Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-07-21
• r.t • Miss ' Universe Contest LONG BEACH, CaUl. (It -Iowa's • Carol Morris, "Mi!s United States," this morning was named "){iss Universe" in the internation· aI beauty contest. The Queen was selected at 1 a.m. rrom a final .,oup 01 five contestants that in· , . ducted "Miss Germany," "Miss Italy," "Miss England." and "Miss e Sweden." Miss Morris is the only daughter '\eroing The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City " an Ottumwa. iowa, minister, and _ parents, the Rev. and Mrs. La· Established in 1868 - Five Ct'nls a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP L<>ased Wire and Photo Service Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 21, t9 ~ 6 f verne Morris, were among the audio ence waitiDg ior the final session. They flew in today. ,. 'The runner·up In the contest MariDe Orschel of Germany, and "Miss Sweden" was third. Together with the title Miss Mor· H:ause Votes· Funds for riB won a six month motion picture cdntract at $250 a week. a COD vcr· Mble coupe, and numerous items ., clothing and jewelry. Tile Rev. Mr. Morris arter his dauehter's selection disclosed that ~ still carried in the toe of his Atom P·ower,Sp·ee.d-U-p lJloe a penny be found In the street ibortly before his daughter left leW8 to compete in the contest. Miss Morris is a 20-year-old Says British, Qrake University, Des Moines, w. Germany. 19wa, coed, who "wished upon a liar," ud became the 1956 "Miss . U.S." at L<!nlf Beach Municipal ' OKs Disputed Russians Are l¥IClltorium Thursda!'.
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