AGENDA for the regular meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 pm at 161 Maquinna Avenue, Zeballos.

We would like to acknowledge we are on unceded First Nations land of Ehattesaht Chinehkint territory.



a) Minutes of the Regular Council meeting, January 26, 2021 Page 1

3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES (unfinished business)

a) SRD Regional Application - ESS Grant Page 7 Corrected Motion of Support

Suggested Motion (rescind): THAT Motion 030-21 “THAT an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund Grant for Evacuation Route Planning be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and,

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful” be rescinded.

Suggested Motion: THAT an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund Grant for Emergency Support Services be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful.



a) Correspondence from Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, re: Page 9 Letter of Support for the City of Vernon for Free Prescription Contraceptives

b) Correspondence from Lynn Holloway, BC Lymphedema Page 10 Association, re: World Lymphedema Day Proclamation

c) Correspondence from City of Vernon, re: BC Hydro – 2020 Street Page 12 Lighting Rate Application

d) Correspondence from Colleen Evans, Coastal Community Social Page 14 Procurement Initiative (CCSPI), re: CCSPI Membership

e) Correspondence from Dennis Dugas, Port Hardy Mayor, re: Page 16 Emergency Fire Equipment, Facilities and Road Rescue Provincial Funding

f) Correspondence from Electronic Recycling Association, re: Page 18 Partnership with the Electronic Recycling Association

g) Correspondence from Ministry of Municipal Affairs, re: Update Page 25 from the Ministry

h) Correspondence List – Correspondence from January 22 - Page 29 February 18, 2021

6. POSSIBILITIES (items brought forward by Council from the miscellaneous correspondence)


a) Mayor and Council i) Councillor Janisse – verbal report

b) CAO – written report Page 32

c) Public Works – written report Page 34

d) Committee of the Whole Report – February 9, 2021 Page 35

Suggested Motion:

THAT Staff proceed with the budget preparation using a 3% increase to General Taxation Revenue to allow for increases in operating expenses, plus 3% of amortization.


a) Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw 535-21 Page 36 First and Second Reading

b) Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw 535-21 Page 36 Third Reading

9. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (not included in agenda at time of production)


a) 2020 Village of Zeballos Audit Planning Letter Page 38

b) SRD Regional Application - FireSmart Economic Recovery Grant Page 45

Suggested Motion:

THAT an application for financial assistance under the UBCM FireSmart Economic Recovery fund be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful.




MINUTES for the Regular Meeting of Council held January 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm via teleconference.

PRESENT: Council: Mayor Colborne; Councillors Lewis, and Smith Staff: CAO Starkey, PW Foreman Mooney, CEO Lovestrom

ABSENT: Councillor Janisse

The Mayor acknowledged that we are on unceded First Nations land of Ehattesaht Chinehkint territory.

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA Following approval of the Agenda, Mayor Colborne called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Minutes of the Regular Council meeting, December 15th, 2020

001-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council meeting, December 15th, 2020 Regular Dec 15 be accepted.

3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES (unfinished business)


5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Correspondence from AVICC, re: 2021 Call for Resolutions

002-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from AVICC, re: 2021 Call for Resolutions be AVICC Call for Resolutions received.

b) Correspondence from Ramona Miclosanu, SGS Food Services, re: ASC initial audit Grieg Seafood BC - Esperanza, Hecate, Steamer

003-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Ramona Miclosanu, SGS Food Services, Grieg Seafood Audit re: ASC initial audit Grieg Seafood BC - Esperanza, Hecate, Steamer be received.

c) Correspondence from Chris Graham, BC/Yukon Command Royal Canadian Legion, re: 2021 Annual Military Service Recognition Book


Page 1 004-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Chris Graham, BC/Yukon Command Legion Book Ad Royal Canadian Legion, re: 2021 Annual Military Service Recognition Book be received.

Staff Action: Defer item to a Committee of the Whole meeting to be considered in the budget with all donations for 2021. d) Correspondence from Geoff Bowlby, Statistics Canada, re: 2021 Census of Population

005-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Geoff Bowlby, Statistics Canada, re: 2021 2021 Census Census of Population be received.

006-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED Be it resolved that: 2021 Census

The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Zeballos supports the 2021 Census, and encourages all residents to complete their census questionnaire online at Accurate and complete census data support programs and services that benefit our community. e) Correspondence from Rachel Blaney, MP, re: Discovery Island Fish Farms

007-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Rachel Blaney, MP, re: Discovery Island Discovery Island Fish Farms Fish Farms be received. f) Correspondence from Brian Bedford, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, re: COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream

008-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Brian Bedford, Ministry of Municipal COVID-19 Resiliency Grant Affairs and Housing, re: COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream be received. g) Correspondence from Enid O’Hara, Island Health, re: State of the Zeballos Airplane Dock

009-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Enid O’Hara, Island Health, re: State of Zeballos Airplane Dock the Zeballos Airplane Dock be received.


Page 2 h) Correspondence from Lacey Service, Chan Nowosad Boates, re: 2021 Personal Tax Clinic

010-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Lacey Service, Chan Nowosad Boates, 2021 Personal Tax Clinic re: 2021 Personal Tax Clinic be received.

011-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED THAT a Grant-in-Aid be given to Chan Nowosad Boates for use of the Personal Tax Clinic Grant-in- Community Hall for up to two days for a 2021 Personal Tax Clinic. Aid

i) Correspondence from Michele Babchuk, MLA, re: Small Business Grant Changes

012-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Michele Babchuk, MLA, re: Small Small Business Grant Business Grant Changes be received.

j) Correspondence List – Correspondence from December 14, 2020 – January 21, 2021

013-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Correspondence List – Correspondence from December 14, Correspondence List 2020 – January 21, 2021

6. POSSIBILITIES (items brought forward by Council from the miscellaneous correspondence)

7. REPORTS a) Mayor and Council i) Mayor Colborne – written report

014-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT Mayor Colborne’s written report be accepted. Mayor Report

b) CAO – written report

015-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the CAO’s written report be accepted. CAO Report

016-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT CAO Starkey be authorized to extend a contract to Chan Nowosad Accounting Services Boates (CNB) for accounting services up to a maximum cost of $5,000.

017-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT an In Camera meeting be scheduled for 6:45 pm on Tuesday, In-Camera Meeting February 9, 2021 to discuss a land matter.


Page 3 c) Public Works – written report

018-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Public Works written report be accepted. PW Report

d) Chief Election Officer – written report

019-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Chief Election Officer written report be accepted. CEO Report

d) Committee of the Whole Report – January 12, 2021

020-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Committee of the Whole Report – January 12, 2021 be COW Report January 12 accepted.

021-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED WHEREAS the Village by-election initiated on October 27, 2020 Council Appointment concluded with an outcome of No Election due to an insufficient number Process of candidates; and

WHEREAS Section 100 of the Local Government Act requires an Appointment to Council if an insufficient number of candidates are elected and sets the qualifications for such an appointment, so be it moved

THAT Council appoint a person to fill the vacant Councillor seat with the following procedure: 1. Village staff will issue a ‘special edition’ of the Village Voice newsletter to solicit nominations from the public. 2. Nominations must be submitted to the Village Office in writing. 3. Nominations will be accepted for a two-week period, beginning on January 27th and ending at 4:00 pm on February 10, 2020. 4. Mayor and/or Councillors will follow-up with each person nominated to confirm they would accept the appointment and commit to serving for the remainder of the term. 5. An open Special Meeting will be held at 6:45 pm on February 23, 2021, wherein each member of Council will submit a closed vote for their pick for appointment out of those who have agreed to accept it. 6. All members of Council (including the Mayor) will vote. 7. In the event of a tie, Council will either draw names from a hat or flip a coin.

022-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT a Special Meeting of Council be scheduled for 6:45 pm on Special Meeting Tuesday, February 23, 2021.



Page 4 9. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (not included in Agenda at the time of production) a) Village Voice Appointment Edition

023-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED THAT the Village Voice Appointment Edition be received. Village Voice

Staff Action: Election Appointment Nominees will be added to the agenda for the in camera meeting scheduled for 6:45pm on Tuesday, February 9th under section 90 (a) of the Community Charter pertaining to personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality.

b) Correspondence from Ragged Edge Community Network, re: Internet Service in Zeballos

024-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the correspondence from Ragged Edge Community Network, re: RECN Internet Service Internet Service in Zeballos be received.

Staff Action: Village staff will share this letter with our Connected Coast partners, the Strathcona Regional District and CityWest, with a letter to indicate Village support for continued RECN services in Zeballos.

10. NEW BUSINESS a) Mayoral Appointments

025-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Mayoral Appointment report be received. Mayoral Appointments

026-21 Smith/Lewis CARRIED THAT Julie Colborne be appointed to the Strathcona Regional District SRD Director Appointments Board for 2021; and,

THAT Barb Lewis be appointed to the Strathcona Regional District Board for 2021, as alternate.

027-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT Enzo Calla be appointed under s. 36 of the Police Act (RSBC 1996, Bylaw Enforcement Ch. 367) as the Bylaw Enforcement Officer for the Village of Zeballos and Officer in that capacity perform the functions and duties and have the powers, Appointment privileges and responsibilities as set out in Village bylaws, resolutions and policies which reference a Bylaw Enforcement Officer.

b) 2020 Housing Needs Report

028-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the 2020 Housing Needs Report be received. 2020 Housing Needs Report


Page 5

c) Grant Opportunity – Emergency Support Services

029-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the report from Shaun Koopman, Strathcona Regional District, re: SRD ESS Grant Grant Opportunity – Emergency Support Services be received.

030-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT an application for financial assistance under the Community SRD ESS Grant Application Emergency Preparedness Fund Grant for Evacuation Route Planning be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and,

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful.

d) Zeballos Slope Hazard Mitigation Project Update

031-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the Zeballos Slope Hazard Mitigation Project Update be received. Slope Mitigation Infographic

e) War Memorial Funding Opportunity

032-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the information on War Memorial Funding Opportunity be received. War Memorial Funding


12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.


______J. Colborne, Mayor M. Starkey, CAO



The Village of Zeballos Council has indicated support for the current proposed activities through the following Motions of Council, carried during the Regular Council Meetings on January 26, 2021 and February 23, 2021.


MINUTES for the regular meeting of Council held Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm via teleconference.

029-21 Lewis/Smith CARRIED THAT the report from Shaun Koopman, Strathcona Regional District, re: Grant Opportunity – Emergency Support Services be received.

MINUTES for the regular meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 pm at 161 Maquinna Avenue, Zeballos, BC.

THAT an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund Grant for Emergency Support Services be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful.

Certified to be a true copy of the Consent Resolution of Council

______Meredith Starkey Corporate Office


February 4, 2021

Premier , Minister of Finance PO Box 9041, Stn Prov Govt email: [email protected] Victoria, BC V8W 9E1 , Minister of Health , MLA Kootenay West PO Box 9050, Stn Prov Govt email: [email protected] Victoria, BC V8W 9E2

Re: Letter of Support for The Corporation of The City of Vernon

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, passed the following resolution:

05-21 WHEREAS cost is a significant barrier to people accessing contraception, particularly to people with low incomes, youth, and people from marginalized communities; and WHEREAS providing free prescription contraception has been shown to improve health outcomes for parents and infants by reducing the risks associated with unintended pregnancy, and is likely to reduce direct medical costs on the provincial health system; and WHEREAS contraceptive methods such as condoms or vasectomies are available at low cost, no cost, or are covered by BC's Medical Services Plan, whereas all contraceptive methods for people with uteruses (such as birth control pills, intrauterine devices or hormone injections) have high up-front costs, making access to contraception unequal and gendered;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of Directors write to the Provincial Minister of Finance, the Provincial Minister of Health, the Premier of BC and the local MLA supporting universal no-cost access to all prescription contraception available in BC under the Medical Services Plan; and

THAT this letter be forwarded to all BC municipalities asking to write their support as well. Carried.” Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly,

Diane Langman, Chair

Page 8 Attachment # 9.9.b)

File: 0410-31


j-100 - :K)TH S1KCET VCRNON, IIRlnSH COLUMBIA Vll 5E(> TEl.Ef'HONE (2501 54S-131>1 FAX (2'>H.I S4',.4(HB OfTICC OF IHE MAYOR Premier John Morgan Selina Robinson, Minister of Finance Box 9041, STN PROV GOVT email: Fin.Minister(£ Victoria, BC V8W 9E1

Adrian Dix, Minister of Health , MLA Vernon-Monashee PO Box 9050 ST PROV GOVT email: harwinder.sanclhu( Victoria, BC V8W 9E2

Council, at their Regular meeting held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, passed the following resolution:

"WHEREAS cost is a significant barrier to people accessing contraception, particularly to people with low incomes, youth, and people from marginalized communities; and

WHEREAS providing free prescription contraception has been shown to improve health outcomes for parents and infants by reducing the risks associated with unintended pregnancy, and is likely to reduce direct medical costs on the provincial health system; and

WHEREAS contraceptive methods such as condoms or vasectomies are available at low cost, no cost, or are covered by BC's Medical Sen/ices Plan, whereas all contraceptive methods for people with uteruses (such as birth control pills, intrauterine devices, or hormone injections) have high up-front coste, making access to contraception unequal and gendered;


THAT the City of Vernon write to the Provincial Minister of Finance, the Provincial Minister of Health, the Premier of BC, and the local MLA supporting universal no-cost access to all prescription contraception available in BC under the Medical Services Plan; and

THAT this letter be forwarded to all BC municipalities asking to write their support as well


Thank you for your consideration.

Yours ti>it'y,

Victor I. Cumrrtirfg Mayor

Copy: Mayor & Council W. Pearce, CAO BC Municipalities

Page 31 of 577 Page 9 Alana Janisse - Village of Zeballos

To: Lynn Subject: RE: PROCLAMATION

From: Lynn [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2021 11:45 PM To: Lynn Subject: PROCLAMATION


I was wondering if your municipal government is willing to do a proclamation on behalf of World Lymphedema Day on March 6th. This will be our 6th Annual. I realize that not all municipalities offer this, so wanted to check first. I have attached a template for one.

Please respond either way so that I know whether you do or don’t do this. And if you do them, please let me know what else you might need to do this for this March 6th or in future, if I’m too late in getting this to you.

I sincerely appreciate your time.

Lynn Holloway BC Lymphedema Association – Founding Member [email protected]

1 Page 10 WHEREAS Lymphedema is an incurable condition affecting more than 1 million Canadians including 30-40% of all cancer survivors with disfigurement, disabilities, discomfort and distress, and

WHEREAS many British Columbians are living with Lymphedema, an accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes chronic swelling in the arms, legs, or other areas of the body, affecting men, women and children and causing a severe financial, physical and psychological impact on the lives of patients, and

WHEREAS there is a desperate need to raise the level of knowledge about lymphedema within the medical community for timely diagnosis, and management, so people no longer go untreated due to lack of knowledge about treatment, and

WHEREAS the lack of focus on this condition has resulted in inadequate education, and a lack of effective clinical or surgical treatment, plus a drastic shortage of trained medical professionals, and

WHEREAS the mandate of the BC Lymphedema Association is to bring attention to this distressing disease and to promote healthy and hopeful living with lymphedema through education, awareness, advocacy, and support for all people in living with lymphedema, and for their families and caregivers, and

WHEREAS communities throughout Canada are demonstrating their support for people living with lymphedema by honouring them and those that provide love, encouragement, and commitment to meeting the needs of Lymphedema patients and

THEREFORE, the BC Lymphedema Association is appealing to the (INSERT THE NAME OF THE COMMUNITY ) to join in dedicating this one day a the year to be devoted to lymphedema awareness. Please join us in spreading the word.

Now, therefore, I, ______do hereby proclaim March 6th, 2021 as LYMPHEDEMA AWARENESS DAY and encourage all citizens to work together to promote and increase awareness so that the health and well being of all those living with Lymphedema is improved.

______Signed Date

Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Alana Janisse - Village of Zeballos

To: Meredith Starkey Subject: RE: Personal follow up on CCSPI (Coastal Community Social Procurement Initiative) from Colleen Evans, co-chair CCSPI and Campbell River City Councillor

From: Colleen Evans Date: February 3, 2021 at 4:42:44 PM PST To: [email protected] Subject: Personal follow up on CCSPI (Coastal Community Social Procurement Initiative) from Colleen Evans, co-chair CCSPI and Campbell River City Councillor

Hi Mayor Colborne!

It would have been great to connect in person with you but given covid restrictions I’m reaching out via email but let me know if by phone or zoom works better for you. I wanted to follow up regarding a letter you received just before the end of the year on social procurement and an invitation to join and become a member of the Coastal Community Social Procurement Initiative(CCSPI). It’s been a challenging and unprecedented year for elected officials and our communities for sure and one that’s requiring innovative solutions for how we move forward through recovery. CCSPI has been growing and we now have 26 local government members with members procuring over $25 million using a social procurement lens to the benefit of their local economies.

Membership in CCSPI provides a low cost, high value resource for local governments to have access to the training, expertise and support they need to easily integrate social procurement practices and add social value, community benefit and wellbeing to existing purchasing. This means that local business and employment, skills and training opportunities are being generated from existing procurement dollars at a time when local economies need it most. We are seeing our members using social procurement as a key economic and covid recovery opportunity. CCSPI is supported through funding and membership fees. The annual membership cost for you to join CCSPI is equal to what your local government membership in AVICC dues are.

The CCSPI program is a low cost, high value resources that will provide your local government and staff with the training, expertise and support needed to easily integrate social procurement practices.

CCSPI Membership includes access to:

 Professional development and training  Templates, Resources, Pilot projects, Industry and staff vetted examples  Pre-recorded topic-specific webinars  Expert consultation and review  Impact measurement and evaluation tools  Communications and engagement resources  Networking and community engagement  Assistance in developing and implementing social procurement policies and practices  Covid recovery toolbox using social procurement as a solution

New updates included in membership:

1 Page 14 -Impact Measurement – CCSPI has partnered with Royal Roads University to develop a robust impact measurement framework that takes a region-wide approach to measuring the impact of social procurement across the region. -Supplier Engagement - CCSPI is working directly with local suppliers, vendors and economic development organizations in member communities to ensure that they have the resources, training and support necessary to respond to and deliver successfully on government procurement opportunities.

Julie, I’m available to answer any questions you may have or provide further information. We would welcome the Village of Zeballos as a new member in CCSPI and I’m looking forward to discussing this with you further.

Best, Colleen Evans, Campbell River City Councillor/SRD Director and Co-chair CCSPI [email protected]; [email protected] Cell: 250-830-4735

2 Page 15 Alana Janisse - Village of Zeballos

To: Meredith Starkey Subject: RE: Emergency Fire Equipment, Facilities and Road Rescue Provincial Funding

From: Dennis Dugas Date: January 29, 2021 at 12:29:36 PM PST To: Mayor Gaby Wickstrom , Dennis Buchanan , Leslie Baird , Ken Williams , "Bill Beamish ([email protected])" , "Brad Unger ([email protected]) - Village of Gold River" , "Mayor Bob K. Day ([email protected])" , "Mark Swain ([email protected])" , [email protected], Kevin Cameron , Mark Baker , martin davis , sarahfowlertahsis , corporateservices , Mayco Noel , Julie Colborne Cc: Heather Nelson-Smith Subject: Emergency Fire Equipment, Facilities and Road Rescue Provincial Funding

Hello Mayors and Councillors:

Thanks again for attending our first coalition of AVICC Small Rural Communities forum in discussing our need for reliable and sustainable Provincial funding for our Emergency Fire and Highway Rescue services. I really appreciated your support and input. Please see attached below notes of the meeting and the letter to be sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. With your approval I would like to mail the letter on February 12, hopefully that will give you enough time to get your council approvals, if not please let us know. We would also appreciate your logos to go on the letter it would look more official. Thanks again for seeing the need to do this all together, many voices are always better than one. Hope you all have a great weekend. Stay Safe and Stay Healthy D2

1 Page 16

Honourable Minister Municipal Affairs

Dear Ms. Osborne

We are looking for your support regarding a critical public safety issue in our small rural communities, specifically the lack of Provincial funding for essential local fire and road rescue services, which would include apparatus, equipment, training and facilities.

As you are aware the cost of protecting our communities has increased significantly over the years. The cost of apparatus, equipment, training, and facilities are putting the small rural communities in a critical financial bind, taxing the residents beyond what is affordable and without provincial support we feel our financial situation will be unsustainable.

This request for Provincial funding assistance has been presented to the Province through endorsed resolutions to the UBCM for over 27 years, to date the provincial response has been “NO”. We feel we cannot accept this answer anymore.

Through the Insurance Premium Tax, the Province has collected a 4.4% tax revenue through residential / commercial fire insurance and automobile insurance since 1921, which we now believe goes into the government’s general revenue fund. The estimated revenue collected is in the hundreds of millions annually, we are asking for some of this revenue to be available through grant programs or another form of assistance to support our communities so we can provide an affordable, reliable, and sustainable essential fire protection and road rescue service for our regional residents and businesses.

We look forward to your assistance in setting up meetings with the appropriate Ministers to discuss ways we can leverage reliable funding support for fire and road rescue services in small rural communities.

We look forward to your reply.

All Mayors names below AVICC members

Page 17 Alana Janisse - Village of Zeballos

To: Mayor Colborne Subject: RE: Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) – PARTNERSHIP

From: Lyndsay Yamzon [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: January 28, 2021 9:56 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) – PARTNERSHIP


My name is Lyndsay and I work with the Electronic Recycling Association (ERA).

I am looking to see if there is an opportunity to chat about a relationship and partner on an initiative to help the local Community, Organizations and their requests for equipment.

Potentials: - Providing Services for Reuse/Recycling. - Working together with the community and local business to collect, repurpose and donate electronics. - Sharing awareness on this issue and the solutions.

ERA is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing electronic waste through the reuse and recycling of unwanted computers, laptops and related electronic equipment.

Currently Canada wide, ERA collectively is in need of at least 2,000 units for donation, as many individuals and organizations are in need of Computers/Laptops.

Please advise as to when would be best to speak and elaborate on how, together we can help hundreds of Canadians.

If you are not the correct individual/department please respond with who would be best to contact.

Thank you!


Lyndsay Yamzon

Electronic Recycling Association |

403-262-4488 | Toll Free 877-9-EWASTE (392783)

1 Page 18

Electronic Recycling Association th Head Office | 1301 34 Avenue SE | Calgary, AB | T2G 1V8 Phone: 403.261.9097 | Fax: 403.206.7585 | Email: [email protected]

How it Works?

Our donation collection event entails the following:

1. We would pick a charity, individual or multiple from our wait list or you can pick based on what is preferred. 2. Then we will arrange a date, location that is best suited to have the collection event and confirm pickup or delivery of the items collected after the fact. 3. We can work together asking both of our members and affiliates for help to fulfill this donation. 4. ERA can issue a press release for this event and encourage both parties and the organizations to share this to their media outlets and platforms. 5. Once everything is ready to go, a rep from each party attends the event and we get photos, post and talk to and media that may come.

• era/

• donates-one-million-dollar-worth-technology.html

Joint collection event:

- We can come to your community with our collection bins and leave them for as long as needed.

- We will advertise the good you are doing for our environment and ensuring sustainability is a priority. This may or may not include media as well.

- Once the collection bins are full, we come and pick them up. And we’re happy to write about it on our social media platforms.

• Collection Events with Step Up 4 Kidz THIS WEEKEND! (

• News and updates | Let's Get Together!

• Electronic Recycling in Saskatoon Benefits Your Community (

Page 19

Other benefits to working with ERA

Services Computer and IT equipment are integral parts of any business operation, as is keeping them up to-date. We can help you manage equipment that you are phasing out or no longer need in a secure, environmentally responsible manner. Basic services are provided at no cost to you, and our professional team is always willing to build custom plans to ensure your unique requirements and protocols are met.

- ERA can accommodate pickup both large and small, local and remote or loose and packaged.

- Quick and accurate process.

- Efficient turnaround for requested documents or inventory

- Huge community involvement though our many programs to support locally and help those in need. - Experience working with the larger more specific entities.

- Current COVID, Student & employee support for those struggling during these times.

Sponsoring an Organization We offer the opportunity to directly sponsor an outstanding donation request or an organization of your choice by providing equipment. This includes options to attend the donation, exposure online with photos ..etc.

You can find these and all other donations done, on these pages:

Positive Community Impact Reuse wherever possible is at the heart of the ERA – and the donation of equipment to other organizations or individuals in need plays a big part of that reuse focus.

Why, if there are ongoing productive possibilities associated with retiring equipment – and if data security can be demonstrably addressed – should equipment be prematurely destroyed? It is our belief that this is unnecessarily wasteful and overlooks an important opportunity from a societal standpoint. We offer the opportunity for you to participate.

Examples of “reuse” options include donations of suitable equipment to community groups, charities, foundations, NPOs, faith-based organizations, scholastic pursuits; we attempt to honor any reasonable request for equipment. This element of the ERA is at the core of our focus. The impact such activity has on the wider community can be seen through a small selection of testimonials:

Other “reuse” strategies which are employed by the ERA include the sale of working computer systems in order to address our operating costs as a Not-for-Profit Organization. For equipment which is a true end of life (i.e. no identifiable reuse opportunity) ERA provides the equipment to processing facilities for responsible destruction, at our expense and effort. Equipment processed in such facilities is subject to EPRA/Provincial Stewardship standards, and are audited accordingly.

Page 20

Moolah for Macros Moolah for Macros aims to give organizations the opportunity to earn cash for collecting unwanted electronics while keeping these toxic items out of landfills and helping ERA continue to provide charities and individuals with tech equipment.

See more information here:

Lending Laptops - ERA has seen an increase in donation requests, primarily families who, before COVID- 19 did not own a laptop or a computer and would attend their local libraries to gain online access for the likes of school work. However, they are now contacting ERA to apply for a laptop to be able to teach their children from home. ERA has decided to start a new program in 2020 with the help of Canadian businesses working with us to supply laptops and computers to families, students, seniors & employees in need.

Poster/Video Competition is a program that allows students to use their creativity and tell us what Reuse and Recycling means to them. The winners will receive a laptop to donate to a charity of their choice or to keep for their own use. The Video Competition is a new program offered in 2020 for older students that may prefer the option to create a video vs a photo.

See here for prior poster entries: competition/

Parts 2 PC The ERA’s Parts 2 PC Workshop to give children a hands-on experience disassembling and assembling computers. They will learn about the computers and all the parts/pieces inside the unit and how to install them.

See here for more information:


ERA PARTNERSHIP REFER A BUSINESS Does your organization have any corporate partners or BENEFITS sponsors? Do you know anyone who works in the IT field? If you are able to direct a company to us that is looking to dispose of their IT equipment and they booked a pickup, we will allocate The Electronic Recycling what they give ERA to your request. Association (ERA) is focused on reducing the negative impact HOST A COLLECTION EVENT e-waste has on the environment through the refurbishment and You can host a collection event. We will provide you with reuse of IT-related devices. By receptacles and marketing material, and you would reach out to your contacts and promote the event to ensure it is well repurposing unwanted electronics, attended. Usually, our partners keep the cage onsite for 4-6 we can donate refurbished weeks for a collection event. Others host one-day events equipment to charitable organizations and individuals in GET SOCIAL need within your community. Post about ERA on your social media. This can include announcements of the collection event, pictures of the Skip the waitlist! Partners donation, posts letting others know about ERA's services, etc. receive priority status on their Make sure to tag us. donation requests. @donaterecycleit The ERA will promote your @electronicrecyclingassociation organization on our website @electronicrecyclingassociation and all social media platforms. We will also include you in any @electronicrecyclingassociation press releases and invite you to attend media events. PROMOTE CONTENT Promote our partnership via blogs, social media posts, By partnering with ERA, videos, e-blasts, inclusion in newsletter and link exchange you will be promoting with a logo on each other's website, environmental sustainability and contributing to your MEDIA INVOLVEMENT Corporate Social Get the Main Stream Media involved for a story on our Responsibility profile. partnership/collection event. CBC News: Yes Centre Donation

Page 22 Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) | [email protected] | 1.877.9EWASTE | DATA SECURITY 1 0 0 % SECURE DATA DESTRUCTION Addressing data security represents a core element of the ERA’s value proposition and service offering. We possess robust data wiping and physical destruction capabilities, and have employed these capabilities in partnership with Canadian Law Enforcement agencies as part of our efforts to raise awareness of the dangers associated with inadequate diligence around personal computing devices. Studies have shown that fear of data being recovered from old equipment is one of the biggest obstacles to reuse. When you utilize the ERA’s data destruction services, you can be assured that your data will be secure from retrieval.

Physical Data Destruction

The ERA has several Ameri Shred mobile hard drive shredders which can be delivered directly to your location for hard drive destruction services. These machines are capable of shredding hard drives, data Reporting tapes, servers and other data storage hardware. Regardless of the service completed for your Off-site Destruction organization certification will be provided. ERA picks up the drives and performs the destruction at our facilities. Representatives of the company Collections Certificate from which the drives/tapes originate are welcome to observe the destruction at ERA’s facilities, or a (live or recorded) video of the destruction can be made available upon request. Upon completion, ERA issues Collection inventory Spreadsheet a Certificate of Destruction which outlines the individual serial numbers of the units that were destroyed. (invluded make, model and serial number) Data Wipe Certificate On-site Destruction Certificate of Destruction ERA will bring a mobile shredder to your facility and ERA staff will perform the destruction of the drives Donation in Kind Certificate onsite. A Certificate of Destruction is also available in this scenario should it be requested. Self Service Rental ERA’s AmeriShred mobile destruction units are also available for rent. An ERA representative will demonstrate the unit’s use to a client representative so that the representative can shred related items personally. This option is ideal for organizations with security protocol requiring sensitive information to remain on their own premises at all times.

Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) | [email protected] | 1.877.9EWASTE Page| 23 A MORE SUSTAINABLE



The ERA is asking for your help to fulfill countless amounts of donations from our waitlist. Currently, the ERA has a growing list of over 400 pending organizations that are in urgent need of IT related devices. Over 1400 devices is required to help students, low income families, seniors and individuals with online schooling, access government programs or simply just to stay connected to their love ones during these uncertain times. These items are needed to improve the lives of others and act as an anchor so that organizations can progress and make a real difference within the community. By partnering with ERA you will be promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to your community. Page 24 Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) | [email protected] | 1.877.9EWASTE | February 17, 2021

Mayors and Regional District Chairs of British Columbia Attendees of January 2021 Regional Calls with Minister Josie Osborne

Dear Mayors and Chairs,

Thank you for taking the time to join Minister Josie Osborne and UBCM President Brian Frenkel for the first round of regional calls in the new year. Hearing from UBCM directly on some of its key interests and issues was very much appreciated. As Minister Osborne and President Frenkel said during the calls, these calls continue to be a great opportunity to hear from you about the key issues and opportunities you are working on in your communities for 2021 (in addition to COVID-19).

There were a number of themes that came up during the calls including connectivity, reopening of BC parks in the spring and roll out of vaccine distribution. This email sets out links and resources on some of the topics raised.

As well, on specific issues such as grant applications or questions particular to your community, please remember that your staff can reach out to Ministry of Municipal Affairs staff for assistance (see the Local Government Division staff finder for the appropriate staff person for your area).

COVID-19 update

The state of emergency is extended to March 2, allowing health and emergency management officials to continue to use extraordinary powers under the Emergency Program Act. On February 5th, Minister Dix and Dr. Henry announced that the province-wide restrictions, put in place to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel, would continue until further notice based on direction from the PHO.

Although the COVID-19 immunization plan is in effect, Dr. Henry reminded us that gatherings of any size, in our homes or elsewhere, are high risk and non-essential travel should not be happening right now. Please stay tuned for more announcements from Dr. Henry and check the provincial government COVID- 19 website regularly for updates.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Office of the Mailing Address: Location: Deputy Minister PO Box 9490 Stn Prov Govt 6th Floor, 800 Johnson Street Victoria BC V8W 9N7 Victoria BC V8W 9N7 Phone: 250 387-9108 Fax: 250 387-7973 Page 25

Mayors and Chairs Page 2

Vaccine distribution

The Provincial Health Officer appreciates the willingness of local governments to support vaccine distribution at the local level and has informed those planning vaccine distribution logistics about the potential for local governments to assist in this regard. The organizers of the immunization roll out recognize the important role that local governments have in this process and are aware that the earlier local governments are involved in the planning, the better the outcomes will be.

Currently, it is planned that vaccinations for the general population will run March to September 2021 and will start in March with people over the age of 80, who will be receiving information in the weeks ahead on when and how to get their vaccinations. The vaccination roll out hinges on vaccine availability and may be subject to change. Immunization clinics are being organized in 172 communities in BC and will be overseen by local health authorities.

The clinics will be held at large centres, including school gyms, arenas, convention halls and community halls. Mobile clinics will be available for some rural communities and for people who are homebound due to mobility issues. More information about the roll out and registration process will be available in late February.

The best source of COVID-19 vaccine information is the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).

Home Owner Grant Centralization

Effective 2021 all home owner grant applications must be submitted directly to the BC provincial government through a secure online application. Municipalities no longer need to and should not accept any applications. As of February 16, 2021, homeowners can apply for their current year or their retroactive home owner grants online at Homeowners can find information about this change at or they can call toll free: 1-888-355-2700 to speak with an agent. We encourage you to share this information with your residents. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Kally Khaira, Director, Property Taxation Branch, Ministry of Finance, by phone at 778 698-9536 or email [email protected].

Local Business Support - Launch Online Grant Program

The recently announced new Launch Online Grant Program will provide business owners, including those in hard-hit sectors such as retail, tourism and restaurants, with up to $7,500 to build or strengthen their online store and promote BuyBC at a local, national and international level. The Province is contributing $12 million to support about 1,500 eligible BC businesses to build, maintain and market their products and services online. The grant will pay for up to 75% of eligible expenses up to $7,500 per business to develop or enhance their online store. Applications for this program are now open and businesses can visit to apply. We encourage you to promote this opportunity directly with your business communities and Chambers of Commerce.

Page 26

Mayors and Chairs Page 3

Strengthening Communities Funding

The Strengthening Communities Funding is a component of the Safe Restart Fund that will provide support to local governments to address the needs of vulnerable populations. This funding program is currently in development. More information will be available in the coming weeks and we will reach out with these details as soon as we can.

Infrastructure Funding

Local governments can access infrastructure funding through a variety of grant programs. If you have questions about local government infrastructure grants, you may also contact the Ministry directly by email at: [email protected]. At this time, intakes are closed and programs are moving into reviews of the applications submitted.

Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP): The application window for CERIP is closed; notifications will occur in February 2021. If you have any specific questions about this program, contact the Ministry by email at: [email protected]. See recovery/cerip for more details.

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – British Columbia – COVID 19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS): The application window for CVRIS is now closed. Notifications are planned for this Spring. Program details can be found at:

Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation Program (ARDM): The application window for ARDM is now closed. Notifications are planned for this Spring. Program details can be found at: Questions can be emailed to [email protected] .

Infrastructure Planning Grant Program: Intake is open year-round. Local governments can apply for grants that support projects related to the development of sustainable community infrastructure through the Infrastructure Planning Grant Program. The program is open for applications year-round with regular processing deadlines. See governments/grants-transfers/grants/infrastructure-planning-grant-program for more details.

BC Parks

BC Parks is finalizing plans to open camping reservations for the 2021 season. An announcement will be coming soon that will provide details for the upcoming camping season and information related to the Discover Camping reservation service. BC Parks will be working with partners and stakeholders to ensure the season is a safe and successful one.

Page 27

Mayors and Chairs Page 4


Minister Osborne appreciates you raising the issue of connectivity in the recent calls, recognizing that working to connect all people in BC – regardless of where they live – is a priority for our government. The Internet is embedded into all aspects of our day-to-day lives as it enables a broad spectrum of possibilities including healthcare, education, culture, public safety, and economic activity. Providing the same level of access, quality and affordability in rural areas as seen in urban areas is a key priority for the Province.

Provincial connectivity work is led by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services, and Minister Osborne has an upcoming meeting with Minister on the province’s ongoing work on this file, in conjunction with the federal government.

The next regional calls will be at the end of February and the topic will be on COVID-19 and mental health, as this is a topic that many of you have raised. Minister Osborne will be joined by her colleague, Honourable , Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, on these calls. Invitations for this meeting were sent February 12, 2021 from Minister Osborne’s office.

As Dr. Henry said recently, we are making progress in our efforts to push back on the COVID-19 virus and get to days of fewer restrictions. We can keep this positive, forward momentum going and help keep our province safe through the small efforts we make every day.

Thank you for your continued leadership and collaboration. Staying connected and supporting one another are still important priorities in these challenging times.


Okenge Yuma Morisho Tara Faganello, CPA CGA BA Ec. Deputy Minister Assistant Deputy Minister

pc: Chief Administrative Officers Gary MacIsaac, Executive Director, UBCM Nancy Taylor, Executive Director, LGMA Todd Pugh, Executive Directory, CivicInfo

Page 28 Correspondence List January 22 - February 18 2021 0115-01

# Rec'd Via From Regarding File # Disposition 1 26-Jan Email Island Coastal Economic REGIONAL MARKETING INITIATIVE 0230-20 File Trust TO HELP ATTRACT TECH COMPANIES TO VANCOUVER ISLAND 2 22-Jan Email City of Vernon BC Hydro - 2020 Street Lighting 0390-20 File; Rate Application Agenda 3 28-Jan Email Island Coastal Economic COMMUNITY BUILDER - Jolleen 0230-20 File Trust Dick, Tourism Vancouver Island 4 28-Jan Email Electronic Recycling Electronic Recycling Association 0230-20 File; Association (ERA) – PARTNERSHIP Agenda 5 28-Jan Email Ministry of Transportation Pilot Car Requirement Changes for 0400-20 File and Infrastructure Information

6 28-Jan Email Fresh Outlook Foundation HEADS UP Podcast Explores Local 0230-20 File Governments' Role in Community Mental Health 7 29-Jan Email Ministry of Forests, Lands, BC Staff Contact for B.C.'s Small 0400-20 File Natural Resource and Medium Sized Business Operations and Rural Recovery Grant info sessions 8 1-Feb Email ZeballosDevelopment Elementary January Newsletter 0400-70 File Secondary School 9 2-Feb Email BC Economic Development The BC Economic Summit Source - 0230-20 File Association February 2, 2021

10 2-Feb Email BC Ombudsperson 2019/20 Annual Report 0135-02 File 11 2-Feb Email Dennis Dugas, Port Hardy Emergency Fire Equipment, 0400-20 File; Mayor Facilities and Road Rescue Agenda Provincial Funding 12 3-Feb Email Colleen Evans, CCSPI Co- Follow up on CCSPI (Coastal 0230-20 File; Chair Community Social Procurement Agenda Initiative) from Colleen Evans, co- 13 3-Feb Email Ministry of Forests, Lands, chairFunding CCSPI supports and Campbell for businesses River City to 0400-20 File Natural Resource launch online Operations and Rural 14 4-Feb Email MinistryDevelopment of Forests, Lands, Letter to Community Leaders from 0400-20 File Natural Resource the Chief Forester re: 2021 Operations and Rural Planting 15 4-Feb Email BCDevelopment Lymphedema World Lyphedema Day 0230-20 File; Association Proclamation Agenda

Page 29 16 5-Feb Email Regional District of Letter of Support for The 0400-50 File; Kootenay Boundary Corporation of The City of Vernon Agenda

17 5-Feb Email Ministry of Forests, Lands, Just In Time: Launch Online Grant 0400-20 File Natural Resource info session - Feb 10 Operations and Rural 18 9-Feb Email MainroadDevelopment North Island Freezing Conditions 0230-20 File Contracting 19 9-Feb Email Mainroad North Island Installation of Guard Railings 0230-20 File Contracting 20 9-Feb Email BC Wildfire Service Information about new funding 0230-20 File opportunity: FireSmart Economic Recovery Fund 21 9-Feb Email Ministry of Jobs, Economic Grant money for eligible 0400-20 File Recovery and Innovation businesses in your community!

22 9-Feb Email BC Association of Community Recovery Webinar 0230-20 File Emergency Managers Session 2 : February 10 23 9-Feb Email Clean Coast, Clean Waters Clean Coast, Clean Waters 0230-20 File Initiative Fund Initiative Fund - February 15 submission date 24 9-Feb Email Mainroad North Island Clean-up of Garbage & Debris 0230-20 File Contracting Highway 28 25 9-Feb Email Geoffrey Denman, Bligh Bligh Island Ship Wreck Incident 0400-40 File Island Shipwreck Liaison, Update Canadian Coast Guard 26 9-Feb Email Vancouver Island Support for Island Businesses 0400-20 File Economic Alliance 27 10-Feb Email Mainroad North Island Weather Advisory 0230-20 File Contracting 28 10-Feb Email Mainroad North Island Culvert Replacement 0230-20 File Contracting 29 12-Feb Email Island Health Stay local, stay small this Family 0400-20 File Day weekend 30 17-Feb Email Association of Vancouver AVICC February Update - Call for 0390-20 File Island Coastal Nominations to AVICC Executive; Communities No Increase in Member Dues; 31 17-Feb Email BC Economic Development ResolutionsThe BC Economic Deadline Summit Reminder; Source - 0230-20 File Association February 17, 2021

Page 30 32 18-Feb Email Ministry of Municipal Ministry of Municipal Affairs 0400-20 File; Affairs Update from Minister Josie Agenda Osborne 33 18-Feb Email Island Coastal Economic ICET LAUNCHES RECOVERY 0230-20 File Trust PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN RURAL COMMUNITIES AND BUSINESSES

34 18-Feb Email Grant Match Municipal Funding Update: Up to 0230-20 File $250K per project is available to transform public spaces

Page 31


To: Mayor & Council From: Meredith Starkey, CAO Village of Zeballos February 23, 2021

Land Acquisition In July 2019, Council directed staff to negotiate an agreement with Western Forest Products (WFP) to secure a right-of-way across several parcels of land for use as part of the Community Unity Trail (CUT) project.

I am pleased to report that after much deliberation and in camera discussion, we have reached an agreement to purchase five parcels of land owned by WFP for $1. Combined, these five parcels (shown in the attached map) are 2.87 acres, assessed at a market value of $15,300. The difference in the assessed value and the Village’s purchase price is being generously donated by WFP to support the economic development in the Village and the Community Unity Trail (CUT) project.

This purchase will cost the Village about $350 per year in lost taxation revenue (based on historic tax rates), but ensures that the Village will retain access to the Zeballos trailhead of the Community Unity Trail.

This purchase is still pending with the Land Title Office, but I expect the transfer will be completed in early March.

Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF): Structural Flood Mitigation Program (Slope Hazard Mitigation) I am pleased to announce that the Village’s application to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF): Structural Flood Mitigation Program was successful, and we have been awarded $750,000 for this project. This application is to fund the construction of flexible net barriers in strategic locations on the unnamed mountain abutting the east side of the Village to mitigate the risk of debris flow and rock falls. This is a complex, large-scale infrastructure project that will take more than one year to complete. Staff have initiated this project by opening a dialogue with the Ehattesaht Chinehkint First Nation (ECFN), seeking support for the preliminary design that includes some construction outside our municipal boundary on unceded land within Ehattesaht Chinehkint territory.


Page 32 LOTS 16-20 (inclusive), BLOCK H, DISTRICT LOT 461, NOOTKA DISTRICT, PLAN 4524


To: Meredith Starkey, CAO Mayor & Council, Village of Zeballos February 23, 2021

2021 Jan-Feb

This has been a busy time…

-Acquisition of Backhoe repair parts and implementation plan and training completed for repairs.

-Spring cleanup equipment updated and all repairs, parts and machinery ready for the new season.

-Emergency safety repairs made to Sea Plane Dock.

-Advancements in Knowledge, planning for Scada replacement, acquired engineering advisement. -Implementation of cleaning village assets of debris and overgrowth.

-creating useful spaces at public works (converting unorganized shed into wood working paint shop, etc.)

-Regular Potable Water Samples, Meter readings, Village rounds and regular maintenance inspections.

-Saturday Snow Removal and infrastructure care and de-icing.

-Preparing the Village for a planned power outage; ensuring all generators and systems, tools and personnel are emergency prepared.

Jason Mooney Public Works Foreman



7:00 pm February 09, 2021 Zeballos Community Hall

PRESENT: Mayor Colborne, Councillors Lewis, Smith and Janisse Staff Starkey


We would like to acknowledge we are on unceded First Nations land of Ehattesaht Chinehkint territory.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.


1. 2021 Budget – Operating Budget Staff presented Council with an overview of the process to set the municipal tax rate and a tool for testing different tax rate scenarios. Council tested a range of scenarios and settled on a municipal tax rate that would:

 Increase general taxation revenue by 3%; and  Cover 3% of amortization.

Combined, this would result in a general municipal tax rate of 13.47312 dollars of tax per $1,000 of Taxable Assessed Value, which is an increase of about 2.8% over the 2019 rate. This would raise $202,458.70 in revenue for the Village.

This decision was based on the awareness that the general tax rate was held constant at the 2019 rate for the 2020 tax year. Increasing our taxation revenue by 3% is intended to account for actual Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) increases in 2020 and anticipated in 2021. Additionally, the Village is working to fully fund amortization with small, incremental increases. This year’s target of 3% amortization funding is part of that ongoing commitment.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm February 09, 2021

COW 1 Page 35


A bylaw to provide for borrowing of money in anticipation of revenue.

WHEREAS when the municipality does not have sufficient money on hand to meet the current expenditures of the municipality;

AND WHEREAS it is provided by Section 177 of the Community Charter that a council may, by bylaw provide for the borrowing of money that may be necessary to meet the current lawful expenditures;

AND WHEREAS the debt outstanding under this section must not exceed at any time the total of the unpaid taxes for all purposes levied during the current year, and the money remaining due from other governments;

AND WHEREAS before the adoption of the annual property tax bylaw in any year, the taxes in the current year are deemed to be 75% of all taxes levied for all purposes in the preceding year;

AND WHEREAS when collected, unpaid taxes and taxes levied for the current year must be used as necessary to repay money borrowed under this section;

AND WHEREAS the partial amount of liability that the Council may incur is one hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred forty-four dollars ($141,344) that being 75% of the total amount of taxes levied for all purposes in 2020;

AND WHEREAS there are no liabilities outstanding under Section 177 of the Community Charter;

NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Village of Zeballos hereby enacts the following:

1. It shall be lawful for the Municipal Council to borrow upon the credit of the Corporation from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce one hundred and twenty-six thousand three hundred forty-four dollars ($126,344) in such amounts as the same may be required, and to pay interest thereon at a rate not exceeding the prime interest rate plus 1.5% as charged by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce from time to time and provide a corporate visa in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), for a total obligation of one hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred forty-four dollars ($141,344).

Page 36 Village of Zeballos Bylaw #535-2021 Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw

2. All monies so borrowed and interest payable thereon shall be payable on or before the 31st of December 2021.

3. The form of the obligation to be given as an acknowledgement of the liability shall be a Promissory Agreement signed by the Mayor and the Chief Financial Officer.

4. There is hereby set aside as security for the liability hereby authorized to be incurred: is ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($141,344) being that part of the taxes for the current year deemed by the Municipal Council expedient to be so set aside.

5. This bylaw may be cited as the Corporation of the Village of Zeballos Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw #535-2021.

READ A FIRST TIME this 23rd day of February, 2021.

READ A SECOND TIME this 23rd day of February, 2021.

READ A THIRD TIME this 23rd day of February, 2021.

RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this __day of ______, 20__.

______Mayor Chief Financial Officer

Certified to be a true copy of Bylaw #535-2021.

______Corporate Officer

2 of 2

Page 37 Tel: 604 688 5421 BDO Canada LLP Fax: 604 688 5132 Unit 1100 Royal Centre 1055 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 3P3

Direct Line: 604-443-4735 E-mail: [email protected] February 18, 2021

Mayor and Council Village of Zeballos 157 Maquinna Avenue PO Box 127 Zeballos, BC, V0P 2A0

Dear Mayor and Council Members:

We have been engaged to audit the financial statements of Village of Zeballos (the “Village”) for the year ended December 31, 2020.

This letter is designed to highlight and explain key issues which we believe to be relevant to the audit including audit risk areas, the nature, extent, timing and results of our audit work, the terms of our engagement, and our independence. This report forms a significant part of our overall communication strategy with the Mayor and Council and is designed to promote effective two-way communication throughout the audit process. It is important that we maintain effective two-way communication with the throughout the entire audit process so that we may both share timely information.


The terms and conditions of our engagement are included in the most recent engagement letter, which is dated January 24, 2020 and our summary of services letter dated February 2021.


We have been engaged to express an opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results of operations, changes in net financial assets and cash flows of the Village in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. We will also: · Express an opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, and results of operations, changes in its net financial assets and cash flows of the Village in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards (“PSAS”). · Present significant findings to the Mayor and Council including key audit and accounting issues, and any other significant matters arising from our work. · Provide timely and constructive management letters. This will include any deficiencies in internal control identified during our audit. · Consult regarding accounting, indirect taxes and reporting matters as requested throughout the year.

BDO Canada LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms.

Page 38 Village of Zeballos February 18, 2021 Page 2


It is important for the Mayor and Council to understand the responsibilities that rest with the external auditor and the responsibilities of those charged with governance. The audit of the financial statements does not relieve management or those charged with governance of their responsibilities. The oversight and financial reporting responsibilities of the Mayor and Council as they pertain to the annual audit are summarized below: · Oversee the work of the external auditor engaged for the purpose of issuing an independent auditor’s report. · Receive report on any significant non-audit services provided to the Village by the external auditor. · Facilitate the resolution of disagreements between management and the external auditor regarding financial reporting matters, if any. · Oversee management’s preparation of the financial statements, monitoring of the Village’s internal controls, and perform a final review of the financial statements and other annual reporting.

Management is responsible for the following elements of the financial reporting process: · Maintain adequate accounting records and maintain an appropriate system of internal control for the Village. · Select and consistently apply appropriate accounting policies. · Prepare the annual financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. · Safeguard the Village’s assets and take reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. · Make available to us, as and when required, all of the Village’s accounting records and related financial information.


Canadian generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the Village and our firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence.

As elaborated upon in Appendix A, we are not aware of any relationships between the Village and our firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence.

Page 39 Village of Zeballos February 18, 2021 Page 3


Through our planning process and prior years’ audits we have developed an understanding of your oversight processes. We are responsible for planning and performing the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud. We are not currently aware of any fraud affecting the Village.

Canadian generally accepted auditing standards require us to discuss fraud risk with the Mayor and Council on an annual basis. The likelihood of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than the likelihood of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from error because fraud may involve collusion as well as sophisticated and carefully organized schemes designed to conceal it. If you are aware of any instances of actual or suspected fraud affecting the Village, we request that you provide us with this information. Please advise us at [email protected].


We will perform a risk-based audit which allows us to focus our audit effort on higher risk areas and other areas of concern for management and the Mayor and Council. In order to facilitate the design and execution of our audit plan, we will gain an understanding of the Village’s control environment, as well as the IT systems utilized within the control environment.

Our overall audit strategy involves extensive partner and manager involvement in all aspects of the planning and execution of the audit and is based on our overall understanding of the Village. Our planned audit strategy focuses on audit procedures involving direct examination of source documents, substantive analytical procedures, and other tests of detailed transactions.


Misstatements, including omitted financial statement disclosures, are considered to be material if they, individually or in aggregate, could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

Judgments about materiality are made in light of surrounding circumstances and include an assessment of both quantitative and qualitative factors and can be affected by the size or nature of a misstatement, or a combination of both.

Preliminary materiality of the Village’s annual operations was determined to be $28,000 and a preliminary performance materiality (level used for testing) at $22,000 based on approximately 3% of the prior year financial results.

For audit work over tangible capital assets (TCA’s) and other assets and liabilities related to TCA, we have set a higher materiality of $120,000 based on approximately 2% of prior year TCA balance.

Page 40 Village of Zeballos February 18, 2021 Page 4

Audit Risk Areas and Planned Responses

Based on our knowledge of the Village’s business, our past experience, and knowledge gained from management and the Mayor and Council, we have identified the following key audit areas that, in our judgment, require special audit consideration. We request your input on the following audit risk areas and whether there are any other areas of concern that the Mayor and Council have identified.

Audit Risk Area Comments Proposed Audit Approach

Revenue Accounting standards relating Grant funding will be verified through a Recognition to grant revenue recognition review of the agreements, which are complex and open to ensures that the amounts recorded (Mandatory audit interpretation. There is a risk exist, are complete and are recorded consideration) that grants or revenue derived accurately. from other government Grant expenditures will also be transfers may be incorrectly reviewed to ensure that they meet the deferred into future periods. requirements per the grant agreement. Review other revenue streams to ensure they are recorded in accordance with the latest revenue recognition standards.

Management Management is in a unique Review of significant transactions for Override of position to perpetrate fraud by unusual, non-recurring adjustments not Internal Controls directly or indirectly addressed by other audit procedures. manipulating accounting (Mandatory audit Testing the appropriateness of journal records, and prepare consideration) entries recorded in the general ledger, fraudulent financial statements review key estimates and other by overriding controls that adjustments made in the preparation of otherwise appear to be the financial statements. operating effectively.

Impacts of COVID COVID-19 continues to impact We recognize that there may continue 19 on the economies and organizations to be an impact on the way the Village operations of the worldwide. Specific risks that and we conduct business at the time of our audit and will be prepared to Village may impact the Village conduct our audit remotely as was done include: IT security risks to due for the audit of the 2019 financial increased use of technology for statements. There may be an impact on work-from-home; risks relating the nature of our procedures and on our to increased EFT use; time budget. electronic approvals through e- We will update our documentation of all mail, and other electronic processes where controls have been controls; risk to health of impacted by increased use of employees working on-site. technology or other adaptations resulting from COVID-19. We will adapt our control testing to incorporate tests of relevant controls that have been altered to accommodate remote work.

Page 41 Village of Zeballos February 18, 2021 Page 5

We will make enquiries of management to determine steps taken to address increased risks relating to IT and work- from-home and test the design and implementation of any additional controls incorporated to address significant risks identified. We will assess the recognition and presentation of any COVID19 funding provided by other levels of government.

Timing The following schedule has been agreed to with management: · April 12 – April 23, 2021 – Year end fieldwork · May 2021 (TBD) – Present audit results to Mayor and Council · Shortly after approval of the financial statements by the Mayor and Council – Finalization of Independent Auditor’s Report by BDO


As part of our final reporting to the Mayor and Council, we will provide a communications package to support the Mayor and Council in discharging their responsibilities. This communication will include our audit findings.

This letter has been prepared solely for the use of the Mayor and Council and should not be distributed without our prior consent. Consequently, we accept no responsibility to a third party that uses this communication.

The Mayor and Council plays an important part in the audit planning process and we look forward to meeting with you to discuss our audit plan as well as any other matters that you consider appropriate.

Yours truly,

Kristine Simpson, CPA, CA Partner through a corporation BDO Canada LLP Chartered Professional Accountants

Page 42 Village of Zeballos February 18, 2021 Page 6


February 18, 2021

Mayor and Council The Village of Zeballos

Dear Mayor and Council Members:

We have been engaged to audit the financial statements of the Village of Zeballos (the “Village”) for the year ended December 31, 2020.

Canadian generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the Village and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence.

In determining which relationships to report, we have considered the applicable legislation and relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the appropriate provincial institute/order, covering such matters as:

· Holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly in a client; · Holding a position, either directly or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a client; · Personal or business relationships of immediate family, close relatives, partners or retired partners, either directly or indirectly, with a client; · Economic dependence on a client; and · Provision of services in addition to the audit engagement.

We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regarding independence matters arising since July 22, 2020, the date of our last letter.

We are aware of the following relationships between the Village and our firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. The following relationships represent matters that have occurred to the date of this letter.

We provide assistance in the preparation of the financial statements, including adjusting journal entries. These services may create a self-review threat to our independence. We, therefore, required that the following safeguards be put in place:

· that management created the source data for all the accounting entries; · that management developed any underlying assumptions required with respect to the accounting treatment and measurement of the entries; and · that management review and approve all journal entries prepared by us, as well as the financial statements.

As an additional safeguard, our file review policies require that someone other than the preparer review the proposed journal entries and financial statements.

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Other than as described above, we are not aware of any relationships between the Village and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on independence.

We hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the Village within the meaning of the Code of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia as of the date of this letter.

This letter is intended solely for the use of the Mayor and Council and others within the Village and should not be used for any other purposes.

Yours truly,

Chartered Professional Accountants

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To: Meredith Starkey, CAO January 23, 2021 Mayor & Council

Re: Grant Opportunity – FireSmart Economic Recovery Grant

PURPOSE To consider a regional application with the Strathcona Regional District to the FireSmart Economic Recovery fund program from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to decrease the FireSmart rating of the Zeballos Community Centre

BACKGROUND The intent of the FireSmart Economic Recovery Fund is to support immediate job creation in order to build local wildfire resiliency and assist communities in recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has provided $10 million for this funding stream. All local governments (municipalities and regional districts) and First Nations (bands and Treaty First Nations) in BC are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants can submit one application per intake, or as a partnering applicant in a regional application. It is proposed the Village of Zeballos will be a partner applicant in a regional application with the Strathcona Regional District with the latter being the primary applicant. The deadline for the current intake is March 19, 2021.

It is proposed that the Strathcona Regional District allocate $50,000 in their grant application to funding the labour and cost of building materials to decrease the FireSmart rating of the Community Centre. This project aligns with the following eligible item of the grant:

Completion of recommended mitigation activities identified in the Critical Infrastructure Assessment, limited to labour and material costs at $50,000 per structure complete activities outlined in Appendix A for buildings or properties owned by legally incorporated society-run fire departments, local non-profit groups or community associations that are currently designated as critical to support effective emergency response to a wildfire event. This includes structures designated as Emergency Operations Centres or Emergency Support Services facilities (i.e. reception centres, group lodging locations for evacuees).

The Strathcona Regional District has arranged for the prerequisite Critical Infrastructure Assessment to be completed on the Community Centre this week. Following this assessment staff can refine the scope of activities that would be undertaken on the building.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Strathcona Regional District would manage the financial aspects of this project.



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As a partnering applicant, the Village of Zeballos is required to submit a resolution that clearly states their approval for the Strathcona Regional District to apply for, receive, and manage the grant funding on their behalf.

STAFF IMPLICATIONS Protective Services through the Strathcona Regional District has offered to provide supervision and coordination of the project.


1. THAT an application for financial assistance under the UBCM FireSmart Economic Recovery fund be authorized for submission to the UBCM in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District; and

THAT the Village of Zeballos authorizes the Strathcona Regional District to receive and manage the funds on behalf of the Village of Zeballos if the application is successful.

Prepared by: S. Koopman – Protective Services Coordinator


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Appendix A


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