EVOLVING YOUR : 4 PRINCIPLES FOR AN ENLIGHTENED PRACTICE A 90-Day Journey of Awakening, Inspiration & Insight into Living Your More Fully Than Ever Before March 20 - June 18, 2018


The Principle of Self-Honouring is the idea that we can use our practice, whatever it looks like, no matter what style it is, or our level of ability, to cultivate feelings of self- compassion, self-acceptance and positive self-regard. When we do this our practice becomes a great ally on our lives, our mat becomes like a trusted friend, a place where we’re able to meet ourselves exactly where we are and be welcomed with support, acceptance encouragement and love.

In this class, we explore the principle of self-honouring by practicing a sequence focused on forward bends. These poses take the head down, help to quiet the mind and turn our attention within, so we can consciously nurture feelings of self-honouring, self- compassion and self-love.

PROPS NEEDED: • A mat • 2 blankets or a bolster • 1 strap • 2 blocks

WARM-UPS Supine (Knees to chest) (Supine Leg Stretch) 1 and 3, and Crossover Spinal rocking, Balasana (Child’s pose) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) - (Standing Forward Bend)– Urdhva Hastasana (Standing arms overhead) - (Mountain pose) Ardha Uttanasana (Half Standing forward Bend – Spine parallel to floor)- Uttanasana with hands on blocks 3x Ardha Parsvottanasana (Half side stretch pose, spine parallel to floor) - Parsvottanasana (Side stretch pose) with hands on blocks


EVOLVING YOUR ASANA: 4 PRINCIPLES FOR AN ENLIGHTENED PRACTICE A 90-Day Journey of Awakening, Inspiration & Insight into Living Your Yoga More Fully Than Ever Before March 20 - June 18, 2018

STANDINGS From Adho Mukha Svanasana with Child’s pose rest in between as needed: Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle) 2x - hand on block in front of ankle, hand on block behind ankle Pigeon Prep Lunge Hip Opener Lunge with hands on floor walking them forward on a diagonal 2 (Warrior 2) – Rainbow Warrior - Humble Warrior (Virabhadrasana 2 bowing to inner ankle with clasped hands overhead) Parsvakonasana bottom arm wrapped behind front leg, hands clasped (Wide leg forward bend pose) - heels supported Uttanasana – Uttanasana with hands clasped around one leg Bird of Paradise

SUPPORTED STANDING FORWARD BENDS Prasarita Padottanasana with crown of head supported Uttanasana with blocks under crown of head Adho Mukha Svanasana forehead supported Balasana (Child’s Pose)

SEATED FORWARD BENDS (Hero’s Pose) (Cow-face pose) Parsva Gomukhasana – folding over top leg (Staff pose) Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee pose) - folding between legs Janu Sirsasana Upa Vista Konasana (Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend) Parsva Upa Vista Konasana (Side Angle Seated Forward Bend) (Full Seated Forward bend)

COOLDOWNS (Inverted Lake) with bolster or 2 blankets and elevated (Easy Cross Legs) legs on height Savasana (Corpse pose) with bolster under knees
