House Judiciary Committee Approves Rockefeller's
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PROSECUTOR CLOSES HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE APPROVES ROCKEFELLER'S NOMINATION EXAMINATION OF EPRLICHMAN WASHINGTON (AP)--The House Judi- earlier this week to confirm the ciary Committee yesterday overwhel- nomination. WASHINGTON (AP)--The prosecutor mingly approved Nelson A. Rocke- Rockefeller's opponents expressed at the Watergate cover-up trial feller's nomination as vice presi- concern one after another during the closed his cross-examination of dent, opening the way for final morning's debate over potential con- John D. Ehrlichman yesterday by congressional action on the nomi- flict of interest from his vast accusing him of falsely dumping nation by the House late next week. wealth, and some of his gifts and the blame for the cover-up on for- The vote was 26-12. loans to public officials. mer President Nixon. President Ford predicted earlier But Rep. Charles W. Sandman, R- Climaxing two days of relentless this week -that the House would vote N.J., accused Democrats of using questioning, prosecutor James S. overwhelmingly on Thursday or Fri- those arguments when their real ob- Neal reached into the transcript day of next week to confirm Rocke- jection is that Rockefeller is a of a White House tape for what he feller, although he said there Republican who disagrees with them said were Ehrlichman's own words could be as many as 100 votes again- philosophically. describing a good defense against st the nomination. Earlier, an Associated Press sur- criminal charges for Watergate. The President said Rockefeller vey found 25 of the 38 members of Waving the transcript of an April would be sworn in as the nation's the committee inclined to vote for 15, 1973, tape, Neal quoted Ehrlich- 41st vice president shortly after confirmation, nine inclined to vote man as suggesting that former White the House vote. The Senate voted against and four--including Hogan-- House counsel John W. Dean might not saying. avoid prosecution. Several Republicans said Hogan, In the tape, Ehrlichman, who was a Republican Representative from White House domestic adviser, sug- U. & NAVAL BAS Maryland, had been trying to get gests to Nixon, "If I were Dean, them to join him in voting against I would develop a defense that I GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA the nomination. was being manipulated by people who had a corrupt motive for os- tensibly a benign motive." RHODESIAN LEADERS GO HOME Pressing Ehrlichman, the prose- cutor noted that Ehrlichman's lawyer SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP)--Rhode- had declared that Nixon "deceived, sian black nationalist leaders flew misled, lied and used John Ehrlich- home yesterday to work out with the man to cover up his (the President's) country's white officials the de- own activities." tente foreseen in a guerrilla war- Neal went on, "As a matter of fact, fare cease-fire announced Wednesday. didn't you tell the President that Prime Minister Ian Smith, head of Mr. defense ought to be that the white-minority government, an- Dean's he was manipulated by others who nounced black guerrillas agreed to had bad motives. and thereby you P riday, December 13, 1974 a cease-fire in exchange for re- predicted your own defense in this lease of political prisoners. case." Ehrlichman replied, "I don't agree FORD DIRECTS ECONOMIC ADVISERS TO PREPARE NEW PROGRAMS with your characterization." WASHINGTON (AP)--Faced with a automobile executives and leaders deepening recession and rising un- of the United Auto Workers. PLO CHIEF SAYS ATTACK employment, President Gerald Ford The wholesale Drice index released has directed his economic advisers yesterday showed a further easing WAS MADE IN RETALIATION to prepare new programs to combat in the inflationary pressures in the nation's economic problems. the nonfood area, although the rate BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)--The Pales- But Ford said in a speech Wed- will still exceed what the adminis- tine guerrillas say one of their nesday night the nation is not in tration wants. men made a grenade attack in a an economic crisis in the sense Ford's speech offered few clues crowded Tel Aviv movie theater Wed- that it "demands immediate and dras- about his proposals to the next nesday night in retaliation for the tic action." Congress, but it was clear he has rocket attack on three PLO offices Ford said he expects to have the abandoned or changed much of the in Beirut two days before. programs ready for the new Congress economic program that he announced "We have struck back," said PLO when it cofnvenes Jan. 14. His ad- Oct. 8 after the economic summit. chief Yasir Arafat. "Next time it visers will be working through the "We will meet the changing priori- will be within six hours if Israel Christmas holidays to prepare it, ties of present and future reali- dares to stage another terror op- he said. ties," Ford told the business coun- eration against us. Treasury Department sources said cil, a group of about 100 of the "Israel has asked for it. When it the options the President will con- nation's top corporate executives. gives itself the right to kill inno- sider include tax cuts, mandatory Ford said he would support in- cents in Beirut, then we have the fuel allocations, financial aid to creased spending over what he has right to retaliate in kind. Israel troubled industries and additional proposed previously to help the should never forget this." help for the nation's unemployed. nation's jobless with extended um- Tel Aviv police said the grenades Ford planned to discuss auto in- employment benefits and public killed three persons, including the dustry problems yesterday with service jobs. terrorist who threw them, and that 0 58 persons were injured. Page 2--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Friday, December 13, 1974 tuner/repairman. Information needed is make and year JOB OPPORTUNITIES of piano and services required, such as tuning, repair work and the type of repair work Should the survey in- NON U.S. CITIZENS dicate sufficient need, Personalized Services will make every effort to obtain this service. Please make TITLE GRADE SALARY COMMAND your needs known by calling 85828. Laborer (Corral) LWG-3 $1.49 ph S/S Accounting Technician LGS-4 $2.08 ph Comp. NO OUTSIDE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Physical Science Aid LGS-3 $1.64 ph PWD Motor Vehicle Operator LWL-7 $2.65 ph PWD Due to Gitmo's continuing conservation program, there Leader will be no outside Christmas lights permitted this holi- Central Office Repairman LWG-11 $2.84 ph PWD day season. The only exception will be the central com- Power Plant Controlman LWG-9 $2.51 ph PWD munity tree which will be lighted from 6-10 p.m. Firefighter (Structural) PS-5 $2.04 ph Secur. Messenger (Motor Vehicle LGS-2 $1.22 ph Print Operator) shop POSTAL NOTE Applications will be accepted for the following per- manent registers: A box containing a certain amount of shoes and Laborer LWG-2 $1.32 ph purses, all from the same company, but without an ad- Store Worker LWG-4 $1.66 ph dress label, was received Saturday, Nov. 30. Anyone who can further identify the items please call the Fleet Branch Post Office at 95516 or 95569. U.S. CITIZENS CAR WASH THIS SUNDAY Card Punch Operator GS-3 $6764 pa Comp. Electrician WG-10 $5.34 ph PWD The Student Council of W.T. Sampson will have a car Electrical Engineer GS-12 $18463 pa PWD wash at the Navy Exchange parking lot on Sunday from Housing Project Manager GS-9 $12841 pa PWD noon until 3 p.m. To have the outside of your car Transportation Superin- GS-12 $18463 pa PWD washed it will cost $1.50 and the inside will also tendent cost $1.50. To have both the inside and outside washed Supervisory Product GS-9 $12841 pa PWD it will cost $2.50. Controller Equipment Specialist GS-7 $10520 pa PWD CHRISTMAS MUSIC PRESENTATIONS Heavy Mobile Equip. WG-11 $5.55 ph PWD Repair Ins. If you're having a little trouble getting into the Machinist (Marine) WG-10 $5.34 ph SRED spirit of Christmas this holiday season, here's a cou- Construction Represen. GS-9 $12841 pa ROICC ple of events this weekend that might help. Recreation Specialist GS-7 $10520 pa S/S The W.T. Sampson music department is presenting a Applications will be accepted for the following per- band cor crt this evening at 7:30 in the base chapel. manent registers: Under the direction of David Schallert, the band will Clerk Typist GS-3 $6764 pa be playing a variety of music that will help you get in Accounts Maintenance GS-3 $6764 pa the Christmas spirit. Admission will be 50 cents for Clerk adults, 25 cents for children, and children under 5 Store Worker (Intermittent) WG-4 $4.10 ph will be admitted free. Admissions will go toward uni- Library Aid (Intermittent) GS-2 $5996 pa forms for the band and summer music scholarships. Clerk GS-2 $5996 pa Then on Sunday during the 11 a.m. Protestant service at the Base chapel, the Protestant choir will present PIANO TUNER SURVEY NOW BEING CONDUCTED a cantatatof traditional Christmas music. The cantata will be part of the regular Protestant service. The Navy Exchange Personalized Services is at present conducting a survey to determine the need for a piano Local Forecast WATER STATUS Fair skies with unrestricted visi- Water figures for yesterday: bility. Winds light and variable at night, SE 12-16 knots during the WATER .. PRODUCED: 974,000 I. .k. day with gusts to 14 knots. Bay condtions .m. 1-2 at night and .