General Sherman Attended * at Davit it Mid to be fori out in hit man. tho Rebel Pardon 8eek- ty picnic General Jeff. de» thoughtful, reflective and large-minded I A Short Historoe. Tho President and Summary. l«ancaster, wltsn on a visit to hi* old of Hunter tod his one is reminds! of er». Ohio, nnnciatioot Stephen*. Sui*h being condition, Jefferson D. Old Mr. Katchum thai hie home in that A many ssyit ingrata the esse ol Frederick the Great the city recently. good A man io committed during He and insoleooe of tho reb- mo, Edwin, stole over two milUon dollar* of young Philadelphia jpottrp. Tho importunity of hi* old soldiers wore and he gave Dut present, •uicido on account of love. year* he was heni*hed by his father. I* of • First Fauiilee. for teems to have pro- securities from the firm vault. unrequited el applicants pardon the end the one of bis Smuggins a the Amcr- Ilia he bojs people generally The Love Knot. in whatever make* roan, (irant, ami to a calls this a case of About 60,000 rottt were ottt at the rtotnl voked the President pretty plain expres- talks. One that wilting ambition Could three highly interesting end instructive icau Hero, far excel*. I will say here that whip any in to their traitorous which itssir. election in Tenoettte. hrr U»- sion of regard o'erlsaps Tjin„' bonnet uudrr chin. Or Ave Yankee opinion of his will command attention: he was and cor- White re- pointa She tied the rmiru rii*ku in; always temperate, every waj conduct. A scene at tho House An Arkansas butternut advertises that Booka, ink and are now al- you aee. ••When the rebels ventured their all in pent, paper inlkew Mare Chaps, Hut not alow in the rect in his behavior. in tho a to — — is thus described what has coflse and lowed Jeff. Davit. He— He He cently Washington their effort* to oar Government, "any gal gut pot skil- Ihd ahr nurb hrr lorrly (bating hair, A month or so terore the Fort Sumter out- destroy they : and who knows how to take car* of chil- hrr IuhmK under hrr chin, (Piinlni) it* frequency), Republican their their fortunes and thsir let, Fourteen thousand fire bandied and aeven- tor, tying was lives, and afterward. Grant nn were most of pledged Hhr itrtl ft niauN tmrt within. rage, Capt. Would rule land and sea. ♦•Some can hear of a situation children yuuttg fifty persons present, sacred honors to the cause— the Government dren," by applying ty-two died in New York latt year. He walked thostreotN. to and •• easy. through And m*ke all men free, them seeking A Mr. Keitt of So. to "the wer* Ike pardons. tbeir of battle. undersigned." The Democratic io Minneaota eeeme TVy Mltdinf b*»Oirr up hiB, — wager Hence, party fro in the store, and appar- In fact, *ery frre accepted and "tying nothing, Carolina Lawrence M.a ho having been WWr» thr wind coawa blowing merry chill; (not when we we The man about town who is boast* not to be numeroot. The convection met was in a troubled state of mind. About the conquered, by conqueat gained always Ami it blrw thr curh NirMM racr, ently Except durlee; a bullet at fort killed by loyal Wagner) ap- that he likes to to the bottom of and without a Or, in that idee all they had—their property became our* ing "go adjourned nominating ticket, AU orrr u>r happy pcaefc-eofcnd tier, th<«e days the Douglas Guard* organised in failing the President and informed him proached has been recommended to to after it two for a TUI voiding, ftial iMghlag, »hr tied Utnn in, Would in last ditch (quoting Annie Laurie) conquest. Thus Most their slavo*, things,' ap)>ly having waited, taid, dayt the to counteract the Lincoln Wide desired a ••What have by they city that be pardon. you waa t'uder hrr tmuitlful Jlm(4r*l chin. Lay him down, and de-e ! their mule*, their horse*, their cotton, their the Atlantic Telegraph Company, who might quorum, which not forthcoming. Awakes, and Capt. Grant, ns a military nun, done?" asked Mr. Johnson. "I opposed se- Dy and by, he all, and even their thrown him to go to the bottom after that All the to an immenee butioett And it Wrw a color aa ft was His personal liberty, employ tigni point bright blow. appointed orderly sergeant. reply ction until my Stato decided to go out of the (D.) them into the issue, were theirs cable. and Of piuktwt liMcUia'i hawing |4umr, wns that a in the United States In- by only by —high prioet great appareot pnjtperity captain Would makeercn the free. the Union, and then I determined to go with All over the cheek* of thr (trrUivet girt "nig" forbearance and this of It is that the will not deem the fall.—.V. Y. World. was not the ono to take such a clemency. By right thought Pops —during coming That rrrr im|>ri+>i>rnw forts. Among other things he reminded arches prooession in selecting good quality of magnesia and or be. eoienee* for whilo on our great never to serve again, but Or horn* against mule, ass, may taking, had to To KUo tnaroh, the of rebels. To bbwr lr-r the uuan*« now he offered his services for what Of the three easy property oonqucred again** yuan* tTf»»t, they South Carolina and had bean in Washington sidewalk is built!" The are immenee, a* will be teen. Whrrr he ha* Mdnl hrr Which woulil he forfeited their to and f, be- profita trU.ll/ In, were worth. A was raised in the winner, Thoy rights it, company that hotel hero is At in tho west of a oosta about oeota And kUanl hrr uiouUi itml dlm|4el chin. Down on the Oomulcee sometime; living very for the Government to which it Coljton, Scotland, Magnesia twenty-flve per and under bis direction it waa ing agent town, equip- nan has in his thounburied silioate ol soda eren lew. A They caught the old sinner. high, and that altogether tho daily expenses to nil the posseseion corpse pound, pipe Oil, KlWy Vanr, r. By experi- provide on or contribute to bring tho rebellion ; that two baiiliflb wero taking a hunk robber naraod The "buoy" which U reported to have ment, a pint of brandy waa given hor aia anything with them. Mr. Waahburne urg In this extremity. ho wan nnt (or and oould not cx- to Butler to evi- soon near In three ahe aetoniebed the Flourished hit* Bowie responsible Horubaclior, Centre, give bwn the supposed unfortunate end remedy. houra, ed Captain < J rant to go down and offer h in tricate Mr. ftoittfrora the difficulties ho com- denoo in the ease against Pollard for the of the Atlantic cable wan doubtlow the "old crowd by oxoUiming, "I'm boo'ful, bully isccllantotis. services. lie would help him all*ho could. Tremendously; An04red nothing, only, "Of oourse," said Ilorubachor. ••Take the n tree uczuae the track. him. Other persons then took an interest is unfortunate in his That is lying ami it* truth in vouched for : hurt memlier of tho Legislature, in olio- and hand at those pcrformanoo. teresting in them Mr. and Mr. Might somebody Virginia revolver, then, try your him, among Houghton — he is "About fifteen ago (Jen. Grant'* la- Cut their hearts out —d'ye see? dienco to instructions, ho voted that Virginia took the molloncholy. year* McClellan, I Valdent of the l>ank here. The ducks." ltnrubncher weapon, 17* Artcraus Ward, in the prospectus ol a leather house here, under Finally, should seoodo from tho Union of tho United In a stroet oar, the other day, a ther established out of the wagon, and advanced to* Chicago his 11*11 entertainment in Now York* Utter in prvased tho He and jumped Irving The leather was particular Captain's she, States. That is all he did; that was "troth but young woman gave her the firm ol Collins Co. wurd tho ducks for or twelve pale pretty up come we him with claim*. she and stops, the to tod Or, rather, he. to him. abou^on seat to a and tempts public tanned at Covington, Kentucky, and went ing.M The President refused pardon then, around, and oover* one-legged soldier, thogrucioua Then he waa an Aid of Gov Or she or he, suddenly wheeling the following inducements: np|iointcd came a rebel act lod to the of the man an Iter hither. The firm did well, and it is under- Kxit Birch. Next clergymnu them with tho told the and recognition the Yat»*e, and directed Co hunt tho State (The mutter is mixed slightly. ing pistol, deputy The festivities will be oommenoed by up who uskod the President to him a husband, uiourned as dead. The aeene •trod made a fortune. The firm wm dixsolved As to which wears the grant par* his aids to out of the wagon, and long to board in urina. lie found ahout I MM) mu*keta brec—,) get very a who used ruaty don. "What sin havo committed closes with eaoli in the other's arm*. pianist, gentleman and a son eaiue on to eondin't the huainom, Whichever it great you as ho intended to take a ride hirn- man ao may be, by the same street with Gottechelk. The He alao mustered in tit^n. Still, many quickly, that come hero in clerical robes and oravo •• ue hot in aUuit two yearn ha died of consump- Bowed the knee you self. the feelings" of that little Newport lotter writer* unite in tailing the boose remembers it were hia discouragement* and ao coldly waa Itusgine who kept boarding To Exccutivo "I wus a rebel," was tho bathers are. tion. lie waa well liked and wan an excel- grim necessity pardon?" crowd as they to crawl down out of bow democratic lady They The overture will oonsfat of a he looked upon, that ho told his frienda he began distinctly. And the Fourth tho unswer, "and I desire to of serfs. lent business man. Michigan Cavalry, your Excellcncy that for the had don't object to the embrace* the the new was not wanted and that he had better " " wagon, prisoner>witnem medley of airs, inoloding touching go And said; Ptrcari! ine that I bo restored to citizen* Grant, pardon may their in bis Horrid lan't it ? is there in the Meanwhile, IMyxacs having gradu- home. only pistol pomewion. Having ballads, "D#«r Sinter, any pie Pear me! and bo ablo to and live under ated at Went went into the Msxican ship support them into the road, and mounting half a million have Point, Tho ol a inau of miti Is this the wee got safely Nearly (405,.VJ2) people house?" gentle Father, you any importance hiring tho of the United Statos." "My war. where he himself in " " government the himself, the facetious in Now York lire in tenement lioueea and cel- shoot is the Bat* distinguished every waa the Govern- Small end of Chivalry ? buggy priaoner Fine Cut yon?" "Mother, tary knowledge urged upon ••You rebel the Presi- battle one, when he was not Fiddle de-dee! preachers," responded made the a and then surrendered lar*. There is a of an who and is it safe for me to come borne except promt, or. It waa ho should bo the Col- party speech story inapector tie o'er, proposed dent "have dono the a dnal wan thence he went to government groat his that he had no wish fouod lour in ono chalk sev- that fought; Oregon, but anothor advantage, declaring families living room, from Canada?" and request of the onel ol the 21at Regiment, got of hnrtn. You havo devilish (by proclaimed to use which the affair. manner and acted as Captain in the Quartermanter'i Tiik Pi'NCTivw. Mam.—Mr. Higgina wnaa it, ended lion being drawn across in «uoh U eral farailiqs who haven'theard it,( "Tramp, it. doctrines and misled the You Kleven year* sine*; be resigned man in nil his tran»actinna people. forgot to mark out a of the floor for each the are Department. anwui HHP limn ncm »u vmv very punctual quarter Boys Munching." vapi«\iMiii it was ur to obodience to Tramp, Tramp, wrut to St. when that y< yield Mkrciks Rkcxivid.— It wm almost a uni bin commission and loois, through life. Ho amassed a largo fortune duty family. "How do you get along her*?" in- While the ear drinks in this to 8o® life hither, wh«n Governor Dennison rest enraptured tho that be. You roust awhile cuitom some or in our bo had some interest in a of land, and and and power* verml 20 30 years ago the waa sweet our dollars piece «n by untiring industry punctuality ; quired inspector. "Very well, air," musio, (we pay pianlstnine was urged to give him appointment. The the stool of I decline to was told he in wood to upon repentanco. Now whenever a birth took man cor- be en- I engaged hauling at the advanced ago of ninety years whs England partsbee the reply, "only tho in the father a week and "find him") the eye will here «v good. Then he came back at rebel own oxen. prospect grant you Exit in a fur thu fortunate market, himself driving his on hie bed, and wait- pardon present." place family, recipient* □or boarders." chained the bams cov- to Illinois. ihia time the 21st resting quietly calmly keeps by magnificent green en- By regiment of tliia to have a note the succeed- On the death of his brother his father to be called lie had clergyman. gift upon tbe Panorama. This green baize had lierome demoralised. The u«n tulked ing away. deliberately A of Gen. Sher- 'eringof The President then remarked, addressing "thanks for meroirt correspondent speaking him to come hither and takechargo ol made almost for his de- ing Sabbath rendering a at Mr. Steward'• gaged the every arrangement man hia are like "if hie cost cents of putting the Colonel in guard-house. the entire crowd in the room, that it whs a says pictures him, forty yard the store. Now I come to mention things cease and burial. His fainter rectived," such being the invariable phrase- in deference to the win pulse gmw whiskers were a little redder und a store; It was bought Captain Grant sent to them b» the help little that moet of the non-eombat- greater never before related. I have to tell a hard and the light of hi* life sueinod Sicker- singulur ology. of "The Wearing o' the of the men were and then just to tha War thrown in* prreent popularity (i>gan; quieted, nntn who had como here from the South lor In the town B an old hostility Department Statements made about in ita socket, when one of hia sons ob- of .flourished We shall with the time* atory. previously our wan their Colonel. ing to the of his face." Green." keep up Captain appoint*! assert that did at the e expression will bo blown a : pardon they nothing maid of aome aummers, who, tl Gen. Grant away. Many served forty by If we the last dollar our friends have The regiment turned out to he ono of the and the The Richmond essails the spend man on what follows will be beginning, only acquicsced, thought of a relative, fell heiroaa to a conaid- Whig violently young reading "Father, you will probaMy live but a day caprice h>«t in the State. to Intro resolutions of the recent Onion Contention got. I account from the rebel government ought surrendered erable at her fortune, encouraged. gather my or two; is it not well (or to name your logacy. Overjoyed Then Col. Grant came hack to Galen* to you of the one which earlier and bloodshed ; not one no a note of especially most trustworthy sources. hearer*?" stopped yet ahe could do Ires then aend up Pennsylvania, QTIt is dark when the hooorable and hon- get his clothes ; Tea, to get his clothes. He that the President's has not waa of thorn took of the declares policy (irunt, na ho railed, found the ••To h« sure, said the man. advantage amnesty proc- thnnka. est man aess the result of ysars swept I'apt. to hare a uniform. To It my son," dying loog hnd get tnonoy nn act been tha South in a concern in but lamation offcrod by Mr. Lincoln, somewhat at a loaa Tor aooepted by proper spir lieartless aftiira ol the great disorder, ••It is well thought of, and I will do it now." Being phraseology away by the knavish, advsraary. was burrowed and security given for the to the an* ev- which would have shown on their fell into tho ao that it, and calls upon Virginia adopt he went to work, and in three wecka had ivo the mimes of num- linoerity ahe unconscioualy form, It is dafrk when bosses tbe eloods of sorrow The American can afford to Hog six, tho usual money. people and contributed so much toward amendment in order to convince There wai one clerk be* and sank back exhausted hia part saving her noto read as follows : ti-slavery around, and knows that the hope* erything atraight. read thia now. Then ho went back. On ber, upon pil- gather the enormous life and treas- tho President and the of the North aidea hitnaelf, and more or loaa hir- low. expenditure of '•Tahitha deairoa to express her people and of others are with his generally hi* men he had thein march, Temple happineai fading taking saying ure. "I will no more at to for that the issuo of the war as fin- ed men. An this «u the eatahliahment A of over hia with* grant pardons pres- gratitude (Jod ntorcins rceoived." they aocept own. But it is in this hour the memory of only they would learn four titnoa aa faat. He gloam thought passed and toOul. Ii« di- who al. of the kind in the the trade of which end features lika a of and he ral- ent," turning Browning. The ininiater reud it being on an rx- will be a trueooneolation, and place, went to Missouri, and wua under Fremont., ray light, past integrity rected him to issuo tho order to tho and therefore with the An aneodoto is told «>f the of Baa- ia there waa much buaineta to do. onco more. Attorney change, unacquainted Bishop sssrfrs him even on of of largo, Meanwhile hia frisnde.Iike Cromwell's lit- lied "My son, read me the liat. earth, gleams light formed the natural oon- tar, England. Tha mens Is V church tn Tor- lirant waa not rouiarkahlo aa a aaloa. Is tho name of Mr. there?" General." V circumstance*, very in It is dark whsn tbs dsar voice Capt. tle were 'indeed few.' Mr Wiggina heaven. daughter, very r»ceived was a child, ; the is but not officia- he waa to ovcraee and to nun* cluaiou, that the mercy quay Bishop present, of that «Wuot child once so loved Is man, but good editor uf the the 31st "|t is, lather." fondly Houghton, Gasottc.oo Matrimoniai. iNcoNSTAmT.—-A in- that and ho nits with the The he the hide* aa "Thou strike it off!" aaid ho queer lie accordingly prayed very fervently ting, congregation. •o more heard in murmurs. Dark, whew age. Generally bought tliey doacrilws Col. Grant aa the soul emphatical- May, 1KGI, stance in illustration of this vice hat recent- thu child bo in tho nur* officiating clergyman ventures to soften to were to the a tore in wagon*. "for ho was nover nover might brought up the feet no mors rssound brought country 'no man breathes who ban a ly, punctual—was light pottering of honor, and to a Mrs the "Kat and drink their been brought light in neighboring tore and admonition of the laronet, enjoys thq light Capt aoeeptcd Colonelcy of in intimate with never to found a of wo»d of bia father-watt, after a whilo, to eatabliah cK'nte, cauio to hiui. and "Who engaging companionship deep crimson flush. She ventured hare petrifiod the 7th District regiment. 31 state* up Mid, gave Tbejr pieco waa t«i July thoeo outside of his own household. The of in and theColu* Inrw in the buainoaa, but he expected to fish?" put up another note. full iiaile California, Khadu'ation of ttrr*n>.—Wbera itisnae- that Col. Grant ia to l»e to a Brig you liberty "Nobody,'' replied and to liv< promoted a room who droretjioac nail* in that wood ? live oo $4X0 a year. To do thia, "Then what hare here?" couplo ordered together, representing Sao mVk lo V*movt under ciroam- and congratulates tho service on Jacqucs. right you mmtj Urge stamps mual adierahip, '♦ SAdnkss and ftiTMMTvax.-—Ona of thi» who inhabit the hare ia Everything asked Sir Robert. An much aa And tbemsolvee aa husband and wife. Afck later the Indiana countrj stanoss which mxJor It to intoeiety, ik(lns in does not furnish an of any other whoen thiitj.fito, long example — been writteaf Had know him. and who never heard his nan* ••Tou Sir Robert! nonsense ! ! I know Lhoro thoj met, when—Io and behold* er* tore bare by largo m ••»». ordinary oovsrad. Tfi> firs wiJl io a abort timadbct inan so euoesesful Is a pooh etore-pipe,'/ reported who has been right* been bowod down bf anvvuw, ami 1 H would beeaay to num< him well; have taken wine with hint. You them was a mere change of partner each haarta have to be running around touae «n tboeaperta. the ontire/dfrtroatloo of tba stomp -wis apuken. presume eous cause. haa bean lien? arm at momenta when that eorrow bar his mmwmIw on onaV f ha*, are aot him: jou be his butler!" This having upon bis the wife of He from a ten lbs lateral root#, noises lbs fiugera. (ten. Grant is still a man. may gentleman cecaped hienagtrfe para ago, lung aoUismy thoughtful vieet. It wea In the of a mother'a heard bwioM mm llitt net* r hwrd was the barooat swore and the other! there was mutual gloom when Ai laat aconunUa moist, in which was tb# should b« say they VV h«» h« ha hold* down hi* head and enough; tore; Although young. grandAant banting spaaka hie own that ol him IBI ha «u in onmm«m) st Cairo and away he ran to the ball for assistance, blushing, mutual coning, and raortmioatloii, deetb» deepened by poverty, Tor bin wa« in progr^. Thie m »b« b«gg«* dooe daring tU dry wwtbsr of eammer. it pat thinks. Soma my he Hm oot forgotten Max ''Save- was a Johnson the charming tale ol Thoss two jeer* w. immediately of a In 4o let the matter rest ae lasIt waa in1 the chill dreolation hare dUcour»«cinenl. Uct, the came by taking himself in another di- thought, quietly as ia ofa ahod- burning tba stump will b* mi* CWpuin indeed, rvty little fo known. In a pie away An atuuaing etory drank^ng dartroyad * ter; bat the was a aod flrelses that pour Moldaraith, the hither from St. Louis in d„. rection. possible, coincidence too re- garret » mineral fti wide brimmed bat, mm! in olothee 1 ir mim who bathed ia epring apasdilyGtrmsniomt TtUyropk. oarslry one to of literature, akotohed the heartened, still b« would tux |j( markable avoid the ear of the ever vagrant brightest •••»« up> • silent 1 mm of tba moat raaorta. a little too Urge, and with tongue, m • broken-down nwi. A of ladies from Doriooe CUtten. of dotueetio happiness the world ie J mm i had Al ^ party Newport, Penn., public.—LowU pietnraa ee wa»4bu Tuna Ramucnoxs not what to 1 thai, Newport,^ Rcaonn.—tba h» one know* my. Mj impression went out a few ever had; it waa from aatck bed, iaaoie thinking time Urant wu hit days sinoe to whortle- baa cava Captain drawing a* gather 40 do- th* drinkeia idantof tba United Slates baa ismtad a it that be will to be mueb beloved a 1 tbiiw proc- thU wu not ssoertained prove berries. One of them her littlrf child wild ox from • drove in New distress, and In aoaeaalloea exile, that Tom right expense, though till placed 0P'A escaped to iaibibe, tha eight of bar lamation, wbaraby it is dtdaiad that mid. tne 1#rriflt. a which ac- of the faahkinahle eopbantaaent 6t Soott, the satire of JerrbM, a month, lie seldom Shortly afW, dog thoroughfares, knocking •. j ( i domaatio and $M1 *mated eome oooeteraatioa. tba laatriettoaa apoo Internal, » common. The the art a down them. was half the of wit and humor ft*w d«w w*r»< *11 he viaitod, h« «Uh which he tleanake was foond under it. The at* one for the caused a ! Rocky River, Ohio, a ia eilenoe. Air. Waehhuroe distinguished ability plunder dog metropolitans, quite bare teat. Thus tha eaoiao of trads was and atnd how much fire they gone gradually ed a and orer- tack«d the was and died The shot from the along the road attacked through seemed to him to he thinking on somo ah pamenger, th«n kicked him snake, bitten twioa, pronation. ninth police- staggering turnad into tba old afaannals. n four being board. altar. revolver killed the V*. torn a wolf. i year*. street euhject, and that be took hia to be I shortly man's aeverely by General 7 In Tork County lut year the vo* for I LOCAL & GOUHTY masse* in* norm m ion auv Summary. IHTELLIOEMOB. man is conservative oj nr THE BgTUBUB. see that Union pro- SEND wh for Howard, oarly, nod ewrj bM the Got. Cony 6,321; Judge litioa faction whioh the control of Got. of ro» a to there and that town Sharkey, Mbimippi, having The vote BT. vided with conveyance get at Washington. We with some friend in each In ihia 5.811. Got. O'm majority, 510. Thayer Moulton, recently of the vtlN until sun- government noMtrated to the authorities at Waahington ftrrn of Owen 4 Mootrow, ku he com*. Do not oease working that the fall eleotion Democratic Senatorial candidates ev- i»"»J feea, &Jmtrcal, Hon it some note from the woald see to h for the eU)H In Mddeford testimony ooanty to a writ of fcrrnsrl/ oocnpUd (£j}e we ehali the oounty that, the refused honor y and then carry to thisof- military the Union candid*tee, tod bu fitted It in the Soptombsr 8, 180C. down, Richmond rata roe are immediately forwarded erased 5,011; for Brackett, up Riddaford. do Enquirer: ktbtmt both Seward and Boat thoromjh manner lor a Vint Clan Cloth* hat not unless yon jour thae for mora, corpus, Seoretary 744. The relative handsomely, Lei not the be downeeet the re- fioe. If joa bare nothing 6,Wfr—Union mjorhy ■** •* pcaaarsd to people bj Stanton that martial law is £* IT1at FT*!** whole et nor laee of Secretary reply will be aboal the mm fornlshi rton **fce wbieh, for imU Union ypmlnaHona. duty. mit Gettysburg by the Vjekf• ■end Gorernor and rapreeeaUtire rote, majority donfrtleee clothing etill in the State, and it is the aeae of style, can** b. wn^wwf. Mr. M is and Port Hudeon. Thoee Iomn will predominant next bat an the rote will burg Monday, aggregate ullor. Ion. ^ known In FOR OOTBMOK, be morr than made to us the disor- of the to order and to apmctlcal fiTorably good by duty military preeerre which this Coanty, and whllot we The Copperhead Platform. See that your Hame probably be l*ae than ft waft bit year, nmt loeing hi* of northern the ex* mete out Uie of fen ganuation society by justice, for accomplishment the abeolnte M"Z CONY, ol the in Where waaa PxaMtntfcl citisens of Bddefor* on SAMUEL Last w«k we remarked that the resolu- pecte Henry Bujnloa. ter ; but Bion thought they Wo clip the abovo from the Biddeford returning John Kcraald, of Itorth llfrwicli, avow from We>know this election the round 50 Centa. J. Soatbard. leave the to have its the (Jreen (Josling. The Times' the o'clock P. M. Fare trl|>, M Snymdahoc—Thorns• Buncombe and party Journal. Souto twelve or fifteen yearn ago, Washington dispatch says cupper. of which lie had partaken usual, ho llrt/rfo— Parker G. Kalon. some This boat ia n of '"<0 tona bur. and not let ihe cat ont of the wouldn't off without interesting from tlio Internal Revenue for aplendal yaclit of a bad at the J. own views, after work had lieen commenced on the pass iwnipts yes- complained ftrling stomach, Adonimm BSlmg*. an and in the bc»t aea boat on the c«Hut for we con- and hero it is. It is the clone of sum den, from the to an We H. Smith, However, we lather wickedly, York »t Cumberland at Groat and the event, amounted to the enormous of $4, and retiml dining adjoining tfVaikinyton—Char hag. Kalla, terday her niie. Should there be sufficient encourage- war to the De- to the of this ol room. Illi wife tillwwed nod Alexander Campbell. fnw, this clarion cry tho agonising appeal copperheads 000,000, ahead immediately present piers for bridge partially constructed being nearly $2,000,000 uient. the Itoat will run here all neit week. York—Charles R. W*Mr editorial, us more con- may hullrr fomd him »eated ia a chair, apparently asleep* mocracy, Marcellus* across the Salmon Kail* river, and. the road oounty, "fearing they [ominous] tiny other day; The boat will be here to all an op. Nathaniel llohha, day, giving to awaken him he waa fcinnd to views than other read in their counts." Shade of attend ! On attempting to their any for a mile or more in Nasby, to nee ber before commencing her Jeremiah M. Mason. genial graded places nearly A few ago, ns a in tho town ol INirtaoity Fernald *u 70 and fellow is timo, the days Ik>y bo dead. Mr. yearsof age, ran have: to the from Great Pal la to Now, Democrats, your to morrow. CU—BWMl ing they highway are (Jill in Mass. was in the field trips n cititea of the community OOI'XTT parallel eyes of ull are upon you—your enemies leaning upon highly respected " Abraham Lincoln, a from hi#birth, a examination wa* alt be resided. Androscotfyin—Robert .Ukrtin-. tory R<»chn*ter, preliminary watching for your halting ; your friends, his hoe during a thunder shower, the light- in which S. Lu/kin, made of the route (roiu Alfred to Rochester, over the land, who are hourly increasing. SPECIAL, NOTICES. ot taxed $100 and Aroostook—Nathan it forth all the powers of govern- ning struck him, passing through the rim of Name* persons orer, in David A. Sewalk putting STAND IN AN AUONY OP HOPE AND with a view to tho feasibility of a direct his hat, down his hoe tho Kenueboak, the preaent year: Peiwtelf. ment to crush out the of American hay ii alter in handle, tearing Buoku CumbtHand—Jam** spirit via DOUBT, fonring you your 8molandor'a Extract route from Portland to New York, Nash- all their hoe from the socket. He was stunned but Edward E. Bourne, $231 80 Franklin—John P. Syltwter. sword* courso. Lot your oondm-t dispel 1« ri|iNfal)r t>y Uie >U>lk»l Faculty lor Surrounded by gleaming of the ex 'Judas David Hark, 137 00 Crahtree. Liberty. ua, Wort-ester, Ac, The reeult there Ihj no soon recovered. euro the SUummrh ami Rkeu- Hancock—Ephraim misgivings—let political Ibe if ilUtmwa of Kutnryi, Jsmes 0. Couaena, If 2 00 at he more ranks Stind firm and Chronic OM«r* Krto t—Mom* Lum. •ml glistening hajoneta Waahington, amination ahowed tho route much Iscariots' in your mmtUm, tltneraf IMkitHf, Dtvftipt, John Cousens, ISO 40 havo thore Is no disease erect as tho of tho Andes. You Tho Whig says aial Cutan rntii Umtanrt. ten thoae •oflrriof fan Curtis' 400 00 Ktr.ntbcc— Aebury Young. aenda forth Acuta and anniea to overawe and feaaible to Rochester from Alfred than to pillars Bangor rkmm, Daniel Est., not bo bribed, eflVwta «t ixmiiu It U invalu- I tr.rvln—William II. Small. nothing to dread ; you will among tho potatoes brought tb market there. the of any kind. perfectly Daniel Curtis, 145 40 Great and much ahorter. a M. Carter. aubdue that little State Caro- Fall*, coaxed or driven. Tho Rubicon is able. t*>r female Camplamti It U pricele— remedy. Ralph Curtis' Est., 140 40 O&iord—Eliiu gallant (South passed— The Lewiston Journal says potatoes an sell- also run five or six in ilea further bread banner It Dertr Uili to edict a rare. It l« the bnt ant ekeapett Mary Dane, 100 00 Penobscot—Simon J. Jerrard. It would to go baok is iinpossiblo—the which waa the 6rat to raiae ita voice thoro for ocnts and (be Price 301 40 lina] and is once tnore to the ing thirty per bushel, prri*nUl(*i of llurku nfferml to the pobtte. Ona Dol- Joaeph Dsne, }'trrnit*pus—Joseph Morrill. north of tho Boston & Maine road, pass of Equal Rights spread Dane & 302 00 or Mle all Perkins, C. Haneon. and anna British winds—tho voioe has forth over Gardiner Journal thinks there is little *o lar per buttle. Far by Aputhenarira. Somerset—Simeon against oppression. a much better lor business, gone pealing Edwin Day, 104 20 through country "sink or t Wboieaak) DnifKiaU, Hft lUnorev (t, S,K;,niahoc—Rufua W. Adauia. lake, mountain and river, that rot in that section of the State, snd Hurl«*lj:h Roger*, Charles L. Dresser, 149 40 Democrat a of Maine! Tho sons of at Rochester would havo the benefit of potato Sat3& loyal and or tho motto shall lie Boatnc^ tienral Agenta. Israel Durrrll's 540 00 Waldo—Edward Partridge. swim, survive perish." bo a riotwith- Eat., believes there will good crop, W. 720 Gardner. the South have gathered around Charleston a competing point to Boston via tho Raatern —'ONWARD!' The hopes of tho people Joseph Dane et ah, Trustees C Lord, 00 Wr.thtwjton—John the ol the fa>m- Dane et Trustees E. M. 480 00 oon. the States are centred standing prognostication! Joseph ab. Lord, York—Thornaa Quinby. about Boa- or Boston & Maine road*—the Kistern ol all upon you—and aa your fathers of old gathered will not be George Kmmons, 130 40 Falls Sc well are we that thoy era. ji'due or raoiuTK. trolling and managing the Great (lerauadsd 8eth T. Kmmons. 102 60 ton. in defence of the aame sacred principlea What remains unaccomplish- Isaac Furbixh's Est., 100 00 A. Everett. and the Boston k Maine disappointed. Jeff, is from and car- f Conway, controlling ed this will most bo suffering erysipelas & R. 12080 iv.itaipui—Charlea which havo ever year, surely completed D. Oilpatrick, of liberty—principles you tho Dover & lit\i 00 COCtfTY ATTORNEYS. and running Winnipisaeogeo. next. buncles. John Q. IIUI, G. 120 20 and defended with your voice, your At Rochester it would connect Portland Wo have whether it was Drew Henry Hart, t \rnhrlmtd N athan Webb. upheld forgotten Statistics show that 904 whiles are now Dfeniel & lUtch. 107 00 A flirr ro Bum tno.—How /• (lain and Retain Af- arm. Your with Northern and B-istern New said that the crowned heads 132 00 franklin— A. C. Phillips. vote, and your strong ajmpu- or Wiggin who rations at Joseph Hatah's Est., receiving government Chattanooga- /rel ion.—It liaa foqaently bam »uggea*»l that Planta- 12-2 00 Wa/—K. K natnod roads. to see Mary E Wafchv via the above Twenty-throe of were awaiting of Boyle. thiea are with the defenders of tho truth and Europe anxiously and 43 negroes ! Tins faot suggests the tion Hitter* are, In another form, the "Ktikir bore"of 288 40 Knox— Lewie W. Howe*. the only Henry Kingsbury, milea would connect Rochester with the taken the "Democrats of Ui« AiickiiU. Hal tliry tlo mnrh to quiet "family Jaia," Benalah Utllrleld», 182 09 the position by whether tho negroes can take care right. question roeoodlr wire* to enaa we be- ft 112 00 sanirti. Portimouth and Concord road at Oandia, York wo are quito sure that it ant fcetfti) hiul«r»U, rerlly LittlefteM Thompson, County"; of themselves. Wheniloawatlo ia reatored and connubial fa* Lord's Eat., 108 00 Walker. Those who have this to N. lieve. (|uiet George Hancock—Nathan inaugurated unholy and givo a diroot route from Portland was but he isn't of the L> 403 00 Drew, capable doing Ildty rclg u» ■Wynne, leory rd, was • N. Parker. war are no frienda of and Worcos- A the name of Jones John A. 111 80 Androscoggin—I. and u(\juatiGable yours York, via Manchester, Nashua in that young lady by "Mow the charm, how nrret the btlaa Lord, F. thing up stylo! gnut Widow Thomas Lord, 120 00 Son*rr*l—Joseph Nye. arrested in the other eharged Tliat flmtf In a lla." —no friends of democratic liberty. Wili tor. Albany day, ipiwrinn Robert W. Lord ft C«>., 1C0 00 cuxk* or coeirrs. war tho hare hunt faa and oaa at Plantation Bitten will to- From Alfred to Rochester n railroad can jy During the people with loading a joung man, aged eighteen, A pro|«r Tobias Lord, 130 40 togetfrf and you to both like tha great Family Sitmertel—Hiniiu Knowlton. for volunteer* or recruits to on their Candin, the land is favorable, be- ccpt Biddoford. wer. Horatio 283 80 carry peculiarly Plan tat ion llUterm. Moody. II. hue been theii lileaatug, William U. 207 00 Washington—Phineas Longfellow. level, with no atrearna. inond, where every grog shop Na*o«,Jr, work of and tyranny under the ing A serious fire occurred (n Boston on 108 40 subjugation J^rgo and Democrats Friday Bradford Oaken, coc.m TRE\jrii». For tho aNivo reasons we boliere tho state- Tort, bristling with docanten W0 00 of the laws,' evening, over the passenger depot of tho Boa- LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED James Osborn, —Atn'-rw C specious phrase 'enforcing r. The consolation these IN the IN* Offlcw at Statu at tUkm, It» Durnabas 300 00 Flint. ment of the Preet correct, that when tho g. only copper Messrs. MbtHhmf, Palmer, ton k Worcoster Railroad. Buckley 1 7th tuncey Burr, attending Bllia William R>ss, 120 00 do it tcork. Portland for years, having pass municipality. propose IUal«1*ll Until® Riohanleoa Keith. of tory despotism tort/ despot's William * 340 00 Franklin—Leonard at this last and crnn Democratic convention at Trenton, had hit Caiupball Funol* Rom liaurffe W (1. wall, over throe roads in less than 50 mil.-a, it take away presont only R Kennt^ec—Daniel Pike. to them and in the Coutlna N»noy W Rlch»r«Uoii Heater A Daniel Shaeklry, 133 GO Say fearlessly boldly, re of It wu« i makes tho than from Boston. of comfort frdrn those who so thankfully pooket picke-l $300. probably IHirla Mary A Rich R-njamia Smith, 140 40 Uncoln—Andrew Lacy. freights high«r Jan* Sawyer Otodla* of Lord, the Rirl either borrowed or countefeit. Fry* Charles Smith, 137 40 A. Pidgin. language England'* great the which mado a coive small favors. Uetohell Seavey llalrlmi Oxford—William Since preliminary survey, KtntlyC James 8mith, 104 00 M. u».*y Charl** 0 Smith Joaepti Henry Bor»y. of Chatham, whooo bold words in behalf ol in tho viows of the managers a Robert Smith. 440 00 Sagadahoc— decided change A alocping inan rolled from house-top in Ilo»i,*r John Mr» STlrotian George R Mrs Jr., Somerset—J,ames R. Daacomb. llill J UJrMr* Smith Nellie 0 Samuel Smith, 182 U0 the colonies of America in the of the York it Cumberland, Eist Roches- A Maonificknt Enoravino. 0 nnd kilied Waldo—Charlc* Baker. struggling —George Now York himself. Hanaon Malrlna Small Almenla Thomas Smith, 133 80 Abide 9 Littlefield. tor haa grown to be a manufacturing of Now York, hiui beuol one of the Harris Mary K Taylor l'hineas 8te«ena' Est., 130 00 York—Sylvester dark hour* of the Revolution, havo enshrined quite Perino, Minion K Trli)i» C»lwU J in tho foot was tbe cause of Gov- lUnaoom W. 338 00 Knox—Alden on the line of tho routo while of Gen. Grant thai Gangrene Nloholaa Mr* TIImiiIU John U Ley Stone, Spraguo. place surveyed, moat engravings Jeffara 133 00 his namo in the heart of every friend of frco- spirited ernor death. Johnson Haiti* ft Bui I th Iteulnra William Bymonds. Washington—Ignatius Sargent. of road haa beer Brough's 00 the building tho Concord through we havo ever aoen. The engraving Jeffary Pr*d Stewart Revert George Taylor, 141 and immortalized his fame wherever Wlleon Sarah B Israel 13280 dom, Manchester would make it ensy Tor Portland cxecuiod at a in order to Goner*) Schenck, in a recent in LonOoy Cynthia Taylor, large expense give «pooch MilUr Jaaon Welah Mary Charles 4:10 <>0 the namo of is his a Warren Thompson, The Question at the Polls. liberty known—*ay in to roalixe her ambition long entertained, of to tho the latest and most Ohio, said "a rebel is courageous copper- MoCororalc J ••—Dayton Jwitoy Krsnklia N. moo pooplo approved Mora* Fanni* Webiter J 11 Thompson, a Nathaniel L. 2,A7| 00 'If I wcro a Southern- a direct route to Now York.—Rochester Cou likeness of tho General as ho in hoad, and n oowardly rebel." Motxly Caleb Thompson, Belore the Journal will reach lie thrilling huguagc: appears copperhead H. ma w again of 11mm lettm. the Wtllkta Tbonpaon, rier. tho and also to meat a do That is it. nr*To ot'Uia anv applicant I*1 '<# readers tho of this Commonwealth er as lama Northerner, while a Hold, proving just uat o*ll far "A»Tinm» utrraw. and pay two Benjamin F. Titcumb, people foreign H20 40 of our illus- inta for advertising. Titcumb, mand for an equestrian picture The Richmond of announ- Abigail will have pawed judgment upon the issues troop were landed in my country I would Rei'Rkskntativk Nominations.—Tho fol- Whig Saturday gp If uol called lor within oitfc month, tbey J..,fph Tl'eomb, 10X< 20 Tho sent to lha />aad Lattar Offlaa. of the and what that de- trious Lieutenant-General. engraving ces that Robert E. Lae has consented to ac- 1111* Timothy V*r»ey'• Kit., 100 40 present campaign, never down lowing are tho Union nominations for the CAIIUUMK r. COWAN, f. M. lay my arm*—never, nkvkr, is sold" and at a very Andrew Walker, 133 00 cision will be ie known and ac- as as only by sul«cription, the of very plainly *' towns nnd districts in this county far • cept Preaidency Washington College. Palmer Walker. 113 00 NEVER.' low 00 Two are in the prico. Jonhu WnlefleW, 130 knowledged. parties field, made up to the timo of going to press: The ex reboi Gen. Ijovell it ra said, has be- STATE OP MAINE. ■f Alexander Warren, 117 00 and two distinct issues are The Ebcnexer presented. Biddeford— Leonard Rumery, Fknian Troi'iimm in Missouri.—List week, come the working editor of tho Now York YORK, us.— Municipal Court of the City of Jiweph WntcrhoiiM, 116 60 lorn these two are, on the Allies of Rebels. • Biddefonl, First Monday of Sept., 180& Own Wenteurth, 101 00 supporting questions Copperheads Rogers. according to a correspondent of tho Tribune, Daily Nowa. n. Brown- Albert N. William., 133 00 the on# those men who, our civ- the Head Centre of the Fenian Bro- Samuel H'tntieorlh /V/rr part, during the seven yean ol war which re- Saeo—Rufus P. Taploy. Deputy CUadiua li William*, 199 00 During therhood of Missouri died at St. Paul. His A collision between a poaienger and a now on to th« court thut tl war, have believed that the lite of the na- — II. Bur- roggmtion William William*. 333 00 sulted in our the American limerick and Liminyton Horace a fu- nt the lime Independence, has been brought to St. Louis and train occurred on the Oil Creek rail- ANDPeier Brown, the said defendant 313 40 tion wss to nil else ; who bare body freight George Wiee. paramount Colonists were divided into two bank. neral service and oration advertised to take of the service uf the writ, wu not an Inhab- j parties, pat- road on week. Nine were no the wss mure Thursday pcrvons iU it of this State, and has tenant, agent believed that rebellion nothing and of Acton, and at St. Patrick's church. Arehbhhop Mr. John Marshall has told his bouse on riots tories. The relative strength Sfwplrit/h Ncwfield— Darling or within the same ; and that hia: issued a killed, and fourteen or fifteen others attorney nor leas than and that it rnriok bull fright- Cross street, to Dr of , organised treason, tho torios was about to the relative Hum. Rlaco thereupon prohibiting goods or ealate have been attachod in this no- 8*00, Allen, equal use of St. Patrick's Church for the de- and wounded. the fully mangled and that he has had no notice of said who la to mid* in Baeo. Mr. Mar- would and should ba suppressed. In that ol the at this subse- Bencick and North Hericick—John II. tion. oomlng strength copperheads of an oration or other roligious cere* suit and attachment: faith have and the nation livery shall sold his household furniture, Ac., last they triumphed, in the effirt to that Hammond. to tuke on that occasion, lie On an attompt was mado to quent period, destroy mony place Wednesday U it Ordered, That notice of the pendenoy nt and ia to is S4ved. On the other tha the Saturday anotlon, going Denton, part supporters The and and Lyman—Thomas Now- also direeted the of (Cath- wt fire to tho House. dia- be to the said Independence. contumely divgrace Kcnntbunkport Superintendent Augusta Timely of thia auit given defenfire. ewy plishing theooantry indication plsiu the peieon who had so silenoed Kim, The newa from M«ioo look gloomy. H U Ordtrtd, Tha* noUoeof way that Iharobaaa and this continent bar® wltnsmd. abruptly to tfce defendant, nnablotogntkarnmyokoiao duaa bia duly on Moo day next, the true ma- the of Vermont approve of Presidsol and was told that it was General John thia aait be gl*M hy aeiaetloo Ibv tbo Jovmai tkk people Major ware burned in of thia to- wnL Ivory- our Troy, publishing an attMtod copy order, will exceed three hundred and In July, 1883, armies and nary were and will W. Twenty-flvebuildings tha ia jority fifty. Johnson's Administration policy, Geary. gether with an abattnet of plaintiff'e writ, thing literally "dried «p,M Tbo Boot of tbo in several N.Y., on Wedneaday. Loaa $100,000. in tha Un'oo and Jour, Bat the moat we have to fear ia apathy successful important engagements. eustain him in oarrying it out." three weeka auooeeiiwly well* oo tko Yord bora boooae dry, nod it la a newspaper printed at Biddeford, in aald among ouraelrea, not eo much fn>m a lack of Rebel went down aa the national ( Ini The Portland Press that of the thir- An Indian in run a mile io 4.42. nal, with eooaiderabie oflort tbot tko aoikoii ob- hopes saje Chicago County of York, tha laat publication thereof real the Uln water aaiubto to inttrcet in the aa a lack of ear- and rebel organs It is stated that one ty one Onion oaodidatea for the State Sen- to be at leaei tea daya before the Third Moo. Mat. Tko oxen tad raanlt, prospects brightened, positively ooppsr* Webster, son of the great the Daniel grand of October, A. D. 1800, at whioh time aaid boraaa koto to bo drirao to neetnam, eriaing from an uauranoe that Got. found it MCMnry to stimulate hopes of head has been elected to the Vermont ate twelve wero members of the last Senate day Kittogy twtoooraiy legis- ia dead. defendant may appear In aald ooart and anewer will b« How and Daniol, doy, nod pott of tko Uom bare to drink water Cony rejected, end that the attend- their armies and eon federates. did lature. This may or may not be true. This four of the last House. Two others to add aalt. If he ahall Ma oaaaa ————— ABEL H. JELLESON. ooodoBoad by ataoaa oo tbo yard. For two woe of fiery men at the ia not naeded. to work, and what aid is tbe way eome of tbs towns voto: Cbsstsr have served in forassr years in the Houao. Jadga, polle they go prospective tboro bar* boa* indioatioae of dbewari, We beaeeeh Union «« Hon. Hannibal daya tu throw for and Was it from 227, two. Oav> the candidates an Colonel and Brer. Massachusetts papers say of PlaiaUra away thia did they look aspect? —republican, copperhead, Among (AUtraot Writ) bot wa bora ao ofUw baas abaotad. In oooao- Maa. The to uka bit rtskfanoe ia tbnt dangemoa are or the ••Democratic" 115; 0. Wineur— Gen. 0. H.Smith ol the 1st Hamlin b up on aeooont for forty.two dolten c*pp»haadi pie. the Union parly party? endish—rep., oop., rep., Brig. Me.Gav., Aaenmpeit qooooo of wbieh wo bote abooot been fcrankon •WtineUd to destruction, Ut believe it, because we don'I want and aenta. Bald writ la in a plea that ia no tea- Listen to the of ths Richmond ld8; cop., 4. from Washington County, Uol. State. Don't eighty-eight rWtoro. testimony Henry Boyn- of tha eaaa, and la datad Auguat Md, 1803, and by dlatlngniebed aon we ahould not tiih to Bay State is of great sea, I mat why ••dwtrnet" Whig ton or the Rth Me. Reg't, and Col. Wm. W. to. The proliSe returnable to aatd Municipal Court on the Firat Io oroaaing tbo Tard ooa day loatwoik than a little on our own hook. * number there from other of 1853. from If. wbo wot re. Throw tway from ths victories we may achieve Mr. Charlee Mareton, a physician, and his Virgin of the 23d Reg't. but quite go Monday September, Hoo. J. W. Pattoraoo. H., Apart her with the Addamnum 030. of Fort the McClelUn Uctica, that ia, contant to in the field. there are but two means of coun- a of were StatM. Maine has furnished from tbo onniwrenry Pophaat, iet daughter; girl ton, shot d^ad by ABEL H. JELLESON, Judge. taming on the and follow the ihtse events Governor she ever bad and and ba aad Mr- Bridge, Cklaf Bo. PrwrWooo elwaye dafcoaive, up the teracting boatful effects of his wife st South Dsdham, Mam., oo Thurs- The will of Paul R. of New most brilliant A true copy of order of court, with abstract and hostilities to an George, niw Ibatwo eieitora for two woeke. ft f«M w*i run them bringing cloae. tbo orator writ. oad Clothing, via* down. That'a Sher- early Mrs. Marelon was lab- is to he contested was New mot her graitcst of the TJaai are either or a night. probably Hampshire, becauso it llampshins foreign intervention de- day U. B. Staaaar Tioga. Ueot Co*«aader idea'a mode of Be at 37 Atteet j ABEL H. JELLESON, Judge. Ik» Bghting. Ute polls | termined and successful opposition by the oring under temporary mental derangement. executed on Sunday. and Statesman.

# and it Coatlreaeaa the Nm( PtoIWc Soiree of D. M. OWEN & NSIW here tW 3th August, SON, WILL EXHIBIT IT BIDDEFORD FOR TWO DAYS Whiting, arrived III Reelik. ONLY, Hw destination is taking hi coal and stores. Itcuras Pitt*, IIkadachk. Di*«mrw,Oiy**M AFTERNOON AND EVENING, iom or Kmm. S..1 k *r«-w »< n. Palpit*tio«»i»,Fw7»ii« MERCHANT TAILORS. unknown* ah Joijits, u or tii Fate, Paiw ij* twk Bate of this morning Hkim. TAILORING The Portsmouth Chronicle Jacmuk'b, Villuwhbsi or mi Em ard AMD DEAL ERR III Portland, Sato ft Porto'th H I. Ink and Peo-dab- LlVKK CoHI*LAIMT, liOSS OT At- and 22d and 23d. contains the following: "An C'OATKO TOMOO, Sept Ac. Friday DrararstA. l.iiiuimoi«, Amy (Max Saturday, who is m much prriTK, Cm AHD— BUMMER bler of the Biddeford Joarnal, to prove m rtlUUt rawly for habttaal ARRAIftiK Jtf KNTS, likely wo kaard of is his in tlveneas Km miiH Impossible *11111 COMKaKCtHa MORDAT. A PHIL distinguished for his veracity ability, 3. IMS. Navy Yard a few days DR. HARRISON'S a letter from Kittery / READY-MADE FREE EXHIBITION trains leave as follows. a of dis Periutaitic M*oxengen containing an allusion to party or m* since eaoit no A>1> Portland for the Yard aays, Thir arcifmaM* to tkc palate, pain, rortamouth and Boatvn.) tiajcuished gentlemen visiting never weaken the stomach Ilka Miracle P. B. ft P. 8 40 2.60 train operate promptly, Gymnastic Depot,; i o'clock ease ot C08TIVKNK83 and _ 'they returned ia time for the all Piu.*. In every P. ft K. I)., J H it 300 or Immediate relief, and never Cape Blltabeth. do do H.&3 300 Wonder if they were exiles, PILES they produce to Canada'? require Increase of dose to effect a cure Children Goods, •ttrboru', Oak llllMo do 9.03 3.|t the Journal use tlieui under circuiustaa- Furnishing wwttoirbort do do ffto 191 after Sanders." In the first place and feuiaJo* uiay aay mmmM® visit- c««. Price 10 cents t small boxes 30 cents. Ob« Door Wert or York Dank, IMIC-OSCiLUTIOII ft**. do do 9.90 3 J& ■akl nothing about a distinguished party Blddeford. do do 9.26 3.43 returned A Si«MtllMK Cballraif. the aud agaia the party that Kennebwok, do do 9J0 AM ing Yard, Wa will pay $iu» to any pereon who produce# an Sn£•. Wnllo. do do 10.03 4. If so much absorbed ftain Street^ emBLHHMEIIT. la the 1 o'clock train became article equal to the Peristaltic Losenges In any res- North Berwick. do do 10.19 434 Chron* lodorsed all and l>ra*. 8. do 1034 4JO the items of the pect and by Phyilolans Berwick Jaootien.B.ftM.IL in reading complicated J.S. I1ARHI80N A CO., Prepririers, Janet. Orl Palla do 10.43 4M uiach con- fists. Branoh. icle that tbey were doubtless very Mo. I Tremont Teuiple, Boston. Eliot. do do 1049 9.10 of For aala DnurftU. y U do do 114ft 5 90 and they partook very (reely by KItUry. fused, perhaps Uniforms PortomoutOOrrlTO 5ts and Firemen's ■ It is very amusing that Naral « Portsmouth ice-water. Whltken! Wbiikent Military, Alliancr or Taiwt B cmton l.4Spa»fi.{0 mistake *r*n>l the Chronicle should make a greater Do vou want Whiskers or Moustaches f Our Or®, Furnished at the shortest notice. THISU oripinliM oil a ac*le of unprceo- on the THAYER the eitra* T.30 3 09 thetn to N. at claa will (brce jrow HODLTON. ■UmiUmI macnlfloanc*. tad Boiton for Portland, IIoeatu'*. Compound the Jovuxal. on In »••*» than «mnothest (aca or chin, or hair bald head*. All work Warranted. Terms Cash. f ortllmry nutl ruWI performance* of Portsmouth do I*-**" 81* Week*. Price for Hent by fy Ido® 9.3» P. TVillsrd, who has been working |l—3 packages $1. of the Arm or OWEN ft MOULTON, TU1 OR RAT ARRAY OF Klttery. do do Horace mall an^ where, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Kaoently Kllot. do do 10.17 9 47 whose wife and M. 37 <»KO. H. OWEN, o( ia Sanford for thres years, but Address. WARNER A CO., Box I3rt, Brooklyn, N. DAN'L OWKN, 8aco, Jnnet..flr*t Pall* Branch, do 10.28 9.WJ at Y. y 16 8. Berwick Junction. B.ft M. 10.43 9.13 children reside in Alfred, waa arrested ffonigiiit;9alibt^tlistj aix C. C. TEMPLE, HAS LEASED and NEWLY FITTED UP will Inaurnraie a new era In aniVM- North Berwick do of originality Kennehunk, do do 11.30 7 00 to throw the train from Doaton rich and fmui (Successor to Nath'l Lane,) • attempting frjai <4.1 ami yuan*, ln«ii paw, hleu the atore formerly occupied hy 8TIM30N anem«icrats MjIlm Kr"«. dn-xtiutf Muchlne* a moi; si* ix from —I "■ Suftni* hnwli, dry and wlrr hair iuto Ikniitl- Bcwiujr Repaired ty Pare* ar«/v# amli /«*« when ttokoU »re as for town Street fluperb Aota, Thrill tnt TmU, sen* candidate representative fuJ Mk.-o Tnw»n. Ilui, a»«o«e nil, tin* im-at wsmhr is tlie LlDerty purchaaed at the oSoo.thaa when paid la the tare. II. OnrflOHl IpMtMlM, AIR! w irS IN THE Ken<»*l>uiik|>ort and Lyman, and Hiram rapklity with fetch iAr*»l»o-« tiKAY IIA III Tu UltHl and adjusted. Repairs or all kinds executed with FLYING PRANCI9 CIlAftC* < Claaalo Paatlaae, IN U. .<1 "U MR., Diaplajra, Regal r I lie I for same office from Lim- ncatnen and B1DDKFOKD, II lntn-|>l pMM-nitlit, •orninTKnoiRT. Brown as candidate V it a and dlspat«h. Picturtaqua Oamaa, I lew tan***, 44laU CIIANOK! April 3d. IW. inirton and Limerick. PUKKTO, Where he Intend* to carry on th« fluraptuout Featlvltlae, SIGNOR JPortland, Uv wl«iv-t nixl wortl Inir it* 37 UOOCII ISLAND, MDDKFOUD. MR. FERDINAND, k»>inijf ymitliful r;jelnMln| * Vivid Fageantrlaa, " Liminctou iImm lli*' I Mil itrikes at llw n«4 Th.i \Viin*»n««tl»»nal iixl deploying much limber TAILORING Ktrr«l>«i Seniatlona, Oraoaful Pn»« ili«|«l«r SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! Lyman, It «iU m4 tak* a l»ai.\ trkl, t» imire IIk* Irmuftitia IVita will »ir*i| |.»t«*r»«r»!••• manel- " the do Itoraemanahlp, A from tmlh <4 Oris MS-t. Tlx- fir»t a|>|4k»ti<*i Kill K<».l | •. \U\ST» V HlWKItlt ai-l young growth." gentleman .i« ir»Mi K.xruw StMB- N KAI. '••!.'!; «•»'« rv Brllliaat Arralt Oemi, TJie iplendM new Ma-going it in even ii*i«ilwtk' ATI rtnrniu* «Uj, I N KKKA lll.V IIKAI TirUL. Tb«"«vrl.a4 0;mft*4t twrtiMTti of thin comity say* l;!J Corruaoatlona of Wit Perm ClITt L#wlo«#«, and |M>rtiou and >Ut VIMI mill IT, CLOTHING! Sparkling lie «x> (lili [en in I cii'luii wiU until further no there than here, which i« nenlles*. IbeaU, ifrav,4<«f-to liotrou*. idiininx ami OK D. M. OWKN A SON. roKMINO A Act m 37 Eloctrifying See advertisement of Stvne Si Boston'1* Cir- \-; * II .11- ill in II .if ll< O" «4ln-r .irti. h Leave Atlantic Whar£ Portland. every Monday m .ii ■> t. •> :u»l il Itniallalnol Ili» lilc'i^t »tiMltnli|*« of !>*• t«-*U«h. h*a it .til l.k. C \ ill Toeaday, Wedneaday. Thnraday and Friday, at 7 cus It wil he Cite an«J best which OF WONDERS! Ill MAIM VU mi I t»KII.I. f>«fiu large** ciikap n» hit, ii.k\sant to try, PORTLAND PYRIIHIO I III! rWKXAMI'I.Kh o'clock P. M„ and Central Wharf, Boa ton, riii'tr Ntiimncin > ih«- hnuI iNMrnlOcvnl every been in Main« for Our eolumn« are tun nml Ml KK T>» tM> YOl' (KNID. PiJtarciqin Bprottilo Monday,Teeedsy, Wednaeday.TburedBjr and Fri- year*. BUSINESS, the Ilia ItilHMll « l«i * Tbrn* aiv many noiUlieuv be -n# yiai proiire tlie Lnrlchi"! by rmwiilagivlarnment ••vvrylifii )»• cl«-|ii|»late. day, at 7 o'clock r. M. OMwdwl this week tu My more. ixtiuioe. tuauulH'tarvd only hj K. P. IIALL A CO., Nash uf an eminent and glorious Fare—In 11.33. On * Dili Cabin, Pack, $1.00. N. II. Business I3ST ALL ITS BBANOHE8. tw !«**»*. |»T«»N»t ItilWOV rlnlrnr.l Kacb Jewellers. have ua, College, N. D. tKiatlarUrnUhad with a large number Mwrn. Twambly ,t ('leaven, UaikU ••nu/itiil" Pr»i Exhibition of JBrial Flight* Ibr Kor sale l>y all drajniisU. of (Junius I liter- or 8tata Roou>a, the accommodation of ladtaa :>t a UltVNO KKM'CCI-: I.r liilvtl"! K into their store two splendid German 8 Gyolo tn w» and families, and traveller* arc ramlndad that by jtt?t put No. Clnpp'n Block, Codricm St. Fertile In ox|MM||.l«lf«rtn and challenge rival. »B'I hi taking thla llna, much aarlng of time and oxnenea Show Case*. coating over f'iOO. Ju-t 'rno moaioui companion. ilufV «miiii|m«iIII>iii • «i hi i<*t| vtliiiM* tint*. rmnlrr«l Silver II* with lb* untsM* thai o*n mi iwu mi|hi*| trill be made, and that the Inconrenlenoe or open* hi M«tall U-nl that alint. ••< |nmii*eMent •»fc* ilumrvtic and rf.Mliiii t it * «|» thai It wiafxinl »«rjr beautiful new A jml niUrgnl Institution offer* to Young Men Ltdna ran ihHr «'|lh<«tk at honra of the night will ba drop umiIk.iI Iu*ju4 been liy (*lu>rkM Ttlaclirr, the e- t facilities lor a thorough liu- outtoinera, •I «ie» imtriiM THIS obtaining I'li -'ru'iM „( ili- Mill nt Ar.|ilc I m Wo admire their It t'oort «lrc«i. It-(hi. Hi1' null** I* it phy- In the hu *ccured the •U rln^ln^Uoaton received. pluck ll>r, slness Education builneu,nod Performances • at- re aeaeon goods jusf in lonj; JJatohless nmi inl n >tw|i|i«itn.l|'ic th'> iioriiwni* ri|k'nir The boat* arrl In for paaacngara to taka mcUu >>t Uiye stml extrnaive |«nn'ti.v for full course, both the* them a ex|W«i«ucr Hoholarshlp comprising tervicei of an In the ill>ilni(uUhlit'.rcliar»t)4 iltwa«M >4 tin- jirn "IlK'-J •H'KKItl V|H Isaac T. Ilobsoii, K* additional ralue. male an* clearly .tint fully tWvcrifal. A rluip or and ti*ai>r for State l'i«u|4.unU, College. send for College Monthly Npccl- THE PROFUSION OF lir nun. taken ai tunal. is the Union candidate .!•■< «i ill fnn.1 tctif I .ul\rr- iii'ir 'liijil •>*•! BP* Freight of Saco, \|.11tti I'ti |>r l>j iucii* of letter ly I'cnmauship, •nclotlng stamp. Whoie name alone ii a anfflrlent to all L. of Mr. U nf lUrlf worth more than the pne* <4 tlir guarantee ATTRACTIONS T"n rti-lilnr »( tli.-«o ihIIiI.iih and 8en*tor in l.inooln County. Speaking tionjr <|Uark«, UKYAN V,BTRATTON A OKAY. who wlih Portland.Nor.20.18M twrik. As a «lmh, hr th" mvln, thU Ii * t if -I In .iIi-tIh-I Hi.- aiii-mitin an I .1111 ■! tb« BILLlNQB.Apent. an i»ni-|ini(«ioiial 3m37 1'ortland, Maine. will >>.< nr.-aented with all the aMJuncti Klitflt the [lath Time*sa>s, "he is honor- »f ilir ellM"f an>l thai Hobatm the last *'*, fur thr |r«ever puUWhnl. <'s .end it t>i IIMW I hem InlmlteMo Ic I ituMtmu i>rin<'l|ial Fur»|*. N. ami K-* W. by K. Rl'ltMIAM. Ctur 74 A NICE FITTING an I nurveloui lu |* e«« nf 1I1 »t ri'intr\ IwWul with Ml|w Screw Co. able, man; eaturprUiog, liberal, *U|>«rlurlty ityl*. lawlalMfjr England Steamship upright cents. Jm'i; „'liliil« nf Ili-« iinc.j'ulr l feat- .•iri*t>ni|ill«lu,il It) Ntf F a He la thor- BUT YOUR FURNISHING GOODS of g->od public spirit. •• po—wd AMD Thli l OI!.\T!'IT»irs |!XIIIIIITH>N will flRMf-WKEKI.Y LINE. sound on the of the Union IMPORTANT TO rCMALKN. nplwnll oughlv principles V*i V (Ml »l| in'lll l» I lie His friends in EQUESTRIANS and Republican party," many DR. PILLS. The uplendld and hit Hteamatilua CIIKE»ii¥AN'8 At FASHIONABLY GUT GARMENT STORE « R9SST0N CIRCUS VI.Ml. Nam- will the as I>. M. OWEN SON. Gymnasta, Aorobats, PAVILION, CkfNKBliri C»pt. this locality recognise compliment P. XI. Mid 11. The combination of Ingredients Id these PIIU u At Ono o'clock, 'wood. Kraacaala* Capt. well deserved- and ha* to offer the PANCRftTISTS. EQUILIBRISTS, >8iirwoo», will until further notioe th« result of a lung and extensive practice. They JYottec of Foreclosure. (a hif» 1*1 itfuf'it |• I iced «ii |>iUv\ en. ol on arc mild Id their operation, and certain In correct- POSTURBR8, I'dliir nvrr KiM»'Uit«ljr r*ry North Rlrrr. New York,every and Vat erwise, headache, Mil iu the side, palpitation of mortgage, Ikh i« «f ikb lit'LK ft iu tinmen*- Wednesday arm while on a in a boat lo R Uile aud K Co- HUMORISTS, >iu(Ml. oouvejcU Jere Cyrus and Hutu** It 4* the tulml heart, and 'H'l»(ti h lmvd«Hia uanuat tliat time both of Altred, In said county, DANSKURS other Artiste*. l< »r »ur These veueliare fitted up with Dun aecominnda on the river back of the Navy Yard. fatigue, in ths back and lliults, Ac dliturbed (til 111 clorv •>( I'tmftik' Art and iiif irran pain eleven act > of land, more or less, situated In Ly- Stock of Goods! tlnnsfor paMenirera, ltie ■le«p. which arise from Interruption of uature. 'inifiiri.'rrulrd talent known In hUinrr. jM-Hnra inakluffUili mo«tip«edy, u a man and being sains which •aft and ©ouifortable route for traveler! A man named Jaaea Fly tin, employed l»a. Ch*k»kman'» Pilui was the commencement aforesaid, premises tli'ln •tl«» t «'!*••'II n t« 1 (r»-i event rcoifilcil In Ihf between liaiinali L<»rd to said Gclcbell deed New York ami Main*. of • now era In the treatment of those irreguhirl- conveyed by IN TllE COUNTY! tnili ..r liar Ain loein.nU. in the Yard, fell from !•••;• In State laborer Kktery Ni*y tles aad obstruction* which liavo conslgnod so dated Oct 14,1313, recorded In Vork County Reg- Pmmo, Room, |«.0o. Cabin paaaac*, ve«- ean of Deeds, Uook 168, IT, to which reior- 1'i.tW. Meal* extra. the deck to the keelson of one of the rnaay to a premature grave. No female enjoy istry page VL SOTf (JK.—I*dlet and |*rH»n» naturally spar ence tie had fjr a another which may be found Ooodi forwarded thin line to and front Men. £<>od health unless she U regular,and whenever au may description—also, Among q *n | timid, entert itrtlnw trara nf ncdHrnt tn by there, hint severely. Kit land In saul treat. wis building injuring obstruction takes place the general health begins p.ircel Lyman, coutalulug eighteen tlii< fe.iH.-tt I'nwr(»!•'. are re»|*-eiAill> lof'.inied, Uuebeo, Baugor. Bath, Aupifta, Kaatpwt more or the aauie Couveved to from and St. John. we learn that he to well. to decline. acres, less, being thit in cim SIO KKItl) 1NANI> •hottld fall hit Although doing deed ol John Janua GERMAN AND FRENCH are to Dm CaiBamux'x Pilui are the most effectual raid Uetchi-ll liy Sands,dated dd Iv ••tnln »n v. novel arranffeitn til* IR waile I17 the Shlppera requested vend their Freight to and reconled hi same liook In tlio theSUauior aa a* 3 P. M. on the that James F. Tobey, who has carried the wail remedy cv«r known for all complaints peculiar ry \!6, Registry, iii< of in IU nii't»-r m.ittrea»e* ami tprlnp pint* early day they the conditions In said in lea re Portland. to females. T» all classes they are Invaluable, in- 17.1, pages i>7-wix<« ahnnta of *4* York. yean*, baa recently resigned position the sanction of soiue of the most rminrmi Pkfti RUILE, with nnthndaatla freniy and culooaal 37 CYKUH K. are tha aa4 39,18M. man who Mas is Amrriea ENGLISH AND GERMAN miration, ao InUnaely captivating alogulor Portland, May 4» Tor of William If. Staples, a young COMANT._ direction",slating when they should n»t maJ»itlo performance! of was wounded in the Kxpllclt STATE OF MAINE. Star YORK COUNTY has hern in theWrmy, and l>« u«eil, with eaoh box—the Price Ono Dollar per ^Itrformcrs! from .V> to Ml Pills. CASTOR BEAVER of Athletes.' nho«lder. The Portsmouth Journal calculate* llox, eontalning CLOTHS, LE JCUNE BURTE, The Ghampion Pllla kf nwd. jtfmpHy. by reunttiug to the County of York, I Tbo I'rrmlor llor»cm*n; nilEAr PALLS HAT I'll DAY, Sept. 16. Five Cento Institution, hie term. travelled Sold Savings that Mr Tohey has, during rourietor. by druggists generally. Cit* or ) ALFRKD Id. 1IUTC1UMU8 A IIILLYKIt, MESSRS. MURRAY & HUTCHINSON MONDAY, 8«pt. ORGANIZED MARCH 27, 1*60. miles between the two offices, Proprietors, T-. Mnrtkn! nt tkr Moscow Beaver, nearly Sft.000 HI Cedar street. New York, JIMKPII W. HIUkiK*, Cit9 Cify The ExcvMor Ormnaiti; MJXTO.N TURSDAY, Sept. 19. Prealdent, Jou M. Ooonwi*. with few carried the mail II. II. A Co Portland ; A. Sawyer, Hidde «/ HuUftorit I llMtTIIIO; lie has. eioeptions, Ilay THF DENZER BROTHERS. Vice Pret in int. Lao ma an Anna awe. «rd. and 8. 8. Mitchell. Saco. Agents. lyleo are in tlie nan*- <4 tin- Stole of and has fatted only in three instances htiHijr re»|iiirwl, The Fannin* Ali»tt; UeoreUry and Treasurer, Sr a orach A. Dvutiif himself, Maim-, to iumI warn tin- iuHaMLtnU (if Uw City AND PILOT ABB NOW RECEIVING hour. \'ur CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, WE to deliver the mail within the regular of ItMlrliHil, i|tMliritc«trlan«, Ac., WN. E. DollifRM., of Isaac a car. Cnmty a Urge mill rarkd a*»>rtment of A man by the name Butler, MARRIED. Want II.hniih in mkl Clly, vU: l\«nl One, at I Ik tfcfeoal Tromai U. Colm, was over < n Ma DEN STONE, fnxu Keaaebnnk, Me., run II kim; In tfcrhmd IHatrk-t Xo. Ward Two, at the Moor In Horace #; lliiiimriM. Ford, ■ Th«< Trmteei, omlay at Kittery Foreside by a horse and Ihidlei'* i.l on Wilrr mi.<• iii *aid ward; Want K. 11. Oaki, Bnter In Saco. Sept.», llev. J. T. U Nlcholi Mr. I al the *rl>.iul llnuav iNi 1'iaii Stm'l, In uiil wanl COATINGS! Arrl H. jRLLtaolf, oarriage aad quite seriously injured. Mr. by Tlii*»*, MR. CHARLES MONROE. FALL & WINTER OVERCOATINGS Jon* MBt.of Milwuukee.Wi*., and IIksmiktta Ward K.Hir, at the lliaiae Va«lilii):lon li ni l Vm'ulltt Brrrt, has been in the Navy Yard Qi Kiiniiir ll'ili Dutlei employed K I ui J.t. of .\t>rani Cult- r, I| Wanl at tin' III tie* Cit> lluikliiig, on of all klnd» J Nirhaia Pirrcr, mouth Chronicle- Kivf, Lienor Ageney lmi|thtriri]f t<> mvc the (mt »f the Journal never nlloat him Cfontuiit Arri't i Wanl Mix, at th Knginc llnun No. MR. FRANK ROSSTON, M. (Joniiwi»" (The to Uat *r can mak'e litem up at a maon (Join (•If to be *o liu«y »< not to acknowledge the cour on Cltnlnul ttirt, and Ward Semen. al Uk- lUd Jk-m <4 K Her. John Storcn*. Mr. to |Tiv« in their vi<« f.* a liimTOf of thi» Natr ; tlirw TAIIKIt, IlKMUKN. ItOSKHKUClK. Clirlrtiana Whlt^ tlie ►'ir»t S-mtiorud ink' Cnro- In tbe var of and TO BB and Newfleld district. Lord, Dem., had twenty JoM-nli M. Ilutchinrou ami Mi** tfcriiuior* Inr Di«trk't; Couuty |*re«t?tt ety style quality. >t\r,Ki:. \VALl»KN, IMI.LOT, mvl HILL it BOND, SOLO, both of U. miMi'Ocra County TMiuirr, ami two H"|>rr*.iitallrea mm dis- Mm'it* C \ I.KON, CLAtUiK In the Kenuebunk and Lj In 8ouierx*orlh. N. II., Sept 2. Win. 1). Murphy for *akl Kjr to Uk l/-xMit.irv >4 thU State. majority. ALSO, n. M Na> 3 CaltH Mark* »f and Mi*» J.ino W. Mc.Vlistor ol Stone- Yini atp nlan to noikv to *aid InluMUnta, mi l CLVUh.Ni K, IVrform- STORE & BUILDING LOTS. trict, Uoald, Union, iu ijuritj. Wells,1 thii oily, mpiirrd glre STORES, tli it tlie AM.nm-ii i4 tai City will In: in o|N'ii *-** al roniiliiilln? a Norl of fc/*n ro- THKMock; with the Uuyi mi which It lUoib. for Howard last twenty.nine majority year, j epilog »ald ilay <4 ekrtloo, fr l<> liear and deckle on VBSTINGS, a I/-U on row rt., ckMP In Liberty «C, 40 x 76] ft. rvh the i4 person* claiming the right to *oie. 1 L4 on JCnrry'a Uanc, 4411 741. and Cornish district a|'|iiie«lin with the RtoKE on XT it'-4ih«, rwwollng A. I>. 1 *'o. all of which he will sell by the yard or rr 11/4 45 x 74|. r.U«-a. lfcitcd at Biddefnnl, lliU 31*1 day <4 Aiigu*t, I* fhv ; above Uut number, at n-tuUr advrrti»in« | mi l Ovum* ATM* COAT MAKERS 1 1/4 on IWmh «C, adjoining land of lion. L» Andrew*. CI1ARUU A. SIIAW, Mayor. I IM on Uhrrljr at. orruptod a* Alb market. into Garment* In thw vicinity. \\r want five Up top Coat Mikett lav Important to Frinnla*. JOIIX A. GOULD, 1 .tIJ'rmrn of Manufacture of enrry desrrtp- CUL EN'S TaOUPE Thla U to I* #nM iiiinwllatrly, the ovnrra har- In this I, Mr. John Dennett, 82 yr» 6 HI to whnm we will pay the highest prices. I»C mo*nl (n MaaMfhiwtta. for farther l^W continue* to derote city, Aug J AO IL CO LB, r(f in a FathinnaNr an J Work• OKillUtHjr, lo(im>atioti In- The celebrated DR. r,,Jf lion, or iiwjuoh «f all diaeaaea in no*. JAMK3 K. f «n»in- joiin ti:ck. III* entire time to tbe treatment vf John Hern, CLAKK, of U lu thU city. Aug.33, Ly«li*C.,wireof CIlAllLttJ L U1LPATK1CK, •fllMt/nrd. tnanhke Bidrtefart, An*. 34,1M&. 34 Cldent to the female «y*tem. An experleuoe J Manner, HILL k BOND, and |wrint A yr*. thr eiitMna hlui to suiraatM ipMtly ion Jtremlah Crrr or IIii>i>k»'i>ki>, Aug. 31, 11(W Puivnaiii t<> y**n and In tbie city, Sept. 4, John L, of INDIANS! III llie went •( Supprfit** ami wani in*lit relief I mo alMlf warrant, to lur, I lu-rvbjr notify which will be warranted to entire ntlsfttction. M Rum irktlrt tr md Rll.n II Usok. |& day*. give Cliiofk, Braves and Warriors, No. 3 Union Biddafbrd, M«. mil il»rr tItmlrmml /Vmyr *«««(•, fon of J.II. Die in'ia nantx in aakt City uf llklilefool, iiualllicl a* Blook, inu*l oontain Of- In tliU city, Au£. 17. Freddie ltu**ell, r««M. All lettera wr ad vie* $1. th- r In to inwt al llie time ami |>Uo*, ami for Who will'ti wiili vlvlil iii|ilinai« tud L A Ko^g, I yr J tno*. •\|*w-«.. . U. lUmrd larnl«lt®d lu ih"«« I iMomi, M'mI. u*, T> yr* ti moe. JUttKIMI W. I1RIKIK8, *l>l>|ii<- main under treatment. ill* Htoek also consists of W»Nt,t|i kiin, June Iy« of thrilling rli-»fm,<< il»Hr« «f Afnrltfln»l l.'f ini-lil line ills rlml A VERY LARUE A880RTMENT OF WAT CLOTH DKESSING- CREAT BARGAIN. ThIiImu ..t the livM:ii» I'rlnnm Tho Oroat English Remody. PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, at Alfred In the Mill lapoml mtlrikr CLAKKIC'N FARM FOR SALE, rOOAHOKTAS SAVING THE MR JA.MM HILL 6c BOND nUMKUon. nnd at (he ujwot r«i< w, under I)m dlmtioa of ol every Style and Color, for aalc by rr«n il..- Ukl- FEMALE PILLS J AMI A I1AL.P MILEN RU1MIIE LIFE OF CAFT. SMITH I Mr. TIIOMAH HOLLAND, who haa evert facility In Ute CRLKIIKATRD * CNitainn Ji TWOiklwil Mill«, no a Kwal rmtl. Bakl fann OAHMRXW H mu be mill to ilu it nrry »u|«cncje. Sir J. Clarke, W. l» out prodaec u (IOOD 8TYLR from a Mr««arlptlnn of r v. m, owix wy. acrv*, au I cut* IriNii trn to twclir |lcni tniil l, obtained rlicwhere. There***, jroa I)., bat k |aur. Thl* well known me>ltolne la no Imposition, willi an L aikl w.uil nhnt e fc» t, l>uitt wliUiu a frw year*. 0&©®«SM© Mid. al- on the all 4 SUIT THAT YOU WILL FBRL AT HOIK 111, tl'wtructlona from »nv cau*e whatever; |)UDL1C notice la hereby glren that k a remedy, It contalua nothlug 1 trenth day of (Kjtolter. A. II. IHI7. Alrln KoMot ALSO, manutaetured with great oare, embracing though powerful m U lliltuea, lu the of Pcnoluout and State of thtr UmI4o Ti ncntt'iit lliaMe, uear Kluji'a Corner, 01 r» thein a cmM. BOSTON POST, hurtfal theeoa*iitutloa. County 1 • hi* deed or iuorl(t{e of that dale, re- Main Mtnvt. Tlw alwvr pnprrtjr will In ankl ini aoouunt A Live AND T• Marrltd leed« for York County. uf a ch tnte of ami **l at a Imrxain. tor |«r- Ntrded lUgialry Iwliww, M N*. 3 UhIm RlMh« 18 In ant It wilt, la a abort time, in un- IHttor. * daily 1-uUlcaUwi Boatro, at tkt U la peculiarly *alted. Ilook IV7, pax** W and rxi.eonreyed tk-ulan iiM|Ulrv at tlw Juurnal ki«rthe_jvgr*t uf ■ M pries ihi ihe monthly perlotl wltti regularity. tiien of in the State of Maine, lUOdcf r I, Aug. 31, 18A&. brie* Affection*. leraigned, Uau^vr, In nil oaaee of Mervoua and S|iia*l now of the elty of Itoaton, Mm*..a certain tract or OVERCOATS,: on ex- 1 3 I'.iln In the Hack and Limb*. Puigue alight land In llextoii. in the County of York and State from the highest to the lowest grades. CENTS PER COPT. and i«f tbo DISSOLUTION. rrliua, Palpitation of the Ueart, Hyaterie*. •f Maine. *itu*ta ami bounded a* follow*, rli i be- FARM FOR SAlElM Th-wi 'ntrr^tin: iliKfnitunt* when all other LYMAN, Trll*-» nt> lilchlt mUK of A. LtAVITT k -O®. U Oil««ay Will tea, theee Pill* will eflbetaoare the same lot an»inir lilU*e, _ BaMae. edy, cou*yed by guardian It *nr», debt* due to from the OanffMa ilmt, hurtful to the eoaatltutioa. to Tuoker bl* laud. n I hire vi »h» <"iir ii» Fur* ht'iH* of K». AlASZO I.EA V Fall direeUoa* )»amphlet leed dated Nor. IJ, l$M, recorded pa- Nil'i una cut* ahnNl li Unw «4 bay. Oood Iwlldlnn* and Conic, IhfJ nl>|M-nrln( ITT, whleh ahould be carefully ureserved. Deeds fur York 1 f»f« niwMt »>f llm IM/tiltu.' Famlllrt WM. A. ROBERT*. fee m and -T6. In the IUgi*try of a *i»*l iNvlunl. Water al the ho«we and hani. Slid farm TENEMENT NOUSES package, a free, of the mi l N4W, Ixti'lc* ikiiu> 4wM P,»r fttll particular* get pamphlet, and that the condition* of enld mortgage will la- «M cheap if ai»|4kd f* mi. T<* fkUtlNr l*rtk> l'r>n.l Watrrborv', Alt** XI, IMi. bounty •» mi U I'uilix'itl In of ■ «... .<•« lb« liave «»W*Hboon "K'nwil,broken, "y roneoa■ eai wlienuf Um under- <* to Jatut Walking Coats, by ular* HH.uir? of the •uiwrribcr no the prcnlKa, nca. aUmit* eneloeed to any eitiw » toreeloenre l.lti ralun-. Art awl belt FOR |l and t poatage lined uimtpiN ne afbreeatd T. Bui one of the Aawaaurt <4 llkklef ml. Divinity, SALE! "TV a l«ottle containing 4a, aathorlaed agent, will I near* M Mid mortgage, pursuant to the lUlit* tn *neh JO0KPII B011KRTR. mail, Sold all l»i»g- THE WONDERFUL HEAVY (Met far ah aoa UnttmmH fluute nn wear j*> pill*, ky return by o**e made and pro Tided. P™* Mrrati ala fourth w 3 tmmwnt llou*a with bIm irtau. Pnae $1 per bottle. Ikated at Itoaton, this day of September, I ItiiMiail M rf W4 New York, FARM FOR SALE, on Um waa* aUa of A If ml JOB MUSK*. O t'ort land tat.. A. I» IHU. Qg) JAMfcl 0. rROsT. DOGS final | ako in immm hawa Called State* Agent. | PLKA8AXTLY >imated In the Uf Bklde- PERFORMINCl m Waahteaton N»w<. TW Imhm. an Sola city * all la iMraMt y 17 want a of I'mf 1lntrhtn*"»i III rjrhlMt tbelr FALL AND WINTER GOODS, lej |ir you on the about one mile Iran Uw wd ara reouhtr. x*d, IluUti n«d. ranurkaMo laufliur mi l ap|>Uua»> caHOca, alwajm They aril btaMHrt mitt*. Maid bun contain* about acraa. cheap. If amilM hr aam. 0. forty-Are kUIi-i; trick*. Thu dwli'linl In* W. 000(1*. dlrklnl into and with wood BfcMHard, July 3S, 1M*. paaturing Ullax*, Mlltf-iin' mi I •.'•{(.tally 01 llhtf Mdd II f ir wm with goad and a «>f mrs.wTnslow, SUIT OF •maijh linuly | bulldinft, young fiv •iliif i'smmi frr^llilM IIm CLOTHES, con GENTEEL orchard *nUtcl with choiea fruit, moat of U la • HILL & BOND'S. | bearing n** In hi- VitrM. mill uir< FXCTS Maine aad Wwula rhytfelau, d it ion. There U a watt of water about fort If. An e«piitanead D. M. OWKX A SON. good twenty rvitf tp< tim4 animal training Cull on frvan the hou*r. Pur hin'xT inf.irmati.Ni inquire of la addition to the abort tihi'iapliiiAld (took of j»3lyf% Prtttnlt to ikt attention of Mothers ktr IHRAKL K. JOIIT1I, ou the franUe*, SILK AND WOOL (i* Jamri L. «r Samuel K. fonltk, mar lr nil (hi farm owned hy pnMIr nikMillMr nflfcn \*IK ffWu itmlf ik Ttyiinvt aM tin- SYRUP! PHKUioUU NATIIAN R BROOKS,MUMtad Ufa C Goods! mbtiv**. Tfcr wiatfRlflMnt 41 aor*« of ENTLEMEN, SOOTHING tail* from Alfred ooaUlniag Furn'sMng ami I .irnvi < > utilailr In Doe«kln«i Trietli, Tillage. li.'l'.t' llltoai, of oaltiraUoa. caU rimli*-i*l land. In an •loalltat (tato to *i»| h«. ?u|M>rl>l v «»rv—l an«I iWcuntod NEW C0003 JUST RECEIVED CHILDREN TEKTHINO, of Uic wall known » m W4« a whtoh it will b« tapoMlbto oanmnto, FOR Ii ton* ol bay. villi 1 %r1t»i r»»*lly imwnii nt.aml ai>nr«t>iUt« a vartctjr of ho will Mil at to »«.ili mI I ••inilnai — ,i,i If fnf ]jHD1 /'flltflw UoIum« orchard, ooatainlac largo all or whleh prltaa A1-firti-»i ami III •od mdy to W iMdc op iii tht BEAVERS, the 4 terthmc. by .eft ar« In and whtrh greatly tfrtltmaei |«ec~a rhoiea fruit Tl»a building* j^*>d repair will lw>lr««n u*mH nafc» hriUmmatfraw, «U1 Altv ALL cvnroiil«nU ami sally Hw. wttfc SIUC. nut AKD WOMTTO th» mhrlng all EASY-FITTING OOMPBTIXION. I* apjria.inr.1. TBTIHQN, tag pel, on tbo prcmiiea. NICE, GARMENT, BEFY wrtf f<*IH r r further information inquire % ulb'r attraction* | 4c., at ud alita, and la LATEST r.tIN Vpeemeilk ( IIAHLM B> a|*OOKT thai wilt Ni m»J* IV N»» of wwtiwa, f aiorwa la ihU VUiixj /Von/ma, STYLES im3T by nrjr Alfred. Hepl. *, i«flo. •» m4 w«fto< pciftct to tntr parting- IlILL & attlr huD BOND'S, ■■IKqtTAtXeD IN Ha la dotorntaod that thla KiUblUhmant thall bo iT^e JotSfS V.onitt Sire to Herniate the Bowels. •r> nnnin«Mbli In k«h amlatyl* •ml an- il» l <» n <*cfT*r vt prr IIILL A BONP'S. » R*.a TUB IIICST PLACK TO BUV t" In Uw tWi4iins. Mo. at T TV l'»'lti-.p. WoHf.W, Trayft*|N Wo. 3 Union Block. JWdd»IOrd, leallh to y««r lafaaU. CLOTHE, CLOTH IIVCS, 111LL A BOND'S, Pr.^irril*a P-trmfW. rnaJia, Ar. am r». Belief aa4 utv v now, ami «uf man«tactarr4 ami «("' **r llitn, AUOTION. M Stork. im|K>r|i«l "ly «M tbu artfete »ur OR PVRXIHUINU GOOM, NK 3 Dalai A at «ttr tff AL, W« Imn pat *p«nU kkjo^ Htom< lim+tain, KiT^Oa •• Seat RfflOV mmd trutk of H wtuu |».rr Plfoe fill I CO i* or y«r detail*. rictnrUk. "■" » inlMUMf Ntoraor It CO. 'P tSM I hHnr—■ tr*r Uattho lleraWl, At. •ItACMTT attt lo «*jr '* »«V GEORGE TO PURGHASKI LttSufriplii, Ik* POOL, la £u town. ,Iff: mrrm tiM C. YKATON. II^C HMHi tai tmmt Wmk. to L&oorSffSr l» —tim Itfci r« than aal In tali to m* w • fimfit . Attomoy Law, •ad wlabaa to aojr his paW /fatun, o£»»yS*to «»iwZ Xwtm «IM w» know 8 4 i SweeUIr1! link, (7 Mi SOUTH BKMWKK, **., roM that ho i< 9, Qniibj of Yorti Bank. fUo«. Mo. vaatoi ft av mm Mr Vanatua a ran One iwr Wcit Wilt aUaaU<« u> aaavriag rnwt^u, *•p>> '» ff'. ■*»—•apaarte* «* cwwkUd.m of glva ipaaUl *or»,»bn« 0*7 bUv willhatadatUiaUaK. ^ .Mk In Inw IfMlin, Irt Aw lid Wi« #•«»» Ibf aolatatl or ^HgTNrr W* I" lW» THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVOR*. gr^ U la minimal ry la ivmind Ika «t Mm .~i oMdtml •!«* 11. H. iwn. their ohlhtran, tnoUten. widuva.or ornhaa paMlr great* fc. BCKHANK, awatrac hoot ^ *? »is"* » •Islrra. Ae.,wbo ara anUilad\harafto. APPJT '• RiAor-suDi curnnxs. laaq|arW- parton or by laMar. to OBo 0. YBATON. and hopoa by eloaa attaotioo to oil thoir mti to rara^ra^ 4T 8«. lOOIrt* WuMtom nioiui V. UOLB, and Counsellor at Law, Barwlck.*^_ o Attorney toaot aboto of pobUa potrvoaga. HL C. c. uwra, I* ih« »*«t plaoa to get rood plaluraa Admission SO ets* Children ft ■» F,»« rUUtow t* w^jn ^to ~fc« fc r. cou.^ LINK KICK, MAINE, W~~IIKRKAl K. II McKENNirii. U Aag. M, lMft. U Door* «t 7 mim! r. »n«t RYK MB.\L lor »alai»lU»a N. THAYER MOULTON. opM hy**i I'LAIMU *?*rwrm,**f-**' WILL IPROKFTCTK AOAINQT 5TATK Strata Or«»l mill. *aA PbmM *t thia ofico. 0»riw««w»* »*• m* 0ATP.SIIORTR IMS. PtrtormaaeM to cobbmc* *' 21 *r- printed WW Prtr;itoto AND t'NITRI* UTATBb JJ l»M«Ulft'!.t'or. I»,l*M. If Blddaford, Bapt. A, KWW8VTs PrlM Mly 3» Mr MmI» ■ ——. S. D. & H. W. SMITH'S VICTORY! Important to the Afflicted. WAREHOUSE. CUSTOM CARDING to bo oonraltod at bU office COFFMJY I Th® Great DR. DOW continue* eOMKTHlNO NEW. STEAM* BAKERY Woo. t ud 9 Knd lent t Street, Iloeton.on oil DRESSIR6. CONSUMPTIVE BEMEDT, •■•fa PRIVATK OR DKLIOATR IIATORS. IND CLOTH ""wpUW*! an extensive ••aree ofetudyand practical exp«ri«no« Invite the »t- gKsdlairfmts. TIL£i5,J8TKAM UAKBRY lu this city, Or. Oow Um now the gratlflcatlna orprooootlor the Clark'* Mill, May 10,1805. lantiou of the public lu the choice sod excellent unfortunate with remedies that ban aoror failed the trouble® we numerous custom- artioles of which cooH- Dr. Larookoh's I com pure I giro notice to toy tt*«lr manufocturo, they ■•ot alarmiOK <* 0»—nkmm aad hereby Mltn will meet the withes of all who may •*? ^Sometimes a to a that have, at a expense, increased pontly AjpAi/J*. Ucneath hi* treatment, all tho borrora of in tbe oourse of year ers, I Urge be to Ikvor them with tiielr Indian VejeUMo hare to undergo Custom and dupoMd. itatronag*. venereal and lmp«r« blood, fiapoUaejr, Scrotala, ua my facilities for doing Carding Our celebrated far too for season. (jooorrhoa, Ulcen, Pain or lMrtu In the r* large ror «» the bundle of faggots, C. LI RRV, Sole c.ij,•. Cloth Drtuing present or of Um Dladdor j»r*Mt f Proprietor, and with my in- "Nutntlvo Crockom" B»on. procreation. UiUuataatloo God dot* not ua to carry J* J. 8. MERRILL'S ?«**> Cm*n I am now ready for work, PULMONIC SYRUP Ifj*rooeU.Abeoeoo*«,llBBM>ruJrtgfc4. 11 lift But require L*-1**atVX be able to do it obtained a and been manufac- aBd.Kldyr., March 23d. IM3. Thfa improvement wmjiiU In facilities I think I shall have wide eolelirlty. mi and the l«aKu»la *t horrlhle «>up. unties creased no- ui The beat aver inaoo (or in« roi lowing Swelling, onoe. He mercifully off the with • tor the nane or at at short tured by fbr a time at 8aoo, Maine. Their preparation torn. thla olaae «r are made tbe whole at cutting lid, projection at fast aa least, very long ■ attending dlwaao, Co orerthn with n wanted, and where kaowa la eocoplalnti a. ua firat one atiok, } the lid tnrnia* pinto and work- every place beetHneaa harwleoo the .i»pUounded prepared with plcn**nt roowa, ohargea modtr on. Thia we a re least, just Initead of rutting the Public and ara row, and eo might easily l>ur Coffln W room» wort established In ISM. Main atrert, Baco ; Wil- ohemlcal principles. dough Speaker* ginger* lit. Charles Natter. a all other mm. by request of cltiiena, who hnre glren It n liberal Hf* and Josiah N. luto state uf loathsome and disgusting putres- liable, and P. 8. Iueb peculiar character.that our trouble carrying yesterday's tlon, nnd make thla the Rut Coffin Wmrt Ettablitk- same when done. All make dough perfectly crown by Am4 rrlin mm* elevate* Ike * lade ml all. tle for the not our •ultorer* cannot reasonably luviurv to rrvelre tl»e to-mor- mrmt In thin county. Aa we arc continually mnk will be aa well and healthy oondition, thereby producing only and adding the above named persons! hut all the varied and much esteemed ar- aid. HIGHLY IMPORTANT over again to-daj, new will be fitted Br.imm. 1.1 m ArriuftAxci axd lurrcr*. and at Cracker*, proffered slick Injc linproreu)ento.«rtryUiing np done as If left at the Mill, and satl»fac- The cla»* of dlwaaea lor whleb the load before we are ro» In the TtrjrBMt sty le. promptly ticles of our pioducUon, In a proper 8yrup pro- burden to our who vide# a curt 1# that which Iiri m, t.hen TO FEMALES 1,1 DELICATE HEALTH. ro«r'a Robee and PUte* on hand and ftar INSTRUMENTS iuv pronounml liv ewnpetent aame prlccs. tory condition to be used as fond l>y mauklud, precisely constantly or small than tho laflvil the liliehv»t order of medical 'kill. The 7 A t En. it.—John Xcwtarx. niched to older, nt our JtUf.*, (he U*WT KKKD INSTRUMENTS tnanutao I shall also wool, in largo are declared to be "only a little lower DR. DOW, Pbyalclan and Burgeon, No. to bear T1IEHK purchase H (beta ara taujrlole. the ar>ltie«u>e» ii-ciiulhlr, and the all «i< quired Maaalhi'lerT en Bacea ttrrel. tunxl in U» United flair*. Tbey bar* off Uk |*1iu at th« for which I shall |>ay (lie highest aneela dkooit Htreet, lloaton, la eonaulted dally lor quantities, common kind* of Cake, we aafely and uflicacy of the Uymp incontrovertible. mmi Incident the female avtUni. J. C. L1IIUV. iwnil Stair Fair kr/tt at Rurkutrr, N. Y., tuid rrwirnl in caah or cloths, aa may be de- In aildltlon to Uie tu Prelapeue market orice, kind* made The undaralirned, havlug experienced lh«*beoefl- «r of rlaor P. 8. 1 haw the exoloalre right of sale in Did the KIlt>T rUKMIl M over tlie whole «*atal«iroe tvliibilcd, for call particular attention to the many Uteri. foiling the Womb, Albua, Mp> —While Noah cloths will be selected expressly we safe In clal affect* of lite •I.aruokah'* Syrup,M do not IimU are Ark-jeouqical Rxxarks. deford for Flake's Patent Metal Iio Uurial Cases. indikliiiK inrtruiuenUi than the ux»l ciWnN iiunufitc- airad. My from our own receipts, which, feel quite |>re«aion, and ullier iueualrual derangement*, for "gain to all who tate lo rccoiiiiiiuoil it to the attention of the I'ubllo now treated new and it Bidrtetord. Me., IftM. yirt Iutitk thnuxhuat thm country. »re«r, not altogether profit, though saying, will proro satisfactory upon pathologioal prli> Um AMERICAN OROAN, a* tin liMtru- This Mill is situated in Hollis, on the river enumerate our highly prlied lUMAiHi'iiRrr*. J RIcc, IiIkIniD Invariably node treatment, waa dark, « dexlrwl in Um* Family Cirrle, ami with la- from Moderation to Ronny Eagle, IUr* J OlnnilK, MelroM A Hutch, complaint* yield to their nurr road loading Trn, l)UIUndall.Lewl«U>n theaflioted person *oon rejaleae In health. ol them not being able comb hair, tent improvement*, i< atla|4ed to nil Ural* <4 Mu«ie, from each Pound. Quren, Fruit, Faury, N I' Herlee. Metro* perfect three-fourths of one mile distant Sponge, Dr. Dow liaa no doubt had greater la c«|h«UII.v (•> .Haavd Miux", with it* -u-Uimil unx* ami DROP. JKNNV LIND COOK- A F Derrick. Lynn T Illll. W WaterrllU espetlenoa in the West Buxton, Me. CALIFORNIA cure dlataaee of women and children, than an unuaual object head>gear hanixmie*, w> uuirh denlrwl ami * mi* lit l«r In American place. P. 0. address, CRKAM CAR KM. J M P Parne»,Maiden W (?8tercn«,l>lifleld the uT |>rtt*oted IKS, and NKW YORK olber in llostoo, and ha*,*ince IMS, women were borne*. A A HON CLARK, J*., Prop'r. K«u IIihcuit, J W Halley.Leouiln'r Mr* A P Larrahee, Hath any physician and ahe and tho rent of the We nl*o on hand superior whole attention to the cur* of Jin*, Tl«r AMKH1CAN OIIUANM are Miperl<« In all other ii»- William Small, Agent. keep is a NIM'lillbrlek.Taunt'n John Locke, fo Poland confined bin private 'M from an Kngllsn receipt. ThlsJIIscult great Female the rest of the crew. CLOTHING "triun- »t tlie Ui ni>|> 'i111it I>'l Atklin, W W Wlllard, llrownrllle Klkliu.l'atnhrldce or they .Mr*. Noah's unfailing reply KNOW THAT Paney Ooid, llrlde'*, Rich, 1 HATS, CAPS, of ami eLuticitjr of touch, IX) YOU 8ponge, Itedliam 0 A Htevena. Lincoln Office honra Iron i» A. M. to r. n. and aa such that expreiuiuii, <|Uickix*<* actinu, Cake*,—also, Fancy Creams, Rich Jumbles, I Marcy. till the water fulla," style IIh iii in movement*. M Adainr. Weston rendering |»Tfbri'ut Dullard, Iterhy out of tho door such Kim* the effect < can Ik* leeted stock or I'RDDLRR'S pain* al 8 Or No Chnrgv Made. ahe ntuok her head (and Hwrll, Ac., iix»ttcUnnuiuit |«n*luced, HAS aa Wo use Invariably the best Hour the market HACuahHig, 8hr«wry Qulmby, Newbury FVRJYMSiiiJYG ln«n tlx- <4 the .t*>IUii In tlie full OOODS to »»«• fnunit In Vork founty,such Tin, lied rum* GOODS, m41c*i wlii<|>cr liarp Women, fords. All the other article* consumed by us In WFFarrln^ton.N Those who need the *ervie*a »f an experienced at the ol her r tlie Ilrltannla. Planished, (flass, Ho n and exclaimed top voliun*- and |*m< <4 tin- Churah IWyaii, tlm* •muiMIuk Japanned, selected and of the 1)K Han liter, Ludlow N (loodrlch, Cov- or aildilTlealtaud chronic dl»> head!) Plated Wars; French and Rn- our manufactures are carefoliy phyalcian aurgeouin is at t«» .ui Mouth- V H Cumiulng*. Weal and baa lor aale a new wiia, and is to thia day,• Slop men ol the same general character N ilt'orgo, I'. 8. Dr. Dow imporU F. A. in Ui tlx' P-mler <-nx>U«i» «f partako of their jm-wtion HUTCHINS', »jnu|Mt>*-tic <|iialiiy, «|>|m»liii|r CASTIN03! rest ol the establishment, and are maatera bridge Thouipoon article called (lie French Mocrrt. Order br mall, like it. the •■Mil, producing effort < tlie uxwt chinning ami a>MJi- WHITE MOUNTAIN F N«wtnn J ll Week*. Oneida y* ry much Pln» and Yankee No- business. We folly believe that your acquaintance A lUUey, lorfl.andaredatamp. yll it l« admired ami Tlie A"nrr standard Thread*, Ncodles, we have Fall* L K Dunham,Tolland MO. 3, lii^;; univerokwell SivrU give* the |»riinmT full fxitrol goods endeavored to convey, and we respeotfolly K A LtHHnli.80 Yar II Par»onr, AMERICAN A FORKIUN PATENTS. him to fr<4ii tlx' I'ianittimu t«> tlx- h'ortrstim* feebly K II llrowti, Ilurnildo that graduate peddling shop and DUon's solicit PTKInney.K llrldge- A letter from Hamilton, C*iuuk,Mji at ami r^nlNix** Ux* rIT.rt >4 tlx- l'.\|>rei*lfl»l Htnfi Itolieinlan Stone (llass, Dover Ulau, your patronage. U W NtafTird Hooper's Block, Liberty Street, |4eo.«uiv, ii. m. Jordan; i II. N.JORDAN & CO. wiiler CorttlM, wile of a ■>r llw Fr.mli Orptn in the AMKKICAN OUUAX, innn- Challenge i'olisli at rates defying competition. Wc.«t v«»H.k a woman named Perkins, u. t.jomdan, > U K lioiwurtli, Hprlnii K. II* EDDY BIDDKFORD. 3 l^rfretly iiml easily timiiaiml. FA KM KltS, Nandwiflh J Deeeh'r.Olruilnsh'in near Brant- <4 DwilJe MKLLKN JOHK. > well-to-do tarmer, With nil tlxw eainiHiMtkMM ami Improvement* llllk wliloh June John 8 lUy. Lynn IIHOltK l»LANI> r«»p-«-table, OllllAN c*- SpaaldInn's Improved Pan's, Dover, N. II., I,'63. OtOomt, KnlaU awl Hwrll, tlx) AMKKICAN Try and J I. llanlford, Water- W MoDomial, Pro* li**n»*ir her death- ami ha* alt the [ challenge competition for utility durability* solicitor''op patents, ford. U. O., finding upon DRTJOfiT in KT|iml<' Try lllood's Improved Flour Sifter; era can be obtained at ttia *toru« of 1'lerco k Sc*ui. Geo Child*. Lyden Hprlng* com- (Mi. one II Root 70 Stntf Street, Kllbjr Street, ■he had at different ol her life l»e without it alter trial. iuan,8aoo, Win Moody, Kennobunkitort, and C'haa. l)r It F, Melrore liarrl*. oppoalte periods D. P» O 1ST D Insist nod pun lisso of peddlers only Xitl KRW IIA VPMIIIIIIt CRLIttle.CllntonTllle At jy upon Kimball, Kennobunk village. IMJSTONI and all r.i munuUcturc. My in it ted sir murders, by poison. alwvc Inrtm- wiii 1111 goods or Andrew*' KovillNat* hall. Ntirnh'm KIICorey.MaMnvllle I lei uk tlx- nnljr authori*e>l Arent tu aell tlx* manufacturer Medicines ami less than any other A Kidder. Unity WCIucli A Hon.Troy aha waa Family iixmiI« in tlxr an- invited ti>"c;»ll expenses being Marblo Works. an extensive of el 9t firat it waa that delirious, Yuri mainly, iKiUk' Air cash, 1 can with confidence Biddeford N M C II New York FTBR practice imagined 4 and purchasing only n*llfy,Kenulkar Pord, \ upward* at Die old flam exainlm- tlie American Orpuw, at No. Cryitel Arcade, less jsaaar. J\ roalliuici to aerure latent* in the United I, offor ko«nIs itl H'kuUtalr ro.I lirtni/ at prices N 1. Chare, t'andla nkw years, haa afforded Maiix*. XI HiaUi aleo in Ureal llritain, France, and other bit auhaaquent inquiry ample llidilrr.ol, tlmn any otliers can aflurd Uu-oi. DWItarlwr llllinant'n W llol»ertiHtn,Newark j ADAitiFiT& CO. countries. Caveats Honda, wretch'# state- HOUMK RLOCK, Thankful for |>*it liberal patronage would aollclt HFllowleii.Mancheiu'r MARYLAND. foreign ttpeelBeatlona, corroboration of the poor tUlDDRPORII announce to the cillten* ol and all or for f*a- the same In future. I'll llarrr*, Colehrook ll(Mlenrle«.Anna|Mdla Assignments, Papers Drawing* have executed on liberal terma aud with RUFUS SMALL & SUN, I All Mork (tone to order and with dispatch. Re- Itldderord ami vicinity that they opened MA I.UK. KANSAS. tenta, despatch, meot. Me. RK8FKCTKULLY the eastern end 01 Itesoarehes made Into American or Liberty kU, lliddefurd, member the Ureen st., Iliddeford, Me. i* aahop on Lincoln atreat, In 1 TMoodiio«r,Top«ka Foreign works, place. 01 MlKnixht.WHiirh'iu the or of ftitenU a* Uie (juinhy k Nweetaer lllock.ror the manufacture IIIIMltncliRnld. Nmh IUKT. coLa. to determine validity utility of th« late or advice rendered Id Geo. the friend JMWooril.ury.Neff'M II \f hlle, (Jcorwown Invcntiona—and legal other Lf.gnn, eiqiaeiat Urate all matters the same. of the claim* JiJYMP W. W. MOODY," Stone*, Tabids, (' Munjcr, AiicuMa K UrownJWaniiTnston touching t'oplea made a in Mor- DRUGS DYES, •' Patent tarnished One Dollar. Stephen A. Douglas, speech KKNNrDPNKroRT. MONUMENTS, Wiii II Htrout. Wlltor (I A ItaMoU, of any by remitting Lli,FIHDMM!l| Alignment* recorded at Washington. a lew ago, in K llaiiku, Portland i l>r HI ncal I*, U B 8u rjfeon Illinois, days MKUICIXK.S. in tkr Untltd Mmtn gan county, I'ATKNT K\\( E TABLE AN!) COUNTER TOPS, AC., &C. A Turner,W llstrpii'll illov A Welwter. UNA Jfm Aijmi'M pour/utt »«prri«r i\si mm, PUBLIC. for obtoioiny Fa4*ala or m'trrlammg Ikt which he mid that the reconatruction CONVEYANCER ANDNOTARY Stono Itoiler Funnel Ntone* nave farUtli** policy AIko, .Soap Topn, Homo •>( the iklmve named Clergymen may *at ml invrnliooi. OPIUM AND MOKVIIIXK, PF.RPUN ability of w.-in but hii ror.tsil, Stove Lining, Ac. their l*a*toral charge mnco the publics- In course of of the Administration IN CITY BUILDING, I'rotcMs, Pension anil and war changed During eight month* the subscriber. present TOIL HI' OFFICE Deeds, Wills, lU.nds, Work done with neatne**and dinpattfli of th« nhovo. Ml. SHAKER HtlKHS, MMM, #1U Moll bia large practice. made on finer rejected applic*. he waM to indorse it I'rohate rni* ra oairfully prepare*!. runted Urder* noilclled. one or and willing BIODKFORU, Min., tocivaMitliiftiction. PIIIUK, M <'TS. AND $1 I'KIl I50TTLK. tioiiK NlXTKKN AI'PKAU. KVKRY wblvn experiment, Itffri. Ifltr ol and a crwat of Article*, will t* IIOOSR. near Covered Rrldgr, Factory liiddefbrd. July 4, was decided in ku Juvnr by the a* an there waa any ol its success rarloty ||YK Prepared l.y 8. Hmrnrjr. long ho|»e n|i| it uriCM that will not Tall of ^Ivlnz Mtlifu tin- f'4l<>wiii? Oht nul wi ll •-•IuMmIhiI Clt. K. that ho did not lik<- ti»n to all who lav»r u* with their patronage. ll*-* I to all kinds Linen, Cotton.Silk and Woolen K. KNIUIITH, Proprietor. He confessed, however, dye A LECTURE Melnvf. tlim, (mmmIs. of any color, in the best manner. Touts, TKNTIMONIALM. rebels. A tun I II. II. iVholcpale thie wlmlewle njnteoi ol Vests. Rnglans, llas<|iilns, Ac.,cleans W. K. t'liilli|»* Co., Ilay, )>ardoning LIFE. Pauls,t'apes, TO YOUNG MEN! and dent, "I Jlr. w »m uf the J. SAWYER. colored without and put Id A&Milf, Portland, slid fold ti) Druggint* regard mtajtmhfg od and being ripped, pi\ « niu»— t.nieolfi wltl» whoui I have ha4 done In in is warranted Jn«t CiiMi'lfd ina»>HUi*l r.mvi«>|«i—pric ern arnj »mrrmjul practitioner* Druicslat good order. All coloring by Clin* of generally a UTtuf mi Uf Nature, Tn*ntn»-ni and Ititdk-al official intercourse." The Journal, for not tokiiiin. lyr's Phrenological September, lli.l.lrh.rtl, April. Itftf. I3tl THE NEW ENGLAND, S|»*>xi>:« or Nominal WcriLms*. Imoiunlnry Knii*- CIIAKLKS MASON, iiI * (•> ami Dixmr*. <>[ PateaU. is rmeind. Ani Cmmiini|Hl-*i»ltln« frowi Mf-AI*w, >aniint a mtr« fmpflml »nd science, interesting SPRING SEASONr CtpiUl | at ItiyKtfal Im-flniparity, (hey employ )H>r»<>u of his interest In the grocery business ke. ItOHT J. CULVKK\VKI.1S M. I>., Author of Ihr Iruitmflkj, ami nmrr capable of potting tbelr ai» in Tilposed James 11. Ily and u«elul reading alioundiug practical King's Corner, lo Henry W. (Joodwln and "(ln*n Air. lit a form to secure Tor (lieu an early him are ll<"4," plication* NEW CO O D S ! THE MASSACHUSETTS, Vork. All |tersons having claims against TV wwrid-tvnowiwd niitlKin- that tin* awftil KIOIUM) 111'UK K, OF SPRINGFIELD, indel ted to tiliii are notl removed without diatelv, and all persons wqu«HP«M of Hrlf- Alum tin/ l*» Hf»»*tufllly Late L'ommliuloner of Patent* from Now must 1 I within sixty l«*i- me AVI NO just ratumed York, Ca|«Ul 11,100,000 ftal that Ills accounts mnllrinr, ami witfoait danjrfroin Minrh'nl "I'-ratiou*, •*Mr. II. II. Kddy Im* iiumIi Kir TIIIKTKKN 001 m collec I am or wilt be left in the hands of or iimllal', pointing out a nw«le of on all liut une of which bar# and having bought advantageously. days they Kkw, liiMrunNiiU, ritifro and In nwg application*. |iatenU H FKANK YORK, which •uffefvr, with Proraj.tneM Certainty weir Hucb un that so to show the Ladies of Saoo, Uiddeford tor. cure at oiwv certain ami effectual, l>y rrery Item it ran led. and that I* frnUtmv. Ths Petersburg say* many prepared V.I. 35 In in- H of ('ONSCMITION^mnd with MMriiiWf Kiprm FIRE. lllddefbrd, Aug. 25.1 111.111 >-r what liU condition iiuiv •«*, inav curv ACTntaijr nilslaaeahle uf groat talent and ability on and a Htock of M ill NKRV0U8 PltOMT RATION, (lenersl proof in tho vicinity ami THIS I.KtTIIlK AVI I.I. lila lead* uie to f>..nun. i»l mit lavjotor* U negroes arw being baptised Appomat- clieaply, (irivatclv radically. Anthiiia, llronohitlf, Female part A IIOON TOTIIOIHANIW AMI» TIIOt'BANIW. liability, l>yxpep»ia, to hint to their pa teat*, a* they m/ I'luivfc Lom«oI Flenh or Strength, ami all de- apply procure that the water is black. THE S nt under *al In lit a Mated envel Wesknewca, be sup-uf the moat fruitful attention toi, becoming quite "SECURITY," any wMi«w, |4ttlii, meruit tkr nrr- hating or rargcmeiit* of the lllood. They char Licensed <>|ir, on tin* n<"< l|it of nix cents, two |»*ta»:e »tiiii\|w, l>/ KtuNrd «>n Uielr cam;*, and at ver> reasonable OF NBW YOHK, min check Nl -lit which for Agency, I'll AS. J, KLINK k CI)., or vital furrow, relieve I'vuttli, JOHN TAUUART. , ai|i|ivi>siiiK luiurovo the W 11,000,000 oo 127 New INwt OAou Box 45yJ. Sweat*. <1lioiiil«li Kxpectoration, Ap- I. I.S63. Car ARREARS PAY, petite, arrett DUrrhuea. promote fleep, 19 nrw ami hlond. Let no I offerer GLAD NEWS T< •».»!, PKJV8I0JVS, and create kraltkf •a seldom excelled here, | 1(T¥. DAY, Tall t" try this remedy. Cirrulnri I /«■ TIIK and 7 oi. and 10m. bottle*, $|,miany OF N. YORK, scoured vlolnlty, the general depot, Above olaiius promptly by fell at Auction for all who may favor him with a J. WINtMIK«TKIt,:« ft., N. V. »r« warranted In til o*m* fur the and Ptr. Bonnets and Hats Uletched and Pressed $.\oon,ooo oo I lieowv JJf* Author***! r;i|.iul 1 KDWARD RANTMAN, call, AIko. all kindi of Stmnd Hand FumHurt Ma«Ml( «r( of nil dlaonses from se*unl «*• short il arising in the heat maimer possible, and at notice. C'wli r.ijut |«in.«, and Sennml Island, Saoo, Maine. THE NORWICH, Place of huilncfn Liberty (treat, Voice. Bronchltlf, and erery Will procure Lounlie* |5. 16 tf Factory NOTICE. a distance can l»rt'vu«i OenlUl, Physic*) u mall. In 1K0CI) The subscriber Is to obtain from flovern 3d. 1862. 8tf For itateim-nt td' their through the 4V• <-««aye »/ «•( u KHMMry, (Incur)"***"! prepared Ptccmbr Far Cough*, Whooplnjt Cough, Croup, ment Influent*. anu nil nfluctloni Add ret* (IKOHUK H KfiOITl.TOlt. an I <• in be used without detection Kaoh boj C*|4tal $300,000 | the Prulmte Office) Me. they of til® TnriMi, liUlip and ineai, wi» ri/unun- I9tf (At Alfred, *->nUin» Ml Prioe If cannot them OP pills. |l ) you (ft PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, ARREARS PAY, ALK8" are not br any medicine in the ••f will »>««ent by mail Ncvr» equaled your n the error* of youth, the eon- States, and flatters himself that an experience of companion [)r 4 warranted ttirv inn <4 f * aak >>v OS in. in all civlliied countries on the nlol»«. of the be*t quality, mid remody, Mot free, lOcenta 1'LDKllHKKRY, and m«U 1301,701 more In this kind of business will sequence* require*! THOMAS II. IILY, GqilUl | than flirty years Nk inner, for want of (puce, releri to only a fbw Tor Add rest Dr. J. Hrtam, CwtuulUn^ to satisfaction to all who may em« Kree «t., Sac v anable him give BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE name* of prominent Now Kngland men who hare hlin reasonable. IN WHITt AND COLORED Ajrittiu, TVee mi :u»aint "f their ;iRC,arr »uj*rior fur iik*- ploy Charges need hi* M'ULMONALKtt" with marked good re- BLACK, P O. Il<>i VC9. IU New MARINE. I Htf M0SR8 RMERY. IH TUB COt'NTT, CAS HI rut'XD AT TBI MTUBB Of Howdnln llrukil«iy, York. diciiuU |..n |.». ;i4tl ■alt*. Her. O.T. Walker, Paetor of the W. all fur (ale Dealer* can h« supplied by Demos lUrne* A Co., Mquare church. Hoelon. Mw.; Her. It. Olm- alara, by Wholesale Agents, .Sow Vvrk. yM THE COLUMBIAN, House for Sale. CHADBOURN * NOWELL, atead, Editor Watchman Mid R*il«ctori Her. It Upbaui, lion. A. 0. llrewater, counsellor, M) Court 3d £th O. H. SELLEA, OF NEW YOKK, The »ub»crll»er offer« fl»r nil hit Liborty Stroet, Bt^doford, •treat, lloalou, Lieut. K. K. White, division, More Valnnblc tkan Gold. 1IOU8B situated on tlio U.8.A.. J. skinner. M.t>.,OeulUl and Aurlat, Offlot* In Ifcoloti) COTTAUB Corpi, I Union (llrauch of Middle *nd Aourn M at., Boston, and llundreda of ether* In 18 No. Block, Mddafoni, I illelghU.corner in <4 lloylton Mr_ FOR SALE, Authflriifd $.1,000,000 n VWH- .M Conttaing |r the euro ot all ernptlana l>row»l- THE MARINE, apple, pear. plum. Ao.. gooseterry grape only Remove Diliine**, UUldlness, a j»nl»n with mil kind* or I'ru it treea and PISCATAQUA In the ia a SOFAS, ftflectlona. Headache, of In- large In In i>earlnc condition t and garden BONDSFORSALE and ouUneuua HM4, UnwUtnit (>ream«, Dimness Mi^ht. aa raw and a commodi- (Branch Offlo* nil 1U1E vine*, auoh at berry crape, 30 z with 21 foreign vines, It la » Clean** tlwNlumicli anil llowels. OS drape HoUia 17. grape wholly dlpMttou. ous alnble and woudahed attached, a olatern $801,701 tree*. Said house the large Capital 13 varieties nectarine and |»cach Insure Niw Lars In debilitated, and aa a well of hard water J TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, for soft water, and ed •»" **•»'" VEGETABLE COMPOUND. aa can be found In the city, while the Itulde is fit of Birtdeforfl Sii cent. Loan. Reatore the flick to Perfcot lloalth. cnnvenlonoea and In "'-I'»MsVfJSSHH. Ban/ Rbalrti Recking Cbitira, City per ted up with -ill the modern Illdrlpford, Aprll29. 1864. 10 IT WILL CCK< (Jet) RUFl'8 SMALL. ®ioo,ooo. thein coat i*» cents. and If •tyl#. Halt Try They only you ACCIDENT DLACK WALNUT k MAHOGANY Khoum, or the money TRiVELERmEMAL | UARDLK TOP, r»nuot get then yoar druggist, tend and I'll Do Ton Good! Mr. Theodore P. Buck, Kryalpelaa, ticald Head, to Dr. J- URV AN, Consul tin gPhy sic lan, It.' Broad- Buy Mo, Try Me, authority of an act of the I^Ukilurr, and try au- Pile, Fiilona, LMcern, JWr Kyea, w and will l>« sent re- INSURANCE CO.. omi- »y, P. 0 D«* 3079, they by WOULD Inform tho citlsens of 8aoo and llidde BYthority Irmi the City Council Air the |*irpo«r of Chilblain*, fthlnjrlei, Bolla, Cut*. Wound*, turn ut in*il post-paid. DR. LANGLEY'S ANODYNE. on tho Centre Tables the del* of thr city, the Inderal gran, Ttvjmipt Bllatera. ff all Uie Hummer OF HAUTFOUD, CONN., V> fonl that ho »U1I eon tlnnes to carry aoildittlnit Rlngworma, Piiuplaa, liCOICtNK Oiiil|hla>l of offer* to tin- « srrlea of UmIui Damns llarnea A Co., Whole- aertn >4 tin- City ISIddeford, |xil>lic Uunia, llanda, supplied by AV-W I of II i., Uarku ami IhrrrW, wltkli tu Ca|*UI $.100,000 Toilet and Cuoimou sale Sow York. ' danjreriH* *11 1 1' M 'II HI. payable KENNEDY'S LADIES. rUist, | TV intenvt U acmlHUuiuaily coupm at- TO v**w of the We never admtlae lu oftilt- A In Ibe Trav« lrr<' BAKING |wyablr liy at thU liwnml bjr laying BUSINESS! year. XT |kt* |»T wivk r City no or other mineral aabataaev. you r«*iulr»» remedy jrixl thliu; UxniVI l«- kmnrii. Henr* <*ir nrtW-Btty ine, nation. Or hjr ikying $i,00, «ccuiV4 u |>utk-y of $1000 with Marine an 11K1C Al) contain* mercury ford. purchased Improved Trrsaomr. H. I*. McK KM N KY, Treasurer awl Jtc., uf the headtn*. Kvrry |*T*oti who u*-* It «lll t«ntily, $3 r woek coropeiiMtl^u. he la able to furnish Hurtle U la wholly partly jx MAC1IINK, alargoraa- Ollt Band and Paper Curtain*, INIraU, lUIr, Tluck, ItUMefonl, July Bth, 1864. M Dr. Fomale Pills, a* uiany h«*e alrtady, thai Dr. buifkv'* Am>tyne l< the over. Harrey's sortment than 1'alm Lraf lire (lecae and Cam- <4 the and niu-t he Qwti of all horeto- EneUior Mid MmUrrura, VEGETABLE. fn'Jl'*! •Ii«c->vrr> aifr. Insuranoo wo Ho will ntp his oarU Id Sato, the same as • itorer-hllin'* remedy lor (lie removal of Obstruc- iU rurv*. H-41 dt'ak-nt. l*rke 10 Bf* All tho Fire Companies n*>o Looking OImm, Uuruaun, Wooden and Hol- M»l»ur*.h>* „' by FeaUim, YORlT COUNTY One trial la aufflelent to eonrlnee tha Moat akap tion*. m iM/i«r I' tm irk ottk'. arts stock nu ee«U |»r rvprcnmt entirely companies— dratetul for past patronage, he takes this oppor- low Wart, Drama, Dnutiea, feather Putter*, IU»>jr Ileal that lla rffloaov In allaytn* Inflammation and Atr ufi itivI «nrr. «n«) will reetore natun In every Kor iwli- In I1«1lai.l II II. and W. V. * a con- by Ilaj I1.dli|« assrumrnts in case. of thanking his patrons, and solicit* la wonderful. cut. are edkaJion* In nil cane* of Wrak- ..m* any tunity ami Carta, lh«Utea>U, llal Cunla, GRAIN DEPOT. reducing awaiting* Tliey al*» Cik >_'j< tlnuanoe of tliclr custom. Carriage*, Toy H|i ue»«. White*. l*r"U|Mui, <•«. Hold In hole* con- 13T Having the aborc named Companies, Til K0I>0 UK P. BUCK. Clotlm Lit**, Ctohm lloraev, Toilet I lac In, Waah Htnnda, Tli® Great Paaallf Olanaral, taining »'<» I*.II.*. I'ru » Onr !HU«r, a. PLOUR wn lm made at Hiddeford. We l. PLir.nnrs w.' ure to take risks of all Dlddoford. June 13, l®4. 'J6 and a of other (Kula irkicM ire fort+lt Send for I'r. IIAIIVKY'S Private Medical AdvU- prepared descrip- preat variety nfrr hare commenced to manufacture flour at the ut lowest stock rates. 28 %l the LOWEST CASH PRICES. GOOD Salt Rheum IT,»ddr*««d to Keinale*. IUi | •*£»«, clvtnj: fall In- DENTAL tion*, the Kennody's Ointinent, struction*— 10 cent* for |*>«U£e. II y »* required 8team Grist Mill! Should h« In trtrr hoaaehold. No other Olat- < an not |i«n biM the pill* of your druggist, they ESTABLISHMENT, I NRd ! I Arratfr, TO and dow offer It Tor aale la or small quanti- ment can with II aa a ami Wiaa»ly will be »«ut hy mail. p»%t p*< i, «»cure fr««ni ob.wr ry»tai fire insurance; PICTURES FRAMED ORDER. large compete raady ties. meana of relief. \ on On# Km I at ion, r*«l liwuraMt gradafl, good parcel CnuMilUn; Ptiydelaa, N«rre.< Toeth Killed and Kit reeled with TNSl'ltANCK Ajpiiixt prop- done with mmUwm aiwt dkjwleh. made ol red Canadian wheat the known. Aaan BmwIIIvnI Killed, *■ own in the Mute*. (fork Family Plour \ eara ertr or rrtv, In the «olMt and l**t panic* fa PRINTjlf P.O Dot. :*•;». 442 Broadway, New York. out by the administration ol Uu, Ktlier mllK subscriber taken tho Job PrlnUng otlMr.arary arttele made of clean, whit* pain | IbtoU having J. CIIADIMX'RN, superior KKNNrcDY'tJ Heater* by Heiua* Barnes k Co., Wkol*-1 Chloroform. 1 Establishment in Crf«Ml Arsals l*U<> Weatern wheat, which wheat can ba saea at the •nppliad 1 ~ « WQWKLU HALT llllRUM OINTMKNT »*]• A{«uU, New York. jM Blddelord,April JW, 1*3. }; I8tf iKTNA, IIAHTFORI). CONN., H Ji- ■III. on hand Tor Wheat Capital $2,«5,WM. awr TAPLKY Wa ahall constantly keep Ml*. la aaaarpaaaard. B u: 4SMtTffT~ MKAL.MIUULINUtf.PINB PKJCD and NIIURTS, N(xricET OouqroIIoi-h at all freab from the mill. Mm la made amooth. Commissioners' Notice. hers the Unnerv In THE HOME IN8. CO.. NF.W HAVEN, FANOV Attorneys and Law. Til* R»*ykft niUarnbers pareMaed PLAIN AND Also. CO MBAL. HYP-MEAL, OAT8, and are hraled. St>uM»vlll«. belli Mr. where they 8ACO, UN, CUfffil/mnit lartantly tyfcri+mr* hating l»«i »|>|.4iilnl Iry lit* lleiMj TIIK Naci\ by Cole, Capital #400,000. irARLBYwIeetad Ririmlend ileanwi ftron|Wo Of mi ttl and DH*4 !ap* ara healed and aaflaaed. •"< «•■> the the <>r allnlalmr TWbtr Ji»»r» U the C. •«*»»> .4 Vwt, I'uomui- Hill r»iry IlarafacllltlMfbr proMwatloa ul ot wldtilt wb to the puhUe.. To keep tha baadaand flue comfortable darlac MMV* I" rwrt»e «•»! »v*^nr is, INS. CO., MASS. HUta and ilia VnltH HUte*. ctaia* of nedMnri IIOLVOKE M. F. 8ALEM, ticalnaUlie C. II. JIILI.fKKN, Agent. Uie cqld weather, pal a little of tha Olatuent on ** *« W. Ul>> Tannins and Ruxiiru. JOB PRINTING! 18 BUWI* B.IMITR •'**»•* y* takk, M klu»rj, I'nrryins N*t Ar«IUI4>> fflW.UQO. ftOPUBP.TAP1.IT, Itlddefonl, lt*i. y 7 when iroiar to had! ilnMa^l,"V4* mU •**■*• C*|4Ul, iriihllfr, l«Mig fyptiwufad ii«k4vrnl The hirheac market wl" 1141 P*'1' r,,r "ark or at* Put In two alaed hot Ilea. The amaller -*U» vrt«*' All order*, (nail utborwlM. promptly up herrby «l" tU-* •.>■» wanted thl* 1 by ^JTkT.Uu aurd* Uark Kail, FIRE INS. CO.. HANUUR, ME., to. A share of the public patronage Is res- OO OKNTB, K all hanug •but.u.u UNION tended * Rrnl Extjitr afewed i"-f*«* acaiwt Ml nut* Altii, will k« kept iw hand for mI*, Sole aad Up- Tha larger. t» ami pr^e the Capital £r pectfully solicited. Vol* Httlt* In Hlf1«l«U>rtl. ^Owt per leather. JOHN HANflCOM. LKONARD KMMON.S, r'° m*e art** thai tl*y M. * Tkt V* Wfw P*wtf pi. llMterliiK Hair for *ale. J. . V»ftrvfor 'wle at rwlnced price*, nr«»m In o*« (lawyer. Aoj nwiinf. U& nukM, » Aa^wi, K «l. A K W 4 li.a< >. I 9 * 1 ■» and drugglit* ou «akl I* Uh "» ^ \ tfl ^ MJB hundred sere* of laud. of which (uatnaLIMiy, generally. f4T uiiUl ire »H«k I* M. each of day*. iv,. *». /. HIRpKFUlUf, |H krmio* part «i II. WiurtK. \ Mtf I the n Icest ?" with end located within »bMl imh (4 (Yraiia* ant txaouuU* "*> claim* tcJMnn i., •'llTllKRKcan get photograph lionmol «wl, *au*. whore of a mile ftirfn the M» block. •afcl nl Uon. 1*1 3w» about 23 better. No. 4 Washington tflock. 14 HASH higbwt prlo«« paid NEW GOODS. *tt«erv, Jaly Xh, WOOD'S PRIZE MOWER, No. 1—U my IIuumM conUlnlng \J Corns*.L«a».»Ui>tb«r YinO**r m«UJ,<>r 'W aai«a ctrma bar acre* of mowing Md Ullac*. JOHN OaInBS, »t hl< IMaekfcnlth Hhop the oUImm and sraixo skat. within amlltt of Ut mtUi ForSaku httppjr tar* and wood. It lays ~X7 lli'lJffonl end we This Mower Harm* itr—t.Baoo. w_ TREASURY of vicinity that art the »«riMNM *11 other Muwen« ia la Blddtfbrd aad I* on* ol th« beat 1a York OFTODACCO for 8beep Waal. WE BOOTS AND SHOES. or EXTRACT JDEPARTMENT. appointed »umt* fur the sale of the Magee Cook, on lijjhtnw drett. strength, and County. exterminator of vena In Hheep.Cat- • OfPK'K or CoNITR»l.lKR OP THK HstIii Mkta accarM aad at ry wherever exhibited.' of tli,- mill* In Blddoford. Contain* 17 aorts of I'Un AV1NER MITCHELL, t, !•«. ii tia, Japaoed, Britannia, and Glaaa ware, k> J. S. VTAPLCS, Foraaleby HBNRY and 19 terti oT wood and ttaeu, >U> JORDAN. mowing Ullage, pasture. ganlicd under and to the l'arttauler attention will be to Hbeat Iron for York Tbe abor* fkrma ar« In rood condition aad will aajordlajc requirement* given Ageat Co., Kunuvxk, Ma. deputy sheriff, or the Aet of • a titled "A a Aet lo work fiiddelord, for Posttwlon Immtdlattly. Wnrrhoime. Con^ree* |W"Hd» aod jobbing. l.lbwrty 8tre*t, Also, agent » flvtn CoflHn a National secured a of Uni- For further parttaular* «f UiS (ubtorlbtr ALFRED, MAINE.. 16 Currenoy. by pled** CUMMING8 4 aaqalr* ted (States bonds,and to for the circulation WEST, Meat l Bkdt.uA (tockcd U vUkaWn The Davis **4' or al tb« attattors oOot, City DBA provide Blddeford Maine. Store formerly "■» Mower, J" 3Vt RINO, and thereof," Jane 3d, ISM. Liberty 8c, HtfMll UMIWOt Of b"uihi inr* redemption aprored Kdwarda. With Bar, the lowcat Machine ® & LIBBYT" loeenna to t. p. a. duiin, and haa compiled with all theiprovletoas of aaio occupied by Mr. Folding priced _ JOnN T SMITH. ""JOHNSON' ] i ■*h*9»hti»wu*» f Aet required to be e«a»lMWlttr beloro eotmn# tw- la the market. Also, ,ri:J ..." £ said B. F. BI4LCM m bmI 0mi AMrlarai ins' the hualneaa of (lankier under Aet— BOOTS, horse HA MI IjTON, trap Ik* Urni I'I. AI SHOES, RUBBERS, gladding** PITCHFORK. ] In la Now, therefore, 1, KilKKMAN IKK, Corap- Of Cu4m, Robaaand Plata* tbat mi Anm4 tmller of the Currency, do k*r«bjr oertify that & AND and Counsellor at than at " THE UNION JOUMAl, TMMKS VALWU, •J3tf Attorney Law, fork Couutv. which will Im aold •li«»|>«r ••The North Berertek National Ifcnk in the town Corn, Flour,. utbar »ko«. AU> Agent b»r Crane'* MeUllla of *nJ * oilier.—SOMR8 BLOCK, «jr ol North Derwlek.ln the County York and State GOODWIN JRLI.KHON, flllng and Job work doaa at lo *Mtug murnt nu»r«KoRn.HK AMD lurlalOaAet—baft of Main*, la authorised enmmeucc the htuloesa «*• Wholesale Dealers ia 1 bort not tec. At Um old Hand, bearing Building, oT under the Art aforesaid. of Bit month*. $1,00. •UrtKk.o <4 Refer* to lloa. I. South Ntrnct, near Uaaklair eiplraliwn tfc*year. T. Draw Hon W I* Va>*«n. 1 !h««tnat Utraat. Reildeaae, lestlmoor whereof, wltnecs Itand or anriamwa. ItmlN »•»•« «t •*» * It.U t I* wy nam m* 3.M Nathan Dans. FAMILY CiUOCERIEH, be City Hulldlng. L.». and of olllce, this twellth of An* A«w Flour, Meal and CoaL ""u'T^Ly*^001?* J*"- CHOICE j " day lawrtione or ei as Corn, Don.noa Alt il« VttlMBSle Uoa. Ji UiK)dvln Jomnh J | One eqoare, three leee, aad Commlsslea Merchants. OBADIAH DliRdiN, iM»a^ Insertion, Jn Abo, Auotioa flohnon.Ksq .K. U.O.Iiotpa,, CLARKK. Comptroller. Kor eeeti aJltiaiul FOR 8AT.T: Fepperell Square, Baoo. 10wM^U*VrEBMAN Ue eqaare, |#>00 Auetioa flMlaess attended to la say nart of the I drewa.Ktq. I8U DKPUTY 8HKRIBTF, By year. jwr the old •tend of A. U. for Mil. ft kind (kmIlr IIORSB. wund SUte 0«ce at Jelieooa. rom want to a llkeneea call at K. IT. aqaare it twelve llnee eMMreJIi W. L. JOHNSON, 18 B.R.LIBDT MA INK. get p«d TlMeateblUfced HtT1' will tUuxl without A««. 4U». IWO. jm CardTlPriniinif! BACO, oeeure In or a euaeewkat1 l» wry nr, yo«as. txatnttd atthl* TPUcKhNNRVfl, and »och pletareeaabe wh*a eel Urger typ*. ritaplayad •• » In *3F"®f all kinds, ufllot, la a tat- I u allowed Ule •••U'kiMic. bihI wry