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AMHARA AFAR OROMIA SOMALI SNNPR Legend ETHIOPIA: AGRICULTURE SECTOR HRP PARTNERS OPERATIONAL PRESENCE CROP INTERVENTIONS - January 2020 TOTAL PARTNERS AND DONORS Partners with Ongoing and Completed activities AFAR 20 Tigray FAO,PARD 1 13 Abergele 6 12 1 Zequala NNGO INGO GOV UN DON Afar C_Gondar Sekota Wag Gonder Hamra Zuria N_Wello Zone 1 OROMIA Amhara Wadla Asayita CST, SOS Sahel, CATCH,DCA AMHARA WVI, SCI, SOSVE, ICRC, ERCS, AAH, MoA CRS, LWF, MoA, AAH, HCS, Beneshangul CARE,MoA Gumuz Haro Limu Dire Chinaksen Tuliguled E_Wellega Dawa Goro Sofi Fafan Muti Fedis Addis E_Hararge Midhaga Tola Ababa Babile Daror Yocale Jarar (Oromia) Gambela Oromia Degehabur Legend Bale Shashemene Zuria West Goro (Bale) Region_Bounday Arsi Rayitu Somali Abaya Bore Zone_Boundary Bule Gedeo Uraga Adola Kochere SNNPR Wadera No_Partners Gedeb Shabelle Gora W_Guji Aga Wayu Kelafo Dola Dugda Liben Ferfer 1 Dawa Guji Mustahil 2 SOMALI SNNPR Borena Hudet VSF-S, ICRC, 3 - 4 Dire Daawa Moyale ERCS, FAO, OXFAM WVI, SCI Miyo (Oromia) GOV_PP MCMDO, MoA Creation date: 20th January 2020 Sources: Response target figures and funding data were colleceted and acompiled from the information submitted by Agriculture Sector partners as of 31 December 2019. Feedback: Espico Iga (Denis) & Hudad Ibrahima, Information Management Officers: [email protected]; [email protected] / Margarita Barcena, Sector Coordinator: [email protected] / Region Zones Woreda Organiza�on Implemen�ng Partner Donor Type of Ac�vity Afar Awsi_Rasu_One Asayita FAO PARD OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Afar Hari_Rasu_Five Dalifage FAO PARD OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Amhara Central_Gondar Gonder Zuria MoA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Amhara Wag_Hamra Abergele AAH AAH EU Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Amhara Wag_Hamra Sekota AAH AAH EU Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Amhara Wag_Hamra Zequala AAH AAH EU Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Bale Rayitu DCA DCA EU ECHO Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia Borena Arero SOS Sahel SOS Sahel Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Borena Dire CST SOS Sahel NGO Trocaire Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Borena Miyo AAH AAH EU Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Borena Miyo CACH CACH Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia Borena Moyale (Oromia) CST CST Ireland Irish Aid Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia Borena Moyale (Oromia) CST CST NGO Trocaire Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia Borena Wachile SOS Sahel SOS Sahel Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Babile (Oromia) ICRC ERCS ICRC Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Babile (Oromia) LWF LWF ICA/ ACT ETH Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Babile (Oromia) CARE CARE Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Bedeno CRS HCS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Bedeno CRS CRS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Chinaksen ICRC ERCS ICRC Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Chinaksen LWF LWF ICA/ ACT ETH Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Fedis CRS HCS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Fedis CRS CRS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Goro Mu� CRS HCS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Goro Mu� CRS CRS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Gursum (Oromia) LWF LWF CLWR/ ACT ETH Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Gursum (Oromia) LWF LWF ICA/ ACT ETH Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Midhaga Tola CRS CRS US OFDA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Hararge Midhaga Tola SOSCVE SOSCVE Danish DERF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia East_Wellega Haro Limu ICRC ERCS ICRC Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Abaya MoA DRMC MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Adola GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Aga Wayu MoA DRMC MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Bore MoA DRMC World Vision Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Girja (Harenfema) MoA DRMC MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Girja (Harenfema) GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Gora Dola GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Gumi Idalo CACH CACH Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia Guji Gumi Idalo GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Liben GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Liben MoA MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Uraga MoA MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia Guji Wadera GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Arsi Shashemene Zuria WVE WVE Hong kong WV Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Guji Abaya SCI SCI OCHA EHF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia West_Guji Abaya SCI SCI OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Guji Bule Hora WVE WVE OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Guji Dugda Dawa GOAL GOAL Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Guji Gelana (West Guji) SCI SCI OCHA EHF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Oromia West_Guji Gelana (West Guji) SCI SCI OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Oromia West_Guji Kercha WVE WVE OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Bule MCMDO MCMDO UNOCHA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Dila Zuria MoA MCMDO Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Kochere MCMDO MCMDO OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Kochere MCMDO MCMDO UNOCHA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Kochere Gedeb MCMDO MCMDO UNOCHA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Kochere Gedeb SCI SCI OCHA EHF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers SNNPR Gedeo Kochere Gedeb SCI SCI OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Wenago MCMDO MCMDO OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Wenago MCMDO MCMDO UNOCHA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Wenago MoA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Yirgachefe MCMDO MCMDO OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Yirgachefe MCMDO MCMDO UNOCHA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Yirgachefe MoA Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on SNNPR Gedeo Yirgachefe WVE WVE OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Somali Daawa Hudet VSF-S VSF-S OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Somali Fafan Tuliguled ICRC ERCS ICRC Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Somali Jarar Aware OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Bilcil-bur OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Daror FAO OCHA CERF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Daror OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Degehabur FAO OCHA CERF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Degehabur OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Gashamo OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Gunagado OXFAM OXFAM US OFDA Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Jarar Yocale FAO OCHA CERF Condi�onal_Cash_Transfers Somali Shabelle Ferfer VSF-S VSF-S OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Somali Shabelle Kelafo VSF-S VSF-S OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on Somali Shabelle Mustahil VSF-S VSF-S OCHA EHF Emergency_Seed_or_Tools_distribu�on.
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