14 ship race. At the present time he lock and Joe Esposito shone for the . 12: 30-CSA A vs. Pre-Med Three second round matches in holds every national backstroke victors, who are leading section A 12:30-Hui Alakai vs. TC · all-campus doubles handicap tennis record in the book. in team standings. 4: 00-Bhack Yong vs. Aggie B tournament were played last week. Otto Jaretz, a big 200-pounder, is Kunikiyo Florist Manager Hyok Hee Lee's 4:00-YMCA vs. Commerce In the best match Chun-Kama­ only 19 years old but has ·already kana defeated William Waters-Hen­ Bhack Yong put up a good fight Tuesday, April 15 won the 100 yard National AAU Phone• ~ 8185-3113 in the first set but succumbed to 12: 30-Engineer A vs. Atherton ry Thom, 1-6, 7-5, 6-2 in a close title, which is one of the most dif­ the Phi Delts' power in the second House game. Both teams are C squads. ficult. races. Jaretz also broke John­ 1111 FORT STREET set. · 12 :30-Hilo High Alums vs. Hakuba Oie Quon Dang-Arthur Yamamo­ ny Weismuller's 220 yard record. John Ahn, Kai Bong Chung, Kai . to continued their winning ways by Isaac Chang and Joseph Woo 4: 00-CSA A vs. Phi Delts trouncing Gordon Tom-Clarence sparkled for the Korean fraternity. 4: 00-Hui Alakai vs. Engineer B Wong in two sets, 6-0, 6-3. This was a class C match.· Engineer B One class A team jumped into had an. easier time when Hakuba Bowling tilts tomorrow action. Vernon Jim and Nobuyuki PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC Kai forfeited their scheduled game. Nakasone conquered Koon Wa Ma­ The Engineers are league leaders in Final games in the first inter­ David Namaka, a class C team, PRINTERS - PUBLISHERS - ENGRAVERS section B. class bowling tournament will be 6-0, 6-4. Other highlights played at 4: 15 tomorrow afternoon BOOKBINDERS - RULERS of the week were Atherton at the Honolulu Bowling Center. House's first win, the Aggie A's .The freshman squad will battle Patronize . hard-fought three set victory over the seniors, and the junior. pin Hui Lokahi, the Engineer A's con­ knoG,_kers will meet the sophomores. City Transfer Co. Ltd. • quest of Aggie B and, Episcopal's 702 Fort St. Honolulu P. 0. Box 80 424 S. Beretania Street continued fine showing. · F.-ene DµMontier sees that Hui Atherton House downed Hui Lo­ Lokahi is well represented in every Phonee - 1281 • 3579 kahi, 11-2, 11-9. intramural fray. Aggie A beat Hui Alakai, 11-6, I 2-11 and 11-6. The Engineers downed Aggie B, 11 ~ 13. 11-2 and 11-9. The Episcopals trounced Commerce, 11-2, 12-10. AT YOUR MELIM SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. Intramural director Ralph Yem­ TULLOH'S Puku announced yesterday that "Service With a Smile" Volleyball . games scheduled for SERVICE •' .. Friday of this week have been post- Distributors for PRINTING General T"ll'es - Penzoil Lubricants Krispy Krust ENGRAVING Personal Attention Given to AU Cars Kaupo Baby General Auto Repairing - 24-Hour Towing Service Bakery BINDING Steer Beef Cara Was~ed at the Main Station in 15 Minutes for 75c "Every Bite a PletUu.re" Try Our New Xa Hale Auau

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TC will have picnic Frosh class meeting All-Haw-aii Soph wahines Calendar • Saturday at Hanauma to he h~ld today Hanauma bay will be the setting vanquish seniors Thomas Gill, freshman class Wednesday, April 9 for the TC club freshman and soph­ finals soon prexy; announced that there will Eta Lanibda Kappa meeting, omore picnic this Saturdaf from be a frosh meeting in Hemenway DH 105, 1 p.m. 9:30 to 4:30. Tryouts for the annual All-Ha in net matches hall at 12:45 today. Pi Gamma Mu meeting, Hemenway Sophomores and members of the oratorical contest will be held The meeting will be to introduce hall. faculty of Teachers College will be 4 p.m. on Friday, April 25, in Alumni room of Hemenway By Genevieve Hoe the freshman class members run­ Science ·and Social Unrest, lecture guests of the freshmen. Yuri Take­ ning for sophomore offices for next by Dr. Edward Ellery, Farrington sue and Doris Yoshida head the according to David Nahm, ac Th~ juniors and freshmen tied debate manager. in the first interclass tennis match semester. / hall, 8 p.m. food committee. which was held on the University Gill also said that the freshman Freshman class meeting, Al. and Transportation will be by means Entrants will ' deliver the courts on Friday. Due to the large constitution would be further dis- · Fae. Rm., Hm. hall 12: 45 p.m. of private cars and a truck hired four minutes of their oration in number of defaults, the sophomores cussed and explained. for the occasion. Each freshman tryouts at which time five defeated the seniors, who failed to Thursda-y, April 10 student will be required to pay 25 testants will be selected. for· turn out. Wakaba Kai general meeting, SS cents for transportation and food. finals. The finals will be held The only match played was the Ninety-one achieve 103, 12: 45 p.m. Picnickers will meet at the T.each­ convocation, the date of which duel between Claire Cross and Kazu ASUH Orientation committee Kauai erS College, building at 9: 30 a.m. be announced later. Tsukiyama. Claire Cross won the (Continued from page 1) delegation meetlµg, Hemenway Students wishing to enter first set 6-0. The seco·nd set will Omori, Peter Radner, Aiko T. hall, 10:30-11:30 a.m. contest should get in touch 'WI be played today to decide the win­ Reinecke, Michie Sakata, Cordelia Friday, April 11 Worship service today Nahm immediately. ner of this match. Seu, Gertrude Storey, Toshiko Sue­ Easter vacation. "Judging will be based on ea In today's games the s~nior rac­ oka, Seiso Taniguchi, Chow Loy features Rev. Dea~ tent and delivery," Nahm said. queteers play the juniors while the Tom, Grover Trytten, Margaret Saturday, April 12 The Rev. A. Dean of St. Andrews "Orations must be from eight sophomores play the freshmen. Sallie White, Olive C. Williams, Easter vacation. Cathedral will ~peak on "A Message ten minutes in length and may d A large turnout is expected in the Lois J. Wist, Donald W. Wong, for Holy Week" at the YM-YW with any topic," he continued, "b inter-org. matches, which will begin George Katsuichi Yamamoto and Bates college is offering short· Easter service at the Atherton they must represent the ori on April 18. Litheia Wong, last Nobuo Yoshioka complete the TC hand and typing courses, without House today at 12: 45 p.m. work of the students." year's champ, will again represent list. a'cademic credit, to help students Dora· Seu, ·TC sophomore will Man Kwong Au, a senior, wo Yang Chung Hui. From the college of arts and · get jobs after graduation. render a vocal selection. , the contest last year. ' Representing A WS will be: Su­ sciences come the following honor mie Fujimoto, Natsue Ogawa, students: Mas:uo Aoyama, Frederjck Laura Yemoto, Jessie Min, Rose Bockoven, Robert E. Carson, Bea­ Yuen, Sachie Noda, Haruko Yabu­ trice I. Chang, Kwai Sung Chang, saki, Lillinoe Murray, Elsie Uenaka Harold L. Child, Jitsuzo Chinen, and Yoshiko Ishii. Fung Kai Chang Wah Jun Dang, Beth L. Dingeman, LooK AROUND you AT rHE BAU PARK and Minnie Yamauchi will repre­ Ella Em.bree, Thomas .P. Gill, sent YWCA. Jeanne T. Hoyt, Andrew F. Ing, Other sororities V{ill be repre­ Henry T. Ishii, Betty L. Jones, Wil­ sented by Claire Cross, Ka Pueo; liam M. Kawato, Mariko Kutsunai, • •• you'll see -the clean vvhite Kathryn Allen, Phi Ep; Barbara Henry T. L. Lee, Laura Y. C. Lee, Bromilow, Gamma Chi; and Hazel Katsuaki Miho, Arthur K. Mori. Yonekura and Judy .Kunihiro, Wa­ David Nahm, Takeshi Nakamura. Chesterfield paclc kaba Kai. Nobuyuki Nakasone, Esther Nowell, Claire Cross, W AA tennis chair­ Vernon H. Nunokawa, Roy R. man, is looking for a donor for a Ohtani, Nathalie E. Rice, Tokiko cup for the inter-org. tennis cham­ Saiki, Mae F. Sakamoto, Josephine on eVery side pionship. All girls who are inter­ ,L. Sosnowski, Luke M. Tajima, ested are urged to sign up for the Harry T. Tanaka, Masue Taniguchi, tennis matches. Toktiso Taniguchi, David Thomp­ Every smoker who enjoys a Cooler son, Miriam Usui, Fred W. Weber, smoke that's definitely Milder and Better­ Club to sponsor dance Dick Yin Wong, Richard W. Wong and Harold S. Wright. Tasting is a Chesterfield fan. The Olia alumni is sponsoring Of 581 men and women who have FRANK McCORMICK their annual Ma,ytime dance on earned doctoral degrees at New stor first bosemon The can 't·be-copied b/f!nd of the May 3, at 8 p.m. at ·waialae Golf York university school of education Cincinnati Reds. club. Proceeds from the c4tnce will in the last decade, 16 are now col­ world's best cigarette tobaccos be used for scholarship purposes. lege presidents. · Nolle Smith and his Collegians will furnish the music. makes Chesterfield the league Students m~y secure their leader in every cigarette quality tickets on the campus from Marion Chun, TC; Bernard Fong, Aggie Blackshear's that people want and like. bldg.; Kwong Yin Siu, Engineers; Nolle Smith, ROTC; Dorothy Goo, Arthur Wong and Henry J. Choy, Drug Stores Enjoy the game with Chesterfield Social Soience building. Beretanla and Kalakaua VICK LUNG CO. "' Lllluokalanl and Kalakaua Wholesale Candy Jobbers ~S'attl! Coffee Roasters - Cigarettes Fireworks - Biscuits Stores of Quality 233 S. Vineyard St. Phone 68265

GOOD FOUNT-AIN SERVICE HALL-MARK Dry Cleaners Leave Your Film Here for Quick Service-Will Call, Deliver DEVELOPING AND PluNn.NG 1824 S. Beretania Phone 93112

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