BIG RED DIARY 2020 PLUTO PRESS BIG RED DIARY 2020 First published 2019 by Pluto Press BIG RED 345 Archway Road, London N6 5AA Copyright © Pluto Press 2019 DIARY 2020 The right of the individual contributors to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Edited by Steve Platt Photographs: Peter Arkell, Arpadi, Jean-Louis Atlan, Fibonacci Blue, Todd Buchanan, Biel Calderon, Howard British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Designed by Tom Lynton Davies, Steve Eason, Johnny Eggitt, Melanie Friend, A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Robert Giroux, Global Justice Now, Francesco Gustincich, Picture Research by Izzy Koksal John Harris, Anders Hellberg, Jess Hurd, Timothy Krause, ISBN 978 0 7453 4001 2 Kurdish struggles, David Mansell, Martin Mayer, Christine Writers: Brekhna Aftab, David Castle, McIntosh, Igor Mukhin, Jeff Overs, PYMCA/UIG, Fabio This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and Katherine Connelly, Marc Hudson, Rodrigues, Ronald Reagan Library, Daniel Rosenthal, Ship sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected Silveried McKenzie, Tom Milson, to Gaza, Leif Skoogfors, Socialist Worker, Borja García de to conform to the environmental standards of the country of origin. Steve Platt, David Renton, Derek Wall Sola Fernández, Christine Spengler, Julian Stallabrass, Hillel Steinberg, John Sturrock, Dora María Téllez, UN Printed in the United Kingdom Climate change, Jose Villa 2 3 PLUTO PRESS BIG RED DIARY 2020 Welcome 50 years of Pluto Press From 1974 until 1987, Pluto Press published the Big Red Diary – Pluto Press was founded by Richard Kuper in 1969.
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