Multispecies Models Relevant to Management of Living Resources
ICES mar. Sei. Symp., 193: 1. 1991 Multispecies Models Relevant to Management of Living Resources Preface Scientific quality is undoubtedly the most important bers of the Steering Committee. In addition, they would aspect of a contribution to a symposium, but the value of like to thank the referees of the papers selected for a contribution is also greatly heightened by a vivid and publication for their invaluable contribution and ex stirring presentation, and the discussion it stimulates. In pertise in formulating many suggestions for improve order to underline the importance of the latter in com ment. It seems only appropriate that the names of these municating scientific results, it was decided to give scientists be listed here: R. S. Bailey, N. J. Bax, W. awards for the “best presentations”. On the basis of a Brugge, S. Clark, E. B. Cohen, W. Dekker, W. Gabriel, plenary vote, the awards were presented to H. Gislason S. Garcia, H. Gislason, J. Gulland, T. Helgason, J. R. (paper) and to M. Tasker, R. Furness, M. Harris, and G. Hislop, M. Holden, E. Houde, G. R. Lilly, J. R. S. Bailey (poster) for their excellent use of audio McGlade, G. Magnusson, R. Marasco, B. M. van der visual aids. Meer, S. Mehl, B. Mesnil, S. A. Murawski, W. J. The Co-conveners would like to express their grati Overholtz, O. K. Pâlsson, D. Pauly, E. K. Pikitch, J. G. tude to J. Harwood (UK), A. Laurec (France), J. G. Pope, J. E. Powers, J. C. Rice, A. Rosenberg, B. J. Pope (UK), and H. Sparholt (Denmark), who put great Rothschild, K.
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