
BLACKBIRDS AND ORIOLES ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird W, R LIST ___ Eastern Meadowlark P, U ___ Western Meadowlark W, R ___ Hooded Oriole S, R Raúl M. Grijalva Canoa Ranch ___ Bullock’s Oriole M, R ___ Red-winged Blackbird W, R Conservation Park ___ Brewer’s Blackbird W, R ___ Brown-headed Cowbird S, U ___ Bronzed Cowbird S, R Historic ___ Great-tailed Grackle P, C FINCHES ___ House Finch P, C Canoa Ranch ___ Lawrence’s Goldfinch W, R ___ Lesser Goldfinch P, C Photo: Doris Evans ___ Pine Siskin W, U OLD WORLD SPARROWS ___ House Sparrow P, U OTHER ______

The pond in the park was rebuilt in 2017 and this will likely add not on this checklist. If you identify species not on this checklist, Photo: C. Allan Morgan please notify Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation (520) 724-5375 or email [email protected]

Photo: Paul Berquist

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Richard Elías, Chairman, District 5 • Ally Miller, District 1 • Ramón Valadez, District 2 Sharon Bronson, District 3 • Stephen W. Christy, District 4


NATURAL RESOURCES, PARKS AND RECREATION Chris Cawein,Director 3500 West River Road • Tucson, AZ 85741 Photo: Doris Evans 520-724-5000 • www.pima.gov/nrpr Historic Canoa Ranch Bird List Date ______Time ______Weather ______Observers ______, ______

Status NIGHTHAWKS AND NIGHTJARS DIURNAL RAPTORS RAVENS AND JAYS ___ Black-and-White Warbler W, R Permanent (P): present year-round ___ Lesser Nighthawk S, C ___ Osprey ___ Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay P, R ___ Orange-crowned Warbler W, U Winter (W): present mid-Nov – Feb ___ Golden Eagle P, R ___ Common Raven P, C ___ Tennessee Warbler M, R SWIFTS Summer (S): present May – mid-Sept ___ Northern Harrier W, R ___ Chihuahuan Raven P, R ___ Lucy’s Warbler S, C ___ Vaux’s Swift M, U Migrant (M): present during spring or fall ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk W, R ___ Nashville Warbler M, R ___ White-throated Swift P, R SWALLOWS AND MARTINS migration ___ Cooper’s Hawk P, C ___ Virginia’s Warbler M, R ___ Purple Martin S, R HUMMINGBIRDS ___ Common Black Hawk M, R ___ MacGillivray’s Warbler M, R Abundance ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow M, R ___ Costa’s Hummingbird W, U ___ Harris’ Hawk P, U ___ Common Yellowthroat P, R Common (C): present in moderate to large ___ Tree Swallow M, R ___ Anna’s Hummingbird P, C ___ Gray Hawk M, R ___ Northern Parula M, R numbers ___ Violet-green Swallow S, R Uncommon (U): present in small to moder- ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird S, C ___ Red-tailed Hawk P, C ___ Yellow Warbler M, U ___ Bank Swallow M, R ate numbers ___ Broad-billed Hummingbird P, U ___ Swainson’s Hawk M, R ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler W, C ___ Barn Swallow S, U Rare (R): present in small numbers or may ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird M, R ___ Zone-tailed Hawk S, R ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler W, U ___ Cliff Swallow S, C be difficult to find ___ Hermit Warbler M, R RAILS, GALLINULES, AND COOTS OWLS VERDINS ___ Wilson’s Warbler M, U ___ Sora W, R ___ Barn Owl P, R WATERFOWL ___ Verdin P, C ___ Common Gallinule W, R ___ Snow Goose W, R ___ P, R TOWHEES AND SPARROWS ___ American Coot W, R WRENS ___ Canyon Towhee P, U ___ Ross’s Goose W, R KINGFISHERS ___ Bewick’s Wren P, U ___ Abert’s Towhee P, U ___ Canada Goose W, R SHOREBIRDS ___ Belted Kingfisher W, R ___ House Wren W, C ___ Black-bellied Whistling-Duck S, R ___ Black-necked Stilt S, R ___ Green-tailed Towhee M, R WOODPECKERS ___ Rock Wren P, R ___ Gadwall W, R ___ American Avocet ___ Spotted Towhee W, R ___ Gila Woodpecker P, C ___ Canyon Wren P, R ___ American Wigeon W, C ___ Killdeer P, R ___ Rufous-crowned Sparrow P, R ___ Ladder-backed Woodpecker P, C ___ Cactus Wren P, C ___ Mallard P, R ___ Greater Yellowlegs W, R ___ Rufous-winged Sparrow P, U ___ Red-naped Sapsucker W, U ___ Marsh Wren W, R ___ Mexican Duck P, R ___ Solitary M, R ___ Cassin’s Sparrow P, R ___ Northern Flicker W, U ___ Cinnamon Teal W, R ___ Spotted Sandpiper W, R KINGLETS ___ Grasshopper Sparrow W, C ___ Northern Shoveler W, R ___ Western Sandpiper M, R FALCONS __ Ruby-crowned Kinglet W, U ___ Black-throated Sparrow P, C ___ Northern Pintail W, R ___ Least Sandpiper W, R ___ Crested Caracara P, R ___ Savannah Sparrow W, R GNATCATCHERS ___ Green-winged Teal W, R ___ Long-billed W, R ___ American Kestrel P, R ___ Chipping Sparrow W, C __ Black-tailed Gnatcatcher P, U ___ Ring-necked Duck W, R ___ Wilson’s Snipe M, R ___ Merlin W, R ___ Brewer’s Sparrow W, C __ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher W, U ___ Canvasback W, R ___ Prairie Falcon P, R ___ Clay-colored Sparrow W, R GULLS ___ Redhead W, R ___ Peregrine Falcon P, U THRUSHES ___ Vesper Sparrow W, U ___ Franklin’s Gull M, R ___ Lesser Scaup W, R ___ Western W, R ___ Lark Sparrow P, U ___ Ring-billed Gull W, R TYRANT FLYCATCHERS ___ Bufflehead W, R ___ W, R ___ P, R ___ Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet S, R ___ Common Goldeneye W, R LOONS ___ Townsend’s W, R ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow W, U ___ Western Wood-Pewee M, R ___ Hooded Merganser W, R ___ Common Loon W, R ___ W, U ___ Dark-eyed Junco W, R ___ Gray Flycatcher W, R ___ Common Merganser W, R ___ W, R ___ White-crowned Sparrow W, C CORMORANTS ___ Hammond’s Flycatcher M, U ___ Red-breasted Merganser W, R ___ Rufous-backed Robin W, R ___ White-throated Sparrow W, R ___ Double-crested Cormorant P, R ___ Pacific-Slope Flycatcher M, R ___ Ruddy Duck P, R ___ Lark Bunting W, U ___ Neotropic Cormorant P, U ___ Black Phoebe P, U MOCKINGBIRDS AND THRASHERS QUAIL ___ Northern Mockingbird P, U CHATS PELICANS ___ Say’s Phoebe W, U ___ Gambel’s Quail P, C ___ Curve-billed Thrasher P, C ___ Yellow-breasted M, R ___ American White Pelican M, R ___ Vermilion Flycatcher P, U ___ Scaled Quail P, R ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher S, C ___ Crissal Thrasher P, R TANAGERS AND CARDINALS BITTERNS AND HERONS ___ Bendire’s Thrasher P, R GREBES ___ Brown-crested Flycatcher S, R ___ Western Tanager M, U ___ Least Bittern S, R ___ Sage Thrasher W, R ___ Pied-billed Grebe W, R ___ W, R ___ Summer Tanager M, R ___ Great Blue Heron P, R ___ Eared Grebe W, R ___ Tropical Kingbird S, R ___ Northern Cardinal P, C ___ Snowy Egret S, R ___ Western Kingbird S, U ___ European P, U ___ Pyrrhuloxia P, U PIGEONS AND DOVES ___ Cattle Egret S, R ___ Cassin’s Kingbird S, U ___ Black-headed Grosbeak M, U ___ Rock Pigeon P, R ___ Great Egret P, R WAXWINGS SHRIKES ___ -breasted Grosbeak M, R ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove P, C ___ Green Heron P, R ___ Cedar Waxwing W, R ___ Loggerhead Shrike P, U ___ Blue Grosbeak S, U ___ Inca Dove P, R ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron P, R SILKY-FLYCATCHERS ___ Lazuli Bunting M, U ___ Common Ground-Dove P, R IBIS VIREOS ___ Phainopepla W, C ___ Dickcissel W, R ___ Mourning Dove P, C ___ White-faced Ibis M, R ___ Bell’s Vireo S, C ___ White-winged Dove S, C ___ Hutton’s Vireo W, R PIPITS NEW WORLD VULTURES ___ Warbling Vireo M, U ___ American Pipit W, U CUCKOOS ___ Turkey Vulture S, C ___ Plumbeous Vireo M, U ___ Greater Roadrunner P, U WOOD-WARBLERS ___ Black Vulture P, R ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo S, R ___ M, R Revised 4/2019